#needless to say it did not last long. but i did get a month of full pay for going through their training which was basically just
orcboxer · 8 months
funniest job I ever took in desperation was when I tried to work at a call center. my man you have selective mutism
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
Hello! Can I request smt with Luocha, Dan Heng, Argenti and Boothill? (Separate, and dw if u don’t write for boothill ^^)
You’re dating them and randomly call them husband just to see their reaction. You just say it so casually too during a convo with maybe a friend or a family member
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Argenti: ‘Argenti might as well be my husband at this point.’ You said to your friend after retelling a story regarding yourself and Argenti.
‘Awww! I wish Royland was more like Argenti.’ Your friend groaned, glaring daggers at the back of their boyfriend’s head.
Argenti visibly perked up at this, his eyes and smile were practically glowing. Did he hear you right, you consider him as a potential Husband? The gods have answered his prayers and quelled any worries that he might’ve had beforehand. For Argenti fully intends to be your husband one day and until then will commit himself to proving to you why he would make an excellent husband.
The moment he met you, to the moment you begun dating, all Argenti could think of was what it would be like being your devoted husband, your soul partner for the rest of your lives. No one else will do for Argenti but you, and he’s so loyal and extremely devoted to being your partner that the thought of looking at anyone else was so blasphemous; so much so that he’d rather hand you his eyes on a gold platter then ever be tempted by any other.
Argenti has had many dreams about your domestic life as a happily married couple, a happily married couple who were very much still in their honeymoon phase, but when he’s your husband that honeymoon phase would never fade away and die. He would make every day feel just as unique and special as the last few.
He might as well have ‘y/n’s husband’ as his name instead of Argenti because of how much he would use it when introducing himself to anyone new.
Needless to say by the end of the month to the day you and Argenti were officially married and more happy than ever.
Luocha: ‘Luocha would make an amazing husband, don’t you agree?’ You asked your friend, eyeing your boyfriend across the room for his reaction.
‘I thought Luocha was already your husband.’ Your friend asked, genuinely confused.
the moment Luocha hears his name being spoken he doesn’t think much of it, but when it was in the same sentence of as the word husband, that well and truly caught his attention. However it doesn’t take him long to realise what you were doing, but once he realised what was going on it was already too late, as the reaction you pulled out of him was very much a genuine one.
Neither of you had talked about it but according to your friend, you must’ve came across as to others a married couple anyways. So much so that even if you were to ever make it a reality nothing much would change at all for anyone other then himself and you; Yet that didn’t change the fact that the seed was planted and has taken ahold inside of Luocha’s mind as he walked towards you and your friend, placing a hand to the small of your back as he politely greeted your friend, acting none the wiser.
Well your friend might not pick up the hidden cues that told you that he knew, but you did, you could pick up his cues as easily as breathing which makes attempts at teasing one another all the more fun and interesting; Luocha could read you like the back of his hand and you were only starting to get the hang of reading him.
So the look he gives you may not seem like much to other people but to you, it was him telling you that he knew what you were doing, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him in victory because he took the bait you had put in place for him. You didn’t need to hear him to know that the first thing he’d ask once you took your leave would be:
‘I don’t think it’s wise of you to tease your husband. Do you?’
Boothill: ‘you and Boothill? Now that I didn’t see coming.’ Your friend joked as if you hadn’t openly said the most outrageous, thirsty shit about your now boyfriend.
‘Watch it because sooner or later he’ll become my husband.’ You joked back as you and your fiend shared a laugh.
Boothill flashes his sharp teeth in a wicked smirk upon hearing you call him your husband.
Oh now you’ve done it. He’s not going to let you live down the fact that you had called him your husband. He refuses to because he wants to see how you’d react to it. So he’ll make his presence know by confidently striding up to you and resting his hand on your waist, squeezing it, before smashing his sharp teeth once more but this time in a Cheshire grin.
‘Husband?’ He’d ask. ‘Have I secretly been promoted from being your boyfriend without my knowledge? I’m honoured sweetheart, but warn a fella next time before you go and pull this sort of stunt off. Oh wait,’ he pauses before continuing. ‘There’s not going to be a next time because you ain’t gonna be getting rid of me anytime soon. You’re stuck with me forever sugar.’ He cackles as he shamelessly swats you on the ass -hard- for good measure.
Yeah your plan kind of back fired on you because now your the one with the extremely flustered face, and now an sore ass that’ll become a bruise on top of that.
Boothill loved the idea of you belonging to him and only him and vice versa. He’s a possessive prick who’ll gladly put a bullet of two between the eyes of any bastard stupid enough to look at you for longer than a second.
He’s not one to share his treasure and never will be. You’re his now unto forever. Also he’d probably jokingly call himself your husband whenever you meet new people along your journey, and or scaring suitors off by screaming that you/him were married. (You very much weren’t but it works in keeping creeps away, so that’s a bonus.)
He plays on it so much that it’s an inside joke between the two of you and the two of you alone.
Dan Heng: ‘my husband Dan Heng, is just outside getting fresh air, he’s not fond of overcrowded social gatherings.’ You explained to your parents who shared a look of understanding.
Dan Heng, who had finally came back into the house, overheard this conversation and immediately his face burst into flames as his palms became sweaty all of a sudden and his breath hitched in his throat.
Is that why he’s been invited for your family vacations with your parents, grandparents and relatives with their spouses of their own? All because they thought he was your husband? Dan Heng thought he was going to faint then and there from how many times he’s mentioned himself as your husband.
You’ve been together for a while now, but the fact that you were calling him your husband had him feeling some type of way that went beyond comprehension. He likes the idea of being your husband and has had a couple of shameless dreams where you very much were married and had a small family of your own, living a peaceful and loving life together and growing old together, still very much in love. However he always seemed to be at a loss for words when wondering whether in an alternate reality his dreams were your lived reality.
Dan Heng has so many thoughts on being your husband, one of them being that he’d be grateful in being chosen to be your life partner, while the other had still yet to find the words to voice his desire in being your husband aloud without being overcome by his own emotions. So until then he’ll have to suffer you freely calling him your husband in the presence of your parents, not that he’s complaining but he’d rather not be asked why his face still went so red when being called your husband, especially after so long of being assumedly married by your parents.
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heartpiratedrabbles · 8 months
His Hat
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Prompt: Courtesy of @tsunderedonut: Imagine Law putting his hat on his shy, vulnerable S/O that's riding him for the first time.
Trafalgar Law X Reader
You have confidence. You’re courageous. You weren’t self-conscience at all. When it came to your job. Being a mechanic for the Polar Tang was like a dream job for you. You stayed in the boiler room watching levels go up and down and you knew exactly how to fix any leaks or breaks that came about. You were ecstatic when the Surgeon of Death came to your shore so long-ago needing repairs and just so happened to see you’re value onboard the ship after fixing everything, eagerly packing your bags to join the crew.
           You were not, however, prepared for love. Despite being on the world for over 2 decades, you had only gone on one hap-hazard date that your friend had set you up on, and needless to say it ended up awful. The man flirted with your roommate right in front of you, and despite your naivety, even you knew what he was doing. Plus, with a few undesirable stalkers here and there, you decided dating wasn’t for you. And so, your short, non-existing love life had come to an end.
         That is until you joined the Heart Pirates. After getting to know everyone on board you realized your feelings for your captain burned like a wild fire. It was dangerous and weird, being completely new territory compared to what you have felt before. At first you had thought it was some ship-madness, you were warned by your captain/doctor when you arrived that it could take a while to get use to life on a submarine, even more so when they rarely surfaced. But as you went about your duties and getting to know the crew, you realized that your heart never beat that fast around the others, even so you tried to deny such feelings.
         You got close to Penguin as he often came to the boiler room for menial tasks and found more out about, your captain. Despite his cold, non-caring demeanor, he always made sure everyone was alright. And although he didn’t show it, he did enjoy the antics played by the crew. Although he demanded his alone time, he was just as often to be found in the rec-room watching as others drank or played a game. Penguin also clued you in that once a month Law joined in on any game of the crews picking to stay connected.
         And it wasn’t until you were drinking alongside Penguin, that he confronted you, “So you like Law huh?” He chattered out after taking a swig of his glass. You choked on what you were drinking, nearly spitting it out at his words, your face turning the brightest shade of red he had ever seen. “Jeez, blush any harder and the rest of your body won’t have any blood,” He had laughed out at your reaction.
         “What?!?” You practically yelled at him, you felt your body stiffen at the thought and you could hear Shachi in the background ask if Penguin was bullying you. “I don’t like anyone. Never have,” You tried to reason taking the last swig of your drink, you didn’t know the feelings of love. The uncomfortable, painful feelings of unrequited love that made you dumb in the mind and weak in your knees, stomach slightly queasy at the thought of someone.
         “Please, you only pay attention to my ramblings when I’m talking about him. No need to be shy Y/N,” Penguin grinned out before reaching over to fill your glass up again, “Just relax. Feelings aren’t going to hurt you.” You looked around to see if anyone else was listening in but other than Shachi glancing at you two from across the room, everyone else seemed occupied.
         The thought of sharing your life with someone, with Law of all people, everything from the simple hand holding to the fantasies of sharing a bed, going on small dates and being marked in one way or another. You shake your head violently to get rid of such things before downing your entire glass. “There’s no way Penguin.” You squeaked out not making eye contact with him.
         “Denile will get you no where Y/N. Just accept it, I didn’t realize you were such a virgin when it came to matters of the heart,” He laughed at your misery, and how your eyes fixed on a portion of the table in front of you.
         “I don’t have feelings Penguin! Feelings are messy squishy things that don’t make sense. I’m not stupid enough to let something I can’t control distract me from my life,” You pipe out quickly, grabbing the bottle from the man’s hands to take another swig. He smirked at you, unconvinced of your words, “Just because I sometimes think about him doesn’t mean anything!” You immediately stop, eyes wide as you look at Penguin, whose smirk has turned into a full toothed grin.
         “You’re right! Feelings don’t make sense. But you can’t stop them from happening,” He gleefully said, “Excuse me one second.” You watch as he stood up, “You owe me 20 Berries Shachi!” He yelled across the room while walking over to the grumbling crewmember.
         You slam your head against the table with a ‘thud’. Feelings. Sure, you imagined how it would feel like to have the captain by your side, to be able to capture his eyes and keep him for yourself. You held your breathe at such thoughts, that could never happen. Hiding your face in your arms, you heard Penguin return to his seat but you couldn’t look at him.
         Over the next couple of weeks, the pair would make quips and remarks of your crush if you were alone with them, instantly making you freeze like an ice cube. The prodding from them had made your feelings all the more evident to yourself and it had made it harder and harder to bury such fuzzy emotions. You weren’t the most social of person, but now you found it harder than ever to talk to anyone, the embarrassment and fear of them finding out about your unrequited feelings being too much for you to bear. The only time you’d be able to speak confidently is if it was about work, it was easy to avoid emotions when you had to think in facts and bury them with work.
         That is, until you noticed a particularly important part starting to show signs of breaking. Best to take care of it now than be in trouble later, you headed to your Captains office for approval to buy the new part. He hadn’t been expecting you but happily let you into his quiet office. You stood in front of his desk explaining the issue and how it’d be better to replace it now and he seemed to agree.
         But as you turned to leave, he called out, “Y/N-ya,” you stopped in your tracks. Had one of your maintenance reports not been up to par? You’re back still turned to him your mind was reeling at what you could have messed up but you were certain there was no way you would turn in half-assed work. And then, your mind suddenly stopped. Realizing where you were, who you were talking to. Your heart beating faster, cheeks turning slightly red. “I’ve noticed you’ve been avoiding me recently,” Law’s voice rang out in the room, his smooth deep voice, addressing you and not something to do with your job. “Did I do something wrong?”
         You pick your head up slightly at the last sentence, snapping around to face him head on, frantically trying to reassure that it has nothing to do with him, “I just haven’t been feeling well-“ You quickly pipe out not thinking of anything else as you could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
         Law perks up at your sudden excuse, immediately standing up, taking long strides to get to you quickly. A hand immediately going to your forehead, freezing at the sudden contact you feel your cheeks burn up, “You do seem to have a fever,” He muttered to himself before activating his powers to transport the both of you to the med bay. “Sit down real quick,” He demanded as he went to grab a stethoscope.
         It was hard to breathe. Here you were with a stupid school-girl crush, making your Captain worried over nothing. Yet you couldn’t quite seem to find the right words, trying to push off your illness as a quick thing that’d be gone soon. But Law would hear none of it. Quickly he listened to your heart, asking you to breathe in and out as you whine out that it’s truly nothing. It’s not until he places a hand on your back to keep you from shying away that he realized your heart beating faster at his own touch.
         He quickly glanced up at your face, that you were desperately trying to hide from him by staring at the far corner away from him. “Are you truly unwell Y/N-ya?” He firmly asked, demanding a truthful answer.
         And just like that your Captain found out your feelings for him. You rushed to your room the second you felt his touch leave you to ignore the rejection you refused to hear. And it wasn’t until the next day that Law had come to find you of his own accord, asking you out on a date the next time they reached land.
         That was months ago, 6 months to be precise. And ever since you had been dating the man in front of you. You still couldn’t believe it, it felt unreal. “It seems like your mind is elsewhere love,” He leaned up to give you a peck on the lips, gently taking your hands in his.
         You had decided to try and be forward yourself this time round, and couldn’t help but feeling like backing out now. You had certainly had sex before but it was never like this, not when the lights were still on, not when you could see his reactions. The simple fact sending your head reeling at how hot Law was underneath you.
         You had lured him back to his room, claiming you needed to talk to him. You had been slightly jealous of how he was talking to a bar maiden on land and immediately confronted him, only now losing your nerve. The second he stepped into the room you had slammed the door shut and pushed him on the bed, straddling him before you were going to ride him. But the second you got on top of him your mind started working again. This was also the first time you were truly on top of him, looking down at him, seeing how he stared back up at you with heat in his eyes. You cheeks become more red as you avoid his gaze.
         “What were you going to do now that we’re alone?” Law smirks while looking at you, no doubt enjoying how flustered you looked. He gripped your hips before jutting his own up into you. You fall forward, the movement snapping you out of your daze.
         “I. I was,” You try to stutter out as he lifts your shirt up, and you let him rip it off you, his eyes staring right into you. You look down slightly, still avoiding eye contact, “I was gonna remind you that your mine.” You whisper, embarrassed at the thought now.
         Law gleefully shifts, taking off his own shirt in the process, “And how were you going to do that?” He urges you to continue. Law enjoyed watching how flustered you could get, despite dating for a decent amount of time you still couldn’t control yourself in situations where he’s giving you all his attention. Looking down at him, you quickly cover his eyes with one of your hands.
         “No looking,” You whine out as you start to get off him, “You have to give me a second.” Law chuckles a bit but goes to move his hat, which had fallen a couple inches away when you pushed him, over his eyes, assuring you he won’t take a peek. After a quick second of making sure he can’t see you, you stand up fully.
         You look at the man in front of you before turning around, taking off your pants quickly, glancing over your shoulder just to be sure. Law decides humming will distract him in this situation. Frustrated at your playful boyfriend, you get to work on his pants, him lifting his hips slightly to help you undress him. His cock springing up as you release it from its cloth prison.
         Law lets you widen his legs as you kneel between them, stopping just inches away from his dick. You see movement from the corner of your eye and snap your head back up, “No peeking!” You yell out more embarrassed at your own actions than anything else. Law puts his arm back down, deciding to keep quiet for the time being.
         You take one more deep breath before you wrap your lips around him. Slowly bobbing your head up and down, covering his member in saliva. The salty taste of his precum making you go insane with desire. Your slow pacing doesn’t seem up to Law’s standards as he bucks his hips forward, making you gag in the process. You place both your hands on his hips to try and control your boyfriend, and while he didn’t stop entirely from pumping his hips towards your head, he was a little gentler.
         “Fuck Y/N-ya,” Law groaned out when you sat up, leaving his cock wanting for more. You looked up to make sure he still couldn’t see you and sighed when you saw the hat still in place. Readjusting yourself to now be sitting on him again you could hear him take a sharp breath. His throbbing cock in one hand, aiming it towards your entrance as you sink down on him slowly. It felt completely different than normal. You were in control, and every inch was touching you in places you didn’t think was possible. The pleasure already overwhelming.
         You try to hold in your own moan as you sink lower, feeling impossibly full as he bottoms out in you. You sit there for a second, hands on Law’s abs to steady yourself, holding your breath at this new pleasure you’ve discovered before grinding your hips, feeling him deep inside you. You finally remember to breathe after Law decides to thrust up into you, falling forward on his chest as he wraps his arms around you, pinning you to him. You gasp for air, moaning his name as he sets a brutal pace.
         “L-Law,” You moan out in frustration and you look up to see him shift his head to peek out from under the hat, with an absolutely devilish grin on his face.
He places a kiss on your forehead, “Yes love?” He thrusts into you again and you wiggle one of your arms free, prying yourself out of his arms to sit back up. Only to be met with another wave of pleasure at the different angle. You mind becoming empty of most thoughts as you hear the man below you chuckle. He reaches up taking his hat and placing it on your head, caressing your body before landing both his hands on your hips. You gasp a bit as he holds you down slightly, feeling him twitching inside you.
With some encouragement from his large hands, you start to ride Law like there’s no tomorrow. Barely being able to breathe yourself as he hits every sensitive part of you. Every now and then stopping to feel how full you feel with him in you. Tears brimming your eyes as your mind is flooded with pleasure and lust.
