#namely the disaster in Khaenri'ah
reginrokkr · 9 months
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Share at least 5 songs that you associate with or remind you of your muse!
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✧ Regression — Ayanga.
Too much of the past for one to memorize Too many words remained for one to read through the lines The ebb and flow of the crowd, floods the world and paradise Along the path of time
Every night brings a dream, but the day relentlessly keeps me awake All the rest will be torn up whenever a choice is made Every living soul in the fray, striving for their own safe place Life is too long to end at grave
[...] Just a drop of water suffices Still, I wish to embrace the world with my thoughts A eulogy Time to leave where I have stood so long Letting you go recover traces overlapped Ends, then begins
✦ Moon Shadow — Elsword.
I would suddenly remember, merciless pain never felt before Agonizing hours that seeped into that singular painful memory, so even if, you
Apologize countless times, repeatedly, You can never get that moment back again.
In this never-ending timeline that turns like clockwork, I will raise my shimmering blue blade against the torturous shackles I won't be able to escape away from.
[...] Even if I can wake up and find a chance to run far, far away What I would dream of, instead, is to wake up repeatedly to slash away my endless nightmare.
✧ Sorrows of Strays & Fading Memories — HOYO-Mix. ✦ Midnight Reflections — HOYO-Mix. ✧ Swear on the Sword — Maplestory.
On the day I was alone, my back turned and full of hope raise your head and face the path of the sun It's full and overflowing a prayer of peace for all of us Your long-cherished desire and desperate wish, buried in the high waves Even if it is buried and collapsed, don't turn back.
Your weakness and fear will be forgotten now, I will triumph in your name and my name We'll be together for countless days together, it will make an endless journey.
Tagged by: @apocryphis (thank you ♥︎) Tagging: Whoever wants to do this, feel free to take it from me!
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yanderehsr · 10 months
Hii! How r u? How was ur dai? About the oc thing...Could I prety please with cherry on top get a platonic platonic Furina, Ei, Nahidaand Venti with a reader that is like a elf? Idk, how to explain it, so I am gonna add a picture to how I wiev it:
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Her name is Eclipsa and has white hair and pointy ears(ofc since she is an elf). And I dont mean like Santa's elfs, I mean the ones from greek and romanian mytology.
About the bakstory: Lets just say that she is the daughter of The Heavenly Principels(lets just call her THP bc I am lazy) (ik it sounds cringe but hear me out😭) and since THP was not all the lovey dovey tipe and probably VERY bad with children (maybe even hate them idk, I really cant see her motherly) she just decided to throe her to Tyvat into the care of the archons untill she was old enough (16 years old) to come to Celestia (bacically be mature since she doesnt want a cryng baby around). Eclipsa is growing, just like Klee slower (there is a theorh that says that Klee is 80 but is also 8 bc she is growing 10 times slower than normal) and everu 100 it adds 1 year rlto her age. Now, lets say that when she was 10(1000) she overheared somebody say that the archons dont actually like her (like parental figures ofc) and that they probably just cang get rid of her. She actually belivd them like a dumb child that she is and ran away (opened a portal to another world and dissapeared without anybody's knoladge). Now, lets just say for the sake of this au to make it more interesting (maybe more cringe but I am having fun ok?😭) that the disaster from Khaenri'ah happened bc the person occ heared it was a khaenriah'n and THP since finding this out was like "OH HELL NAHH" and this iz the reason they destroyd Khaenria'h. THP gave the archons untill Eclipsa was to turn 16 to find her. Well, now, at 15, she randomply (and awkwardly) came back. (Maybe she finally got into her head the ideea of checking Irmansole to see if the archons truly hated her and surprise surprise, ints not true). Now, imagine the characters meeting Occ in their nation. For Venti- at windrise, for Ei in the city (near the statue), for Nahida just at the spirit tree (maybe one of her little friends passed that message for her) and for Furina(back when she was still an archon) she was told from Neuvillette that he sensed Occ's presence(lets just say that higher ups are aware of Eclipsa's existance, including Furina. Perhaps she has read about Oc in one of the books she read to find a solution to Fontaine's profecy).
Also, I imagine ooc to look like this when she was little(I just love this fanart sm😭):
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(One thing to note is that none of theres fanarts are mine, and idk who they are from to credit them. Also te line I made was bc there was some writting on that picture and I didnt want it to be out of the context:>)
About personalit I see her as somebody who is quite the drama queen and loves attention 24/7. She loves pulling pranks all the time and also like annoyng people, but in a joking way. Hoever I see her as somebody who has her moments of understanding and is quite the menance to societity(pretty mhch like how Klee is). About her powers, she is developing since young THP's powers but since she is not even 18, its definetly not as affective.
Anyways, I know it might be a weird request or cringe, and maybe I wrote too much, or gave too little information. Also, I am VERY sorry if you cant undrtstand this request, english is not my first language and I pretty much have dyslexia(not bad one tough, I am still working on correcting mynself :D) and I tried to make sure I made as little mistakes as posible but its hard to spot them when its a big paragraphe, uk? therfor you are always free to ignore thiz request, hopw you have a nice day and good luck writting so many requests. Also, congrats on 1k followrs!! :D
...Did I just read an entire fanfiction XD, I will gladly write this, and thanks for the congrats😆
Hope you'll enjoy😄
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Furina: She knows almost nothing about her, Neuvillette doesn't seem to remember anything about her and there are no books about it, hell the only reason she knows about Eclipsa is because Focalors thought of it as important that she knew about The Heavenly Principles daughter if she was going to act as an archon.
Furina's first meeting with Eclipsa is when Neuvillette is showing her around, it was instant love... not the romantic kind, the platonic kind, Eclipsa looked like a doll, so perfect to dress up, so perfect to have around, Furina feels lonely and Eclipsa makes her feel whole again, so she takes what she wants.
Furina dislikes The Heavenly Principles, she would be happy if she was hated by them, her performance is over either way, the profecy is fullfilled, is it really so wrong of her to be selfish... you will see Furina run around Fontaine with Eclipse causing havoc, as long as she is with her she doesn't feel lonely, and now she never will
"Y-you aren't leaving me right, right... ANSWER ME PLEASE... I'm sorry for yelling, I just don't wanna lose a friend so dear, you can understand, right?"
Raiden Ei: The day Eclipsa dissapeared was the day her sister died... not only did she lose her very own sister, she also lost someone she practically viewed as a daughter, she had never felt such horrible pain before, so she shut herself away as to not feel it again.
So many years spent in isolation, all Ei could think about was her sister and Eclipsa, she swore if she could just get them back, she would protect them both with her life, she just wants things to go back to normal, like it used to be.
So many years had passed that Ei nearly didn't recognize Eclipsa, she had so many questions for her, but she didn't say a single one... screw The heavenly Principles, she was going to protect her as best she could, Eclipsa don't even get a chance to talk before she was shut inside the plane of Euthymia.
"So long, you have been away for 500 long years... but that's okay, you're here now, I'll make sure you not come to harm like what happened to Makoto"
Nahida: She doesn't have much knowledge of Eclipsa, she isn't recorded in the Irminsul, all the knowledge Nahida has of her is what her predecessor left for her she didn't forget, she is confused why Eclipsa isn't around... did she dissapear or worse, did she die?
Nahida is confussed when she feels Eclipsa's precence by the Irminsul, it feels familiar but she can't figure out why, of course like the curious 500 year old child she is, she went to figure out what caused such familiarity... Nahida knew who it was the second she laid eyes on her, this is who she is supposed to protect like the Greater Lord she once did.
Nahida asks a lot of questions, why is she here? Why was she gone? Eclipsa is now her favorite subject to learn about, Nahida takes up some kind of little sister role to stay close with her, she needs to know everything, feed her ever-growing curiosity, maybe one day she will introduce Eclipsa to the Wanderer... but that can be later, Nahida wants to be selfish for a bit longer.
"Curious, you being here fills me with a feeling like... like a hole, you fall down it everyday and it just feels so annoying, then suddenly someone has covered it up and I don't feel annoyance anymore... You need to stay with me for a bit longer, I need to figure out why"
Venti: He isn't all that interested in following The Heavenly Principles orders, but he still did as to not occur her wrath... he did not expect to take care of a child, he wasn't the best, he got constantly drunk, never took anything serious, except for protecting Eclipsa from any danger.
