#zapped carbon ;; electric diamond
Incorrect Quote Dump (2/?)
Kit: Ghoul, Diamond said they were gonna stick their dick in the Ritz box! Ghoul: Wh- Jet: NO!? DON'T!?
Jet: *laying on the couch with his headphones on* Thrill: Are you listening to the Total Drama Island theme? Jet: *eyes widen* You can hear it??
Poison: Shit, where's my comic? Kobra: Haha, you can't find your comic. Poison: *looks around* Oh, it's on my bed. Kobra: You have a bed? Poison: Oh yeah, that's right, you sleep on the ceiling, you fucking parasite. Kobra: Yep, that me. That me.
Poison: *cowering in a pillow fort and screaming* Toxin: MOVE THE PILLOW, PISS BOY, I JUST WANNA TALK! Kit: *in the doorway* I DON'T THINK THEY WANNA TALK! Poison: I DON'T!
Diamond: *high off their ass* How the fuck can we live knowing that there are people named 'Barnaby'?
Ghoul: Hey Thrill, can I borrow three carbons to buy a rusty spoon? Thrill: No! Ghoul: Why not? Thrill: I'm playing a video game right now! I'm playing a hardcore minigame right now and you're like *imitates bass boosted noise* in my ears with your tiny person speak!
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habits-white-rabbit · 4 years
Anubis Grimes Electric Diamond // Black Dragon Fighting Society - My Chemical Romance
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Yeah, I drink juice when I'm killing, 'cause it's fucking delicious!
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A highly anticipated new form of carbon has finally arrived on the scene.
Called cyclocarbon, this molecule consists of a ring of 18 carbon atoms. Scientists described it online August 15 in Science. It offers a new face to one of chemistry’s most celebrated elements.
“It’s not every day that you make a new form of carbon,” says chemist Rik Tykwinski. He works in Canada at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Chemists had been trying to create cyclocarbon for a long time. So long that Tykwinski — who wasn’t involved with the new research — had placed a bet about whether it was even possible. He won, he says.
Scientists Say: Graphene
Cyclocarbon joins other molecular forms of the adaptable element, from diamond and graphite to the thin sheets called graphene. There are also tiny spheres known as buckyballs and nano-scale cylinders called carbon nanotubes.
Chemists thought it should be possible to create ring-shaped carbon molecules. But until now, nobody knew what their properties would be, notes physicist Katharina Kaiser. She’s at IBM Research in Zurich, Switzerland. “It’s really amazing that we found it,” she says, “and it’s absolutely great that we could characterize it.”
Kaiser’s team started with molecules of cyclocarbon oxide. These are made of carbon and other atoms. They included groups of carbon monoxide (pairs of carbon and oxygen atoms). Removing the carbon monoxide was a necessary step to create the new ring form of carbon. But that was no easy task. Carbon monoxide helped to stabilize the starting molecule. The researchers managed to pluck off the carbon monoxide groups by zapping the molecule with electricity. They used a specialized tool called an atomic force microscope.
Once the researchers had a bare ring of carbon, they wanted to capture an image of its structure. Again, they used the atomic force microscope. Cyclocarbon reacts easily with other substances — but not table salt. So the team created the new carbon molecule on a salty surface.
Previous research had found hints of cyclocarbon molecules in a gas. But it wasn’t possible to make an image of those molecules. So scientists couldn’t identify the bonds holding the molecule together. Scientists wanted to know if all the bonds were the same length.
The new study resolved that question. It showed that the carbon atoms are held together by alternating long and short bonds.
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Cyclocarbon has 18 carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as seen in this simulation. There’s an alternating pattern of long and short bonds between the atoms. CREDIT: IBM Research
That should now help scientists refine the computer calculations used to predict the structures of unknown molecules. “There’s still a big question whether many of these … calculations give the right answer,” says Yves Rubin. “So it’s very important to confirm by experiment.” Rubin is a chemist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who also was not involved with the study.
