Pardon me, but I don't know this so I'm wondering if you do. Are the cars from the Cars franchise like... real cars? I don't mean real cars I know they're animated. But could someone look at a cars character and say something like "Yeah it's this car."?
a ton of them are based on real cars yeah! not all but i think a majority are, or are at least closely based on real cars. this video from donut video ranking all of the cars in the cars universe lists what each one is based on!
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0pheleschimera0 · 2 months
Nachtblut - Meine Grausamkeit Kennt Keine Grenzen
No lyrics cuz its in German but I've been extremely normal abt this band recently. You have no idea the extense of it. Begging to check more their stuff if you're fond of metal.
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lacefuneral · 11 months
Hi! Just want you to know that you look amazing and I hope you have a nice time at Pride! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
awww ty!!! i did have a very good time and i think i made some new friends!
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squimp · 2 years
Hope your finals went okay ^_^
THANK YOU... unfortunately i am still in the midst of them but i will survive i simply must thankk you for support...i will soldier on... and write some bullshit about japanese art history and get a grade
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Still not over the devastatingly vulnerable, tender expression on Jim's face before the "not in front of the Klingons" moment in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
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Tell me they ain't catching feelings hard.
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The way Jim is looking at Spock.
Oh my God.
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He is so caught up and just plain lost in Spock in that moment. Husband energy.
That human has got it bad, bad, bad for that Vulcan.
Image sources: My own photo edits
GIFS by @reffitt-blog1 and @nervousspacerobot
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bad-comic-art · 1 year
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Bad art in the early Transformers comics is really common because they didn't know how to draw the characters yet, but these two drawings of Megatron stick out to me
The Transformers (1984) Issue #15
submitted by @nervousspacerobot
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yarboyandy · 2 years
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A FISTFULL OF DATAS (for Realies!) with me, @grouper , @sockerock , @nervousspacerobot , and @lesbianharrykim 😀😀
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 4 months
Get to know you game! Answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better.
tagged by @theartichokesarepurple tysm!!!
Last song listened to: Rue de Lis - The Essex Green
Currently reading: To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
Currently watching: Doctor Who - I'm rewatching Pertwee's era with my mum, and I'm watching the last season of Tom Baker's on my own as part of my ongoing watch (which hit it's 10 year anniversary in 2023 💀)
Currently obsessed with: ocean liners. It's insane to me that I'm a Vehicle Autistic now, after having had retro TV shows as my special interests pretty much exclusively since 2013, and before then it was things like bands (esp. The Beatles and My Chemical Romance), YouTubers (mostly Dan and Phil. it was 2012 u know) or books like Sherlock Holmes. Essentially I've just never had a type of vehicle as a special interest before so it's very ????? wild card lmao. I get rly excited by aeroplanes but that's also tangential to a retro TV SpIn and I never really learned anything about planes I just am delighted whenever I see one.
Anyways I fell into ocean liners as an interest by accident (saw the second half of titanic on tv at christmas -> was intrigued to see how accurate it was -> watched a bunch of videos and read a bunch of articles abt the ship and its sinking and survivors -> got really miserable tbh -> remembered that there were lots of other ocean liners -> started researching them -> there is so much to learn and explore and they're also just really pretty -> joyyyyyy) but I am SO fucking excited about them and like I'm actually learning a lot about them which is aaaaaaaaaa. I love ittttttt. I'm no ship expert by any means, but I am an enthusiast and I know more now than the average person but less than most other enthusiasts lmao. im interested rather than knowledgeable fhdkjlsfd
tagging: @theteaisaddictive (i know u already but i just habitually tag u for everything now hfskj), @ekaisser, @itsclearance, @nervousspacerobot, @delirpa, @zerodaryls, @return-of-the-penor, @orioncorium & @vonkentrekker-in-het-plat
no pressure to anyone if u don't fancy it and if anyone else fancies it who I haven't tagged, go ahead!!
