#need to work on cleaning ... need to rb some art .... need to make sure food doesnt go bad in the fridge ...
piplupod · 7 months
now why the hell is that what the brain decided to do !!!!!
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jekacatrina · 3 years
One word from you
This is a small gift for a wonderful artist that never fails to bring a smile to my face with her art @rb-sketches! Hope you like it, I wrote it for this amazing piece! I wish I could write you an entire novel, but this will have to do, enjoy, Rebe, you are awesome!
As they coordinated the rescue of civilians, Izuku felt good, incredible even. He had been back at UA for over two weeks, and his friends were making sure that he was well fed, rested and clean. All his time chasing after Shigaraki/All For One hadn’t been futile, he had apprehended many villains, but he had been slipping and hurting himself. Izuku wasn’t going to be of any use to the heroes if he was hanging by a thread. Fortunately, that wasn’t his situation anymore.
Izuku was still catching up on sleep, and yeah, he got tired, but he was getting better each day, and when he couldn’t keep up, his friends were there to pick up the slack, just like Kacchan had said.
His childhood friend was currently a few steps ahead of him, coordinating the evacuation, screaming orders and rallying their classmates behind him. Since he returned to UA, Kacchan was never more than a yell away from Izuku, and he tried to stay within seeing distance of him.
He would have thought he didn’t trust Izuku to stay put, but after the last couple of days, he believed it came only from genuine concern. Kacchan was the first to notice when Izuku got winded, or needed a break from using his quirk. He would scoff and snap at him, but his voice held no heat and he gave Izuku time to recover. Kacchan brought him food when he got some for himself and sat by his side without talking, but even the silent company caused something to flutter in his chest. 
This new dynamic made him feel like he was perpetually using Float, like his feet weren’t touching the ground. Things were so different between them, they had gone through so much together, but Izuku had always saved a spot for Kacchan by his side, and the moment his childhood friend was ready to claim it, Izuku welcomed him with open arms.
He forced his attention off his childhood friend and back to his current task. He was working with Sero and Uraraka; while she used her quirk to lift debris and abandoned cars, Sero and Izuku grabbed them while in the air and placed them where they wouldn’t be in the way. They moved quickly and seamlessly, Sero and Uraraka made such a good team, and Izuku found himself working in the same tune.
As he put down the last pieces of debris, far away from the evacuation route they had drafted, Izuku beamed, wiping the sweat from his brow, the exercise taxing but so rewarding.
He almost jumped out of his skin when someone draped an arm over his shoulders, and he swirled, expecting Kaminari or Kirishima. Nothing would have prepared him for the sharp smile and the glinting red eyes. Kacchan brought his gloved hand to the back of his head and ruffled his curls. His heart skipped a beat, gazed locked in his, flabbergasted by the easy manner in which Kacchan was touching him after a decade of keeping him at arm’s length.
“Not bad, Izuku.” Kacchan stepped back, sauntering away. He left Izuku behind, trying to get his heart rhythm under control.
Not bad, Izuku.
He watched his back, looking for a sign of Kacchan regretting what just happened, but the blond only glanced at him over his shoulder, smirking. All his blood traveled to his face, the blush spreading against his will. Dear God, was this how things were going to be between them from now on?
Praise without a hint of mockery or disdain.
Touches full of fondness.
Smiles directed only at him.
Kacchan not only accepted him back, but he was pushing them closer.
Izuku wasn’t sure he was going to be able to handle it without combusting where he stood.
“Looking a little red there, Deku,” Uraraka said behind him, and Izuku gave her an embarrassed look. No point in pretending he wasn’t completely smitten, the entire class had seen him faint in his arms.
Kacchan meant so much more to Izuku than any of his friends could ever imagine, but they did have a pretty good idea of where his feelings lay.
He grinned down at his shoes, shaking his head.
He had been doomed from the start.
“Kacchan, wait up!”
“Then hurry the fuck up, Deku!”
That’s right. 
He was still Deku, but he was also Izuku to Kacchan.
