#neon nasa ;; jet star
mothers-little-pistols · 11 months
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Val showing up to the afterlife with the Fabulous Four waiting for him
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spaceexp · 5 years
Hubble Detects Smallest Known Dark Matter Clumps
NASA - Hubble Space Telescope patch. Jan. 8, 2020 Using NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and a new observing technique, astronomers have found that dark matter forms much smaller clumps than previously known. This result confirms one of the fundamental predictions of the widely accepted "cold dark matter" theory. All galaxies, according to this theory, form and are embedded within clouds of dark matter. Dark matter itself consists of slow-moving, or “cold,” particles that come together to form structures ranging from hundreds of thousands of times the mass of the Milky Way galaxy to clumps no more massive than the heft of a commercial airplane. (In this context, "cold" refers to the particles' speed.) The Hubble observation yields new insights into the nature of dark matter and how it behaves. "We made a very compelling observational test for the cold dark matter model and it passes with flying colors," said Tommaso Treu of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), a member of the observing team.
Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Animation Credits: NASA/ESA
Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that makes up the bulk of the universe's mass and creates the scaffolding upon which galaxies are built. Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its presence indirectly by measuring how its gravity affects stars and galaxies. Detecting the smallest dark matter formations by looking for embedded stars can be difficult or impossible, because they contain very few stars. While dark matter concentrations have been detected around large- and medium-sized galaxies, much smaller clumps of dark matter have not been found until now. In the absence of observational evidence for such small-scale clumps, some researchers have developed alternative theories, including "warm dark matter." This idea suggests that dark matter particles are fast moving, zipping along too quickly to merge and form smaller concentrations. The new observations do not support this scenario, finding that dark matter is "colder" than it would have to be in the warm dark matter alternative theory. "Dark matter is colder than we knew at smaller scales," said Anna Nierenberg of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, leader of the Hubble survey. "Astronomers have carried out other observational tests of dark matter theories before, but ours provides the strongest evidence yet for the presence of small clumps of cold dark matter. By combining the latest theoretical predictions, statistical tools and new Hubble observations, we now have a much more robust result than was previously possible." Hunting for dark matter concentrations devoid of stars has proved challenging. The Hubble research team, however, used a technique in which they did not need to look for the gravitational influence of stars as tracers of dark matter. The team targeted eight powerful and distant cosmic "streetlights," called quasars (regions around active black holes that emit enormous amounts of light). The astronomers measured how the light emitted by oxygen and neon gas orbiting each of the quasars' black holes is warped by the gravity of a massive foreground galaxy, which is acting as a magnifying lens.
Image above: Each of these Hubble Space Telescope snapshots reveals four distorted images of a background quasar and its host galaxy surrounding the central core of a foreground massive galaxy. The gravity of the massive foreground galaxy is acting like a magnifying glass by warping the quasar’s light in an effect called gravitational lensing. Quasars are extremely distant cosmic streetlights produced by active black holes. Such quadruple images of quasars are rare because of the nearly exact alignment needed between the foreground galaxy and background quasar. Astronomers used the gravitational lensing effect to detect the smallest clumps of dark matter ever found. The clumps are located along the telescope's line of sight to the quasars, as well as in and around the foreground lensing galaxies. The presence of the dark matter concentrations alters the apparent brightness and position of each distorted quasar image. Astronomers compared these measurements with predictions of how the quasar images would look without the influence of the dark matter clumps. The researchers used these measurements to calculate the masses of the tiny dark matter concentrations. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 captured the near-infrared light from each quasar and dispersed it into its component colors for study with spectroscopy. The images were taken between 2015 and 2018. Image Credits: NASA, ESA, A. Nierenberg (JPL) and T. Treu (UCLA). Using this method, the team uncovered dark matter clumps along the telescope's line of sight to the quasars, as well as in and around the intervening lensing galaxies. The dark matter concentrations detected by Hubble are 1/10,000th to 1/100,000th times the mass of the Milky Way's dark matter halo. Many of these tiny groupings most likely do not contain even small galaxies, and therefore would have been impossible to detect by the traditional method of looking for embedded stars. The eight quasars and galaxies were aligned so precisely that the warping effect, called gravitational lensing, produced four distorted images of each quasar. The effect is like looking at a funhouse mirror. Such quadruple images of quasars are rare because of the nearly exact alignment needed between the foreground galaxy and background quasar. However, the researchers needed the multiple images to conduct a more detailed analysis. The presence of the dark matter clumps alters the apparent brightness and position of each distorted quasar image. Astronomers compared these measurements with predictions of how the quasar images would look without the influence of the dark matter. The researchers used the measurements to calculate the masses of the tiny dark matter concentrations. To analyze the data, the researchers also developed elaborate computing programs and intensive reconstruction techniques. "Imagine that each one of these eight galaxies is a giant magnifying glass," explained team member Daniel Gilman of UCLA. "Small dark matter clumps act as small cracks on the magnifying glass, altering the brightness and position of the four quasar images compared to what you would expect to see if the glass were smooth."
