#nathalie! your son needs you!
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Son, this is not healthy. I get you’re not a model anymore, but binge eating is not the answer. Someone send help.
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zoe-oneesama · 5 months
Why does the fandom think Nathalie cares about Adrien? She's always all monotone indifference and "this is what your father says/wants". Yet the fandom likes leaving Adrien in her care post-hawkmoth sometimes? If you're really gonna read into things like that let's praise the one adult who DOES care about him- his bodyguard! Remember how the mere sight of him was enough to calm him down enough to thwart Hawkmoth's intentions in the gigantitan episode?
But no seriously I'm so bad at noticing these things- why do people think she cares about more than Gabriel?
Welp, she is the reason Gabriel let Adrien go to school according to Origins Part 2, and then we got the Great Hiatus to let that one tiny moment of feelings sit and fester in the fandom brain.
And Season 5 definitely did it's hardest to frame Nathalie as Here For Adrien, so it's like the whole series is bookended by That version of Nathalie.
But I get the confusion, Nathalie's been all over the damn place. Different Seasons characterize her almost like adjacent sister versions of herself? Like not a TOTALLY different person, but different enough that I'm worried about body snatchers lol. I pretty much compartmentalize Nathalie according to the season:
Season 1 - Belligerent Assistant who's job description does not and should not include taking care of her boss's son yet here she freaking is.
Season 2 - Reveal that she's totally In-The-Know, her indifference has reached knew levels of being just outright negligent, she is officially culpable.
Season 3 - Team Rocket era where she is fully into the evil dramatics. Also the gross fun addition of her officially being In Love™️with her boss and being angsty about it despite her bringing it upon herself. Also girl he's so crusty get some standards.
Season 4 - Bedridden bionic woman. Was it worth it? WAS IT WORTH IT?!
Season 5 - Pissed off divorcee era. She is actively picking fights and weaponizing the children at her not-ex, and while I'm side eyeing the last 4 seasons, I am here for this level of sass while she scoffs at Gabriel being his Worst Self™️. Too bad about the whole Dying thing but hey. You gotta make up for...all of that other stuff, right?
She's just kinda doomed to not be a cohesive character. I do like her heel turn in Season 5, especially because she was RIGHT, Gabriel had THE OPPORTUNITY to save not only Emilie but also Nathalie and threw it away because he wants to throw hands with teenagers. I too would walk away after that spectacular display of failure. I kinda wish she had someone to talk to, like even Duusu, just to explain that the only reason she hasn't exposed Gabriel altogether is because he'd definitely expose her as well and then Adrien'd be left alone. Like it's easy to infer that, but in a kids show, stuff like motivations kinda need to be laid out neatly.
Cuz otherwise it leaves it open ended - is she covering to spare Adrien from being essentially orphaned, or is she covering to save her own ass? After the 5ish versions of her, either interpretation is fair.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 5 months
ML What if
(What if it was Adrien that confronted Monarch not Marinette?)
-Marinette had learned the secret, but unlike in canon, the nightmares were far too much for her.
-as for Adrien, having been exposed to the nightmare longer. He realized he couldn’t just sit around. He needed to get home. He needed to talk with his father.
-thanks to Plagg’s meddling. He managed to get out of his room. Transform and escape.
-Marinette realized she couldn’t deal with the nightmares, but someone needed to go. She told Tikki to find Chat noir.
-With Adrien missing, Gabriel delayed his plan. He wanted to ensure Adrien was secure before phase two.
-Chat noir made it to Paris. He needed to confront his father.
-but part of him figured it would be best to sneak in.
-The event of Nathalie trying to stop Gabriel happened the same, but Adrien saw it was Monarch, and was shocked at the reveal.
-After he left he went to Nathalie. Who told Chat noir about the video.
-Chat noir detransformed, showing Nathalie his face.
-Nathalie cried, apologizing to him… but told him not to tell his father. He will use his power over him to get his ring.
-“Power? What power?”
-Nathalie collapsed (presumably dead.)
-Adrien took the phone and watched the video. He learned the truth.
-Gabriel realized he couldn’t delay any longer. He went to phase two. The Miraculized start honing in.
-Adrien told Plagg he knew what he needed to do.
-He transformed.
-He left a message for ladybug. But he didn’t realize Ladybug had sent Tikki to find a replacement.
-Alya declined Tikki like she did Plagg in canon.
-When the Miraculized arrived, Tikki found the portal and found Adrien.
-Adrien ending up detransformed in the kitchen. Holding his arm in pain.
-Monarch had found chat noir, hiding in the sink.
-He was shocked, finding out his own son was chat noir, only to laugh.
-“At least this makes it easier. Adrien, as your father I order you to hand over the miraculous.”
-Adrien stood up.
-“Tikki, Plagg, Unify.”
-Punch! Monarch went flying back.
-“Adrien! How are you defying me!?”
-“Noir Bug. And I’m not letting you hurt anyone else!”
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tumblingxelian · 4 months
I went and did a lil reviewing and its very interesting to look at Lila's situation regarding Catalyst and there's some fun observations to make in a vacuum.
1: This girls room has tons of masks.
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I know that isn't a major thing but given what we know of her its like, "So you just wanna shout that you have a complicated relationship with identity is that it?!"
2: Her mom does work at the embassy
On the surface she seems nice enough if maybe very busy given she says she'll "Try" and be back before dinner. One can take Lila growling once she's gone as directed at Ladybug or her mother, or both.
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But the dynamic also feels 'weird' & Lila's clearly used to instantly masking whatever she's actually feeling around her.
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Assuming a "No child is born super evil" read, I'd say that either she is like Andre in that she can performatively show affection. But is not actually there for their child when they need it. In this case likely having failed Lila at some major interval that left a deep divide.
Or that she's one of those parents who can seem very nice and reasonable but if angered or offended or disgusted react very, very badly. I'd actually say this one feels the most likely given it would contextualize Lila's deceptive habits very neatly.
3: How much did she know?
The question of if Lila was "In on it" or a willing participant in the scheme is interesting. Cos its obvious she didn't know Gabriel's identity. But more to the point, thats he clearly wasn't even expecting Hawk Moth to come for her given she was surprised.
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Like there is no one to be performing for here, that is genuine shock.
However, we all see her smirking after Hawk Moth has the Akuma leave her. But its worth noting she wasn't purified, the Butterfly just left. So while its obviously a headcanon I do feel the shift from shock and panic to stoic confidence is weird enough to thin it could mean more than just Lila is the devil.
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Also is it just me or do her eyes seem more lifeless?
We do have Gabriel's dialogue to go off:
Hawk Moth: Fly away, my little akuma and evilize the one who's been waiting your return for so long.
But we've also seen him call Chloe his favorite "Victim" and its not exactly uncommon for people taking advantage of others to frame their victim as a willing participant.
With that in mind!
4: Oh they were 100% grooming Lila, yikes
So, we know from season 3 that Gabriel & Nathalie were fine undermining Chloe's mental health to the point of sabotage, gaslighting and hostage taking.
Thus it is perhaps no surprise they were doing the same with Lila.
Don't believe me? They have literal cameras on a fourteen year old and have clearly been keeping her under observation in their own words, for months!
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Nathalie: (Hands Gabriel her tablet) Lila has been harboring her rage against Ladybug for months, and today wherever she looks, she'll see the object of her hatred, and as predicted, her anger will reach devastating heights. Your plan is perfect, sir.
But more pointedly is what is not said, or more, what is talked around, see this exchange:
Lila: (scrolls through laptop) Liar! Traitor! Coward! (comes across an interview with Gabriel Agreste and Nadja Chamack) Gabriel: (on the laptop) In honor of the wonderful Ladybug who has saved my son Adrien and myself, and who relentlessly protects all of us everyday, I have financed this tribute to Ladybug. Because Ladybug is the only true hero unlike her mediocre imitations, such as Volpina. Lila: (screams with rage and throws her laptop against a wall) I hate you, Ladybug!
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Cue laptop against wall and then crying on the floor, again there is no one to perform for here, this has to be a genuine reaction.
What stands out to me is Lila's choice of words: Liar! Traitor! Coward!
If she was just angry he praised Ladybug & insulted Volpina these words don't make any sense. But they make a ton of sense if Gabriel or someone representing her contacted Lila about her time as Volpina.
(It does not seem Paris is aware she was an Akuma)
Likely telling her about Heroes' Day or otherwise framing themselves as very interested and impressed with Volpina saving Paris from that meteor. Only so they could have Gabriel twist the knife in on an interview.
That's just an assumption but if not, why not call Gabriel a jerk and a fool or something, traitor and coward have very specific connotations that don't make sense unless she'd been led to believe Gabriel thought highly of Volpina,
Hell, how would they even know she'd find the interview unless she knew to look for it?
Yes yes, story contrivances, but if we want to base out logic in universe, Nathalie & Gabriel preyed again on an isolated and to one degree or another neglected as well as troubled child. Fed into her many issues, likely helping foster her isolation & resentments, just to betray and humiliate her for the purpose of using her as a weapon.
That is deeply fucked up, especially when you consider that they were spying on her and she has no idea any of this is happening!
All in all, I think its quite reasonable to read Lila as a fourteen year old taken advantage of and steadily warped by adults' who were using her for their own gain as opposed to someone just born evil.
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runawaycatwalker · 10 days
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Part 30. The Return
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Description below the cut
Nathalie scrolls through photos on her tablet.  The pictures of Adrien have all been replaced by a white void.
Nathalie (internally): Aside from a few unprofessional photos, it seems Adrien has been wiped from the record.
Nathalie looks off to the side, frowning in anticipation.
Nathalie (internally): Gabriel won't be pleased.  Any moment, he's going to burst through that door and—
Gabriel bursts open the doors to Nathalie’s room.
Nathalie (internally): Nathalie!
Nathalie (aloud): *sigh* Yes, sir?
Gabriel: I need you to arrange an immediate flight!
Gabriel prances about in dancing delight.
Nathalie: A... flight?
Gabriel: My akuma found Adrien!  And then she immediately lost him, but I have my son's last known location now!  And!  We went near that area when we were all travelling the world!  It'll just be one quick trip to grab him, and he'll be back where he belongs!
Nathalie revolves what she knows around her head before coming to a decision.
Nathalie (internally): So, Adrien is retracing our footsteps?  He knows something about Emile, so is he just looking for answers?  Or is he seeking something we missed that could help her?  Regardless...
Nathalie (aloud): I'm coming with you.
Gabriel waves his hand indignantly.
Gabriel: Absolutely not!  You aren't fit for the expeditions we used to go on anymore!  You can't jeopardize your health traipsing up mountains!
Nathalie looks at him with steely resolve.
Nathalie: It's Adrien.  I'm coming, Gabriel.  You're going to have me there at your back whether you like it or not.
Gabriel adjusts his jacket in defeat.
Gabriel: Fine.  I won't waste any more time arguing with you.  You may come.
Nathalie: Very good, sir.  I'll make the call.
Gabriel looks down at Nathalie appreciatively.
Gabriel: Your loyalty is truly admirable, Nathalie.
Nathalie: ...  I do what I must.
Cut to the rooftop where Chat Noir once prepared a candlelit surprise for Ladybug.  A “Find Adrien” billboard is on display there (the spot where Adrien was once depicted replaced with white void), with all the lights that would illuminate it broken except for the one on the end.  At the dark end of the billboard, Chat Noir sits on the ground, waiting.
