#nando needs to be rescued
jennarations · 8 months
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nando is a victim of manspreading pass it on
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miracleintheandes · 6 months
On this day in 1972, Nando and Roberto spotted muleteer Sergio Catalán across the river
Roberto was extremely weak and suffering from diarrhea. After frantic gestures from Nando (they couldn't hear each other because of how noisy the river was), Sergio signaled that he'd be back in the morning and threw them some bread. "Mañana" (tomorrow) was all Nando and Roberto could hear.
The next day, Sergio threw a small rock across the river with a pencil and a piece of paper wrapped around it. Nando quickly scribbled the following note:
I come from a plane that crashed in the mountains. I'm Uruguayan. We've been walking for 10 days. I've got a friend up there who's hurt, with 14 more injured on the plane. We need to get out of here quickly and we don't know how. We don't have food. We are weak. When are you coming to get us? Please. We can't even walk. Where are we? SOS.
Sergio nodded, threw more bread across the river and then travelled for eight hours on horseback to Puente Negro, the closest village, in order to inform police officers. If it wasn't for Nando's note, they probably wouldn't believe him, given how many false alarms there had been in the previous 70 days.
Meanwhile, Nando and Roberto were rescued by farmer Armando Serda, sent by Sergio. He took the pair to a humble house made of wood, where they could sleep and eat plenty of food. There they met another farmer named Enrique González.
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Nando, Sergio and Roberto in Los Maitenes (Chile), where the duo was found and rescued.
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Nando and Roberto with Sergio in the following years
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Some of the survivors with Sergio in the 90s.
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Survivors Javier Methol and Coche Inciarte with Sergio (sometime in the 2010s)
Interview with Nando, Roberto and Sergio in Los Maitenes
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rolling-restart · 10 months
F1 x Star Trek Headcanons
Okay lads, this might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I’d love to present you some of my Star Trek x F1 headcanons that I developed with dear @abovecalamity. If you have any comments or additions, please drop me an ask/message!
Half Vulcan!Oscar!!! The neutral face, the apathy, the ‘lack’ of excitement and everything fits so well (I NEED SOMEONE TO DRAW HIM WITH THE EARS)
Vulcan!Oscar’s best side kirk kick, Lando!
Oscar’s mum being human and him being actually a bit more in touch with his emotions that way
Baby Vulcan!Oscar!!!! Him being very young in Vulcan years and being mocked for it sometimes
Vulcan!Mark. Now listen, if anyone it’s him. And he is pretty old. Like around 100.
Lando touching Oscar’s hand and Oscar getting confused af because why my teammate kissed me rn???
Oscar teaching Lando how to Ozh'esta (Vulcan kiss with fingers) and them doing it in public (appearing goofy but also giving Mark a heart attack due to embarrassment)
Imagine how much funnier the Alpine fiasco would be! “I merely stated facts! I didn’t agree to drive for them”
Baby’s first pon farr???? With Lando maybe??
Gay little Vulcan fashion robes for Oscar (not the bowl cut tho, my brain cannot comprehend that)
Directly quoting @abovecalamity :“Ok but Lando’s voice just popped up in my mind asking “but WHY would u suppress your emotions like that 🙄” “It’s managing them, controlling them” “but WHY would u.” Silly illogical human!!!
Oscar with an IDIC helmet design.
Oscar’s discomfort from constant touch (thanks Lando), loud noises and strong scents. Poor baby has to wear earplugs everywhere.
And some random headcanons
Nico Rosberg as Lwaxana Troi. Outfits explain everything. So does weird horny aunt energy. And yes, jokes on you, he reads minds.
Danny ricc is giving trill because he has SEEN things and lived enough lifetime to be super chill about them
However, at the same time, Nando is giving Curzon Dax and I won’t elaborate. You would understand if you saw that specific Zhian'tara deep space 9 episode (03x25).
Bajoran!Seb!! Imagine his cute little nose ridges and political activism.
Ferengi!Guenther Steiner. And a full Ferengi shenanigans episode with Ferengi!Gene (they are committing fraud).
Rescued Ex-Borg!Max à la Seven of Nine. The obsession with perfection, letting himself go a little with help. Obviously Janeway!Christian Horner although I know they are nothing alike as personalities. But he loves his little rescue borg so much ok??? (And obviously, skin-tight jumpsuits for Max).
Cringefail Augment!George à la Julian Bashir. He is cringe, idealistic and impressionable. He is also super fast. You get it.
Hologram!Charles because he is too beautiful to be true!!! Obligatory hologram sassiness and you can just turn him off if he starts to annoy you!
That’s it for now! Again, if you have any comments or additions, please drop me an ask/message, I’m super inspired about this rn.
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f1-birb · 1 year
hanging by a thread?
this is the title of a fic in my firehouse au where a call has gone wrong, and what was rescuing civilians ends up in them needing to rescue their own
just a warning - references to being trapped so skip if you need to
The fingers around his neck squeeze again, almost like a spasm, and Mick eases them off, gripping his boyfriend's father's hand tightly. He can see the tears in Jenson's eyes, the streaks those that have fallen have cleaned through the dust and dirt and blood on his face.
It's a wet laugh that cracks through the static now filling his ears. "Yeah baby boy, it's me."
"N-not a b-baby."
Somehow Lando's still talking, and Mick throws up his thanks to whatever deity has chosen to watch over him.
"Always my baby, always." Jenson takes a minute, firms his wobbling lower lip, and Mick squeezes his hand. "It's gonna get real loud in a minute, okay? And it's gonna be really scary, but I'm here, okay? I'm not leaving this line, okay Lanno?"
"I need you to keep talking to me, okay? Kimi and Nando will need to hear your voice, they won't have a radio. Can you do that?"
"Good boy. It's gonna get really loud now, okay, but I need you to keep talking."
"Love you, Dad, love you, love you."
Mick hears Jenson choke as he says the words back, covering his eyes with the crook of his elbow, and then the sound of concrete shattering overshadows everything.
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semper-legens · 1 year
11. Miracle in the Andes, by Nando Parrado
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 274 My summary: Nando Parrado’s account of his experiences during the Uruguayan Flight Disaster of 1972 - how he survived, climbed impossible distances over the Andes, and ultimately helped get the survivors rescued from their 72 day ordeal. My rating: 5/5       My commentary:
I ordered this one in specifically from the library. They didn’t have it in my county, I had to do an out-of-area request for it. And the reason for that is that I am absolutely fascinated by cases of survival cannibalism. I don’t know why, specifically - I mean, my tastes run kind of morbid at the best of times, but there’s just something really interesting about people in extreme situations, how they act and how they survive. The Uruguayan Flight Disaster has been on my radar since the episode of the excellent @castinglotspod​ podcast about it, and since then I’ve been interesting in knowing how the survivors described their experiences. So what better way to find that out than to, you know, read the books they wrote?
Parrado’s story here is a pretty straightforward telling of his experiences during the disaster, from the fateful plane crash to their walk across the Andes to their eventual rescue. It’s a highly raw and emotive account, relating the inner feelings and thoughts Parrado had during his experience. It’s also deeply engaging, I couldn’t put it down the whole time I was reading. Parrado really helps you to feel the pain and trauma he was going through during these events, as well as the desperation to survive and help as many people as possible to survive. It was hugely effective, I found myself tearing up at various times, which rarely ever happens to me while reading.
One thing that really interested me about Parrado’s account was the way he framed the events. He’s at times intensely critical of his own actions and responses to things, while at the same time showing nothing but respect for his fellow survivors, and for those who did not survive. He doesn’t big himself up as some sort of hero, his reaction to himself is that he did something that needed to be done. At the end of his account, he goes down the list of survivors and praises them intensely; even where he doesn’t agree with them entirely it seems like he has a great amount of respect for them. Nobody really comes off badly in this story, there’s no ‘villain’ or anything, it’s just a tragedy, and a battle against near-impossible odds to bring as many people through that tragedy as possible.
Next up...well, more of this, and another survivor’s tale.
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It was pitiful, truly.
The embodiment of hellfire reduced to flickering candlelight, a terrifying aura that at once horrified every single soul now tamed into submission. Long, silken strands of onyx and ruby shades spiraled into unkempt frays, the rich fabric of an ornate yukata reminiscent of the spring night having lost its luster, all while a physique that was simply so vast in muscular build and height was caged down to a stone stool by the work of heavy iron chains and golden rope, all plastered with countless ofuda that were inscribed with prayers for heaven’s protection.
At long last, the shamelessly vile entity that was Vox Akuma was successfully captured by the land’s mightiest warriors as commanded by the emperor and ordained by the head temple. Proclaimed to be the cause of every disaster, the silver-tongued advisor to all invading nations, a glutinous beast who fancied himself to any pure-hearted soul to be part of his harem, the mere utterance of his name sent any and all into a tremble.
And in a matter of hours, he was to be subject to execution by public exorcism before the emperor, his high court, and the public masses–a grand display of the gods’ triumph over evil.
Though, perhaps most pitiful of all was you in this very moment.
Scarlet heat across your cheeks, moans that became harder and harder to stifle back behind gritted teeth, nails sinking into whatever they could for purchase.
How utterly disgraceful of the head temple’s high priestess.
Yet here you were, right in Vox’s desolate cell deep beneath the nation’s head temple, seated upon his lap, your ceremonial garb shifted to allow just enough access for you to spear yourself onto his thick cock.
He was confined.
You were not.
But comparing his smug demeanor to your shameful fluster, one would think otherwise.
