#naturally occurring puppy ears
faunandfloraas · 5 months
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midnight-pluto · 4 months
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You know Scar, and you know why he’s so obsessed with this ‘Rover’ character — he’s told you why, but why does it still hurt watching him act as if he was a lovesick puppy to them?
contains: established relationship, the relationship is lowk toxic, jealousy, insecurity, rovers gender is left ambiguous, canon-ish, swearing, angst, short fic
a/n: scar is so pretty omg; also the lack of scar x reader content is CRIMINAL
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‘IT’S JUST FOR the mission, it’s just for the mission,’ is what you kept on repeatedly telling yourself in your mind, but it really doesn’t look like it from your side.
You can tell that this ‘Rover’ is prone to noticing the little things and figuring out everything with just one piece of the puzzle, so you decide that it’s best to keep your distance from the matter at hand occurring in the village.
The conversation they were both having was being played clearly in your ear — a hidden microphone on Scar’s waist, his idea, not yours. He offered up this idea as a way to assure you nothing special was happening, but you wish you would’ve never accepted it in the first place.
Hearing the words Scar say would’ve been sweet, if only they were directed towards you. You weren’t dumb, you could hear the flirtatious undertone in his voice as he spoke to them.
Swallowing thickly, you take a look at the picture given to you previously as to what Rover’s appearance was like; suddenly Scar’s words made more sense in your head.
Their dark hair was disheveled but still managed to look effortlessly good on them; did Scar ever think of you that way whenever he saw you get out of bed? Their clothes complimenting their natural appearance beautifully; did the red and white of your clothes really suit you?
It took you years to achieve what you have with Scar now, but Rover was able to see and receive genuine interest from Scar in just a matter of moments.
Just listening in on their conversation felt like you were the one interrupting something, like you were third-wheeling your own boyfriend, as if you were a side piece in your own relationship.
“Huh?” you audibly let out, tapping your earpiece with your gloved finger multiple times. Only the sound of static could be heard. “Shit.”
Scrambling for your binoculars in your messenger bag, you shuffle them out and life them to your eyes to see what has occurred in the village below. Narrowing your eyes, you see that Rover had skillfully disabled the microphone on Scar’s waist with their blade.
“Of course,” you scoff out, dropping your binoculars back in your bag and proceeding to walk away from the scene.
Your terminal beeps and lights up and you pause, seeing that Phrolova had called you. “Leaving so soon?”
Huffing out a sigh at her words, “I see no point in staying.”
Humming in thought for a moment, she merely says, “Alright, go on then.”
The soil beneath your feet crunches underneath you with droplets wetting them at the same time; the sky is clear today.
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SCAR’S EYES WIDENED at the sound of the mic clattering onto the ground, falling from his waist. “Well, aren’t you good? I thought you wouldn’t notice it so soon.”
“And I thought you said you didn’t want anybody else intruding on our conversation, seems kind of hypocritical to have a microphone attached at your hip,” they taunt.
“Perhaps,” he shrugs, burying down the feeling in his stomach. “But they too, were special to me, I just wanted to share a conversation with two very special people, and what’s the matter with that?”
“So they’re special to you?” they raised a brow, suddenly interested in the newfound topic raised.
Scar laughed at their attempt to get him to reveal information about himself, but he would never put you in jeopardy like that — never in a thousand years. “Did I say that?
“Well, it’s not like you’ll ever get to find out any time soon,” he stomps on the already broken microphone, smashing it to pieces.
Rover simply rolled their eyes, “Just give me back Yanyang so we can be done with already, I’m bored of your story.”
“And here I thought that we already established,” Scar took a few strides forward, “That you aren’t in the position to bargain.”
Unbeknownst to Scar, you had left your earpiece in, the sound of static becoming wonderful white noise to you. The unfortunate part was that you could only hear a few bits and pieces of their conversation out of context.
“…were special—“ were? What does he mean by that? Why is he using past tense? Is he saying that to fuck with them or because he thinks you can’t hear him anymore? Or are you just reading to far into it?
“..two very special people—“ it should only be one, shouldn’t there? Is he saying that Rover’s already as important — if not more important than you?
Harshly taking out your earpiece, you throw it into the dirt. Unable to let out a frustrated scream you let your anger out through crushing the earpiece under your foot.
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you glare back down at the shattered earpiece beside you. Rubbing the corners of your eyes, you begin to walk away, “The white noise wasn’t even that good anyways.”
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a/n: not my best work — obviously — since i wrote this in an hour, on my phone, with fake nails. but i was feeling like shit so i dumped it all here, sorry kinda sorry
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werecreature-addicted · 7 months
I always wonder how many werewolf pups a woman could realistically carry since werewolves are always like, “You’ll give me a litter of pups.” Think about it. Are the pups the same size as human babies? Making werewolf x human pregnancies a big strain on the body carrying 3-4 in the womb at a time. Or are the pups drastically smaller than humans, and would be like 6-8 in the womb?
I know this is a stupid thought because it’d also imply that 3-8 eggs were released from the ovaries to get fertilized (excluding identical twins), and twins in humans are already pretty rare. Rarer with triplets and higher, as those don’t usually occur naturally without medical aid (fertility drugs/treatments).
Then you gotta think if werewolves are born in werewolf form, human form, puppy form, or even a new combination, looking human with wolf ears and a tail. I am thinking way too much about this. I blame your lovely blog for corrupting me with werewolf content <3
Thoughts? Or just what you’d wanna personally headcanon? I’m struggling obviously and needed to share my thoughts and opinions to the world. Sorry it’s a lot what I wrote.
I think realistically it would depend entirely on who in the partnership is the werewolf. If the person with a womb and carrying the babies was a werewolf then something like 3-5 pups at a time would be reasonable to expect, even if their lover was human. If the person carrying the baby was human 1-2 is much more likely.
I do think werewolf babies would be around the same size as human ones, but werewolves are huge so in comparison they're much smaller and easier for a werewolf to carry multiple at a time, but humans are shit out of luck with that one.
In my personal head cannon born, werewolves start to transform around 12-13 with puberty hitting, so they're born and spend most of their childhood in a human form. Transformations can be painful and difficult at first, you need to have a slightly more grown body to handle them.
Also- if Twilight has taught us nothing else it's taught us that humans could not survive giving birth to a monster baby. When their teeth grow in they are sharp fangs instead of normal baby teeth, and their razor-sharp fingernails are tough enough to dent most nail clippers. But other than that you have a cute baby who can pass for a human!
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scuddisher · 14 days
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You once loaned Osferth some coin, and his method to pay it back is a bit savory.
PAIRING — osferth x gender-neutral! reader
GENRE(S) — drabble, smut
WARNINGS — mature content, probably inaccurate historical speech or setting but heyyy it's barely plotted smut. osferth is confident in this btw. one joke of his past holy life.
SMUT WARNINGS — sexual content, oral (r. receiving), hair-pulling, osferth being a cheeky smartass. a pinch of dirty talk.
AUTHOR'S NOTE — osferth gives me huge “as you wish” from princess bride vibes and i love that about him…
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His voice in your ears had a rush of blood running to find the sound, heat in the tips of your body. Osferth had stepped into your home not even a mere hour ago, his hands empty, but a grin on his face. Without a weapon held on his waist, he appeared as just a man.
“I don't know what is considered disrespectful in returns of payment lending…” His voice could hardly waver from his sudden confidence, his form so close to you that he could smell the natural scent coming from your hair and skin. “So if my proposal is a sinfully fueled one, please forgive me.”
Once your eyes had caught sight of the man, you could hardly hold in a breath. He had come so far to return to you, repay you. His lean figure was just the butter to the bread—you could nearly remember the proposition to begin with.
“You're not a virgin to the world of sexual rendezvous…” You had stated bluntly. Osferth had asked you just how he could repay you without handing over the coin that would help him avoid needing financial assistance from others on their nearing journey.
His eyes had widened, head once tilted down with a smile now lifting to meet your gaze. The glistening of his teeth disappeared behind his lips pressing together—his mind working at twice the pace that he ever could. “Is your desire of me—” a hesitant tone in his voice that would soon disappear made the hair on your skin rise and chills appear. “—so strong—”
His back had straightened, eyes turned glassy with a glare, and cheekbones had risen with glee. “—that you're asking me to make up my lend payment through pleasure?” Head tilted, eyes puppy-dogged, and a smirk toying at his top lip.
Your mind was clouded. So clouded by Osferth’s lone presence in your empty home—a first of alone-time between the two of you—that it had all gone to your head. He was in your head, in your home. It had your fingers trembling as you nodded.
His scent of musk had flooded into your home from the moment he stepped inside. It was like he had been there longer than he truly had by the way it engulfed you. The lingering stare of the man as he watched you nod and take in a deep breath, nose flaring as his would minutes later, was enough to make you nod again almost innocently.
With Osferth just an arm's length from you, his eyes tracing your body like a painter with a muse—it was almost too easy for him to let the situation at hand play out for both of your benefits.
“Then would you do me the pleasure—” His voice deepened with lust, tongue pressing over his bottom lip in the middle of his sentence. It was agony to hear him pause what your ears burned to hear. “—of letting me taste you until you spill on my tongue?”
What had been spoken so swiftly hung in the air like a puff of smoke, taking spare oxygen from your lungs and allowing him to see just the power his words had over you.