Laws eyes devour you, savoring every inch as he watches you bounce on him. Your head lulled back and forth; mouth hung open as you scream his name. His hat would be covering your eyes if you hadn’t been continuously pushing it up before going back to steadying yourself on him. The sight before him being a drug he never knew he was addicted too until you had come around. He feels you twitch around him and he stops his own thrusts, gripping your hips to stop you from moving any further.
“Law!” you scream out at the lack of movement, grinding your hips for any friction. He smirks up at you, not responding, watching as you desperately try to bounce despite not being able too. Law slowly raises his hips, holding your hips in the same spot, reaching deeper than before and it begins to feel like it too much. You cry trying to squirm, move, anything to help relieve the pressure that was making you insane. “Please Law,” you beg him to do something.
You can barely see his face underneath you, the hat falling over your eyes, but you’re certain Law has a smirk on his face as he ignores your pleads. Gasping for air you finally fall forward, gripping your boyfriends’ shoulders, “It’s too much- Please Law,” You beg into his chest trying to move even an inch over feeling how deep he is. How you can still feel him twitch slightly inside of you at every moan and plead. Making your mind numb from the overwhelming pleasure and pressure building up.
After a quick second, Law lifts your chin with one of his hands, the other still firmly planted on your hip, “You’re adorable Y/N-ya.” Law whispers it while staring right into your tear stained eyes, kissing you gently before suddenly flipping you over so that you are now on your back. How he stayed inside of you was a mystery but the feeling drove you insane as he hooking both your legs over his shoulders, pounding into you fast and hard.
You try to grip the bed underneath you to stabilize yourself before you looked up to see how Law was looking at you. The insatiable devil in front of you looking directly at all the faces you made as you continued to moan his name. The realization of what he was doing, angling every now and then and licking his lips as you twisted about, he loved watching you. You quickly grab the brim of his hat, pulling it over your face to avoid his gaze.
This brought about 2 different things in this intense moment. One was the immense and heavenly smell of Law’s hair, the shampoo he used that drove you crazy while you played with his hair, and the second being Law leaning forward, your legs still hooked over his shoulders as he continued to ruin you. Crying out as he stole your lips, shoving his tongue into your mouth while adjusting his hat to be properly on your head. “Don’t hide from me,” He growled out in desire before recapturing your lips.
You move your hands to wrap around his neck, deepening the kiss while one hand rakes its way through his hair and the other digging your nails into his back. You could feel your orgasm approaching quickly and you tugged at his hair to release your lips, “Law please. I want you to cum~”  
He leans down to leave marks on your neck as you scream out his name, “Are you ready?” He asks one last time into your ears and you can barely reply to him as pleasure is overfilling you. Law quickly following suit, slowing down only after you felt him fill you. The both of you stay there for a second, catching your breaths.
Law’s the first one to move, slowly pulling out and gently putting your legs down, knowing how they were numb at this point. You groan at soreness from being empty but can feel his seed slipping out of you. “This is dangerous,” Law smiles at you from his standing position as you stare at him, still on cloud nine.
“What is?” You mutter out, looking at him from half-lidded eyes.
He leans down close to you, giving a gentle kiss before peppering them down your neck to your collarbone, “You only wearing my hat. It’s absolutely hypnotic.” He breathes into your neck with lust still in his voice.
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wasteddmoondust · 5 months
teacher || james potter
pairing: james potter x reader 863 words, preschool teacher au, james is a single dad (not for long...?), kindergarten teacher!reader, gender neutral reader, harry is her student so you know how it goes a/n: sorry this took months i have been in the slumpiest slump ever. hope you enjoy :,) I'm not too sure about how preschools fair in other countries but this is mostly based on my own experiences!
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"Mr Potter! Lovely to see you today."
James walks into your classroom, and it's humourous to see you seated in a chair and table meant for six-year-olds.
He smiles at you and waves. Unfortunately, you're swooning on the inside.
Yes, it's unprofessional to have a crush on a parent, let alone the parent of one of your beloved students. Very unprofessional, actually. But you can't help but be enamoured by his looks. He looks exactly like his son, Harry. Messy hair and gold-rimmed glasses.
Or maybe he's just one of the only few parents who are the same age as you. And it doesn't help when you know he's a single father and always strikes a conversation with you whenever he has the chance to. In your head, maybe it wouldn't hurt to make a move.
"Of course, I'm happy to be here today, though it's the last time," he says as he sits down in an identical tiny chair.
You know you have to push these thoughts aside, because this was the last parent-teacher meeting for your kindergarteners who will be graduating in a few weeks. No matter your feelings, your job was to tell parents how their child has faired so far in their education.
You take a deep breath and fix your hair. "Okay, let's get started."
You adore Harry, a joy to have in your class. He is very friendly and communicates very well with his peers and teachers. He actively participates in class. He is developing well in the different aspects. You explain everything in layman's terms so he can understand, and he nods along, listening.
"Needless to say, Harry's definitely ready for primary school. If you'd like, it would be great if you continued his learning at home as well, before he officially starts school." you finish, nodding at James. You unconsciously bite the inside of your cheek, knowing that it won't be long until you'll never see this man again.
"That's great," he says, looking up from Harry's portfolio from over the year. "Harry really appreciates you as a teacher, you know? He always loves coming to school."
You smile at that, it warms your heart. "I'm glad to hear that. I'll definitely miss him when he graduates."
There's an awkward silence between the both of you, not particularly knowing what to say. You both nod and look down. You know it's the end.
"Well..." you start. "If you don't have any more questions, that will be it. Thank you so much for joining us on this journey, Mr Potter."
"I do have- um- a question?" he says abruptly. He suddenly seems more fidgety and nervous, gripping the binder of Harry's portfolio.
"Um..." he scratches his head. You look at him expectantly. "I appreciate you as Harry's teacher, of course. He always says that you're very nice and pretty... I also think you're very nice and pretty..."
You nod along, trying to keep your cool by controlling your facial expressions.
He continues, his shoulders slowly rising in a shrug. "So if you'd let me, we can meet outside of school for once," he spits it out quickly like he's ripping a band-aid off.
Blinking slowly, you process what just happened. "Did you just ask me out?" you ask, eyes wide.
His eyes dart to the side and then back at you. "Yes," he says.
"Mr Potter-" you start.
"Please, you can call me James-"
"Your son is my student."
"He won't be by next week."
"It will be very unprofessional of me-"
"I don't hear a no, though..."
And you're both in silence again. You sigh and bring a hand to your face, resting your chin on your palm as you look away from him. You try to think of your next move.
Aside from all of the consequences that may occur, this is a golden opportunity. Your teacher life always gets so hectic and you barely have time to go out and meet people. If you miss this chance you may never get to have one like it again.
You bite your lip and accept whatever fate may come.
You speak in a hushed voice, willing that no one hears this conversation. "Fine, yes. I'll give you a chance. But if anything goes wrong, my priority is my job and yours is Harry. Got it?"
James let out a breath that almost sounded like a laugh. He looks up at you with sparkling eyes. "Yes, okay. I will-"
He's cut off by a knock at your door. Your colleague opens it and her head pokes into your classroom. "Hi, sorry to interrupt, but the next parent is waiting outside," she says. You nod at her and she leaves. You stand up, and James does too.
"Well, this is... unofficially goodbye, Mr Potter. It really has been a pleasure teaching Harry," you say, stretching your hand out for a shake. He takes it, and his hand is warm.
You mutter quickly to him, "My contact is in the binder."
He grins at you, childlike, and you watch him leave your classroom with a wave. You wave back, smiling.
You sincerely hope you won't regret this decision.
a/n: RRRAAHHH i really hope to make this a mini series of some kind because i have the softest spot for kids and i start being a real teacher in a month! asks are open if you have any thoughts <3 thanks for reading!
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callme-holly · 7 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could write about Dallas having a serious crush on a girl and getting embarrassed telling his friends about it. Love your writing! Thank you so much!
'𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝.' [𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡]
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - this is very all over the place... I might write a part 2 to this where our boy confesses but we'll see. I'm a little behind on requests so I apologise but I swear I will get to them eventually!! Hope ya'll enjoy and as always my asks are still open for requests!!
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 727 words
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 - mild swearing
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Okay so, Dallas wouldn't admit to having a crush straight away, in fact, he'll probably deny it for as long as he possibly can.
I imagine he first saw you at the drive-in with Johnny and Pony and he could not stop looking at you. You had his full, undivided attention and nothing could distract him from you.
When they noticed, Pony and Johnny teased him endlessly for it but, because Dallas was known to have a reputation, they didn't take his staring as anything unusual. They pretty soon forgot about you.
Dallas, however, did not. He couldn't seem to stop thinking about you and when he finally spotted you again he was very quick to strike up conversation.
He found that there was more to you than just a pretty face and took quite a liking to you.
Needless to say, after that first interaction, you had a certain greaser chasing after you like a lost dog wherever you went.
If he's hanging out with the gang and you walk past, you best believe he's dropping everything to follow after you. He doesn't care who he's with, (unless it's Johnny, in which case you'll have two greasers following after you) he will make up an excuse just to run across the street and catch up with you.
it's at this point that the gang will probably notice something is up.
Sure, Dallas chases after girls all the time, but very rarely will he stick to the same one.
When they discover from Ponyboy that you're the same girl he had been obsessing over at the drive-in, they're very quick to catch on and it won't take them long to bring it up to their friend.
One night, they'll all be hanging out at the Curtis House and Two-bit will just casually ask Dallas where he's been running off to every now and then.
Dallas will of course brush them off and tell them to "mind their own" before changing the subject a little too fast to just be casual.
Throughout the night, the boys will then start to drop your name every so often just to gauge Dallas' reaction.
This carries on for a few more weeks (I told you he's stubborn) before he finally admits that he might have feelings for you.
Obviously he tells Johnny first before finally breaking the news to the rest of the gang.
Needless to say, they are all shocked and I can imagine it going a little something like this:
“You what?!”  Dallas winces, taking a long drag from his cigarette as the gang all stare at him wide-eyed. He looks between them, trying to gauge their reactions and finding only confusion with a hint of concern for their friend's well being. “Are you feelin’ okay?” Two-bit raises a hand to Dallas' foregead, only to be slapped away by the hoodlum, earning a scowl in response. “Cut that out, will ya?” He straightens up, placing the cigarette between his lips once more. “It ain’t that big a deal–”  “It kinda is, Dal.” Pony interrupts, tilting his head slightly. “I ain’t known you to settle down with no one.” Dallas grunts. The kid has a point; he doesn’t exactly have the best track record when it comes to dating. Hell, the longest relationship he’d ever been able to maintain had lasted around a month before the girl had gotten tired of his bullshit antics and had dropped him without a second thought. At least that hadn’t been his fault. All the other times, though–well, he wasn't exactly the poster child for healthy relationships.  “Maybe I'm just bored,” he suggests weakly, ignoring the collective eyeroll of the rest of the group. “I mean, there's only so much sleepin' around I can do, man.” It wasn't a lie. He was tired; tired of getting dumped whenever things went south or getting hurt whenever he tried too hard. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he just wanted something more. Something permanent. “Never thought I’d live to see the day where Dallas Winston was swoonin’ over a girl.” Steve remarks and Dallas can’t help but roll his eyes, taking his cigarette from his mouth to flick the ashes onto the floor, ignoring the glare he receives from Darry.  “Keep talkin’ like that and you won’t live to see tomorrow.”
So, yeah... he gets pretty defensive real quick and won't take any teasing from anyone.
Let's just say, when he does finally ask you out, he's got six cheerleaders watching from afar.
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𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬!!
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prythianpages · 2 months
Dandelions | Headcannons
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azriel x green witch | these headcannons focus on Az and you starting a family, introducing the children.
a/n: This has been sitting in my drafts for months so I decided to finally just post them. I have so many ideas for this series since I love it sm but writing them out has been a struggle. Maybe, I can write some of these out just as I did with the first set of HCs.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy/child birth, fluff, dad Az
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After the little incident with the aphrodisiac that awakened certain desires in both you and Azriel, you realize you both are ready for the next step...finally starting your family.
As much as Azriel wants a family with you, he is worried about you due to his Illyrian blood and does not want what happened to Feyre to happen to you.
But worry not because that's where your witch abilities come through! There is no witch lore in acotar so I'm just going with my own lore, please bear with me lol.
"How do you think my mother had Thea?"-Luckily for you, your mother has had experience with having a winged baby.
It's a little ritual that gets Az a bit too hot and bothered. Needless to say, after it's done, the two of you have lots of fun trying to have a baby.
You don't notice your pregnant at first.
There's lots of signs such as plants following you everywhere you go, your cat being more affectionate, your spider making elaborate webs everywhere.
You don't notice because you're used to the attention from nature and think nothing of it. What you do notice, however, is how clingy Azriel's shadows become.
Those inky tendrils love you and there's always a couple around you but you start to notice more and more. They help you and keep you safe. If you're going to trip, they stop it. If you need to reach for a cup on a high shelf, they grab it for you. They even force you to walk down the stairs instead of run like you usually do.
Around this time, Azriel starts to feel sick so you attribute the shadow attention to that. Maybe, they just want you close to their master?
Azriel thinks he has food poisoning since he wakes up nauseas and has felt overall, tired and drained. The inner circle has noticed him become more clingy and emotional but no one dares to tell him anything. Meanwhile, you don't question it because you love clingy and emotional Az.
It's one morning during training that Azriel can't hold it in and throws up. He then explains to Cas that he doesn't know what's happening and is starting to get worried.
"Mother's tits!" Cas figures it out immediately. "You're pregnant."
"I'm pregnant?" Cas grins and gives Azriel a big bear hug. "We're pregnant!"
"Who's pregnant?" You call out, looking at Nesta curiously. She shakes her head at you and then you look at Az.
The shadows that hovered by your side parted from you briefly, revealing what they had been protecting for the last couple of weeks. "You're pregnant." Azriel breathes, eyes focusing on your stomach.
Those shadows that have been by your side flutter toward him and that's when they let Azriel hear it--a second heartbeat. When the shadows carry the subtle change of your scent to him next, he faints.
Protective Az comes at you full force after your pregnancy is confirmed. He hovers over you a lot and when you need to go the forests to pick pick out some herbs and ingredients for your potions, he doesn't let you lift a finger.
It often leads to you sitting on the soft grass while he collects what you need with a frown, your own fingers itching to do it yourself. The frown doesn't last long as the sight of Azriel on his knees picking herbs makes the love in your chest swell and he always picks the prettiest flower to place in your hair.
Though he's happy, he can't help but be anxious over whether the ritual worked or not, despite your sister's (Thea, the seer) reassurance.
It's not until you have a check up with Madja that he allows all anxieties subside as she not only confirms that your baby is healthy and has wings but that your womb has accommodated for them.
There's nothing but excitement now and Azriel eases up a bit on his hovering, letting you pick your own herbs and travel among Prythian's forest. Never alone though.
Your relationship with your family has always been a little rocky. You loved your mother and sisters but did not see eye to eye with them on many things...and your dad...well, your dad was hexed into a lizard. But the news of your pregnancy brings you closer to your mother and sisters.
Though your mother gave her approval of Azriel, she is not fully trusting of him, as if she's waiting for him to fuck up and give you a big "I told you so." He's always respectful toward her, even when she keeps nagging at him for a lock of his hair (that you keep reprimanding her for.)
Ever since learning you were carrying his babe, Azriel likes to rest his head on your shoulder or chest while one rests on your stomach. So imagine his delight when you start showing and when he first feels the baby kick, he'd be so happy, it'd bring him to tears because his dream of starting a family with the one he loves is finally coming true. (Like with any acotar male, I also think the sight of your bump would make him feral.)
The inner circle is also so happy for you both. Though your sister told you, you were having a girl, Cassian insists on calling your baby "Azriel Jr" and after she's born, you joke that he manifested it as she takes after Azriel a lot.
Now, here are some HC's of their children <3
Melaina's name was inspired by the goddess Melinoe.
Mel inherited her father's shadows. Some of the shadows that had clung to you all throughout your pregnancy remained by her side, multiplying every year. You suspect it has to do with the ritual you performed to ensure a safe birth.
At first, Azriel still had control over them and would use them to keep your daughter safe but given that you and Azriel are really protective over her, the greatest danger Mel ever faced was tripping over one of your rugs.
Az calls Mel "my shadow" since the moment she knew how to crawl, she loved trailing after him like his shadows do.
Once she's older, she gains control over her shadows and since she can sense things that others can't through them, it's no surprise to you that she later becomes a death witch.
Mel's hobbies include reading about poisons, walking her pet scorpion throughout Velaris and crafting dolls from recycled material. She enjoys using her shadows to bring her dolls to "life" and torment her cousins, especially Cassian's twins. When she was young, she'd beg Azriel to play dolls with her.
Mel can be a little menace but despite this, you and Azriel are so endeared by her that she can do no wrong g (though, you both do have your boundaries and when it comes to punishments, it is surprisingly you that has to carry them out)
It's no secret that Azriel isn't fond over his Illyrian heritage but Mel is interested. She asks to train in Windhaven like he had done but it's an immediate no from the both of you. The three of you come to a compromise and allow her to join the little army of Illyrian warriors (that consists of Nyx and Cas's twins.)
