#names not in order gomen!!
sapphic-bats · 5 months
Names I Call My Friends That Discreetly Unveil My Hyperfixations:
✰ Old Sport
✰ L.T
✰ Dingus
✰ Buster
✰ Angel
✰ My Lady/My Lord
✰ Nymph
Reblog with yours! <3
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rifki16 · 5 months
Tadaima, Okaeri Episode 5 Review
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Photo Source: Tadaima, Okaeri Twitter Promotional Twitter Account
A very yummy salmon sashimi that left me feeling weird
I have to confess something yall. I freaked out on Twitter. After the cold open, when Matsuo was at the Fujiyoshi's, I really thought that Matsuo had actually got engaged or married to Yuki. Like, damn bro, I need to see Matsuo and Yuki dating! They looked so perfect and comfortable together ^^
HOWEVER, as I watched the opening scene again, it turned out that the ring that Matsuo had resided on his middle finger NOT the ring finger haha, Gomen nasai to all my Twitter followers or who read that tweet of mine.
I really don't know what it is with Matsuo and his obsession in teasing Hikari about being an older brother. I mean, the interaction about being the older brother started out fine. Then, Matsuo told Hi-chan about all the responsibilities of being the older brother. He could have just said that it was fun yet you just needed to adjust how you behave in order to teach your younger siblings about the world. Matsuo is something else haha
I was so sad when Hi-chan got a mild fever :(. I'm so glad that Hi-chan and Hina-chan have two dads and they agreed to divide up the attention so none felt like they were abandoned. When Ma-chan told Hi-kun that he had done enough, I cried so hard yall. I really don't know that parents could do that.
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You know, loving without harming self-growth, providing space emotionally to grow.
When Matsuo was on a call with Ma-chan, Matsuo needed to apologise because he didn't think that his teasing could have made Hi-chan catch a mild fever, I really wanted to tell Yuki to just discipline his man lol.
Okay, I really need to type carefully about the next subtopic as it's something that needs very thorough research and nuanced perspectives, yet I have time to do neither and I really want to just put it out there. Treatment of Women in the Male-dominated Space within Omegasphere
First of all, I was quite pissed off that Hinata didn't get her own banner. I don't know why yet, it could be that maybe Hinata was just born, and her name was also just recently given - as indicated by the fact that when Fujiyoshi-san was on a call with Hiromu, Fujiyoshi-san still asked Hiromu about Hinata's name. It could be that maybe only firstborns were allowed to have a banner like that. It could also be that Fujiyoshi-san was just reinforcing the old tradition and that he didn't really want to put up the banner with Hinata's name.
Secondly, does any of you remember the scene in Modern Family, when Cam was given breakfast on bed by Mitchell? Cam was hysterical because Mitchell made it seem that Cam was the woman in the relationship.
I mean, homosexual relationships are always confronted by this problem, even by those who were supposed to tolerate us; "who's the man in the relationship?" and most of the time they answer said question by inferring from an answer to the question of "who's the top?"
My point is, that these heterosexual normies seem to always insist that we conform to their gender roles in a relationship, even when we are definitely not a heterosexual couple.
The scene of when Hi-chan was wearing the hat and costume which his grandfather bought for him. I really don't get why Ma-chan needed to stay in another room with Hi-chan's grandmother. I mean, as Ma-chan bore Hikari and Hinata, I guess there was no doubt about who the bottom is. But, Ma-chan is still a man and he seems to still identify as one, so why the forced equivalence?
I HAVE TO STRESS THIS ALSO BEING A CALLED A WOMAN IS NOT AN INSULT. I'm not saying that somehow Ma-chan lost his dignity because he got misgendered, or rather treated misgenderedly. I just don't like that Hi-chan's grandparents seem to only see Hi-chan as their grandchildren's baby incubator, and not as a full man who has a womb. It's such a queer erasure to treat Ma-chan as a woman because it means that Fujiyoshi-san really just sees their son marrying a woman, just with different genitalia, instead of seeing and accepting that their son is in a loving and thriving homosexual relationship.
Thirdly, now, this is why I call this episode a yummy sashimi that made me felt very uneasy. When Hi-chan's grandmother gave Ma-chan her kimono, I cried uncontrollably. Ma-chan even got shy when Hiromu saw him in one, that really warmed my heart. I understand that the scene was supposed to highlight how Fujiyoshi-san really saw Ma-chan as one of their family members. But again, there's a part of me who wants to protest making a Kimono as a gift, but I really have no cultural perspectives as to whether a Kimono could be worn by a man too or not.
All in all, watch it yall, it was so cute. Hi-chan saying bye-bye was EVERYTHING
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genlirema · 2 months
Ok I just realized I have 3 Keitos for @silentstaresfanficandfanart’s Keitoverse so we’ll knock over the easy ones first before I get into the one that none of y’all are ready for (also most of these are just rough sketches gomen)
1) Pokemon Starter Keito
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Pretty self explanatory, a starter Pokemon based off of Keito for my Pokestars AU where all the pokemon are based off of enstars idols. Here in order we have Driplet, Dropbliss, and Rainaga. A water type starter obvs that is Water/Psychic in its fully evolved form ^-^
2) Sonic Keito
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This one’s been hiding in my sketchbook for a while but this is Keito the Snake. I never fully fleshed out this Keito’s backstory but he was essentially an experiment to revive the Ancients from Sonic Frontiers. His limbs are water limbs similar to the Pokemon version above but have a closer resemblance to Chaos and/or the Ancients.
And now the third one which will take a heckuva lot of backstory so I’m putting him under the cut
3) Scriptwriter Keito
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This one is integral to the lore behind my crossover rp/ask blog @supe-of-lirema that I've been ignoring but this one is essentially a "ghost in the machine" for lack of a better term: A Keito who is omniscient/aware of all other alternate Keitos and lives in the background as a silent observer. This Keito is also aware of alternate universes and timelines such as the Pokemon universe, Sonic universe, Undertale, etc.