Your chest rose and stiffened, holding in the subtle breath you could take in. It had occurred in your mind on occasion… just what the man would do to repay you. It was a hefty bag of coins that you handed him that evening—his begging eyes and gentle kiss to your hand causing your heart to melt.
It was never money either of you fought over in life. And as you watched Osferth take one more step to close the gap between the two of you; take your chin with his index finger and guide your gaze directly into his eyes—you could have sworn you watched him swallow like a man dehydrated.
“Please.” Was all you could croak out.
The sight in your eyes was enough to have him bending at his knees, hands finding your hips and gripping you close to him. His gentle digits took no time to rid you of your lower clothing, fingers curling into the skin of your thighs and leaving crescents from his nails as he blinked rapidly in excitement.
It was almost as if he had thought about this, too.
“M-May I?” His blue eyes shined in the candle-light of your home as he looked up at you through his lashes. Knees refusing to wobble even on the hard ground below him, the gentle hold of your legs became rougher at the whine you let out in response to his consenting question.
“Osferth—” His gaze had stared where his mouth wanted to be placed, losing your attention for a split second. The snap of his glaring, glazed blue eyes had your lips parting to speak again. “You don't have to be such a gentleman right now.”
That pulse in his fingers was that of his heart leaping in his chest. Almost like a pouncing animal, his head fell between your thighs. Short locks on his head being pried at by your fingers for security—his hot licked stripe where you most needed it had your head tilting back.
“Mm—” His hum sent vibrations through your every nerve, once a shivering of your body now a constant shake of surging pleasure. “Is this most pleasurable?”
He was asking such a lewd question with his mouth still touching your body. Another whine left your mouth, launching into a moan as your fingers curled into his hair and pulled with enough tension to have his length visibly jerking beneath his pants.
This gaze of him was new. The sweet baby monk as others referred to him as had you held tightly to him, his tongue swirling rapidly and longingly to taste every drop you released for him. It was hard to consider such a precious, beloved holy man to be this good of use with his tongue like he was spitting passages into the follower's ears.
Osferth's chin was slick from your juices and his drool, and yet he still spoke over the sound of him lapping away at your body like a starved man. “And if you cum like this…”
His arm wrapped securely around your legs until he was holding you to him, hand raising to press his fingers where his mouth couldn't multitask. You were seeing white.
Whether it was his strong grip on your shaking frame or his deepened voice ringing in your ears—nothing could stop the rushing to your loins. Especially not what the monk-turned-warrior would say next.
“Will that be considered a return payment?” Osferth smirked into his relentless tongue and working hand, your mouth falling agape with nothing other than his name on your own tongue.
You could feel your legs weakening, as could he, but the hold he had on you barely allowed you to falter as your high caught you and made you soften in every muscle. The man was almost too proud to have watched and felt you come undone by his actions.
“Or do you require more of me?”
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© scuddisher — all rights reserved. do not plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my works without my permission. do not post my content on other sites, especially claiming them as your own! reblogs and feedback are seriously appreciated <3
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silkval · 11 months
♟】 the mahogany series- part Ⅲ
thinkin about how your pretty little genshin boys act under your desk...
★fujoshis, wlm and minors please fuck off- you will be blocked★
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♢》 whether they were quickly hurried under your desk to hide them from the person who was knocking at your door, oh-so-rudely interrupting the two of you, or the pretty thing crawled under in desperate want of your attention...
kaeya is absolutely the kinda guy who would crawl under there of his own accord. this guy is fucking down bad for you. 24/7 horny.
so, when he slipped his way underneath your desk for the umpteenth time that week, he was unsurprisingly oh-so-tired and already a little tipsy, as he settled down for the night. having entered your chambers with a sly grin and a chaste kiss to your cheek, two glasses of dandelion wine already balanced in his bronzed, lithe fingers as he set them down on the deep mahogany of your desk- his glass, notably, already half empty.
it didn't take long for the poor guy to start brooding at your lack of attention focused towards him- too busy nose deep into the stack of paperwork sprawled across your desk as you muttered out a quick greeting and thanks in return- but nothing more.
oh, and kaeya- kaeya was not having it.
...so, in true kaeya nature, the sly fucker was already bumbling up a plan in his little drunken mind.
and that's how you got to the current situation; the well renowned cavalry captian of mondstand, sat loyally between your thighs.
which wasn't a problem, as it had become a routinely occurance- so you paid no mind as you felt the other male rest his cheek against the muscled curve of your thigh with an inpatient huff, only reaching a hand down to run through his cobalt blue locks- before turning back to your paperwork.
...but was that enough for kaeya? oh, no no no.
so, ever so slowly, his freckled and scarred hands trailed their way up your legs, feather-light touched as a coy smirk curled at his lips. glancing up at you from under your desk, his signature, brilliant grin only growing wider as his lovestruck gaze met with yours- that warning look you shot him going straight to between his legs as your darling boy had to stifle a velvety whimper, sleek hands beginning to tremble as they trailed higher and higher-
...over the curve of your knees,
...ghosting along your muscled thighs,
...dipping into the sensitive plains of your inner thigh,
...ever so slightly dancing over your thick, clothed cock-
and with that, you'd had enough.
your hand shot out, grasping his as a quiet gasp slipped from kaeyas pretty lips, staring up at you as if that wasn't exactly what he wanted you to do.
nevertheless, you only clicked your tongue in feign disapproval, used to the games he played. only reacting with a lopsided, cocky grin tugging at your lips and sending him a pointed look as you leaned back into your chair, staring down at the pathetic male near keening under your gaze- before nudging his plush thighs apart with the tip of your shoes, nearly letting out a mocking laugh as you eyed the rather obvious wet spot between his legs.
no matter how many times you two did this dance, it was always rather amusing; such a confident, seemingly dominant man, known and looked up to by all of mondstandt- a wet, whimpering mess, still untouched.
oh, but you couldn't be that cruel, no? so, with a low hum, you slotted your foot between his legs, the heel of your boot pressing teasingly against his heat as he let out a breathy moan, hands scrambling to grasp onto your thighs in desperate attempt to brace himself, staring up at you with his pretty lips parted with every hot pant, pupils blown wide as you leaned down, lips grazing his ear as a deep, husky drawl slipped from your lips.
'ah- did I say you could touch me, kae? that's what I thought- now, be a good puppy, and stay where you belong- at my damn feet.'
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cookiescribble · 1 year
Don’t Let Yourself Fade Away (Spencer Reid x GN!Reader)
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A/N: Hello there! This one’s a little sad, but it was healing to write. Seeing Spence get shut down sometimes when he gets so animated and excited about the most random topics breaks my neurodivergent heart, so here’s to not only him, but anyone else who feels shut out when they talk about their true passions in life <3 - Mod Ghost
p.s. thank you to everyone 🥺❤️
“The average lifespan of a human is about 73.5 years, and your ears never truly stop growing in that time so if you think about it…” Spence trailed off, just as he was about to finish his sentence. 
“...What were you about to say, sweetheart?” I ask, having been quiet up until now as I listened to him speak. I could tell just by looking at him that he’d gone somewhere deep in that big head of his, and I have no idea what caused it. He suddenly had this glazed over look to his eye and it hurt my heart to look at it. Whatever it was, I wanted to gently pull him back to me.
“Hmm? Oh, nothing, it’s uh, not important. Are you hungry?” He asked as he started to stand off the couch in his apartment where we were both sitting, but stopped when I grabbed his wrist so he could look back at me with those big eyes that looked like they belonged on a puppy and not my boyfriend. 
“It’s not nothing, Spence, why’d you stop talking?” I gently tugged on his arm, trying to get him to sit back down with me.
Spencer looked confused, as if it somehow made less sense for me to ask why he stopped talking than for him to go quiet mid thought. He stood there silently for a moment before sitting back next to me, sheepishly piping up again, “I’ve calculated the amount of time it takes for others to either become disinterested in what I have to say and stop listening or cut me off completely, which is about anywhere from 25 seconds to a minute, so I decided that instead of letting that happen, I would cut myself off at a somewhat natural point in that time frame so that I wouldn’t have to worry about it anymore…Neither would anyone else, so there’s statistically at least one ‘plus side’ to it..” He looked away from me halfway through the sentence, like he was suddenly scared of making eye contact with me. 
The more he spoke, I felt an ache growing in my chest until the entirety of my core was filled with a raw and harrowing anguish. Who on Earth could look at him and ever tell him that he wasn’t interesting or that they didn’t want to hear what he had to say? I always look forward to talking to him, no matter what he says. The sound of his voice is so comforting to me and one of my worst fears is never hearing it again. 
“Oh, Spencer…I…I don’t even know what to say…who made you think like that?” I brush his hair back behind his ear as I speak, moving closer to him so our knees are brushing together.
“Well, at work, sometimes…sometimes, I can get a bit too carried away and I end up just rambling while everyone’s trying to catch the unsub…but even on the jet, if I get too caught up in a topic, I end up blabbering and then whoever I’m talking to loudly says ‘WOW, that’s interesting!’ and walks away, or it’s ‘I’m so glad I asked!’ before the same outcome occurs. Or the worst one is when they just walk away without saying anything,” he momentarily stops, staring off into space as if recalling a memory. “That one hurts the most.”
My brow furrows and I feel tears leak from my own eyes as I see some streaking their way down his face, pulling him toward me until he starts to fold himself into my arms and lets me rub his back gently.
