#naruto x kurama
ashboy-3 · 2 years
Her Name is Chōwa
Prompt: Naruto gains a child Fandom: Naruto Words: 11,219 Summary: Naruto has been a boy for as long as he can remember, one night some find out that he's not as full of a boy as he has everyone fooled. Jiraya soon takes him on a training mission and now he has a toddler following him. What happened in those three years?
Ao3 Link
Naruto was a small child when he first started to figure out who he was. He was a boy that was put into a girl’s body, it really wasn't that hard to wrap your head around, but It was hard for the villagers to like him, much less accept him. Naruko had always had short hair, but around the age of four, she cut it herself by giving herself a haircut as all the little boys had. Naruko had asked the Hokage for shorts and pants meant for boys instead of girls and he listened, it always seemed like the third Hokage was the only one who understood him, but he wasn't old enough or had enough training to master a henge to truly look how he wanted. Around the age of five, the Hokage showed her an altered birth certificate that had the name Naruto instead of Naruko showing that he got her name changed. It was around the age of five that the Hokage now called her a boy instead of a girl. It made Naruto so happy and none of the villagers had any clue that Naruto was originally a girl.
Naruto was thirteen and had a nasty run-in with some villagers. It was right after he was failed in returning Sasuke to the village and he didn’t have enough energy to keep his carefully crafted henge, but he did always keep his original appearance as close as possible. Just appearing more flat-chested and a little bit longer hair, seeing as he had yet to get his hair cut.
A few angry villagers chased him and gave Naruto a rough night, a night he will never discuss with anyone, but he did confide in two people. He confided in Iruka what happened that night and he confided in Jiraya, his soon-to-be mentor. The three of them crafted the perfect plan to get Naruto out of the sight of everyone and keep the secret Naruto had.
“Is this the right thing to do?” Naruto asked, holding his stomach.
“It’s your choice Naruto, no one else can make it for you,” Iruka told him as he handed Naruto some hot tea to calm him down.
“I don’t want anyone to know. I want to keep this circle as small as possible. You know, Jiraya, and Tsunade and that’s it. The seal should hold the nine tails and we’ve been talking. I’ve been making deals. He doesn’t escape and I give him freedom, he just has to stay with me so he doesn’t get locked up in someone worse,” Naruto explained to his teacher.
“You’ve been talking to the nine tails!” Iruka said shocked.
“He’s really nice. He’s always talked to me, but he tells me stories about my mom and dad. I know his name and he’s been a good friend to me. He doesn’t want to leave me and I don’t want him to leave me. I’ll go with Jiraya and in nine months Tsunade will meet us outside the village as I deliver my baby. You will stay here and help Tsunade build us a safe place for me to raise her where no one will know, and Kyuubi already said that he would babysit while I go on missions and make a living for all of us,” Naruto said with determination.
“You don’t want to tell anyone, not Kakashi or Sakura, not even Saskue?” Iruka asked.
“No, then I would have to tell them I’m a girl and that I’ve be carrying a baby, but I am a man,” Naruto said with a look that dared Iruka to fight him.
“Okay Naruto I’ll keep your secret and just so you know I’m free to babysit as well if you need it,” Iruka told him as Naruto gave a smile and the two parted ways, Naruto walking towards the gate to meet Jiraya.
“I’ll be back in three years,” Naruto told the group of rookies as they all waited to say bye to him.
“We’ll miss you,” Sakura told him, everyone else joining in and soft troublesome from Shikamaru.
“I’ll miss you guys too,” Naruto said with a sad smile, walking out of the village.
“C’mon Naruto I see the head I just need you to give me one more push!” Tsunade said in a small cave hidden from the outside world, her only guard with her being Iruka and Jiraya, the two waiting outside the cave, per Naruto’s request.
It was a painful ordeal and a long one, but soon a beautiful girl was born with the nine tails still safely within Naruto, keeping his promise.
Naruto just wanted to hold his daughter but was denied as Tsunade took a washcloth and gently cleaned the baby and wrapped her in a blanket and placed her within the young teen’s hands as he and his daughter cried together.
“She’s beautiful,” Naruto said, out of breath, but happy as he looked at his daughter, no sign of whiskers on her checks but beautiful blue eyes, his eyes and he could see red hair, the same hair he was told his mother had. If he looked closely enough he saw parts of her that weren't his, parts that could only come from the other half, but Naruto refused to acknowledge those parts. She was his and he would never let anything happen to her.
Naruto still wasn't ready to see the other two men, but he also knew that they were worried so with a soft smile he said they could come in.
“She’s beautiful,” Iruka said as he asked to hold her, his daughter getting passed between the two mentors.
“She looks like a perfect mix between your parents,” Jiraya said with a laugh, tickling her small stomach.
“She’s perfect in every way. Her ten fingers, her ten toes, her two eyes. I love her,” Naruto said, already asking to hold her again. The three adults laughed at the teen parent, but would never keep the child from him.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” Iruka asked
“Chōwa,” Naruto said holding her and looking her in her beautiful eyes, eyes that matched his perfectly. Eyes that would clearly give away who’s child this was in the future, but for now Naruto was just going to focus on holding her.
It was a surprise to the adults when Naruto took a deep breath and said, “Yes of course you can hold her.” a grown man with long messy red hair and sharp yellow eyes with sharp teeth showed out, using chakra to maintain a human form and held the child in his arms.
“What do ya think?” Naruto asked the nine tails fox, happy that the adults in his life trusted him enough to let the fox run free.
“She’s a beautiful little kit. You did a good job kit!” the man said happily holding her, making Naruto laugh.
“You can’t call us both kits.”
“That’s right. It would get too confusing. You will now be Ko and Naruto can remain Kit,” Kurama said happily to the girl, giving her back to Naruto and going back into the mind-space to take a nap himself.
“How is the house coming along?” Naruto asked.
“We found a secured space within the woods, and we’ve started building it. It’s high in the trees and all ninjas are told to not enter the property by order of the Hokage. We plan to have four rooms, two bathrooms, one living room, and one kitchen. A room for you, Chōwa, the nine tails, and an extra guest room. We weren’t sure if the nine tails needed a room, but we did it as a just in case,” Tsunade explained, finally cleaned up.
“And he appreciates the thought that he has his own space away from me from time to time. It should be her third birthday by the time I come back to the village,” Naruto said, already sad that she would be growing up.
“She will grow, but treasurer the time you have with her. We will be staying the night, but in the morning, we will be heading back to the village. I can’t be gone too long or else the council will start asking questions.
“Tsunade before you go, I need you to promise me something,” Naruto spoke in a serious tone.
“What do you need?” she asked.
“My child will start at the academy at the age of five. I have already decided this and once she starts to walk properly, I will start to train her. The council is to not make her the next container. I don’t care if I die or if she’s perfect for the task. Once the council finds out she’s my daughter they will do everything in their power to bend her to their will. Chōwa Namikaze will not be a pawn in their stupid power game,” Naruto said, shocking the adults at the fact that he named her Namikaze.
“I promise Naruto,” Tsunade said with determination.
“Good but for now I’m sleepy and so is the little kit,” Naruto said, not noticing how easily he called the child a baby fox.
“It’s time to go back,” Jiraya said, waking up the sleeping teen, cuddling with a small child. “You to Chōwa. It’s time to get up,” Jiraya shook both of them gently.
“Ojisan?” Chōwa answered slowly opening her eyes, not ready to be awake for the day, but she was turning three soon and a toddler will have more energy than a baby.
“Papa wakes up,” Chōwa said, gently jumping on her father, making Jiraya laugh, wondering if this is what Naruto would be doing to Minato if his student was still alive.