It was no surprise that Venti felt such fear and despair when Eclipsa dissapeared, he had lost yet another loved one... why does he still care, it always happens anyways, no relation lasts forever, no matter how much he tries to drown the memory of her in even more alcohol, it doesn't work
That's when Venti notices her precence, after 500 long painful years, is she finally back? Is this his second chance. He meets Eclipsa at windrise, she look just as well as when she dissapeared... He doesn't care what The Heavenly Principles thinks or wants, he will keep Ecilpsa safe and away from her, He will keep that smile on her no matter what.
"It sure has been a while hasn't it, soooo how have you been, hope you missed me for I have missed you"
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screamingcrows · 16 days
So, remember that short drabble I wrote with a princess of Khaenri'ah reader? (probably not but anyway) here's a short continuation- @ellalalala pretend I am a pitiful kitten dragging this to your doorstep like I just caught a dead leaf.
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Dainsleif had once been told that the Twilight Sword, whenever bared, was fated to strike down a man.
But what good had titles, legacies, and prophesies ever done him?
Centuries had passed, yet he still felt the softness of your lips in the apple blossoms weaving through his fingers, felt your caress against his blackened skin in the warm autumn breeze, the color of the sky reflecting your eyes alight with stars when he'd first brought you outside the safety of Khaenri'ah.
Your parents had been surprisingly lenient when they learned of that escapade. Too late did he recognize the muted sorrow mixing with relief in their eyes when they saw your happiness; no doubt they had felt the impending disaster.
The mere notion made him seethe, a dull ache that sat behind ruined flesh in a grim reminder of his own oversight.
Worst of all, he swore he'd seen you, laughing as you spun clumsily around in a field of cecilias, sword clutched too tightly in your hand - just like always - in what was undoubtedly your definition of training.
His knees had hit the soft bedding of moss without his awareness, hand already pressed to his heart in preparation to bow. Or was it merely because something he thought lost long ago suddenly hurt?
Legend told that a scratch from the Twilight Sword would never heal. Dainsleif had never considered if perhaps such a weapon could not be mended either. If that was the price to pay for wielding such power.
How long had passed in quiet observation Dainsleif had no idea, like a petrified fool he'd watched until the sun bathed you in warm gold, feeling greed settle like a fog over his mind the longer he watched. It was to protect you; whoever 'you' were now, he supposed. No one acting so careless should be left alone in the wilderness.
That was the excuse he gave as he remained unmoving, drinking in the enchanting visage as you swung at nothing, swearing some of your movements were familiar. It was predictable how quickly you discarded the dull blade to instead lay down in the sea of flowers.
A soft rustle in his periphery was all the disturbance needed for his hand to twitch at the hilt of his blade, old instincts flaring as he suppressed the urge to call your name. The thought of how it would feel upon his tongue made his stomach lurch in fear, yet it still paled before the image of how you'd turned towards him, blood dripping from where a blade was lodged between your ribs.
Fear, agony, and sorrow. Your bubbly voice had been tainted by the ichor that spilled from your lips, a gargled mockery of his name the last thing to leave you beside sobs.
Three foxes hopped from a nearby shrubbery, bringing his thoughts back as he sighed in relief, a few critters were no threat. He shrank down a little further behind his cover as you sat up and looked around, noting with a small smile that at least your senses weren't entirely dull. Perhaps you spent less time in the library here- Dainsleif pushed aside the thought of how much you'd miss all your old books if you knew of their destruction.
Though there were stars dancing in your eyes as the crimson foxes chirped and approached, eagerly pawing at the bag you'd rested your head atop, they were far from the ones he longed to see; even if he knew it had only ever been a foolish hope. You were someone else. Surely, they would not be so cruel as to-
Ah but why wouldn't they?
If there was a single certainty in this cursed existence, it was the continuous cruelty of Celestia. Dainsleif had seen enough come and go without change to a single constellation to understand.
Dainsleif was well aware of his own folly. Already, he had far overstayed his welcome in the City of Freedom, constantly feeling the eyes of inexperienced knights tracing his every move.
Yet he couldn't bring himself to leave, nothing truly urgent enough that he couldn't justify staying here just as well as continuing his hunt elsewhere. After all, Mondstadt was a vile den of monsters if only you looked closely.
Falling into a routine had been easy, feeling how his being longed to adjust even if it enhanced that crumbling sensation in his mind.
For you, he would endure erosion far worse.
For all his care, Dainsleif knew he was far from infallible, a fact proven time and time again, and so it came as no great shock when he looked up from the glass of apple cider he'd been nursing to see you cautiously peering at him.
"You've been following me."
The liquid tingled as it flowed down his throat, fingers gripping the stem a little tighter than necessary at the way your eyes flickered between his face and hand.
"I want to know why," your voice shook with faux confidence as you sat down opposite him, eyes determined to hold him hostage without any effort.
You'd died in his arms and he had mourned a love that never had time to blossom, suffered the passage of centuries alone, only to be confronted with your voice after giving up on his own desires. Even if he should forget himself, he would never mistake how your lips formed the sweetest of sounds.
The urge to run had lodged itself into his bones and itched for control, locked in fierce battle with the need to grasp your cheeks, soft-looking as ever, and feel the reality of your flesh sinking beneath his fingers.
"I mistook you for someone else," neither truth nor lie, Dainsleif found words gathering quickly and threatening to spill over.
Your eyes narrowed in healthy suspicion, fingers drumming against the wooden table loud enough that were it not for the bard performing, the other patrons would've surely glanced your way.
"You 'mistook me for someone else' for several days? You realise how unlikely that sounds, why didn't you simply ask?"
The rest of the conversation was nothing but a blur as he crossed the bridge, midnight breeze cooling his skin. You could take care of yourself, be happy here, without him and his curse.
Everything he touched was fated to die. For you, his hands could continue to twitch at his sides without relief, tears he thought the ability to conjure far gone could continue to press behind his eyes.
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javomelancholie · 6 months
Is Khaenri'ah twins' homeland?
In one of my posts I mentioned this theory but I want to talk more about it.
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(also I like the moment when we just accidentally located the door to Khaenri'ah in Hangeh Afrasiyab. It was cool)
We learned in Sumeru about a term "Descenders". They are offworlders, people or organizations that do not belong to Teyvat; those who came from outside.
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In total, there are four descenders and the fourth descender is the Traveler. According to the information Fatui has, only one of the twins can be called as such. Nahida was very interested in hearing this, because she knows from us that both Lumine and Aether came from another world.
To confirm this information, Nahida went to Irminsul (because Irminsul has no records about those who do not belong to this world). It turned out that in Irminsul there WAS information about the Prince of the Abyss, which means only one thing: Abyss sibling belongs to Teyvat.
At the time of the Sumeru plot, I personally came to the opinion (and I am still adhering to it) that both Lumine and Aether do NOT belong to Teyvat, they are descenders, but someone deliberately brought Abyss sibling into the Irminsul, because of which Abyss sibling allegedly ceased to be a descender.
However, just recently, in quest series "Ann of the Narzissenkreuz" Mary-Ann asked Lumine: "what sort of flowers bloom where you came from?" to which she mentioned Inteyvat. But what does it have to do with twins' home planet which was destroyed? Is Khaenri'ah their homeland?
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On top of that, if you think about it, twins' story is somewhat similar to Khaenri'ah's story. Where the twins came from, there was also a monarchical system of government. And their homeland was also destroyed because of an unknown disaster.
Another evidence is that the Traveler is being repeatedly compared to the Abyss.
For example, in Caribert Archon Quest we learned that Khaenri'ah's residents did not see twins as "light" at all. They saw in them, quote:
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A Black Knight from The Chasm named Edgetho called the Traveler "Calamity":
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Melusine by the name Canotila described the Traveler as this:
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Someone will say that all of this sounds surreal, but then what the developers wanted to tell us by putting these ambiguous moments into the game?
