#neibolt street
sec0nd-breakfast · 15 days
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I drew this while coughing like a frail victorian child
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Holding myself accountable for the reading year ahead!
My bookish/reading goals for 2023 include:
1. Read (at least) 52 books;
2. Actually write a review of some sort about the books I read;
3. Continue reading/re-reading Stephen Kings works in chronological order - currently dragging my feet with The Dead Zone;
4. Complete the POPSUGAR reading challenge instead of forgetting about it halfway through the year;
5. Complete the Buzzword Reading Challenge month-by-month;
6. Complete the Read Your Bookshelf challenge, because I have too many unread books;
7. Complete a full year with the small but mighty book club I’m in and hopefully enjoy the books along the way!
[8. Have fun, but duh.]
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aishaemerson · 2 months
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Home sweet home
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aibari · 2 years
(shhh i just need a place to put these that will give me an ao3 link) some mix tape thoughts
The HOUSE on Neibolt Street is finally done! (inspired by and with illustration by the wonderfully talented @paprika-moony​!) I’m prepping the epilogue to post as we speak! YEAH!
A big part of this fic, to me, has been thinking about mix tapes, and how characters would put together a mix tape, and how they would put together a mix tape specifically for another character. In The HOUSE on Neibolt Street, Richie makes a mix tape for Eddie:
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30:17    Abbott and Costello: Who’s on First (1938)
03:49    New Kids on the Block: Time Is on Our Side (1990)
04:31    Weird Al Yankovic: Velvet Elvis (1988)
02:34    Soft Cell: Tainted Love (1981)
03:29    Queen: Don’t Stop Me Now (1979)
04:55    Toto: Africa (1982)
03:59    Simon and Garfunkel: The Only Living Boy in New York (1970)
02:36    They Might Be Giants: Don’t Let’s Start (1987)
04:34    Monty Python: Every Sperm Is Sacred (1989)
02:53    The Chordettes: Eddie My Love (1956)
It’s cursed.
I like to think of Richie as someone with an eclectic taste in music - it’s a lot of random shit he picks up at Derry’s one (1) music shop, weird stuff from the bargain bin, and then comedy albums. This mix tape is also about, you know, having HUGE FEELINGS for someone and on some level needing them to know, but also being so scared of them ever finding out that it makes your skeleton try to crawl out of your asshole. As they say. Anyway, that means you need plausible deniability! Yeah, I put Eddie My Love by The Chordettes on this, but do you really think I mean it when it comes right after a Monthy Python song about sperm?
And then (spoilers for the epilogue)
Eddie makes a mix tape, too:
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04:20 Simple Minds: Don't You (Forget About Me) (1985)
02:37 Ella Fitzgerald: Somebody Loves Me (1959)
03:07 Hall and Oates: You Make My Dreams (Come True) (1981)
02:16 Chet Baker: My Favorite Valentine (1952)
02:46 Four Tops: Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) (1965)
02:24 Otis Redding: That’s How Strong My Love Is (1964)
03:43 Fleetwood Mac: Everywhere (1987)
02:55 The Beach Boys: God Only Knows (1966)
Which is, you know. Such an intentionally I WILL LOVE YOU SO HELP ME combination of songs that it kind of crosses the line to trolling.
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songforeddiemunson · 4 months
Haunting in Blackwood Hollow
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An Eddie Munson x F!Reader Miniseries
Series Summary: It’s the year 1991. Eddie and reader check into a rented house in the Appalachian woods, joined by Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin. Unfortunately for our gang, things in Blackwood Hollow are never as they appear.
Tropes: established relationship, Jonathan x Nancy, no mention of the events from ST, smut, comedy, fluff, scares, bit of whump (but nothing too crazy)
Series Warnings: Swearing, drinking and weed use, sexual and scary situations, minors please DNI.
Chapter One: Steve's Big Mistake
Chapter warnings: naughty language, mentions of drinking, weed use. This is largely setting the scene babes. Author's Note: Submission for @stcreators Event 5: Dynamics Submission for @somnambulic-thing, @allthingsjoeq, and @bettyfrommars event: strangerprompts (#14) {Okay so I took a bit of liberty with the prompt, but that's just how my brain wanted to do it! You know how that goes. ;) }
Word Count: ~2K
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You swore under your breath as the taxi pulled away, leaving you staring at the monstrosity you were meant to be staying in for the weekend.
“This is the last time I leave that jackass in charge of anything,” you muttered, prompting a snort from Eddie, who stood beside you.
You liked Steve. Loved him even, in the way that friends that have known each other for years did, who’d seen each other at their worst, thick as thieves, none of that ‘will they or won’t they’ shit, especially after you started seeing Eddie. But in that moment, you could strangle him.
Most of your group of friends had scattered to the four corners of the country, so when you all received your invitations to Joyce Byers’ and Jim Hopper’s wedding in the Smoky Mountains, you decided to rent a whole house instead of getting hotel rooms. Correction: Steve came up with the idea to rent a house, and admittedly it was a good plan. It would likely be cheaper to pool your resources, and you could all hang out in the common areas and catch up.
And then you saw the house.
It was a stereotype in peeling paint and dilapidated wood. The porch was creaky and appeared to be on the verge of collapse. Gnarled old vines and weeds encroached from every direction; you thought maybe it had been landscaped last sometime in the 1960s. A broken old fountain sat on the front lawn, with a scummy green puddle of rainwater gathered at the bottom, and there was a broken gate that hung loose on its hinges near the drive.
Eddie tilted his head in a manner reminiscent of a terrier as he surveyed the old structure. “I think it looks kinda cool, like that house in IT. The house on Neibolt Street, remember?”
You blinked at your paramour. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend the weekend in a house like that. It’s one thing to read about it in a spooky story, it’s another thing to actually sleep there.” He had the good grace to laugh at that sentiment.
“Fair enough,” he conceded.
Of all the houses in Asheville, Tennessee, THIS is the one he chooses? You thought bitterly as you made your way up the walkway toward the porch, stepping carefully on the worn wood and looking for nails that could be lying in wait to impale your foot.
You had no idea if anyone else had already arrived, and whether you were supposed to knock or just walk in. You had decided to try the former, but your knuckles hadn’t had a chance to make contact with the wood before the door was whipped open, revealing a clearly exasperated Robin.
“Omigosh you’re here!” she cried joyfully as she threw her arms around you. You let your weekend bag drop to the porch as you reciprocated the hug.
“Robin! I’m so glad to see you!” you cooed as you gave her a good squeeze then released her. “But what the hell is this house?”
“Right?! I feel like it’s right out of a Scoobie Doo episode or something. Talk about creepy. Eddie! Hi!”
“I’ve seen worse,” a deeper voice intoned from out of eyesight, shortly before Steve stepped into the foyer.
“Steve! It’s lovely to see you, but what the fuck?” you scolded.
Steve’s expression was so sheepish that you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“I know, I know,” he moaned, before putting his face in his hands.
“Come here and hug me, loser. I haven’t seen you in almost two years and you’re gonna make me sleep in the house from Amityville Horror?”
“Hey now,” Robin countered, “The Amityville Horror house was waaay nicer than this.”
“True. Eddie said it looked like the house from IT.”
“Oooh yes! That fits,” Robin said.
“What’s that? It?” Steve asked, never one to embrace pop culture.
You hugged Steve despite wanting to hurt him a little bit. “Nevermind. So what were you thinking with this house?”
“Okay so in my defense the pictures were much nicer in the Want Ad, and in black and white. I didn’t realize it was going to be so…”
“Shabby?” you offered while Robin said “terrifying” at the same time.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a shrug.
Eddie chuckled as he hugged his friends by way of greeting.  “Alright well, as long as the bed is clean, I don't really care,” he said. “This one is scared of spiders,” he said, gesturing toward you. 
“I am not, you are!” you yelled.
“I am NOT afraid of spiders,” Eddie replied defensively. “It’s those fucking centipede things with all the legs. I hate those things.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sure there are plenty of things in this house to trigger all our phobias.”
The interior was a little less gloomy than its exterior, but that wasn’t saying much. The common room in which you were standing was decorated in 50 year-old wallpaper that was peeling and yellowing. The floors were hard wood but hadn’t been refinished since the wallpaper was installed, and the dusty old upholstery was flat and worn around the edges. 
“Where are we sleeping, anyway?”
“There’s three bedrooms, one with a queen and two with a pair of singles. I figured we could draw straws or someth–”
“Dibs on the queen!” Eddie shouted.
“Eddie, we have to–” you began.
“Nah babe. We’re a couple, and we got here first. You snooze, you lose.”
“I think that’s fair,” Robin said with a shrug.
“Nancy and Jonathan won’t love that,” Steve said. “But you can fight it out amongst yourselves. I’m staying out of it. Looks like you’re bunking with me, Robin.”
