#tlotfk au
brits4gerardway · 3 months
in my own little crazy world val velocity secretly runs a dnd campaign
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Incorrect Quote Dump (4/?)
Kobra: Here, I'm gonna be you for a sec. Kobra: *stands next to Diamond and but his hands on his hips* Kobra: *leans left slightly* Wah
Pony: You know the motel has bedbugs, don't you? Ghoul: It does not. Pony: *flicks a dead bedbug at him* Then what's that? Ghoul: *quietly* Motherfucker-
Kobra: Play that funky music, white boy! Val: I’m surprised you know that refrence. Kobra: What refrence?
Thrill: What is toothpaste if not bone soap? Dr. Death Defying: ...every time you speak, I age another fifty years...
Thrill: *to Val* I will add a single grain of sand to your room everyday until you succumb to the desert.
Pony: Aight, here’s the four-one-one, folks. Say some gangsta is dissin’ ya fly girl, just give 'em one of these. Pony: *starts dancing*
Jet: *watching Toxin and Val fight* They must be trying to dial security from a place in a different Zone because it's been fourty-five minutes of them just saying 'Security's on their way'. Kobra: I don't know what's going awry there in that procedure, this response time is abominable. They must just be shooting up battery acid in the bathroom or something and forgot because it's just not coming. Ghoul: I'm starting to believe the security at The Nest is like the Tooth Fairy. It just doesn't exist.
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fantasist-art-mh · 2 years
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Frankie in my true lives of the fabulous killjoys au!
I imagine Frankie as the head of their group of ‘monsters’ who go around trying to help the people in the desert and protect as many as they can from Better Living Industries. Frankie would be the one to pull the group together and the unofficial leader. They’re full of hope and have that spark that inspires them to change the world and take down BLI.
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graffitibible · 2 years
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In every universe, Party Poison and the Fabulous Killjoys are a terror-brand of spite and agitation, a stain upon a megacorporation's spotless might. They wage a doomed war and they do it with a song in their hearts.
In this universe, Parson Young works grueling hours at the "eat shit until you die" factory, struggling to carve out a space for a house full of illegal tenants in a bad part of town, until one night they message the house groupchat with a very sudden, bizarre request.
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dxppercxdxver · 2 years
hello everyone it’s that time of year again where i change my urls everywhere so i’m letting you know that my new ao3 handle is evilpxnsy :)
here are some helpful links back to most of my fics! i don’t Think this should change the efficacy of the links in previous posts about them but here
- half of the time i’m only halfway here (where or when?)
- blizzard of pumice piled six feet high (goncharov)
- leave your body at the door (killjoys)
- old churchyard (killjoys)
- where the sun can’t find me (werewolf au spies are forever)
- afraid to look up and afraid to let go (spytown)
- when the chips are down (spytown)
- the road to hell (spytown)
- the (g)hosts of satellite’s past (mst3k)
- de artfest fic series (detroit evolution)
thanks for reading <3
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
Summary: Something wakes Jet up
Half-because of this art (ty pi ily) and half-for day two (Jet Star) of @ddplatonicpromptweek!
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I would like to present: Pirate Killjoycore! I’m pretty sure I’m not the first person to suggest pirates in the Danger Days ‘verse*–after all, we know that east of Battery City, the desert is full of runaways fighting BLI, but there’s all that ocean to the west unaccounted for. Why wouldn’t some ‘joys run off to sea instead of the desert, steal some boats, and carry on the fight on the other front? 
So, I wanted to try and capture how the Killjoy vibe might play out on the pirate side of things. I figure some ‘joys steal big yachts and graffiti them up and manage to run them off of the same mystical fuel source cars in the Zones run on. Maybe others who can’t get the magic gas thing to work for them or who don't want to rely on fuel patchwork together sails from scraps of fabric, graffiti those, and cobble together some rigging--and maybe some were lucky enough to grab up actual Tall Ships for that authentic Pirate Vibe.