When Mel starts school, Azriel goes through it, not wanting to accept that his little girl is growing up. You can read more about it here.
Mel loves going to school but she does run into some trouble with some kids who want to tease her because she’s different (with her shadows, wings and witchy heritage) The mean kids at school realize that they can't go after Nyx or Cas's twins bc they'd lose any fight and seeing as Mel is small and a girl, they underestimate her.
Instead of letting her cousins take care of her troubles with the mean kids at school like they’d be happy to, she does it herself and ends up in the principal’s office often for threatening to hex her classmates.
It’s not until she becomes older and learns some spells/tricks that she actually places hexes on them. No one picks on her bc they learned their lesson but if she saw anyone getting bullied, she’d stand up for them.
When Mel begs Azriel to allow her to become a spy for the Night Court, he denies her, not wanting her to live the same life he does. But on one mission, she follows him and he reluctantly acknowledges her powers and abilities. He also realizes that as much as he can push her away or deny her, she'd find a way to become a spy anyway.
Mel admires her father so much, she wants to be like him.
She meets Eris's son through her job as a spymaster of the Night Court, which causes a bit of chaos amongst the two courts, even more when she starts to fall for him. If you ask her, she'll deny, deny, deny...
When Azriel's shadows begins to get clingy again (I feel like the mating bond would overwhelm with the urge to protect you and be by your side, therefore his shadows would follow suit), you start to suspect you're pregnant.
As your further along in your pregnancy, you begin to experience some things similar to Mel. With Mel, you were able to understand Az's shadows since that was her power. But with this baby, the further along you get, the more romantic you become.
Your dreams consist of going on multiple dates with Azriel and bringing others together. You often wake up really emotional, crying as to why Azriel hasn't taken you out on a date.
Azriel is a fast learner and increases his romance with you, which sends you over the moon.
Since this baby gave you lots and lots of dreams, you and Azriel decide to name her Alora. Lor for short.
She comes a bit earlier than expected and though it nearly gave Azriel a heart attack, you both like to joke that she was simply too excited to see the world.
Lor does not have wings and takes more after you but has Azriel's hazel eyes. She's so curious about the world.
If we're talking about vibes. Mel gives off Wednesday Addams meets Louise Belcher vibes and Lor gives off Enid Sinclair meets Tina Belcher vibes.
Her hobbies include writing romance novels or in her journal, gazing at the stars with her pet bunny, and giving free tarot readings under the school bleachers.
Lor is very sweet and an empath, always making sure everyone is happy. It's why one year, she insisted you helped her buy Azriel's and Mel's shadows beds so they have a place to sleep in. Once she's of age, she becomes a love witch.
She also might've set your father, who had been hexed into a lizard, free one day...
She can be naive at times, choosing to see the good in everyone.
Mel takes advantage of this and likes to mess with her but the moment someone messes with her little sister, it's over for them. (Since Lor is a love witch, I can see her trying to bring two fae together and it backfires and Mel has to save the day.)
Since Mel and Lor aren't too far apart in age, they were sure a handful growing up. Azriel learned a new type of stress with them. Lots of "Can you tell Mel's shadows to stop breathing in my direction?" "Hey, that's, my shirt! And you turned it pink!" "What did I say about leaving your toads all over the floor??" "May your next crush be as slimy and gross as slugs!"
Lor is the first to catch on to Mel's crush on Eris's son and of course, she wants to meddle. It only stirs up more drama though.
While Mel got sent to the principal's office for hexing her classmates, Lor would get sent there from trying to meddle into her favorite teacher's love life.
As she gets older, she's not really interested in training like Mel was. Yet, Az insists she joins to at least learn self defense. She puts this off as much as she can until, one day, Az drags her to the HOW so she can learn from the Valkyries.
It's there where a pretty Valkyrie catches her eyes and suddenly, Lor is at every training session.
(You can read a bit more about Lor through this one-shot here.)
Not liking even numbers, you ask Azriel for another baby and who is he to deny you?
Other than Azriel's shadows being clingy and overprotective much like their master, the pregnancy is smooth sailing. Nothing seems out of place, neither you or Azriel experience morning sickness.
Since you seem so connected to nature, you suspect this baby will follow into your footsteps. The two of you decide to keep the gender a surprise until birth.
Lor was ecstatic when she found out she was going to have a new sibling and though Mel denied it, she was too. They both hoped for another sister, having had enough of boys with their reckless cousins.
Azriel is also convinced it's a girl, even though his shadows snicker at the thought. But when Madja places a baby boy in his arms, Azriel is shocked to the core.
He's such a girl dad that he doesn't know what to do at first, feeling overwhelmed and underprepared (even though he's such a good dad.)
It's after this birth that your mother finally gives her full trust to Azriel. It's like she senses his slight unease and in a vulnerable moment while Azriel stares at his son, she gives him a pat on the back and praises him for being a good father and mate.
Azriel blinks, thinking he's dreaming. He'd never say it out loud but those words from your mother meant the world to him.
So welcome Dimitri, the "earth lover."
He does have wings and takes more after Azriel in physical appearance but in terms of personality, he takes after you.
He's a heartthrob bc c'mon, he's Azriel's son.
His hobbies include volunteering in the Spring court to help restore parts of the forests (I imagine that must take years to recover from), hiding away from the girls who madly crush at him at school, and training with his father.
While his older sisters would be sent to the principal's office often due to stirring up trouble, he'd be sent to receive awards and for being a good samaritan.
Because he loves nature, he has many pets throughout his youth, his first being two sugar gliders, followed by a toad. I feel like your house is a zoo at times.
Growing up, he liked messing with his sisters and hiding bugs in their backpacks or room. It was hard to mess with Mel due to her shadows but he's smart and quickly learned a way around it.
His little pranks bring Mel and Lor together. They once placed a hex on him, turning his hair pink, after hearing him be a bit cocky of all the girls crushing on him at school. But it backfired because it only made him more "dreamy" to them.
Though he's the youngest, he's very protective of his older sisters. They have a strict policy that they can mess with one another but def have the "the only one who can torture my sibling is me" mindset.
With these three, your house is never quiet and if it is, it is not a good sign. Hexes, spells, insects, galore! It certainly doesn't help when your mother visits, teaching them new curses and rituals.
Though sometimes they make you want to pull your hair out and Azriel's hair turn gray with their shenanigans, you two adore them and wouldn't trade your family for anything else in the world.
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Bonus: I was watching Bob's Burgers & Linda gave me such Green Witch reader vibes so here's a link to some HCs based off the show lol.
a/n: hope you enjoyed these! I am not done with writing about Az x Green witch so some of these may turn into fics. I actually got the idea of writing about a love witch when I thought of Lor and that's how the Cas AU came to be.
(I'm already toying with the idea of Lor setting your lizard of a father loose and causing a bit of mayhem.)
series tag list:@fxckmiup, @aria-chikage
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bisexualiteaa · 2 months
Okay so this has been spinning in my head since I watched the series and it might come across as a but of a strange one 😅
BUT, please could you write one where the reader is pregnant(by someone else), meets Cooper along the way and they hit it off, they go through the pregnancy together, they then in the end they raise this little baby together. Sort of cute fluffy and a lil smutty too. Thank you! ☺️
A Slice of Paradise
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Cooper Howard x Pregnant! Fem Reader (SMUT MDNI!!)
CW: slight OOC Cooper, slight deviation from the show, slight deviation from the game, pregnancy, pregnancy cravings, pregnancy hormones, blood, canon typical violence and gore, dirty jokes, cursing, talk of kinks, biting, 🩸 kink, p in v, unprotected seggs, p0rn with little plot, mention of knives, possible grammar/spelling errors, not proofread
AN: thank you anon for your request! My apologies that I’m getting to these asks so late, life has been rather eventful and I’m only just getting back into the swing of writing after forever long writers block. 🥲 I thank you for your patience and apologize that there isn’t a whole lot of fluff in this one but that it absolutely has ✨S P I C E.✨ Hope y’all enjoy my attempted return to writing for our dearest cowpoke, love you all! ♥️
Taglist: @expirednukacola
Trying to survive out in the wastelands while pregnant was not how you had imagined your life to be when you first found out that you were going to be having a baby. When you had first learned that you were pregnant, you were living comfortably within one of the vaults that dwelled beneath the irradiated surface. You had been matched with a fellow vault dweller who they deemed befitting in their mission to “help repopulate the surface” and in an effort to help your people, you agreed to the arrangement. The overseer, and all the other scientists and workers within the vault, claimed that there was no residence or anything living in general, up on the surface and that it would be up to you and your neighbors to fix that. Never in a million years did you think that vault life would go to such complete and utter shit that you would have to come to the surface in order to survive. Never in a million years did you also think that you would find anyone up here willing to stick by your side and not try to kill you in your sleep, and when you did, you had never expected your company to be that of a Wild West cowboy styled, bounty hunting ghoul. Needless to say, life up here was so vastly different than what they had spoken of in the vaults, that some days you swore it couldn’t be real, that it was all just one big fucked up dream that you’d wake up from any time now. But no, this was all very much real. If you made it out of this alive and long enough to see the world even somewhat recover, you were going to write a book on the long list of weird shit you’ve been through.
“I said, give me the damn supplies. NOW!” you spat angrily, pointing the barrel of your gun directly to a raider’s forehead as an extremely angry scowl came to rest across your face. “I suggest you do as the lady asks, kid. She ain’t someone you wanna mess with” Cooper spoke chillingly with a grin, knowing your pregnancy hormones were in full effect today, leaving you moody as all get out, and on days like this, you weren’t afraid to cause bodily harm, or worse, to get what you wanted or craved. Your baggy shirts hid your pregnant belly well, though you were only just now reaching somewhere around four months along, you still didn’t want strangers knowing you were pregnant. God only knows what people do out here to women with babies, and the last thing you needed was someone thinking it made you weak enough to take advantage of.
When the raider’s reaction wasn’t quick enough to your liking, you fired on him without a shred of remorse. Stepping past his limp, dead body to retrieve the box of supplies that you demanded for the bounty Cooper had completed, along with a healthy amount of caps, stimpacks and other supplies from off of his body. “It’s gon’ be one of those days, huh?” Cooper asked, taking the box from you because he might not be the kindest man, but he wasn’t about to make a pregnant lady lug a heavy box of supplies across the desert either. Granted, he knew it was probably wrong of him to insinuate what he had or to poke fun at you the way he was, the grimace and absolute apathy on your face as you shot the raider in cold blood gave him all he needed for his answer, but he knew all too well how to poke the bear, and enjoyed doing so far too much for your liking most days. “Yes. I’m fucking hungry, craving that stupid cram and he was pissing me off. Took too damn long to give us what we’re owed” you answered, your hand coming to your stomach as you complained. “We? That’s a bit of a strong word there, little lady. ‘Cause if I recall correctly, it was me who finished that bounty” he said, enjoying getting on your every last nerve on the worst days possible to do so. It was sadistic sure, but it reminded him of the days when his ex-wife was pregnant with their baby girl. In a twisted sort of way it reminded him of home. “You tryin’ to tell me you’re gonna leave a pregnant lady out in the desert all by her lonesome? Damn, I knew you were cold, didn’t think you were that cold” you joked back, making him laugh dryly. “Oh trust me honey, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet” he said, making you laugh. Thank god you were on his good side, you’d seen all the horrifying things he was capable of, or perhaps all the things he’s let you see that he was capable of. Regardless, you were glad he considered you a friend rather than foe.
Well, friend was a strong word once upon a time, but now? You two seemed to tread on a line somewhere between platonic and romantic, jumping back and forth between it like a tricky game of hopscotch. Though you could never be sure, like the rest of the ghoul, he was shrouded in much mystery. His heart and intentions were certainly no exception to that. “Woulda at least let the poor kid have a chance first, unlike you. So I guess you ain’t gettin’ that much farther behind me there, girly” he commented, making you chuckle at the remark and you supposed he had a point, you really didn’t give the raider enough time but your patience has been running thinner and thinner as of late. So you did as you always do, blame the pregnancy and what the hormones were doing to your brain, or make a snide joke at Cooper. “I’d blame the baby again for it, but maybe you’re just a bad influence” you quipped, making him chuckle dryly. “Honey, I am an awful influence” he replied, making you laugh as you both walked. “You aren’t so bad sometimes. But maybe it’s just ’cause you like me” you responded with a devious grin, making him shake his head playfully in denial. “Best watch it, my kindness’s got limits darlin’ and they get smaller and smaller everyday” he said, making you chuckle. “Likely story. I cook too good for you to kick me to the dusty curb” you teased, and it was true, you were too good at cooking but also too good looking to pass up. More personally, you were a reminder of the good ol’ days before all the wasteland bullshit started. A reminder of the family he once had. He craved oh so desperately to have that little slice of heaven back, and you scratched that itch in a near perfect way that he just couldn’t let you go. Whether he liked it or not, he knew he was growing attached, and as much as he didn’t like it, he knew there was no helping it either. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe if you felt the same way he did, you both could have a little family together once your baby was born. A daydream he often thought of, but that was for another time. Right now, he needed to focus on keeping you safe as you both looked for a spot to shack up for the night.
As you made it somewhere safe, or as “safe” as safe gets out here for the night, you didn’t waste time making some food to keep you, the baby and Cooper fed after a long day’s travel. “That looks about as appetizing as a hog’s ass in swamp water” he spoke as he looked to your bowl filled with Blamco Mac n Cheese and cubed up Cram all mixed together in instant mash. “Don’t judge me, it isn’t me that’s wanting it so damn bad, it’s the baby” you replied, making him chuckle. Sounded exactly like what his ex-wife used to say when she had some outlandish craving when she was pregnant. “Besides, that’s coming from the one that eats people” you quipped as you horked down your entire bowl with lightning speed, making him tilt his head to the side. “Touché” he responded before turning your way when he caught you standing up out of the corner of his eye. He watched as you rolled your tense shoulders and attempted to massage your lower back to relieve the ache that began to culminate there but with the displeased look on your face, it appeared your efforts were fruitless. You hobbled over to sit by the fire, finding yourself walking rather funny from the ache in your feet and the tension throbbing in your tight calves. “You’re a walkin’ hot mess there, girlfriend” he teased, watching you squat to sit down next to him as you attempted to rub your back once more with a pained hiss. You gave a defeated, and equally pained, groan after chuckling at his quip. “Tell me about it. Had I known I’d have to manage up here, I’d have never gotten pregnant in the first place” you replied, rubbing your stomach after your hands once again could not provide you the relief from the tension your body craved to be freed from. “How far ‘long are ya now?” He asked, and you genuinely had to sit there and think about it for a moment. You figured with the way you were only really just starting to show more prominently that you were just about four months along, but you couldn’t honestly remember no matter how hard you tried. “What day is it?” You asked genuinely, making him laugh. “Shit, you don’t even know. That’ll be one hell of a surprise down the road when it pops out at the worst possible timin’” he joked, making you chuckle. “It’ll be a blessing, to finally stop carrying around the extra weight right on top of my bladder and allow some other things to shrink down a little bit maybe” you said, making him hum in amusement.
“I think it looks good on you. Plump is hard to come by these days and you sugar, got one nice lookin’ peach” he said shamelessly, making you laugh as he talked about your ass. “That why you like makin’ me walk in front of you all the time?” You asked with a grin, making him grin. “Can’t say it ain’t one of the reasons” he replied, making you laugh. “Careful, hormones are one hell of a thing to mess with when you’re talking to a pregnant lady. Suggest you don’t go starting something you can’t finish there, Coop” you threatened playfully, making him chuckle at your response. “Oh I can finish it, don’t you worry. It’s you that wouldn’t be able to keep up with me, sweetheart. ‘Specially not like that” he said, making you grin and give an intrigued hum at the challenge he was presenting you with. “Ain’t no love makin’ up here baby-doll, it’s straight up fuckin’. Sure we take our time with it, make ya feel good because it ain’t easy to come by, but it ain’t nothin’ like that soft vanilla shit you vaulties do” he said, making you grin as you leaned back on your hands and you saw the way his eyes almost immediately roamed your body. From your neck, down to your full tits that seemed to have gotten a little bigger since last time he looked at you real good, then to that cute little bump in your tummy, down to your hips and thighs that he just wanted to get a nice handful of. He wondered how soft you would feel in his rough hands, if you’d like the contrast. “Oh yeah? Think I don’t have kinks and shit like that just ‘cause I was in a vault? Can promise you some of us “vaulties” get our rocks off in similar ways to you wasteland folk” you responded, waiting to hear what his rebuttal would be. “Oh yeah? Like what?” He asked, watching you grin to yourself as you gave a soft chuckle. Normally you would never forgo this type of information about yourself, but it was a whole different world up here in the wastes, and this was a whole different you from that woman who came stumbling out that vault just some few months ago.
