#natural face cream uk
hayatynatural · 10 months
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Elevate your skincare with the nourishing benefits of Lupine Oil. Packed with nutrients, this natural elixir promotes skin health, reducing signs of aging and enhancing hydration. Unleash the power of nature on your skin, embracing the revitalizing properties of Lupine Oil for a radiant, youthful complexion.
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biancamillerlondon · 2 years
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Make your skin look its best by subscribing to our skincare regime. As part of our package, we provide Facial Cleansing Wash, Anti-aging Serum, and Collagen Vibrancy Cream. The only thing you need to do is subscribe today and take advantage of the discounted prices.
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masterj · 1 month
Chuggington Headcanon: Wilson The Artist - WE WERE ROBBED \😫/
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So if you know the CGI TV series Chuggington, you know its three main protaginists, Brewster, Koko, and Wilson, who is ultimately the main character overall, and TOTALLY THE BEST AND MOST RELATABLE talking train with face to grace the face of the earth and I'M TOTALLY NOT SAYING THAT OUT OF BIAS I'm NOT obsessed I'M PERFECTLY NORMAL I totally didn't kidnap him from his roundhouse to adopt him as my son I don't know WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT CRAZY A-
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...Anyways, yes, Wilson is in fact the overall main character of Chuggington. He is mostly known for showing severe signs of ADHD, including having a short attention span and getting easily distracted, particularly in the first three seasons, and then in season 4, when our beloved trio move up to advanced training, Wilson becomes promoted as an apprentice for Chug Patrol Rescue Squad, due to various past occasions of him rescuing his friends from certain disaster.
Wilson has always been my favorite characater because he has the most relatable character of the main three, his fun personality is always so well-written, coupled with the voice acting from Morgan Overton and Tony Terraciano in the UK and US dubs respectively, and while his dodgy attention span, cheekiness and foolishness can get him into trouble, he always comes through to put things right and has creative and ingeniously unique ideas to solve problems. But you know what people DON'T talk about? >:( The fact that Wilson is CANONICALLY an ARTIST. 😎👌🎨
Let's quickly go over three examples:
Exhibit 1: Wilson and the Paint Wagon (Season 1 Episode 41)
So naturally, we must first go over the one that started it all: In "Wilson and the Paint Wagon", our trio learn how to use said wagons. Wilson struggles at first like the ADHD boi he is, but with Old Puffer Pete's help, he quickly learns how to control his paint wagon. 🎨
Right afterwards, see Wilson paint a yellow butterfly on his roundhouse door with some basic 2D detail. 🦋
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And at the end of the episode, Wilson's newfound talent comes full circle when he demonstrates his skill to his friends as paints a picture of the main trio with Dunbar on the wall in the Training Yard, and coming from someone who's been drawing since three, I think it's safe to say he's got quite the unique artstyle for a beginner. 😎👍
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Exhibit 2: Trainer Wilson (Badge Quest Season 2 Episode 13)
In the 13th and final second series episode of the Badge Quest short series, Wilson is to teach Hoot and Toot how to use the paint wagon, where he graces us once again with his painting skills with a picture of Hoot and Toot. 😌
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Not too much difference in the artstyle compared to last time, but still a vitally noteworthy mention nonetheless.
Exhibit 3: Chug-O-Flage (Season 3 Episode 4)
And last, but definitely not least, "Chug-O-Flage" from season 3.
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After unsuccessfully trying to make a camouflage net for safari training with Mtambo, Wilson decides to instead camouflage himself by getting painted as a parrot (Big mistake, it almost got him killed lol 🦏) but I'm sorry, the fact he got himself painted as A PARROT?🦜 HE CAME UP WITH THAT PAINT JOB, He TOTALLY DESIGNED THAT and somehow programmed it into the spray shed computer or something- THERE IS NO OTHER WAY- I SWEAR TO GOD, he HAD to- You can't tell m- there's NO WAY-
Your honor, my boi is an artist, I rest my case. 😌
This is why Wilson is best chugger. He's not only my inner child, (yours too, don't lie 😈) he's an artist. CANONICALLY an artist. He has ALWAYS had talent, Why wasn't there MORE of this, LUDORUM YOU ROBBED US ALL-
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So finally here's where my headcanon comes into play:
Whenever Wilson makes the time for it, he likes to make paintings with the paint wagon just for the fun of it, usually of his favorite things like butterflies, ice cream or even his friends.
'Course, he already knows he can't just do it anywhere without permission, cuz dat's graffiti which is illegal, he usually uses whatever flat junk or scrap he can get hold of such as old metal sheets or wooden boards, even unused hopper cars rusting away in sidings that haven't met the cutter's torch get a touch up.
Sometimes, he does have actual canvases for painting (Lori gives them to him 😊) and he even puts them up in the wall in his roundhouse. Whatever he can't put in there is safely put in a storage unit located behind the Loading Yard.