“I don’t care, as long as you don’t snore.”
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Nancy and Jonathan arrived about an hour later, and while they weren’t thrilled to be relegated to a pair of twin beds, they conceded that Eddie did in fact call dibs.
“I feel like we’re eighteen again,” Nancy laughed as she explored the kitchen for a clean glass for water. “Calling dibs and bunking up together. Feels like old times.”
“It does,” you agreed from where you were leaning against the counter. “I don’t know if I would use any of the dishes in this house though.”
“I might just make a store run, get some solo cups and paper plates,” she said as she put one grimy glass back in the cupboard with a look of distaste. “Any requests?”
“Oooh, cheez-its, snapple peach tea, pizza pretzel combos…”
“PBR,” Eddie contributed as he sidled up next to you and bent to give you a quick peck on the lips.
“Well of course,” Nancy said with a smile. “Can’t forget the beer.”
Robin poked her head into the room. “Grab a couple of pizzas! I’ll give you cash.”
You all pitched in for the snacks and sent Nancy on her way as the sun began its descent behind the trees. The rest of you gathered in the living room to figure out what to do for the night.
“Care for a toke?” Eddie asked, as he held up a joint he pulled from his jacket and set it alight.
“Yessss,” Jonathan replied with enthusiasm, leaning forward to pinch the little joint between his fingers.
“That didn’t take long,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Lighten up, Harrington,” Jonathan said in a fragrant plume of exhalation, stifling a cough. “You could probably use this more than the rest of us. You’re too wound up.” 
“It’s true Steve, why are you always so stressed out?” you asked, taking a pull from the joint.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I’m the responsible one–” he began, but was cut off by a chorus of jeers and naysaying.
“You think you’re the responsible one, but everyone knows it’s Nancy,” Robin said, laughing.
“Yeah man, like…the King Steve days are over, you can stop trying so hard,” Eddie added with a grin.
“Okay, okay, I get it…” Steve said, accepting his ribbing with a modicum of grace. His voice trailed off, however, as his attention was pulled in another direction. “Hey what’s that?”
“What?” you and Jonathan asked at the same time, following his gaze. 
“It’s on top of that bookshelf…” he began, already getting up and walking toward it. He had to stand on the tips of his toes to reach it, and pulled it down, unleashing a cloud of dust and grime.
“What is it?” Eddie asked.
Steve brushed the dust off the cover before looking up at you with wide eyes. 
“It’s a ouija board,” he said.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said, laughing. "You can't be serious."
“What! No, no thank you!” Robin yelled.
“I dunno man, you might want to put that back and pretend you never saw it,” Jonathan added with a smirk.
“What, nah, that stuff isn’t real,” you said.
“No, it’s not,” Steve agreed. “It’s just a silly game.”
“If it’s just a silly game,” Eddie taunted, "why don’t we take it for a spin?”
“Oh man, no, don’t give him any ideas,” Robin piped in with her trademarked ‘mile-a-minute’ cadence. “Did you see the movie Witchboard? Well I did, and I didn’t sleep for a week afterward. Too scary for me. And it’s kinda weird that that thing just shows up in the spookiest house I’ve ever seen, and we’re in the middle of nowhere and…”
“What’s Witchboard?” Steve asked.
“Dude, watch a movie…” Eddie moaned while Jonathan doubled-over laughing.
Steve laid the box down on the coffee table. “Well, just because there was a movie about these things doesn’t make them real. The Princess Bride isn’t exactly real either.”
Eddie gasped with mock incredulity. “It’s NOT?”
“Have fun NOT storming the castle I guess,” Jonathan tried to say without laughing, which came out as a choked squeal.
“Inconceivable!” you yelled, making the entire room erupt in hearty laughter and dispelling some of the unease that had grown since the discovery of the ouija board.
“Jesus guys, are you that stoned already?” Steve asked with a smile.
“Eddie only buys the good stuff,” you said.
“Zero to zooted within three hits, or your money back,” Eddie said before taking another pull from the joint.
“Good to know,” Steve said sarcastically. “So are you guys gonna play with this thing or not?”
“Fine fine,” you said. “Eddie, let’s do this.”
He agreed, and you sat on the floor on either side of the coffee table. You opened the box, took out its contents, and each placed the index finger of your right hand gently on the planchette. You sat silent for a moment, not doing or saying anything, unsure of where to begin.
“Uhhhh,” Eddie said before dissolving into giggles.
“Ask it something!” Robin whispered, leaning forward in her excitement.
“Okay, uh…” you began, pausing to think. “Is there anybody here with us right now?”
It seemed like the entire room held its breath with anticipation.
“Is there anyone here in this house?” you repeated.
The silence ticked onward.
“Well this is thrilling,” Jonathan said with a snort.
“Give it a minute,” Steve said.
“Thought you didn’t believe in this stuff, Stevarino,” Eddie teased.
“I don’t, but–”
You thought you felt the planchette move ever so slightly. 
“Wait!” you gasped. “Did you feel that?”
“No, wait. Maybe?” Eddie whispered.
You sat motionless for a beat, but nothing happened. You began to think that it was your imagination when…
….suddenly the front door banged open with a loud smash, and every single person in the room screamed like a banshee.
“Jesus, guys!” Nancy said as she struggled to hold several brown paper grocery bags. “A little help here?”
“Oh fuck, sorry babe,” Jonathan said, and the rest of you sheepishly got up to help, leaving the ouija board on the table. You bustled into the kitchen to put things away and pop open cans of beer, laughing about the silly jump scare you’d all just shared.
What none of you saw, however, was the planchette on the ouija board slide over to ‘hello.’
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To Be Continued...
Sorry this one is short, but I needed to get it out. More is coming! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of every fic writer!
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into-crazy · 1 year
Derry's Secret Pt. 6
Pennywise x Female Reader series
Warnings- mature language, stalking, dark themes, NSFW, SMUT, choking, dirty talk, fingering, oral sex, penetrative sex, degradation, edging and orgasm denial, overstimulation, ages 18+
I'm baaaack!! Here is a long and extremely overdue part to the series. All I can say is.. heed the warnings. Oh, and have fun!
Other parts can be found RIGHT HERE and through the "Derry's Secret" tag🎈
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That evening you decided to stay home. Gabby had texted you prior, asking if you wanted to go out with her and a few other girlfriends. You've hung out with them a couple times before, Gabby was friends with them before you had moved here and had introduced you to each other. They were going out to eat and have some drinks. You declined, stating you just wanted to stay home and catch up on some sleep. It wasn't true. You had your own plans tonight.
You've done quite a lot of thinking ever since you left that house on Neibolt street. Half of your thoughts consisted of you considering what Pennywise had said, and the other half was you scolding yourself for it. Ultimately, you came to a decision.
After a nice shower, you decided to binge watch one of your favorite shows. Lounging with no bra or pants, your ideal form of comfort. Nothing like an oversized tee with some panties to have you set for the night.
Walking into the kitchen, you grab a glass and pour yourself water from the fridge. You take a large gulp before shutting the fridge door. When you turn around, the cup instantly slips from your hand. The glass shatters as it hits the tiled floor below. Leaving the rest of the water to spill by your feet.
Pennywise stood a few feet before you, his stance almost ravenous. His golden gaze runs over your body, covering every inch of you. You don't move one muscle, you're like a deer caught in a beam of headlights.
"Miss me?" He mocks, smiling with that toothy grin of his.
You soon find yourself backing towards the fridge as he steps closer, with your heart rate increasing by the second. There's no escape this time. He's got you exactly where he wants you. Alone in your home, half clothed and completely vulnerable. With no one to come to your rescue this time.
What he doesn't know is that you're right where you want to be. Having known the risk of Pennywise showing up, you still secretly anticipated it. Or perhaps he does know, and that's why he's here. You can only ask yourself now- was this the right decision?
The clown speaks again, "in the time I spent watching you, I've found something quite captivating. Which I also find to be unexpected, as it is a first for me." He catches you staring at his lips.
You try to shy it off. "Would you um, care to enlighten me?"
"The entire time I've been on this world, I fed on nothing but the fear and flesh of life upon it. For so many years, it stayed that way. But you.. you seemed to have introduced me to a different craving." Drool drips down his plump lips. His breath grows feverish, and he needs a second to get himself together before continuing. "I've known there to be lust amongst humans. Though I never cared for it much as it was never meant for me. Until I smelt it on you." He could see it in your eyes, read it clear in your mind. "But you are closing it off," he frowns. "You won't give in, even though you want to very badly. Why?"
You turn your gaze to the broken glass on the floor. Briefly shutting your eyes to hide the embarrassment. "Because it's wrong," you answer. "I do want you. And I want nothing more than to give myself to you.." The desperate whine in your voice gets him to step closer. "I've thought about it, dreamt of it. But I-I couldn't get over the fact that I was ashamed of how much I want it. Of how much I want you."
