#nd training video
villains4hire · 2 years
Scarlet Fisher - Ft, The Establishment (No Delivery)
1. This series while dark and yes another haunted ‘pizzeria’, it is ultimately more humorous than it is bleak, scary but in its own right is unsettling, grim and sometimes dark. It is overall a whacky, weird, comedic series and I will try to keep to the setting and theme of the game while also doing my own thing. There will be child death, animal death, death in general and worker abuse at times/etc. So be aware of that, as while it is funny for the series itself? It is a grim humor, as I’ve said.
2. I will not be pursuing the main storyline of No Delivery other than vaguely, but keeping all the events and history of it. I will be diverging from canon, as I don’t expect much if anyone to be in this fandom really ever. Furthermore, I am adjusting it in a way of adding a few new areas/enemies along with pursuing my own storylines, etc. It is fine to simply pursue day shifts or even simply visit the complex or even at night. Granted, remember that invading the establishment as not a worker can result in a near instant-kill from the Manager.
3. The Manager is an extremely powerful being, albeit her skill set is a bit ridiculous and bizarre. Basically, imagine a Higher Demon combined with a Grand Lich from DnD with Pizzeria based skills and limited reality warping potential. This is all based in a ruleset, however. So she can’t just instantly kill an employee for no reason to feed the ‘entity’, nor does she go out of her way to as there’s a set of established rules and code within the establishment. This is due to the fact that she’s strong due to the rules she’s established to create such power. She is not meant to power-game, but she is around ‘god’ level in terms of power. She is capable of revival, but due to the rules of the establishment, she either has to attack in her human form, observe, or otherwise unless she can use her ‘true form’, so you could technically kill her with a gun for her human form. Granted, she would be back, and shooting her would have to be within grounds to not receive a ‘pink-slip’. So I’d prefer it heavily if we’re ever going to talk about them etc.
4. Demons and supernatural beings are fine to work for Scarlet (The Manager), they will be exempt from being pink-slipped unless under dire circumstances. Even then, they will simply be punished rather than fed to the establishment, to which they can work their way back up after serving their time from punishment. Be sure to ask me if you want to fill in a specific role not listed in the employee log tag! I will see what we can cook up. As she can offer quite a bit to any character, it’s just a matter of what.
5. To explain why people keep coming back into work? It’s a contractual, legal obligating thing at great reward, or expense for a limited period of time after about a year or so. To which the person would either be promoted or dead or wanting to leave as soon as possible. We can work things out, as I mostly just want to have fun and bizarre things happen. We can work something out if working for Scarlet isn’t wanted, as using her human form is completely acceptable for interactions more based in reality. She is completely fine with dying in her human form if it means keeping up her ruse, since she can revive. So she’s rather flexible in what interactions she can and cannot do or be explained to why she isn’t doing something.
6. While this OC is based on the Manager’s personality of the game? She is ultimately my own character other than borrowing things from that character and game, which is vague to begin with. As the story more revolved around the establishment.
7. I will make you an employee file as a fun little thing, your character may lie as much they want or tell the truth in the interview. You will be interacting with Scarlet, other employees/monsters or npcs in the game as we go along, try to just have fun with it.
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Human Form: (Calm, hiding parts of her personality)
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Human Form: (Serial Murderer part of her personality)
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Pizza Satan Form (Pls it’s a joke, don’t take it seriously):
(Yeah a rare form but at least her facial face claim? A more nsfwish picture will be way below to avoid seeing it on accident, but ultimately to show what she has for details on it, even if not exactly accurate to her chunkier body-type. Mutual that I’ve confirmed can see her ‘human form’ reference as it’s straight up nsfw? But ultimately represents her body-type better, combined with the more monstrous bits)
Do I want them to die: Yes and no. She can revive, has a failsafe if her establishment burns down, but we need to plot if we’re going to do a ‘destruction’ ending. But ultimately it’s fine to kill her in her human form, but be aware of any amount of fighting with the Manager herself? We need an actual plotting, otherwise killing the monsters produced by the entity are fine and even if your character ‘dies’, the rules of the establishment gives a certain amount of chances from her ‘Collector’ minion before finally absorbing them into the entity. Otherwise, slice of life, humor, comedy and overall sarcasm and sassy interactions from her and with other characters is fine. Now she might ‘kill’ a Karen or two with a pink-slip, but overall I’m not gonna go crazy, she has a guise and rules to follow so don’t worry really. Will I have/get icons: I have a lot, actually, and an entire map if anyone needs a general layout to look. I will probably only give it to people I trust, but feel free to ask for it or look up a play through of the game ‘No Delivery’. Tag: pizzeria mancer | nd training video | nd employee log | pizza satan (when in her demon form) (This is the intro video and the employee log if you ever want to look at your or other character files I’ve made, I will @ URLs specifically for each file even if the same character to avoid confusion. All I will probably ask for is a png of your character you want to use for the file, let it be as funny, dumb or inappropriate as you’d like so long as it’s just their face with no actual nsfw on it) Age: 82 years old, but she is ageless at this point. She’s a young immortal. Sex: AMAB Gender: Trans Female, she/him. Fine with a lot of terms. Race: Human, (Caucasian and Slavic for anything ‘human’ related race wise) | Grand Demon (This is comparable to a Sin or above in terms of status), reference picture below. (Present) Sexuality: Any. Personality traits: Chill, calm about 95% of the time, even in the most stressful situations or vs a screaming Karen. Only tells you what you need to know, unless you’re close. Can be kind, but it’s mostly a ruse outside of her social circle, if you’re rarely within it. Brutal, sadistic, loves murder, loves torture. Usually pretty deadpan, even when murdering someone. Sarcastic, jokey, can get a touch enamored at times if she gets to personally murder someone. Granted, it’s only with adults, otherwise she just thinks it’s funny kinda otherwise. Can be extremely loyal. Loving is rare, but possible. Can be relatively sexual low-key, but it depends on whom. Blunt. Straight to the point. Uses slang and lingo, can kind of roll her words. Seemingly pretty loose with things and casual, but actually follows the establishment's rules she’s created pretty closely. Chill about dying. Has a high self-preservation, though, in the grand schemes of things. Calculating. Manipulative. A liar when needed or wanted. Ambitious. Viciously protective of things or people she values. Ultimately territorial, including those that are a guest to it toward her employees such as a ‘Karen’ being a bitch, etc to an employee. Cynical. Skeptical. Can be extremely obsessive depending on her interests. Likes accumulating hobbies. Mental traits: Was once human, but has taken a demonic like mindset, so it’s been a while since she’s felt human. Physical traits (True form below for physical traits visually): Her voice claim is Loona from Helluva Boss, it kinda just fits with the vibe, minus the rage as she is her own person still. It is around 5′8 to 5′9 for her human form, a touch chunky, but not overtly so. Her breasts are relatively sizeable, but again, not overtly so. She has black hair that reaches a little past her shoulder, it’s usually in a ponytail for the back when on the job. Powers:
Rule Based Reality Bending: it’s basically following the rules within the establishment, but she can repair it, move throughout it or teleport at will along with her powers. Granted, only at night or if attacked within the grounds of it or outside can and will she use her powers unless alone. Granted, if someone progresses far enough in solving the mystery within the ground of rules, she can only match their power-level and omniscient (if any), she also can’t hinder it or interfere TOO much, so with a regular human? She will have to kill with a gun and could be killed with a gun herself. This is in order, so she can match anyone and with herself and that the establishment is a threat but doable by absolutely everyone or anyone. Powers that normally would break the establishment or ‘sequence-break’ are severely hindered or suppressed entirely due to entering it is agreeing to its rules. I will try not to abuse it, but this is to open it to any character if they wish to interact with her. And it’s because of these specific rules why she commands so much power if attacked or having to defend her establishment from direct attacks or other entities. Along with allowing any entity to be hired from her and want to be hired if they wanted greater power, but also the enemies of ‘No Delivery’ still being a threat to them. We’ll rework more complex abilities together/how it’d interact with an establishment as I certainly don’t want to step on toes, but we’ll rework it into a rpg-like ability that isn’t overpowered, but still a struggle. Those invading the establishment can expect to possibly die, but we can talk it out, she might find them entertaining. I ultimately just have this power as a great equalizer, so she’s open to literally anyone due to the rules of it/power scaling it has.