A close-up of Ladybug’s feet ‘plop’-ing to the ground.  Chat Noir turns his head to look behind him in excitement.
Chat Noir: M'lady!
Ladybug holds up a warding hand and holds tight to her yo-yo, making Chat stop his attempt to greet her in its tracks.
Ladybug: Stay back.
Chat Noir: M'lady?
Ladybug grips her yo-yo in her hands.
Ladybug: I need to know that you're not some sort of trick.  I need to know you're you.
Chat Noir looks at Ladybug with a need to fulfill her every request.  Ladybug’s head is shown from behind as the free parts of her hair blow in the wind.
Chat Noir: What do you need me to do?
Ladybug: I need you to remember.
Ladybug, eyes still obscured by blowing hair, holds up yo-yo defensively.
Ladybug: What conditions did you give the Celestial Guardian for relinquishing your miraculous?
Chat Noir: Hmm.  I don't remember giving him my conditions.
Ladybug: That's your answer?
Chat Noir holds out his hand invitingly.
Chat Noir: Well, I don't count telling Su-Han to 'come and get it'.  You're the one I gave my conditions to: That if I have to give up my miraculous, I will.  But only if you ask me to.
Ladybug rushes Chat Noir with a hug, throwing his arms around his neck, as he embraces her with a smile.  Images of them together are shown in the background: Ladybug smiling as she hugs Chat and he nestles his face in her hair; Chat holding Ladybug up in the air in front of him as she holds his face in her hands; Chat Noir swinging Ladybug in a circle as she grabs onto him and lets her legs fly outwards around them, Chat smiling as he holds Ladybug close.
Ladybug: That's right, Chat.  And I never asked you to.
Chat Noir: You would have.  I know you've given other heroes exceptions before, but me?  You'd never.  I knew it the moment Mayura recognized me: I'd have to go.
Ladybug and Chat cry in each other’s arms.
Ladybug: But I never even got the chance to say goodbye.  You were just gone and I had no idea if I'd ever see you again. I’ve missed you so much, Chat.
Chat Noir: I’ve missed me too.
Ladybug boops Chat’s nose with a teasing glint in her eye.  Chat gives her a playful grin.
Ladybug: Hold on... did you just say you missed you too?
Chat Noir: Hey, I'm very missable!
Ladybug: Ha!  You dork...
Chat Noir: Always your dork, m'lady.
Ladybug take’s Chat Noir’s hand and pulls him towards the railing, pointing behind herself at Marinette’s balcony.
Chat Noir: But shouldn't we be getting out of the open?
Ladybug: I'm already ahead of you: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is spending the night with a friend, so she’s letting us use her room.
Chat Noir pulls his hand out of Ladybug’s.
Chat Noir: Wait.  What are the odds that Marinette is actually Mayura?
Chat Noir looks away in panic, grabbing at his bell with one hand and touching the back of his neck with the other.
Ladybug: What?  None.  She can't be.
Chat Noir: 'Can't' in that you wouldn’t have expected it of her?  Or 'can't' as in you’ve seen Marinette and Mayura in the same room together?  And there wasn't a chance of it all being an illusion or a fake or—?
Ladybug: Kitty!
Ladybug holds Chat Noir’s hand in front of her (interlocking her fingers in his) and looks directly at the viewer with complete reassurance.
Ladybug: I am 100% paws-itive that Marinette is trustworthy.  Yes, she's not allowed to be a temporary hero anymore.  But she's safe.  I never would have entrusted her with saving our kwamis if I wasn’t absolutely sure she was on our side.
Chat Noir collapses into Ladybug’s arms as she looks at him with concern.
Chat Noir: Thanks for reassuring me.  I never wanted to doubt her.  It’s just... hard to go back to trusting people when I know I'm wrong about somebody.
Ladybug touches Chat’s face and shoulder comfortingly.  He holds onto her arm with both hands and looks into her eyes, comforted by her support.
Ladybug: I'm glad you still know that you can always trust me.  You ready now?
Chat Noir holds up the trapdoor to Marinette’s room, following Ladybug down as she holds his hand with both of hers, smiling up at him.
Chat Noir: After you, m'lady...
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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australet789 · 1 year
ok, something that are bothering me that people are making out about the finale of Miraculous (im not saying it's perfect but i want to analyse this)
Why Ephemeral's Gabriel's wish was worse and Recreation's was allowed?
Intention. In Ephemeral Gabriel only wanted to have Emilie back, regardless of who had to die for it. He indeed wanted to create a new reality in which she never got sick. In Recreation, Marinette talked to him and Gabriel got to hear his wife's last wish: let me go, accept your mistakes and love our son. He didnt create a new timeline, nor a new reality, he just changed his future, Nathalie's and probaby his wife's as well. That's why everyone still remembered everything
Does Adrien sees Gabriel as a hero?
For what i saw, yes and no. Adrien only saw Gabriel as a "hero" for giving his life to "defeat" Monarch, probably wishing to have been there helping Ladybug. But after that, he literally told Marinette "with you, i finally feel free". So he still remembers his father's abuse and incarceration. Sadly, he was still his father, so obviously his death still matters. And that theme could and should be touched in season 6
Why the statue?
Because Tomoe needed to save her ass lmao. No one apart from Gabriel, Nathalie and Lila knew she was involved. So she probably blamed Monarch of the hijacking, accepted Ladybug's "truth" of Gabriel dying and made the statue to look good for the parisians.
Why everyone acted as if nothign happened?
They did not. And this is important : THERE WAS A TIMESKIP. BECAUSE MS BUSTIER'S BABY WAS BORN. And Alec says it has been weeks since Caline was elected Mayor of Paris, so it has been a bunch of time for Adrien to mourn his father and for the rest to get themselves ok after the Nightmare Event.
i think these are the most important points being discussed. Obviously there are stuff i dont agree with (the statue specially, i hope Parisians pee on it), but there are some stuff that need a little more of instropection and not literally be told to the face.
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rosie-b · 4 months
True Blue
Chapter 14: The Balcony Scene, Reprise
Surprise!!! New chapter is out!
When he saw her, Adrien dropped the cookie he’d been about to eat. 
“Bluewing!” he exclaimed. Then his expression hardened. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? Trying to make me susceptible to an akuma? What’s your goal?” 
Bluewing spread out her hands in a hopefully non-threatening gesture and lightly tossed her fan to the side of the room. It landed far away from Adrien, but he tracked its motion with an attentive glare. 
“Hawk Moth doesn’t know I’m here,” Bluewing said.
You can read the rest on AO3 or below!
Throughout the rest of the school day, Marinette texted Adrien as often as she could. They never talked about anything serious; they traded jokes and memes and talked about safe topics, but there was an unspoken agreement between them to avoid mentioning the kiss or the nightmares they’d had. Last night had been awful enough, and they both needed time to recover before they could talk about it, even in daylight. 
Marinette was grateful she had Adrien to distract her from the horrible new reality she’d wandered into. She’d told him about Nathalie leaving her job, and he’d expressed a similar confusion to hers. They’d spun out a few theories about what had happened before giving up and moving on when they realized all it was doing was making them feel helpless and a little angry, the perfect mix of emotions for an akuma to prey on.  
Marinette didn’t want to think M. Agreste would akumatize his own son. He’d shown a lack of control over his akumas recently, though, and especially after her dream and finding out that Nathalie had left, she found herself less and less willing to trust M. Agreste as completely as she once had. 
She didn’t want to think about what it meant if he was really the reason Nathalie had left. She didn’t want to consider the possibility that her nightmare’s warning was right, and Hawk Moth was not really the hero he tried to be. 
So, she distracted herself while she half-heartedly filled out a few worksheets and pretended to understand the material she was supposed to teach herself. (Really, what kind of school day was this?)  
When Adrien couldn’t respond to her during his classes, she found her mind wandering to Duusu’s strange behavior yesterday. She knew M. Agreste didn’t want her to talk to them, but Marinette was determined to heal the kwami so that it would be easier to communicate with them. It was only because of the broken Miraculous that Duusu was acting like they were, well, crazy, so if they could be healed? That should take care of the problem. Finally, Marinette would be able to interact with her kwami, if she could figure out a way to make this work. 
Yes, it wasn’t just Marinette and Emilie that needed the potion’s magic, Duusu had to need it, too. However, as a semi-incorporeal being (from what she’d gathered), Duusu probably wouldn’t be able to heal just from exposure to the vial of potion. Marinette needed a better way to get the healing magic to affect the kwami. Well, since Duusu was linked to the Miraculous, which always existed in a physical form, then maybe healing the Miraculous would heal Duusu! In fact, if the potion could heal the Miraculous, maybe doing so would provide a once-and-for-all solution.  
Maybe there was a way to make sure the broken Miraculous would never hurt another holder again. 
With this goal in mind, Marinette waited until her scheduled study hours were almost over and then slipped into the atelier. She knew the safe’s password from watching M. Agreste punch it in so many times when he was retrieving the brooch to give her for a mission, so getting in was a breeze. The only problem was the fact that her actions would show up on the security cameras, but she wasn’t doing anything wrong exactly, and if Gabriel was busy finding a replacement for Nathalie, then he was probably too busy to check the camera feed until after Marinette had finished what she’d come here to do. 
Marinette reached into the safe and took out the brooch. Her heart was racing, with memories of her first horrible time putting on the brooch plaguing her mind, but she had to do this. If she could just repair the brooch, Gabriel would probably let her keep it with her, right? She could hide it under her clothes, just like he did with his Miraculous! They’d never have to worry about a third incident like Dark Cupid’s or Sandboy’s ever again. She would always be able to help with akuma attacks, whether she was at home or in the mansion. 
After all, what reason could be good enough for him to keep her from having the Miraculous once it was repaired and Duusu was safe to talk to? 
Marinette took out the vial of potion she’d brought with her. Without Nathalie’s help, she only had a limited amount of supplies left. She’d be out soon, so she hoped her idea would work! 
As she held the broken brooch steadily in front of her, Marinette uncapped the vial of potion and tipped it over. As a large, golden drop hit the cracks in the Miraculous, she firmed her belief that this healing attempt would work. It had to, or else she would be disobeying M. Agreste for no reason and harming herself in the process. 
“This potion will work just as well as it worked for me,” she whispered, squeezing the brooch tightly and rubbing the potion into its cracks. “Miraculous, repair yourself!” 
At first, nothing happened. However, after a short moment, a bright light surrounded the brooch. When it faded, no cracks could be seen in the brooch. It was just as good as new. 
“It worked,” Marinette breathed, and a smile spread across her face. “It really worked!” 
Now, she could only hope that this repair would be a permanent one. Otherwise, the Miraculous would not need to be healed after each time she used it. 
Still, Marinette had a good feeling about the brooch’s healing. This time, she was sure she’d found a permanent solution. And she wasn’t about to let it go to waste. 
Marinette wanted to pin the brooch on and talk to Duusu, to see if they were okay. Before doing that, though, she needed to talk to M. Agreste. It was nearly time for her training hour to start (for fashion, though recently, this time was more often used for an akuma attack), so all she had to do was wait for Gabriel to come down to the atelier. 
While she waited, she locked the safe again, but kept the Miraculous with her. She’d need to show it to M. Agreste, otherwise, he’d never believe her. 
Gabriel strolled into the room, frowning lightly, a few minutes later. 