If you’re a pirate ‘joy, of course, your boat will also be your crew’s home, so I figure they’re pretty cozy and colorful inside, too (and probably pretty cluttered, but in a homey way). As far as Pirate Killjoy fashion, I imagine it’s as bright, chaotic, and colorful as its counterpart Zones fashion, except naturally more pirate-inspired, with long swishy coats and big hats. 
I have a lot more Pirate Killjoycore pictures saved that didn’t make it into this moodboard, too, so let me know if there’s something specific you’d like to see more of! I can always make posts with individual pictures, too; my standard moodboard formatting wasn’t working this time since I needed my pictures to be different widths and heights for this one, so I had to make it elsewhere, hence why it’s all one image, but if you want to see one or more pictures closer, let me know. 
Seriously though feel free to ask me about Pirate Killjoys and related aesthetics! I am very slow about answering asks but I do have many thoughts about this :) 
Sources and more below the cut.
*I thought for sure at one point I’d seen a headcanon post about pirates in the DDverse, but I haven’t been able to find anything in the tags. If you have one, feel free to tag me in it or otherwise send it my way! 
Sources: x  x  x  /  x  x  x  /  x  x  x
Disclaimer, I don’t necessarily go through all of my sources, I just grab the pictures and links from image searches; that said, I did happen to click around a bit and the image on the flickr account the bottom left picture came from is right next to a picture of a dead person so I felt like I should give fair warning in case you decide to look through that flickr at all. It appears to be some part of a funeral procession in India but the dead person is clearly visible so, fair warning. 
Also I did watch the video on La Preciosa (top left, the boat with the smiley face) and that was pretty cool (and had definite Killjoy vibes). :)  
Also technically I found the first graffitied tall ship here but I did a reverse image search to find my sources and the artist’s page has more information about the painting. Now that I look at the original post though, you can actually see the details of the painting better there I think. 
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kryptidkat · 4 years
kobracola time
i finally went and done it
an AU for I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly...
Read it on AO3
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neepynoodles · 4 years
Fun Ghoul/Kobra Kid - from my Dullahan AU!  ---
Fun Ghoul dies. Sort of. One moment he's bleeding out, surrounded by drac corpses on the side of the road in the sand, and the next he's shouting a stupid comeback to some guy with a nice voice and then suddenly he's fine.
Kobra Kid isn't meant to talk to the souls he reaps. But sometimes... Sometimes there's exceptions. Like when said soul is wearing a really ugly shirt and he needs to let them know.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (2/?)
Kit: Ghoul, Diamond said they were gonna stick their dick in the Ritz box! Ghoul: Wh- Jet: NO!? DON'T!?
Jet: *laying on the couch with his headphones on* Thrill: Are you listening to the Total Drama Island theme? Jet: *eyes widen* You can hear it??
Poison: Shit, where's my comic? Kobra: Haha, you can't find your comic. Poison: *looks around* Oh, it's on my bed. Kobra: You have a bed? Poison: Oh yeah, that's right, you sleep on the ceiling, you fucking parasite. Kobra: Yep, that me. That me.
Poison: *cowering in a pillow fort and screaming* Toxin: MOVE THE PILLOW, PISS BOY, I JUST WANNA TALK! Kit: *in the doorway* I DON'T THINK THEY WANNA TALK! Poison: I DON'T!
Diamond: *high off their ass* How the fuck can we live knowing that there are people named 'Barnaby'?
Ghoul: Hey Thrill, can I borrow three carbons to buy a rusty spoon? Thrill: No! Ghoul: Why not? Thrill: I'm playing a video game right now! I'm playing a hardcore minigame right now and you're like *imitates bass boosted noise* in my ears with your tiny person speak!
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Incorrect Quote Dump (3/?)
The rest of the Pistols: *in the back of the car after being yelled at* Diamond: AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD UNTIL WE’RE HOME! The rest of the Pistols: *silence* Toxin: Another word. Diamond: *looking like he's simultaneously about to blow a gasket and shit himself* Toxin: *:>*
Toxin: *screaming at the top of her lungs* YOU CAN’T CATCH ME, I’M THE GINGERBREAD MAN!