Admitting this felt alleviating. Like a heavy weight had been lifted from your chest, no longer suffocating you in your own guilt. Instead it was entirely replaced with what you had tried to confine. The scorching feeling of this desire spreading through your veins like a wildfire.
"But I don't want to be ashamed anymore." You whisper, bravely turning back to him. Tightening the strength in your legs which are growing weak.
"Precious doll, trying so hard to deny your desires," he steps over the mess on the floor. The glass crunches under his steps, but he doesn't acknowledge it.
Him calling you doll sends goosebumps prickling across your body.
"Let go. Give in to me y/n.."
His long frame lurches over you. You watch as his gloved hand slides up your arm to your neck, giving it a light squeeze. You mewl at his touch, your hardened nipples poking through the white tee. His other hand goes to rub your left breast, earning soft sighs from you when his thumb brushes the sensitive bud.
"Poor little human, so stubborn. So touch deprived. I can make it worth your while." His breath is hot on your face as he licks up your reddened cheek with that long slimy tongue. "Pennywise can make you feel soo good."
"Mmm I-" you pant, grabbing onto the ruffles of his collar.
He chuckles into your ear, his soft coos tickling your skin. "What is it? Do you want it?"
You finally allow your body to push back against his. "Y-yes."
"Yes what? Say it. I want to hear you say it." He demands, his grip firmly holding you in place.
"I.. I want you." You breathe out heavily as if you're letting everything go. Letting go of everything that was holding you back. He pulls from your neck to look at you. Your lips are parted, your eyes are lust blown, and the top of your shirt is soaked from the wetness of his drool. Your chest is heaving with each heavy breath you take. "I give in to you. Please, just take me." You plead bringing your leg up to rub his calf.
He brings his hands to your hips and rapidly snatches you off your feet, your legs instantly go to wrap around his waist. You kiss each other hungrily, with desperation in your movements. He shoves his tongue into your mouth and gains control. The taste of his tongue engulfs your senses with those familiar scents and flavors from previous kisses. Your eyes flutter as you finally get what you've been missing.
You grind against him and he presses your back hard into the steel of the fridge. It stings since he is much stronger than you. "Ahhh, P-Pennywise.. the bed." You stutter in between short takes of air. "Take me to my bed."
Snarling at your request, he effortlessly walks with you in his arms into the room and tosses you on the top of the mattress. You scoot back into place as he crawls over your body, you watch as those monstrous claws tear right through the fabric of his gloves. The sight sends chills up your spine. Reminding you of a predator sizing up its prey, ready to sink its teeth in and devour. Perhaps that's what Pennywise intends on doing with you. One way or another.
He straddles you and takes ahold of your wrists, pinning them above your head. "Now, won't you be a good girl and keep your hands there. Do not move them."
You nod, showing him your compliance. He rubs his clawed hands down your arms to the collar of your shirt, tearing through the wet material to release your breasts. Good thing that wasn't one of your favorite tees. You deeply exhale as he kneads the round flesh, his large thumbs rubbing over your peaked nipples. A hypnotized look on his face while handles them, as if he's seeing such a thing for the first time. He's seen breasts before, right? You can't help but giggle at his focused face. At the sound of your amusement, his eyes dart straight up at you.
What a cute little frown. you smile to yourself.
"Cute!? You think I'm cute!?" He roars in your face, harshly grasping your cheeks.
"Damn right adorable." You amusingly jab back. So he is a mind reader. Not happy with your defiance, he sticks two clawed fingers into your mouth. Shoving them in far enough to gag you, effectively shutting you up. This sends a rush of arousal straight to your core.
"My, what a disobedient pet you are.." he calmly whispers stroking your chin with his thumb. Too calm, dangerously calm.
He looks even more irresistible when he's mad. It makes you want to provoke him further. Closing your lips around his digits, you begin to suck. Humming while casting your lust dead into his eyes with a look that screams- try me.
"Ohhh and an awfully naughty one at that." He huffs rather impressed.
Whether you're crazy, stupid, depraved or whatever the case- he doesn't care. But you are a brave one, that he'll acknowledge. Only to himself, for now. Removing his fingers, he tears the rest of the white fabric from your body. You wince slightly as his claws leave scratch marks into your skin. You're soon left in nothing but a black, lacy thong. He smirks at you knowingly and you reciprocate. After all, you've anticipated this.
"I'll show you who's cute. You made me wait for too long. So I will make you beg for me." The snarl in his voice rolls off his tongue. You hum struggling against his grip, which he scowls.
Pennywise moves slowly down your body, his red puff balls gliding roughly against your stomach. Using one hand to pin your hips down, he tears your underwear right off. Making you yelp when he does. He brings the small piece up to his nose, taking his time to inhale your scent. "Soo sweet," he softly confides then places them to the side. Having him up close and personal to your most private area makes you feel self-conscious. As you slightly squeeze your thighs together, Pennywise takes notice. "What's the matter, are you shy?" He coos kissing down your stomach.
"A little, yes." You shiver in his grasp.
"Uh-uh," he waves a finger, "there's no need for that pretty thing. Open up for me now, hm. Show me your sweet little pussy." Taking ahold of each thigh, he spreads you open upon your avail. Exposing your sex to him, slick with arousal and clit throbbing in excitement. Heat floods into your cheeks, tinting them a shade of red. He lets out a low growl, "such a delicate, wet flower." He licks from the middle of your inner thigh up to your entrance. When he was about to reach where you need him most, he purposely pulls away. Leaving you to whine and squirm with disappointment. While he chuckles in delight. "Use that filthy mouth and beg for it."
"I need your mouth on me, p-please," you plead. "Please Penny."
The sound of the nickname you give him rumbles throughout his inhuman body with pleasure. Giving a satisfied grin, he licks a long strip over your wet slit. Getting that first taste of you, making you shudder when he runs over your clit. "Tasty, tasty treat.. and all for Pennywise, all mine." He deeply huffs before latching his mouth onto your pussy. Running his slimy tongue around your folds and lapping your sweet bundle of nerves. Slurping up your juices which are all so pleasing to him.
You ball your fists above your head, trying so hard to stay how he wanted. But that magic tongue of his has you squirming around uncomfortably. "Uhm, Pen-Pennywise, could I move my hands?" You ask in the most innocent tone able to conjure.
"Since you asked nicely, yes you can." He confirms before going back to it.
Your arms go to your side, so your elbows can hold your weight to provide better support. His nose pushes against your bud while he sucks onto you, making you moan unabashedly. His tongue working it's rhythm in you while he's swallowing down all your juices. His eyes roll to the back of his skull, completely whitened out. A terrifying sight which you found oddly endearing. You moan in awe at how lost he is into you. His makeup wasn't even smearing, staying perfectly intact. You had thought by now it'd be a runny mess by now, with large amounts of that red and white transfering onto you. But his clown paint didn't falter once, and there's not even a trace on you. His orange hair dropped down his face, tickling your thighs. How you want to grab a handful of his locks.
Should you dare try?
You gently place your right hand over his head. Palming around his soft hair to test the waters. Maybe he's too far in to notice. Once he gives your clit extra attention, you grab onto him and tug lightly at his hair.
He snaps back into focus with a growl that sounds angry as he pulls away slightly.
"Oh fuck. I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to." Fearfully thinking you might've crossed the line, you retract your hand.
But he doesn't move and his growling subsides. "Put it back."
"Put your hand back. But no tugging." Pennywise insists, and you listen. Running your fingers through his soft locks.
He hums before bringing his hand to his face. You notice his claws are gone and the gloves are back. Which doesn't matter, because he rips the article off with his teeth, revealing his bare hand. To no surprise, his regular hand is the same white as his face. He inserts two fingers into you, setting a slow pace before he picks it up. His finger strokes feel amazing inside you, rubbing in all the right places. Although you think about how his cock would feel. To have him inside you.
Which raises the question- does he have one? Or any form of genitals? Those are actually some really good questions.
He sucks and licks on your clit all while working his fingers inside you. It's one of the most pleasurable things you've felt im your life. You can feel your release fast approaching. "Oh fuck, I'm.. I'm gonna-" your lewd moans get him moving faster. Just when you were about to fall over that ledge into pure bliss, he stops completely. Halting the movement of his fingers and removing his mouth with a loud slurp. This earns a groan of displeasure from you. "No! Why did you stop? I was so close!"
Pennywise chuckles darkly at your whines, "I told you I was going to make you beg, earthling."
Tears prickle the corners your eyes at the loss of your orgasm. It hurts. It was right there, but he cruelly ripped it away! "Please," you cry softly, "you want me to beg? I'm begging, please- let me cum!"