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Also, I would like to remind about two important known facts:
Traveler is able to purify abyssal powers. This was shown when Lumine purified Dvalin's tears as well as the Festering Desire sword;
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Albedo is a man who's inner strength/will rivals the world. He is one of the three major miracles: The Philosopher's Stone, The Man in the Bottle and The World Tree. Masterpiece. The perfect design. Hail him, he is the miracle itself. You can read about this in more detail in my previous post:
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fandangotales · 2 years
About Nahida's information on the Abyss Sibling... Fandango theorizes again!
A/N: I know I'm taking a break from writing, but I reallyyyy wanted to write this out for you guys!
A quick recount of what Nahida shared with the traveler at the end of the Sumeru archon quest:
The heavenly principals are the Unknown God.
Heavenly principals have been quiet ever since the Khaenri'ah disaster 500 years ago.
Irminsul (Teyvat's world tree) recorded information on the abyss sibling, leading Nahida to think that they are of Teyvat, as Irminsul only records information on beings of Teyvat.
The abyss sibling suddenly appeared in Khaenri'ah, and then they explored the 7 nations of Teyvat.
However, just before their adventure ended, Irminsul's records became "fuzzy".
Someone/something is deliberately hiding the abyss sibling's fate.
Descenders, a term coined by the Fatui, are external beings that do not belong to Teyvat.
The abyss sibling is not classified as a Descender, but the traveler is classified as Teyvat's 4th Descender.
Nahida thinks the 1st Descender is the Heavenly Principals, but the 2nd and 3rd are currently unknown.
How I think this connects to us, the players.
The traveler is probably recognized as a Descender because of us. We of course, are not from Teyvat. Since the abyss sibling has information recorded in Irminsul, and is not classified as a Descender, this probably means that they are originally from Teyvat. And, since twins are born at the same place at about the same time, it is reasonable to assume that both the siblings are from Teyvat. However, this may or may not be true, as the traveler remembers traveling many worlds with their sibling. Although, these memories could be false. Anyways, the traveler has a different classification from their sibling, which probably links to us, the players. We were there since the moment they began their journey, exploring Teyvat in their body. We are probably the reason for their classification as a Descender, because if you really think about it, we've never truly left their body. All cannon interactions with NPCs and any kind of quest are done through the Traveler's body. So, it would make sense that as we are perceived as the traveler, the traveler is also perceived as us. This also makes sense because we choose the name of the traveler. So, the Fatui are not labeling the traveler as the Descender, but instead they are labeling us, the real outsiders, as the 4th Descender.
My thoughts on why we met both siblings in the very beginning of the game
Now, mentioned in the top section, Nahida said that someone was "deliberately hiding" the abyss sibling's fate. I think that this person, or this thing is the Heavenly Principals. In the opening scene of Genshin Impact, Aether and Lumine are attempting to leave Teyvat, most likely because they found out the "truth" of the world. By which I mean, the "truth" behind Celestia. Since the Heavenly Principals are labeled as the 1st Descender, and since they are related to Celestia, I think that Celestia was actually not from Teyvat to begin with at all. This would explain why the archons seem to dislike or even hate Celestia. Celestia must've came from another world, and decided to take over Teyvat, quite literally. As of now, they are considered the highest authority in Teyvat, above even the archons. It is still not known who was in power before Celestia, but it would make sense that the highest authority before Celestia would be the Primordial One, the literal creator of life on Teyvat. (You can read more on the Primordial One in the Byakuyakoku Collection book in game) Anyways, as the twins were stopped by the Heavenly Principals, and for some reason, we were there to "save" a twin of our choice. I think they were trying to leave Teyvat to either look for help outside of Teyvat, or to attract the attention of us players. After choosing a twin, the abyss sibling adventures throughout the 7 nations, all our twin is deep asleep. Before the abyss sibling's adventure is complete, their records in Irminsul are blurred out. My guess is that near the end of their journey, the abyss sibling found information about Celestia, information that either proves that they are the enemy, or information on how to ultimately defeat them.
Now, I'm just left with one burning question...
Who the heck is Paimon, and how does she connect to this???
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Wanderer and the Acceptance of Past Sins
SPOILERS: This post contains spoilers from the recent Interlude quest. Please finish it before reading. Thanks!
The Tatarasuna incident remained a mystery for four hundred years until today. According to historical records, Niwa Hisahide fled along with his family from Tatarasuna while Katsuragi was slain by Miyakoshi Nagamasa, his lord. Seen among the records was the word "kabukimono", an Inazuman term referring to someone who was dressed in the nines. It also refers to someone who is an eccentric. This kabukimono then unleashed hell upon the five great swordsmith clans of Inazuma, the Raiden Gokaden, as revenge for Katsuragi's death. But little did he know, his whole life was a lie.
The Interlude quest reintroduces Scaramouche, the 6th Harbinger. After his defeat in the hands of the Traveler, the Dendro Archon Nahida asked him to investigate a matter inside Irminsul. Since he still has traces of its power during his brief stint as Sumeru's deity, Scaramouche can access the Irminsul even without a Gnosis. As a precaution, Nahida requested for us to join him to keep an eye on him.
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While looking for information about the Descenders, Scaramouche told the Traveler that their sibling arrived in Khaenri'ah during their first time in Teyvat. He came by this information through Pierro who turned out to be a royal mage of Khaenri'ah before the Cataclysm. This confirmed what many Travelers have speculated: Pierro is a survivor of the Khaenri'ah Cataclysm and the one who sent Scaramouche to many trips to the Abyss. But that's not the only information that we got from the Irminsul. It also revealed through Irminsul the truth about what happened during the Tatarasuna incident.
Niwa, the second-in-command in Tatarasuna (and possibly Kazuha's distant ancestor), was seen having a conversation with Escher, a mechanic from Fontaine. He was the one who introduced innovations that improved the process of smithing in Inazuma. However, this came with a price. Over time, the workers began to take ill due to exposure to the dark source in Tatarasuna. Niwa has his suspicions about this and decided to confront Escher. It turns out that he was no mechanic at all but a Fatuus. And not just any Fatuus, but the 3rd Harbinger, Il Dottore. He killed Niwa and took out his heart. In his final moments, Niwa asked Dottore to tell the kabukimono that he will always be one of his people.
Scaramouche was outraged. He couldn't believe that Dottore was the one behind the incident in Tatarasuna. Out of revenge and possibly guilt, Scaramouche entered the Irminsul to erase his existence in order to save the people of Tatarasuna. However, his plan was a failure. Though the details of the disaster changed, many still died. The Traveler went to Inazuma to confirm what changes Scaramouche had brought after his trip to the Irminsul. The history of the Tatarasuna incident and the fall of the Raiden Gokaden hasn't changed much...except for the fact that Scaramouche and the Balladeer's existence is erased from people's memory. The kabukimono vanished from the records as well, and was replaced by a crazed lunatic who exacted revenge upon the Raiden Gokaden. Scaramouche was not able to save Niwa nor Katsuragi.
After our trip to Inazuma, we came across Scaramouche, now going by the name Wanderer, helping a store owner in the Grand Bazaar. Unlike his previous incarnation, Wanderer is gentle and kind, and a bit of a weirdo. We took him back to Nahida and discovered that she managed to keep a record of Wanderer's past incarnation. It was in the form of an allegory (and Kitty Scaramouche is so cute). Which means that any form of alterations done on Irminsul's records can still be bypassed through songs and stories. Unlike the rewritten version of history, these accounts kept by Nahida and the Traveler are not affected.
Despite the discomfort Wanderer felt as he perused his previous memories, he forged on and confronted his past. By doing so, he was able to reconcile his past and present. The gods rewarded his efforts with an Anemo vision, a sign that his ambition to unshackle himself from his past is recognized by the heavens. Wanderer did not let it define him. He accepted it as a part of him, rather than something to be discarded. In my opinion, it is a hard thing to do, especially for someone with a really bad record like Scaramouche. Regardless of what happens next, Wanderer is ready to face whatever comes his way. It was admirable of him in a way, even though he is still a bit of a prick.