Image above: This graphic illustrates how a faraway quasar's light is altered by a massive foreground galaxy and by tiny dark matter clumps along the light path. The galaxy's powerful gravity warps and magnifies the quasar's light, producing four distorted images of the quasar.The dark matter clumps reside along the Hubble Space Telescope's line of sight to the quasar, as well as within and around the foreground galaxy. The presence of the dark matter clumps alters the apparent brightness and position of each distorted quasar image by warping and slightly bending the light as it travels from the distant quasar to Earth, as represented by the wiggly lines in the graphic. Astronomers compared these measurements with predictions of how the quasar images would look without the influence of the dark matter clumps. The researchers used these measurements to calculate the masses of the tiny dark matter concentrations. Quadruple images of a quasar are rare because the background quasar and foreground galaxy require an almost perfect alignment. Image Credits: NASA, ESA and D. Player (STScI). The researchers used Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 to capture the near-infrared light from each quasar and disperse it into its component colors for study with spectroscopy. Unique emissions from the background quasars are best seen in infrared light. "Hubble's observations from space allow us to make these measurements in galaxy systems that would not be accessible with the lower resolution of ground-based telescopes—and Earth's atmosphere is opaque to the infrared light we needed to observe," explained team member Simon Birrer of UCLA. Treu added: "It's incredible that after nearly 30 years of operation, Hubble is enabling cutting-edge views into fundamental physics and the nature of the universe that we didn't even dream of when the telescope was launched." The gravitational lenses were discovered by sifting through ground-based surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and Dark Energy Survey, which provide the most detailed three-dimensional maps of the universe ever made. The quasars are located roughly 10 billion light-years from Earth; the foreground galaxies, about 2 billion light-years. The number of small structures detected in the study offers more clues about dark matter's nature. "The particle properties of dark matter affect how many clumps form," Nierenberg explained. "That means you can learn about the particle physics of dark matter by counting the number of small clumps." However, the type of particle that makes up dark matter is still a mystery. "At present, there's no direct evidence in the lab that dark matter particles exist," Birrer said. "Particle physicists would not even talk about dark matter if the cosmologists didn’t say it's there, based on observations of its effects. When we cosmologists talk about dark matter, we're asking 'how does it govern the appearance of the universe, and on what scales?'" Astronomers will be able to conduct follow-up studies of dark matter using future NASA space telescopes such as the James Webb Space Telescope and the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), both infrared observatories. Webb will be capable of efficiently obtaining these measurements for all known quadruply lensed quasars. WFIRST's sharpness and large field of view will help astronomers make observations of the entire region of space affected by the immense gravitational field of massive galaxies and galaxy clusters. This will help researchers uncover many more of these rare systems. The team will present its results at the 235th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Honolulu, Hawaii: https://aas.org/meetings/aas235 The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, conducts Hubble science operations. STScI is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy in Washington, D.C. Related links: Hubble Space Telescope: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/main/index.html Dark Energy and Dark Matter: http://www.nasa.gov/subject/6891/dark-energy-and-dark-matter/ Images (mentioned), Animation (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Rob Garner/GFSC/Claire Andreoli/JPL/Anna Nierenberg/University of California/Tommaso Treu/Daniel Gilman. Best regards, Orbiter.ch Full article
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shinobicyrus · 6 years
“Familiar Face”
My submission for Phanniemay Day 8: Clones. Surprising myself, instead of Danielle I decided to write a short with my oc Samuel, loosely inspired by kikaiz’s Reverse Trio AU. 
Those first fleeting moments of consciousness as she was spilled out on a cold floor felt less like being born and more like falling into a drugged sleep. A brief moment of lucidity for a life more felt than half-remembered. Crowded halls lined with locker banks, homework, tests, the pressure to fit in and failing, hormones and a quiet heartache. A boy with glasses, a NASA cap, and a goofy-shy smile like a-
She grasped for it and failed, floating through the lab in a fog of numb unreality. Sterile walls, chemical smells in her nose and soakinghher hair, too-bright light blurring away details in a wash of intense white. White walls. White floors. The thin white rubber mat that was her bed. The white leotard that left the pale, white skin of her arms and legs bared and accessible for masked figures in white surgical garb. 
Strapped to an examination table. To a chair that reminded her of the dentist (what does it mean if you dream about going to the dentist? Jaz...someone she knew dabbled in those stupid dream interpretation books)
The inquiries of metal. Little prods and cuts. Needles slipping in and watching her own blood fill a glass syringe; sometimes ruby red, other times viscous and glowing witchlight green.
The tests hurt. She knew that intellectually, but not in that bone-deep, animal panic way. She was numb to it but still hoped it would clear the fog and wake her, but they didn't dig deep enough. She suspected in some back corner of her brain that it had something to do with the things they kept injecting into her, burning numbness through her veins and ink biting into her wrist. The side of her head (shaved recently, but she can’t remember when). Two blocky, jet black digits etched to partner with the crisscrossing red lines on the white canvas of her limbs.  
Mom always said she’d kill me if I got a tatto-
She never felt tired but slept when they told her to- a hope somewhere at the bottom of this well of drugged haze that if she did, she would finally wake up in a home she’d nearly forgotten, back in her room, going downstairs to a cooked breakfast and leaving the dream of the lab on her pillow to dissolve like a broken cobweb.
Sleeping in too late. They were waiting for her. The one with dark dreadlocks and the other with a smile that lit up when he saw the stars. 
“Sir, I’m reading unusual theta-wave fluctuations.”
“Adjust the dosage.”
They made their voices clear through the fog with punctuation of scalpel and shocks. She obeyed because the metal was the only time things felt real. 
“Float one meter above the deck. Now, point-five more.”
“Phase your hand through this wall- hold it there. Push it further in.”
“Hold your invisibility and remain perfectly still during the scan.”