Satisfied with your pleading, he decides to reward you. "Mm, that's better. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?" He places his slicked fingers back into your pussy. Alternating between stoking your walls and curling them in that spot that makes you scream. His tongue adding more pressure on your clit than before.
"Yes, yes, don't stop! Please, don't stop!"
"Gonna cum on my hand, babydoll? Do it, do it now. I want it all!" He commands pressing down onto your clit, sending you over the edge. Your back arches off the bed, crying out as your sweet release finally takes over your body. Pennywise watches you ride out your orgasm, intoxicated with the way you looked- so dirty, beautiful, and entirely under his mercy.
It took a lot of power in him to hold back his teeth from turning to sharp fangs. His cheeks were barely starting to split until he had to make sure that they wouldn't. Because in that moment of ecstasy which he gave you, he experienced an awakening of his own. Apparently feeding off just your mixed up mash of lust and fear wasn't going to cut it. It wasn't enough to satisfy this new hunger. He craves to feel you closer. Much closer.
Once he finished licking up your juices, he removes his fingers. Crawling back up your body as you're coming down. He keeps eye contact while obscenely sucking the remainder from them. The vulgar sight makes you whimper. He brings his face to yours and you pull him in with strength that surprised you both. His wet tongue slithers into your mouth and you taste yourself on him. You hungrily suck his tongue and push your hips up to him, rubbing your bare self onto his still clothed body. Pennywise starts grinding into you. As he does, you could feel something hard under his pantaloons.
That must be his member. It has to be.
You moan each time it brushes against your pussy as he dry humps you into the mattress. He starts panting, which is only turning you on more. Extending a hand down, you palm the hard member below causing it to twitch upon your touch.
Oh yeah, that's his cock alright.
Pennywise snatches your hand away. "What do you think you're doing?"
"I want to feel you." You throw your hips back up.
His hand tightens around your wrist as he laughs tauntingly at your request, "ohh angel, I don't think you're ready for that."
"But I am," you whine. "I want to feel you inside of me."
"Is that so? Does my little doll want something like.. my cock? You want my cock sweet thing?" He grinds down into you harder, catching you in a silent moan. "Need me to fill that needy hole of yours?" He's teasing the hell out of you, and he's throughly enjoying it.
"Yes! I need you to fuck me!" You wail desperately.
A rumble vibrates within his chest before he pins your waist down into the mattress. Holding you in place as his other reaches for his trousers. You watch as he works them, but his eyes are fixed on you. His large cock bounces free from the pants, and it is unlike anything you've ever seen before.
It's got the shape of a penis, yet has a deep shade of purple. Strange, other-worldly, and intimidating are what you would use describe it in this moment. And had you been in your right mindset, there would be no way you'd let that appendage near you. Let alone go inside you. But currently, you don't find it in you to care. You're far too gone. Far too absorbed in the pleasure this eldritch being is bestowing upon you. Right now, you want to feel all that it is. Questions and concerns can wait until later. If there is one.
To say Pennywise's member is intimidating may be an understatement. As he lines himself up with your entrance, you notice just how huge it really is. You knew he was big, but you didn't know it was that big.
"Will.." you gasp, "will it fit?"
His face snaps up to look at your worried expression, the fear in your eyes. His smile only widens and he rubs his thick head along your folds, the stimulation making you writhe. "Isn't this what you wanted, pet? For Pennywise to Fill. You. Up." He punctuates each word with a torturous roll of his hips against your heat.
"Fuuck," your eyes squeeze shut, "I do- oh fuck yes, I really do."
"Sweet thing," he shushes you. "You are ready. All you need to do is let me in." He grabs ahold of your thighs to spread you more. Displaying your cunt before him in the most obscene way. Walls throbbing with your juices practically flowing down, ready to be filled with his cock. A sight arousing enough to send another glob of drool dribbling down his chin. He's ready to bury himself into your hole and claim you as his. "I will fit, I will make it fit. Don't you worry about that. Now open up for me."
Wide eyed, you watch without further protest as his tip goes back to your entrance. You wanted this- want this.
Pennywise coaxes you by your chin to face him, "Eyes on me y/n. Look at me as I enter you." His raspy voice an intoxicating mix of low, sweet and demanding. Him calling you by your name calms your nerves and only makes you want him that much more.
He advances and you grip onto him. Dropping your jaw to release a deep groan from being stretched wide, wider than you've ever been before. Doing your best to keep your eyes open for him as your vision grows blurry with tears. He slowly pushes into your tight heat inch by inch. It hurts, you expected it would. But you need him to keep going. You dig your nails into the fabric of his costume, urging him to continue.
He pushes in, wiping the fresh tears that fallen down your cheeks with his thumbs. "That's it, ease into it." He huffs at the pleasurable feeling of your walls around his length. All warm and snug around him. "Ohh yessss, good girl.. so wet and warm, soo good."
You bite your lip as he begins to move. Pulling out slowly before pushing back in at the same rate. Doing this a few times to get you used to the stretch. After all, he doesn't want to break you. Not anytime soon, at least. He gradually picks up the speed of his thrusts, and soon you're begging him not to stop. The room is filled with the sounds of wet, slapping flesh and the noises from each of your mouths. You're a whining, moaning mess. Fully given in to the pleasure. While Pennywise grunts and occasionally groans, taking his own pleasure from your body.
"Oh ho ho, look at you. You're certainly enjoying this, aren't you?" He chuckles darkly when you give him a small whimper. Only to become impatient when you can't find the words to answer. He grips your face to look you in the eyes, slowing to move in and out of you at a languid pace. "Come on. Tell me, my pet. How does it feel being fucked by a monster? By the Eater of Worlds?"
"It- ah- it feels amazing. Oh fuck, you feel so amazing!" You're able to answer through short pants.
He grins widely to display a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. It's both a frightening and enticing sight which leaves you staggered. Then before you know it, he snaps his hips against yours at a pace so fast and hard you start seeing stars. Unable to control the wanton moans spilling from your mouth as he fucks you into the mattress.
"Ohh! Yes, yes- ahhh!" You keen intensely from his violent force. It's too much, yet you can't get enough of it. Your walls contract tightly around his cock, the need to climax again is approaching fast. The monster above you senses this too. Larger globs of drool drop from his grisly mouth and down onto you. Your entire body is slick with a mixture of your sweat and his saliva.
"You want to cum, huh? Such a dirty girl, wanting to cum on my cock," he sneers. His thrusts do not falter one bit, making it difficult for you to respond.
"Y-yes, please, I wanna cum on your cock." Your climax is fast approaching, building in the pit of your stomach. Quickly becoming tighter, and growing more intense as it gets closer to being released. Your hips buck rapidly against him, trying to reach it. Hoping that he doesn't deny you this one like he did with the first one.
His hand moves between your bodies to find your clit. He rubs it hard, making you scream. "Then do it. Cum all over my cock like the good little slut you are."
With that, you do. Crying out as your orgasm gushes out all over his cock. Pennywise growls and chuckles lowly at the feel of your cunt pulsating around his member. This is something it's never felt before. It took a few seconds for your climax to subside, enough for you to realize that he's still ramming into you with full force. You're exhausted, weak, and overstimulated. All you are able to do is lay there and moan while Pennywise takes you as he pleases.
He grips tightly onto your hips and starts to lightly pant. "Again. I want another one."
At those words, you feel your heart drop. You don't know if you are even able to cum again. "I.. I can't."
He snarls harshly at your words. "You can, and you will." His thumb is back pressing roughly on your clit, while his other hand moves up your chest to wrap around your throat. His grip around your throat squeezes, restricting your ability to breathe. "Cum. Now." He growls powerfully right before slamming into you one last time, digging his claws into the flesh of your hips as he fills you with his hot seed.
You feel yourself cum at the exact moment he unloads inside of you. Your back arching all the way up from the bed, and your hips still rocking as your final orgasm violently crashes down on you. It was a lot for your body to handle. Your vision quickly became blurry, and you began to slip out of consciousness. Making it difficult for you to make out Pennywise's ghastly features. Panic quickly sets in when you realize that your sight isn't coming back. Nothing is coming back to you! Your strength or sight. Even your hearing is fading. Everything is fading. You can't move, you can't talk. Can't even make out the clown's features anymore. You're scared. It's all going black.
Soon, it was completely dark. Pennywise's dark laughter being the last thing you heard right before passing out.
End of Part 6.
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incorrect-losers · 2 months
The losers: *Looking for Pennywise in the house on Neibolt Street*
Mike: Let’s go this way. Maybe we’ll find something exciting in the bedroom!
Audra *loudly and excitedly*: I haven’t been excited by anything in the bedroom in years!