Wish Granting at the Cost of Basic Hard Labor: it’s tough work but rewarding, she’s capable of wish-like things to supernatural beings working for her in the establishment, then more valuable things confined to the mortal realm such as scholarships, bonuses, etc. Just the price is steep for failure and ultimately her deception. Granted, being promoted enough could lead to immortality or actually joining her crew like some of the supernatural beings. Granted demons, supernatural creatures have a much different role to anyone mortal, as they are there to feed the establishment and ultimately follow her orders. She will use a walkie-talkie to communicate with you or texts, or if she likes you enough? Be there in person or if she wants to screw around.
Revival: it’s why she doesn’t have much of a problem with dying, she revives using the power of the entity she created, or well, created its most powerful form. Granted, if the entity is destroyed? She’s temporarily mortal, but her soul or herself if her form is intact is sent around ten to twenty miles away from the location. She has to give someone a few hours after being killed as part of the rules she’s set to the ‘job’.
Reality Binding Contracts: she offers much in terms of what the establishment and the entity she nurtures with the souls of others that die near or on the grounds of it.
Pizzeria Mancer: basically a Lich level of spell casting that revolves around Pizzeria material. Just look up a 5e Lich from DnD if you want a good gauge of what she could do if you broke her rules enough. But she’s a spell caster, so expect her able to make certain spells, etc of a Lich’s level and all that.
Pink Slip: Three Strikes... and you’re out! But not quite, these accumulate from breaking rules/failing within the establishment for night shifts, rather than being late, screwing around or otherwise. Basically, she can only use this ability if attacked first outright, but generally doesn’t use it if out in the open to keep up the ruse. So when it’s your turn to do a night shift? If your character falls to the inhabitants of the establishment you have to clean out? But not go too deep if you fall to them three times? ‘The Collector’ deals with you after saving you three times from your own demise, though ‘The Collector’ can be escaped or even fought if lucky enough, granted, you will most likely die from ‘The Collector’. In reality, ‘The Collector’ while powerful in its own right? It is ultimately controlled and directed by the Manager. Ultimately, she’s trying to kill you or tempt you, but is fair about it as well.
Tragedy Bound and Forgotten: Scarlet’s goals and designs are to create tragedies at the Pizzeria, then ultimately her reality bending powers have them quickly be forgotten by the public eye or ultimately fail for any movement against it. These tragedies can range from anything ‘funny’ or tragically grim, such as kids dying or family massacres after causing someone to go ballistic.
The Establishment: The rooms that are available during the day: Lobby, (Bathroom in Hallway to indoor ball playground and supply closet) Indoor Ball Playground, Parking Lot, Arcade (Has a bathroom), Kitchen, Freezers, Alleyways, Manager Console, Showroom. At night: the way to the showroom is locked and so is the entrance that leads to the parking lot, but everything else is accessible. Tasks will be given along with employees accompanying the character or the manager herself, etc.
Establishment Inhabitants: these can range from allies such as the animatronic maids that heal you, the homeless man that sells trash to you to fuel any skills, talking trashcans to sell trash to for cash, or strange objects and creatures trying to kill you.
Motivations: To Gain Power. To further her goals and business ambitions. To just ‘vibe’. Maybe find a few lovers, but that’s on the back burner. Backstory:
You can look up the events of No Delivery on a wiki, and they’ll relatively work, or a play through like Vinny’s etc. But it’s just funny and kind of sometimes horrific pizza place. Think like ‘Lisa the Painful’ or Mother 3.
But as for Scarlet for a quick synopsis?
Scarlet as a little ‘boy’ in the 1940s witnessed a massacre take place at the Pizzeria as part of the events leading to the termination ending, this is ultimately what causes her fascination with tragedies at the pizzeria and a few others surrounding it and many years later? Becoming an employee under a rather abusive manager, but it is with the strange occurrences with the entity in its infant stages did she discover it and the potential behind feeding it. Ultimately learning that feeding it would strengthen it and herself and transitioning along the way using her new reality bending powers, then with existing in a world that she relatively thought was ‘annoying’ for how she wanted to live. This is how she began to gather her strength and for her final phase of taking absolute control? Killed her manager and any employees she didn’t like. Then kept the rest and empowered those loyal to her as an ex-supervisor. And then causing tragedy after tragedy and disappearances? She reached a new form of her own idealization and power through her own fervent and near obsessive study of being a Pizzeria Mancer. Now she just seeks to continue and expand her business, live a little and do what she wants really. She’s had a family but her wife has since died of old age, though she never really had the heart to tell her what she had become in the end. Simply letting her live a lie. She’s had several kids at this point that are fully grown, but she tends to keep this part of her life insanely private.
Nsfwish warning below.
Demon Form Physical Traits for her true form: she doesn’t wear the weird chain-kini. But has the wings, lava-marinara hair. Clawed hands and clawed talons, whip for her more durable ‘supernatural’ employees. Light red skin, the horns and face. She just wears her uniform when out and about as she does normally, so a red shirt, blue jeans, yeah.
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sanchoyo · 10 days
watching a lot of cooking videos lately (great for background noise while working) and just saw one where a cat hops on the KITCHEN COUNTER while the lady is cooking 🤢 that is disgusting do ppl rly let their animals up there!! that kitty has stepped in its litter box maam!!! or it could shed on that counter!!! and you're prepping food up there rn!! ew!!!
