#nanowrimo progress
mitchell-nihil · 11 months
NaNoWriMo 2023 Progress Thread!
Okay this'll be the actual post
This Nano I'm writing a sorta-planning sorta-novel thing for my WIP Blue Cataclysm. It's halfway between a book and a very detailed description of everything that happens.
I'm planning on doing the traditional 1667 words a day, 50k for the month challenge for NaNoWriMo. This thread will just be where I post how many words I got, how I felt about it and my favourite line/s I wrote that day!
November 1st, I've written 1715 words today, and I'm hoping to get some more words in after dinner!
I felt good about today, I tried a little idea of letting myself eat one m&m per 100 words and that somehow motivated me to get it all done. I'm going to try and make a ritual or something to get me into the mood for writing.
Today's snippet thingy:
He didn’t know what he was going to do to get information out of him, since he could tell by the state of Era’s neck that threatening to slit his throat had already been attempted, to no avail. If he wasn’t even willing to admit his own name under threat of death, what else was there to try?
(I swear the rest of BC isn't this dark it just starts off kinda intense)
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sincerely-sofie · 10 months
No one talk me
I upset at my college program
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Been thinking about migrating back to an old persona design. She’s a little lump of lightly-chewed bubblegum who wears a poncho made out of a gum wrapper. She’s named Goobiedoo.
In other news, enjoy this update on The Present is a Gift’s NaNoWriMo progress!
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dunne-ias · 11 months
Current Nanowrimo status:
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Yeah, it's going well. Had a day with almost 6.5K words because of a twitch writer's event this weekend.
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purelysymbiotic · 10 months
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Only a few more days of NaNoWriMo and it's been going great! Thought I'd share my progress as I continue to work towards the big 240K!
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juliannepepper · 11 months
Day 6 Update:
Words written: 3,485
Words total: 13,048
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slxsherwriter · 11 months
Nano is successful underway. First one up will feature Dr. Henry Augutus Wolfgang!
In the meantime, I've been waffling on adding movie William Afton to the blog. Do I do it? Any interest?
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cabaretofwords · 2 years
Nanowrimo progress
day 1: 1746/1667
total: 1746/50,000
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umbrawitchsimmer · 11 months
Day 5 of NaNoWriMo
So I just did 889 words of the 900 word goal I put upon my self. I am now averaging at 478.8 words per day. I want to get that to 500 words per day.
Goal for Tommorow is 606 words in total.
Am I ever planning to write the recommended 1,667 words per day? No. I dont have the time nor attention span for that.
I want to at least get a novelette-sized book out and I'm like between 20 to 25% of the way there.
I had to skip around because I needed to cool off, so writing emotionally charged chapters helped. I'm grateful I'm learning to be more mature and immediately decided to put my anger to good use instead exploding on people.
Now the fun part is writing the boring scenes, now that I'm calmer, to connect to the more emotional scenes.
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shadowydoes · 11 months
nanowrimo: day two
project i worked on today: fluff cc.
today's word count: 1101.
total project's word count: 11088.
today I had to start really late because I am a night writer and went to see my friend's dance showcase. but I still wrote 1.1k, so yay!!
I worked on the first scene of the last part of this fic!! I also planned out the rest of them and I think I really like how this is wrapping up. I have the dialogues down, so tomorrow (or today, ups) I will finish the descriptions.
I am so happy that the fic is almost done!! I already have the cover sketched out. So, if I finished it tomorrow, it will be up on ao3 next week!!
Jisung was aware that he had many things to be proud of himself. He might rarely say it out loud but the thing that he took the most pride in was how well he could read Minho. He had always been called weird, but for him every little thing he does makes sense. 
see you tomorrow, happy writing!! ♡
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phantom-txt · 11 months
NaNoWriMo: day one
Hi…so I decided I’m going to document my progress for NaNo here, as kind of a way to keep myself motivated/obligated to keep working because if it’s only in my brain I will not do it.