“Well, obviously one of those kinks is what got me pregnant in the first place” you started, making him chuckle because despite it not being anything crazy, it was still a little more interesting than some. “I like being choked, but I feel like everyone likes that one so that might as well still be vanilla” you said, making him laugh because you were right, that shit isn’t a kink up here, it’s standard practice. “So you think you like it rough, huh?” He asked as he pulled out his hunting knife, cleaning it while you both conversed oddly casually about kinks. His question made you blush a bit, it caught you off guard that he put two and two together so quickly. “I don’t think, I know I do” you answered truthfully, making him grin. “Hell, I bet you ain’t seen rough. I’d reckon you ain’t ever been manhandled by someone or used as a means of blowin’ off some steam” he said, looking at his reflection in the knife and watching the way you looked at him as he handled it. You might have thought he missed it, but he noticed the subtle way your thighs clenched together as he fiddled with it and talked about you being used and tossed around like a rag doll. “I have, just not…well, it wasn’t very good but they at least tried I guess?” You said, almost as if you were asking him and not telling him, making him laugh. “You askin’ me or tellin’ me? ‘Cause you sure as hell don’t sound so sure anymore” he replied, making you sigh. “Fuck it, who am I kidding? It was fucking awful. It wasn’t at all what I wanted it to be” you quickly admitted, making him hum in reply. “I will say…you’ve made me discover a few new ones since we started traveling together” you said almost nonchalantly, and that most certainly caught his attention. “Oh yeah? And what might those be?” He asked, genuinely curious of what he could have done to awaken something in you. “People in my vault were afraid to be rough, whether during sex or not but you aren’t and I like that a lot about you. I know you probably think I’m joking when I say I like “rough” or think I have no idea what rough entails but I do. I like being tied up, having knives involved, and getting manhandled and stuff like that” you said, making him chuckle at the very innocent seeming you, admitting to liking dangerous things. “That so, vaultie?” He asked, not wishing to admit just how much your bashful admission had gotten to him and instead was thankful for making you roll your eyes at the nickname to avoid catching sight of the issue beginning to grow in his pants at all the ideas now rummaging through his brain like a rampant wildfire. “That why you like starin’ at my knife each time I use it? And why you didn’t protest when I tied you up when we first met?” He asked, and you were almost mortified at his question, knowing now that he’d noticed all the times you’d sat there, infatuated by the way he used it. Embarrassed that he caught the look in your eyes the first time his fierce ones met your own as he bound your wrists together and walked around with you like a prisoner on a leash. “Yeah…didn’t think you caught me on it though. But enough about me and my kinks, how ‘bout you? What about sex with you is so different, huh?” You asked, trying your best to move the subject away from you but your question was like the cherry on top of his fucked up thoughts, making an evil grin stretch to his lips as you laid the perfect opportunity out for him to take.
“How ‘bout you come and find out for yourself, sugar?” He asked, taking you off guard by his advance, but you couldn’t deny the way it sent a surge of heat straight to your core at such a straight forward answer. The pregnancy hormones had been eating you alive lately, making you stare at him in ways you shouldn’t have, thinking about him in ways you knew you shouldn’t. Old you would have kicked yourself for thinking the way you had been and allowing yourself to seem so desperate, but you two were close enough at this point. It wasn’t as if you were stooping low enough to just fuck some random stranger. Well, scratch that, you sort of did that already because that’s how you wound up pregnant in the first place. Thanks Vault-Tec. Maybe it wouldn’t be so wrong, or seem so desperate of you after all. He chuckled at your look of shock at his reply, making you blush in embarrassment that you were nearly frozen, unsure of what to do or what to think when you normally always had something to sass him back with. “C’mon now, surely ya didn’t think this wouldn���t end up happenin’ did you? We been layin’ it on thick with each other f’ too damn long now to play that game” he said with such confidence, it almost pissed you off but you couldn’t be mad, not when the pregnancy hormones made you so incredibly horny for this man that you could hardly think of anything else. Your mind was swimming at all the ideas of what he could be capable of, what he had the potential to do. You were left truly wondering just how different, and possibly how much better of an experience it would be with him rather than the last time you’d had sex. You wondered if it would really be any different than what you and your fellow vault dwellers were accustomed to or if maybe he was talking up a big game to get you interested. Regardless of whether it was talk or not, it had the effect on you he was hoping it would, because now you were past the point of pretending you didn’t want to find out, you needed to know. You felt as your core began to ache, excitement beginning to collect in the pit of your stomach as your panties grew damp at all your dirty thoughts. “Honestly I…I-I didn’t know it passed your mind like it has been on mine” you admitted with a deeper blush, making him chuckle as he moved closer. “So ya do think of me? Well ain’t that cute” he replied. “Hard not to think about you like that when I’m watchin’ them nice big hips sway whenever you walk in front a me” he added, making you chuckle as your cheeks burned about as hot as the campfire. “I haven’t uhh…I haven’t *done anything* since I got pregnant so, I’m not really sure how to go about it but, if you’d be willing, I’d like to find out just how different it is to be with you” you said so sweetly, almost innocently and damn it if it didn’t make him feel some type of way. He chuckled to himself a little. “Looks like you’re in luck then. Even luckier that it’s with someone who’s got a little more experience in this field than the average hit ‘n quit” he said, and that’s what stopped you for a moment. Was that all that this was going to be for him? A one night thing to settle some curiosity, then go right back to the way things were? After all this time spent traveling together and getting close to him, you didn’t want that to be the case. It was in that moment you’d realized just how much you genuinely cared for the ghoul who was in your company.
“On one condition” you said, making him raise a non existent brow at you, curious to hear what you had to say. “It’s more than just a one time thing. I don’t…I don’t do flings. Call me a “deluded little vaultie” for it or whatever else you want, but I only want this if you want it to go somewhere, even if it ain’t anything more than a fuck buddy situation” you said, and truth be told he wasn’t completely sure on what he wanted. He knew it had been a long time since last he had a chance to do something like this with someone, and that he liked you but he also knew the thing going on between you had been going on for long enough, why not see where it goes? “Trust me sugar, if you’re still here travelin’ with me, ain’t none of it gonna be without somethin’ behind it. Had you asked me when we first met? I’d have told ya different, but against all better judgement ya managed to get me attached to ya. This is me tellin’ you to pay your consequence for bein’ such a damn tease all the time” he responded with a grin that relieved your every nerve, his hand coming to grab yours and moving it to the tent in his pants to prove his point, making you grin and chuckle. “Didn’t know I get you that worked up” you replied teasingly as you moved closer. “Imma let you in on a simple rule I like to live by, little lady; you cause it, you fix it” he said, and you grinned as you grabbed his hand, pulling it to slide beneath your shorts to rest outside your panties that were getting wetter and wetter with your excitement. “Looks like you got some responsibility to take too then, cowpoke” you said with a grin, and that’s when he knew this would lead to something good.
You smiled into your shared kiss, shocked to find the slightly chapped, thin irradiated lips to feel so nice against your own. It wasn’t sweet like the kisses you’d had before, it was carnal, passionate even. Driven by pure lust and god did it make you melt. Your hands came to rest on the back of his neck as you straddled his lap. Your knees were dug into the sand beneath his sleeping bag without a care in the world as his hands groped your ass and sensitive tits. You moaned as his lips and teeth soon worked at your weak spot on your neck, making you roll your hips against him as your eyes fluttered shut. You held onto him as you rocked your hips back and forth, earning a groan from the ghoul below you. “Fuck, Cooper…please” you whined, making him pull away from your neck to click his tongue at you. “You can beg all you want, but I ain’t skippin’ over the good parts just ‘cause you’re gettin’ antsy” he said with a grin up at you before popping open the buttons of your beat up flannel shirt and latching onto one of your breasts, sucking on the sensitive bud. You normally were self conscious of the fact that you’d foregone wearing a bra in favor of comfort, but in this moment you couldn’t be more thankful that it was one less article of clothing to worry about taking off. You moaned as his fingers toyed with the other side, pinching harshly as his teeth would occasionally nip at your perked bud or the soft skin around it, but being sure to give your tits equal love and attention. Rather shocked that you hadn’t yelped or drawn back at his rougher display to your overly sensitive nipples, he continued. “Fuck…” you whined, feeling as one of his hands dragged down to the waistband of your underwear, before working his hand beneath it to your clit. His fingers worked tight circles along your aching bud, leaving your head devoid of all thoughts as he brought you the pleasure your body had been craving for ages. You hated the way you felt so close to your impending release already, having been pent up since even before leaving the vaults, and now that you were pregnant, you were even more sensitive to it all. “Oh god, Cooper…” you panted out, your strained, pleading voice like music to his ruined ears as you moaned his name. “Doin’ good for me sweetheart” he praised, only adding fuel to the fire that was ready to consume you at any moment.
You moaned blissfully at the pleasurably painful stretch of him working his way inside of you finally. God how you ached for that feeling, to be stretched and filled in ways nothing else could give you other than him. “Damn you’re a tight little thing” he commented, already moving and setting a pace without giving you time to adjust. It was bliss, the painful draw out but the pleasurable thrust back in. You just couldn’t get enough. “Normally this is where I’d throw you around and fuck you absolutely stupid, but last thing I want is t’ hurt that baby” he said, making you wish you could know what it felt like to be used by him, to be thrown around and taken by him but you knew you couldn’t, not yet. “Maybe I’ll just give ‘em a sibling instead, how’s that sound, sweetheart?” he asked in your ear in a low rasp as the sound of skin slapping skin started to fill the air. A pleasant, tingling shudder ran down your spine at the prospect of it, clearly he hadn’t forgotten that first kink you’d told him about. He gave a grin, feeling the way your walls fluttered around his dick from his words, and seeing the effect it had on you left him nearly feral. Guess you weren’t lying when you said one of those kinks of yours was the reason you were pregnant. “Yeah? You’d like that wouldn’t you, sweet thing?” He asked, knowing the answer but he loved the way he had you absolutely cock drunk on him too much to not try and hear from you. “Yes! Fuck, I’d love that, please!” you said through your moans, making him chuckle. “I betchu would” he said all smug and proud. “Bet you get off on the idea ‘f fuckin’ someone who could rip you t’ shreds, dontchya sugar? Ya like it dangerous” he said, making you shake your head yes in reply. “Yes! Fuck- Cooper!” You moaned into the midnight air, your back arched from the ground as you moved your hips to meet his thrusts, desperately chasing your high. “Look good like this, sprawled out below me all helpless and vulnerable. I could just eat you alive” he said with a sadistic grin, his lips just below your ear, his breath ghosting your neck as he rocked his hips into you. “Bet you’d taste so fuckin’ good” he added, groaning through gritted teeth as he watched your engorged tits bounce with each harsh thrust, fighting the urge to sink his teeth into your soft, smooth skin. “Why don’t you- fuck! Have a taste and find out?” You replied, making him look up at you with a wild look in his eyes. It was untamed, feral even and by god if they weren’t the most magical words he’d ever heard. “Shit, don’t play with me” he said, looking at your neck and shoulder, practically drooling over the idea of how you would taste. “I ain’t playin’, bite me” you insisted, and with that, he surely wasn’t going to pass down such a beautiful opportunity.
His blunt teeth sunk into the flesh of your shoulder, making you hiss as a white, hot pain coursed through the muscle before simmering into something more pleasurable. “Shit! Cooper- fuck me, that feels good” You moaned as he almost seemed to use his teeth to attach himself to you as he rutted into you with reckless abandon, leaving you writhing beneath him in pleasure. His eyes rolled back as a moan left him from the taste of your blood flooding his tongue, you were even more delicious than he originally anticipated. Crimson coated his lips and teeth, a small stream even leaking from the corner of his mouth and down the column of his neck as he detached himself from you. He’d gotten his taste, given you an experience you certainly wouldn’t forget, but the sight below him was certainly one he would forever commit to memory. The imprint of his teeth marks that marred your otherwise perfect skin, deep purple beginning to blossom around it as blood faintly trickled down your chest from the fresh wound. If you weren’t delicious before, you were absolutely delectable now. He ran his tongue along the trail of blood, the hot, wet muscle leaving a trail of saliva in its wake as he traveled back up to the source before laving his tongue across the punctures in your skin that he left. “Freaky little thing” he said, grinning at the way you had enjoyed feeling him sink his teeth into you and allowing him to taste you in such a manner. “Told ya” you quipped before being cut off by your own moan as he found that sweet spot deep inside of you, brushing past it with almost perfect precision. “Right there! Fuck, just like that. So close…” you whined, making him chuckle. “Go ‘head sweetheart, let go for me” he permitted, and with that, the coil in your core snapped, sending you toppling over the edge into an orgasm so earth shattering you swore you were no longer on this earth in that moment. Cooper was quick to withdraw from you, wanting nothing more than to feel the sweet way your gummy walls would hug him as he came inside of you, but he couldn’t bare the thought of putting that precious baby of yours at any more risk. For now he would have to settle on finishing on you rather than in you, but the sight of you covered in his cum was surely another marvelous one to behold in his eyes. From the way your eyes sat lazily half lidded, to the way his seed looked upon your chest and stomach, he had to admit, it certainly wasn’t a sight to complain about.
You both took a moment to bask in the afterglow of your orgasms, coming down from cloud nine to do your best at steadying your breathing. The gentleman he was, he helped in cleaning you up, offering you some Rad Away to take when you were finally able to pick yourself up from his sleeping bag. “Sate your curiosity?” He asked with a grin as he slipped his pants back on and his duster, lighting up a cigarette to enjoy as he sat next to you. You gave a laugh as you redressed. “Sated my curiosity for tonight, but never know what these hormones have in store for me tomorrow” you replied, making him laugh dryly. “Suppose I can’t argue with that logic” he said, making you giggle as you took the Rad Away and got ready to sleep, thankful for the warmth his body provided in the frigid temperature of the desert night air. You weren’t sure what tomorrow would bring for you two, but at least you knew it was something you both could grow to explore. Maybe that slice of heaven wasn’t such a distant memory after all.
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bbina · 5 months
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the date night with wonbin has started well. the moment he picked you up from your house, you were met with a giant bouquet of flowers sitting on the passenger seat. now you two were seated in an fancy and expensive restaurant at a rooftop that had an overlooking of the city of seoul.
needless to say that wonbin looked dashing tonight. he was out of his usual baggy urban outfits. tonight, he was wearing something more formal with his long sleeve button up but yet he still managed to bring his iconic wonbin vibe to it.
wonbin’s hands are beginning to get clammy the more time ticks away. for the first time in a long while, he’s nervous. nervous in front of you, who’s eating in front of him, happily munching on the steak you two have ordered
he hastily wipes his hands on the fabric of his pants. mentally preparing himself to ask you the biggest question of the night.
“will you, song y/n, be my girlfriend?”
wonbin repeats in his head. he has rehearsed this in front of the mirror too many times to count last night. his neighbors probably heard him with how loud each time he spoke to the mirror.
wonbin has been concentrating so hard that he barely noticed himself making faces that it actually caught your attention.
“what’s wrong, bin?”
your voice broke wonbin’s train of thought that he panicked and accidentally kicked the table, causing the said table to shake while wonbin hisses in pain.
“nothing!” he stammers, feeling the blood rush to his face. this cannot be happening right now. he can’t possibly fuck himself over. there was just no way. he can’t fumble this very stage of your relationship. he can’t. this is the day where he himself will change the trajectory of your relationship forever. take it to the next level where he can finally claim you as his girl - on paper. if anything you two have been a couple for as long as you could remember
you let out a small laugh. wonbin is so cute when he’s all clumsy.
“anyway i’ve been meaning to ask you something” you start, wiping your mouth with a napkin. wonbin pauses his actions, setting down his fork and knife, motioning you to go on with your question.
he might not show it (he is) but he’s a nervous wreck right now
“so i was out doing errands with eunseok the other day when i passed by this shop that sells clothes and i was wondering what color do you usually prefer on hoodies?” you ask a fake question. you just wanted to calm his nerves down cause it’s literally quite obvious where this date is going.
although you have a little plan that you wanted to be the one to ask him to be your boyfriend officially and not the other way around.
this all started because of you. so what better way to start a new chapter of your relationship together by asking him out yourself the way you asked him to be your fake boyfriend a few months ago?
“oh..!” wonbin breathes out. for a second there he thought YOU were gonna ask him the biggest question of the night. “well, i like black hoodies so black would be nice” he smiles, feeling a little relieved
well too bad for him that relief only lasted for a few seconds.
“great! now could you be my real boyfriend?”
with the way you said it so nonchalantly and so out of the blue, wonbin thought he missed the punchline of the joke you’re trying to make
“will you, park wonbin, be my real boyfriend?” you shrug, grabbing your wine glass and taking a sip as you wait for his answer.
okay maybe it was a bad move on your part for asking him so casually. then again, you two were out on the fanciest date you two have ever been on. the dimly lit room just added a romantic vibe to the mood.
wonbin stares at you with wide eyes when the question finally registers in his head. did you really beat him into asking you the question he’s been practicing all night? there was no fucking way you just did that
you suddenly feel another sense of deja vu. this whole try again from square one shit with wonbin has been giving you nothing but deja vu from your first initial set up with the boy in front of you. back then it was obviously different but now that you are sure of your feelings for each other, it just brings out something you can’t pinpoint. it almost makes you feel giddy like this is the first time it’s happening with wonbin
“with the way you’re not saying anything right now i’m having flashbacks when i first asked you to be my fake boyfriend back at the villa but this time in real time” you hold in your laugh, watching wonbin open and close his mouth like a fish out of water. he was trying to say or counter you but the words aren’t just coming out
wonbin suddenly shakes his head no. you feel your stomach drop. is this him saying no to you?
“no. i don’t want to be your real boyfriend just yet because i wanted to ask you first” wonbin sasses, his eyebrows furrowed as he composes himself. wonbin clears his throat before speaking again
“will you, song y/n, be my girlfriend?” wonbin closes his eyes, “for real this time” he adds.
you let out a loud laugh, head falling back. this was all too funny for you. it really is deja vu. who would’ve thought back then that your little entanglement would eventually lead into something like this.
