#net not working
puraiuddo · 1 year
FanFiction.net is not gone.
Right now it's a victim of DNS (Domain Name Service) spoofing. This means that a malicious party is trying to steal traffic from FFn by purchasing a very similar domain.
The new "fake" site that people are seeing still belongs to FanFiction.net—they just misconfigured their servers and are not redirecting traffic from the bare fanfiction.net to the main site at www.fanfiction.net. There is likely no malicious agent. Didn't mean to scare anyone! Just wanted to let people know the site wasn't deleted!
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So if you want to read fanfiction and not see leaves, you have have to type out "www.fanfiction.net".
Please share so people stop panicking.
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delicourse · 4 months
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end of spring🌸🧶🌱🧵
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How the kleptocrats and oligarchs hunt civil society groups to the ends of the Earth
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It's a great time to be an oligarch! If you have accumulated a great fortune and wish to put whatever great crime lies behind it behind you, there is an army of fixers, lickspittles, thugs, reputation-launderers, procurers, henchmen, and other enablers who have turnkey solutions for laundering your reputation and keeping the unwashed from building a guillotine outside the gates of your compound.
The field of International Relations has studied the enemies of the Klept in detail: the Transnational Activist Network is a well-documented phenomenon. But far more poorly understood is the Transnational Uncivil Society Network, who will polish any turd of sufficient wealth to a high, professional gloss.
These TUSNs are the subject of a new, timely scholarly paper by Alexander Cooley, John Heathershaw and Ricard Soares de Oliveira: "Transnational Uncivil Society Networks: kleptocracy’s global fightback against liberal activism," published in last month's European Journal of International Relations:
The authors document how a collection of institutions – some coercive, others organized around good works – allow kleptocrats to take power, keep power, and use power. This includes "wealth managers, company providers, accounting firms, and international bankers" who create the complex financial structures that obscure the klept's wealth. It also includes "second citizenship managers and lawyers" that facilitate the klept's transnational nature, both to provide access to un-looted, prosperous places to visit, and boltholes to escape to in the face of coup or reform. It includes the real-estate brokers and other asset facilitators, who turn whole precincts of the world's greatest cities into empty safe-deposit boxes in the sky, while ensuring that footlose criminal elites always have a penthouse to perch in when they take a break from the desiccated husks they've drained dry back home.
Of course, it also includes the PR managers and philanthropic ventures that allow the klept to launder their reputation, to make themselves synonymous with good deeds rather than mass murder. Think here of how the Sacklers used charity to turn their family name into a synonym for culture and fine art, rather than death by opioid overdose:
Beyond providing comfort to "Politically Exposed Persons" and "High Net-Worth Individuals," TUSNs are concerned with neutralizing TANs. Activists in these transnational networks play an inside-outside game: in-country activists will recruit peers abroad to bring attention to the crimes of their local kleptocrats. These overseas partners target the klept in the places they go to play and spend, spoiling their fun – and if they succeed in getting corrupt leaders censured abroad, then in-country activists can leverage that bad press to fight the klept at home.
To fight this "Boomerang Effect," TUSNs seek to burnish corrupt officials' reputations abroad, getting their names on humanitarian prizes, beloved sports teams, cultural institutions and great universities. They seek to capture international governance institutions that might wrong-foot kleptocrats, co-opting them to enable and even celebrate looters.
When it comes to elite philanthropy, TUSNs are necessarily selective. Kleptocrats' foundations don't fund anti-kleptocratic groups – they stick to "education, public health, the environment and the arts." These domains steer clear of human rights questions that might implicate their benefactors. Russian oligarchs love children's charities and disability rights – provided they don't target the Russian state.
