#need people to understand this isn’t supposed to actually be angsty I just thought this would be funny
nofacednerd · 10 months
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Another sketchbook doodle of these fuckin guys
Someone on here pointed out that they would be SO sad when they realized they missed the SNW musical pandemic by like a week so I took it as an opportunity to draw sad people
Bonus boimy bc his face is covered up:
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rustygem · 2 months
hi do you take requests?
if you dont, feel free to ignore, but if you do..
imagine dr ratio having a wife/husband(reader), or lover whatever. they've been married for a long whike now on a really healthy relationship. reader is a opposite to ratio, a calm collected individual who doesn't lash out
but what happens when ratio became so stubborn the reader snaps and calls dr ratio by his full name? especially in front of people?
kinda want to know your perspective and jow you write this
(i love ut writing :3 its still okay to ignore though)
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彡prompt: you love dr. ratio, you do. but sometimes he can irritate the shit out of you.
彡warning(s): swearing. sorta angsty, but it’s somehow fluff. probably ooc! ratio?
彡notes: dividers by cafekitsune.
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Y’know, usually date nights with a loving partner are supposed to go well. And yours with Veritas did, but only until you two started having a back and forth on paying the tip.
“Veritas, please. It’s only 100 credits.” You pinched your temple. Seriously, the waitress was nice! She wasn’t too pushy, there wasn’t any attitude. One small tip wouldn’t hurt.
“What is there to tip the woman for? For doing her job right?” He crossed his legs. “Darling, you must understand that a waitress who isn’t unbearably contemptible isn’t one deserving of a tip.”
“For fucks sake…she’s gonna come over here in less than five minutes. If you don’t want to pay her, I will.” As soon as you took out your wallet, Veritas just shook his head.
You were endearing and your emotional intelligence was admirable. But for goodness sakes, you seemed just a little too insistent on spending extra credits for somebody just doing their job.
As if it was right on cue, you gave the waitress the bill, along with a 100 credit tip with a smile.
It wasn’t until you stopped the waitress from leaving to give her another 50 credits that Veritas just huffed and snatched the money out of your hands.
“Okay, that’s enough. She doesn’t need anymore money than you gave her.” He put your credits in his wallet, glaring at you. “Don’t be so careless with your credits.”
The nervous waitress looked at him, then at you. Her nerves only increased as she saw your eye twitch.
You raised your voice. “Veritas Ratio, quit being prudish and give her the credits!”
It wasn’t the yelling that made him recoil, it was the anger in your tone and voice. Frustration wasn’t new, but you were actually mad at him.
Noticing the eyes on you, your boyfriend, and the poor…poor waitress, your anger subsided.
“Uh…Please. Please give her the credits.” You spoke softly now, mumbling a softer ‘thanks’ as he handed her the money.
However, the waitress took a deep breath, and spoke up. “I can assure you 100 credits is more than enough for me. But thank you.” The waitress smiled at you and walked off with the check.
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You picked at your nails, lip quivering as you thought about what you should say to your boyfriend—who was several steps ahead of you.
Noticing this, he looked at you as he continued walking. “If you feel guilt–ridden because you think you’ve hurt my feelings, then banish the thought immediately.”
You rushed next to him, looking at him with lingering feelings of doubt and regret. “Yeah well, I’m sorry for yelling at you and making a scene.”
God, what’s wrong with me? You thought to yourself.
He frowned, watching tears brim your eyelashes. “It’s not like you weren’t provoked.” He sighed before continuing.
“But, in all honesty sweetheart, I thought you were being too benevolent like always.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you stared at your shoes.
“Though, your attempt at trying to put me in my place made me reconsider something.” He stopped, eyeing you.
“I considered you to be someone who’s too kind for their own good. That was one of the things I wanted you to work on.”
And you swear you saw him smile for a second. “But, you’re still capable of standing your ground, so perhaps I misjudged. Apologies.”
Embarrassed, you scratched your cheek. “That’s sweet of you, Ver–ow!”
He pinched your cheek with his fingertips. “Though, the next time you want to raise your voice at me, I’d prefer you do it in a more private setting.”
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: Hop & Joyce don't really like or trust Steve & he knows it. He can tell by their behavior towards him. Post spring break from Hell, Steve tears into them both after they insinuate that it's his fault for the kids being hurt. Steve YELLING at them in front of the party bc he is injured more grievously than the kids & he once again protected them, to the detriment of himself.
Joyce & Hop are forced to acknowledge that their behavior was cruel. And they have to apologize but Steve doesn't accept their apology straight away.
I am usually such a sucker for Hopper adopting Steve and treating him as his own that this was really difficult. Like, maybe top 5 most difficult things I have ever written. It's kind of short, but I wanted more of the focus to be on people standing up for Steve and Steve standing up for himself than the actual angsty part. My darling, I hope it lives up to expectations! -Mickala ❤️
“I guess I just don’t understand how Max ended up like this if Steve was supposed to be protecting them all.”
Joyce’s words echoed in Steve’s head.
She was whispering to Hopper in the waiting room, but it was surprisingly quiet, and easy to hear just about anything.
The kids were asleep on the couches, waiting for any news on Max or Eddie, but the nurses told them it could be hours. Hours were a long time to wait when someone was bleeding out and the other someone had multiple broken bones and was unconscious.
Steve felt untethered, his connection to the earth cut the moment he saw what happened to Eddie, pushed into a dangerous orbit when he saw what happened to Max.
“He’s never really let me down like this. Did you hear Dustin say he thinks he was distracted by Eddie?” Hopper asked quietly.
“What did he mean by that?” Joyce paused. “Oh. Do you think so?” Steve couldn’t see their faces, couldn’t see the way they were having a silent conversation within a conversation. “It wouldn’t be the first time Steve let his romantic feelings get in the way of their safety.”
And that really wasn’t fair.
It wasn’t fair because he always put these kids who weren’t even his first whenever he could. It wasn’t fair because it wasn’t his job to be perfect. It wasn’t fair because they were the adults who should have been here to help and they weren’t.
He could feel tears building up, his vision getting just blurry enough that he knew he needed to walk away or he would start actually crying, and he couldn’t let anyone see that.
Especially not Joyce and Hopper.
Apparently, they already thought so little of him, he couldn’t possibly show them that he was struggling now.
“I think we’ll have to have a talk with the kids about trusted adults. They seem to rely on him for a lot and maybe if we just explain to them that Steve can’t handle it-”
“Excuse me, Mr. Hopper?” A nurse, thankfully, interrupted them.
Steve turned to see a young nurse, probably barely older than him, standing in the entranceway to the waiting room.
Hopper walked over to her, actually whispering this time, as if what was being said right now was a secret, but not the way he felt about Steve.
He glanced over at Steve, then nodded to the nurse. He called Joyce over to them, whispered something, then they both looked at Steve.
He hated what was happening. He was used to being a disappointment to adults, but in a silent way. His parents weren’t really ever around long enough to show their disappointment for long. Seeing it now, on the faces of people he respected and wanted to impress, hurt.
Hopper started walking over to him, his face serious.
“They have Max stable. She may not wake up from the coma, but they’re hoping she makes a turn for the better soon. Eddie woke up a few minutes ago while they were trying to stitch him up and he kept yelling for you. He isn’t quite stable yet. He passed back out as they were trying to put him on oxygen.”
“But they’re both alive?”
“For now.”
“Can I see Max?”
“I don’t think that’s a great idea right now. They’re trying to reach her mom, but the phone lines keep going down. I’m standing in as the adult responsible until she can be contacted.”
“So now you want to be the adult responsible? Not any other time when we needed you?” Erica said from behind them.
She’d been asleep with Lucas and El only a minute ago.
“Erica, it’s fine. I’ll just wait with you guys.”
“No, Steve, it’s not fine.” Erica put her hands on her hips, scowled up at Hopper and Joyce, who had just joined them. “Steve looks out for us every day. Even when the world isn’t trying to end. He drives us to school or from school or to the arcade, he pays for our food at the diner all the time, probably spends all his paychecks on us. And where are the parents? They don’t even know where we are most of the time.”
“But-” Joyce started to interrupt until Erica held up her hand.
“You left your kids to fly to Russia when you knew something weird was going on. You could have died, and then what? You know who would have stepped in? Steve. Because that’s what he does for us. Do you know one of his worst concussions was because he was protecting Lucas and Max from Billy? You know he drove Max everywhere she needed to go all year because she didn’t wanna be around anyone else? How about the fact that without him, we wouldn’t have even been able to get Eddie back here? But sure, blame him for this. It totally makes sense to point the finger at the one person who has protected us over and over again.”
Steve was crying.
The other kids were starting to wake up from her voice getting louder as she spoke, and it didn’t take long for them to realize what was happening.
El and Dustin surrounded Steve, cuddling into his sides to comfort him. He needed it, and he was always willing to accept love from the kids. They so rarely gave it, not because they didn’t love him, but because they were at that age where they didn’t want to.
These kids were his in almost every way that mattered, and he was just grateful that they weren’t hesitating when he needed them most.
“You kids could have died. Steve should have never allowed most of this to happen. He’s the adult, and he let you all go into this without even considering you could die.”
“You think we were just gonna sit around and wait for the adults to handle it? When have we ever done that?” Dustin asked incredulously.
“It’s what you should have done. Steve knows that.”
“Mr. Harrington?” A different nurse was standing in the doorway now, older, definitely less nervous.
“Yes?” Steve responded, wiping his tears away quickly.
“Mr. Munson is in a recovery room. He’s woken up a few times for a minute and each time he’s asked for you. Are you family?”
He was pretty certain hospital policy meant only family could go back, especially during natural disasters, so he lied.
“Yes, he’s my cousin. I can’t reach anyone else yet.”
The nurse smiled, though she probably didn’t quite believe him.
“Right this way, then.”
Dustin tugged on his arm.
“Can I come with you?”
“Sorry,” Steve shook his head. “Not yet. Let me check on him, and I’ll come right back out for you.”
“See? This is what I meant about letting his feelings get in the way! What if we weren’t here? Would you just leave the kids to sit out here alone?”
This time, El spoke up.
“Steve is always putting us first. He can put himself first sometimes. That is allowed.”
Steve wanted to hug her again, but the nurse looked like she was going to walk away, and if he didn’t follow her, he wouldn’t see Eddie.
“Go see him, we’ll be here,” Lucas said from next to Erica.
He nodded at them all, giving them a smile before he followed the nurse without looking back at Hopper or Joyce.
Eddie was asleep when they entered the room, so the nurse whispered to him at the door.
“He’s on a lot of morphine, and he’s still receiving a blood transfusion. He may wake up off and on, but he probably won’t make much sense until they lower the dose. Just be here for him,” she smiled before leaving the room.
Steve turned to Eddie and couldn’t hold back more tears.
He’d let him down. He’d let all of them down.
He was supposed to be the hero, despite the jokes about it all, they all knew he was.
But not this time.
Eddie almost died. Max almost died.
He could feel the bat bite on his stomach burning and itching, like it was already getting infected, but he ignored it.
He could wait.
He sat down on the side of the bed, slowly so he wouldn’t wake Eddie up.
But Eddie’s eyes fluttered open once, then twice, then a third time before they managed to stay open enough to see Steve.
“Stevie?” His voice rasped out, a small smile hidden under his oxygen mask. “You’re here.”
“I’m here, Eds.”
He had to be strong, but his brain was so focused on everything he’d done wrong and if he’d just been faster or got out of the vines quicker, Eddie probably wouldn’t be here and Max would be awake and-
“Hm? Stop what?”
“Bein’ mean.”
Steve’s brows furrowed. He hadn’t even said anything else, had he? Was he so exhausted that he was actually talking without realizing it now?
“I’m not even saying anything.”
Maybe it was Eddie hearing things. He knew morphine was pretty intense.
“To yourself.”
“Bein’ mean to yourself. In your head.”
“‘S okay. Me too sometimes. Just gotta stop.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile at the way Eddie’s eyes kept drooping closed as he spoke. He would probably fall back asleep any second.
“I’ll be nice. You get some sleep.”
“You rest?”
“Not yet. Maybe later.”
Steve couldn’t really rest until he knew everyone was home, safe, and sleeping off some of the worst of their injuries.
“Yes yet.”
Steve snorted. Eddie was so high. He knew it was better than whatever pain he would feel when they eased him off of everything, but hopefully he wouldn’t remember all this.
“Sleep,” Eddie said, his hand managing to find Steve’s and tugging weakly on it.
“I can’t sleep here, Eds. This is your bed.”
“Our bed.”
Steve’s cheeks were hot, he knew if he touched them, they’d feel like fire. Eddie just had that way of completely rendering Steve speechless. He’d done it so many times over the last couple of days, Steve lost count.
“I’ll stay right here until your uncle gets here, okay?”
“And after?”
It probably wasn’t smart. It would look weird for him to stay in general, but he also had to get the kids home, try to patch himself up at home, maybe shower before he did some rounds and made sure everyone was taken care of.
“I have to take care of the kids.”
“But they have parents.”
“Yeah, well.”
They were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Hopper walked in, face as serious as Steve had ever seen it.
“I was able to contact your uncle, Eddie. You can go now, Steve.”
But Eddie gripped his hand harder, frowning at Hopper. He seemed more awake all of a sudden, but with the way his eyes kept trying to close, Steve could see it was a challenge.
“I want him here.”
“Eds, it’s fine. He’s not too happy with me right now, so-”
“What? Why? You helped save the world.”
Eddie was looking between Steve and Hopper like an answer would suddenly make itself known, but Hopper was just staring at Eddie, and Steve was just staring at his feet.
He didn’t want to get Eddie involved in this. He just wanted to pretend it never happened, maybe try to look Hopper in the eye again someday, and apologize to Joyce for not keeping the kids as safe as he could have.
But Eddie apparently took the “no running” thing very seriously now.
“Steve? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Just. I kinda let them down, didn’t keep everyone safe.”
Steve shrugged it off, but he knew he wasn’t very convincing, or really even shrugging it off. He still felt the ache of disappointing people in his chest.
“Hold the fuck up. You’re serious?”
Eddie sounded as outraged as someone high on morphine could. His voice was barely distorted by the oxygen mask on his face, and his eyes were nearly at their normal size.
Steve couldn’t look at either of them.
“Steve is trusted by all these parents to keep their kids out of danger, and he brought them headfirst into it. It just made Joyce and I wonder how often they were doing stupid things,” Hopper explained, though he didn’t even sound convinced he believed his own words.
Joyce was walking in just as Eddie was about to speak.
“Steve, I think you should bring Dustin home. Claudia is going to get worried.”
He didn’t need to look up to know that Eddie was glaring at Joyce and Hopper.
“Let me get this straight. Steve provides free rides, and babysitting services, and meals, and fun for your kids damn near every day. He protects them during this shit every time it happens, literally puts his body on the line to keep them alive. Tried to somehow keep them as safe as possible when it seemed like the world was ending this time, did keep them alive, and you’re still finding reasons to blame him?”
They both had the decency to at least look like they regretted it.
But they still didn’t say anything.
“Fuck this. I’m not gonna pretend to know everything about your little Upside Down Club, but I’m in it now. None of us wanna be here, but we are. Steve’s been doing his best for years, since he was a kid, and all you can do is complain that your sweet angels aren’t completely unscathed? This is a team effort, you know that. They volunteered. Steve would have had to lock them in a prison cell for them not to help.”
Steve looked up at Eddie, watched as he started to lose the fire that had overtaken him temporarily, his eyes dulling as the morphine dripped into his veins and flushed through his system.
“Best damn babysitter…” Eddie mumbled as his eyes fell closed.
Steve watched him for a moment, waiting to see if he suddenly woke up again. When he didn’t, he stood up slowly, didn’t want to risk him feeling the bed move, and made his way to the door.
But something hurt in his chest, something he knew wouldn’t go away unless he said something.
He turned to see Hopper and Joyce staring at each other, having a silent conversation.
“I’m used to disappointing people. I’ve been disappointing my parents my whole life. Disappointed friends, Nancy, bosses. But I have never let those kids down. I do my best with them. I try to be there for them the way I wish someone had been there for me. I make sure they’re kids because life handed them a shitty card or whatever and they deserve to still be kids. You can be mad at me if you want, but I know I did my best. They know I did my best.”
He didn’t wait for a response, didn’t want to hear them say anything else about how wrong his decisions were.
But Joyce stopped him from leaving the room, hand on his arm.
“Steve, wait. Honey, I’m sorry. I think…I think we got caught up in the moment and just needed someone to blame.”
“You do the best you can. We know you do a lot for them.”
It was nice to hear, but he couldn’t get over the uncomfortable itch in the back of his head that he deserved more than that.
“Thanks, but I don’t think I can accept the apology right now.” And then the anger really set in. It came over him so fast, he could feel his hands shaking. “A lot of things are out of our control. We all wanna blame someone for this stuff, but it just boils down to the same people over and over. Max is in a coma because of Henry Creel, not me. Eddie is in the hospital because of demon bats, not me. Eleven and Will are connected to the Upside Down because of the government, not me. I’m just trying to be whatever they need, and that’s better than I can say for either of you at this point.” Steve left this time, Joyce dropping her hand from his arm halfway through his loud speech.
Okay, he was yelling.
But Eddie slept through it, and it felt good to get all of that out.
He made his way to the waiting room, hoping everyone would still be there so he could check in.
Everything felt too fresh, too much like Vecna could show back up and take any of them at any moment.
But the waiting room was empty, not even Dustin remained.
Steve did his best not to panic. Their parents had all been contacted, so they most likely had just been picked up and brought home.
“They’ve all been picked up, sugar,” an older nurse said from the front desk.
“Oh. Thanks.”
“They left you a note, though.”
He recognized her as the woman who had been here the whole night, handling phone calls and people walking in like she’d been doing this for decades. Maybe she had been.
He walked over and grabbed it from her, giving her a small smile in thanks.
He walked outside before he opened it, not sure why he was suddenly nervous.
But as he read, he felt tears in his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that night.
Steve- Go home and sleep. We’ll be okay for a day while you rest. You don’t ever do that. We don’t agree with Joyce and Hopper, and we hope you know you’re the best damn babysitter ever. Love, Dustin, Lucas, Erica, El, Will, Mike, and Max (if she could)
He folded up the note, put it in his pocket, and walked to his car.
He ignored the blood in the backseat, rolled his windows down to ignore the stench of iron.
Knew he would be spending most of his day tomorrow trying to clean the stains out, but figured it would be a good mindless task.
He thought about Eddie, about how quick he was to defend him. About how he’d gripped his hand like it was a lifeline.
It felt that way to Steve.
He hadn’t let Eddie down. He’d saved Eddie.
If he didn’t do anything else right, he’d done that, and nothing Joyce or Hopper said could take that away.
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
shiny star / choi seungcheol
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➝ Seungcheol x Reader
➝ shiny star!au // university!au // non idol!au // strangers to lovers // fluff // hurt comfort // tiny bit angsty i guess
➝ word count: 6.9k~
➝ inspired by: Shiny Star (2020) - KyoungSeo
➝ Shiny Star masterlist (can be read as standalone)
Seungcheol // Jeonghan // Joshua // Junhui // Soonyoung // Wonwoo // Jihoon // Seokmin // Mingyu // Minghao // Seungkwan // Hansol // Chan
➝warning: curses, food, description of toxic parents i suppose, seungcheol being too unreal bc thats just him, that's about it? not proofread bc i finished this like 2 hrs ago sdjfhbdjhg
➝A/N: happy birthday, cheol!!! am glad i found you in this life time🧡🧡🧡
많고 많은 사람 중에 너를 만나서
Meeting you among thousands of people
행복하고 싶어 두 번 다시 울지 않을래
Makes me want to be happy, I wish I won’t cry again
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The first time Seungcheol sees you, you’re crying in front of Professor Jung’s office.
It’s not an unusual sight, if he’s being honest. Being Professor Han’s TA whose office is right beside Professor Jung’s, Seungcheol is used to seeing students crying after a session because Professor Jung is just unreasonably strict with his grade and assignment. He’d be surprised if anyone came out of his office with a grin on their face.
If he’s to be frank, he doesn’t understand how come no one has reported the professor to the higher ups. Isn’t this some kind of abuse? But, then again, maybe they simply don’t care because Professor Jung is one of the smartest people in the entire campus and he’s achieved a lot for the university.
Anyway, despite the usual occurrence, Seungcheol feels particularly bad that day seeing a student cry like that. You’re probably a junior, too. He thinks it’s the way you’re trying hard to swallow your sob as you cover your face in the otherwise empty hallway, like you can’t help crying even though you don’t want to. He’s usually the type of person to mind his own business, but your hiccups tug something in his consciousness (heart?) that he feels the need to reenter Professor Han’s office just to get some tissue for you.
You look up when you feel another presence in front of you, and you don’t even have it in you to feel embarrassed because it’s already too late at that point. You probably look like a mess, but the guy simply gives you a small smile and offers you some tissues.
“No problem, I was his student too,” he says when you thank him. “I know he can be a bit difficult–”
He chuckles at your pointed look, your red eyes unbelieving. “Okay, not a bit. He’s very difficult; but his class is worth it, I promise.”