Previous work on new forms of carbon caused great excitement among scientists. The discovery in the 1980s of buckyballs (and the family of molecules that includes them, called fullerenes) won a Nobel Prize. Likewise, the 2004 discovery of graphene won a Nobel. Investigations into its many potential uses in electronics and elsewhere have continued.
But because cyclocarbon isn’t stable, it can’t be bottled up for further study. So, for now, it’s not clear how wide-ranging this new molecule’s impact will be.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (3/?)
The rest of the Pistols: *in the back of the car after being yelled at* Diamond: AND I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER WORD UNTIL WE’RE HOME! The rest of the Pistols: *silence* Toxin: Another word. Diamond: *looking like he's simultaneously about to blow a gasket and shit himself* Toxin: *:>*
Toxin: *screaming at the top of her lungs* YOU CAN’T CATCH ME, I’M THE GINGERBREAD MAN!
Thrill: *snapping pliers* Give me your teeths. Ghoul: Sorry, no-can-do. I already contacted them to her. *points at Toxin* Thrill: I don't give a fuck? It's called thievery. Give me the tooths, Ghoul-boy. Ghoul: AA-
Jet: Pony and Val are on opposite sides of a scale in regards to their betting pool. Pony is on one end where his chat would die for them and Val is at the opposite end where his chat would do literally everything to kill him.
The Girl: I wanna egg a C/R/O/W but I want an alternative that doesn't waste food. Anyone got any ideas? Poison: Brick.
Kobra: Oh fuck, I think I have I'm Gonna Fucking Die Disease. Widow: Ok, what are the symptoms? Kobra: Back hurts a bit too much for a bit too long.
Diamond: *laces up boots* There are chicks with dicks. Poison: *puts on jacket* There are dudes with pussies. Toxin: *grabs brass knuckles* And soon there will be transphobes without teeth.
Vaya: We have a perfect memory! Name one thing we have ever forgotten. Val: You left me at Hyper Thrust for two days three weeks ago. Vamos: That was on purpose, try again.
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Incorrect Quote Dump (1/?)
Warning, this post is so fucking long.
Thrill, writing in his diary: February twenty-eighth, 2020. Today I watched a crewmate fall and eat shit.
Ghoul: So you all fucked up pretty badly. Good luck finding new tires for this thing. Kit: *scoff* I think the ones we have are fine for at least another fourty miles. Ghoul: *pointing to the blown-out tires that have all but shredded off the rims* You fucking fubar'd the tires on this and you think it can go for another fourty miles!? Toxin: *cackles* Kit: You both shut up.
Jet: Wait a minute. Jet: Share...skill... Jet: *inhales* AA-
Poison: So what exactly do you and your little band of assholes do? Kit: *looking at the chaos that is the Pistols* Tss...ooh...hard question...auh...?
*after they find the Zone Four motel* Kit: *enjoying a cold shower for the first time in a while* Poison: *opens the door and walks in* Kit: Who the fuck's there? Poison: It's me, I have to piss. Kit: Ok, you do that. Try anything and I'll shoot you though. Poison: Whatever. *silence* Kit: Flush that toilet and I'll shoot you. *silence* *toilet flushes* Kit: *is sprayed with boiling hot water* POISON-
Thrill: I am your God now! Bring me your virgins! Ghoul: What virgins? We're all sluts here. Jet: Who's 'we'? Ghoul: *points at Poison* Poison: Hey!
Kobra: So what are we doing out here exactly? Poison: Kit wanted us to find something called the... Poison: *takes off glove and looks at smudged writing on hand* Poison: ‘ Hellements of Armony’.
Toxin: *scurrying through The Zones* Squeedly-dee, stay out of the desert!
Widow: So, ok, I go over to Poison's room. Here I was expecting their PC to have burned down because of all the decomposing moth carcasses in their CPU fan. But no. I was not that lucky.