I think that the key takeaway us Travelers we can get from Wanderer's story is that it is our choice to be what we want to be. Our choices should define us. Not our past. And whatever decisions we make now and in the future, we must held ourselves accountable in order to move forward.
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☽ 𝒲ℯ𝓁𝒸ℴ𝓂ℯ 𝓉ℴ 𝓂𝓎 ℬ𝓁ℴℊ ☾
This is a blog about my Genshin Impact OC, Ayumu Akiyama, aka Ina Stellaner. Here I post self-drawn works about my OC and her life story. 𝑀𝑦 𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠: Easy Paint Tool Sai - Outlines, Color Clip Studio Paint Ex - Background, designs, effects 𝑀𝑦 𝑂𝐶´𝑠: Ayumu Akiyama / Ina Stellaner - Main Feng Mao Hao Jiang 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑠: Name: Akiyama (current), Stellaner (childhood) First Name: Ayumu (current), Ina (childhood) Birthday: 29.03. Elemental Power: Pyro-Cyro-Mix Weapon: A High-Caliber Sniper-Scythe Home: Kaenriáh (orginally), Sheznaya (childhood), Mondstadt (Current) Crush: Dainsleif Backstory: Ayumu was just a small child when the Khaenri'ah disaster struck. Together with her mother she fled to Schneznaya. She grew normally and soon gained her divine eye and the ability to use fire. Over time, Il Dottore became aware of her and used her for his experiments. Her soul was shattered, much like a traumatic event. In addition, she gained a mixed element of ice and fire through the experiment. Her mother saved her and together they escaped to Mondstadt. There her mother met a man, married him and had a child with him. Over the years, Ayumu can integrate their personalities back into herselves. Only in stressful situations does she hear voices in her head. When she meets Fatui, she re-traumatizes again and their personalities come out again. She stays in Mondstadt until she meets the Traveler and moves on with him. In this way she also gets to know Dainsleif, with whom she then moves on.
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~*~ Name: - First Name: Feng Mao Birthday: - Elemental Power: Anemo Weapon/Catalyst: A Hookah Home: Sumeru Crush: Alhaitham Backstory: -
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Name: Jiang First name: Hao Birthday: 19.03. Elemental Power: Cryo Weapon/Catalyst: Two swords Home: Lyue Crush: Xiao Backstory: Hao is a resident of Liyue. As a young child, she made an offering to Xiao because she did not understand why one should not pray to him. Little by little she grew up, but kept her composure. She also wanted to make herself useful and fight against the threats. This taught her how to use a sword. Hao is a loving and caring person who puts her well-being before the well-being of others.
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~*~ 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑒𝑠: Dainsleif x Ayumu (OC) - MAIN Xiao x Hao (OC) Diluc/Alhaitham x Feng Mao (OC) 𝐶𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑦 𝑅𝑢��𝑒𝑠: Do´s: - Stay polite ✔️ - Write constructive criticism ✔️ - If you want to use my works, read the following rules ✔️ Don´ts: - Don't badmouth my pictures, just because you don't like my couple with XY ❌ 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑈𝑠𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑅𝑢𝑙𝑒𝑠: Allowed is: - Taking and uploading my images on other platforms (Exception: pornographic sites, sites with inhuman and/or animal-degrading content or other illegal content) - Using my images as references - Using my pictures for collages - Using my pictures for videos Not allowed is: - Using my images for sales purposes - Claiming my images as your original work, even if they were used as a reference - Using my pictures to badmouth me or others ~ Putting stamps or signatures on my pictures, especially without any personal contribution (I don't say anything about elaborately designed
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snzhnrisen · 2 years
“take my hand.” from nahida
The Dendro Archon must be kept from this battle, Tsaritsa thinks.
The young child (compared to you, isn't it?) was captured by humanity and even used by one of your Harbingers. Are you not ashamed? Are you not guilty? Are you not the Goddess of Love? No, you've abandoned that title to become the raging storm that would do anything to burn this current world and bring a new one forth. For all who had been lost, for all sacrifices, for all who had suffered already. If you stop, it will insult their deaths and your sins.
Buer must not be harmed, Miroslava notes at the words spoken by the younger Archon. She knows the other is a God of Wisdom, the previous Dendro Archon... what was her name? Why can she not remember? Why is memory so vague and so cloudy? She wonders if it was an alteration of the Irminsul. She wonders if the Traveler has done something else. And yet, it's not what concerns her the most.
Such bright green eyes, such a small statue, such a big heart. Nahida could easily take over as the most loving Archon as of now. The ones who had lived for centuries and thousands of years were arrogant in their own way. Tired of Celestia's rule, knowing the disasters it brought alongside what happened in Khaenri'ah.
Tsaritsa is silent at that moment, staring at the small hand extended to her. Her gaze is silver and cold, frigid in its showcase as her heart was put behind hundreds of closed frigid doors with ice protecting her past, her love, and her wish for a better future. This world will be burned to its core, but the seeds of humanity and hope will bloom again. Sumeru proved to be strong enough to walk forth as did Liyue and her own land. They will be alright.
"I refuse," she speaks plainly, lifting her gaze up from the hand extended to the one holding it out. It's cold, but Miroslava is... she cannot accept it. She cannot accept this warmth, and she cannot let it melt her resolve. No, it won't. Tsaritsa knows it, and it makes the whole gesture feel like she will insult Buer for even thinking of accepting it. Nahida must not forgive the Fatui, the ones who walk forth in her name. It would be better if Nahida doesn't wish to reach out her hand to her.
They aren't friends, they aren't comrades, and Nahida will not be asked to fight against Heavenly Principles and Celestia. Thus, she mustn't try to understand Miroslava. Her path was chosen. She will not move away from it. Nor will wish for Nahida to forgive her or her Harbingers. Their path is laced with vile atrocities, all to reach the heights that will bring Celestia crashing down.
"You must not extend your hand towards me like this, Buer. I am the leader of Fatui, the Archon who rules over Harbingers. Do not extend your hand to the one who harmed you and your nation. My Harbingers' sins are also my sins; do not let it be forgotten." Her speech was not always like that, Morax would be able to tell, and so would Barbatos as well. Before, she was a true goddess of love. Her dances were bright, her smiles were cheerful, and her competitive nature would blossom like the prettiest snowflower of Snezhnaya. It was too long ago, she thinks. "You do not have the luxury to show me your kindness. I am only here to ensure you are aware of my plans as was Morax notified as well. As a fellow Archon, I owe you that much. Now, you may lower your hand for I shall not take it. You have the right to wish for my demise, Buer, I know that much."
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Not very a happy family meeting
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Kaeya x Gn Reader.
Please Read the note before you read the fiction.
A/n: This is just a headcanon. We still don't know if Pierro is Kaeya's blood related father. But the possibility is 80% . The other 20% can be anything.
So you can Imagine his father as Pierro or you can also imagine by your own imagination.
And also this is kinda angsty because it's like meeting his father who abandoned him since he was little.
But all are just my imaginations so don't claim them as real.
Being in monstadt, enjoying your daily life with Kaeya each day and each moment that you two spent together is like in heaven.
Your life was perfect like this. You love the way the things they are.
Because Kaeya just having his normal life with you.
He told you about his past and his origin and you understand him completely.
He is all that you need and you are all that he needs. And you two always got each other.
One day knights including Kaeya got a task to investigate Storm Terror Lair because of abyss order. Of course, you are also one of them so you have to go with the knights too.
In the morning you and Kaeya pack up some things that you might need and meet the group of Knights who have to go with you at the front gate of Monstadt.
There were about 10 junior Knights. Including you and Kaeya there were 12 Knights in total.
'' Morning Captain and Y/N ''
The knights greeted you with bright smiles.
" Morning " You replied with smile and Kaeya also smile and nod at the junior knights.
When the team was ready you and the team started the trip to Storm Terror Lair.
When you and the team finally arrived, each set up camps for shelter because you guys had to stay there for days not knowing how long this task will take.
And the team dismissed and started investigating the area.
You and Kaeya together went around to find any traces of abyss order.
'' Kaeya...''
He raised his brow as the sign of he is listening.
'' Why the abyss order keep doing these?''
'' Because they want revenge..''
Kaeya replied calmily. Looking at you softly.