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vlantar · 1 year
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I posted 267 times in 2022
That's 60 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (4%)
256 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 258 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#star trek - 75 posts
#lmao - 68 posts
#spock - 44 posts
#schn tgai spock - 42 posts
#nyota uhura - 37 posts
#spuhura - 31 posts
#aos - 28 posts
#benvi - 27 posts
#ben gross - 26 posts
#never have i ever spoilers - 26 posts
Longest Tag: 91 characters
#literally the number of times ive pressed that damned button on multiple separate occasions
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Don't reblog. Take a screenshot and upload it, but tag your OTPs.
4 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
So what’s up with (SNW) Spock’s side burns???
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See the full post
39 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
I can’t wait for all the Benvi gifsets and fanvids, y’all. So excited!
59 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Hello, noticed you ship spock/uhura from the trek series, i was going to ask have you seen the new show strange new worlds and what are your thoughts about the uhura and the casting. please feel free to be honest. i personally think she is totally miscast and looks like a masculine man and they have downgraded uhura on the show so she is no threat to anyone, reason why the uhura in snw is presented as a very ugly masculine teenager. however if u voice that opinion you are called racist and sexist. i hope all uhura fans can begin to speak out more and be honest about uhura in strange new worlds
Yes, I have seen strange new worlds.
And, I'll be honest, I think Celia is an incredible cast for the role. They're an outspoken person with progressive morals who absolutely fits the legacy of Uhura as a character and the importance of Uhura as someone who challenges the social norms of the time.
As for looking like a "masculine man", I completely disagree. Snw Uhura's gender expression may challenge your perceptions of feminity, but I don't believe she's any less feminine in snw than in other series. She dresses in the "feminine" active duty uniform, wears stereotypically feminine accessories and dons a haircut that, as I've read and witnessed, is extremely popular among the black feminine community (as I white guy, I don't believe I have any right to speak to that authentically, however). A character could not be considered more "typically" feminine unless she adhered to the demeaning and misogynistic tropes of the twentieth century and earlier--such tropes might include "damsel in distress", "all she wants in life is to marry and have kids", "knows nothing/dense as a brick", etc.
I don't see how Uhura is and/or isn't a threat to anyone. And she certainly hasn't been "downgraded" in any way. Although we haven't much character development for her so far in snw, she's at least been given more of a backstory than in any previous series (albeit, it is a very typical family trauma trope, which is a little uncreative, imo). In the second episode, she expresses uncertainty as to her capabilities and her posting, then proceeds to save the day (demonstrating her genuine skill and intelligence and her importance and power as a character, independent of her womanhood). She is young, I'll give you that, but she's no teenager (especially not when compared to Wesley Crusher in tng) and she may have expressed insecurities, but this is to be expected of a fresh (or near fresh, idk) academy graduate who's been awarded an extremely prestigious posting. I would think it a little unrealistic were she not at least a little uncomfortable with her position, no matter how much she has worked for and earnt the position. This, in no way, diminishes her character, it only adds to her authentic characterisation if anything.
Lastly, she's not ugly. She's not at all ugly. She's gorgeous! Have you taken a look at the woman? She's a fashion sense and a beautiful array of facial expressions. And, separate from the character, Celia, too, is a splendid sight. They appear frequently happy, wear incredible outfits and speak out about what they believe in. What could be more beautiful? Though, of course, I understand that beauty is subjective. But to call her "a very ugly masculine teenager" is incredibly minimalising of Uhura as a character and of Celia as a person. To not at least appreciate her style and effort or, at least, respect her with human decency- Would you tell someone to their face that they're "a very ugly masculine teenager"? I reckon not.
I, in no way, mean to label you as "racist and sexist", as your experience with those of my opinion might suggest, though I do believe you should reconsider your perceptions of feminity and of gender expression. Perhaps, you may benefit from a more open mind toward such matters or, simply, a more progressive mindset. If both are too challenging, at least live by the maxim "live and let live" and not judge her for her appearance. To not do so is plain rude and disrespectful.
68 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“What if nobody ever loves me? ‘Cause I’m always too much?”
Bruh, Ben’d die if he heard her say that.