Kit: *drunk and draping herself into Kobra's arms* Oh doctor! What's the diagnosis? Kobra: *sighing and playing along* You're horny for Poison... Kit: Oh my! Horny for Poison, you say? Well, do you have a cure? Kobra: *dropping her and walking away* Yeah, leaving me the fuck out of this.
Poison: *obviously drunk* BATTERY CITY! CAN SUCK! MY! D- Kobra: *slaps his hand over their mouth* And that's enough tequila for you. Poison: *muffled* LET ME SPEAK!
Widow: Thots on Val Velocity? Poison: So Val has thots now. Kit: Crawling all over him like weevils. Jet: I think they're the Ultra Vs, actually.
Widow: Why don't you listen to Cherri Cola's Poetry Corner and maybe you'll calm down.
Poison: *is fucking dead* Thrill: Thrill: Wake up, piss boy.
Toxin: Are you fucking stupid? Kit: How long have you been friends with me? Toxin: Three years? Kit: Am I stupid, Tox? Toxin: Maybe a little bit. Kit: It's ok, you can call me an idiot. Toxin: Yeah, you're a fucking dumbass.
Widow: *after settling an argument* Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
Poison: Hold on. Poison: *leaves the motel and stands outside* Poison: *SCREAMS* Kit: Kit: I'm fucking that.
Poison: FOR THE LAST TIME! Poison: STOP CALLING ME 'PISS JACKET'! Ghoul: IT SMELLS LIKE PISS! Poison: IT'S COLOGNE! Jet: Are you sure though? Poison: Ghoul: Jet: Poison: Fuck yourself.
Kobra: Hey, Poison, check this out. Poison: *fiddling with their raygun* Hang on, I'm busy. Kobra: Hey, look at me. Poison: Give me a second. Kobra: I'm more important, give me attention. Poison: I said give me a God damn second. Kobra: I'm getting very upset. Poison: I don't give a fuck how upset you are. I said give me a second. Poison: *puts their raygun down* Hello, what is it? Kobra: *points to his helmet upside down on top of his head* I can balance a helmet on my head.
Poison: *standing in Kit's doorway* I'm sad, can I lay on your floor for a sec?
Jet: *standing outside* Don't you come in this room, Korse, I will dust your ass.
Thrill: Party Piss Jacket Peepee Pants Penishead Poison, will you please come here? Poison: *>:(*
Widow: Can I ask you something? Kit: What's good? Widow: Why are you such a whore? Kit: Drive sidestreet and get dusted.
Kit: *yelling into the other room* Jet! Jet Star! Jet: *doesn't respond*  Kit: Destroya damnit. Thrill: JETTY! Jet: *looks up* What? Kit: You wanna get food? Jet: Huh? Kit: Do you wanna obtain edible substances? Jet: What? Thrill: YOU WANT FOOD!? Jet: Oh, yeah, I do! Kit: Then come outside, there's an angel cake in the next Zone over! Jet: Make me. Thrill: SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET FOOD! Jet: Alright.
Thrill: *flipping Kit off with both hands* Kit: Thanks, Thrill! *:D* Thrill: Fuck you! *:D*
Ghoul: They broke it, they blew up the school, they own a trenchcoat, they have a gun- Poison: This started about Diamond accidentally stepping on my headphones.
Kobra: I overheard Poison yelling at Toxin about banana bread and something about 'I've made a shitload of banana bread, don't you dare put that much sugar in it, it'll be grainy as shit-' Thrill: I think we should regulate humans...with guns...
Toxin: Skibidefuck!
Kobra: *takes off his helmet* Toxin: He looks like a baby. He looks like a literal infant. I wanna caress his cheek and put him in a crib and sing him lullabies. FF and MLP: Toxin, what the f u c k?
Kobra: No one here is gonna make fun of you. Except he might. Ghoul: Yeah, I might.
Pony: *tries to create a sense of calm by lighting incense only to discover that the sticks were sparklers* Widow: That's painfully on-brand, actually.