'' Anything more you would like to know? But I'm afraid I might not know to give you answers.''
You nod. '' It's ok. That's it. ''
Actually you wanted to know why Abyss order had serious hate on the Archons. You learned about the Khaenri'ah disaster but there are still things missing to know about.
You still don't fully know about it.
" Okey dove. Becareful in these areas and please don't go alone. Stay beside me as possible as you can cause they can harm you if you are alone. ''
You nod and smiled at him in response. The night time arrived as you two look around for traces but found nothing yet.
All of you and the team came back to the camp and start a camp fire.
All sat down together and having the meal while keeping company.
'' We found not even a single sight of Abyss here''
" Strange. Why there is no traces of Abyss here. ''
One of the junior Knight said and the other replied.
'' Maybe they got the news of us coming here so they leaved so fast?''
'' Don't be silly. How would they know?''
The knights having chit chats while Kaeya seems like in a deep thought.
You asked '' Is everything alright?''
Kaeya got back into reality when he heard your voice. ''Ah..Yes I'm just thinking this situation is strange too. How they know that we will come here'' He whispered the last part. '' If I don't report them''
'' Maybe they are spying us in someway'' You said.
'' I suppose '' Kaeya replied and then again he was completely lost in thought again.
After a while each knight went to their own tent to take a rest and sleep.
You go into the shared tent with Kaeya but he was still at the outside thinking.
You thought you need gave him alone time so you didn't disturb him from his thoughts. You lied on the mattress and tried to fell asleep.
But even after hours later you can't sleep and Kaeya was still out there.
Not so long, You heard someone calling Kaeya's name.
'' Kaeya Alberich ''
You took peek at outside and found the tall man in white hair. Tanned skin and covered his right face with half mask.
Other junior knights were asleep and they were not aware of this strange man's appearance.
'' Huh...F-father?'' Kaeya replied.
You gasped. So this man was the one who abandoned Kaeya long time ago just to sent him as a spy.
'' Why are you with these sinners? You should be reporting the abyss about the gods. Remember you do not belong here. You belong to the Abyss.
You are our last hope. ''
Kaeya was silent not knowing how to explain when he confront his father.
'' I- I can't... ''
He just said these few words.
His father still remain calm looking down at him.
'' Why is that? Give answers''
Kaeya was completely silent this time. He don't want his father to know about you.
'' Remember Kaeya. The reason I sent you was just for you to give us answers. And I trusted you could do this. Don't disappoint me.''
You were listening to all the conversation between them care fully but you never knew how Kaeya's father found you.
'' Who is that listening to our conversation?'' He asked.
Kaeya was shocked. '' No body''
His father said '' I see why Kaeya. Listen...''
Kaeya keep his face in annoyed expression.
'' You know you can't be attached to someone who is your enemy yet you did''
'' She/He is not my enemy!'' Kaeya's voice is a bit raised.
'' I'm afraid now that she/he had seen me I'll have to get rid of her/him one day''
Kaeya was shocked and got up and said '' Dare to touch her/him and I don't care if you are my father or not ''
You stayed in silent not knowing what to say.
His father sigh '' Kaeya... You really are protecting the people who believe in gods. The gods that destroyed our home. That killed many helpless lives hum?''
Kaeya remain silent but he was frowned.
'' If she/he is that important to you then I won't stop but our purpose to conquer the nations and the gods will always be carried on ''
And then he disappeared. Kaeya came straight to you and hugged you close.
'' Don't worry Y/N. I won't let anyone touch you. Not even my father. I'll fight anyone who tried to harm you no matter who they are.''
You patted his back knowing how much stress he will have right now.
And also you learned why abyss order had so much hate on the Archons.
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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◜In the perpetual meantime of sheltered eternity, most are content to live and not to dream. But in the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, there are those who dream of dreaming.◞
𝐗𝐗. It's hard to believe that even these words would have an actual meaning one day, and it seems to slowly come in full circle with a very special weapon lore. This is just one example of other crumbs spread through the story that bring more context while leaving unanswered questions behind all the same.
“O Leader of Khaenri’ah’s noble families, the crimson shadow of the moon has long fallen into the abyssal sky, your bloodline too has gone blind in one eye after all.” [...] This was during the faraway times when the shine of the pitch-black sun did not yet cover the whole underground, and the ancient honorable clan ruled the vast kingdom.
The thought that the bloodline of the king of this time is notorious for being blind in one eye during the era of the Crimson Moon Dynasty —gentle reminder that this was when birds had yet to be classified between wild and otherwise as per human standards and, as the first dynasty of Khaenri'ah, this is set around the Apocalypse— and that the last king of Khaenri'ah during the Eclipse Dynasty is depicted to have one eye also is really interesting. It comes to speak how long-lasting this clan was.
The priests, stubborn and old-fashioned, convinced the decrepit muddle-headed king to believe that the Crimson Moon’s corpse up in the sky was the master of all, dictating and governing everything; Because the color and lustre of the moonlight was flowing through the veins of the ordinary mortal, the source of the darkness that was hidden at the abyssal bottom too must be the Crimson Moon.
For being a kingdom whose foundation is their lack of belief in gods —and profanity, as such—, it's curious to see how these people place their faith in other asters, entities or abstract concepts such as the Crimson Moon in this case, but the Abyss later on as well. The notion that the lustre of the moonlight is known for flowing through these people's veins brings me back to the Pale Princess and Six Pygmies tale that talks about the Kingdom of the Moonlight Forest, described to be born with fair skin, light-colored hair and bright blue eyes. If we're to think about Gold who lived during this era and the possibility that Albedo was created in her image, this description from the book may have some credence in the real lore. Moreover, there is another character connected to Khaenri'ah that hits the mark with these descriptive traits, that is Dain.
It is also curious that the darkness that is hidden at the very bottom part of the Abyss is believed to stem from the Crimson Moon, which isn't entirely far-fetched. This moon is highly likely one of the moon sisters that passed away in the disaster that befell then (although it's inconclusive if it's the same moon corpse that shines in Teyvat or is a different one) and, as per Skirk's words, those who die leave curses behind. These words stand true if we take examples such as Orobashi or what Hu Tao described that happened prior to the establishment of the funeral parlor.
As such, it was only proper for the King of Mankind to name himself after the Crimson Moon. Just as the light and flame of the two realms, ruling over impermanent fate.
The concept of two realms is highly intriguing, as well as the two of them harboring a light and flame. These realms are probably different from the realms mentioned in the event that happened in Enkanomiya, which mentioned the Light Realm (or realm of the elements / Vishap Realm), Human Realm and Void Realm. The measure of these two realms seems to be different in order to differentiate them. Nevertheless, it is interesting to bring up the mention of a beast realm as per Narzissenkreuz / René's claim that someone opened it.
Thus, the humans who sought transcendence built countless magnanimous towers, and prayed upon the long dead Crimson Moon to bring them salvation.
The transcendence term isn't new, specially when thinking back what the Crystal said during the Caribert AQ— words claiming about becoming a transcendent one. And perhaps not unrelated to this, within the neo-human project of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo there was a manner of transcendence achieved by Jakob and René, as their bodies had a composition that is similar to that of Khvarena but opposing at the same time and different to Carter, a normal mortal. Moreover, considering that the form Jakob took is that of an Iniquitous Baptist and another NPC from the questline of Khvarena of Good and Evil took pride in becoming an Abyss Herald, alongside the fanaticism that was present in Khaenri'ah for the Abyss, it isn't unreasonable to think that for these people, transcendence is being one of these creatures (mages, heralds, baptists). Whether this is the transcendence they sought or something different is inconclusive, albeit not incompatible.
Another point of interest is the premise of praying for salvation from an unknown variable: it could be that these people live in a more hospitable place one day, devoid of the dangers that spill from the Abyss and the overall poor state of the land that is incompatible with life; it could be from the very gods who the founders of Khaenri'ah ran away from; the concept of fate; who knows if a combination of all of them or an entirely different aspect yet to be introduced.
