#nemo asks
Ok, i need an advice, because i truly am stuck tbh.
Regarding my latest wip, i am proceeding with the colouring.
But i don't know if just coloring with minimal gradient or going full on shading.
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crochetstim 5 months
I see that Telugu in your bio, fellow Indian? :D I speak Tamil!!
:0 helllooooo!!!!!! we are language neighbors 馃槑
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itspvg 2 years
16. thoughts on mint chocolate chip?
I like it. It's not my go to when I have a bunch of options in front of me. But wouldn't turn my nose up at it.
Thank you again for the asks!
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starspice-y 2 months
OP teaching you Cybertronian perchance?
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I ain't learning SHIT
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nautilusgays 5 months
When I say I want to meet my future spouse the "old fashioned way" what I mean is: I wish to be in a shipwreck caused by the creature (presumably some unnaturally large narwal) I have been searching for, only to discover that it is in fact the most incredible submarine(!!) and then get saved from the icy waters by it enigmatic captain with whom I fall desperately in love despite knowing it can never be for I am their captive in all but name.
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luxmoogle 9 months
Okay okay hear me out hear me out... Wayfinder Trio but dressed up like the Finding Nemo characters! Venn, running away, Aqua and Terra over here like "I have to find my sibling!!! Time to treck the entire different worlds for him!!!"
I'm sorry I just--
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ibrithir-was-here 2 months
Nemo: No people! Friendship ended with people!
Kid Mira: 馃ズ
Nemo: I'll make an exception because she seems very polite
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pretty much xD
(Credit to @lxgentlefolkcomic for the inspo for Nemo鈥檚 design)
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bluebellhairpin 17 days
IIIIIIIIIII bet on looooooosing dooogggs. I know they're losing and I pay for my place by the riinnng where I'll be looooking in their eyes when they're dowwwn. oooohhhhhIIII'lll be there on their sidde. I'llll be loosing by their sidddde.
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nemo-in-wonderland 23 days
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Saw this meme this morning, and IMMEDIATELY had the idea for this artwork, because dear Gods, I just couldn't help myself.
I just imagined *immidiately* Jacob whisking Dorothea away somewhere in Cania, hoping to be able to persuade her to finally give in to her desire and sign the godforsaken contract. (my poor girl cannot have picnic by herself fml, that Jacob is always around lol)
Like, I imagine that they all know the fixation he has for that cleric of his, and they KNOW that he was bound, sooner or later, to bring her to Cania.
Poor Dorothea has NO IDEA what she got herself into.
Because differently from Aranea, she didn't summon any fiend. He just stumble onto her while gallivating all over Faerun, and felt attracted to her.
But just like daddy dearest, once a Son or Daughter of Mephistopheles got their eyes on their prize and obsession, they won't let go, no matter how much the other party actually reciprocate their feelings (and this is for good or worse lol).
gods, I am having so much fun with this. I cannot wait to work some more on this (but now I seriously need to draw some smutty Mephistea because I NEED IT. Tomorrow. lolol)
I had much fun working on this today <3
I hope you will like this, just as much as I love working on it!
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dicenete 5 months
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Here have Gilbert warmup. I started his route (finally), 3 chapters in and there is potential for this route to rival Clavis's spot as number 1. (don't worry, Lulu, I will still fight for you. You baby girl villain.) But we will see where this goes. Gilbert gives me INFJ villain vibes and I'm here for that.
I know my style is pretty clean when it comes to lineart, sometimes I like it, sometimes I wish I could be more messy xd But here is a funny sneak peak of the stages. I post more of these kind of things for my supporters on Ko-Fi. ^^
I love to read the tags people add, it makes my day and I really need to find a way to reply to some of them since there are interesting thoughts and questions sometimes! So maybe tagging is the way? Feel free to teach me, if this is not the way xd I'm an old goblin. I thought I had asks open but I guess I didn't so now I opened them xP
@scummy-writes Other ships that I like? 馃槼 I'm still pretty new in this fandom but.... ... Nokto x Silvio has caught my eye. 馃憖 And well... Gilbert x Clavis could be interesting, them being super villains together :0 Clavis x Cyran is something that has crossed my mind too, but at the same time I really like them being platonically close too. Like very very deep friendship. I just love the "I think you are an idiot, but you are also the person I admire the most and would die for you and your cause" trope.
@m-mmiy @solacedeer @altairring @taviacoolcat 馃ス Thank you, I'm happy that you guys like my doodles of IkePri characters. <3 I really appriciate the time you take to put that into words in the tags!
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nem0-nee 1 year
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Doodles of the incoming clown- Coming soon to a dumpster near you!!
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saturnniidae 3 months
you say you have disabled hiccup headcanons? :3 *ears get really reall big. how are they doing that. why*
id love to hear them :D
Yes! Okay you've opened the floodgates my friend, I've been waiting to talk about this for so long.