If charitable giving is reputation laundering's carrot, then "reputation management" is the laundry's stick. Think of organized copyfraudsters who clone websites that have criticized their clients, then backdate the articles, then accuse the originals of infringing copyright in order to get them de-listed from Google or taken offline altogether:
Reputation managers also spend a lot of time in court. In the UK – the world's leader in libel tourism, thanks to a legal system designed to let posh monsters sue muckraking journalists into silence – Russian oligarchs have perfected the art of forcing their critics to shut up and go away:
Indeed, London is a one-stop shop for the global klept, a place were forelock-tugging Renfields will buy you a Mayfair mansion under cover of a numbered company, sue your critics into silence, funnel your money into an anonymous Channel Islands account:
They'll sell you whole galleriesworth of "fine art" that you can have relocated to a climate-controlled container in a Swiss or Irish freeport:
They'll give your thick-as-pigshit progeny a PhD and never check to see whether he wrote his thesis himself:
Then they'll hook you up with a cyber-arms dealer to hunt your enemies by capturing their devices:
But don't let Brexit stop you from shopping for bargains on the continent. The Golden Passports of the EU – available in a variety of flavors, from Maltese to Cypriot to Portuguese – offer the discerning failson access to the luxury good shops and fleshpots of 27 advanced economies, making it a favorite of the Khmer Riche – the junior klept of Cambodia's ruling faction:
But golden passports are for amateurs. Skilled klepts travel on diplomatic passports, which offer the twin benefits of free movement and consequence-free criminality, thanks to diplomatic immunity. The former Kazakh dictator's son-in-law enjoyed a freewheeling diplomatic life in Vienna; one daughters of the dictator of Tajikistan had a jolly time as an envoy to DC; another, to London (where else?).
All this globetrotting serves a second purpose: when rival elites seize power back home and force the old guard into exile, those ex-monsters can show up in the lands they called their second homes and apply for asylum. It turns out that even bomb-the-boats UK will welcome any asylum seeker who enters via the private jet terminal at City Airport (to be fair, these "refugees" have extensive properties in Zone 1 and country places in the Home Counties, so they won't need housing).
This stuff works. After Kazakh state goons murdered at least 14 protesters at a Zhanaozen oil facility in 2011, human rights groups around the world took up the cause. But they were effectively neutralized by TUSNs, with former UK PM Tony Blair writing on behalf of the Kazakh government to the EU condemning any kind of international investigation into the mass killings (add "former Prime Ministers" to the list of commodities for sale in the UK to sufficiently well-resourced murderer).
The authors close their paper with two case-studies. The first is of the daughters of Uzbek dictator Islam Karimov, Gulnara and Lola. And President Karimov was indeed a dictator: he trapped his population within his borders, forced them to use unconvertible scrip in place of money, and ordered the murder of hundreds of peaceful protesters, plunging the country into international isolation.
But while Uzbeks were sealed within their borders, Gulnara Karimov became an international player, running a complex network of businesses that mixed the products of the nation's oilfields with her family's fortune. She solicited – and received – bribes from Teliasonera, MTS and Vimpelcom, who were all vying for the contract to provide service in Uzbekistan. All told, she extracted more than $1b in bribes, laundering them through Latvia, Hong Kong and New York. She acquired real-estate in France and Switzerland, and her spree continued until her father collaborated with Uzbek security to seize her assets and place her under house-arrest.
Lola Karimova-Tillyaeva was Gulnara's estranged younger sister. She and her husband Timur Tillyaev ran the Dubai-based SecureTrade, which did extensive business with "opaque Scottish Limited Partnerships," laundering more than $127m in a single year to offshore accounts in the UAE and Switzerland. They acquired many luxe assets – a jet, a Californian villa, and an LA perfumier.
Lola styled herself as the face of the Karimovas abroad, a "philanthropist and cultural ambassador." She was a UNESCO ambassador and commissioned works of monumental art – and also sued the shit out of news outlets that reported factual matters about her family repressive activity at home. She organized AIDS charities in the name of Uzbekistan – even as her father was imprisoning a writer for publishing a book explaining how to have safer sex.
The second case-study is on Isabel dos Santos, "Africa's richest woman," daughter of Angolan dictator Jose Eduardo dos Santos. Isabel's vast fortune stemmed from her personal capture of vast swathes of the third-largest economy in Africa: "telecommunications, banking, diamonds, real estate and cement, among many others." Isabel enjoyed seemingly limitless access to state credit and co-investment, and was given first crack at newly deregulated industries. Foreign firms that invested in Angola were required to "partner" with Isabel's businesses.
