#netflix slander
notanotherzoyastan · 2 months
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This absolute gem from @theheartbrekkers on instagram
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Going to kill Netflix for not giving Saiki K dubs for the second and third seasons..
I miss the deadpanned charm of Kusuo already.
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lilisouless · 9 months
Things i will defend on the sab show
-Alina in season 1 (season 2 is another deal)
-Season 1 overall being better than the first book
-Genya's portrayal, sorry, i like her better on the show, to me book!genya , while i always found her sympathetic, was really hard to know and , hate me for this; her friendship with Alina is better on the show
-Zoya, never will claim her portrayal was ideal,but the fact that , mostly she gets more dignity that zoya on the first two books (really, read them again, you will be surprised by the amount of slutshaming she is set up for)
-The lack of Sergei , no Sergei is always a plus
-Nikolai, get over it,Nikolai needed to be played by a good actor, he is a well rounded character writen by Leigh Bardugo , not a porn fuel man written by SJ*gunshot* also if you are bothered by the fact that show!Nikolai doesn’t force a kiss on an underage girl and is not classist to Mal, that seems like a you problem
-Not going passionately with this because i would rather not talk about him at all , but the darkling’s portrayal on season one (at least compared to the books) season two again is another story
-Stop trying to pretend you loved book!Fedyor, you don’t remember book!Fedyor other than he died
-And overall…Wylan, at least personality wise, because he is actually one of the most accurate characters with the exception of the reading scene, which well just one scene, way less missteps than most characters. The show did a lot of things badly , awfully, destroyed lives, Wylan’s personality was not
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medusas-daughter · 1 year
When Kate asked Joe what his son's name was and he said "I'd rather not say" I'm 99.99% sure it's because he forgot it
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bubblegum444bimbo · 1 year
Anthony Lockwood…
you lanky ass suicidal maniac! You relentless fame chasing brat! You motherless fatherless maidenless lad.….
I love you
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stenclastiel · 7 months
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Why is there a deep fried chicken leg in the family meeting
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If I see one more person compare Lockwood to Kaz Brekker, I'm going to scream.
He is not an arsehole who would sacrifice his friends' lives and reduce them down to "investments" (the asset comment in the show was a momentary slip of the tongue).
He is a teenage boy who loves his friends with all of his heart, but sometimes has issues remembering his actions affect people other than himself.
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broken-everlark · 3 months
Wednesday: Close your eyes and tell me. What do you see?
Xavier: nothing
Wednesday: That's what you mean to me.
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greeen-bean · 9 months
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No but she gets it
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dormarunt · 4 months
I think I’ve read all your Berlin reviews but I’m still not sure why you don’t like Dámian? For me personally he was one of the only new characters I actually cared for so now I’m scared that I missed something dubious he did/said
Oh no I don't think you missed anything! It's not personal to the character of Dámian; in fact I actually agreed with his view on love (as opposed to Berlin's; this was before it was obvious that they're both clowns in matters of love). I guess my reaction is irrational and based on the fact that my knee-jerk reaction was to see him as a "budget" Professor, and I thought his character only existed because Alvaro Morte had other acting gigs lined up and couldn't be in this show. (Of course, I could be very wrong because they couldn't have used Sergio as a narrative foil to Andres in terms of his view on love, since Sergio couldn't have been married for 20+ years).
I honestly didn't even realize I was negative about the man? I'm still pending a rewatch from episode 3 onwards, I hope to sound less like I have something against the dude. Especially seeing how one of the dumbass jokes I kept making about the new team was that I'd probably write Berlin/Dámian (or Dámian/Berlin) just because their ship name would be Darlin. I am a certified idiot, please don't think that I know what I'm talking about. ;__;
Dámian-related, Andres says that a heist needs one brain and for this heist, the brain is Dámian's.
