gideonisms · 9 months
do NOT read Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir!!!!! studies show people who read this series become afflicted with muliple types of serious illness, chief among them being Gideon Nav Dietary Deficiency, in which normal ambient, background levels of Gideon Nav are not enough to sustain a person. unfortunately, the only effective cure for this disease (Alecto the Ninth news and updates) has not been approved by the FDA, leaving those afflicted struggling to cope. currently, a lobotomy is the only FDA approved treatment for GNDD,
HJGHGJHJJJJ A LOBOTOMY YOU SAY? Ianthe get the hammer!!
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our-flannel-life · 2 months
La bellísima sirenita gatita @littlekittenmermaid recommended a second song. This is from the musical Journey To Bethlehem.
We Become We, by Fiona Palomo and Milo Manheim
This is why she recommended this song:
"And this one, it's soooo cute!!! It's funny cause it is from a musical. It is basically the navity on a musical 🤣 buuuut that song is just so romantic and cute, their voices are so soft."
This truly is a sweet song, and the harmonies are so beautiful. This will definitely be added to my playlist.
Here are the lyrics:
Can we become we
No longer known as just you and me
Two separate lives now in unity
Stuck here together but
Will this always be just an arrangement?
Can we become more
Than half of a union we're chosen for?
Where I am your best half
And I am yours
Stuck here forever
And hopefully not ending in estrangement
It's the step of faith
We have to take sometimes (if I'm with you, I can take it)
But if we are one
What happens to you and I? (If I'm with you, I will make it)
Will this always be just an arrangement
We'll find out in time if we don't break it
Can mine become yours
Combining our dreams
Without keeping score?
Always together, but never bored
No choice in the matter but
This will never work without each other
Can we become we? (Can we become we?)
Start a new line on this family tree
Two hearts connected by one beat
Your hand in mine and
I could never choose to love another
Maybe one day I can learn to love you, too
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Anything for You, Darlin’
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader (can be Austin!Elvis if you prefer)
Word Count: 1,052 words
Warnings: Fluff, Pregnancy, Child birth, mentions of the Colonel, the Colonel being an asshole, language, yelling (let me know if I miss anything)
Author’s Note: Thank you again for all the love you’ve shown this series so far! My plan is to upload two chapters today so stayed tuned!
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Chapter 3
December 1967
Finally it was your favorite time of year, Christmas. Graceland was all decorated with lights, wreaths, the Navity scene outside and so much more. The stocking were hung inside with everyone’s name on them, one of your personal touches. This year, a tiny little red stocking was a reminder of something great: It was also close to time for baby Presley to make their arrival. You wanted a Christmas baby while Elvis just wanted the baby to get here before the new year came. The bags were packed and placed by the door in case of a moments notice. You and Elvis were ready.
December 23, 1967
Two days before Christmas. You were excited, but miserable. You wanted this baby out now. Your back hurt, nothing fit right the list went on. Elvis and the Colonel got into another yelling match about him wanting Elvis to go start production on another movie right after Christmas.
“Now Elvis my boy…, we have contracts to hold up. They won’t like it if we don’t hold up…. our end of the deal,” the Colonel said as if he completely neglected to look at the situation.
“There ain’t no way in hell I’m leaving (Y/N) here by herself! She’s having my baby for God’s sake…… they will fucking understand!,” Elvis shouted back.
You had heard Elvis yell many times, some of those occasions you were the recipient of. However, this was different. He was being defiant, finally standing up for himself, you, and his family. After the Colonel left, he went upstairs to your bedroom. He saw you on the bed hiding your face in the pillows to hide the tears. He was concerned so he sat next to you.
“Baby…… he’s gone. You don’t have to worry about me leaving you. I love you too damn much,” he said to you hoping you would lift your head up. “Now (Y/N), please let me see your little face, doll,” Elvis said to you. You slowly sat up and clang onto him.
“Elvis, I’m proud of you. You finally told him off it’s about fucking time,” you said to him with a chuckle. “Anything for you, doll,” Elvis said as he kissed you on the lips. He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for bed. “I’m leaving the door open. Holler if you need me!” Elvis called out as he walked away. Just as he turned the water facet turned off, the worst pain in your life shot up your back. You yelped in pain and looked down: your water had broke. You were about to cry again.
“E.P!! Elvis!,” you yelled at him. He came running to you with the frantic look in his eyes.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he asked you
“I…i..I.. I think my water just broke,” you said to him softly.
He held your face in his hands for a moment just to silently reassure you that everything was going to be ok. He helped you get dressed and carried you down the stairs. Still in his pajamas himself, he grabbed the bags, called Jerry and a few others of the mafia and took you to the hospital. He was driving so fast you told him to slow down at least ten times.