“I don’t care who says or does those things to you…no matter what, I’m always going to want to listen to you speak. I’ll hang on to every one of your words as I wait for the next, because everything you say is always so interesting to me. I love watching your eyes crinkle up when you smile, and hearing how fast you talk when you get really excited. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get enough of your voice, so don’t let yourself fade away because some of the people in your life don’t appreciate you the same way that I do.” I whisper close to his ear, brushing his hair away from his face with my hand that wasn’t rubbing his back. 
He woefully nodded, sniffling pitifully and slowly breaking down as I held him. It was as if something deep inside of his soul broke loose, and he was finally setting it free. He was letting himself feel it, and hopefully start to heal from it at the very least. I’ve been in a similar position to him before, and I would never want to make him feel that way if I could help it. Spence continued to cry for a while longer, and I held him until he sat up enough to look at me. 
“Did you really mean what you said…? About my voice and my smile…?” His voice cracked as he spoke, and I smiled reassuringly as I leaned forward to press a kiss to his temple. 
“Every last word,” I murmured close to his ear, running my hand through his hair again as he closed his eyes. 
He sat still and quietly for a moment, as if he were soaking in everything that we’d said. The only noise in the room was the sound of our breathing until he broke the silence with a soft mutter of “thank you.”
“What are you thanking me for? Telling the truth?” 
Spence only laughed, rolling his eyes at me as if I was telling a joke. 
It was nice to see him smile, though, so I let it go. 
“Now, about that food…” he changed the subject, and for whatever reason, I let him. I think I just wanted to let him be himself, even if it was just for a little while. 
“You asked if I was hungry because you were hungry??” I asked with a dramatic gasp, standing up and pulling him to stand with me. “I never knew you were the type of man to have ulterior motives.” I teased, walking with him to the kitchen. 
“I don’t think that’s usually used in the context of food, my love.” he let out a giggle, a goofy smile spreading across his face as we looked through his fridge together. 
Just hearing him laugh was like music to my ears, and I would give anything in the world to keep hearing it for every day of my life.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
“Hey, Danny.” Sam twisted her upper body as much as she could from the trio’s puppy pile on the floor. It was mid-afternoon on a Saturday, and the trio had nothing to do except comb through old occult books and internet records for more information on the supernatural. Danny was on the bottom of the pile, laying on his stomach with both a laptop and a old red journal splayed out in front of him. Sam and Tucker were piled on top of him with their own reading materials.
Sam couldn’t see his face, but she wasn’t all surprised when Danny solved this issue by simply turning his head around all the way like an owl to look back at her. Perks of being dead. He blinked. “Yeah?”
“You know how your parents have that working theory on ghosts and obsessions?” Sam asked. Tucker peeked over the edge of the laptop, interested.
Danny nodded slowly, which was odd to see when his head was backwards.
She continued, “Well we already know that some of that is true-ghosts do have obsessions but it’s not the sole reason of their existence. Right?”
“So would it make sense for halfas to have an obsession?”
Danny opened his mouth, then closed it as a thought occurred to him. They all thought on it for a moment.
Tucker clicked his laptop a few times. Probably pulling up their old ‘case’ files and notes for reference. “I don’t see why they wouldn’t, but maybe it’s more subdued than a full ghost’s due to their half human nature?”
“That’s a good theory.” Sam agreed. “But what if halfas are the only one with a true obsession-something that would cause them to come back to life because of it?”
“But that defeats the purpose of the ectoplasm research.” Tucker argued. “Danny was exposed to two different elements during the accident. The thing that killed him and the thing that brought him back to life. That’s what caused the halfa evolution. Besides, if a true obsession alone managed to bring someone back to life, there’s be a lot more halfas in the world.”
Sam set down her heavy occult book, dog-earring the page. (Ghost Writer won’t like that.) “Well what about Vlad?” She countered. “That fruit loop obviously has some sort of obsession going on-maybe even more that one!”
“Guys.” Danny interrupted. “I think you’re both right and wrong.” His face was still thoughtful, staring up at the ceiling that held little paper bats on string. Which, again, was a bit unsettling since his head was still turned around. “I think I do have an obsession, maybe even more than one. But it’s not because I’m part ghost.”
“Then what’s if from?” Tucker exclaimed. “What did we miss??”
Danny gave them a tiny, fanged smirk. “You forget, I have ADHD.”
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shadowqueen402 · 11 months
How about some laughs? Can you whip up a fic of Haylee losing her temper at a joke that was pulled on her? She’ll scream in anger and then trigger a blue fire explosion, leaving an area where she’s standing scorched and blackened.
Oh, okay! Between you and me, Haylee probably won't get along with NiGHTS due to her mischievous nature.
"Remind me again why a blindfold is on me," Haylee said to NiGHTS as the purple Nightmaren placed a blindfold onto her head.
"That's easy," NiGHTS said. "You'll be playing a guessing game. Without looking, I'll play a sound and you have to guess what makes it. Sound fair?"
"Pretty much." Haylee simply shrugged in response. "Ready when you are."
NiGHTS nodded and played the first sound. It was the sound of a puppy barking.
"It's a puppy," Haylee guessed.
"Correct," NiGHTS replied with a mischievous smile. "Now to the next one." NiGHTS then played the second sound. It was a kitten mewing.
"That is a kitten." Haylee smiled, knowing how easy it was.
"Okay, the next sound is going to be tricky." NiGHTS let out a playful giggle. "Ready?"
Haylee nodded in anticipation. Unbeknowst to her, NiGHTS held a horn in her hands. She positioned it close to Haylee's ear and honked it. This caused Haylee to yelp and jump.
"NiGHTS!!!" Haylee screamed. "How dare you prank me!" Before the First-level could respond, Haylee's powers were triggered…and a blue fire explosion occured, scorching the area that that the two were in.
Haylee blinked in surprise upon calming down. "I…may have gone out of line…" She sheepishly admitted.
NiGHTS was now covered from head to toe in soot, despite not being burnt. "Lesson learned; I'm never playing games with you ever again…"
(Hope you like this. I know it's short, but this is what I came up with.)
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jpknineacademy · 5 days
Common Dog Behaviors and What They Really Mean
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As dog owners, we often find ourselves trying to decode the mysterious behaviors of our furry friends. While some actions are cute or amusing, others can be puzzling or even concerning. Understanding your dog’s behavior can help you build a stronger bond with your pet and address any underlying issues. Whether you're new to dog ownership or a seasoned pro, insights from a certified dog behaviorist in Sacramento can offer valuable perspective. For those searching for expert guidance, whether through dog training Sacramento professionals or online resources, knowing what your dog’s behaviors mean can make a big difference in your relationship with them.
Tail Wagging
Not all tail wagging indicates happiness.
The speed of the wag can indicate excitement or caution.
The direction matters: wagging to the right shows positive feelings while wagging to the left can signal stress or anxiety.
Other body language cues, such as posture and ear position, should be observed for a full understanding.
Dogs bark for a variety of reasons, including:
Excitement: Sharp, short barks often signify anticipation or happiness.
Fear or anxiety: Continuous, loud barking can indicate distress or a threat.
Territorial behavior: Barking when someone approaches their space is often a protective reaction.
Attention-seeking: Dogs may bark simply to get a response from you.
Excessive barking should be addressed through guidance from a certified dog behaviorist or dog training Sacramento expert.
Circling before lying down is an instinctive behavior from wild ancestors flattening grass to create a safe resting spot.
Occasional circling is normal, but excessive circling can indicate health issues such as arthritis or neurological problems. Consult a vet if it becomes concerning.
Natural behavior for puppies during teething, but destructive chewing can point to:
Boredom: Not enough mental or physical stimulation.
Anxiety: Stress-relieving behavior, particularly in dogs with separation anxiety.
Nutritional deficiencies: Some dogs chew on inappropriate items if lacking nutrients.
Provide appropriate chew toys and adequate playtime to curb unwanted chewing. Seek help from a dog training Sacramento professional if the issue persists.
Common in many dogs, either as a fun activity or a way to bury food (instinct).
Excessive digging may indicate:
Boredom: Dogs often dig when they lack stimulation.
Separation anxiety: Some dig when left alone for too long.
Escape attempts: Dogs may dig under fences or gates if they feel insecure or restless.
Prevent digging by providing engaging toys, regular walks, and mental stimulation.
Jumping Up
Dogs jump up to greet people and get closer to their faces. While cute in puppies, it can become problematic as dogs grow.
Training alternatives include teaching commands such as "sit" or "stay" to redirect the dog’s excitement into more controlled behavior.
Polite greeting habits should be instilled early on or addressed with professional help if needed.
Growling often misunderstood as aggression is usually a warning signal indicating discomfort, fear, or the need for space.
Rather than punishing growling, it’s important to assess the situation and understand the cause of your dog’s discomfort.
Frequent growling without an obvious trigger may require consultation with a certified dog behaviorist.
Dogs lick for various reasons, including:
Affection: Many dogs use licking as a way to show love and bonding.
Exploration: Since dogs experience the world through taste and smell, licking can be their way of gathering information.
Stress or anxiety: Excessive licking may indicate anxiety, especially if it’s focused on certain areas of the body.
Persistent or obsessive licking might signal skin irritation or allergies and should be checked by a vet.
Tilting Head
Head tilting often occurs when a dog hears a new or unusual sound, signaling curiosity and engagement.