“I’m up Chōwa! I’m up!” Naruto said yawning but getting up and grabbing what he needs to make a small breakfast for all three of them, Jiraya used to stop him, saying that they could just go to the closet town, but Naruto refused to have his child being raised on take out.
“Good news Chōwa! We’re finally going home,” Jiraya told her as she jumped up and down, her red hair now touching her shoulders from Naruto’s refusal to cut it.
“If she wants it cut I’ll cut it, but until then it will stay long,” Naruto told him a year ago when he noticed it getting long.
“Is this the place that you and papa are always talking about?” Chōwa asked chewing her toast and eggs happily, talking a mile a minute. She takes after her father for sure. The second she learned to speak she didn’t stop.
“Yep, and we’re finally going back. This also means that Daddy will be watching over you more, while I go to work more, but I’ll also start to train you,” Naruto told her as her face lit up.
“Really!! That’s amazing thank you Papa!” the three-year-old cheered, speaking so well for someone so young, but she was smart, and Naruto taught her every day. He was not going to let her grow up like he had to.
“Before we go, we still have to pack up,” Naruto told her sternly, meaning that whatever task she could do with her little hands she had to do.
“Okay Papa,” she said sadly, but helping anyways.
It was two days, but Naruto could see the gate to the village hidden in the leaves.
“Chōwa do not run to those gates. We must drop you off at our new house first,” Naruto said carrying her as he shushined to where Tsunade said to meet her.
“She’s grown so much since I’ve seen her! She’s very healthy too,” Tsunade said with a laugh.
“Talks a mile a minute as well,” Naruto said as the toddler looked between the two.
“Papa who is this?” Chōwa asked.
“I told you about her. You know how Jiraya is you Oji?” Naruto asked her as she shook her head yes, “Well this is Tsunade and she is your Bachan,” Naruto told her as the girl had big eyes.
“I’ve been with your father for a long time now and I helped build your new house,” Tsunade said touching the girl on her nose making her laugh.
“You’re silly!” the toddler said as the Hokage laughed.
“Follow me and she can meet Iruka later. We need to get you to walk through those gates,” Tsunade said as she bought him to the house. Naruto was amazed at the house that was clearly hidden in the tops of the trees and he didn’t know how they did it, but with nets all under they could easily catch the child if she was to fall. It had a simple way to get up, plus a more difficult, meant for Naruto when he had to go on missions.
“It’s perfect Tsunade, thank you!” Naruto said happily as he walked into the house, reminding himself to thank Iruka as well.
“You have everything set up for the first few months, food, water, cooking supplies, bathing supplies, we even got some toys and entertainment for young Chōwa here and we didn’t forget about the old fox. We were told he likes to read so we gave him his own room filled with books and not just Icha Icha,” Tsunade said, as Naruto let the young toddler explore her room while calling said old fox.
“I’m here I’m here!” I’ll watch Ko,” Kurama said, this time just appearing as a big fox, knowing the toddler will want to use him like a pony.
“Thank you for this,” Naruto told him.
“Don’t worry about it, Kit. She’s kinda grown on me, kinda like you. I’ll start her training and then we’ll also go through some more reading and spelling exercises,” Kurama said, dreading teaching the child human society basics, much happier to teach her ninja techniques.
“We’re back in the village so soon all the schooling will be taken over by Iruka,” Naruto told him as the fox gave a grateful bark, making Chōwa laugh.
“I have to go and meet Jiraya now. I’ll see you in a few hours Chōwa!” Naruto told her, giving his daughter a big hug.
“Bye Papa! See you soon!” Chōwa screamed loudly as he appeared close to the gates again.
“Ready kid?” Jiraya asked from where he was sitting next to the tree writing for his new novel.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Naruto answered as the two packed everything up and started to walk to the gates.
“Is that? Izumo asked, blinking rapidly, and cleaning his eyes, as he noticed the two figures approaching.
“It has to be! Those three years must be up!” Kotetsu said as the two quickly opened the gates as the two figures got closer and closer.
“Naruto how ya been!” Izumo asked, Kotetsu already running ahead to alert the village, specifically the rookie nine and the Hokage.
“I’ve been great Izumo! Jiraya-sensei taught me so much! I’ll have to show you one day!” Naruto said happily, giving the other guy a fist bump.
“Is Naruto really back!” Choji asked running to the gate, Ino, and Shikamaru not far behind him. “He is! It’s him,” Ten-Ten shouted Lee running behind her Neji walking at a slow pace, but Naruto knew he was happy to see him.
It didn’t take long, and all the rookies were greeting Naruto and telling them how much they missed him, what he missed while he was gone, but Naruto could only admit to himself that he had Chōwa waiting for him back home. The amount of pride within him that he wanted to shout and tell them about his daughter was hard to fight, but he knew he had to keep this a secret. Not only to protect his secrets but because he’s not ready to tell anyone what happened that night.
“We should go to Ichiraku’s!” Rock Lee suggested, Sakura and Ino agreeing with him everyone soon joining in, knowing it was Naruto’s favorite place to eat.
“Sure, why not, but I can’t spend long there,” he told them, ignoring their questioning looks.
“Is that Naruto?”
“Hey, old man! Miss me?” Naruto asked Techi, the old Ramen maker.
“Here it’s on the house! Miso, right?” he asked Naruto, his friends laughing at him, but Naruto as he ate only wanted to share this joy with his daughter, if only she liked miso ramen as much as he did.
“Thanks! Can you actually make me some chicken ramen to go?” Naruto asked.
“You come back and you’re already eating ramen for every meal!” Sakura lectured him, training with Tsunade really did a lot for him.
“Sorry, Sakura! I know it’s not healthy, but I need something to eat later! I still have to go food shopping!” Naruto told her, as she sighed, but relented.
It was as Naruto handed the yen to the shop maker that his money was shoved back. “Pay me next time Naruto. Like I said this time is on the house,” Techi said, giving Naruto his bag of Ramen as Naruto told him thank you.
“Alright, guys I have to head home! We’ll have to meet up tomorrow!” Naruto told them, walking in the direction of his new house.
“Waaahh Naruto, you live this way, plus now that I mention it you smell different?” Kiba said sniffing the air.
“What could I possibly smell like?” Naruto asked him, panicking on the inside.
“Theirs’s a part that I can’t place, but you do smell more like a fox than you did before,” Kiba said, scratching his head.
“Well, if that’s all I have to go,” and the next second the young ninja was gone nowhere to be seen.
“Huh weird?” Kiba said scratching his head.
“What is it?” Ino asked.
“Naruto still went in the same direction as he was going, he didn’t go towards his apartment at all,” Shikamaru said lazily, not at all really caring.
“I’m back!” Naruto said walking through the door.
“Papa!” Chōwa stood up from where she was sitting on Kurama, reading a book to greet her only parent with a hug.
“Hey, kit! Aren’t you supposed to be asleep?” Naruto asked.
“Kurama said I could stay up and wait for you!” Chōwa said happily, not really caring that Naruto wanted his child to get a full night's sleep.
“Okay well I’m here now and next time you have a bedtime you have to listen. Let’s get you to sleep,” Naruto said walking to her bed, laying her down, and tucking her in.
It made Naruto smile that his daughter was finally sleeping in a bed, not a tent outside, not a random hotel for the night, her bed.
“Night kit,” Naruto said softly.
“Night Papa,” Chōwa said softly as Naruto walked out of the room, softly closing the door.
“I already put the ramen you have in the fridge. Please tell me that we are not putting her on a full ramen-only diet?” Kurama asked, coming up behind Naruto in a human form and giving him a hug.