“Fire at those targets. Good. Control: increase their speed by thirty percent. I want faster acquisition.”
They were testing her limits. Training her for something. Like in the basement of her mom and dad’s labr-
“I said do it, Four. Comply.”
(Tucker’s laugh. Maybe we should work on that, Sam.)
“Up the dosage. Twenty milligrams. Just do it.”
A few times she caught sight of a boy she didn’t know in the polished metal of an instrument tray, or in the glass of a window. Young. Short haired. A backwards number four inked into the side of his head. The face floated, ghostlike and unseen, between two men watching her in the window. One in a pristine white white white always white I’m drowning in white suit and dark sunglasses with another man in green fatigues and a chest crowded with ribbons. 
“My God, I have a son that age.”
“Respectfully Colonel, you don’t. Four was decanted less than four months ago. Don’t let it fool you into thinking it’s human.”
“But the briefing said it’s...a hybrid? Half ectoplasm and half human DNA?”
“Humans share seventy percent of their genes with slugs. Mathematically, the menu at a French restaurant is more human than that thing.”
(”Not human, not ghost...” Spectra crooned.)
“Uncle Sam isn’t paying you a hundred million dollars for escargot, Director.”
“No he is not, Colonel. Control: release the specimens.”
A section of the plain white wall slides open and a pack of three creatures float out, swimming in empty air and bombing with swishing tendrils and demented smiles. A lesson enforced at the end of a needle: Class One Malefactors “Oh come on Sam, ectopusses is the perfect name for th-”, circling around the room with the aimlessness of animals set loose in a space larger than they’d been held in.
The intercom crackles. “Four: You are cleared to engage.”
The fight felt so familiar, a moment of lucidity in the violence cutting through the perpetual fog. She flew towards one faster than it expected and punched it hard into the wall, another roared a challenge and charged at her. Instead of dodging she willed herself intangible and let it fly through her, going solid just as it passed so she can grab a bundle of its tentacles, swing it around, and slam it into the third.
They crashed in a confused tangle of babbling shrieks and too-many limbs. She raised a hand a fired a bolt of raw power- splattering the pair into a steaming mess of green goo over the white walls. The first she’d hit launches off the wall towards her, and her intangible feet slipped down through the floor, still leaving of her top-half solid enough to grab the ectopuss Malefactor and slam it on the floor once, twice, and the third time bursting it into a steaming mess. 
The streaks of green ruining the sterile white is satisfying in a way she could not articulate. She thought it was the first time she remembers smiling ever in a long time.
“Well I’ll be damned. That’s one scrappy little slug.”
The intercom again. “Release Subject Two.”
A new section of wall opens behind her. This time with the suggestion of something wrapped in glowing blue chains and a white tarp. A buzzing, electronic click powers down the chains, and the medical tarp reserved for cadavers was shredded by a glowing green skeleton, everything below the ribs missing, save for a pair of upsettingly familiar eyes crammed into two sockets.
“Two. Four. You are cleared to engage.”
They both look at the spot on the wall where the voice came from, then each other. The skeleton moves first, faster without the extra mass slowing it down and more comfortable in the air. It’s voice is a wail echoing in empty bones, slashing wildly with bony talons. 
One slashed across her side, tearing the leotard. Her blood is green today, leftovers glistening on the skeleton's clawtips. It cut through the fog, and she laughed as she dodged the follow-up strikes.
“Come on, dazzle me!”
It’s fast but reckless, vicious but too simplistic. It’s easy as learning combos in Immortal Kombat, her boys groaning as she performs yet another fatality to learn its patterns, catch it by the wrist in the middle of a wide slash, and tear the bony arm out of its socket. 
The bone of its skull had a 02 etched into it in the same font as her tattoo. She learned this because she saw it before her boot crushed it like a piece of old pottery.
“Sir, I think we should halt the test here. We’re showing elevated-”
“If it can’t handle the stress here, it’s not good to us in the field. Release Subject Three.”
At first she’s not sure what she’s seeing. A darting green light that could fit in her palm, darting in erratic patterns that leave little neon trails in the air. It doesn’t wait for an order to attack- she saw nothing but the afterimage of a streak and is hit with a fastball, dense like a dwarf star
“Red dwarfs make up most of the stars in the galaxy” he’d said, laying down on the ground next to her and pointed at the sky. “It’s actually pretty amazing just how rare our sun i-...”
Another hit in the solar plexus drove the wind out of her, it blinks like a firefly, bobbing away lighting-fast and going for her head. 
She lifted her hand and fired a burst of green, wide and imprecise but enough to stun it, she backhands it and it scatters into a dim green mist. 
At first she thought it was over, but the mist still hungin the air, swirling and collecting itself until it formed the shape of a young girl in a lime-green jumpsuit, white haired, green eyed and-
That. That face. 
She knew that face. 
The girl in the mist wavered like a mirage, her face distorted like a funhouse mirror. It hissed wordlessly at her with bulging, mismatched eyes, face sloughing like runny paint. 
There’s no strategy, no clever follow-up. She roared and tackled Three, driving it into the ground with an inhuman shriek.
Whatever flimsy consistency held it together collapses under his fists. Ectoplasm singed his knuckles, each blow molding the creature’s into something blissfully unrecognizable until the shifting, bubbling mass of green- began to reshape itself back into-
Straddling on top of it, holding it down and phasing with it whenever it tried to slip away, she kept pounding the notmenotmenotme until the mist condenses into the consistency of abused wax, a vaguely human-shaped puddle of bubbling green. 