Some dogs tilt their heads when you talk to them, indicating they are trying to better understand what you're saying or analyzing a sound's direction.
It's an adorable yet practical behavior that helps dogs focus on the source of noise and better process unfamiliar sounds.
Final Takeaways
Recognizing the subtle cues in your dog’s behavior helps you respond effectively to their needs.
Each dog is unique, and understanding their body language and habits can deepen the bond between you and your pet.
For persistent or problematic behaviors, consulting a certified dog behaviorist or a dog training Sacramento expert can provide tailored advice and solutions.
By paying attention to these common dog behaviors, you can become more attuned to your dog’s emotions, desires, and overall well-being.
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thuzyblog · 11 months
The Boerboel Dog Breed: Strong but Loyal
The Boerboel is a large guarding breed that originated in South Africa to guard remote homesteads from predators. Boerboels form strong bonds with their families despite their intimidating size and protective instincts. Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about this powerful yet loyal breed!
Introduction Dog Breed Boerboel
In the 1600s, Dutch settlers in South Africa developed the Boerboel to protect their homesteads and livestock. Their name is derived from the Afrikaans words "boer" (farmer) and "boel" (dog). They were devoted protectors, both fierce and affectionate. Today's retains these protective instincts while also making an excellent family companion. They have high exercise requirements and require extensive training and socialization from the time they are puppies.
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The Boerboel is a massive breed that can weigh up to 200 pounds. They have a large head, a muscular body, and a short brown coat. This breed is intelligent and energetic, with strong protective instincts.
Taking Care of a Boerboel
Boerboels have some special care needs:
Feed 4-8 cups of quality large breed dry dog food per day. Obesity can occur, so keep an eye on your weight. Grooming - Brush coat once a week. Check and clean your ears and eyes on a regular basis. Trim your nails once a month. Exercise - 60 minutes or more of vigorous exercise per day, such as long walks, hiking, or running. A spacious yard is ideal. Early socialization and obedience classes are essential. Employ positive reinforcement and assertive leadership. Keep the structure. Health - Predisposed to hip dysplasia, eyelid problems, and digestive issues. Investigate genetic health screening.
Getting Ready for a Boerboel
Here are some helpful hints for welcoming guests:
Puppy-proof your home and yard completely. Remove any potential hazards or toxic substances. Fences that are secure. To keep their mind engaged, invest in heavy duty leashes, collars, and enrichment toys. Find trainers who have experience with guard dog breeds. Participate in puppy socialization classes. Budget for the costs of health testing. Maintain preventive care by scheduling veterinary exams. Purchase high-quality large breed puppy food. Feed at regular intervals throughout the day. DA2PP, rabies, and leptospirosis are among the most important vaccines. Influenza vaccination may also be advised.
Choosing a Name for Your Boerboel
Choose a meaningful name for this powerful protector dog:
Afrikaans names such as Kobus, Abel, Roux, and Johan Titan, Brutus, Diesel, and Magnum are all powerful names. Valor, Justice, Rocky, and Diesel are all heroic names. For effective training, keep their name short - 1 or 2 syllables.
Looking for a Boerboel Puppy
To find a healthy puppy, spend time researching breeders. For breeder referrals and education, contact the American Boerboel Club. From health/temperament tested parents, expect to pay between $1500 and $4000 USD. Look for breeders who have titles in protection, obedience, and conformation. Meet the parents and, if possible, observe their temperaments. Inquire about genetic health testing and methods for early socialization. If you want a puppy from South Africa, import regulations may apply.
The devoted nature of the Boerboel, combined with its fierce protectiveness and athleticism, makes it an exceptional guarding breed. These dogs can make excellent companions if properly cared for.
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kellieblog · 11 months
The Powerful yet Loyal Boerboel Dog Breed
The Boerboel is a large guarding breed that originated in South Africa where it worked to protect remote homesteads from predators. Despite their imposing size and protective instincts, Boerboels form strong bonds with their families. Read on to learn all about this powerful yet loyal breed!
Introduction Boerboel Dog Breed
The Boerboel was developed in South Africa by Dutch settlers in the 1600s to guard their homesteads and watch over livestock. Their name comes from the Afrikaans words “boer” meaning farmer and “boel” meaning dog. Both fierce and affectionate, served as devoted protectors. Today’s retains these guarding instincts and also makes a wonderful family companion. They have high exercise needs and require extensive training and socialization starting from puppyhood.
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The Boerboel is a giant breed weighing up to 200 pounds. They have a broad head, muscular build, and short brown coat. This is an intelligent, energetic breed with strong protective instincts.
Caring for a Boerboel
Boerboels have some unique care requirements:
Diet – Feed 4-8 cups of quality large breed dry dog food daily. Watch weight as obesity can occur. Grooming – Brush coat weekly. Check and clean ears/eyes routinely. Trim nails monthly. Exercise – Need 60+ minutes vigorous exercise daily such as long walks, hiking, running. A large yard is ideal. Training – Early socialization/obedience classes are essential. Use positive reinforcement and firm leadership. Maintain structure. Health – Prone to hip dysplasia, eyelid conditions, digestive issues. Pursue genetic health screening.
Preparing for a Boerboel
Here are some tips to prepare for welcoming:
Thoroughly puppy-proof your home and yard. Remove any hazards or toxic substances. Secure fences. Invest in heavy duty leashes, collars, enrichment toys to keep their mind engaged. Locate trainers experienced with guard dog breeds. Attend puppy socialization classes. Budget for health testing costs. Schedule vet exams to maintain preventive care. Stock up on quality large breed puppy food. Feed scheduled portions throughout the day. Core vaccines include DA2PP, rabies, leptospirosis. Influenza vaccine may also be recommended.
Naming Your Boerboel
Choose a meaningful name that suits this strong protector dog:
Afrikaans names like Kobus, Abel, Roux, Johan Powerful names like Titan, Brutus, Diesel, Magnum Heroic names such as Valor, Justice, Rocky, Diesel Keep their name short – 1 or 2 syllables for effective training.
Finding a Boerboel Puppy
Take time researching breeders to find a healthy puppy. Contact the American Boerboel Club for breeder referrals and education. Expect to pay $1500 – $4000+ USD from health/temperament tested parents. Seek breeders who title their dogs in protection sports, obedience, conformation. Meet the parents and observe temperaments if possible. Ask about genetic health testing and early socialization methods. Import regulations may apply if seeking a puppy from South Africa.
The Boerboel’s devoted nature combined with its fierce protectiveness and athleticism make this an exceptional guarding breed. With responsible ownership, these dogs can become wonderful companions.
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littlefrenchdog · 1 year
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home-improvment · 1 year
when dog licks paws
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when dog licks paws
When you lick your fingers after a delicious meal, it might be a positive indication, but for your dog, it's a different matter. Although paw licking is a typical puppy behavior and occasionally a necessary part of grooming, excessive licking in the past could be a significant health concern. Additionally, the additional moisture from the licking paws can result in a secondary infection (bacterial or yeast).
According to Dr. Kristi Flynn, an associate professor and veterinarian at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine, animals with environmental allergies frequently exhibit skin symptoms rather than the sniffling and sneezing that characterizes allergic reactions in humans. Don't worry, but if your dog seems to be particularly interested in their toenails, there could be something more serious going on.
So, Why Do Dogs Lick in the First Place?
Grooming is the most fundamental habit to discuss first. Your dog undoubtedly licks their paws before taking a nap on the couch, and that is completely normal. It is an issue when this behavior becomes more extreme, and environmental factors are frequently to blame.
According to Dr. Flynn, environmental allergies, also known as atopic dermatitis, are typically the main source of paw licking. Other reasons why pets lick their paws include ectopic parasites like fleas or mites and referred arthritis pain, which causes pets to taste their feet or appendages rather than the painful joint.
The good news is that most of the causes of a dog licking its paws can be treated at home, and those that can't are frequently manageable with the aid of allergy medications that your veterinarian will recommend.
Common Causes For Paw Licking
Environmental allergies
Increased ear scratching and foot licking are typical responses to things like grass, mold spores, dust mites, and plant pollens in people with environmental allergies like atopic dermatitis. Your canine probably has an environmental allergy if you notice them licking excessively and more frequently after walks around the neighborhood or in the park. Fortunately, there are effective treatment choices for this, but rinsing the feet of pollen and other allergens is a simple first step. According to Dr. Flynn, doing this can also help eliminate bacteria and yeast, which can contribute to secondary infections. The signs of environmental allergies in canines can include paw licking, rashes, itchy skin and ears, and occasionally running eyes.
Flea allergies
The condition known as flea allergic dermatitis occurs when a dog's immune system overreacts to flea saliva. (FAD). The skin becomes irritated as a result of the allergic response, making the poor dog feel terribly itchy. Dogs frequently lick and scratch their feet and buttocks in an effort to relieve the itching brought on by flea allergies. Common signs of flea allergy dermatitis include hot areas, redness, thickened skin, and fur loss.
Food allergies
When your canine consumes food, his immune system may overreact to a protein or complex carbohydrate. This condition is known as a food allergy. A crucial distinction between a food sensitivity and a food allergy is that the latter only causes digestive discomfort while the former triggers an instant immune response. Dr. Flynn continues, "Food allergies are uncommon in dogs and typically present as itching rather than the facial swelling we see in humans. Beef, dairy, wheat, egg, and chicken are the typical foods that trigger allergies in dogs. Itchy skin, chewing, hot areas, diarrhea, and vomiting are symptoms to be aware of.