“I know.” Your voice is very soft, Seungcheol decides, and he’s not talking about the volume of your voice. There’s just something comforting about it even though you’ve just finished crying. “It just… frustrates me because I thought I’d ace this particular assignment, but I got a B minus.”
Seungcheol blinks at your words, a B minus and you’re crying…? He passed with a C and he celebrated. Do you even know the average score of Professor Jung’s class? Did you… go to his office and ask about your score? At least you didn’t sound uptight.
But he holds back the judgement before he goes too far, maybe you’re one of those straight A’s students that holds academic scores above your head (which is cool, he’s always wondered how some people can take academics that seriously).
Whatever it is, it’s not his place to judge. You’re not saying it in a condescending way too. You sound genuinely upset and he’s here to comfort some poor student because it’s one of those impulsive days, not judge them.
“It’s pretty good for Professor Jung’s class. You know how strict he is with his grade,” he says anyway, hoping that his tone wouldn’t sound mocking. “And, hey, you can always ask for an extra assignment if you think you need it?”
You sigh, exhaling a deep breath and wiping the last of your tears before you offer him a small smile. “Yeah. This would sound annoying but… I just… I don’t actually know how to deal with bad grades. I’ve never gotten a B too, even for an assignment, and I know my GPA would still be pretty good as long as I ace the exams but…”
“Anyway,” you shake your head suddenly, your smile more genuine than earlier that Seungcheol catches himself staring. “I’m sorry for unloading on you. And… uh… thank you for listening.”
You’re already long gone when Seungcheol realizes he didn’t ask for your name.
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Seungcheol curses as he gets out of his class, starting to wonder if taking Masters is even worth it. (Of course it is, he’s just in a whiny mood today.) Being a postgraduate student can be very tiring at times; yes, he doesn’t have classes everyday and he’s mostly on campus because of his TA works.
But, with that in mind, it means his class would go for three hours when he does have a schedule. He should’ve listened to Jisoo and took a job in her dad’s company instead of doing post-grad, but Joshua Hong and Yoon Jeonghan just had to rile him up and now he’s here out of spite to prove them wrong.
So much for being an adult.
It’s fifteen minutes past lunch time already and he’s sure the cafetaria is way too crowded if he wants a quick lunch. Perhaps going to the convenience store just outside the campus gate would be better. Also, Hanbin, his fellow TA, isn’t on campus today and he’s much too annoyed to deal with rowdy freshmen without his friend.
Much to his luck, the convenience store is pretty empty today considering it’s lunch time. There’s still a line in front of the cashier, but nothing he can’t handle. The few tables outside are filled with who he assumed to be students too (He thinks he recognizes one of them; Boo Seungkwan, was it?), but it’s too hot outside and he’d rather sit inside with the air conditioner system blasted on.
Hmm. Maybe he should get some fruit soda too now that he’s here. He’s been craving for something sweet anyway.
“Oh, hi!” The cashier greets him with a wave before he starts scanning his items. “Long time no see. Is this all?”
“Hi Bam.” Seungcheol grins at the younger guy. He used to mentor Bambam a few semesters back, and he’s pretty sure he’s only seen the tall guy pass by the corridor from time to time since then. “Didn’t know you work here. And, yeah, that should be all.”
They talk for a bit after that because there’s no one else behind him on the line, and it’s only when another customer comes in five minutes later that Seungcheol excuses himself to find a seat. The table by the window is already full, so he figures he should walk to the back and see if there’s any free seat inside.
He presses his lips together when he notices one of the tables is broken, the other occupied by a couple, and the last one by a girl whose face he can’t even see because she’s slumped forward. He never minds sharing a table, but will the girl think he’s some kinda creepy flirt if he tries to take a seat?
He’s about to just leave when she sits up and takes a deep breath, realization colors his face. It’s you. Your eyes find his too, and it’s your small smile and your small nod of acknowledgement that encourage him to make his way to you.
“Mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full,” he asks just in case, thanking you when you tell him he’s free to do so.
It’s silent for a bit after that; you with your own thoughts, and Seungcheol simply glad that he doesn’t have to walk back to uni to eat some kimbap and drink some soda. And it’s when you sigh again that he asks if you’re okay.
“I make a good listener, if you remember,” he jokes, which makes you laugh a little in return. 
“Just… one of those days.” You scrunch your nose before sipping on your lemonade, and it’s only then that he realizes you have a drink in front of you. Of course, you wouldn’t just be here chilling without buying anything. “You’re Professor Han’s TA, right? I’ve seen you around with Hanbin.”
He accepts the change of topic, perhaps you simply don’t want to talk about whatever it is bothering you. He is a stranger, after all.
“Yep,” he nods, munching some more before it dawns on him. “You know Hanbin?”
“He’s friends with Taehyung.” 
“You know Taehyung?” Seungcheol blinks, not expecting his usual groupmate to be friends with you. Is he ignorant or he simply never sees you with him? But, then again, he doesn’t really hang out with the guy outside class, either.
“He’s my neighbor. My mom is close with his mom so he’s like an older brother to me, to be honest,” you shrug. “I’m actually here waiting for him, my class got cancelled and his won't end until… an hour from now.”
He laughs when he sees you sigh after checking your watch, and then proceeds to talk about Taehyung because that’s the only mutual ground you have with him at that point.
“Why are you waiting for him though? Going somewhere?”
“Oh, he takes me home, usually,” you suddenly avert your eyes to avoid his, looking embarrassed when you continue, hesitation colors your tone before you say your next words. “Because our house is actually an hour away from uni and I’m… uh, not familiar with public transportation because my parents don’t allow me to go anywhere by myself.”
You’ve expected Seungcheol to snort or mock you with the mask of joking, but he simply hums as he nods, still focused on his food like your words don’t weird him out. You know people see you like you’re some kind of princess because of that, even more because it’s Taehyung, of all people; the guy has girls (and guys) lining up for confession, and he brushes them off because he needs to cater for you first.
You always wonder why they can’t see that Taehyung simply takes care of you because it’s already a habit for him at this point. You practically grew up together, and you always cringe at the thought that people mistake you both for a couple. He’s basically a sibling–you really don’t need that image in your head.
“Taehyung must’ve really treasured you then. He’s very impatient with us during group assignments.” He grins after you say Taehyung waits up for you a lot, and tells you about how your brother lashed out once during Philosophy class because they were fooling around instead of getting right into it.
“Sounds like him.” You chuckle despite the doubt in your heart. It’s way too good to be true that someone isn’t judging you from what you’ve just said. Did this guy really just accept that you have Taehyung taking care of you to that extent? He must’ve grimaced on the inside at the very least, you wince at the thought. “I usually just tell people he’s my brother because that’s how he introduces me to people too.”
Seungcheol hums, squinting his eyes as he rakes his brain. “Oh, I think I remember Taehyung mentioning a sister a few times. I don’t think he’s ever mentioned your name, though?”
“Oh!” you exclaim, smiling sheepishly as you introduce yourself to him at last. Seungcheol waves his hand at your apology, assuring you it’s fine and tells you his name. Something seems to click in your mind, your lips turning into an ‘O’. “Oh? I think Tae mentioned you a few times too.”
Your conversation flows from there, and Seungcheol is pleased to know you’re into the same movies you’re into. He doesn’t even realize that his food is finished and it’s only when Taehyung’s familiar voice greets you both that you realize it's been an hour since you've both started talking.
"Oh?" His voice is confused, but is laced with warmth and it welcomes you nevertheless. "You… know each other?"
Your eyes meet Seungcheol's, and Taehyung is more than surprised to see you both sharing a knowing look before Seungcheol grins and you press your lips together to hide one. Apparently you two have an inside joke already.
"I didn't know he was friends with you," you say instead, and then gets up from your seat without really saying anything the moment Taehyung makes himself comfortable at the small table. Seungcheol quirks an eyebrow at that, and Taehyung helpfully informs that you're probably getting him bread or something. 
"She's the sister you've mentioned before?" He makes sure, slurping the last of his drink.
"Yuppp." The younger guy nods, distracted, before taking a sip of your drink and grimaces at the taste. "Should've known she's drinking this again. That's basically sugar with water."
Seungcheol chuckles at that, but didn't get to comment on that because you've returned with some bread and some soda, placing them in front of Taehyung then proceeds to sit down next to him and just lays your head on his shoulder when he thanks you and pats your head.
He decides to keep his thoughts to himself as he watches you both; weirdly enough, you do look like a pair of siblings even though he's never seen siblings quite as affectionate as you two. Even if your cheek is pressed against Taehyung's shoulder and there's basically no space between your bodies, Seungcheol can tell that there's nothing romantic between the two of you. Whoever is accusing you of being romantically involved with his friend probably didn't even actually try to look or is too jealous to even care.
Does Taehyung know you're having those problems?
He feels like it's not something that Taehyung wouldn't know–what, with his popularity and all that–but he doubts you're completely transparent about it.
Not that he actually knows if it's that bad. But by the looks of it, Seungcheol can imagine you really have no one but Taehyung if you went as far as waiting for him by yourself here instead of with other friends even though you knew he'd take at least an hour to be done. 
Or maybe you enjoy your solitude.
Who knows? It's not his place to pry. He's spoken to you a total of two times anyway.
"Anyway. Did you finish that assignment? From Professor Jung?"
“Kinda. Just need to review it again and see if there’s anything I can revise.” You scrunch your nose in distaste. “I don’t even know why I took his class for electives.”
“I told you not to take it.” Taehyung snickers, and then turns to Seungcheol to make a point. “I told her the only person I know who’s passed his class with flying colors is Kim Jisoo, so she took the class to prove me wrong.”
Seungcheol blinks at that, not expecting you to be that kinda person though, really, he doesn’t have anything but groundless assumptions for now. He’s intrigued though, and he totally forgot Jisoo took that class because she did take it a semester early.
“Which reminds me, aren’t you close with her?” Taehyung continues, nudging his shoulder upwards to annoy you, to which you simply pinch his waist that gets Taehyung yelping before he stops real quick. “This nerd here would probably be kissing the ground you walk on if you get Jisoo to tutor her–or at least review her assignments.”
“Kim Taehyung!”
“What? It’s true–ouch, stop pinching me, woman! You’re so violent.”
“Then stop saying nonsense!”
“But you said–Ow! Stop!”
“Actually.” Seungcheol cuts the bickering even though it’s entertaining him to no end; as much as he knows Taehyung is friendly, he’s sure he’s never seen the guy this carefree before. Plus, there’s just something about you that pulls him in though he can’t exactly pinpoint what it exactly is. “Jisoo is looking for something to do. I think she mentioned her schedule is too empty because her internship wouldn’t start until next month. I know she’d be happy to tutor you for free if you want? She’s always liked tutoring. She doesn’t need the credits anymore.”
You gape at him, which Seungcheol doesn’t quite know how to translate; are you in disbelief or what? But he doesn’t really need to do that because Taehyung does it for him, shaking his head as he informs the guy that you’re malfunctioning.
“She has a crush on Jisoo, I think.”
“I told you to stop saying nonsense!” You snap out of it and smacks his shoulder so hard that Taehyung actually groans because it hurts. “I just admire her. She graduated undergrad as a valedictorian, no? And she’s so pretty and friendly. I’m sure she’ll graduate post grad with the highest GPA too.”
Seungcheol shares a look with his friend and nods. “Yeah. That’s a crush.”
You pout at him, not yet close enough to be able to smack him in the head like you would’ve with Taehyung. Seungcheol presses his lips together to mask a fond smile; what kind of person are you, really? He initially thought you’re just some straight A student who does nothing but study and doesn’t know how to have fun (yes, he was judgemental. But, come on, you were crying in front of Professor Jung’s office crying over a B minus on an assignment. At least you sounded nice enough, though), but after an hour with you and looking at you and Taehyung, he’s not so sure anymore.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” He hears Taehyung say affectionately, catching the sight of the older guy messing with your hair before poking your cheek playfully. “But, will you ask her, Cheol?”
Seungcheol shrugs with a smile, telling you once again that Jisoo would love tutoring you because that friend of his has always liked teaching other people (“Helps me with my patience,” she once told him.) and if you really want it, he’d even call her right this moment.
You don’t answer immediately, though the way you’re looking at him with wide eyes that seem to gleam with giddiness is enough answer for him already. How can a university student look like a kid in front of a toy store’s window?
He shakes his head with a laugh–how cuter can you be?–before taking out his phone and putting it on the table, dialing Jisoo’s number. The girl picks up at the second ring, a sassy ‘What?’ ringing through your little table.
“Jeez, you in a bad mood?” he retorts at her tone, and you hear Jisoo grumble before she asks once again what he’s calling her for. “Taehyung’s sister is taking Professor Jung’s class and needs a tutor. Do you think you can help?”
“Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?”
“Hi!” The guy in question chimes in, and Jisoo greets him back before saying she doesn’t know his sister attends their university. “Will tell you sometime. But yeah, she’s a nerd and I was talking to Cheol earlier and thought, why not?”
“Professor Jung, huh? Introduction to Philosophy?” you hear her faint voice from the phone, gripping Taehyung’s arm for some reason. Perhaps you do have a crush on her. “Who’s her name again?”
Seungcheol holds back a laugh when you bite down a squeal the moment Jisoo says ‘aha! I’ve heard of her! I think Professor Choi praised her a few times when I was her TA last year. She wasn’t my student though–Jongin’s I think?’. Taehyung looks at you pointedly when you bury your face into his shoulder, shaking his head as Jisoo starts talking instead about her last year as Professor Choi’s TA.
“Anyway! Yes, I’d love to tutor her. Just give me her number? Or give her mine, either way’s fine,” she closes the discussion before telling them she needs to hang up because someone else is calling. You’re practically hogging Taehyung’s arm the moment the call ends, both men looking at each other with amused grins.
“So you want her number, or…?” Seungcheol teases you, weirdly already comfortable enough to do so, laughing when you simply stare at him with eyes even wider than before. “Alright let me send it to you.”
It’s a second later that he realizes.
“Oh. I don’t have your number.”
So you quickly recite your number and Seungcheol texted you immediately, sending Jisoo’s contact to you with the name “Jichuuu👑”. You ask him about it, and he scrunches his nose before telling you that the girl has changed it herself and he’s too bothered to change it up until now even though he keeps on looking up “Jisoo” when he needs to call her and finding her contact nonexistent.
It’s later that night that you find yourself texting with Seungcheol. You meant to text Taehyung to ask about the new dessert shop near campus, but accidentally texted him because his text was on the very top after the exchange earlier–though Seungcheol happily supplied you with the information you needed nevertheless.
The conversation spiraled from there; because, apparently, even if your interests pretty much clash with each other’s, Seungcheol is happy to instead ask about those differences instead of questioning your taste. 
Taehyung asks why you seem so sleepy when he picks you up the next morning, but you shake your head and simply tell him that you found something interesting last night that you ended up sleeping at 2 in the morning.
He does not need to know you spent all night talking to a certain Choi Seungcheol, heart giddy because you’ve found a new friend after so long.
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It’s been about two months since you started talking to Seungcheol and your relationship has upgraded to sending each other random memes at just about anytime. Taehyung doesn’t even ask why you’re giggling at your phone anymore, simply shakes his head when he sees you laughing because he’s accepted that his humor code differs from yours and Seungcheol’s. 
He’s glad though, because it’s been so long since you’re this open to someone new. The last time was already about a year ago and he’s since been wary of people trying to befriend you because the last one simply did it thinking they could leech off your study.
It’s a fact that he considers you a sister, and he’s probably more protective of you than of his own siblings–but it’s because he knows they’re able to fend for themselves and they don’t need him to be that protective.
But you… You’re an only child, grown up in a protective bubble because your parents are weirdly strict except when it comes to him. Perhaps it helps that your parents and his have always been close; but there’s a reason why you’ve grown to be the person that you are: much too careful and much too afraid.
You’ve been told your whole life to be careful, to not make mistakes, and to always be mindful of what you show to people. It’s not something that Taehyung agrees on, and perhaps he’s at fault too because he, too, becomes too protective of you and that leaves you almost no place to do things on your own.
But he doesn’t have it in him to let you be.
Because he’s seen how cruel people can be to those they consider kind, and you’re easily the kindest person Taehyung has ever laid his eyes on. He doesn’t want you to be taken advantage of. He’s given the benefit of doubts to too many people throughout school, and you always end up feeling betrayed because they either get close to you because they want to be close to him, or they want you to help them with assignments.
He’s had enough.
But Seungcheol obviously doesn’t have those agendas and it's only now that he’s started to realize that, perhaps, he should’ve brought you to his circle instead. His friends would have no business asking for your academic assistance, and it’s pretty clear that he knows which ones are good enough to be close to you.
Then again, you’re often burdened by a group interaction.
“Kay, I need to go to the library now,” you tell him after getting out of the cafeteria, having just finished your late lunch. “Jisoo can’t tutor me this Friday so she asked to reschedule.”
“Oh?” He stops in his track and blinks, as if he’s just heard an information he deems questionable. “Did you tell me about this already?”
“Nope. I just okay-ed her this morning. Why?”
“I… have a date.”
It’s your turn to blink, a little confused. “And?”
“I won’t be able to take you home, kid.”
Your mouth turns into a small ‘o’ as his words sink in. It’s embarrassing, to be honest, that you’re someone in your 20s and have only ridden the bus by yourself for a total of three times. You find fun in riding them, and perhaps you do so simply because you don’t ride it often enough to think of it as a part of your daily life. That said, while you’re a little concerned that you’d need to suddenly go home by yourself, you’re also excited to finally be riding the bus on your own after so long.
“I can take the bus!” You shrug almost nonchalantly, but Taehyung knows you and you pout when he gives you a pointed look. “I’ll make sure of the route and not get lost again, I promise.”
“Alright,” He huffs and continues walking towards the library with you beside him. He can’t possibly cancel this date, because he has already done it two times already and he’s sure Hanbin would kill him if he asked to postpone once more. This is his cousin, after all, and Taehyung wouldn’t have gone to this date if he didn’t owe Hanbin for covering his closing shift twice in the cafe last month.
You wave your hand and tell him ‘bye’ once you arrive in the library, but Taehyung grasps your wrist and looks at you worriedly. “Call me when you’re going home? Maybe my date would be finished by then.”
“Tae, your movie starts in two hours and my session usually lasts that long too,” you remind him. He can be a little overbearing sometimes, but you understand that it’s out of the goodness of his heart and you’re honestly glad you have him as a friend. “I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll share you my live location.”
It’s obvious that he’s not convinced, but he also knows you’ve always liked taking the bus by yourself, so he simply nods and tells you once again to at least text him once you’re done.
You greet Jisoo once you see her on your usual table, finding a couple on the other end of the table. You don’t mind them though, and apologize that you keep her waiting because Taehyung wouldn’t shut up.
“It’s fine. Sorry for the sudden notice,” she smiles kindly and you almost swoon at the sight of it. Gosh, Seungcheol would’ve teased you if he knew. He’s been teasing you about it for some time now, sending you memes  of lovestruck high school girls looking at ‘senpais’, as he likes to call it, captioning it ‘you @ jisoo’. 
You bite down your lip at the sudden memory, a smile threatening to bloom on your face.
“Good day?” Jisoo asks, noticing your smile no matter how much you try to hide it. “You seem giddier these days.”
“Really?” You tilt your head in question. You? Giddy?
“Yup. It’s good to see though. You were so shy the first time we met,” she grins teasingly, and you can feel your ears getting warm because Seungcheol actually told you what Jisoo said about that first meeting.
She found you very cute, he’s said, and apparently she told him you’re adorable which he also successfully delivered to you a few weeks ago during lunch when Taehyung went to the restroom. You can still hear his laughter clear in your ears because you immediately went red after that.
The both of you start your study session after that, and Jisoo has kindly brought her old essay for you to use as a reference. You hold on to it like a holy grail, and the older girl simply laughs when you tell her you won’t let it wrinkle even the slightest bit. 
You’re reading over a passage about Renaissance when your phone buzzes, Seungcheol’s name popping up in your notification. Jisoo looks at your phone placed between the two of you out of reflex, raising an eyebrow when she sees her friend’s name though she doesn’t comment on it.
Somehow, you don’t seem to realize Jisoo is watching you, and you also don’t realize the way she smirks openly when you bite your lip to hold back a grin as you type back a reply to her friend. Now that she thinks about it, hasn’t Seungcheol also been more attentive to his phone these days?
She doesn’t really see him a lot, but the few times she does meet him with the guys, it’s pretty clear that Seungcheol has been looking at his phone considerably more often than he used to. She didn’t think much of it, because she’s never been the kinda friend to confront little things like that. But this? She might be wrong, but it seems that he’s been getting comfortable with you and vice versa.
“Boyfriend?” She pretends to ask, almost laughing at the way you jump in your seat nervously. “I told you you seem very giddy these days.”
You tilt your head in question.
What? You? Giddy because of his texts?
You’re unsure why you’re not keen on disclosing that it’s Seungcheol you’re texting, so you shake your head and say instead, “Just a friend.”
“For now?” She teases just to see if you’d relent. But you simply smile and deny her with a wave of your hand, telling her it’s nothing like that. Jisoo is surprised to find your tone nothing sort of denial–almost like you actually believe that there’s nothing going on between you and her friend. Did she assume wrong? “Well, just know that you seem to… glow these days.”