“No, we are not feeding our daughter only ramen. We will make it a prize if she does good. I don’t want her traveling around the village alone at all till she’s seven and can protect herself. I’m fully aware that she’s starting school in two years, but she’s only three,” Naruto told the old fox, the two walking to the living room, not wanting the young child to overhear.
“Are you ever going to tell your friends about her, about us?” Kurama rubbed a soothing hand over Naruto’s back.
“What am I supposed to tell them. This is my daughter, you know the one that you didn’t know I had at the age of thirteen, oh and by the way, the demon fox the fourth locked away is within me and I fell in love with him because I’m crazy enough to do just that!” Naruto said with a laugh.
“Kit, I feel like you should let them know. It will be easier,” Kurama pointed out politely.
“No. it will make everything worse. You are the only one who knows about that night, and I don’t want to remember it. Her birth certificate has me as the mother and you as the father so no one can say anything different. She knows to keep your name a secret and when I send her to school a fox summons will follow her every day,” Naruto said with a tone that is final.
“Let’s just go to sleep. Iruka is coming over tomorrow to see her and then I need to talk to Tsunade about taking private missions,” Naruto told him, getting up and going to his room, Kurama following so both don’t go to bed angry.
“I love you kit.”
“Love you to Kurama.”
“Are you coming with me Kuruma or am I summoning a fox?” Naruto asked as he ran around getting dressed, breakfast already made and Chōwa already eating.
“Do I look dressed to you brat! I’ll guard Ko,” the red-haired man said as he flipped another pancake and quickly shoved it in Naruto’s mouth with a quick kiss on the cheek he pushed the blonde out of the house, making Naruto think fast and stick his feet to the tree.
“Motherfucker ya old fox!” Naruto yelled as Kuruma yelled back a strong, “language.” The two already discussed to not curse in front of the child.
“Don’t forget-!” Naruto started but was yelled back “About Iruka! I know! Now go and talk to Tsunade!” Kuruma yelled, getting tired of the blonde.
It was as Naruto made it to the forest border that Kakashi appeared right in front of him, scaring the blonde.
“What the fuck Kakashi!” Naruto shouted, falling to the ground.
“Be aware of your surroundings Naruto! What were you doing in the forest?” the grey-haired ninja asked.
“I was aware! I wasn't doing anything in the forest. I was actually on my way to see Bachan!” Naruto said happily and quickly changing the topic.
“Really so was I! Sakura is supposed to meet me now that I have my team back!” Kakashi said happily, making it to where Naruto would have to go with him.
“Nosy ninja,” Naruto mumbled under his breath.
“What was that Naruto?” Kakashi asked happily toying with his student.
“Nothing!” Naruto shouted as the two approached the Hokage tower, meeting Sakura at the bottom.
“Oh good! Naruto you got the memo! I forget to tell you last night!” Sakura said happily.
“Yep! It was last minute, but I heard about it! Let’s not keep Bachan waiting!” Naruto said happily, marching in front of his teammates like he was thirteen again, like he was a child again.
“Bachan!” Naruto shouted opening her door, not even bothering to knock.
“Naruto is just the person I wanted to see! I’m so sorry Kakashi Sakura can the two of you step outside for a moment. I need to talk to Naruto about something,” Tsunade asked, making the other two look shocked, Kakashi hiding his better.
“Now that they're gone. I need to talk to you about going on solo missions. I passed chuunin and Jounin while I was with Jiraya. Both you and Gaara have passed me. Either I take ANBU test, I go on solo missions, or I do both,” Naruto told her.
“Does anyone here know of your rank yet?” Tsunade asked.
“No, I haven’t told them. They don’t know my rank, where I live, who lives with me, or even what I did in those three years,” Naruto answered honestly.
“You’ve trained with both Jiraya and the Nine tails, correct?” Tsunade asked, going into Hokage mode.
“I have also practiced sage mode with the toads and have trained to master the fox techniques,” Naruto answered.
“I now present you with the ANBU mask. You shall now be called the fox,” Tsunade said, handing Naruto a mask with the shape of a fox on it. “I already have a mission for you. It’s to remain undercover with team nine. It seems counter-productive and yes you still get paid, but I’m giving you a new teammate. His name is Sai and he’s part of Root, Danzo’s organization. I need you to find out what you can from him and then take it down,” Tsunade ordered.
“Of course, my Hokage,” Naruto answered seriously, before taking the mask off and letting his teammates and sensei in.
“Now team nine to remain a team you need three members. Seeing as Saskue is gone I had to find a replacement. Meet Sai,” Tsunade said, a random ANBU member escorting the young ninja in.
“Sai these are your new teammates. Kakashi is your captain, Naruto, and Sakura,” Tsunade introduced them.
“It is nice to meet you forehead and dickless,” Sai said politely as he bowed, Kakashi holding back both of his students from beating the kid to a pulp.
“We’ll have to work on your manners,” Kakashi said mostly to Sai only.
“That’s not all. I will also be giving you another teammate. Meet Yamato,” Tsunade introduced the new adult, as she explained will be sharing duties with Kakashi.
Naruto felt something off about the guy and he was right as Tsunade talked. “He has the blood of the first Hokage in him, letting him trap sealed tailed beast for a short amount of time,” Tsunade explained.
“I’m not working with him!” Naruto shouted, shocking his other two team members.
“I’m not adding him to block the nine tails,” Tsunade quickly said.
“I don’t care. Just because you order him not to doesn't mean he will listen. The second he sees the fox as a threat he’s going to use the wood seal on me or him. I will not allow him to hurt my family!” Naruto said, eyes going yellow. It didn’t help that he and Kurama are always connected so both were putting their full emotion into what they were saying.
Yamato quickly put a hand up, seeing Naruto’s eyes go yellow, but Tsunade quickly stopped him. “Naruto, I swear as Hokage the only time Yamato has my full permission to use his seals on you is if the nine tails try to attack the village,” Tsunade said as she took a shot of sake to calm herself, pouring another one for the young ninja.
“Have a sip and calm yourself,” she told him, talking to the fox as well.
“I will protect my family with all my power,” the mixed voices said, taking the shot like it was nothing, in Naruto’s defense it was mostly the fox taking the shot and not the sixteen-year-old.
“I know. I already sent Iruka. Yamato is here to further your training as well as to help Sai get accustomed and improve his social skills,” Tsunade explained.
“Do we have a mission then?” Naruto asked.
“I have a mission for Yamato, Sakura, and Sai. Naruto and Kakashi I need you both here. Yamato will take his team to Suna and deliver this mission to Gaara. Kakashi, I need you to test how much Naruto has improved,” Tsunade said with an evil smirk as Naruto glared at her, knowing full well he wasn't ready to leave the village again just yet.
“Yes Hokage,” they all said as they bowed and left the tower, Iruka approaching the outside, happy to finally see Naruto.
“Naruto I’m so happy to see you!” the older ninja said.
“I missed you too,” Naruto said happily hugging the man back.
“Meh Naruto we have a mission!” Kakashi said, reminding the younger ninja.
“What we have is a training exercise. One I will happily do tomorrow. I promised Iruka I would spend the day with him,” the blonde said walking towards the forest, the same forest Kakashi met him in earlier.
“Kakashi has Naruto been acting weird?” Sakura asked.
“Yeah, and I’m gonna find out what it is,” Kakashi told her, getting ready to put his old ANBU skills to the test and follow the two.
“So how is she since the last time I saw little Chōwa?” Iruka asked the blonde.
