#friended on nano
juliannepepper · 11 months
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thisischeri · 3 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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sokindragonjou · 2 months
Nichijou friends ✨
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strifesolution · 1 month
it’s funny that dumeshi yogs au with nanomadia as farcille could work both ways
on one hand falin’s harpy-ness… owl lomadia fanon..……on the other hand, nano’s flux corruption being like. symbolically represented by her turning into a chimera. and they’re both a little crazy silly enough to be marcille. hmmmmmmmmmm
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fukinkitty · 1 year
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finished nichijou rewatch...
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dallonwrites · 6 months
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Lover Boy But It's The Camp Nano Intro?
Sometimes Beau thinks his heart must be made out of the most fragile, feebly tissue paper – the dainty pink stuff pushed into the bottom of a Valentines giftbag, the biodegradable kind that immediately crumbles when it’s met with water or trash compost or an uncaring hand. But it’s not his fault he’s a hopeless romantic.
genre: adult litfic
setting: san francisco, 1980s
deals with: grief and loss, queer history + the AIDS crisis, sex and the body, terminal illness and caretaking, being a hopeless romantic but like for all kinds of love, platonic love, friendship when one of them is ill and knows they will likely die, disability and how caretaking can reshape dynamics
summary: It's about love, babey! Beau tries to navigate all the different types of love in his life -- romantic, sexual, platonic, familial, communal, self -- as he leans into relationships, even the unhealthy ones, to try to cope with the death of his best friend Bobby, who Beau took care of whilst he was sick for two years. Told with a dual timeline showing those two years as Beau processes it. It's about being messy and confused and trying to understand how to move forward when the biggest part of your life is now gone. It's about being in love with your best friend but like platonically and also your best friend is dead. It's about queer sex and grief and caretaking and the AIDS crisis. Beau is also obsessed with horror movies and is definitely autistic but doesn't know it. Bobby loved volcanoes and mountains, acrylic painting, David Cronenberg movies and also The Muppets (his fave was Gonzo btw). If you want to know more I have a more detailed WIP intro and also the tag where I post way too long excerpts!
status: 16,391 words into the first draft, but that's been writing whenever/whatever I want rather than a consistent routine
my goal?: get a consistent drafting routine LOL. Word count wise I'd like 15k to basically double it, but we will see! Would love to write everyday at least though.
I haven't done taglists in a while buuuut if people are doing camp nano taglists? That could be fun? This story is so sad but sometimes it is so silly and fun. If you like stories where the grief and joy hold hands then this might be for you !!
What Beau remembers: The quiet when, for a long moment, Bobby didn’t speak. Then, a whisper. “Today wasn’t the day.” And Beau understood what he meant, a painful but deep knowing -- how they still weren't ready, whenever they talked about it, to say the word die. “No, today wasn’t the day.” Bobby, quieter. “And tomorrow. Tomorrow won’t be the day either.” “I don’t think it will.” Beau thinks, at this moment, that he kissed the top of Bobby’s head, or he whispered one into his hair, pressed his cheek into it. At least, that’s how he remembers, or how he wants to. “I don’t think it will be the day for a while.” What Beau remembers: Bobby, still quiet, his breathing slowed. But still awake. How he moved closer, and Beau held him tighter. Sometimes Beau believed that if he just held onto Bobby tighter it would somehow lengthen the time between now and the day, that the universe would sense their closeness and not dare to sever it. All if Beau just held him closer, heartbeat to heartbeat. It was so dark in the room, the moonlight a thin sheet behind the curtains; just them and their bodies, their breaths. And he thinks he remembers Bobby smiling, that he felt it or even sensed it, the presence of something happy, something that, for a moment, let itself be hopeful. “Your heartbeat is so relaxing,” he said. “I love that you sleep like Dracula.”
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stabbyfoxandrew · 8 months
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oh yes, of course. thank you docs.