“Ms. Dupain-Cheng,” he greeted her. “I apologize for being late. It is harder to find a competent secretary than it seems, these days. I plan to hire one young enough that I can train, anyway; interviews will begin before the hour is over. In the meantime, I...” 
His voice trailed off as he caught sight of the brooch sitting in the palm of Marinette’s hand. His eyes sharpened, and Marinette resisted the urge to flinch. It might not look like it now, but surely he’d realize what a helpful thing she’d accomplished for him. 
“Marinette. What is that,” he snarled rather than asked. 
She raised her chin and lifted the brooch higher for him to see. 
“It’s Duusu’s Miraculous. I repaired it with a drop of my potion, and now the cracks are gone. The negative side effects of using it should be gone entirely now.” 
Gabriel fell back a step. “What? But how?” 
Marinette smirked. “I told you, sometimes a solution really can’t be found, and sometimes you just have to create it. With any luck, even Duusu’s madness should be gone now. I’m sorry for opening the safe without your permission, but it was for a good cause, just like your akuma attacks. The Miraculous is completely safe now, which means that with your permission, I’d like to take it home with me. I can hide it with a scarf, the way you hide your own brooch, and no one will question my fashion choices, so no one will find out that I’m Bluewing. What do you think?” 
Gabriel’s jaw clenched, and he stepped forward, taking the brooch from Marinette’s hands and examining it closely. After a moment, he cautiously pinned the Miraculous on, and Duusu spiraled out of it. 
“Whee! Oh, Master Gabriel, it’s good to see you again! It’s been so long; your hair is gray now! Oh, the years passed by like a long nightmare. How are you— oh! There’s another person here, too!” Duusu flew over to Marinette, squinting. “Do I remember you? You look familiar.” 
“She is your current holder, Duusu; I am only borrowing your Miraculous. Only speak to her if you need to, and do not lead her astray.”  
With those words, Gabriel unpinned the brooch, and Duusu vanished. He turned the Miraculous over, frowning at it. Then he slowly handed the brooch back to Marinette, who looked up at him questioningly. 
“It appears to be fixed,” Gabriel admitted. “Still, I have reason to be concerned. Not the least of which because you know the password to my safe; I will need to change it before the interviews begin. You think you can take the Miraculous with you and keep it hidden?” 
“Yes,” Marinette responded immediately. “In fact, I think it’s the wisest thing for us to do right now. Now you can create an akuma at any time and I’ll be able to help you. Just let me know before you do, and make sure to keep the akumas away from Adrien and me.” 
Gabriel didn’t speak, instead staring at the picture of Emilie behind Marinette. 
She wet her lips and tried again. “This gives us an advantage, M. Agreste. I want to help you save Emilie before it’s too late, and with the brooch, I can do that more reliably and faster than I could if it stayed in the mansion. Won’t you please consider it?” 
Gabriel’s expression was muted, as if he was far away from the room and Marinette and the brooch that had killed his wife. 
“She deserved better than this,” he whispered. “It’s all the fault of that kwami, you know. She led Emilie astray, made her think creating a sentimonster with two amoks was safe to do. I lost my wife before Adrien was even born.” 
He snapped to attention, staring directly into Marinette’s eyes with a cold gaze. 
“You may keep the brooch for now. But don’t talk to the kwami,” he ordered. “And don’t tell Adrien a word about this. I’m taking a big chance in trusting you, Marinette. Do not compromise our mission by giving secrets away to the boy; he is too emotional, like his mother. He cannot be trusted with knowledge of the Miraculous. Do not let him get near the brooch; do not give him his amok. I will not permit his presence to interfere with my mission again. Understood?” 
Marinette frowned. “Understood, sir. I wasn’t going to tell him, anyway.” 
Gabriel nodded, satisfied, and dismissed her. As the Gorilla escorted her back to the bakery, Marinette wondered what Gabriel meant by not letting Adrien interfere again. He hadn’t done so before, right? 
On top of that, though she was pleased she was trusted with the brooch now, Marinette was offended on Adrien’s behalf. He was not too emotional; he was kind and caring and sweet, not weak or given to whims. She trusted him. Marinette wanted to tell him everything about the brooch, about his mother and the reason Hawk Moth wanted the Miraculous, about the reason she was so possessive of the ring she wore on her finger. 
Unless there was something Gabriel wasn’t telling her, Marinette saw absolutely no reason not to trust Adrien or Duusu. 
Furthermore, she was sure Duusu hadn’t planned on killing Emilie. Duusu was already protective of Marinette and seemed completely loyal to their holders even while they were driven crazy by their Miraculous; why would they be worse now that they’d been healed? No, Marinette was sure that she could trust them. 
She hated to think it, but Marinette trusted Gabriel even less now. She needed to know that he wasn’t lying, that he wasn’t just keeping her in the dark about Adrien and Emilie’s fate and the other people who’d been affected by Duusu’s poisoned brooch. 
She needed to know that this was really the right thing for Adrien. After all, if Emilie was too far gone for the potion to heal her, as Gabriel thought (and as might be true, if it hadn’t helped her yet) then what good would stealing the Miraculous do? Was a Wish really powerful enough to bring back the dead? 
It must be. The mission had to be the right thing to do; Gabriel had planned it for years, it couldn’t be as ill-thought-through as his akuma last night had been. He knew what he was doing. 
Marinette still wanted some kind of reassurance, though. And while she had the brooch, she had an idea of where she could get it. 
She transformed as soon as she got up to her room. 
Bluewing didn’t want to cause a disruption like she had last time she went out without an akuma, so she stuck to the alleyways and rooftops high enough that no one would spot her as she made her way back to the Agreste mansion. 
Then, knowing that Adrien would have just gotten back from fencing practice, she leapt down to his windowsill and slid in through the window she found left ajar. 
When he saw her, Adrien dropped the cookie he’d been about to eat. 
“Bluewing!” he exclaimed. Then his expression hardened. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me? Trying to make me susceptible to an akuma? What’s your goal?” 
Bluewing spread out her hands in a hopefully non-threatening gesture and lightly tossed her fan to the side of the room. It landed far away from Adrien, but he tracked its motion with an attentive glare. 
“Hawk Moth doesn’t know I’m here,” Bluewing said. “I’m not stalking you, I’m not trying to get you akumatized, and my goal is... mostly unrelated to my normal one. Kind of.” 
Adrien kept glaring and crossed his arms. 
“Just hear me out, okay? I know the public thinks I’m a villain; I would have, too, before I knew what I know now about Hawk Moth and his mission. But I promise, there is a good reason for what we’re doing. We’re doing the best we can—” 
“The best you can at being evil,” Adrien muttered. 
Bluewing’s heart broke a little at his words.  
“No! I’m not evil, and I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t think it would help people more than it hurts them! Please, I just, I need to explain myself to someone and know that at least one person thinks I’m doing the right thing. Please listen to me!” 
Adrien raised an eyebrow. “You’ll tell me all about why you and Hawk Moth are terrorizing Paris? Even give me your secret identity?” 
Bluewing huffed. “Not that. But I... think you might be more likely to understand than most. You see, Hawk Moth lost someone important to him. He needs a Wish to heal h— them.” 
“I see why that would hurt,” Adrien said. “And I think I know why you came to me now. But lots of people lose someone. There’s nothing you can really do about it except hold onto their memory and move on with your life. It sounds like Hawk Moth is just trying to escape reality, but he can’t. And neither can you.” 
Bluewing swallowed. “I understand. But it wasn’t a normal loss. You see, there was more than one person affected. And the problem wasn’t natural, or even a plane crash or war or something. It was my brooch,” she said, tapping the Miraculous on her chest. 
Adrien’s eyes widened. “What? Wait, you’re telling me there are other Peacock holders out there?” 
Marinette pursed her lips. “Well, only a couple are alive. They used its full power after it was broken, which slowly poisoned them, and... it’s not good. Even I was affected, before I figured out how to repair the brooch. You might notice my unsteadiness in some older Goldenblog videos—” 
“You’re telling me that Hawk Moth forced you to wield a broken Miraculous, slowly poison yourself, and possibly die while knowing exactly what was going to happen?” Adrien interrupted, practically yelling. He sounded furious, angrier than Marinette had ever heard him before. His fists were tightly clenched, and his face was twisted with rage. 
Bluewing flinched. “Yes, no, I volunteered,” she babbled. “I found out about the brooch by accident and put it on. He had no choice but to tell me about the Miraculous, especially after I figured out that he was Hawk Moth. He explained his mission to me and gave me medicine to hold off the poison for a while. Since I was already affected and he clearly needed help fighting both Golden Bug and Chat Grise, I offered to become Bluewing. He didn’t force me. I hope that shows that his cause is good,” she added meekly. 
Adrien’s expression softened, but not by much. “Prove it,” he demanded. “I still don’t believe you.” 
“Okay, the medicine doesn’t work entirely. Without a Wish, everyone who used the brooch is doomed to die, slowly and painfully. Some already have died, and their spouses were left all alone to raise the children that they...” 
Marinette hesitated. She wasn’t sure how much to say. This visit hadn’t been planned, after all. She had to stop acting so impulsively! 
“The people that they... what?” Adrien prompted, sitting down on his couch. He looked up at her with an open expression, but his eyes tracked every movement she made, as if she’d strike at any moment. 
Bluewing rubbed her arm. She knew she technically shouldn’t tell Adrien about the senti-children, but she wouldn’t be disobeying Gabriel’s orders if she only told him the basics without revealing that Adrien himself was a senti, right? Besides, Marinette had wanted to tell Adrien about this from the beginning. If she could at least lay the groundwork for him to understand his origins later, when she was allowed to tell him about them, that would accomplish something good. 
She looked at Adrien, determined to tell him some of the truth she knew he was entitled to. 
“Okay, I’ll tell you, but this is going to sound weird. Um, and it takes some getting used to, but that’s okay! So,” she said, nervously twisting her pointer finger back and forth, “As you probably noticed, I’ve never used my Miraculous’ real power. There’s a good reason for that, or else I would have been more help against Golden and Grise!” 
Adrien watched, his face dubious, as she tapped the brooch pinned to her chest.  
“See, this is the Miraculous of emotion, and with it, you can create life. Whatever kind of being you want, with whatever power you want. The magic goes into an amok, which holds the sentibeing’s life force, and it can be used to control them, though that shouldn’t happen. The Peacock has a very dangerous power, and it needs to be used extremely carefully. Well, the past few holders used it to create their own children. So, senti-humans, which are mostly just like normal people. Instead of IVF, they were created with magic. Kinda cool, right?” 
Adrien gaped at her. “Senti-humans? You mean, like, they’re real humans, or do they have powers? Are they immortal, or do they die easily? How easy it is to break their amoks? Are they a threat to Golden Bug and Chat Grise? You— you said their amoks control them? How is that possible?” 
Bluewing tried her best to respond. “They’re just like real humans, as far as I know. I’ve met one, and he’s just the same as every other boy. I think they have normal, human life spans, since they were created to be humans. I don’t know how easy it is to break their amoks, but I protect the one I have with my life. They’re not threats to Golden Bug or Chat Grise, any more than you are. And no one should ever control them. Senti-humans deserve the same rights and respect as normal-origin humans. That’s why I don’t use my power. I’m terrified of abusing it; that would make me the monster.” 
“I see,” Adrien said thoughtfully. “I’m glad you aren’t abusing your Miraculous, at least. But I’m not convinced about this Wish; are you sure it’s the only way? Wouldn’t it have repercussions of its own?” 