It's safe to say his artstyle has improved quite a lot since what we've seen on-screen. 😉😎👌🎨
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pleistocene-pride · 16 days
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Falco sparverius better known as the American kestrel or american sparrowhawk, is a species of common falcon that can be found throughout most of the Caribbean, North, Central, and South America from as far north as Alaska and northern Canada, to as far south as Argentina and Tierra Del Fuego. The American kestrel is also an occasional vagrant in the UK, Denmark, Malta and the Azores. Here they inhabit a wide range of biomes including taiga, temperate and tropical forests, grasslands, meadows, deserts, mountainous regions, coastal regions, swamps, marshes, tundra, scrublands, agricultural lands, and urban and suburban areas. A kestrel's habitat must include perches, open space for hunting, and cavities for nesting (whether natural or man-made). American kestrels primarily feed upon insects, arachnids, lizards, mice, voles, shrews, frogs, snakes, squirrels, bats, and small birds. Reaching some 8.7 to 12.2 inches (22 to 31cms) in length, 2.8 to 5.8 ounces (80 to 165g) in weight, with a 20 to 24 inch (51 to 61cm) wingspan, the American kestrel is the smallest raptor native to the Americas. It is a sexually dimorphic species with females being around 10 to 15% larger than males. Whilst both sexes have a white head with a blue top and a rufous back with noticeable barring, males have blue-grey wings with black spots and white bellies with black spotting whilst females sport red to brown wings with dark brown barring and cream colored bellies with brown streaking. American kestrels are monogamous and mate for life, with breeding typically occurring during the spring. Perspective parents build there nests inside of the cavities of trees, cacti, cliff faces, or buildings. Here a mother kestrel will lay 3 to 9 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for 30 days. After hatching the young remain with there parents for 31 days. Under ideal conditions an American Kestrel will reach sexual maturity at 1 year of age and may live up to 17.
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mariana-oconnor · 1 year
The Silver Blaze pt 2
We venture further into the web of intrigue, murder and horse theft.
I have decided that the funniest end to this story is if Silver Blaze is just never seen again. Like the horse just ran off onto the moors and is now living in sin with a herd of Dartmoor ponies and frolicking all the livelong day.
Although it would be funny, but tragic, if Silver Blaze ends up being killed offpage in a random shipwreck. I don't want that to happen, but there would be a certain black humour to events.
In every other direction the low curves of the moor, bronze-colored from the fading ferns, stretched away to the sky-line, broken only by the steeples of Tavistock, and by a cluster of houses away to the westward which marked the Mapleton stables.
Watson was secretly being paid by the Devon Marketing Board because this makes me want to go to Dartmoor. Go to Devon, have a nice cream tea, see some Dartmoor ponies, experience the terrifying and exhilarating awe of witnessing untamed nature? God I need a holiday.
And a cream tea.
But mostly a holiday.
I didn't realise the other stables were so close you could literally see them from the main house, though.
“I think that I should prefer to stay here a little and go into one or two questions of detail. Straker was brought back here, I presume?” “Yes; he lies upstairs. The inquest is to-morrow.”
Just got the body of a murdered man upstairs, nbd.
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I know they have nowhere else to put him, but damn that's unsanitary. Don't keep him upstairs, at least keep him somewhere cold and not part of the main house. Although I suppose you could be keeping him in the pantry, so we're all grateful you're not.
“I presume that you made an inventory of what he had in this pockets at the time of his death, Inspector?”
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Also, the American spelling of aluminium... like we had the American spelling of grey a week or so ago. That always throws me out a bit, but I acknowledge that that is probably because it is literally my job to localise things from US to UK English and vice versa, so I am trained to notice them.
"This other is a milliner's account for thirty-seven pounds fifteen made out by Madame Lesurier, of Bond Street, to William Derbyshire."
Back to the trusty inflation calculator, thank you Bank of England website, that's more than £3,500 in today's money. And while Holmes says 'a single costume' as far as I'm aware, milliners were hat makers, not full on tailors, although maybe they did both. 3.5 grand for a hat is... insane amounts of money. Could this be a secret payment for a horse? Or for stealing a horse? Money laundering?
“Dear me! Why, I could have sworn to it. You wore a costume of dove-colored silk with ostrich-feather trimming.” “I never had such a dress, sir,” answered the lady.
Guessing that's the £3.5K dress, then. Ostrich feathers are pricey.
So... so... what if the guy had the cataract knife in his pocket, which was super sharp, right, and the cork fell off the blade, right... and it cut his leg as he was walking? and in the confusion the horse stomped him to death with its hooves. And then Silver Blaze ran off into the night, met a nice Dartmoor pony, settled down, fathered a few foals, and lived happily to the end of his days.
“In this bag I have one of the boots which Straker wore, one of Fitzroy Simpson's shoes, and a cast horseshoe of Silver Blaze.” “My dear Inspector, you surpass yourself!”
Another competent police officer! Will wonders never cease? Although the last one did arrest the wrong man deliberately and have racist articles published in order to lure out the true suspect.
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The horse is a very gregarious creature. If left to himself his instincts would have been either to return to King's Pyland or go over to Mapleton.
Or... or... or... to the Dartmoor ponies. Freedom! Pony friends. Thundering across the moors together.
"It was Holmes who saw them first, and he stood pointing with a look of triumph upon his face. A man's track was visible beside the horse's."