Thrill: *snapping pliers* Give me your teeths. Ghoul: Sorry, no-can-do. I already contacted them to her. *points at Toxin* Thrill: I don't give a fuck? It's called thievery. Give me the tooths, Ghoul-boy. Ghoul: AA-
Jet: Pony and Val are on opposite sides of a scale in regards to their betting pool. Pony is on one end where his chat would die for them and Val is at the opposite end where his chat would do literally everything to kill him.
The Girl: I wanna egg a C/R/O/W but I want an alternative that doesn't waste food. Anyone got any ideas? Poison: Brick.
Kobra: Oh fuck, I think I have I'm Gonna Fucking Die Disease. Widow: Ok, what are the symptoms? Kobra: Back hurts a bit too much for a bit too long.
Diamond: *laces up boots* There are chicks with dicks. Poison: *puts on jacket* There are dudes with pussies. Toxin: *grabs brass knuckles* And soon there will be transphobes without teeth.
Vaya: We have a perfect memory! Name one thing we have ever forgotten. Val: You left me at Hyper Thrust for two days three weeks ago. Vamos: That was on purpose, try again.
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
kobra and ghoul friendship thoughts
for @ghostxraven ty for asking!!!
- ghoul’s a big fan of kobra’s racing! (they all are but) ghoul knows the competition and will talk shit about them to/in front of kobra to give him a boost
- if kobra sees ghoul struggling with a project sometimes he’ll wait for ghoul to go to bed and then work on it a bit, esp if its fine wiring or something that ghoul’s hands are gonna give him a lot of trouble with
- understand each other regarding their former addictions, keep each other level w/o judgement or pity or anything
- BASTARD role models for the girl. like yes she learned how to be a shit from all of them but ghoul and kobra definitely modelled things like “how to push party’s buttons until he screams” and “the three key steps to giving jet a stress headache” or (most importantly) “ever wanted to see cherri cola pull a knife on someone? ever wanted to be the person he pulls a knife on?” (cherri wont pull a knife on the girl, but kobra and ghoul will call him on letting her get away with behaviour that he’d put either of them in a headlock for)
- throw things at each other All the time. like yes to pass things but also just to get attention
- steal each others food and drinks a Lot (mostly ghoul stealing kobra’s food bc ghoul actually likes powerpup and eats it a lot and kobra would rather starve than eat that shit)
- i think ive said it before but in both of my main canons they were the reason that the other one stayed in the crew. like main canon - kobra is why ghoul stayed and in android au - ghoul is why kobra stayed
- android au specific! kobras version of body mod in that au is going to ghoul with a weird coding/hardware idea and them puzzling it out together. anything from “do you think we can code my eyes to change colour when im mad” to “hey what if we put a third arm in my back would that be cool or what” (it was cool but made it hard to wear uh. shirts. so they took it off after a few days)
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
20 for funpoison?
20. Would they be the one to propose, the one hoping for a proposal, or no interest in marriage/the equivalent thereof? 
(take this as android au) ghoul WANTS to propose. ghoul wants to propose SO BAD but he cant shake how similar marriage (in the zones literally putting a band on the person that designates them as inseperable from you) seems to ownership and he doesn’t want to do that to pois (who, as an android, had literally been owned) and anyway he assume pois doesnt even know what marriage is. but they know they want to spend their lives together so one day pois just looks at ghoul and goes ‘why arent we engaged yet?’ as if it shouldve been obvious to ghoul that thats what he wants (it should’ve been, ghoul’s kinda dumb when hes in his head and inventing boundaries that pois doesnt have)
Send character asks!
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
17 for Android AU FunPoison? (Maybe something that doesn’t get too,, tongue-y or otherwise intense, if possible?)
17. A goofy kiss
On Ao3!
Request a pairing and a number!
 “No, Pois, stop I’m—”
 Party dug their fingers into Ghoul’s sides again and he let out a peal of laughter.