You finally got to the hospital at around 11:30PM. Elvis carried you in and demanded a wheelchair and room. You tried to quiet him down, but there was no point. Elvis was nervous and scared for you and the baby. Nurses brought the wheelchair along with the clipboard with paperwork which seemed ten miles long. Everything seemed to happened so fast with him wheeling you up to the maternity ward.
When you got up there, everything was in place. The gown was placed on you while Elvis had to get into the mandatory scrubs that all fathers wore while in the delivery room. When he finally got back to you, you had to chuckle to yourself. Here was your husband, Elvis Aaron Presley, the most fashionable man you know, in scrubs. He looked you at puzzled. “What baby? Do you like not like them?,” Elvis said. “Baby”, replied back between contractions, “I love them on you… but… ow son of bitch this hurts!” Tears were streaming down your face as he wiped them off your cheeks.
“Elvis…. Aaron…Presley I swear to god you will pay for this,!” You yelled at him during the height of the pain. He knew you didn’t mean it. The doctor knew by the pain levels and insults you were slinging, it was time.
“Alright Mrs. Presley I need to push now as hard as you can,” the doctor said with a certain gusto in her voice. You began to push. Elvis was supporting your upper body with one arm while holding your hand with the other.
“Come on (Y/N)! You’re doing great baby!” He said trying to encourage you. You felt sweaty and tired. “E.P. I swear to you…. I’m gonna kill…you after this. You won’t… be getting any…for a very… long time,” you mustered at him. He couldn’t help but giggle quietly because he knew you didn’t mean a damn word of it.
Finally after what seemed like forever and day, you two heard the sound that you’ve been waiting on for nine months: a baby’s cry.
The doctor looked up at both of you as she spoke up, “congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Presley it’s a girl!”
You were exhausted and in shock. You were finally a mother and Elvis was finally a father.
“Baby, I’m so damn proud of you little mama, you did so amazing” he said while crying and planting kisses on your head. As soon as they cleaned her up, the nurse gently placed her on your chest and the water works began to flow.
“Hi little baby girl…. Welcome to this crazy world little one…. I love you” you barely got out through the tears. She was finally here on earth. Your little angel, his princess arrived on Christmas Eve. She was perfect. She was exactly what you needed, heaven sent.
Baby’s Name: Mallory Love Presley
Date of Birth: December 24, 1967
Time of Birth: 12:45AM
Physicalities: 7 pounds, 4 ounces, 20 inches long
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Have you seen anything about that horrible MCU christmas special? Some (non-jewish) family is forcing me to watch it and it's so alienating seeing non-Christmas-lovers being abusive and monsters in it. Not that that's uncommon, I'm just hating it, ugh. (They literally had a scene where two aliens who have never even heard of christmas before look at a navity scene in a moment of silence... like?)
Idk, didn't mean to vent randomly in your inbox, it's just 😭 when will the MCU stop this bullshit???
All I've heard is the horrible Guardians of the Galaxy thing where the joke was stealing a man's prosthetic arm......
I fucking hate Christmas Specials so much......
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nekrophoria · 7 months
Writing/ dialogue tag
I was tagged roughly 200 years ago by @drawing-way-outside-the-lines
I just thought I'd share this while I still have some mobile data.
Serena bought me a leather bound notebook, that fit more to a fancy councilman documenting his afternoon tea than to some bloke in a mental institution.
"Your old one must be bursting." She said as she slid it over the table. Upon opening it I half expected to find a file hidden inside it, or a gun to blow my fucking brains out. Anything, anything but a blank page.
"Thanks." I didn't know what else to say. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I still had a good 50 pages to go in my old one. More than half definitely.
Roland brought me some books the next day. It was a wild mix of everything, Bradbury, Kerouac, King, Austen. The musty smell of cellar mixed with the fine scent of freshly printed paper as I skimmed through them.
Some of them were my own. I recognized the bent cover of Carrie, my finger gliding over the rough cut, right between the a and the r and I felt a sharp sting of familiarity that left me not knowing what to think or feel. It made sense that Roland would have my old stuff. I just always assumed most of it would end up in the trash or at the side of the road.
Simon came the day after. I was starting to feel like I was part of some fucked up navity play. The three wise men visit little infant Jesus in the looney bin, with gifts and high expectations.
Simon however brought nothing but himself, and that was enough for me.
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latineslytherin · 1 year
What I hate the most about the Hogwarts Legacy "controversy" is how people just come in guns blazing and calling anyone in the facility names. It pisses me off that I have been shunned from places that I belong to (I am Queer and poured of it, even though I usually don't make it a big deal), by people who are either "alleys" or (what seems to be) the loud minority.