Bill: …Thank you for shouting that so loudly in front of everyone
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peachtozier · 3 months
alright my five musical ituals
disclaimer: these quotes are both a) my personal favs and b) what would fit in the poll options. a lotta quotes had to go bc of b.
if you haven't watched the it musical, you should check it out! here's where i got all the quotes!
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im-getting-help · 6 months
You guys remember IT 2019? I just finished watching an alternative ending or directors cut idk, BUT LET ME TELL YOU 💀
First, english is my second language...
So, everything is exactly the same until the last like 30min? They're fighting Pennydumb, and you remember the scene where Richie is caught by the deadlights and Eddie spears Penny and saves Rich but he has to kiss him to wake him up like Ben with Bev in the first movie? Well, in this version Eddie spears Penny and falls with Richie but instead of kissing him he just shakes him a little? And Richie wakes up 😂 but then out of nowhere Pennydumb SKEWERS EDDIE WITH ONE OF THE ARACHNID/CRAB CLAWS RIGHT THROUGH THE CHEST??? Me and Bev literally screamed at the same time. So Eddie is bleeding all over Richie, blood comes out of his mouth as he says his name... and Richie is literally like 🧍🏻‍♂️ and then Pennydumb lifts Eddie with the claw and I'm watching in 4KHD how Eddie flies tf out while everyone is screaming his name. I SWEAR TO GOD I'M NOT KIDDING. At this point I'm laughing and crying at the same time, cause like, wtf is happening?? So the Losers run to wherever Eddie was thrown and THIS MF IS SOMEHOW STILL ALIVE? Then, like in the original ending Eddie tells the Losers how to kill Pennydumb, but is like super depressing, Eddie is coughing blood, so all but Richie and obviously Eds go bully the alien spider. Eddie is dying, and he says "Richie, I gotta to tell you something" and I'm thinking, alright, a little bit too angsty but ok. BUT THEN, HE DOESN'T CONFESS? HE LOOKS RICHIE IN THE EYES AND SAYS "💫I fucked your mother💫" AGAIN, I'M NOT KIDDING. And so Richie is like "heh 🙂🥲" Eventually Richie leaves so they can finish IT, lmao. They kill Pennydumb the same, they say "clown" a bunch and he perish. Then they go back to Eds who is obviously fucking dead at this point, and I'm still laughing a little cause I know that now is when Maturin appears and the Losers ask her to bring back Stan and now Eddie too i guess... WELL In this version Maturin doesn't exist apparently???????? So Eddie dies and Richie is crying over his dead body anD THEN BILL AND BEVERLY TELL HIM THAT THEY HAVE TO GO AND LEAVE HIS BODY DOWN THERE???? AND I'M 😶 SPEECHLESS.
They drag Richie out of Neibolt 😶 he's is screaming and crying and I'm screaming and crying with him. They get out and the house collapses. And the whole scene is fucking tragic, like, I'm sobbing, Richie is still screaming Eddie's name, Mike and Ben are holding him back and Bill and Bev are literally like 👀 Suddenly they're on the quarry, same scene minus Eddie and Stan. BUT IT'S SO SOMBER. They jump and they're washing themselves in silence, and Richie is CLEANING EDDIE'S BLOOD OUT OF HIS GLASSES. And Eddie is not there to be yapping about infections so Ben is like "Eddie would hate this" and they start talking about what Eddie would say if he was there, and I'm thinking 'why tf would you kill him but not write a better scene?' but I'm promptly shut up cause Richie starts crying again and everyone goes hug him, and now I'm really sobbing. But then, then they do something I can only describe as the worst possible thing you can do in front of your mourning gay friend. Richie loses his glasses like in the original but Stan is not there to give them back so the rest of the Losers start looking, and then, and I swear to god I'm not lying, Ben and Bev find the glasses but instead of giving them back they start kissing eachother. RICHIE IS BLIND AND CRYING WHILE THESE TWO KISS UNDERWATER. And I'm like NOw?????? Don't get me wrong, I love the kiss in the original, but this version is so sad and that kiss feels so out of place. After that, there's the scene in the street with them as kids, Richie and Eddie bickering and all that, and I'm ready to go wash my face BUT they added an extra scene. So in this scene Mike calls Bill whose already out of Derry, and Bill asks why they're not forgetting this time, and Mike says "Maybe cause IT is dead... or maybe because we have more we want to remember than we want to forget". AND I'M LIKE WDM?? ALL OF THIS IS FUCKING TRAUMATIC. And then Mike asks Bill if he got the letter, and apparently Stan left a fucking suicide note 💀 and it's SO FUCKING SAD YOU GUYS. They show adult Stan writing the note but you can hear young Stan reading it, and they show the Losers as adults after Derry 2.0, and everyone is happy except Richie?? Like, Bev and Ben are on a fucking boat with a dog but Richie is on the bridge going over the R+E carving while crying. And it ends with Mike smiling driving out of Derry. Is literally the worst ending ever. Like, I don't hate it just because is so depressing is kinda funny, also you guys know It 2019 is goofy af. Anyways, if anyone else saw this please message me so we can make a support group or something idk.
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turningsoft · 5 months
Richie Tozier & Will Byers Werewolf Metaphor Post
@pinkeoni's old What's up with all the werewolves? post and its further discussion made me think of a lot. Seriously, it's lengthy.
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I wanna preface this by saying I don't actually believe everything is connected or intentional, as it would be a huge reach. However, it's rather interesting to draw connections even where there were intended none. Proceed at your own peril.
As we all know, the Duffers originally wanted to write Stephen King's IT remake. Naturally, we also know they took some inspiration from King's various work, so for me it was a really small leap from werewolf references in Stranger Things to Richie's werewolf in IT.
Richie Tozier Was A Teenage Werewolf
In the book, Richie goes to see a horror double-feature, which includes movies I Was a Teenage Werewolf and I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (both 1957). Let's read the excerpt from the novel.
The Teenage Frankenstein was suitably gross. The Teenage Werewolf was somehow scarier, though… perhaps because he also seemed a little sad. What had happened wasn't his own fault. There was this hypnotist who had fucked him up, but the only reason he'd been able to was that the kid who turned into the werewolf was full of anger and bad feelings. Richie found himself wondering if there were many people in the world hiding bad feelings like that. Henry Bowers was just overflowing with bad feelings, but he sure didn't bother hiding them.
Now, this quote contains a lot of information to suggest that Richie at least empathizes with the character, but we don't actually see him relating to Tony until Richie comes face to face with Pennywise — for the first time, or so he thinks. During this encounter, It takes the form of the Teenage Werewolf and chases Bill and Richie out of the house on Neibolt Street. His appearance is described in great detail and mostly doesn't contradict the original movie, except for the werewolf's silk jacket.
It was black with orange piping — the Derry High School colors.
And a bit further on:
It was the other thing that made him feel as if he might faint, or just give up and let it kill him. A name was stitched on the jacket in gold thread, the kind of thing you could get done down at Machen's for a buck if you wanted it. Stitched on the bloody left breast of the Werewolf's jacket, stained but readable, were the words RICHIE TOZIER.
In the movie it's Tony's signature jacket that allows others to recognize him in his werewolf form, so it only makes sense to assume Richie's scared because he's forced to recognize himself in the monster. The implications affect him so deeply that he considers giving up his own life.
Bad feelings
It provides a bit of insight into Richie's head and makes us question what exactly he considers “bad feelings��� within himself, if not anger (he doesn't seem to be an angry person). Some speculate it has to do with growing up and becoming an unstable, hormonal teenager in the future. Others link it to his possible undiagnosed ADHD, self-hatred and the ever-present fear of being ostracized for his differences, both visible and not. Being a queer person in the 50's would also fit the narrative pretty well. For those who are interested, I strongly recommend reading expanded analysis on the matter here (werewolf as a symbol in IT), here (bisexuality viewed as “monstrous”) and here (Richie's fears explained).
Not his fault
Obviously, none of the aforementioned reasons justify putting such strong labels (monster, werewolf) on a literal child. Richie seems to understand he's not at fault for whatever makes him a target, but he also believes in a strong possibility someone can inflict this inhuman identity upon him. Despite already being bullied, he fears his situation can take a turn for the worse. And despite having a wonderful support system, he somehow knows it's not enough. If someone or something decides to “fuck him up” and exploit his vulnerable state, they will, so he cuts down on the amount of vulnerability. Heavily. I can't believe I'm still not talking about Will Byers.
Hiding stuff
As ironic as it sounds, Richie Tozier is canonically good at hiding. Other people find it difficult to make up their minds about his personality and actions — the most famous instance being, perhaps, this quote.
He had known Richie Tozier for four years, and he still didn't really understand what Richie was about.
