#nesa you suck
talknerdytome18 · 9 months
Studying for my final exams is painful enough. Can it just be October 31st already so I can finish with my high school exams and move on? You know... LET ME CONTINUE LOVE, EAST HIGH? ALL MY BEST IDEAS HAVE COME TO ME AT A TIME WHEN I CANNOT WRITE.
Also... NESA, if it's actually true that the Mod C piece will only ask for a discursive, I'm going to be leaving that exam because I cannot deal with your bs anymore.
Anyways, see you guys if I'm not dead!
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
hi i'm hsc posting again
the flowers in mrs dalloway are a symbol of desire
"mrs dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself" is the first line of the book, and one of the only ones i know. here is what prompts her to have the existential crisis of being "mrs richard dalloway". her decision to buy the flowers herself is representative of how she is not being satisfied through her relationship with her husband and must instead find pleasure through the little independence she has (something something sapphic). additionally, the way sally picks a flower before they kiss, back when they were 18, illustrates how sally was the only romantic relationship she had that pleased her. the note in her memory (because the whole novel is the characters' perceptions of the past and present) that she did so is because she is unfulfilled in her marriage and is idealising that past. you would think this means that she can't find happiness with richard because she's a lesbian but through the textual conversation with the hours, in which clarissa vaughn is in a dried up relationship with her partner, sally, it just shows that clarissa sucks at relationships and idealises the past.
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amaiguri · 4 months
Character Voice Tag
Thank so much to @the-down-upside-finch for tagging me in this AMAZING challenge omg omg I'm so hype for this! In the past, I was told my character voicing SUCKED so I have worked so so hard at geting better... no idea if I'm winning now, but I'm doing my best and am open to feedback at any time!
The premise is: Write a specific sentence in several characters' voices -- you can ALSO use a single action line to help, but the focus is on syntax!
My sentence is "Would you like help with that?"
I think, the thing about voice, is that 99% of the time strong voiciness comes from specific context. And I can see somany of my characters maliciously offering to help as a way to put someone down/imply that they're incompetent...
So I will specify further -- each of these characters is genuinely offering help to YOU, someone they respect, as you start to lift a heavy box. Let's JUMP INTO IT!
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Kalliopeia, the Philosopher King: "Would you like help with that?"
Riavh Solais, the Once and Future Emperor: "Oh, please let me help you there!"
Singr Sa, a Runaway Princess: "Uh... you need help?"
Xizi, the Saegen Princess who didn't run away: "Should I help you with that?"
Zalathiel, the Inquisitor General: *eyebrow raised as you struggle* "...Do you need help with that?"
Nesa, Lt.-Inquisitor General: "You got that, little one?"
Saravanya, Champion of the Abyss: *Uses Telekinesis to lift box for you*
Diacaius, 2nd Senator of Telethens: *Sauntering up* "Oh, please -- allow me!"
Arlasaire, the Soldier-Maiden of Thuille: "Don't." *Grabs the box from you, almost drops it*
...Apparently, most of my characters do not ask permission to help you if they like you. They absolutely impose their help upon you. 😭😭😭
Tagging (whenever you have time!) @moonfeatherblue @thetruearchmagos @maiemorrae @dragonprincedawn @reaperofcrows @winterandwords @zebee-nyx @pluttskutt @theprissythumbelina @modernwritercraft @thetruezion @cee-grice @moonscribbler and @the-down-upside-finch (tagging you back :P) AND open tag, as always!
YOUR sentence is, "This morning, breakfast was bad."
Hee hee! I am certain many of your characters have very different ways of saying this extremely bland sentence. Please feel free to also do tag-backsies for me because I need to do more of these exercises!
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soulsxng · 1 year
@soraeia replied to your post: Wrenn: You suck at cooking, Zebi.
Don't mind Nesa, who has run straight out of the room to laugh. Zebi tries to grab at them, but it's to no avail, as they're gone almost before he can even fully turn.
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"I-I do not suck at cooking...! Just because I don't go shopping that often doesn't mean I'm bad! Is this because of what Nesa said the other day? Nesa...!"
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"He's actually telling the truth, I was just messing with him the other day." They've tentatively poked their head around the corner, wiping the tears from their eyes with the satisfaction of someone that is obviously very amused that their teasing actually stuck. "Zebi used to work at that restaurant we ordered from, and the one that owns it taught him a bunch of stuff."
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"Three was the lie, but it was supposed to be in the opposite direction from what you guessed...well...do Nesa's next, then! They'd better not win if I didn't!"
