#net 30 account
mironovs · 28 days
honestly I think we r almost a little bit tooooo nice to tradwife content creators on like. Instagram. “Society tells you to build a career and wait to settle down but now I’m living my best life barefoot in our kitchen wearing dresses and aprons every day 😋” if it weren’t real I would believe it earnestly honestly to be parody
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mari-beau · 4 months
Sometimes being environmentally friendly/conscious is out of people's price range.
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sonicboomseason3 · 5 months
a brief recap of what has been going on with the sonic movieverse in the past several months:
paramount has come out in public support of israel
keanu reeves, a man who has publicly rubbed elbows with none other than benjamin netanyahu, reportedly gets cast as shadow for the upcoming third movie
james marsden, the guy who plays tom, got exposed as having written a letter of support for a convicted pedophile
there's fucking??? zionist propaganda in the knuckles series???
kind of connected to the last point but adam pally, the guy who plays wade, is evidently pro-israel too
this is a complete and utter joke.
EDIT AS OF 4/30/24: if people see this version of the post, i'd really appreciate it if you reblog it instead of the other versions, as it's the most updated one with all the information that i want included. thank you :]
you know, it's been a few days since i've made this post, and some of you (not most) are staying determined in defending/justifying/giving the benefit of the doubt to keanu for that photo with netanyahu, whether it's because "it was a decade ago," "him being civil to someone he ran into at a party one time doesn't mean anything," "he's probably just silent because his pr managers won't allow him to speak up," etc. i've made my thoughts on the matter quite clear by directly responding to these people, but at this point, i'm tired of both seeing them in my notes and repeating myself, so take this as my final word on the issue.
i can't help it if you don't think the photo with netanyahu is damning, and i'm done engaging with everyone going out of their way to tell me that. i obviously disagree, especially after finding out that 1. the host of the party, arnon milchan, is a former israeli spy who has a history of developing israel's nuclear program and promoting apartheid in south africa (information that had broken out a few months prior to the party and thus would've been fresh news around the time keanu chose to attend) and 2. keanu has been caught hanging around at least two other weirdos, but if you don't find any of that to be cause for reasonable concern, then there really is nothing else i can say afaik.
with all that said, i'm beginning to realize how strange it is that these people's first instinct when seeing this post is to start debating about keanu's political stances without ever acknowledging any of the other bullet points. you guys realize that this isn't just about him, right? i know tumblr reading comprehension is known for being piss-poor, but like… you realize that i was trying to make a point of how there are MULTIPLE terrible things that have broken out about the people and company involved in the sonic movies, right? and yet, a lot of the people leaping to speak on keanu's behalf in my notes are completely ignoring the parts where i bring up paramount, pally, etc. all in favor of zeroing in on the singular point about keanu and making bad faith assumptions about me for holding him accountable. really makes one wonder where your priorities lie if, in a post that talks about so many other things, me accusing an a-list celebrity with, according to google, a net worth of almost $400 million is where you draw the line and apparently the only thing worth your acknowledgment.
ultimately, what i'm trying to say is that the intention of this post was just to gather up everything that i had been hearing for the past several months and put it all together in one place. there were a bunch of people who didn't know about at least one of the bullet points before seeing this post, and i'm glad that i could help inform them, that was what i was hoping to do! but as for the keanu thing, i've said pretty much all i can say for now, and i don't want to derail the original post even more than i may have already. unless something new comes up, i'm done talking about him.
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quazies · 1 month
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Well, the past week has been frustrating.
I’ll do my best to explain what’s gone wrong, but I don’t blame anyone who can’t wrap their head around it, because it’s a confusing mess. 
Within the past couple weeks I’ve made a new Adsense account under my business info (new bank account, tax number, etc) and it’s been rejected. Without an Adsense account linked to your YouTube, you can’t make ANY money from your videos. Because of “policy” they can’t tell me the EXACT thing I’ve done wrong, so I get to play the guessing game and loose the majority of my livelihood in the meanwhile!! Yippie!!! Just what I needed while working on one of my longest most ambitious projects yet!!! 
I have savings so it’s not a complete emergency, I can penny pinch for the next 30 to 90 days, or however long they keep me from monetizing my animations again. Thanks to my amazing Patrons, I still have a safety net for when stupid stuff like this happens.
Please consider checking out my Patreon while this BS is happening. I have 50 pages of storyboards up for my newest Godzilla animation, Character sheets, and when storyboarding wraps up I’ll be posting animation sneak peeks as well. Any support is greatly appreciated, and overall I just wanted folks to be aware of the situation. YouTube seems to enjoy finding new ways to disappoint me! I hope to one day reach my Patreon goal so I don’t have to feel so reliant on them to do what I love: making cartoons for you guys. I’ve had multiple situations of YouTube being unhelpful and this is definitely the worst case yet.
If you’re still reading, thanks for hearing me out, and if you’d like to check out the Patreon, it’s linked in my bio. Thank you guys as always, and thanks for watching my cartoons!