Bluewing crossed her arms defensively. “As far as I know, there are no side effects.” 
Adrien brought a hand up to his chin, considering. “How about the akuma attacks? How can you justify the chaos, the damage? What happens when you win and Golden Bug can’t repair everything Hawk Moth’s akuma did? And the victims who get akumatized, how can you be okay with manipulating them if you’re hesitant to do the same thing with your brooch’s powers?” 
“Oh, Hawk Moth asks them for permission before he akumatizes them,” Bluewing said, happy that she had an answer ready for this.  
Adrien did not look convinced. “Even the baby? The toddlers? Are you sure that he asks them all, every time? Do you see him do it?” 
“W-well,” Marinette faltered. “I don’t see it every time. I did witness it once or twice, but usually I’m already busy getting transformed and heading out to help. Um, but he did ask the baby! That’s what he said, at least.” Her voice grew quieter as she spoke, and she fought the urge to fidget nervously. 
“You don’t sound very sure about that,” Adrien noted. “Are you sure Hawk Moth isn’t lying to you? Because there’s no way the trauma he’s given this city can just be erased. We won’t forget what he’s done to us. And I really doubt that a baby can give consent to becoming a villain’s accomplice. Would it even know what the words Hawk Moth spoke to it mean?” 
Bluewing steadied herself. “Hawk Moth wouldn’t lie to me,” she said defensively. 
But as Adrien glared accusingly at her, she found herself reminded of Emilie’s warning last night. Don’t trust Gabriel.  
It wasn’t real. It was just a dream, she told herself. 
“Look, I can’t vouch for everything he’s ever done. But I’ve seen the damage a broken Miraculous can do, and I’ve seen the pain of losing someone to things you can’t understand or explain. I know the only way to set things right is to use the Wish, and since Golden and Grise won’t give us their Miraculous even after Hawk Moth explained the situation to them and asked nicely, we have no choice but to use the akumas to get the Wish.” 
Adrien stood up. “Really? There’s no other way? And yet Golden Bug and Chat Grise, who know more about their Miraculous and what they can do than you or Hawk Moth, still think a Wish isn’t worth it. They’re not giving you their Miraculous, ever, and all you can do by continuing to fight is cause more harm to Paris. So, maybe you should just give up.” 
Bluewing frowned at Adrien. Hadn’t she just explained why she needed to keep fighting for the Miraculous? A Wish couldn’t possibly be as bad as Golden Bug and Chat Grise thought it would be. They were just selfish! Jealous of other people who could use their power to do more good than they ever could!  
Meanwhile, Adrien kept talking, gesturing earnestly as he did.  
“Take my friend Marinette, for example; she’s the most creative person I know. She’s always doing things I think are impossible, but even she has her limits. Look, it sucks that people got hurt because they used a broken Miraculous. But if they’re dead, they’re dead. You can’t just go around making exceptions to the laws of nature for people you like. If I was going after this Wish, for example, what makes my mother so different from the girl whose father died of cancer, or from the person who got infected while swimming and died from a parasite infection? What makes anyone more worth saving than anyone else? Nothing. But if we just bring back everyone we love who dies, the order of the world is broken. Life is beautiful, but it isn’t complete without death, as much as that sucks.” 
Fear squeezed Bluewing in a tight vise. This was not the way she’d wanted this visit to go. Adrien had to be wrong; they were doing this for the right reasons! The Miraculous shouldn’t have killed its wielders! Adrien deserved his mother! 
...More than anyone else who’d lost a parent? 
“Another thing,” Adrien continued, “I wouldn’t trust anything Hawk Moth tells you about Golden Bug and Chat Grise. He hates them. I doubt he ever tried reasoning with them. I think he attacked before bothering to ask for the Miraculous; otherwise, why did he make his demand during Stormy Weather’s akumatization? He wouldn’t have needed to if he’d explained his situation to the heroes first.” 
“You must be wrong,” Bluewing fought back weakly. “I know him. He’s a good man. He’s doing this for his son, for his family. And for others, too. This is the only way.” 
Adrien frowned. “Sure. But I have just one more question before you leave, then. When you first put on the brooch, did you actually transform with it? Or did you not know how to? You’d only just discovered it, right?” 
Bluewing nodded slowly. “Right, I only pinned it on. I wasn’t sure how to transform yet,” she confirmed, feeling her stomach churn uneasily. “Why do you ask?” 
Adrien stared at her for a second, looking sympathetic for once. “Just wondering,” he said. “You’ve been through a lot. I don’t blame you for it, but if you ask me, Hawk Moth has been pulling your strings. My advice is to leave him while you still can. I think you knew the truth once. It’s time to rediscover it.” 
Bluewing had no idea what to say, but it seemed that Adrien was done with the conversation. He guided her over to the window by her elbow, making it clear that it was time for her to leave. 
Well, it’s probably for the best, Bluewing thought as she waved nervously, said goodbye, and ducked through the window. This meeting was a hot mess, anyway.
That evening, she sat alone on her balcony, fuming as she tried to work through Adrien’s words and how her visit had gone so wrong. Hawk Moth wasn’t lying to her! He might hide some things, but that was fine. Everyone had a right to privacy! And the baby might not understand words, but it could understand tones! Plus, the show during Stormy Weather was mostly for the public’s benefit, so they would understand what Hawk Moth was doing and what he was after, so they’d be less afraid of his akumas once they knew the akumas were only after Golden Bug and Chat Grise. 
Marinette forced herself to stop thinking about it. Any more hard thinking, and she’d get a headache from all the stress. 
Well, a headache was coming her way, regardless, in the form of one yellow-suited hero. 
Marinette didn’t even have the energy left to react when Golden Bug landed on her balcony. 
He raised his brows at her lack of reaction and hummed. 
“You know, normally the only people to give me such a cold welcome are akumas,” he commented. “What’s bothering you, Marinette?” 
She groaned and dropped her head into her hands.  
I need to respond normally, or he’ll know something’s up, she fretted. 
But he already suspected something was up, so she shrugged as she looked at him and said, “Everything. Nothing. It’s been a bad day, but I’ll be fine, I swear. So, you don’t need to watch over me for akumas. Go on with patrol, or whatever.” 
Golden Bug frowned, apparently not convinced by her display (and honestly, who would be?). “You don’t seem okay. And what kind of hero would I be if I left innocent civilians alone when they’re vulnerable to being akumatized?” 
Marinette sharply looked away. “Not much of one, I guess.” 
Golden Bug sounded cheerful as he responded, “Great! Then it looks like I’m staying until you feel better. Glad we agree.” 
Marinette’s eyes widened. Slowly, she slid her gaze to the left, where Golden Bug stood. She’d walked right into that one!  
Leaning against the balcony railing, Golden Bug shot Marinette a grin. “So, what can this hero do to help? Antenna me what’s wrong.” 
All Marinette could do was stare at him. Golden Bug seemed a little too invested in her mental health right now. Or was he?  
He’d rescued her from her nightmare last night. He cared deeply about all the citizens of Paris, she had to admit that. Even back when she was targeted by Evillustrator, Golden Bug had gone above and beyond to make sure she was okay! This visit was probably just a normal check-up for him, another way for him to take care of the people he sincerely thought he was protecting from Hawk Moth. 
Marinette found herself fighting a blush as she realized that Golden Bug was taking time out of his day to check on her, not because he suspected her of villainy, the way she’d thought he was the first time he did it, but because he genuinely wanted to! He cared about her. 
Not like that. But still!  
So, she offered him a smile and sat down on her chair to talk to him. The least she could do right now was be as kind to him as he was to her. 
“Well, I still don’t need therapy,” she said, watching as Golden Bug seemed to relax at her willingness to talk. “So don’t bother putting on that silly mustache again.” 
Golden Bug smirked. “Really? But I need it; it’s part of my charm!” 
Marinette rolled her eyes affectionately. “As if.” 
She paused, remembering that none of her current problems were really safe to share with the person in front of her. Doing that would be more likely to land her in a prison cell than make him leave. 
“I guess I just still feel like a failure,” she admitted in a low voice. “Every time I think I’m making progress, it’s one step forward and two steps back. I just want to help people, like you do! But I end up feeling powerless and confused. I just need a win, you know?” 
Golden Bug hummed. “I know. Believe me, the public might thank me for my help against Hawk Moth, but I still feel like I’ve never won against him. Every battle is a lost opportunity to take his Miraculous back and end his reign of terror. Each time he gets away and I don’t even get a lead, I...” He clenched his fist and looked away. “I also feel like a failure. Like I’m buckling under all the pressure on me. And, I don’t know, maybe we are a pair of failures. But I try to remember that every step forward really is progress, even if it feels like you slide back two steps afterwards. We can learn from our failures. Me, I’m always learning how to protect my Miraculous from Hawk Moth better. I can’t let him make that Wish, or else the entire world will be rewritten, and who knows what will be lost!” 
Marinette stiffened. “What?” 
Golden Bug looked over at her, his expression cooler than butter as he raised an eyebrow. 
“What are you confused by? That’s pretty much my job description.” 
“The Wish, you said it would rewrite the world? I thought it would be more like a wish from a genie,” she said, trying to laugh her comment off. 
“Well,” Golden Bug said in an ironic tone, “You still have to be careful with those. You never get exactly what you wish for. And yes, a Wish made with Grise’s and my Miraculous would lead to this world being restarted, remade from scratch. Forget one little detail, and people, or entire civilizations, could be wiped from existence. A Wish needs to be worded perfectly, which is an impossible goal. There’s a price to pay for it, too. For example, if you use a Wish to bring someone back to life, someone else will be killed. The world’s balance is delicate; even a Wish can’t tilt it too far.” 
Marinette gasped, feeling tears sting her eyes. Emilie. The other parents. Healing the survivors would injure others? Bringing back the ones who died... would doom others to take their place in death?  
The shock was nearly too much to bear.  
Did Gabriel know about this? He couldn’t have, or he would have told her.  
Maybe Golden Bug is wrong, Marinette thought desperately.  
“How do you know that?” she asked quickly, nearly tripping over her words. “Are you sure that’s what would happen?” 
Golden Bug’s face was solemn as he nodded. “It’s the truth. That’s what the Guar— that’s what the man who entrusted me with my Miraculous told me.” 
The man who gave him his Miraculous? The Guardian. The one who refused Gabriel’s first pleas, who lied to Golden Bug and Chat Grise and sent them out to fight a grown man!  
Marinette clenched her jaw. There was no way the Guardian had told Golden Bug the truth about this. It had to be one of his lies! 
Relief shot through Marinette, and she relaxed back in the chair, not having realized until then that she’d sat up in her panic. 
“That’s horrible,” she commented. “I’m glad you and Chat Grise are doing your best to make sure that won’t happen.” I’m sorry the Guardian lied to you. I’m sorry you’re trapped in his service.  
For some reason, Golden Bug blinked at her. “I’m, uh, happy to serve.” 
Marinette smiled at him. “Well, thanks for stopping by! I feel a lot better now. Do you want a cookie or something before you leave?” 
Golden Bug tilted his head. “Uh, sure? Thank you. Hey, are you sure you’re okay now? Last night had to have been difficult for you. It’s okay if you’re still affected by it.” 
“I’m okay, really. I just have to keep pushing forward. I’ll get there eventually!” 
Marinette considered her words for a moment. Something was missing. 