Izuku jogged until he reached him. He didn’t want to get left behind, staring at his back, nor he wanted to be ahead of Kacchan, where he couldn’t see him at all.
His place was by his side, and always had been.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Love Is Stored In The Shinee Rocks
Cw: cursing, violence and blood mention.
Ask to tag. Only Moots ok to rb. If blurry Open the image
Summary: after a rough mission, Ashton brings some shiny things to his shiny things loving girlfriend.
A/n: art made by me. DO NOT REPOST.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifehenrycooldown
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Jerico heard light cursing as the front Door opened, she was quietly cooking away while soft music played in the background.
Ashton closed the door behind him, leaving the hammer near the table once he got to the kitchen--jerico! Im back, I sure home whatever youre cooking there Will knock me the fuck out...
Jeri laughed loudly snorting, making the tired earth genasi smile--heh, sure thing Ashton. Go sit--
--yeah no, fuck that..-- said the man--im helping you, move Tiny, let me see watcha cooking
The shapeshifter moved a little bit so he could see what she was cooking.
There was one pot cooking some sort of noodles, and in a saute pan there was some sort of tomato sauce.
--Im cooking spaghetti with tomato sauce --said the shapeshifting warlock-- it has chili powder, oregano and garlic, this surely Will knock you "the fuck out"
-- even if it didnt it smells amazing!-- admitted Ashton-- Youve been working all day, let me handle this okay pipsqueak?
Jer looked at him concerned-- ashi are you sure--? You look pretty fucked up
--im alright, ill sit on the counter and Keep an eye on it..-- he sat on the Marble counter and every now and then eyes the food to make sure its cooking properly, While telling jerico about him and his Groups most recent adventure-- and then orym comes in doing this incredible fucking... six foot something jump and just impales the monster, Man you had to see It! It was fucking nuts!
Jeri laughed-- that does sound impressive ash!, and how did you get so uh..-- she tried to find the right word.
--fucked up? -- added the earth genasi.
The Man sighed-- well, i lunged at the bigger monster, got the crap beaten out of me, and just...yeah, the thing had some hands let me tell ya..-- jeri approached him-- oh for fucks sake... babe im okay--
--youre ripping at the seams, Ashton, let me heal you
--its fine besides FCG said he Will-- and so she kissed him, he lets out a yelp before he melts right in, wrapping his legs around her waist and cupping her cheeks.
Jeri caressed Ashton's cheeksbones, and slowly his wounds started to heal as strings of golden light wrapped around them like a warm blanket.
--well, if thats how youre gonna cure me..I might need to get the crap beaten out of me more often!
--Dont!-- said jer-- just...dont, 'sides the foods already done
--im quite comfy like this--he said hugging her neck.
--we have all night to cuddle togheter...
--Yeah... but I havent seen you since morning and I really really missed you~ -- flirted the earth genasi.
--Ashton Clayton, eat. Shower. Bed. Now
--Okay okay! No need to use the full name!-- he hopped off the table and helped serve the food.
They threw some thinly shredded cheese on the pasta and Ate.
Ashton has never taste this particular dish, quite simple but the spicyness of both the chili Powder and garlic burnt his mouth in a good way.
He Ate a Plate and a half, before he was full-- well fuck me! This dish fucking rocks! Babe you should Open a restaurant what the fuck!? What the fuck is up with that dish!
Jeris cheeks turn bright red as she looks away. Their flowerpot centerpiece bloomed with a red rose signaling she was both flattered and embarassed.
Ashton smiled and chuckled-- shower? I think youd like a squeaky clean me to cuddle with~
--Fine you flirt come on-- both go the the bathroom chamber, once un the tub full of warm water, jeri scrubbed off any dirt and/or dried blood on him, or other monster fluids.
-- thank you tiny...you pamper me way too fucking much
--well, ash, you do a lot of things too, you bring most of the money in, you help around the house even when youre crumbling down out of exhaustion, you deserve a good rest and pampering
He let out a chuckle under his breath and looked away, cheeks darkening with green blush.