“Four! Stand down! That’s an order, Four!”
She shoved away the melted arm that tried to reach for her and saw something in the puddle. Another person looking at her, in the reflection of the puddle of what used to be Three. 
That boy again. Young. Too young. Hair chopped short for the backwards tattoo on the side of his head. His face contorted into disgust and horror and fury.
She punches it again. “YOU.”
Again. “AREN’T.”
Pain explodes in Samuel’s fist and he tumbles backwards, clutching it close and biting back a scream in his teeth even as he lands badly. Blind and in the dark.
A light clicks on and he winces, squinting. Legs kicking, trying to push himself upright with only his feet and elbows. 
“Sammy! Sammy!” 
A pair of hands on his shoulders, steadying him. His eyes adjust enough to see Danny, looking strange and bare without his glasses. “Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay. You’re okay. Just breathe.”
He does his best to follow the advice. He looks around, everything coming back as the last of the haze clears. He’s on the floor in Tucker’s room. It was...it was just a guys’ night: pizza and video games and bad sci-fi movies and talking about thoughts and fears in the safety of the dark. 
Tucker’s standing next to his desk lamp in boxer shorts with cute Lovecraftian monsters on them, blinking owlishly without his contacts. “What’s going on?”
“I...” Samuel looks up and sees a massive crack in the mirror above Tucker’s dresser. A fractured, spiderweb pattern with flecks of green in the center. “I think I was sleepwalking.”
“More like nightmare-punching.” Danny holds out his hand, palm up. “Show me.”
Samuel agrees without thinking, taken off balance by his sudden assertiveness. Danny’s in pajama pants and a hole-ridden Star Trek t-shirt that probably should have been thrown out two years ago. His injured hand is an imitation of a dead spider- curled and twitching. He tries not to jump when Danny’s warm hands take his and turns it over. 
“You’re bleeding.” 
“I’ll be fine. I heal fast.” 
“You should still put it in like...ice or something,” his brow furrows with worry. “Does it hurt?”
“I’ve had worse.” He says, and doesn’t miss the way Danny is looking at the scars on his arm. 
Tucker crouches next to them. Samuel is so crowded by well-meaning concern he is simultaneously chafing under it and willing to do anything to keep them from leaving. “I’m sorry about your mirror.”
He shrugs. “It’ll probably be weeks before either of my parents notice. If they ask I’ll just say I did in like, a fit of hardcore protest against our bullshit appearance-obsessed culture, or something.”
“Does this mean you won’t be wearing make-up, then?” Samuel asks. 
Tucker rolls his eyes and pulls out a black compact from somewhere, which is a feat because he’s still only wearing boxers and it is distracting.”My makeup isn’t to look pretty it’s to rage against the Man, Sammy. Huge dif.”
Amazingly, Samuel doesn’t wince. “Yeah?”
Danny is still cradling his hurt hand. “Do you want to talk about it?”
From his angle on the floor the mirror is just showing a fractured, broken image of Tucker’s room all thrown in lamplight and midnight shadows. He’s not entirely sure what he’d see if he stood up and looked into it- but he’s grateful that if he had to have a horrible nightmarish flashback, he didn’t do it someplace where the first thing he’d see when he woke up was Samantha’s face. 
“Can we just...stay up for the rest of the night? I don’t really think I can manage sleeping, anymore.”
“Yeah, sure.” Danny smiles at him. “Of course. Anything you want.”
Tucker puts a reassuring hand on Samuel’s shoulder...and using it so he can push himself up and announces. “Welp. In that case, I should probably put on some pants.”
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rainofaugustsith · 7 years
Eleven Questions
Thank you so much for the tag @cavalier-life   ! Love this! :)   1: When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about? The horror of living under 45, in a society that was so incredibly splintered, perhaps?   Another one - as a kid of the 80s (I am a Xennial) we were the last generation to experience the Cold War and the first to experience life after the Berlin Wall fell and the USSR broke up. Seeing that all as a kid was fascinating.            2: What is your dream job?       Working for NASA. Being part of the New Horizons, Dawn, Juno or Cassini missions.            3: Where do you get your news?     I trust the BBC most because it seems to be more objective than  most American news sources. Also the Advocate and Vox. My local paper is pretty well respected as well, for news in this city/state.            4: What movie can you watch over and over without ever getting tired of?       Disney's original Alice in Wonderland animated film or Beetlejuice come to mind.         5: What’s the best / worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone or that was played on you? Here's one. When I was in high school I was a very good student and did all the honors/AP stuff, but there was one class that was really hard for me, and I failed it. It became a do-or-die situation where if I didn't pass the final exam for the repeated class, I would not graduate. The school required that class, no exceptions, no substitutions, for your diploma.   Anyway, at my school we had our graduation, and we all walked, but then had to go back to the school a few days later to pick up our diplomas, final report cards and transcripts after all the grades were in. So when my Mom picked me up, I made a point of slowly walking over to the car looking like I was crying, with my head held low, sniffling, staring at my report card.   Of course I passed the course and graduated, and I had my diploma hidden in my backpack, but I scared the hell out of my Mom for a good few minutes. :D            6: Where are some unusual places you’ve been?      I've traveled a lot, so I have some fun ones. Off the top of my head:
- Transylvania. - A knife museum in France - The Sex Museum in Amsterdam - The Neon Boneyard in Las Vegas - An abandoned subway station in New York City      7: What’s the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  I don't know. I avoid spicy food because I really dislike it. It makes me cry.            8: How did you get started in fanfiction, whether it’s reading, writing, or drawing?     