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I kept thinking about that line (which I misremembered and just re-watched to get right) and it sort of sounds TO ME like the heist was Dámian's idea?? Which is in line with my original thought that the gold heist was Martin's idea, and we know the Mint was papa Marquina's and then Sergio's, which means Andres' main contribution wasn't the brain but the ego and skill and dick-game. What do you think? Is Andres also a heist mastermind like his father, brother or Martin (and Dámian) and I read that line wrong?
(lol ironic how Andres was line ONE BRAIN PER HEIST PLEASE and then the whole team didn't make for a single whole brain between them)
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peterpastrahmii · 1 year
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will wood posted this today and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since
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lilisouless · 1 year
People on twitter are so weird, they say "i don't tolerate Kaz Brekker slander" then what i am supposed to do with him? compliment his hair?
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nobody7102 · 1 year
Normally I don’t post shit like this but it’s come to my attention that some people A) Don’t know how to have a civil discussion and B) Don’t know how to hate on characters without hating on actors(unless the actors actually have done something to deserve it)
(This is a targeted post)
Everyone is allowed to have opinions, in the US that’s the whole fucken point of the first amendment. HOWEVER, when you do clearly use that for your points without any regard for other people’s opinions and belittle others for their opinions that’s when you become hypocritical and the issues start.
You can dislike characters that’s fine, but unnecessarily hate on the actors who’ve done nothing wrong is different(separate Actors from Characters!)
You post your own opinion yet you have no respect or regard for other people. You ignore the valid evidence and reasons others try to show you and spew utter bullshit when actually asked for valid reasons for the hate you give.
We understand, you have so much hatred and disrespect towards anyone that isn’t Matt Murdock/Charlie Cox. The double standard you have are amazing, truly.
Normally I’m not one to police in the Marvel fandom because lord knows so many people already do it but when you spew so much bullshit to the point where I can’t tell your mouth from your asshole, then yeah I’m gonna say something about it.
A) First and foremost leave actors/character’s appearance out of the conversation/equation when you try to make a point. As soon as you bring up how “ugly” someone is you’ve fucken lost, apperence is never a valid/good argument (regardless how “ugly” a character or actor may be)
B) You get so pressed when other fans/people express their love for characters/actors(EX: Foggy Nelson and Karen Page) yet you expect people not to get pressed whe. You show hatred for the character and their IRL counterparts? How the fuck dose that work?
Again I’m not normally one to say “oh that’s not comic accurate” or “go look at the comic/have you even read the comics” bc lord knows I don’t read all the comics, but when you show so much disregard not only for the people/actors who provide you with the content/storylines you are so blatantly scrutinizing I’m gonna be a little bit of a gatekeeper.
Foggy Nelson was the whole reason “Nelson and Murdock” was even a thing to begin with. Foggy was Matt’s only friend until Karen was introduced, he has kept Matt on his feet and out of so much fucken trouble. Without Foggy who the fuck knows where Matt would be.
Karen Page was their first case. Without Karen “Nelson and Murdock” would have ended after they left “Landman and Zach” because they weren’t getting cases. Yes Karen is an amazing investigative journalist, she is the reason we/the public know everything we do about Wilson Fisk. Sure she didn’t “earn” her job at the Bulliten but she sure as shit proved that she deserved to be there.
Not to mention Season 3 Episode 13, Titled “A New Napkin”: after Fisks incarceration Foggy, Karen and Matt sit down in “Nelson’s Meats” and Foggy writes down “Nelson, Murdock and Page” implying that Karen will/wants to become a lawyer or at least help further in some way other than just being an assistant/office manager.
Foggy and Karen helped shape Matt as a character. Don’t disregard their efforts.
Yes character make stupid decisions all the fucking time: the whole point of the show is showing Matt Murdock being a fucking dumbass as he saves the city/Hells Kitchen.
But Matt isn’t the only character that saves the city, sure he does by being a vigilante but Karen and Foggy help the people of the city by being a voice for them as well as with how they help Matt.