Sending a shy grin towards her, you thank her in a whisper before going back to your study. As usual, you share small talk from time to time, because Jisoo deems just working for two hours straight can’t be effective if you don’t have small breaks in between (and, no, she doesn’t mean a few 10 minutes breaks. Just 2 or 3 minutes every now and then at most); and that’s how she found out you’d be going home alone today because Taehyung has a date.
She knows of your situation from Seungcheol, something that Taehyung has asked him to forward the gist of to Jisoo just in case. She doesn’t really get it, if she’s being completely honest, but she’s never one to judge others and has simply stored the information in mind for when it’s necessary. She considers offering to go home with you, but your places are in different directions and she’s promised her mom they’d have movie night later.
While it’s true that she’s not that close to you, she already sees why Taehyung (and Seungcheol) takes such good care of you. There’s just something about you that makes her want to coddle you, blanket you in layers and layers of bubblewrap to make sure you’re safe and sound. 
Perhaps it’s you innocence, the way you dangerously trust people because you believe the good in them. Even though she doesn’t agree with the way Taehyung is protective over you because, considerably, it can be a little too much; she also understands why he does it.
But looking at you talk about how it’s been a long time since you go on a bus by yourself and you’re kinda excited for it, she softens at your childlike excitement, also glad that you seem to be comfortable enough to talk about this with her. She asks if you’re sure about the lines you’re supposed to take, and she feels the weight easening a little when you show her a screenshot of your bus route you’ve found off the internet.
Your phone buzzes again, and Jisoo doesn’t miss the way your eyes widen at the notification and how you take a deep breath before clicking something on your phone. She frowns in worry when she sees your face falls, and she can tell that you’re gritting your teeth in an attempt to calm down whatever’s bubbling up in your chest.
The question gets stuck in her throat, not wanting to seem like she’s prying and she feels like it’s not her comfort that you need. It turns out she doesn’t need to ask though, because you do it first by asking if you can cut the session short for the day because something came up and you need to go. You send her a forced smile when she asks if you’re okay, and you quickly tidy up your stuff before apologizing once again for the sudden turn of event.
Jisoo doesn’t even get to bid you goodbye because you’re already gone in a blink of an eye, her worried eyes following you out of the library until you go out of her vision.
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The second time Seungcheol sees you crying, you’re by yourself in a random bench behind the engineering building.
It’s a place people usually go to find peace, because, for some reason, the park behind the engineering building has been the designated place for students to just cry or zone out without anyone questioning anything.
He’s almost panting when he gets there, and you don’t even look up at the presence of another person–simply buries your face more into your palms as you try to contain your sob.
“Cheol, are you at the university? I’m a little worried…” Jisoo has said over the phone, telling him she was tutoring you when that happened, not forgetting to tell him you’d be going home by yourself today and that worries her even more after what she’s witnessed earlier. “I’m not sure where she went though. She didn’t tell me anything. But I don’t think she’s gone out of the university.”
This park wasn’t his first choice, quite obviously, hence his heavy breath after running here and there. But that’s not important, what’s important is you; crying by yourself like some kinda tragedy has befallen you.
It hurts, to be honest. The first time he hears you cry, it was just impulse that made him comfort you. But now, after knowing you and spending time with you, he really just wishes he can comfort you somehow no matter how.
Seungcheol decides he doesn’t like nor hear seeing you cry.
“Hey.” Seungcheol feels bad at the way you jump because of his voice, and his heart clenches at how sad you look right now when you look up at him. He’s not even thinking when he moves forward to wipe your tears that still continue falling anyway.
You don’t even question why he’s here or what he’s doing, simply accept the way his fingers are gently wiping your tears from your face. His presence helps though, for whatever reason, because you find your sob dying down into hiccups though your eyes are still blurry from tears.
“Want to talk about it?” He asks after you seem to calm down a bit, watches the way you dig your fingers into the tissue you’re holding in your palm. He doesn’t expect you to lay your head on his shoulder, but the feeling is pleasant despite the worry in his heart.
You don’t answer him for a bit, seemingly to be deep in your thoughts; wondering if you should tell him or not. He’s about to tell you it’s okay if you don’t want to, but you beat him to it and start talking albeit hesitantly.
“I applied for this scholarship for a summer course. It’s abroad and my mom has always wanted me to go so I studied hard for the test.” Your voice is small, and he wouldn’t have heard it if not because you’re literally pressed against him. “I… I was so sure I would get in. That I aced the qualifications. But I didn’t and–”
“Hey, it’s okay,” he reassures you, wondering if it’s okay to put his arm around you–if you’d appreciate the physical comfort he wants to give you. “It’s not the end of the world and there are other courses–”
“No, Cheol. You don’t understand.” You shake your head, voice resigned. You sound like you’re about to cry again, and it’s reflex when Seungcheol wraps his arm around you. Fortunately, you either don’t realize or you don’t really mind it, so he keeps it there because you even bury yourself further into him, your forehead meeting his collarbone. “My mom… It’s her dream to go into that school. But… my dad doesn’t allow me to study abroad so she thought… it’d be okay if I can go even only for a short time?”
He bites his lips as you continue to talk about your parents; how you don’t want to disappoint them and you hate to imagine how your mom would feel when you tell her the news. You’ve told him a glimpse of your parents before, what they expect of you and how you always wish to meet those expectations.
But he’s never thought it was to this extent.
His soft voice whispers your name, and you pull away to look at him because he urges you to do so.
“I know your academics matter to you, I really do,” he starts carefully, not wanting you to get the wrong idea. “But… it’s not everything, okay? I promise it’s not. And this is just one door closed for you. Who knows how many more are open?”
“No, Cheol…” you repeat, biting your trembling lip so hard that Seungcheol almost puts his thumb there so you’ll let go. “I… I’m nothing without them.”
“It’s the only thing I’m good at; studying and doing assignments. I can’t offer anything but. And if I screw up those things…”
“Wait. No–Stop.” Seungcheol immediately stops you, his voice firm though he’s shaking his head like he’s confused beyond measure. Because he is. Did you really think you have nothing to offer but your scores? Your academic accomplishment? “Are you being real right now?”
He might sound harsh, he admits, but it seems to go past you because you simply repeat your words. And it hurts so fucking much because you sound so convinced, like it’s something you’ve believed your whole life and there’s no room to amend that.
“Y/N, I promise you’re more than that,” he grasps your hands and says firmly, his eyes piercing into yours so you’ll see that he means it. “You’re not made of your academic score. You’re your own person and you're worth more than your accomplishments–whatever they are.”
Your vision gets blurry again as Seungcheol starts listing down why he thinks you’re such a wonderful person, how he’s grateful that you let him into your life and he’s glad that he gets to know you as you.
He’s hugging you by the time he’s finished, because you burst into tears once more, overwhelmed by how sincere Seungcheol sounds. Truth is, Taehyung has told you all those things Seungcheol did just now–though you’ve always thought he’s just doing his brother duty and you choose to not trust him because it’s his job to make you feel better.
But Seungcheol sounds so sure, so firm, and so true that you actually believe him. Maybe not wholefully, but it's already more than you can ever imagine. You’re so used to having only Taehyung with you, but Seungcheol comes in and he’s changing things in your life that you don’t think possible. He makes you comfortable with yourself, makes you think that it’s okay to be rebellious once in a while even if it’s just skipping a class for the first time in your life and though you promise you’d never do it again because it made you too anxious, makes you think that… yeah, maybe you should be selfish sometimes and put yourself first even though those always appear as fleeting thoughts up until now.
Still, it’s only after meeting him that those thoughts appear.
“You’re okay,” he whispers to your hair, and you can vividly feel his plump lips on top of your head. “I promise you’re okay.”
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The third time Seungcheol sees you cry (not counting the times you cry watching movies), it’s four years later as you clutch his fingers and try your best to hold back the tears even if you’ve failed already.
“They look so happy, don’t they?” He whispers against your ears, the way his lips grazed your ear still bring shivers down your spine despite the familiarity of it.
You nod as you sniffle, watching Taehyung dance with his bride on the dance floor. You’ve never thought your dumb best friend slash brother will be settling down this early, but you can’t help the happiness that blooms in your heart as you see how much love is reflected in his eyes as he looks at the love of his life.
“They do. I’m glad they found each other,” you whisper as you gently wipe your tears. Perhaps you should be more thankful Taehyung’s wife has forced you to use her makeup artist even though you refused at first, you’d hate to imagine how you’d look with mascara and cheap eyeliner rolling down your face with your tears otherwise. “He deserves it, you know? He’s always the happiest when he’s with her.”
You look up to your boyfriend when he brings up your joined hand and kisses the back of your palm, a soft, happy smile gracing your face when you feel the warmth of his lips despite the tears still running down your face.
And that’s when he promises he’d do anything he could to never let you cry again unless it’s paired with that smile.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N 2: your feedback will always be appreciated mwah
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donovan-writes · 2 years
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All Good Things Must Come To An End
Headcannons for Ernesto while he was alive because my boyfriend’s obsessed @obi-wans-man-titties
~male reader~
Warnings: internalized homophobia, gets angsty, and probably bad Spanish I only took 5 years of Spanish
You met Ernesto at one of his performances. You got front row and once the lights were out of his eyes he was captivated by you
He tried acting so sly but got too tongue tied for it
All his pickup lines sucked. “Did it hurt when you crawled out from heaven? I mean- Dios Mio.”
He couldn’t get his words right for shit he was so dorky
He eventually gave up when you laughed and handed him your home phone line
Once he got home he was giddier than ever he called you IMMEDIATELY
Doesn’t care how much the phone bill is gonna cost to call you he will pay as much as he needs and will even send YOU money to keep talking
He doesn’t think he has a crush. He just barely has genuine friends. They’re all there for his popularity which isn’t really ideal
You get VIP to all his shows once you’ve established a real friendship
His partner on stage always said “you’ve got a thing for your little buddy don’t you?” And he immediately turns it down
“I can’t be with a guy that’s not good for people like us” Ernesto always tried to turn it down like that
He tries getting with several women who use him for money and fame just to try and assure himself he’s not gay
Meanwhile you were writing poems and letters and love songs for this guy. All your friends and family knew you were in love with Ernesto ever since you got close to him
As you and Ernesto De La Cruz toured the world together you both got so much closer
Eventually you told Ernesto how you feel. You gave him a bouquet of several roses* (white, peach, orange, red, and burgundy. For those who don’t understand rose colours I’ll add a guide at the bottom)
However he turns you down. Claiming he’s not supposed to swing that way and that it would be bad for his reputation. It’s not what he wanted to say but it’s what he thought he had to say
You’re destroyed but you take out the burgundy rose and hand it to him instead “then at least accept this” you’d say
Ernesto would take the rose and put it on his hat giving a smile
He does his performance like normal but you aren’t there. You decided to stay in the hotel room that was rented for you both. You could still hear the music a few streets away, this caused you to cry. You have just had your heart broken
Ernesto walks in on you crying still. He had just come back from a party, one he never told you he was attending
“Hey I didn’t see you! Where were you amigo I could’ve used your support” Ernesto would say to you with a grin left over from the festivities, but soon realize your puffy red eyes. “What’s the matter? Did someone hurt you?”
As you dry your tears you shake your head. He wouldn’t understand how it hurt. He gets everything handed to him, so understanding heartbreak is probably something Ernesto is incapable of. Or so you think
Ernesto doesn’t buy it “I know when something is bothering you. What’s going on?”
You’re close to losing it. “Ernesto please stop. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m tired and you’ve got a big day ahead of you let’s just go to sleep” as you get up from the hotel chair to your bed
Ernesto stops you “if it’s about what I said then I’m sorry”. This is the most serious you’ve seen him.
As you take your arm back you look at him “it’s fine. I understand”
“No it’s not fine. I wasn’t being fully honest and I was being a coward. Let me explain my answer” Ernesto asked. You agree and both of you sit on his bed
“I do have feelings for you, but I don’t think I can be seen in public as.. well you know”. Ernesto hopes you do know and you finish the sentence “gay?” He nods
“Well then what if we hide us? Act like we usually do in public but act how we want when no one is watching?” You offered.
Ernesto would think about it for a moment “that’s actually a good idea. But it’s no wonder you thought of it, you are the brains out of the two of us”
You’d laugh “Then, Ernesto De La Cruz, will you go out with me?”
He takes you in his arms tight “of course I will mi flor”. You blush at the new nickname
So from then on after his concerts and any alone time you both got would be special for just you and him. He had even stopped going to some of the after parties just to sneak away with you
You’d always be holding hands under tables and blowing kisses from across the room when no one’s looking. Your friends and family easily caught on but wouldn’t say anything for both of your sakes
He gives the best hugs and holds you really close
He’d book the 1 bed hotel rooms and pretend like it was an accident but that it was fine in front of reception. But the moment you get to your room he’s snatching you and you’re both on the bed snuggling
You’d give him good luck kisses before concerts when he’s backstage
However all good things must come to an end..
There was one concert you regret for the rest of your life.
Ernesto was doing his usual, the crowd was cheering and singing with him, the lights were bright, there was even a fireworks show planned soon when he took his final bow. But they’d never reach that..
Someone slipped up backstage. No one saw who. But they released the large bell he was playing under, crushing Ernesto.
You scream and run to the bell as people grab you to hold you back. People are screaming and running out of the concert hall.
You sob uncontrollably as you make it past the people who were keeping you back. Some of the security was already trying to get the bell off, you decided to help out
It took a while but the bell was removed, and you saw him. It broke you to your very core. You drop to the ground next to where he was. You began begging for this to be a joke or for this to be a bad dream. Begging for any of this to not be real and that he’d walk over, hold you tight, and tell you it’s okay.
But that never happened. Just as he was crushed your heart was too, now there’s an empty space only he could’ve filled left.
A really good thing had come to an end for you
(SORRY I KNOW ITS SAD BUT I HAVE A PART 2 PLANNED DONT WORRY AND STAY TUNED. Also sorry if the story headcannons were weird I just felt like writing it like this)
*rose guide <3
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middlemistcs13 · 1 year
So I actually wrote something again! #huzzah. This is based off the prompt on Tumblr by novelbear. Thanks for the prompt lists, they finally inspired me to write again :).
Any and all feedback is appreciated and welcome, as this is only my second fic posted in quite some time. Also on AO3 if that's more your speed.
Warning ⚠️: this one is angsty, and set during 5×11 (Swan Song - after Killian is killed with Excalibur). If angst isn't your thing, I completely understand and hope you have a lovely rest of your day. If captain swan angst is your thing, read on!!
Prompt: holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imaging that it’s their lover in their embrace instead
By: @novelbear on Tumblr
Emma isn’t sure how long her parents let her stay there on the ground, her fingers pressed into the cold Earth, trying-and failing- to ground her in some way. Henry had clutched onto her and wept with her some time ago before Regina took him home for the first “safe” night in Storybrooke since returning from Camelot. As if Emma would have ever hurt Henry, Dark One or not. Snow and Charming take turns holding her and rubbing her back soothingly, but Emma isn’t sure if she will ever be soothed again. The pain radiated from the center of her, expanding into every crevice of her body and every fiber of her being. Finally, her mother eased her up from the ground, having to almost pull her from where she was crouched on the wet grass. Emma can’t feel the dampness of her jeans- only the empty feeling in her chest and the intense aching through her bones.
“Why don’t you stay with us tonight, Emma?” Snow asks softly, as if speaking too loud will somehow make the situation worse. Nothing could make this worse, Emma thinks bitterly.
“I don’t know Mom” Emma starts.
“Emma, it’s just been so long since we’ve been able to have you for the night, and we don’t want you to be alone right now,” Charming speaks up.
“No amount of people in a room is going to make me feel any better Dad,” Emma utters, holding back more tears. God, how could she possibly cry this much?
“We can stop by your place and pack a bag,” Snow suggested, hoping Emma would change her mind.
“Mom, I just- I just don’t think I can do it tonight. He never lived there, but it was supposed to be our home. I just want to be there tonight. I can call if I need you.” Emma said.
“But Emma, you’ve been alone for weeks now, honey,” Snow urged.
“I know!” Emma shouts, stopping in the middle of the street and startling herself and her parents. “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think I am acutely aware of how alone I’ve been? It’s all my fault, Mom! All my fault! If I would have just done everything differently- he would still- he would…” Emma’s voice breaks and the hot, salty tears again make their way down her cheeks. “Killian- Killian would be okay, and he would be here with me. But he’s not, and it’s all my fault. And I just need to sit with that for a little bit.” David envelopes his daughter in his arms as she whimpers into his shoulder.
“Alright Emma, we’ll be by to check on you in the morning, alright?” Her Dad said as they approached her giant, empty, depressing house. Emma nodded numbly, already dreading the night- and the rest of her life- without him. She gave each of her parents a brief hug, and David kissed her forehead before she trudged up the steps and disappeared into the house.
Emma stopped in the foyer, observing her house, knowing it was supposed to be theirs. He picked it out for you, Emma reminded herself. She glanced at the entrance to the living room from the foyer, where Killian learned his fate as a Dark One. Zelena, Emma thought miserably. She ruined it all. Emma had it all under control until Zelena.
Emma pushes on through the house, trudging up the stairs. Each step feels like a thousand pounds are pushing down on her, and Emma isn’t quite sure how she makes it up the stairs. She stands in front of her bedroom door and takes a shaky breath before pushing the door open. The wood slowly creaks open, something that sends a shiver down Emma’s spine. The wooden creak reminds her of him, of his ship. How will she ever live or breathe again without feeling the weight of the guilt and pain of losing him? He’s dead because of you, Emma reminds herself harshly.
She slowly strips off her clothes- first her boots, then she peels her wet jeans down her legs. She slips her socks off and gently lays her red leather jacket on the rocking chair in the corner of the bedroom. She strips herself of her cream sweater- it somehow still smells faintly of him. She lays that in the chair as well, before unhooking her bra and opening a dresser drawer. She lets her fingers run over the fabric in the drawer, before selecting a soft gray t-shirt to sleep in. She pulls the shirt over her head over Killian’s ring, before drawing the covers of her bed back, and crawling into it.
Emma’s exhausted- she hasn’t slept in actual weeks due to her predicament as the Dark One. Despite the exhaustion creeping onto every muscle in her body, Emma’s sure she won’t be able to sleep. Hell, she can’t imagine ever sleeping peacefully again. She thought she would toss and turn in the bed, but the mental and physical exhaustion nearly paralyze her. As she lays in the middle of the mattress, Emma reflects how this was supposed to be their bed, their bedroom, their home. He picked it out for her, but she ruined it all.
He never got to enjoy it with her. Their future is over. It never even started.
She hears gasping breaths echoing in the bedroom and realizes she’s sobbing again. The deep, weeping sobs wrack her body, and she reaches blindly for an extra pillow. She pulls the pillow into her embrace, squeezing it with all the strength she has left. Emma brings her knees closer to her midsection, locking the pillow in her grasp. After several minutes of deep, shaky breaths, Emma clutches the pillow closer to her chest, hoping that the pillow will somehow be him- will somehow ease the pain that will never go away. Her last thought before her eyes drift shut, destined for fitful sleep, is of Killian, telling her that he loves her. She hopes when she wakes up that the nightmare will be over, even though she knows this is only the beginning.
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dramashii · 1 year
The Way Back to Love; CW: Road Home
The truth is I love second-chance romance stories. I’m there for the angst and the pinning; the long stares full of unspoken words; and the inevitable reconnection. As they said, love is sweeter the second time around. And so, when I heard that Jing Bo Ran and Tan Song Yun are starring in a Cdrama as ex-lovers that gets a second chance in love called Road Home, I knew that I needed to see it. I have watched the first 15 eps, and I have mix thoughts.
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For me personally, the best part of these second chance love stories is the angst. I’m definitely on board for that slow-burn romance development. But in the case of Road Home, I actually prefer the parts where they’re being cutesy.  The angsty part didn’t even last that long (to my disappointment), and it felt like their initial issues was just swept under. 
I have read a lot of praises about how the leads capture the look of longing. I get it.
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I just find it really awkward when this sort of scenes is always done in slow motion, in 5 different angles for at least 20 seconds with a melancholic background music. I understand the creative reason behind it, to let the viewers know that they miss each other, but it gets tedious watching it once in a while.  The production team must like to drag out scenes because there are even some cutesy scenes that are like this too. There is some editing done in the show that is definitely not my favorite. 
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I do love their scenes in Xining. The snowy setting is absolutely beautiful and I wish they filmed more scenes there. 
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Another best part of the show is Jing Bo Ran’s character. He just looks and play the part so well. I can’t imagine anyone to play Lu Yan Chen other than him. Tang Song Yun’s character is also a girl boss. Together, they make me feel so single. 
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In essence, I think this is an okay drama. I understand where the criticisms are coming from: the drama being too slow and boring. In my opinion, I do think the first 4 eps were a drag, but naturally dramas like this are supposed to be slow. This isn’t a makjang drama with twists left and right. This is a story about two people finding each other again. There are obviously barriers in their love story: their pasts, their families, their respective backgrounds, work etc which I supposed adds flavor to the story. You can say it can be unrealistic sometimes but it’s not really over the top.
