sufiway · 10 months
Make Your Wealth Beneficial for Akhirah (15.11.2023)
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm:
الْمَالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زِينَةُ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِندَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ أَمَلًا
(Qur’ān 18:46). ‘Al-Mālu Wa Al-Banūna Zīnatu Al-Ĥayāati Ad-Dunyā ۖ Wa Al-Bāqiyātu Aş-Şāliĥātu Khayrun `Inda Rabbika Thawābāan Wa Khayrun ‘Amalā’, ‘Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord for reward and better for [one’s] hope.’ Sadaqa Llāhu l-‘Aẓīm.
Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla says the commodities of this world, money, property, wealth, children and whatever else there is are adornments of this world. These are the things people run after. The good ones among them are those which can be taken to Akhirah. Everything will be gone. But all the Bāqiyāt (enduring good deeds) go to Akhirah and stay there. You will have loved and run after the rest for nothing. Unless you do it for Akhirah, there is no benefit in it, says Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla.
It is said there will be a lot of money in the end of times. But money has no value anymore. Even though it has no more value, shaytan makes people run after money more just in order to make them busy. It is as air now, you can’t touch it anymore. In old times, there was gold and silver. They were truely valuable. Paper money was brought up instead of them, and it is useless. Nevertheless, it was tangible. They don’t want that as well now. They want to remove paper money and put in their place what you can’t touch and is in the air, “You have so many millions in your bank account. You have trillions in your bank account.” But they don’t have anything with them.
There is no benefit in Dunya for people who run after it. When you use from the Halal (permissible) for your Akhirah, that will be beneficial for you. You will have them there. Otherwise, you will have nothing. Normally, nothing remains after you, but people now don’t have any money in their hands anymore even in this world.
Therefore, clever people must think about how to make their wealth beneficial and remain eternally and permanent in Akhirah. And that is what Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla showed. If you do that, you will be in benefit. If you don’t do, there will be no benefit at all.
There was a man we had worked with Nefel Bey, may Allah ﷻ bless his soul. He had industrial machines. One man came to him, as he had several machines he wanted to sell. While thinking about selling them or not, he passed away. So they were left to his sons. They sold them within two months and used up all the money and goods. It had no benefit neither to him, nor to others, nor to his children.
You must have good wealth and you must have good children so that you benefit from them. May Allah ﷻ let all of us have good righteous children, good money and possessions insha’Allah. May we have their benefit. May they not be useless insha’Allah.
People are running after their egos now. Even if you enjoy this money and have fun with it today, tomorrow you will want the same. But you won’t be able to have it then. Do you think it will last when you please yourself? It will be over instantly. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla is showing and giving examples to all people. But people who run after their egos will not have any goodness both here and hereafter. May Allah ﷻ protect us. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
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Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mawlanasultan
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muhammadankhadim · 5 months
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim
Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm : "مِّنَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ رِجَالٌ صَدَقُوا مَا عَاهَدُوا اللَّهَ عَلَيْهِ", "Mina l-mu'minīna rijālun ṣadaqū mā 'āhadū Lālha 'alayhi", "Parmi les croyants, il y a des hommes qui sont fidèles à ce qu'ils ont promis à Allah." (Coran 33:23) Ṣadaqa Llāhu l-'aẓīm.
Allāh 'Azza wa-Jalla dit qu'il y a des gens inébranlables sur cette voie et qui tiennent leurs paroles. Ce sont des "Rijal" - des hommes. Rijal est le rang le plus élevé. Ce sont des gens qui ne manquent pas à leur promesse. Certains d'entre eux sont vivants et d'autres ont disparu, dit-Il. Mais il n'y a pas de différence. Cette voie est la voie d'Allāh 'Azza wa-Jalla, la voie de notre Saint Prophète ﷺ, la voie des Mashāyikh, de nos Shaykhs et de tous ceux qui viennent de la silsilah (chaîne). Lorsque quelqu'un est parti, une autre personne le remplace. Et la voie continue. Elle n'est pas liée à une seule personne. C'est ce qu'a dit Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim. Ses paroles sont vraies et belles. Les gens suivent parfois quelqu'un. Lorsqu'il disparaît, ils s'effondrent. Cette voie est erronée. Comme la voie est la voie d'Allāh ﷻ, elle doit continuer. Les Mashāyikh ne revendiquent rien pour eux-mêmes. La voie des Mashāyikh est la voie d'Allāh ﷻ. C'est la sunnah d'Allāh ﷻ pour les gens. Et il est important que ceux qui la suivent soient inébranlables sur cette voie.