“The last time you saw the kit was when she was a baby. What do you think? She’s a hyperactive toddler who wants to do nothing but run all day. I did promise Kyuubi that you would take over her studies. He really doesn’t enjoy teaching basic writing or maths. He’s happy to keep with her ninja skills of course,” Naruto said laughing, a certain look in his eyes anytime he brings the fox up.
“Naruto. . .do you love the nine tails?” Iruka asked, the two finally made it to the forest.
“What!? No! Why would I love the man who saved me and helped me through my trauma? The one who was my first friend! The who freely watches over Chōwa whenever I need him to! The one who loves this little girl as much as I do! The one who cuddles me and makes me feel not so alone anytime I’m sad?” Naruto didn’t know if he was deflecting, letting his emotions out, or just asking questions, but as he spoke Iruka gave Naruto a big hug and looked the blonde in the eyes.
“Naruto. You can love whoever you want. You have every right to love the fox as much as I would love any human. He’s been there for you and if you love him then don’t hide it from those of us who are your friends and family,” Iruka told him, making a few tears come to Naruto’s eyes as he hugged Iruka back.
“I love that old fox with all my heart!” Naruto told him, “Last night I put Chōwa to bed and we talked about her diet. I said our daughter. Not mine, not his, but ours! I want to tell the whole world how I feel about him, but I can’t do that,” Naruto said sadly, Iruka looking at him with sad-filled eyes, knowing the council would not only shut down the relationship but probably try and take Chōwa as well.
“You have me, and two Sanin on your side with this. No one is going to take your family away,” Iruka told him, the two arriving at the house, not noticing Kakashi hiding in the trees, shocked, not only at what he heard but by what he saw.
Naruto opened the door and was greeted by a man with clearly sharp teeth, sharp yellow eyes, and long mangy red hair, a child hopping around him, running right into Naruto’s arms as Naruto gave one of the biggest smiles he could and greeted the man with a short and sweet kiss. It looked so domestic for a kid of sixteen.
Kakashi knew he wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret and knew he had to come out from hiding and just say it, so with a deep breath, he got out of his hiding and knocked on the door that was just closed.
“Who the fudge is at the door?” Naruto asked shocked and scared holding Chōwa, knowing that only two other people should know where he is, but neither planned on coming by.
“Calm down. I’ll get it,” Iruka reassured the boy, opening the door to reveal Kakashi smiling happily.
“Hey, their!” the older ninja said happily, causing Naruto’s eyes to widen, giving his daughter to Kurama as he quickly vanished into one of the rooms.
“Is saying that I followed you and Iruka a bad response. I was worried about my little genin and wanted to make sure he was doing okay,” Kakashi said, guilt clearly hidden very well in his eyes.
“This could be a good opportunity to start letting people you trust in,” Iruka suggested, still not letting the man in the house.
“When did you become my therapist?” Naruto asked sarcastically.
“How about when I started to help, you’re every need when you were like five,” Iruka responded back sarcastically, the two truly did have a brother-like relationship with each other in the grey-haired ninja’s eyes.
“Fine but I still don’t want any of the rookies to know,” Naruto said with a threatening glare that promised pain if any of them were to say anything.
“I won’t say anything,” Kakashi promised, as Naruto sighed and relented, “Let him in,” Naruto said as Iruka moved out of the way, giving Kakashi a warning glare.
“Chōwa come here! I have someone I want you to meet!” Naruto yelled and Kakashi was once again truly surprised when a small child, who couldn’t be more than three ran right for Naruto.
“Papa who is this! Is this a new friend?” the girl, Chōwa, asked.
“Remember when Papa tells you stories about how he was as a child?” Naruto asked the girl.
“Yeah! You talk about so many people! The lazy one, the pink one! The one you said was emo!” Chōwa said happily, making Naruto laugh.
“Look at you and your good memory. Well, this man is someone from Papa’s stories. This is my teacher his name is Kakashi,” Naruto told her and when the girl looked at the grey-haired ninja, her big eyes looking right at his, Kakashi saw how they matched Naruto’s perfectly. The long red hair made her a true mix of what everyone thought Minato and Kushina’s kids were going to look like.
“Kashi?” Chōwa asked, “Is he going to be like big brother Iruka and teach me new things?” she asked excitedly.
“No,” Naruto quickly said, not leaving any room for argument. “Iruka is going to take over your studies, but Daddy is still going to be in charge of your training,” Naruto said, sticking with his original plan.
“Why don’t we train with Ojisan anymore?” Chōwa asked in her three-year-old innocence.
“Oji-san is trying to find a seal for me. He’s helping me cure Daddy of his illness,” Naruto told her.
“Oh Okay,” she said sadly, but Iruka, knowing that Naruto still had to explain the fox to him, quickly grabbed the girl and bought her to her room, not only to give the three privacies but also so he could start on the child’s studies.
“Remind me to tell Iruka thank you,” Naruto said leaning into the red-haired man.
“Him! I’ll remind you to thank me,” the red-haired man said shocked.
“Kakashi meet-,” Naruto started but was cut off by Kurama shoving his hand for a handshake finishing the sentence, “Kurama. My name is Kurama,”
“Kakashi,” the grey-haired ninja said, taking the hand. “Is she your daughter?” Kakashi asked Kurama.
The two men before him exchanged a look before Naruto gave a small nod, letting Kurama tell the whole truth. “Nope. I just raise her as if she’s my own. Naruto here is the true miracle worker,” Kurama praised as if he was a regular villager.
“Naruto! When did this happen?” Kakashi asked.
“When I was still in the village. I had a rough night. Jiraya and Tsunade knew so they took me out of the village for three years. In those years I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and fell in love all while reaching ANBU rank that was agreed on by both Tsunade and Gaara,” Naruto told him, sitting down on the couch, Kurama sitting with him, offering the side chair to Kakashi.
“You’re a boy! How can you give birth?” Kakashi asked.
“Nice of you to say, but I was born a girl. I hated it and decided to become a boy. Tsunade already said that she was going to start performing the surgeries I need when I reach the age of eighteen,” Naruto told him, trying to get more comfortable with being himself.
“So you knowingly slept with someone at that young of an age?!” Kakashi asked shocked, only for Kurama to interrupt him.
“Hey! You have no idea what he had to go through! Never assume that what happed that night was something Naruto wanted!” Kurama said harshly.
“It’s okay Rama. I’m fine. I’m still not going to talk about it, but I’m leaving it in the past. The kit is never going to meet that man and you already made sure no one will ever find him. Let’s just forget about that night,” Naruto said softly, trying to quickly stop a fight that could break out.
“So how are you sick and how did you meet Naruto?” Kakashi asked.
“I’ve known him all my life. Jiraya and Naruto are both trying to make a seal that will safely remove me from Naruto but keep me as human. I can only remain in this form if I’m sealed away. They said that they might have a solution, but I’m not sure how close they’ve gotten,” Kurama answered as Kakashi’s eyes widened.
“You’re the nine tails!” Kakashi said shocked.
“Sure am, and for what it’s worth I didn’t want to attack the village that night I was being controlled, but I already let Tsunade know and we’re working on fixing that. I honestly just want to live and be with my family,” Kurama said and as Kakashi looked in the fox’s eyes all he saw was true and raw honesty.
“So, what’s the plan?” Kakashi asked, referring to making Kurama at least somewhat human.