Isabel claimed to be a "self-made woman" – a claim credulously parroted by the western press, including the FT. She used her homegrown fortune to become a major player abroad, especially in Portugal, where she was represented by the leading Portuguese law-firm PLMJ. Her enablers are who's who of corruption-loving lickspittles: McKinsey, Ernst and Young, Boston Consulting Group, and the Spanish BigLaw firm Uri Menendez.
Isabel cultivated a public facade of philanthropic giving and public spirited activism, serving as head of the Angolan Red Cross. She attended Davos and spoke at the LSE (she was also invited to Oxford, but her invitation was subsequently rescinded). On social media, she dismissed critics of her wealth and corruption as "colonialists," decrying their "racism" and "prejudice."
Isabel dos Santos's corrupt sources of wealth were finally, irrefutably exposed through the Luanda Leaks, in which the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists mapped the network of "top banks, management consultants and legal firms that were central to dos Santos’s operations."
Both case studies shed light on the network of brilliant, driven enablers and procurers without whom the world's greatest monsters would falter. It's a rare window on a secretive world, one that is poorly understood even by its inhabitants. As Michael Mechanic wrote in Jackpot, his 2021 book on vast, intergenerational fortunes, the winners of the lucky orifice lottery often lack any real understanding of how The Money is structured, grown and protected:
This point was reiterated by Abigail Disney, in a brave piece on what it's like to grow up subject to the oversight of these millionaires who babysit the children of billionaires:
This is an important contribution to the literature. We naturally focus on the ultrawealthy individuals whose reputations and fortunes are the subject of so much attention, but without the TUSNs, they would be largely helpless.
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Going to Burning Man? Catch me on Tuesday at 2:40pm on the Center Camp Stage for a talk about enshittification and how to reverse it; on Wednesday at noon, I'm hosting Dr Patrick Ball at Liminal Labs (6:15/F) for a talk on using statistics to prove high-level culpability in the recruitment of child soldiers.
On September 6 at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Sam Valadi (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/132084522@N05/17086570218/
CC BY 2.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
Colin (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Palace_of_Westminster_from_the_dome_on_Methodist_Central_Hall_(cropped).jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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kaijukebox · 2 months
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Sapphic Disco Week: Day 1 - Favorite Female Character
Lilienne Carter save me, save me Lilienne Carter, save m
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gemsalive · 2 months
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was really entertained by the idea of odile swearing like some kind of ka buan captain haddock so. isat x tintin fake panel redraw inspired by @openphrase123’s addition to this silly post GO
(btw: per original post, url’s officially Changed now! @/starsalive -> @gemsalive 💫💎)
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wisdom i've accumulated in my almost-35 years on this planet: success = hard work + privilege + luck
never let this late capitalist hustle culture bullshit convince you that your lack of "success" is your fault.
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makoandharu · 2 months
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POV: you're looking at your best friend in a very heterosexual way
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skylersprompts · 11 months
DC x DP Prompt *13*
Of course something like this would happen, while Bruce was out of state with Alfred. Some business for Wayne Enterprises had come up and after he was sure the kids had everything under control in his absence, he left.
If Tim had known this would happen, he would have volunteered to go instead of Bruce. But his newest case had just been to intriguing.
Tim looked at Damian, Dick and Jason. They seemed to feel the same way as him.
Tim just had wanted to look something up before dinner! He had found the two floating Toddlers in the Batcave. And after he send a quick emergency signal up to the Manor his brothers had come down prepared for a fight.
Instead all they saw where two black haired three-year old Twins, who were either bothering the poor Bats or crawling into the mouth of the T-Rex.
"You can order Pizza, I'm not going to deal with... this", was all Jason said with disdain, before he left for the stairs to the Manor.
And yeah... absolutely understandable. Tim would do the same if he could.
"Dick, get the pool net. Damian, prepare a room. I'm going to call Uncle Clark and ask him how to handle flying Toddlers", a deep sight escaped Tim.
Why had it be today, when Alfred wasn't here.
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essektheylyss · 4 months
I miss the original Aeor arc but specifically because I didn't have any responsibilities in 2021. I had fuck-all to do. No one expected me to attend events. Now you can't even spend a day rotating the blorbos in your mind. The economy is in fucking shambles.