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bitchesgetriches · 2 years
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On leaving home for the first time:
Leaving Home before 18: A Practical Guide for Cast-Offs, Runaways, and Everybody in Between
Ask the Bitches: “I Just Turned 18 and My Parents Are Kicking Me Out. How Do I Brace Myself?”
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
How To Start at Rock Bottom: Welfare Programs and the Social Safety Net
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Make Myself Financially Secure Before Age 30?
You Won’t Regret Your Frugal 20s
Master the Logistics and Etiquette of Moving Out
Season 2, Episode 5: “What Do I Need to Know about Moving into My First Apartment?”
On basic finance:
How the Hell Does One Open a Bank Account? Asking for a Friend.
How Do You Write and Cash Checks? Asking for a Friend.
Budgets Don’t Work for Everyone—Try the Spending Tracker System Instead
You Must Be This Big to Be an Emergency Fund
A Hand-Holding Guide to Getting Your First Credit Card
How to File Your Taxes FOR FREE: Simple Instructions for the Stressed-Out Taxpayer
Dafuq Is Credit and How Do You Bend It to Your Will?
How to Save for Retirement When You Make Less Than $30,000 a Year
Dafuq Is Interest and How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
What’s the Difference Between Savings and Checking Accounts, and How Should I Be Using Them?
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
Dafuq Is Insurance and Why Do You Even Need It?
Investing Deathmatch: Investing in the Stock Market vs. Just… Not
Dafuq Is a Retirement Plan and Why Do You Need One?
Do NOT Make This Disastrous Beginner Mistake With Your Retirement Funds
On managing your household:
How the Hell Does One Laundry? Asking for a Friend.
How the Hell Does One Wash Dishes? Asking for a Friend.
Ask the Bitches: Why Are Painted Mason Jars the Internet’s Only Solution to My Tiny Apartment Woes?
9 Essential Tools for Apartment-Dwellers (and 6 That Are Kinda Useless)
Ask the Bitches: How Can I Survive in an Apartment with No Heat?
How to Save Money on Your Beloved Pets
Bullshit Reasons Not to Buy a House: Refuted
How To Maintain Your Car When You’re Barely Driving It
25 Tricks to Stay Cool WITHOUT Air Conditioning
On feeding and caring for yourself:
You Should Learn To Cook. Here’s Why.
How to Shop for Groceries like a Boss
If You Don’t Eat Leftovers I Don’t Even Want to Know You
I Think I Need to Go the Emergency Room?
Ask the Bitches: Ugh, How Do I Build the Habit of Taking Meds?
On maintaining relationships:
Season 1, Episode 8: “My Mother Demands Information About My One-Night Stands.”
Season 1, Episode 3: “My Parents Have Bad Credit. Should I Help by Co-signing Their Mortgage?”
Ask the Bitches: How Do I Say “No” When a Loved One Asks for Money… Again?
Ask the Bitches: My Dad Sucks with Money. How Do I Make Him Change?
You Need to Talk to Your Parents About Their Retirement Plan
Season 2, Episode 1: “I’m Financially Stable, but My Friends Aren’t. The Guilt Is Crushing!”  
On starting your career:
22-Year-Olds Don’t Belong in Grad School
High School Students Have No Way of Knowing What Career to Choose. Why Do We Make Them Do It Anyway?
The Actually Helpful, Nuanced, Non-Bullshit Way to Choose a Future Career
Your College Major May Not Prepare You for Your Job—but It Can Prepare You for Life
The Ugly Truth About Unpaid Internships
Your School or Workplace Benefits Might Include Cool Free Stuff
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Jay Kuo at The Status Kuo:
There’s a strange phenomenon occurring with the terminally online right. Ever since Vice President Kamala Harris announced that Gov. Tim Walz would be her running mate, many of the right have acted with fury. They’ve attempted to “Swift Boat” his 24-year service record in the Army National Guard. They’ve called him a racist for talking about “white guy tacos.” And they’ve dredged up a nearly 30-year old DUI—for which he took accountability and after which he stopped drinking altogether—to prove he’s somehow not so perfect a role model.
What they haven’t been able to do is make any of this stick. And yet, Walz continues to draw fire, which could otherwise have been directed at Harris. In other words, Walz is turning out to be a shrewd pick. At net 11 points positive favorability in polls, Walz is immensely more popular than his counterpart on the GOP ticket, JD Vance, who is underwater by nine. And as they continue to rail against him, the right keeps making his fundamental point about them: They are just really weird. In today’s piece, I explore some theories about why Walz brings out the worst impulses of the right just by being who he is. Then I’ll lay down some political tarot cards and prognosticate about where I think this leads.
