#neopets anon
deityofhearts · 10 months
Same neopets anon!! It's not even that they're losing what they already have, the average prices are just going down. And for some of those things, the prices are still decently high? Like, recently a paintbrush went from 15 million to 1 million, but that's still 1 million fake dollars (which is an amount that still usually takes a long time to make!!) All that's happening is that items that people want are getting easier to access. If they were planning on selling it wasn't like they wanted to have it for themselves anyway, if they're saving for something else they should be okay with their actual goals eventually being easier to access too. But no lol they're upset bc they want the big number on their fake bake account to get bigger. Not so they can spend it later. Just so they can have an even bigger number. They want to have a bigger number than anyone else and to be the most important people on neopets and for no new players to ever catch up to them. (even tho the website desperately needs new traffic if it wants to financially continue and these new events are actually bringing in new players!! My babiest family members made accounts because they can actually can do stuff on the site now!!) This is coming from someone who did get a very expensive item (we're talking similarly 10 million NP) a week before it was released in an event making the price drop to just the 1 million. It stung for like. 10 minutes then I didn't care because it's literally not a big deal lol. I got to have 2 of this fancy item instead of just 1 because of it. I think every player should be able to get their either literal or metaphorical purple witch hat of their dreams!!!
it’s just like, why would you want to hoard fake money so badly? like it’s nice having a large amount of money in game (and irl) because like you can afford to do shit (I have no money on webkinz, my pets r suffering) but like just hoarding it?? That’s so lame like stop acting like greedy billionaires in neopets maybe?
you’re right it’s important for games like theses to actually draw in new players and they’re just not considering that, if the game shuts down then they lose all their shit anyways like wouldn’t you rather some of your things have a lower value (still a pretty high value though) and the game stays afloat than to lose everything entirely??
Ooh I see I see, like yeah I think it would sting for a moment but like now you have two of the super cool thing and like, I think that’s nice!
and so true, there’s like a couple of things in webkinz I love and was always workin towards and like I got a few of them (I also have some truly ugly but rare items)
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chocodile · 5 months
N...Neopets AU Hyden......bro would be the first cybunny to end up in the Gallery of Evil
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Gallery of Evil - Lord Hyden
Lord Hyden was advisor and high court wizard to Lord Darigan, serving under him alongside Lord Kass during the events of Champions of Meridell. Scheming, duplicitous, and power-hungry, the Cybunny advisor had his own motives, playing the two against each other and eventually assisting Kass during his hostile takeover of Darigan Citadel. However, when Kass fell and the citadel was reclaimed, Lord Hyden was nowhere to be found.
Some say he was defeated during the battle. Others say Lord Darigan sentenced him to jail for his crimes during the war and that he is currently being held in a high-security prison cell deep within the citadel. Still others claim he fled after his betrayal was discovered and is currently living in disguise, hiding somewhere in Neopia.
Some years after his disappearance, rumors began to circulate of a powerful Kyrii wizard taking up residence in an old castle in the Haunted Woods. It is said that he offers travelers dark spells in return for signing dubious magical contracts. Could there be any relation...?
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Additional period-appropriate art of this totally real Neopets character. First is him during his Darigan years with his evil bride Milana... er, "mate", sorry child-friendly censors! Second is him post Mutant Kyrii-fication, lording over his "neutral gray with transparent black shading" evil castle in the Haunted Woods.
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requested by anon - here is a really cool site for you to check out. they have lots of free stuff too 😊
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skunkes · 1 year
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genuinely plagued
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popfizzles · 1 year
royal pascal?
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bardcore party rock anthem plays in the distance
[Neopets Paintbrush Challenge]
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can-of-slorgs · 6 months
are you the one with the nt series where sloth is all buff and hanging out with the user's twinky oc? there was something also about sloth turning into a snowbunny? was that you or another guy?
do you know what i'm talking about if it isn't you... because if not this is embarrassing...
Anon I have no idea what you're talking about.
I haven't publish (nor read for that matter) anything NT related in maybe a decade.
Now, that said... The what comic about dr sloth's twink??
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steveharrington · 10 months
succession neopets crossover
kendall roy voice yknow dad i just think. i just think this seasonal uh attack pea could be a really big move for us. get it out of the prize pool, yknow? let the fuckin uh money tree scroungers get hot chocolate while we secure our assets
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rwbysketches · 1 year
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payback for all the biting
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realmsalot · 2 years
what's your favorite personal tiny little detail in the Homs au? and what's something insignificant that the Casey's can and will argue with one another abt until the cows come home?