I feel like my descriptions may not do him justice so I added hypothetical flavor text for a hypothetical boss fight enjoy:
The cruelty of winter gave birth to this Dark Gaia Spawn. It goes by many names, such as the Dark Moray or Mizuhanome. It whispers in the freezing gales of those lost to time and space, yet these whispers can also resemble those who are dear to you.
According to urban legend, this creature was once an ordinary human from somewhere else. From the moment he could think, he studied the intricate fabric of time and space, eventually granting him the ability to see into the future. Despite having infinite knowledge of the cosmic streams of the universe, he could only see betrayal and a cruel fate awaiting him.
Overwhelmed by a future that he could not control, he turned to the moon and begged for it to give him a new life. Even then, this did nothing to change his future, and his anxiety only grew. Soon, his closest friend learned of the secret knowledge he possessed and tried to steal it for himself by stabbing him in the back. With his cruel fate sealed, his last breath mixed with the winter wind and transformed into the dark beast we know today, swallowing his former friend whole.
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Also size comparison because this thing's supposed to be huge, the Dark Moray/leviathan form is his true form while he only takes on the human ghost form to those he trusts.
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andiv3r · 11 months
New pinned post because the old one took way too fuckin long to read and I don't like it.
Name's Andiver, you can call me Andy (I also go by Sharky, if that's what clicks best in your brain), and my pronouns are technically he/xe/they/it (in order of preference), but I will always prefer he/him over any others. If you use she/her for me, unless it appears to be an honest mistake, I will block you. Also, I'm 16 and aroace, don't be creepy. Also, note to the mutuals, I love being tagged in things, @ me whenever ya want, it's my daily dose of happy chemical to say hi to y'all.
This is an art blog! I do art here! It's not only an art blog, but that's the majority of it. If you don't like the idea of your dash covered in Good Omens content with a hefty jigger of neurodivergent rambling, don't follow me. On the flip side, I probably won't follow you if I check your blog and don't see anything but reblogs! Nothing personal, I have an acount specifically for reblogging things, I just personally don't follow accounts if I can't assess who the owner of them appears to be as a person and how they would interact with me.
I have Good Omens as a special interest! Have two side-blogs that are mostly dedicated to GO content (@andiv3r-gomens-reblogs and @andiv3r-writing), but there'll be plenty of that on the main blog as well. Also, I headcanon the ineffable husbands as asexual (not necessarily sex-repulsed aces but in my brain and all of my AUs they are both ace in some way), yes this is largely because I am asexual, no I will not be taking notes on this/listening to people who say I can't/shouldn't hc them as ace, yes I still read and appreciate fanfics and comics where they aren't ace, it's whatever. Don't make it a big deal and I won't, 'kay?
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
You bring up the fact that I ALWAYS neglect Hizumi a whole damn lot. So thanks for wanting to know more about them in the first place. <3
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Where do I start?
It's a bit weird gushing about this 'oc' that only exists as a cosplay still and that I see kind of as a self insert since Hizumi actually has my face and came to life through me as I wanted to do a Cyberpunk themed outfit over a year ago.
I can say, they will look probably a bit different than me in the game, when I create them; because they are half Japanese, half American (I am German) and I doubt this game has my face either. I have only a few facts I can share about them – not sure anymore if they already got posted here on tblr (in their about tag) or not, so gomen nasai if you came across them already! ———–—
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Hizumi's oni mask is a keepsake from their little brother who's been too dumb (sadly) by joining the Tyger Claws and got murdered when he decided it was wrong and wanted to leave. Hizumi doesn't like Tyger Claws but thought it's best to dress like them as well so they are harder to be seen. Their style also leans heavily on the Night City urban legend of "The Demon of Kabuki". Everyone fears this oni and many dress up like him and you never kown who is the real one, so Hizumi too, uses it for their advantages.
Hizumi likes to roam the realm of the supernatural and believes the spirits are talking to them. Chigasaki got interested in it very early when they were diving into the world of Japanese folklore full of gods and creatures such as oni and yokai. They believe to have had an encounter with the Kami Inari at their home shrine* in Kamakura that lies deep in the woods behind the hidden village. *Sasuke Inari Jinja — my favorite place, a shrine in/near Kamakura near Tokyo — deep in the woods behind the city (its more like a big town for me). It's so beautiful and feels mystic to me, however I assume most Japanese people think it might be rather scary as I remember having shown my pics to a group (who thankfully spoke German) and they were scared of how it looked there with all the fox statues because theres tones of them placed everywhere within and around the shrine in the forest.
They have trained with a sword ever since Hizumi was 4 years old because their father used to be a skilled sword master and smith. Hizumi comes from a historic city named Kamakura* — a city that used to be the de facto capital of Japan from 1185 to 1333 and the seat of the Kamakura shogunate. Many warriors found their rest in and around Kamakura. *I've been in Kamakura 4x, full of historic stuff and too many shrines to take a look at. I can imagine very well that Hizumi grew up there in their childhood.
Hizumi is a lazy bitch. Only talks when necessary or needed, doesn't interfere much either. It's likely that Vijay or Ryder have to give them an exact order to do something — it's like when you enter a taxi in Tokyo and can't tell the driver the exact location, he won't start driving. You'll spot Hizumi mostly sitting or lying around being lazy but still observing. In battle however Hizumi is fast (makes use of sandevistan) and very skilled in using their katana.
They also like to be up on high buildings. It's where they feel safest and inapproachable in the city. Down in the streets there is only danger around you all the time called daily life. Up high on a skyscraper, they've got peace.* So, Hizumi likes to travel mostly over rooftops and is a huge fan of chilling on fire escape stairs, likely to observe enemies from above and also enter jobs this way if it's not in open space. *My inspiration for that comes from Shiey – a pretty well known urbexer who does youtube series exploring mostly lost places and climbing up high building without any secure ropes but also does journeys from there to there and even produces his own music videos. Shiey does that what I'd love to do most. be free from all this daily shit. I love his mindset and thought it fits perfectly for Hizumi.
I definitely want to bring Hizumi into the game but I've been mostly waiting for one sided cyberware to be made as I gave Hizumi only a one sided eye cyberware (which is available now since a few months), but I'm also struggling with what body to give them as Hizumi is nonbinary — I don't see her as female, neither as male and neither of the bodies currently available does really fit (I'll likey have to use vanilla female with flat chest) and then the next problem awaits me; their hairstyle … and the clothings at last. it's a pain.