“Learning about Yamato has given me an idea. I can’t fully remove Kurama without dying so I need Yamato to make a small wooden square. I can make a seal to seal in large amounts of Chakra and Kurama can pulse large chunks into it, thus making a necklace that he can draw chakra from to remain in human form, and anytime it feels like it’s getting low we can just refuel it, but I think that if enough chakara goes in, like almost all of it, leaving just 1/12th of it within me it should be enough to last until Kurama has to be resealed again. This should make him human and with the right seal formations I can make it to where as long as he has the necklace he is basically just a human with a large amount of Chakra, the mental link will still remain,” Naruto explained, shocking his old teacher at how much thought was put into this.
“You’ve thought long and hard about this,” Kakashi said.
“Of course! It’s unfair to Chōwa to have one of her parents disappear at random times simply because he ran out of energy,” Naruto told him sternly.
“I understand,” Kakashi said calmly, not wanting to fight with the blonde.
“Are you going to tell anyone?” Kakashi asked the two.
“No, Naruto doesn’t want to tell anyone and I’ll respect his wishes,” Kurama answered smoothly.
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell anyone. I don’t want the council to know. If they know then they're going to do everything in their power to make me lose everything I have. I will not stand for it. I won’t lose my family to a bunch of heartless bastards,” Naruto said calmly.
“You’re not even going to tell your friends,” Kakashi asked him quietly.
“They’ll know one day, but they won’t know anytime soon,” Naruto answered smoothly.
“Well I guess I’ll leave, but I do expect you to be training tomorrow,” Kakashi said getting up, happy to know what’s going on in his student’s life.
“Don’t worry I’ll be there. Oh and Kakashi!” Naruto called out as the grey harried ninja already walked out the door, turning around to see what the blonde had to say.
“Chōwa’s birthday is in two days! You’re invited!” Naruto said and Kakashi hid the small smile on his face.
Kakashi met up with Iruka, the two ninjas making small talk as they stealthy made their way to the house hidden in the forest, now also concealed with hidden seals, making sure only those who have access can enter.
They knocked on the door, Kurama gladly greeting them the two Sanin already inside playing with the small child, now officially turning three.
“Ya know Naruto she can start school when she’s four,” Iruka calmly mentioned later as the girl just finished unwrapping all of her presents. Mostly containing ninja learning and training items such as blunted kunai, basic scrolls, and light weights that she can’t wear every day, but starting ones. She did also receive plenty of toys, books, and candy, everything that a toddler could want to make her happy. All the adults could see that she was clearly getting tired as she continued to stuff her face with cake.
“I don’t want her starting till she’s five. I already agreed to let each of you start taking her out in the village, but I don’t want her to be found out to be my child. That’s my main problem. I turn seventeen this year and next year I will officially be eighteen. The council will have almost zero control over me once that happens. She is free to go for a walk every now and then or even to the park, but I just can’t have her be seen with me and it breaks my heart,” Naruto told them, getting tired of explaining his reasoning.
“If we can make the council have no control of you, would you tell the world everything about her and Kurama?” Tsunade asked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
“Of course! I want to tell Sakura, Ino, and Hinata all about her so she can have fun female outings with my friends. I want her to know all about the bugs Shino has, how to play shogi from Shikamaru, to adopt a dog from the Inuzuka clan, just because there was a runt in the litter like their is every year. I want her to get to know my friends and my friends to know her and Kurama, but not while she is in danger of being taken from me. I am getting Kurama his seal when Yamoto gets back and then I’ll wait it out,” Naruto told them.
“I’ll get the wood necklace. Jiraya and you can start making the perfect seal. Kurama I am making this official mission. I want you to be human within one week of Yamato’s return. I will not stand to watch my grandchild and great-grandchild live in isolation!” Tsunade demanded, making everyone look at her surprised. “As for the council, I will take care of them and Kakashi Iruka make sure that all of them eat and take care of themselves in this process,” Tsunade ordered, clearly in Hokage mode.
“Yes ma’am!” All of them quickly said.
“What about Kurama’s citizenship?” Iruka asked.
“I’m about to go and start on the paperwork,” Tsunade said standing up, saying bye to the three-year-old, and leaving for the Hokage tower.
“I love that woman,” Jiraya said happily.
“Then ask her on a date before you lose her!” Naruto yelled at him as if they’ve had this talk before, the other two ninjas took a quick guess and said they had.
Yamato, Sakura, and Sai had finally returned, telling them everything that happened with the one tails being removed, Chiyo dying, Gaara still being alive and while Naruto was happy his friend was alive he was also happy he didn’t go on the mission but instead stayed.
“Sai and Sakura you’re both dismissed. Yamato I need you to remain here. Fox!” Tsunade screamed letting it known that this was going to be a private conversation with ANBU involved.
“My lady?” Yamato asked.
“Fox here needs a small piece of wood that is able to be disguised as a necklace but can also hold large amounts of chakra. Can you do it?” Tsunade asked him.
“Um why from me? If you don’t mind me asking,” Yamato asked.
“We need it to hold the nine tails chakra,” Tsunade said calmly.
“What! Are you crazy!” Yamato asked her shocked.
“Nope in fact this idea has been in the works for almost three or four years now. We just finally have all the seals and variables to make it work. Are you going to do it or not?” Tsunade asked.
“Yes Hokage,” Yamato said sadly as he concentrated and slowly made a small rectangle with a small hole at the top for a piece of string.
“Will this do?” Yamato asked.
“It’s perfect,” Fox’s voice said through the mask, grabbing the small block of wood.
“Thank you, Hokage. I’ll be with Jiraya making the perfect seal on this before he leaves for his trip,” Fox told her with a bow.
“I want that seal done by tonight and we will finish the chakra process tomorrow. Do you require Yamato to be there?” Tsunade asked.
“No, I only need the small circle that I already have. I have two sanin and two trusted ninjas on standby,” Fox told her as she sighed but let him go.
“Is he a new ANBU? I haven’t met him before?” Yamato asked, curious about the negativity targeted towards him.
“New to ANBU, yes. New to me, no,” Tsunade answered quickly dismissing him.
Naruto and Jiraya worked all day sealing the block of wood on both sides making it able to hold so much demon chakra. It wasn't long and the next day came.
Kakashi, Jiraya, and Tsunade were all on standby with Kurama inside Naruto, Chōwa was being held by Iruka a little ways off as a way to keep her out of the field.
With a deep breath, Naruto placed his hands on the piece of wood and focused on Kurama’s chakra pulsing it within the piece of wood, feeling the chakra drain from him until he heard Kurama’s voice in his head say stop. A warning that Naruto has the bare minimum of nine tails Chakra within him.
Tired and out of breath naruto took a piece of string and pulled it through the block of wood, Kurama appearing beside him, still using the Chakra within Naruto until the necklace was placed over his head, letting him fully use that chakra as a way to maintain his human form.
With orders from Jiraya he took his shirt off as the Sanin quickly made seals on both his back and stomach, making a fully functional chakra system within his human body that not only still connects him to Naruto but lets the necklace have a neverending supply of his own personal chakra, only to work with him, Naruto, or Chōwa.
“I can officially say that the nine tails is as human as we’re gonna get him. If the supply of chakra runs out, and only if he will return to Naruto, both will be fine. His human part should still have the seals I made on him so all he needs to do is have Naruto resupply the necklace,” Jiraya explained, Naruto leaning into Kurama, fully out of breath.
“I can walk around the village now!” Kurama said happily.
“I can’t change your features. You will have to do that with a henge, but your chakra flow should  act like a human’s. You can experience exhaustion but all you need is sleep and food. Just like us old regular ninja. You might need to retrain a few things, but overall it is still your nine tails chakra within your body,” the old sanin told him.
“Daddy is healed now!” Chōwa said escaping Iruka’s grip and running towards them, letting Kurama lift her up.