“I always knew you were the one who lived up to the standards of your order, darling~” His tongue snaked over his smirking lips as his golden serpentine eyes continued to admire the way your face stayed hidden against his shoulder. His voice, already sounding somewhat fatigued from how long he had been held captive, took on a huskier note as he purred, “Indulging the last request of a damned soul–there’s a place in heaven for you yet.”
Your nails dug further into his shoulders, piercing through the thinning fabric of his yukata as you turned to face him with a glare and a hiss. “Don’t patronize me. The world will be better off once we’re free from your presence.”
Vox was unfazed.
He was delighted.
Clicking his tongue, he simply shifted his hips up against yours sharply as you prepared to bounce down on his cock. His smirk widened from the squeal you let out in response. “Oh? Did I pinch a sweet little nerve of yours, angel?” The burning heat of his breath fanned against your ear while he brought his face closer to hum sweetly, “Are you still upset that the temple took so long to rescue you from my lair~? And I was so close to claiming your soul too–”
“Be quiet!”
Your hand slapped against his smug lips, your rhythm quickening in pace while your eyes immediately turned to the side, focusing your sight upon the countless paper slips of prayers for protection that were stuck onto one of the cell walls.
Your captivity wasn’t that long ago either, but gods did it feel like an eternity.
The memories of his clawed, talon-like nails teasingly trailing along your skin, his wicked whispered declarations to make you his, your body pressed so perfectly against his while he ravaged you in his chambers day after day, all while your mind fought valiantly to cling to the hope that the gods would bless you with rescue and salvation.
And they did.
But it was for that reason that you were now here, sickened with the burden of lingering desire that led you down to this lonely cell to indulge Vox and yourself just one more night together.
However, you of all people knew what the consequences of yielding to temptation would bring about.
You came to realize this by the large hand that suddenly came to grasp your wrist, plucking your hand away from Vox’s mouth.
“Now, is that any way to treat your god, my love?”
Heavy chains plummeted to the floor.
Thick ropes snapped with ease.
Prayer seals reduced to ash.
The scorch of your body heat melding with his was replaced by a striking chill as your eyes grew wide with horror and your movements came to a halt.
Yet before you could say or do anything else, your mouth was claimed by a hungry pair of lips as his big arms caged around your body, the two of you moving from the chair to you pinned right down beneath him to the cold stone floor. Near instantaneously, he was pounding and pummeling his cock into you without a shred of mercy or restraint, the sound of his thrusts ringing throughout the cell’s walls with every obscenely wet slaps.
By the time that Vox finally broke away from your kiss, you were gasping for air. Any attempts to escape was impossible, not with him effortlessly anchoring your body down with his own.
The same hand that once seized your wrist was now clutching at your chin, keeping your head in place so you had no choice but to stare right up at his face.
All signs of fatigue were gone. Save for his yukata, Vox was back to peak form. Flowing hair, radiant skin, and–most of all–an authoritative aura of arrogance fitting for a malevolent demon like him.
His thumb traced over your cheek as he mockingly cooed, “Oh, angel, angel–I thought you knew everything about me?” Continuing on, his tone took on an innocent inflection matched by the tilt of his head. “After all, what is the point of existence without the thrill of theatrics?” This was all in contrast to the mischievous glint in his eyes as he boasted, “Hell is my kingdom, my playground–you think I can be held down so easily by fancy paper scrawled with nonsense incantations?”
“Then what was the point of all this?!” You gasped, torn between humiliation and pleasure, your mind a blur of what had just transpired to your days of captivity in his abode and the current delightful rocking of his hips against yours.
Vox’s face lit up joyfully while his voice burned threateningly.
“To demonstrate to all in the world to never take what is rightfully mine.”
His thrusts picked up in pace, hammering into you over and over until your back was arching and your mouth parted in a silent scream upon orgasm, all while you could feel the scorching heat of his hot sticky cum flood inside your core.
While you soon fell back down onto the floor in a dazed heap, he was far from done. His cock still erect and hard, he simply continued to rut against you as he prepared to indulge himself to your body once more.
Vox brought his lips to your neck, eager to vandalize your skin yet again after so long away from you.
“My angel, my kindred, my goddess…” He moaned in drunken ecstasy. “What an absolute joy it will be for the audience gathering tomorrow to finally see the big bad Akuma finally be destroyed--” The corners of his lips broke into a wide and haughty grin. “--only to see their sweet and saintly priestess on all fours, begging for my cock and my seed.”
His arms squeezing around you tightly, he drew his head back away just enough to face you fully, the gleam in his eyes reflecting not arrogant pride, but an unbridled and wicked adoration.
“Come on then—let’s rehearse lots for tomorrow, shall we~ ♡?”
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Once I dreamed Nando as my best friend's boyfriend who had to come and rescue us from a flooded disco. We had to run away as soon and fast as possible, so we needed someone extremely fast.
I remember this one clearly, but I'm pretty sure I dreamed of him at least another couple of times.
When you need a fast man, Nando to the rescue! If he had played in an action movie, I wouldn't find it weird at all as he really gives off that heroic vibe you see in movies. Imagine him as a cop or a fireman 😏
This reminded me of my horrific dream about a collapsing skyscraper in which I was trying to help save people with Daniel 😱
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arcanescholar · 3 years
Hard to Find the Right Words Ch. 2
Omori Post True Good Ending Spoilers. Chapter 1 here
Sometimes you just need to vibe with your friend(?)
The sun hung high and beat down with its telltale brutal heat with not a cloud in the sky to block its fury. Summer was starting to reach its full swing and god damn it she did not wanna put up with the judgy sky orb’s bullshit today. Ugh, riding out to the hospital on her bike at night trying to follow the ambulance’s route was a pain in the ass already that left her legs feeling way too damn sore, and piling on with this was just over kill damn it.
… Huh. Shit, that’s probably why her knees gave out back in Basil’s hospital room. Come to think of it, damn, she should’ve snagged some bandages while she was there, they were all in Sunny’s pocket-
She screeches to a halt, barely stopping herself from running smack into some younger elementary school kids that take one look at her haggard, emotionally exhausted expression and…
Then run away, tripping over themselves because the scary nail-bat lady was here to eat their faces.
After a bit of fumbling, she yanks her phone out of her pocket and turns the busted front facing camera on to take a better look at her face…
She slept on a visitor’s couch last night, hadn’t had breakfast, just went through one of the most emotionally harrowing nights of her life, then one of the most emotionally harrowing mornings, and now just did what felt like a half and hour of hard pedaling to make it to her planned meet up with Kim cause her sense of time estimation fucking sucks.
“… I look terrible, ugh.”
First thing she’s gonna do, she thinks, is dunk her sore legs in a lake once she gets to the park, but before that, she takes off her jacket, tying the sleeves tight around her waist, leaving her in her favorite crop top to vent some heat off before getting back to pedaling.
The rest of the ride is a bit easier thankfully, a familiar coast through familiar streets and under familiar trees with familiar shade. She passes by the curb that the group first comforted her on along the way, past where she had her picture taken in her favorite coat and decided that she wanted to dye her hair pink one day, past where Kim first snagged her by the hand and dragged her along to meet the Hooligans-
She coasts down a small hill, letting the bike carry her where it pleases for a bit, hair billowing behind her, standing up a bit on its aged frame and just letting the moment wash over her. She wishes she didn’t leave her headphones at home, this was a pretty perfect moment to just play something dramatic y’know?
But, the ride eventually comes to a stop, as she arrives at the park. The kids were already playing out in force, and that nice garbage collector lady was set up with her stand like always, but Aubrey didn’t have time to snag much extra cash, she was already late for meeting up with Kim by like ten minutes-
Speak of the devil
“Hah… Hah… Hah…!”
Kim struggles over on her bike, panting for breath-
“Sorry…! Mikhael- uh, the MAVERICK got in trouble with some girls he was supposed to pay cause he forgot he left his wallet at home so I had to bike back and forth to snag it for him, or else he would’ve followed me here whining the whole time! I’m not too late am I?”
“Nah, I just showed up too.”
“So, uh…! What did you wanna do?”
Aubrey turns without a word, stepping off of her bike and walking to the back of the park, shuffling her way across the verdant, well kept grass.
Come to think of it, there was way less trash around than before, and with how much she saw Sunny running around town…
Jeez, did he really pick up most of this with Kel? Damn pair of goody two shoes-
Is what she almost thinks, but, after the past few days, it’s kind of hard for her to really make fun of them for it. It’s honestly kind of impressive.
She remembers how many flowers were set up in Sunny’s hospital room in that moment while they waited for him to wake up… How many well wishes and thank you notes sprawled across the tables and some even on the floor itself because of how much space was taken up. For a boy that hadn’t shown his face in maybe four years, that looked like he hadn’t had a decent meal in just about as long, that seemed more like a mystery than an actual person, he really…
Was it really good? Was it something he did out of kindness? Was it one last hurrah to try to apologize for what he did to Mari? Aubrey can’t wrap her head around his headspace, and that thought is enough to make her punch her hand against a tree with enough force to shake its leaves… That or the breeze was really well timed-
“Aubreeeey…! I can’t help out if you don’t even talk to me y’know!”
Kim grumbles as she manages to catch up, walking alongside her best friend with the canopy of trees overhead shading them from the sunlight.
As Aubrey turns her head, she takes a moment to stare at her friend, watching the way the sunlight dances across her skin as it peeks out from the trees to light her up the way her smile lit up Aubrey’s worst days.