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greensaplinggrace · 3 months
honestly as much as i dont like angel for a whole laundry list of reasons, i do actually find his character hella amusing sometimes. like the guy's a sopping wet paper bag with absolutely zero self-control or basic sense, even after two hundred years of living. he couldn't even kiss a sixteen-year-old girl for a few seconds without vamping out and throwing himself out the window like a common criminal. every other second of the show he's going 'but we can't!' and then he will immediately do the thing he just said he couldn't do. most of his screentime is taken up by him standing in one place looking awkward as hell - and somehow he is even standing badly. he tries so desperately hard to pull the whole romeo and juliet thing with his only two prevailing expressions because it's his only way to hook a superpowered teenager into being his 'redemption'. like alskjfdlksd. is he okay in the head. this man should not be around children. he is the most pathetic boyfailure of all time, and not even in an attractive way. but ragging on him is fun as hell it has to be said. so he's not the worst i suppose.
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tacit-semantics · 10 months
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Alright!!!!!!!!!! Finished my biggest filet lace piece yet :) a big mess on the technical level because I realized at the very very end what it was that was giving me so much trouble (was failing to account for one of the threads when working around the holes (which were giving me so much trouble on the bigger part that I DID indeed just give up on but we will get em next time)) but let’s ignore that because I DID IT LOOK YALL. Thumbs up picture partially for scale but also because I DID IT
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sanjoongie · 9 months
𝔉𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔩 ℭ𝔲𝔱𝔢
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🤎Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Reader (f) 🤎Au: Hybrid Au, Bunny! Seonghwa, Wolf! Reader 🤎Trope: Established Relationship 🤎Rating: 18+, MDNI, smut 🤎Word Count: 2,763 🤎Warnings: dom! reader, sub! seonghwa, toy use (squirting dildo), amazon press position, overstimulation, penetrative sex with no barrier, creampie, marking (love bites, hickies), degradation kink, mentions of pegging 🤎Summary: Your boyfriend thinks it's a smart idea to wear fuzzy, cute clothing with you and not trigger you to push him in an amazon press 🤎Dedication: @downtoamagicalland & @mejuii for being beta readers extraordinaire 🤎divider by @cafekitsune
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“Careful with a prey boyfriend,” Your friend had sighed in defeat. “They’ll trigger you when you least expect it.”
You had laughed then but you weren’t laughing now.
Seonghwa had slid into your living room on fluffy socks to show off his new outfit. His eyes were lit up with excitement to have some loungewear in the theme of his favorite game. He did the game's dance, chirping to himself, before finally settling down beside you on the couch. 
“I think they’re too small though,” He said with a pout, tugging at the hem of the shorts.
You dug your nails into your legs in an attempt to distract yourself from your thoughts but it wasn’t working. Your inner wolf was howling to pin Seonghwa to the couch and ravage him but now was not the time. Except your eyes kept slipping towards the bronze thighs that were on display and the way that Seonghwa was STILL playing with the shorts.
“Seonghwa,” You growled in warning, biting down on your lip. 
Seonghwa’s eyebrows furrowed, one of his floppy ears moving nervously. “Is something wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” You lied with a strained voice, “You look very cute.”
Seonghwa beamed, turning slightly on the cough, bare knee brushing against you. He bounced and your eyes zeroed in on his soft cock under the lush material. “I knew you’d like--”
Before you could control yourself, you put a hand to Seonghwa’s broad shoulders and pushed him back on the couch. His big eyes looked up at you, part fear and part wonder. It snapped something inside of you. You grabbed two fistfuls of the fluffy shorts, framing his cock. “A little too cute,” You growled again. 
Seonghwa’s eyes began to move back and forth, following the pattern of your tail behind you, almost hypnotized. “Too cute?”
He licked his lips and this time a low growl did escape your lips. “Careful, Bunny, or I might rip you to shreds on this couch.”
Carefully, you eased your grip of one hand, and slowly eased your hand up the plane of his pelvis to his stomach, pushing up the sweater. “I don’t want to get this dirty, I just got it!” Seonghwa had the audacity to whine.