OK, working theory, which I absolutely cannot remember if I'm right or not. Straker steals the horse because he has debts/an expensive mistress (£3.5k for a dress yikes), but as stated before, the cork comes off the knife, he cuts open his thigh and panics. Man panicking makes horse panic, because horses are scaredy cats. But they are heavy scaredy cats with hooves. Silver Blaze unintentionally kills his own kidnapper and runs off into the night. Then one of the grooms from the other stable sees him says 'ooh, free horse' and leads him back to the stable.
The double track turned sharp off and took the direction of King's Pyland. Holmes whistled, and we both followed along after it. His eyes were on the trail, but I happened to look a little to one side, and saw to my surprise the same tracks coming back again in the opposite direction.
So they were going to return him... then they decided not to?
“I've no time to talk to every gadabout. We want no stranger here. Be off, or you may find a dog at your heels.” Holmes leaned forward and whispered something in the trainer's ear. He started violently and flushed to the temples.
Not a horse whisperer, but a horse-trainer whisperer.
Silas Brown seems like a pleasant fellow, doesn't he? Love it when people threaten to set dogs on me just for stopping to have a chat.
“Oh, and old horse-faker like him has many a dodge.”
I do know how the horse has been hidden. That is like the one thing I remember. I think Enid Blyton used the same trick in one of her stories at one point. Either that or she just wrote another story about a stolen horse and I smashed them together in my mind.
"That is the advantage of being unofficial. I don't know whether you observed it, Watson, but the Colonel's manner has been just a trifle cavalier to me. I am inclined now to have a little amusement at his expense. Say nothing to him about the horse."
Colonels, you can't trust them. I'm trying to remember a single colonel in these stories who has been a good guy and I'm struggling. Even the one who died was a traitor. Colonels should not be trusted.
We had only been a few hours in Devonshire, and that he should give up an investigation which he had begun so brilliantly was quite incomprehensible to me.
Yeah, my dudes, stop for lunch. Find a nice little country pub or cafe somewhere. Have a tea, have a scone. Please allow me to vicariously live through you.
The Inspector opened his eyes, and the Colonel's lip curled in a sneer. “So you despair of arresting the murderer of poor Straker,” said he.
Colonels are terrible. This is clearly the hidden message of these stories.
Wouldn't put it past him to be race fixing and have bet against his own horse, then arranged for Straker to get Silver Blaze out of the way for a little while so he can rake in the dough.
But maybe he's just a horrible person. That's also possible. Not all horrible people are criminals. We must remember this.
Until next time. We've solved where the horse is (which is the bit I already sort of knew. I knew it was in a stable and I knew how it was being hidden), next step the mastermind behind the failed theft.
I really think that Straker might have accidentally sliced open his own artery and caused all the problems. This is why you don't keep knives in your pocket. Bad idea. Lots of arteries and veins right there.
Alas, Silver Blaze did not choose to roam the moors with a herd of wild ponies. Still kind of wish he had, though.
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siennamillerstyle · 3 months
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Blumarine Pre-Fall 2024 Alpaca Blend Cardigan With Peony Print
Cologne & Cotton Wash Bag In Blue Leaves
Plant People WonderSleep Mushroom Gummies
A313 Retinol Cream
Sarah Chapman London C1 Vitamin C Power 1 Serum
Utan Pen
Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Hue Drops
Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Flawless Filter
MV Skintherapy Rose Hydrating Mist
LYMA Laser
Macrene Actives High Performance Face Cream
Heliocare Color Gelcream Light
The Outset Smoothing Vitamin C Eye + Expression Lines Cream
Hair by Sam McKnight Cool Girl Barely There Texture Mist
Westman Atelier Lip Suede Les Nudes
YSL Touche Éclat Illuminating Highlighter Pen
Summer Fridays Lip Butter Balm In Vanilla
Glossier Stretch Balm Concealer
Pat McGrath Skin Fetish: Sublime Perfection Concealer Brush
Amanda Harrington Face Mist In Natural Honey
E11even Fragrance Oil
Le Labo Thé Noir 29
| Video for Harper's Bazaar UK ‘Inside my beauty bag’, June 2024 |
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belladoesmakeup · 4 months
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Hey guys,
Last year I barely shopped Fenty Beauty products and this year I feel like I can’t stop! If you live in the uk you might know that Fenty Beauty is now available in Selfridges which is a big deal. To celebrate the launch of the brand landing in Selfridges they have started with a limited edition summer collection you can only get there. So naturally I had to browse the collection and let’s face it, I never leave empty handed do I!
In Fenty Beauty's new summer collection they have launched 2 new formulas we have seen before which includes Baked Blushers and Gloss Bomb Lip Oils! As you can imagine I was so excited to see the new formulas in person and they did not disappoint.
The first product I picked up (and was the reason I went in) was the Hot Cheeks Baked Blush £24.00 in the shade Fresh Peach. Personally I have only used cream blushes from Fenty so I was beyond excited their formula was extending to baked blushers. I'm a big fan of this formula because it is the perfect mix of blush and highlighter giving your skin a pigmented glow and flush of colour. This blush comes in 3 shades but I decided to play it safe and go for the fairest shade which is sheer pink shade. The formula blends like a dream especially paired with the Fenty Beauty foundation.