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
he'd visit your room at night and put a hand over your mouth while he fucks into you. "shh, take it like a good girl."
and he would pin you down as he cums inside of you to make sure you can't get away.
might even do this when you're asleep too, pumping you full of his seed every night so there's no way he won't knock you up <3
and when he does... he'll be a thousand times more horny. now that he's claimed you and ruined you for everyone else, you'll just have to put up with his kinks. he doesn't even tell you beforehand when he stuffs his cock into your ass unprepared or ambushes you while you're busy just to have you open up your mouth for him because he needs to piss.
slowly but surely your bump will become too large to hide and you'll be forced to come clean to your parents about what you and your stepbrother have been doing <3
pairings: park sunghoon x f! reader
warnings: stepcest + perv! hoon + innocent! reader + creampies + breeding + dacryphilia + virgin killer! hoon + pregnancy + lactation + anal + omorashi + hair pulling + impact play + toys + throat fucking + manipulation + blackmail + inflation + filming
💌: this ask has haunted me since i received it /pos i cant believe i was gifted w this incredible idea 💔
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your parents trust sunghoon wholeheartedly. they trust him to protect your innocence and to take care of you while they’re away, and god does he take advantage of that. convinces you to sleep in his bad and let him spoon you, unaware of how he grinds his cock against you, cumming on your back as you sleep. he’s weirdly obsessed with being your first everything. the first to spread your pussy open with his fingers n cock, the first to make you cum on his tongue, first to fuck your asshole open and the very first to paint your womb with his cum.
he acts like the perfect stepbrother around your parents but little do they know he’s spitting mean words at you and calling you degrading names while he pulls your hair :( slaps you too and forces you to touch his cock. don’t even think about snitching either because if you do, he’ll make you pay. threatens to show everybody the pictures and videos of you begging for him to cum inside you again as you cream around him.
you’re forced to put up with his sick kinks and let him use you however he pleases. you don’t even pull away when he shoves his cock in your mouth, piss trickling down your throat as you swallow every drop, whining when some of it spills out. the obsession he has with your virginity involves your unruined asshole too btw. he doesn’t bother wasting his chances to knock you up by dumping his cum in your ass. instead he fills your asshole with piss, grinning like a freak when you squeal and cry because he’s never gone this far before. and when the stream of piss finally stops sunghoon slips a buttplug in you, forcing you to feel the way his pee flooded your insides.
he’s the biggest perv and can’t go a day without fucking you full of cum. goes on and on about how he’s so looking forward to the day his semen finally takes and it’s not long before that happens. you’d honestly be more surprised if you didn’t end up pregnant with your stepbrother’s child because he pumps you full of so much cum. when you start lactating sunghoon finally realizes he can’t give you up. would rather get disowned by your parents than be forced to stop fucking you because he’s trained you to be the perfect cum n pissdump for him. every time he fucks you during your pregnancy his mouth always finds its way around one of your nipples, drinking your sweet milk while his fingers roughly pinch ‘nd pull at the other one to make your milk leak out <3
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months
Kieran is autistic and you can't change my mind!
Okay, I KNOW that I'm not the only one who holds this headcanon...but I wanted to do an analysis on Kieran anyway, especially since my best friend @sinnohanvulpix said she'd love to see me do one. Credit to her for all the screenshots used btw. The GIFs on the other hand were either found on Google Images or created by me using gifrun.com and these YouTube videos:
I did not use my own footage for this at all...as proof here's what MY character in the game looks like...he has my real name but I tried to make him look like Orange which is why he has the orange eyes 😅
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(Sorry for the bad quality btw...taking pictures of my Switch screen is hard 😅)
Okay, now without further ado, let's get started with the analysis!
First, Kieran has a CLEAR special interest in Ogerpon, he admires and looks up to her, he was obsessed with the story of the ogre, he was always trying to go to her den and meet her, he has a meltdown when Ogerpon chooses the player over him, etc. Carmine even says that Kieran "really really REALLY likes the ogre" and that made me think, "Ah! Special interest!"
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And then at the end of the Teal Mask he gains a new special interest in getting stronger to beat the player...and he hyperfocuses HARD on that...to the point of it being detrimental to both his physical and mental health, as he was doing nothing but training during that time...he barely ate, barely slept, just trained...and that is not healthy. It's a rare example of media showcasing a special interest being unhealthy and absolutely CONSUMING one's life, and the consequences do actually show for it.
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Kieran is very introverted and doesn't know how to make friends very well. I actually think the player is his first friend considering his surprised reaction when the player says they consider him a friend, and following this, he quickly becomes a bit...too attached to the player, as he doesn't quite understand how friendships work.
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(This is also such a neurodivergent way to say "I'm so happy I finally have a friend")
He also struggles socially, as is a requirement for autistic people to qualify for a diagnosis. Kieran specifically has a hard time reading social cues, he struggles with making eye contact, he has clear anxiety when talking to people as proven by his little stutter he has at times.
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(This is an adorable screenshot 🥺)
He also struggles with social and emotional processing (and might have alexithymia as well due to his sudden huge outbursts of emotion), and he also struggles with initiating conversation as well, as seen when he tries to talk to Penny at the League Club. They both have no idea how to even start a conversation with each other and it's honestly pretty adorable seeing the two quiet adorkable kids trying their best to hold conversation. I get it, you two, initiating conversation is really difficult for me too.
Also the way they try to start the conversation by talking about the weather...that's really funny and ironic to me because that's what NTs do all the time. NTs always use the weather as a small-talk conversation starter but NDs like me (and Kieran and Penny too apparently) just don't get that stuff.
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(These two are so neurodivergent it's great and I love them both 🥺)
Kieran also has four in-game animations that I personally see as stimming. The first one is him tapping his fist against his hip when he's thinking or nervous.
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(Focus your attention to his hand here and you'll see it.)
The second one is him playing with a strand of loose hair, usually when he's nervous.
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(The little nervous side glance at the player is relatable and adorable 🥺)
The third one is a more agitated stim that he only does ONCE in the entire game...and that is tapping the front of his foot on the ground. I do that myself when I'm agitated or impatient, somehow it's comforting, especially since for some reason I really like the way my shoes sound when I tap them on the ground... especially since I got my brand new Infernape-themed shoes, they sound extra satisfying because they're brand new.
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(This is not the way most people tap their foot...I've never seen an NT do it like this...only other NDs such as myself and one of my brothers)
The fourth and final one is, unfortunately, a stress stim...Kieran runs his hands very fast through his hair and it also looks like, to me anyway as someone who has self-injurious stims myself, that he is digging his nails into his scalp as well while doing that. I do something similar myself, though on top of running my hands through my hair and digging my nails into my scalp, I also pull at my hair...yeah... self-injurious stims are no joke...and I'm kinda glad Kieran's autism coding brings attention to that aspect of autism...at least in my eyes as someone who does those things myself.
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(He's in so much stress here, poor kid 😔)
Another aspect of autism that I'm surprised and kinda glad that Kieran exhibits as an autistic-coded character is meltdowns and shutdowns. Kieran has actual meltdowns in the game! This is something we have never seen in such an in-your-face way in any Pokémon game, and as someone who regularly has meltdowns myself, it hit me in the feels whenever I saw him having them. His first meltdown is in the Teal Mask when he steals the Teal Mask and runs off to Loyalty Plaza where he battles the player. He yells at Carmine and the player for treating him like an outcast...which is unfortunately something that happens to a lot of autistic people, myself included. Kieran screams at the player and Carmine for for lying to him while doing his stress stim, before running up to the Lousy Three's shrine and punching it, without any regard for his safety, which is also something autistic people may do during meltdowns...I know I have no regard for my safety during mine. After that's all over he gives the mask back to the player and goes home, leaving the player to talk to Carmine alone, who says that she's worried and thinks it's just "teen angst". When I saw that I was like, "...Uh, Carmine...I don't think it's just that, I think your brother is neurodivergent and really needs a lot of help and support because he's struggling a lot right now..."