Politico Uno Reverse
By most identity measures, Walz should be one of the MAGA right. He’s a midwestern white dude in his late 50s. He loves to hunt and is a sharpshooter. He served for decades in the military and achieved the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major. He was a football coach who helped lead his team to the state championship. And yet, despite all these identity markings, Walz in an unabashed progressive. He is for reproductive rights and an ally and protector of gay teens. And there isn’t a bigoted bone in his body. It’s as if when Harris picked him, she played, as writer Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman succinctly described it, a “political uno reverse.” The Walz card threw it right back at them, as if to say, “I’m a guy just like you, but without any of the weird baggage.” The MAGA GOP’s base is supposed to include white guys like Walz. But here is living evidence that they don’t have all of them or the best of them. That’s why they’re so eager to discredit him, because if they don’t, as psychologist Julie Hotard notes, then Walz will stand instead as a model of what is possible. On many levels, an appealing, white, male Democrat is a far bigger threat to their sense of identity than even a biracial woman candidate for president.
Attacking Mr. Nice Guy
For the past two decades, the GOP has shifted markedly toward being a party of cruelty, of “owning” the libs and drinking their tears, and of being as unpleasant and in-your-face as they can be. That kind of behavior has been rewarded with appearances on Fox and other right wing media, fundraising dollars from the MAGA base, and a spot at the side or in the tweets of the ex-president himself. As author Patrick S. Tomlinson observed, Walz represents what shouldn’t be an extraordinary notion: that you can be a nice guy, supportive of women, embracing of gay people, and still be all the coded masculine ideals of soldier, football coach, hunter and father that the MAGA right believed it had a lock on. Plus, you can be all those things without ever asking weird questions about menstrual cycles, chromosomes and genitalia. The right even tried to make a big deal about Walz’s efforts as governor to ensure free tampons were available to girls in school. Rumors circulated that schools had been required to also put tampons in boys’ bathrooms, but those claims turned out to be untrue, while demonstrating how off kilter the right becomes over sexuality and gender. The “Tampon Tim” moniker didn’t stick. On the contrary, there are probably many moms and dads grateful for a governor like Walz who is thinking about their daughters’ needs.
Jay Kuo explains the real reason why the right is being driven crazy by Tim Walz: The fact that he has a profile that would typify a MAGA voter (football coach, military service, loves to hunt) yet is a progressive white dude (solid LGBTQ+ rights ally before it became fashionable among Democrats).
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strawberrum · 6 months
thinking about how I had a few folks at my last market suggest to me (kindly and with good intentions) that I make and sell some versions of the hand knit cardigan I was wearing because people would "totally pay $300 for that!"
I appreciated the sentiment, but people don't understand what goes into handmade clothes! I don't use a knitting machine. Every stitch in that garment is created by hand on needles, and the sleeves were brioche. Even using inexpensive acrylic yarn for the whole project, and accounting for the HUGE sleeve stitches (saving me time making the sleeves)—the material cost was $55 and the labor was well beyond that.
Let's conservatively estimate the cardigan took me 30 hours to create. Currently, when pressed to put a dollar amount to my time, I use the living wage as a baseline and then go up from there $1/hour for every year I have been actively practicing that particular skill. In the case of knitting that would be 11 years, and the current living wage in my area is approximately $23/hour. Setting aside the fact that this is calculated based on a 40 hour work week and I don't believe that is ethical or sustainable, we'll just leave it at $34/hour. That would make labor alone $1,020.
This brings the "production cost" to $1,075.
Items are not sold at production cost because that would leave your profit margin at 0%. This is not sustainable because it costs money to run a business (think things like paying for computer repairs, buying tools, the tablecloth you use at markets, paying for a website, etc.). Realistically to cover business costs and still come out with a 7% "net" profit margin, which is just a number pulled from averages in the clothing retail business...
... I'd have to sell that cardigan for $1,350.
So yeah! Something to think about when you see the price of clothes that are handmade. :o)
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iwaoiness · 4 months
Oikawa sees the Miya's doing that damn trend twin, where've you been and, of course, he has to do it too. Not having a twin, he settles for the closest thing, which turns out to be Iwaizumi, whom Tooru manages to convince with a simple I didn't know I'll marry a coward. Later, while Hajime regrets for having fallen so easily into the game, he also manages to convince Suna (come on, Rin-chan, I know you too want to see Tsumu-chan's face when we get over his likes!) and Sakusa (we're going to screw Tsumu-chan, you're on?) to help them with the recording and editing.
It takes them eight tries in the main gymnasium of the Japanese volleyball team (Kuroo, after mentally calculating the publicity gains from the video, manages to clear the place out of the players and promises Iwaizumi to keep a close eye on them while filming). On the first attempt, Oikawa trips over the untied shoelace of his sneakers as he steps out from behind the poster and almost falls to the ground were it not for Iwaizumi acting fast and catching him while Suna snorts in amusement and Sakusa complains because who the hell ties his shoes with a simple knot, are you nine years old?