The second new product I picked up was the Gloss Bomb Lip Oil , £21.00 in the shade Frosted Bunz. We have seen so many versions of the Gloss Bombs over the years but never a Lip Oil so I was really excited to try it out. Frosted Bunz is described as a Amber Gold shade which looks stunning on the lips! This new formula is described as a slick, shimmer gloss that is a non-stick formula to give your lips the ultimate shine. What makes this formula more unique than others is that it is a gel-oil texture with a coconut-vanilla scent. I'm also a huge fan of the new applicator because the shade makes gliding on the lips even easier.
Overall a very successful shop, if you are looking to shop these products don't leave it too long as they are limited edition. Like Rihanna's other summer collections, once they are gone that's it so don't miss out! As always all products mentioned are linked above.
Lot's of love,
Bella x x
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girlfictions · 2 years
hi! do you have any recommendations for skin nourishment? saw the patrick bateman room on your twt❤️
hi nonnie well first of all thank you for describing my very normal room like That and secondly yes absolutely!! the harsh uk weather is my nemesis so i curated my routine to be as nourishing as possible. disclaimer that you definitely don’t need all of these products; i just happen to have super sensitive skin that is prone to dry patches and i also kind of love having a specific routine it’s very therapeutic #patrickbatemancorefr... so without further ado here are my recs 💌
1. clinique take the day off cleansing balm
i haven’t touched makeup wipes in about 7 years because they tended to irritate my skin especially around my eyes so i swapped to this cleansing balm and it’s amazing at removing even the most stubborn makeup efficiently without feeling harsh at all 💆‍♀️
2. ren skincare evercalm gentle cleansing milk
i used to think cleansers were supposed to make your face feel “squeaky clean” until i realised that just meant my skin was being stripped of its natural oils 😭 this is by far the most gentle cleanser i’ve found and i’ve tried a TON none of which can compare like this is srsly such a uniquely soothing product
3. origins drink up intensive overnight hydrating mask
this mask is my absolute fave 🌟 it’s marketed as an overnight mask so sometimes i’ll use it in place of my moisturiser but more often than not i just leave it on for a few hours while i study and it leaves my skin feeling so nice and rejuvenated yippee
4. hada labo gokujyun premium hyaluronic acid lotion
ok this is called a ‘lotion’ but it technically functions as a serum imo and it’s truly my ride or die product i can’t even tell you how many bottles i’ve gone through. it’s comprised of 7 kinds of hyaluronic acid so it is ultra-ultra-moisturising and it makes my skin feel so bouncy and hydrated yass 💧
5. kiehl’s creamy eye treatment with avocado
this is the only eye treatment i think actually made a significant difference out of all the ones i’ve used. it’s so creamy you just need the tiniest amount and it melts so nicely into my skin 🙌 i suffer from super dry undereyes and eyelids and this honest to god saved my life #kiehlsstan4eva
6. caudalie vineactive overnight detox oil
okay firstly i’m obsessed with how this face oil smells it’s like being transported to a spa but more importantly i love how it absorbs into my skin without feeling greasy in the slightest <- i didn’t even know that was possible with an oil. tbh idgaf about the anti-aging claims but this noticeably makes my skin feel sooo soft when i wake up in the morning so i highly recommend! 
7. la roche-posay cicaplast baume b5
this is not marketed specifically as a moisturiser but i use it as one LOL. this is my ultimate holy grail i cannot emphasise enough how it totally transformed my skin esp. in the winter months it is so freaking nourishing and i will repurchase it forever and ever 🫶
and that wraps up my list!! honorary mentions go to the kiehl’s ultra facial cream which was my fav moisturiser before i discovered cicaplast and basically anything from the innisfree green tea range 🍵
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I'd love to know your thoughts on Klefki! Love them funky little boo-boo keys. Or the Vanillite line if Klefki has already been done! I love reading your thoughts, they're very interesting!!
I already did Klefki over here, but as for Vanillite:
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For some reason the Vanillite line gets a ton of hate, and frankly, I don't really get it. It's not my favorite line Ever(TM) or anything, but I wouldn't even say it's bad, let alone a sign of GameFreak "running out of ideas" or whatever people try to claim. It's cute! It's got a theme! It's ice cream! And hell, it's not even literally ice cream, but rather an icicle creature with snow crystals that naturally form on its head. There's even some art of it without the crystals:
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And visually, I don't really have any problems with it; the monochromatic look is nice, the little ice-crystal blush cheeks are cute, and I like the crystal details on the "cone". I also like how it looks like a kiddie cone at this point, to reflect its pre-evo status. The only thing I find odd is the little clouds around it, as I don't think those actually show up in the games anywhere, but that's it.
Also, I like this bit of mythology:
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Visually, I don't like Vanillish as much, but there's still nothing wrong with it. I think it's mostly the face that bugs me; the proportions are different than Vanillite's to make it look stronger, but something about the open mouth starts to look a bit odd. Maybe that's just a me thing,
Regardless, I like the progression from Vanillite being a kiddie cone (with a cake cone base) to being a full-size ice cream cone with a waffle cone base (the best kind of cone)—especially because this leans back into the icicle idea. I also like the little "hands" as well.