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His second meltdown is also in the Teal Mask, when he wants Ogerpon to go with him but Ogerpon wants to go with the player...Kieran can't process that and doesn't understand how to take Ogerpon's feelings into account, instead demanding the player to battle him for the right to be Ogerpon's partner. He collapses on all fours after being defeated again, and it gets worse...he looks like he's crying while the player battles Ogerpon in order to catch her. After the player catches her, Kieran wonders why he can't be like the player, and runs off crying, locking himself in his room for the rest of the story. The end of the Teal Mask has him doing his stress stim while being consumed by a new special interest in a very detrimental way...that interest being becoming so strong that no one can defeat him...including the player.
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Kieran's third meltdown is in the Indigo Disk, after the player defeats him in the championship match. That meltdown is a full-on cutscene, where it is CLEAR to see his spiraling mental state through the visuals, and he holds his hands on his head like he has a headache while trying to process the fact that he lost to the player AGAIN (which is also relatable as someone who struggles with processing difficulties myself...it really does give headaches and it is one of the worst feelings when I just can't process what's going on around me or the emotions I feel or anything really)...he collapses to his knees and looks like he's breathing very hard as he is so upset and distressed at this loss. It is definitely one of the most heartbreaking scenes for me because this is a CLEAR CUT MELTDOWN in my eyes and it hits me in the feels like a TRUCK to watch that cutscene.
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Also, in the Terapagos fight, Kieran has a bit of a shutdown for a bit, standing there frozen, thinking he's useless and can't do anything right (which is relatable as I have regular shutdowns as well, and I also constantly feel like I'm a failure of a human being who can't do anything right)...but let me tell you, when the player finally gets him to snap out of it and convinces him to help and he opens his eyes revealing that the light is back in his eyes as well as visible tears...I cheered (and teared up myself). My boy was back, and I was so happy.
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(When I first saw the tears I was like, "NOOOO don't cry Kieran! 😢)
Also in the Indigo Disk, Kieran seems completely different and "no longer like his usual self". His autistic traits are (mostly) nowhere to be seen as he becomes much more serious, angry, assertive,and aggressive. I personally see this as a persona he puts on by masking, which is common for autistic people to do. I myself can't mask, but Kieran definitely seems to be masking here by putting on this persona in order to get stronger and seem stronger as a person as well. This is NOT his real self, this is a FACADE!
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We see him start to drop the mask again in Area Zero when he says it seems like they're in a spy movie or something and how cool that is, but once the crack in his mask is pointed out he immediately puts it back on.
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After everything in the under depths ends, and you go back to Blueberry Academy, he drops the mask again completely, and goes back to his real, adorkable, relatable self...and stays that way from then on, which made me so relieved and happy.
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(This is my favorite cutscene in the entire DLC because of how adorable it is and also how neurodivergent Kieran is being here while apologizing for all he did 🥺)
In conclusion, I think Kieran is a great example of an autistic-coded character who has many relatable traits, and also does a good job showcasing some of the more "unpleasant and challenging behaviors and traits" (NTs use that terminology a lot, not me... that's how NTs unfortunately view NDs a lot of the time) of autism. I used to be afraid of him during the post-Teal Mask pre-Indigo Disk era but that was my trauma and PTSD talking (I talked about the emotional rollercoaster Kieran's story arc took me on in another post from last year after I finally worked up the courage to play the Indigo Disk...feel free to check that out too if you'd like). Now though I can wholeheartedly say that I love and appreciate Kieran a lot as a character, and his relatability is definitely a big part of why he is a big comfort character for me now (please Pokémon put him in Pokémon Masters EX, PLEASE I will literally cry from joy if he gets added to the game)!
Hope you all enjoyed this autistic person's analysis of yet ANOTHER autistic-coded character in Pokémon! I know I had A LOT to say but that just proves how relatable Kieran is, and I love him for that. Let me know what you think and if I missed anything in the comments below!
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wooshofficial · 6 months
hello what are ur thoughts on the new hbomberguy video
OKOK SO I watched it from the hours of midnight to 4am, so I was kinda incoherent when posting that BUT I still do have thoughts.
Mainly I want to pummel James Somerton into the ground for multiple reasons, most of which H put more succinctly than I ever could.
It’s just so fucking disheartening to see someone like James Somerton be so successful off the hard work of people who have dedicated their lives to the stuff he’s ripping off of when those original authors are barely getting paid. It’s very hard to be an academic and watch this video because I know that if I were to write something academic about the queerness in media and publish it, which I plan to do out of college, there’s a very real possibility of James or someone like him finding the work, yoinking it and not giving me the credit, when I won’t get a fucking cent from the publication or him.
I hate that he’s getting away with it too, basically pulling the “I’m gay so I can’t be bad” card. That’s a fucking step BACK from the equal rights that LGBTQ people have been fighting for. By pulling this excuse, he separates the “gays” from the “straights”, putting each group under one black and white label- the straights are evil people who just want to put us gays down. That is a nasty idea right there. Follow that train far enough and you find yourself spouting homophobic rhetoric. Equal rights and seeing the LGBTQ community as equal to others means seeing them as human at ALL angles, the good and the bad. Just because you’re gay doesn’t mean you can’t fuck up. Hell, I’m gay, and I’ve fucked up more times than I can count! It just makes me human, and it doesn’t make me less gay. James Somerton is touting himself as The Gay Person Who Knows Everything, which is blatantly untrue, discredits every queer person he’s ripped off of, and separates himself from the other LGBTQ people who make content as “better”- there’s that seed of homophobia again.
AND HE KEEPS DOING THIS! He’s biphobic and misogynistic! He routinely attacks “straight white women”—who could very well be bisexual, but because they’re women they MUST be straight according to Somerton logic—and discredits the work of bisexual authors (mainly bisexual women) who talk about the struggles of the LGBTQ community because “they like the opposite sex so they wouldn’t get it”. He dips himself into transphobia in order to give his biphobia and misogyny some weight, misgendering ND Stevenson (who has been on record about his struggle with coming out and gender identity) and Rebecca Sugar (who has done the same) on multiple occasions. And it’s really fucking disgusting. It really fucking is. When he copies off of work that mentions the words “trans” or “transgender”, he covers those words with generalizations, which takes the transgender community out of the queer experience. So on TOP of being misogynistic and biphobic, he’s ramming headfirst into transphobia too. Which holy fucking shit.
I just. H said not to send hate to James or his team or anyone else talked about in the video on his behalf. I agree and I don’t want to do that. But I sure hope this video is enough to make James Somerton stop being the utter fucking academic supervillain he is. He thinks he can get away with it because YouTube doesn’t count as academia, but there is so much goddamn evidence against him at this point he can’t possibly get off Scot free anymore. I hope YouTube staff sees that video and takes his channel down. I hope Nick, his co-writer that he threw under the bus, gets compensated and a better job. I hope every author and filmmaker Somerton ripped off makes enough money from the video to pay for rent. This can’t keep happening. It just can’t.