Richie uses his Voices and “numbers” both as a shield and a weapon. He shows raw emotions only when he considers it absolutely safe. He takes “refuge in absurdity”. To reiterate @/jasperathrifteddoll's werewolf symbolism post, Richie 1) is confusing; 2) tells half-truths; 3) puts up facades; 4) “through his concealment of his inner thoughts to the reader, seems almost aware of his status as a book's narrator”.
All of Richie's fears are connected to or based on public perception. “But he knew well enough” has earned a meta post in and of itself.
Will Byers Has Werewolves In His Closet
So what's the meaning behind this werewolf costume in the Trick or Treat, Freak episode? Maybe it's a manifestation of one of Will's fears, or maybe there's no hidden message. After all, even if Stranger Things and IT are connected, I Was A Teenage Werewolf has nothing to do with ST… Unless we consider it left a huge legacy and inspired The Cramps to write a song of the same name — the one that introduced Eddie Munson to the audience in S04E01. Frankly speaking, I don't think this was an easter egg the writers were actively trying to include, but it doesn't take away from the parallel. It's still fun to compare Will and Richie, especially because on a surface level they're so unlike.
To execute Stephen King's werewolf metaphor, one would need:
a character with enough emotional baggage,
who is afraid of being perceived as a monster,
especially as a result of trusting an authority figure,
who breaks his trust and exploits his vulnerable state,
potentially making him dangerous in the process.
Let's see if Will ticks all the boxes.
Bad feelings
Will's otherness is easy to pick up on. It's either “being a sensitive artistic kid who grew up to be gay in the 80's” or “being a child who was abducted to a horrific dimension and is now attached to it”. Arguably, we don't even have to choose: these two plots are closely related and can become one through the AIDS metaphore. Not to mention the whole “growing up poor with an abusive and neglectful father” thing. Simply put, Will Byers has plenty reason to experience “bad feelings”. On a rare occasion, we can hear about his struggles firsthand.
Bad feelings = self-hatred
So far, Will has internalized a variety of epithets:
“Zombie Boy”
We can see each of them affect him to some extent.
In season 2, during multiple heart-to-hearts with Jonathan, Will expresses his desire for everyone to stop treating him different, like there's something wrong with him. Meaning, he himself doesn't think there's something wrong. He stubbornly insists: “Yeah, I am. I am [a freak],” but he's quick to be offended when Jonathan agrees. It reads as a defense tactic, not his own opinion. After all, when you pointedly address yourself in a hurtful fashion, shouldn't those words stop holding power over you?
When drawing the Zombie Boy, Will essentially tries to reclaim this identity in a way that's true to him — by using art. He doesn't want to passively accept the label, he wants to strip it of its negative connotations. But then again, when a kid deemed as dead comes back to life, it's a pretty dumb reason to bully him. Will probably knows it's dumb, so he fights back. His homosexuality, though, is a harder pill to swallow.
There's no denying he feels guilty for his attraction to Mike (well, boys, but Mike specifically). Guilty and other things as well, a mixture of shameful, jealous, hurt, confused and angry. In seasons 3 and 4 he learns that even the tiniest portions of his affection and his sincerest attempts at salvaging a friendship can be neglected or misconstrued. It cuts deeply.
Then there's, of course, the van scene. Will says he feels like a mistake sometimes. Not all the time, he clears up. Mike makes him feel better for being different, and yet Will cries after the speech, knowing full well his differences don't make his life any happier or simplier, or better.
Bad feelings = past trauma
Still, all of it pales in comparison to plain old trauma and its prolonged effects. This anon ask and @/heroesbyler's answer have summarized it better than I ever could. Here's a quote that I can't not mention:
His trauma is one of the most if not the most multifaceted in the entire story, and also he literally is the main character foil to the big villain. Saying that Will hates himself for being gay is such a gross oversimplification of what we see. It's haunting to know that people want to project a stereotypical situation to his nuanced one.
Additionally, there were theories that Will is a victim of CSA, and I'm not only referring to the ones about Vecna/MF/UD allegories (these I very much agree with) but those about full-on CSA by Lonnie. While I'm still on the fence about it, I acknowledge this is also a possibility.
To sum up, our boy Will has been through a lot. Emotional baggage? Check. Susceptibility to “monstrous” labels? Check.
Not his fault
Up until this point I was being ambiguous about whether my theory is applicable to S2 only or other seasons as well. I have to admit, right now the werewolf costume guy is no more than a little foreshadowing of the S2 plot. However, given the fact that S5 is promised to take inspiration from S2, some of its key elements or plot points may be reused, albeit probably in a different fashion. Additionally, new information might be revealed, meaning that the metaphore has potential to grow into something bigger in the future.
For now I'll focus on the S2 events mainly and compare them to I Was A Teenage Werewolf.
Movie: Tony Rivers embodies a typical delinquent from the 50's. He's a troubled rebellious teenager with anger issues. He exhibits such violent behavior that he's advised to seek psychological help.
IT: Richie doesn't fixate on the anger part and instead uses “bad feelings” wording to convey broader (or perhaps, entirely different) meaning. Ultimately, we're led to believe that it doesn't matter what character traits Tony possessed. What's more important is 1) he had psychological issues; 2) he was advised to seek out professional help.
ST: Will has a lot of unresolved trauma from his experience in the UD, which manifests in “bad feelings”, so-called flashbacks and coughing up demonic slugs. He's advised to undergo medical supervision/scientific surveillance at Hawkins Lab.
Movie: Dr. Alfred Brandon embodies the classic mad scientist archetype. He conducts experiments on people by using hypnosis and medication in unconventional ways and claims it's for a greater cause. He draws out Tony's traumatic childhood memories during their sessions. Brandon has an assistant, Dr. Hugo Wagner, who comes across as compassionate and humanistic.
ST: Dr. Martin Brenner is affiliated with multiple scientific projects that conduct experiments on people by using sensory deprivation, psychedelic drugs and various abuse/manipulation tactics. He, too, claims it's for a greater cause. Also works with traumatic childhood memories, e. g. the whole NINA project. If twelvegate is proven true in S5, these parallels will become positively unhinged. Brenner repeatedly works with Dr. Owens, who on the outside seems more sympathetic towards main heroes.
Movie: Tony finally accepts Dr. Brandon's help after a Halloween party gone wrong. He decides to trust everyone's opinion, goes through the procedure and ends up becoming “possessed by wolves” (= made into a werewolf).
ST: Will accepts the fact that he's spiraling and needs help on Halloween night. He decides to trust Dr. Owens, Joyce and Bob that his visions are just PTSD-related episodes. He follows Bob's advice and ends up possessed.
Ultimately, this is the moment when Will's trust is broken. Although it's definitely not Bob's or Joyce's fault, a collective authority figure represented by Hawkins Lab fails Will. It fucks him up big. And one can argue, Owens' incapacity to protect him wasn't a simple negligence but an extension of Brenner's politics. @/runninguplenorahills suggests the following:
If Owens knew about Brenner being alive and deliberately kept that information to himself (which he did), and if Owens knew about Henry and everything that happened (which seems to be the case too)……. Well….. doesn't that make Owens' inability to help and protect Will in s2 a deliberate choice?
Regardless, it isn't Will's own doing that turns him into someone dangerous — it's the Lab's fault.
Movie: Dr. Brandon and his assistant argue about the necessity of transforming Tony because it might be harmful or even fatal to him.
“But you're sacrificing a human life!” ”Do you cry over a guinea pig?”
ST: Dr. Owens argues with other scientists over attacking the UD vines/tunnels and potentially harming Will in the process.
“And if it kills the boy?” ”Then quite frankly, Sam, it kills him.”
Movie: In his werewolf state, Tony kills a bunch of his classmates, a random dog, Dr. Brandon and his assistant.
ST: While being possessed, Will leads the soldiers into a trap and gets them killed because they've upset the MF. Owens ends up injured, and Bob gets killed. We can view them all as Brenner's “assistants” to different extents.
All in all, I'd say the metaphor fits. But wait, there's more!
Hiding stuff
Once again referencing @/pinkeoni's posts, there's a long history of Will hiding his feelings. Fascinating how the conversation that basically establishes this trait of his, aka his exchange with Joyce, happens in S2 and specifically in relation to his not-actually-PTSD episodes. But the motive of hiding, be it in a literal or a figurative sense (as in hiding parts of himself), is integral to Will's character. It is continually present troughout seasons and is supported by in-show elements and costume design choices alike.
Billy Hargrove And Henry Bowers Are Overflowing
Parallels should be drawn between Henry and Billy, too. This section is small, but nonetheless I like it — it's a finishing touch to the story and a cherry to top it all off.