"You should stop trying to be 'one of the good ones', they will never like you regardless!" I don't. I literally could not care less what Scruch McDuck and her little minions think of me. I have been an avid gamer for over 15 years by now, I like HP it's as simple as that!
"Wow, you really hate yourself that much, huh?" No, I honestly don't. I just don't make my enjoyment of a game dependent on the moral high-ground of whom ever the fuck worked on it/the IP belongs too. By that logic, I can say bye-bye to pretty much the whole industry. Blizzard is arguably worse, but somehow, I've never seen them go and boycott Overwatch... I wonder why?
"Stop speaking for all of us!" I don't... they seem to do! Like, everything I say is strictly out of my perspective, everything my queer friends (who are also going to buy this, mind you) say is strictly out of their perspective, but every time I go online and see people talk about these kinds of things it comes out of a place of total authority, yes, as if they are speaking for all of us!
Listen, I do not care if anyone doesn't or does buy it. I congratulate people who are standing their ground on, what is for them, a line they don't wish to cross. The only problem I have is that some of them seem to have come to the conclusion that, because they don't like it, nobody is allowed to, and that ain't it chif. I am sick and tired of going online, hoping to see some people be excited with me, getting some actual news on the game, and getting slam-dunked 0.01 second after that for the navity to think that I could actually have something nice or in formative once in a while.
Sorry for this. It has been coming a while now, and that last aks just me down. 😓
OH MY GOD the "stop trying to be one of the good ones" Like my dude... that doesn't really exist - or isn't something of a conscious effort anyone does. It's just called knowing how to educate people back from places of bigotry by understanding that most people end up there through ignorance - and you have to approach/engage them by understanding where they are coming from - by putting yourself in their shoes. It's sort of the same problem I have with people who say BiPOC/Queer people shouldn't have to do the emotional labor to teach people. I get so angry because If we don't - the white supremacist/terfs sure as fuck will and they'll seem friendly about it and have an easier time of it because the alternative is angry easy-to-offend people who won't take like five minutes to go "okay hold on I'm busy but these blogs/articles/websites I know of are a good start. come back to me if you have questions and don't worry about your phrasing, I get it - you don't know what you don't know."(Sorry wow ranted there)
Anyway yeah everything you said. It's sad that we can't just be allowed to be excited for a game without people attacking us.
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-:”( Esclarecimento -: o Livro Quarto de -: “ A Grande Clavícula” Conclui na Secção H , que se Divide em Três Sub- Secções -: H- Alpha , H- Delta e H- Ômega , sua Consumação)”-:
-:”{ SECÇÃO G }”=
-:”(Continuação da CHAMADA DE PERSÉFONE -: que também se Expressa como um Tratado e Rito)”:-
“ Vinde ,Oh Grande Perséfone, Toda Vestida de Negro, Perigoso Demônio da Noite...,
e Convosco Aquele do qual um de seus Reflexos Espelhados se dá como Kumapári..., Assim Acompanhado por Sekárika , que é a mesma Rainha da Noite, Lilith, em quanto a um de seus Reflexos, Nesta Ênfase ...,
Ante o Simbolismo Metafórico Embargado para Schertan , uma Cidade Alegórica Situada no Norte com Asrendar , ao Sul...,
Ambas nesta Metáfora Significativa , Ocultas em Sob o Oceano, nas Entranhas da Terra...,
Havendo na Intermediação entre Estas , um Círculo de Cujo Centro se Urge Configurado para ter uma Espada Flamejante (...)-:
Wsb ( Uusbé ) : Zoé...,
Balmung : Excalibur...,
Qual a Espada que Representa o Ultra Transcendente (...)?!-:
“O Demônio que Serve a DEUS a Seu Módo Bem Sabe (...)!!!”
Uma Espada contra a Outra...,
Qual Prevalece (...)?!
“ E o Reino de DEUS se encontra Sob a Sombra de (Outras) Espadas (...)!!!”
Vindo aqui o Destaque do “ Chamado Templo de Sorther , o Sol (...)-:
“ Z “!!!