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madfantasy · 4 months
Dear blogging
Wish you peace, always. Considering all, it been extra rough. My guardians were sick, and my fragile of a stability was about to break— but it okay now, and the pendulum of consciousness returned swaying in my head.
Somehow in the middle of everything, I was starting to feel okay and accept that this is the best it can get for this non verbal Mani. I honestly I stopped living as if there was tomorrow maybe the majority of 2023, zero drive or hopefulness, and lately started to accept that there's no denying that I'm not made to survive this life, and dropped all pretence that I'm able, set a 5 years counter. Because if mere looking at people's faces distress me so much that I blank out &/or go mute, since childhood, no amount of me forcing myself to watch videos/ pictures over and over can fix that. That's simply how I'm made and I know that now, and in a way it's bringing me peace.
Because I thought I'm bratting when I wore my headphones to cancel out noise that were literally going to drive me insane, or when I couldn't respond to messages knowing that I can articulate deeply in writing but ignoring all the endless times when I simply couldn't, and have forced myself to eat many things that set me days in nausea and abdominal pain while I only enjoy liquids more and get high off of fruits, I love them so much half my OCs are named after some.. and drew.. drew even before I spoke because it was my only outlit to express because how much I'm told I'm like a robot, I'm so expressionless and non reactive and disgustingly literal, even when they actively beat me black Nd blue to stop drawing, I couldn't.. where do you free those emotions when U can, i needed emotion displays and heartfelt trimmers, thrilling or killing, I needed to do them as if my life depended on it, and I haven't realised it back then, but my life was dependent on them, even when I had 'no talent ' , as I have always been told.
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(commissioned by precious Julia ♥️🖤)
And besides drawing my needs, I actually, physically, started to feel better when I didn't do what my body said it literally can't do, all my life:
-Walked away from my guardians arguments, my chest stabbing pains became less frequent.
Stopped "practicing" my voice &/or facial expressions, I talk for 2 minutes, immediately my whole face muscles hurt, voice is cracking and gone, I don't feel like my eyebrows hurt as much. I'm okay being the monotone no expresso train c:
-stopped eating what I "don't like" (I mean it's not like I have much choice, but stopped feeling guilty over refusing it cuz food be tight) Nd now I can actually drink more water, and my tummy aches are on lower levels now
-i stopped dealing with Discord, or group chats in general cuz I don't expect accommodation over things I can't deal with. Stopped stressing over doing engaging material that no body seems to care about, cuz I'm not a good judge of demand, or stressing over either I should be thanking everyone who spams me with likes or not, (while I appreciate it to the moon) 90% of the time they don't respond Nd Im forced to think like I've done something wrong. I'm now at more ease with posting — (literally I have to fight the urges to delete my socials daily) just with interacting with who addresses me (I lov U guys sm) and I've been more relaxed from it.
I returned to "speaking in riddles" cuz if I don't use the words my brain spews no matter how weird they R, a tire will pop somewhere on the other side of an AU- idk lo'
-i rock, hum and laugh OUT my maniacal laugh, hard and strong, continued loving and talking to my plushies as I used to do, the easiest thing I could do to feel calmer again. As everyone should do
.. I stopped saying the word sorry. It's a naughty Mani era.
Accepting these facts and many, even with having no will to live had me saner than I ever been, at least I hope so.
I just know that I have a few to be grateful of: that I'm still here somehow, even with my dwindling income, Nd my internet not worth costing 120$± I'm always grateful for the sudden one or two commissions that keeps me here and buys me coffee and pumpkins seeds..
I still struggle horrindously with sleep. But I'm grateful at least I'm at pure ease playing games. Games been my go to media for knowing basically all based on books they were made about, like Severus and Tintin, I still play their ps1 games! Tho I got stuck on this game & their sleep has given me so much ease lo
I'm at my happy place rn, heh.
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Bonus panel: ye they R hungry for that SHI- lo 🙈
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And an honorary appearance of my OC with Tintin hehe
Stay safe, don't feed the overconsumption machine, don't give up on your heartstrings's stringers, don't worry— there are people who think and feel like you always between the crowds, and I'm thankful that I share the same timeline with you♥️🖤
Sweet dreams 🌃 19.2.2024
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Happy Birthday Scottish actor Mark Bonnar
Born November 19th 1968 in Edinburgh, Bonnar started his acting career in High School at Leith Academy, he recalls sitting with his friend one day when the names of all the award winners were read out, Mark says
"....I remember I was sitting in front of my best mate Keith, They were all the usual studious types. I turned to Keith to say 'it's all the posh and clever ones who win the prizes' and then my name was read out. I took a lot of ribbing about that."
After being talked out of doing a Drama course at school by his guidance teacher, doing physics instead, Mark left school with no real qualifications, and like many of us back then ended up doing a YTS, or youth training scheme to those that don't know. He worked in a library for two years, the beautiful building on McDonald Road in Edinburgh, before drifting in and out of other jobs and spending some time travelling in the US before the money ran out.
He returned home to the old job, this time driving the mobile library, but got bored of it and ended up in the planning offices of Edinburgh council before deciding to do a year's National Certificate in drama at Telford College and this time completed his course.
He then did three years at Glasgow's Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. In his final year, he won the Carlton Hobbs BBC Radio Award, which gave him six months with BBC Radio in London, where he's lived ever since.
The keen eyed of you out there will recognise a link to the other birthday boy today, as Mark plays regular Duncan Hunter in Shetland, Duncan is the biological father to Jimmie Perez's "daughter" Cassie.
Bonnar has appeared on many shows on television as Peter Mayhew in BBC1's New Blood and Chris in the highly successful Channel 4 comedy Catastrophe, alongside screen wife and fellow Scot Ashley Jensen.
Other television credits include Vera, Rebus, Taggart, Grantchester, Case Histories, The Paradise, Doctor Who, Psychoville, Taggart, Phoneshop and Paradox. He also played regular Bruno Jenkins in the 23 episodes of the BBC1 series Casualty and DCC Mike Dryden in the brilliant cop show Line of Duty.
Mark has also voiced video games, Assassins Creed and Battlefield one and children's tv show series Tree Fu Tom.
Also a regular on the theatre front where he has played Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing and the lead role in Cyrano de Bergerac. On Radio his most prolific part was in a Piper Alpha, the play chronicles the disaster minute-by-minute as it happened.
One of Mark's more recent shows was Guilt, set in my native Edinburgh it was a dark comedy about two brothers who accidentally run over and kill an old man, if you haven't seen it please look it up! He was also in the mini series Quiz about Charles Ingram, who was convicted of cheating his way to the jackpot in Who wants to be a Millionaire.
As with his friend Dougie Henshall, Markis set to appear in the TV movie Murder is easy, he ahs also been in a short TV "movie" Calamity James nd appeared in five episodes of the drama World on Fire and starred n the Ridley Scott biopc Napolean that is due to be released next week.
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blushingbubbles · 11 days
Now that I think more about it, I don't think it would matter if you left the door unlocked.
It was always the intention to post the video, and it was always the plan to share your address with others that could help train you to be porn. Why not go the extra mile and make a copy of your key and hide it somewhere, telling everyone I shared the address with?