Kim’s expression was that perfect mix of annoyed and genuinely worried, the kind that makes you feel bad for bringing up a problem in the first place but yanks all your guts out onto the floor to get it settled already, her eyes resolute and determined to get to the bottom of what was happening. Was this her way of apologizing for leaving her behind with Sunny, Kel, and Basil at the lake…?
“… Hhhffffhhhit’sallfuckedup.” Aubrey finally groans, stepping forward into the hidden spot behind the park, the lake’s water glistening in the sunlight, the old statue’s flowers swaying in the breeze, and the same abandoned picnic basket and blanket. Someone really needs to clean that up damn it, but, the blanket makes for a nice place to sit kinda.
She dumps her bike off to the side with more force than she means to, Kim following suit. The pair share a quick look and a nod of understanding before popping off their shoes, their socks, rolling up pants legs in Kim’s case.
They walk together and sit by the edge of the lake, leaving the stuff they took off to the side, dumped carelessly in the grass, dunking their legs into the cool water with a harmonized sigh of relief, a mirrored gesture of leaning back to rest their palms against the grass before flopping onto their backs in near perfect sync, and finally taking in a deep breath to just bring themselves back into the moment.
Without a word, Kim pulls out her phone and a pair of headphones, offering one up to Aubrey that she takes with no hesitation, stuffing it into her ear and staring up at the clouds as music plays loud enough to hear but quiet enough to just let them… Vibe, is the word they’d both use for it.
For a few minutes they lay there, sharing a song, a mellow guitar and the tapping of a drumstick against a closed hi-hat washing over them.
The beach might be out of their reach right now, but sound waves’ll make a good substitute.
Kurayami de yorisou hibi
“… Sunny lost his eye.”
“Holy shit…”
Bokura ni wa beddo mo nai
“Dunno if Basil’s woken up yet either, but… Sunny told us, a little bit about what happened when Mari died.”
Nai kedo…
“… Sorry I’ve been so cagey and quiet and stuff lately.” She murmurs, rolling over onto her side to look at Kim more properly, her friend rolling over too, her glasses getting shoved slightly till she just takes them off and sets them off to the side.
“I dunno what’s goin’ on but it seems like it’s really heavy… After what went on with your mom and dad though? Feels like you can tell me… well… Just about anything right? After you shut us out and I had to call those three over to your place I started really worrying you were gonna dip back into a screwed up place again.”
“… Gonna be honest… I almost was.”
Kimi waaaa, ima tashika niii-
“… But, I managed to realize some important stuff, I think. About… About Mari. About Sunny, Kel, Hero, you, all of our friends.”
Soba de…!
“… I missed them so much it hurt. I missed everything so much that it ached.”
“And, when I couldn’t do anything about that ache, I turned that anger out on nearly everything around me. If it weren’t for you and the other Hooligans I think I would’ve turned out even worse…”
Sawarasetari shinai
Kurutta koi to
Sashichigaete mo ii nda
Zenbu uketomeru
“… Sunny pushed Mari down the stairs of their home in the middle of a huge argument between them after he broke his violin.” She murmurs, tears starting to trickle down her face, cresting over the bridge of her nose and spilling onto the grass and dirt.
“Holy shit-“
“But… I… No matter what I do I just can’t think to be mad at him anymore.”
Beautiful morning with you
Itsuka, utaitai na
Beautiful morning with you
Kimi to hikari abite
“After I pushed Basil into a lake… Kicked off this whole mess of yesterday and today, I guess it made me realize how precious stuff is.”
“How do you mean?”
“That like… If Basil died right there… And Sunny with him? If he and Sunny drowned in the lake, even if I somehow ‘got away with it’, I’d… I don’t think I’d be able to live with myself.”
“When it happened I was so freaked out I couldn’t even move, let alone try to rescue him. My head twisted to all sorts of places, like, what should I do to get away if they both die. About how I’d have to run away from town, dye my hair a different color, get as far as I can and never look back.”
Sabishisa wa teguchi wo kae
“That’s… heavy.” Kim murmurs, finding it hard to bring herself to say anything else, but…
Maybe, in a moment like this, there’s nothing she could say. Nothing she could do, except be here in this moment to be someone Aubrey could talk to, reaching out in a moment of vulnerable affection to squeeze her close, one hand resting at the small of her back, and the other pressing against the back of her head, running her fingers through the girl’s hair…
Nando demo ai ni kuru
“So, I guess I get it now. Why he hid away in his home for so many years. Why he took so long to tell us until it exploded like that. Why they did something so… dumbfuck stupid like trying to make it look like Mari killed herself… I get it cause, I think I would’ve done the same thing if we weren’t lucky and had Hero there to save them both, and hating Sunny over it would make me a hypocrite.”
“And we both know how much you hate those…”
Kuru kedo
Futari ikudo to naku
“… I’m gonna try to be better than I was a few days ago. Better than I was a few years ago. Maybe this is just me trying to make excuses and wriggle my way out of the dumb stuff I’ve done but, I want to be there for them the way you were there for me. The way you and the others were, when I had nowhere else to go, so… Thanks Kim.”
“Heh… S’ what I’m here for Aubrey.”
Koko de unadzuite
The pair hold up their hands, and bump their fists in time with the song’s beat picking up, and just in time for-
“AH! There they are! Hahahaha, of course THE MAVERICK would know the right way-”
“Hey sis! Jeez, where were you two, we were wondering what happened!”
“Yeah! Did that smelly Kel and weird Mystery Boy with the knife do something to you after all?! I’ll give ‘em a dropkick that’ll send ‘em flying!”
“… sorry, t-that we weren’t there when… things went really bad…”
Furimuitari sinai
Sodatta ai ni!
Kizusuitatte ii nda
The Hooligans damn near bum rush the pair, dog piling on them both with muffled shouts in faux-protest as the group becomes a tangled mess of limbs, laughs, and little room for escape.
Beautiful morning with you!
Itsuka! Wakaritai na!
Beautiful morning with you
Bokura umarete kita koto!
“Hey, hey, Charlene brought some egg sandwiches from home that her mom made-” Angel grins at the top of the pile, resting on his side and supporting his head with his hand.
“M-mh… Um… I… had a feeling you missed breakfast again, so, I got worried… I was gonna bring them to the hospital but… when I called to ask where you were they said you were gone…” Charlene explains with her usual quiet voice, this time tinged with affection and worry as she… stands off to the side, feeling a bit too self conscious to dog pile but still holding both Kim and Aubrey’s hands.
“Yeah… After what happened with Basil by the lake and the stuff that went down at his place with him and the other guy, and that day you weren’t answering your door, all of us sorta got together and talked a bit…” Vance continued, directly hugging the pair of girls with a big, doofy grin.
“And of course, I, in my infinite wisdom as The Maverick made the wonderful declaration that we reaffirm our bond as the glorious, Hellacious Hooligans of Faraway Town! Our bonds of brother and sisterhood won’t be shaken like that again, this, I promise! What do you think ladies? Falling for me yet?~”
“shpk lke thhgh hhhhghnn nhhh whhll kll yu-”
“Hmmm? Say that again Aubrey?”
Vance shuffles off just enough to let the girls breathe again, the pair simultaneously sucking in a breath before shouting at the same time with big grins on their faces.
“”Speak like that again and we’ll kill ya!””
In the tackle-hugging dog pile rush, Kim’s headphones got unplugged, and the play button on the song got butt-pressed while it was auto based, but as the Maverick lets loose a yelp and topples off of the pile with only Charlene to catch him, with a laugh from the rest of the group, the rest of the song they were listening to finally gets to finish.
Promises like these might not always stand the test of time, Aubrey knew that for a fact. They can wither and fail and break and shatter in your hands faster than she can blink, but now…?
Beautiful morning with you
Itsuka, utaitai na
Beautiful morning with you
Kimi to hikari abite
Beautiful morning with you!
Isumo, kanjitai na!
Beautiful morning with you!!!
Kimi to, deaeta koto!
Now she kinda understands why Kel was so damn determined.
Even if it doesn’t last forever, even if it doesn’t work out, moments like this are worth fighting for.
She just wishes, in some part of her chest, that it hadn’t taken her so long to realize…
… … …
The hours pass, the sun raises as high as it can be before finally beginning its descent. The rest of Aubrey’s morning and afternoon was spent talking with her friends, practicing her bat swing on any random tree branches they could snap off and throw. Turns out Angel was nice enough to snag her bat for her on the way over too, and Bun-Bun…
Well, Charlene barely fit through the ladder hatch, but, Bun-Bun had a nice, temporary home at her place while Aubrey had to manage everything that happened last night and couldn’t go home to check on her and play with her. It’s a good thing she’s so gentle.
Against her better instincts, she uses her phone’s crappy, busted-ass camera to snag a picture here and there as they spend the day.
Angel and THE MAVERICK practicing dumb poses at each other, Charlene crouching nearby some flowers to see whether or not she wanted to pick them or leave them be to grow on their own, Vance and Kim getting into thumb wrestling matches to figure out how they’d split the last of their candy haul…
They were messy, unprofessional, usually badly focused, and the camera’s issues made it difficult as shit to call them anything close to “good”, but, they were hers…
And as the sun dredged low, and as the group had to split up to go back to their parents’ places for dinner time, that was good enough.
Kim and Aubrey are the last pair left alone once everything is said and done for the day, standing next to their respective rides as the distant laughs, jokes, and banter of the rest of the group echo out into the distance.
“… Hey Kim? ‘Fore I go… I just…”
“Yeah, Aubrey?”