Richie completes his train of thought by contrasting Tony and Henry Bowers, accentuating how the latter “didn't bother hiding” his bad feelings, e. g. his anger, bigotry and violent outbursts. The same could be said about Billy. Both of them killed people under the influence (Flayed!Billy, Pennywise-inspired!Henry) and definitely were capable of assault regardless. For both of them a relationship with one's father seems to be an instigation of their descent into madness, although Billy hates Neil, whereas Henry appears to have a more complex, effectively love-hate attitude towards Oscar.
It's also noteable that Billy is a foil character to Will, who is mirroring him in many ways, while Henry and Patrick may be seen as foils to Richie and Eddie when it comes to handling “their same-sex attraction”. And by the way, if sexuaility and attraction is consired “bad feelings” within Will's mind, one particular part of this post becomes all the more relevant. To quote and paraphrase, “Billy wears his sexuality proud and openly”, yet Will's sexuality is suppressed — another case of hiding versus overflowing.
I'd love to TL;DR this post into something concise and coherent, but I fear I'd just end up repeating my points and wording. I'd rather say I have more thoughts on Richie and Will's similarities, so there's gonna be a short post about it sometime down the line. Thank you to anyone who decided that this was worth reading!
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
ok but you wanna hear something terrible. imagine that after richie got possessed by the deadlights, after eddie attacked IT, richie fell to the ground and hit his head. eddie rushed over to him all the same, but when he got there he finds richie unconscious from falling. eds still goes on his whole ‘richie, i think i killed it’ speech, trying to wake richie up, but it’s as he’s trying that, IT kills him. 
richie doesn’t wake up until mike and ben are dragging him back through the neibolt, out onto the street. richie opens up his eyes just as he watches the house fall down behind him. for a moment, richie feels nothing but pure happiness. they made it out! they’re free! they fucking killed the stupid, fucking clown-
until he looks around him, and notices that someone is missing. 
his heart sinks. 
the losers are trying to get him to lie down, telling him to relax as they try to look at his head injury, telling him not to move too much, that he’s hurt, but all richie can ask is, 
“where’s eddie?”
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seventiesweetheart · 19 days
𓆩♱𓆪 ghost boy.
obsessed! patrick hockstetter x fem! childhood best friend! reader
WARNING. none much, this is purely fluff! but patrick is a teeny tiny bit of a yandere for reader.
A/N. haven’t written in while because of school but thank you so much for the 300 likes on my rafe fic! it warms my heart seeing people repost it sm <3 anyway, i know i’m really late but hope you like this, anon! might make a vance one soon :>
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the summer sun beat down on derry, its warmth failing to melt the cool indifference that patrick hockstetter felt towards the world around him. leaning against the graffitied wall of the abandoned factory, he watched the town's inhabitants with a sneer. they were all predictable, annoying, and utterly boring.
all except for y/n.
a smile tugged at his lips as he saw the girl approaching, her hair catching the light of the sun in a way that made his heart stutter. every one else perceived patrick as a mystery, just another one of henry’s best friends which fully meant he was not one to be messed with. but to y/n, he was her best friend since childhood.
"hey, patrick!" she called, her voice bright and cheerful, piercing through the monotonous hum of the town. she jogged up to him, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "you won't believe what i found today."
he watched her intently, his gaze suddenly softening. "what is it?" he asked, his voice low and only slightly gruff.
y/n pulled out an old, worn book from her (fav color) backpack. "look at this! i found it in the library. it's full of so many creepy stories about derry. thought you might like it."
patrick took the book from her, his fingers brushing against hers for a brief moment. he felt a jolt of electricity at the contact, but the girl was too oblivious, her attention already shifting to something else.
"thanks," he murmured, his eyes flicking up to meet hers. she was always doing things like this—thinking of him, bringing him things she knew he'd appreciate. it was part of why he liked her so much, part of why his feelings for her had morphed into something deeper, something a bit more obsessive.
y/n plopped down on the ground beside him, leaning back on her hands and tilting her face towards the sky. "it's such a nice day. why don’t we do something fun?”
patrick sat down next to her, the book clutched in his hands. he could feel the warmth radiating from her, the smell of her shampoo filling the air. "like what?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he caught a whiff of her scent.
she shrugged, her smile widening. "i don't know. maybe we can explore that old house on neibolt street? i’ve heard it's haunted."
patrick's lips curved into the mischievous smirk that y/n has grown all too familiar with. "sounds like a plan," he said, loving the thrill that danced in her eyes. he'd follow her anywhere, even into the deepest parts of a haunted house. anything to keep her close—to keep her as his.
as they stood up and started walking, patrick's mind comtinued to race with thoughts of her. y/n was the only person in this town who made him feel something other than disdain. she was the light in his otherwise dark world, the only person he could never afford to lose. and though she had no idea, he was determined to keep it that way—at least, for now.
because as long as she didn't know about his little crush, she wouldn't be scared away. and patrick couldn't bear the thought of losing her, his only friend and the only person who made his life in derry so much more bearable.
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paprika-moony · 2 years
The wait is finally over! 💚 Here's our collab for the Losers club reverse Big Bang! @losersclubbang
I teamed up with @aibari to create an illustration and then, a fanfic.
The fanfic is called The HOUSE on Neibolt Street and you can read it on ao3
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artsy-cactus · 1 year
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The Well House; 29 Neibolt Street
+ detail shots
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++ background
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PLEASE click for better quality!! ❤️❤️
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songforeddiemunson · 1 year
Hi I hope it isn't to much but can you make a Eddie X reader who are best friends and they both have feelings for eachother but when Eddie makes a move it all comes crashing down and they start dating
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write this for you, @iloveyou987123! I hope you enjoy it!
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Eddie Munson x Reader (description vague for inclusivity)
Summary: Eddie surprises reader during a nasty thunderstorm, which takes a serious turn.
Warnings: language, a wee bit of angst, but mainly FLUFF! A little steam but no smut, just heckin' cute fluff. Mild TW for spooky weather and an excerpt from a spooky book.
AN: Tornadoes are definitely a thing in Indiana, so reader's concerns are warranted, just FYI.
Word Count: 2308
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You turned the page of the book clutched in your hands, heart pounding at a near anaerobic pace, completely on the edge of your seat. You were so engrossed in your new copy of Stephen King’s IT, that you barely could register the fact that the world around you even existed, let alone affected you in any way. This book was insane, and you were already over a quarter of the way in, even though you had just sat down to read it a couple hours ago. At over a thousand pages, that was saying something.
You were sat hunched over your little kitchen table, oblivious to everything outside of a three foot radius. A thunder storm was brewing outside; the wind was picking up and rain pelted the side of your trailer, but you barely noticed. You hadn’t an inkling of what was happening outside, because you weren’t really in your kitchen in Hawkins, Indiana. You were actually creeping around the basement of a house on Neibolt Street in Derry Maine, on a warm June day in 1958.
…they moved toward the coalpit first, Bill slightly in the lead, the gun in his hand, Richie close behind him, trying to look everywhere at once… 
You read at a furious pace with your heart in your throat, your adrenaline dialed up to eleven.
…and then the door at the head of the cellar stairs crashed open against the wall with a violent BANG, spilling thin white daylight down the stairs. Both boys screamed….
At that moment, the window right next to the table at which you were sitting was rattled by a loud BANG, making you nearly jump out of your skin and scream out loud. The book flew out of your hands, and you leaped to your feet. You pulled back the curtain to reveal the face of your best friend peering in the window with a shit-eating grin on his face. His hair was sopping wet and plastered to the side of his head, he looked ridiculous, and for a moment you wanted nothing more than to murder him, Pennywise style.
“What the FUCK Eddie?!” you screamed.  The window was closed to keep out the deluges of wind and rain, but he probably heard your muffled yell anyway, and he definitely noticed your expression. His grin faltered, and his eyebrows creased with confusion.  You pointed in the general direction of your front door, and stormed off without waiting for confirmation.
You walked over to your door and opened it, seeing nothing but darkness and sideways rain, which was suddenly illuminated by a bright flash of lightning. A few seconds later there was a loud clap of thunder; the storm was close now. You had been so focused on your novel that you hadn’t even noticed how crazy the storm was getting, and you were momentarily taken aback. Then suddenly Eddie materialized from stage right, shaking out his hair and looking a little more sheepish than before. 
“Eddie,” you said, softening a bit at his expression. “You scared the shit out of me. WHAT were you doing at my window?”
You stepped aside to let him in, letting in a swirl of wind and a mist of rain with him. You wrapped your arms around yourself to ward off the chill from the spray of water.
“Sorry,” he said with a chuckle, stamping his feet to dislodge the water from his shoes. “When you didn’t pick up the phone after the three times I called, I knew you were sitting at your table buried in some book. So I threw a ball of mud at your window.”
You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your idiot friend, whom you absolutely adored. You punched him lightly on the arm.
“You couldn’t just knock on the door like a normal person?”