“Yep, Daddy is healed now Ko! Papa might need a small nap, but nothing that a day’s rest can’t fix,” Kurama told her happily.
“Good thing we did this at night. Let’s get him to bed,” Kakashi and Iruka agreed, letting the nine tails hold his daughter as the other two grabbed Naruto, bringing him to his bed.
“Kurama, I expect you to report in my office first thing in the morning. I have some papers for you to sign,” Tsunade told him as the fox gave a big thumbs up.
“Can you still turn into a fox?” Chōwa asked him.”
“I’m not sure. I’ll have to find out tomorrow, for now, let’s get you to bed,” Kurama told her, playing with her a little to make her laugh.
“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Chōwa she asked.
“Of course, Ko,” Kurama cuddled with his two favorite people in the world, all three of them sleeping peacefully throughout the night.
The past year was hard on the small family, with not only Asuma dying but also Jiraya dying on a mission. Naruto broke down crying as he told Chōwa, but the poor girl didn’t understand that death was final.
“Daddy! Papa is crying! Oji is going to be back! He always comes back!” Chōwa said, tears coming to her eyes because her papa was crying.
“Oh, baby! C’mere,” Kurama told her as she ran to his arms and he held her close. “You’re Ojisan was a brave man, but that’s all he was. A man. You know how everything has life. Take for example the flowers?” Kurama asked her, leaving Naruto alone in his room to mourn, Kurama had already called Iruka and the two talked about a plan.
“Yeah their so pretty!” Chōwa said excitedly.
“Well, you know when they well they die their no longer here?” Kurama asked her, holding the now four-year-old close.
“Yeah,” she said sadly.
“Well, Ojisan is like those pretty flowers right now,” Kurama told her softly as she cried, sad little tears showing her understanding of death.
“It’s not all sad. Yes, we lost Ojisan and we will miss him dearly, but do you know what happens to those flowers after they die?” Kurama asked her.
Chōwa’s small frame shook no. “Well, we die, but like the flowers that die something pretty and beautiful is able to be born from the loss we have to bear,” Kurama told her, a sad smile on his face, trying to be brave for his little girl.
“Will papa be, okay?” the four-year-old asked, leaning her head on the old fox.
“Yeah, sweetie. Your Ojisan was an important person to Papa, but he just needs time. He’ll be fine,” Kurama told her, gently rocking her to sleep.
It was as he was rocking her that Naruto came out of the room.
“Where are you going?” Kurama asked her, picking up Chōwa to bring her to her room as Naruto went for the door.
“Out,” was all the information Naruto wanted to give, but he knew it wouldn’t be that easy.
“You can’t go chasing after Jiraya’s killer,” Kurama told him, turning around to quietly place the little girl in her bed, shutting the door and turning around.
“Shikamaru was able to get his revenge! Why can’t I get mine!?” Naruto asked him angrily.
“Wasn't it you who told Sasuke that revenge isn’t worth losing your friends and family over? If Pain ever crosses paths from you, I won’t stop you from destroying him, but I will not let you just leave and go after him,” Kurama told him sternly.
“I’m not going after Pain. . .I just need to walk around. . .to clear my head,” Naruto told him, giving the fox a hug.
“Well I know you might not want to, but I think Iruka might want to talk to you,” Kurama told him softly, letting the blonde walk out the door.
“I promise to still be here tomorrow,” Naruto told him sadly.
“I know you do Kit,” Kurama said happily.
The village was torn apart. So many good ninjas are dead. So many families are gone. The only ones left were a few of the rookie nine, a few other ninjas. Konoha didn’t know what they were going to do. Those left were watching Hinata fight off the pain but the fight, while a good one that proved Hinata’s worth, was over too soon with her passed out, giving Naruto enough time to gather some strength.
Kurama was too busy with his own opponent, luckily it didn’t take him long and he was able to rush over to the main battle to see how Naruto was holding up.
It was as Kurama rushed that he was able to notice a change in the battlefield. Naruto was no longer there, but Pain was still standing and in his peripheral vision he noticed it. One of the few things that could truly scare Kurama.
One of the Pains was holding his daughter. The daughter that he helped raise since she was born. He was holding her upside down as he put his hands on her and took her life away. At this point in time the Rookie noticed that he was on the main part of the battlefield ready to fight but didn’t know what he was staring at, Sakura was the first to notice, running towards the child, trying to help her, but Kurama knew she was gone.
“You killed her! You killed my daughter! I’m going to make you pay!” Kurama screamed, tears running down his face, not paying attention to the chakra he released as he fully turned into the nine tails, fully intending to kill the man.
The ninjas left alive didn’t know if they should attack or help the fox, seeing as he was on their side, but it was as they could see Naruto walk back into the village that they saw his face transform as he ran towards the fox, but also the village hidden in the leaves saw multiple lights shine down and go into everyone that had died in the battle and the blonde was able to calm the fox, turning him back into a man, a man that was still crying harsh, angry, and sad tears.
“Fox it’s okay. What happened?” Naruto asked him, as the fox crawled walked over to where Chōwa’s body lay and picked her up.
“I tried to save her! I really did!” Kurama said, tears streaming down his face, the village all forming a circle around the two, wondering what was going on. The rookie nine, and their teachers were front and center watching the scene unfold, the two holding the small four-year-old child as they cried, but soon one last light floated down and landed within the small girl.
“Daddy? Papa?” the girl said softly.
“We’re here kit!” Naruto said, instantly grabbing onto her, holding her close as he cried sad tears.
“Papa my head hurts!” the girl said, as Kurama joined the two in a hug, “Not you to Daddy. Let me go!” the small girl tried to wiggle out of their grips.
“Everyone move!” Iruka’s voice came out strong, making his way to the center of the circle. “Is she okay?” Iruka asked nervously.
“Uncle Iruka! Save me! Daddy and Papa are squishing me!” Chōwa screamed in complaining.
“Uh, Naruto who is this?” Kiba asked.
“Was that the nine tails?” Sakura asked.
“Why does she call you Papa?” Hinata asked.
It seemed like all the rookies had a question to ask him, but all he did was sigh and stand up, the fox following him.
“Iruka, can you bring the ones who matter later?” Naruto asked, not seeing the older ninja shake his head as he ran towards the direction of the forest, not leaving any room for anyone to follow him, knowing Kakashi and Iruka were blocking anyone from following them.
It was later that night that Kakashi and Iruka knocked on the door, the rookie nine along with Kurenai, Yamato, and Might Guy were behind them, questions still boiling in their heads that the two ninjas refused to answer.
The door was quickly opened by, who Shikamaru has already figured out to be, the nine tails fox, and they were let in, chairs set out for everyone to take a seat.
As they entered they saw Naruto holding the same small girl he was running with earlier.
“Naruto let Iruka take her. She’ll be fine. She’s safe here,” Kurama told the blonde, easing the squirming toddler out of Naruto’s hands.
“Thank you for rescuing me, daddy! Can I go play now?” Chōwa asked too much pent-up energy in her for her to take a nap.
“Of course, sweetie, but Iruka has to be with you,” Kurama warned her as she ran off, the older ninja following her to her room as Kurama comforted Naruto.
“So, who’s that?” Kiba asked suddenly.
“Her name is Chōwa and she’s, my daughter!” Naruto said harshly, eyes glowing yellow for a split second. “I need to check on her!” Naruto said standing up but was stopped by both Kurama and Kakashi.
“Naruto she is fine. I have full faith in Iruka to watch over her, don’t you?” Kurama asked.