The only thing that I can nitpick visually (outside of the mouth) is the two crystals in the middle of the body. I don't really see the point of them, and you could drop them and not loose anything. Other than that, it's solid.
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I've heard some say Vanilluxe is unnecessary, but I like the progression: going from kiddie cone to waffle cone to one of these bad boys:
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However, I'm not always a big fan of the "same Pokemon but doubled" style of evolution, and while Vanilluxe isn't too bad in this department due to having some differences between it and a singular Vanillish, I think it could've been pushed a bit more.
The only big differences are the pattern on the "cone", the expression on the right side (which I kind of would've liked to see on both of them, it's cute), and the straw. I was confused by the straw at first and had to do some digging, but I guess the line was designed by James Turner (a British man), and it's referencing the very UK 99 flake cone. I have never even heard of this before, and it's more than slightly ironic considering it comes from the U.S. region and not Galar. Still, this helps give it a bit of a unique "flavor" (pun intended).
However, I would've liked to see it pushed even further. First, I think the two sets of crystals in the middle of the body could've been reduced to just one. And secondly, I would've loved to see the position of the crystals change to look like sprinkles or something, or have some snow added to the "cone" to make it look like it's dipped.
Also, apparently it's based on the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters?? Okay. At least explains why it's in Unova.
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Speaking of which, this line always felt like an obvious pick for different forms that it never got. Give me ice/grass regionals based on frozen yogurt or shaved ice/snow cones! Give me a g-max based on an ice cream sundae! The possibilities are endless.
So overall, a fine line. I would've liked to see Vanilluxe's design pushed a bit further to make it more unique, but it's solid overall, and nowhere near deserving of the amount of hate it gets.
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langskin · 10 months
Top 5 Less Price and Effective Cleansers in Amazon
In Skin Care Routine, cleansing lays the foundation for healthy and radiant skin. Amazon offers a so many options when it comes to facial cleansers. In this post, we'll delve into what cleansers are, how to use them, common ingredients, and unveil the top 5 cleansers available on Amazon that can transform your skincare game.
What is a Cleanser?
Cleansers are skincare products designed to remove dirt, oil, makeup, and impurities from the skin. They help maintain a clean and clear complexion by preventing breakouts and promoting a healthy skin barrier.
How to Use a Cleanser:
Wet your face: Start by splashing your face with lukewarm water to open up your pores.
Apply the cleanser: Gently massage a small amount of the cleanser onto your face using circular motions.
Rinse thoroughly: Rinse your face with water to remove the cleanser, and pat dry with a clean towel.
Common Ingredients and Their Benefits:
Hyaluronic Acid: Provides hydration and retains moisture.
Salicylic Acid: Helps exfoliate and unclog pores, suitable for acne-prone skin.
Glycerin: Moisturizes and prevents skin dehydration.
Vitamin C: Brightens the complexion and reduces the appearance of dark spots.
Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial properties, ideal for acne-prone skin.
Top 5 Cleansers
1. Minimalist Gentle Cleanser
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Minimalist Hydrating Gel Cleanser, perfect for normal to sensitive skin, boasts a sulfate-free formula with 6% Oat extract for a calming effect.
Hyaluronic acid ensures multi-level hydration, while Bisabolol and Vitamin B5 repair, restore, and combat signs of aging. Crafted with care from Croda, UK, in a 120ml bottle for a revitalized complexion.
Price: ₹284 only
Buy: https://amzn.to/41m8MwC
2. Cetaphil Face Wash Gentle Skin Cleanser
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Cetaphil's Cream Skin Cleanser, designed for dry to normal sensitive skin, stands out with its non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic formula. Free from parabens, sulfates, fragrances, and oils, this dermatologist-recommended cleanser utilizes Micellar Technology to gently remove dirt, makeup, and impurities.
Clinically proven for continuous hydration, it blends Niacinamide, Vitamin B5, and hydrating Glycerin to reinforce the skin's natural moisture barrier. Defending against 5 signs of skin sensitivity, this cream cleanser is perfect for adults aged 18 and above, ensuring a refreshed, protected, and well-hydrated complexion.
Price: ₹283 only
Buy: https://amzn.to/46V8C0g
3. The Derma Co 2% Niacinamide Gentle Skin Cleanser
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The Derma Co's Liquid Cleanser, a nourishing solution suitable for all skin types.
Crafted for adults, this unscented cleanser is carefully formulated with 2% Niacinamide and Cica-Extract, protecting the skin's barrier and soothing sensitive skin.
The 100% soap-free formulation ensures gentle yet effective cleansing, removing impurities without irritation. Maintaining the skin's oil balance, this white gel-based foaming cleanser hydrates for 24 hours post-wash without stripping natural oils. Free from mineral oil, dye, parabens, and sulfates, it's ideal for dry, normal, and sensitive skin, leaving a visible difference after each use. A safe and effective choice for a refreshed complexion.