But Hizumi is part of the big CP story, they do not appear all the time as they are not a full team member and travel a lot between Night City and Toyko but I want them to be a pixel char as well. And the same amount I'd love to take more "real" pics as well because I have a bunch of clothes that fit to them and I have my copycat demon of kabuki outfit as well (but currently none to take pics of me and I'm too lazy to do it myself).
So I think that was gushin or "information" enough for a certain while?
Also, since I didn't want to distrupt the numbering above I'll attach some pics of the Sasuke Inari Jinja shrine I talked about here the end of this post. Since they are also my own pics, my usual disclaimer attached as well: —
Please do not repost any of my art.
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eybefioro · 1 month
For the wonderful good omens ask game :D
Queen ~ fly ~ hot chocolate ~ turtleneck
Hiiiii 💛 thank you :)
Queen - top 5 favorite bands/artists
Why,,, why must you do this to me,,,
I listen to so many genres and artists. I can't choose only five! I'll name some but they aren't in any order and are just the ones that popped in my head. I don't have a top 5 😭
Secos e molhados, pet shop boys, alt-j, lady gaga, stromae, Orville peck, rammstein, yellow days, Fagner, cartola, Lineker, Lil simz, Scene queen, bee gees... kay. That's nough lol I can keep going forever 🫠
fly - tell us a secret. shh it's okay we won't tell anyone (except all of tumblr)
I don't really have secrets? I'm an open book. You just have to let me be comfortable enough and you can read all my pages LMAO It's so funny I can't think of anything rn
hot chocolate - what's your comfort drink/food?
Coffee, aubergine lasagna my mom makes, dark chocolate, coconut cake, brigadeiro & beijinho, popcorn, soup, homemade bread
turtleneck - show us (or draw) your hottest outfit
I don't really feel hot I'm clothes LOL I look nice and I feel comfy, but hot? Nah.and I can't share a nude publicly like that LMAO
I think maybe this one I put on last weekend?
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Gomens ask game
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maguro13-2 · 5 months
The Wasted Potential of Hinowa
Hinowa : Ladies and Gentlemen. I have such potential, what makes Square Enix heroes and villains are alike. That is potential in each of their story. Ahh, yes, a hero and villain like you should bring an age of peace and prosperity to all heroes and villains that have good potential. Am I seeing correctly, that I, Hinowa of Hinowa Ga Crush of Akame Universe has a much greater potential then anyone else. Believe it or not, this girl has all the potentials that needed to make our nation stronger in order to bring an age of peace and no doubt about it.
Akuma : You lie, Hinowa of Akame's universe! Your tale was utterly useless!
(people gasped)
Hinowa : I'm sorry, who are you, again?
Akuma : Someone foolish enough that a hero like you has wasted potential and I smell a human that urges the sudden fear of having one's story to abrupt, Akame's curse mark, was originally the blade that wasn't hand crafted by humans, it was our kind that we gave it to her. The next thing, Akame lost faith that her universe you live in is dying and all that potential had to go to waste. Your author promised a miracle that you would have all the potential in your story that Akame wanted, and now humans believe that they were going to betray you after we discovered that the author who made you is going to fail, because he has written a new story for Jumpers!
Hinowa : Oh, umm, pardon my likeliness, fellow kind demon. My story could not fail Akame, I'm sure that there's magic in the story and all of us are in deed a favor to be asked--
Akuma : There was no magic in you! And it's foul to resist that you should start making sense! I looked up into your story and I find a rat lurking through her world, and what did Akame said about her blade Murasame? (pulls out Murasame that has a dark pressence on the blade) This is literally nothing! Just demon markings made by our people! You knew that you have the wasted potential of your life!
Hinowa : (stammers) Please, I have no idea, on what you're talking about! My potential has not fail her, I look forward into becoming a hero! This is literally my story! I had nothing to waste a potential liker hers and she was gonna that I wasted it!
Akame : Hinowa, Naze?
Hinowa : Akame! Thank god, you're here! Listen to me! This demon came and he said that all the potential that I given everyone is useless! You gotta help me! Akame? Akame!
Akame : Gomene.
Hinowa : Huh!? What the-!? (gets held by the demons) Get your hands off me! Who do you think you are!? I am the hero, I have a story, I have potential! Akame! You're one of them!? You scoundrel! You set me up for this! You said that we would bring the nation together in peace, you tried to give me much potential as I wanted! You all think that you have a better story than I do! You coward! I could've followed your steps as hero, Our universe was made for this! And the real reason that I couldn't been a much good hero that I had all the potential I needed!
Akuma : If the world of Akame would've been like that, you would've been a useless sow that would put you to shame or your name would've been "Hinata" that is your real name. You would've gone into fame, if you have what it takes to have all of that potential in one story.
Hinowa/Hinata : What are you talking about?
Akame : Sayonara...
Hinowa/Hinata : No...No you can't! Akame! Please, I looked forward into being your shadow! Akame please! I beg of you!
Akuma : A great farewell to the Akame Universe.
Hinowa/Hinata : No...No...(screams in fear) Nooooooooooo-!
[Bell tolls]
Akame : Here lies Hinowa of the Soukai...R.I.P. This is your own fault that you wasted all of the potential that I was given, I worked my way out with all the potential that I needed, my own world is nothing more to rot and decay, I guess it is a farewell to the Akame universe that Intended to live, but not anymore. All that it's left for me is to live the universe that I now belong. The only option that you could take is a liability. So that's why I given my life to their's.
Hinowa/Hinata's voice : You can't do this to me, Akame! I will come back for revenge! And when I do, I will make Japan suffer for what they've done! I will get you for this, Akame...I will get you for this! You hear me? I WILL GET YOU FOR THIS!!!
(Darkside Roaring)
"Hinowa's vengeance shall be served in the apolocalypse of the Ink demon."