On the second try, a nervous Hyakuzawa interrupts the recording looking for Iwa-san because Hoshiumi-san challenged Hinata to find out who had the smaller head and the two somehow managed to get their head into one of the holes in the net, but now neither can get their head out and Kuroo-san tried to help, but somehow ended up getting his head stuck too.
On the third, fourth and fifth attempts, Oikawa and Iwaizumi interrupt the recording in different takes because they get the giggles.
On the sixth try, it's Sakusa's fault because he sneezes so hard that Oikawa squeals and jumps out of fright just as Suna records it in close-up (if he has saved that clip and secretly sent it to Hajime to add to his compilation video of thirty reasons and one more why I am marry Oikawa Tooru that he wants to prepare for their wedding, well, Tooru doesn't have to know about it).
On the seventh attempt, Iwaizumi forgets his lines and has to go over his part two more times with Sakusa.
On the eighth and final try, the recording is interrupted because Atsumu keeps calling Suna to mess up the video (by the fourth call, Rintaro sends him a picture of himself pulling out his middle finger and then blocks him).
But finally, after more than half an hour of suffering, several extra minutes of editing by Suna and Kiyoomi, the TikTok with the caption "when you finally meet your best friend since ever, future husband and the starting setter of the Argentina men's volleyball team Oikawa Tooru (30) on the all star match" is done.
It starts with Oikawa stepping out from behind the poster (this time without stumbling), singing twin, where've you been? Then, there's a quick jolt as a transition to show Iwaizumi walking towards the camera gesturing with his hands while singing nobody knows me like you do it. Another transition shows Oikawa dramatically rubbing his back against the net during the line nobody gon' love me quite like you. The camera switches back to Iwaizumi, who closes his eyes, raises his face upwards and holds his hand to his chest at can't even deny it; and back to Oikawa who slaps his left wrist with the index finger of his right hand (making a good show of his engagement ring) as he sings every time I try it.
In the final fragment, during the line one look in my eyes, they appear back to back. Then, they turn around, pointing the other and end by singing you know I'm lying, lying to each other.
The video is posted on the official JVA account and, in less than 72 hours, gets 100k more likes than the Miya's video. This brings Sakusa satisfaction and Suna amusement at Atsumu's absolute indignation. Kageyama comments on the video, asking if they can finally use the gym for training, and Osamu reposts it from the official Onigiri Miya account as well Matsukawa from the funeral home account.
oh to be an artist to stop this torture called describing dances
u can find me on my ao3 🌻
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robertreich · 11 months
Why We Need to Ban College Legacy Admissions
Children of the super rich are more than twice as likely to get into America’s most elite universities as middle-class students with the exact same test scores. This fast-tracks them to become the next generation of CEOs and lawmakers, and helps keep wealth and power in the hands of people who started out wealthy and powerful.
A big reason rich kids have such an advantage is so-called “legacy admissions” — the preference elite schools give to family members of alumni.
The vast majority of Americans, across the political spectrum, think this is unfair. An astounding 68% of all voters support banning legacy admissions outright. This is the strongest bipartisan agreement I think I’ve ever seen on an issue that boils down to who gets special privileges in America.
Now I went  to an Ivy League school (Dartmouth), followed by Oxford, and Yale Law. I wasn’t rich. My father ran a clothing store.
That was a half-century ago — before inequalities of income and wealth exploded in America, before the middle class began shrinking, before the American oligarchy began corrupting American politics with a flood of big money donations. Today, it’s much harder for a middle-class kid to get the same opportunities that I had.
New research conducted at Harvard (ironically) looked at 16 years of admissions data from the Ivy League schools, plus Stanford, Duke, MIT, and the University of Chicago.
The research reveals that one in six students at these prestigious schools comes from the richest 1% of American families.  
Why are so many rich kids getting in? It’s not because they’re better students.
Children from the top 1% were 34% more likely to be admitted than middle-class students with the same SAT or ACT scores.
Those from the top ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT were more than twice as likely to get in.
Legacy admissions are one of the biggest reasons. Nearly 30% of Harvard’s Class of 2023 were legacies.
It's a vicious cycle that consolidates wealth and power in the hands of a few.
Less than 1% of Americans get into one of these top schools, but their graduates account for 12% of the Fortune 500 CEOs,  a quarter of all U.S. senators, and more than a third of all Americans with a net worth over $100 million.
And because these graduates are in the winner's circle, their children have every advantage in the world — even before they get legacy preferences into the same prestigious universities, which in turn hand them even more advantages.
You see how this entrenches an American aristocracy? Concentrated wealth at the top leads to even more and more wealth concentration with each new generation.
It also perpetuates racial discrimination. Since non-white students were barred from most colleges for much of America’s history, legacy students are by definition more likely to be white.
The Ivy League’s legacy policies were introduced during the Jim Crow era, with the specific intent of limiting the number of students of color and Jewish students who could be admitted.
To this day, about 70% of Harvard’s legacy admissions are white, which is why the U.S. Department of Education is now investigating Harvard for potential violation of civil rights.