“Of course, I do! It’s just. . .my little girl died today. I saw you go crazy and didn’t know what had happened. I felt your sorrow from the other side of the woods. I saw you cradling her cold body and my whole world crashed. I can’t lose my family,” Naruto told him, tears forming, the others feeling awkward, witnessing a private moment.
“You’re not going to lose us. You have me, Iruka, Kakashi, Tsunade, and all your friends now. We will all watch over her and help you. You can finally tell every one of your pride and joy. Tsunade is even taking care of the council for you,” Kurama told him that helped Naruto takes a deep breath and smile.
“You’re right. I’ve wanted this for so long and now I can freely tell everyone so who has questions?” Naruto asked.
“How old is she?” Ino asked, noticing her pink-haired friend is still in shock.
“She just turned five and is still a handful, but I love her with all of my heart,” Naruto told them, fully letting his emotions about his daughter run free.
“What’s her name?” Hinata asked quietly, sad that she knows her chances of being with Naruto are gone, but happy to be there for him.
“Her name is Chōwa Namikaze,” Naruto answered quickly noticing the surprises, including Kakashi who had never heard the child’s last name, assuming it was Uzumaki.
“Namikaze? As in the fourth? Why does she have that name?” Kiba asked, confused.
“Well, the fourth was my father. I should be able to use his name however I please,” Naruto answered, not giving it a second thought.
This quickly called the rookie nine to burst into outrage, but Yamato had a question about a different person in the room. A suspicion that he just needed to clarify. “Naruto who is this red-headed man?” Yamato asked nervously.
“Oh Hi! I’m Kurama! I’m Chōwa’s other parent,” Kurama answered nicely, with a hand wave.
“No. I mean who are you?” Yamato asked with a glare, that Kurama was happy to return.
“I’m Chōwa’s father and that’s the only thing that matters,” Kurama said, trying to stop this from turning into an argument.
“You’re the nine-tailed fox,” Yamato said harshly, ready to beat the man to a pulp.
“So, what if I am! Do you see anyone else here worried? Look at Naruto, who is still alive might I add. He’s not worried about me! I’m always worried about him! I’ve been there for him for as long as I can remember. I’ve watched over and protected him. I am not here to hurt the village. I’m here to protect my family,” Kurama said harshly as Yamato was about to attack but Kakashi quickly put a hand on the ninja’s should and shook his head no. The message was clear, stand down.
“Yamato remember that block of wood you made last year?” Naruto asked.
“Of course, I was against the idea,” Yamato said, letting his feelings fully out.
“You were the main part that played in helping to make Kurama as human as he can be while keeping us both connected. It’s because of you he can remain in this form and have his own chakra system,” Naruto told him as the older ninja went wide-eyed.
“It doesn’t matter if you don’t approve, but please while in my presence or within my family keep your opinions to yourself,” Naruto told him, going back to the others in the room.
“Naruto how do you have a child?” Sakura asked quietly, the one question everyone was thinking.
“C’mon now Sakura. You’ve studied under Tsunade sure you know,” Naruto said with a laugh, trying to change the topic and keep the mood light, Kurama’s hand on his side helping to keep his mind in the present.
“Naruto I’m serious!” Sakura told him harshly, truly worried for a person she has seen as a brother, as part of her family.
“It’s one of the reason’s I waited to tell you guys. I’m what you call trans. I was originally born a girl, but I know for a fact that I’m a boy. Before I went with Jiraya I had a run-in with some nasty villagers. They found out I wasn't originally a boy and let’s just say it was a bad night. I found out I was pregnant not too long after. Jiraya, Tsunade, and Iruka all knew and helped me get everything I needed together. Jiraya and Tsunade planned to take me out of the village, then Tsunade and Iruka traveled and met with me and Jiraya their she delivered my baby and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I couldn’t bear the thought of getting rid of her so I kept her. Tsunade and Iruka helped build this house for us while I was training with Jiraya and she’s happy. She doesn’t know who her real father is, but that doesn’t matter. Kurama is her father and that’s all that she needs to know,” Naruto told them as his friend's eyes went rigid.
“Naruto,” Sakura said softly, walking up to give her friend. . . her brother a hug, Ino, Hinata, and Tenten following quickly behind, the girls feeling the need to hug the ninja.
“Who is it? I’ll kill him,” Neji said quickly, ready to beat the man to a pulp with the help of Lee.
“Their’s no need. Kurama already took care of him. He’s never going to see the light of day again,” Naruto reassured him.
“Can we meet her?” Tenten asked, hope-filled in her eyes as Naruto laughed.
“Chōwa come in here sweetie!” Naruto called out, as the red-headed child ran at full speed to Kurama.
“Daddy! Is papa gonna trap me again?” Chōwa asked as Kurama laughed.
“Papa was just worried about you sweetie. Something bad happened and while you don’t remember it you really scared papa and me,” Kurama said softly to her as everyone in the room saw the love the nine tails held for his daughter.
“Okay,” the five-year-old said defeated as she walked towards Naruto, causing the blonde to smile.
“Chōwa I want you to meet my friends,” Naruto told her as she was introduced to all of them.
“Papa does this mean I can go to school now!?” Chōwa asked excitedly, Iruka having a soft smile on his face at the question.
“No,” Naruto said softly, the others surprised at his reaction.
“When can I go to school,” Chōwa whined.
“I told you already baby girl. Baachan is getting the council sorted out. The second they no longer become a problem you can go to school.”
“Really!” Chōwa jumped up and down from excitement.
“Really,” Naruto promised. “Why don’t you take this time to meet your aunt and uncles. This is Shika, Chogi.”
“Hey, my name starts with Cho!” she said excitedly as she ran towards said ninja, making him laugh as he bounced and played with her.
“Such a smart girl you are. That is your uncle Neji, Aunt Ten, this is your godmother Sakura, that is if she wants to be?” Naruto asked her sheepishly.
“Wait! I’m her godmother!?” Sakura started to freak out.
“I couldn’t think of anyone better for the job. I did actually name her godfather Shikamaru. If you two don’t want it though I can choose someone else!” Naruto was quick to change.
“NO!” both voices shouted, stopping the blonde from going into a panic.
“I’d be honored to be her godmother Naruto,” Sakura’s face blossomed into a smile.
“It’ll be troublesome, but I guess somethings are worth it,” Shikamaru pretended to not care, only making the blonde laugh.
“This is you Aunt Hina, Ino, Uncle Kiba, and last is your uncle Lee,” Naruto had a smile on his face as all his friends passed around his little girl, making her laugh and have the time of her life.
“I’m glad that you finally told me your big secret,” Sakura told him later that night, the two talking in private right outside the house, still able to see everyone having fun.
“I wanted to tell you forever. All of you. I had to wait and not let the secret get out. If the council found out they could have taken her away from me and she is my whole world. I’m officially eighteen now and Tsunade has been working on freeing me from the council’s hands. They would have her be raised as the next container and proceed to kill me because I’ve been compromised,” Naruto explained to her.
“Naruto it’s okay. I understand. I’m happy you told me, but now you can’t give me any excuses. I missed my brother,” Sakura put her head on his shoulder.
“I missed my sister. I know I promised to go after Saskue, but I can’t risk that. Maybe if the promise can wait a few years?” Naruto looked at her, waiting for an answer.
“Screw Saskue. I have a feeling if he never betrayed us, he would be named the godfather instead of Shikamaru. Saskue lost his chance with us, and he doesn’t deserve to be in this village with my perfect niece. Speaking of Tomorrow I’m taking her shopping,” Naruto could tell it wasn’t her asking for permission.
“I won’t say no, but can I ask why?”