“Oh, and I’m sure you’ll catch Hawk Moth soon! Try throwing him off again. Do something unpredictable, like, maybe trade Miraculous with Chat Grise for a few days again? Practice so he can’t throw you off if you’re attacked while you have the wrong Miraculous, I don’t know.” 
It wasn’t the best advice, but it wasn’t horrible, either. And if he wound up taking it? It would provide the perfect opportunity for her and Hawk Moth. They just had to strike soon, before Golden Bug and Chat Grise could get used to using their partner’s Miraculous. 
A hum startled Marinette from her thoughts. 
“I’ll think about it,” Golden Bug responded. “Grise and I will have to discuss it together before we do anything. We’re partners, you know? It’s not fair if one of us makes the decisions for both of us. I value what she has to say.” 
“Oh, of course,” Marinette responded immediately. “I wouldn’t expect anything else from the two of you. You work really well together.” 
“Thanks!” Golden Bug said with a smile. He looked surprised and pleased by the compliment. 
Marinette smiled back at him. Even if he was her enemy, and she was trying to get over him still, she had to admit that he looked cute when he was flustered.
“So,” she started to say, “If you still want something from the bakery, you can just—” 
She was cut off by her phone vibrating in her pocket, which startled her into jumping from the chair. When she pulled the phone out of her pocket, she saw that she was getting a call, and when she saw the caller ID, her eyes widened. 
“It’s M. Agreste,” she told Golden Bug. “He might have news about school or my internship; I have to take this!” 
Golden Bug nodded, quickly said goodbye, and swung away from her balcony. 
Marinette accepted the call. “Hello?” 
“Marinette.” Gabriel’s voice came through crisply. “I have finished selecting a new secretary. She won’t start until Monday, so I have decided to akumatize my next champion today, while we have time to kill. I have my eyes on someone in the 15th arrondissement. Transform quickly and begin making your way over. Does that sound acceptable to you?” 
Marinette nodded and then stuttered out a confirmation when she realized M. Agreste couldn’t see her. “Y-yeah, yesh, yes it does!” 
“Good,” M. Agreste said. “You don’t have to report back to the mansion unless you think it’s necessary. I’ll be in contact.” 
He hung up, and Marinette gulped. This would be the first real test of the potion’s power!  
Reaching under her overshirt, she unpinned the brooch and held it up to check for cracks.  
There was nothing, not even a scratch!  
Marinette smiled as she pinned the brooch back on, checked for Golden Bug or any leftover paparazzi still hoping for a scoop on Adrien’s ‘girlfriend,’ and transformed. 
Things were finally looking up.  
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blueberrypancakesworld · 11 months
What if ? - Adrien becoming a big brother
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warning : angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, no use of Y/n
Gabriel Agreste x fem!reader
Info : So I needed to wrote another idea of @iamallthingsasian of what could have been when Betterfly's wife (adriens stepmother) got pregnant. Have fun reading this little thing ;)
°What could be?
°It could have been that in one of the many parallel universes Adrien was not an only child. That his father, who found hope and love in Hesperia or Betterfly, and his two former enemies Shadybug and Clawnoir, the latter being his own son Adrien, found hope and became good.
°They all saw hope and love in a new future Adrien with his Marinette finally came together and his father eventually found love. A stroke of fate that the blonde could not immediately cope with. He fled to his girlfriend and the two together in drawings, music and concerts tried to process the fear that they felt.
°But after Adrien realized how happy his father was with his new girlfriend. How kind she was to Gabriel, Nathalie, Marinette and himself, his resentment against her had slowly subsided and together they were all the good that now fought against evil.
°A team that one year later had a message to announce. Adrien would have a half-sister and become a big brother. Is it true?" murmured the blond, looking at the ultrasound image as they sat together at the table. Gabriel nodded and Y/n put a hand on her belly.
°Yet you couldn't see anything, but in a few months you would start to see something. They both feared that Adrien would get angry or even run away. The reaction was understandable. To their surprise and relief, the blond stood up and hugged his parents. He had finally taken his stepmother more than just into his heart.
°The family would grow before a little girl was born months later. ,,Adrien your little sister Emelie" said Gabriel and stepped aside. He put a hand on his son's shoulder before Adrien saw his sister in his stepmother's arms. The little baby looked at him curiously and gurgled before taking a finger from him.
°,,Emelie...like mother" he said and his voice became brittle Marinette took his hand and Gabrielle put a hand on his shoulder and stroked his head. The family seemed to have finally found peace...at least in this universe.
°But they wanted to share the happiness with Ladybug and Catnoir from the other universe. They traveled there with the help of Alyas and had a meeting. Ladybug was completely enraptured by little Emelie and Gabriel held his wife supportively while Adrien held the baby. ,,Emelie...she's so cute...you're lucky" the only child murmured and his friend held his hand. Before he gave the baby back to its mother and she rocked it slightly.
°They all knew about the pain, the mistreatment of his father and fine Hawkmoth. They knew that Adrien was suffering until Hesperia had an idea. ,,How about we visit more often and train together and you could see Emelie" he suggested and saw the blond's look turn from disbelief to gratitude.
°He fell into his "father's" arms and stroked the baby's head one last time, knowing that in this pain he was feeling there was also hope.
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ljjsims · 4 months
Greek Goddess Legacy Challenge: Generation #8 Amphitrite: Completed
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Following the sun to another kingdom: Meet our queen of the Sea, Amphitrite!
You love dancing around with your friends and partying with them! Being young is a gift and you take full advantage of it in the city, going out every weekend. Your friends start getting in relationships, but you are not in a hurry. You know love and family is something that comes naturally. The person you marry should feel like your best friend. You should build your home with that person. So when you meet Poseidon, you decide not to marry him when he asks you. You barely know him! But he doesn’t seem to be giving up. And giving up everything to marry someone should count for something too. Right?
Little bit explanation with the sheets: - First sheet is for describing your current generation, with the challenges you need to do each life-stage. Also, because I love the myths, a bit of mythological background. May it inspire you :) - Second sheet is the preparation sheet for this generation, with important characters for your story. It is technically optional, but I love seeing sims with a backstory in my world, so I would highly recommend it. - Third sheet is for your gens children. They all have their own little challenges if your interested in those. I try to make all of them a bit different from each other, so it doesn’t get boring. Your heir is also on this sheet, but I’ve put their challenges on their own sheets. Stay tuned for those ;) - Fourth sheet is completely optional. If you want sims with names from the myths and love making sims to see them in your world, this is for you! All with a little mythological background ofc, you know me.
Next Generation is Nemesis! Previous Generation was Athena First Generation is Gaia
The Greek Goddesses Challenge by LJJ-Sims is a challenge based on the ancient mythical creatures and stories from Greece. I fell in love with Greek mythology in high school and have not let that love go since. In this challenge you will follow 10 deities in their journey through life. Every goddess has a different take on and goal in life. Special about this challenge?  All your kids have little challenges of their own, not only your heir. These challenges are optional, so if you feel like these are too much or just too restricting for you: by all means let them go. I also have sheets for characters that you can make before you start each generation. This gives your challenge a lot more personality and makes it frankly easier and more fun!
A little disclaimer: because I made these gods and goddesses into a legacy challenge, the relationships in the myths don’t exactly match the relationship in this challenge. There is a lot of keep it in the family in mythology, to put it lightly. And apart from the fact that you can’t do that in the Sims, I don’t really like that part. So I didn’t include it, thus the inconsistency. An example: Ares is now Hera’s stepfather instead of her son, which she conceived with her brother  and husband Zeus. This inconsistency can also be found in the stories. It’s just based on and not copied exactly, as Sims live lives that are a lot shorter than those of immortal gods. And it takes a way from the creativity if we just copy the myths. Even if we wanted to do that, it’s quite hard, as every myths has its fair share of variations and some are just completely different stories.
I use the MCCC-mod to alter the length of life states. You can find the days-years ratio here: the boring stuff.
I get all the information from several sites about mythology, but mostly use https://greekgodsandgoddesses.net/goddesses. This is a great place to start if you want to know the myths surrounding a certain god or goddess. Wikipedia is also a friend of mine in this challenge, although I automatically doubt a lot of information that is on there. More of a book person? I absolutely adore Stephen Fry's Mythos, which is very beginner friendly, and Nathalie Haynes Pandora's jar. For little synopses of gods, I would recommend Greek Mythology: The Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes Handbook by Liv Albert.
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redtippedfox · 10 months
You know what would be really funny is if I added in future!Marinette sitting by Emilies coffin in the past getting drunk off of wine. Talking shit about Gabriel while hella drunk. Like it’s her fifth day in the past and she’s kinda spiraling from realizing she’s stuck in the past.
“And then your dumbass husband decided “oh I’m gonna corrupt these powerful ancient gods and think I can control them!” What a moron!”
“Oh mother-in-law I wonder just how you married such a dumb idiot of a man.”
“Why the hell did he have to put you in a glass coffin like Snow White? Doesn’t he know that’s like fucking creepy?”
“Adrien misses you but he’s got some great new friends that love him like family, they all killed Gabriel but ya’know who doesn’t wanna kill Gabriel.”
“I’m thinking of drawing on his face while he’s sleeping, but like with a tattoo pen instead of sharpie.”
“I wanna kick his ass so bad but I can’t! Like why? Let me kick his ass! Stupid time travel rules.”
“I don’t think he’s noticed yet that I have stolen three of his finest wine bottles and drank them all. “
“And then he threw Adrien off a fu king skyscraper! A skyscraper! Your dumbass husband almost killed your son!”
“Gotta be honest Nathalie is kinda hot, I can see why you guys kept her around. I’d ditch Gabriel though we don’t need that stanky man ruining this family ya know?”
“…I need more wine.”
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fabseg-creator · 6 months
Miraculous AU: Yandere Twins Au - Amenath/Nathalie and Amélie (Yandere Amélie)
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I've imagined a scene between Nathalie and Amélie. I thought about a fan-concept about Amélie, Felix's mother, being a Yandere.
It happens in an AU. In this AU, Amelie is lovesick of Nathalie.
There are two versions: the minicomic (up) and the fanfic (bottom).
The sketch art and the story (below) are mature: they contain bondage, undressing, sensuality moment, drug mention and toxic yuri (not really consent).
The story:
When Nathalie begins to wake up, a familiar and feminine voice calls her.
???: Already awaken, Nathalie ?
Nathalie: Huh ? Émilie ?
???: Nearly. But not really. Watch by yourself.
Nathalie opens her eyes and she sees Amélie who is smiling in front of her. The blonde woman is dressed in lingerie, wears a rabbit-themed headband, black gloves and latex boots and holds a whip.
Nathalie recognizes her own whip. She held that when she was an treasure huntress/archeologist.
The bed (it's Nathalie's bed) is covered of special decorations: pink flowers, roses, flower petals and red and pink heart papers.
Nathalie feels uncomfortable about the situation: she understands she has her arms and legs get tied/roped or handcuffed. She realizes too she is just dressed in lingerie too (and she has an exotic flower at her right ear).
Amélie feel happy when Nathalie looks at her.
Amélie: Did you sleep well, Sleeping Beauty ?
Nathalie feels confused. She has a bit of sensation of spinning (hangover ?).
She remembers she had suddenly fallen into sleep after drinking a cup of tea Amélie had offered to her while the two women were sitting at the garden. The last thing Nathalie had seen before was Amélie held her in her arms. The aristocrat woman expressed to her a malicious smile before the black out.