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onlyborrowedmemes · 6 years
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Pretty much except that I totally remembered the date and did not sleep last night
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imomomi · 4 years
Top five food!
This is like asking me to choose my favorite limb 😭😭
1. Tteokbokki made by my bfs grandmother 
2. Spätzle with bacon 
3. BROT (Ich vermisse deutsches Brot 😭😭😭😭😭😭)
4. Ramen
5. Actually anything with noodles in it. 
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mueritos · 3 years
not even gonna bother doing an anonymous ask that's obviously me again lmao. I just wanna say that I do really like your TDOV comic - you know full well Im in a constant never-ending state of questioning my gender, and I often find myself going out of my way to see what your comics and shit say about trans-nesa and stuff. you're an epic friend and Ily <3 also play me back in 8ball
AHAHA hi helen ehehe i love ya dude and ill forever be by your side because you are very fucking epic and bro why 8 BALL that is possibly the most heterosexual iPhone game 😭i sUCK AT IT!!! but yes I'm so happy you're my friend and that you bully me 😍 I'm just glad we can also have gender talks and let our brain juices connect 😎
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owlsinathens · 3 years
Theon, Jon and greysnow for the headcanons
Hi nonnie! Thank you very much for the ask! I'll be answering Theon and Greysnow for this, 'cause I got another ask for Jon 🥰
Headcanon: I think Theon will be important for the big picture. He didn't go through everything he did just to have his journey end at Stannis' hands. This can't be what'll happen. I think he's going to wind up at the Wall one way or another.
Heartcanon: I always imagine Theon surviving this whole mess and living the rest of his life in a cottage by the sea, untouched by wars and kings and terrible games, preferrably with someone who cares deeply for him.
Gutcanon: I have the very bad feeling that Theon will be used as a pawn in someone's game for power once again. I want him to gain back agency, do something only because he wants to do it, be it fight the others or stay with Asha or whatever. But I can't imagine he's going to be given that agency anytime soon.
Junkcanon: Oh oh oh... I would love for him to heal and reclaim his body and find someone who wants nothing but make him feel good and then they have lots of sex and Theon becomes the ultimate power bottom 😬
Spleencanon: Theon will live to a very old age and be happy ever after, do you hear me, Germ?! He WILL.
Headcanon: They'll meet again, at the Wall I think. And Jon will find that he doesn't hate Theon no matter what happened, and they'll find solace in each other
Heartcanon: They discover that they had lots of things in common all along and over time feelings develop and they become lovers. Jon loves archers, me nem nesa.
Gutcanon: I fear Jon will be given a huge say in Theon's fate. If Ned Stark's bastard wouldn't want Theon executed, the northerners would accept him staying alive and Stannis can go suck a dick (any volunteers? Davos?) with his execution plans. I don't know what (a resurrected) Jon would do in that case – but I can't and won't imagine he'll just sign the order without at least talking to Theon first.
Junkcanon: Jon takes Theon north of the Wall and to that cave and when they come out again neither can walk straight for days. You heard it here first 😁😁😁
Spleencanon: Hey, Germ? They'll be friends, do you hear me? They'll talk about ROBB, they'll work together, and Theon will follow Jon without hesitation, and Jon will DEFINITELY not abuse his powers and send Theon to slaughter in the battle with the Others, yeah? YEAH?
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noodles-07 · 3 years
Hi, as a fellow person who recently broketh the minecrafting limb, it does very much suck having a cast preventing you from using said minecrafting limb. We can suffer together 😔 -Nesa
D: F's in the chat for both of us
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lesbian-birdhouse · 3 years
I somehow hurt my forearm just above my elbow, but like, only the muscle and specifically right there, so I can’t straighten or bend my arm fully anymore. So I’ve been great, how’re you? -Nesanon
oh jeez - i hope it gets better soon nesa !!! that sucks D:
ive been doing alright tho c:
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boldandsepet-blog · 6 years
Sambung Masters in UiTM?
Fact 1 : I did my bachelor’s degree in international business.
Awal tahun ni aku buat kerja gila atas cadangan Mak aku, which was to further my study in MHRM (Masters in Human Resource Management). Selama 6 sem aku buat degree, aku tak pernah sekali pun bgthu result dkt parents aku. Haritu aku pegi amek mini transcript dgn Mak aku, lepastu dia tanya result so I told her lah, sampai bila aku nak simpan kan?
So, just a few days after that kebetulan 2nd intake utk apply masters dkt UiTM dibuka. Aku pun buat lah kerja gila, pergi beli number pin RM50 beb dkt BSN dan apply for MHRM.