“… Thanks. For spending time with me today. For the music and stuff too.”
“I had a feeling you forgot your headphones with everything that happened. Glad I turned out to be right!~”
“… Yeah…”
“Hey, one last thing before we split off for the day!”
“Huh- Eh?!”
With barely any time to react, Kim sweeps an arm around Aubrey, squeezing he close and tight while lifting her own phone up into the air, the relatively undamaged thing snapping a picture of Kim sticking her tongue out and Aubrey’s shocked, red faced blush at being hugged outta nowhere like that before Kim gives the barely taller girl a big squeezing hug, stuffing her phone into her pocket and damn near lifting Aubrey off the ground.
“Picture for picture, send me some of the stuff you tried to sneak pictures of!~ And... I’m not gonna make the same mistake of leavin’ you to deal with all that alone again, okay? I’m still not good at this kinda nerdy touchy feely feelings stuff, but…”
She pulls away, pushing up her glasses with one hand and scratching the back of her head with the other in an attempt to hide her blush at trying to throw up this kind of bravado outta nowhere-
“Th… The candy doesn’t taste right, if you’re not happy, or something!”
“… Kim that might be the cheesiest shit you’ve ever said in your life..”
“But… Thank you. I think… I’ll be fine, just for now. If anything else comes up, I’ll tell you, okay? Right now, I gotta meet up with Kel and follow up with him on what we’re supposed to do next.”
“Best of luck with your mission, comrade.”
The pair smack their hands together for a firm high five before going their separate ways.
For now…
She had some god damn pizza to get, and a guy too lovably foolish to give up on people to share it with.
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Can remy have a long term qpr after colleg👉🏻👈🏻 asking for a friend
I know this likely isn’t the answer you were hoping for, but I... am not quite sure that that would fit into Remy’s general post-college life. And let me explain why. (Lots of ramblings about Remy, his relationship to Ben, and his personal experience of being aro/ace under the cut!)
Remy is aro and ace. We know this, but I’ll reiterate it here. He’s not anywhere along the aro or ace spectrum where he’d be open to a relationship; he’s both sex averse and romance averse. Obviously, because of the definition of a queerplatonic relationship, you do not need to be into romance or sex to have one. That’s why it’s queerplatonic. And I should say here that the existence of Ben and Cole as a romantic endgame in no way discounts the QPR between Ben and Remy in college. It’s not romantic— it’s a QPR. Ben having a love life does not in any way interfere with that.
Anyway. The reason I don’t think Remy would have a long-term QPR in his post-college life is that Remy is super content with solitude. He actually enjoys being alone, and when he sort of “fantasizes” about his ideal adult life, it’s living by himself with a bunch of books and some pets as company. (Shoutout to Toby, who is the number one proponent of the Remy Has A Lot Of Cute Small Pets Gang.) Friends are incredibly important to him, as is implied in this post-college Remy ficlet, because he references visitation of friends who live far away as part of his offseason routine.
But as for even a queerplatonic partner... I think the reason Remy winds up in a QPR in college is because of Ben and Ben only. Like, he’s not seeking out a partnership— it’s just that Ben is his best friend and their relationship is a little different than just being friends, while definitely also not being romantic at all, and the QPR just.... falls into Remy’s lap. In college, his closeness with Ben is a very, very important part of his life— and that’s not to say that post-college, Ben is no longer important, because he is and always will be; they just don’t, like, live together anymore.
I don’t think that Ben and Remy are still in a QPR once Cole is in the picture. Ben dates/hooks up/talks to people in college with his relationship to Remy remaining unaffected, but I just think that graduating college effectively puts an end to that very specific dynamic they built. Again: they are and always will be best friends. They’re just now long-distance best friends, instead of being at a very close distance all the time.
So back to Remy’s internal reasoning. Something really important to Remy personally is the fact that he’s whole on his own. I recognize that not every aro-ace person has the goal of actively avoiding partnership, but for Remy, he really does not feel the need for it. He loves living alone, loves solitude, and loves that he has great friends he can call or text or go and visit when it’s offseason. I think having a long-term partner would throw an unwanted wrench in that lifestyle.
Also, I think Remy would feel weird being in a QPR with anybody who isn’t Ben, if that makes sense.
Remy’s long-term future involves a substantial NHL career, a lot of providing for his family and friends by using his salary (his help is the reason Ben winds up in Paris that one time) (he also sends Quinn and Nando on a honeymoon that’s five years late because they couldn’t afford one at the time of their actual marriage) (true story), and eventually, upon retirement from the NHL, lots of time spent with books, volunteering at animal rescue houses, being in France because he really does love it there, and being Uncle Remy to his friends’ kids. I could also see him coaching youth hockey. And working at a library.
Yes, he’s on his own— but he’s very, very happy that way.
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Some Seamster!Quinn Cooper HCs
I didnt intend for this to be this long, but my seamstress heart was inspired. I got kind of carried away, and had to refocus, so I'm going to do another post soon with some advice and anecdotes for wrighting costumers.
For the last couple of months I have been absolutely Obsessed with @poindextears 's Crickets, her SMH post-Waffle Frog OCs, and I have had a lot of headcannons about Quinn Cooper: a theatre kid extrordanare and Hoh icon who talks like he's from 50s and is the boyfreind of Nando (Cricket dman) as we have quite a bit in common. All of Mel's fics are amazing, and I would highly recommend! Give them a read on tumblr or AO3
I know Mel has said that Quinn's favorite place is Joanne's, which is completely understandable for someone who doesn't live near actual textile markets... but Joanne's (and similar chain craft/fiberarts supply stores) suck.
Like first of all, on a monetary level... I'm going to start with the assumption that high school Quinn didn't have a large project budget (reasoning: 1. his family is already tight with money, 2. I can't imagine his not-particularly-supportive guardians gave him lots of spending money (esp with theatre fees and materials) 3. I can't imagine he brought in tons of money on the side with a theatre schedule + grades good enough to go to med school + time with his old lady freind + time for sewing)
With that being said: Fabric is expensive. Way more expensive than people expect. Especially if you don't have expensive machinery (like overlock machines) that make cheap synthetic fabrics usable. Also I like to imagine Quinn is in the "fabrics made of plastic are itchy and bad for the enviornment" club like me.
All that is to say: Joanne's is absolutely the worst place that isn't actively upscale to buy fabric (or materials) on a budget.
- The shop's target demographic is stay-at-home white suburban moms who have the time to clip coupons, buy materials on a "when it's on sale" basis as opposed to a "my sister didn't notice the four seperate places I marked my shears 'fabric only' so now I physically cannot continue this project without buying new extra-sharp fabric scissors'" basis, and importantly: can stop by the store every day for a month because discounted items change on a day to day basis, all of which is not particularly conducive to someone a high school kids on a budget.
- Even with all the discounts in existance, the fabrics there are still super expensive and especially for the often lackluster quality (like... they are fine but if I'm paying literally $40/y for enough faux fur to make a big enough "mane" to cover the gap between the cowardly lion's padding and the actor's neck, we shouldnt have to sweep the fur bits off the stage at intermission)
- Additionally if you need a lot of fabric, say enough 7ft squares of heavy mustard yellow fabric for 30 lioness cape/pants? You might just need to run 4 seperate Joanne's out of two different fabrics that were close enough to each other to work
If you are putting in the time and effort to make something complicated,
- Also, and this is probably the most obvious: there just aren't that many options. If you want anything other than a cotton or fleece, than you better hope the single shade they have in the right color works
So I have established: Joanne's = Bad
So how does Quinn factor into all this?
Well first of all I would like to imagine that at some point Quinn helped out in SMH costuming, where they teach him the magic of using something that already exists. Samwell being as liberal as it is, I would like to think that the costuming people are aware of how awful the current state of fabric waste is, and, how his sewing skills are so much better used altering things at thrift shops beginning his journey twords my completeley basess headcannon that he one day adopts some vintage looks
While I think he would be down to adopt some of these practices in his costuming (a la my personal anectode below), I have a feeling that Quinn is one of those people who just likes to make things from scratch. (reasoning: 1 his general personality, but far more importantly, 2 THIS BOY WANTED TO MAKE EVAN HANSEN'S POLO BY HAND, WHY??? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE??? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME THAT TAKES???????? YOU ARE WILLING TO SPEND UPWORDS OF TEN HOURS OF YOUR LIFE ON A MODERN STYLE SHIRT THATS GOING TO BE SEEN 4 TIMES???)
I get it, especially for historical reconstructions, there are people who genuinely love sewing by hand, I love Bernadette Banner as much as the next seamstress, but I honestly don't know how they do it.
I like to think that Quinn would be wandering around some thrift store and out of the corner of his eye notice some curtains and have a vision of frolicking through a meadow like Julie Andrews in cloths made out of a curtain... metaphorically. But he def gets "Do a Dear" stuck in his head every time he wears it
Of course the SMH Costuming crew introduce him to some better places to at least get draping and mock up fabrics, but I think they would also introduce him to an actual fabric store.
Samwell is close enough to Boston that I'm sure there's an actual fabric warehouse within driving distance, so when Quinn can't find a suitable material at his beloved Joanne's, and is understandably skeptical about ordering fabric online, Ford is just like dude, go to the fabric warehouse, so he gives it a try.
Ok his fist thought when he gets there is omg everything is so big. Ok, that's his second thought, his first thought is ugh this smells like the SMH locker room, bc a giant block of concrete with no internal climate control in the New England humidity stuffed to the brim with moisture-holding fabric is def gonna make some kind of funk.
But after that like...