Shukr à Allāh ﷻ, demain est le 10ème urs de Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim, dix ans qu'il est décédé physiquement. La plupart des personnes ici présentes sont arrivées au cours de ces dix années et n'ont pas rencontré Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim. Mais comme il s'agit d'une voie stable, elle se poursuit grâce à son Himmah (soutien). C'est la chose la plus importante. Dans la ṭarīqah, ne pas s'égarer, ne pas changer, ne pas sortir du chemin est la plus grande Karamah (miracle) et la plus grande faveur. Pour les gens, pour les croyants, pour les gens de la ṭarīqah, être ferme sur cette voie et continuer sur cette voie est ce qui doit être fait par tout le monde. Car cette voie est le sens de notre vie. Ce dont nos corps ont besoin, c'est de trouver la bonne chose et de s'y accrocher. Celui qui s'y accroche sera sauvé. Celui qui ne s'y accroche pas, Allāh ﷻ le traitera quand même avec miséricorde dans le shā'a Llāh.
Qu'Allāh ﷻ augmente le rang de notre Shaykh. Puissions-nous ne pas nous écarter de sa voie dans la shā'a Llāh. Quelle est cette voie ? C'est la voie de notre Saint Prophète ﷺ, d'Ahlu l-Bayt, de quatre Khalīfahs, de douze imāms, d'imāms de madhhabs, d'imāms de la croyance, la voie de Mashāyikh, la voie de 41 ṭarīqahs. Nous ne nous en écarterons pas pour faire bonne figure auprès de quelqu'un. Nous ne pouvons pas faire de compromis sur ce point. Si vous faites un compromis - il y a un mot magnifique que Grandshaykh Mawlana Shaykh 'Abdu Llāh ad-Dāghestānī a toujours dit : Jannah. " مَنْ شَذَّ شُذَّ فِي النَّارِ أبدًا ", " Celui qui est séparé [de la voie] sera séparé en enfer pour toujours. " [Hadith]. Celui qui quitte la voie la quitte et va en enfer. Il sera en enfer pour toujours. Parce qu'il s'écarte de notre voie.
Notre voie est stable et belle. C'est la voie du salut et du profit. Qu'Allāh ﷻ nous rende inébranlables sur cette voie. Que le soutien de Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim soit toujours sur nous. C'est certainement le cas. Il est beaucoup plus élevé qu'il ne l'était lorsqu'il était ici avec la permission d'Allāh ﷻ. On peut le voir. Tout le monde le sait in shā'a Llāh. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
06 mai 2024/ 27 Shawwal 1445
Lefke, Chypre
Lien vidéo : https://youtu.be/c1pMJamfWWg?si=9uDh9wOtg6Tc7w_a
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mohammedjabaerblog · 3 years
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#Sultan ● Mawlana Shaykh Nazim's URS Today, 8 Rajab, is the URS (Hijri date) of the passing of Sultan ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani ق from this physical realm. - We Have Endless Means to Reach the Murids I went to Cyprus and asked the Mawlana Shaykh: “How do I listen to the voice of my heart?” He simply said: “Don’t worry, we have endless means of reaching the murid. The connection with the Shaykh is like a tree. First we plant the seed. Then, it’s just a small green plant. With time, care, watering, and attention, it will grow and become a strong fruit-giving tree. Then it will be able to withstand the winds and storms of the ego. Till then we know how to reach you. The voice of the heart inside you is the inspiration of your Shaykh. In order to distinguish between this and the voice of your lower ego – the first keeps coming back, while the second comes only once.” -- Haji Nabil Ibrahim May Allah continually enoble Mawlana Shaykh and raise his station, Ameen. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha. #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani https://www.instagram.com/p/CZwC5wDAlwb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amtaham · 3 years