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Overall, the acting is good, the chemistry between the leads is there, and if you’re watching this for the romance, you will get served. 
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simpforhoon · 3 years
just you. (p.js) *ೃ༄
pairing: soft dom! jay × female reader
genre: smut, fluff, soulmate au! kind of angsty it has a happy ending I swear (praise, making out, protected sex, oral (f-receiving)).
summary: in a world where everyone gets the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrists when they turn 18, finding out your best friend is your soulmate was not how you planned your 18th birthday to go. now, what’s so bad about that you might ask? you see, jay despises the thought of soulmates. but maybe he doesn’t despise them so much when it comes to you.
please note, this work is purely that of fiction. and not meant to represent what the enhypen members are like in real life.
A/N: guys no why am I so soft,, anyway I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so I hope you enjoy!! and I'm reposting this now, as this didnt get a lot of notes on my old account cause of all the reporting and stuff!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: mentions of heartbreak, crying, mentions of food.
1 week ago
you bit your nails as you paced up and down your room, a nervous habit you’d picked up in your junior year of high school whilst dealing with the tremendous stress and pressure school put on you. well lucky for you, you had graduated now and your 18th birthday was just around the corner. specifically, exactly a week from now.
your best friend jay sat on your bed staring at you with amusement written all over his face as he quietly observed you, before moving up to stop you and pull your hands away from your face. “you’re going to wear yourself out” he mumbled softly, pulling you to sit next to him and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I know I know, I’m just nervous, what if they’re all the way on the other side of the world? or even worse, what if they’re someone I know??” the panicked expression on your face was seemingly too much for jay to handle as before you knew it, he had almost rolled off your bed, laughing his ass off at you.
you see, your “dearest” best friend jay never believed in soulmates. he himself never actually got a name on his wrist, a sign that his soulmate had not reached the age to get theirs. to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement as he was at a party that very night, hooking up with a random girl before going over to your house the next morning with a massive hangover and a sullen expression.
it hurt you to see him that way, hooking up with random people, praying that he wouldnt run into his soulmate. and it hurt even more when you thought of how his soulmate was probably so excited to meet him even if they didn’t know him yet.
if only you knew where you would be a week later, wishing it was you who never met him.
present day
the time on your phone read 11:57, and jay had shown up to your house at exactly 11:30, punctual as always, giving up his usual saturday night parties to spend the night before your special day with you instead. he held your hand in his, one thumb running up and down the expanse of your knuckles soothingly, the only thing grounding you in the tense moments before what was basically the biggest moment of your life. your eyes never met his once, only flickering from the clock to your wrist every few seconds, almost as if it would appear before time if you stared long enough.
12:00 a.m.
it was almost as if everything stopped in that moment as the words appeared on your skin. the crickets stopped chirping, that one car alarm outsode your house stopped beeping and both you and Jay stopped breathing, even if it was just for a few seconds. one by one, letter by letter, black ink slowly trailed up the soft skin on your clean wrist, marking your skin for the rest of eternity. you watched with bated breath as tbe letters curved their way into your skin, into your soul.
“P-A-R-K” looks like your soulmate would have the same last name as your best friend. “J-O-N-” that was when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned upon you. “no, no, no, no” was all you could think. “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
meeting jay’s eyes for a split second, you could see the shock on his face, the same shock you knew was written all over your face at that very moment. yanking your hand out of his warmer one, you stared at the 2 words displayed on your wrist. “park jongseong” you whispered as a one lone tear ran down your cheek, falling to you chin before disappearing into the soft material of your sweater.
this prompted jay to push up his own sleeve, the words that seem to have appeared on his wrist confirmed what you both already knew by that point. jay park, your best friend since you were 5, your rock, your everything, was your soulmate. if the situation were anything but this, you would have been jumping for joy, ecstatic that your soulmate was the man you’d grown up with your whole life. but unfortunately, that was not the case.
“_______” he whispered, voice hoarse as he held your hand in his again. gripping it tightly this time so you wouldn’t be able to let go this time. not that you wanted to anyway. “jay” you whispered back, attempting to smile at him, despite the tears that were threatening to overflow at any moment. “I-I need time to think” he said, so softly, his eyes full of nothing but remorse. “I understand jay, take your time, don’t rush okay?” you replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance. he wistfully smiled at you one last time as he pushed himself off your bed and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door with a small ‘click’, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, mind racing and wondering what were you were going to do with this newfound information.
you fell asleep after much tossing and turning, your mind full of nothing but jay and his name that was now tattooed into the inside of your wrist. you were woken up by the bright smile of your parents, you mother holding a plate of pancakes and wishing you a happy birthday. the sight alone was enough to make you burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around her, seeking her familiar scent and comfort after the rough night you had. your parents seemed shocked, but did not press you to open up, wrapping their arms around you as they attempted to comfort you.
your mom was no foolish woman, as she seems to have caught on to what was bothering you on your special day. “its about your soulmate isn’t it?” she asked as she placed a glass of your favourite chocolate smoothie in front of you, wiping her hands on her apron. you looked up at her, disbelief written all over your face as she chuckled at you. “how did you know?” you asked as she smiled slyly at you. “I have my ways, and besides, I’m your mother” she replied with a wink. you groaned, dramatically resting your head on the counter as she laughed and gave in. “I saw jay walk out of your room last night with tears streaming down his face, and considering you woke up crying too, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what went down there”.
“you should talk it out with him sweetie, he’s not just your soulmate, he’s your best friend. despite how he feels about this whole fate thing, I’m sure the both of you will be okay.” her words reassured you as you grabbed your backpack, and walked through your front door. not even 2 minutes later you heard the biggest scream and you were tackled into a hug. giggling, you wrapped your arms around the taller boy as he squeezed you tightly. “happy birthday ______!” he said as he let go of you and continued your walk to school. “thanks sunoo” you said, smiling at the younger boy who had the biggest grin on his face.
“soooooo” he began, looking at you with an expectant expression on his face. you pursed your lips, already predicting the question that was due to escape his mouth any second from now. “jay” you said, cutting him off before he could even open his mouth. “JAY?!?!!?” he said, a little too loudly, mouth agape as he processed the information. you shrugged as he linked his arm with yours, understanding that you didnt want to talk about it.
luckily, no one pressed you about your soulmate for the rest of the day, warded off by sunoo’s glare the moment they looked like they were going to ask. you sat next to jay in all your classes, the atmosphere tense and awkward between the two of you. everyone seemed to have figured our what happened by that alone, your normally boisterous voices muted and soft. you went out after school with sunoo and riki, your mood heightened by the laughs and jokes of the two bickering boys.
when you got home, the house was eerily quiet, your parents nowhere in sight, all the lights turned off save the one in your living room. and there on the sleek grey sofa sat Jay, looking down at his hands as he anxiously played around with the rings he always wore. your footsteps alerted him of your presence, as he shot up off your sofa to greet you with a crooked smile on his face, black hair sticking up in every direction.
you smiled at him, already preparing yourself for the worst, as he walked towards you. “your parents have gone out, they handed me the keys and told me to come and talk to you if I wanted, and-” he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, taking a deep breath and holding your hand. here goes nothing he thought. “I want to try. this whole soulmate thing I mean. maybe i wouldnt be this way if it was anyone else, but it’s you, my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” he mumbled out the last part, but it was still clear enough for you to hear. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his words, his own face breaking out into a grin at your expression. you reached up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands went around your waist.
he buried his face in your hair, your soft vanilla scent calming his racing heart, and that was when he realised how much you really meant to him. he loved when you would always being him snacks after soccer practice, he loved when you let him lay his head on your lap and you ran your hands through his hair, he loved seeing the expressions you made when you ate his food, he loved you.
“I made something for you” he said, pulling away from your embrace, leading you to your kitchen and making you sit down on the counter. he grabbed a plate of your favourite pasta and a fork before lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to feed it to you. you smiled, wrapping your lips around the fork as the flavours exploded in your mouth. “oh my gosh, this is good, you’ve really outdone yourself.” he smiled at the complement before pressing a kiss to your cheek and muttering a little “happy birthday love”, leaving your face feeling hot and an uncontrollable smile on your face.
the rest of the evening went by in hin feeding you food and taking a few notes of it himself, lots of little cheek kisses, before the two of you settled down on the couch to watch a movie. it seemed like jay had gotten over his awkwardness as he pulled you to sit between his legs the moment the movie started. you looked back at him in shock, wondering when he got so bold before he pressed a kiss to your lips and told you to focus on the screen.
it might not have been the perfect first kiss, but it was with jay and that was enough. he played with your hair throughout the movie, and moved it aside at one point, pressing little kisses along the expanse of your neck. it was when he landed his lips on one particular spot that you let out a little noise, one you never even knew you could make that made him sit up a little straighter.
it was almost as if a switch flipped within him as he tightened his grip around your waist, one hand slipping up your hoodie to caress the skin near your waist. “I didn’t know you could make such pretty noises baby” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “well i didn’t know i could either” you whispered back, the realisation of what was about to happen making your body feel like it was on fire.
“are you sure you want this? we don’t have to do anything you dont want to sweetheart” he said, pulling away with a kiss to your cheek. you shifted so that you were facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and you reached your hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m sure jay, theres no one I’d rather do this with than you.” that was all the affirmation he needed, as within seconds you were being dragged to your bedroom by an overexcited jay.
he pressed you up against your room door, hands coming up to lift your thighs and wrap them around his waist, your core meeting his very obvious bulge. taking advantage of the gasp that left you, he allowed his tongue to skip into your mouth, taking control of every aspect of the kiss. pulling away, he brought you to your bed, gently letting you down onto the mattress, and reaching up to pull your hoodie off you.
“so beautiful” he whispered as he reached behind you to pull your bra off, before lifting his own arms to pull his own shirt off, leaving his body on display for you. just for you. he reached down to tug one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive bud, his actions leaving your mouth open in a silent moan.
within minutes, both of you were left completely naked as jay continued to trail his lips down your body, pressing little kisses to your inner thigh before his mouth finally met your core, the smallest motion of his lips leaving you breathless and squirming. “stay still sweetheart, good girls don’t move around so much”. his words sent vibrations spreading throughout your body, not doing anything to help with the heat that was coursing through your veins.
his tongue delved in and out of your dripping hole, one of his hands rubbing your clit while the other held your legs open for him. “jay- i- I’m gonna-” but he was gone the moment the words fell from your mouth. and he was a sight to see. your juices mixed with his, drool and spit dripped down his chin, as he ran his tongue over his lips with a smirk on his face.
“oh so the baby wants to cum? don’t worry love, I’m going to make you feel so good”. he reached into his jacket and pulled out a condom before rolling it on and lining himself I with your entrance. he grasped your chin gently, pulling you up to look at him and planting a loving kiss on your lips. “I love you so much sweetheart, so so much” he whispered, pulling away from your lips. “I love you too jay” you said back, watching as he smiled once, before intertwining your hands and then, pushing himself into you.
nothing had ever felt as good in that moment as he gently, softly pushed himself inside. the feeling was euphoric, having your soulmate inside you in such an intimate manner. your bodies moulding together perfectly, bursts of colour lighting up the back of your eyelids as your eyes closed at the feeling of him in you. he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. but at your signal, he began moving faster, groans and moans escaping both your lips, finding pleasure and love in each other.
it didn’t take long for you to reach your high at all, his length hitting you in all the right places, leading you to ride out your high much faster than you expected, jay following soon after. he finished inside the condom, reaching out to pull it off and throw it away, before walking to your bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to clean you up with.
he was greeted with the sight of your tired smile as he returned, gently cleaning you before tossing the rag and gathering you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “does this mean you’re mine now?” he asked, reaching down to bury his head in your hair, his hands absent-mindedly tracing shapes and figures on your bare shoulder. “it does if it means you’re mine too”. he smiled at your response, pulling the blanket over the two of you as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one person who would stay with you forever.
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you drank enough water today! ♡♡♡
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Nobody Left Behind
Prompt: So I don't know if you're taking requests? But I just watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time since I got into TSS and I've adopted the headcanon that it is Remus's *favorite* movie (and he's memorized the script) and I love your writing and I'd love to see something angsty involving Remus feeling lonely/unloved by his brother, and maybe Lilo and Stitch is involved somehow. IDK, go wild. (and feel free to ignore this if you aren't taking requests) <3 - anon
it is Le Fluff™ hours my good bitches
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Remus has some abandonment issues, but it’s not too much
Pairings: it is platonic all the way down, babes
Word Count:  2935
Ohana means family.
 What a weird word.
Sometimes it’s the people you’re born with. Well, not ‘with,’ not necessarily, but the people you are born to. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother. Sometimes two mothers, sometimes two fathers, sometimes a different parent. Sometimes two sisters, sometimes two brothers, sometimes a different sibling. Sometimes a mess of assorted people that all share the same blood. A family.
 Remus wasn’t born.
 He was made though, crafted and shaped and born out of the swirling chaos of a child’s mind that didn’t understand the world well enough without other people to help. He remembers getting cobbled together from scraps of thoughts and feelings and morphing them into limbs, into features, into something that vaguely resembled the body of the child he was made to fit. Not the ‘fitting’ was ever his job.
 Just his brother’s.
 Is his brother his family?
 By all accounts he should be, right? A brother is one of those people that are traditionally part of the ‘family’ group, right, someone to laugh with, cry with, fight with, live with. But is Roman really his…brother?
 That’s what they decided to call themselves because nothing else worked. They weren’t really brothers, they were halves. But they weren’t really halves because there was never a whole to begin with.
 The King wasn’t a ‘whole,’ he was…well, he was the King. Half of a king is not a prince. Half of a king is not a duke.
 Half of a king is a mess of blood and bones and viscera dripping off of the end of a Morningstar in the middle of the night when only a destroyed facsimile makes the insanity bleed away just enough to breathe again.
 The closest thing to twins, is what they decided on eventually. They’re twins. One light, one dark. One that marches boldly into danger to confront the wickedness of the world, one that dwells in the shadows and cackles with the demons nipping at his heels. One that loves, one that isn’t loved.
 Sure, they had some things in common. They both loved to fight, hence the scars and the bruises and the wounds that would never, ever heal, the distrust that would never be fixed ever, because the urge to sink their teeth into each other’s necks and rip never went away. They both loved to make, Roman the peaceful lies he tells himself to make up for the gaping wounds Remus leaves as he carves his perfectly tailored destruction. They both love Disney.
 Roman’s made it part of his whole deal as the Prince, he loves Disney. He bursts into song every chance he gets, drags the others in until the Mindscape rings with joyful song and there’s nowhere left for any sadness or darkness. He takes his lessons from it, models himself using the traits of the characters he admires most. Cultivates his art of storytelling, perfect to a tee.
 Remus loves Disney too. Loves how easy it is to twist the lens to distort the image just enough to let the darker parts of the Imagination run wild. What is the real implication of never growing old, never understanding what it means to die? What kind of person curses a ten-year-old boy for being cautious about who he answers the door to? What could the story have been if the prince never comes to save the day?
 When they were smaller it was fine. When they were still getting used to the fact that they weren’t King anymore, they used to sit and watch so many Disney movies. Roman’s favorite was always changing, one week it was Beauty and the Beast, then it was Mulan, then it was Cinderella, it never stayed the same.
 Remus’s was always Lilo and Stitch.
 Roman never understood it, said it was boring, there wasn’t a prince, there wasn’t anything exciting. Remus said that aliens were plenty exciting, thank you very much.
 But they would always watch it. The King wasn’t there anymore, but the prince and the Duke were.
 …when they were smaller, there was one time where the prince wasn’t there at all.
 Remus remembers waking up one day and feeling like he was being Split all over again. The maggots in his bones reached their awful little mouths into his heart and pulled, yanking him all the way across the bed and to the door, howling and screaming for his twin.
 Only to be met with a blank wall.
 He remembers howling at the top of his lungs until Janus had rushed to his side, kneeling down next to him and telling him shh, be quiet, hush now, you’re alright, you’re not hurt. And when he couldn’t explain that he was hurt, half of him was missing, Remus needed to go find him, Janus’s mouth had hardened into a thin line and told him that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
 He remembers thinking that was a lie.
 But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a lie.
 Roman was fine.
 Roman was more than fine, because Roman had a family.
 Roman had Patton, who is the actual manifestation of sunshine and rainbows and loved so much it almost burns. The darkness that wrapped around Remus’s corner of the Imagination screeched and hissed at the very idea of being loved that much, even as part of him strained with all its might to get to it. But Patton would never set foot near this side of the Mindscape.
 Roman had Logan, who represents everything true about the Mindscape, about Thomas, about the world. The reality of things that would never let anything Remus created make it anywhere close to anything important because it was dangerous, it was hurtful, and it was wrong. Logan wouldn’t want anything to do with something so useless.
 And that was okay. Because Roman may have been gone but Remus wasn’t alone. Remus had Virgil, who lived with fear soaking every fiber of his being. Remus had Janus, who wrapped himself in darkness and obscurity and laughed.
 But then Virgil left. And now Roman had Virgil, who used Thomas’s anxieties to keep him safe, to help Roman and the others figure out what to do, how to take care of everybody, and how to make the darkness go away. And Virgil would never willingly sink himself back into the darkness when he’d spent so long clawing himself out of it.
 But that was okay, because Remus had Janus. Janus, who plotted and schemed and smirked at how easily the others were pulled along by his strings, luring them deeper and deeper as Remus readied his Morningstar for the trap to be sprung.
 But then they sprung the trap and everything went wrong.
 Roman didn’t want to fight. He just…he let Remus knock him out and didn’t show up again except to scoff and say he didn’t like him.
 And that was…wrong.
 Because Roman wasn’t supposed to like him but he was never only supposed to not like him. Roman was supposed to declare that he wasn’t welcome and try and slash him with his sword. Roman was supposed to try and banish him from the Mindscape and spit insults at him until he left, cackling all the while. Roman was supposed to hate him.
 But Roman didn’t hate him, he just…he just said he didn’t like him.
 But that was okay, because Janus could just come up with a better plan with him this time. They could do it properly, and Roman would hate him again and it would be back to normal.
 But then Janus left. And now Roman has Janus, who keeps his eyes where the prince’s aren’t, when he can’t see what’s happening or he can’t bear to look, to help Roman figure out what to do when what seems to be happening isn’t anything that the prince is used to dealing with. And Janus would never willingly step away from a place that finally accepted him.
 Roman has them now. Roman has people that chose him. Roman’s family chose him. He chose them. They chose each other.
 Remus’s grip on his Morningstar slackens and the thing falls to the ground with a heavy clunk. He moves numbly through his room until he can fall to his knees on his bed.
 He just came from the living room. They were all there. Roman was talking with Logan, ranting about some new show they were both watching. Janus was in the kitchen with Patton, making something for dinner that everyone—well, almost everyone—could eat. Virgil was on the back of the couch, reaching out for Roman’s shoulder every once in a while.
Remus had waited behind the couch. For someone to sit down, for someone to see him and shriek, or even maybe—just maybe—for someone to ask where he was.
 But no.
 Patton had come over and gently ruffled Virgil’s hair, saying that dinner was ready. Logan and Roman had moved into the kitchen, demanding Janus’s attention and pulling him into their conversation. Virgil had murmured a quiet thank you and Roman had asked him for what?
 “Y’know,” Virgil had said, “for…this.”
 “Of course,” Roman had laughed, the soft rustle of fabric as he probably pulled the emo in for a hug—what did those feel like?— “I should be thanking you?”
 “What for, kiddo?”
 “I dunno, it just…feels like it’s been forever since we’ve all sat down for dinner together.”
 Remus’s chest had started to hurt.
 “The whole family.”
 The whole family.
 Remus’s eyes well up with stubborn tears and he angrily swipes them away, baring his teeth at the memory and focusing intently on the things on the bed. Each hand-stitched, each carefully kept clean.
 His family.
 He reaches out with a shaking hand and tucks the blue frog plushie into the crook of his arm, crawling into the middle of the bed and balancing the purple spider on his shoulder. His hands keep shaking as he wraps the long yellow snake securely around his neck, clutching the head under his chin and nuzzling it protectively. The dark blue cat he holds in his other hand, careful not to tear its tie as he scrunches in on himself.
 Where is it?
 No, no, no, no—
 Remus growls, placing all of his family gently on the floor before all but tearing at his sheets. Where is it, where is it, where is it—his heartbeat starts to rise as his search grows more frantic, where is it, where is it—
 The slightest little puff of red hair and he howls, lunging for it and sweeping it into his lap. He pauses to make sure the lion’s crown didn’t fall off and sighs when he sees it still in place. He sets the lion between his legs and leans over, adjusting everyone back into place and scrunching himself into a ball again. He rubs his nose against the lion’s fur and nuzzles into the soft fabric.
 He’d never be able to forgive himself if he lost them.
 Because Ohana means family.
 Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
There’s a knock on his door.
 Why is someone knocking on his door?
 They knock again.
 Remus looks up, carefully butting the spider out of the way with his head and sitting up. The snake hangs off his shoulder and he lets it, only missing its warmth once the knock sounds again.
 The frog and the cat watch him warily as he climbs out of bed, the lion clutched in his hand.
 The door squeaks slightly as he opens it.