Price: ₹265 only
Buy: https://amzn.to/3NqgJuP
4. L'Oreal
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Introducing L'Oreal Paris' Mousse Face Wash, a refreshing solution suitable for all skin types.
This dermatologist-tested mousse, scented with Aloe Vera, effortlessly removes impurities, makeup, and sebum on the go. Formulated with powerful Glycolic Acid, known for dermatological peeling treatments, it deeply penetrates and exfoliates the skin, keeping dullness at bay.
Achieve visible results with regular use, as it removes melanin and accelerates cell renewal. Dermatologically tested and suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin, this 50.0 gram mousse ensures a clean, revitalized complexion with each use.
Price: ₹139 only
Buy: https://amzn.to/3RnzT61
5.Neutrogena Deep Clean Foaming Cleanser
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Neutrogena's Oil-Free Face Foam Cleanser, specially designed for combination skin.
This dermatologist-tested oil formulation offers a refreshing fresh scent. Effectively removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells, it keeps the skin clean and fresh while providing long-lasting oil control.
Ideal for normal-to-oily skin, it is non-comedogenic and dermatologist-tested, ensuring a gentle yet effective cleansing experience. The 50-count packaging offers convenience and reliability for your skincare routine. For women seeking a solution that balances and refreshes, Neutrogena's Oil-Free Face Foam Cleanser is your go-to choice.
Price: ₹148 only
Buy: https://amzn.to/3RnMrdg
Please note that we regularly update product prices and availability. While we strive for real-time accuracy, updates may occasionally take some time. Rest assured, any changes will be minor, and we appreciate your understanding.
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rlim1908 · 17 days
NATO Sweden 🇸🇪 & Philippines 🇵🇭 (religious & non secular & plus size zalora & SM & Robinsons department store & UK 🇬🇧 (non secular & religious) & USA 🇺🇸 (religious & non religious) give me a super simple stylist (i styled myself he’s just the enforcer..& to tell people to stop it with their taste!)
Maiden RINA is the new trendsetter nowadays. We’re in the 30s. 1910s. Looks wise & fashion wise. The girls really eat 2000 calories per day. The guys 2200 calories per day. That’s science. 35- 24-35 is still the ideal body size.
UP/UST/Beda/norbertines/SVD/will choose the businessmen who can copy my taste & style. Ex. H&M, Marks & Spencer, wallis, whistles, asos, Dorothy Perkins, warehouse, Costco, Tesco, old navy, gap, Zara, Eddie Bauer, Ralph Lauren, coach, ever new, Sunseeker, MAC, Clinique, guerlain, max factor, maybelline, revlon, neutrogena, Olay,
kirkland, P & G, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson,
miladay jewels (Philippine) ocampo’s jewelry (Philippine), kultura (Philippine brand) Cartier, van cleef & arpels, London rag, aerosoles, TJ maxx, Nike, mango, naturalizer, H20, felina, triumph, wacoal, Victoria’s Secret, French connection, cole Haan, Gucci, dooney & bourke, Lacoste, forever 21, family home (SM brand), F101 (sold on zalora), lululemon athletica, fiorelli, Kate spade, SM dept. store furniture, sassa, Melissa, l’orenza, zaxy, Grendha, ikea, kiehl’s, deruta, cetaphil, yves rocher, L’Oréal, Lancôme, adidas, debenhams, banana boat, Vaseline, tom’s of Maine toothpaste, Trader Joe’s, Colgate, Dead Sea minerals face cream, pepsodent, close up, sensodyne, Gillette, shikai, Palladio, shu uemura, Vmv hypoallergenics (Philippine), teabiotic toothpaste & toothbrush (Philippine), iPhone, Apple, Hewlett-Packard, SONY, EPSON, germguardian, condura (Philippine), Jo- Liza antiques, dimensione, Nokia, blackberry cellphones, st. Paul’s religious store, Rex bookstore, central bookstore, national bookstore, Rockwell, Cityland, Toyota, Honda, Ford, Philippine Airlines, Bart subway.
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biancamillerlondon · 2 years
What are the benefits of using an anti-aging cream for your skin?
These days people have become very looks conscious. No matter what age group they are they always want their skin to look flawless and glowing. The anti-aging serum can help them with this. The serum has anti-aging properties which keep your skin glowing and tightened for a longer time duration. Here are some major advantages of using it for your skin:
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The serum helps you in gaining back your skin glow as well as the radiance back. It makes your skin glowy from the outside.
The other best thing about the serum is that it helps in reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and aging signs to appear on your skin’s surface.
It helps to hydrate your skin and prevents dryness.
Bianca Miller London is a leading skin care product and hosiery-selling brand offering superior quality anti-aging serum.