Venham as Regências Demoníacas Expressas a Outra Faceta Solar , de Khabsz : Estrela, Sorther : o Sol , a do (...)-: “ SOL NEGRO (...)!-:
Estas se dão Ligadas a Algo Relacionado com o Antigo Egito...,
Na Ênfase de Elefantina , e mesma Asuã...,
Ante o Nome com Três Letras -: Z , K e Aquela em Copto que se parece com o Zero, Cortada por uma Barra da Parte Superior Direita para a Parte Inferior Esquerda ...,
Também Simbolizado pelo “ Z” que está por Detrás do Shin : SH , então por Detrás do G...,
Sob sua Regência, Rege a Deusa – Serpente de Nome Elefantina, também Chamada de Kwáphis...,
Coroada de Serpentes...,
Sob a qual estão (...)-: “ Ramaje de Ouro ... “, a Serpente Dourada , esta Faceta de Kwáphis...,
Prosérpina, o Dragão Negro dos Abismos...,
Mahabone ( Mahabonne : Síntese das Duas Colunas)-:
Aqui Destacado em sua Faceta Outra -: Mahamali : a Grande Serpente...,
Borlicel , Santilre , Maxakil , Noverti , Sotenil , Brolief , Makár e Notiz (...)!!!! “
Khyaresh ...,
as Terras Jinas...,
Aes Sidae: Aes Sidhes ...,
Que se Traduzem à -: “ Mundos e Distintos por Detrás de Mundos e Distintos ...,”
No Quanto ao por Detrás desta Terra...,
e no Ultra Transcendental...,
e mesmo Mais Além...,
como DEUS...,
Assim Estabeleceu...,
Para sua Maior Glória...,
À qual Honra seus Sagrados Mistérios (...)!!!-:
“ Levanta- te (...)!-:
Vós o Demônio...,
que Nesta sua Retratação, Concorrente no Oposição de dado Panteão , no Quanto a Este de seus Reflexos Espelhados, pelo qual Esta Personificação Deidática ( Deidática referente a Deidade ) , Tem seu Nome à partir de si , como Fósforo : Phósphorus : Heósphoro...,
à ser Lúcifer (Luxiferus)...,
Estrela Matutina e Vespertina...,
O Portador da Luz em desde as Trevas que se Explanam na Escuridão...,
Príncipe do Exílio, que Precipitas e Ascende com Maior Brilho...,
Sábio Rei do Abismo Mais Profundo, Médico Familiar de teus Elegidos,
Vós que Acentuas com Malícia Satírica as dores do Pária e do Leproso, com a Lição Vera , o próprio Apraz ao Éden...,
Por Detrás do Paradisíaco se Oculta o Inferno, que Varre a Terra e Exalta o Além do Mais Alto dos Céus...,
Vós que da Morte , Vossa Nobre Amante , Engendraste o Fim de Toda a Esperança, ante as Asas do Desespero Alucinante e da Loucura, pela Lembrança da Paz Mortiça, o Atrás dos Véus do Esquecimento Sepulcral...,
Vós que dá para quem vos convém , a Fronte Soberana e que em Torno de uma Forca à um Povo Inteiro Traz a Divertida Malícia da Danação...,
Vós que Nutres o Negro Cão...,
E Faz de Al Dajjal vosso Reflexo que Projeta à Terra , sua Sombra que Deixa seu Legado desde sua Aparente Ausência que é Mais Perigosa que sua Presença, a do “ Araúto ou Mensageiro da Morte...,
Já Soltas- te das Correntes, o Lobo Voraz da Escuridão (...)?!!!...,
Vós que Sabes Onde nas Terras Mais Zelosas , Zeloso DEUS Guardou as Pedras Mais Preciosas , e de Cujo Olhar Conhece Onde Dorme Sepultado, o Povo Féerico , de Natureza Não Humana , dos Metais ..., ao Sonâmbulo que Erra na Borda de Precipícios, Vós no Devaneio Mostrais para Ele a Luz , para que no se Aproximar, a Luz Suma , e o Adormecido Suma nos Precipícios, Levados pelas Asas dos Piores e Solenes Pesadelos, Assim Vossa Larga Mão, do Sonâmbulo Escondeu os Precipícios...,
Vós que os da Mão da Desventura , lhes Concedeu o Títere para Juntarem Enxofre com Salitre ...,
Vós da Marca de Caim : Qayin...,
Adamu , Solene e Vermelho Ferreiro e Demônio, Ante o Abrir das Portas da Grande Obscuridade...,
o que Já Tem Armas , Fabrique Outras , e Compre a Quota Necessária , mas Antes de Usar uma Arma , Não se Engane , Comprove sua Eficácia...,
Vós que Dizeis ao Elegido -:
“Bendito seja o Fruto dentre as Mulheres...,”
Vós que Conduz os Farrapões no Jogo do qual estes não são os Jogadores, mas as Peças...,
o que perder se Vai , Não Bem para a Arena , Senão para a Fornalha , de fato, Verídica Infernal...,
Assim Varrendo a Terra ,com o Inferno, Compraz à Morte...,
Serves a DEUS (....)!!! ! !!! “
Vinde , Oh Grande Perséfone, Toda Vestida de Negro, Perigoso Demônio da Noite, e Traze até mim , o Grande Thyphón – Seth (...)!-:
Terrível e Soberano do Firmamento, Aterrorizante e Estremecedor , que foste Expulso do Egito, mas Voltou com a Vertência da Revanche...,
Ante Hadith e Nuith...,
a Alada Esfera e o Azul dos Céus Jamais Seriam dos humanos Enfáticos desta Terra...,
“( Nota -: Acima, Palavras em Grego Egípcio , segundo a Coleção de Papiros Mágicos Grego Egípcios do Museu Britânico ) “
Apóphis ! Hay ( Hai ) ! Nebti !-:
“ APOPHRA – I SsZ ( Apóphis ) !