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Ok, on the left is your average Joanne's while on the right is your average fabric warehouse
I can totally imagine him physically getting lost. He is tiny, and those places are total mazes, absolutely ginormus, they are all stacked literally 8 feet tall, and all the rows look the same.
Fabric in warehouses is stored for maximum capacity as opposed to places like Joanne's where it is purposely stored in ways that display the whole selection at once. Additionally, while hobbyist bolts face out as much as possible so you can see it at a glance, professional grade bolts face in for protection
...If it's on the shelves at all, the hallmark of a textile warehouse is just dozens of bolts leaning haphazardly in precarious places
This tiny boy is just absolutely surrounded by rows upon rows of fabric, stored in ways that are absolutely not conducive to being looked at easily, and is incredibly frusturated bc Aggghhh I can't look at any of this without moving all of it around, and I can't reach any of it!!!
Guess what he has?
Nando to the rescue!
Quinn's big strong dman boyfriend is more than willing to move around and carry the bolts for him and when need be he'll just straight up plop Quinn on his shoulders so he can see the stuff at the top :)
Ok, that's the gist of what I had to say, some other little seamster!Quinn hcs:
his old lady friend taught him the absolute basics, and his wedding gift from her is her 70 year old sewing machine that he first learned to sew on and he treasures that thing FOREVER
bc of his apparent love of hand sewing he is one of those people that swears by genuine leather thimbles, idk why it just feels like him
whenever people compliment his outfit he is just casually like "Oh thanks, I made it" (bc non sewers are always astounded by that and we get to gloat) because I said so
he makes Nando cute crop tops
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thetiredinsomniac · 4 years
Uruguayan Air Force flight 571
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On October 13, 1972, a rugby team were going to be flying from Argentina to Chile for a rugby game. The plane was carrying 5 crew members and 40 passengers, which included people from the club, along with their friends and family. However, by December 22, only 16 of them were still alive.
To get from Mendoza, Argentina to Santiago, Chile the Old Christians rugby club of Montevideo, Uruguay would have to fly through the Andes. The pilot of the plane was experienced in flying over the Andes, and so it shouldn't be too hard for him. His co-pilot, however, had never flown over them before and so was inexperienced. To add to this, the weather conditions were so bad they had to land somewhere else when they first took off since it was too dangerous to try and fly the whole way. When they eventually did fly through the mountains, there was a lot of mist, which made it hard to see where anything was. Since he couldn't see anything, he had trouble gauging where he was. He contacted the air traffic controllers and told them he was near the town of Curicó and was going to start descending towards Santiago. Unfortunately, he had his directions all wrong and was going to start descending into the mountains.
Once the pilot was out of the clouds, he could see that they were heading straight for a mountain. He attempted to pull up as to miss the mountain. But the right side of the plane hit it and the plane had also stalled. The right wing was ripped off and the fuselage split. Along with this, the tail of the plane had detached, taking 5 people with it. Then, the left wing was ripped off and the propeller caused a hole in the fuselage, which 2 people were sucked through. Another 2 people fell out the back as the plane was sliding down a hill.
The plane was sliding down for over 2,000 feet until it went nose-first into a snowbank, killing one of the pilots. Due to the sudden stop, some plane seats slid forward, killing a few more people. Only 33 people out of the beginning 45 were left after the crash. Two of the rugby players happened to be medical students as well. Their names were Gustavo Zerbino and Roberto Canessa. Since quite a few of the passengers needed medical assistance, they attempted to help them. However, some of the passengers had injuries such as compound fractures or pieces of the plane had skewered them. Sadly five people died during the first night.
Rescue planes had been flying around the area looking for the plane. However, the plane last reported an incorrect location and so it was hard to find where the crash was. Along with the fact the white plane was camouflaged with the snow. The survivors hadn't managed to successfully signal a plane overhead. But luckily they had a radio and so could hear how the searches have been going.
The survivors had managed to make a shelter using parts of the plane but were running out of food. They decided to make a deal with each other. If one of them was to die, the rest of them would be allowed to eat them. Since the rugby club members were religious, they likened this to eating the body of Christ at communion.
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On the 11th day, the searches were called off, which meant the survivors would have to find their own way out. This led to the survivors realising they would have to eat their friends to survive. They would use broken glass from the plane and cut strips off of the bodies, leaving them in the sun to dry. After the flesh ran out, they had to start eating organs, muscles and brains.
On October 29, an avalanche swept through where the shelter was, killing 8 people. the survivors were stuck in the snow for 2 days and then were stranded for 3 days due to a blizzard. Once they could get out safely, they decided that the fittest members of the group would have to try and find help. However, this journey was cut short since it was too cold to go away. They decided to craft some sleeping bags using parts of the plane and took off again on December 12, over 2 months after the crash.
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Roberto Canessa, Nando Parrado and Antonio Vizintin took a hike to try and find help. Antonio was sent back when they realised how far they were from civilisation. Also because their supplies would last longer between 2 of them. On the 6th day of hiking, the snow stopped. They found grass everywhere and water to drink.After walking for 80 miles, they found 3 men who were from the village of Los Maitenes in Chile. They were on the other side of the river and the men signalled to the survivors to wait until tomorrow morning. On the next morning, they communicated through tying pieces of paper to a rock and throwing it over the river to each other. One of the survivors wrote that "I come from a plane that fell in the mountains" and so the authorities came and rescued all the survivors, although some of them had to wait another day since there was bad weather.
The survivors now try and get together on the day they were rescued, December 22, every year. There is also a rugby match on December 22 in Chile to honour the tragedy.
Sources for information here, here and here.
Images found here, here and here.
Read about the Burke and Hare murders.
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yumeirokazukuro · 5 years
HOT CHORD CRISIS English Lyrics Translation
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Lyrics translation by Kazushin Translation Edit by Kuro Song belongs to Sega company
Kanji Lyrics
Shout, we believe! 崩壊など待ってないさ No! No!! No!!! 走れよ まだ間にあうよ Break out Break out, 急展開 I can’t stop! 無茶でいいんだ Break out Break out, 新展開 I can’t stop! どうするんだ? Let’s go!!
たとえ天が地が裂けようと 何度裏切りに胸撃たれたとしても 熱い繋がり消えないって ずっとお互いが知ってるさ "CRISIS" go away!!
Shout, we connect! 残像 から悲鳴なんだ No! No!! No!!! 怒れよ 不条理を蹴って Hurry up Hurry up, 反 展開 I don’t know! 罠じゃないんだ Hurry up Hurry up, 超 展開 I don’t know! 止まるな! Let's go!!
辛い未来はいらないよ 真の輝きを取り戻そうとする時 熱い魂 に呼ばれて もっとお互いを感じたら "CRISIS" go away!!
HOT CHORD! 狂気の時代良心の疲弊が何度も君を打ちのめす Ah 信じて更に破滅したんだ 間に合あわそうぜ I rescue your heart 人は最後まで勝負 なんだ崖の下から登る勝負なんだ Buddy cry, everybody cry 世は暗い 照らすのは正義なんだろう?
取り戻せると 信じてるから諦めない
たとえ天が地が裂けようと 何度裏切りに胸撃たれたとしても 熱い繋がり消えないって ずっとお互いが知ってるさ "CRISIS" go away!! 辛い未来はいらないよ 真の輝きを取り戻そうとする時 熱い魂 に呼ばれて もっとお互いを感じたら "CRISIS" go away!!
Romanji lyrics
Shout, we believe! Houkai nado mattenai sa No! No!! No!!! Hashire yo mada maniau yo Break out Break out, kyuutenkai I can't stop! Muchade iinda Break out Break out, shintenkai I can't stop! Dou surunda? Let's go!!
Tatoe ten ga chi ga sakeyou to nando uragiri ni mune utareta to shite mo atsui tsunagari kienaitte zutto otagai ga shitteru sa "CRISIS" go away!!
Shout, we connect! Zanzou kara himei nanda No! No!! No!!! Ikareyo fujouri wo kette Hurry up Hurry up, hantenkai I don't know! Wana janainda Hurry up Hurry up, choutenkai I don't know! Tomaru na! Let's go!!
Tsurai mirai wa iranai yo shin no kagayaki wo torimodosou to suru toki atsui tamashii ni yobarete motto otagai wo kanjitara "CRISIS" go away!!
HOT CHORD! Kyouki no jidai ryoushin no hihei ga nando mo kimi wo uchinomesu Ah shinjite sarani hametsu shitanda ma ni ai awasou ze I rescue your heart hito wa saigo made shoubu nanda gake no shita kara noboru shoubu nanda Buddy cry, everybody cry yo wa kurai terasu no wa seigina ndarou?
Torimodoseru to shinjiteru kara akiramenai
Tatoe ten ga chi ga sakeyou to nando uragiri ni mune utareta to shite mo atsui tsunagari kienaitte zutto otagai ga shitteru sa "CRISIS" go away!! Tsurai mirai wa iranai yo shin no kagayaki wo torimodosou to suru toki atsui tamashii ni yobarete motto otagai o kanjitara "CRISIS" go away!!
English lyrics
Shout, we believe! I'll not wait for it to collaspe No! No!! No!!! Run! We can make it in time! Break out Break out, rapid expansion I can't stop! It's alright to be reckless Break out Break out, new development I can't stop! What are you going to do? Let's go!!
Even if the heaven tears the earth No matter how many times my chest hurt by betrayal The warm ties will not disappear, knowing each other forever "CRISIS" go away!!