 “So, I’ve got popcorn, I found the weird gummy snakes, and they had this chocolate-covered bacon which we have to try—Remus?”
 Roman stands there, his arms full of snacks and blankets, his head tilted. He glances behind Remus—probably to check something or other—and then back at him.
 “Remus? Are you okay?”
 “Why are you here?” Roman doesn’t like him.
 “It’s movie night, Re, of course, I’m here.” Roman chuckles nervously before taking in his tear-stained face. “Hey, Re, what’s going on? Are you okay? Can I come in?”
 Why is Roman here? Roman has his family, what is he doing here? With Remus?
 “Remus—“ oh, right, Roman’s talking to him—why is Roman talking to him?—in a soft voice now— “Remus, hey, look at me.”
 Remus blinks. Oh. Roman looks concerned now, he’s reaching for him.
 “Hey,” he murmurs as he ruffles Remus’s hair, “what’s going on? Have you been crying?”
 Remus nods dumbly.
 “I’m sorry, Re, can I help?”
 Help? Why does Roman want to help?
 Oh, he’s waiting for an answer.
 “Thank you,” Roman says softly, “can I come in?”
 Remus steps aside wordlessly and Roman walks in, pausing when he sees the rest of Remus’s family on the bed.
 “Did you make them?”
 Something dark twists in Remus’s chest as he sees Roman reach for the spider.
Roman backs off, stepping back as Remus snatches up his family and cradles them in his lap, glaring at Roman and curling up on the bed.
 “I won’t, Re, I’m sorry,” Roman says, still speaking softly, “can I sit?”
 Roman sits on the floor, setting aside the blankets and snacks, looking up at him. He still looks concerned. Why? Roman doesn’t like him.
 “Why weren’t you at dinner,” he asks gently, “I was worried.”
 Worried? About him? Remus snorts.
 “You had your whole family there,” he spits, “why would you worry?”
 “But you weren’t there,” Roman says like that makes any difference, “so I was worried.”
 Remus shakes his head. Roman doesn’t get it. Roman doesn’t worry about him, he worries about other things. But if Roman wants to know why he wasn’t at dinner, he’ll tell him.
 “I was with my family.”
 Roman’s brow furrows as he glances around again. “…your family?”
 Remus huddles protectively around his family. “Yes. My family.”
 Roman’s eyes widen as he takes in Remus’s posture and how he reacted when Roman asked about them earlier.
 “…are they your family, Remus?”
 “Yes.” He holds them tighter. “I chose them. They won’t leave me. They won’t forget me. That’s what family means.”
 Something crosses Roman’s face and he lets out a wounded noise. Wait. Are they fighting?
 “Wait, Remus,” he murmurs, rising up to his knees, “did you—did you think we forgot you?”
 “You did forget me.”
 “I’m sorry, Remus, I would’ve come to look for you, but I thought—“ Roman shakes his head— “no, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I should’ve come got you, Re, I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean to leave you behind.”
 “…you didn’t?”
 Roman shakes his head furiously. “No, Remus, I promise. I never meant to leave you.”
 “But everybody leaves me.”
 If possible, Roman’s eyes are now wider and he scrambles for the edge of the bed. “What do you mean, Remus, what do you mean everybody leaves you?”
 “You left. Virgil left. Janus left. Everybody left.” The lion’s mane brushes against his lips as he bows his head. “But not them. They won’t leave me.”
 “Oh, Remus—“
 Something big lunges at him and Remus whimpers, he doesn’t have his Morningstar, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t—he doesn’t—
 What’s happening? He feels warm and he’s being squished and Roman is pressing himself against him and what—what—
 “What’re you doing?”
 “It’s a hug, Remus,” comes Roman’s voice, slightly muffled, from over his shoulder, “I’m hugging you.”
 “Yeah, Re, I’m here, I’m right here, I won’t forget you, I won’t leave you behind, you’re my brother, you’re my family, I choose you.” Roman’s grip tightens on him and Remus just about gasps. “I choose you and I want you and I like you.”
 Roman…Roman likes him?
 Roman chooses him?
 Roman won’t…leave?
 “No, Remus,” Roman promises as he cautiously asks, “I won’t leave. Not unless you want me to.”
 “Then I’m not going anywhere.”
 That’s it.
 Remus throws his arms around his twin and sobs, cries an entire ocean of tears into his brother’s shoulder because he’s here and he cares and he chose Remus. The darkness shudders as that small part of him surges forward, into Roman’s chest, finding a home in the prince’s heart and languishing in the warmth there.
 “I’m right here, Re,” Roman murmurs, stroking up and down his back, “right here, I’ve got you.”
 The snake drapes itself cautiously over Roman’s shoulder, the spider taking up watch on his knee. The cat and the frog stare at him, making sure he isn’t lying, that he won’t change his mind. The lion, sandwiched between them, feels the reassuring rumble from Roman’s chest and purrs.
 After a long, long time, Remus pulls back a little and scuffs a hand over his nose.
 “…did you say something about chocolate-covered bacon?”
 Roman’s smile lights up.
 “Let’s put on Lilo and Stitch and we’ll try it.”
 Ohana means family.
 Family means no one gets left behind.
 Or forgotten.
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arcadejohn127-9 · 3 years
I read the Diavolos ball and angsty stuff, can I please please please get a happy ending to go with it?
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This has been a highly requested and I must give my poor followers comfort after this straight up angst
So everyone, let's get into it! Some hurt and comfort to soothe your hearts
Warning: angst, long
I'll be putting this under readmore as it is long and I have had someone before say they wanted me to add it on long posts, I never really got any feedback about what I could do better and how this will help with people's viewing but I understand why, long posts can be annoying
If you guys think I should do this with all my long posts please comment or dm me or even state it in asks/requests - I wanna do what I can to make things enjoyable for people
Part 1 - beginning
Diavolo's ball aftermath
It's been a few days since they've seen you; they expected to find you in the dorm. Some fear you went back to the human world; there was no messages, no note - there was nothing. You were completely gone.
Everyone was losing it. The brothers got more aggressively with each other, no longer able to have you come between them. Your presence was so soothing to all of them but now you were gone. As soon as they realized you were gone the whole air of the dorm shifted. It wasn't right.
Mammon got desperate to know where you were. He handed one of his crows a necklace he got you, you promised to never take it off. His heart shattered when he saw it was on your desk. He wasn't sure what he did wrong - why did you take it off? What happened to you?
It wasn't long before the crow came back to the devildom; reporting that you were in fact in the human world. The brothers were devastated. They had to tell the others and they had to watch the hopeful shine in their eyes die.
They could all feel thankful you were unharmed but you were so far. You did this to get away from them. You didn't even leave a damn note!
Diavolo ordered everyone to go to the human world. They all split up into different parties to get you, whoever could get you first had to interrogate you. It didn't take a genius to understand that the Noble told you something horrible - why else would you have such a reaction? Barbatos was tasked to 'calmly discuss' that night with said noble but regardless of how rough and merciless he was; he refused to talk.
It was wasting time and energy. If he wasn't going to talk then they had to get the answer from you. A few were able to gather the gist of what he told you from your conversation before you disappeared; you were convinced you were being used and just a replacement, a pawn to them.
They wanted the full story. The whole reason. Anything! Just to understand why you would push them away and disappear like this. What have they done to make the nobles words feel so real to you? They needed to fix it.
The demon brother's split into a team of two; eldest and youngest, the royals stayed together and the elder exchange students were a double team aswell.
The crows lead the teams their way, splitting up to different routes to see if they could circle you so they could talk to you even if you decided to run.
In the end they found you, you were across the pavement, a train coming. The pedestrian stop dinged as it commanded people to stop but the men couldn't help themselves.
You whipped around, shocked. You thought your ears were playing tricks on you but there was the boys. Your boys. Tears bubbled in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. They followed you to the human world.
The world slowed down; the wind blowing against you as your eyes widened at the sight of them. They looked exhausted, some even with tear streaked cheeks. The more impulsive bunch being held back so they don't go running towards you. The street lights illuminated all of you; their appearance looked just as broken as their hearts.
The train rammed itself between you all. Disturbing the moment with its blaring horn, the screeching wheels ringing in your ears. It was the second you had to decide; do you run? Or do you stay?
To let them get you and finally face your emotions or run away, avoid everything and keep letting despair consume you.
You stayed. You couldn't move at all. It was if you were glued to the spot. But you knew it was just your heart aching for them; desperate to hold them and cry out your pain.
As soon as they could, they all rushed to your side. Hugging you, grabbing at your arms and head to pull you close to them. You choked on your tears as you let the 11 men hug you and check your face and clothes. All just wanting to make sure you were really there and unharmed.
You missed them all dearly and you were so happy they missed you too.
But then the big question was asked.
"what happened that night?"
"he said he was happy to meet me...asked for a dance and I said yes, I never should of, he kept telling me I was just Diavolo's pawn, Lilith's replacement and convinced me none of actually cared for me....I believed him.....I felt so unsure and he knew so much about us I just couldn't stop the doubts in my head....I'm so sorry-!"
He couldn't believe that noble said that to you
He hastily grabbed your face, wiping away your tears
"You will never be and never have been her replacement, you are your own person, your connection to our sister means nothing other than comfort that she was able to be happy and that's it - I apologize if we have made you feel like you are a replacement and have compared you to her.... please understand we just miss her very dearly but we all want you in our life more than anything."
You buried your face into his shoulder
Sobbing your heart out as you kept chanting apologies and gratitude in a broken voice
He silenced you, holding you close
The prideful demon hid his face as best as he could and let tears drip down his cheeks
He was so relived to have you back
It seemed that noble wasn't only going to be visited by barbatos
Lucifer was not known for being merciful
He grabbed your arm and hastily tugged you towards him
His other hand cradled the back of your head
"Don't ever run away again, you understand?! I'm supposed to be the one protecting ya and how am I supposed to do that if you're off running in different realms without telling anyone??!! That noble doesn't know anything! I don't know how he knew about Lilith but you ain't her, you're (Y/N) And that's it! You are your own person - you gotta call out my dumbass-ary if I compare or make you feel that way, I would never do it on purpose! I like you and only you! I can't lose you again!"
He pushed his forhead against yours
A shaky exhale leaving him
You tried to apologize but he cut you right off, hugging you closer
He was going to make that Noble pay for ever making you doubt yourself like this
To doubt how much he loves you
He was already crying
He was crying before you even considered crying
He rushed to you and grabbed your hands
"I got so scared I did something, Don't listen to that normie! Normies are losers for a reason! There's no one else I would want as my best friend - no one will ever be a better game partner than you! You always make me feel happy and proud to be me-! I couldn't ask for anything more from you! I miss Lilith but I miss you even more! You're my favourite person, you're not some replacement, you're you! You're my player 2-! I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not as amazing as you are, please don't leave again!"
It wasn't long after his speech he hugged you
Squeezing you tightly as he relished in having you back in real life 3D
since you were gone he kept playing as your game avatars
Using ai set ups to feel like he was with you again in VR
That noble will not stand a chance against his fury
He wasn't sure if he was mad at you or himself
It was most likely both - mad you left and let someone just destory so much work and progression in one meeting
But mad at himself for not making you feel secure
He couldn't bring himself to hug you but that was because he was scared he wouldn't let go
"I knew that Noble was nothing but a menace-! You can't listen to people like him, he's just trying to get to you and tear us apart - I don't know why he would do that but he isn't right, he will never EVER be right! You are yourself and never will be Lilith, I didn't get to me her or really know who she was but I do know you will never be her and never were her! I care so much about you and I will make sure to keep my stupid brothers to never make you feel that way again, I've missed you so much (Y/N)."
In the end, he fell into your arms
Holding you tight as he let out his tears of frustration go
You apologized but he just told you to shut up, he didn't want you to be sorry for being the victim
He already had plans on what he's going to do to that noble, trying to push those thoughts away
Focusing on how wonderful it is to have you close
As soon as he could reach you, he pulled you into an embrace
Shaking his head as tears streamed down
His makeup already starting to to drip along work his tears
"No! No! No! Noooo!! Don't listen to that horrible noble! He isn't right at all, he doesn't know anything about us or you! He obviously doesn't know how much we care about you and like you as your own person, I never meant to make you feel as if you were some sort of replacement! Lilith was her own being and so are you, your connection means nothing! I i will always be happy knowing my sister got to live the life she wanted but you aren't apart of that, your life is your own and you are nothing like her! I love you because you're you! I couldn't imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you, please come back to the devildom!"
He nuzzled his cheek against yours
Thankful to have you back in his arms again
He didn't like getting his hands messy but no one was going to make you feel that way ever again
He didn't care about that demons status
His hand landed on the top of your head
You flinched not expecting such a gentle pat but it only broke his heart more
"That noble knows nothing about you or any of us, he's turned my sister into an enemy to our relationship and I will not let that go on for any longer! You are not her and not her replacement, how dare he make you feel that way! you're apart of my family and I'll have it no other way, I really love you and missed you everyday you were gone - I was scared I'd never feel full again, you make me feel complete and when you disappeared I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you, I would of never forgiven myself if you got hurt! I want to always be able to protect you and have you by my side and make you feel happy - I promise I won't fail you again."
He almost fell to his knees once he was done
He was ready to swear to you on one knee, like a true knight
But instead hugged you
Mindful not to squeeze too hard but let himself be selfish and hold you tighter than he would normally dare to
He was one prone to be violent unless it was in sports or he was starved - the Noble starved him of your touch and kindness
He'll break more than just rooms once he gets his hands on that Noble
He spun you to face him
Needing your attention on him
It was only a few days but it felt like forever since he's had your eyes on him
"You're no pawn and no replacement, you are you and that's all I want, I don't want any one else, I know I've made you feel like a replacement - i did something horrible to you and then tried to make it seem like it was all okay after, I'm always trying to make up for that day but I know that is something that will always effect us! I missed you so much....you are your own person and you've helped me be a better person, come back home and let me make this right......you're all I want and need."
He broke down crying
Hanging his head low and it dropped onto your shoulder
He loosely held your waist whilst you gripped onto him tight
If everyone thought choking you was bad, just wait until they see what he plans to do with that noble
He couldn't stand seeing you so upset anymore
He gently held your arm
Giving it a small squeeze as tears built up
"He said all that? I'm sorry he made you feel like that, to feel such confliction and dread, You are never will be or were my pawn, you're a fantastic student and wonderful person who's did more than I've ever imagined Someone could do, if I could have asked you myself properly to be apart of the exchange program I would of but the world is not yet ready to merge and be aware of our existence.... please you have my deepest apologies and regrets that you felt this way and I've allowed such a person in my court, I will do whatever I can to make this right."
The tears finally fell and he became selfish
Hugging you tight against him, his fingers brushing against any skin he could touch
He couldn't dare to think how he'll be when you finally do leave the program
But until that time comes he needed to make it a good experience for you
If what barbatos did to him wasn't enough to convince him then he will not go back on his word
He'll fix this and do whatever he can to make all the pain stop
He sighed in relief seeing you in the flesh
Knees buckling as he stood before you
His knuckles bloodied and bruised under his gloves
"I should of been more comforting when I found you, if I had known that was what he said I would of never let him be apart of the lord's court or be at that party, believe me when I say you are not a pawn or someone's replacement - you are so much more than that, you are you and someone that's made me feel closer to the present, to act quicker and stop using endless time as a excuse, I will fix this and make him regret ever uttering a word to you, I promise you."
Your touch was as gentle as ever
He caved, leaning against you
Happy to be able to make amends and fix the situation
The nobles dealt with him once and no matter what he did it wasn't enough
But he was merely holding back to be a gentleman, even if that noble now looks like a beaten raisin
It seemed he will have to do much worse to send everyone's message across
His face was gentle yet scolding
He gently brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear
"don't run off next time something like this happens, your life is so short and I hate to think would could happen if I lost you because you felt isolated even from me, you though you could find solace as both of us are humans but I was slow to understand your needs - you are deeply loved by everyone, I envy how much love you get and that's why I can't stand to see you run! I also love you and your presence, you have been so kind to me and I still have so much to teach you- please believe me when I say you're no one's pawn or replacement, you're important because you're you."
You crumbled completely
He hugged you as you apologized, calling yourself an idioit
But it only made him tsk, rubbing your back as he filled your ears with praises
He was sure the demons were going to rip that Noble to shreds but he couldn't help but desire his own revenge
Seeing you like this hurt him so much
He was so quick and gentle you could of mistaken him as a feather
He embraced you, cradling your head and rubbed soothing circles between your shoulder blades
"I was worried about you, I took you home and then I learn you've completely disappeared! No warning or note behind, you ran away - your feelings are extremely valid and I understand why you did this, It must of been so conflicting and you needed space to think and reflect, you're so strong (Y/N)! but you are also smarter than this, I feel ashamed knowing I haven't showed you how much I appreciate you being in my life and make sure you feel secure in the Devildom, I want to look over you but I've failed you already, that Noble does not know what he's talking about regardless of the information he has! I would never let anyone use you or let anyone treat you as some replacement, we all care so much about you."
He slightly swayed with you in his arms
Overwhelmed by his fears and the emotions that were rushing through him
He promised to never harm an innocent soul
That noble did not have one
He will leave the more physically destructive rage to the others
Wanting to merely talk and show the noble the error of his ways
You were back in the Devildom, Everyone was making sure to spend extra time with you. So happy to have you back and wanting to work on making you feel more secure. You couldn't stop how fast your heart was beating from all the overwhelming joy you felt.
It felt so good to be back. But you nagging worry remained in your head; what was going to happen to the Noble? you wished you could go up to him and yell at him. Prove him wrong and make him regret ever making you spiral like that.
When you brought up the idea, the men all looked at each other. A knowing look in their eye.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I think it's best you don't see him but rest assured, we've dealt with him on your behalf and understand your wishes - let us know how we can help you feel resolved from that situation if this is unsatisfactory."
Diavolo answered. If it weren't the state the noble was in they'd happily let you chew him out but your heart and mind have been through enough already. No need to add on to the hurt with seeing what was left of him. They couldn't stand to see you upset again.
But you agreed, thanking them for their support and handling the situation. Unaware of their true actions. They all wished you a great day before going back to their own private meeting.
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gamerwoo · 3 years
[Tales from the Pack] Joshua: Second Chance (Part One)
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Characters: Joshua x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, possible character death, a little bit of fluff but it’s like angsty fluff
Word count: 1,837
Summary: After his mate died, Joshua always blamed himself and never wanted to imprint again. However, fate has other ideas when he meets you: a young, energetic werecoyote that’s quite the opposite of him. He insists he doesn’t want a new mate – nobody’s even sure if he’s ready for a new one – but he can’t ignore his instincts.
Next | Second Chance Masterlist
a/n: things in bold are in english. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!! hi i know everyone has been awaiting this series from tftp in particular. and while i wish i could say im updating this regularly,,,,,i cannot. there’s no definite update schedule, im just doing it when i can. i wanted to wait until i had all the parts written but im impatient. but i hope you’ll enjoy this series even with the slow updates, and i hope it lives up to expectations 💜
“Where’re we going?” Joshua grumbled as he followed slightly behind Hansol and Kyung, the younger boy’s hand wrapped around hers.
Joshua was going with them to the doctor without actually knowing. Kyung knew better than to tell him before they left because she figured the grumpy werewolf would just tell her no, not really caring whether he was unable to heal or not -- even though that was very clearly a bad sign that he had overexerted himself.
Kyung thought maybe Joshua would be a little less...angry all the time once she got to know him, but Joshua was stubborn well before he’d even met her -- he was just bad at shoving his stubbornness and anger down.
“I promised I’d get my back fixed if Kyung decided to stay, and you said you’d go if I went, didn’t you?” Hansol reminded his brother with a smirk over his shoulder. “We’re gonna go see that doctor we were told about. What was her name again?”
“Minjee,” Kyung replied. “Not to sound rude but...Josh, why don’t you want to see a doctor?”
“I don’t really care if I can heal or not either way,” he replied flatly, “but I said I’d get help if Hansol did. So...here we are.”
“Here we are...” she repeated in a mumble.
Joshua simply followed the mated couple in silence as the alpha led them to Minjee’s, being the first to knock on the door. It was a girl -- as expected -- that opened the door, bowing politely to the group before smiling brightly at the darker skinned girl in front of them.
“Kyung!” she exclaimed as she gestured the three of them in. “I haven’t seen you in so long -- I suppose that’s a good thing, though. How’ve you been? Your pack hasn’t mentioned you.”
“I’m not actually in that pack anymore,” Kyung told her with a shrug, her ‘cool’ exterior coming back in the presence of an old friend. “I’m an alpha of my mate’s pack now.”
Minjee seemed impressed, eyebrows raising with a smile, “Wow, look at you. How’d the sudden change happen? Jiung must be proud.”
“He’s actually...passed away.”
The doctor’s face fell, placing a comforting hand on your upper arm, “I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.”
Kyung nodded, “I’ve been grieving, but it’s been easier with my mate. Minjee, this is Hansol, and his brother -- er, our brother, I guess -- Joshua.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Hansol said as he nodded to her. “Our brother, Soonyoung came in before with a human girl to talk about fixing us -- I’ve got silver burned into my back, and Joshua’s the healer that can’t heal anymore.”