Mako : Demônio – Crocodilo , Filho de SETH...,
Skoll e Hati , Filhos de Fenrir...,
Diante do Vislumbrar do mesmo -:
Acompanhado de Jormungandr, Fenrir e Hel...,
e então do próprio -:
Azbul ! Azabua !
Maskhim- Hul ( Masqim- Xul ) ! -:
“( Nota -: a Chave Acima se Encontra no Grimório -: Pácthum..., já bastante famoso )”-:
HOH – Z – HIH ! “
“( Chamada atribuída a Pedro de Apono , com Adaptações)-:
HG ( Pronuncia Higui )!
VA ! VA ! VA ! VA !
HG (Higui) !
VA ! VA ! VA ! VA !
Vinde ! Vinde! Vinde-:
Todos os Chamados Neste Rito e CHAMADA (...)!!!
Concorreu a este Chamado!!!!
I- HIH- Ô- HOH (...) -:
HOH- Ô- HIH - I (...)!-:
Vinde , Oh Grande Perséfone, Toda Vestida de Negro , Perigoso Demônio da Noite...,
E Convosco venha Tonantzin...,
Que é um dos Reflexos Espelhados da Grande Ceriddwen ( Kheriddwen ) , Investida Desta Máscara Facética e Apresentação, em Assistência a Cultura, Cosmogonia e Panteão da Civilização Pretérita Destacada, no se Ceriddwen ( Kheriddwen) ,
Esta (...)-: HÉSTHER HÁLGAMAS HÉLLIONDRAH, em quanto a um de seus Inumeráveis Reflexos Espelhados...,
e Convosco Lugh e Belenus: Beleno : Heol -: Ligados a Amon-Ra, e deste módo, a Helio e Apolo -: Fora de suas Apresentações em quais sejam dos Panteões deste Mundo...,
e Convosco se Venham -:
Cernunos , e mesmo -: Herne...,
Hu Kadarn , o Deus Chifrudo,
O Galhudo das Florestas...,
e Convosco -: Pan e Fnun...,
Acompanhados de Aker -:
Do Norte -: IERESCUE, Grande Rainha Feérica , montada sobre o Negro Touro, Toda Vestida de Branco, com um Lenço Verde Amarrado em seu Pescoço como um Chale de Cujas Duas Pontas são como Flamas ante os Ventos ,e em Torno da qual se Traduz uma Aura Esverdeada ...,
Seu Vestido Branco de Alvura como sem igual, descendo sobre as costas do Negro Touro , em suas Pernas uma Serpente Enrolada para cada qual, como em cada Braço , as dos Braços em Predisposição de Ataque , Já na Dianteira de seu Vestido Branco o Símbolo de uma Rosa Vermelha, como em sua Grinalda, o de uma Rosa Desabrochando , Esta com um Báculo ou Bastão que Tem Fitas de Cor Amarelo- Ouro e Seis Nós , Já em sua Mão Esquerda uma Flecha Apontada para Frente -:
IERESCUE Cria o Quadro com a Ideoplastia ou Imaginação e Algo Mais , onde Não há Touro e Nem Serpentes, é como uma Envoltura Atrás da qual sua Aparência é Outra ou a mesma...,
e do Sul -: BALAY , o Rei- Guerreiro , de Natureza Feérica, deste módo, Montado sobre um Leão Feroz com Presas Afiadas à Mostra e Boca Aberta ,em sua Mão Direita tendo uma Espada e em sua Mão Esquerda, a Cabeça de um homem Cortada e com Ólhos Arregalados, onde a Segura pelos Cabelos -: Claro é um Quadro Criado por BALAY que se Expressa Através deste Quadro, ou Aparece de Outra Forma , como um Rei – Guerreiro ...,
Do Leste -: CORAT...,
Rainha Feérica ou Elemental, com Máscara de Pássaro, e Montada por dentre as Asas de uma Águia, Envolta em Névoa Branco – Esverdeada , onde junto a seus Longos e Negros Cabelos que se vão até a Cintura, Hão Dois Grampos Característicos , cada qual com uma Serpente...,
e do Oeste -: GALDEL , Grande Rei com um Manto qual Jaz Desenhado um Colorido Pavão Real , Já em sua Mão Direita tendo uma Grande Esfera Dourada, e em sua Mão Esquerda um Cadinho Sobre o qual Paira uma Bola Incandescente...,
que IERESCUE e CORAT são Reflexos Espelhados, cada um com sua Autonomia própria,
Desta e mesma -:
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neondarklight · 2 years
So, I made another tier list of Danganronpa characters, this time ranking them based on how they’d perform in Survivor. I will give a bit of analysis for each character on the list. I would like to thank @freezing-kaiju, @moodorbs, and @himikowizardhut​ for helping me with this tier list.