Harini, kebetulan KL cuti so company aku cuti and interview utk masters ni today. 
Tu je lah hasil interview. Panel ada dua orang, both are doctors. Soalan yg dorang tanya aku :
1. Intro diri 2. Why jump2 from international biz to marketing to HR? 3. U have no experience studying hr formally, why and how are u gonna survive masters? 4. Whats yr final year project title? Tell us abt it 5. What do u plan to do for mini research during master? 6. Ok u wanna do research relating to ethical but u refer to incident in yr company which are mostly pnc (private and confidential), tell us how do u collect data for yr research if it's pnc? 7. You did Quantitative or qualitative research masa degree dulu? 8. Do u have yr research proposal ready? By now u should have, u know.
9. Explain which area of hr will u choose to do yr research? how do u approach the area with the very little knowledge that you have? 10. On what terms do u think a conduct is unethical? Bcz from my understanding that is relating to the product yr company manufactured, not the human in the company. thats not really HR problem. how? 11. U may have the interest but yr knowledge is not yet mature, u have idea how to finish yr master like this? 12. The fees is bla bla bla can u afford it? We are not talking abt rm1-2k here, this is a lot. How are u gonna fund yr study? 13. Yr parents? Why dont u try mybrain scholarship or etc? 14. U were doing research on students, in masters its going to be a different approach, how are u gonna do it?
Fuh, my heart boiled. To me it was the toughest interview yang aku pernah attend. Both panels were intimidating, questioning, provoking me with questions I didnt see coming.
Agak sedih dan rasa down bg aku bila dorang tanya soalan bertubi-tubi dan aku rasa jawapan aku bersepah dan tak solid. Ye lah, aku takda background HR pun. Setakat amek satu subject HR je, thats like learning ABC to the doctors. 
Terkebil-kebil jugak aku nak jawab. Hampa dgn jawapan sendiri. Plus, they never told us that there will be English test. Dkt website and email tak cakap. Tapi dkt blogs ada la org tulis pengalaman dorg, cuma aku tak prnh baca, member aku yg ckp. Tapi English test tu senang. Where do you see yourself in 3 years after finishing masters? 
Damn right, I’ll be teaching kids and thanking my lecturers back in Melaka. Cliche.
The panels were trying to instill in my brain that HR is hard in both industry and academically, I was like “can u not do that? that scares the shit out of me altho im well aware that no industry is easy la weyyyyy”.
Kalau ikut kan hati, nak je aku jawab “um...because i havent got any formal education in HR specifically lah im here, you genius doctorates”. hahaha. But ofcourse bcz they are more genius, they want a concrete idea than “what i want”. 
HR ni byk kena membaca, byk terms, byk labor act kena hafal dan faham. Yeah2, not easy. dont tell me something that is obvious pls?
Oh btw I went into the interview room with a guy much older than me who has experience working in HR for 7 years but no formal edu in HR, he was graduate of landscape architecture from UIA. Both of us got roasted because we dont come from HR area hahahaha.
The shits I kept telling myself to ease out the stress a bit were :
- these doctors dont decide where i go, i am in control of my life.
- they may be the one giving me marks, but they certainly dont know my potential within the 30mins interview.
- if i got accepted, i am the one who will decide to fail or to score well, yes based on my effort, the rest is tawakal
- they may intimidate me, but the only person who can surpass the fear is me and what they say to intimidate me wont matter if i surpassed.
- they have zero control of how i will struggle while finishing the damn master.
- if i let what they say to intimidate me goes into my mind and it stays, im screwed. 
- they can say shit, but this is my journey, i shall decide what is shit and what is not.
Basically, im saying these panels dont decide or dont matter and i cant give them power to decide that it is impossible for me to do MHRM just bcz i dont have the formal background, so i gotta know what’s ahead of me. the sleepless nights, the never ending reading in library, the hundreds of journals to read, the hundreds of notes to write and grasp. the lifeless life of a nerd. hahahaha.
The interview taught me TO NOT GIVE POWER TO OTHERS to decide your life, if you do, that is because :
- you are not well prepared
- you dont now what is ahead of you
- you dont have concrete strategy and emergency plan
- you dont have specific goals
These were what happened to me in the interview room, I wasnt expecting shits, hence I didnt realize that I gave power for them to intimidate me. Sad, it is.