If we’re going to get technical, I wrote my first Star Wars ‘fanfic’ when I was in grade school, because there was a scene in one of the movies I wished had been longer, so I made it so. :) At the time I had no idea, but I was doing what all fanfic authors do in some way - taking what we see in the media we’re given, and wanting more from it.
In terms of the current SWTOR fanfic I write, I wanted to tell Lana and Viri’s story as I’d seen it in the game. I wanted it to be a story about two women in love. I wrote a ton before I had any thought of putting it on Ao3. But that seemed like a supportive and really nice community so I signed up there and waited my turn for an account. :)
9: What was your original fandom?  What drew you to it? (This one too)      Star Wars. I was not part of the enthusiasm for the first movie in the 70s, but like a lot of kids who grew up in the 80s it has been in my life as long as I can remember. I identified with it (mainly Luke) and embraced it.            10: What is your biggest obstacle when it comes to your  passion/hobby?       Time, logistics and money for just about everything I'd like to do. If I have the time I don't have the money, sadly, or vice versa. I don't need luxury in general, but if I had the means, I'd have a private jet and TRAVEL EVERYWHERE.            11: What are your most important rules when going on a date?
Being demisexual and pretty aro, I actually don't date. When I've been on dates in the past (family pressure, friends trying to set me up, etc.) it's been super uncomfortable because it's under some romantic/potentially sexual context, and there *is* no attraction or sexual context for me unless I know someone extremely well and  have developed a very special rapport with them.
All of the things someone would normally do to impress a date make no impact on me,  and I don't even get the cues most of the time. "Hey, you're cute! Want to  go out sometime?" Me: "Um. Why would we want to do that? I don't know you." LOL.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (4/?)
Kobra: Here, I'm gonna be you for a sec. Kobra: *stands next to Diamond and but his hands on his hips* Kobra: *leans left slightly* Wah
Pony: You know the motel has bedbugs, don't you? Ghoul: It does not. Pony: *flicks a dead bedbug at him* Then what's that? Ghoul: *quietly* Motherfucker-
Kobra: Play that funky music, white boy! Val: I’m surprised you know that refrence. Kobra: What refrence?
Thrill: What is toothpaste if not bone soap? Dr. Death Defying: ...every time you speak, I age another fifty years...
Thrill: *to Val* I will add a single grain of sand to your room everyday until you succumb to the desert.
Pony: Aight, here’s the four-one-one, folks. Say some gangsta is dissin’ ya fly girl, just give 'em one of these. Pony: *starts dancing*
Jet: *watching Toxin and Val fight* They must be trying to dial security from a place in a different Zone because it's been fourty-five minutes of them just saying 'Security's on their way'. Kobra: I don't know what's going awry there in that procedure, this response time is abominable. They must just be shooting up battery acid in the bathroom or something and forgot because it's just not coming. Ghoul: I'm starting to believe the security at The Nest is like the Tooth Fairy. It just doesn't exist.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (2/?)
Kit: Ghoul, Diamond said they were gonna stick their dick in the Ritz box! Ghoul: Wh- Jet: NO!? DON'T!?
Jet: *laying on the couch with his headphones on* Thrill: Are you listening to the Total Drama Island theme? Jet: *eyes widen* You can hear it??
Poison: Shit, where's my comic? Kobra: Haha, you can't find your comic. Poison: *looks around* Oh, it's on my bed. Kobra: You have a bed? Poison: Oh yeah, that's right, you sleep on the ceiling, you fucking parasite. Kobra: Yep, that me. That me.
Poison: *cowering in a pillow fort and screaming* Toxin: MOVE THE PILLOW, PISS BOY, I JUST WANNA TALK! Kit: *in the doorway* I DON'T THINK THEY WANNA TALK! Poison: I DON'T!
Diamond: *high off their ass* How the fuck can we live knowing that there are people named 'Barnaby'?
Ghoul: Hey Thrill, can I borrow three carbons to buy a rusty spoon? Thrill: No! Ghoul: Why not? Thrill: I'm playing a video game right now! I'm playing a hardcore minigame right now and you're like *imitates bass boosted noise* in my ears with your tiny person speak!
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Incorrect Quote Dump (3/?)
The rest of the Pistols: *in the back of the car after being yelled at* Diamond: AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD UNTIL WE’RE HOME! The rest of the Pistols: *silence* Toxin: Another word. Diamond: *looking like he's simultaneously about to blow a gasket and shit himself* Toxin: *:>*
Toxin: *screaming at the top of her lungs* YOU CAN’T CATCH ME, I’M THE GINGERBREAD MAN!
Thrill: *snapping pliers* Give me your teeths. Ghoul: Sorry, no-can-do. I already contacted them to her. *points at Toxin* Thrill: I don't give a fuck? It's called thievery. Give me the tooths, Ghoul-boy. Ghoul: AA-
Jet: Pony and Val are on opposite sides of a scale in regards to their betting pool. Pony is on one end where his chat would die for them and Val is at the opposite end where his chat would do literally everything to kill him.
The Girl: I wanna egg a C/R/O/W but I want an alternative that doesn't waste food. Anyone got any ideas? Poison: Brick.