[This lasted] Until the astronomers, who were shunned as heretics, glimpsed the source of the fate of everything in the world in the reflection of the false sky, [This lasted] Until suspicion and anger grew like an inextinguishable wildfire, and ravaged the dreamless land, ultimately reaching the moon-colored high palace…
The false sky. Another concept introduced very early on in the story during the Unreconciled Stars event that chronologically-wise, it's been known about for even longer. And yet, this very knowledge seems to be one of the reasons why these astronomers were shunned as well as one of the reasons why something occurred in Khaenri'ah. Perhaps related to this newly-learned knowledge that people couldn't accept, that shook the foundations of everything they believed in. Whatever happened at this moment of time, it caused the nigh-extinction of this race of people.
In honor to the prelude of this post, the confirmed notion that Khaenri'ah is a dreamless land and that its people dream of dreaming perhaps because they can't to begin with. It's interesting when putting them in juxtaposition with those who live in Teyvat, maybe because they live "easier" lives if compared to Khaenri'ah, as they're submitted to the gods and their help which, unfortunately, comes at a steep price.
By the time the pitch-black sun shone upon all, the name of the Crimson Moon faded just like its color, and its tainted remains were only left with the title of Balemoon. No matter if they were the “impure” who suffered the curse, or if they were the “spotless” yet untouched by fate, no one still claimed themself to be a follower of the moon’s corpse.
Another mystery is explained, even if partially, when the notion that the opposite of impure who can't suffer from the same curse (of the wilderness), allegedly the pure-blood Khaenri'ahns are untouched by fate. Considering all the layers of relevance fate has in Teyvat, going as far as being connected to the Heavenly Principles and the constellations (except for Neuvi at the very least), this is groundbreaking to even think about. At the same time, I can't help but wonder what exactly makes the pure-blood Khaenri'ahn pure-blood besides not being tainted by fate or by the curse.
Only very few managed to evade the clan-extinguishing disaster, and hid themselves in the shadows where the Black Sun could not reach, waiting for the Crimson Moon to offer recompense in the name of revenge. But in the end, that so-called recompense had not yet arrived when the Black Sun too fell due to the same foolishness and arrogance. When the destruction came again, the only one left laughing was the moonlight that fell upon the sun’s shadow of which only ashes remained.
It's interesting the thought that besides the astronomers branded as heretics for acquiring the knowledge of the sky being false, there are others of this race of people —the few who survived— that wanted nothing to do with the Eclipse / Black Sun dynasty and that whatever happened, they want to seek revenge on them. This is further demonstrated with the personification of, supposedly, the Crimson Moon laughing at the Eclipse Dynasty fall when the Cataclysm happened.
“Fate, o Fate, terrifying and pale-white fate, why would you go so far as to submit to the savage and wilful usurping monarch,” “If the corpse of the Balemoon has already anchored death upon you, then what meaning is there in seeking revenge for old blood feuds,” “If the fate she has woven mocks us so, then there is no harm for us to loudly mock fate too,” “Until the fragmented shadows of the Cinder Sun incinerate the old world, until the Crimson Moon witnesses the pure, spotless break of dawn.”
Lastly, it intrigues me the prospect that something abstract as fate isn't one and the same, but it differs depending on who weaves it or on the entity it submits to. From Dain's perspective, it's particularly sad the thought that he was searching for his destiny alongside the abyss twin when they found each other in Sumeru. The reason being not because he had one and lost it alongside the kingdom's fall, but more because... as a pure-blood Khaenri'ahn, he never had a fate to begin with. Which in a way can be positive considering all the problems fate gives in this world and at the hands it is enacted, and inspiring coming from him to be master of his own fate as he wishes on everyone else and that he's actively working on.
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heartsiez · 2 years
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⌗ brother!dainsleif, traveller!lumine, abyss prince!aether and gn!reader
⌗ angst, kidnapping, violence and spoilers
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— dainsleif
many years ago when your homeland, khaenri'ah, was still around, you had a brother. he was prestigious and you always looked up to him as he was the royale guard of the final ruling family, their twilight sword.
but one day befell where disaster happened and gods descended upon your home, destroying everything and killing everyone. dainsleif told you to leave the land, leave everything behind including himself before it got worse. you didn’t want to leave him, without him you’re alone and you can’t bare with that. but, you knew it was the better option to leave and you found yourself in tevyat.
you remember he had promised you that he would find you again and you would be reunited together. you believed him, you still do, but deep down inside you’re doubtful of your brother. who can blame you? he was fighting to his death and the place was destroyed. plus, it’s been 500 years, even if he did survive he probably passed from age. you don’t even know how you’re still alive yourself, you know nothing.
after all that time you decided that you should be the one to find him. you guess that decision was the one who led you to meeting a girl, her name was lumine. when you got to know her more you found out she was also looking for her brother, aether.
you were both very alike, which made it easier for you both to figure each other out. you accompanied her on the journeys, quests, commissions and travels. both of you started to get very well known for being saviours across the land. lumine and you were like two peas in a pod, each other’s safe place to go when feeling down, of course making sure to never leave paimon out.
one day, you three were in mondstadt just helping people out and walking around the city until katheryne had pulled you guys over for a big commission saying someone wanted to meet lumine. you all being very confused about who this mystery person was, but agreed and asked around who knew them and where they were.
you eventually found out his location but you had got another commission before you could meet. lumine gave you a tracker in case something bad were to happen, you would know where she was. you left the tavern a bit disappointed because you were interested in this unknown person and their reasonings to meet with your partner but there were people in need and you’re the only available person.
after finally helping a lady get her cat out of the tree, clearing hilichurl camps, helping a man do his job and delivering new batches of flowers to flora you could finally find lumine.
the tracker said she was south-west, a 20 minute travel from where you were in mondstadt. you were excited to finally catch up with her and hear the experience she had with the stranger (who hopefully had no ill intentions).
as you neared to where she was located, you were met with an entry to an unknown place through some rocks. a gut feeling had hit you and you felt like you shouldn’t be here anymore but you had to stay for lumine, she could be in terrible danger.
you walked towards the entrance, about to go through before you hear rustling behind you. you turn your head around to see what made the noise and instantly wish you went along with your gut feeling as an icicle shard hit your torso and you fell unconscious.
you became conscious again but couldn’t open up your eyes, only feeling the movement around you. you were being carried by two abyss mages, they were talking about something you couldn’t understand at all. you could faintly hear some noises, it sounded like swords clashing. some intense battle was going on which made you worried. was it lumine? were you going to be hurt? are you going to die?
your thoughts were interrupted when you felt yourself being moved quicker and the noises got louder. when you finally stopped moving you could hear choking sounds, and fear rushed through you. “my prince, we found this wanderer outside the area. we fear they’re associated with your kin.” was all you heard before you were dropped to the ground.
the hit had caused your head to become even worse, you tried opening your eyes but all you could see was a tall figure up in the air being choked by some unknown man and a bystander next to the man. it was very blurry but you could see the situation in a way. was that lumine? you thought. was she being choked?
aether just stared at your, what it looked like, unconscious body and gave a small smirk. you look familiar, very, familiar. “oh look here, dainsleif, looks like we have an unexpected guest.”
wait... dainsleif? your brother? you could feel your heart skip a beat and you tried moving more but you just couldn’t. you felt weak and your desperation to see if it was truly him used up more energy.
dainsleifs heart felt like it dropped out of his chest and shattered. there you were, on the floor, unconscious and maybe dying for all he knows and in the hands of the abyss. no, this couldn't be happening. did he fail you already?
“what did you do to them.” he said in a stern voice, glaring at aether. it was a question but it came out as a statement due to him already knowing what they did to you. he instantly dropped the abyss herald he was choking to the ground and rushed over to you, picking you up and bringing your body to lumine.
lumine was frozen in shock. too much was going on for her, she met a stranger who seems to be affiliated with you, she’s finally seeing her brother that’s turned out to be the abyss prince and now you’re in front of her in harm? she dropped to her knees and tried getting you up. lumine pulled your body to her so you laid across her lap, head resting in the crook of her neck.
dainsleif threw a strike towards aether but it was dodged easily. the abyss herald quickly got up from where he was and created a portal. aether entered with no hesitation or goodbye, as too the herald. dainsleif was blinded by rage, too late to run after them both and catch them so when he finally got up to the portal, it was closed.
he clenched his fists and ran back over to you and lumine, taking you from lumines hold and trying to wake you up,
“y/n, wake up, please. you’re alright okay? they’re gone now it’s just us.” dainsleif whispered loud enough for the others to hear, shaking you until you started to become aware and your vision became clearer.
you finally saw, it was him. it was really him. tears ran down your cheek as you pulled him into a tight hug, sobbing into his shoulder. “i missed you- i missed you so much. i thought i would never see you again. i searched far and wide for you and now you’re here, dainsleif.” you silenced yourself and he gave a very small smile as he wiped your tears.