-- youre my weak point, you know that right?
--i do, and I love you-- she kissed him for a brief moment before resuming her scrubbing.
Before bed, Ashton grabbed the heavy bag and put it on the bed-- while we were there I brought you some things-- he opened the black bag with red rope, jeri saw a bunch of color full and very shiny rocks, they floated up in the air with a red and blue aura, wich was ashtons gravity powers.
The rocks glinted almost ethereally when they catched the light of the room-- I know you like shiny things..and I thought these rocks might do the trick
--oh...Ashton I--she hugged him tightly as she could, he hugged back with a smile-- youre truly the greatest boyfriend ever
--well you are an amazing girlfriend, my lovely jerico, I think you deserve some pampering too, youre always looking out for my reckless dumbass, taking care of me when im sick, or when im hurt..youre just...so good to me and I try to repay you in kind..though I dont think ill ever finish repaying you...
Jeris eyes turn glossy and she kisses him again, they melt into eachothers embrace and quietly stand there for a moment.
They then, ordered the rocks somewhere nice, and laid down to bed-- yknow...of all the shiny things I love, this-- she tapped near the exposed geode like part of his head-- this is by far my favorite
--honestly Tiny, for you id rip that thing right off and give it to you, but I think thats my brain and I do really need that...even if I dont use it very often...
Jericos cheeks turn red and looks away, the lights dimmed off with only moonlight spilling into the room.
--i think you finally made me feel what being in love is-- admitted Ashton-- im in love with you, madly in love
Jer seems taken back by this, but smiles warmly and caresses his cheek-- well, ash, im also madly in love with you...
--fucking...awesome..-- he muttered before falling asleep.
He was out cold, and as soon as he started dreaming, his geode like brain thing splattered light all over the place in a dispersion of different colors, as if light was passing through a prism.
Jeri gasps in awe, and the light reflects into the rocks Ashton had gotten her, wich lights up the room even more.
She falls asleep looking at their shared room, deciding that yep, whatever shiny geode brain thing he had in his head, was by far, the one shiny thing she loved the most.
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riotneko · 5 years
Get to know me!
Idk if this is supposed to be through reblogs/notes or whatever so ill just answer them right now. Deleted some that I don't know that's why the numbers are weird.
Feel free to rb with copy/pasted questions and ur own answers :)
1. What is you middle name? Don't have one.
2. How old are you? 17.
3. When is your birthday? December 31st.
4. What is your zodiac sign? Capricorn.
5. What is your favorite color? Green, purple/pink. Closely followed by red and blue.
7. Do you have any pets? 2 cats and 1 dog
8. Where are you from? Zurich, Switzerland
9. How tall are you? 5'6 or barely 5'7
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4
15. Favorite song? Midnight City by m83, lila wolken by material lovers who uncover/ not in love by crystal castles are some of them.
16. Favorite movie? Zootopia and judge dredd
17: Sexuality and gender? Bi and cis boy.
18. Do you want children? Maybe. Depends on how my mental health develops.
20. Are you religious? Nope.
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Nah.
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I don't think I could handle the huge attention and expectations of being perfect all the time.
28. What type of music do you like? I really like experimental music, rap, witch house, rock, indie pop, stuff like PC music. All kinds of stuff.
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yeah and it was fun.
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes. Was fun as well.
36. Favorite clean word? Too many to choose from.
37. Favorite swear word? Probably cvnt because of how raw it sounds in both English and German.
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? Two or three days. Was a mistake lol.
39. Do you have any scars? On my lip from slipping on a big rock as a kid.
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yeah it was actually was a girl that unironically bullied me. Either due to peer pressure or to get my attention. Either way I wanted nothing to do with her after what she and the others put me through.
41. Are you a good liar? I guess I could be.
42. Are you a good judge of character? Usually.
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yeah but not that believable.
44. Do you have a strong accent? Nope I don't think so. Especially when speaking English compared to other people whose first language is German/ swiss German.