“since you sound really desperate then sure” you giggle, quoting his infamous text that you quite literally never forgot. how could you forget that anyway?
wonbin’s eyes snap open at what you’re trying to say. he feels himself blush at the memory. it was one of the first memory you two have shared together.
“not you quoting me” wonbin exclaims, covering his face with his hands. this whole situation isn’t playing out the way he imagined it would. he thought it would’ve been more romantic asking you out formally but what ended up happening was you two are asking each other out
“so are we like for real for real dating now?” you ask, a big smile plastered on your face as you stare at wonbin with loving eyes
“on paper, yes we are a real thing now but we’ve been dating for a while now” wonbin points out. you start laughing again. how can wonbin be so cute. you don’t even know what he really means by “on paper” but if it meant that you two are now officially dating then you wouldn’t have it in any other way.
“finally! i now have a real boyfriend!” you cheer, raising your wine glass to toast. wonbin follows suit, laughing at how stupid you two asked each other out in the middle of the fanciest restaurant in town.
“cheers, my real girlfriend!”
“cheers, my real boyfriend!”
you both chorus, clinking your wine glasses together as you both take a sip at the same time. as uncommon it was to ask the guy out, in your head it makes more sense to ask wonbin first since you two would’ve never happen if it wasn’t for yourself.
what a night.
wonbin has put the car to park outside your house. he was about to drop you offafter a successful date with you but he just remembered something.
“oh i almost forgot” wonbin quips, reaching over to the backseat to grab a neatly wrapped white paper bag with a big sage green ribbon on it. your eyes widened at the second gift of the night. was the big ass bouquet still not enough?
“how many gifts did you have prepared for me tonight?!” you exclaimed, taking the said paper bag from wonbin’s hands. wonbin just offers a grin, waiting for you to open his little gift
you slowly unwrap the gift bag. hands shaking as you anticipate what’s inside. what else could wonbin gift you at this very moment?
you were met with a familiar sage green box. your eyes widened as you slowly put two and two together. it was from van cleef & arpels. there was no way in fucking hell that wonbin would just casually gift you something from van cleef. you hurriedly open the white velvet box where you were met with the familiar dainty pendant that the brand was known for.
before you can say anything, wonbin beats you to it
“remember that day i went out shopping and i texted you that i got us matching necklaces? i obviously didn’t have the chance to give it to you after you know.. but now i think the timing is right so i hope you’ll like it.. i’m wearing the same one right now too”
wonbin tugs on his own necklace to show off the matching necklace. it was the exact same pendant, the only difference was the color. his was a black one and yours was white. a sheepish smile makes its way on his face as he shows off the fact that he got you matching necklaces.. an expensive one at that
“now i feel bad i don’t have anything grand to give you” you cried out, reaching over to wonbin to give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek
“i don’t need gifts from you when you’re all i’ll ever want and need” wonbin muses, feeling himself blush as you shower him with endless kisses.
wonbin grabs the necklace from the box on your lap before motioning you to turn around so he could delicately place the necklace on your neck. you pull your hair up so it doesn’t get in the way
“there” wonbin says, proud of himself. you turn around to face him, making sure the pendant was seen and right in the middle of your chest.
“you look so beautiful, baby” wonbin gushes, leaning in for a kiss on the lips. you feel him smile against the kiss making you feel butterflies.
“i love you, wonbin” you say between the kiss. wonbin’s eyes look like they were gonna pop out of his sockets. did you just say the L word to his face?
“what did you say?” wonbin repeats, he’s probably hearing things right now
you let out a giggle, pulling his face closer to yours as you press kisses all over his face
“i said, i love you, wonbin” you say again, eyes directly boring to his soul
“oh you don’t know how much i love you more” wonbin says before leaning in for a kiss. a hungry one at that.
let’s just say it was a steamy night for the both of you
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between the lines ★ you’re all i’ll ever want and need
⤷ from what started as a simple arrangement to hide your feelings for a certain someone by getting into in a fake relationship soon turns into a tangled mess. in which some things are hard to tell when you can’t read between the lines
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★ notes .ᐟ hey,,,,... hows everyone doing :] im soso sorry for the lack of updates!! i didn't expect to have a busy week so im really sorry for making everyone wait!! maybe we have to wait a little longer for the last chapter too... jk ill try to work on it while i fix my writers block so....... HERES THIS. ynbin nation we have come so far
★ taglist .ᐟ @callanton @annswwa @renjuneoo @pinkraindropsfell @lecheugo @ilovejungwonandhaechan @ahnneyong @haechansbbg @snowyseungs @sseastar-main @odxrilove @leeknowarchives @onlywonb @wonychu @leehanascent @au-ghosttype @revehosh @keilovr @kyusqult @dreamyyyz @ether-yeol @yangasm @qwonbani @starwonb1n @ffixtionista @daegale @scrumptiousloser @seunghancore @koryutte @ohmykwonsoonyoung @reenfluffmarshmallow @bunni @artstaeh @yizhoutv @sie17136 @koeuh @07yujin @poollabug @vernonburger @dutifullyannoyingfox @000rpheus @wccycc @sunus-sun @highhjime @chweverni @heartlvrrss @s9nwoo @yoursyuno @rosesfortaro @lampcults
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Ok, so In your response to my last spiel, you mentioned that Alexander will have a zero tolerance policy towards anything that may harm Reader and her the twins, including other wives.
It does make me wonder how Alexander would react to one of the wives (aka Roxanna 👀👀👀) trying to kill our girl. I keep picturing this scenario where it's a banquet, feast or some sort of get together with Alexander, Reader, Roxanna and maybe some of the generals. Long story short, Roxanna hands Reader a cup with a 'special' drink (ie she says promotes health, will help with the pregnancy etc). Reader, being as smart as she is, and knowing Roxanna's history, is automatically suspicious. To see if it's safe she either asks Alexander to 'taste' if for her or insists that Roxanna take the first sip. In either case, it results in Roxanna frantically slapping the cup out of Reader's hand before either she or her husband gets poisoned. At that point, everyone has noticed the commotion, and have realized that Roxanna has just tried to poison the Queen.
My question to you is this: what does Alexander do next? Lets assume reader is pregnant just to make thing extra spicy.
Since requests are open again, perhaps you could do it as a reaction blurb? I'll leave that up to you though. I'm just curious as to what you think would happen next.
Thanks, and hope you feel better ❤️!
❝ 📜— lady l: this was longer than I thought and I don't know if it's good, I liked it, but let me know your opinion, anon! Forgive me for any mistakes, love you! ❤️
❝tw: attempted murder, mention of poison, domestic violence (??), physical punishment and perhaps torture.
❝📜pairing: yandere!alexander the great x female!reader.
❝ 📜word count: 1,246.
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It was supposed to be a happy and fun dinner.
Needless to say, that's not what happened.
You were sitting next to Alexander, being shown off as his beloved Queen and heavily pregnant. Everyone was hoping for an male heir and was happy for you, everyone except Roxanna who looked at you as if she wanted to stab you or, in this case, stab you in the stomach.
That scared the shit out of you.
You were already familiar with her story, about what she had done to Stateira and Parysatis, and you were afraid that she might try to do something to you and the baby.
You wouldn't let anything happen, though. Although you weren't excited about the pregnancy news at first, you warmed up to the idea and began to look forward to holding your baby in your arms. And you'd be damned if you let anyone try to take that away from you.
''Are you alright?'' Alexander leaned over and whispered in your ear. You looked at him and smiled, it was still strange calling him your husband, but you were getting used to it.
You gave a weak nod to his question.
Alexander frowned and placed his hands on your swollen belly. It was just a few months until the birth and he was so excited. He did want an heir, but he couldn't help but want to have a girl.
A little princess to love and spoil.
''We need to start choosing names.'' He joked, trying to ease your obvious tension, although he didn't know what was making you tense. Yet.
''I already gave you some choices.''
Alexander grimaced, ''Yes, you did and they are all horrible. What kind of name is Augustus?''
You laughed loudly, attracting attention. Augustus, yes, you had given him that option as a joke. Obviously you weren't going to name your child after the first Roman emperor, but it was fun to play with your husband about historical things.
''It's just a common name where I come from.''
''Hm...'' He half-closed his eyes and you touched his face gently, caressing him. Alexander purred and leaned into your hand.
This earned you a look of compassion and a furious, jealous look from Roxanna. You didn't notice and neither did Alexander, both too busy in your affection for each other.
''I love you.'' He murmured, looking into your eyes intensely.
You smiled at him, ''I love you too.''
''Let's make a toast!'' Nearchus' amused voice sounded and everyone turned to the admiral.
''A toast?'' Cassander asked with a loud voice looking into his cup of wine.
Nearchus laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back, ''Yes. In honor of our beloved Queen, (Y/N).''
Nearchus didn't notice Roxanna's withering look at him. But you did and the pure hatred you saw in those dark eyes gave you goosebumps.
You knew that look and you knew nothing good was coming.
Everyone raised their cups, even your husband's second wife. You were the only one drinking water, even Hephaestion was drinking wine, and he was loose and happy. And that made you happy, you liked him and he was one of his closest friends and you hated seeing how haggard he seemed lately.
''I dedicate this toast in the name of our beloved (Y/N). Our Queen, sometimes soldier and friend.'' Everyone laughed as they remembered what you had done in the Indian Campaign, ''And the child she carries in her womb. May it come healthy and, regardless of gender, we will love and protect this child. To (Y/N) and the baby!''
''To (Y/N) and the baby!'' Everyone repeated and drank the wine in your honor, you laughed, feeling loved and took a sip of water.
You took a piece of bread and bit into it, satisfying your hunger. Roxanna looked at you and smiled. She took a clay jug and poured the thick, dark liquid into a cup and handed it to you.
You raised your eyebrows in doubt as you picked up the cup.
''It's for you. My doctor told me that it helps with pregnancy and helps the health of the baby and the mother.'' Roxanna explained, biting into a piece of bread.
You mentally scoffed. She didn't think you were that stupid, did she? It was insulting that she thought she could poison you in such a blatant way.
You decided to act quickly, ''Why don't you take a sip first?''
She furrowed her dark eyebrows, ''Excuse me?''
''It's a custom among my people that the person who gave you a cup must taste it first.'' You explained, handing her the cup.
Roxanna looked at the cup in your hands with hatred.
''Take it'' You encouraged her, ''or is there some reason why you don't want to drink it?''
Alexander turned his eyes to you and Roxanna, before he could ask what was going on, Roxanna slapped your hand, making you drop the strange liquid on the table.
The noisy room fell silent in a matter of seconds as Alexander stood up from his chair and fixed his eyes on Roxanna.
''What do you think you're doing?'' Alexander's voice was so cold, so lethal that you stiffened. He ignored you, focusing entirely on his second wife.
Hephaestion, who was sitting on Alexander's left side, stood up and touched the thick liquid on the table. He grimaced as the liquid stuck to his finger.
''That's...'' Perdiccas started to speak but couldn't finish.
''Poison?'' Ptolemy finished for his friend.
''How dare you?!'' Cassander growled, also standing up and glaring furiously at Roxanna. He never liked her, he wasn't oblivious to the hateful looks that Alexander's barbaric wife sent to you, to his friend. And now she tried to poison you.
Cleitus was still sitting, watching everything with a stony expression, but his hand was on the dagger stuck in his chiton. He was prepared to act, one word from you and Roxanna would be eliminated from the world.
Alexander still didn't take his eyes off Roxanna, but he spoke to you, ''Go to our room. I'll be there in a few minutes.''
You wisely decided not to disobey.
You stood up carefully and quickly looked around, watching all your friends, your husband, stare at Roxanna who looked terrified. You should have felt bad for her, but you didn't.
Not when she threatened the life of your unborn baby.
Once you were out of sight, Alexander addressed one of the guards stationed at the entrance to the hall, ''Take the whip.''
Roxanna's small body shook in fear at her husband's words. Her shaking legs gave way and she fell to her knees on the floor, feeling hot tears fall onto the dress she was wearing.
Alexander did not feel sorry. And neither do the others. She had brought this on herself.
Actions have consequences and punishments must be applied. And Alexander would not tolerate anyone threatening your life or that of his unborn child.
Alexander felt satisfaction fill his body as the guard brought out the whip and positioned himself behind a desperate Roxanna's back. He watched with satisfaction as the whip hit her sensitive skin and felt satisfaction when he heard her screams of pain.
Roxanna was to blame for her own pain and the scars that were forever marked on her skin were true proof of that.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 10 months
Pairing- Namjoon x Named Reader
Word count- 3.3k
Includes- Sexual frustration, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, cockwarming, table sex, studio sex, from behind, missionary, multiple orgasms, squirting, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny
Gif Credit- jung-koook
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Namjoon Masterlist
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Namjoon POV
She moans in my mouth as she kisses me wildly, her arms around my neck, fingers tugging on my hair so pleasurably
She's in my lap, straddling me, both our bodies naked from the waist up, my arms around her waist, holding her right against me, feeling her soft skin against mine
Her hips move, rubbing her clothed pussy on my cock
I'm barely holding it together and I have to stop before I cum
"Bbb...baby stop", I gasp when I break the kiss, my hands stopping her from moving more
"No Joonie. No baby", she whimpers, her gorgeous big brown eyes pleading with me
"I can't baby", I answer
She knows I can't
I was working on my home studio when she came in
I knew what she wanted
She pulled my computer chair back, sat on my lap and kissed me
And because I love her and yeah, I'm horny for my wife, I kissed her back
Now I'm in this predicament
"I want you baby", she whimpers, pressing kisses to my neck, right into the spot I love
"I....I can eat you out-"
"No Joonie! That's all you've been doing for days. I love your tongue and your fingers but I want your cock!", she protests
"Babe-", I start
"No! You took this stupid bet without telling me and because of it I can't have your dick! That's not fair!"
"I know babe-"
"No you don't know!", she snaps, frustrated, "I want you! And you would flip a fucking shit if I told you I made a stupid agreement and you couldn't have my pussy for a month!"
She's right
I would be so pissed
But fucking Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook told me about them doing no nut November and made fun of me, telling me I could never last that long
They said I couldn't last a day, joked about how much I needed sex, needed to cum all the time, commenting on how I'm always touching her and taking her away from whatever we're doing to fuck her
I mean she's my wife, she's fucking hot and I want her so no shit I'm gonna fuck my girl
They just wouldn't let it go, I got pissed and agreed to bet them that I could last the whole month
I don't know why I did it
It shouldn't matter but I wanted to prove that I could do it
Needless to say when she was not happy when I told her about it
I told her I couldn't have sex with her but I'd still go down on her and finger her
I know it's not enough for her
We went from sex everyday to none
I know she's frustrated
I am too
It's been twenty days of it and I'm so fucking horny
Anything turns me on, makes me hard
Even if she sits on me and not moves it makes me hard
But I lasted this long, I can last longer
"That shit is something you do if your single like those other idiots. Not if you're married or are with someone! You're neglecting me!"
I raise my eyebrow, "I don't know if that's neglect exactly..."
She glares at me and I shut my mouth
She drops her arms from around my neck, looking away and starting to get off me
I tighten my arms around her, not wanting her to leave, especially not upset
"What can I do to make you feel better baby?", I ask her
She shakes her head, "Nothing Joonie. I just want you"
"C'mon baby", I say softly, running my fingers in her hair, pushing it over her shoulder, "Wanna make you feel good baby"
She looks back up at me, hesitating
"Tell me what you want baby"
"Wanna....let me sit on your cock"
I suck in a breath, "Baby I don't know-"
"I won't bounce Joonie. I won't fuck you", she says quickly, "I just want to feel you inside me. Wanna be full of you"
Fuck me, I want that too, my cock throbbing at the thought of being in her tight pussy again
"Please Joonie"
I don't know how it's gonna work, how I'm going to actually get inside her without coming
But I'm gonna try
I can do this
Cockwarming is ok...it hasn't made me cum before so it's fine
"Yeah baby, ok"
"Ok", she nods
She stands, tugging on my PJ pants and boxers, pulling them down and off, my cock so hard, straining and leaking
I reach for her, bending down, kissing her lower stomach, as I move my fingers in her PJ pants, dropping them down to her feet
She steps out of them as I pull her closer, slipping her panties down next
Once they're off, I kiss lower, murmuring, "Just let me taste you baby"
"Yeah Joonie"
Lifting her up, I put her on my desk, sliding my chair closer
Opening her legs, I bite my lip, seeing how wet she is, her juice dripping down her cunt onto my desk
Leaning down, I lay my tongue on her and lick up, her sweet taste hitting me, making me moan
Her cunt is so soft, her swollen lips spreading for me as I drag my tongue between them
"Joonie", she whimpers, her fingers in my hair already
I run my tongue up and down her pussy, dipping into her hole, feeling her cunt tighten around it
Fuck, so tight, how am I gonna have her around my dick and not cum?