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GLOBAL MAWLID LIVE! Dalam rangka memperingati Malam Nuzul Al-Qur'an, Sufilive mengundang seluruh jemaah untuk mengikuti acara Global Mawlid bersama As-Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani dan Habib Syech Abdul Qadir Assegaf. Acara akan diawali dengan pembacaan Qur'an oleh Qari Rif'at Aby Syahid dari Pesantren al-Falah Bandung, dan dimeriahkan oleh penampilan Singapore Haqqani Ensemble, Sidi Anass Samsar, Ustadh Muhammad Salleh, and lainnya. Bergabunglah dalam acara ini, Rabu, 28 April 2021 mulai pukul 22.00 WIB lewat FB Sufilive.com dan Youtube Sufilive.com #majelisahbaburrosulindonesia #majelisahbaburrosul #majelisrasulullahsaw #majelisnurulmusthofa #majelisrasulullah #majelisdzikir #naqshbandi #naqsyabandiyah #mawlanashaykhhisham #shaykhhishamkabbani #habibsyech #habibsyehabdulqadirassegaf #islam #sufism #sufilive #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshbandialiyyah #nahdlatululama #muhammadiyah #ahlussunnahwaljamaah #ahlussunnah #AhlulBayt #globalmawlid #simplyislam https://www.instagram.com/p/COHZCmUBLE1/?igshid=1v8oavk8ryltw
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Bit from my notes for Book 2: Sulayman and the Golden Dragon 🐉 (working title, not fixed yet). . . . “Do you remember your test Sulayman?” . “In da mirror?” . “There are doors to the other world.” . “How do I find them?” . “These doors, they are finding you.” . “How do I open the doors?” . “Master Rumi is saying ‘Now be silent, let the One who makes the doors speak. He made the door, He made the lock and He also made the key.’” . Please see our Sulayman and the Green Lamp book blog for more about the Sulayman Series. . #rumi #naqshabandi #naqshbandihaqqani #islamforkids #sufi #sufismforkids #islamichomeschooling #muslimhomeschooling #childrensliterature #muslimchildrenbooks #minimuslims #arabiannights https://www.instagram.com/p/B4wZd6Sg_-v/?igshid=1ubmotlhy574g
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musabhamzacelik · 5 years
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Hace Muhammed Bahaüddin Şah-ı Nakşibend Hazretleri, (k.s.) Büyüklerin sohbetinin büyük nimet olduğunu söylerler ve şöyle buyururlardı; "Bu büyük nimetten uzak kalmak, bu yolun yolcularının kusurlarındandır." Müridlerinden biri şöyle anlatır; Buhara'ya mübareğin sohbetine gittiğim zaman, sabah namazını cemaatle eda etmek istediğim halde; Bir meşguliyetim sebebi ile cemaate yetişemedim. Sonra hızlı bir şekilde mescide doğru yola koyuldum. Hazretin mescidden çıkıp gelmekte olduğunu gördüm. Kendilerine selam vereyim de, Bari bu devletten mahrum olmayayım diye düşündüm. Bu niyetle Hazretin yanına erişip selam verdim. Selamımı aldıktan sonra kulağıma hafifçe; "Her ne vakit bir kimsenin bir kusuru olur ise, O kimse Allah dostlarının muhabbetinden mahrum kalır." buyurdular. Bu sözden çok kederlendim ve olduğum yere düşüp kaldım. Bir zaman sonra Mübarek, Dostlarından bir zatın hanelerine gittiler. Bu fakiri de kendi yanlarına oturttular. Bana; "Bu zata sor bakalım. Hiç sabah namazını geçirdiği vaki olmuş mu?" buyurdu. Onlar da, sabahın ilk vaktinde kalkarak namazı cemaatle kılmayı hiçbir gün kaçırmamış olduklarını bildirdiler. #selametle #hace #şahınakşibend #nakşi #nakşibendi #naksibendi #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshbandi #naqsybandi #naqsh #hazret #mubarak #mubarakan #wali #beli #evliya #alim #ulema #allame #nasihattaqwa #nasihattaqwa #tarikat #نقشبندي #sekte #طائفة #nasihatislam #halidi #cemaat #masyarakat #islamic https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wVRs6nW2m/?igshid=s0nznlv8nab2
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muhammadankhadim · 7 months
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🌙 Soutenez l'initiative de l'Iftar du Ramadan ! 🤲
Aidez la FZHH à fournir 10 000 repas d'Iftar aux orphelins et aux nécessiteux. Votre contribution fait la différence !