~ INK DEMON APOCALYPSE : Coming this Spring ~
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ce534worldtraveler · 6 months
Bole Ethiopian Cuisine
My daughter attends Augsburg University and hangs out with some friends who identify as Somali and Muslim. They’ve introduced her to their culture and the importance placed on sharing food (and all resources) with each other, so she was a great help to me when I was choosing a culture to explore for my visceral cultural experience assignment for Multicultural Counseling class at Winona State University.
 We ate dinner at Bole’ Ethiopian Cuisine in Saint Paul’s Como neighborhood on March 8, 2024.  Bole is housed in a brick and mortar building, located at: 1341 Pascal St. N., St. Paul, MN, 55108.   I had some awareness of Ethiopian food from my practicum experience at Axis Medical Center in Minneapolis.  Axis Medical Center focuses on serving the Minnesota refugee and immigrant community and the majority of staff members are from African countries.  I value and am grateful for the time I spent at Axis because I had the opportunity to work alongside people with various cultural backgrounds and worldviews, providing me with new insights and perspectives and increasing my awareness of the stressors related to immigration and acculturation experienced by people, new to the United States.  Aside from all that, I also got to experience lunch breaks with colleagues from Somalia, Egypt and Ethiopia and that was a treat!  I learned that what I bring for lunch is intended to be shared with everyone, even if it’s just a sandwich.  At lunch in the clinic, food is set on the breakroom table, and all are welcome to take whatever they are hungry for, whether they contributed to the meal or not.  The concept of “my lunch,” was an unfamiliar concept to my African colleagues, who wouldn’t think of not sharing whatever they have with others.
So, back to Bole’ - the interior of the restaurant was set with small tables that could easily push together for large groups. The aromas in the restaurant were of spice and simmering stews – wonderful! We were seated at a small table and given menus to explore.  Luck for us, the menu included pictures of each dish with a list of ingredients below, because we didn’t know how to interpret the Ethiopian names.  I was grateful for my daughter’s knowledge of the culturally appropriate ways to eat in an Ethiopian restaurant, and she taught me how to use injera (a sour fermented pancake-like flatbread with a slightly spongy texture) to scoop and dip into the dishes that we ordered. Had she not been with me, I may have requested silverware, which was not present on any of the tables in this establishment.  We ordered 3 options from the vegan menu:  Miser (split lentils simmered in oil, onions, garlic, curry, ginger and berbere), Shiro (ground chickpeas, onions, garlic and traditional spices) and Tiqel Gomen (Cabbage, carrots, potatoes, onions, ginger, garlic and turmeric).  I posted a picture of our meal below that we were well into eating before I remembered to do so!  I should mention that our server was a friendly, helpful guy who spoke English and helped us with our attempts to pronounce the words on the menu.  Our meal was served on a single plate, each of our 3 choices were situated in single mounds, surrounded by a lettuce mix and side plate of injera came along, too.  My daughter instructed me to tear a piece of injera and use it to pick up some lettuce along with some of the vegan stew and eat it, like the way you eat a taco.  The food was delicious and the process of eating with injera was more time consuming than it would be to eat with silverware, allowing us to be more engaged in and more mindful of the entire eating experience.  I plan to go back to Bole’ and look forward to trying the rest of the menu options.
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25coriandah · 3 years
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art fight attacks 32-35! 
charas belong to himeloaf, artvocadotoast,  KARMALADE and  Nyascene!!!! 
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00-v2 · 5 years
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the frigid tsarina of a certain boy’s delusions - day 4, freeze
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vamprefaggot · 4 years
dumb brain dumb brain
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frogtanii · 4 years
you leave the room with a heavy weight sitting on your heart that is only amplified by the serious look on kenma’s face. you ignore it in favor of turning on the tv and going to disney+, queuing up the original mulan knowing how into the story hinata would get. still refusing to face your friend, you move to the kitchen digging around the cabinets to find snacks.
“yn,” the sound of your name jolts you out of your focus even though you were expecting it. “can we please talk?”
it feels like the air has been sucked out of the room, the only thing remaining being a heavy blanket of tension draping over the two of you. when you chance a look at kenma, you’re taken aback by the unreadable look on his face--it's overwhelming and you have to take a step back.
you turn away from him, unable to look for long without your mind racing and heart clenching with unknown guilt. a hand gently touches your shoulder, the feeling sending a shock of discomfort down your spine.
"we need to talk about kuroo," kenma starts, his golden eyes desperately searching for your own but you refuse to make eye contact, too afraid of what his expression might hold. when you don't move to face him, kenma sighs and moves somewhere behind you. the sound of a barstool scraping against the tiled floors alerts you that he's probably sitting down which signals a long and emotion-packed conversation.
"he texted me today." the relatively innocent statement is weighed down by the many implications behind it. your mind begins to race--what could that even mean? did he talk about you? your childhood? what he had done to you and more importantly, why? "what did you guys talk about?" the question is out of your mouth before you can stop it, desperation creeping into the edges of your voice.
you finally, finally, shift to face him, mentally steeling yourself for the upbringing of things you'd much rather forget.
"he's playing with you yn. you know it, i know it, he knows it. you need to separate yourself from him," kenma says, his voice monotone and soft. "i-i love you, you know that right?" you nod but remain tight-lipped, allowing your best friend to finish his piece.
"i know you think he's changed but some people never do. i just- i wouldn't be able to live with myself if i didn't say anything and let him hurt you like before." he lets out a deep breath and runs his hands through his almost entirely brown hair. something glints under the soft kitchen lights and you recognize it as the bracelet you'd bought him back in your first year of high school. you smile to yourself, not noticing the look of admiration in his eyes and the soft smile gracing his lips.
the sound of a door opening startles the both of you from your silent reverie, your eyes trailing to the hallway where hinata stands bundled up in four blankets and looking absolutely miserable. "oh shō," you whisper, his puffy eyes already welling up with tears.
kenma moves faster than you, kindly (well as kind as kenma can be) moving the hinata burrito to the couch with you following closely behind. you plop yourself down right next to the redhead, his body coming to rest in your lap. you can't help but lean down and press a kiss to his forehead, running your fingers through his orange locks.