46. What is your personality type? Shy but not a pushover, rather feminine I guess, sarcastic smartass.
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? A jacket that was like 150-300 bucks
51. Are you scared of spiders? No they are cute uwu
52. Favorite food? Kfc, kebab or ramen.
58. Do you have much of an ego? Sometimes.
60. Do you talk to yourself? When I need to think really hard. Idk why but it makes it easier.
61. Do you sing to yourself? No.
62. Are you a good singer? Bigger no.
63. Biggest Fear? Used to be school.
66. Do you like long or short hair? I have had long hair since I was like 10.
68. Favorite school subject? English or art history
69. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert.
71. What makes you nervous? A lot of things. Seeing people I used to go to school with? Even if we used to be friends and they are always nice to me idk why. Also I have anxiety so yeah there's that. Oh and I guess also being near places that I have terrible experiences with. Like the before mentioned school even though I don't have to interact with it.
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depending on context.
74. Are you ticklish? Yes, extremely. I was always (still am but not as often) the main tickle target in my friend group/ family. If there was a chance to pin me down and tickle the crap out of me with no mercy they took it. Often to also verbally taunt/ tease me about the situation I'm in or to get me to say embarrassing stuff. My mom saw me being tickled by friends once and even cheered them on, gave em tips and thought it was funny. ”take his socks off and really get his bare feet and he'll talk in no time! That's the best method of tickling him.". It was all in good fun tho I'm not angry or anything. Also at Family gatherings I'm usually still guaranteed to get tickled helplessly like that at least once tho & this Christmas is another one... At least I'll get to laugh?
75. Have you ever started a rumor? I don't think so
77. Have you ever drank underage? A few sips. But here most alcohol is ok if you are 16 and some like vodka is 18+
79. Who was your first real crush? A girl that stood up for me when I got picked on when I was 9 or 10 lol
80. How many piercings do you have? None
82. How fast can you type? Gay speed
83. How fast can you run? Sonic wants what I can
84. What color is your hair? Natural is dark brown but I've had it dark red (red red not orange red), orange/brown and currently black.
85. What color is your eyes? Dark Brown.
88. What do your parents do? Mom works with kids and my dad did some shady military/ government stuff that he never specified. Not sure what he does now.
89. Do you like your age? Yeah.
90. What makes you angry? Bullying/injustice and old people starting at me on the bus.
91. Do you like your own name? It's Ali and yes but people sometimes don't believe me because I don't look Arabic at all.
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? Both would be ok.
94. What are you strengths? Strong sense of justice, loves to help people, creativity are some.
95. What are your weaknesses? I overthink a lot of stuff and am bad at dealing with trauma/ letting go of the past.
96. How did you get your name? My parents picked it or something idk
97. Do you collect something? I like creepy and cute stuff. Cute stuff is easier to find here and so far I guess I have a small hello kitty collection. 5 plushies, few patches, ice cream machine, shirt, figure, keychain. It's not even because I specifically collect hello kitty it's just that I find her so cute that if she's on it chances are ill like it enough to buy it.
100. Color of your room? I'll make it green. Not a very strong shade though.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Lucky To Have Eachother
Cw: swearing, food, ask to tag
Ok to rb
Taglist: @girlboss-mrsschnee @lilacslovers @imaginesforallkindoflove
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Jerico got into wrenchs garage, as soon as she stepped in she knew it was going to be an emotional day.
After ray Turned his beloved Junior into an EMP bomb the hacker has been trying to rebuild Him.
But with the circuits fried and the data database wiped clean he had to work from scratch.
Jer kneeled besides him, the garage Doors close.
-- fuck fuck fuck!-- wrench throws the screwdriver into the floor.
He sits down turning to his girlfriend-- oh..hey babe.. sorry you had to see that...
She shakes her head and sits with him, putting a hand on his thigh, jerico Gently presses her head against his chest.
--Its not working?