Aku balik interview tadi, termenung lama dlm bilik lepastu menangis sendiri sebab rasa tak layak nak sambung masters, apatah lagi nak bergelar Doctor Anisah Ishak (PhD) satu hari nanti. Dgn pointer tak seberapa masa degree tu. Menangis beb. Anyway, kalau aku jd Dr. Anisah Ishak nanti hantaran kena RM50,000 kan? eh. hahahaha. ok iklan bergurau. Kau nak serious sgt, pegi duduk dlm court.
Aku tak tahu lah dapat ke tidak sambung MHRM ni. Hampa jugak lah kalau tak dapat walaupun aku takda lah nak sangaaaaaat sambung belajar, aku dah selesa kerja dapat gaji. Cuma aku akan hampa sbb ye lah, nampak sgt tak layak nak jadi pandai sikit dari dulu hahahahaha. Ah debor betul bila fikir benda ni.
Aku masih lagi rasa down and affected dgn interview tadi walaupun aku dah menidurkan diri. Aku rasa semakin tua, method menidurkan diri utk wash away the pain in my heart and mind dah semakin tak menjadi. Sigh, adulthood sucks. 
Anyway, good luck utk siapa yg nak sambung masters dkt mana2, apa2 bidang pun. Remember, plan ahead, have concrete reasons, read more you lazy ass. hahahaha. AND NEVER GIVE POWER TO ANYONE TO INTIMIDATE YOU OF YOUR OWN LIFE PLAN. and dont hate them too, just let them be provoking, you do you, ok. ((pat my own shoulder))
Well, this is how I started my first day of February 2018.
Semoga aku tak menangis dalam mimpi pulak malam ni.
Doakan yang terbaik utk aku, geng. Thanks a lot!
- Nesa.
1st feb, 2018.
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talknerdytome18 · 6 months
As we wait for our results tomorrow, just remember my fellow HSC besties... if you're still here lol:
You are worth more than your ATAR! To me, I am proud of you cause I know you've tried your hardest. Good luck!
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dshadowdawn-blog · 7 years
The End?
Boom! An explosion rung through his ears as the Mages’ spells were thrown about around him. The ground was covered in craters from the explosions, ruble flew through the air. Dal stood against it all.
“For the Queen!” A Shal’dorei called out.
Queen? Elisande is dead, you mean they wish to avenge her..?
“Kill the lowborn!” Another called out. 
The spells came flying again and Dal did his best to dodge, but the plate slowed him down but was also the only thing keeping him from being ripped apart by the spells. His blades were so far away and he couldn’t muster the mana to cast a spell, couldn’t even muster the strength to force himself to.
“It must feel so tiresome, My son.. To waste so much to keep me here? Yet you’ll die either way.. Your death.. Will usher in my return..” Dal could hear his voice, he could hear Tal.
“No..” He muttered to himself dashing around the courtyard of the stronghold, narrowly dodging most spells. Though an frostbolt caught him in the chest. He’d fly back. It all happened so quickly yet Dal felt the entire world slow down. He watched the sky, it was beautiful all the colours that stretched through the sky, it looked like the sky was made of millions of roses. He was still falling and yet the sky looked like it was getting closer and closer.
“Dalanh you’ve fought so much over these ten-thousand years. Are you not tired of fighting anymore? Let it all go, join your mother.. Join her in death.” Tal’s voice whispered in his mind.
“Maybe...” He thought to himself. Though as his body hit the ground, Dal saw visions of his mother, Reign, her long beautiful black hair, her sweet smile. Zan’theas, his son, standing next to his mother. Amorei stood there, smiling at Dal. Fanta, Ainsling, and Nesa. They stood there, smiling at him.
“We love you...” They said all at once.
The world began to grow cold, the beautiful sky turned dark and that is all there was. Darkness.
“Check the body.” A Shal’dorei called out and two soldiers moved over to Dalanh. Grabbing ahold of him and stripping his body of the armour. Looking for something, then they saw them. The runes that were etched into Dal’s body so long ago.
“Sir.. It’s him.. The Slayer of the Dragon..” One of the soldiers sputtered seemingly scared.
“Hmph, some slayer he is..” The mage laughed loudly.
All the while they searched Dal’s body. His eyes wept, tears streaming down his cheeks. In Dal’s mind, he stumbled toward his family. All those, over all these years, that he loved were there. He’d hug onto his mother and cried.
“I.. I couldn’t protect you..” He said as he cried into his mother’s dress. His body shifting to his wife and child. “I couldn’t protect any of you..” He held onto them tightly, tears rolling down his face. All those there hugged onto him and hugged him tightly.