Fucking into her pussy, she clenches my tongue with each thrust, pleasure rolling down my body right to my hard cock
I push her legs open wider, burying my face in her cunt, swirling my tongue around her little hole before slipping in
Wiggling my tongue in her cunt, I pull out, swallow her juice then keep going
"Namjoon", she moans, her free hand gripping my upper arm tightly
Using the tip of my tongue, I flick her clit, a loud groan coming from her
Licking her clit over and over, it throbs against my tongue, turning me on so much
"Joonie, more", she whimpers
Sucking her clit into my mouth, I tug and play with her, her legs shaking around my head
Her hips start to move, fucking into my face as I suck hard, desperately on her tiny clit
I don't know what it is but once her clit is in my mouth, I can't get enough of it
I have to go hard, it's my favorite thing to suck on her body
It makes her so wet, dripping all over my face, it sliding down my neck, drowning me
And I don't want to be anywhere else
"Namjoon. Namjoon", she calls, coming against my face
I sped up the movement of my mouth, sucking her through her orgasm as she yells my name, her body shaking on top of my desk
As soon as she finishes, my tongue is by her hole, licking up her sweet cum, moaning into her cunt, making sure I get it all
"Joonie", she whimpers, tugging on my hair
I pull back, her eyes looking at me with lust and fuck, I want her
Moving my hands to her thigh, I pull her down, off the table and right onto my lap
"Can I?", she asks softly and I nod, holding my dick up for her
Her lips crash against mine, as she takes my head in and slowly pushes down
Her incredibly tight cunt splits open around me, pulsing hard already, sucking me in as she takes more and more of me
Pleasure crashes over me, it's so much more intense than normal
Her pussy waters my cock, my lap already soaked and I'm not even all inside her yet
I can't...it's so much, my cock throbbing fast at finally feeling her around me again
"Baby stop, I can't...I'm..
"No Joonie. I'm almost down", she pleads, my hands stopping her
"Second...one....se...", I trail off, squeezing my eyes tightly closed, getting control over myself and my dick
Think of something else
The songs I have to do
Melodies I have to fix, lyrics I have to tweak
It calms me down enough to keep her on me
"You...can keep going baby", I tell her
"Help me all the way down baby", she whimpers
I push her down on the rest of my cock, impaling her tiny pussy as I bottom out
"Oh fuck", I moan, her walls clenching around me so tightly, so pleasurably
"Joonie", she moans, "Feels so good Joonie. Fuck, I missed you so much"
"I missed you too baby", I whisper, sitting back in the chair, pulling her against me
Her head lays on my shoulder, her face against my neck
I hold her, running my fingers up and down her back, feeling her skin shiver against my touch
I smile, kissing the top of her head
Her pussy clenches around my length continuously, keeping a steady burst of pleasure running through my body, my cock throbbing every time she clenches
I can't help it, it just happens
We sit for a good few minutes this way
Then she starts squirming, her hips grinding down on me
More bliss hits me quickly as her pussy pulses gets faster the more she moves
"Baby", I gasp, my fingers digging into her hips, my brain turning off, "Sss...st...baby"
"Feels so good baby", she whines, her hips moving faster, cunt throbbing hard, gushing juice on my legs, "Wanna cum on your cock"
Fuck, I don't ..I don't think I can handle that
The pleasure from that....it'll make me cum
I can't
"Baby", I say louder, stopping her from moving, "I...too much..."
"Please Namjoon. I need to cum on your cock. I need to. I'm going crazy baby", she cries, tears welling in her eyes
I know how she feels, the frustration of the pleasure just stopping
It's driving me crazy too
"Just once Joonie. I'll get off you as soon as I finish ok, so you don't cum", she begs, "I promise I'll leave you alone for the rest of the month. I just need it. I need you"
I want to give her what she wants, I do
I just don't know if I can handle feeling her orgasm
The ecstacy from that is so fucking mind blowing and it's what I look forward to when we have sex
Just feeling her cum over and over
I'm addicted to her orgasms
And I'm worried that feeling even just one will throw me over the edge while I'm in this state
But as I look at her, my loving, supporting, beautiful wife, I can't deny her
She's right that I just sprung this on her without even talking to her about it
And she's dealt with it for all these days
She just can't take it anymore
She just wants me and I can't fault her for wanting to have sex with her husband
I'll deal with it, push back any feeling of coming to let her
"Ok baby", I nod, relief blooming in her eyes, "Just...don't bounce or grind ok? I'll make you cum"
She raises her eyebrow but nods, "Ok"
I kiss her lips softly, the feel of them on mine one of the best feelings in the world
"Turn around baby", I tell her after the kiss ends
I help her off me, turning her and pulling her back on my lap, her back against my chest
"Open your pretty legs for me", I ask and she spreads them so wide
Aligning my cock to her hole, I shove her down my length in one go this time instead of dragging it out
"Oh fuck", she moans, her pussy keeping a tight grip on my cock
Snaking my arm around her waist, I move my hand down, pressing my fingers to her swollen clit
I move my fingers in a circle, her loud cries of pleasure so pretty
I tilt her head back on my shoulder, pressing kisses to her neck as I play with her clit
She floods my cock even more, her cunt already throbbing harshly
"Mmm baby, my pussy feels so good", I praise her, "So tight baby girl. So fucking wet for me"
She nods, moaning, her eyes closed, her body shaking against me
"My cock feels good baby?"
"So good Joonie", she cries
I move my free hand around her boob, squeezing while pinching her nipples at the same time
"Joonie!", she cries, more juice leaking from her, "Oh fuck, don't stop...oh fuck your cock is so good baby"
I smirk against her skin, rubbing her clit faster, falling into the incredible feeling of her tight cunt spasming pleasurably around my cock
Her hands are on the chair's arm rests gripping it so hard her fingers are white
Her legs shake around mine, her hips beginning to move in a circle, grinding her spot on my cock head
I look down at her pretty body on me, her boob squished in my hand, sweat dripping down between her boobs, her hips moving hypnotically against my hand
God, fuck, my wife is so fucking hot
"Missed your cock so much Joonie", she whines, "Why did you take you away from me?"
I really don't fucking know
The agreement seems so fucking stupid right now
"Missed you too baby", I murmur, feeling how close she is, "Missed this tight cunt wrapped around me. Fuck, cum for me baby"
"Namjoon!", she cries at the next rub of her clit, her body shaking uncontrollably as she cums around my cock
I push up into her, the pure ecstasy from her orgasming pussy blinding me as we both yell
Oh my god, fuck me
God, I miss this
Fuck, it's so good, the fucking throbbing... fuck
"Namjoon! Baby!", she murmurs in my ear, her head back on my shoulder, eyes closed, pleasure all over her beautiful face
I move my gaze back down, watching her skin tremble as she cums, pleasure running through my entire body
And I say fuck it
Holding onto her, I stand up then bend her over my desk
Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull my cock almost all the way out of her pretty pussy then thrust back in hard, bottoming out in one move
"Fuck!", I shout, the pleasure spiking and I just go feral
I thrust into her as hard as I can, desperate to feel her cunt suck my cock inside her, desperate to feel the pleasure I've denied myself for twenty fucking days
"Fuck baby", I whine, pounding into her, splitting her on my dick, "Feels so good. Fucking god, I was so stupid baby. So stupid to give you up for this long"
She moans, holding onto the equipment on my desk hard as she takes the pounding I'm giving her
I watch her tiny hole spread and strain around my cock, her cunt flooding my cock with so much cream it's dripping to the floor
Beautiful sight
Every stroke has my head hitting her spot, a yelp of pleasure coming from her pretty mouth
I'm in so much pleasure, my body shaking from it, making my brain turn off
Her cunt is impossibly tight, more than she's ever been, throbbing like crazy
"Cum for me baby", I beg, "I need to feel it. Please baby"
I crave that bliss
"Namjoon! I'm coming! Baby! Fuck!", she cries as she climaxes, pussy cream gushing from her hole, making a huge mess on my dick
"Yes baby!", I cry, shoving my cock inside her, letting the mind blowing pleasure washing over me
I feel like I'm gonna cum but I push it back with great difficulty
I'm not done fucking her yet
When she finishes, I pull out, flip her on her back, pull her to the edge and plunge my cock back into her pulsing cunt
"Joonie", she whimpers, her body arching beautifully
I keep my eyes on her beautiful face in so much pleasure as I fuck the life from her
"Baby", I whisper, sliding my hands up her body slowly, her soft skin trembling under my fingers, making me smile
My hands get to her big boobs, wrapping around them and holding on as I thrust my length into her welcoming cunt
Her hands move around my wrists, holding on, her legs wrapping tighter around me
I'm so close, her pussy feeling so fucking amazing and tight but I need her orgasm to get off
She gets closer with every thrust and I'm anxiously waiting for her
"Nnnn...Namjoon", she yells, her body shaking against the desk, her cunt tightening pleasurably around me, "Baby"
"Yes baby. Gimme baby. Fuck, want you to cum all over my cock", I urge her, "Please baby"
"Namjoon!", she yells, her pussy squirting around my cock and everywhere as she cums
Phenomenal ecstasy crashes into me as I scream her name, sheathing my cock inside her and coming the hardest I ever have in my life
"Namjoon! Yes baby!", she shouts, her pussy milking my cock as I shoot cum deep into her
My head is in the clouds, nothing but pleasure in my mind, my body
She whimpers my name over and over as we ride out the pleasure, gripping each other tightly
When I come back to my senses, I look down to pull out and I'm shocked to see how much I came
It's literally pouring out from around us and all over my desk
Pulling out, her cunt gushes more but I don't care
I can clean it later
Picking her up, I sit back down in my chair with her on my lap, cuddling her and giving her kisses anywhere I can
"I love you Jo"
"I love you Joonie", she says tiredly, her arms moving around me to hold me close
I run my fingers in her hair as she lays her head on my shoulder
"You lost the bet", she says softly
"Worth it", I answer, kissing her forehead, "I'm sorry for taking the bet baby. It was stupid to deny both of us that"
"It's ok Joonie. Just don't do something like that without talking to me first"
"I won't", I promise, "I'm never taking a dumb bet like that again"
I'm never denying myself from being with my wife again
The guys can talk all they want, make fun of me all they want
I don't care
I have nothing to prove nor do I care to
Not anymore
She giggles, "Forgot how much you like sex?"
I didn't but I wasn't thinking about it
I was forcing it out of my mind
"Kind of. But you just reminded me", I smirk, moving my hips up, pressing my hard dick against her
"Again Joonie?", she laughs
I nod, smiling, "Yeah baby. Gotta make up for the past twenty days"
"All in one day?"
"Oh hell yes", I answer, standing up and carrying her to our room, "I'm so horny baby and I'm gonna fuck you all day and night. You're gonna be so sore tomorrow"
"Well you're lucky I'm just as horny as you are", she teases
I laugh, throwing her on the bed, then climbing on top of her, getting her legs around me
I move my fingers in her hair, looking down at her beautiful face
I love her so much it's insane
"I am lucky Jo. I have you", I answer, smiling at her
She blushes, her arms moving around my neck, "I'm lucky too baby. I love you Namjoon"
"I love you Jo"
She pulls me down for a sweet kiss that I fall into
When it's over, she smirks at me, "Now, fuck me baby"
"Your wish is my command baby", I smirk back, then bury my length inside her, her moan music to my ears, the start to a beautiful night
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noyoyoy · 27 days
First things first, I am so sorry I haven’t written anything in the last few months. I have had ZERO energy. I’m getting better so I figured I’d go ahead and write this for all of you who are very patiently waiting. (Thank you all for understanding.)
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Husband reader
Tw: None
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It wasn’t known that Simon had a family. A husband and a little girl they adopted 2 years ago for their 5th year marriage anniversary. His husband had wanted a family for so long, being with Simon since they were twenty-two, they always talked about kids. Getting a surrogate or adoption. When they got to the orphanage the little girl they saw out of their eye almost looked just like the two of them, it was almost weird when you guys saw her for the first time. she was around six, dirty blonde hair like Simon’s, just a shade or two lighter, and an eye colour that matched M/n’s perfectly. Her hair was short, shoulder length and wispy bangs that covered her forehead. Her name was Charlotte and she had been in the system since she was Four, her parents no longer in the picture. M/n knew she was the one the moment he laid his eyes on her. Simon felt the same way.
So when Simon took out his phone after a mission around his team for the first time and they saw the little girl on the same lock screen he forgot to change when he deployed again, all hell broke loose. Soap wondering who the girl was, poking at him for an answer. Gaz saying “I didn’t know you had any family left.” With a snicker that earned a hit to the head from Price and a glare from Simon.
“Cut it out. Don’t meddle in his life.” Price told the two, but deep down he wanted to know too. As far as he knew Simon didn’t have a wife, and the only family he had was dead. So who was the girl?
A week later they were off duty, Simon was lying in bed, his husband asleep on his chest and the little girl tucked snuggly into his side. Needless to say, he was trapped. Not like he planned on getting out of bed anytime soon anyway. That changed when his phone rang. His phone was on do not disturb for everything other than his work. His daughter stirred, wiping the sleep from her e/c eyes looking at Simon “What is that?..” she mumbled out with a large yawn, still mostly asleep. “Nothing sweetheart, lay back down.” Simon said as he grabbed his phone, and patted her head as she tucked back away in the spot she was.
He was upset. Clearly, when he saw it was soap. “Fuckin’ what.” He groggily growled out to the Scot on the other end of the phone, annoyed that he is fucking up his home time and woke his daughter. “Shit what got yer panties in a twist Si?” A chuckle comes after that. “fuck do ya want.” They talked for about 3 minutes before Simon felt movement in his chest. Looking down and meeting the same eyes he fell in love with, staring at him. “Gotta go.” He hung up on Soap before he had a chance to say anything back. Tossing his phone to the bed and running a hand through his lovers hair. “G’mornin’ love..” he said in a tone that would be almost unrecognizable to anyone else who knew him. With a yawn and a stretch M/n sat up, straddling Simon’s waist and we stretched again. “Good morning!” He smiled at him and noticed the tuff of messy blonde hair near Simon’s arm, a smile on his face as he looked at Charlotte.
“How did you sleep?” Simon asked, whispering as to not wake up the little girl laying by his side. “Good, you?” M/n smiled and crawled off Simon’s lap, out of bed. “Perfect.” Simon stared at him as he got up. The warmth slowly leaving his body where he once was. “I’m gonna go make breakfast for us, I’ll be back.” M/n said as he opened the bedroom door and headed downstairs into the kitchen. Simon let out a sigh, looking down at the sleeping girl, a soft smile coming onto his face. “You woulda loved her..” he whispered out to no one in particular. He loved his family. The thing he was terrified of gaining after he lost his. After the incident that left his face and body scarred for the rest of his life. The same face he thought no one would ever be able to look at without feeling sick. The same face M/n had fallen in love with.. despite how they met, despite his job. He found love. He intended on keeping it save with his life this time.
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I might make a part 2, I might not. I’m still trying to get my writing motivation back, but I hope you enjoyed this. Remember I take recommendations, and feedback!
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spookysteddie · 8 months
Love On Tour
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cw: mentions of drugs, motions of overdose, bad parents, some hurt. (Let me know if I missed anything)
wc: 1k (sorry shes so short... I've been sick)
Dating Eddie Munson was pure bliss. 
The closest to heaven you’ll ever come and you couldn’t be happier. 
The media has been having a field day this past month over Eddie breaking the news during a red carpet interview. You were his date, of course, and he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. When the reporter asked if you two had a title, he just grinned and kissed you right there. The press loved it. 
You parents, however, did not. 
You haven’t spoken to them since the day after that award show. They saw the interview and called you up to scream at you for not listening to them. You sat there and took it, holding back tears and doing all you could to get off the phone with them. You were glad Eddie wasn’t around during that conversation since he doesn’t like when people mock or yell at you.
As for your followers? They eat up any and all content you make with Eddie. The good thing is Eddie really enjoys making content with you. He even let you do his makeup with the biggest smile of his cute face. He also did one of your voice overs for your “spend the day with me” post. 
In private Eddie dotes on you. The second a flower starts to die, he comes home with new ones. He’s on top of texting you through most moments of the day (even though you told him he didn’t have to do that) and he even moved his schedule around once to accompany you to an influencer event. 
He was the most incredible boyfriend ever. 
Now, they’re getting ready to go on a year and a half long tour for their new album. The album you happen to be on the cover of. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous about Eddie going on tour. 
It’s not that you didn’t trust him, not at all. It was the atmosphere that comes with rock and roll tours. Drugs are way easier to access and Eddie has a very hard time saying no. Needless to say you’re scared his band mates are going to call you and let you know he’s overdosed. 
Or worse that he died. 
Now, have you confessed these feelings to Eddie? No, of course not. You two haven’t been together that long and the last thing you need is for him to think you’re suffocating him. In short, you just don’t want to scare him and make him leave you. 
You sit by the stage, watching them practice and watching Eddie and Gareth figure out lighting issues and a set list. It’s nice to see them like this, in their element. They all put so much love and care into everything they do when it comes to their jobs. 
“Hey bunny, I need you for a moment,” Eddie calls, making you look up from the email you’re sending. 
You nod, getting to your feet, “how can I be of service?”
Eddie beckons you up to the stage and you listen, climbing up the steps and standing in front of him with a grin. 
He leaves a small kiss on your forehead. “Okay, I need you to stand right here. I’m going to go around here and see what it looks like from different angles.” 
You nod, taking the microphone so you can speak to him as he moves. “Need me to do anything else?” 
“Yes. I need you to let me know if you think we need to change anything. Okay?” 
You nod again, leaning up to kiss his cheek. He blushes a little before jumping down off the stage. He starts from the floor seats, walking around every section there to make sure everyone has a good view. 
Eddie knows floor seats are tough considering some people are shorter than others. But regardless, he likes to make sure anyone and everyone can see at some point. He moves back to the actual stands. 