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y'all i've been upset about nanowrimo's shenanigans since last year, when kids weren't safe, and now there's this AI shitshow, and i want to cry about it again, because nano has been SO IMPORTANT to me since 2008--it helped me hack my writing process and make a bunch of cool shit, and i've written so many stories i love using it as a jumping off point. but. we gotta protect kids, and we gotta get the fuck out of here with AI bullshit.
so. the decision i have come to is that i will still be participating in nano. but now it stands for "now a's [that's me] novel writing month." i'm still going to write a book in november, and i'm still going to shoot for the 1,667 words/day (even though my finished projects wind up way longer than that, invariably), because i've structured my creative life around this routine, but i won't be using their site any more.
i will also not be tagging my november project posts as nanowrimo, but i WILL still be tagging them as "nano[YEAR]" (because that's been my tagging system for untitled projects for uh. years.). and it's now a's novel writing month :)
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futureofthemasses · 23 days
NaNoWriMo really said how DARE you say using a machine to write your novel isn't okay while all of us have spent literal years writing 50k novels without it
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wander-wren · 21 days
sad that people are talking about “alternatives to NaNo” (as in alternative challenges, not alternative websites/trackers/etc) when like…why?
if you are personally uncomfortable with taking part in NaNoWriMo, as in, the 50k words in a month challenge, that is FINE and very understandable. to each their own. but personally i don’t see why we (writers, as a broad community) should let NaNo the Company steal an entire challenge. it’s so bleak to me. maybe because i never spent much time on the site after my first year, pretty much just sporadically using the tracker or looking something up in the forums, but NaNo to me was never the company or the website or any of that. it was about my work and my friends and the dopamine rush of doing something kind of insane every year.
i refuse to let NaNoWriMo Dot Org being a shitty, shitty organization take that away from me. i am not going to be pushed into abandoning something that legitimately changed my life, maybe even saved it, just because some corporate entity decided to lay claim to it and run it into the ground. NaNo is mine. it’s ours. that monstrosity of a company does not get to take it to its grave
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juliannepepper · 11 months
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daughterofsarenrae · 2 months
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Kal-El might not be the smartest fish but at least he's pretty!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
is the different thing you’re working on the techno fic
not currently that one may be my nano fic though. i should write it. being reminded of sexyman. has reminded me i should write it.
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zephsthings · 4 months
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Courtesy of @spaced-out-cosmos hehehe enjoy and SUFFER
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kaissauce · 9 months
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the lgbts, all of them
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moon-and-seraph · 2 years
Camp NaNo Writeblr Directory
This is a directory of writeblrs participating in Camp Nano of April 2023. We hope to help writers find new friends to cheer each other on and offer accountability throughout the month!
How does the directory work?
Step 1: — You'll create a new post based on the template later in this post. (Don't reblog this post with your post attached. You'll want to create an entirely new one so it doesn't get too long and difficult to read.) Step 2: — Title your post "Camp Nano Directory: (type your username here, without the parentheses)" Step 3: — Add the hashtag "MS: campers of 04-2023" to it. This is the directory part, so it's how people will be able to find your post. Make sure to add this or no one will be able to find you! Step 4: — Share your post as soon as you're ready! We recommend posting before Camp Nano begins, but you're welcome to write a post for this directory any time before April, all the way through April 30th. Step 5: — Browse other writers' posts here to find writing buddies!
Please link back to this post somewhere in your directory post (the title is a good spot!). That way, anyone who finds it can easily learn about this directory and join it too!
Learn how to create links here.
You can take a look at one of our directory posts here if you'd like an example!
Camp Nano Directory: your username
— Share a bit about yourself — Keep this to 1-3 sentences. It can be personal or strictly related to writing, whatever you're most comfortable with!
— What kind of stories do you like to read? — Share what genres, themes, aesthetics, etc., that you like to read. This will allow others' to know if you'd like the project they're working on for Camp.
— Goal(s) — Share your goals for Camp Nano! This can be word count, time count, page count, whatever you choose.
— Camp Project Title — If you'll be working on multiple projects, simply copy this section and the following two and paste them below your answers for your first project.
— Project Description — Try to keep this to 5 sentences or less!
— WIP-related Art — This is completely optional, but if you have some WIP-related art you'd like to share, put it here! (Please use alt text and only share 1 piece of art to keep the post brief and easy to read.)
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