"w-what were y-you guys talking a-about?" shōyō asks, his voice watery and thick with tears. you shake your head at his question, not wanting to bog him down with depressing tales about one of his friends. "nothing baby, nothing. how are you feeling? do you need anything? water, snacks?" your fingers never leave his head, even when he turns to look at you frustratedly, his cheeks puffing in annoyance.
"i want you to tell me what you guys were talking about," he orders, fumbling his body burrito until he's sitting upright between you and kenma. "i'm not a baby, y'know."
kenma barks out a laugh, leaning over to ruffle hinata's hair. "says the one who's been crying all day," hinata giggles at the contact before kenma adds, "baby." you grin as hinata tries to force a pout on his face but it doesn't work, a small smile worming its way there instead.
"we can talk about it later, hm?" you say as you stand before moving to the kitchen to get snacks. hinata nods and snuggles into kenma's arms while mulan begins to play in the background. you're quick to join them, handing a bag of chips to kenma while shō presses a kiss to your cheek before settling in to watch the movie.
turns out the later was much later--you'd gotten through all of mulan, frozen one and two, and half of moana before hinata tried to bring kuroo up again.
"shō, you really don't want to hear about it," you groan while cleaning up the kitchen, carefully evading hinata as he follows close behind. "but you promised," he whines, finally grabbing hold of you and resting his head on your shoulder. kenma pops his head from around the corner with a mouthful of pocky's and shakes his head before speaking up. "you should tell him--he deserves to know why you transfered to karasuno in our third year."
you roll your eyes before bopping hinata on the forehead, sending him to the ground with a moan. "fine but if i'm going to be forced to relive the hell that was my high school years, i'm gonna do it over text." with that, you playfully stomp back over to the couch, bringing out your phone and lying down, determined to get this conversation over with as fast as possible.
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© promiscuous boy ;)
series masterlist
an: holy shit this took me FOREVER AND IT SUCKS ASS IM SO SORRY this is not how i wanted this explanation to go but my writing juice dissipated i am so sorry 😞 don’t worry abt feeding me idk if i wanna hear it for this trash LMAO
taglist: if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@suhkusa • @tamaguchi • @heyyourecute • @yn-tingz • @mymelodysbreakfastburrito • @tadashi-simp • @bbyouamazin • @1987hotschott • @elianetsantana • @sunflowerirl • @amberalisa • @animeboihoe • @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney • @xo-lovelyreign-xo • @vitalthot • @starry-magicshop • @mariachiii • @karasunobbys • @underratedmage • @seomisaho • @timeturnerss • @h0ngh0ngh0ng • @myeggodied • @nekomacam • @smuttyanimeslut • @iminlovewhaikyuu • @saturnfarie • @dreamstormings • @spikertrash • @just-snog-already • @quiche-inoya • @strawbabytsukki • @sky-has-a-main-ig • @xxsweetbubblegumxx • @imnotyourramonaflowersbruh • @naimalove143 • @bakarinnie • @bakudad • @birdiewolf • @letthemreadfanfiction • @tsukkiboii • @misluck
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spinef0ryou · 2 years
tagged by abby @lonelyvomit! late but here at last!
Name your top 5 songs from your top 3 favourite bands
in no particular order:
- pig society
- spine for you
- bring it on
- little fish
- razorblade butterfly
- sic
- tattered and torn
- eyeless
- spit it out
- iowa
- shogun
- kirisute gomen
- the darkness of my mind
- drowning in the sound
- sever the hand
bonus: children of bodom:
- hatebreeder
- danger zone
- blooddrunk
- needled 24/7
- hate crew deathroll
bonus bonus cuz i’m so late: the cruel intentions:
- sick adrenaline
- genie in a bottle
- borderline crazy
- jawbreaker
- go fuck yourself
tagging @thunderforasoundtrack @xx0acidicorchid0xx @roses-are-worthless @somethingsynysterrr @cadaverouscryptic @vivisextion
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andiv3r · 1 year
Heeey, I've been here a while and decided a pinned post was in order, so, here it is!
My name's Andiver, but a lot of people just call me Andy because that's less confusing. My pronouns are he/him. I won't die if you use they/them or xe/xem or it/its for me, I just don't prefer those. I will, however, die if you use she/her for me. Just don't. Any others are, y'know. Technically okay?
On a scale from 10-0 (10 being "yes! these!" and 0 being "I will punch you"), he/him is a 10, they/xe/it are all 5s, anything else (assuming non-feminine-aligned) is a 2, and she/her is absolute 0.
Adding into the post later, I'm 16, I probably should have said before now, I just really don't like tossing my age out there because even though it's generally been fine, it feels strange. I'm neurodivergent and have never acted my age or connected with people my age very well aside from other neurodivergent people, so others online have a tendency to get weirded out when I tell them how old I am, whether for assuming I was much older or much younger than I actually am. Also, I don't care about the age of the people interacting with me but please block me or let me know if you're not comfortable with my interacting with you, I will stop.
I'm aroace, the kind that's not comfortable being associated with overly-sexual stuff, but I don't mind reading or looking at art if it's only implied! Likely won't reblog things like that here or on my alt account, @andiv3r-gomens-reblogs though. So, y'know. I hold the asexual Aziracrow headcanon (which I see as essentially canon) very dearly, please don't try to tell me it's not valid or that I can't think of them that way or that their relationship is "incomplete" that way, I will likely block you.
Lastly, to my mutuals: I like to be tagged, PLEASE tag me in things!! If you think I'd wanna be, even if you're like "mmh he may not", just do it, it's fine. If in the past I haven't responded / interacted when you tagged me, it's because I felt like you were only doing it out of courtesy (anxiety brain tells me some wack stuff, never your fault). I think all of you are mega cool and if you're doing a post chain that involves tagging a mutual, or if you find a cool post you think I may wanna see, or if you just see something you know I could comment on, PLEASE never be afraid to tag me, I'm always happy to join, I swear.