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Rantarou is the complete package. His adventuring likely led him to building up a lot of survival skills, which would make him a good provider. Additionally, said adventuring likely gives him a lot of stamina and the ability to do well enough in challenges. He also has a good head on his shoulders, and based on certain spoilery things in V3, I think Rantarou would have both a very strong strategic and social game.
Sayaka is the ultimate social butterfly. While I don’t think her physical game would be particularly strong, I see her having the social and strategic chops to do very well and possibly escape being an early premerge consensus boot based on challenge performance. It also helps that she seems to be very good at adapting to situations, so she could potentially survive a swap screw. Furthermore, I think that out of any Danganronpa character (with the exception of Tsumugi), Sayaka has the highest chance of being a Survivor superfan.
Kyoko is the ultimate strategic mastermind. While she could be seen as a potential early boot if she’s too quiet and then seen as an easy consensus boot (combined with her presumable lack of challenge prowess for anything that isn’t a mental challenge), I can see her doing very well.
Izuru is Izuru, moving on.
Junko has a tier all to her own, “Russell.” This is a reference to Russell Hantz, a player in both Samoa and Heroes vs. Villains who played a great strategic game, used Idols very well, snowballed into a dominant position... and lost both times because he pissed off the Jury so fucking much. This summarizes how I think Junko would play perfectly.
Frankly, I just see Hajime as an all-around great player. Not much else.
With Fuyuhiko, it’s obvious what archetype he would fall into: Mafioso. To quote an Imgur analyzing the archetypes in Survivor, the Mafioso “uses intimidation and fear as a strategic tactic, frightening his tribemates into doing his bidding. You're either with him or against him, and if you're against him, know that your days in the game are numbered. ... Ever persuasive, he never ceases to be a threat in the game for as long as he is in it and always plays the role of a villain. However, he will also tell you that he is often loyal to a fault if you are his ride-or-die. He usually won't betray those who are in fact 'with' him as long as they don't turn on him first... or qualifiably as long as he does not foresee them turning on him in the next few votes.” Fuyuhiko would try to become tribe leader, and frankly, he’d succeed. Not much more to say than that, frankly.
Komaru is really in the same category at Hajime, but just a biiiit better physically and weaker strategically.
Kaede would try to establish herself as tribe leader, and given her social game, would likely succeed. There’s just one problem, though: even though she’d have an S Tier social game, her strategic game would be quite lacking. Kaede would need someone who could her ride-or-die in the game that was able to crunch the strategic numbers and ensure the success for both of them.
Makoto is an all-around great player who tries to put a lot of emphasis on tribal unity (read: Naviti Strong™), and does well as a result.
Nekomaru tries to establish himself as tribe leader, and much like Fuyuhiko and Kaede, would succeed. He’d be a good provider, would know how to assess the skills of his tribemates well enough to exceed in challenges, and he’d be a challenge beast himself. Also, the fact that he’s the Ultimate Team Manager implies that he has good enough social and strategic games. It also implies that he’d be great at cultivating tribal cohesion. Just one problem, though: Nekomaru would be terrible at managing his threat level while also placing too much trust in his allies. Nekomaru is likely taken out in an early merge or mid-merge blindside.
Mondo would try to establish himself as a tribe leader, and much like his closest points of comparison in Nekomaru and Fuyuhiko, would succeed. I also see him being in that Mafioso archetype. However, while I also seem him either getting blindsided like Nekomaru due to not managing his threat level, there’s one aspect of him that would make him highly valued in the premerge: he wants to be a carpenter. Mondo could potentially end up making a very good shelter.
Gonta would be a lot better than a lot of people would suspect. It’s obvious that he’d do well in challenges (including mental ones), but he’d also be GREAT at camp. Remember that not only would he be able to take care of bugs at camp, but he also showed a strong understanding of rope physics during the Chapter 2 Class Trial. He’s also incredibly easy to get along with, but much like Nekomaru, he’d trust his allies too much and get blindsided during the merge.
Akane would be downright INCREDIBLE in challenges. She’d straight up be a Joe-tier challenge beast, especially given that she’s the Ultimate Gymnast and likely has downright incredible balance.
Shuichi would be like a reverse Kaede: a strong strategic threat that would need a socially strong ride-or-die to pull off the moves that he has cooking in his mind.