“i promised you.” was all he could say, still in shock he was with you once more. you turned around to see lumine, she was just staring blank at the stone cold floor. no emotion, if you didn’t know otherwise, you’d think she was dead. “lumine?” you lifted her chin up. she just stared at you, she looked like a dead corpse. “yeah?” she croakily whispered.
“i’m so sorry. i’m sorry you had to find out about your brother this way. but hey, at least you know he’s out there right?” you gave a small smile which she returned. “yeah, i guess..” she cleared her throat looking at dainsleif, “so he’s your brother?” you knew she was trying to change the subject but you didn’t mention it.
“yes, this is my brother, dainsleif.” you replied. lumine let out a quiet laugh. “who would’ve known it was him all along, what a coincidence!” paimon spoke out.
“so will you be joining out travels dain?” paimon asked him. dainsleif gave an uneasy look as you stared at him. “i guess i’ll be able to join some, not all though.” you smiled and so did the other two. you four left the place,
but only three of you left with a happy outcome.
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⌗ LUMINE MY LVOE i’m so sorry you had a bad ending ☹️ but some other news you four are the immortal friend group!!! so friends 4 life!!! ig…
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pcktknife · 3 years
You have Genshin ocs?? Hell yeah I wanna know about them!! What‘s their lore??
ah yeah I've got 4 I think I posted them all here except maybe piedmont but I have notes on some random bs abt them lol
Meno [Title: Traveling Seams] - 4⭐ dendro polearm she/her 23y/o
First genshin oc I made she was only meant to fill my black girl pink hair quota so there's not much to her. She's a traveler and if you ask her where she's from she'll say somthin that's not a direct answer like 'wherever my feet take me' or smth. That's mainly cause I wanna make a fanmade nation based off of a more specific African based nation cause I didnt feel like sumeru would fit her but idk maybe Ill put her there anyway. She's a fashion designer who likes to visit different places in teyvat and designs clothing based on the culture and styles she learns about. She's very fond of liyue and thinks mondstadt is boring in comparison. Doesn't really follow any of the archons but is still thankful for her vision. fond of xiangling, kaeya, and the traveler
Data [Titles: Technological Advancements/Celestia Harnessed] - 4⭐ electro catalyst they/she/he 28y/o
Data's incredibly interested in the furthering of teyvat's technology and is always trying to invent crazy new shit like ""phones"" or ""televisions"" whatever that shit is lmao. Those are just simple little side projects though their main focus is trying to create their own manmade visions. They haven't made a lot of progress but they're incredibly determined and are constantly studying to find a way to create one. Them having a vision to study is already very helpful but not enough, they've tried various materials to construct a vision like gadget but they always seem to fail. They even learned advanced alchemy. They're willing to do almost anything. Almost considered joining the fatui just to attempt to get a delusion but decided against it. Again doesn't much care for the gods but man if they got their hands on one....Their family from way back when was from khaenri'ah but they currently live in sumeru. Don't know a whole lot on khaenri'ah and sees no reason to study the past. Visited mondstadt once or twice to meet with albedo for help with alchemy and ended up very interested in art. doesn't do it themselves but thinks its nice to look at.
Piedmont [Title: Swift Delivery] - 5⭐ hydro catalyst she/her 21y/o
Horse girl Horse girl Horse girl. She works at the mondstadt post office and is the quickest delivery person there but she often gets peoples items mixed up. She's very well liked despite her constant mistakes. She does get extremely embarrassed when she messes up deliveries. Loves to hang out at the tree in windrise or in nature in general but when she's in the city off the clock she can be found at the cat's tail. There was an incident at the knights headquarters that got her lightly scolded simultaneously by kaeya and jean and she almost quit her job out of shame.has a high respect for many of the knights and has a crush on both the acting grandmaster and calvalry captain and is a complete disaster when around them. family's original from fontaine but both her and her parents grew up in mondstadt
Megami [Title: Flowering Goddess] - 5⭐ cryo claymore she/they old as fuck prolly physically somewhere in her early to mid 30s maybe
I literally just made her cause I wanted an inazuma character and a demon girl. Her real names kohana and she's a bounty hunter. she hunts folks with visions cause of whatever the fuck is happening in inazuma.She's very strong cause muscular women ahaaa🥴 I really dont have anything on her other than shes a hot lady who can beat the shit out of people lmaooo
I also had an archon oc who was the archon of music and sound who was good friends with venti (freedom and music is a great combo i think the tsaritsa also woulda been in the group) and a fontaine cryo sword user who was a wedding planner AND diona's mom so technically 7 ocs just some of which were more fleshed out ^^
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constellaris-a · 3 years
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   everyone,  meet  leilani  ,  a leyline blossom that found itself fused with the soul of a young youkai that died back during the fall of khaenri'ah and gained not only sentience,  but the ability to recreate the youkai’s human form. 
   the youkai was a young  furutsubaki no rei ,  her family being of the subset to warn of oncoming disasters.  the yokai’s original name has been lost over the hundreds of years since her passing,  but since gaining new life took on a name gifted to her by a particular  deer god from sumeru .
   she is rather naïve by nature,  still very much learning the ways of the world she now finds herself in,  but one thing to keep in mind is that despite her extremely youthful appearance  she is not a child .  not completely.  if you were to liken her to a human age,  it would be roughly thirteen ,  perhaps fifteen at best in her current state.
   leilani  stands at  4ft 9in  tall,  usually seen with  a pair of beautiful white deer antlers  sprouting either side of her head from  two pink camellia blossoms .  these antlers can be hidden if needed,  however,  thanks to some nice little lessons from her caretaker.  her hair is  fiery red fading to vibrant orange  with a pair of  bright foresty green  eyes and a fair complexion.
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   her usual attire is very much akin to almost  Greco-Roman robes  you might see the Gods depicted wearing,  adorned with various plants and flowers ,  all of which are somehow connected to the leylines of the world.  she also does not wear shoes ,  as she feels they dampen her ability to communicate with the leylines.
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sisteradelaide · 3 years
I'm very late to the party on this, but...
I started playing Genshin Impact and I have some theories on Zhongli in particular. *SPOILERS*
He's not a one and done. - We will meet him again, probably towards the end of the game for some sort of final battle with the Fatui. Similar to what we see in Inazuma, I think 6 of the 7 archons will funnel their power into the Traveler to aid them in defeating the Tsaritsa or whatever the Tsaritsa creates. This could result in either the destruction of the seven and Teyvat coming under a single god (The Traveler) or the Six, with a Cryo God to be named later, reaffirming their dominion over the world.
His retirement is going to be short lived - He was the boss for 3700 years. The novelty of being a simple man is probably going to wear off. There are too many enemies and too much to atone for. Azhdaha anyone?
I feel like he's going to get outed as the former Geo Archon, become tired of being restrained by limited means, or something catastrophic will occur and it forces him out of retirement.
I would also laugh hysterically if he became a member of the Qixing. The irony of it alone would be worth it.
Also... just imagine Liyue failing in their battle with Osial and Rex Lapis descending from on high all glowing and shit to defeat it, again. Then afterwards you have the super awkward moment where he has to chide everyone because he's super done with all of this, but he has to keep going because they all fucked up.
He knew the traveler(s) before/during the Khaenri'ah disaster. - It's been established that the Traveler(s) and Morax were both present at the time of Khaneri'ah's destruction. Throughout your journey with him, he expresses a level of trust and familiarity that the other two Archons do not. This could be natural friendship on his part or as we later find out be because he knows what happened.