Shout, we connect! A scream from the afterimage No! No!! No!!! Enraged, kicking the absurdity Hurry up Hurry up, Anti-deployment I don't know! It's not a trap Hurry up Hurry up, ultra-expansion I don't know! Don't stop, let's go!!
We do not need a painful future When trying to regain the true brilliance Called by a warm soul, if you feel each other more "CRISIS" go away!!
HOT CHORD! Era of madness, exhaustion of conscience overwhelms you over and over Ah, I believe it's fallen into ruins Let's meet together in time, I rescue your heart People are the ones who climb up from the bottom of the cliff which is the game until the end Buddy cry, everybody cry, is the world's justice to illuminate the dark world?
I can't give up because I believe I can get it back
Even if the heaven tears the earth No matter how many times my chest hurt by betrayal The warm ties will not disappear, knowing each other forever "CRISIS" go away!! We do not need a painful future When trying to regain the true brilliance Called by a warm soul, if you feel each other more "CRISIS" go away!!
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So watching Endgame, one of the only serious issues I had with the film is the fact that for all she was hyped up as some serious part of the way to fight Thanos, to the point she was front and center in advertising and got her own Happy Meal toy and everything, Captain Marvel doesn’t do all that much, and in fact, every single thing she does could have easily been done by another character.
Tony and Nebula need rescuing? Kraglin’s out in space, have him save them and get him integrated into the plot - it makes him appearing and delivering the godsend needed to beat Thanos that is Howard the Duck WITH A GUN more sensical. Thanos’ ship getting blown up? There’s like literally every single hero ever on that battlefield, pretty sure one of them could handle that, not to mention her blowing up a ship is incredibly boring as it is what we just saw her do in the disappointing climax of her own film. Someone needs to get the Gauntlet from Spidey to Tony? Watch Nando v Movie’s video on how it could have been done way better and in a way that turns the narm charm of the girl power scene into honest-to-god awesomeness. The long and short of it is: LET NEBULA HAVE THE MOMENT SHE DESERVES.
For most of this three hour film, Carol sits out by being off in space helping other planets. Frankly, this all makes the stinger of Infinity War incredibly unsatisfying, and it makes the stinger of Carol’s own movie unsatifying. Now, I don’t think her movie is a groundbreaking masterpiece or anything - it’s a solid film that struggles to stand out in a crowd but features a lot of good ideas, good chemistry bewtween Larson and Jackson, and a greaat character in Talos - but it really did build up Carol as being important to the mythology of the franchise. This movie... just doesn’t deliver.
And on that note, Carol’s own film portrayed her as a much nicer person. In Endgame, she is a lot cockier, arrogant, and even kind of a jerk. While she was a bit no-nonsense in Captaian Marvel, I never got the sense she was mean, or rude, or arrogant, and she had really great chemistry with about everyone she met with. Here, though? She seems really cold, distant, and rude. She doesn’t even introduce herself to Spider-Man! Literally the sweetest boy in the franchise and she doesn’t even tell him her name after he introduces himself! And the fact there is a huge universe-threatening battle going on is no excuse because Steve, one of the faces of the Infinity Saga, introduced himself to Groot in the previous film during a similarly huge battle.
And I think therein lies the biggest issue: Carol is supposed to be the face of the post-Infinity Saga MCU. I’m fine with this. Like I said, I liked her in her own movie, Brie Larson is a good actor, and I think with more time she could really excel in the franchise. The issue is she feels really shoehorned in to the Infinity Saga, a last-minute addition to a plot that was fine without her. I’ve seen some people say they would have rather had Adam Warlock to be more in line with the comics, but that would have been pretty bad too. I like how the films are not beholden to the comics, how they draw inspiration without showing me the same things I’ve already read. And Warlock actually falls into the same problem Carol has: there is absolutely no stakes beyond “oh wow look I’m a strong space dude, gonna fight Thanos.”
That’s my biggest issue with Carol’s role: she has absolutely no stake in this beyond Fury getting dusted. Every other hero in this story is one we have spent multiple movies getting to know, getting to care about, and this is why when they lose at the end of Infinity War and when some of them die, we care, we feel for them, we want to see them kick Thanos’ ass. Carol has had one okay film. She has not interacted with Thanos whatsoever. And the only people she could conceivably care about, we have no idea of their fates. Monica? Talos? The other Skrulls? We don’t hear anything about them when she shows up. What is her motivation beyond just being Space Superman? I just don’t understand her role when there is no clear reason. I suppose you could argue doing good for the sake of doing good or just being a hero, but this is a fictional narrative, not real life. When you throw a character into a narrative in a role that is supposed to be important, there needs to be a reason. You don’t just toss in super powerful characters willy-nilly and then do nothing with them. Again, would have had the same problem if they threw in a guy who hasn’t been properly introduced solely for the sake of fanservice and slavery to a comic, but bungling is bungling no matter what.
 Frankly, they should have held off on introducing her until Phase 4, where she could properly shine as the star that we need now that Tony and Steve are out of the picture. As it stands, though, she honestly feels really underwhelming and almost like a deus ex machina that never even fires off. I’m confident this will change in the future, but really, she should have debuted later. 
I think a lot of the blame can be placed on the heaad of Ike Perlmutter, the racist, sexist jackass who used to oversee Feige and the films and who flat out said women and black people could never draw in audiences like straight white male heroes, and who really wanted an Inhumans movie. Perlmutter is the reason for a lot of the messiness in the early MCU, and him getting booted over to the TV department is whaat led to the more creator-driven films from the likes of Gunn, Waititi, and the Russos. He’s the reason Terrence Howard, Natalie Portman, and Joss Whedon all left the MCU, due to all his meddling, and whether you agree those people should have been there or not, I don’t think it’s a good look to defend the tyrannical bigoted meddling of a guy who has no comprehension of what audiences want. The point I’m getting at is: Captain Marvel is a character who feels like she should have debuted in Phase 1, and because of this they hastily slapped her into the story to right the wrongs of the past. It just ended up being messier than intended.
Still, this is a minor issue. Endgame is still my favorite movie, a film I admire greatly, a film that does a great job at wrapping up and paying tribute to the first ten years of the MCU and all the characters we’ve come to love in it. I look forward to what they do in the future, and I pray they can make Captain Marvel as badass and important as I know she can be. 
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newstfionline · 3 years
Friday, August 20, 2021
The U.S. could be on the verge of a productivity boom (Washington Post) The United States is currently experiencing a surge in worker productivity that could rival that of the tech boom 20 years ago—if it lasts. As companies and customers embrace new technologies, making it easier for Americans to produce more with fewer workers, a growing number of economists say this is not a blip and could turn into a boom—or, at least, a “mini boom”―with wide-ranging benefits for years to come. Productivity refers to how much output a worker can do in an hour. When workers have better tools or the help of robots and artificial intelligence, they can make cars or process data much faster. Higher productivity typically leads to more goods and services available at a lower cost and increases in wages. Without it, economic growth is sluggish. The early data in this recovery is promising. Worker productivity grew 4.3 percent in the first quarter, one of the highest rates in years, according to the Labor Department. Second quarter productivity slowed to 2.3 percent growth, but that’s still nearly double the anemic productivity the nation experienced in the decade after the financial crisis—an average of just 1.2 percent.
Soaring Cost of Food Is Forcing Families to Scrimp at the Dinner Table (Bloomberg) Whether at supermarkets, corner stores, or open-air markets, prices for food have been surging in much of the world, forcing families to make tough decisions about their diets. Meat is often the first to go, ceding space to less expensive proteins such as dairy, eggs, or beans. In some households, a glass of milk has become a luxury reserved only for children; fresh fruit, once deemed a necessity, is now a treat. Food prices in July were up 31% from the same month last year, according to an index compiled by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization.
School bus drivers (CBS News) School bus drivers are so hard to find in Delaware that EastSide Charter School in Wilmington is offering $700 per child to parents who agree to drive their kids to and from school for the year. More than 150 parents of the 500 students attending EastSide raised their hands for driving duty. The school is still offering bus transportation for families that require it. Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Virginia also report problems finding enough school bus drivers to transport students. Pittsburgh Public Schools have such a shortage of drivers, as well as available seats on buses with drivers, that 800 students have been told they’ll have to walk to school. The district even delayed the start of the academic year because of the shortage. The National School Transportation Association’s executive director said the closure of some state Department of Motor Vehicle offices during the pandemic created a bottleneck in training new school bus drivers, who need a commercial driver’s license to qualify for the job.
New Cuban decree tightens controls on social media, sparking outrage (Reuters) Cuba introduced tighter controls on the use of social media this week, including a ban on publications that might damage “the country’s prestige,” angering many citizens and international rights activists. The legislation bans the spread of false news or messages and content deemed offensive or which “incite mobilizations or other acts that upset public order.” It also provides a channel for Cubans to inform on potential contraventions. Those who have attempted to “subvert the constitutional order” will be considered cyberterrorists. It does not say what the penalties will be for violations. Cuba analysts compared the measure to the totalitarianism of George Orwell’s “1984”, saying that they feared the vague definitions of what constitutes a violation would allow for arbitrary implementation.