Perhaps I'd include a few extra details too, like ways I'd found to make you scream both in pain and pleasure. It wouldn't matter what you did, you'd just think that you'd been a dumb slut and left the door unlocked again, your brain would be too broken to ever realise what was really being done to you.
nneed brain broken
share my address nd have all your friends come over. put cameras in my air vents. visit me once a month to make sure they're all charged up/connected to power. make sure i never get another moment of privacy again bc fucktoys dont deserve privacy. profit off of me by posting all the content online. do it sdo it od it do it do it
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dogdoinghisbest · 25 days
uhhh hi. this account will be more anonymous because i said so. this is a side account and i follow/interact from a sft account! yayyy♡
minors do NOT interact u will be blocked on sight.
you can call me puppy/rex! im 18 and im transmasc♡
sub-leaning switch, send me asks PLEEEAASSEEEE i will only bite if you ask me to :3 i can try and dom too just pleeease pleasepleaseplease. (dms are mutuals-only tho)
heres my silly little wishlist in case someone ever wants to spoil me<3 i can do my best to fulfill requests for audio/pics/short videos (no face reveal) in return :3
kinks/prefs under cut bc i feel like it ok byeeee♡
𐂯please do not use fem terms. if u think something is too fem, feel free to ask about it. communication is good nd sexy<3
𐂯pleeease use any puppy terms. mutt, puppy, pup, etc. i love these so so much. fuckmutt is a fav of mine personally <3
#pampered puppy- answering asks YIPPEEE
#boy barks- just general textposts
#whimpering whining etc- any photos, audios, and such. TEE HEE
《🦴》breeding(no pregnancy) 《🦴》 cnc(more focused on the consent part ofc) 《🦴》 marking 《🦴》 musk. muusskkkk hnnghfhgh 《🦴》 honestly? blood. just a little bit. like vampire style 《🦴》 forcemasc/autoandrophilia 《🦴》 pet play. duh 《🦴》 that likeee hunter/prey dynamic ugHHHGH 《🦴》 dumbification 《🦴》 edging/denial/forced orgasms 《🦴》 CLICKER TRAINING 《🦴》 intox (mostly weed.... stoner puppy....) 《🦴》praise/degredation 《🦴》 knotting!!! 《🦴》
if i keep thinking about what i do like im gonna start whining and im in public rn so maybe ill come back but ill probably forget lol. feel free to ask if im into something i will gladly answer things :3
🐕hard nos🐕
okay byeee ily
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zyrafowe-sny · 10 months
Gonna go nuts with this (sideblog just fyi is goldenheart-supremacy)
Ask game - 16, 17, 20
Thanks so much for the ask!
General note about headcanons: I very much enjoy hearing other people's takes (and sometimes entertain incompatible ideas of my own). There are so many potential backstories, so many ways the story could continue, and so many ways to develop worldbuilding.
16 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius met?
I like to think Ambrosius witnessed Ballister defending someone (possibly Ambrosius himself - have not yet decided) from a bully or a thief. Ambrosius then told Ballister that he was brave and strong enough to be a knight, and that encouraged Ballister to break into the training grounds. After Ballister was caught, Ambrosius absolutely begged all the influential adults in his life - and he knows quite a few - to let him become a knight. ND Stevenson pointed out that Ballister's sword is an old repurposed Goldenloin sword, so at some point when the queen/the Institute were still deciding what to do with Ballister, Ambrosius was searching his family's armory for the perfect sword for him. Of course, when Ballister officially starts knight training, they become fast friends.
17 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius started dating?
I think Ballister became aware of his romantic feelings first, but didn't want to say anything. Not everyone at the Institute approved of their friendship, and of course he was also well aware of the expectations Ambrosius faced as Gloreth's descendant. He valued their friendship, and didn't want to risk that for an impossible romantic relationship.
I am not immune to the fandom idea that one day Ambrosius became flustered after Ballister knocked him down in training. Maybe Ballister gave him a hand up and they accidentally got a little close. Maybe something subtle in Ballister's body language gave something away about his own feelings. Ambrosius already was Ballister's biggest fan, so he fell hard and fast. He also had to be the one to make the first move and convince Ballister that they could make it work.
I do think that they kept the romantic side of their relationship private before the knighting ceremony. They'd already been best friends for years, so them spending a lot of time together wasn't that suspicious.
20 - What do you think happened to the Institute?
Hah - if I ever manage to finish a WIP I'm working on, I might go into this in more depth. (EDIT: Whoops, I typed more than I expected.)
Generally, I think there'll be a period of debate over whether to try to keep the Institute mostly as-is (with a new Director), reform it, or eliminate it. At first, some people might still be afraid of what's outside the wall. Some people might be afraid of what would happen to public safety inside the wall if the Institute were eliminated. Noble families might not want to lose some of their status/influence, which was highly tied to the Institute.
On the other hand, the Institute was burning through so many resources for a threat that by all appearances wasn't actually real - it might be better to use that money for a better cause (schools, libraries, social programs, etc). Video footage would also show that most of the damage to the city was caused by the Institute, not Nimona. People might not be aware of just how much surveillance is going on - they might not be happy if that comes out. There may already have been some commoners who were critical of the Institute/the political system.
(All of this is also so closely tied to the need for police reform/the defund-the-police movement, at least in the United States.)
I lean towards dissolving the Institute and transforming its pieces into new organizations with better oversight. For instance - former Institute knights could form sports leagues if they want to keep duels/tourneys/etc (and start letting commoners participate). A new organization responsible for public safety would absolutely need to train new commoner recruits (and vet and retrain any interested knights) to deescalate instead of going straight to shooting. It's not actually clear that anyone at the Institute was all that good at crime solving (real police often aren't either). There might be coordinated exploration of what's beyond the wall, which may benefit from some former Institute resources/personnel. Academics could investigate old Institute records.
Peaceful handover of power is generally better than an all-out revolution, so while I definitely expect at least some pushback from the First Families, I think they would eventually concede to changes to the political system and the elimination of the Institute.
Here's the link to the Nimona ask game if anyone wants to send or receive asks!
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villains4hire · 2 years
Training Video - Welcome to the Stezzoni Family!
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     An upbeat song in the background as the screen would flash an introduction video. A chipper man in a near unsettling tone could be heard on the video suddenly speaking, “Congratulations! If you are viewing this tape, that means you were recently hired as our latest employee! Before getting started, here are a few fundamental elements of employment all aspiring employees should know!”
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     The screen would then simply display ‘professionalism’ with an orange background as the song and man continued, “Professionalism deals with how you conduct yourself among the guests and your peers. Always willing to please, a professional employee knows the best way to navigate social situations! All within policy limits, of course.” Then imagery of being on the phone or talking to the customer would play in a slow slideshow before ‘competence’ would come up.
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     “Competence refers to the level of technical skill and the ability to follow directions. This ranges from serving orders on time to the rate the dishes are washed. A model employee always gets the deed done, no matter how dirty,” he further explained, again, a slideshow of people taking out garbage, cleaning or doing dishes and so on would play out again, the film kind of glitching here and there considering the age of the tape.