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synchronmurmurs · 3 years
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On Credo Angelo and the Order's Armour
I brought this up with some buddies some time last year (or something to that effect, time just keeps on slippin'), but it's incheresting to me that the Bianco and Alto Angelos—the Biancos in particular—have a similar facial structure to Credo Angelo. I am gomen for the shoddy pictures, but there are limited angles of Credo Angelo's face in game, so I just skimmed through a cutscene compilation and did my best.
I don't quite remember exactly what it was I said now, but I think I talked a bit about how it's possible that the suits of armour weren't built as a reflection of Credo Angelo, but the other way around? All of what I'm about to say is 100% my own indulgent headcanon, so honestly, if nobody agrees, that's fine, this is all for my own benefit (and fics) anyway, but I HC that Credo and Kyrie's family name is Algiere. I know that kinda goes against the Alghieri Dante's Inferno schtick, but when you break the name down, it's composed of elements that mean "noble" and "spear". And you know who had a gigantic spear? Credo Angelo; the one he summons to toss at Nero periodically in his boss fight.
But like. Okay. So the Biancos and the Altos are actually using lances, but I think they're a similar enough weapon type to be able to say that maybe, just maybe, once upon a time, the Bianco's original design was based off something that the Algiere family used to actually own. Some kind of great suit of armour that served as a family heirloom/crest. And since I HC that the Algiere's were also the crème de la crème of nobles on Fortuna, their standing is why Credo—and his father before him—served as the Order's Supreme General. Makes sense then that the Order would then use that particular design of armour to create the Biancos. It would be a comforting image to any Fortuna citizen, wouldn't it? They see that, they think of the Algiere's, and they feel safe.
So when it comes time for Credo to undergo the Ascension Ceremony himself, what he reached for within himself, what lies at the very core of his being, is something that looks like the Biancos. He literally becomes the embodiment of his own family's crest. The purest form of what his family stood for.
That's it that's the post, thanks for coming. 🤣
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Sun, Sand and Sandwiches 13.0 (Yuta)
Yuta said his goodbyes, put in his headphones and started the music, as he put on his sunglasses, he made his way down the driveway and out to the waiting taxicab that was out at the end. Getting in he used his phone to ask for a location that was on a map he found. The driver nodded his head and turned around then started driving off.
A while later Yuta was walking around squinting as he tried to find this place that was on his phone. His music stopped to have another song play instantly, confused he looked at his phone to see that a call was coming in, a number he doesn’t know some +51-area code? Who is this? Answering it, it was Taeil and Johnny asking him where he went, they were all going to the beach.
Hand blocking the sunlight from his eyes and kept looking around he bit his lip trying to figure out where exactly he was, “I told Win, that I was going to get a sub or something. Yea I don’t care I am sure they have their version of Subway here. Its just bread, meat and lots of yummy stuff.” Listening to the guys all talking at the same time he hung up the phone. Put his music back on and continued to walk around like a lost puppy. Getting hot he took off his shirt and he had on a black vest under it, holding the shirt in his hand he continued to walk around up the road. Striding up the hill he saw a small shop that has no door but just a half wall.
Walking up to it there was a radio playing nice Spanish music, leaning on the counter, he looked around to see if anyone was there.
“Hello?” he called out, “oh uh, hola?” he tried again to see if anyone would come. “Hola, soy uh, soy sandwich. Oh, that sounded stupid, soy sandwich?” he took a deep breath and tried again, “Soy uno saenduwicho”
“Eso no tiene sentido.” said a voice from behind a shelf, looking around he saw a beautiful goddess, she was walking towards him, wearing short blue jean shorts, a flowy tank top, her sun kissed kind was glistening from the heat and her raven hair was in a loose ponytail, put her phone in her back pocket and stopped as she looked up at him.
With an awkward smile he cleared his throat and opened his mouth again, “ah, gomen... wait sorry, I mean, shit how do you say...” he mumbled his words as he looked down at his phone, as he saw the word he was looking for in his notes and he said in his proud voice “perdón” the word trailed off as he looked up at her, her eyes are mesmerizing.
“¿Me da un sándwich por favor?” she said with a smile.
“What?” He fumbles with his words and his phone, it dropped on top of the counter and as he stopped it he looked up at her. Mouth a little open.
“The line is ‘can I have a sandwich, please'” she said again, Yuta was, for once, at a loss for words. “How can I help you?”
“Can I have your name please” he shook his head and spoke again, “no I meant can I have your number please, ah shit no, a sandwich, well a sub really.” he took a deep breath and asked again, “Can I order food here?”
Laughing she turned around, Yuta couldn't help but stare, she has long gorgeous legs, those shorts were complimentary her assets well and he snapped out of it, “I’m sorry what?”
“What is it, my name, number or the food?” She put one hand on her hip and looked at him, her wavy hair framing her face.
“D. all of the above” he saw her furrow her eyebrows, “I just want a steak and cheese” he finally said, he watched her nod her head and went in the back. Looking around he was in what looks like a convenience store, scanning the place he saw some snacks that look good, trying his best to read the name he decides to take a picture of it and just show her. When he locked his screen, she walked out with his sandwich and a drink confused he opened his mouth but closed it when she placed the stuff in front of him.
“Don’t worry the drink is on the house. Can I get you anything else?” She asked as he opened his phone.
“Yeah, can I get these things please they look good. Then let me know the bill” he opened his wallet and when she came back the snacks where in a white bag. Looking at her she rang everything in.
“Your total is 24.68$” she smiled as he struggles to figure out the change. He ended up give her 25 and sighed. Mumbling sorry he took the bag. “Hey!” She called out as he turned around, he saw her waving his shirt at him. “You forgot something. What’s your name by the way” she asked as he came up for it?
Smiling he introduced himself, laughing he said he is here on vacation with a few of his friends from away, taking his shirt he winked and was about to walk away.
“Names Daniella, nice to meet you Yuta” and she moved something and walked to the back of her store.
Holding his chest and felt like he was in love. Feeling good about himself he looked around on which way to go, taking out the sandwich he opens the wrapper and took a bite. Eyes wide open he stands correct, now he knows for sure he is in love. Going in the back he saw a napkin looking at it there was her name and phone, looking back at the store he smiled and continued to eat as he tried and find his way back to the Villa.