Kobra: Oh fuck, I think I have I'm Gonna Fucking Die Disease. Widow: Ok, what are the symptoms? Kobra: Back hurts a bit too much for a bit too long.
Diamond: *laces up boots* There are chicks with dicks. Poison: *puts on jacket* There are dudes with pussies. Toxin: *grabs brass knuckles* And soon there will be transphobes without teeth.
Vaya: We have a perfect memory! Name one thing we have ever forgotten. Val: You left me at Hyper Thrust for two days three weeks ago. Vamos: That was on purpose, try again.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (1/?)
Warning, this post is so fucking long.
Thrill, writing in his diary: February twenty-eighth, 2020. Today I watched a crewmate fall and eat shit.
Ghoul: So you all fucked up pretty badly. Good luck finding new tires for this thing. Kit: *scoff* I think the ones we have are fine for at least another fourty miles. Ghoul: *pointing to the blown-out tires that have all but shredded off the rims* You fucking fubar'd the tires on this and you think it can go for another fourty miles!? Toxin: *cackles* Kit: You both shut up.
Jet: Wait a minute. Jet: Share...skill... Jet: *inhales* AA-
Poison: So what exactly do you and your little band of assholes do? Kit: *looking at the chaos that is the Pistols* Tss...ooh...hard question...auh...?
*after they find the Zone Four motel* Kit: *enjoying a cold shower for the first time in a while* Poison: *opens the door and walks in* Kit: Who the fuck's there? Poison: It's me, I have to piss. Kit: Ok, you do that. Try anything and I'll shoot you though. Poison: Whatever. *silence* Kit: Flush that toilet and I'll shoot you. *silence* *toilet flushes* Kit: *is sprayed with boiling hot water* POISON-
Thrill: I am your God now! Bring me your virgins! Ghoul: What virgins? We're all sluts here. Jet: Who's 'we'? Ghoul: *points at Poison* Poison: Hey!
Kobra: So what are we doing out here exactly? Poison: Kit wanted us to find something called the... Poison: *takes off glove and looks at smudged writing on hand* Poison: ‘ Hellements of Armony’.
Toxin: *scurrying through The Zones* Squeedly-dee, stay out of the desert!
Widow: So, ok, I go over to Poison's room. Here I was expecting their PC to have burned down because of all the decomposing moth carcasses in their CPU fan. But no. I was not that lucky.
Kit: *drunk and draping herself into Kobra's arms* Oh doctor! What's the diagnosis? Kobra: *sighing and playing along* You're horny for Poison... Kit: Oh my! Horny for Poison, you say? Well, do you have a cure? Kobra: *dropping her and walking away* Yeah, leaving me the fuck out of this.
Poison: *obviously drunk* BATTERY CITY! CAN SUCK! MY! D- Kobra: *slaps his hand over their mouth* And that's enough tequila for you. Poison: *muffled* LET ME SPEAK!
Widow: Thots on Val Velocity? Poison: So Val has thots now. Kit: Crawling all over him like weevils. Jet: I think they're the Ultra Vs, actually.
Widow: Why don't you listen to Cherri Cola's Poetry Corner and maybe you'll calm down.
Poison: *is fucking dead* Thrill: Thrill: Wake up, piss boy.
Toxin: Are you fucking stupid? Kit: How long have you been friends with me? Toxin: Three years? Kit: Am I stupid, Tox? Toxin: Maybe a little bit. Kit: It's ok, you can call me an idiot. Toxin: Yeah, you're a fucking dumbass.
Widow: *after settling an argument* Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
Poison: Hold on. Poison: *leaves the motel and stands outside* Poison: *SCREAMS* Kit: Kit: I'm fucking that.
Poison: FOR THE LAST TIME! Poison: STOP CALLING ME 'PISS JACKET'! Ghoul: IT SMELLS LIKE PISS! Poison: IT'S COLOGNE! Jet: Are you sure though? Poison: Ghoul: Jet: Poison: Fuck yourself.
Kobra: Hey, Poison, check this out. Poison: *fiddling with their raygun* Hang on, I'm busy. Kobra: Hey, look at me. Poison: Give me a second. Kobra: I'm more important, give me attention. Poison: I said give me a God damn second. Kobra: I'm getting very upset. Poison: I don't give a fuck how upset you are. I said give me a second. Poison: *puts their raygun down* Hello, what is it? Kobra: *points to his helmet upside down on top of his head* I can balance a helmet on my head.
Poison: *standing in Kit's doorway* I'm sad, can I lay on your floor for a sec?
Jet: *standing outside* Don't you come in this room, Korse, I will dust your ass.
Thrill: Party Piss Jacket Peepee Pants Penishead Poison, will you please come here? Poison: *>:(*
Widow: Can I ask you something? Kit: What's good? Widow: Why are you such a whore? Kit: Drive sidestreet and get dusted.
Kit: *yelling into the other room* Jet! Jet Star! Jet: *doesn't respond*  Kit: Destroya damnit. Thrill: JETTY! Jet: *looks up* What? Kit: You wanna get food? Jet: Huh? Kit: Do you wanna obtain edible substances? Jet: What? Thrill: YOU WANT FOOD!? Jet: Oh, yeah, I do! Kit: Then come outside, there's an angel cake in the next Zone over! Jet: Make me. Thrill: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET FOOD! Jet: Alright.
Thrill: *flipping Kit off with both hands* Kit: Thanks, Thrill! *:D* Thrill: Fuck you! *:D*
Ghoul: They broke it, they blew up the school, they own a trenchcoat, they have a gun- Poison: This started about Diamond accidentally stepping on my headphones.