“You put so much blame on yourself.. You’ve done everything you could..” His mother said to him. “But, they..” She waved a hand to Fanta, Ains, and Nesa. “They still need you.. Wake up Dalanh...” Her voice became a loud boom in his head. “Wake up.”
The soldiers finished getting his upper armour off but they noticed something odd going on with the runes. They began to glow a bright ominous red.
“WAKE UP!” They all called out together.
Dalanh’s eyes opened wide. The soldiers jumped and backed away from Dalanh. He crawled to a stand and cracked his neck. 
“Anu fal-enhala...” Dal murmured.
“KILL HIM AGAIN!” The mage shouted as he chanted a spell. Quickly, the soldiers charged Dal. One slashed his blade for Dal’s chest while the other went to stab it through him. Dal jumped back from them both, causing both blows to miss.
“Anu fal-enhala..” He muttered again, his runes glowed brighter. In an instant Dal darted forward. With most of his armour gone, he was faster than ever. He’d shoot his right hand forward, straightened like a blade as he’d shove his claws into the throat of one soldier before pulling it out, letting him fall to the ground with blood splurting out. The soldier gasped for air and tried to cover the wound but was quickly bleeding out.
“I will.. Not die.. I cannot die. I WILL PROTECT THEM!” Dal roared loudly as he’d then bring his hands together. “ANAH FELO ARMOUS!” He’d create a fireball and fire it into the second soldier. His scream echoing through the stronghold as his body was burnt to a crisp, his blood boiling.
“W-What kind of monster are you?!” The mage called out before firing arcane missiles at Dalanh. The rest of his unit charging from the ramps towards them both.
“Heh... I’m a dragon..” He said with a chuckle before letting out a bellowing. “Felo-Endal Draconis!” He’d then suck in deep before letting out a massive fire breath. The mage screamed loudly as he too was burnt but instead of to a crisp, he was nothing but ash. The soldiers roared as their armour clanged against the stone, they rushed towards Dal quickly.
“Rath ralla allath zwei..” He would summon his blades to him, before charging into the midst of the soldiers. Meeting them head-on, swinging his blade through one of the soldiers in an diagonal strike, cleaving him in two. Shooting his second blade through the chest of two others. He’d swing his left blade out, sending their bodies off the cliff.  His own body crashing into another man and running him over.  With a murmur of the spell again, his blades vanished. He’d leap into the face of a female fencer and grab her by the throat and pushing her to the ground as the other four men hurried. They all swung at Dal but he’d leap, using the woman’s throat as a small trampoline. Each man ended up swinging into the woman’s body, cutting her to pieces as she screamed in agony. 
Dal hit the ground behind them and darted forward at one soldier, decking him across the face. Shattering his lower jaw and sending him plummeting off the bridge, screaming in fear as he fell all the way down. Crashing upon the floor. The last three struck again, one slicing into Dal’s side, another cutting at his back, while the third grazed his right arm. Dal stumbled forward before turning to face them. Charging the middle one, the one that cut his back and grabbed him by the throat. Lifting him into the air as the other two watched in horror as Dal strangled the man. He would kick and claw at Dal trying to get free but couldn’t before... Crunch, his neck was snapped. The last two were horrified. 
“Y-Y.. You’re a monster!” They shouted before trying to run but didn’t get far as Dal grabbed one by their head, taking their blade and slicing her throat. He’d dig his nails into her neck. She screamed for a moment before it was all just gurgling noises. Then, skrreek.. Her head was ripped from her shoulders.  The last man ran as fast as he could, even threw his blade at Dal but what little good that did him. Dal would hurl the head of the woman at the man, knocking him to the ground. He’d walk towards the man as he tried to crawl away.
“Your pathetic kind.. Will no longer stink up this place..” He said, grabbing the man by his leg and spinning. The man hollered and screamed in fear before he was launched from the bridge of the stronghold, soaring through the air before landing face first into the ground. Dying on impact. Dal looked around, it was carnage, and he knew this was what had to be done.
“I will not leave them.. I will not die..” He said before marching out of the Stronghold. He’d look up at the sky, the beautiful colours were back. He’d take a long deep breath of the cool autumn air, it felt good. Looking forward his smile returned and he heard him again.
“You just refused to die, don’t you? Soon enough, you won’t be able to hold me here and I will kill you and all you love.” Tal said within Dal’s mind. 
“And on the day you are free.. I’ll fulfill the title I was given.. I will kill you.” He said aloud. “And you will not, hurt -any- of them..”