🌐 Faites passer le message ! En commençant maintenant, vous assurez un Iftar du Ramadan à temps pour les personnes dans le besoin. Soutenez-nous dès maintenant à l'adresse suivante : https://fzhh.ca/products/ramadan
🙏Faisons en sorte que ce Ramadan soit spécial ensemble. Merci pour votre générosité !
#shaykhnazim #sufi #sufisme #naqshbandi #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshabandi #sufismquotes #spiritualité #éveil spirituel #shaykhnurjanmirahmadi #rumi #islam #islamicquotes #jalaludinrumiquotes #spiritualawakening #trending #awakening #dajjjal #endtimesprophecy #tasawwuf #meditation #energy #smcmerch #smcm
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sufiway · 11 months
Don’t Forget Akhirah (10.11.2023)
Allah ﷻ has destined these days for us. Praises and Shukr to Allah ﷻ. We must make Shukr for the favors He ﷻ gives us. The greatest favor is Iman as we always say. There cannot be a greater favor than Iman, because no matter how many people there are in this world, they will all die. They will die, and this world will not last forever. There is nothing eternal in this world. There is a time frame in this world. Whoever is done with his time passes away. Everyone has a lifespan that is as long as Allah ﷻ wills it to be. As long someone’s lifetime is as much as it lasts.
There is war and destruction now. So many people are dying and some become Shaheeds. Those who die, die because their lifetime is complete. It is same with Shaheeds. Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla has ordained it so. There is nothing like they could have not died if they were not murdered. Allah ﷻ has decided that their death came this way.
Therefore, what’s important is to have Iman. Having Iman is the greatest favor. However they die, they will be raised up as such, says Allah ‘Azza wa-Jalla. If they die with Iman, they will be raised up with Iman. If they die without Iman, they will be raised up without Iman. And that will be bad then. May Allah ﷻ not separate us from Iman. It is a big favor.
We are now in the end of times. Mankind is immersed in this world. They think about nothing but Dunya. They don’t think about Akhirah at all. When something happens, they get upset very much. They get upset for worldly things. It is not worth getting upset for worldly things. Of course, people feel sorry, and Allah ﷻ doesn’t leave the grief of Mu’mins unrewarded. The reward for that grief is goodness, Thawab and ranks. They will be increased in rank. But for people who don’t know about Akhirah, all their grief and suffering go in vain.
Therefore, we must pay attention to these things. Don’t believe in the words of this and that, and don’t be estranged from Akhirah. Don’t forget about Akhirah, because Akhirah is for everyone whoever you are. As they say, “Live long, you still will run into death.” People of old times used to say so. They always understood it and were prepared. Nowadays there is no preparation at all. Therefore, they have a lot of sorrow. Whereas if they pass away to Akhirah with Iman and goodness - people certainly feel grief of separation, but as there will be a reunion, this grief is not that big. But the rest feel upset as they think they will never see each other again. They feel much more grief.