Dry skin
Dogs with dry skin experience itchy, broken, and flaky skin. (dandruff). Numerous factors, such as over-bathing, which removes a dog's natural oils, arid air, dry humidity, or the aforementioned allergies, can result in flaky skin. To keep your dog's coat healthy, it's crucial to adhere to a decent grooming schedule. You might observe general itching, redness, and dandruff if your dog has dry skin.
Injury or illness
An injury to the leg itself is another factor that might be to blame for a dog's excessive licking. Pet owners should keep an eye out for more than just allergens during the summer. Dr. Flynn adds that there are seasonal reasons of paw licking, such as blown pads, which are caused by a dog running on hot concrete or a rough surface like a tennis court and leave the surface blistered or abraded off. Additionally, road salt can irritate canines to the point where they lick their paws in the winter. Dr. Flynn points out that although paw chewing is uncommon, there are more severe reasons to be concerned, such as deep soft tissue infections, toe fractures, nail bed disease, auto-immune disease, and in very rare instances, cancer.
Obsessive and anxious behavior
Dr. Flynn advises that it's crucial to clear out any medical conditions before examining behavioral problems. In times of stress, dogs, like people, frequently look for methods to comfort themselves. According to Dr. Flynn, this behavior "can be a form of self-soothing for pain, or in some cases anxiety." Is your dog seeking this type of stress relief because of a shift in the surroundings (noises, routine, new pets, people)? Some canines experience canine compulsive disorder, a type of OCD, in addition to stress. Dogs with CCD frequently engage in compulsive behaviors like hand licking, toy or blanket sucking, tail licking, and tail chasing. To alleviate your dog's stressful and anxious behavior, try to pinpoint its origins and use redirection and exercise.
>>Make Your dog Happy Click Here<<
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petsgroomingblog · 2 years
Top Benefits of Pet Grooming
It is advisable to start grooming your pet early. That means that they start booking grooming appointments when they are just puppies. They can adjust themselves easily to the grooming pattern, and when they get older, they will get used to it.
Apart from other health benefits to your pet of daily grooming sessions, the chief benefit is that it improves their looks, brushing, and trimming. An untidy appearance of a pet can show you as a poor owner. Hence, assure that they look tidy and neat!! Take them to grooming sessions and give more shine to their cuteness!!
During the grooming session, the groomer not only improves their look but, also works on finding the health issues if they have any!! It would be better if the problems can be discovered sooner so that they do not have to face any difficulties in the future. Also, the problems treated at earlier stages are easier. Health ailments like cancer that could be present as a mass or lump in the skin can be identified and treated earlier.
Relieving your pet from the gunk and buildup in their ears is important to get rid of any ear infection. Also, the groomer cutting dog’s lengthier hair could be one of the reasons for increasing the ear infection. It is critical to treat these types of infections as they can make the pet deaf. Hence it is important to conduct regular checkups of their ears to maintain their hearing ability.
Fleas are the pre-conditions that come while adopting the pet. During the grooming session, the groomer can check whether there are fleas or eggs. Frequent brushing, washing, and clipping of their furs can decrease the growth of fleas. By paying some amount, the groomer can get some flea treatment to treat those irritating blood-suckers.
The pets have to go through pain while brushing, trimming, and cleaning when grooming at home. But, at the pet groomer centers, the groomers take care of this perspective. They have the ability and the skill to groom the pet comfortably and calmly. They assure that their nails are trimmed at an appropriate length without any difficulty or pain.
Pet groomers in Delhi NCR also provide different types of services, such as nail trimming, hair brushing, etc. Additionally, they give a relaxing massage to them as well. The pets become achy and sore while getting older, so they surely need healthy massages. Also, while grooming, the groomer can also find out if the dog’s fur is too oily and too dry. Examining that, they can provide diet suggestions to develop their skin condition.
Frequent washing strengthens their fur and maintains their condition. Grooming helps to remove the contaminants and dirt that can have diverse effects on their skin conditions. So, showing some effort into their health is worth it.
Do not neglect to trim your pet’s nails; it is one of the imperative parts of their well-being. Too long nails can make them uncomfortable when walking. They end up changing their posture to support themselves with longer nails. It can get worse if left untreated. Bad posture, bone deformations, and arthritis are several diseases that pets have to face if their nails are not get trimmed. The tip here is that if you are finding that your pet’s nails are touching the floor, then trimming is required.
Despite your pet’s hair length or breed, grooming them with brushing and washing will assist them in conditioning and the quality of the coat. The best thing is that only brushing can shed dead skin, dirt, or something slinking. This way, their natural oil gets coated all over the skin and makes it look healthier and shinier.
If your pet has average-length fur, then there are chances that they can get matted. It occurs when the fur becomes twisted and bunched. If these mats are left untreated, then they can pull aggressively and grow largely on the skin.
And, if these occur in delicate areas or are snug, then your pet can become uncomfortable or irritated. Regular grooming and brushing can reduce the risks of mats forming. There can be a possibility that your groomer may have to trim the mats out.
Last but not least, your pet will get more hygiene benefits. Brushing and cleaning the dead skin and build-up can enhance your pet’s look, particularly, the smell and the hygiene. Allow your nose to thank you, and do not let the stinky smell grumble you. Take your pets to the National Pets grooming centers and freshen them up.
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tittapages · 2 years
The missing link powder formula
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#The missing link powder formula skin#
#The missing link powder formula full#
#The missing link powder formula plus#
The daily intake can be divided into two or more servings. Add Missing Link to soft food, seed, vegetables or fruit, according to size of bird. 1/2 tspĪdd The Missing Link ® to your bird's diet according to its weight. Large Birds (Parrots, Cockatoos, Macaws, Etc). Medium Birds (Conures, Cockatiels, Pigeons). Small Birds (Canaries, Parakeets, Finches etc). Minimum per ¼ teaspoon (0.75g) Crude Protein (min.) … 22% Crude Fat (min.) … 26% Crude Fiber (max.) … 16% Moisture (max.) … 10% Linoleic Acid (Omega 6) (min.) … 30mg Linolenic Acid (Omega 3) (min.) … 90mgĭaily feeding instructions (based on size of bird) Ground Flaxseed, Soy Protein Isolate, Freeze Dried Beef Liver, Whey Protein Concentrate, Cane Molasses, Green Peas, Ground Pinto Beans, Rice Bran, Dried Carrot, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Primary Dried Yeast, Apple, Ground Beef Bone, Dried Fish Solubles, Lemon Balm, Ground Cherry, Parsley, Ground Barley Grass, Lecithin, Dried Kelp, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 Supplement. Add to soft food, mix with seed, or sprinkle on vegetables or fruit.Helps sustain energy levels and supports healthy immune system.
#The missing link powder formula plus#
Healthy balance of Omegas plus phyto nutrients help support feather growth and thicker plumage.
Perfect for molting and feather-picking birds to support their energy and digestion while helping keep their plumage healthy and beautiful. A veterinarian-formulated powder supplement created to fill the nutritional gap left by commercial pet foods.
#The missing link powder formula skin#
Due to the high fiber content, start with small amounts and gradually increase to the recommended level over the course of one to two weeks.This powder supplement was created to help captive birds thrive. THE MISSING LINK ORIGINAL SUPERFOOD SUPPLEMENT FOR MY SKIN & COAT Powder Formula. *Contains a source of live (viable) naturally occurring microorganisms.Īdd The Missing Link® to your puppy's diet according to weight, after weaning.
#The missing link powder formula full#
*Lactobacillus Acidophilus (min.): 50,000 CFU/g Kelp-based supplement designed to improve joint function and bone health Provides a full dose of Glucosamine and Chondroitin for improved mobility. Ground Flaxseed, Dry Whey Protein Concentrate, Ground Beef Bone, Freeze-Dried Beef Liver, Rice Bran, Primary Dried Yeast, Cane Molasses, Dried Carrot, Ground Barley Grass, Parsley, Sunflower Seed, Dried Kelp, Zinc Methionine Complex, Lecithin, Dried Lactobacillus Acidophilus Fermentation Product, Selenium Yeast, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Taurine, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Folic Acid, and Vitamin B12 Supplement.
Completely sourced in the USA and CanadaĨ oz.
Cold-pressed for maximum nutritional value.
Developed specifically for growing puppies.
Probiotics and dietary fiber have been added to support healthy digestion, a necessity for a dog of any age. With balanced Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids, a spoonful will support not only their skin, coat, and immune system, but also their eyes, ears, teeth, and gums. Protein, calcium, and phosphorus are packed into each sprinkle of this superfood supplement. The Missing Link's Puppy Health Formula was created specifically to support their growing bones, muscles, and brains. Puppies need all the daily whole food nutrition they can get. The Missing Link® Original Puppy Health Formula
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deathbyjoong · 3 years
ATEEZ Honeymoon HCs
Summary: I wrote a few thousand words on what I thought a honeymoon would be like with each member of ATEEZ. I hope you all enjoy ✨
Many many thanks to @bfyunho​ for beta-ing and generally being my favorite person 💕
Warnings: fluff and smut. 18+ ONLY!