“Ah, yes, the healer!” Minjee’s eyes lit up as she nodded excitedly. She looked to Joshua now. “Your power still hasn’t come back?”
“No,” he replied. “I thought just resting would help but...nothing.”
“I see,” she hummed, eyeing him over before looking back at Kyung like she was their mother that took them to the doctor’s office. “I’ll do a quick look over and then see what I can do. It’s almost time for me to close up, and I have to go out of town for a few days. I won’t be able to do anything until about a week from now, but they’ll be fine until then if they’ve been fine this long.”
“That’s okay,” Hansol shrugged as Joshua replied, “No worries.”
“Alright,” Minjee breathed with a warm smile, grabbing some gloves from nearby, “then let’s get started and see what’s going on.”
Even though you were never careful, you wanted to blame this on shitty luck. You were too carefree and excitable, so you ran and ran and didn’t see the trap. So with you trapped under a net with little prickles that you were sure were laced with wolfsbane from how fucking awful you felt -- that was an understatement -- all you could do was wait for hunters to come find you before death took you itself. Honestly, you hoped the latter would come first.
You faintly heard footsteps coming toward you as your vision went out of focus, your eyelids becoming too heavy to keep up. You sensed a presence beside you, the body crouching down to get a better look at you.
“What do we have here?” a female-sounding voice asked, but it sounded far away and muffled to you. “Is this another werewolf?”
“I can’t tell,” another female voice replied in a sigh. “Sura, do you have any ideas?”
“Doesn’t smell like werewolf to me,” a male voice said. “It definitely is some kind of were-creature, though. This thing wreaks of wolfsbane and it’s clearly affecting her. I’d say...coyote, maybe?”
One of the women sucked in a breath between their teeth before saying, “Prajya, help me get this net off of her -- it’ll be heavy but I’m afraid to let Sura touch it.”
Slowly, you felt the weight of the net being lifted off of you. You could also feel every little barb stuck in you being pulled out, and you whimpered softly from the stinging pain that covered your body.
“Minjee, will she make it?” the second girl asked as you were lifted into warm arms.
“No,” the male replied, “probably not.”
“The house isn’t far from here,” the first girl insisted. “We just have to hurry.”
But you were out cold before they even took the first step.
Josh and Hansol weren’t really sure why so many people wanted to go with them into town that night for them to finally get fixed. Suvi was understandable since she just enjoyed going into town, and Soomin made sense since she was basically their resident know-it-all when it came to werewolves. However, Wonwoo wanting to tag along was weird because Wonwoo didn’t like leaving the house, much less going into town. They figured maybe it was because he wanted to make sure Soomin would be alright, but she was already going to be with two werewolves and a girl who had gone into town plenty of times. She was in good hands, but whatever made Wonwoo happy.
“Are you nervous?” Suvi wondered, looking up between Hansol and Joshua as she walked.
“I don’t know how they’re going to fix my back, so that’s a little concerning,” Hansol decided, “but I’m more excited.”
Joshua just shrugged, “Eh, not really.”
“Try not to be so excited, huh,” Wonwoo commented.
Joshua did like his power. He liked that he was able to help people with it. However, it didn’t benefit him -- as in, it didn’t make his own personal healing any better than anybody else’s in the pack -- and it wouldn’t be needed if his pack wasn’t so stupid and got themselves hurt. It wasn’t fun like Seokmin’s or Chan’s or Kyung’s, and it wasn’t interesting like Jihoon’s or Soonyoung’s or Hansol’s or Minghao’s. It was boring -- kind of like Wonwoo’s or Seungcheol’s.
Suvi was the first up to the door, knocking before she took a step back to wait. The door was answered by Minjee -- as always -- who greeted them with an almost pained smile.
“Hello,” she greeted them. “Before you come in, I’d like to apologize. My partners and I have just gotten home, and one of our patients... Well, she won’t make it.”
Now that she’d mentioned it, the wolves could just barely hear the faint, slowing heartbeat from inside the house. But they could also smell that it wasn’t the typical werewolf. It was something they’d never smelled before, but it still wasn’t completely human.
Joshua also picked up on a scent that was very familiar but also so very different from anything he’d smelled before.
“We’re just trying to ease her pain until she passes,” Minjee continued, letting the small group into the house. She turned to look at somebody else who was helping with the aforementioned girl. “Sura, could you put a curtain up around her? Prajya, I’ll need you to help me with--”
Minjee stopped when she noticed Joshua stop in the doorway, his body going rigid. His golden eyes were spotting red and locked on you, hands balled into fists.
You were dying; his mate was dying. Again.
“Josh...?” Wonwoo spoke up, placing a hand on the older boy’s shoulder.
Joshua’s thoughts and opinions on re-imprinting were out the window when it registered that the girl quickly losing her life was his mate. The only thing he could focus on was you and saving you -- but he only knew one way how.
“She’s not dying,” he stated, walking straight through the small crowd and over to you where your pulse was just a moment away from completely dying out.
“What?” Minjee asked, watching him as he approached you with a set jaw and narrowed eyes.
“I’m not going to let her die,” he said louder, letting his hands hover above your body.
Joshua was too focused on trying to somehow get his powers to come back to him that he wasn’t paying any attention to Hansol and Wonwoo’s conversation over their surprise of their brother imprinting for a second time. Truthfully, nobody thought anybody would come after Lilly since Josh was so against it. But then again, imprinting wasn’t something any werewolf could control. 
Joshua mumbled to himself as he tried to will his power back. He was concentrating so hard but nothing was happening. No faint glow from his palms, no color coming back to your face, and your heartbeat was still rapidly decreasing by the second. It wouldn’t be long until it was gone all together, and then there would be nothing he could do.
“C’mon...c’mon...” he grumbled, closing his eyes as his eyebrows creased together in concentration.
“Your powers won’t suddenly work,” Minjee spoke up, watching from where she stood by his pack, wanting to give the werewolf space -- especially since she was preparing for him to be grieving for the mate he’d lose before actually having her.
“They have to!” he snapped.
He refused to lose you. If he lost two mates -- even if he didn’t properly meet or know you -- he was sure he wouldn’t be able to take it.
With his last bit of energy he had in his body, his palms faintly glowed to life, spreading a tingling warmth across your body. His healing power was starting to cleanse the wolfsbane from your system, and your heartbeat was starting to become stronger and more stable. Hearing your heartbeat louder in his ears made Josh want to cry. But he didn’t have the energy for it.
As you let out a cough and a girl with brown skin rushed over to sit you up so you could empty your system, Joshua collapsed onto the floor, knowing you were alive and would hopefully stay alive. He put his everything into saving you, and he didn’t know if that would kill him, but he knew it was worth it.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
I have a Shikamaru request! It’s a bit long winded so dust with me 😊. Shikamaru is assigned to protect reader who is the last of her clan that a lot is not known about. (So he also has the secret mission of finding our more about the clan and their abilities). They end up falling for each-other (of course). And after reader finds out she is pregnant she learns that Shikamaru was meant to learn about her. I’m seeing some angsty fluffy goodness! And hopefully a happy ending. 🥰
Healing You (Shikamaru x Reader)
A/N: Thank you for your request! These long detailed ones are perfect and give me just enough information to give you the perfect story. I skipped the pregnancy part because im not totally comfortable with that...hopefully you still enjoy.
word count: 5500
Shikamaru had been anticipating this mission for a while. The Hokage told him it was of utmost importance to be ready at any time for this clan princess to show up. He was expected to drop all other missions or plans to escort this woman, whoever she was across the country to her homeland deep within Frost country. He wasn’t expecting much, actually he was expecting probably the worst client ever.
For someone to request escort at the drop of a hat like that, someone with enough money to do so as well... Shikamaru could only assume they were an asshole of the highest caliber. Probably some old woman or a spoiled little child, someone he definitely would not get along with for a month long mission just the two of them. He could remember the urgency in Kakashi’s tone when he assigned the mission, the amount of trust behind his words.
Shikamaru walked into the office casually, hands shoved deep in his pants pockets. Kakashi sat there alone at his desk, looking through paperwork and sifting through piles of white sheets, each with different names and faces. He must have thought long and hard about who he was to pick for this mission, the boy concluded.
This was going to be tiresome, he deduced quickly. Another tedious mission.
“Shikamaru, I have an important mission for you,” the man said clearly. “You can look through these files, if you want, but we don’t have any clear information on this one, I’m afraid.” He tossed over a folder full of records. Death receipts, birth certificates, first hand accounts of battles witnessed. He didn’t know what to make of what he was looking at other than a common last name running across the pages.
“What is this about?” he questioned.
“In about a month's time, possibly longer, possibly shorter, I don’t have an exact date, you will escort Princess Y/N Hirawa, of the hidden Hirawa clan to the Land of Frost.”
“Who’s on my team?”
He shook his head at that question. “No one. This is a solo mission, and I’m entrusting you alone with this. It’s important you keep your mouth shut about all of this until we know it’s safe, for you and the princess.” Safe? Just what kind of mission was this anyway? Obviously it had something to do with this clan, not that he’d ever heard of them. “She has a bounty on her head, quite large at that. But we believe she can become the key to mastering some ninjutsu, particularly medical jutsu.”
“Well, what’s her clan’s kekkei genkai?”
“That’s what we don’t know, and for you to find out. All we know is that there's some dangerous people out there who want this power, and we need to protect her at all costs, you understand,” he stressed, and Shikamaru nodded. This wasn’t that big of a deal, he guessed. Protecting one girl from some rookie bounty hunters, not to mention he was being sent out alone. This was going to be a walk in the park.
The worst part of it all would be putting up with some troublesome girl for an entire month. Making conversation and having to pretend she wasn’t getting on his last nerve. That would tire him the most.
“Rumor has it, she was never able to awaken her ability, so I’m hoping you can help coax it out of her and see what we’re dealing with.”
“Of course. I’ll figure it out.”
“Good. I’m counting on you. You should take the files to look over in your free time, you’ll have lots of it before this mission. I have copies here for myself,” he motioned to another folder on her desk filled to the brim with papers just like the one he was holding. It was strange to have so much information at their fingertips, but not enough to put a description to their kekkei genkai. They must be secretive, similar to how the Uchiha hides their secrets on the stone tablet, or something.
He left the Sixth Hokage’s office and walked away to his home, where he could more closely go over the information in this folder, try to deduce something from all this random information. He would get to the bottom of this, he was a genius after all. Whether he had the help of this woman or not, he would figure it out for the Hokage.
And so, here he stood outside of Kakashi’s office with all his supplies packed in his bag, dressed for a long mission away from home. The princess had arrived. He was to meet her and then immediately they were supposed to leave off to her homeland.
The Anbu officer to his left opened the door, and motioned for him to walk in. So uptight for just a little meeting, was all this security really necessary, he wondered to himself. As he looked into the room, he spotted Kakashi standing along the window behind his desk with a smaller woman at his side, wrapped up in thick robes made of wool, embroidered with thick silver and white yarn.
Admittedly, her clothes looked incredibly expensive. He questioned how she wasn’t sweating bullets with the typical warm weather outside here in Konoha. He was expecting her to turn around, to be this hideous creature.
“Ah, Y/N, it seems your escort has arrived,” Kakashi hummed, placing a soft hand on the woman’s back as she turned around. When he finally got a good look at her face, he was taken aback, nearly enough to throw him off balance. She was decidedly the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life. Wrapped up in those blankets was a young woman, who couldn't be much older than he was, with piercing eyes that immediately cut through his.
Her hair fell just perfectly around her face to frame her features, the soft color suiting her eyes and skin perfectly. Her eyelashes flickered over her eyes a few times as she gazed over at him, and he felt swoon. She had the softest skin he’d ever seen combined with those mesmerizing eyes and the shape of her face which looked like it belonged cradled in his hands.
He felt this inert urge to run in the opposite direction from her, out the room and down the hall, back to home where he could catch his breath. He already knew his cheeks were turning bright red under her stare, and he could tell Kakashi was judging him with those dark eyes of his.
“It’s nice to meet you, Shikamaru Nara,” she hummed, and he felt faint. Even her voice was precious, almost like she was singing. He choked down his breaths, trying to keep his cool the best he could. It was uncharacteristic of him to act this way with a client. He was just her escort, not some pervert. They were going to live together for basically a month, he needed to get a grip on his emotions. “Your Hokage was telling me great things about you.”
“Oh, uh,” he paused, frozen without words to leave his lips, just an empty mind full of her image. He shook his head a bit, eyes now glaring down at the floorboards beneath him. “You too, Princess.”
“Please, just call me Y/N. Princess is just too formal for me,” she told him, waving off the title almost as quickly as it left his mouth. “Kakashi, it was nice getting to know you this morning, I hope to see you and your wonderful village again soon.”
“You’re welcome back whenever you like.”
She rounded the table and approached Shikamaru carefully, eyeing him down as she did so. She took in his appearance and his stance, the emotions she could see radiating off his person from his body language. From the looks of it, he simply appeared flustered and confused. Not exactly the most ideal for the situation at hand, but they would manage. Men usually had a similar reaction when they saw her for the first time, either they were in awe or they were trying to kidnap her.
He nodded in her direction and then to the Hokage before turning around and starting out the door, the girl following closely behind him. He could hear the swishing of her thick robes around her ankles, just barely skimming the floor. He still didn’t know her personality at all, but he wouldn’t mind looking at her once in a while on this trip.
“So, why are you heading to the Land of Frost?” he asked, and she sighed.
“One of the village elders is dying. They believe my kekkei genkai is the only way to reverse the incoming death, and its consequence on my people,” she explained.
“Why doesn’t another one of your clan members do it? Surely the rest of your family lives-”
“There is no one else. I am the last living Hirawa,” she told him simply, and he could sense a bit of ice dripping off her tongue at those words. How could she not be upset recalling the annihilation of her entire clan. “The problem is that I haven’t been able to awaken my kekkei genkai. I’m not sure what they want with a useless Hirawa like me.”
“Listen, I’m sorry about your clan, but calling yourself useless really isn’t-”
“How would you feel, Shikamaru, if you were the only person in the world with the ability to save a human being from their certain death and you couldn’t even activate that gift? You have to understand how that feels for me,” she told him solemnly, her head hung low as she walked toward the gates of the village right beside the boy. People looked at her as she moved through the village, they stared in awe at her clothes and her face and the unique glimmer in her eyes. And she cowered inward, tucking herself into her robes and the fur of her hood even further, away from the prying eyes of this village.
He stayed silent, not really knowing how to respond to what she’d said to him. The sadness and the anger in her tone, deep within her words, was immeasurable. She was in pain, a conflict with herself. He wasn’t going to get into that just yet. They’d only met a few minutes ago.
They left the village together and started on their journey. It was going to be a long month, that’s for sure.
It had been a week of walking through the forest already, days of sleeping on the ground beneath the stars, eating rations out of his bag over the fireplace. Originally, he thought this mission would be easy, that she seemed like a normal-ish girl who wouldn’t give him any trouble, but he was wrong.
She was too quiet. It was strange, walking with someone for hours without a single word shared between them. He tried to start up a conversation, and she would reply with one word answers, sometimes if he was lucky, two or three words. She rarely looked at him, choosing to either stare at the ground where she took each step, or up at the stars and the vastness of it all. She was lost in her own mind.
Every night, as they were falling asleep, he could hear her looking over at him, scanning his form for a sign that he was still awake. He would remain still, facing the opposite way on his side, head propped up on his bag. Then, when she thought she was safe, he would hear the sobs run through her weak form. She would shake and quiver, curling in on herself and crying out into the forest for only Shikamaru and the moon to hear.
He felt terrible for her, needless to say. The guilt he felt just from hearing her cries, and knowing her internal struggle was enough to make this trip difficult. His heart hurt for her, as strange as that was to say. Normally, it was easy to remain objective, but with Y/N, it was different. He felt attached. He felt like her problems were also his. It was maddening.
She laid on the ground beside him, the majority of her soup still in her bowl and her water bottle resting at her side. She stared up into the clouds, occasionally, her eyes would slide over to see what he was up to and then she would look back at the sky. “You need to eat. We have a lot of walking until we reach the next town, probably a week’s worth. I can’t carry you if you get too tired,” he told her, pushing her bowl closer to her side.
“You know, Shikamaru, sometimes I wonder why people like you Leaf nin even protect someone like me. What’s the point? I’m useless to you and the enemy,” she muttered hopelessly. He still pushed the soup closer until she sat up and took the bowl into her hands, taking a small sip from the spoon. “I just don’t get it. How can you call me princess when I’m just as normal as the next woman on the street?”
“Listen, I don’t know what anyone else has told you, but that’s a load of bullshit.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, just because you can’t access your abilities right now doesn’t make you useless. You’re still a person just like everyone else,” he explained, stabbing his spoon into his soup as he found himself getting a little worked up. He couldn’t stand this self-pitying bullshit from her. Yeah, she was sad and all, but she didn’t have to rub it into the wound like this.
She looked surprised at his words.
What did she expect him to say? That she was right and then just abandon her out in the woods? He was beginning to think this girl was just plain stupid.
“It’s just been impossible since the incident to think of anything else. I’m sorry for upsetting you,” she sighed, taking another sip of her now cold soup.
He questioned carefully. “What incident?” He was on a mission after all. To discover her clan secrets and bring them back to the village to study. Even if she was being emotional, he could still gather some intel.
She bit her lip, and looked up to the sky again, blinking back tears from gathering in the corners of her eyes. She took a few deep breaths before explaining herself. “The day my clan was massacred. The day that those people slaughtered my sensei in front of the entire village and then killed my parents.”
He paused, lifting his eyes to look at her. She was crying, as he expected, silent tears dripping from her eyes into her lap. But she was holding strong otherwise, not a falter in her voice or a catch in her breath. She wasn’t even shaking. She was really serious about keeping these emotions private, in the middle of the night where he couldn’t hear or see.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” he assured, but she shook her head.
“I’m fine. I should talk about it anyway. I haven’t had a person to talk to in years, you know.” Sitting on her face was the saddest of all smiles, a weak attempt at remaining strong. She wiped at her eyes with her wrist and continued. “I’m not even sure why they wanted us all dead, but it had something to do with the war and my clan’s actions. They were barbaric. They slit the throat of my sensei in town square and we watched her blood drip across town while they carried her head.”
“Oh, damn.”
“I know,” she agreed, “As sick as it is to say, I’m glad they only stabbed my parents with a sword. We used to be royalty, it took them killing an entire army of soldiers to get to the throne room to kill them. I was only a child hiding in the curtains, I had to watch without making a sound. I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t even breathe, or they would have killed me too.”
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. That’s horrific.”
“When they left, it was only me. I had to walk my way to one of the outer villages for help. I was a mess, covered in my parents blood. They’d stolen everything. All the secrets of the clan. I never got the chance to read the sacred texts. I only know from my Sensei the very basics of what we can do.”
He absorbed what she had said, taking in each word. Admittedly, she lived a terrible, horrible life, one to rival Sasuke at that. He asked, “You haven’t been able to retrieve any of the texts, have you?”
“No, unfortunately. That’s why it’s taken me this long to figure out how to unlock my ability. I literally do not know how,” she confessed, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. “It feels strange, knowing I have this ultimate healing ability and I can’t even use it to save anyone.”
“Ultimate healing ability?”
“Well, yeah. That’s our kekkei genkai. We can heal basically anything besides death. Blindness, deafness, rotting limbs, in some cases, paralysis. I’m not sure how it works, but that’s what it does. That’s why they want me to come home so desperately. I’m the only one left who can heal her.”
“You’ll figure it out,” he stated bluntly, and she tilted her head to the side in confusion.
He reiterated, “You’ll figure out how to use your kekkei genkai. I believe in you. You’re beautiful, smart, and modest, not a fool.”
She found her cheeks begin to heat up at his words, and she leaned back, her eyes catching onto his. “Thank you, Shikamaru. It’s not everyday I get earnest compliments like that.” It was true. Normally, she did get compliments, but not the nice kind. She would often get harrassed on the street by men without brains, or recieve backhanded comments from people of her own village who hated her for what she could not be.
He shook his head, “Well, you should. You’re a strong woman, you just need more faith in yourself. You have almost no self-confidence whatsoever.” He was right about that too. Sad, wasn’t it? “You’re obviously a good person, so be proud of yourself. Not a lot of people could have gone through what you did and still be on the good side to this day.”
“I-” Y/N froze, her eyes growing wide. “Did you hear that?” she asked, her eyes flickering from Shikamaru into the woods. There were voices, soft and quiet voices, but they were still there, hush in the background. He stood up on his feet, and motioned for her to stay down close to the ground.
“Come out, whoever you are.”
And, indeed, a group of men emerged from the forest, at least ten of them. They sauntered up to the pair and the leader smirked. “We’re not here to hurt you, Leaf shinobi. Just hand over the princess and no harm will come to you,” he said, his voice musty and disgusting, like he’d been smoking cigarettes everyday for the past ten years. They knew, clearly, that a leaf shinobi wasn’t just about to abandon their charge and go running for the hills. His request was a joke.
Y/N wasn’t a fighter. She couldn’t help even if she wanted to. She was solely a healer, and even then, her skills were shaky at best. She could only do the most menial and mediocre of work on her patients. Shikamaru was against these men completely alone.