May Allah ﷻ give Iman to all of us. May Allah ﷻ give guidance to people, because there are many people who go astray and go out of the way and who think they are clever, whereas clever is the person who knows that the actual life is not this life. May Allah ﷻ give this understanding to all of us. May He ﷻ strengthen our Iman insha’Allah. Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
There are recited Qur’an Khatms, Surahs, Yasin Shareef, Ayats and Surahs, Tasbihat, Tahlilat and Salawat. We gift all of them to the presence of our Holy Prophet ﷺ. May they be accepted. We gift them to his ﷺ Ahlu l-Bayt and Sahabah, the souls of all Anbiya, Awliya, Asfiya and Mashayikh, souls of our late relatives. For goodness to come and evil to be gone. May Allah ﷻ send us Sahib to take care of the Ummah. Li-Llahi Ta’ala l-Fatiha.
Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Adil ar-Rabbani
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/mawlanasultan
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mohammedjabaerblog · 4 years
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#HappyBirthday ● Happy Birthday Hajjah Anna @filiz_adil 🎉🌹 Many happy returns to Hajjah Anna. We pray that Allah ﷻ continually blesses you with good health and a long life full of happiness. May He ﷻ keep us with you always, ameen. 😊 #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani https://www.instagram.com/p/CE3BWAyj0Gw/?igshid=lkqwgbjfiuaw
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amtaham · 4 years
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. Protect your heart . Protect your heart by glorifying. If you do not take care of that, so many devils will run to you and disturb you. Everyone of them speaks in another way and will put a new sword through your heart. They will disturb you in every way and only escape is by you glorifying. Don’t forget! If anyone would hear the beautiful sounds of the Angels who are glorifying the Lord in the seven Heavens, they would fall down dead. That is how beautiful it is. May Allah let us hear. When Mehdi comes our ears will be clean. Now we have too much dirt locking our ears from hearing the sounds of the Angels glorifying the Lord in Heaven. Try to clean them from early morning until late at night. But instead people put more and more dirt into their ears by listening to modern music making them unable to hear. . At the time of dawn some people can have the chance in the Night of Power to hear just one second of that sound. It is a good advice for everyone to pray every morning before Fajr: “Subhanallahi wa bi hamdihi, subhanallahi l-Azim astagfirullah.” (Glory be to Allah and to Him be praise. Glory be to Allah Almighty. I ask Allah’s forgiveness.) when you start doing such a glorification sincerely, you will not want to stop. Do this 100 times between Sunnah and Fard prayers in the morning (Fajr) it will give you support. Your soul will be happy and light. If someone wants the Doors of Paradise to be opened for them, they should say “Alhamdulillah”. If they want the doors of hell to be closed for them, they may say, “Astagfirullah” . -Shaykh Nazim . Ref: Sufi spiritual practices . #shaykhnazim #naqshbandi #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshbandigoldenchain #dhikr #zikr #islam #sufism #shaykhhishamkabbani #shaykhadnankabbani #haqqani #rabbani #naqshbandiaccrington #shaykhmehmeteffendi #allah #allahuakbar #sufi #prophetmuhammad #sultan #nakşibendi #shaykhabdulkerim #hakkani #ottomans #osmanlı #spirituality #grandshaykh #shaykhabdullahfaizdaghestani #reposted from @naqshbandi_accrington https://www.instagram.com/p/CAhAwaTBWPxL1gfmHO5xqf4uI4FmczocP6Zlj80/?igshid=1v65u33vgysv8
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amtaham · 4 years
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Istikhara . If you are in doubt about something, whether it is the right thing to do or not, if it is according to Allah’s Will or not, you can ask about it in the following way anytime you need to: Take a shower, with hot or cold water. You must be in a silent place. Give your greetings to Allah, to your Lord. Then sit and say: “Oh my Lord, I am intending something, and I am asking for my will to follow Your Will. Give me the right sign for this purpose.” You will be given a green or a red light. You must take this seriously. Then it is impossible to do this and not get an answer. This is a form of istikhara. Anybody may do it, there is free permission to ask for everybody, who is interested to know, if they are acting according to their Lord’s Will. But you must not ask for something that is already clear, and the direction