The Girl: *whispering into walkie talkie* Poison, the Pistols are drinking beer, I need you to come pick me up-
Ghoul: Hey Poison, do you think I can get this egg into that jar without it cracking? Poison: No. Ghoul: *throws it at Kobra* Guess you were right.
Toxin: Dude, I thought you could do a kickflip. Ghoul: I can! I can! I did one this morning!
Val: Hey Vaya, do you have any gum? Vaya: *spits their gum out at him* Val: *blinks* Ok then- Vamos, do you have any gum? Vamos: *spits their gum out at him*
Kit: *walking into Ghoul's room* Hey Toxin, Ghoul- Oh, you guys are doing dress rehearsal. Shiny. Auh, I'm gonna go to Tommy Chow Mein's shop real quick, you guys need anything? Hair dye, Power Pup?
Widow: *holding up a jack-o-lantern* I made a goblin, what'd you guys make? Toxin: *holding her pumpkin turned into a bong* I made a kick-ass bong. Widow: ...creative! Diamond: *cutting a hole in theirs* I'm gonna fuck this pumpkin.
Ghoul: *looking through a telescope* I love this Zone! Widow and Kit: *play wrestling in the dirt* Poison: Lemme see- *looks through telescope in the other direction* Kobra and Toxin: *fucking on the hood of the M240* Poison: Gorgeous.
Diamond: *has been staring at the same ray gun for the past thirty minutes* Tommy Chow Mein: Buy something or fuck off.
Val: Hey guys. Good alternative recycling; when you're done with a glass bottle, eat it. Fucking eat the bottle.
Kobra: *reading sign outside the shower* No shoes, no shirt, no pants, no socks, no underwear. Kobra: Ok, I think I'm good. *gets in*
Widow: Look at the buns on that guy. Jet: *laying on the ground covered in burger buns* Korse: This is the comedy police, the joke's too funny! Widow: *holding her ray gun* I'M NOT GOING BACK TO THE ICEBOX-
Jet: *while he's in tears* It's a mental break down... Jet: *plays kazoo to the tune of Final Countdown*
Dr. Death Defying: What'cha doing on the roof, Tommy? Tommy Chow Mein: *on the roof of his shop* I lost a frisbee. Dr. Death Defying: Are you smoking battery acid up there? Tommy Chow Mein: ...yeah.
Pony: Keep drinking, Val, don't be boring! God! Pony: *to Diamond* I want him to fucking pass out so someone finally notices me.
Poison: *wearing the Mousekat head while they’re standing in the empty hotel pool* Thrill: What the fuck? There's a furry in the pool. Poison: *raises their ray gun* Thrill: AA-
Ghoul: *sliding into the trans-AM* What's up, pussy? Poison: How do you know what I ate yesterday? Ghoul: Poison: Ghoul: Yeah, you right. Poison: *starts the car* Mhm.
Poison: *driving* Diamond: *in the backseat* POISON! Poison: Yep-? Yeah-?? Diamond: *pointing out the back window* LOOK! *there's a car full of Draculoids on their tail* Poison: OH! OH FUCK! floors it NO, NO, NO, NO! NO-
Val: *lays on the floor* Ooh, I'm exhausted. Thrill: Yeah, you're really sweaty. Val: You should've seen the other guy- Girl- Your mom- What? Thrill: What? Val: What?
Dr. Death Defying: *coming in at three AM over the radio* Stop it. Get some help.
Jet: I'm gonna tell you what I don't do. I don't know shit, I don't get stuff, and I don't understand things.
Thrill: So you'll do it? Kit: Yeah, man, I'll dust him. Thrill: For how much? Kit: How about thirty? Thrill: Thirty thousand carbons? Kit: *spits out drink*
Widow: Can you sing the song? Dr. Death Defying: *singing* Shut the fuck and go to sleep- Widow: Thanks *:>*
Toxin: *wielding a water gun* Put the carbons in the bag, right now- Tommy Chow Mein: That's a water gun. Toxin: *throws it at him* Tommy Chow Mein: Ow! Fine, asshole, just take it-
Val: *walking out of the V's hideout* Last one out is a stupid idiot! The V's: *have been standing outside for the past hour*
*before they got with the Pistols* Tommy Chow Mein: *over the loudspeaker* Would the owner of the lime green Honda please come to the front desk. Diamond: *walking over* Are my lights on? Tommy Chow Mein: No, I just wanted to see what you looked like. Your car's fucking ugly.