He shakes his head pulling her closer,the mask showing two dashboards in its screen-- Ive been trying to bring Junior back for a month, that EMP bomb was very strong...or I just cant Fix this
Jerico lifts his face up by the chin--hey hey...dont say that-- her accent makes herself present, he loved it so much-- theres nothing my wrench cant do, youre a genius, but maybe you should take a break, Junior wouldnt want to see you stressed
He sighs hugging her just a bit more tightly-- ill Grab my laptop and go to the hackers space, M should be there with the food already, and I told the rest that Id be there anyway
--i like that plan-- he helps her stand up.
Jerico and wrench get into the car as soon as he grabs his laptop.
The drive is silent, the hacker had a hand on his girlfriends thigh all the ride there, in silence with longing stares, giggles and soft music.
The hot summer was the perfect time to turn on the cars AC, wich made wrench eventually hand over his vest to jerico.
Not that he complained of course, it looked good on her.
When they arrived sitara hugged jer tightly-- the two lovebirds arrived, too busy kissing instead of working?-- marcus asked handing them both some pizza.
Wrench just nodds his head and goes to sit on the sofas right Next to the lockers.
--And whats up with wrench?
Jer sighed eating from her food-- its junior, he hasnt been able to bring him back
Sitara and marcus let out a "oh".
--well,if theres someone that can bring our wrench back is you!-- sitara said.
Jerico giggled and goes to sit with her boyfriend.
After eating, they both cuddle there, jer traces invisible patterns on wrenchs clothes as he has one hand behind his head and the other around his girlfriends waist.
They dont say anything, the lights dim, granting some coziness to the place
Jer tugs a nearby blanket and drapes it over them both.
--whats the matter?-- jerico asked.
He shakes his head-- not now babe
Nodding she speaks up-- I understand, can I do anything to make you feel better?
--i dont know...
Jer nodds and puts her hands on his mask-- can I?
He nodds-- y you do know you dont have to ask that after five years togheter right?
-- I know, but I just want you to be comfortable-- jerico lifts his mask up , kissing wrench softly.
He kisses back pulling her closer, a hand on the shaved back of her neck.
He yawns-- I think you should get some sleep-- she says
-- im....fine...no need to--his voice becomes increasily lower--...rest
With that he falls asleep, snoring softly.
Some hours later, jerico is asleep, wrench kneeled besides her covering her up and lifting his mask to kiss her cheek-- sleep tight sweetheart
He stands up deciding to go back to the garage and work on Junior.
When she wakes up, jer helps sitara with some Art for dedsec-- yknow marcus went to pick wrench up, they should be here at any moment
Jerico is about to say someone when wrench bursts in grabbing jer by the waist and lifting her up-- babe babe babe!!!-- he sounded like an excited puppy-- Junior is working again! Hes back! -- he hugs her tightly-- I couldnt have done it without your support babe!
Jer kisses his mask-- thats wonderfull amor!,im proud of you
He lets out a soft laugh and hugs her tightly.
The dedsec members all smile at the scene,but of course work called.
When the day was over wrench and jerico crash at their appartment.
Laying in bed,with Junior recharging in the opposite side of the room with the closet and the TV wrench pulls jerico closer.
-- im honestly so lucky to have you-- he says.
-- no wrench im the lucky one
The Man shakes his head, his blonde short locks draping over his face, he brushes them back, his mask on the nightstand.
--Lets just agree that we are lucky to have eachother yeah?
Jer nodds-- yeah lets do that
They stay in silence for a bit, wrench looks away-- can I ask you something?
--Sure,what is it?
--Why do you hide your accent? You barely speak spanish around us, even thought we all learnt it just because of you
Jer looks away too-- I dont wanna bother
--oh babe, you dont bother,I Love it when you speak in spanish, d d'you mind speaking some for me now?
Jerico shakes her head-- no, para nada (no, not at all)
Wrench falls asleep with her speaking spanish, the calming voice and her accent were music to his ears
Jer followed suit, tired too from todays work.
They were both lucky indeed.
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
Future Days (Of You And Me)
Tw: injury mention,blood mention, food mention
Jerico x Joel
Ok to rb
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Heavy steps make their way to a cabin,the snow its drowning any sort of noise,the clouds are grey, darkening as the sun sets further into the horizon,the wind blew mercilessly, the pine trees shook at mother nature Will.