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Y’all already KNOW that a honeymoon with Seonghwa is just gonna be two weeks of him exercising his duality
Constant love-making? Absolutely. But also! Lots of interesting things to do and many opportunities to make memories
Where’s he gonna do that? A large resort suite all to yourselves in Mediterranean ItalyIt’s warm, sensual, fun, perfect--everything you ever wanted
Days spent wandering the town, swimming, finding museums and restaurants
Seonghwa insists on taking selfies at every single location--he wants to know every single one of these moments long after his memory has failed him
Sunbathing on a private sailboat on the Amalfi Coast, soaking in the vitamin D 
The ship’s captain finds a beautiful, unoccupied spot in a shallow cove, and drops anchor
He then heads into the cabin of the boat to give you and your husband some privacy
Seonghwa sits on a lounge chair behind you, rubbing sunscreen on your shoulders
He’s letting his hands move just as slowly and sensually across your skin as he wants, taking his time in listening to your breath hitch in your throat
Eventually ducking his head down to press his lips to a spot on your neck he hasn’t covered yet, while his thumbs still rub circles on your shoulders
Giving all his attention to that one area, biting lightly then sucking the skin to soothe it
You lean your head back, giving him all the access he could want, and a soft sigh escapes your parted lips
His hair tickles your shoulder, but Seonghwa doesn’t linger long before he’s turning you to face him so he can kiss you properly
He’s got the ties of your swimsuit undone in seconds, and you throw your legs over Seonghwa’s hips as soon as it’s off
You grind yourself on him, abusing his swim shorts in your pursuit of a little friction
Hwa grips you by the waist, firmly but not enough to hurt. Just enough to get you close--enough to help you rise and fall on him
Something occurs to you, and you break the kiss to breathlessly murmur in his ear
“You need sunscreen, too. You’re gonna burn.”
Hwa chuckles, dangerously low, flashing his teeth as he reaches down with one hand and picks up the bottle he’d set on the deck
“My wife is so considerate,” he coos, handing it to you
You take it, rolling your eyes. But Seonghwa’s arms tighten around you once more, and you’re brought close to the tent in his shorts again
“Will you put some on me too, then?” He looks up at you with puppy dog eyes that are completely betrayed by his pupils, blown wide
You squeeze some of the lotion into your hands and let the bottle fall down as you spread it over his shoulders
You’re consumed by his kiss again, gripping his shoulders, arms, neck, wherever you can reach
His skin rubs slick against yours because of the sunscreen, and all you can taste is the salt on Seonghwa’s lips as he does away with his shorts and finally pushes into you
It doesn’t take more than ten minutes of soft moans, grinding, and his mouth against your neck for you to come, head thrown back and facing the sun
Your husband isn’t long after, burying his face in the crook of your shoulder as he loses himself in you
When you’ve come down from your high, Seonghwa stands slowly and pulls you with him
“Let’s go swimming.”
You spend the rest of the afternoon wading in the shallow waters of the cove, soaking in the sun and kicking up the white sand with your toes
When the sun starts to slide down the sky, setting everything aglow with orange and gold, Seonghwa stands behind you and holds his lips to the back of your head
His arms are around you, and your joined form sways gently with the waves until the sun falls away completely
When you get back to the resort, you both shower off and Seonghwa presents you with a beautiful dress to wear to dinner
He wines and dines you every single night, even making an effort to learn some Italian to more easily place your orders and interact with locals
And each night, he lifts his glass and toasts, “To you, Mrs. Park.”
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It took exactly zero convincing for you to get Hongjoong to agree to Paris
He loved the idea right away, because it’s a city known for its art and fashion
You reserve a penthouse room in the heart of Paris, with floor to ceiling windows and sheer white curtains
The two of you arrive in Paris decked out in the most impeccable airport fashion, ready to paint the city red
Unfortunately, the jet lag hits you both a little harder than expected
So you spend the rest of the first day sleeping and eating in bed, to the backdrop of sultry French soul music playing over the radio
The next morning, you wake up just as the sun is beginning to peek over the rooftops
It sends gold rays through the blue light of the morning
You slept with the windows cracked, and the soft breeze blows through the curtains
He’s sleeping next to you, and you curl up against him, perfectly content to get a few more minutes of sleep
His t-shirt smells like him--like home-- and you smile to yourself
But something less wholesome is going on his head
Hongjoong’s eyebrows tilt and his lips part as he whimpers in his sleep
It’s an expression you recognize, although he’s only ever made it while he’s very much awake
Usually as you take him, nails grazing down his stomach, watching his head fall back against the pillows
You have to wonder if that’s what he’s dreaming about, but you’re not about to sit by and let the dream version of you have all the fun
Throwing a leg over his hips, you rest your hands on Joong’s chest and slowly kiss his neck
He moans softly, eyes opening as he wakes
His hands find your hips, pulling you against the growing hardness in his sweatpants, and there’s a sheepish smirk on his face
“Sounded like a good dream,” you whisper against his lips
Hongjoong smiles in the dim light, his eyes flicking to your mouth
“It was,” he replies
His hand is creeping up your back, fingers purposely snagging on your t-shirt
“But nothing compared to this, and nothing compared to you,” he says, and kisses you firmly
You’re not usually one for morning sex, but this lazy love is exquisite in its own way
It’s all slow touches and kisses that are soft but not lacking in passion
Hongjoong shifts to be on top of you and your noses bump, causing both of you to giggle a bit
Joong hides his face in your neck, but takes the opportunity to place a few kisses there
The pair of you take your time in climbing the mountain, but you reach the peak at the same time, hands clasped and legs tangled
You tilt your head a little to watch his face as he comes because the sight of him, and the sounds he’s making, are nothing short of gorgeous
Following an equally slow comedown, you shower off together and clamber back into bed for another couple hours of sleep
When you’re both a bit more rested, you set out on foot to explore the city
Munching on croissants with Hongjoong at an outdoor cafe, and sipping espressos before setting off again
You stop at a small flower stand, and Joong buys you a handful of roses
As you walk on, he has his hands in his pockets, and you loop your arm through his
The content smile playing on his lips gives you a high, and you bask in the moment
The following day, you drive to the Musee du Louvre, and stay until closing time
Joong looks at the art, and you look at him, admiring your own masterpiece
You’re thankful you ended up here because it gives you a perfect, constant view of his profile, from his starry eyes to the tip of his nose to his lovely mouth
He catches you staring at him, and blushes while trying to suppress a smile
You do another day trip to the palace and gardens at Versailles, holding hands as you stroll through the ornate, golden halls and endless paths adorned by flowers
And, of course, it’s not a trip to Paris, or a trip with Hongjoong, if there isn’t shopping for clothes at some point
You pick outfits out for each other in the city’s best boutiques de vetements, from sleek luxury retailers to some of the more underrated shops in the art district
The two of you end up having to buy another suitcase for all the clothes you bring back, but this turn of events is shocking to no one
It’s the most fun you could have on a vacation, and your only consolation for having to go home at the end of the week is getting to start the best adventure of all
Being married to your best friend
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You’ve always wanted to visit Austria
What better occasion than your honeymoon to spend a week in Salzburg?
It’s all wonderful-- the music, scenery, history, and dancing!
It’s a series of beautiful moments from the very start of your trip
You and Yunho watch Harry Potter together on the plane there, sharing earbuds and mouthing the spells together
At one point, Yunho moves the armrest so the two of you can comfortably hold hands
You doze off together, heads resting against each other, and are only awoken by the captain announcing that you’ve landed
You were worried about jet lag, but your Energizer bunny husband has an abundance of contagious excitement
You drop your bags at the hotel, change clothes, and immediately set off on your first adventure
It’s a sunny, breezy day and the sweet aroma of flowers on balconies is everywhere
You’re strolling hand in hand down a cobblestone road in the historic district of the town when you and Yunho hear the music at the same time
You’re drawn like magnets to the sound of a small band playing on the sidewalk
Yunho pulls you in for a dance, just like you knew he would, one grasping yours and the other pulling you close by the waist
As he swings you in circles, you think to yourself, this is why you married him
His carefree nature, spontaneity, and the joy his spirit radiates
And the laughter in your ears that’s just as much music as the instruments being played on the corner of the street
Though you don’t know the steps, and you’re pretty sure Yunho is making them up on the spot, you never once stumble over each other
He ends the dance by twirling you around, tickled pink at how much fun you’re both having
Next, you find a little outdoor cafe, and insist on feeding him yourself
Yunho is blushing and acting like he thinks it’s ridiculous, but when you finally give up, he picks up the fork and hands it back to you with a sheepish smile
You giggle and scoop up a piece of the chocolate cake you’re sharing, watching his cheeks turn pink as he accepts it
By the time the cake is finished, you’ve got a bit of chocolate icing on the corner of your mouth
Instead of just pointing it out to you, Yunho becomes Yunhoe
There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes as he reaches across the little table and swipes his thumb across your lip
You thought he was just being cute, until he brings his hand back to his mouth and sucks the icing off his thumb
As you watch with a smirk, Yunho gives you a look that makes it clear he’s doing the math in his head of how quickly you can get back to the hotel room
He throws a handful of Euros on the table (more than the bill would’ve been) and grabs your hand
Twenty minutes later, you stumble backwards out of the elevator, arms thrown around Yunho’s shoulders
His mouth is hot over yours, and you have to laugh at yourself for not even making it one day before jumping each other
But hey-- what are honeymoons for, right?