And with the Supreme Court's ruling against affirmative action, this systemic racism is likely to get worse. The Court is pretending to make college admissions "race-blind," while preserving systems that advance wealthy white students over all others.
It’s time for the government to ban legacy admissions.
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finniestoncrane · 7 days
Hello Finnie...
Curious...how do you think the rougues would talk to someone who is facing having to move back in with their parents at age 30 due to financial/personal reasons after years of living independently and their self esteem is taking a mahoosive hit 🙃🙃🙃
(I know it's becoming increasingly common nowadays due to cost of living but still...😣)
Asking for a friend...👀
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Rogues Headcanons aw anon i feel you, there's nothing like a perceived setback to knock your self-confidence HOWEVER i think you're just being a little harsh on yourself, since you know that it's super common!! but you still deserve comfort and encouragement, and i apologise for how completely sappy i was with this lol 💜 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: fluff, and sickeningly sweet sentiments i hope!!
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two face
i think every rogue can say they've suffered setbacks, but none like harvey
by all accounts he was living the perfect life, doing exactly what he wanted to
and then everything kind of crumbled, and he lost it all
but he built himself back up (albeit... maybe on the wrong side of morality depending on the coin flip)
so he considers himself a figure of encouragement to you!!
and he's also gruffly reminding you that self-esteem can be rebuilt
little by little, piece by piece
whether you feel like you're moving "back" or not
you can start fresh and new
his suggestion is a little less than helpful
mostly because his solution to his own financial issues were to... rob people while wearing a costume
and if you want to go down that route he is MORE than happy to help
but if you want to be sensible about it, he can offer support
someone to listen to you while you talk it all out
and he promises he won't psychoanalyse you too much
or talk in his therapist voice
but if after all that you're still lost, he has extra straw and fabric
poison ivy
is your parent's home like a garden? is it nurturing and safe, with a balanced ph level? do you feel comfortable and familiar?
is your parent's home like an unattended back patio made of slabs? cracks with grass? minimal space to thrive?
either way, plants will grow and plants will live
nature pushes on!! and little flowers take pride in pushing their heads up, their stems stretched
to see everything that's good beyond the things that seem so close and current
and with a little help from her, anyone can grow and become their best self, even if they've been uprooted
mad hatter
nothing in this world is perfect, and nothing goes according to plan
trust him, he knows that. he has experience in that. plenty of it
but you have to believe that it's an integral part to your story
what good would alice in wonderland have been if there had been no conflict
if she hadn't been forced to learn about herself, to undergo traumas and difficulties
all in order to get home, which she did
and you will too! he knows you have a happy ending waiting, your own wonderland to get to as a reward
he's never really known a home, so to him it's actually a nice idea
you've got a backup, a safety net
and yeah, you might never have wanted to use it
but it's never a bad thing to know there's another option
and it takes strength to ask for help, and even more to accept it
and while he's pretty sure he's strong enough physically to do most things
even he has to admire the emotional strength it takes to do what you're doing
so he's giving you a pat on the back and reminding you that things could always be worse
(and that pat on the back might cause bruising)
what do you need? you need money? you need a place to stay?
he'd be offering it all up to you immediately
what good is money if he can't throw it at his favourite people
keeps them under his thumb, yknow? if they own him one
so yeah it might be a favour he'll call you out on eventually
but rest assured he's not thinking of anything else but "how can i help" and "what do you need/want"
far before he'd make any judgements
it's hard to get where you want in life, he knows that very well
have you thought about straight up just murdering everyone?
he's kiding, he's kidding!!
besides, that's his thing. don't steal his thing, or you'll end up as a little tally mark on his skin
HOWEVER his advice would be to find something to focus on that takes your mind off of the perceived negatives
it doesn't have to be wiping out humanity in a nihilistic rampage
it can be anything!! and saving some money on rent and having the comfort of home might be all you need to find something new to become skilled at
just as long as it's not murder!!
mr freeze
it might feel like you're losing something, but there's always something to be gained too
and you never really lose what you had, because it lives on in memories and hopes
it stays with you in your plans for the future, in your dreams of what you want when you get back on your feet
or in his case, frozen in time in a glass tube
not lost, just temporarily out of reach
but he's a vehement believer in perseverance and never losing hope!!
you'll both have what you want soon enough, whether that's something new or gaining what you had
i won't lie i think he's the most likely to turn his nose up at you
like what do you mean there were unforeseen events that you weren't prepared for?
you didn't have 1588729 backup plans, one of which was for that exact chain of events!?
foolish of you really, though he will concede that not everyone has the brain power to strategise like that
in fact, it really is only him who can... so maybe he should lay off
and offer you some comfort instead, since the thought of having to move in with his parents...
well, it literally terrifies him
harley quinn
listen, she's no stranger to "set backs" in your plans
she's had everything taken from her!!
freedom, lovers, career plans (both respectable and criminal)
but she bounces back! and not just because she's a gymnast
(and also deeply out of touch with the trauma it all caused her)
but she manages it because she believes it'll all get better
and it'll all work out
and she believes that for you too!!