1,784 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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@nervousspacerobot hey
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0pheleschimera0 · 11 months
Me, who has just come off of rewatching the Transformers the Movie, only to read your blog and find out that Ratchet dies in IDW too (Sort of knew already but I was in denial)
I can't find a good reaction image
Imagine a really depressed guy
I got you homie
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Don't worry though he dies in the end of the comic series of old age with a loving husband ajd in peace. Tf the movie can explode /lh
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posi-pan · 3 years
:) good vibes your way
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[GIF Description: a waving pink, yellow, and blue stripes. End Description.]
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lacefuneral · 2 years
You look great!
thanks!! :)
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cosmik-homo · 3 years
Spock, Uhura, Red Shirt
Spock-  what’s your favorite thing to learn about?
HMMMMM. i love learning in general, yknow? so many things excite me.... but i think, like, material and social history. how common people of the past lived, how humanity was always there and creating itself, yknow??
Uhura- what languages do you speak? What languages would you like to learn? 
I speak hebrew and english, I would love adding Russian and Arabic to the list if it didn’t take all the, y’know, effort of learning languages.
Redshirt- have you ever had a near death experience?
ooh ah, pal, i got you covered there. almost drowned about, 4 times, to varying degrees of almost, and slipped of the edge of a big ole cliff, saved only be the gaming instincts of the friend i was talking with. in a ninth grade field trip. 10 mins after coming out of the closet to my friends. 
good times, and by that i mean kind off bad times but a neat party story and i cheered myself up by buying three ice creams in the park kiosk so.
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theygotlost · 2 years
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💗 Happy holidays from Andy’s Starship!!!!! 💗
[Image ID and credits under the cut]
Image ID: A drawing of eight Star Trek original characters wearing Starfleet uniforms from Star Trek: The Next Generation. From left to right the characters are:
Marty (belongs to @dirtytown): A white Bajoran-Romulan man wearing a blue uniform. He has dark, slicked-back hair and a moustache. His ears are pointed with a golden Bajoran earring on his right ear and ridges on his forehead and nose bridge. He is smiling shyly with his eyes closed and giving a small wave to the camera.
Greeble (belongs to @gar-trek): A Caitian wearing a blue uniform and blue nurse's lab coat. He has light gray fur with black stripes on his ears and cheeks and a white muzzle and paws. He has two gold earrings on his left ear and both of his eyebrows have slashes in them. He is grinning mischeviously and holding two fingers behind Marty's head in a "bunny ears" pose with his other hand on his hip.
Rol (belongs to @nervousspacerobot): A Betazoid wearing a yellow uniform. He has olive skin and curly neck-length black hair. His arms are crossed and he is glaring contemptuously at Greeble.
T'Bel (belongs to @mouseratz): A Vulcan-Caitian wearing a red uniform. He has yellowish tan skin and short orange hair with bangs and large sideburns. His features are more humanoid than a full Caitian, but has whiskers and a catlike nose and ears. He is standing with his arms at his sides and staring blankly into the distance with extremely dilated pupils, similar to a cat.
Sephiroth (belongs to @miketownsend): A tall Black human woman wearing a red uniform. She is wearing black goth makeup, a septum piercing, and several ear piercings. She has long, choppy, straight black hair in a sidecut with a neon green streak. She is holding her boyfriend James in her arms and looking at the camera with a bored expression.
James (belongs to @miketownsend): A white human man wearing a blue uniform and blue nurse's lab coat. He has dyed blond hair with exposed brown roots and stubble on his face. He is significantly shorter than Sephiroth and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, looking up at her with a grinning lovestruck expression and a little heart above his head.
Otto (belongs to @yarboyandy): An anthropomorphic yellow lab dog wearing a yellow uniform. His fur is light tan with brown ears and a brown spot on his nose. He is smiling with his eyes closed and his tongue hanging out and pumping a fist in the air.
Ren (belongs to @catboyriker): A white Risian wearing a blue uniform. They have freckles and wavy dark hair with purple streaks in a tight ponytail. There is a circular Risian marking in the center of their forehead and a visor on their eyes similar to Geordi La Forge's. They are standing with their hands folded in front of them and smiling at the camera with their head cocked to one side.
End ID.
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