“Well, she is five. I have five years of birthdays and Christmas gifts to get caught up on. We all do so might as well do mine first so they can be the best,” A snarky smile appeared on her face, making Naruto laugh, slowly she joined him.
“What are you two still doing out here?” Kurama asked, poking his head out the door.
“Just taking a breath of fresh air Rama! We’ll be in, in a minute!” Naruto called back.
“You really do love him.” It was a wonderful observation, from two sentences.
“Of course. Rama is my partner, not just with this seal, but for life.”
“Well one of you better pop that damn question soon or I’ll do it for both of you!” Sakura yelled the last part running inside, making the blonde chase her.
It was the moment Naruto ran into the house as he saw all of his friends and family in his home with his lover and daughter did he realize how truly happy he was in the moment.
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justnaruhina · 4 months
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What is going on in Boruto?! Naruto and Hinata using KCM/being freaky in bed is how Hima got Kurama?!😭
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ladykissingfish · 1 year
Sasuke: Big brother, I hesitate to ask you this because I don’t want to be in your personal business, but … what’s your orientation?
Itachi: My orientation? Well right now I’d guess I’m facing about north, maybe north-east, so —
Sasuke: No! I mean, um, w-what kind of people do you like? Romantically?
Itachi: Oooh. Why do you wish to know?
Sasuke: I just wanted to know if, maybe, you ever liked boys? Like if that was a normal thing or completely weird? I tried to talk to father about this but all he did was clear his throat a bunch of times and tell me to do some push-ups. 
Itachi: … is this about that blonde boy that you hang out with? The one in your genin squad?
Sasuke, blushing: N-no! Why would this be about that idiot?! He’s annoying and a loser and —
Madara, from behind his paper: In other words, you’re ready to propose marriage.
Itachi: Not helping, gramps. Sasuke, it’s completely normal and okay to have feelings for any and all types of people, regardless of gender. You shouldn’t decide whether you want a person based on what parts they do or don’t have; it should be based on their personality, their kindness, their interests, their soul.
Madara: For God’s sake, just because the boy is gay doesn’t mean you need to turn him into a sissy as well!
Itachi: Grandfather!
Madara: Listen, Sasuke. You go up to this boy and claim him, you hear me? Uchihas are conquerors, and we don’t easily lose. Lay waste to your competition and take what’s yours. This young man, what is his name?
Sasuke: Naruto Uzumaki. He’s —
Madara: UZUMAKI?! He’s from that treacherous clan?! Fuck that, stay far away from that boy and anything related to him! You’ll only end up heartbroken and alone!
Itachi: … grandfather. Just because you had one teeny tiny bad experience with an Uzumaki doesn’t mean that —
Madara: UZUMAKI MITO STOLE HASHIRAMA FROM ME, boy!! All because he liked her stupid red hair and her stupid nine-tails!
Sasuke: Actually Naruto has the Fox inside of him now, grandpa.
Madara: *unleashes an unholy shriek, sets the curtains on fire, and stomps out*
Sasuke: Just once. Just ONCE I’d like to be able to walk in here, ask for advice, and hear something both helpful and normal. Just. Freaking. ONCE.
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ambigirl · 3 months
Thinking about Naruto's closest bonds from his childhood till he became adult, ppl who always supported him and always have his back🫶🏻💕
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shirii · 11 months
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hinata & mini kurama doodle 🦊💜
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beginnings2022 · 10 months
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Naruto, in bed: Sasuke!!!! Can you come in here??
Sasuke: What is it, dobe? I’m trying to shave.
Naruto: Have I told you lately that I love you? My big, strong, handsome —
Sasuke: What do you want?
Naruto: I can’t just compliment you? I can’t just express my love and devotion for you? You have no trust in me? That hurts, dattebayo.
Sasuke: … sorry. *gets into bed and puts his arms around Naruto* You know I love you, too. More than anything in the world, and —
Kurama, speaking from inside Naruto: Naruto, just tell him already, you idiot.
Sasuke: Tell me what?
Naruto: Well, um … it’s no big deal, really. It’s, uh, I was looking at the window because I heard the birds chirping, right? And while I was looking, a … a spider crawled in and went under the bookshelf …
Sasuke: That’s it?? You’re a grown man, Naruto. You’re the Hokage, for sage’s sake! Get up, find a shoe, and kill it!
Naruto: I … I would, but you know Kurama is scared of spiders and won’t let me get too close, so —
Kurama: Bullshit! I’m not the one who shrieked like a baby when he saw it come in!
Naruto, blushing: I did NOT shriek like a baby! And anyways you’re my personal guard, right Sasuke?? Isn’t it your job to protect me from enemies and threats?
Sasuke, sighing and getting out of bed: Fine, fine; I’ll get it. *picks up a sandal off the floor and carefully moves the bookcase*
Sasuke: … usuratonkachi? Was the spider you saw the size of a fist?
Naruto: Yeah.
Sasuke: With visible fangs?
Naruto: Yes.
Sasuke: And making a weird growling noise?
Naruto: That’s the one.
Sasuke: I see. *calmly moves the bookshelf back into place and gets up into bed, shaking like a leaf* In a situation like this, there’s only one sensible thing to do.
Naruto: I already tried calling Sakura but she’s in the middle of doing a surgery!
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ultimateanna · 1 year
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Naruto Gaiden: Whirlwind in the Vortex - Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki
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angelsyrip · 13 days
glad i stayed alive to watch naruto grow up.
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keijidraws · 1 year
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MinaKushi Week - Day 3 Prompt Modern AU
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Just some quick color. H had many aggressive suggestions on what colors they should have. I’m thankful honestly, because sometimes I feel so uninspired.
I’m working on more for the MinaKushi week. Hoping to have another one done today if my real job calms down a bit. Yesterday was a wash with how crazy things were and I got bummed because of news of our house we’re building. Love you guys!! 💕
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monstersmashorpass · 8 months
SMASH OR PASS: Kyuubi Kurama, Naruto Series
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Please reblog for greater sample size, as per usual!
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justnaruhina · 1 year
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"Thank you for appearing in my life"
New Naruhina illustration from the Naruto mobile game (info cr to WendyMB94 on twitter)
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ladykissingfish · 5 months
Sasuke: Oi, dobe, can I ask you a question? A kinda weird question? Naruto: Yeah? Sasuke, blushing: When ... when me and you ... have ... you know? Is Kurama watching us? Naruto, also blushing: Now there's a thought I didn't need in my head, dattebayo! Sasuke: It's just, I started to think about it last night and -- Kurama, speaking from inside Naruto: Don't worry, brat. My highly superior brain is able to block out any moments that I believe Naruto would not want me to see. This includes him using the bathroom, and -- and what the two of you do. Sasuke, breathing out a sigh of relief: Thank God. Naruto: See, Sasuke? Kurama is a pretty cool guy, isn't he? He's always -- Kurama: Of course, BEFORE me and you became friends, I wasn’t quite so respectful of your personal life. In fact, me and the other tailed beasts had bets going on how long it would take you to realize you were gay. *sighs* That stupid Tanuki beat me by two years; he noticed the way you were looking at that Gaara-brat. Naruto: Sasuke: … GAARA?! Naruto:
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vxmpire-vxlle · 4 months
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paranoiart · 5 months
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Naruto Uzumaki with the fox miraculous!
(I’ve already drawn Sasuke with the Black Cat miraculous, and Sakura with the Ladybug miraculous, so this completes the trio)
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What would his hero name be? I was thinking Kurama (I know, it’s basic) but if anyone had a better idea for his hero name, let me know
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beginnings2022 · 1 year
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