She felt fear creeping up her spine and sending shivers through her body. She barely knew the boy, had only known him for a week or so, but damn, did she like him. He was kind to her, one of the kindest people she’d met in a long time. She wanted him to be safe, to save her and come out on top like the shinobi of the Leaf are supposed to.
He turned around and waved for her to run. “Princess, Imma need you to run. I’ll come find you when it’s safe. Just go.”
She was hesitant to take off, but one stern look from him shot down any thought of staying. The woman gathered up her robes and ran in the opposite direction of the crew and her protector. Immediately after she left, she heard screaming from behind, the shouts of men in pain and men filled with anger. So much yelling. She held her breath, and kept running, running until she could only hear the faint yells of the men. She couldn’t hear Shikamaru. He was far too quiet to have those loud theatrics on the battlefield.
Y/N took cover in the roots of a tree, and just listened, felt what was going on around her. She studied the chakra signatures floating through the air, counting how many men still lived and how many were alive and well. Likewise, she kept close track of Shikamaru’s energy, making sure he was still going.
If he died, she didn’t know what would come of her. Would she be sold off? Murdered? She knew of the unspoken bounty on her head amongst the criminals, and that struck fear in her heart. All she could do was pray for Shikamaru’s survival.
After what seemed like hours but in reality only about 10 minutes, the screams and shouts finally came to a halt. The chakra signatures of most of the men were completely gone, meaning they had died sometime during the battle. Only some remained, and they were weakened severely, probably passed out or bleeding out.
Shikamaru’s alarmed her. It was weak, almost as weak as the rest. She crawled out from under the tree and started back in the direction of the campsite, keeping her head low nearly in a crouch to stay unseen. There was no telling what was happening over there or who was still out here.
When she got to the campsite though, her eyes widened and she nearly screamed. While the rest of the men collapsed on the ground in bloody heaps, Shikamaru lay in the middle of them, bleeding out from a ginormous wound protruding from his side. She fell onto her knees beside his barely breathing form and held her hands over the wound, trying her best to run her chakra through her, but she was weak. Only a faint light emanating from her hands, not enough to come close to saving him.
“Shikamaru? Shikamaru, can you hear me? Please, try to stay awake, okay?” the girl pleaded, resting one of her soft hands on his cheek. He sighed into her touch. It was just as he imagined. Warm and gentle, like the caress of a feather. At least, if he were to die, it would be in the arms of an angel, he decided.
“You need to head back to the Leaf. Tell Kakashi what happened,” he sputtered out, blood leaving his lips and dripping down the sides of his face. “I lived a good life.”
“No, no, no. You are not dying on me. Not happening,” she whispered. She continued to pour her chakra into his wound, not that it was doing anything serious. Tears filled her eyes and she bit her lip, trying to keep them from falling, but she couldn’t help it. All these tears plagued her life. Memories that made her cry. All the pressure. All the death. Poor Shikamaru lying here dying after saving her life. “I’m going to save you,” she muttered firmly.
Pressure built up in her chest and she pushed further and further, digging deeper into her chakra reserve. It actually hurt the amount of effort she was putting in. It was exhausting, and after about a minute, she was gasping for breath. “Stop. It’s okay, princess.”
“Dammit, Shikamaru, I told you not to call me princess, “ Y/N shouted, and in that moment, she felt something shift inside her. A well of energy she never knew she had opened up and she felt it being filled not by her own chakra but by the men around her. Her body absorbed every last bit of chakra in their bodies, filling hers completely. When Shikamaru looked up at her, he noticed a slight glow coming from her skin that wasn’t there before.
It seemed she awoke her kekkei genkai.
With all the newfound energy she had, she channelled it into saving Shikamaru. Right in front of her eyes, his wound began to close and blood sunk back into his body. He groaned at the feeling, shifting uncomfortably on the ground. Finally, she had done something great.
And as she watched the last bit of his wound shut and the blood to seep back into his body, she found herself grow lightheaded.
As she was passing out, she heard him calling her name, and the only thing she could do was smile. She did it. She saved him. Her vision went black and sleep overtook her swiftly.
After Y/N saved Shikamaru and awoke her kekkei genkai, the boy gathered up both of their belongings, hoisted them over his shoulder, and then carried her in his arms to the next village. She wasn’t waking up anytime soon, he found that was probably a bad side effect of using the ability. It completely drained her. He just knew he had to move before any of those guys woke back up. He was not ready to fight again.
He enjoyed feeling her in his arms, pressed tightly to his chest with her head lolling side to side. Y/N was sweet and cute, with her little, “don’t call me princess” proclamation before saving him. It seemed she was just as much a princess as everyone thought she was, and a powerful one at that. She basically brought him back from the dead, and he would be grateful for his entire life for what she’d done for him.
The two of them rested for the night in a village inn just a couple miles away before waking up the next morning and setting off with a new bounce in her step toward your homeland where she was sure she could save the village elder now. He watched as the girl walked eagerly in front of him, swinging her robes by her sides and letting her hair loose instead of a tight braid.
This side of her, it was gorgeous. She was gorgeous. Maybe, he found himself harboring just a tiny crush on the girl who saved his life, the girl who took his breath away when they first met. Maybe he liked her a lot. It was pointless to have such feelings for a girl he would probably never meet again after dropping her off in her homeland.
But he could enjoy his time now, with the girl of his dreams at his side.
He found himself wanting more time with her. Much more time. He knew they only had about a week before they arrived in the Land of Frost, and it was depressing him. He wanted her to come back to the village with him and live there, just so he could see her face everyday and hear that sing-song voice run off her tongue.
Was that so much to ask for? Well, yes, but he still wanted it…
They found themselves stopped for the night or two in a village on the coast. She was tired from all the walking and sleeping in the grass. She was willing to spend a few dollars to have a nice bed to sleep in for the night. She booked a room at one of the inns in town and collapsed into the mattress in the room, throwing her robes to the side and cuddling into the comforter. It had been so long since she was living in such comfortable conditions.
He took a seat beside her and pulled out a book, flipping to the most recent page and diving in. He was more than happy to finally rest. He was lazier than she was, after all. They had been walking for almost a month now, he was tired of it. The only thing that kept him going was seeing her smile every now and then, especially the ones directed at him, or in response to something he said.
Something about those smiles just made him feel good inside. It was sickening. These mushy, gushy feelings he was having. He was beginning to think he might be falling for the girl, like, falling in love. He was disturbed. Was he really that weak to a pretty face, soft hands, and a warm heart?
“I’ll be home in a week, and you’ll have to go back to the Leaf Village,” she said. He nodded. At that point, they would go their separate ways and it would all be over, this friendship they had. He’d never felt so torn about a mission until now.
He replied casually, “Yeah. Time flies, huh?”
She held her breath for a moment, thinking over her next words very carefully. She’d actually been pondering when she was gonna tell him over the last few days, thinking over every way the scenario could play out. “I don’t want you to go. I don’t want to leave you, Shikamaru,” she confessed, finally letting go of the breath she was holding.
He raised a brow, setting down his book and turning to face her. “What do you mean?”
“Well...it’s just that your Hokage seems to really like me, and I don’t really have a home anymore with my clan gone,” she mumbled, twiddling her fingers in her lap. “I was thinking maybe after I heal the elders and the village that I could go home with you instead. Live in the leaf village.”
He just looked at her. Had all his longing been for nothing? Could she really mean it? Coming home with him? Could his future really involve seeing her every day, introducing her to his best friends, and healing his people when they were injured?
“I mean, if you don’t think it’s a good idea, though, I totally get it-”
“No! I-I love that idea, actually.”
“Would I say it if I didn’t mean it?”
He watched as her lips curled into a bright smile and she clasped her hands together. “Shikamaru, I’m so happy. You and the other Leaf nin are the only people to show me any kindness in a long time. I get to go home to people that will care about me.”
“Yeah, we’re pretty good at that back in the Leaf. Caring, that is.”
She fell back against the bed and sighed, curling up in the sheets once again. He watched as she smiled into the covers and closed her eyes, relishing in this feeling of newfound freedom and happiness, of the hope she found in him and the village. Despite finding women troublesome most of the time, he was willing to go through trouble for her. He felt like he’d do just about anything for this girl.
So unlike him. Tch. Get a grip, Shika.
Her next words had him melting like putty in her hands though. He just couldn’t help it.
"I'm glad you were assigned this mission with me. You helped me awaken my abilities, and I think it was fate that brought us together for that to happen," she sighed. "This meeting, you and I, it was always meant to be. I'm sure of it now."
"Maybe you're right. I wouldn't know," he replied.
It was quiet for a while, just her lost in her own dreams, her own thoughts. Her eyes trailed over to him, and she just knew she was swoon. With his lazy grin and his thoughtful gaze. It was so obvious to her now.
She confessed, “I think I like you. As more than just a friend, Shikamaru. I know I probably shouldn’t be telling you this considering I still need you to escort me to the village and all, and you might not want me to go back to the Leaf with you now, but I just-”
He couldn’t wait anymore. He was going crazy. Finally, he kissed her.
She felt his hands resting on either side of her head and his lips pressed carefully to hers, testing the waters. She brought her own hands up to cup his own, bringing him closer and deeper into the kiss. She smiled and sighed, enjoying the feeling of pure bliss. It had been so long since she felt something so good. Something so sweet.
“You like me too?”
“You’re dumb as hell.”
And he kissed her again. And again. And maybe a couple more times after that.
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angelicyoongie · 3 years
everything i brew, i brew it for you
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⤷ 1.2k follower event request: Familiar!Seokjin x Witch!Reader + “I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave.” + Fluff/Angst ⤷ @softescapism​ said: seokjin x reader or OT7 x reader + prompt C8 + witch/familiar, fluff, sfw (hi! could you write a drabble/scenario/short fic for the follower event based on this, please? 💓) ⤷ word count: 2.1k ⤷ a/n: this is a little angsty in the beginning, but the ending is all fluff! i hope you like it!!
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“There you are!” You grumble, snatching up a vial from the back of your cabinet. The little thing is covered with dust, the label yellowed with age and barely clinging on to the glass. But even then, there’s no mistaking the content. The shimmering pink powder inside makes you stomach flip uneasily, but you know it has to be done. You uncap the bottle before you can talk yourself out of it, carefully sprinkling the powder counter-clockwise into the boiling concoction in your pot. You can’t help but frown as it slowly turns from clear to bright pink, the stark colour mocking you as you throw in a pair of four leaf clovers with a little more force than necessary. The kitchen is quiet aside from the bubbling brew and the rhythmic tapping of your impatient fingers against the counter, your eyes resting nervously on the dark garden outside your window. You promised Seokjin years ago that you would never make this particular potion again, but you’ve run out of options.
You love being a potions witch, but truth be told, it’s probably the worst financial decision you could have made. All witches have to choose their niche the day they turn eighteen, and you, driven by the long list of potions witches in your ancestry, wanted to follow in their footsteps. What you didn’t account for however, is just how drastically the times have changed. Larger covens have started selling their potions online, making them in big batches to cut down on the cost and shipping them all across the country. There’s no longer a need for a town to have their own potions witch, not when you can get them delivered to your doorstep for a cheaper price. The mass produced potions are definitely not as potent as a singularly brewed ones, but it seems people care more about price than efficiency these days. Well, at least most people don’t care. And considering business has been dwindling so alarmingly fast over the last four months that you’re barely scraping by, there’s not a chance that you can lower your prices anymore than you already have.
You shake your head, trying your best to ignore the tendrils of guilt wrapping around your chest. As long as your familiar doesn’t find out about this order, there will be nothing for him to worry about. That's why you’re hunkered over the stove in the first place; desperately hoping that it will be done in time before he comes home. Tonight is Seokjin’s monthly familiar night with Hoseok and Namjoon, and the only window of alone time you have to make something like this. You murmur a quick incantation under your breath as you give the potion one last stir, watching as the pink brew slowly darkens to red. The sickly sweet smell that whiffs up from the cauldron almost makes you gag, but at least it tells you that the potion is almost complete.
You take a step back, throwing another glance towards the window as you count down the seconds in your head. Five minutes. That’s all you need. It’ll be finished, and you can finally hand over the love potion to your customer tomorrow. Despite your reservations and Seokjin’s hatred for that particular brew, it’s actually not that bad. It can’t force someone to fall in love, but it does make them more .. loose-lipped around their crush if they happen to have one. If anything, it’s honestly more of a rebranded truth serum. It does make you want to confess your feelings, and that’s also where the dubious morality of the potion comes in. Even if the person is already in love with someone, it still forces the recipient to act on emotions that they might not be ready to, or even want to share with their crush. You’ve turned down requests for this potion numerous times in the past, but this time, you truly can’t afford to. Seokjin might be older, but he’s still your familiar. Your responsibility. It’s not his fault that he decided to create a bond with you – a witch who can hardly sell enough potions to keep food on the table. You have honestly no idea how you managed to end up with a familiar like him, one that’s so utterly selfless and helpful. Seokjin’s guidance and assistance feels a little wasted on you, and you can’t help but think that your familiar should’ve ended up with a different witch. One that would actually be able to repay him properly for everything he does. You let out a deep sigh. You’ll just have to do better. Maybe you can try to set up one of those witchgram accounts Taehyung is doing so well on, after all, the ritual witch’s sales has been increasing.
The brew suddenly releases a puff of red smoke, signaling its completion. You hastily grab an empty bottle, scooping up as much as possible as you fill the vial to the brim. ”Shit, not yet,” You can suddenly feel the familiar itch behind your right ear, a telltale sign that Seokjin will be home soon. You scramble to turn off the oven as you hear your familiar open the back door, just about managing to shove in a cork at the top of the bottle and hide it behind your back as Seokjin steps into the kitchen.
”Hey! How was your night out?” You lean awkwardly against the counter, bottle digging into your back as you press it flush against your body.
”It was good,” Your heart flutters as Seokjin comes closer, the handsome features never failing to make your heart skip a treacherous beat. ”How was your night?” Your familiar raises an eyebrow as he takes in your awkward posture, the lingering scent of magic in the air betraying what you’ve been up to while he was gone.
”Boring! You know, just very normal and .. boring,” You wince. You breath hitches as Seokjin stalks closer, the frown tugging on his lips causing another wave of guilt to crash through you. You brain shuts down as he cages you in against the counter, and you swear you only blink before you find yourself staring at a red vial in front of your face, your hand grasping around air.
”I see,” Seokjin huffs, ”It’s so very boring and normal to brew a potion we agreed we wouldn’t sell.” As Seokjin stares down at the bottle with disdain before he places it on the counter, you can’t help but shrink against the wood, wracking your brain to figure out a good excuse. You can’t explain why you did it without exposing Seokjin to yourfinancial issues, and you have no plans of doing it – but, then you catch your familiar’s gaze, his kind eyes filled with saddened disappointment as he says, ”Y/n, why would you do this behind my back?”
The reason bubbles up your throat before you can stop it, the words bitter on your tongue as you blurt out a panicked, ”I had to! Business isn’t going well and we need the money, I couldn’t turn the customer away.” You register the flash of shock in Seokjin’s eyes, the purple tint around his brown irises brightening before he gets it under control. Your familiar runs a hand through his hair, leaving the dark locks messy and disheveled as he let out a deep sigh.
”For how long has this been going on?” You slump against the counter, adverting your eyes down to the floor as you mumble, ”Four months. I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave. I thought I could fix it before it became too much of a problem .. I just didn’t want to make you regret choosing me.”
Seokjin’s eyes soften, an exasperated huff of air leaving his lips as he places his fingers under your chin, tilting your head back up. ”Y/n, I would never regret choosing you as my witch,” Your familiar keeps his gaze locked with yours, his eyes urging you to understand the sincerity behind his words. "I just wish you had told me, we could have worked this out together much earlier.”
”I didn’t want you to worry,” You frown. "You already do so much by making deliveries and gathering ingredients, and I didn’t want to burden you more." You feel your breath hitch as Seokjin’s hand moves from your chin to cup your cheek, his touch gentle as he runs his thumb across your skin.
“That’s what I’m supposed to do as your familiar, Y/n. I’m here to help you and guide you, but I can’t do that if you don’t tell me when something’s wrong.” You know that, you really do, but it’s still hard to accept sometimes – the fact that you can’t solve everything on your own.
“I’m sorry,” You pout.
”I know,” Seokjin nods, a faint smile on his lips as he moves his hands to your back, pulling you into a hug. ”Just talk to me next time, yeah?”
”I will, I promise,” Your voice is muffled by the thick material of his sweater, but you know your familiar hears you as his arms tighten around your waist in response.
”Good,” Seokjin’s voice is fond as his fingers draw small patterns against your back. You feel yourself relaxing into Seokjin’s hold, your body melting against his as he rests his head on top of yours. ”How are we going to fix it though? I’ve tried almost everything I can think of. There’s nothing that beats low prices and convenience,” You sigh.
”Of course there is,” You pull back at the affronted tone in Seokjin’s voice, your familiar looking down at you like you personally offended him. Seokjin releases you from his hold, his hands flying up to cup his face as he says, ”I can beat that. This–” He points wildly at his face, ”–is sure to bring business in again. No one can resist the opportunity to glance upon this handsome face.” You snort at the expectant expression on his face, rolling your eyes so hard it feels like they’re close to popping out. As much as you like teasing Seokjin for his confidence, he’s not wrong. There’s no one in this town that can come close to Seokjin’s handsomeness, and well, everyone knows it. That’s the biggest reason you have Seokjin running errands and making deliveries, because it means he won’t have to deal with being ogled by all the customers that stop by. For all the banter and smiles he would flash at your customers, you could tell it made your familiar uncomfortable. You could see the way he gently tried to pull away when touches lingered a little too long on his arms, his ears stained a permanent red the days he worked out in the shop.
”Making money isn’t worth it if means you’ll have to do something that makes you uncomfortable,” You shake your head, ignoring the flutter in your chest as you grasp Seokjin’s hands, pulling them away from his face.
”I’ll be fine,” Seokjin says. It’s your familiar’s turn to roll his eyes as he sees the doubtful look on your face. ”I mean it. Please trust me just this once? I’ll let you know the moment it gets too much.”
You hesitate, using the extra seconds to search his face for any uncertainty. ”Fine,” You grumble. You owe it to your familiar to at least extend the trust he has given you back to him.
”Don’t look so sad Y/n, you know you’re the only witch that gets unlimited access to my handsome face,” Seokjin grins.
”Shut up,” You groan, pushing lightly at his chest. You can feel the heat creeping up your neck as Seokjin looks down at you, and you find yourself thankful that familiars don’t have enhanced hearing, otherwise your heart would’ve surely given you away years ago. Something flickers in Seokjin’s eyes, and your familiar’s grin turns heart wrenchingly soft as he ducks his head down.
”I do mean it Y/n, you really are the only witch for me.” You freeze as Seokjin leans in, your blood rushing in your ears as you feel your familiar’s plush lips press against the corner of your mouth. As your brain finally catches up to what just happened, Seokjin has already pulled back. The spot he kissed is burning against your skin, and you barely manage to make sense of Seokjin’s warm gaze lingering on your lips before his eyes flicker behind your back, eyebrow quirking as he says, ”Now, what should we do about that potion?”  
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Click here for the 1.2 follower event masterlist! Please leave a comment/reblog/like if you enjoyed :) If you enjoy my stories, you can support me here! 💖
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youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Nothing Left (Ivar x reader)
A/N: This is my entry to @geekandbooknerd 2k Writing Challenge. Congratulations again, Hayley, you deserve each and every one of us 🌻
The gif is a dead giveaway: this piece is an angsty one 😬 Sorry about that but I feel like I can’t write fluff all the time 😉
Prompt in bold
Thanks to @zuxiezendler for beta reading this for me (hope you don't mind Hayley, but since it was for your challenge... 😉)
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Leaving Ivar is not an easy task.
Warnings: angst; Ivar's temper; physical assault (no harm done, though); Freydis is beautiful; no happy ending (you've been warned).
Words: 2089
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Crutch – right foot – left foot – crutch – right foot – left foot
You can hear him coming. Of course, you can.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He's not yet in your shared bedroom and he's already shouting. Instead of turning around, you grab the little carved wooden wolf he gifted you many years ago and put it in your pouch.
As he stabs the wooden floor with his crutch, you can physically feel his anger. "You thought you could sneak out? Uh?" You know his jaw is clenched, and he's probably shaking with rage.
"This is what you intended to do, admit it!"
You just scoff. No, you didn't intend to sneak out, not in your wildest dreams. Not with White Hair's men everywhere, night and day.
A thump – his fist hitting the table, you'd say – and then a roar.
Glancing over your shoulder, you give him a tired, defeated smile. You don't want to fight. You never wanted to. "What does it look like to you, Ivar? Do you really think I'm trying to sneak out? Of course, I'm not."
"Rumors are false, that's what you're saying?" He snorts and, taking two more steps into the room, he joins you. "What's that, then?" He gestures angrily toward a wooden trunk, filled to the brim with your belongings, mostly dresses and a few jewels.
"I'm leaving, if that's what rumors say, Ivar, I'm just not sneaking out." You speak softly while closing the trunk.