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anarchotahdigism · 7 months
I know i say "wear a mask and riot" and "fuck a peaceful protest" but I'd had a nice long post about how digital work and advocacy is praxis (or can be) on my old account. Right now, COVID is spreading and killing thousands of people in the US alone and nearly all """radicals""""" and """""leftists"""" are philosophically no different than the fascists they claim to oppose because they are so thoroughly wedded to eugenics that they refuse to wear and enforce masking. COVID causes long COVID in 10-30% of cases so the so-called US alone may well be a majority disabled nation now due to rampant eugenics forcing the spread of COVID. Long COVID is a rotting death and makes everything an order of magnitude more difficult if you still are able to do the things you were prior. Repeated COVID infections means you're guaranteed to be immunocompromised permanently and disabled in other ways you'll likely find out the hard way. With 40% of cases being asymptomatic and most only showing severe symptoms after 2-3 infections, and many starting to drop dead after 3 to 5 infections, many people accrue damage from and spread COVID without realizing it until it is far, far too late. As a result, it's guaranteed that the ableists have disabled and killed people. They've kept disabled people like me who are high risk out of radical spaces & communities. They've abandoned solidarity for everyone but the abled, ableist middle class while focusing most of their efforts on electoralism, despite the clear and constant failures of such actions. The BLM Rebellion of 2020-2021 had significant---albeit broadly temporary--impacts on electoral politics, society, and communities because it was a constant and ongoing rebellion that was also much more disability inclusive than prior leftist movement moments. For the first time, people recognized the need for remote actions & support because while masking was at the high water mark, more abled people understood that a lot of us disabled could not and would not risk COVID but we had had skills vital to the project. Things disabled people were absolutely critical for during the BLM Rebellion: police scanner observation and transcription, evacuation coordination, event & route planning, translation services, postering, graphics art & design, self defense seminars, radio nets, mutual aid fundraising, mutual aid distribution, bail fund coordination, zine writing, mask & test distributions, contact tracing (remember this??!??!), car brigades, organizing medical supplies, teaching first aid skills, and countless other roles often organized & performed remotely. For every fighter, there are at least a dozen support roles and with some thought and effort, those roles can be aided or done digitally. Posting on its own can be praxis in that it shares information, knowledge, tactics, demonstrates that there are other radicals out there willing to do what they can, normalizes radicalism, and in some cases, regimes pay close attention to internet support.
During the height of the Jina Amini rebellion in 2022, the Iranian regime tried to cut the internet repeatedly to stifle information out of and into Iran to hinder protest coordination and outrage. It also paid extremely close attention to when the rebellion was trending and refrained from reprisals until the mass attention of the internet citizenry turned away. Posting literally helped save lives by forcing the regime to wait, buying people time to organize, prepare, and act accordingly in Iran and internationally. Personally, I will always remember and be grateful for the Palestinians who turned out across the world, but especially in occupied Palestine, for Iranians. Iran is not the only regime that will wait until posts slacken and attention wanes before massacring people. If you are disabled, if you have arrest risks, if for any reasons you don't want to be involved in a radical riot, but you want to support those who can and do, there is so much you can do year round but especially things kick off!! Any skills, resources, knowledge, or support you can organize or contribute is valuable! eSims for Gaza right now are monumental in ensuring Gazans can coordinate information, requests, record Israeli occupation war crimes & apartheid cruelty, and many disabled graphics designers are offering their services in exchange for esim donations. It's been incredible to see.
The people who are against digital activism are ableist and racist and ignorant as hell beyond that. You can make an impact and even save and change lives while homebound. Begging genociders to stop profitable genocides has never and will never work. Riots & boycotts work because they directly confront and attack power and if those actions are supported by communities, they can continue for quite some time, as we saw with the BLM uprising. Regimes do not fall because people ask regime leaders to please stop committing atrocities; they fall when the people are able to bring to bear the sum of their hopes and wrath and bring the fight to those who have been oppressing them. That requires inclusive community & an outright rejection of the regime and its systems of cooptation & recuperation.
If a revolution or movement isn't inclusive, if it excludes the disabled, the poor, the marginalized, the oppressed, it's not a revolution or movement, it's just another genocidal regime change.
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tinsyfairy · 23 days
୨ৎ 09.02 accountability diary ! 🍂
* note this is not intended to encourage anybody or follow my habits i'm just documenting my life and i want to find others who are like me :)
₊⊹ intake limit : 1.4k ♡
₊⊹ water intake : 2.5L
₊⊹ fasting time : 18 hr & 40 min ♡
⌗ breakfast : oat bowl ! 🍂
- brown sugar oats (170)
- 1/2 roasted apple (45)
- 1/2 banana (50)
- extra cinnamonnn
- americano coffee
> total : 265 ♡
⌗ lunch : sweet potato & boiled eggs !