Poison: You ready for the best night ever? Widow: You mean sleepy time tea and a good night's sleep? Poison: ...we're going to a Mad Gear concert. Widow: ...I already made the tea.
Dr. Death Defying: *over the loudspeaker* Attention shoppers, our store closes in ten fucking minutes. Get your shit and let's fucking go. Tommy Chow Mein: *distantly* Hey, you don't fucking work here-
Diamond: Pony is so annoying. Pony: *outside the window of their room* I heard you were talking shit about me- Diamond: WE ARE ON THE THIRD FLOOR-
Toxin: 'Tommy Chow Mein' is short for 'Thomas Chowder Mainstreet'. Tommy Chow Mein: Get the fuck out.
Diamond: *a sand pup* What up? I'm Diamond, I'm nineteen, and I never fuckin' learned how to read.
Ghoul: *looms over Diamond* Diamond: *looks up from writing in a notebook* Ghoul: Diamond: Ghoul: Diamond: Diamond: I'm writing porn, what the fuck do you want? Ghoul: *loses it and fucks off*
*at dinner* Jet: Short-ass. Poison: Cuck. Jet: Fuck you. Poison: No, fuck you. Jet: Eat shit and live. Poison: You look like you bite deodorant sticks. Jet: *holds up bowl* I will cut your hair to look like this. Poison: GHOUL, HE THREATENED ME-
Val: *wild cackling* I GOT ANOTHER HEADSHOT! *cackling continues*
Toxin: Oh Destroya. You don't think- Ghoul: By the way it's looking, Tox, I'd say Val's a dirty... Toxin: Oh Destroya- Ghoul: Collectivizing... Toxin: No- Ghoul: Gemini. Toxin: GEMINI! GEMINI! Ghoul: Yeah, go get him, Toxin! Toxin: REEEE- *runs in Val's direction* *screaming*
Toxin: *holding her pet possum* Yeah, and spray him down with that shit in the bottle there. Kobra: *reading the label* For fleas and ticks, huh? Ghoul: *starts laughing in the distance* I'm sorry, for a sec I thought you said 'fleas and piss'! *laughter continues*  Thrill: We could get some of that for Poison then! *laughs* Toxin: *quietly* Party 'Piss Jacket' Poison.
Diamond: *walking down to the kitchen* Fuck it, I'm hungry enough that I'll eat the stale cereal. Jet: It's five AM, also that cereal is beyond fucking stale. Diamond: *disappearing into the kitchen* I'll probably hate myself afterwards but, eh, am hungy.
Widow: Kit, I think your dress rehearsal partner is gonna slap me. Kit: ...I'm sorry? I can't really stop 'em. Poison: *raises hand* Widow: AA-
Kobra: It's almost six in the morning. What the fuck? Jet: Hi, almost six in the morning. I'm dead. Kobra: *-_-* Kobra: *0_0*
*in the Nest* Val: *sits down with a can of Power Pup* Toxin: You happy? Val: Mhm. Toxin: Good. Your happiness distracts from the fact that I poisoned that Power Pup. Val: Good. I don't like my foods unpoisoned.
Vaya: *eating a piece of bread* This bread is, like, on the precipice of being stale. Vamos: That sucks. Vaya: Yeah. Vamos: I wouldn't be too happy. Vaya: Yeah, it's the worst snack I've had the misfortune of eating. Vamos: Then stop? Vaya: No, I hate myself and therefore I'm gonna finish it. Also Val would kick my ass if I wasted food. Val: *from the next room* I would! Vaya: See? Vamos: Fine, finish your fuckin' bread.