Now, she understands Amélie drugged her. She wants explanations.
Nathalie: What the hell happened to me, Mrs. Graham ? And what have you done to me ?!
Amélie: I just take care of you, this evening.
Nathalie: What is this madness ?
Amélie: I won't talk about madness when I can talk about love.
Nathalie (disturbed): Love ?
Amélie giggles. She moves her left hand and caresses the Nathalie's cheek. When she puts back the hand on her own cheek, she suddenly becomes exalted.
Amélie: Yes. I love you, Nathalie. I'm in love with you since 15 years. ❤
These words astonish Nathalie causing her to blush. 😳
Amélie: During a long part of my life, I searched the perfect lover and I've found you: Nathalie Sancoeur, my perfect wife. Colt was a foolish guy and he was too disgraceful for me. A true monster. I needed a plan to destroy him once and all. And save my Felix too.
Nathalie(worried): You murdered... your husband ?! 😮
Amélie: Just self-defense. But Gabriel was a fool and a monster too. I'm glad my son and my nephew can make their happiness.
Nathalie still remembers Gabriel was Monarch the Butterfly supervillain. He became obsessed about Miraculouses he lost his humanity. After being healed from her magic disease, she has resignately accepted to keep the secret away from Adrien (alongside with Ladybug).
Nathalie: Do you plan to eliminate me ?
Amélie giggles.
Amélie: No. No. I can't do it to you, Nathalie. I said I love you too much. ❤
Nathalie: And your son Felix ?
Amélie: I am sure my beloved son and his girlfriend Kagami will accept you and my good Adrien plus his girlfriend in the new family I want to compose.
Nathalie: And why me, Mrs. Graham ?
Amélie: Because You look too sweethearted, Nathalie. ❤
Nathalie blushes about Amélie's words but she still troubled. The first thought the bodyguard woman has is: To reason Mrs. Graham de Vanily to free her.
Confident about her escape plan, she begins to play her game.
Nathalie (feigning to be polite): Can you loosen my ties, Mistress Graham ? Please ? 🌼
Amelie laughs.
Amélie: Sorry, Nathalie. But I can't let you go. Not yet. ❤
Nathalie: What do you mean ?
Amélie: I will release you when you will name me by my name. Not Graham nor Fathom nor Lady nor Mistress.
Nathalie: Amélie ?
Amélie: Yes. Nathalie. From now you will call me like that. ❤
Nathalie calmly breathes.
Nathalie: Mrs. Amélie, I must say you... 🌼
The blonde woman suddenly makes a whiplash with the whip silenting Nathalie and making her close the eyes. The latter woman opens the eyes and sees she hasn't any damage. But only the flower from her ear was fallen into pieces because of Amélie's whiplash.
Amélie: Forgive me, honey. I don't want to harm you. I hate to damage beautiful flowers. 🌼
The situation isn't okay for Nathalie. She had underestimed Amélie. She didn't know the latter can be lovesick. And now, she understand this woman is unpredictable.
Next, Amélie's angelic face evolves into a darker tone. She licks the whip and poses as a dominatrix. She reminds of a Femme Fatale. That's worrying Nathalie. 😈
Amélie (dark and sadistic tone): Say. My. Name. 😈
Nathalie (a bit of intimidated, shouting): Huh... Amélie. Amélie ! 😰
Next to Nathalie's answer, Amélie changes her evil expression into an exalted/sensual tone. She feels at the height of excitement.
Amélie (exalted): Good, Nathalie. ❤
Right after, the blonde woman throws the whip puts her hands on Nathalie's cheeks and... kisses her on the lips. 💋
Nathalie slightly blushes because of Amélie's kiss. This situation is a Déjà Vu. 😳
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That isn't the first time Nathalie falls in a situation. She remembers Émilie, Amélie's twin sister.
When Émilie was alive (before the Miraculouses' discovery), this woman had already confessed her feelings to Nathalie in the same way as Amélie is actually confessing her. Gabriel was never aware about this thing.
Now, Amélie is seducing her. Without another choice, Nathalie understands the evening with Amélie will be more longer than she expected.
The End?
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rayraygo1267 · 1 year
Gabenath Incorrect Quotes because I need them to function
Note: I love them too much
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel: They say love is an uninvited guest
Nathalie: Is that why you always barge into my room without my permission?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adrien: It’s okay for you to move on father. I already feel like Nathalie is part of the family!
Gabriel: How could you possibly think such a thing? No one will ever replace your mother!
Also Gabriel: *holds Nathalie in his arms and constantly tells her how valuable she is and how he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if something were to happen to her*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel: My dearest Nathalie…
Nathalie: *forgets how to breathe*
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gabriel: Nathalie, do you think this a good idea?
Nathalie: *sighs* even if I say no you’ll just do it anyway
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adrien: *bursting into Nathalie’s room* Nathalie! We need to go! An akuma is on the loose!
Nathalie: *half asleep* Hmm…what…give…me…five…more…minutes…
Nathalie: *tiredly* I’m sure it’s just a false alarm
Nathalie: *trying to come up with an excuse* because…because…
Gabriel: *sitting up in bed next to Nathalie* Son it is a false alarm now go back to bed
Adrien: But— *surprised pikachu face* Father… what are you doing in Nathalie’s bed?
Gabriel and Nathalie: *look at each other then turn back to Adrien* GET OUT!
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With the state Adrien was in just before the finale, can you think of any way he could have made it to the final battle without getting akumatized or otherwise being a liability?
So I've talked about how the final could have been improved by Adrien being the one to get the ring to Paris or by having Ladybug fight while Adrien goes and finds the jump rope lucky charm so that they can save his father but there is one other path you could take without massive rewrites. A path I haven't talked about because - imo - Chat Blanc and Ephemeral made it impossible by establishing that Gabriel is a terrible father who doesn't care about traumatizing Adrien and/or using him for evil.
If we accept the final's retcon that Gabriel totally loves his son and would change his wish at the last minute (a premise I DO like, but not one that the show earned) then here's what you do: have Ladybug and Chat Noir be at the final fight after Adrien fought off the nightmare dust the same way that all of his friends got to do. Have everyone's identities revealed during the fight so that Gabriel doesn't have time to plan. Have Gabriel do his normal evil route and command Chat Noir to stop fighting/switch sides, leading to Gabriel winning and getting both miraculous.
Have Gabriel in his moment of triumph release his son so that Adrien can share in this moment because Gabriel truly thinks that Adrien will be on his side now that Adrien has had a moment to process everything. Have Adrien instead run to Marinette, crying, apologizing because he couldn't save her. Because he's supposed to be her protector and he failed.
Have a horrified Gabriel flash back to when Emilie was lost because Gabriel always blamed himself for letting her use the peacock instead of him and now he's FORCED his own son to go through the same kind of pain. Have Gabriel suddenly question his goals at the sight of his child's anguish. Have Gabriel look at his wife, knowing that she never wanted to be saved. Have Gabriel make his final wish: give my son my humanity. Let him be free so that no one can put him through this again. Make me the senti. Everything fades in a ball of light.
Cut to graveyard. Adrien is dressed in black standing before his parents' grave stone, holding his mother’s broach. Marinette joins him, taking his hand, squeezing it.
He squeezes back, then sighs, putting the broach in his pocket.
“I wish that I had more than this. Even their wedding rings are gone.”
Marinette smiles, tapping his miraculous. “You’ve got the only ring you’ll ever need right here, Kitty.”
Adrien smiles back. “I don’t know, in a few years, I’d like to add one more.”
She blushes and he laughs, kissing her softly. Then they hug each other tight. Adrien looks at the graves longingly, then closes his eyes and tightens his hold on Marinette. He's got long journey of healing ahead of him, but with his Lady, he can do anything.
That's probably the most satisfying thing that I can come up with without completely rewriting the whole season (or even the whole series). The basic premise behind this rewrite is that letting an old video of Emilie change Gabriel's mind makes no sense in the story they wrote.
For starters, there is no way that this is the first time that Gabriel is hearing these words from her. I mean, you really believe that she took the time to make videos for Nathalie, but never actually talked to her husband? Of course you don't! So why would the video change his mind when the real woman couldn't?
This is especially true because the video is played at the end of a season that started with Gabriel choosing defeating Ladybug over saving his wife!!! In other words, the narrative has literally gone out of its way to establish that Emilie has no sway over him when it comes to Ladybug. You do not write Evolution (S5E1) if you want to have this be your ending, but they did and nothing in season five undermined Evolution's message, so this ending makes no GD sense.
But Gabriel changing his mind because of Adrien? We have actually seen that before and we want the Father-son relationship to build to something big. We also want the senti stuff to build to something big. This type of change would satisfy those expectations while also giving a resolution to the central conflict of season five: Gabriel trying to control his son because he thinks that he knows best. A conflict that will now never be resolved because Gabriel will never have that moment where he gives up control. His final act was literally controlling the fate of the entire universe. That is not a satisfying conclusion for a villain who's all about control!!!! It doesn't matter that he's dead if you let him control his death! But if he has control of the universe and uses that control to do the opposite of what he's been trying to do all season? Arguably the entire series? That is actually a somewhat meaningful and powerful conclusion to one of your main themes.
Yes, Emilie was his motivation, but he gets to be with Emilie, so he didn't actually give her up. He still gets exactly what he wanted and controlled the fact that he got to be with his wife while also further traumatizing his son! This is not a meaningful surrender of control. This is Gabriel just having enough and deciding he wants to be with his wife and Nathalie can deal with Adrien from now on even though she has never expressed any interest in being Adrien's primary guardian. Idk, let's not get into it, this is already long.
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 37 - Unsafe
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Gallic Chick and Porcelet escorted Adrien into his mansion. They crossed the parlor to the stairs when Gabriel cleared his throat. They stopped and stared up at him.
            “Thank you for bringing my son home. You may leave,” Gabriel announced.
            “Sir, with all due respect, we need-,” Porcelet started.
            “Leave. Now. I won’t ask it again.”
            Gallic Chick opened her mouth, but Porcelet stopped her. They exchanged glances before they turned and left. Adrien gulped and turned to Gabriel.
            “Father, please. They helped me. You can-.”
            “You’re not leaving this house again, Adrien.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Why? Why? Are you that daft? There is a villain out there that took you from the school with ease. A villain that was using you to get to the butterfly man. What makes you think I’d let you back out there with such a villain running around?”
            “You certainly had no problem with it after those girls assaulted me! You had no issue with assigning me a bodyguard with the ulterior motive of her being my fucking betrothed without my consent! Is anything you actually do meant for my safety? Do you even really care about me?”
            “Adrien! What has gotten into you? I am your father. You will not use such language or tone with me.”
            “That’s what you’re concerned with? Nothing else? Does this really mean that you don’t care about me?”
            “How could you ask such a question? Of course I care. I will always do what is best for you whether you like it or not.”
            “What’s best for me, or what’s convenient for you?”
            “Adrien, how could-?”
            “You haven’t done what’s best for me in ages. You kept me caged here after Mom died. You refused to let me go to school and be with other people my age. You blamed me for those girls, that were supervillains, assaulting me. You made a deal for a bodyguard to also be my future wife without my consent or care about what either of us wanted. Now you want to cage me again because there’s nothing stopping that villain from getting me at school or at home. So, what difference does it make at this point? Does anything even matter at all?”