Jerico dragged herself to an old cabin,the big windowpanes are shadowed and covered by the mist And the residual smoke.
A chimney, just snuffed out, heavy, heavy boots left ashen marks on the old oak floorboards.
Still, whoever that was they were gone, with the resting embers in the chimney, a Fire came to life,jeri rubbed her hands togheter trying to warm herself, as the Fire slowly came more and more to life.
Its dark outside, at this hour her mind gets the best of her, if it wasnt because of her pets.
Missy growls, the Manchester terrier stands up, pointing at the basement.
Jer tries to dismiss her but the dog insists running to the door,she grabbed her rifle and Ran behind her dog.
She found her licking the face of a Man, heavily wounded.
Jerico looked for any scratches,bitemarks,anything that could point to an infection.
The Man,whoever he was, was breathing heavily, his lungs werent working, and the injure on the left side of his temples was bad, very bad.
She carried him upstairs, leaving him near the Fire.
His life force was slipping through her fingers, she could feel it,Like water down a stream.
She got to work quickly, cleaning and tending the wound as much as she could.
The person that left probably had unfinished bussines with this Man.
She did the best with what she had, and so she scavenged for supplies.
Her hand couldnt help but wonder to the Mans face,brushing a strand of hair away from his face, she smiled softly and warmly, oh he was very handsome.
His pulse was very weak, his breaths heavy and shortened.
The chances of him surviving were Slim to none.
Yet she grabbed a can of food and cooked it, sitting him up and trying to hand feed him.
He could chew at least.
When he had eaten enough, she let him sleep on her sleeping bag.
She then Ate what was left with missy, and sat besides him, with her rifle in hand patrolling the área.
The night went on with false alarms, so when the smoky clouds cleared she packed up shop and carried the Man on her sled Back to her home.
A small cottage hidden in a Valley between two big mountains.
Yet a green garden grew, food, fruits and even a bit of livestock grew and lived in there.
She left him rest on her salvaged couch, changing the bandages.
Feeding the cows she then sat on the porch, missy curled up besides her.
From there you could see all the forest, the climb there was too much for an infected to climb up to, so it was her little piece of heaven, its early morning, the sun still rising over the mantle saying goodbye to the night and stars.
The wind started to pick up from a slight breeze to a strong wind.
She entered the house, starting a Fire in the chimney.
She sat besides the Man, guitar in her hand, the dog at her feet.
--If I ever were to lose you--she sang--
I'd surely lose myself
Everything I have found dear
I've not found by myself
Try and sometimes you'll succeed
To make this man of me
All my stolen missing parts
I've no need for anymore
I believe
And I believe 'cause I can see
Our future days
Days of you and me....--jerico had to stop as the Man reacted to that song, sluggishly trashing around.
That song seemed to mean something to him.
So she sat there lost in her own thoughts, until lunchtime arrived,unbeknownst to her as her mind wandered off into dreamland.
She made food then, a warm stew for that windy windy day.
She served three plates.
One for the misterious handsome Man, anotherone for her,and of course one for missy.
She again tried to feed him, and I say tried because the Man kept on moving away like a child, maybe he was getting some of his consciousness back.
When she was going to drop the towel an idea popped in her mind, you could almost see the lightbulb turning on in her brain.
--Back when I was feeling broken
I focused on a prayer
You came deep as any ocean
Did something out there hear?
All the complexities and games
No one wins, but somehow, they're still played
All the missing crooked hearts
They may die, but in us they live on
I believe
And I believe 'cause I can see
Our future days
Days of you and me...--And as she sang the Man seemed to be more calm as he ate, or well, munched.
She let him rest as she Walked upstairs to her room,or well art room.
Salvaged pencils,errasers and brushes, some of her best artworks were hanged all around her.
Her day ended doing the thing she liked the most.
Eventually,jerico started using the Man as a model,it gave her a challenge, try and draw him as close as himself as she could.