“Bunny, I need you to move to the left a little for me please?” His voice carries through the empty stadium. 
You nod and move to the left. The light is right in your face, a little too much and you are shorter than Eddie is. “We might need to move this light. It’s right in my face and I’m seeing spots. I think it’ll wash you out, Eddie.” 
You hear his laugh carry from where he’s standing, “are you saying I’m pale?” 
You giggle a little, “just a tiny bit, honey.” 
He laughs, “maybe we need to take a little week long vacation before we start this tour.” 
Eddie walks to the seats that face the center of the stage. He tilts his head left and right before moving on to the next section. 
And the next. 
And the next.
You wished you could go with Eddie. 
You’d tried, actually. But your schedule had been set long before you met Eddie and you have contracts that you’d signed and now need to fulfill. It hurt your heart that you wouldn’t be there for him. 
It hurt more that you wouldn’t be there to make sure he doesn’t die. 
You lay next to him, head resting on his chest while you listen to his heart. It’s one of your favorite sounds and you swear your beats in time with his. The invisible string theory for sure. He has always been yours, the universe just didn’t let you have him till the time was right. Even if that time came after too much wine.
You feel like he’s been yours much longer than this, like you’ve been lovers in every life. In every timeline. He was your person, your soulmate. And sure that might be insane considering you’ve only been together a little over a month and a half. But you felt it inside. 
You felt it in your bones.
Eddie takes a deep breath, pulling you closer to him and kissing your head in his sleep. You kiss his chest in return and finally fall asleep. You’ll deal with your fear of the tour later.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Hihi!! Idk if your taking requests BUT hear me out on SAGAU(self aware genshin AU is what it stands for i thinkk) with Wanderer/scara when reader is saving up for his rerun and is super excited to get him and farming his artifacts and stuff and he’s just super excited to come home and can’t wait till his rerun comes so reader can get him and he can Hug them and all that fluffy stuff <33 ps can I be 💤 anon?
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Wanderer vividly remembers a wide variety of moments with you. From the first time you’d seen him, expressing genuine pure interest in him, something no one had done in a very long time. The time you were practically screaming when he appeared in the Delusion Factory, nearly distracting him from his goal of taking the Gnosis because of how ecstatic you were at seeing someone like him. When you were tearing your hair out and crying at his past. When you were so happy to see him getting along with other people (for some bizarre reason.) Out of all the Gods, he had come to realize the Creator was the most benevolent one, despite being locked behind a screen.
Similarly, he remembers your intense stare at the exact time his banner dropped. You were online without a moment’s delay, at the Sanctuary of Surasthana, and he could hear a strange song playing in the background, which you called his “theme song.” Regardless of your odd rituals, as much as Wanderer tried to deny it, he was looking forward to being on your team. For a while, he had to listen to that damn ginger-haired brat go on and on about how amazing it was to be on your team, and how he always served you well. Despite Wanderer still being conflicted by his feelings, he was sure he wanted that to be him instead.
Wanderer remembers your bated breath, your rapid heartbeat as you spammed the wishing button, skipping through when you saw that it was purple instead of gold. He listened to your small comments about what you got - “Ah, I needed some constellations for them… ugh, not The Bell again… c’mon baby, just come home already!” His ears went a little red at the last one.
And at last, the long-awaited gold star descended from the sky, and Wanderer could feel his palms becoming tingly at the sensation. Finally, he could be on your team. Finally, he could be able to hear your sweet voice all day. Though he loathed running around doing tasks for others, he’d be able to witness your lovely concentrated face for hours.
Until he realized that nothing had happened and that the look on your face was now a mixture of shock and on the verge of breaking down. A red-haired man he didn’t recognize was standing in what have been his place.
Needless to say, Wanderer did not come home, and he had to deal with your tired eyes squinting at the screen in the middle of the night, trying to grind as much as possible. Opening the wishing menu where he resided for a few weeks as you pulled as soon as you got one hundred and sixty Primogems, only to be met with disappointment. If he could, he would have scolded you for your recklessness, for you were still someone that needed to take care of themselves.
Now, it had been almost eight months since Wanderer’s last banner, and despite how praise did not come easily from his mouth, he had to admire your endless dedication to him. Even Nahida would tease him about how much you loved him. Diligently entering the artifact domain every day, ignoring the temptation to pull for others and focusing solely on him. (You had placed the best artifacts and weapon you had on some random person as a placeholder, and oh, how he couldn’t wait to see the expression on their face as they were stripped bare of your hard work and transferred to him instead.) How endearing you looked doing the same routine every day for him, entering the summoning menu to drag the slider to see how many wishes you had for him.
Not to mention how affectionate you were. Even he didn’t understand how, but every time your fingers brushed against the screen, he could feel you stroking his cheek. What would be the wind blowing his hair was actually your fingers caressing it. But those moments would only be temporary, only a few hours after multiple, long months. 
Soon, once he was on your team, he’d be able to relish in your touch, your unlimited affection. And of course, he awaits the day you descend to Teyvat rather impatiently. 
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tbyfandoms · 1 year
Flowers | Austin Butler x Reader
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Pairing: austin butler x f!reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: after making a quick run to the store, austin comes home with a surprise for his favorite girl in the world (requested)
Warnings: none
Masterlist/Request Form | Ask/Tell/Request
A/N: I swear it takes the bare minimum for me to go off in delulu land and create a whole scenario of some cute domestic ish about one of my faves lmao! thank you to the anon who requested I write this, you truly fed into my fantasies and I appreciate the excitement. I know it’s been a while since I’ve uploaded a fic so I figured I’d finally try to sit down and write something quick and get it out for the last day of austin’s birth month! I hope you guys enjoy sentimental aus and the dash of horndoginess I threw in there. after finding out about a certain *ehem* tidbit, I saw an opportunity to include the fact austin is an ass man-ANYWAYS! as always lmk what you think! <3
also important side-note! for right now I think I am going to hold off on accepting any new requests for a while. I have quite a few backed up in my ask box that I really wanna get out for the people who sent them in and are patiently waiting! I can’t stop ya’ll from sending things in, but please know that at the moment the requests I have on my currently writing page are my current priorities and it might be a while until I get to yours!
“God, there’s literally nothing on,” you grumble after skipping past yet another movie preview on Netflix.
It’s both yours and Austin’s first off day together in such a long time and all you want to do is cuddle and watch a good film, but it’s like nothing is catching your attention, and at this point you kinda just want to rewatch a comfort film and call it a day. You doubt Austin will put up much of a fight.
The blonde did leave you in charge of finding something to watch while he went off to gather snacks, so he can’t complain too much if you two end up watching a movie you’ve both seen a hundred times, right?
While an idea starts to form in your mind and you quickly scroll to the search bar, soft footsteps from the kitchen make their way to you.
“Baby, I’m headin’ out the store really quick, I just need to pick up a few things before we get started. D’you need anything?”
Your boyfriend’s voice immediately takes your attention away from the black and red screen you’ve been staring at for the past ten minutes. Needless to say the interruption and new view is much appreciated. You swear to yourself that Austin could walk out of a place wearing just a trash bag and he’d still be the most beautiful man you’ve ever laid eyes on.
He looks so soft and cuddly in his cotton shirt and track pants that it makes you sad at the idea you’ll have to wait even longer now to wrap yourself in his arms.
“Did we eat all the snacks again already? I swear neither one of us is home enough to go through food that quickly and yet somehow we always do,” you say as you shake your head lightly.
Austin’s soft chuckle drifts through the air. “It blows my mind too, sweetheart.” The actor moves closer to the front door and begins to put his shoes on—grey and black Adidas with the white stripes, his latest favorites. “I mean we have stuff but I wanna get you some of those candies you like to have when we go to the movies, I figured we could really make it our own little film experience, y’know?”
You scrunch your nose in fondness at the sentiment and get up off the couch to meet your boyfriend at the door. He grabs one of his many baseball caps and settles it atop his blonde waves. You notice how thick Austin’s hair is getting, the hat sliding snuggly over his head.
“Awh, Aus, I’d love that, that sounds amazing,” you grin, stepping forward and wrapping your arms around his neck. “Now, tell me, how would you feel about me picking a certain favorite Gosling film for our movie?”
You grin cheekily at Austin, seeing the flicker of realization in his eyes as he understands exactly which film you’re referencing. Between the two of you, there really is no other Ryan Gosling film it could be besides—you guessed it—The Notebook.
“You’re really gonna make me cry on my day off?” The blonde teases and you roll your eyes jokingly in response. After you and Austin started dating, it didn’t take long for the two of you to go in depth about your favorite films—I mean, it was only fitting—and it was only then did you discover his love for The Notebook. Although written off as a typical, cheesy romance film, it’s so much more than that and Austin was one of the only people to see it as such. The both of you talked for ages about it and no matter how dumb it sounds, that conversation—among many other things—convinced you wholeheartedly that Austin was the man of your dreams. It’s been years since your relationship with Austin started and that film is still one of you forever favorites. You and Austin make sure to rewatch it together at least once a year, tears and choked back sobs included.
“C’mon, baby, you know you want to! It’s about time for our rewatch anyways! I’ll be there the whole time to console you during all the sad parts, and then you’ll be there to console me right after that! I’ll even bring the tissues,” you laugh.
Austin shakes his head and because of your closeness to him you can feel his chest rumble as he laughs along with you. It’s an odd thing to find comfort it and yet you do.
“Fine but only because I love that film—and you—so much. I mean crying in my girl’s arms over a Gosling movie sounds like a day well spent to me anyways.”
The blonde inches closer and rubs his nose against yours, grinning broadly at your giggles that ensue. He swears if he could bottle up that sound and keep it forever, he would.
“Alright, I’m goin’,” Austin says as he steps back and begins to open the door. “You didn’t answer earlier, did you need anything from the store?”
Shaking your head, you respond, “Nope. All I need is for you to come home to me as soon as possible so I can wrap myself in your arms and cry over Noah and Allie with you.”
You’re met with that thousand watt smile again and you can’t help but to return it. “I promise I’ll hurry back, I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”
Before Austin steps fully out the door, he stops and turns back towards you, reaching out his hand to cup your cheek and connect his lips with yours.
The kiss is soft and sweet and the second Austin pulls away you want more than anything for him to kiss you again.
“I love you,” he says before sneaking in another quick kiss, this time on your cheek, and then proceeding out the front door.
The lock clicks into place and as you stand there in the hall, the only audible sound being Austin’s car pulling out of the driveway, you sigh and reach your fingers up towards your lips. It doesn’t matter how long you and Austin have been dating, the whimsical and electric state he leaves you in after each time he kisses you will never, ever get old.
It’s probably only been about fifteen to twenty minutes since Austin left when you hear keys jangling in the door knob.
You figured it wouldn’t take him long considering the store you always go to is right down the street, but the time apart was still long enough for you, so you leap off the couch and hurry to meet your boyfriend as he walks through the front door.
Instantly you notice the small plastic bag Austin’s holding in his hand that he used to open the door. You can already see the wrappings of all your favorite treats peaking through the top and that alone gets you excited. So excited, in fact, that you don’t even notice the way Austin’s holding his other hand behind his back.
The blonde holds out the plastic bag towards you and you squeal in excitement as you begin to dig around in it. “Ah, no way! They actually had them this time!? When I went last they were sold out.” As you grab at one of your favorite snacks, you watch as Austin angles himself awkwardly to try and close the door. It’s like he doesn’t want to turn his back towards you and it’s at this time that you notice he’s holding something out of your line of sight.
“Austin what are you doing?” You giggle, quirking your eyebrow at the way he stands there with a mischievous, yet fond smile on his face. You hear a distinct crinkling sound and you know it’s not from your own bag. “What d’you got there?”
“After I grabbed all our snacks and was headin’ up to the register, I passed a display and saw these.” Your boyfriend brings the hidden object from behind his back and you gasp at the sight of it. “They reminded me of you so I got ‘em for you. Pretty flowers for a pretty girl.”
Austin hands you the bouquet and your eyes instantly well with tears. They’re the most stunning blush colored roses you’ve ever seen and they smell absolutely incredible. There’s a small card sticking out of the side of them and as you read the words written in Austin’s handwriting, your heart swells with adoration.
For my favorite girl
Love, Austin
“Aus,” you whisper, not trusting your voice to withstand anything else. “They’re beautiful. Thank you so much. You didn’t have to do that.”
The actor can tell how emotional you are right now, can tell how much this means to you. He’d do anything to let you know how much you mean to him, to let you know how much he loves you. He’d buy you flowers every single day if it meant he’d get to see that look on your face. That look where your eyes get real big and sparkly and your smile is so wide it makes your eyelids crinkle at the corners. That look that makes Austin want to give you the world.
Careful not to smash the bouquet held delicately in your hands (the bag of snacks now laying on the floor), Austin reaches out and hugs you with one arm, planting a soft kiss on the side of your head. “I know I didn’t have to, sweetheart, but I wanted to. I love you so much and you deserve to be appreciated.”
With the right words to say completely escaping you, you do the next best thing and instantly close the gap between you and the man standing in front of you. One of Austin’s hands finds its place on your lower back, pushing you closer to him, and your own hand without the bouquet in it finds its way to the nape of his neck—fingers twisting in those thick waves you took notice of earlier.
“I love you so much more, Austin Butler,” you breathe out as you break apart from your boyfriend’s soft lips.
“Mmm, whatever you say, baby,” he mumbles against your mouth as he goes in for yet another kiss. You nearly drop your flowers as you get caught up in Austin again, so you break apart before you can do any real damage to them.
“As much as I’m enjoying this right now, I need it to stop for like five seconds before I completely lose myself in you and ruin this gorgeous bouquet,” you giggle, before reluctantly taking a step back from your boyfriend in order to go find a vase in the kitchen to set the flowers in.
“Would that really be such a bad thing?” Austin calls after you. It doesn’t take long for him to meet up with you in the kitchen, his tall figure leaning casually against the doorframe. “I think having rose petals all over the floor would actually be quite romantic. It’d really…set the mood.”
In between spreading out the roses in the vase you found, you glance up at Austin and can see the way his eyes have clouded over just slightly. His intent and emphasis on the last few words of his sentence become abundantly clear, and you try to fight the heat you feel rising up your neck.
Making your way around the kitchen island, you stop in front of your boyfriend and lean lightly into his chest, your hands basking in the warmth radiating through Austin’s white shirt. “You do realize it is your birthday month, right, Aus? Why am I the one getting all the special treatment?”
There’s a soft smirk playing on your lips and you revel in the way Austin tilts his head to the side, his own smirk quirking up at the corner of his mouth. “Who’s to say I’m not getting my own type of special treatment? Looking after my girl and seeing her happy sounds like a pretty nice birthday gift to me.”
Burying your face in Austin’s chest, you barely contain the squeal threatening to spill out of you over the actor’s words. This man somehow always knows the right thing to say to make you melt. “You’re such a heartthrob you know that?”
“I am a man of many talents,” Austin beams. The two of you laugh and you push lightly on his chest to get him to move back towards the living room.
“C’mon, think of the snacks waiting for us! I won’t let your incredibly smooth sweet talking make us miss out on our plan for an at home film experience!” No matter how tempting, you think.
“Trust me, sweetheart, I am thinking about my snack. Mine just isn’t in that little bag you got there.” As you bend down to pick up the plastic bag you haphazardly threw to the side at the reveal of your surprise flowers, Austin comes up behind you and lightly smacks your ass, causing you to let out a sharp gasp.
Jolting upright, you fake annoyance and watch as your boyfriend turns towards you and holds up his hands in innocence. You reach into the bag and throw one of the packets of candy at him. The blonde winks at you as he catches it with ease and then plops down on the couch.
“You’re right though, I did say I wouldn’t miss this for the world, and I am also a man of my word. So c’mon, Ryan’s waiting for us,” Austin grins as he pats the spot next to him on the couch.
Unable to keep up your feigned irritation, you let the smile that’s twitching at the corner of your lips break through as you hurry over to Austin. No matter what happens, you’d never turn down an open invitation from the man you love with all your heart.
Cuddling up to Austin’s side you sigh in the satisfaction of finally getting to relax with him. Sure you two are able to see each other relatively often considering the fact you live together, but it’s rare when you get to just sit together and do absolutely nothing besides enjoy each other’s company. No cameras, no expectations, just you and him.
If anyone were to ask you, you’d say that’s what you’d call pure heaven.
As Austin presses play on the movie and the opening credits begin to roll, you watch as he rips open the bag of candy you threw at him. You take in how he eats one and then sets it aside, beginning to set up the rest of the treats he purchased for you. The reality of it all settles in as it does every so often and you feel a tiny squeeze in your chest as you take it in.
Having someone love you so deeply, having someone who knows practically every part of you from your favorite types of candy to what flowers you would like, having someone who sees your happiness as enough satisfaction for them and truly mean it, is just incredibly unbelievable.
You wonder practically every day how in the world you were lucky enough to find someone like that. To find someone who you love wholeheartedly and who loves you just the same, if not more. The material things—the flowers, the candy—are nice, but nothing beats the feeling you get when you’re with Austin, and you thank your lucky stars that the universe brought him to you. You truly don’t know where you’d be, who you’d be, without him.
“Austin,” you start, looking into his clear blue eyes as he turns towards you, a soft smile already adorning his lips as he catches sight of you. “Thank you for…”
You can’t even begin to think of where to start. You’re sat here looking at this man that’s staring at you with such a fond, loving expression and it’s like words won’t even dare try to form in your mind in a way that would express everything you feel for him. There aren’t enough of them, there aren’t any right ones.