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amaiguri · 7 months
Hello, CalmWriMo 26
Today was a very good day. You know why? I rediscovered walking around but inside. I took like a 30 minute walk but in figure eights in my house and it was very good for my writing brain. What did I proceed to do? I drafted 3 whole different scenes!
See, it's almost like taking walks for my mental health is REALLY GOOD FOR ME or something!
New goal dropped for December -- daily walks inside my house 😍
Also also, I got to play Shadowrun for the first time with my friends! I'm Cat with a Q (Qat) and my pet is Cat with a Ch.
"So... Chat?"
"No, Cacht. The CH is silent."
The joke works better in audio. 💀💀💀
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Anyway, Qat is neurodivergent and a minor (except she isn't a minor lol). She's also an invisible Aspected Wizard with a pet cat, who was blessed by her spirit guide, and she lives in your walls. She's homeless. Her quest is for ramen with hot water.
ALSO ALSO -- I got sucked into Neocities today, on account of a post in my ridiculously long backlogged queue. But as I looked into it more, people are scared it might die soon cuz it's run by one guy?! Why do I always get into things when they're dying? Tiktok was the only thing I joined even VAGUELY early!? It's not fair! But sites on Neocities are SO COOL and I'm very seriously considering moving the entirity of the Yssaia site AGAIN lololol. But I had a complaint the Wix Blog and my Wix Site lowered its storage cap on me this last year so it isn't even EZ to read on or host images so... Hence why I'm very tempted to just scrap the whole thing and find somewhere else...
*ahem* Writing snippet! Right! Listen, the "journaling but on Tumblr" thing is going shockingly well. I don't censor myself -- the plan was just to cut anything I didn't want to post. But I haven't had any ultra-personal additions to add lately. So now I just ramble here lol. (Maybe I'm too open of a person?)
This snippet is between Lucienne and Nesa -- both gaslight/gatekeep/girlboss girlies dating Arlasaire, except Lucienne has generational trauma and Nesa does not. They are notably the same age, but Nesa has decided on the tactic of pretending Luce is a fantasy kindergartener
Lu: …Who are you? Ne: Nesa Kanespari — Second only to the Inquisitor General of the Ecclesia. And you are being a very bad girl, aren’t you? I don’t know how you do things in the North, but here in the South, we don’t hit people when we’re mad. Lu: “People.” She doesn’t even have a sash. Ne: Ah, so are you the type of little girl who kicks streetcats because she doesn’t have power over anything else? Lu: I’m not a child. Ne: Really? Because you’re acting like one. Apologize to Arlasaire. Ar: Nesa, it’s fine— Ne: No, it isn’t. Apologize. Lu: Why should I? Ne: “Why?” Well, for one, she could break you you over her knee, if she wanted. She won’t, because she likes you, but she could. But here’s the catch, Miss Lucienne, pay attention: She may not ever hurt you — but I have no qualms doing so.
I saw this Tiktok where a lady pretended to talk to Extended Family at Thanksgiving and told them to "Mind their bodies" and "Catch a bubble" and "Think silently, in your own head". And it was hilarious. I loved it. So Nesa is stealing this tactic -- but I did imagine an alt scene where Nesa is full-aggro, mama-bear for Arlasaire. But I think that might be too much for what is functionally a Charisma-based character lol.
Okay, thanks for the good talk! Take care of yourself in this final stretch of Nano/CalmWriMo!
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dreamers-wonderland · 7 years
guys I know depression sucks and you never really believe what anyone tells you about yourself. but just sit back and think. what do these people have to gain by telling you that you're beautiful and you're worth it? absolutely nothing. so why would they lie to you at all? it took me way too long to come to terms with this and it's all because of my nesa that I even heard it at all. so let me say it to you. you're beautiful. you're worth it. you deserve to live. you matter.
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talknerdytome18 · 8 months
Business Studies HSC - Review
Another day, another review... it's an interesting one.
Okay, so this paper was just disgusting in my opinion. WHY WERE THERE SO MANY FINANCE QUESTIONS? NESA, Business isn't all about Finance. There's also Marketing, Operations and HR, but y'all decided to be goofy and put Finance questions.
That short answer was disgusting. I will SUE you NESA for that short answer.
Multiple Choice was meh. Easier than other years, but not the greatest.
Anyways, I'm gonna spend the rest of the day watching Chucky and then revising for SOR 1... listen, I go to a catholic school, okay? IT WAS MANDATORY.
See you Thursday! - Em
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