Shed keep a Journal, were she kept track of his progress.
The Man eventually came to his senses,it took some weeks until he introduced himself.
He couldnt walk, or move from that couch,he could still bathe( with the help of jeri to at least take him to the bathroom)eat,and sleep.
But that was about it.
One particular morning jeri was eating breakfast on her porch admiring the sunrise, the dark mantle of the night, turning wine red as the Oranges and yellows announced and aclaimed the arriving of the sun.
Her pet curled up by her side.
Though a particular tune seems to distract her, a man,singing.
--All the promises at sundown
I've meant them like the rest
All the demons used to come 'round
I'm grateful now they've left
So persistent in my ways
Hey angel, I am here to stay
No resistance, no alarms
Please, this is just too good to be gone
I believe
And I believe 'cause I can see
Our future days
Days of you and me
You and me
Days of you and me--by the time he was done singing jer had Walked back into the livingroom
-- thought you couldnt get up?--She sat besides him.
--well-- the Man said leaving the guitar besides him-- I couldnt help myself but to play, I missed the sound of it
A warm smile appeared on jericos face as she looked away -- howd you slept?
--havent had a goodnights sleep in a while..-- he answered.
--hm..--she grunted in agreement--i should...I should go and pick up some of the veggies on the garden...you can still play my guitar though...I dont mind
She stood up,as the Man stummed the chords.
--what?--jeri who has walking to The door turned on her heel.
--My names Joel-- he said.
--nice to meet you Joel-- better late than never,she guessed.
After picking up the best of the vegetables she Walked in back to the kitchen, she could see that Joel was still playing, entretained by the guitar.
She tapped her foot along the way as she started to prepare lunch.
The Man however took his chances and explored the house.
Stairs were still tricky, but somehow he found his way into her art room.
--What.. the hell?--he asked to himself picking up one of the portraits she had done of him, and her Journal right Next to it.
One of the last entries had been written maybe a couple of days ago.
"The misterious Man is still reluctant to introduce himself, I do get it, in this world trusting is hard.
Yet I cant shake off this feeling whenever our gazes meet.
Hes pretty funny in his own Way,when he isnt resting I find him quite charming.
This is the last drawing I made of him, I wish I could find the courage to show it to him"
Joels factions soften chuckling at the fact that the woman that saved him was a huge softie.
--Joel!foods ready!
He put the drawing down and went downstairs to eat.
They sat across from eachother, he was kind enough to help her set the table.
They quietly chatter, Jerico asked him about exterior things of himself, she knew not to poke around in things she shouldnt,and Joel didnt say more than what he should.
Yet the conversation had a warm undertone that left the both of them with a smile on their faces.
Joel took a nap,and she locked herself up in her art room to try and organize her running thoughts and feelings.
He didnt trust anyone easily, nor did he let anyone became close, emotionally or physically.
But that same night the rattle of the Windows were too much,he knew he was safe and yet he couldnt help but Grab his blanket and go up jericos room to slip into bed with her.
--Hey.. jerico...can I.. can I stay the night here?
He felt like a kid again, but a happy feeling overcame Jim when she said Yes.
His back was against hers, he snuggled closer to himself.
Yet, the panicked sensation wouldnt go away.
So he did the best Next thing and hugged jeri.
--Watcha doing Joel?--Her tone was playfull, but he looked away nonetheless, and yet she snuggled closer--relax Man, just joking
He chuckled looking away-- the last time I trusted someone this much I...uh..
He heard her sigh--the scar?
--yeah the scar
--If you dont mind me asking.. what happened?
Joel sighed heavily, pulling her closer.
--i saved a chick,and ran with her to safety, turns out she had some unfinished bussiness with me...and so here we are ...
Jer Turned around hesitantly cupping her cheek,he leans in her touch hugging her waist--im sorry you had to go through that...
--on the bright side I wouldnt have met you..
Jeri chuckled and he kissed her.
Kissing back she caressed his hair, they spent the night cuddling away,singing togheter the song that brought them closer.
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