Haiti Endures a Week of Torment (Foreign Policy) Two natural disasters in one week would test most countries. In Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, it is pushing a strained health system past the limit. The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti’s southwest on Saturday has already claimed at least 2,000 lives, according to official estimates. Rescue efforts were further hampered when Tropical Storm Grace made landfall a few days later. The number of injured—at least 9,915 people—puts a strain on already bare health care facilities. Haiti ranks in the bottom 25 nations when it comes to hospital beds, with its 0.7 beds per 1,000 people putting it on par with Yemen and Sudan. To make matters worse, scores of hospitals across Haiti were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake. As aid officials attempt to assist affected regions, Haiti’s political class may be breathing easier. As Jonathan M. Katz writes in Foreign Policy, the timing of the disaster “offered a disruption—and perhaps a not-unwelcome distraction—from a political crisis that was threatening to spiral out of their control.” Just last week officials announced a delay in presidential elections scheduled for September. Meanwhile the quest for justice in the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse has continued, but slowly: Dozens have been arrested but none have appeared in court, and judges involved in the investigation have reportedly gone into hiding.
More Brexit repercussions (Financial Times) Brexit is gradually leading British officials to better understand the value of poultry workers, as a shortage of them has led to a supply crisis, causing many popular chicken restaurants like KFC and Nando’s to close outlets. Roughly 60 percent of British poultry sector workers come from the European Union, the Financial Times reports, but new British immigration rules classify the workers as “low skilled,” meaning visas are in short supply. The British Poultry Council has called on the government to reclassify the jobs as skilled before the Christmas rush, as the group warned that the supply of turkeys could be reduced by a fifth.
The Taliban spin machine (CJR) Yesterday, the Taliban held a press conference in Kabul. While many of the journalists who cover Afghanistan were familiar with the official who led the briefing—Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s top spokesperson—they had never before seen him in the flesh. Sharif Hassan, a New York Times reporter in Kabul, noted that, for over a decade, Mujahid has been “more responsive and active” than the entire press team of Ashraf Ghani, the Afghan president, who just fled the country. At the press conference, the Taliban sought to present a new face to the world, metaphorically as well as literally, even if caveats and uncertainties abounded. Mujahid insisted that the new government intends to respect women’s rights (within the framework of “Islamic laws”), allow for freedom of the press (within the framework of “Islamic values” and “national unity”), and forgive those who worked with international forces and the prior government. In one exchange that went viral online, a reporter raised freedom of speech, and Mujahid replied that they should ask their question of Facebook (which had earlier confirmed that the Taliban will remain banned across its platforms). Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the Republican National Committee, tweeted that “the Taliban spokesperson has taken more questions from US media in recent days than the President of the United States.” Politico Playbook declared: “The Taliban PR blitz begins.”      In fact, the Taliban PR blitz began a long time ago. “The Taliban has created a sophisticated communications apparatus that projects an increasingly confident movement,” an International Crisis Group report concluded, in 2008. The Taliban’s propaganda tools have included pamphlets, cassette tapes, sermons in mosques, and DVDs; as time passed, the group honed its digital output—updating a website with statements in various languages, posting tweets from the battlefield, and using social media as a recruitment tool. (It even tried to launch an Android app, but Google refused to host it.) Vanessa M. Gezari wrote for CJR, in 2011. “The Taliban know how to tell a good story.” (The story grew so strong that the US eventually created a psyops unit to counter it.)
What will happen to the U.S. embassy in Kabul? (Fast Company) When the U.S. government officially pulled its military presence from Afghanistan this month, it left behind a valuable piece of real estate. The U.S. embassy in Kabul, a sprawling 15-acre complex of more than a dozen buildings and annexes, built at an estimated construction cost of $806 million. As the Taliban takes over, it is physically filling in the footprint of the previous regime, including taking over the presidential palace. The U.S. embassy, the centerpiece of the country’s long and tumultuous presence in Afghanistan for more than 20 years, could similarly change hands. The State Department declined to comment. Other U.S. embassies have managed to see continued use even after being evacuated or going into disuse, in one form or another. In Tehran, the U.S. embassy building made notorious by the 1979 hostage crisis has lived on as a museum, maintained by a wing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in the years since diplomatic ties have been cut between the two nations and the U.S. abandoned the building. Named the U.S. Den of Espionage Museum, this is one piece of embassy preservation U.S. officials are probably not happy about.
First Resistance to Taliban Rule Tests Afghanistan’s Uncertain Future (NYT) As the Taliban sought to consolidate control over Afghanistan on Wednesday, they faced the first challenges to their renewed rule, using force to break up protests in at least two cities, while an opposing faction vowed to hold out in one pocket of the country. Millions of Afghans tried to parse conflicting clues about what lay in store for them and their nation, but many were not waiting to find out. Despite Taliban assurances that there would be no reprisals against their opponents, thousands of people continued to crowd around the airport in Kabul, the capital, hoping to get a flight out of the country. Throngs rushed toward certain entrances, only to be met by Taliban troops who beat people back and fired their rifles into the air. A NATO official at the scene said 17 people were injured. Taliban fighters used gunfire to disperse demonstrations in the northeastern city of Jalalabad and the southeastern city of Khost, with some of the protesters raising the Afghan government flags that the Taliban had taken down just days earlier. News reports said two or three people were killed in Jalalabad.
US struggles to speed Kabul airlift despite Taliban, chaos (AP) The United States struggled Thursday to pick up the pace of American and Afghan evacuations at Kabul airport, constrained by obstacles ranging from armed Taliban checkpoints to paperwork problems. With an Aug. 31 deadline looming, tens of thousands remained to be airlifted from the chaotic country. Taliban fighters and their checkpoints ringed the airport—major barriers for Afghans who fear that their past work with Westerners makes them prime targets for retribution. Hundreds of Afghans who lacked any papers or clearance for evacuation also congregated outside the airport, adding to the chaos that has prevented even some Afghans who do have papers and promises of flights from getting through. It didn’t help that many of the Taliban fighters could not read the documents. In a hopeful sign, State Department spokesman Ned Price said in Washington that 6,000 people were cleared for evacuation Thursday and were expected to board military flights in coming hours. That would mark a major increase from recent days. About 2,000 passengers were flown out on each of the past two days, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said. And yet, at the current rate it would be difficult for the U.S. to evacuate all of the Americans and Afghans who are qualified for and seeking evacuation by Aug. 31. President Joe Biden said Wednesday he would ensure no American was left behind, even if that meant staying beyond August.
Was it ‘worth it’? Nations that sent troops to Afghanistan grapple with Kabul’s fall. (Washington Post) It was not the U.S. Congress that returned from its August holiday to gnash its teeth over intelligence failures and military collapse in Afghanistan. Instead, it was the British Parliament, which was recalled for a remarkable one-day session on Wednesday, to hear lawmakers give heartfelt speeches honoring fallen soldiers and engage in hours of finger-pointing over what went so wrong. The British were not alone in such painful debate, as other allies sounded off about the stunning events in Kabul. In countries that sent troops to Afghanistan—from Europe, Canada and Australia—politicians and veterans of the war tried to tally what was gained and what was lost. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States, in which 67 British nationals were killed, the U.K. sent the second-largest contingent of forces to Afghanistan, deploying 150,000 military personnel over the years. It even sent a prince: Harry, who served two deployments. In all, 457 British soldiers died, and many thousands came home wounded in body or mind. Speaking in Britain’s House of Commons, Prime Minister Boris Johnson praised hard-won successes in Afghanistan over the last 20 years—specifically the 3.6 million girls now in school there and the fragile democracy that saw women elected to political office. But his own lawmakers, who leveled tough criticism at both him and President Biden, said such progress might soon be reversed.
Power in seeds: Urban gardening gains momentum in pandemic (AP) On an assemblage of vacant lots and other pockets of unused land in the Bronx, gardeners from low-income neighborhoods have banded together to create over a dozen “farm hubs,” coordinating their community gardens and their harvest. Several years ago, some discovered that, together, their small gardens could grow enough peppers to mass-produce hot sauce—Bronx Hot Sauce, to be precise, with profits from the sales reinvested in their communities. During the pandemic, the farm hubs of the Bronx have again proved their might, producing health-boosting crops like garlic, kale and collard greens. “The trick is, how can we learn from the pandemic so that we become genuinely resilient?” says Raymond Figueroa-Reyes, president of the New York City Community Garden Coalition. “When the pandemic hit, urban farming went into hyper-productivity mode. People saw that the (food) donations coming in were are not adequate in terms of quantity or quality, and there is no dignity in waiting on that type of charity,” he says.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 5 Review
This A Discovery of Witches review contains spoilers.
Monsieur de Clermont, we’ve been expecting you! Admittedly, we weren’t expecting you to show up, sniff your son, detect that he hadn’t yet banged his girlfriend, shit stir about it and then offer her the keys to your bread cupboard, but it’s always good to leave people guessing. 
The reputation of Philippe de Clermont very much precedes him in A Discovery of Witches. He’s a superstar in this world, the vampire who established the Knights of Lazarus and the Congregation, and the patriarch of France’s ruling vamp family. Meeting him was like meeting Lady Gaga, and then quickly realising that Lady Gaga is a shady, manipulative stirrer who’ll stand back and watch a woman violated without raising a finger to help. (She isn’t of course. The real Gaga would have fought that memory-invading witch tooth and claw).
A Discovery of Witches is reliably vigilant about not making Diana a damsel in distress who needs rescuing by her super-powered boyfriend, so it was her own instinctual power that dealt with her attacker. Diana’s emphatic “I. Said. No.” as the sword did its work underlined the violation of what was happening and what it stood for. This show has also been reliably vigilant about not using sexual assault as a cheap plot tactic/clichéd female character development – disappointingly rare in the genre of historical drama as season two essentially is now – while still finding a way to stage the power dynamics of such an attack. 