Don’t even try to belittle actors because without actors you wouldn’t even have shit to shove in your mouth. The actors are fucking phenomenal so don’t belittle their work because I know you wouldn’t want someone to belittle your work. (Also Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson are fucken hot)
Yes everyone is allowed to have their opinions.
But if you disregard THE SOURCE MATERIAL of the effort which you hate upon as well as the efforts of the actors/people who provid you with the content, AND show so much disrespect towards them and other fans. You loose that right the moment you become a bitter bitch about everything.
There is so much evidence that proves how vital Karen and Foggy are to Daredevil/Matt’s story.
Just because they’re small parts doesn’t mean that their efforts are.
(Also quick edit: Elektra is “dead” her not coming back isn’t racially motivated(coming from an Asian American I can speech first hand about expressing racial motivations) it’s The Hand preparing her for rebirth and to come back as Black Sky, calm the fuck down. Not to mention: ELODIE YUNG’S CAREER IS GROWING! She had other projects and priorities currently(yes they could recast her but I’m sure she’s probably open to coming back) she has her new show on Fox, and she’s very clearly invested in other things currently)
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I just saw someone on SOC twitter say that Matthias is worse than the Darkling
That same person also said Wylan was illiterate and gay and that’s all he has going for him and that he and Jesper were the token side gays
Matthias was raised and manipulated in under severe religious views and when he realized that they were wrong he did EVERYTHING in his power to change it.
Listen even going I to the show KNOWING Darkles was bad, I still fell for Darklina. Ben Barnes is extremely charismatic and yeah Darkles was a good actor and it was hard not to fall for his charm. But that’s exactly what it was: charm, and acting. We got to see so much more of his manipulation and true dark side this season, yet people still try to say he’s misunderstood and just fighting for the Grisha. No?? He’s tryna take over the damn country and keep Alina under his thumb in the process??
Do not ever compare Matthias, who died doing what was right, to Darkles who died because his ass got hit with some well earned karma. They are nothing alike.
(This is not to say Darkles isn’t also a complex character; I really enjoyed the show giving him that backstory with the Heartrender girl he loved dying and the scene where Baghra died in his arms had me feeling very bad for him, even knowing what he’s done. But that’s the thing; you can see Darkles as a complex character and still acknowledge that he is an AWFUL human being. There is no redemption for him, and he deserved the ending he got. Darkling stans take the “complex character” term and run far past the finish line with it to the point where they idolize this guy to insane levels. Just—try to remember what you’re saying when you say Darklina should have been endgame. You’re saying Alina’s and Zoya’s manipulator and the reason Genya was abused for YEARS should end up with the girl he claimed to love even though he literally used her as a tool for his own gain and didn’t give a fuck about her own wishes? Please guys.no. )
AND WYLAN?? How dare you reduce him to the stereotypical side gay. My man spent this entire season proving his worth, and he and Jesper, while admittedly moved fast, were the most stable ship in the show for a goddamn reason. Wylan has been through hell, fuck all of the crows have, and yet they all still manage to hold some good inside them.
(Yes, even Kaz. I don’t care what anyone says, that man still wants to be good for those he cares about (Yes Inej but also the other Crows) along with being a crime lord. I did a whole presentation on it for my seminar last semester. Fight me.)
The reason SOC fans love those books is because Leigh Bardugo blessed us with these incredibly dynamic characters who are flawed and human and make mistakes but at the end of the day are just kids trying to make it through life the best way they can, and doing it as a FAMILY. Shadow and Bone, while still very good books, is missing that vital piece somehwere in the Malina Darklina ship war.
This was such a long rant I’m sorry
TLDR: Darkles sucks Matthias deserves better and Wylan is still my favorite Grishaverse character ever don’t dump on him or I’m coming for your eyeballs Kazzle Dazzle style
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enpassants · 1 year
number 1 wesper show defender ever
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bokutosbeefcake · 2 years
Jayce: I got arrested last night for being to handsome ;)
Viktor: and you got released this morning due to lack of evidence :|
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