A tiny little detail that I LOVE is Rise Splinter's perception of 12 Shredder or more accurately 12 Oroku Saki. It eats at my mind at night. Because growing up R Splinter only knew him as his cousin. His sometimes strict but fun cousin. He has memories of playing with 12 Saki as a kid, of 12 Saki and 12 Yoshi ganging up and teasing him. It's similar to how 12 Splinter has memories from when he and 12 Shredder considered each other brothers except Rise Splinter never knew what became for his cousins. Because Rise was kidnapped by Big Mama before Oroku became Shredder before Miwa/12 Karai was even born. He knows that there was tension between his cousins because of Tang Shen but doesn't know that it exploded. As far as Rise Splinter knew, as far as he imagined, the tension eventually simmered out. That 12 Saki got over Tang Shen and became a strict but fun uncle to Miwa. Maybe 12 Saki even found love with someone else and is living a nice life in Japan with the rest of Rise Splinter's extended family. He thinks this is the truth for years. Of course, when Rise Splinter meets the 12 gang, he finds out about the monster his cousin became. And it hurts.
AS FOR THE JONES SIBLINGS!!! Honestly, what can't they bicker about? These two can argue about anything if they wanted to, but most of it is harmless bickering. That being said, there is one argument that they get into, and tends to start an honest to god fight. The argument is of course... Who Deleted Their Neopets Account? They tend to get genuinely angry at each other when this is brought up because both believe the other did it.
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antisocialxconstruct · 9 months
the tags on your post reminded me - i got back into neopets recently chasing nostalgia and they released a pet that looks like an idog (toy poogle) and you were the first person i thought of tbh
HEH a couple other people rushed to tell me about the poogle when it first dropped and it seriously made me briefly consider rejoining neopets myself... so clearly I have established myself as the iDog Person and I take great comfort in that
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deityofhearts · 10 months
Okay so I do Neopets daily, and recently when the Daily Quest feature was released (which includes some previously extremely expensive items as potential weekly prizes), it was SO funny going on the forums just to see the elitists throw fits. In particular there was this one thread where this one dude was saying "Why should I even continue playing neopets. Give me one reason I should stay." and 99% of the replies were "Nah," "just leave," good riddens," "BYE," ect. I still check every once in a while to see these fake currency billionaires crying like little babies. It's soooo funny Some people are protesting by cancelling their memberships... But I saw one person on the boards ask if they could buy a brand new membership on a side account and then cancel that to protest bc they didn't wanna cancel on their main.
HAJFJFKGK thank you for this info, like it’s so funny seeing people throw a fit over this shit, especially the person who wants to like buy and immediately cancel their membership on their side account like bestie that’s the same thing as walking into a room and loudly going “HMPH!” until you get attention and then leaving without explaining,, like if you’re this mad over a game then perhaps just take a break??
sorta similar but I used to play webkinz a ton growing up and had collected quite a few rare items along with my sister (same on freerealms, that is a whole can of worms I am very scorned) and at some point the game started doing little quests in game and for some of the quests the rewards were retired items ranging from mildly rare to super rare and sought after and people on the webkinz forum (I didn’t frequent them but my sister did) were PISSED they were so mad and I was like 11 and just happy to finally have the really pretty sparkly purple shoes lmao
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cmescapade · 10 months
just wanna say your vibes are great and i hope wherever you are you're doing well, thriving, beating the machine, etc etc
thank u thank u
my vibes r usually off bc i;ve been saying outta pocket shit lately but thank u again
i give u one pic of tony lookin high af
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littledigits · 1 year
god lmao sorry for spamming your asks (neo anon again). I'm wracking my brain, was your neopets name something like patchwork before? Sorry if this is all super weird, I spent a lot of time online as a kid
you saw my edgy HIGHSCHOOL NEOPETS ART oh bless. the best of times. Ok thats delightful haha, WELL then - my heart is even more full of fuzzies. Honestly its so neat to run into people again on the internet, like wholesome mycilium stretching out and making connections. I AM PROUD OF BOTH OF US FOR STILL ARTING IT UP !!!
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peridyke · 4 months
I wish I'd gotten that advice years ago instead of picking a fight with a prominent Homestuck analyst and somehow getting dragged into an abusive relationship with him
NOOOOOOO THATS AWFUL I'M SO SORRY I used to get like really motivated to leave comments whenever someone i followed did or said something that I thought was irritating and that usually just ended in pointless arguments and me saying things that I don't agree with anymore. I don't think I've ever had an internet fight I felt good about it just makes you stressed and miserable like someone's opinion is most likely not going to be changed by a stranger getting mad at them so you should really just walk away and calm down/unfollow or block if it was bad enough.
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skunkes · 9 months
i dont mean this in a rude way at all and its more coming from somebody who has always struggled socializing even online but when ppl have asked me if id ever make a Skunkes Brand Discord Server...its like... 1. No 2. asking me that alone is already very showing of us being two extremely severely completely different people
*spongebob flying ice cream truck* this is not me being mean about ppl who do make servers looking for ppl to discuss their own art and interests with
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popfizzles · 1 year
Disco fever Dinias!!
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"Dinner Bell"? more like "Disco Ball" because he is gaudy as fuck!!!!!
[Neopets Paintbrush Challenge]
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