Byakuya, to directly quote himikowizardhut, would “make it shockingly far in the game bc he’s competent and worth keeping around in the beginning, and by the time that that isn’t enough he’s so hated that he doesn’t seem like the biggest threat. And he’s a surprisingly loyal and useful ally despite how often he talks about this all being a zero sum game and not coming here to make friends.” Additonally, “he’s ripped and obsessed enough with being the best that he’d be surprisingly good. But he couldn’t win, he doesn’t have the social skills. He only knows how to get by puffing himself up and being a huge threat, he cant do subtlety.”
Gundham... honestly, I just get B Tier vibes from Gundham. I don’t know why.
Aoi is kinda like Akane, in the sense that she’d be absolutely incredible in challenges, but not be the strongest in the other aspects of the game. Aoi would be more of an Ozzy than a Joe for obvious reasons.
Mukuro would, funnily enough, play a very old-school game. She’d build the shelter, give it her all in challenges (and do quite well, frankly), provide for the tribe, etc. From a strategic and social perspective, she’d be very aloof. I don’t see her going out in the premerge simply due to how useful she’d be for her tribe. What I see happening is that Mukuro would become a cog in someone else’s strategic machine and become a valued ally. And, if she makes it to the endgame, she has absolutely zero win equity and would be someone that a lot of people would want to bring to Final Tribal Council simply because of how easy it would be to beat her.
The Ultimate Imposter would very much try to pull off a Pagonging, or otherwise keep tribal unity if he makes the merge. Either way, he plays a bit too hard, and gets voted out for it.
Kaito would try to establish himself as a tribe leader, but unlike the previous characters like that on this list, he’d just end up as a useful figurehead for the people who were really running the show. He’d be a meat shield that’s nonetheless decent enough at the game on his own merits.
Celestia would have big-moves-itis. She’d play hard, not really be good at non-mental challenges, and try to pull off a big move that would either fail and blow up in her face or succeed and blow up in her face. Or she just gets voted out premerge for being too obvious of a schemer. Although, given the opportunity, she could play a strong enough game.
Tenko would honestly just be a worse Akane when it comes to Survivor.
Kirumi would loyal to an absolute fault, have some strategic acumen, and could be a solid provider for the tribe. She’d be decent.
Sonia would be, at her core, a very weird player with big-moves-itis. However, given her Ultimate Talent, she could try to establish herself as a tribe leader, but either she’d fail and become the quickly-eliminated leader of the minority alliance, or she’d get into a power position before making a Big Move™ that fucks over her game.
Sakura would be a major challenge beast, a loyal ally, a useful shield, and not that much else, sadly.
Chihiro would be good strategically, good at mental challenges, and decent enough socially, but she’d either be seen as too much of a challenge liability or not win an Immunity Challenge to save herself.
Leon would be that strong challenge competitor who doesn’t have an amazing social game nor a great strategic game who gets voted out once they don’t have Immunity.
Nagito would be batshit insane, somehow get to Final Tribal Council, and not get a single Jury vote due to their game being so completely fucking incomprehensible that nobody knows what to think of it.
Kazuichi would build an S Tier shelter and then become a goat. NOTE: in Survivor, the term “goat” has a negative connotation, unlike GOAT (Greatest of All Time). A goat is a player who has absolutely zero chance at winning the game and gets dragged to the end purely because they’re stupidly easy to beat. They’re a goat being dragged to the slaughter.
Ryoma would probably be somewhat apathetic, good enough in challenges, not much else.
Peko would be loyal to an extreme fault, good in challenges, and not much else.
Kiyotaka would, like other characters, try to establish himself as tribe leader. However, unlike characters such as Kaede and Mondo, Kiyotaka fails and goes out premerge as the leader of the minority alliance, if that.
Mahiru would be very mediocre, except for the fact that she’d probably be very good at finding Idols.
Maki would be pretty comparable to Peko, except a lot less loyal and more willing to scheme on her own.
Angie, like Kiyotaka, would also likely try to become tribe leader and fail, but I think she’d be better at the game than Kiyotaka, or at least be more aware.
Kokichi would be an easy consensus boot: likely isn’t able to contribute much at camp, isn’t good at non-mental challenges, and is constantly trying to cause chaos and scheme without even trying to hide that fact. However, if a tribe is a chaotic clusterfuck, I can see Kokichi thriving.
Mikan would be another goat who at least knows medical shit and all that. Somewhat below Kazuichi.
Yasuhiro... I don’t know, I just get D Tier vibes.
Kiibo... he could get damaged easily due to being a robot, wouldn’t have a good strategic game, wouldn’t have a good social game, and would really only be above being not good at mental challenges.
Himiko would be like Kokichi, but wouldn’t have that ability to maneuver well in extreme chaos. Extremely easy first boot.