has already been shown. In that case you must accept whatever it is, and there is no need to ask about it. It is best to do this exercise before going to bed. Pray two Ramsay’s, ask, and then go to bed without talking to anyone. . In order to distinguish real inspirations from stray thoughts and the whispering of shaitan, wait and see whether that inspiration recurs or not. Divine Inspiration is not going to leave you until you do it. It will come to your heart repeatedly. Badness and wrong suggestions from the nafs and devils, stray thoughts, will not persist. And even if evil whisperings do persist, it will become clear that they are not good by a kind of disturbance you feel in your heart. If it is an inspiration, there is never going to be a doubt in your heart. You will find absolute satisfaction. But if it is from the ego, your conscious will not be at rest . -Shaykh Nazim Ref: Sufi spiritual practices . #shaykhnazim #naqshbandi #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshbandigoldenchain #dhikr #zikr #islam #sufism #shaykhhishamkabbani #shaykhadnankabbani #haqqani #rabbani #naqshbandiaccrington #shaykhmehmeteffendi #allah #allahuakbar #sufi #prophetmuhammad #sultan #nakşibendi #shaykhabdulkerim #hakkani #ottomans #osmanlı #spirituality #grandshaykh #shaykhabdullahfaizdaghestani (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CACd-3tgHWRpbPyqENYRPX4IR213AtODMUjfU40/?igshid=t69df6vlm5m7
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mohammedjabaerblog · 5 years
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#Juma ● Real Awliya'Allah "Allah ﷻ is saying openly in the Quran Karim by the tongue of our Prophet ﷺ. "If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will love you then." This is it. Real Awliya, all of them are those who follow the way of our Prophet ﷺ. Who are they? They are the ones who love Ahlu l-Bayt, who love our Prophet ﷺ, who love Sahabah, who love Awliya and who walk on the way they show. Because they walk in the middle." -- Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ق #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TAfwGpoOP/?igshid=xoia2q50l8l6
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amtaham · 5 years
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Beloved, generous #ShaykhHishamKabbani remains in a state of personal sacrifice as he inherits directly from #ProphetMuhammad and, therefore, puts your well being before his own. . . PHOTO Taken yesterday in Madinat al Munawarra, with Mawlana wearing #Grandshaykh AbdAllah's holy turban. #MSHUmrah2019 . Reposted from Talibah TJ Jilani . #naqshbandihaqqani #naqshbandi #NaqshbandiAliyyah #NaqshbandiGoldenChain #sufism #sufisme #IslamIsHumility #islam #IslamIsLove (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6cR9byBmt6lrIYXDMcKBKbChl3RlOUMU7PUNM0/?igshid=p29ezscb0mn6
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mohammedjabaerblog · 5 years
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#ShaykhBahauddin ● Shaykh Bahauddin Efendi's speedy recovery Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Adil ق has asked everyone to read Surah Yasin and Surah Rad. In addition, if there are completed Qu’ran recitations (readings) to also be sent for Shaykh Bahauddin Adil's health. Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad ق will make the last du'a of the completed Qur'an recitations. Al Fatiha. #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani https://www.instagram.com/p/B42_nP3g6dL/?igshid=z2d44vm7c9a4
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mohammedjabaerblog · 5 years
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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Bi-smi llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm #Mawlana Life in Lefke In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ●THE SULTAN ★SultanUlAwliya Mevlana Sheikh NAZIM QS. Sūrat al-Fātiḥah #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani #HaqNaqsbandi #HaqSultanUlAwliya https://www.instagram.com/p/B3K9n6nAYTn/?igshid=1q0guv0w9pz91
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mohammedjabaerblog · 5 years
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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Bi-smi llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm #Mawlana Life in Lefke In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ●THE SULTAN ★SultanUlAwliya Mevlana Sheikh NAZIM QS. Sūrat al-Fātiḥah #ShaykhMehmetEffendi #NaqshbandiHaqqani #HaqNaqsbandi #HaqSultanUlAwliya https://www.instagram.com/p/B3K9msNgyU9/?igshid=l53t37hdhekc
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