He's autistic and has adhd! Obviously.
stims by tapping his fingers against things, waving his hands around, quickly taking apart and putting back together trinkets he's made, mimicking dragon noises (tho over time he's realized their vague meaning and stopped doing it randomly bc it was confusing them), running his hands over toothless' head to feel the texture of his scales and (when he was younger) petting his fur vest
His 'obsession' with things (trying to one up viggo, and when he was working on his sword) is literally just him Hyperfocusing on things
Easily loses track of time when he's locked in (Hyperfocused) working on inventions
Has that random 'I need to info dump NOW' thing and wakes Astrid up in the middle of the night like to randomly talk about abnormal behavioral patterns in a new terror flock on berk and Astrids just like 'babe I love you but it's three am'
Dyspraxic. When he was a kid he spent so much time practicing coordination for things like learning to write then later working in the smithy, and almost gave up more than once before continuing out of spite.
immunocompromised. Like seriously Hiccup has a weak ass immune system and would get sick every winter as a little kid, to the point of it being fatal. The villagers would always talk in hushed tones (bc of stoick caught them they'd get yelled at) and wonder if that years gonna be the one where he doesn't make it but he always ended up pulling through (also out of spite)
After meeting Toothless he developed tinnitus. Didn't think much of the ringing in his ears at first bc. Yknow, dragon roared at full volume directly into his ear. Then it didn't go away and he was like 'huh maybe this is an issue' then it just got worse as he continued to be in close proximity to loud noises like, even more roaring, and explosions etc.
Despite this he's got that weird "I enjoy loud noises like dragons roaring and the sound the wind makes when you're flying at like 40 mph, but if I hear the noise of lots of overlapping voices all having different conversations in a large room I need to die."
Chronic pain. The obvious, phantom pains in his leg of course, but fun fact! The human body really doesn't like it when you've broken bones repeatedly especially in the same area, and with how much this kid gets thrown around in rtte it's safe to say he's broken, fractured, and dislocated a lot of things.
When he comes home/gets back to the edge after a long day of traumatic or ridiculous events, first thing he does is take Toothless' saddle and prosthetic tail fin off, then he tries to crash in his bed, but either Toothless doesn't let him sleep until he's taken his prosthesis off (I hate that he sleeps with it on in canon looking at it makes my body hurt imaging how uncomfortable that'd be), or Astrid comes in to make sure he does (and also to make sure he eats bc he forgets to wayyy too often).
Asthma. No explanation. I just know he has it
I hope not all of these came off as super angsty, they aren't meant to completely. Like sure it sucks but he's allowed to not be miserable constantly (disabled people are allowed to not be miserable constantly, it doesn't make our pain any less valid. We're allowed to be happy).
I just love when characters are permanently, physically, changed by their story. Tbh if it weren't for rampant ableism, I think a lot of characters in action/adventure stories would be disabled, but people aren't ready for that discussion yet. Ty for the ask I had so much fun answering and writing these!!!
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animatedjen 4 months
we are dying for some more Merrical content *-*
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all I can offer is booty.
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Following troupe of mixing A脳L into movies... I present you : Finding Nemo脳Hazbin (human AU or not, you can decide)
Licifer - Marlin
Lilith - Coral (She is good, but gets killed off/disappears literally instantly)
Charlie - Nemo
Adam - Dory
Humans - IDK- maybe they find Charlie, after she runs away from her dad, exhausted and alone in middle of nowhere, and think she's an orphan
Tank gang - Hotel gang
I love this just for the fact that it means Adam would be super forgetful lmao.
Adam: I suffer from short term memory loss. I had an accident as a child.
Lucifer: Short term memory loss?
Adam: Yeah I forget things almost instantly........ Who are you?
@fanofstuff02 lol
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starspice-y 2 months
How about a doodle of Optimus giving Nemo a good morning kiss?
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Good morning doodle!!
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slimeblorbo 5 months
Okay this took a while but I've done it!
Dead Plate Mermaid/Accidentally Finding Nemo Coded AU!
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In case my handwriting is impossible to read here's what you need to know:
Vincent is a barracuda, ugly teeth haver, and is transmasc because I said so. Being a barracuda, he is a carnivore and only eats meat. He also runs a sushi restaurant because idk my gf said so and I think it's funny. He struggles with not meat centric dishes bc boy can't live off of anything that isn't meat, which is my substitute for the lack of taste because I thought it would be a fun switch up. I mean he could also have no taste too but he also just can't eat a lot of foods. He murders Manon for essentially the same reasons as in canon.
Rody is a clownfish, is in love with Manon, and is a waiter at Vince's sushi restaurant. He's pretty much the same except he knows Manon was murdered and witnessed it, but he was knocked out by the culprit and doesn't remember their face.
Manon is a three spotted damselfish. Ironically compared to other damselfish she doesn't appreciate overly frequent courtship rituals, which makes her relationship with Rody complicated because he assumes all damselfish like a lot of displays of love and courtship. She protected Rody by shoving him towards their anemone home before he was knocked out and she was taken. I love her but sadly she does not survive this au.
So yeah that's what I've got so far. Thank you for reading this far if you're here. I'm unsure if I'll do any more for this. If anyone expresses interest in it maybe I'll draw more that isn't just concept sketches.
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