“Where’s the fun in that? And who said I’m normal?”
“Fair enough, but I’m making you wash my window, asshole.” you conceded, laughing. “Eddie, you are definitely borrowing this book when I’m done, holy shit.”
“That good, huh?”
“You have no idea. It’s the new Stephen King book about the clown.”
“Oh shit, yeah, I’ve heard good things about that one.”
You looked at him, and he was such a chaotic ray of sunshine with his goofy grin and his adorable dimples, that there was no way you could stay mad at him. In fact, as the years passed and you grew into young adults, your fondness was beginning to grow into something…more. But there was no way you could ever tell him about the way your heart sped up whenever he touched you, or that your breathing quickened when he turned that million-dollar smile of his in your direction. You were just pals, after all.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you and all, but why are you here?” You asked him.
Eddie shrugged. “I was bored, just sitting around, and I figured, why not go jump-scare my best friend?”
“You walked over here in the rain? You– “  Your retort was interrupted by a particularly loud clap of thunder, visibly startling you. The wind was starting to blow so hard you could feel the trailer shake slightly.
“Whoa,” Eddie said, his eyes widening, his growing excitement evident. “This is getting pretty crazy.”
“Do you think there could be a tornado?” you asked, your voice wavering slightly. You wanted to sound cool and collected but failed, and Eddie noticed.
“I dunno, could be,” he said. “Hey, don’t worry, we’re going to be alright.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed Eddie, but we’re in a trailer. Not exactly prime shelter during a tornado.”
More lightning flashed, followed by another ominous crack of thunder. You were starting to get pretty pretty scared, and you wrung your hands together anxiously. Eddie’s expression softened. He stepped forward and rubbed your arms soothingly, his ringed fingers sliding along your bare flesh, causing you to break out into gooseflesh despite your growing distress.
“Hey, hey, shhh,” he cooed, and as you looked up into his beautiful brown eyes, you felt the fear subside a little. In fact, you felt like you could stand there forever, with Eddie so close. You saw his eyes flick down to your lips, then up again, quickly. He took a step back.
“Uh,” he said, running a hand through his wet locks. “Do you have a towel I can use? I feel like a wet dog here.” He broke out into a lopsided and slightly bashful smile.
“Sure, hang on,” you said, and walked over to the bathroom to grab him a clean towel.  “Take your jacket off,” you said as you returned. 
Eddie slid his leather jacket off his shoulders and draped it across the back of a kitchen chair before turning his full attention to you. You threw the towel over his head, completely obscuring his head and face, which made you giggle.
The next clap of thunder, despite signaling the storm's true arrival, somehow seemed less ominous as you reached up and began toweling off Eddie’s locks. The smile that was revealed as the towel lifted off his face was impish, there was a gleam to his eye as he patiently waited for you to finish your task. When you’d squeezed out as much water as you could, you tossed the damp towel in the general direction of your laundry hamper, not even looking to see if you’d made the shot.
“There, all better,” you said with a smile, stepping back to give Eddie space.
You noticed that in some barely perceptible way, Eddie’s expression had changed. You couldn’t quite put your finger on how, other than the fact that his trademarked smirk had gone. He looked softer, somehow, and his eyes were brighter. You simply looked at him, your breaths shallow. Without his jacket, you saw the gentle slope of his clavicle disappear beneath the collar of his t-shirt, and let your eyes wander over his chest, his abdomen, his arms… both of you silent as you watched the slight rise of his shoulders as he breathed, transfixed. Spellbound. Was he doing the same to you?
Eddie took a tiny step forward. “Hey–” he began. A bright flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder happened at once. The trailer shuddered, and was plunged into darkness.
You froze, brain scrambling to comprehend what had happened. You were seeing your friend in a very new and different way, and then suddenly he was gone from your sight and everything went dark. What the hell?
“Eddie–” you said, your voice sounding strangled, and you squeaked in alarm when you felt him envelop you, his arms wrapping protectively around yours and pulling you flush against his body.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just a power outage,” he said soothingly.
“I’m scared, Eddie,” you said with a small voice, and he squeezed you tighter, sending butterflies alight to war with your fears. “What if there’s a tornado barreling down on us as we speak? We’ll be sitting ducks…”
“Okay, come here,” Eddie said, taking you by the hand and guiding you over to the bathroom door by feeling along the wall. “They say that you should take shelter in a doorway, right? When you have nowhere else to go. It’s supposed to be the most structurally sound, right?”
You chuckled without humor. “A structurally sound spot in a trailer is like saying: ‘wow, that’s a really strong sword made of cardboard.’ “
Eddie laughed. “Funny, but this is the best we’ve got. Come here.”
“Wait,” you said, and turned to fumble in the junk drawer in your kitchen, coming up with a flashlight. You clicked it on. “That’s better,” you said. You could see nothing outside of the windows, only torrential rain and wind.
Eddie braced his back against the doorframe and slid down to the ground, crossing his legs. You could barely make out his shape in the darkness, so you turned the flashlight toward him, accidentally shining it right into his eyes. 
“Ow jesus, you don’t need to blind me,” he laughed, covering his eyes with his forearm. 
“Sorry,” you said, turning the beam away, embarrassed.
“Just come here,” Eddie repeated with mock annoyance. 
“What– am I supposed to sit in your lap?”
“Yes, so I can comfort you and keep you from flying away.”
You snorted. “If a tornado hits us, we’re both flying away, dingus.”
“Don’t harass me with your logic, just come sit already!”
“Fine,” you said, maneuvering yourself so that you were sat on Eddie’s lap with your back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around you protectively. You had to admit, it did feel nice. It was only an illusion of safety, of course, but you were comforted by the solidness of him. You felt his chest move with his breaths, could smell old spice and rainwater, the faint scent of cigarette smoke, and something underneath it all that was just Eddie.
It made you feel some kind of way. A kind of way about your best friend. And you didn’t know what to do about that.
“Bet you wish you weren’t reading a scary book just before this,” Eddie whispered, his breath tickling your ear.
You laughed softly. “This is prime Pennywise territory. Couple of young, vulnerable youths, all primed and tasty…”
“Wait…does the clown eat people?” Eddie hissed excitedly. “Ugh I want to know everything but don’t spoil the story…”
“My lips are sealed, my friend. You’ll have to read it if we survive this storm.”
“Don’t be hyperbolic,” Eddie said, but you could feel him gently shaking with suppressed laughter. “We are NOT going to die!”
“Famous last words…” you replied. “Uttered just before a tornado comes along, and blammo…”
“Will you shut the fuck up?” He was laughing in earnest now.
“No. Do you think we’ll be flung into the sky, or just obliterated into hamburger meat when…”
“Oh my god stop it!” Eddie shouted while tickling you in the ribs.
“No!” You shrieked. “You know I’m ticklish! Oh my god!” You thrashed wildly, twisting your body around, and before you realized it, your face was centimeters from Eddie’s.
Your giggles dissolved into soft breaths, and you looked at Eddie’s plump lips.
“Fuck it,” he breathed, and kissed you.
Stunned, you allowed him to press his lips to yours for a moment before pulling away.
“Eddie,” you breathed. “What…”
“So…” he interrupted, and chuckled softly. “I like you. More than a friend, and…if you don’t feel the same way I totally understand, but….”
“Eddie?” you said.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” 
You smiled and kissed him, leaning forward and placing your palms against his chest.  He cupped the back of your head and changed the angle to deepen the kiss. 
“Mmm,” you breathed against his lips. “So it wasn’t just me then.”
“You too?” you felt him smile against your lips. “How long?”
“I…I don’t know exactly. A while. How about you?”
“Hmm,” he paused, thinking. “I think maybe always.”
You pulled away to see if he was serious, but you saw nothing but conviction in those lovely brown eyes of his. A wave of affection washed over you that was so strong you thought you might cry.
“Oh Eddie. I had no idea.”
“S’okay. You know now,” he said softly, and kissed you again, and again, and again.
You kissed the storm away, and you weren’t afraid anymore. The trailer could have blown right off its foundation and you probably wouldn’t care, because Eddie was kissing you and holding you tightly, and as long as that was happening, you knew that everything would be alright.
Even though he never returned your copy of IT after he borrowed it from you. 
He would make it up to you….in other ways.
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Thank you for reading! As always, likes, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of all fic writers. Please show us some love! :)
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rainbowsconnect · 8 months
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Reddie Social Media edits with some of my personal fan casts. I made these a while back and figured that Tumblr would appreciate them. Further context for these edits:
The left is Eddie's phone. The right is Richie's. Both Richie and Eddie are promoting the new horror comedy show "Neibolt Street" cowritten by Richie and Bill on their Instas. "Lily" in both of their contacts is Lily Marsh-Hanscom after she's come out as a trans woman.
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