Your hands snapped back to your legs, where you went back to digging them in. “Okay, Bunny.” You reigned in your inner animal, the wolf huntress that simply wished to take what she wanted, and moved to the far side of the couch. 
Seonghwa sat up carefully, eyes trained on your tense form. “Just like that?”
“I refuse to take advantage of you, Seonghwa,” You said tersely, “You’re my boyfriend, not my dinner.”
“Thank you.” Seonghwa shuddered delicately and you had to stand up to halt yourself from launching yourself over at him again. 
Your lust ran through you like little red ants biting at your nerves. It was a double edged sword at this moment. “I’m going to the bedroom,” You proclaimed.
Seonghwa began to protest, plans of you cuddling and playing Animal Crossing dying before his eyes. “But we were going to--”
“Seonghwa, either I attempt to take it down a peg or I peg you, there is no inbetween at the moment,” You snapped. You were at your limit.
Seonghwa’s eyes were round with surprise and his ears moving upward in alert. “P-peg me?!” he stuttered.
You groaned in frustration and stomped to your bedroom, slamming the door in the process. You began to rip your clothes off, your body offended by the covering. You were too hot, and any brush of your clothing stimulated you too much. You needed something inside of you or you were going to die.
Your wolf ear swiveled backwards towards the door, the shuffling of some bunny feet alerting you to Seonghwa’s presence. “Moonlight?” Seonghwa called out cautiously through the wood.
You desperately yanked open your drawer where you kept the condoms and lube. “It’ll only be a bit, Seonghwa, just be patient for me, ‘kay?” You called back. You found your breeding dildo--the wolf cock that had a knot and spurted out fake-cum--and licked your lips in anticipation. 
“But--!” You could practically imagine the dejected way Seonghwa’s ears were lying on his soft hair right now. 
“I have to take care of this, Bun,” You murmured softly, trying to be a good girlfriend. “If I don’t manage this--” Your throat became tight. The last thing you wanted was Seonghwa flinching every time you reached for him. “This is for the best.”
You placed down a towel, filled the dildo, put it down and then lubed up both the dildo and yourself. Your body was extremely wet from even just being in the same breathing air as Seonghwa in his cute outfit but you knew how rough it was to take the dildo, so you prepared anyway. You raised yourself above it and then played the large tip along your outer folds before resolutely sinking down on it. You groaned loudly, finally getting a dick inside of you. “Fuck yes,” You hissed at the intrusion. 
You closed your eyes and images of your panting bunny below you painted the inside of your eyelids. Seonghwa with his pretty ears laid out on the bed, pretty moans falling from his pretty lips; your bunny letting you take whatever you needed from him. You couldn't help but moan his name, playing with your nipples and making you growl in satisfaction.
“That! That’s not fair!” Seonghwa protested through the door. “You’re getting yourself off imagining me?”
Some of your filters had slipped away. “Mmm, I’m gonna ride this cock all night, Bun,” You promised the Seonghwa in your mind. “Gonna make you cum again and again and again until you beg me to stop and then I’m going to go some more.”
Seonghwa opened the door and your eyes opened lazily. If he walked into your bedroom, where you had drawn the line from safe area to dangerous, he was giving up his right to remain your boyfriend and become your prey. “Watch yourself, Bunny,” You warned him.
His eyes traveled over the arch of your body as you took the dildo, your puffy clit that was begging for attention, the way your breasts bounced with each thrust of the wolf dildo inside of you. His nose twitched in indecision. “Moonlight?” he said cautiously. 
“You said no to this already, Bun,” You reminded him, not stopping your pleasure for a moment. 
An unsure pout pulled Seonghwa’s lower lip downwards. Then his eyes saw the knot at the bottom of the dildo and his frown intensified. “You’re using your wolf dildo? But you’re imagining me?”
It wasn’t right for you to provoke him but he had semi-intruded on you, so your wolf unfurled herself. “It’s the only way to satisfy my need right now, Bun.”
Seonghwa pushed up onto the balls of his feet. His eyes moved back and forth, the wheels in his head spinning while he thought. He looked like he was on the cusp of taking back what he said earlier. You slowed the roll of your hips just in case. “Seonghwa?”