Kobra: I overheard Poison yelling at Toxin about banana bread and something about 'I've made a shitload of banana bread, don't you dare put that much sugar in it, it'll be grainy as shit-' Thrill: I think we should regulate humans...with guns...
Toxin: Skibidefuck!
Kobra: *takes off his helmet* Toxin: He looks like a baby. He looks like a literal infant. I wanna caress his cheek and put him in a crib and sing him lullabies. FF and MLP: Toxin, what the f u c k?
Kobra: No one here is gonna make fun of you. Except he might. Ghoul: Yeah, I might.
Pony: *tries to create a sense of calm by lighting incense only to discover that the sticks were sparklers* Widow: That's painfully on-brand, actually.
The Girl: *whispering into walkie talkie* Poison, the Pistols are drinking beer, I need you to come pick me up-
Ghoul: Hey Poison, do you think I can get this egg into that jar without it cracking? Poison: No. Ghoul: *throws it at Kobra* Guess you were right.
Toxin: Dude, I thought you could do a kickflip. Ghoul: I can! I can! I did one this morning!
Val: Hey Vaya, do you have any gum? Vaya: *spits their gum out at him* Val: *blinks* Ok then- Vamos, do you have any gum? Vamos: *spits their gum out at him*
Kit: *walking into Ghoul's room* Hey Toxin, Ghoul- Oh, you guys are doing dress rehearsal. Shiny. Auh, I'm gonna go to Tommy Chow Mein's shop real quick, you guys need anything? Hair dye, Power Pup?
Widow: *holding up a jack-o-lantern* I made a goblin, what'd you guys make? Toxin: *holding her pumpkin turned into a bong* I made a kick-ass bong. Widow: ...creative! Diamond: *cutting a hole in theirs* I'm gonna fuck this pumpkin.
Ghoul: *looking through a telescope* I love this Zone! Widow and Kit: *play wrestling in the dirt* Poison: Lemme see- *looks through telescope in the other direction* Kobra and Toxin: *fucking on the hood of the M240* Poison: Gorgeous.
Diamond: *has been staring at the same ray gun for the past thirty minutes* Tommy Chow Mein: Buy something or fuck off.
Val: Hey guys. Good alternative recycling; when you're done with a glass bottle, eat it. Fucking eat the bottle.
Kobra: *reading sign outside the shower* No shoes, no shirt, no pants, no socks, no underwear. Kobra: Ok, I think I'm good. *gets in*
Widow: Look at the buns on that guy. Jet: *laying on the ground covered in burger buns* Korse: This is the comedy police, the joke's too funny! Widow: *holding her ray gun* I'M NOT GOING BACK TO THE ICEBOX-
Jet: *while he's in tears* It's a mental break down... Jet: *plays kazoo to the tune of Final Countdown*
Dr. Death Defying: What'cha doing on the roof, Tommy? Tommy Chow Mein: *on the roof of his shop* I lost a frisbee. Dr. Death Defying: Are you smoking battery acid up there? Tommy Chow Mein: ...yeah.
Pony: Keep drinking, Val, don't be boring! God! Pony: *to Diamond* I want him to fucking pass out so someone finally notices me.
Poison: *wearing the Mousekat head while they’re standing in the empty hotel pool* Thrill: What the fuck? There's a furry in the pool. Poison: *raises their ray gun* Thrill: AA-
Ghoul: *sliding into the trans-AM* What's up, pussy? Poison: How do you know what I ate yesterday? Ghoul: Poison: Ghoul: Yeah, you right. Poison: *starts the car* Mhm.
Poison: *driving* Diamond: *in the backseat* POISON! Poison: Yep-? Yeah-?? Diamond: *pointing out the back window* LOOK! *there's a car full of Draculoids on their tail* Poison: OH! OH FUCK! floors it NO, NO, NO, NO! NO-
Val: *lays on the floor* Ooh, I'm exhausted. Thrill: Yeah, you're really sweaty. Val: You should've seen the other guy- Girl- Your mom- What? Thrill: What? Val: What?
Dr. Death Defying: *coming in at three AM over the radio* Stop it. Get some help.
Jet: I'm gonna tell you what I don't do. I don't know shit, I don't get stuff, and I don't understand things.
Thrill: So you'll do it? Kit: Yeah, man, I'll dust him. Thrill: For how much? Kit: How about thirty? Thrill: Thirty thousand carbons? Kit: *spits out drink*
Widow: Can you sing the song? Dr. Death Defying: *singing* Shut the fuck and go to sleep- Widow: Thanks *:>*
Toxin: *wielding a water gun* Put the carbons in the bag, right now- Tommy Chow Mein: That's a water gun. Toxin: *throws it at him* Tommy Chow Mein: Ow! Fine, asshole, just take it-
Val: *walking out of the V's hideout* Last one out is a stupid idiot! The V's: *have been standing outside for the past hour*
*before they got with the Pistols* Tommy Chow Mein: *over the loudspeaker* Would the owner of the lime green Honda please come to the front desk. Diamond: *walking over* Are my lights on? Tommy Chow Mein: No, I just wanted to see what you looked like. Your car's fucking ugly.
Poison: You ready for the best night ever? Widow: You mean sleepy time tea and a good night's sleep? Poison: ...we're going to a Mad Gear concert. Widow: ...I already made the tea.