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novumtimes · 1 month
Life-saver say relieved shoppers rushing to buy Dyson tower fan slashed from 350 to 225
The summer heatwave can make being indoors unbearably hot – but lots of shoppers are jumping on a super-cool deal on the Dyson website. The Dyson Cool AM07 Tower Fan has been reduced from £349.99 to £225, so you get to save £124.99 while staying cool and comfortable. 1 The Dyson Cool Tower Fan has been slashed by 35% in the brand’s heatwave saleCredit: Dyson Dyson Cool AM07 Tower Fan, £225 (was £349.99) Being roasted alive in your own home isn’t the height of comfort, but the addition of a tower fan can make a world of difference for those looking to stay cool. It is especially as important since UK weather can be quite unpredictable, with thunderstorms predicted to follow the heatwave. Dyson is pretty well known at this point for creating some high-end household appliances, from vacuum cleaners and air purifiers all the way to headphones and, yes, cooling fans. Of course, the British industry giant’s products aren’t exactly budget items. But if you’re struggling with the heat, now’s the perfect time to pick up this tower fan, since it’s 35% cheaper. This is a device that actually made into the Sun Shopping team’s pick of the best tower fans. One reason for that is Dyson’s magnificent Air Multiplier technology, which amplifies surrounding air to provide an uninterrupted airflow. Most read in Home and Garden If, like myself, you struggle to get a good night’s sleep as soon as the temperature rises, the sleep timer can be programmed to turn off after pre-set intervals anywhere from 15 minutes to 9 hours. It just depends on how quickly you can fall asleep. Tower fans can be quite tall, so the only word of warning is to ensure you’ve got enough space to stand it up; as the Dyson Cool is 1.07 metres high, you probably won’t be placing it on your desk. Customers on the Dyson site also have great things to say about it. One excitedly states: ‘We have one of these in every room in the house. They are perfect for the few days in the year when we have a heatwave.’ Another buyer, a pet owner, also notes that it’s the ‘best fan ever!’ and is a ‘life saver for my dogs.’ ‘On the lowest setting which is virtually silent, it creates a beautifully gentle movement of air in the room which replicates a natural breeze.’ ‘At higher settings, the air movement becomes stronger and really does cover the whole room when it oscillates.’ ‘Both myself and the dogs are absolutely over the moon and would 100% recommend this to anyone.’ As I mentioned earlier, if you’ve got a large room or a smaller budget, shopping around is a smart decision since you’ll be able to save yourself some money. Dyson Cool AM07 Tower Fan, £225 (was £349.99) The 10 best deals on Amazon You’ll always find discounts on the Amazon website – here’s our pick of the 10 best deals available right now. *If you click on a link in this boxout we will earn affiliate revenue Portable Air Conditioner 9000 BTU, £199.99 (was £279.99) – buy hereOral-B iO4 Electric Toothbrush, £155.35, (was £270) – buy hereLUGG 15 Inch Jetset Lightweight Travel Cabin Bag, £29.74 (was £34.99) – buy herePortal 3-4 Man Tent with Porch, £104.99 (was £145.99) – buy hereOlay Regenerist Day Face Cream With SPF30, £15.95, (was £34.99) – buy hereCrocs Unisex Kids Classic Clog T Clogs, £10 (was £29.99) – buy hereFairy All-In-1 Dishwasher Tablets Bulk (110 tablets), £13.32 (was £18) – buy hereDuracell Plus AA Batteries (36 Pack), £21.99 (was £27.49) – buy herePantene Biotin & Bamboo Conditioner For Dry Damaged Hair, £9 (was £18) – buy hereGarnier Ambre Solaire Sun Protection Over Makeup, £8.67 (was £13) – buy here We’ll be keeping a close eye out for some of the best deals so remember to check back to snag these deals We’ve rounded up more great offers here: You’ll be able to find more deals and sales on a variety of home goods over at The Sun’s shopping hub. Source link via The Novum Times
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bargainshouse · 1 month
#UKDEALS WildMint Glow to Bed Natural Facial Night Cream | Hydrating Moisturiser for Dry, Menopause & Mature Skin | Anti-Aging Skin Care with Hyaluronic Acid | UK Vegan Face Cream for Sensitive Skin 50ml https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=98207 https://www.bargainshouse.co.uk/?p=98207
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The global demand for Emu Oils was valued at USD 298.2 Million in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 503.8 Million in 2032, growing at a CAGR of 6.00% between 2024 and 2032.Emu oil, derived from the fat of the emu bird native to Australia, has been a staple in traditional Aboriginal medicine for centuries. Today, it has garnered significant attention worldwide due to its versatile applications in skincare, pharmaceuticals, and nutraceuticals. The global emu oil market is experiencing steady growth, driven by rising consumer awareness of natural and organic products, the increasing popularity of alternative medicine, and the oil's proven benefits.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/emu-oil-market
Market Overview
The emu oil market is segmented by product type, application, and geography. Product types include refined emu oil, unrefined emu oil, and fully refined emu oil. Applications span across cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food supplements. Geographically, the market is divided into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa.
Drivers of Market Growth
1. Rising Demand for Natural and Organic Products: Consumers are increasingly seeking natural and organic alternatives to synthetic products. Emu oil, being a natural substance with anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and therapeutic properties, fits perfectly into this trend.
2. Growing Popularity of Alternative Medicine: With a shift towards holistic and alternative medicine, emu oil is gaining traction for its various health benefits, including wound healing, pain relief, and skin hydration. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular choice for treating arthritis and muscle pain.