He breaks your kiss only to swipe the key card at the room door, but his lips are right back on yours as soon as he can
Yunho picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist, and blindly pushes the door open behind you
You’re not sure whose idea it was, or if either of you even thought about it, but you end up bent over the balcony railing, your lower half shielded from pedestrians below only by flower boxes
Yunho’s got one hand around your waist, and the other hand braced on the railing
He’s groaning softly between kisses against the side of your neck, thrusting into you from behind
At one point his hand drifts from your waist to press into your clit, causing your head to fall back against his shoulder
Yunho puts a hand over your mouth to stifle the moans that you can’t keep in
You come shortly after with a muffled cry into his palm, and Yunho bites into your shoulder as gently as he can to muffle his own noise when he comes a moment later
You take a few moments to come down before Yunho walks you inside to clean off
You collapse onto the bed together for a much-needed nap, dozing off peacefully in your favorite place in the world-- your husband’s arms
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You had to reason with Yeosang just a little to get him to agree to go to Greece for your honeymoon
But once he realized why you picked it out of all places, he came around
It offers food, sunshine, fresh air, and many adventures in a place made for exploring
Getting excited on the plane ride in, giggling with each other and looking out the window at the islands like a couple of excited kids
You go searching for the best views in Santorini, climbing through the endless maze of steps between white and blue buildings
So many selfies--Yeosang smiling shyly with his cheek pressed to the side of your head
After a while, he really starts to relax and have fun, and his smiles in your pictures get wider and wider
One day is devoted entirely to walking through the market in town, buying random food items just because they smell good and holding them out for the other to try
At one point Yeosang slips away while you’re not paying attention
Trying not to panic, you look around, feeling like a child who’s lost their mom at a supermarket
Just as you’re starting to lose your breath, Yeosang catches you by the waist
You knew it was him just by his touch, but you still look to his face for the reassurance that he’s there
There’s a glint in his eye that implies he’s amused by your concern at losing him, but he tells you it’s okay, and shows you where he went:
A bright bouquet of flowers no doubt native to the island is bursting from his hands in marvelous yellows, pinks, and whites
You recognize Asphodels, but the rest are beautiful, nameless mysteries
They almost get crushed between your bodies as you throw your arms around Sangie and kiss him in full public view
No one seems to mind it though-- it appears as though love is in the air on this day, carried by the light sea breeze and lit by the sun
Yeosang smiles into the kiss before reminding you to be careful of your flowers
You take them from him with a grin, but when you’re on your way home, the smile turns into a pout
“Sang?” “Yeah?” “My feet hurt.”
Yeosang fakes a dramatic sigh, but it’s not another second before he’s crouching in front of you, holding his arms out behind him
You gleefully climb on, and Yeosang carries you the rest of the short walk to your AirBnB
He’ll never say it out loud, but his favorite thing in the world is feeling your arms around his shoulders
Just like on your wedding day, just like now, just like he wants every day for the rest of his life
Another day, the two of you are hiking through some of the more rural parts of Santorini, and happen upon a beautiful wild olive grove near a cliff face
You come back the next morning with a blanket and some snacks, and spend the entire day in the shade
Admiring him as you sit by the seaside, because he looks so stunning among the greens and blues and yellows
It’s not your fault he looks that good
Maybe he looks a little too good
Maybe you make a mess of your picnic blanket after grabbing your husband and pulling him on top of you
Once Yeosang looks around and ascertains that there’s absolutely no one around, he’s all game
His hands are bunching the skirt up around your hips, his mouth greedy and searching your neck for any spot that’ll make you whimper when he sucks into it
Your spot in paradise turns into rapture as his fingers meet your core, massaging you until you start to dig your nails into his shoulder
You’ve got one hand on his bicep and the other in his hair when he takes you in one smooth motion, finding his rhythm like he never dropped it in the first place
You come apart beneath him, and beneath the softly rustling leaves of the olive trees
The two of you fall asleep shortly after, completely relaxed in each other’s arms
Holding hands on your walks through the town at night, underneath the twinkle lights
You’ve married your best friend, and this is the best beginning to your lives together that you could ever imagine
Happiness settles around you like a light blanket, and you hope it stays forever
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Don’t ask me why, but a glass igloo hotel in Iceland seems perfect
It’s cozy but not too small, and it’s the picture of quiet luxury
The glass walls and ceiling give you a beautiful view of the wide Icelandic sky, which is clear as crystal after a fresh snowfall
There’s a fireplace against one wall, with a fuzzy rug in front of it and many, many pillows
You spend the first evening snuggled up there with San, sipping hot chocolate and talking about every random thing you can think of
He keeps finding reasons to say “my wife”, getting all giggly every time he does
After you fall asleep, another storm rolls through, dropping an extra foot of powdery snow all around you
You and San are oblivious, however, because you’re both fast asleep under several layers of blankets
Safe and warm in your little nest, you nuzzle your face into San’s neck, and he tightens his arms around you in his sleep
Because being with you, and keeping you close, comes as naturally to him as breathing
When you wake up, you see the wonderland outside and it’s not even a discussion-- you and Sannie are outside as fast as you can put on your clothes
You play in the snow together, and his adorable laugh echoes around you every time he beans you with a snowball
Chasing each other around like little kids, giggling and kicking up the snow
San catches you by the waist and spins you around, making sure to never drop you
You wrestle around a bit but eventually end up making snow angels together
When you stand up to admire your outlines in the snow, San pulls you close and presses his face into your hair
Putting an arm around his waist, you brush some of the snow off his jacket
He catches your hand, and holds it to his chest, where you can feel his heart pounding
“Never forget that this beats for you, okay?”
You almost cry, but opt to pull San to you and press kisses all over his face instead
He just giggles and accepts every single peck on his quickly-heating cheeks
Later that day, you make your way to the hot springs nearby, running as fast as you can to the water’s edge after dropping your coats
It’s a rush to the senses, slipping into the hot spring and away from the frigid air
San is behind you, gripping your hand tightly
You find a ledge that’s been carved into the rock underwater, and make yourselves comfortable on it
San leans back, eyes closed, and you can see the puffs of his breath coming slower and slower as he fully relaxes
You lean back against his arm, enjoying the feeling of his skin and the soft water pooling around you
You end up throwing your legs over his thighs and curling into his side
His arm goes around your shoulders, and you feel every bit of worry leave your body
You’re heavy with relaxation, but you feel lighter than ever
That evening, you’re watching a movie and sipping spiked hot chocolate when a flash of green lights up the igloo
Gasping, you stand up to stare skywards, mouth open
San turns off the movie and moves next to you, taking your hand and squeezing it lightly
You watch the Northern Lights in silence as they ripple across the sky in vivid purples, blues, and greens
A few minutes into the show, you glance over at San to see his eyes glittering with all the colors
He looks so beautiful, holding entire galaxies, and he doesn’t even realize it
When the lights begin to fade down, you reach over and pull San to you
He knew what you wanted from the first millisecond of touch
He responds in kind, tugging you as close to him as he can and making quick work of both your shirts
Chests pressed together and breathing ragged, you let yourselves fall back onto the rug
Arms and legs tangle as you make love beneath the glass ceiling, and the auroras begin to flicker again, making everything that much more beautiful
Falling asleep in each others’ arms, not only for the warmth, but because you love him more than anything in the world
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It’s a lesser known honeymoon destination, with fewer people than some of the more popular spots in Europe or the Caribbean
You have your own bungalow on the beach, with room service twice a day and spa services as well
Getting massages and face masks with Mingi? Yes. Doing so in matching fluffy white robes? Double yes.
Going on a safari adventure to see the lemurs!