“I wanna--” Seonghwa bit down on his lower lip in hesitation, “--I wanna help.”
You studied your boyfriend. His tail was making the jacket part of his loungewear move. His eyes were bright, though, almost curious of what would happen when he stepped into the bedroom, even though you had already warned him. Should you even allow him when you knew the mood you were in?
“I will bite and mark up your inner thighs, little bunny,” You educated him, “I will overstimulate you until tears. I will make you sweaty and dirty and you will not like it.”
Seonghwa’s fuzzy socks rubbed the door jam. “What if I want that?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You wanna be a cute little bun for me?”
Seonghwa nodded, eyes big and sparkling. You sighed and pulled yourself off the dildo. “C’mere, pretty.”
Your boyfriend pushed through the invisible barrier of your lair and climbed onto the bed. Your body tensed immediately, ready to pounce but you withheld yourself so that he could settle. You allow yourself to smooth your hand over the back of his neck. Seonghwa turned his head to look up at you, legs tucked under his body. “Why do you call me pretty?”
“Why, Seonghwa,” You can’t help but coo at your bunny boyfriend, “Because you are!”
“Pretty, how?” he persisted.
You push Seonghwa to lay on his back and you settle between his legs. You danced your fingers up his legs, stopping to grip them slightly at the hem of his shorts. “Pretty tan legs that I want to nibble on,” You murmured, leaning down to lick and nip at the sensitive skin. 
You feel your tail move back and forth behind you, happy to hear Seonghwa’s breath hitch at your love bites. You push his shorts up and up, until they’re practically punched up at the end of his legs. Seonghwa continued to spread his thighs for you, his dick getting harder as you got closer to it. 
But you weren’t about to put him out of his misery; you wanted him to be aching for you like you had been for him. So instead, you abandoned his thighs, covered in berry-colored bruises from your nibbles, and slowly unzipped his jacket. The broad expanse of his chest and stomach were now available for you, so you continued your task at hand. You left love bites on his chest and stomach and when you got to his hip bone, Seonghwa was a whiney, moaning mess under you. Sweat beaded his hairline and his lips were begging to be kissed.
The damn fuzzy loungewear of his was still making you feral. That hard body under all that soft material made you want to bend him over and-- “Seonghwa, baby, you trust me, right?”
Seonghwa blinked slowly, almost as if he was attempting to rise for the lust-filled fog of his brain. “Trust you,” He replied.
Your fingers hooked under his shorts and underwear and pulled them off of him. He watched you with those big eyes of his, waiting for you to reveal your plan. You gently but firmly bent him in half, so that his feet were near his head. You grasped Seonghwa’s cock and gave it a few pumps, making him moan for you. You pulled his dick upwards so that it came up through his bent legs. Then you stood over Seonghwa’s bent body and took him inside of you. 
“Moonlight!” Seonghwa cried out for you, enveloped in your tight, wet heat.
Since you were already stretched out from your dildo, it was easy to set a grueling pace to fuck your bunny boyfriend. His ears laid against his head, showing how content and comfortable he was with you right now. He may be a prey animal but he was enjoying being submissive to you--and that was exactly what you needed.
“Feel good, Bun?” You ask Seonghwa as you push a little hard on his calves to keep him bent in half.
“Gonna cum! Gonna cum inside of you, gonna--!” You pull off of him suddenly and he cries out at the loss of your pussy. 
“Did I say you could cum?” You demanded.
“P-please,” Seonghwa begged, “Please, it felt so good, please, want you to fuck me like that in my pretty new clothes, please!”
You tilted your head, “You know you have to ask before, Seonghwa.” You shake your head like you’re disappointed in him. 
“I’m!!” Seonghwa’s eyes tear up and they run down the side of his face. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”
“Are you sure? I can always go back to the dildo. It knew better than to come before me,” You threatened.
Seonghwa shook his head, some strands of hair falling into his eyes. “Please, can you fuck me? Please, can I cum inside of you? Please?” With a trembling lip, he said, “Please, your bunny wants to cum.”
You sighed in defeat and cupped his face, rubbing his tear-streaked face with the back and forth of your thumb. “You gonna be a good Bun, now? Are you going to let me use your cock properly and then we can cuddle and game?”