3. Expanding Cosmetic Industry: The cosmetic industry is a major consumer of emu oil, utilizing it in products such as lotions, creams, and serums. Emu oil’s ability to penetrate deep into the skin, providing moisture and promoting skin health, makes it highly valuable in skincare formulations.
4. Increased Research and Development: Ongoing research and development activities are uncovering new applications and benefits of emu oil, further driving its market growth. Studies highlighting its efficacy in treating various skin conditions and its potential in pharmaceutical applications are propelling the demand.
Challenges Facing the Market
1. High Production Costs: Emu oil production is labor-intensive and involves significant costs, which can affect its pricing and accessibility. The farming and processing of emus require substantial investment, making the final product relatively expensive.
2. Regulatory Hurdles: The emu oil market faces stringent regulatory standards, especially in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Meeting these regulations can be challenging for manufacturers, potentially limiting market growth.
3. Limited Awareness and Availability: While awareness of emu oil is growing, it is still relatively unknown in many regions. Additionally, the availability of high-quality emu oil can be inconsistent, affecting its adoption rate.
Regional Insights
- North America: This region dominates the emu oil market, driven by high consumer awareness and demand for natural health products. The United States is a key market, with a significant number of emu farms and a well-established cosmetic industry.
- Europe: Europe is witnessing steady growth in the emu oil market, with increasing applications in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Countries like Germany, France, and the UK are notable markets.
- Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is emerging as a lucrative market for emu oil, with growing awareness and demand for natural skincare products. Australia, being the native region of emus, plays a pivotal role in the supply chain.
- Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are experiencing gradual growth, with increasing consumer awareness and market penetration of emu oil products.
Future Prospects
The future of the emu oil market looks promising, with several trends indicating potential growth:
1. Innovation in Product Development: Manufacturers are focusing on developing innovative products that leverage the benefits of emu oil. This includes new skincare formulations, dietary supplements, and pharmaceutical products.
2. Expansion into New Markets: Companies are exploring new markets, particularly in developing regions where awareness and demand for natural products are on the rise.
3. Sustainable and Ethical Practices: With increasing consumer emphasis on sustainability, companies are adopting ethical farming and production practices, which is likely to enhance the market appeal of emu oil.
Key Players
Emu Tracks
Akshaya Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
Dr. Adorable Inc.
Progressive Emu Inc.
Baramul Emu Oil
Uniquely Emu Products, Inc.
LB Processors, LLC
Willow Springs Emu Oil
Thunder Ridge Emu Products
Only Emu Products
Songline Enterprises LLC
Refined Emu Oil
Unrefined Emu Oil
Skincare and Cosmetics
Dietary Supplements
End User:
Cosmetic Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Health and Wellness Industry
Veterinary and Animal Care
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/emu-oil-market
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Credence Research
Please contact us at +91 6232 49 3207
Website: www.credenceresearch.com
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belladoesmakeup · 2 years
❤️Favourite Beauty products from 2022 Countdown ❤️
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Favourite cream products of 2022
Hi all,
This week I am posting Monday - Friday to show you all my favourite makeup products I have been loving in 2022. Today we are looking at my favourite cream makeup products I have used the most in 2022. 2022 was the year of cream products for me, loving a more natural facebase these products quickly became favourites. Let's start out countdown :
SHEGLAM Sun Sculpt Liquid Contour - I originally bought this product because at the time I couldn't find the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood Contour Wand and some Tik Tok videos suggested this as a dupe. The colour range is great and I found the perfect cool toned contour shade. Blends like a dream and gives me cheekbones for days! The packaging is so cute and you can use the sponge applicator to dot exactly where you want product.
Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Liquid Blush - I feel like this product was expected in this countdown. This is by far the most pigmented cream / liquid blush I have ever used. A little goes a long way and the formula blends like a dream into your face base without losing product. I love these blushes and have definitely picked up more shades this year.
R.E.M Beauty Eclipse Blush & Lip Stick - This year I have really loved trying out more R.E.M products now they are available in the UK! The Eclipse Blush stick is my new favourite stick blush formula, it blends like a dream and gives you a natural soft wash of colour! Perfect if you want a soft wash of colour or you want a formula you can build up pigmentation.
Charlotte Tilbury Pinkgasm Beauty Light Wand - This product was the definition of viral product this year. This glowy pink liquid blush was wanted by everyone, luckily I bought it last year so I had it in my collection already. I love the finish this beauty wand has on my skin, it gives my skin a gorgeous glow and I love the balance of highlight and blush this formula has mixed together. We all know I adore Charlotte Tilbury as a brand so of course something would be in this countdown.
Kylie Cosmetics Lip & Cheek Balm - Lastly we have Kylie's cream blush, this blush surprised me the most because I didn't expect it to be as pigmented as it is. I apply this blush with my fingers and like the others mentioned, it also blends like a dream and gives me the perfect flush of colour. Like Rare Beauty this blush is really pigmented so again a little goes a long way!
Hope you enjoyed this makeup favourites countdown and I'll see you again tomorrow!
Lots of love
Bella x x
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