A wide-eyed look on his face, he can't hide his surprise at your easy admission but he quickly pulls himself together, straightening up and towering over you.
"You can't. I forbid you." Giving you an intimidating look, he grits his teeth.
You barely shake your head. There's so much sadness in your heart. "Of course, I can. I'm not asking for permission, you know? I'm leaving, whether you like it or not."
That's when he explodes, his bottom lip quivering. "I SAID, I FORBID YOU! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, YOU WILL DO AS YOU'RE TOLD, Y/N! I. AM. YOUR. KING!"
His scream is so loud that you can't help but take a step back. But you don't lower your gaze. You won't. You can't. So, keeping your chin up, you inhale slowly. "And I'm still a free woman, Ivar. I'm leaving today."
You know the man you once loved is not going to make that so easy for you. So, you're not surprised when he grabs your wrist so firmly you can't shake him off. Tossing his crutch on the floor, he places his now free hand on your shoulder. Looking at him, you can tell you've rarely seen him this angry. Never releasing the pressure on your wrist, he throws you against the nearest wall so hard that the back of your skull makes a resounding "clunk".
He leans in close to you, his breath stinking faintly of honeyed mead, and presses the weight of his body against you. "You're not leaving, Y/N." He then moves his hand from your shoulder to your throat and the air is immediately stolen from you as you stare into his now darkened eyes. With your right hand still pinned to the wall, you only have your left to defend yourself. You're slapping him, clawing at him, but you may as well be tickling him with a feather – your scratches and punches have no effect on him whatsoever.
"I could kill you, Y/N. Maybe I should." The threat is clear, obvious, but Ivar loosens his grip just enough for you to breathe. He won't harm you. Not yet anyway.
Clearing your throat, you don't look away. "Maybe you should. It wouldn't be the worst thing for me, you know? One way or another, I wouldn't be here anymore."
Your words sting, you can see it on his face as he steps away, wobbling and dumbstruck.
Slowly leaning forward, you grab his discarded crutch before giving it back to him. "Here." You mutter before taking a seat on the bed. Ivar follows suit, flopping down next to you.
Blinking several times, Ivar is obviously trying to come to terms with what you just said. "So, you'd rather be dead than here? With me?" His voice is shaking and he fidgets with his fingers on his lap.
"Ivar, there's nothing left here for me… Nothing… We just don't understand each other anymore, you know that. I don't understand you anymore, Ivar. Since Wessex, you've changed so much…"
You've tried. You've tried very hard. But this man, this king, is no longer the man you fell in love with.
"It's about Sigurd, isn't it?" Ivar asks sadly, but you immediately shake your head.
"No Ivar, you know it's not. I told you, even though I wish you hadn't killed him, I understand why you did it. And I know you didn't want to."
"It's about my legs, then." His face suddenly hardens but you know him, he always hides his pain behind anger. "I knew it. I knew this day would come. You're tired of the cripple, admit it."
Without thinking, you grab his hand, entwining his fingers with yours. As much as you resent him for what he has become, you can't let him run himself down like this. " It has nothing to do with your legs. Your legs have never bothered me, and they never will. You're stronger than all other men, not in spite of your legs, but because of them. Actually, you're the strongest man I know, and I've always felt proud to walk beside you, or to be your woman. I forbid you to doubt it."
"Why, then?" Ivar is so soft now, seems to be so… broken, you have to remind yourself why you're leaving. You have to remind yourself of the horror.
Closing your eyes, you conjure up frightful images behind your eyelids.
"You killed Margrethe, Ivar. You didn't have to do that."
He tenses beside you, releasing his hand from your grip. "She was talking rubbish all the time, she was spreading rumors about me, you know that!!"
"She was insane, Ivar! She was no danger, neither to you nor to anyone. And as for the rumors, I'm loud enough for people to know that you can pleasure a woman. She was harmless, and you killed her, and that, Ivar, I can't understand. And then, you did worse. You killed Thora." You can't help but wince, the stench of burning flesh still so vivid in your mind, you'd swear it's real.
Fuming, Ivar points an accusing finger at you. "She defaced my image. She was plotting behind my back. She was conspiring, criticizing me. She saw me as a tyrant while I was just trying to rule well. She was a FUCKING DANGER!"
Startled by his shout, you stand up hastily. "You burned her alive, Ivar!! You burned her entire family. Asbjorn, her brother, had not yet seen his tenth spring. And you killed him!" You know he can see the disgust on your face, and the truth is, you don't care. He deserves your disgust. He deserves your contempt. He deserves you falling out of love with him. "Thora was your brother's lover and she was my friend and you burned her alive!!! How could you?" Your hands tangled in your hair, you shake your head, still barely able to process the horror of what he did.
"And what was I supposed to do, huh?" Ivar seems unshaken, and it strengthens your resolve. He doesn't know between good and evil, not anymore. You want to reply that he could have exiled her, or had her thrown in jail, but to what end? What's done is done, and your former lover is a monster now.
"It doesn't matter, Ivar… What matters is that you're like a stranger. I don't know who you are anymore. Since this girl, you've changed." You shrug, blinking back tears.
Ivar rolls his eyes. "So that's what it was all about? I can't believe you're jealous, Y/N. This girl… It's just a... thrall"
Oh gods! There's none so deaf as those that will not hear, right?
"I'm not jealous, Ivar. She was naked on your lap, but I'm not jealous. Or maybe I was, but it doesn't matter anymore. And I don't give a damn about what or who she is. But she was whispering nonsense in your ear, and since then you've changed. I don't recognize you anymore. You're no longer the man I loved, Ivar..." Your words are genuine, your heart full of sorrow.
Still sitting on the bed, Ivar tilts his head. "You... You can't leave me, Y/N. What... What will I do without you?" His quivering voice sends shivers down your spine. But you won't change your mind. This man in front of you, unsure and insecure, is nothing but a ghost of who he once was. The boy you loved is gone. Dead. Killed by his inner demons.
Swallowing, Ivar slowly stands up, and frowns when you step back. "Y/N," he speaks again, reaching out but to no avail as you stubbornly put your hands on your back, "you're the person I don't need to explain myself to – not when it matters. You see everything I am and you don't run away from it. I... I can't do without you."
Your eyes filling with tears, you shake your head. "I can't be this person anymore, Ivar. I've tried, but I can't. I don't know you at all anymore. You've become the monster that people thought you were. You're paranoid, and narcissistic, and self-centered. You're cruel, and mean, and fearsome. I won't lie, sometimes I still see a shadow of the man – the boy – you used to be. But most of the time, what I see in your eyes is something scary and unfamiliar. I have said it before and I will say it again. I don't recognize you anymore, Ivar. I don't know who you are. You've done terrible things, which I cannot and will not forget and forgive. That's why I'm leaving." Pointing to the trunk, you bite the inside of cheek until it bleeds. "I'll send someone to get it later."
Heading out, you don't wait for his answer. There's nothing he can say that is going to change your mind.
Yet, you stop in your tracks when he calls your name, "Y/N!" his voice sounding like a wounded animal. Slowly turning around, you can see a single tear running down his face. "Please..." He begs and it kills you, because Ivar the Boneless doesn’t beg; never begs. For a fleeting moment, your resolve falters. Maybe you can still save your love. Maybe you can bring back the man he was. Maybe it's not too late. Maybe...
And then, a shadow slips between the heavy doors of the great hall and you recognize the thrall. She's undoubtedly beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous. Flawless.
Without even according you a glance, she walks with a confident stride and as soon as Ivar sees her, you can tell you cease to exist for him. Enthralled, he watches her every step, a sparkle dancing in his eyes.
Tears flow on your cheeks, but it doesn't matter. You were right.
This is the end.
It's like torture but you can't bring yourself to walk away. So, you watch. You see Ivar closing the gap between them, inviting her to sit down, pouring mead into a cup and handing it to her. "How are you? I've been thinking about you." You feel like you're going to throw up as you see the smile on his lips; as you realize how easily he forgot about you.
His next question nearly kills you. "Are you married?"
You can't believe your ears. You can't stay here anymore. You can't breathe.
You don't want to hear her answer. You know what she will say. And at this moment, deep down inside, you know he will marry her. Of course, he will. He will marry her because she will always be willing to whisper in his ear what he wants to hear.
A blond woman, attractive and seemingly submissive – you know better, but Ivar doesn't –swaying her hips... That's all it takes for Ivar to forget you.
You. Can't. Breathe.
You won't die here from a shattered heart, though. Your pride won't allow it. So, stumbling, your head spinning, you walk away, your fist in your mouth to keep you from screaming.
You were right. There's nothing left.
@geekandbooknerd @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @a-mess-of-fandoms @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @ivarthebloodyking @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
A push to the right direction // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1241
warnings // maybe a little cursing, was meant to be a little angsty but I don't think i succeeded in that
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. again, for the millionth time, don't forget that sundays will be for "sleepovers" from now on, so I can have a bit of a break and still give you guys something so yay. also this originally was supposed to be out yesterday but toothace and all I could barely function at all sooooo yeah. I hope you enjoy the little beach vibes and locked in car scenrio 😂
request // yes, it was through messages by @tabi-toast so i'm putting it here
"I’d like to request some friends to lovers with Vic where the boys notice that they like each other and try to push them towards each other? Maybe some angst but mostly lots of fluff hehehe"
summary // Victoria and reader have been friends for a while, both harboring unspoken feelings. While the two are oblivious beyond their minds the boys of the band have figured out all the glances and sublte touches the two share. Well, all they need is a little push to see the truth.
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It was simply agonizing. The way the two looked at each other lovingly, staring with adoration every time they were sure they would not get caught, the way they spoke of each other, constantly using the fondest of words… They were both suffering from the unspoken feelings, the constant emotion of (non existent, really) rejection making the bad days harder and the good days bad, taking away from the most important moments they shared. The friends they shared were surely close to taking off, not wanting to see the constant pinning and insecurities that come with it.
The pair tended to be so oblivious to the obvious. Writing off indications of romantic feelings as plain signs of the comfort they had with each other. The hugs, the cuddles, the hair petting, all the pet names, the spontaneous 1 am singing competitions in the car while driving to find some food. They wrote it off as plain and simple platonic affection.
But, after, as the times passed by and the two would not seem to understand the feelings they shared, they would each go to a different member, complaining and even crying about the lack of reciprocation.
“How can you know that, Y/N? You haven’t even told her!”
“Well, I know her! She doesn’t want me Thomas!”
A similar scenarios would apply to Victoria sharing her feelings. They were both so blinded by fear of losing each other that they were blind to the truth. But everyone with eyes was not. Everyone, even people that had never met them before, could see that they were dying to be together, sometimes even assuming that they are… But that only ever resulted in awkward denying and later crying over the non existent rejection.
Currently they were laying on a towel at the beach, cuddled up together while relaxing with the last sun rays of the day and the soft sound of waves. The entire group had decided that a beach day was long overdue, the pool just simply not satisfactory enough. It was not the same to be by the sea, with the waves and the beautiful view, and being by a pool with the superficial lights and all (not that they could really complain).
“So, you mean to tell me that it actually happened?!” Yelled Y/N, laughing at yet another story Victoria shared with them.
“It did! I swear!” Victoria laughed back, caressing Y/N’s back softly as they both laughed.
“Well you need to take me with you next time you visit that place again. Who knows? Maybe another incident like that will happen.”
“I surely will,” she said, leaving a soft kiss on their heads.
“Are you feeling tired, amore?”
“Maybe a little… I had a long day…”
“You can take a nap on me if you need to. I’ll wake you up before Thomas and Damiano go to get us food.”
“I suppose I could,” they responded and settled in for a small nap.
The rest of Måneskin simply stared at the pair while discussing how exactly they were not one. It seemed so obvious to them how they had strong feelings, undeniable ones at that, and they could not stand and watch. Something had to happen.
So they came up with a devious plan. It would piss off Victoria a bit but it would bring the results they needed. Damiano walked to the car they came in, thanking technology with all of his might, in his head, remembering how his car has child-proofing mechanisms at the doors so they can only open from the outside. Thus the plan was in action.
After coming back he simply settled down, going back to doing his own thing - whatever he was doing before and waiting until it was time to move forward with it.
“Agh, I’m starving! When are you guys going for the food?”
“Me too.” Thomas stated before settling back in his chair for a moment.
“Hey, Vic!” He almost yelled, the woman flinching and checking to see if he woke Y/N up.
“What is it Thomas?” her voice was sharp, body quickly moving to walk up to him, making sure to not disturb her crushe’s nap.
“Can you and Y/N go for the food? Honestly I am bored, Damiano said he’s not coming and Ethan is too preoccupied right now.” He pouted and everything, giving the older girl the softest look he could possibly manage, while pointing at Ethan having a phone call.
“Couldn’t you have thought of that before? Seriously, Thomas, right now? They are sleeping.”
“Oh, come on Vic, please! I’ll owe you!”
“Agh, agh, fine, let me wake them,” she paused,”you’re lucky I’m hungry or I would let all of you starve,” she mumbled, annoyed by the boys’ laziness, before going over to the sleeping figure on the towel.
“Hey, amore… come on, sweets, wake up. Hey. Hey,” she repeated softly, a sweet smile on her face as their eyes opened slowly.
“Vic? Oh, are the guys going for the food?”
“Not quite. The guys are being annoying and refuse to go. So, if you want to eat we have to go.”
“Oh, alright then. Give me a moment to wake up,” they said and Victoria smoothed down their sea-salt stained t-shirt.
“Ethan, where are the keys?”
“On the engine, cucciola.”
“Ok, grazie.”
With that the two clueless friends sat in the car, Victoria realizing the keys were missing a little too late.
“Agh, cazzo, Ethan! They are not her- The door isn’t opening. Why is the door not opening?”
“Mine isn’t either.”
“Ethan!” Her voice could be heard crystal clear, even with the windows separating her from the outside.
“What is it, Victoria?” He asked, a smug smile on his face as he stood outside the car window.
“What did you do?”
“Well,” spoke Damiano, “you two clueless, little shits have gotten annoying. So if you are not going to do it, we will.” He stated and Victoria’s eyes almost went out of her head, catching onto what her friend was saying.
“Y/N, Victoria has feelings for you. Victoria, Y/N has feelings for you. Now talk!”
If only glare’s could kill, Ethan would be having a very painful death as Vic kept mumbling how she’ll kill him. Y/N, on the other hand, simply stared at Victoria in adoration.
“Do you have feelings for me?”
“Look Y/N, I-”
“Answer my question Victoria! Do you have feelings for me?”
“Yes,” she replied, looking down as if she was ashamed.
“That’s not how I wanted you to find out. I wasn’t really planning on telling you cause I know that Ethan is lying but-”
“Victoria! Take a breath between sentences! What are you talking about? Ethan is not lying, you know?”
“I know, Y/N, you don’t have to sugarco- Wait, what?”
“He isn’t lying, Victoria. I really like you.” “You do?”
“Mhm, I do. Now, will you give me a kiss or are you waiting for Ethan to smash our heads together,” they joked, easing up the tension Victoria was feeling and pushing their lips to hers.
It was not anything special, just a simple, soft, kiss. What made it special was that it was to each other. They shared a kiss together, not someone else, not a stranger, not someone they had no feelings for, but someone they were yearning for, for a very long time now.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever@tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Angsty fight with Freddie??
A/N: Of course, baby! Here it is. Sorry that it’s a bit trash, I suck at angst sometimes.
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God, he’s so beautiful. 
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“And how is any of that my fault?” You scream at him from the other side of the kitchen island, waving your arms around as you express your frustration.
“You let him touch you the whole night!” He screams while pointing at you, starting to make his way out to the living room, “Come on, Y/N, I thought you were smarter than this.”
“Are you serious, Freddie?” You say defensively, following him, “He’s my friend, I can’t just push him to the ground.”
“You guys almost fucking kissed!” He says, stopping to walk to look at you dumbfounded.
“He was blackout drunk! He probably thought I was someone else.”
He shakes his head and looks outside the window of the apartment, almost as if he can’t bear to look at you.
“Like that's an excuse.” He says under his breath.
“It sure is.” You answer him calmer, and you notice, just by his expression, that he didn’t expect you to hear him. “I didn’t kiss him, he tried to kiss me. You can’t blame me for this.”
He shakes his head, still looking out of the window.
“Can you?” You ask.
“I can, Y/N. I can because he’s your friend.” He says, now bringing his eyes back to you. “He should know not to touch you, and not to fucking kiss you. Especially when you’re meeting my friends for the first time!”
You look down at the ground somewhat defeated and he lets out a sigh.
He doesn’t say anything else and you follow his gaze out of the window when you find yourself without words to say. Your mind is affected by the alcohol, and it feels clogged - like only half of the stuff you want to say actually comes out of your mouth.
You feel so ridiculous when arguing with Freddie. But he’s right, in a way. Today was supposed to be special and it was really important to him. You were finally going to meet his friends/teammates after dating for almost 5 months.
It was supposed to be perfect, but it wasn’t.
It began as planned: you met up with Freddie at the front of a bar. It wasn’t as busy as you expected it to be, and inside there were just a few people scattered around the big room. Some of them were his friends, who were sitting by a table.
For the first hours, everything went super well. They were all extremely nice to you, and they were always starting a conversation with you. And all of that happened while Freddie sat beside you, with a proud smile on his face, and with his arm around you securely.
It was going great. No problems, yet.
As the bar got busier, it also began to be as claustrophobic as you expected it to be in the beginning. Everyone started to be squished onto the sides of their tables to let others pass onto the bar to get drinks, and at one point, everyone is already used to getting elbowed in the back and having someone glued to their ass and back.
That’s exactly when a high school (guy) friend of yours appears. 
Thankfully, some of Freddie’s friends had left by then, leaving you with only 2 of them, which were too deep in a conversation with him to notice.
Your friend said ‘hello’ to you with a hug and a small wave to everyone else at the table, and right off the bat, you knew this wasn’t going to be good. He’s a super handsy person, especially when drunk, and today is not a good day for that.
But that’s exactly what happened.
You introduced him to Freddie, who you said very clearly that it’s your boyfriend. And from a mile away anyone could tell how much Freddie did not look, in any way, comfortable or understanding towards the guy after whatever hug he just pulled you in.
To be honest, you expected your friend to just say ‘hi’ and go, but that is surely the opposite of what happened since the bar is so packed, it just made him lean in closer and not walk away, at all. 
So, he stayed there the whole night, sitting by you and Freddie’s friends. 
His arm would wrap around your shoulders out of nowhere or he would kiss your cheek and say - innocent - things in your ear.
Freddie’s friends didn’t seem to care, at least to you, over what was happening due to how much alcohol they had, but Freddie surely did. He tightened his hold around your waist and pulled you close a bunch of times, but your friend never got the memo.
The whole rest of the night was like that, and he drew Freddie’s last straw when he leaned in for a kiss. Hand on the back of your neck and everything.
You turned your head over to the side and pushed him away ever so slightly, in slight shock, but your friend didn’t seem to mind. He still had a smile on his face.
That’s when he giggled at you that Freddie announced your goodbyes to everyone. He would not be willing to wait and see if your friend would pull another one of those unexpected kisses on you. He preferred to just go home.
And in a matter of a few minutes, you were pulled out of the bar with him by your hand and into his car, where you sat silently, letting the events marinate in both of your minds.
And now you’re here, in his apartment, staring outside of the window of the living room. Feeling embarrassment run through your veins, if not even pure humiliation. 
Freddie’s mind is going a mile a second, thinking of all the possibilities that his friends saw what happened and will think all a bunch of bullshit about you. Make assumptions and judge you off of those.
It’s haunting him to the point where he can’t even hide it in his tone and facial expression. He feels god awful. For him and for you, all because of what happened. What if everything just went into shit with you and his friends, now?
“Look... I’m sorry.” You whisper in the silence of the room, “I shouldn’t have said anything to him when he came up to me.”
He doesn’t answer, just shakes his head.
“I don’t want to fight anymore, Freddie.” You tell him. “It’s stupid.”
He stays silent again and you force yourself to move. You step closer to him slowly. Your heels, which you still haven’t taken off, click with your steps, and Freddie tenses up when he feels your hand over his arm.
“I-” You try to speak.
“I’m going out to catch some air.” He interrupts you before clearing out his throat.
Your hand falls from his arm and you continue to look at him in hopes that your gaze will meet.
“Do you want me to wai-”
“No.” He shakes his head, bringing his gaze to his feet, “Go to bed. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
You fight off your overflowing emotions and heavy breathing, and you hold your own hand in front of you to stop it from shaking. You offer him a small nod, even though he isn’t looking at you.
You move to take a step back but, before you can turn your back to him, Freddie grabs your wrist and turns to face you in a quick movement.
“I-” He starts but cuts himself off to think, “It’s not your fault. You’re right.” He nods at you, “I just need to step out of the house to think, okay?”
You nod and Freddie notices the relief wash over your face.
“I’ll come back in a bit.” He says before giving your hand a small squeeze.
You give him a small smile and he steps aside to walk around you to get to the entrance of the apartment. You face the window as you hear him pick up his keys and soon, the door opens and closes.
You take a slow deep breath in and bring your hands up to your face. 
What the hell are you supposed to do now?
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Hope you liked this.
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