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     With flashing lights? The arcade, birthday parties and a few other ‘festive’ events and areas of the ‘establishment’ would be shown. “And lastly, fun is the lengths an employee is willing to go to create a family-friendly environment. This includes making the guests feel invited and welcome to dine with us. This is to create the festive, controlled environment we are known for.“
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     “Now that you understand the fundamental elements of employment, you’ll be ready to tackle anything that comes your way! Speaking of ways, if you ever take a Wrong Turn anywhere on the premises, please note that it is outside our realm of responsibility. This includes any Stroll, Investigation, or Extermination-related tasks that may occur during said, Wrong Turns. Rest assured, Wrong Turns pose no danger or threat exclusively to the business. In the unlikely event of employee termination, all funds of the previous employee will be passed on to their replacement.” You know, instead of their family.
     “Again, congratulations on making it to the team! And remember, your safety as an employee is our number 1# priority!” The video would then click off as your Manager looked up from her phone, business phone, food, or whatever important task she was doing at the moment.
0 notes
Just gonna info dump about my Mario dr cos why not lol.
Name: Shinko Asahara
Race: Japanese (raised in Koopa city by the main antagonist himself😈)
Nickname: Lila (what I usually go by)
Age: (Kinda confusing lol sorry) when I enter my dr I'm 6 and when I shift back to this cr I'll be 16 (yes I'm spending 10 YEARS in this dr cause my time ratio is 1 day cr = 1 year dr and since I don't wanna go through the last 4 months of school, well, you can guess lol)
Sex: Female
Gender: Cis girl (she/they)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 4'11 (5'5 in my platformers)
Weight: 94 lbs (pretty skinny ik)
Hair color: Black and slightly white-ish blonde
Eye color: Black
Skin tone: Light
Nd lables: Autism, ADHD
Backstory + main story: I was kidnapped as a baby by kamek because of my unnatural strength and slight mind powers (which have gotten stronger as I grew up). When I turned 6, Bowser taught me how to do villain shit (setting up traps, activing those traps, using my powers for evil, trying to find what I do best (power wise, which is mind powers and manipulation)). I went to a villain school for Bowser's most talented, yet under-developed crew members (even though he sees me as a daughter tbh) before the age of 15, where I was assigned to go to a 'hero' school to find out what the good guys are learning and how to counter act that. Idk what happens after that or during my young teen years because I wanna be taken by surprise.
How I view myself: I see myself neutrally, I sometimes get insecure but I always have Bowser, Bowser jr, and my friends to lift me up. And ofc, I get super confident in myself sometimes, usually because of my powers.
How other bad guys view me: They all have underestimated me at some point but I always prove them wrong by prolonging Mario's journey to saving Peach (unfortunately, he always saves Peach so that's the most I can do lol).
How the good guys see me: Since I'm a good manipulator and have mind powers, when they first meet me, they think I'm an innocent girl who also needs to get away from Bowser when I'm actually the opposite. But once they find out, they don't trust me anymore, although they always have the erg to trust me again:
Other stuff lol: I have a crush on Daisy..pls don't tell her...or my dad lol (he's not homophobic, he'll just freak out that I'm in love with a good guy lmao). I have a witch themed room and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. I practice my powers and train every other day for the day my dad kidnaps Peach again, I'm not even required to, my dad only requires me to train on the weekends but I like having a constant routine and a constant break. Oh- I forgot to tell yall, Bowser's my dad! (Not biological ofc). I play video games with Bowser jr on the weekends (when he's done training), becuase my dad approves of my regular training routine. I'm older than bowser jr btw. I LOVE spicy food, I have such a big spice tolerance, the magma burger is my shit. My 'casual' fit is NOT casual in any sense of the meaning, I wear a cute black crop top with a black miniskirt that has a spider web design with platformer shoes that make me look 5'5 when I'm 4'11 (I'm so short lmao, although the other bad guys aren't that tall either lol), not only that, but I top off that outfit with my pigtails that show off my natural white-ish blonde highlights. I'm pretty smarter than most people initially think, like, one of my favorite subjects is math. I don't get tired easily, it's probably because I had to fuck up mario at nights buut maybe it's something else lol. Don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it don't say it..I'm a great rapper-. Finnally, I let my hands do whatever if I don't have pockets, which usually makes the good guys think I'm weird, the bad guys don't mind cause there are so many different types of people there.
Thanks for reading all of this somehow lol
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
15 Questions / 15 Mutuals
thanks for tagging @starlightsearches
Are you named after anyone? noone at all! i don't even have a middle name, but i am going to change it to finnie at some point so technically i'm named after myself lmao
When was the last time you cried? i cry all the time omg i cried last night at a tiktok my sister sent me of a girl coming out to her dad and getting some supportive love (telling huh?)
Do you have kids? god no, just my horrible sons (two dogs who i gave biological birth to)
Do you use sarcasm a lot? no actually! i think i used to, maybe, or i tried to. i do understand it but i don't have a use for it!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? hm... i don't know, probably hair and clothes. i don't look at faces much, i can't really differentiate them a lot of the time, but vague shapes an colours are pretty identifiable! (that's another autism thing isn't it omg kjhkajshd)
What’s your eye color? grey with a teensy hint of blue (like arkham!eddie *blush*)
Scary movie or happy ending? scary movie!! >:) i don't like sad endings though, so... it has to be scary with no emotion (train to busan you tricked me)
Any special talents? i can make a wood pigeon noise with my tongue, and i can uh kinda play/sing by ear on an instrument if you give it to me
Where were you born? my town didn't have a maternity hospital so i was born where everyone in the area is born, but it's also where my mum nd my grandparents were born so that's cool!
What are your hobbies? i like writing and singing and video games and playing guitar and doodling and napping and masturbating and mindlessly scrolling through tiktok and knitting and cross stitch
Do you have any pets? yeah my two sons, mac and fox, who are both jackahuahuas but not from the same litter
What sports do you play/have you played? i don't do sports. i run for no man. i am chronically ill, and so i am weakened ;-; BUT i did like badminton and i do like yoga and i am good at lifting heavy things AND i am going to buy rollerskates soon
How tall are you? 5ft 9" i am tall i think
Favorite subject in school? oh history for sure, history or art. i like history, but i wonder how much of that was the crush i had on my absolute fuckin 60 year old dilf of a teacher kjhkjshad
Dream job? i do not dream of labour. if i had to pick something, i'd be a playwrite, or i would make money writing smut under a pseudonym, but ideally i wouldn't have to do anything to live, just do things for fun
TAGGING (no pressure obviously, i tried to pick people i have interacted with recently or haven't tagged in a while!):
@riddle-me-ri @coffeeandconundrums @wammysgirl @rainfallinthevoid @sweetums0kitty @skye707 @rallazarthemagnificent @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @taliscat @constantron @bathtub4rats @questionsandqueries @pumpkinspicedshaniac @cr0wsink @tr4sh-pl4nt
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tea-dragonz · 1 year
Disclaimer: Will be talking about some heavier mental health stuff, will mark it under a subtitle. Also, will be discussing spoilers for Origins of Olympus Season 3 (Mors’ POV) and Korina’s Origin.