You and Mingi pile into the backseat of an open-air Jeep and a driver takes you around one of the wildlife refuges
You two have the time of your lives looking at all the animals, grabbing each other and pointing when you see a new one
He’s smiling so big the entire time, and his happiness is contagious
You both sleep in late every day just because you can--no alarms, just birds twittering and sunlight filtering through the blinds
Waking up in each other’s arms, nestled under a layer of soft blankets
All you have to do is open your eyes, and Mingi is right there, sleeping soundly with the corners of his mouth turned up
His hair is tousled and he looks so peaceful
That is, until you try to get up to make breakfast, and he refuses to let you get out of bed
He doesn’t even wake up; just throws one arm around you and hugs you tight, humming in his sleep with a little pout on his lips
You can’t help but smile, and relent to his cute charm
An hour or so later, when both of you wake up, Mingi kisses you all over your face
It’s the best way to say “good morning” in his opinion, and you’re pretty sure he’s right
Another day, you do a guided hike through Amber Mountain National Park
There are even more lemurs, and many other animals
The air is so clean you can’t even believe it, and peace seeps into you with each step further into the lush, green wilderness
You stop to swim in an emerald pool at the foot of a small waterfall, and your guide steps away to give you a moment of privacy
You get close to Mingi, resting your hands on his shoulders and pressing your forehead to his
The water flows softly around you, but Mingi is your rock--steadfast and comfortable to you always
He kisses you sweetly, and you feel any tension he might have had leaving his body with each deep inhale
Your favorite moment from the trip, however, has to be your journey to the Avenue of the Baobabs
The Baobab trees have long been a legendary symbol of the African wilds, but seeing them up close in reality is its own level of breathtaking
Nothing could have prepared you for just how massive the Baobabs are, towering above the horizon as you approach in your tour Jeep
You’re dropped off at the beginning of the path that winds through hundreds of the giant trees, and told to meet back there in a couple of hours
Mingi pulls you down the trail excitedly, telling you that if he had to be a tree, he would be one of these
You snap your favorite photo ever that afternoon
It’s a picture of Mingi, grinning widely, hugging a Baobab (or trying to, since that particular tree had a diameter of about fifteen feet)
He looks so happy, almost childlike, and the joy just radiates off of him
That picture gets framed the second you return from your trip, and it’s also the lockscreen on your phone
Although your days are spent visiting every destination on the island, your evenings are a much-needed quiet time to recharge
You and Mingi snuggle up for a movie some nights, and other nights you drink on the porch and listen to the sounds of the jungle
Sometimes you get distracted from the movie or the scenery, and kiss Mingi a whole bunch instead
He’s more than willing to pull you close, and even carry you off, when you whisper something sinful in his ear
But no matter what you get up to, his love and sweetness are in every touch
Whether you’re out and about, or enjoying a quiet moment to yourselves, his arm is around you always, and you never have to ask twice for extra kisses
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A beach resort in Turks and Caicos seems like the perfect place to go with Wooyoung
Hear me out-- it’s got music and tourists that are just as loud as he is
Crystal clear, bright blue waters greet you as the two of you hitch a ride from the airport
All the windows in the cab are down, because it’s sunny and just the right kind of warm
Salty sea air fills your lungs and the wind breezes through your hair
You’re given complementary rum punch when you check in, and it’s the perfect start to your trip
You and Wooyoung drop your bags off at the room and immediately change into your swimsuits
The resort backs right up to the beach, so you run out in your sandals, hand in hand as you make a beeline toward the water
The sand is hot beneath your feet, but you don’t even notice because you’re so excited and the water! is so! blue!
You crash into the surf seconds later, the warm water swirling around your legs
You wade through the water until you’re chest deep, then kick up your feet and float on your back
There are no breakers, nor boats allowed, in the calm waters of the bay, so you float in the soft blue for a little bit, content to just let the tide wash you back to shore in whatever timeline it sees fit
You reach out at the line between sea and sky, meeting the skin of Wooyoung’s arm
He’s still standing, staring in wonder at the paradise around you, but he takes your hand without thinking
He’s your anchor, letting you float without drifting away
You spend the next several hours going back and forth between the sea and the sand, finding beach chairs to lounge on while you lay in the sun
As the sun starts to fall in the sky, you decide to head back to the room to shower off and get dressed for a fancy dinner
You’re minding your business, rinsing the shampoo out of your hair, when the bathroom door opens and Wooyoung pokes his face inside
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all. It’ll save water,” you respond, smiling
Woo sheds his swimshorts and joins you, slipping in as fast as he can to keep the steam inside the glass door of the shower
You massage shampoo into his hair, enjoying his little hums of appreciation
He rinses it out while you wash your body, and you stand behind him as he washes off too
His back is to you and you openly stare at the water running down his back
You feel heavy, relaxed, from spending all day in the sun, but there’s one thing that could make this afternoon even better
Once all the soap is off of him, you step forward and kiss the spot between his shoulder blades
Never a stranger to your unspoken wishes, Wooyoung leans his head back as you kiss your way up to his shoulder
When you can’t reach any more, he turns and kisses you, hard
He’s got one hand snaked around your waist and the other holding your face to his
Your arms are around his shoulders in a heartbeat, and he backs you against the tile
It’s cold, but the warm water is still running between your bodies, giving you shivers
Wooyoung breaks the kiss only to kneel in front of you, throwing your leg over his shoulder
He brings you to the edge with his mouth, then stands again, keeping your leg hitched over his hip
When he fucks you, you’re worried that people are going to see the scratches on his shoulders the next day at the beach
But eventually, you can’t be bothered to think about it, and you lose yourself in his touch instead
You come apart shortly after, chests heaving and skin pressed to wet skin
A little while later, you’re toasting one another over dinner
The restaurant offers many amazing local delicacies, and Wooyoung insists on hand-feeding you at least half of them throughout your trip
There’s live music every night at the resort’s restaurant & bar, and Wooyoung doesn’t think twice about pulling you with him to the dancefloor
You’re not overly confident in your dancing skills, but Woo pulls you close and shows you some simple steps as other couples join around you
After a couple of songs, you’re able to get into the groove of the funky music that the island loves so much
Wooyoung’s smile is all you need to know you’re moving the right way, and you dance to a few more songs before going back to the bar counter for more fruity drinks
The two of you continue to get tipsy, then walk to the beach and make out in the sand like a couple of teenagers
You’re both giggling between kisses, digging your toes into the sand, and existing purely in the moment
Everything is sweet, from the taste of pineapple on his tongue to the heady aroma of plumeria blooms in the trees
Every day is a beach day in this place. You’ve never had this much fun, splashing and playing in the water, laughing nonstop
One afternoon, Wooyoung is passed out on a beach chair under an umbrella, lulled to sleep by the day’s warmth and the sounds of the ocean
After taking a picture of him to giggle at later, you get an idea
The air is fragrant with the sweet smell of the thousands of flowering bushes that are planted throughout the resort’s grounds
Nobody would miss a few of those flowers, would they? If you were to, say, pluck some and decorate your husband with them?
You slip away from the chairs and your sleeping Woo to gather a few blooms from the nearest row of landscaping, returning with sweet-smelling handfuls of them
You giggle to yourself, putting the flowers all around Wooyoung’s head like a little halo of yellows, whites, and pinks
He doesn’t even notice them until he wakes up, gets back in the water, and sees a bunch of petals in the surf around him
You laugh and take photos of all of it
Being on a catamaran at sunset, sitting side by side with your head on his shoulder
The sky is painted in vivid oranges and reds, and Woo’s hand rests on your thigh, his breathing slow and even next to you
The wind is a bit cool on your wet skin, but the sun still delivers warmth, and you inhale the smell of saltwater on Wooyoung’s skin
He turns his face slightly to kiss the top of your head, and you smile knowing that his love for you comes without him even having to think about it
As the boat smoothly cuts through the water, you feel completely at peace
You’re exactly where you’re meant to be, and it’s hard to think about your life turning out any other way than this moment, with this man
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Incredible local food, soccer matches, constant music, breathtaking city scenery--it’s a neotropical dream
First of all, Jongho is amazing to travel with
Being the eldest of his family, he’s well-prepared with a bag full of snacks, meds, toiletries, headphones, and neck pillows for both of you
He looks so cute on the flight, snuggled up in his complimentary blanket and neck pillow
He’s pouting in his sleep and you take several photos just because
When you get to the hotel room, he bravely offers to carry your luggage up the stairs for you
But he makes you wait at the bottom of the stairs so that he can come back and scoop you into his arms
Because he insists on carrying you bridal-style at every opportunity, starting with your arrival to the room
It’s a suite on the second floor, with its own balcony overlooking the main walkway below
You can look out over shops and restaurants and bars, all the nightlife in one place
You change out of your airport clothes, then venture out to grab some drinks and go shopping-- the boys had bullied Jongho into promising that he’d bring back gifts
The two of you are buzzing by the time night falls, but your feet are sore from walking and you’re exhausted from the flight
So you grab some food to-go from one of the restaurants and take it back to the room
You chow through dinner with the balcony doors open, allowing the music and chatter of the streets to carry in on the soft, warm breeze
Going into food comas immediately after eating, you and Jongho pass out on top of the covers, facing each other with hands clasped in the middle
You wake up to brilliant sunlight and Jongho’s arm thrown over you
He’s your life-size teddy bear, and you snuggle closer to him for warmth and comfort
When you both get up and around, you surprise Jongho with tickets to this year’s Superclasico-- only the biggest soccer match in Buenos Aires!
Jongho tries to play it cool, but you can tell he’s absolutely giddy at getting to attend a sports game while he’s here
He loves soccer, after all, and he can’t stop smiling the entire way to the stadium
He practically drags you by the hand to your seats, which are so close to the field that you can hear the footballers yelling to each other
Jongho doesn’t sit down a single time during the game, shouting excitedly in Korean even though he doesn’t know anything about these teams or who to root for
He’s just glad to be there, and it’s an absolutely fantastic match
On your short walk home, he’s got so much energy from being amped up by the game that he stops you on the sidewalk and tells you to get on his back
You blush profusely, but who are you to say no? Besides, you love seeing him be this carefree
The two of you stick out like a sore thumb in the streets of Argentina since you’re giggling like crazy and he’s singing to you in a language that definitely isn’t local
You indulge in some amazing street food before going back to the hotel and getting ready for the evening
He got tickets to a theater show, and it gives you an opportunity to get all dressed up
Your husband looks so handsome in his casual suit, and when you walk out in your dress, he’s holding roses
The show is wonderful, and you’re both part of the standing ovation it receives
You throw off your shoes when you get home, but there’s so much excitement outside that the night is hardly over
Standing on your balcony, listening to singing in the streets and bars below, with Jongho’s arms around you from behind
This man clearly did his research before coming here, because he actually knows some of the songs in Spanish and you bet your ass he serenades you as musicians pass by below
There are fireworks some nights for no apparent reason other than that the city exists to be a technicolor celebration of life
There is no better place to start this marriage, and no better person to be married to
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