Today I did very well, super proud of myself rn. I was home sick today, so I had a lot of writing time. I will admit to not having started from scratch (I have been struggling to work on my novel for months, it’s been at around 5000-6000~ish words for a long time, but I thought this would be a good opportunity to get it going), but I still made more progress today than I have in a long time.
Words today: 2623 :D!!!!!!
Total words: 8894 :DDD
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writing-slanted · 11 months
November has started!! That means I can officially count everything I write on nanowrimo!!
612 words in and already somehow completely overwhelmed!
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theriverbeyond · 20 days
really sad to see nanowrimo™ fumble the bag so hard on this -- if their end point was supposed to be "we are neutral on AI, agree to disagree" then they could have literally said nothing instead of grossly insulting their entire target base like... I can't imagine how anyone thought that statement would go over well? IIRC their statement LAST year was that using generative AI would render the challenge meaningless, which is a true fact regardless of your personal thoughts on AI. the entire concept of the challenge month is that putting your words onto a page is good, even and especially when they are bad. you aren't writing a finished book, you're writing an intentionally shitty draft. making bad art is good for you. but more than that, nanowrimo was always a challenge within yourself. you could always copy-paste the bee movie into your doc and say you won. you could always lie and say you wrote more words than you actually wrote, whether that was because you were really SO close to the goal that it's probably okay to add enough to get you over the top, or maybe you weren't writing at all but wanted to impress your friends. it's like, whatever, because it's not about creating a product it's about doing the process even when that means doing it poorly. even their arguments about accessibility dont make sense because you were always able to make a lower wordcount goal to work twoards if the 50k goal specifically was not attainable, so you could still participate in the social fun of a writing challenge. I did that last year and it was still great fun and I didn't end up with a horrible repetitive stress injury. I mean I guess my expectations for nanowrimo™ as an organization were already rock bottom after last year but it's just. sad to see :/
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daneecastle · 11 months
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My Reverse Omens concept idea. Im writing a fanfic on it during nanowrimo. Progress for that and other art for this design are on my patreon account.
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juliannepepper · 11 months
Day 3 Update
Words written: 1756
Words total: 7757
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slxsherwriter · 11 months
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Just so everyone doesn't think I'm not following through on Nano! One and a half fics are done. I might get one posted tomorrow. Haven't had the chance to go back through it.
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cuubism · 10 months
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the grand ambitions... they were not met this year 😂
however! i did finish a few things:
Happenstance (dreamling meeting-between-meetings), with bonus epilogue
"Ooh, Kinky" (dream gets horny when hob does nice things for him)
Wish (dream and hob's weird baby)
Responsible Decision-Making (the consequences of not taking your eldritch birth control aka Wish pt. 2)
"Ode to Winter" (winter drabble)
Nightingales ch. 10 about Dream and Hob moving in together
[and just after Nano] the melting press of the sun pt. 3 (post-fishbowl dreamling slowburn ft. dissociation and "coping" with trauma)
also made progress on or started a bunch of stuff, jury's out on which ones ultimately come to fruition however
[new] human dreamling 80s au in which i, fascinated by the visual contrast of 1989 dreamling, attempt to answer the question "how the fuck would these two people even meet"
part 3 of the spy hob au
the sheltered rich boy dream & feral child hob "human-ish" high school au which i've teased before
a post-fishbowl dreamling slowburn that's actually kind of about writer's block (ironic, then, that i've been picking at it for a whole year)
[new] Wish part THREE where I try to conceive (haha) what Dream's weird eldritch pregnancy would be like
Nightingales ch. 11 about the Magdalene Grimoire
fic about the intricate rituals of offering sex as a reward to the guy who rescued you who you definitely don't have any feelings for
[new] prince dream and bodyguard hob modern royalty au (can't escape this trope apparently, if i had a nickel for every time i got into the king/knight dynamic with dreamling i'd be able to buy a house)
Complex Math AU installment about Dream and Hob's elopement
smutty knight hob and prince dream medieval fic part 2 (see??? there it is again)
Silly Rabbit installment about escapism in storytelling
and also, the cursed dreamling bachelor au
I have too many WIPs is what I've learned.
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