Seonghwa nodded, sniffling quietly. “I'll be a good bun.”
You slipped Seonghwa back inside of you and his head tipped back with the pleasure of it all. You admired the line of his neck and the sharpness of his jaw for a moment before setting another demanding pace. Seonghwa’s legs start to curl around your body, wanting more but you push them apart so you can keep control.
“Please, I can cum right? I can cum and fill you and you can use me until you cum too. Please, I'm a good bunny, let me cum!” Seonghwa begged so pretty for you, how could you deny him?
Seonghwa came with a great cry, desperate and needy and just the way you like it. You slowed down your pace, coaxing him through his orgasm. His seed leaked out of you as you continued to move above him. Quickly, Seonghwa goes from blissed out to whiney. “Too much,” he whimpered, squirming under you.
“You can take it, little bunny,” You cooed at him. “You want me to cum too, don't you?”
Seonghwa’s eyes snapped open, watery but pleading. “Use me,” he said.
You adjusted your position, letting Seonghwa’s legs fall back a bit but still spread. Instead of bouncing on him, you snap your hips forward, and it's almost an imitation of you fucking him, only he's still the one inside of you. Seonghwa is a bunny hybrid after all, he could actually go all day and all night if need be.
“You're so fucking cute like this, Seonghwa,” You waxed poetic for him. “In your cute little fuzzy jacket.” You pulled the zippered sides snugger to Seonghwa’s body. “Don't know how you thought you could just bounce around like a happy bunny, waving your soft cock in my face and not get fucked, but here we are.” 
“I just--hhnnffff--wanted to be cute for you!” Seonghwa managed to somehow reply back to you.
“Well, that cute little cock of yours is about to give me some much needed relief, Bunny,” You couldn't help but grin.
“I can--” Seonghwa swallowed loudly, barely containing a whine. “--can I cum again?”
“Fuck no,” You denied him. “I'm gonna cum, clenching around your cock and then you're gonna sit in your cute fuzzy shorts with your painfully hard dick and I'll cuddle you.”
Seonghwa whined and pouted and closed his eyes tight, trying his hardest to not cum so that you could take what you needed from him. Your soft cries became a crescendo as you searched out your high. It took you, searing through your body like lightning struck and you shouted his name. You rolled your body against Seonghwa’s, allowing your pussy walls to convulse around Seonghwa’s cock. 
When you opened your eyes, Seonghwa’s teeth were digging in his lower lip, drawing slight blood from his effort to not come from your tight heat looking to milk him for a second time. You leaned over and bestowed him a kiss, in thanks for him being a good bunny for you. You rested your soft body against his hard one. “Thank you, Bunny” You murmured against his lips as you smooched him in a softer moment.
Seonghwa had tears in the corners of his eyes but he smiled so happily for you. “I did it.”
You couldn't help but laugh in response. “You did well, Seonghwa.”
You looked at you, unsure and hopeful. “Do I still…?”
You hummed in confirmation. You pulled Seonghwa out of you, who was still hard. His dick looked so pretty covered in his cum. “You know you love the feeling of being a dirty boy,” You teased him.
Seonghwa endured putting back on his underwear and shorts, zipped up his jacket and padded back to the couch. His ears were flopped forward, framing his face, doing his best to look heartbroken, hoping you’d take pity on him. But watching him shuffle in his fuzzy clothes, the sharp lines of his body and his dick imprint pressed up against his shorts was recalling the beast you thought you had soothed earlier. If you were going to suffer, so was he.
You picked up his switch and offered it to him. “Load up your village, Bun. We’ve got some cuddling to do.”
Tagged: @hijirikaww @starlitmark @k-pop-ology
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bizarreandjarring · 2 years
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shit wrecked
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aquanutart · 1 year
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Nyaha~! Caught in my electroweb! ♡
397 notes · View notes
eveblazebabi · 1 year
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Rate my titty drop 🖤
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quake-sparks · 8 months
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I gave up on finishing this lol
Gave up halfway through adding texture because it was taking me too long to get motivated to finish it.
It was fun to make, but the parts that I got confused at took too long to figure out and I got bored fhdhdh
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