I think Morax could have been involved in the decision to put the traveler in a state of slumber and wipe their memory. It's possible he wasn't comfortable with the choice or it was agreed that once you awoke, he would assume the role of guardian and teacher once you came to him.
It's a little too coincidental that the Geo Archon decides to step down at the exact same time as a key survivor from Khaneri'ah wakes up. I don't think the traveler is his reason for retirement, but I would bet he views it as a sign. He tests Liyue and the Traveler to see if they're both ready for what could be a larger battle ahead.
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the-sayuri-rin · 3 years
Random what if’s (and guesses of the timeline) (another branch of thought’s I’ve had)
Over 6,000+ ago (an age before even Morax was born) -- The three moon Kingdoms
“The three moon sisters, too, would befall disasters that eventually caused them to turn on each other. In the ensuing battles, all three were slain and two crumbled away, leaving only one corpse that is now the solitary moon.“
Maybe Three other Kingdoms once stood along side what we know to be called Celestia, the kingdoms might have been ruled 3 branches of the same family? A)Maybe someone who ruled the branch from Celestia got a lil power hungry and tried to wage war against it’s two other sister kingdoms????
B) Maybe one or two of the sister kingdoms did something that Celestia deemed worthy enought for a war between the 3???
Over 6,000+ ago (an age before even Morax was born)--- Kingdom of the Seelie (Yes I believe it is possible Celestia may have had a role in this
“The Seelie were once a race with beautiful, humanoid forms and great wisdom. They dwelled in Teyvat and in the Dark Sea beyond, and were tasked with guiding humanity.... However, their civilization came to an abrupt end after one of the Seelie's ancestors fell in love with a certain traveler from afar. 30 days after they pledged their union in the Lunar Palace, disaster befell the world (presumably a failed changing of the moons) and the two attempted to flee from the catastrophe...”
A)Maybe a Seelie falling in love with and/or marrying an “outlander” was a forbidden thing since it seems outlander’s aren’t usually welcomed in Teyvat (see Lumine’s line from trailer)???
B) Maybe the possible war I stated above just had the unfortunate circumstance of destroying their civilization as a result of how deadly it was???
any where from 3,000 to 6,000 years ago (I think it’s possible this could have happen in between Morax’s birth and after his decent into Teyvat for the first time)-- Unknown Civilization
“One civilization blessed with wisdom grew prideful and ambitious. They challenged the gods' authority and sought to enter the gardens of heavens. This angered the heavenly envoys, and the chief priest donned a crown of Irminsul branches and went to the depths of the world to try and appease them. “
A) Maybe humanity already knew to not try and forcefully enter Celestia, but this unknown nation grew arrogant enough to ignore this rule and attempt it anyway??
B) Maybe this nation inspired Celestia’s non existence tolerance of “the arrogation of man” and led to Celestia's history of destroying nations that grew in their eyes as “too prideful and ambitious???
Between 3,000+ and 1,000+ years ago ( Khaenri'ah was being built around the time of it’s fall)   -- Sal Vindagnyr
“A group of people seeking refuge from a land of snow and strife (likely Old Mondstadt) find a bountiful and green mountain. They erect a monument on its peak and establish a civilization there, naming it Sal Vindagnyr, and the mountain Vindagnyr. Over time they built a large and extravagant castle on the mountain.”
“ For some unknown amount of time, Celestia is moored above the mountain of Vindagnyr.“
“ The Skyfrost Nail, a piece of Celestia, descends from the skies, shrouding the city with clouds and snowstorms.”
“One day, it shatters into three fragments, one of which turns the Irminsul tree into the Frostbearing Tree. The outlander Imunlaukr is living in the kingdom at the time, and the princess gives him a Greatsword made of starsilver as he leaves to find answers. She promises to make a fresco for him, hoping to meet again.”
A) Maybe Celestia is suffering some of damage which may have caused certain items to fall from there???
B) Maybe Celestia was in the process of setting something in motion, maybe its simply part of the cycle they set for the world of Teyvat????
Between 3,000+ and 1,000+ years ago -- Tsurumi Island
“Emotions come forth. Once, strange objects fell from the heaven, one of which landed upon this island, after which your sky returned to its clear state. Afterward, the fog started to emerge. Though you had the power to disperse that fog, it meant little to you either way. Afterwards, those fur-less human beings began to gather the feathers that you shed at fixed intervals. Most puzzling behavior indeed...”
“ Sumida theorizes that something may have fallen from Celestia onto the island, which Kama suspects have manipulated the ley lines on the island.”
A) Maybe Celestia is suffering some of damage which may have caused certain items to fall from there???
B) Maybe Celestia was in the process of setting something in motion, maybe its simply part of the cycle they set for the world of Teyvat????
500 Years ago---Khaenri'ah
“ Khaenri'ah was a nation without a god — not because it had a god that died or abandoned them, but because it never had a god to begin with. It was a powerful nation, built purely by humans, an unprecedented flourishing and glorious civilization — it was the pride of humankind. “
“Pierro is unable to stop the ruler of Khaenri'ah or the sages from "tearing away the veil of sin." This results in Khaenri'ah's destruction at the hands of the Heavenly Principles.“
Most likely the nation was attacked as a result of their sages actions
A) Maybe it’s also possibly they wanted to target the gods/Teyvat in some way and Celestia would not allow that???
B) Maybe Celestia didn’t want their people to get any ideas from Khaenri’ah about becoming godless nations???
C) Maybe Celestia was in the process of setting something in motion, maybe its simply part of the cycle they set for the world of Teyvat and saw Khaenri’ah as having no exceptions in such a plan despite being godless???
D) Maybe all of the above??
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sir-huffman · 4 years
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“Apollo” | God of Truth and Prophecy
Art by Chalseu Based on Duke’s Delphi Headcanon Music Inspiration by Dark Matter by Les Friction [ Full Album here ]
Name:  █████, the God of Truth and Prophecy Alias: “Apollo” | “Huffman” Age: Unknown (considered one of the primordial gods of Teyvat, forgotten in time)
Biography: The god that dwells in the chambers of Delphi (the center of the planet) that is deeper than the abyss and Khaenri'ah. He is one of the ancient gods that is above the high heavens of Celestia. He is a speaker of truth and prophecy, advising those who wish to know the true nature of their existence.
What one does with this information is warned of what will happen should they interfere with fate and destiny. However, he is simply the messenger and he does truly believe that the future can change the past and save the world. And as such, he wrote “Vera’s Melancholy” to help guide the people...but it’s now a silly fantasy book full of wild tales of space adventures - a work of fiction.
Location: In the cosmos. He is not tied down to the planet that inhabits Teyvat. He is a god of truth and prophecy, and as such his existence can be seen scattered across the universe and dimensions. He is everywhere and nowhere at once.
However, should you believe that the man named Huffman in Mondstadt is the God of Truth and Prophecy...then who is he to stop you? May his first devout follower in this forsaken planet rest in peace.
(see below for dabbling headcanon ideas that have piqued my interest in my thought process)
Concept Ideas
God of the Abyss(?) - dabbling in the idea that the abyss actually pray to the sun versus the moon, and as such in a world where people pray to the moon and demons...the sun and heavenly gods are considered evil, demonic, monsters. (see notes 1 and 2)
Godly Advisor of Khaenri’ah - as the god of Truth and Prophecy, he is unbias towards those who seek knowledge. He has helped many who are ambitious and seek enlightenment...as such when Khaenri’ah (current underground city) took over Delphi, he became their advisor through his Oracle.
[1] There is nothing that Duke can find talking about the “sun”. Everything is either about the moons or stars with the Three Moons goddesses, the Seelie and their Lunar Palace, and the Ancient Disaster. Something he found strange other than in Khaenri’ah with its Eclipse Dynasty (aka “the Ancient Civilization of the Black Sunset”) but even that is more about blocking the sun...before their fall and what better is it than the sunlight casting out the darkness? [2] Thus far, the Archons (and Paimon) are named after the Lesser Key of Solomon (a list of demons) and in western ideals the sun is more associated with God and angels while the moon is more associated with the Devil and demons (right?)
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