            “Enough! Nathalie, take Adrien to his room. He is not to leave this house ever again!” Gabriel roared.
            Adrien watched Gabriel storm off while Nathalie nudged him forward. He sighed and obeyed Nathalie’s silent instruction. He headed up to his room with her behind him. He plopped down on his couch and glared at the blank TV screen. Nathalie closed the door and leaned against the couch.
            “Bold move there, Adrien. When did you get such a bite?” Nathalie asked.
            “Why do you care?”
            “Because you seemed like you wanted to talk, but I’ll leave you alone if-.”
            “What is his problem? Doesn’t he see that it doesn’t matter where I go or what I do, I’m in danger? Does he honestly believe me staying here is the best thing when it puts everyone else in as much danger?”
            “Would it not be the same if you stayed in school? Would your new friends be in just as much danger? If it came down to it, who would you want to put in that danger? Your friends, or Gabriel and the rest of us?”
            Adrien grimaced and looked away.
            “It’s not an easy decision, Adrien. No matter how you look at it, someone will get hurt. This way, should trouble find itself here, Gabriel can have a say in trying to keep you safe, not that he really could in the end.”
            “But why? What does he care? He didn’t care before.”
            Nathalie chuckled and headed for the door. “Make no mistake, Adrien, Gabriel does care. He just needs his eyes opened a little.”
            “How can I make him see then? How can I get him to listen?”
            “Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’m sure that’ll wake him up before long. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to oversee dinner preparations.”
            Adrien watched Nathalie leave before he turned back to his TV. He pulled his knees close to him as Stompp plopped onto his shoulder.
            “So, what do we do now?” Stompp asked.
            “I don’t know, Stompp. I don’t want to stay here, but Nathalie has a point. If I head out, be with my friends, would I not be putting them in just as much danger? Even if they’re heroes, would I not be putting them in compromising positions just to ensure my safety?”
            “I mean, most likely. The only time you’d be safe is if you’re out as a hero, but even that can be risky. Not saying you shouldn’t, but just be prepared before you head into battle.”
            “How so?”
            “Like Master said, with my power, you will be safe from the commands of the peacock, however that power will only last for five minutes at your current stage. Which can be enough time providing you outsmart the peacock woman. Because, no offense, but she seems smarter than all of you. Almost like those sciencey research types. You know, the kind that do anything for the pursuit of knowledge.”
            “So, I’m screwed no matter what?”
            “Uh, well, maybe? But it should be fine! At least, I hope it will. I’m honestly not sure what’ll happen and it’s kinda scary. I’ve not seen a human like this since the Mage.”
            “The Mage? What was he like?”
            Stompp looked in the distance as his eyes glazed over. “I don’t completely remember the whole thing. There are just… splinters. His determination to discover new things, push the boundaries, and make something new. It was intoxicating… but terrifying.”
            “Terrifying? How so?”
            “I just… I remember such a whole feeling. A sense of togetherness. It was warm, lavish, and everything. Then there was hollow, crushing loneliness. Like I was torn away from it and cast out. After that, we woke up as we were and in the possession of humans under the supervision of the Mage. We seemed to be doing good things at the time, but before long, we were contained again. When we woke up again, we were in the hands of the Order.”
            “The Order?”
            “That’s right. The Order of the Guardians. It’s who Master was affiliated with before the temple vanished, along with all the other miraculous jewels.”
            “Woah! What happened?”
            “We don’t know. We just woke up and the temple was gone. We tried to ask Master when we had chances, but we never got an answer. But that was also when we learned about Duusu and Nooroo missing.”
            “Duusu is the peacock, right? Who is Nooroo?”
            “Yes, and Nooroo is the butterfly. We lost them both after that incident. We never knew what happened to them, until now. They’ve fallen into, well, I suppose evil hands.”
            “You suppose? I don’t understand. They seem pretty evil to me.”
            Stompp shook his head. “Something doesn’t seem right. The Hawkmoth one is just an idiot. Even I can see he’s not devoted to his villainy. Oh, let’s send out a villain once a week, maybe every other week. Oh, I’m so scared! Pitiful. But that peacock… don’t underestimate her. I fear if you do, it’ll be your undoing.”
            “What should I do then? If I can’t fight her, and she may come for me again, what can I even do?”
            “Assess the situation. Comply, and I don’t mean with her. Comply with your father.”
            “What? Why?”
            “Think about it. Out in the city, the peacock could attack from anywhere. Here, there’s control. You know the ins and outs, who comes and goes, and more. You truly are safest here. Here you have a fighting chance, as little as it already is.”
            “That’s a bittersweet sentiment. I mean, yeah I’m safe, but I don’t want to be stuck here the entire time.”
            “Well, how about when you head out, you are as a hero. You still have me after all. You aren’t completely benched.”
            “But what if Mayura takes you? What then?”
            Stompp considered. “I don’t think she will. If she knew, I don’t think she’d pass up on the knowledge it could bring her. But that is only if she knows. Keep it hidden, and you shouldn’t have to worry about it.”
            Adrien smiled and nuzzled Stompp. “Thank you.”
            “Hey, I do what I can. It may not be much, but I do what I can.”
            “Hey, what do you say we go pay a visit to our friends. Let them know what’s going on.”
            Stompp grinned. “You know what to say.”
            Adrien nodded. He messaged the others to meet at Le Grand Paris. He slipped his phone into his pocket and stood.
            “Stompp, charge ahead.”
            Stompp disappeared into the nose ring. Adrien’s clothes transformed into a blue gray jacket with a dark blue collar and rolled cuffs with gold studs, multicolored blue layered strap shirt, pants, blue gloves with light blue fingers, and blue boots with light blue ox -styled toes. A pair of dark blue belts with gold studs wrapped around each of his thighs and a similar belt around his hip with an ox head buckle. The look was completed with a pair of golden ox horns atop his head and a blue ox tail.
            Adrien grinned and headed out to Le Grand Paris. He landed on the rooftop where he saw Gallic Chick and Porcelet waiting. They waved him down as he joined them.
            “Check out the new threads on you!” Gallic Chick cooed.
            “You look amazing!” Porcelet praised.
            Adrien blushed and looked away. “Oh, it’s nothing much. Just thought I’d try something a little different.”
            “It’s a really good different. And perfect for the designers of Paris,” Gallic Chick commented.
            “What do you mean?” Adrien asked.
            “You know that Heroes Day nonsense? Well, I might have overheard Mother talking about how uninspiring our designs were and these whole fashion lines were going to be an utter disaster. I then went to Daddy and ask him about it, and that’s when I learned he commissioned the elite designers of Paris to create special hero themed clothes lines. Oh, and something about a contest for newbie designers to get their big break and have the heroes model the winning designs.”
            Adrien’s eyes widened. “That’s amazing!”
            “Right? So, and I shared this with Bloody Bug shortly, but I was thinking we ditch the lame supersuits for something way cooler. Give the designers something more. Like what you’re doing, uh, what do we call you?”
            Adrien hummed. “How about… Taureau?”
            “I love it,” Porcelet cheered.
            “It works,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            “Oh, and speaking of Bug, where is she?” Taureau asked.
            “I dunno. When I messaged her all that, she posted to the group chat that she’s currently preoccupied, but she informed our temp cat about this meeting. So, we should be meeting your temp replacement,” Gallic Chick answered.
            Taureau frowned and opened his mouth when a chill ran up his spine. He felt a shadow hover over him that disturbed the air. He moved to turn when a pair of hands gripped his shoulders. He screamed and tore himself away as a girl cackled like a witch. He hid behind Porcelet as he got a good look at the girl.
            The girl was as tall as Juleka and shared her pale skin. She was draped in a black, hooded cloak with black gloves, boots, and pants with shifting ghastly green ghost mist and lights. Her eyes matched Chat Noir’s, but her mask covered her mouth with a hissing cat mouth etched onto it. Beneath her hood were bands of black hair with dyed green tips. A cat tail wagged behind her that betrayed her mirth.
            “And just who are you?” Gallic Chick challenged.
            “I am Death… Death Noire.” Death Noire spoke in a hushed, chilling tone.
            Taureau shuddered and gulped. “Y-you don’t say. Uh, pleased to, uh, meet you.”
            Death Noire darted around Porcelet to Taureau. “So, you’re Chat Noir, eh? Pleasure to meet you, cat to, well, ox.”
            Taureau forced a smile as Porcelet moved between him and Death Noire.
            “Pleasure to meet you, Death Noire. I’m Porcelet.”
            “Pleasure is all mine, little piggy. And you, rooster girl, must be Gallic Chick, right?”
            Gallic Chick flipped her hair. “The one and only.”
            Death Noire hummed as she looked around. “I’m missing something. I had a plus one. Where did… ah ha!”
            Taureau raised a brow as he watched Death Noire dart past Gallic Chick to the patio railing. He tilted his head when he saw the tip of white rabbit ears. He watched as Death Noire grabbed Harlequin and tossed him into the middle of everyone.
            Porcelet cooed. “Bunny!”
            “Wait, how long have we had a rabbit?” Gallic Chick demanded.
            “It’s long and complicated, but the short of it is he was given a kwami first, then the miraculous thingy by Bloody Bug,” Death Noire answered.
            “So, he’s not really part of the team, right?”
            “Oh, he is now.”
            “And who are you to make that call?” Harlequin demanded.
            Death Noire got in Harlequin’s face and stared him dead in the eyes. “Because you need to get out from your doom, gloom, and self-loathing. I’m tired of listening to your pitiful ‘woe be me’ songs because you don’t have the balls to break up with your girlfriend that doesn’t love you anymore and hopelessly pines for short-tempered red head.”
            “Wait! Wait! Luka?” Gallic Chick screeched.
            “What? How’d you know?” Harlequin asked.
            “Because Gallic Chick also has a crush on a short-tempered red head,” Porcelet commented.
            “Porcelet!” Gallic Chick screamed.
            “Wait a minute. Chloe?” Harlequin asked looking at Gallic Chick.
            “Huh, I thought I recognized that hatred,” Death Noire remarked.
            “Excuse me, what? How could anyone hate me?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “You bullied me for years until I snapped off at you promising to offer you up as a ritual sacrifice to the ancient horrors bound to the land. I also claimed that not even the devil would want your soul and you’d be forced to wander the Earth as a forgotten soul, bound to become a horror. You didn’t believe me until I started bringing materials to school to perform what you thought was a satanic ritual.”
            Gallic Chick’s face twisted in confusion before it twisted in disgust. “Juleka?”
            Death Noire bowed.
            “Oh! That makes sense. Luka wouldn’t be caught away from Juleka. We never saw Luka on the field, but now that Juleka is, we’ll see Luka too. Brilliant!” Porcelet mused.
            “And, at a guess, Chat Noir is Adrien, and Porcelet, I’m guessing you’re Sabrina.”
            “Woah! How’d you figure it out?” Porcelet asked.
            “You’re never far from Chloe as Luka is never far from me. And Adrien here is the only person that had been recently threatened and was also the first person Alix really got close to. Which should mean nothing if I didn’t already know who Bloody Bug is.”
            “She told you, didn’t she?” Taureau asked.
            Death Noire nodded.
            “Well, I’m glad we could get this sorted out, I guess. Should make things easier, right?” Porcelet commented.
            “Close. We still don’t have Bomb Bee,” Taureau commented.
            “Bomb Bee? Where are they? I was told I’d get to meet the whole-.”
