#naomi herne/evan lukas
kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Me: *Haven't made a proper illustration for almost 2 weeks straight*
Also me: *Proceeds to make 4 illustrations in one day*
Anyways been listening (very slowly) through TMA again, and thought "Hey why not make some posters for some episodes I like". So here have 4 of my fave episodes of the first half of season 1
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clairebearsparkles · 8 months
stealing this thought from a friend Is Evan Lukas a previous hotel manager in the hotel au? Also your ideas and art are SO cool!!!
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First off, tell your friend to get out of my walls. Second, yes! That’s the idea at least, Evan was the owner before his death and Naomi couldn’t take on the hotel sooooo it went over to Peter Lukas. He took it on since there was a lot of fear potential that was not being used while Evan was in charge.
Also I am so glad people are just as feral about this au as I am, I love me intense reverse aus
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 2 years
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Martin Lukas snapshots 2
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darktetrasdualies · 6 months
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some designs for some characters ^_^
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kairos-polaris · 3 months
I hope Naomi Herne and her fiance, Evan Lukas, are happily married in tmagp universe, no Lonely affiliated family to hurt them
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 7 months
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Jon is so akward all the time. This girl had to pratically beg this man to stay by her side while she was feeling vulnerable. C'mon, Jon, your autistic ass can do better than that.
<- 012: First Aid - 014: Peacemeal ->
<-<- 001: Angler Fish
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localgrem1in · 11 months
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Magtober Day 15 - Statement Givers
I'm later than usually, but not too late. Huzzah!! Naomi Herne is one of my favourite statement givers, both because her statement was SOOO good and really stuck in my mind and because she's gotten well deserved presence in some of my favourite fanfiction. Props to such a lovely side character <3
My goal for Magtober is to do a sketch every day according to the prompt. I've been suffering from that headspace where every peice needs to be a finished piece, so I'm tryin to break that.
Prompt list by @emerald-emerlad for tmatober 2023!
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bestiege · 3 months
Reasons as to why I think the Lukases are not the brightest crayons in the box:
They are devoted to the Lonely, yet they are a family.
They invest in dumb shit (Peter).
They cast aside some members (Peter’s siblings), yet when one of the black sheeps, social butterfly Evan, wants to marry someone who seems to be the embodiment of the Lonely, better than he is at least, they reject her, and kill him off?? Let’s dissect this one because it has multiple layers:
Why him and not Naomi? Not only did they kill their own family member, making their family smaller, but wouldn’t it have been worse (thus, better for the Lonely) for the extrovert to be the one left behind? Even Naomi says she is getting used to being lonely again (ugh, she would have been such a great addition!)
But before all that, if they felt like he was threatening the family's legacy or whatever, why not just exile him like with Peter's siblings? Nope, murder it is.
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john-bracket · 1 year
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Agnes definitely contacted one of the Lukas' regularly to feel invisible for a little bit because she was always put on that pedistal she never wanted
It has to have been Evan he seems like he would <3
I think they’d get on talking about not being able to live up to expectations :(
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msfcatlover · 4 months
I still think, to this day, that Naomi Herne almost had a very different statement.
I think that Evan Lukas was, in fact, a full-fledged Lonely avatar. But Evan's method was finding people who say they'd rather be alone, entering their lives as their perfect, ideal person (romantic or otherwise), involving them with his personal social circle, and then cutting them off. Letting them have a taste of what they were missing, enough to realize they could be happier, enough to realize just how alone they are, enough to show them how much better their life could be, before leaving them adrift exactly the same way they were before... but left so, so much more miserable now that they've lost all that. Made all the worse because they remember a time they would be perfectly content in these circumstances, but now it's not enough anymore, but they still don't have the confidence or social skills to go find friends of their own a lot of the time. The aspect of the Lonely that is realizing you've been lonely all along, a misery you didn't even recognize because you never knew anything else, and now your whole life looks like endless, rolling grey.
Evan started on Naomi. But then he fell in love. He couldn't follow through, he couldn't let her go. He loved her too much to hurt her. She made him want to stop, made him want to be better. Made him want to be as human as he could for the most wonderful person he'd ever had the good fortune to meet.
Made him finally, after years & years being raised a Lukas, not feel Lonely anymore. His own trap turned back on him.
And then he starved to death.
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voiceless-people · 8 months
Thinking abt Evan and Naomi again. The two one-off characters who I genuinely believe deserved so much better. Maybe they're happy together somewhere else.
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how does evan feel about the whole evil eldritch god family thing? you think he'd explain it to naomi after they get married? i really love your au and your art!!!
He's not happy about it, definitely a bit resentful about his lack of childhood or familiar bonds(besides Martin and minorly Peter). But he doesn't fault his cousin for his choice.
Evan would've informed Naomi before she met Martin not wanting to introduce his cousin to someone who would be uncomfortable or unaccepting of him. And Naomi took it with grace mostly after Evan explained how he didn't follow the same view points as his family and didn't want that kind of family one day, but instead wanted a family filled with joy and happiness. That and Martin would never push it on either of them and was supportive of Evans choice.
That doesn't mean Naomi doesn't try to subtly try to make Martin feel less lonely. Either by trying to make him smile or playing matchmaker(despite not having many friends to set him up with).
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parasiticghostwasps · 2 years
Relistened to MAG 13: Alone yesterday. I was real struck by how Naomi talks about her relationship with Evan and like. One thing she says she liked so much about him is how he respected her boundaries and need for some privacy and alone time
And like. Evan having grown up in such a neglectful family and being mature enough to tell the difference between someone needing space and someone shutting him out. It hits me right in the heart
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ambi-kiko · 9 months
sometimes i think about whether evan lukas really liked naomi or he just saw some Lonely girl and wanted to help her.
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paperboo · 22 days
HELP does anyone know the magnus archives fan art that was a drawing of multiple lonely-centric episodes and each was depicting the moment something got through to the person who was lost? so evan saying 'go left' to naomi, the person in cul-de-sac getting a call from their partner and saying i love you, and the person in lost in the crowd thinking of their mom
im pretty sure this fanart existed but i cannot find it
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