As he walked down, he finished half the sandwich when he got a drive to go back and asked her to meet up with him, after all they are leaving within 24 hours, and he might never see her again. Walking back up he went back to the counter, looking around he saw there was a bell the whole time he rang it and waiting for her, drinking the canned mango juice. Hearing her walking out speaking Spanish she walked up to him and smiled.
“Hola, como estas” she smiled at him.
He stood there confused as ever, she was wearing right fitted jeans and a tank top, her hair was shoulder length and straight, her hair was now a honey brown and clipped up. She had on glasses.
“Um you changed. Even your hair!” sounding shocked he was cut off by her saying something in Spanish. “Sorry I was here before. For a sandwich”
“Oh, you like to order sandwich?” She asked in broken English. Standing there she’s watching him confusingly say how she was looking for a different way 30 minutes ago. Just then they both heard a laughter, turning towards the direction of it. He saw a beautiful girl looking identical to her. Yuta looked from one girl to the next and back and forth till they were side by side.
Both spoke Spanish to each other and then the one who was laughing leaned on the counter and looked at him. “Well let's hope you don’t flirt with every pretty girl you see.” she jokes, standing up she didn’t see Yuta went from a smile to a little serious, if she only knows what or who he does in his spare time. “This is my twin sister Vanessa; she barely speaks any other language but Spanish”
“And you?” He asked, drinking the drink she gave him.
“I went to America with my dad and had to learn.” She told something to her sister and hugged her, looking at him she smiled “My shift is done and was leaving.”
Getting up from his seat he said goodbye and stepped into the sun, “Oh sorry didn’t mean to hold you back.”
She disappeared, and he looked around, didn’t see her he waved to her twin sister and walked away, he was stopped as someone called out his name, “Yuta, I said my shift was done, not that I was busy.” she handed him a sandwich, “Made you another one, on the house.”
He took it from her, not only is she beautiful, can cook and is thoughtful! How is she not married, wait that is right, “You don’t have a boyfriend, or anything do you?”
Laughing she shook her head, “No haven’t found anyone worth giving my attention. What about you?”
“No, no woman for me. But I came back because we are leaving in 24 hours and was wondering if you want to hang out before I go? If not that’s cool” he said blocking the sun from his eyes with his shirt in hand. Watching her nod her head then saying yes smiling he looked around, “Umm I would have to head back to my villa to put these things away, but if you want, we can meet somewhere. I don’t have a car so I would have to cab it wherever you want.”
“Why call a cab when I can drive us?” she said pointing to the car parked next to the store, she watched him stop walking and look back, walking back to her she unlocked his side before making her way over to her side. Getting in they had to manually lower the window, he felt so big in the car, as she started the car she took off and headed down towards the place he gave her.
As he showed up at the Villa, he went inside to put away his stuff, she said she would stay in the car. Once inside he noticed that no one is home, guessing everyone was still at the beach he thought he should go shower and change. Running back down the stairs he put on his shoes, put his wallet in his pocket and walked out the door, locking it he turned to walk towards the car. Getting in she smiled and put her phone down.
“I am going to show you how the locals live.” Saying that she put the car in first gear and drove off. She took Yuta to a pretty busy area, the street lit with colourful lights, parking her car they got out and walked around. Tasting street food, stopping for drinks, as they walked out of the store, she said something which made him laugh, as they were walking, she linked arms with him, the sun was setting, she saw her favourite place.
“Seeing as it's your last night, lets go here.” She guided him across the street, “You’d love it” as they showed up, she spoke to the bouncer and he let them walk in. inside the music was bumping, there was Spanish music and Spanish women everywhere. Getting drinks, he texted the group chat.
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His phone kept going off, but he ignored it and locked his screen, putting his phone in his pocket, looking at Daniella he took the drink, and they went to dance.
A little while later they were having a good time and he heard a distinct laugh not that far from him, he looked over to see non other then this friends. Really of all clubs in this city they picked this one. Trying to ignore them, he got close to Daniella as they enjoyed their time, she stopped to say hi to a guy, a little shocked she brought him close and over the music told Yuta that this is her cousin shaking hands he stopped when he realized who he was.
“Your cousin is Mauricio?” he said shockingly, nodding she asked how he knows him. “He served us every time we go to that restaurant down the road from the villa” watching her trying to hear him, he said it slower. As the three of them chat and drink and enjoy themselves he heard a voice.
“What brings you guys here? I hear something about celebrating?” He asked as Yuta heard him for the second time. Laughing he nodded.
“We just graduated school, like literally 2 days after the grad ceremony we hopped on a plane.”
“Wait, grad, are you a high schooler?” he asked, one hand on his cousin’s arm
“No, no, no!” he called out, “We graduated from a University.” He watched him let go of her, “You think we look that young?”
“Its just, would you go for someone older?” she asked as she took a sip of her drink
“How old is older?” Yuta asked drinking too. The laughter around them sounded a bit familiar but he ignored it, again.
“I am 32” she said with a concerned face, seeing him smiling saying that means nothing once she’s okay with that, she smiled and walked close to him. Hearing her cousin make a sound to say he is still here they laughed until Mauricio saw someone walk up to them but before he can say anything he placed a hand on Yuta.
“Yuta is that you?” there was a hand on his shoulder, turning him around Jaehyun saw Yuta’s shocked face. “Yo so here is where you are, who’s these two?”
Introducing Daniella and her cousin to him they both look at each other and nodded, laughing Jaehyun saw the girls walk up to him, his smile turned into an awkward one, as Hyejun didn’t look to happy.
“Haechan drank all the drinks, so Jungwoo said get more, and use this” Jaeun handed him the money, as he stuttered, he took the money and pushed Yuta to walk with him.
The girls looked at the two in front of them, “Hello, don’t we know you?” said Hyejun
“Hi, I am Daniella, I am here with Yuta.” The girls looked at her then at each other, “and this is my cousin, I am sure you know him, Mauricio.” She smiled as she gestured to a tall caramel man with dark curly hair that was in a ponytail, and he had an undercut. He was more gorgeous then when he was in uniform. As the girls stood there in awe the boys came back.