 “You never aid you were ticklish,” marvelled Party. He settled his weight a little more firmly over Ghoul’s hips, easily overtaking Ghoul’s attempts at pushing him off.
 Between giggles, Ghoul replied, “I didn’t— didn’ think you— Did Jet put you up t’ this?” He grabbed Party’s wrists and stilled them momentarily. “I didn’t think you knew what ticklish was.”
 “Of course I knew what ticklish is! I’m offended and hurt and—” Party dragged his fingers up Ghoul’s ribs to his armpits. “Yeah, Jet put me up to it. Why didn’t you tell me?”
 Ghoul didn’t reply for a minute, twisting underneath Party while shrieking with laughter. He finally caught his breath when Party relented and fixed them with a soft glare.
 “I knew you’d be a bastard ‘bout it,” he panted.
 “You know me too—” Ghoul succeeded in flipping them over and scrambled to pin Party to the floor “—well.”
 “‘M gonna code you to be ticklish, see how you like it.”
 Unimpressed and unaffected by Ghoul’s attempts to make him laugh, Party reached up for Ghoul’s jaw with their one free hand. “Good luck with that,” they murmured, then pulled Ghoul down into a kiss.
��He sighed against Party’s lips for a moment, then shrieked and pulled back again when Party’s hand slid to his waist.
 “You’re so jumpy,” Party kissed Ghoul again. “I was just gettin’ a better grip.”
 “You’re a bad liar,” countered Ghoul.
 Still, he didn’t put up a whole lot of resistance when Party flipped them back over, tickling Ghoul for a moment longer before leaning back down.
 “I didn’t hear any complaints.”
 Nor would he, when Ghoul grabbed his collar and pulled him the rest of the way in.
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
android au hcs
im not gonna talk abt plot things but i wanna talk abt the mechanics of party and kobra bein’ droids!
- BLI droids are generally made to look human, security droids moreso so they can blend in with bat city citizens to monitor them
- they have plug-in chargers that connect to ports in the backs of their necks, but can keep a charge going if they move around enough. immobilization is a major punishment for droids, and used as an interrogation method sometime because its absolutely terrifying to feel your battery drain and not be able to do anything about it.
- made to either be on or off, shutting down/turning off is the equivalent of being in a coma (or straight up dying if the battery drains enough) so the first thing ghoul modified for party was figured out how to code a sleep mode so he didnt have to shut all the way down all the time.
- all security droids have comm implants (normally) behind their ears, mostly for inter-droid communication but can be modified for radio, as well as advanced speed and strength and a few embedded weapons (the raygun inside their wrist is a popular one)
- with all that in mind, theyre not the same model. Party’s model is made to be a commander (under their exterminator ofc) while kobra’s is more of a foot solider/grunt model.
- party is coded with more higher reasoning skills, decision making, ability to coordinate, they also have advanced comm systems to relay orders better
- kobra has more weapons, more strength, better reflexes, and is made with slightly cheaper components. after all, his model is gonna get the most damage, no sense making them expensive to replace
- maintenance is easy but finding spare parts is not. if something breaks they would be shit out of luck if not for ghoul’s superhuman ability to jig up weird fixes and spare parts. kobra picks up a bit of the maintenance stuff (he likes learning things bc he knows that he can do more than bli intended for him) after enough hanging over ghoul’s shoulder while he maintained party
- apart from being a different model, party is also an older model than kobra (and have been in the zones longer) so they have more issues, randomly shut down more, etc. not to say kobra gets off easily though.
- they have regular sensation like humans, can feel almost better than them, actually. pain from injuries intensifies the longer they go without maintenance. im sure you can imagine how often kobra got injured before defecting.
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
Android AU time! Poison’s favourite date that him and Ghoul have been on was the first time Ghoul took him out dancing. They were, categorically, awful at it, but Ghoul was really patient explaining the basic steps and rhythms and now whenever Poison wants to, they’ll play some music off the audio chip they had Ghoul install and clumsily waltz around the diner with him.
Send a 📂  for a random hc!
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