Dr. Death Defying: *over the loudspeaker* Attention shoppers, our store closes in ten fucking minutes. Get your shit and let's fucking go. Tommy Chow Mein: *distantly* Hey, you don't fucking work here-
Diamond: Pony is so annoying. Pony: *outside the window of their room* I heard you were talking shit about me- Diamond: WE ARE ON THE THIRD FLOOR-
Toxin: 'Tommy Chow Mein' is short for 'Thomas Chowder Mainstreet'. Tommy Chow Mein: Get the fuck out.
Diamond: *a sand pup* What up? I'm Diamond, I'm nineteen, and I never fuckin' learned how to read.
Ghoul: *looms over Diamond* Diamond: *looks up from writing in a notebook* Ghoul: Diamond: Ghoul: Diamond: Diamond: I'm writing porn, what the fuck do you want? Ghoul: *loses it and fucks off*
*at dinner* Jet: Short-ass. Poison: Cuck. Jet: Fuck you. Poison: No, fuck you. Jet: Eat shit and live. Poison: You look like you bite deodorant sticks. Jet: *holds up bowl* I will cut your hair to look like this. Poison: GHOUL, HE THREATENED ME-
Val: *wild cackling* I GOT ANOTHER HEADSHOT! *cackling continues*
Toxin: Oh Destroya. You don't think- Ghoul: By the way it's looking, Tox, I'd say Val's a dirty... Toxin: Oh Destroya- Ghoul: Collectivizing... Toxin: No- Ghoul: Gemini. Toxin: GEMINI! GEMINI! Ghoul: Yeah, go get him, Toxin! Toxin: REEEE- *runs in Val's direction* *screaming*
Toxin: *holding her pet possum* Yeah, and spray him down with that shit in the bottle there. Kobra: *reading the label* For fleas and ticks, huh? Ghoul: *starts laughing in the distance* I'm sorry, for a sec I thought you said 'fleas and piss'! *laughter continues*  Thrill: We could get some of that for Poison then! *laughs* Toxin: *quietly* Party 'Piss Jacket' Poison.
Diamond: *walking down to the kitchen* Fuck it, I'm hungry enough that I'll eat the stale cereal. Jet: It's five AM, also that cereal is beyond fucking stale. Diamond: *disappearing into the kitchen* I'll probably hate myself afterwards but, eh, am hungy.
Widow: Kit, I think your dress rehearsal partner is gonna slap me. Kit: ...I'm sorry? I can't really stop 'em. Poison: *raises hand* Widow: AA-
Kobra: It's almost six in the morning. What the fuck? Jet: Hi, almost six in the morning. I'm dead. Kobra: *-_-* Kobra: *0_0*
*in the Nest* Val: *sits down with a can of Power Pup* Toxin: You happy? Val: Mhm. Toxin: Good. Your happiness distracts from the fact that I poisoned that Power Pup. Val: Good. I don't like my foods unpoisoned.
Vaya: *eating a piece of bread* This bread is, like, on the precipice of being stale. Vamos: That sucks. Vaya: Yeah. Vamos: I wouldn't be too happy. Vaya: Yeah, it's the worst snack I've had the misfortune of eating. Vamos: Then stop? Vaya: No, I hate myself and therefore I'm gonna finish it. Also Val would kick my ass if I wasted food. Val: *from the next room* I would! Vaya: See? Vamos: Fine, finish your fuckin' bread.
Thrill: You- You've been- Been- You've been- You've been hit with a distraction spell. Thrill: *punches Val in the thigh* Val: OW, YOU FUCKER- Thrill: *gets up and runs*
Val: *opens pack of fruit snacks with teeth* Poison: *intense stare* Val: ...what? Poison: *points at fruit snacks* Val: No. Mine. Poison: I will fucking dismember you, give them to me.
Ghoul: I don't see how you can sleep with that fucking blanket. I tried to once and it was so fucking hot. It also weighs more than me, probably. Poison: *curled up in a blanket* It's not my fault you're cold-blooded. Ghoul: *hisses* Jet: What'd you say about the cold-blooded? Poison: I was talking about Ghoul. Jet: Ah. Ghoul: Yeah, Jetty, you're friends with a reptilian. Kobra: *quietly* You're not Leafy. *the other three lose it*
Poison: *slaps Kit's ass* Night! Poison: *goes to their room*
Kobra: *walking up to his room* Widow: Why is it that whenever he walks on stairs, it sounds like the stairs are trying to eat him? Kobra: *turns around and squints*
Diamond: Eugh, this off-brand ramen tastes like ass. Widow: Yeah, it really does. Diamond: If it's not Better Living brand, it's not ramen. Widow: That's what I told Thrill. Of course, I was ignored. Kit: Thrill has small pea brain.
Val: Fight me. Ghoul: No. Val: Fight me. Ghoul: Diamond already tried to fight me in the kitchen, I don't wanna fight anybody else. Val: Beat my ass. Ghoul: I cannot. Val: Why? Ghoul: Ghoul: I'm small.
Toxin: Hey, I said Kobra was cute, I didn't say he was smart. Kit: That...applies to me... Kit: Why does that apply to me??
Toxin: *licks Kobra's cheek* Diamond: Don't lick that, you don't know where it's been! Kobra: *>:(*
Poison: I'm too sober to be having this conversation! Toxin: No, we're having this conversation! What the fuck do you mean!?
Val: I suck? I suck?? You died! You died! You just died and you’re saying I suck???
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