Thrill: You- You've been- Been- You've been- You've been hit with a distraction spell. Thrill: *punches Val in the thigh* Val: OW, YOU FUCKER- Thrill: *gets up and runs*
Val: *opens pack of fruit snacks with teeth* Poison: *intense stare* Val: ...what? Poison: *points at fruit snacks* Val: No. Mine. Poison: I will fucking dismember you, give them to me.
Ghoul: I don't see how you can sleep with that fucking blanket. I tried to once and it was so fucking hot. It also weighs more than me, probably. Poison: *curled up in a blanket* It's not my fault you're cold-blooded. Ghoul: *hisses* Jet: What'd you say about the cold-blooded? Poison: I was talking about Ghoul. Jet: Ah. Ghoul: Yeah, Jetty, you're friends with a reptilian. Kobra: *quietly* You're not Leafy. *the other three lose it*
Poison: *slaps Kit's ass* Night! Poison: *goes to their room*
Kobra: *walking up to his room* Widow: Why is it that whenever he walks on stairs, it sounds like the stairs are trying to eat him? Kobra: *turns around and squints*
Diamond: Eugh, this off-brand ramen tastes like ass. Widow: Yeah, it really does. Diamond: If it's not Better Living brand, it's not ramen. Widow: That's what I told Thrill. Of course, I was ignored. Kit: Thrill has small pea brain.
Val: Fight me. Ghoul: No. Val: Fight me. Ghoul: Diamond already tried to fight me in the kitchen, I don't wanna fight anybody else. Val: Beat my ass. Ghoul: I cannot. Val: Why? Ghoul: Ghoul: I'm small.
Toxin: Hey, I said Kobra was cute, I didn't say he was smart. Kit: That...applies to me... Kit: Why does that apply to me??
Toxin: *licks Kobra's cheek* Diamond: Don't lick that, you don't know where it's been! Kobra: *>:(*
Poison: I'm too sober to be having this conversation! Toxin: No, we're having this conversation! What the fuck do you mean!?
Val: I suck? I suck?? You died! You died! You just died and you’re saying I suck???
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Mother’s Little Pistols
Gun Kit
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Electric Diamond
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Widow Bite
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Toxin Dealer
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Thrill Killer
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For any of them: Jean or leather?
Diamond, wearing a leather jacket and jeans: Yes.
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Any sand pups?
Electric Diamond is a sand pup, the only one in the Pistols. They were born out somewhere in Zone Zone Four, perhaps even in the motel but really they don’t even know. 
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Favorite pastime? This is for all of mother's little pistols.
Collectively? There’s a very small room in the motel that’s full of pillows and bedding from the rooms that are unused. The window is boarded shut with duct tape and a tarp over it just to be safe. They often like to gather in that room and play wrestle around. Half because it heavily lowers the risk of accidentally getting hurt, half because it’s comfy.
Individually, however? Toxin and Kit like to go down to The Nest to chill. Widow denies it but she likes going with Toxin to sneak into The Lobby and The Outskirts to pick up drops. Diamond frequents Hyper Thrust, they usually go there to drink or flirt. Thrill likes fighting and doesn’t like Val, so sometimes when he’s bored he’ll go out of his way to get in a clap with the fucker, much to the others’ dismay. 
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Who are the fighters and who are the planners?
Fighters are Thrill and Diamond, albeit Thrill has just a tiny bit more common sense. 
Planners are Widow and Kit.
Toxin is the one doing battery acid and getting whispy in the background until her junkie senses start tingling when someone’s touched her shit. Then it’s stabby-stabby time. *Sam O’Nella voice* But that’s neither here nor there.
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If diamond is out, who’s the driver?
While it 110.5% should not be, it’s usually Toxin. The best way to describe her driving method is this section from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. 
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Ray guns, blades, or hand-to-hand?
Kit prefers to use her ray gun 99.9% of the time. She’s a deadly good shot. Like, pick a mosquito off a fence post from ten yards away good. She trained under Cherri to get that good. 