“For what, sweetheart?” Austin whispers as he reaches out and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear, the warmth from his fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“For the…flowers,” you say before letting out an airy laugh. “For the candy, for staying in with me and letting me coerce you into watching this movie for the thousandth time, for just being you, and a million other things I don’t think I’ll ever have the right words to express.”
“You don’t have to thank me for any of that, my love, but you’re welcome anyways. I do it all because I want to, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you just like I know there isn’t anything you wouldn’t do for me. I hope you know how much I appreciate you. I love you.” Austin leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead before pulling you even closer to his side, wanting nothing but to have you wrapped in his arms.
As your boyfriend turns his attention back to the movie and begins to rub his hand soothingly up and down your back, you feel a sense of content wash over you. When you’re with Austin, it feels like no matter what happens, as long as you have each other, everything will be okay. Nothing is certain, but you’d bet everything you’ve got that this love is.
“I love you too, Aus.”
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aestheticpearl · 2 years
Can you do one and they surprise Y/N by coming home early from a mission? Xx
hello again my love, i apologize for how long this took forgive me <3
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— ‘oh you’re back…YOU’RE BACK!’
characters. rooster, hangman, phoenix, bob, payback, fanboy, coyote
themes. fluff
[summary] they surprise you by coming home early from their deployment
[warnings] not proof read (i’m lazy)
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❥ bradley “rooster” bradshaw
it had been a whole day since bradley had last texted you and he had missed your routine phone call that is always scheduled for seven so needless to say you were worried. you texted him asking if he meant to miss the phone call and he only responded a hour later with ‘busy.’ which provided no comfort whatsoever.
you were doing your best to distract yourself by folding laundry when you came across one of his old sleep shirts. it was a concert tee that he had gotten at the first concert you went to as a couple, you could help but stare at it for a little too long when your eyes started pooling with tears. gosh why is being always from him is long still so hard? you should be use to it.
“we should go to another one of their concerts, i still really like their music” you know that voice, you body moves on it’s own as you turn away to see him standing there smiling like an absolute idiot at you in the doorway.
“surprise!” he drops his bag and opens his arms for you and you happily run into him, only crying a little totally not sobbing. “aww baby you miss me that much?”
“you missed our scheduled phone call you dick” you laughs at your remark.
“i was hoping this would make up for it”
“only a little” he shakes his head and holds your face in his hands while you kisses you.
“i missed you”
“okay you’re forgiven” you are a sucker for coming home kisses.
❥ jake “hangman” seresin
exhausted didn’t even begin so describe how you felt after your shift at work, it’s like there isn’t even a busy season it’s just always busy. you open the front door after struggling with the lock for longer than you care to admit, it’s empty since jake is still deployed over seas. you throw your bag and jacket on the couch and it responds with an oof.
“shh i have a headache” you responded without thinking too tired to register that your couch just talked— well made sound not really talked per say. wait couches don’t talk. “wait..”
“did you just shush me?” jake asks turning on the light next to the couch. you turn around and try to process the fact that he’s here in the house like right now with you not over seas. you run to him and basically pin him down to the couch with your body as you hug him tightly.
“you’re home. you’re here like actually here” you say burying your face into his neck.
“thought it would be a nice surprise. i’m a little concerned on how long it took you to register that someone was in the house though.”
“long day, you’ve made it so worth it”
“aww pumpkin” he kisses you gently while you hold his face. “i missed you too”
❥ natasha “phoenix” trace
you never realize how much you hang out with someone till they’re gone and you know that sounds like natasha is dead, but she might as well be she you don’t get to see her. honestly it sucks having an amazing pilot as a girlfriend cause she’s always busy when deployed cause she’s the best. curse her incredible skill and hard work.
as sappy as it sounds you love looking through your photos with her when she’s away, sure it makes you feel sad but also makes you look forward to seeing her again. when she’s away you like to try to plan a date for when she gets home and when she told you that she’d be coming home in a couple of months you wanted to getting started sooner rather than later.
so after you come home from your quick trip to the store you find natasha standing in the house with flowers in hand smiling that beautiful smile right at you and at first you’re truly too stunned to speak.
“surprised much?” she places the flowers down on the table beside her. “i just missed you so much i had to come home early” you’re still in shock, then you snap yourself out of it and run into her arms.
“i am so surprised, i missed you so much”
you hugs her tightly and you both fall into a comfortable silence once she kisses the side of your head. until you break it with a gasp.
“i didn’t have time to get all the ‘welcome home’ date stuff” she laughs.
“i can wait a little longer for the ‘welcome home’ date”
❥ robert “bob” floyd
bob is awful at keeping secrets and even worse at executing surprises but he was determined to have this surprise for you be successful, so much so that he had natasha get you out of the house just a little so he could set up flowers he bought down the street and some romantic candles.
you were a tiny bit confused on why natasha asked you to go grocery shopping with her but you had nothing else to do and you love her company so you didn’t mind in the end. little did you know that natasha had to make up an excuse to get you out of the house for at least and hour or two so bob could set up and the first thing that came to her mind was grocery shopping. she didn’t need to go grocery shopping yet here she was standing with you in the produce section wondering which apples to get.
“so granny smith? no no macintosh” you roll your eyes. you love hanging out with natasha but she was really hung up on which apple to buy and it had almost been a half hour.
“nat, it’s an apple”
“okay but they’re all so different” she replies back praying in the back of her mind that bob is almost done and by the grace of the almighty she receives a text for the all clear.
“you know you’re right this is a waste of time who needs food let’s go” she takes your arm and drags you out of the store entirely to your surprise.
“wait what i thought you needed to—”
“let me bring you home” you are baffled at your friends out of character actions but let her do her thing anyhow. when you get home your jaw is on the floor with everything that bob has set up.
“ta da! how’d i do? i kept a secret for once.” he smiles at you happily. you run into his arms and hug him tightly.
“oh my god baby you actually surprised me” he laughs and kisses you gently while waving off phoenix who was standing in the doorway.
❥ reuben “payback” fitch
reuben wanted to see how long you could go without noticing that he was home, not one of his brightest ideas really specially since you had just watched a horror movie the previous night.
he arrived back early in the morning and unlocked the door to your house quietly and went to the hall closet to put his things out of sight so you wouldn’t see them and instantly realize he was home. before long he heard you wake up start to make your way downstairs. he carefully placed down some flowers in the kitchen table and hide behind the door.
you woke up with an awful headache and just felt in your bones that today wasn’t going to be good, nevertheless you walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast alone. being half asleep you didn’t even notice the roses placed on the table until you turned around and reuben was behind you.
the scream you let out could’ve broken glass.
“baby baby relax it’s just me!”
“REUBEN!” you tried to calm your breathing. “i am going to kill you”
“i’m sorry i’m sorry!” he feels awful but he can’t help but laugh at your reaction a bit. “baby i’m sorry” his hand takes yours as you scowl at him. he kisses your cheek multiple times while apologizing.
“you are so lucky that i missed you”
❥ mickey “fanboy” garcia
believe it or not mickey decided against surprising you in a big way, he was far too tired. when mickey got home to you it was very late at night and he just wanted to hold you. placing his bag quietly down on the edge of the bed, he stripped off his uniform and glances over to you sleeping soundly in bed.
“my love” he whispers softly has you feel him climb into bed with you.
“mickey?” your voice is scratchy then you expected.
“hey baby” he pulls you into his arms. “i’m sorry i took so long” he kisses the side of your head and then your nose.
“i missed you”
“i missed you too, now go back to sleep you can process that i’m here in the morning”
“mmm okay” you feel sleep take hold of you once again as you close your eyes. you think about how mickeys finally home and a warmth spreads across your chest. he’s home with you.
you move your hand to hold mickeys and squeeze it gently before kissing it softly. he chuckles quietly.
“goodnight honey”
❥ javy “coyote” machado
“ta da!” javy stands in the doorway with his arm opened.
“javy!” you shout booking it across the living room into his opened arms. “you’re back so early!”
“i wanted to surprise you of course” he squeezes you tightly and takes in your scent.
“you smelling me again weirdo?”
“..no” you laugh at his hesitation. javy has always had this weird thing about how you smell, he says it’s comforting and he wishes it was a candle that he could light. you call him a weirdo.
“you weirdo!”
“okay okay, yes but i missed you and you smell amazing!” you chuckle at him.
“i missed you too” he pulls away to look at you and moves some hair out of your face to kiss you gently. his kisses always have made you feel weightless. gosh you missed his kisses so much and him i guess.
before you can be completely lost in your own thoughts javy scoops you up to take you to the bedroom so you can show him how much you truly missed his kisses.
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.love always <3 pearl
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“We're all Mad here."
This is the first of a 7-part headcanon series for the Rollo at the Writing Desk blog event; the theme is basically "Rollo pays a visit to each of the dorms, and then chaos ensues". He'll have a chance to reconnect with old enemies friends from Glorious Masquerade, as well as meet new deplorable mages people! First up, an oldie but a goodie... Heartslabyul! (This one is extremely long because there are so many characters to account for 🤡)
A Big Heartslabyul Welcome to Rollo!
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His nose is assaulted with the overpowering aroma of roses as soon as he steps foot into the garden. In his hand is an invitation to Heartslabyul: it's the 5th of the month, and therefore, they will be holding a tea party as per the rules of the Queen of Hearts. The guest of honor? Him: Rollo Flamme.
He's immediately flanked by two lines of Heartslabyul students in dorm uniforms, their faces painted with a card suit and trumpets in hand. The brass instruments sound loudly as he passes.
The dorm has gone out of its way to prepare for this occasion: they've strung up lots of flags and lanterns, brought out their best tablecloths and fanciest silverware. The roses are both red and white today too--the colors together, signaling the arrival of a new acquaintance.
Rollo grimaces at the fanfare, the colorful decorations strung up, the sickeningly sweet smells wafting over. It's an ill reminder of Topsy-Turvy Day back home, how all the locals delight in the sin called magic.
Waiting for Rollo deep in the rose garden is the dorm leader and his second-in-command to greet him. Riddle offers a small, polite smile and extends a hand. "Rollo-senpai." (His thinking is, "Rollo-senpai is the headmaster's esteemed guest. Regardless of what happened in the past, we must maintain decorum for the duration of his stay.") Trey nods and gives a slight tip his hat.
Rollo meets them with a stiff smile of his own. His grasp on Riddle’s hand is impersonal, cold. “Riddle-kun and company. I am humbled to be invited to participate in your dormitory’s time-honored traditions.” (It’s a lie, but no one needs to know.)
The celebration begins! Rollo is allowed to sit near the head of the table, and he’s presented with a generous selection of familiar foods: croissants, madeleines, mousses, choux pastries, macarons, tarte tarin… even accursed savarin, the cake he considered the least appetizing.
“I did some research on the City of Flowers,” Trey casually explains. “I heard that’s where you’re from, so I wanted to give you a taste of home away from home.” (And in spite of how much he loathes mages, even Rollo is impressed. “Hmm, most astute. I must say, I commend your diligence.”)
Deuce offers to help Trey serve the guests. He's clumsy as he goes about pouring tea and passing out treats, but he's trying his best! When Deuce gets to Rollo, he attempts to bow in reverence--but ends up smacking his head into Rollo's chin and spilling tea all over him instead!
... Needless to say, Rollo is NOT happy about it, especially not when Riddle intervenes with magic to clean him up against his wishes. Deuce apologizes profusely to him for the rest of the day.
With the abundance of sweets, poor Cater's suffering out here. He makes whatever excuses he can to shove off his desserts onto Rollo, gushing about how "We gotta spoil our guest with Heartslabyul hospitality! Go on, have some of Cay-kun's cakes!"
Riddle offers Rollo a strawberry tart as a sort of... peace offering? Rollo accepts it, but he takes only a small sliver from the whole tart and nibbles on that like a starving man might ration his last loaf of bread. It raises eyebrows, but Riddle wisely chooses to not comment. It doesn't go unnoticed by Rollo, who simply replies, "Everything in moderation."
There's some tension amongst the group, on account of what went down in the City of Flowers having been told to a few select dorm members. Ace in particular is eyeing Rollo suspiciously while he munched on a slice of cherry pie.
"This dorm can barely handle one anger-prone arsonist," he had told Deuce prior to the party, "now we're supposed to deal with TWO? You might as well just set the whole garden on fire to save us some time." (But to Ace's surprise, Deuce actually defended Rollo. "He deserves a chance to redeem himself! If I'm aiming to go from delinquent to honor student, then I should have the same faith in others to change too!")
Whenever Rollo has his back to the first years, Ace makes faces at him or mimics the uptight way Rollo sits—back straight, fingers laced, expression neutral yet stern. When Rollo looks back, Ace returns to acting like everything is totally normal.
Shockingly, it’s Rollo that makes the first faux paus of the afternoon. After the incident with Deuce, he requests coffee in lieu of tea, which earns audible gasps from around the garden. Rollo stares at all the mobs gawking at him as though he has committed a heinous crime. Riddle looks like he's going to strangle a cat. “… Have I said something out of turn?”
Trey intervenes with a fresh cup of tea and tells everyone to relax, whispering to Rollo that coffee is only for birthdays. Really, Trey ends up playing mediator for the entire party.
It's then that Rollo learns that there exists a set of rules penned by the Queen of Hearts herself. Riddle proudly declares that he knows all 810 of them by heart (and that he expects all of his dorm members to do the same to honor the Queen's spirit of strictness). "Oh? And just what might these rules be?" Rollo asks.
Riddle's more than happy to oblige with a looong lecture about the 810 rules. He starts a pop quiz on the spot to test Rollo, and, to everyone's shock, he answers each and every one of them correctly. "I guess you're not student council president of Noble Bell College for nothing," Riddle mutters. "You have an impressive memory." (In truth, Rollo only made an effort to perform well out of sheer spite.)
Cater mentions that he thinks Riddle and Rollo are a lot alike. This riles them both up, and they simultaneously shout, “In what way am I like him?!” (“Ooh, you even share the same thoughts. That’s big twin energy,” Cater laughs.)
While talking over tea, Cater learns that Rollo writes letters instead of using social media. "Eeeeh, there are people that live in this day and age without a Magicam account?! How do you survive..." Cater proceeds to spend the rest of the party chatting him up and trying to convince him to make an account so he can keep in touch (terrible, really--Cater is exactly the type of noisy, frivolous person Rollo detests), all the while Rollo tries his best to dodge questions.
The meal is finished without further (major) incidents--but roughly 15 minutes in, Riddle claps his hands and announces that everyone must leave the table, as per rule 271. Rollo starts to excuse himself, Trey lays a hand on his shoulder and beams. "We need one more player for croquet."
And so Rollo is dragged into playing a round with the Heartslabyul boys. He's told the rules and handed a red flamingo and hedgehog (both of which stare at him dubiously as he handles them as though they're diseased).
On his first turn, Rollo struggles to get his mallet and ball to behave! The flamingo keeps twisting its neck instead of staying straight for his shot, and the hedgehog keeps scampering away!! "Strange, they usually behave so well," Riddle notes. ("They must not like the cartoon supervillain vibes he's giving off," Ace grumbles in the background. "A-Ace! You can't just say that!" Deuce protests. "What if he hears?!")
His hedgehog sneezes when he at last punts it, which brings the game to a screeching halt as all the card soldiers burst out into song. (Rule 304, Rollo lamented. Why can't they be silent like unrung bells?! His blood pressure is rising, his ears ringing. He tries to focus on the match to distract himself.)
Over time, Rollo becomes more accustomed with how to get a control of his mallet and ball--he's back in the game! (It's not that he's particularly competitive, but he absolutely refuses to be outdone by these haughty NRC mages... especially not Riddle, who's smirking at him so smugly!)
Unfortunately for Rollo, he can't beat Riddle despite his best efforts--though he does manage to snag second place, pulling a little ahead of Trey. There's polite clapping from the other players to congratulate them (though a few look worried).
As Rollo is returning his equipment, a horrible realization dawns on him: rule 703: Whoever comes in 2nd place during a croquet match must serve tea to the Queen the next day. He slowly turns to Riddle, whose arms are folded expectantly. "I eagerly await my tea," the redhead tells him.
Rollo feels faint. He dabs at his forehead with his handkerchief in a vain attempt to dispel some of his dread. (It doesn't help one bit.)
Before he's able to leave, Cater pulls in him by the arm, his phone at the ready. "We should totes take a group selfie to commemorate the occasion~ Since you don't have a Magicam account, I'll print up a copy for you to pick up when you drop by tomorrow!"
Rollo doesn't have the chance to protest before Heartslabyul members crowd around him, squeezing in for the photo. It's hard for him to breathe, trapped between all these writhing bodies and surrounded by boisterous laughter.
He catches the eye of Riddle beside him and manages to choke out, "How you manage with this kind of madness every day, I'll never understand."
"It is mad, yes," Riddle says with a knowing smile, "and there are days when my dorm members drive me up the wall and leave me with no choice but to collar them in retaliation. Still... I think that's part of the fun. The chaos is ours to share. It's something I've never experienced in the small world I came from."
"Preposterous. There is no conceivable way anyone in their right mind would be endeared to this."
... Right?
Just as the tendril of doubt makes itself known… SNAP! The picture is taken, forever immortalizing the moment.
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