- 1 sweet potato & cinnamon (130)
- 2 boiled egg (144)
- 1/2 unsweetened almond latte (5)
> total : 279 ♡
⌗ dinner : ramen stir-fry ! 🍜
- chicken ramen (390)
- 1 egg & 1 egg white sunny fried (90)
- 1 cup of peppers & 1 green onion (30)
> total : 490 ♡
⌗ other : leftover apple 🍏
- 1/2 of an apple (45)
> total : 45
☆ total : 1,074
☆ burned : 426 / 12.5k steps (i danced a bit too but i didn't track it)
☆ net : 647
– mini log 🍂 :
2nd day! i think it's going pretty well and i'm staying under my budget ♡ i still feel invalid tho.. T_T but wtv i'll rather do high intake it's sm better than b-nging.
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evilrashida · 1 year
My account is over-drafted so pls someone buy something from my depop I’m begging you net 30 fashion jobs are killing me 😭
Check out my Depop shop 🛍 https://depop.app.link/a2vSmWwusBb
or just cash app me if ur feeling nice https://cash.app/$rashidabb
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bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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Life Tracker updated for Episode 7! This one is much quicker than Episode 6 on account of not being on holiday at the time, even though there were two thirds more deaths this time. Previous posts: Session 6, Session 5, Session 4. Also Session 8 (finale) post!
As usual, close ups and commentary below the cut. I’ve also added another graph for the average time of each team, which will also be below the cut.
There was so much carnage! 45 whole deaths in a single session! Not all deaths were awarded time during the session, but Scott’s video advised that it would be added by next session, so I have taken the liberty to add all the time as I see fit, hence why Scott is back to 7.5 hours. I haven’t seen every episode yet (in fact, other than Scott, I’ve only seen those that have perma-died), so I’m not sure if anyone else’s time is a mismatch, but if so I’m happy to explain where I’m getting my time additions and subtractions from!
Now for some close ups.
First, there was enough chaos that I decided to take a close up of Session 6 and 7 together so we can properly appreciate it:
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And a close up of Session 7 by itself:
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So many people lost major time, so it’s interesting to see Scott’s uptick of time at the end - he ended on only 30 minutes less than he would have been if he hadn’t died at all this session. Pearl didn’t die at all, and got the kill credit for Martyn blowing himself up in a trap, so she actually ended the session 30 minutes better than she started it. Grian also did very well for himself - he killed and died so many times, but somehow ended on the exact time he would have been on if he had experienced a peaceful deathless session.
BigB, Cleo, and Martyn all ended the session 1 hour poorer than they started, and Bdubs and Scar ended 1.5 hours below where they would have been. Nosy Neighbours are thus doing super well, with Mean Gills and Clockers not too far behind, in terms of maintaining position from the start of the session.
TIES had an awful time this session, with Impulse and Tango both losing a net 2 hours, and Etho and Skizz losing a net 2.5 hours - and obviously Skizz entirely died.
Joel possibly had the worst time, losing a net 3.5 hours this session - though it didn’t help that 5 of his 7 deaths were all caused by the one person. Technically Jimmy didn’t do too badly, given he only lost a net 1.5 hours... but given that he was out of the series only an hour into the session, and also the first out entirely... it really didn’t go well for him either
I also find it interesting the sheer number of vertical lines this graph, the ones representing a death immediately followed by a kill or vice versa. I would love to figure out a way to show only one line at a time on the graph, so we can more easily see someone’s journey, but I haven’t had time to look into it yet.
Now onto the graph of the average times per team.
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This one is super interesting to me, especially TIES’s line - they had the lowest average life right from the start, but somehow by Session 4, through Session 5, and for most of Session 6, they were the team with the highest average time, and then it quite literally went downhill from there. The only thing saving them from being last now is the fact that the Bad Boys are down to only a single living player, and even then Grian is doing far better than most of TIES.
It’s also interesting to me how Mean Gills had a significant time uptick at the end of both Session 6 and Session 7 (the first due to Martyn and the second due to Scott). Scott’s time was so high that it kept Mean Gills’ average time as yellow for all of Session 6 despite Martyn being red for most of it... and Martyn then got enough kills to keep it there. Mean Gills is also the only team in the entire graph to anywhere gain such consistent significant time.
These averages also coincide with the comments I made above about the time offset difference for each player from the start to end of the session. Mean Gills are doing well, but they’ve been doing well for so long that I’m sure most players are aware that they need to be a target. Nosy Neighbours are also doing well but I feel like they’ve flown under the radar, and are not a significant target right now.
Here is a close up of this graph with Sessions 1-4:
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And the close up for Session 5-7:
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And the Session 7 only close up:
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I kept the dead players in the teams’ averages, since I think it is a better reflection of the teams’ strength as a whole, but I also created a version that excluded dead players. In those screenshots you can really see Bad Boys’ and TIES’ time jumping up at a death, instead of falling as it did here.