Widow likes her ray gun just fine but she’s got a hunting knife just in case some shit goes down, not too bad a shot but a little shaky.
Toxin doesn’t have a ray gun, she’s got a shotgun she found buried in the sun sandbox from the Analogue Wars. She rarely uses it and it’s mostly there for the intimidation factor. Don’t mistake that for her not knowing how to use it, though, she entirely does. Aside from that, she’s got a wicked-shiny butterfly knife that she shoplifted from Tommy Chow Mein’s shop. She can and will shank you. Don’t fuck with the Ritalin Rat, tumbleweeds.
Thrill and Diamond are the ones who love hand-to-hand. They’ve bonded over bandaging each other’s hands up after busting their knuckles in assorted claps. They’re both decent shots with their blastas, Diamond’s just a little better than Thrill because they’ve been learning from the time they could walk.
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Biggest fear of them all?
For all of them? Probably a strong tie between getting dusted and being captured and reeducated. Thrill is especially terrified of reeducation because he’s been sent to the icebox once before. 
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A highly anticipated new form of carbon has finally arrived on the scene.
Called cyclocarbon, this molecule consists of a ring of 18 carbon atoms. Scientists described it online August 15 in Science. It offers a new face to one of chemistry’s most celebrated elements.
“It’s not every day that you make a new form of carbon,” says chemist Rik Tykwinski. He works in Canada at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Chemists had been trying to create cyclocarbon for a long time. So long that Tykwinski — who wasn’t involved with the new research — had placed a bet about whether it was even possible. He won, he says.
Scientists Say: Graphene
Cyclocarbon joins other molecular forms of the adaptable element, from diamond and graphite to the thin sheets called graphene. There are also tiny spheres known as buckyballs and nano-scale cylinders called carbon nanotubes.
Chemists thought it should be possible to create ring-shaped carbon molecules. But until now, nobody knew what their properties would be, notes physicist Katharina Kaiser. She’s at IBM Research in Zurich, Switzerland. “It’s really amazing that we found it,” she says, “and it’s absolutely great that we could characterize it.”
Kaiser’s team started with molecules of cyclocarbon oxide. These are made of carbon and other atoms. They included groups of carbon monoxide (pairs of carbon and oxygen atoms). Removing the carbon monoxide was a necessary step to create the new ring form of carbon. But that was no easy task. Carbon monoxide helped to stabilize the starting molecule. The researchers managed to pluck off the carbon monoxide groups by zapping the molecule with electricity. They used a specialized tool called an atomic force microscope.
Once the researchers had a bare ring of carbon, they wanted to capture an image of its structure. Again, they used the atomic force microscope. Cyclocarbon reacts easily with other substances — but not table salt. So the team created the new carbon molecule on a salty surface.
Previous research had found hints of cyclocarbon molecules in a gas. But it wasn’t possible to make an image of those molecules. So scientists couldn’t identify the bonds holding the molecule together. Scientists wanted to know if all the bonds were the same length.
The new study resolved that question. It showed that the carbon atoms are held together by alternating long and short bonds.
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Cyclocarbon has 18 carbon atoms arranged in a ring, as seen in this simulation. There’s an alternating pattern of long and short bonds between the atoms. CREDIT: IBM Research 
That should now help scientists refine the computer calculations used to predict the structures of unknown molecules. “There’s still a big question whether many of these … calculations give the right answer,” says Yves Rubin. “So it’s very important to confirm by experiment.” Rubin is a chemist at the University of California, Los Angeles, who also was not involved with the study.
Previous work on new forms of carbon caused great excitement among scientists. The discovery in the 1980s of buckyballs (and the family of molecules that includes them, called fullerenes) won a Nobel Prize. Likewise, the 2004 discovery of graphene won a Nobel. Investigations into its many potential uses in electronics and elsewhere have continued.
But because cyclocarbon isn’t stable, it can’t be bottled up for further study. So, for now, it’s not clear how wide-ranging this new molecule’s impact will be.
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