This trip back in time hasn’t wasted the opportunity to comment on 16th century gender politics. From the Queen’s astrologer looking right through Diana in episode three, to Mary Sidney bemoaning the narrowness of (even a wealthy) woman’s world, to riding side-saddle, to Philippe trying to palm those keys off on Diana, season two has been saying its piece. Teresa Palmer does an excellent line in looking like she’s just about to melt the face of the next person who assumes that Diana’s a weakling airhead, before remembering when and where she is. Not that it stops her from standing up for herself. 
Diana saving herself doesn’t mean that Matthew won’t have something to say about his father manipulating a witch into forcibly extracting her memories. Philippe’s betrayal is yet another cupful of complication to toss into that bubbling cauldron of grief, pain and resentment that Matthew feels for Philippe, every facet of which Matthew Goode has – to use a technical term – acted the balls off. Since it was raised, the prospect of being reunited with his father has cast a pall over Matthew, and now we know it’s not just the Nazi torture responsible.
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A Discovery of Witches: Explaining the De Clermont Family Tree
By Louisa Mellor
A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Blood Rage
By Louisa Mellor
It always had seemed a bit… unofficial, the moment when Diana and Matthew supposedly mated for life – less a rite than a formality. If you recall, Matthew had left Sept-Tours on an emergency trip to Oxford to investigate a break-in at his lab. Upon his return, he swept up the hill where Diana greeted him on the cobblestones. With Ysabeau watching from the window, they pressed together their palms and Matthew declared “From this moment, we will always be one. Diana, I love you.” Job done. No fireworks or witch-glow, no flower-strewn ancient traditions or blessings. There have been dates in branches of Nando’s with more ceremony. Certainly with more sex.
Because it turns out that Diana and Matthew, despite being consenting, committed adults with the raging horn for each other, haven’t actually done it. They’ve bundled, sure. They’ve bundled big time. And he’s bowed down before her… queen. But like scientific education in the anti-vax community, penetration has not occurred.  
Matthew has his (as-yet-undisclosed) reasons. What’s puzzling is that Diana waited until now to press him on them. Yes, they’ve been busy with spies and sprouting tree-hands and adopting street urchins, but surely there was time for a bunk up in an Elizabethan ruff cupboard before now. Why hasn’t it – don’t pardon this pun, it doesn’t deserve it – come up?
Now that her unmated status has been brought to Diana’s attention, we can be sure that she’ll get to the er, bottom of it. My guess? Matthew’s blood rage means that he can’t trust his libido to not transform a sexual partner into a pile of mixed berry jam should he ever seal the deal. That, or he’s self-conscious about his 1500-year-old penis. 
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Speaking of the family bloodline, London welcomed another de Clermont in the form of Matthew’s hedonist sister Louisa. She’s trouble, is the headline, a sort of horny cat in a dress who spent the episode purring and rubbing up against Kit Marlowe as if he were a scratching post, which personality-wise, he more or less is. Good line about finding mornings objectionable though, that’s one to print on a coffee mug. 
The post A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 5 Review appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Lp6k61
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The Case Of Carola Rackete: A Challenge to European Populism, And The Defense of International Law
By Elizabeth Ball, George Washington University Class of 2022
July 22, 2019
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Last week the captain of a ship called Sea-watch 3 was arrested for bringing 53 refugees from Libya into an Italian port without permission (1). Captain Carola Racketeis now free yet was facing ten years in prison for ramming a patrol ship andwas under investigation for facilitating illegal immigration. While the Italian government condemned Rackete’s actions, news reporters and human rights organizations like Sea-Watch, came out in her support (3).
This case comes amidst a current landscape of rising populism in Europe, Italy especially at the for front with a hardline on immigration. Within the past forty years, Western European countries have experienced an increasing number of incoming refugees, resulting in a push to tighten borders. Due to its geographical location, Italy has become the most popular docking point for migrants from North Africa. After a refugee crisis in 2015, populist parties like the Northern League and the Five Star Movements gained popularity, resulting in an electoral victory of fifty percent of the popular vote for parliament in 2019 (2).
When Rackete was first arrested, Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini called her actions ‘an act of war,’ and claimed Rackete was a threat to security.Yet Judge Alessandra Vella, who ruled to set Rackete free, said Rackete was only guilty of saving shipwrecked individuals at sea which was ‘fulfilling her duty’(8). When Carola Rackete docked these 53 migrants, was she breaking the law or doing her job?
The short answer is that Carola Rackete did break the law, which is Italy’s closed-port policy, but she was also doing her job. Sea-Watch, the German NGO which Carola Rackete works for, operates under the law of the sea which requires member entities to assist persons at sea in need of assistance as well as deliver these persons to a safe location (7). Given that Sea-Watch 3 was hovering in Mediterranean waters for weeks without being offered a safe location to dock, Rackete felt obligated to land at the closest port which happened to be Italy. The urgency of this decision Rackete claims was a result of hazardous behavior on board, such as a number of migrants beginning to engage in self harm (4). Therefore, despite violating Italy’s domestic policies, Rackete upheld international law and the law of the organization she works for by delivering these refugees.
Another law Rackete allegedly broke was the ‘evading of a war ship’ as claimed by Salvini, who Italian professor specializing in migrant and refugee issues at the University of Birmingham Nando Sigona claims was “searching for a big moment to grab attention” (8). This refers to Rackete’s ramming of a patrol ship on her way into the port, which she claims was unintentional. Although the collision did not result in any injury aside from damage to the patrol ship, Salvini used the situation to make a jab at humanitarian organizations like Sea-Watch: “she tried to sink a police launch with officers on board at night. They say ‘we’re saving lives,’ but they risked killing these human beings who were doing their jobs, it’s clear from the video’ (8).
While factors such as the ramming of the patrol ship remain contested, it is clear that the case of Sea-Watch 3 has exacerbated and perhaps revealed the intense nature of the pre-existing conflict between sovereignty and human rights. Though these two should not have to be mutually exclusive, the whole of Western Europe, especially coastal countries like Italy, have found themselves facing a large influx of refugees and migrants fleeing disastrous situations which their laws nor their infrastructure are equipped to handle. With politicians like Salvini on the rise, and young people like Rackete acting in protest, it is unclear whether Europe will be able to solve this issue.
1.     (2019). Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/italian-authorities-arrest-humanitarian-rescue-boat-captain-after-docking/2019/06/29/7ad72f16-9a42-11e9-830a-21b9b36b64ad_story.html?utm_term=.1d5038248c02
2.     (2019). Retrieved from https://watermark.silverchair.com/1468-2346.00150.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAlMwggJPBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggJAMIICPAIBADCCAjUGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMMi0A5EOWUj7ZpWtkAgEQgIICBg2Pb4L1FXQ62kTgOQ1CCOynVWkUCZvug4x2bFAxCr1v7Ehrx5OG5FNmC_X9vFY7LoMoV8jysXarsOgpAoTL0NWLgCMhw9AfWxGMJ5I6hfCitbbRSQYn_oc7Mts1NaXT_5oVs4yh9TLN5NMO0MvwsfO6ih1XOFQo5RdXcqOzxc25knb5s7wHKA00p64tiO_khSTTuXqSv-MKmYcXOO-vsHXilot63i2LfMQGMjGAURSoTJ5M8MhKm9qxNEKx_TyLbK2PrOcdHqEXGv32KtQjlX1bBXrppjPnmtSUwIlhiD5oR-0PSJS4RTtUaeuP5BUectl0wa6Ui3MDH7pm2Uyv0gQBNmhivQzqwGod4sn6VfKVZBIlDInBgCmoG0KaqELuklw7lt-fXLIM9xM6Bkev3VWdxjszOWkFa_XrL2IgxGL01oGuLHL8F-d_hYpRBS28rusDuHrEo74lFMmC6Pwl_PqKDNi5mpsVUlQlkoa8Tnnf_YA-WLXRqWYs1wQ29vSMqW0DtBQ39VqDD4_jFSAltWbIuO5vKXsk2pF2wjygsE9kMzHWY7ocz1R4K64kCpmH8A9ylVKyVXFRls1qjyqLZur0AD3nsLmPf96QCTw5gR2OPV5jab865tVH3b-X7wfYoUCSNzJOJHOi7kGfEhEOCNpMoI83LnxkrtXNwEZL4PLe5uCAr99a
3.     (2019). Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/captain-who-defied-italy-and-brought-rescued-migrants-to-port-is-released-from-house-arrest/2019/07/02/5b523ddc-9d0f-11e9-83e3-45fded8e8d2e_story.html?utm_term=.6226b385efde
4.     Italian authorities arrest Sea-Watch captain. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.politico.eu/article/carola-rakete-italian-authorities-arrest-sea-watch-captain/
5.     Italy Arrests Captain of Ship That Rescued Dozens of Migrants at Sea. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/29/world/europe/italy-migrants-captain-arrest.html?searchResultPosition=1
6.     Bulli, G.; Soare, S. (2018). Immigration and the refugee crisis in new immigration country: The case of italy. Croatian and Comparative Public Administration, 18(1),127-[ii].
7.     Rescue at Sea: A Guide to Principle and Practice as Applied to Migrants and Refugees. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.unhcr.org/450037d34.pdf
8.     How this ship captain took on Italy's strongman. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-48853050
9.     Sea-Watch 3'ün kaptanınıngözaltınaalınmasınatepkiyağıyor. (2019). Retrieved from https://t24.com.tr/haber/sea-watch-3-un-kaptaninin-gozaltina-alinmasina-tepki-yagiyor,828499
Photo Credit: Marqueed
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