Here are the alternate averages graph:
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And close ups:
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This makes Bad Boys look a lot better, because Grian does have a lot of time... but he is also alone. And there is definitely strength in numbers. Two players at an hour and a half each can fend off an attacker more easily than a single player at three hours can... unless nerves and panic get to them, as we definitely saw this session.
Wow and I almost forgot to include the raw data for this session!
The first hour of the session:
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The second hour of the session:
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There is just so much death! Look at all the box outlines!! I could barely fit this data on two screens on the zoom I was on, and I did not want to zoom out further.
I also obviously have data for the averages, but it was too far away from the column with the times on it that I wasn’t sure if it would still be useful on its own? Let me know if you want to see it!
This has once again been fascinating to see, and I cannot wait to see how Session 8 will go. Will it be the last session? Will they go until everyone is dead? Will they somehow have enough people with enough time to get to Session 9? Will Mean Gills be the final two and get to play fun relaxing games like Scott was suggesting? 
Only time will tell.
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
Master Post of Writings and Series
HFY Science Fiction That Isn't a Ship, It's a Cannon with FTL! Military fiction revolving around space pirates and a railgun someone strapped an FTL drive to. There are three parts, the link above should let you scroll through the whole series. Like Sharks A short fic based on the prompt "Humans are the only ones to actually develop FTL. Everyone else just uses wormholes." The Scattering Experimental piece. I normally do prose, but I tried a poem. Inspired by the Dark Forest Theory. "So...What's the biggest gun you've ever made?" First installment starring Earl, a weapons designer. In this episode he explains the basics of fission-based fusion weapons, their applications in throwing things into orbit. Also stars a horny lobsterman. "R&D? More like R&Deez Nuts" Second installment starring Earl. This is a laser tag fight starring the R&D division, accounting, and sales. There will be male bonding. Or else. "Yeah, sure, and I shit thermite. Be serious." Earl drinks until he pukes. Aliens learn that humans produce hydrochloric acid for digestion. The Vengabus is Coming! A pinned down group of soldiers has to call in a human tank for backup. Shock and awe does not begin to describe it. Hold Your Breath and Burn The bad news is that he's gonna die in space. The good news is that he can make it count. "I will solve you if I must." The last tool of diplomacy is threats. Burning Bridges You don't have to kill a soldier to keep them from being a combatant. "I think we underestimated the scale of the human species by eight or nine orders of magnitude." In which humans turn out to be the swarm. Party Favors Humanity solved mortality. It did not solve boredom. Now it's everyone's problem. Starring my creepiest humans, a lot of drugs, and the leasy sexy descriptions of sex I could make.
HFY Fantasy Small, Fragile, and Destined to Die There's something to be said for spitting in the face of death. Sometimes, literally. "Healing+Lightning=Wizard Launcher" Unconventional spell uses let a wizard punch above his weight. And bite. And kick. Human wizards make a lot of ruckus. An Honorary Troll A wizard fights a troll. It is not a very wizardly fight. I considered it a very loose sequel to the story above it, but both can absolutely be read separately. Dale of the Dales A two part series about a human protecting a town of halflings from an army of gnomes with the power of hospitality, and also being comparatively massive. Why Human's Can't Cast On the properties of superconductors and golden gods. The Thunder God of Honnillee A human is adopted by a halfling. What Talon and What Dreadful Claw Tragedy with a man and a spynx.
Unsorted Fictions Leviathan A necromancer scours the depths of hell for a soul worthy of his creation. He finds more than he bargained for. Odysseus in Space (It's very, very good) Biographical Pieces Soviet Birds A comedy of errors is resolved by the Vessel of Bird Sacrifice. The Kitchen Labyrinth of Missile Science Why does a classified facility with 30 people at it have 7 kitchens? What would you do if I told you it has seven of every kind of room? The Fridges. Oh my God, the Fridges. It also has 20 fridges in it. Obviously. Kevin vs. Intro to Quantum You would be surprised at the kind of intellectual challenges random bystanders can take. I certainly was. Layman walks in and becomes the class mascot. The Condom Bomber In which I fuck up. Videos None of these are narrated by me, but I thought I'd list them here for anyone that prefers listening to reading. Like Sharks, read by Grey Voice. He focuses on smooth reading. Like Sharks, read by Aggro Squirrel. He has a theatrical voice. Like Sharks, read by NetNarrator. He has a fast, clipped style. The Vengabus is Coming & Burning Bridges 2 for 1 by Aggro Squirrel. "Yeah, and I shit thermite. Be serious." by Net Narrator. "So, what's the biggest gun you've ever made?" by Aggro Squirrel.
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harushinkai-daily · 2 months
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From the digimonweb-net Twitter account, celebrating the 5th anniversary of Appmon's first episode airing (posted September 30, 2021).
This October 1 will mark 8 years!
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