Note that these are headcannons and my personal interpretations of these characters, and that it may not align with the original intent of the creators. I probably missed some things, and none of these things on their own would indicate neurodivergence, but in the context of everything else it does make you think about these sorts of things, you know?
Mors being neurodivergent, a thread:
As a young child, Mors didn’t like “waffles, vegetables, cereals, or other foods”. According to Thanatos, he would only eat green grapes specifically and eventually started trying out other foods when green grapes were put on them. Green grapes tend to have a consistent taste and texture, making them a fairly popular nd food. (KO Episode: What Now?)
Would play the “flying game” for hours on end as a child, much to the exasperation of others (The “flying game” involves the repetitive motion of flying around in circles, later changed to flying in a straight line from wall to wall.)
Continues to use flying as a grounding technique as an adult. (Tends to fly off and isolate himself for a bit after emotionally distressing situations.)
Has a tendency to move around a lot during conversation, most notably by circling people he’s talking to. (You could argue that this is just an MCRP thing to make watching the video more interesting or to add more expression and personality to the character, but Mors does this a lot more than the other characters.)
Oftentimes says things that others consider to be rude, and  he either doesn’t understand why others find it rude or doesn’t have enough emotional investment in the situation to care. (He does this a lot, but the biggest examples of this are the KO episodes Father’s Shadow and Empathy Training)
Overblown or Inappropriate emotional responses. The biggest examples would be his anger issues, but also him laughing at spirits’ deaths if he finds them ridiculous. (KO Episode: Father’s Shadow)
Honestly the entire Korina’s Origin episode of Father’s Shadow
Apparently has extremely keen hearing (KO Episode: Camp Oasis)
Instability in Relationships, Emotional Dysregulation and Anger Issues, Intrusive Thoughts, Impulsive Actions, etc...
As a young adult, Mors confides in Korina saying that he hates the monotony of Purgatory and that he can barely feel anything positive anymore. This has led him to performing high risk behaviors (such as sleeping around and hurting others) in a desperate attempt to feel anything. (KO Episode: I Don’t Forgive You)
Korina had a period of time where she believed that she shouldn’t be friends with Mors anymore due to the possibility of tarnishing his reputation. Mors responds to this by betting their friendship on a bottle of perfume that he gifted her. If she tried to get rid of it like she did with her other possessions, he would “know where she stood on their friendship” and got upset when she tried to return it to him. (KO Episode: Denied Love)
Intrusive thoughts, such as briefly wondering about burning his own bookshelf. (KO Episode: Abusive Love)
Impulsive actions. A lot. All the time. Every goddamn day. Impulse trips into the human world, trying to show off tricks mid-flight (one time ended with landing in the middle of a lake and getting completely soaked, the other ended with a broken wing), impulsively flying off to the village to pick a fight with an adult twice his size, trying to destroy the village on a whim, the list goes on.
Had a difficult relationship with his father, leading to a lot of mixed emotions including insecurities about never being able to live up to him. In Origins of Olympus, it leads to the belief that he is not even worthy enough to visit his father’s grave until he is avenged. (OoO Episode: In His Shadow) In Korina’s Origin, he also has insecurities about not being able to take over his father’s position and wants to figure out his purpose in life from the oracle itself. (KO Episodes: Father’s Shadow, Camp Counselor)
Feels nothing after killing someone, more distressed about not feeling anything in the aftermath than he is about the incident itself. (KO Episode: I Don’t Feel Anything)
Korina being neurodivergent, a thread:
Indulges in daydreaming and escapism a lot, such as when she created many long and complex stories involving her dolls and continued to play with them as a young adult.
Managed to create entire worlds in her dreamscape, some of which are actual places recreated entirely from memory, such as the lake. Some are created from scratch and based on the stories she made as a child.
Daydreams sometimes distract her to the point of dissociation, such as her daydream where Morpheus was actually an attentive father. (KO Episode: What If?)
While she doesn’t seem overly distressed by a sudden change in schedule, after Mors’ imprisonment, she uses her servant duties as a means to distract herself. These include simple and repetitive tasks such as cleaning dishes, dusting, sweeping, etc. (KO Episode: What Now?)
Oftentimes talks out loud to herself (Also probably just and MCRP thing but thought I’d add it in here)
Sometimes has difficulty understanding social cues and others’ intentions (Again, happens a lot but it’s quite prominent at the beginning of the KO Episode: Date?)
Korina herself is fairly straightforward and honest, sometimes to the point of bluntness, especially as a child.
A whole lot of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Believed that she would be kicked out/punished for breaking something as a kid (KO Episode: Just A Mistake)
When told that she could not be with Mors due to the other gods potentially ridiculing them for their difference in status, she goes into a downward spiral that lasts for several days.
After the party at Olympus where the gods said that she was wasting her life away by being a servant, she became insecure about only being able to do things like cook and clean and thought that she would be useless. It bordered on being a bit obsessive when she started pushing Thanatos away and began focusing on bettering her magic (as to not be “useless”) to the point of accidentally injuring herself. (KO Episodes: Nightmare, More Than A Servant)
Some links to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for those who want to look into it a bit deeper
Autism | ADHD | BPD
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ndcultureis · 2 years
ND culture is getting suggested urbanist videos almost exclusively because your a little too typical fondness of trains and monorails and since you were late getting your driving license, investment in decent public transport for everyone
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im-a-matt-girl · 1 year
can I request a fic?? anyways, so let's say yn is in a rlly dark place, like say she has experience w sh or certain thoughts, nd they went away for a while, but they're coming back nd one day while they were filming a car video matt noticed a scar on her arm she thought she was hiding w her jacket. so then when they get home he js decides to ask her abt it nd he comforts her while she's crying a t the situation...
"Help" (tw: allusions to self-harm)
author's note: if you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm, please text "CONNECT" to 741741
"Hey," you say to me.
"Hi, Matt," I smile at you. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about something," you tell me quietly.
"Oh, okay," I nod as you sit beside me.
"May I see something?" you ask me, motioning to my left wrist.
"Uh… sure?" I say hesitantly, holding my hand out to you.
You slowly, carefully start pushing the sleeve of my jacket up, and I recoil immediately.
"Sorry," you say, letting go of me. "It's just that… I thought I saw something there."
"Like what?" I ask defensively. I know what you saw, but I still have trouble talking about it sometimes. It makes me highly upset.
You take in a measured breath and look at me seriously. "Look, I don't… I'm not like, a trained professional or anything, but… if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here. Okay?"
I shut my eyes tightly to keep the tears from falling out of them. "I don't need any help," I mutter through clenched teeth, turning away from you. My guard is all the way up, and I don't know how to make it come down.
You delicately put your hand on my shoulder. "I just don't want you hurting yourself," you tell me, barely above a whisper. "It's okay to ask for help."
That's when the floodgates open, and the tears start pouring out of me. I lean against you, and you hold me in your arms comfortingly. I want to dissolve into you. I've never felt so heard, seen, cared for, and protected in all my life. I may not be able to physically speak right now, but your words will echo in my mind forever.
"It's okay to ask for help."
author's note: if you are struggling with thoughts of self-harm, please text "CONNECT" to 741741
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