Teruteru is Teruteru. Everyone except for some of the Island of the Idols cast would get him out fucking immediately.
Tsumugi would be a superfan with big-move-itis who’s good at absolutely nothing at the game.
Ibuki is a traditional goat.
Hiyoko is a literal fucking child. Everyone would vote her out for ethical reasons.
Korekiyo would be Matt from Amazon, but worse.
Miu would either be a goat or an obvious first boot.
Toko would be a traditional goat.
Hifumi, like Tsumugi, would be a superfan who was bad at the game, but I don’t see Hifumi having big-move-itis.
Chiaki would be a very easy consensus boot in the premerge.
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stumbleimg · 2 years
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Naviti Island in the Yasawas, Fiji Islands [OC][5184x3456]
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wikkyesblog · 2 months
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The Naviti Resort, Fiji Resort Accommodation"
0 notes
r1z3n · 4 months
A number of my writing works particularly fanfiction have been soured over the years as the source material or/and creator was revealed for what it was.
Once it was neither material or creator but a situation of a writing event being soured that then soured the story I was writing for it.
Sometimes i will admit it was navity or ignorance on my part, sometimes it wasn't, as it was things revealed later or done later.
It does kind of kill the writing momentum and passion when things you were writing no longer spark joy and instead reminded you of awful things people have done.
Anyway, I am attempting to revitalize my love of storytelling, any constructive advice on how would be appreciated.
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gideonisms · 9 months
Read Gideon the ninth (jk don’t /j) you could read the raven boys
It's too late for me I fear....infected with navitis and now I long each day to see her again....when will she return from the skeleton war....
Also AS THOUGH Adam Parrish wasn't a key personality trait for multiple years of my life
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3ziz5522 · 5 months
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aziz108 · 5 months
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beekeepingfiji · 6 months
First time beekeeping and honey extraction at Gunu in Yasawas
New Post has been published on https://www.beekeepingfiji.com/?p=5032
First time beekeeping and honey extraction at Gunu in Yasawas
2023 ended promisingly for Gunu villagers as they see for the first time how beekeeping and honey extraction is done.
With youths helping their village bee team harvest honey, whereby elders gather around to support the young generation as they build up on skills and knowledge in improving their livelihood and contribute towards the honey industry locally.
Being away from the mainland maybe a setback, due to difficulties in getting instructors across rough seas in the outer islands and hiring skilled beekeeper’s.
Despite all challenges today they have shown the world that they are thankful to and would like to acknowledge Vinaka Fiji for funding villagers around Naviti island, Yasawa, with hives,bees and materials
We Wish you the very best with your goals for 2024 and job up ahead…. Vina’a valevu Naviti beekeeper’s.
Helping me share the little knowledge and skills , I actually learned a lot while working with you and I salute each and every one that has given me the chance to contribute towards your interest in building awesome beekeeper’s.
May I wish everyone Merry Christmas and promising New Year
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beezkneezblog · 6 months
An ode to a shit dad
You were shit,
Dog shit,
And I hope you know this,
On attempt 1 you bailed,
Your second marriage and 3 young children you've failed,
But you took us for dinner at least once a week,
No room in your new house for your children to sleep,
No school plays attended, no helping with homework,
Any fartherly commitments you find an excuse and you'd shirk,
Said you'd had enough of changing nappies,
Newsflash idiot, you probably shouldn't have had 3 babies,
On take 2 You stayed but were equally shit,
It seems for fatherhood you're entirely unfit,
You bought a big house, 4 bathrooms, a conservatory,
But we’re to sleep on the couch if we stay for tea,
Family portraits hung on the walls,
Our faces were missing, No memories to recall,
Now you’re surprised the eldest from your family withdrew,
Newsflash idiot, it’s all down to you,
You tried harder to father, with batch number two
Wife three gave you child four and five, your family grew!
You went to their shows, their navities,
You paid for their tutors, their shrinks and activities,
All things we wanted, but for attempt 1 would never come to,
So we watched and resented, that for them you'd stay true,
Newsflash idiot, Despite how much you might try to pretend it,
You're family is broken, it cant ever be mended.
I was 16 when you told me 'you’re most proud of me,
Though I’m not your most beautiful daughter and I never will be',
Proud of me? What an earth for?
All my accomplishments are Mine, not Yours,
Achievements in spite of your piss poor effort, your lack of support,
Newsflash idiot, we barely speak what could you have possibly taught?
One day, when your dying, I will appear at your door,
Because without you... well I wouldn’t have been born,
And you’ll look for your other children, perhaps they’ll be there,
And you’ll know that you failed us, your family spare,
As you stare at the ceiling, accepting your fate,
Newsflash idiot, it will all be too late
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