            Death Noire stopped as she leaned back. She turned as Bomb Bee jumped onto the rooftop with them.
            “What’s up girls? Oh, and guys,” Bomb Bee cheered.
            Death Noire raised a brow then squealed. “Alya!”
            Bomb Bee smirked. “Oh, who told you about little ol’ me?”
            “Me. I’d recognize that familiarity anywhere. Just like Mylene and Alix. I’d say Rose too, but she’s more than you three. No offense.”
            Bomb Bee grinned. “Wait, Juleka? Is it really you?”
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire squealed as they twirled each other around.
            “This is amazing! We just need Rose and Mylene, then we’ll have the full squad!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “Full squad? You won’t bring in Marinette, will you?” Porcelet asked.
            “No,” Bomb Bee, Death Noire, and Harlequin all said.
            Gallic Chick, Porcelet, and Taureau all exchanged glances.
            “Uh, may I ask why? You all seemed the best of friends. As close as me and Gallic Chick,” Porcelet asked.
            “She’s… changed. And this isn’t blaming you, but it really started with Adrien,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “What do you mean? How am I the cause?” Taureau asked.
            “She just… she kept saying how much she was in love. It was… I don’t know. It was strange, but I just thought she was madly in love. You know, that true love stuff we’re always fed in stories. We all just brushed it off as that and tried to help her get close to you,” Bomb Bee admitted.
            “Until Bee told us about the day at the Louvre. We, uh, may have also suggested she date someone else to get her mind off you. That’s when Rose and I sorta pushed Luka to ask her out. We honestly expected her to say no, but she accepted,” Death Noire added.
            Taureau trotted over and sat beside Harlequin. “How’s that been?”
            Harlequin shook his head. “I hate it. I can feel the love in her heart, but only when you are mentioned or seen. But once I’m around, it’s all gone, but she puts on a show. She pretends to like me, but her eyes are still on you.”
            “Why don’t you break up with her?”
            Harlequin sneered and shot to his feet. “You think I haven’t tried? You think I haven’t reached out to her, wanting to talk? Wanting to break it off? I’ve even texted her that we’re done, but she ignores me. She continues to put up her act that I’m her boyfriend when her heart is only for you, and I hate it. I hate listening to it. I hate being near it.”
            “Near what?” Porcelet asked.
            “Her heart’s song. It was beautiful before, but now it scares me. It’s like the beautiful serenades of people in love, but twisted and bastardized. But not just that. There are loud undertones I’ve heard in other softer, sweeter melodies. But it’s far from soft or sweet. It’s ravenous, unfulfilled, and wanting. A hunger that can never be sated.”
            Taureau gulped and hugged himself. Porcelet placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile.
            “I’m here,” Porcelet whispered.
            Tears fell from Taureau’s eyes as he hugged Porcelet.
            “Hey, so, this may be a bad time, but what happened that day? You know, with Volpina and Heart’s Design?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Bomb Bee, please, leave him-,” Porcelet started.
            “They assaulted me,” Taureau whispered.
            Bomb Bee covered her mouth, Harlequin flinched, and Death Noire’s eyes widened.
            “That explains a lot,” Bomb Bee whispered.
            “More than a lot. Chat Noir, we promise, we’ll do everything we can to keep her away from you,” Death Noire whispered.
            “No, it’s fine. I don’t want to be what ruins your friendship with her, please,” Taureau whimpered.
            “I think there’s nothing left to salvage at this point,” Death Noire hissed.
            “If… if that’s the case, can you do me a favor?” Taureau asked.
            “Anything. Name it,” Bomb Bee said.
            “Marinette wanted to talk with Bloody Bug, and Bug agreed. Can you be there to keep an eye on Bug? I don’t know what will happen, but I’m scared something will.”
            “Why not just tell her not to go?” Gallic Chick asked.
            “Well, hold up. It would be a chance to really see what Marinette is after. Furthermore, it gives us a chance to snoop,” Porcelet pointed out.
            “Go on,” Bomb Bee urged.
            “Well, with Gallic Chick’s powers, she could become invisible and take a look around while Bloody Bug speaks with Marinette. See what evidence we can find to build a case against her and keep her away from Adrien.”
            “I like the way she thinks,” Death Noire purred.
            “Same. Let’s do it!” Bomb Bee exclaimed.
            “You know I’ll do anything to keep Adrikins safe,” Gallic Chick boasted.
            “Perfect. When is the meeting?” Death Noire asked.
            “Two nights from now at nine in the evening,” Taureau answered.
            “Excellent. See you all then?” Bomb Bee asked.
            “Yes, yes. I will need you lot added to the group chat. So, you can give me your numbers now or I can get them from Bloody Bug. Your choice,” Gallic Chick remarked.
            Bomb Bee and Death Noire sighed as they gave Gallic Chick their numbers, including Harlequin’s. They said their good-byes and headed off. Taureau sighed and stepped back.
            “I should probably head home. I meant to bring it up, but Gabriel is restricting me to the mansion again,” Taureau whispered.
            “What? Absolutely not! I’m going to-!” Gallic Chick started.
            “No! Please. It’s safer this way. For me and you guys,” Taureau said.
            “Did he tell you that?”
            “No. Nathalie and Stompp did.”
            Gallic Chick relaxed a little, but crossed her arms.
            “Are you ok with this?” Porcelet asked.
            “No, but I get it. I don’t like it, but the last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt, or put yourselves in a compromising position just for me. Your safety is just as important as mine and I can’t recklessly play with that. Especially knowing Bloody Bug,” Taureau explained.
            “Yeah. You should have seen it earlier. We had to gag her as we dragged her away so she wouldn’t transform in the middle of the schoolyard. It was… it was unpleasant,” Porcelet admitted.
            Taureau grimaced. “I don’t want a repeat of that again.”
            “Ok, but promise me something.”
            “Message us immediately if you’re in danger. If you feel anything, tell us, please. Your safety is just as important as ours.”
            Taureau blinked, then smiled. “I will. As long as it’s in my power, I’ll let you all know.”
            “Thank you. And we’ll be sure to visit, right, Gallic Chick?”
            “Well, of course. Who are we? Gabriel?” Gallic Chick retorted.
            Porcelet smiled. “Be safe, Kitten.”
            “You too, Rin.”
            Taureau and Porcelet planted a kiss on each other’s cheeks, then rubbed their noses together. They giggled and shared a hug before Taureau headed home.
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piromina · 8 months
say what you want but i dont think that marinette got the full message of felix the theatre kid's broadway performance in representation. like, as in she has no idea that adrien is a sentimonster, because that wasn't said specifically in the play. what WAS shown was gabriel giving the peacock miraculous to colt. colt CLEARLY using it to make Felix. the amok is CLEARLY in his ring. that's what was shown in the play, that's what knowledge marinette walked away with. she doesn't know about adrien. YES, gabriel called him a 'miracle child'. YES, there were peacock feathers in the background when he said that. and of COURSE that's not a coincidence. but those were both clues that weren't meant for marinette to figure out. they were for US. the AUDIENCE. those were the final bits of information that we needed to confirm OUR little fan theory. no, emelie making adrien wasn't shown on screen. marinette did not have the knowledge to know that emelie was getting sick (like colt) before she died (like colt). marinette thought that emelie was DEAD before the season finale. marinette doesn't know EVERYTHING about the agrestes and graham de vanilys. she would probably think that NATHALIE was the one to make adrien, IF SHE EVEN WERE TO SUSPECT THAT ADRIEN IS LIKE FELIX AT ALL. she thinks that colt got jealous of gabriel. she thinks that gabriel went to go get the peacock miraculous for COLT. she thinks that the only reason felix and adrien look so identical is because colt wanted a son who was exactly like adrien only BETTER. she does not think that adrien is a sentimonster. okay, i'll admit. it would be pretty easy to put two and two together. it wouldn't be hard to connect emelie's state to colt's death. it wouldn't be hard with the knowledge she has now, of gabriel agreste being monarch. but we have forgotten one crucial factor to all this. something that could completely change your way of looking at things. we have forgotten one of the most important things in miraculous. we forgot that paris is blind.
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unecoccinellenoire · 11 months
1. First and 2. Lonely
GabeNath, of course. 😌
The sight of Gabriel standing at the midpoint of the stairs almost makes her want to turn around, shut the door, and ring the guy she's just been on an unsucessful attempt at a date with and tell him she's changed her mind.
But she really really wants to be in her own comfortable bed right now.
And Gabriel has already seen her.
He looks down at her. "Nathalie."
"Mr Agreste." She acknowledges, and approaches the stairs hoping that he'll accept the brush off.
It's a very weak hope, but for it almost looks like it might happen as Gabriel remains silent.
Until her foot lands on the first stair and, "This isn't the most professional of behaviour."
He'd apparently only been waiting for her to get closer.
"Didn't you say we were family?"
"And you think getting drunk with random men and coming home late is a good exemple to be setting to Adrien?"
She resists the urge to shut her eyes and scream.
Instead just like she does in her professional lives she pushes that reaction aside for later and forces a mostly neutral if slightly conscending tone into her voice to say, "Alright then. I'll move out."
Gabriel freezes, his lips slightly parted, and she takes her chance to attempt to get past him.
But he grabs her wrist when she gets to his level, "Nathalie you can't be serious."
"I am. Adrien's old enough he doesn't want or need me waking him in the mornings, and frankly I might do less overtime if I had an actual home to go to, so why shouldn't I move out?"
"Rent for a start, and the commute you'd-"
"Those are my issues to deal with. And I think I can. I'm not dying anymore after all."
"And you really view," his lip curls, "dating, as more important than Adrien-"
"Don't you talk about putting Adrien first to me."
"Alright. What about me?"
"What about you? Why should I think of you? You don't pay me for anything else than my work and we're not even friends anymore so why would I put you first instead of caring for my own needs."
"Your needs? Is that what this is about?"
"Yes. My needs. Because I'm lonely Gabriel. Stuck in this house with no friends, a boss who doesn't talk to me, and a boy who I love like my own son but who spends every minute possible out of this house and I can't blame him. Maybe I want someone who'll put me first? Have you ever thought about that? Except I don't know why I'm asking because of course you haven't- sometimes I don't think even realise I'm my own person and not just some appendage of yours."
"Actually I think you made that very clear when you tried to kill me."
A phantom bruise aches on her wrist. "You'd think that would make you want me to move out. Wouldn't want me to make another attempt."
"Don't be ridiculous. I know you're not going to try to kill me again. Adrien would be horrified. And who knows what Ladybug would do."
"Not another new start I don't think. I think even she would say we're wasted our chances, and there's no more coming."
"Perhaps," Gabriel takes a step closer, his hold stopping her from stepping back and maintaining her distance. "Nathalie I don't want to waste this last chance of ours."
She looks up, it's more obvious this close that she has to slightly despite her heels.
"What does that mean?"
"I thought you didn't want me to talk to you except about work. I didn't mean to make you feel alone. Can't we...."
Just like she always does she rescues him, "try to be friends again? I suppose. That doesn't mean I shouldn't still move out."
Gabriel's eyes draw over her making her want to shiver, but all he says is, "we'll talk about it in the morning."
"Alright. Goodnight Gabriel."
"Goodnight. Nathalie." And with that he finally lets her go.
She hardly notices, distracted by the parting kiss he offers to her cheek, and as Gabriel moves away towards his own room she's the one left behind frozen in confusion.
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