“Let’s go” Jaehyun said putting one arm around Hyejun waist and kissed her head. His eyes looked over at Jaeun who looked up at him because taking a drink out of his hand. Yuta passed a drink to Daniella and her cousin, “Come join us” Jaeun said with a smile.
Daniella looked over at Yuta who was shaking his head no, chuckling she said yes, just to watch him sigh and hung is head. Jaehyun nudge him and guided everyone back, as they got there everyone was drinking as they went off that Yuta ditched them for a hot local and she’s related to the hot server they had since they got there and that they saw about 5 hours ago.
As they all enjoyed the night it was getting later and later and the girls were ready to go home as they were about to ask their boyfriends to leave until Mauricio said goodbye to his cousin and kissed her cheek, the guys looked kind of suspicious, but then they remember it’s a custom here, like bowing is for them. The girls said loud that they wanted to leave, and that is when he offered to drive them, “I really don’t mind,”
“It’s okay we can get a cab, don’t want you going out of your way.” Kun said, Doyoung stepped out with Taeyong.
“No, no its ok we will get the girls home.” They said in unison, “You don’t know where we are staying, we could be far for you.” Taeyong pointed out
“Plus, you’ve been drinking” Doyoung said.
“His drinks weren’t alcohol, if you say you’re the driver your fountain drinks are free” Daniella said, “Same with me”
“If you don’t feel comfortable with your girls I totally understand. I may have served you, but you still don’t know me.” He said raising his hands in a sign of forgiveness, “But I should let you know my aunt will kill me if I hurt anyone, especially beautiful women and those staying in her villa.” he said with a sexy smile.
They all look at him in shock and confusion, “Your related to the owner of the villa?!” Kun said, as he explains that its his aunt that owns it and his mom owns the restaurant that they go too, and as he went on, they didn’t see Yuta kissing Daniella, the kissing was getting intense as he had her pinned to the wall, his hands was feeling up her leg.
As he gave a good case, Taeyong said if Jungwoo allows it, then he can’t stop her, as that is her boyfriend, Jungwoo allowed it only if one of the guys go home with them. Before anything Ten said he will, how he felt tired suddenly, Doyoung was holding Hyejun’s arm as if he doesn’t want her to go with someone he doesn’t know, then he heard Jaehyun said its fine with him too, he reluctantly let her go, his hand slide down her arm to her hand, he tried to hold her hand, as he did, she pulled away.
As Jaehyun walked up to them, he whispered something to Mauricio and kissed Hyejun as Ten grabbed the girls arm and escorted them out. Jaehyun walked by and Doyoung gave a look of annoyance, which he didn’t see but Johnny did, giving a frown look Doyoung looked at him confused, making him think he saw things.
----------------------------- Later That Evening ----------------------------
As the night turned late everyone left, getting in their cabs the boys showed up at the Villa, the doors opened and Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Doyoung and Haechan got out and went straight inside to see if the girls were okay. As everyone made their way in, Ten walked out of Hyejun’s room shushing everyone.
“The girls are sleeping; they packed their bags” he said pointing at the wall that had Hyejun’s suitcase and carry on. He turned to Jungwoo “Your girl didn’t know if you were done or needed room, so she left hers upstairs” yawning he went upstairs to his room.
Still drunk the guys just sat wherever and fell asleep, they will do whatever in the morning. Kun crawled into his bed, Johnny and Doyoung did the same, Hendery, Sicheng and Renjun went to sleep in the room on the main floor, Jaehyun and Taeil fell asleep on the couches, and the others just found rooms to sleep in, except for Haechan, he fell asleep on the floor between the couches.
Kun got up and ran to the banister, “GET UP!” he called out, as he went back into his room got his stuff and went into the bathroom before anyone else did. They have had about 5 hours to get to the airport to come home, as everyone was running around like they did at the airport there was the front door opening. Hendery went to see if it was the owners or the cab. In walked Yuta wearing the same clothes as last night.
“Did you just get in?” he asked looking at him as his sunglasses was on, seeing he left the door open Hendery went to close it, when he did, he saw a car drove off, it was the same car Yuta left last night in. he slept over at Daniella’s, that boy got it in! Closing it he chuckled as Renjun walked up to him.
“Kun said he gave you my camer..a” seeing Hendery smiling he looked at him confused, “You good bro?”
“Yuta just got home” Hendery said pointing in the direction he went in, as they walked into the living room, he picked the camera up from the side table and gave it to him. “Apparently she is older than him. And not like a year or two”
Renjun put his camera in his carry on that was on his suitcase and headed up to Kun’s room. Knocking on the door there was a doorbell ring. It was the drivers, as everyone got their suitcases ready the drivers took them into the van and the boys made sure everyone was clean and no one left anything behind, as Johnny and Jaehyun did their walk around, Mark called out to them.
“Ah yo, we are leaving, going to get something to eat before we go to our gates. And I’m starving so let’s go” he said holding on the door handle leaning in, the boys walked towards him, and they put the thank you note from everyone on the kitchen counter and walked out. Locking the door, they give it to Kun who was going to drop it off at the owners, at the little family restaurant down the road.
The girls and everyone said goodbye to Mauricio and grabbed a to go meal that Mark, Haechan and Doyoung ask him if they can prepare a meal for them, and they prepaid for it.
As they sat in the airport they ate their meals, cleaned up and went to their gate that read Peru > Neo City. Sighing they boys looked out the window as the plane was getting ready to have its passengers to board it, as everyone chill out, they were still a bit hungover as Hendery and Renjun turned to Yuta to question on why he came home about 3 hours ago. As they talked the other boys got in on the conversation.
They had way too much fun, and didn’t want to go home, but sadly they had to leave.
Goodbye Peru, with Love.
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NCT Next Door: Sun, Sand and Sandwiches 13.0
Summary: The end of the school year was approaching and the restless nights, hours of studying and most of all stress was catching up with various students of Neo Ridge School of Business and Technological Arts. For three girls in particular school was hectic, but the nonstop drama within their friend groups was even worse.
Genre: Comedy, Angst, Smut, College!AU,
Warnings: Swearing, Mature Content Future Parts
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