#netflix: nightmare of the wolf
lassieposting · 2 years
Also. With Netflix canon. If Vesemir looked 25-35 at age 70 in NOTW, and he aged at a sensible, consistent rate over the next century-ish, he wouldn't be an old man by canon era. He'd be maybe in his fourties or early fifties. Possibly just starting to get some silver in his hair. Prime dilf territory. Which would be a fucking hilarious reason for Geralt to take twenty years to bring his bard home to meet the family
Jaskier: How come you never brought me to Kaer Morhen before?
Geralt, internally: You're going to be fuckstruck enough by my family at 40, 18yo you would've taken one look at Vesemir and pounced
Geralt, externally: Uh. Hm. It's cold. I didn't think you'd like the food. One of my brothers is feral. You know. Reasons.
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explosiongamora · 1 year
Someone PLEASE cast Jack Wolfe as a Tim Burton character omfg-
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old-deerstalker-hat · 11 months
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The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (2021) / The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep (2024)
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panur · 9 months
you know those time travel AU's where jaskier goes back in time to fuck young Vesemir influence Nightmare of the Wolf timeline, and while that's a lovely plotline i would gladly read it got me thinking...
what if instead of Vesemir, Jaskier met and rescued LUKA?? a hot, adorable, talented bard who is fiercely pro Witchers??
this man would be all over the bard in record time! and Jaskier!
a hot Witcher guy who has a sense of fashion, incredible hair and flirts back??
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i want this so badly, if someone ever, please @ me!!
#it’s free real estate prompt just tag me so i can read
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takahashi-edits · 2 years
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Vesemir (Nightmare of the Wolf) - Icons
Don't repost, that's not cool.
Like or Reblog if u Save.
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i'm not gonna lie. i didn't like the nightmare of the wolf all that much, but tetra's dance ritual is actually INSANE
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like, it's ridiculously beautiful, and the badass soundtrack?? when watching this movie with my friends, i made them watch it twice because i was absolutely blown away
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i know she's evil, but like. it's so stunning visually and i can't get ENOUGH of it. it's oddly comforting to me despite the actual context of this scene
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so, even though i didn't like this movie much, this goddamn dance ritual as a prelude to war saved it for me
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spilledbutter · 2 years
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actually helpful! timeline of netflix witcher media.
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amaryllis-11 · 1 year
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bifairywife · 2 years
when vesemir smiles >>>>>>>
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lassieposting · 2 years
Y'all ever think about how Young!Vesemir would still have to take contracts to provide for the Kaer Morons
Give me little Witchers who are left alone in a cramped room above a tavern for days at a time, told to sit tight and keep quiet and not draw attention because they're surrounded by humans and he won't be there to protect them
Little Witchers teaming up to look after Vesemir when he comes back from a hunt injured and exhausted. Double-mutated Geralt gets Stitching Duty, because he's got the steadiest hands. Eskel sits by Vesemir's head and distracts him during the unpleasant bits. Lambert gets sent out to make sure Vesemir's horse is stabled/untacked/fed/watered/groomed, and Remus goes running down to the innkeep to make sure Vesemir is fed and watered too.
Little Witchers who realise, as children inevitably will, that their parental figure is struggling, and try to ease the load. Geralt will venture out to forage for potion supplies while Ves is away. Eskel learns to charm free meals out of motherly innkeepers with compliments or the offer of helping out with chores. Lambert is a shameless little thief, but sometimes he'll filch something Ves can sell when their coin is low.
Vesemir who freezes in place the first time he comes back to a tavern, bloody and covered in mud, and is greeted by a gaggle of little Witchers running to hug his legs, because? He's their only stability. He's their protector, their provider, the only source of positive attention they really have. He's often sarcastic and short-tempered and sharp-tongued, but they miss him when he's gone, and they feel safer when he's back.
Vesemir who goes from oh no, absolutely not, every single one of you sleeps on his own bedroll to ugh fine whatever but the first one of you little bastards to kick me is getting yeeted when the pups all dogpile onto his bed after he's been away a while or someone has a night terror or he's hurt and they're worried about him.
Vesemir who shrugs off hateful comments aimed at him with a snarky comeback, but will absolutely throw the fuck down with anyone who starts in on his boys.
Little Eskel and Geralt - the oldest, the first to notice that Ves will go hungry so they can eat when funds are low or opt to replace Lambert's boots over replenishing his potion ingredients - who always ask to tag along on hunts. They can help! They'll be useful! They won't get in the way! They want to pull their weight!
Vesemir who actually realises that his own relationship with his father figure was more distant than he would've liked, as a boy. He idolised Deglan, wanted his approval. Deglan took a special interest in his training, served as his mentor for his first year on the Path, called him an affectionate nickname. But never hugged him. Never said he was proud of him. Always taught him that Real Men Need No One, young feller, now let's have none of that pansy nonsense.
Vesemir who sees the pups go from fearing him to missing him and trying to look out for him and seeking affection from him when they're scared or sad or pleased to see him, and makes a conscious decision that actually, Deglan, you were wrong. Yes, being cruel to be kind is often essential to Witcher training: it's a tough, dangerous, survival-of-the-fittest lifestyle. But real men hug their fucking kids
Just. Jesus I am like two years late to this party and absolutely consumed by single dad Ves feelings send help
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djohnhopper · 6 months
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JUST WATCHED: Just watched this 'Witcher' anime on Netflix. I really enjoyed it. Lot of low marks and mumbling on IMDB, but I'm not a Witcher expert, and to me Theo James gave a great voice to Vesemir, so I'm happy!
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beholdthemem · 1 year
I live within bus distance of the Universal picket line for the writer’s strike, so I like to go down there when I can to march with em in solidarity. They are all extremely cool people, and since many of them are older than me, I have been treated to a lot of free advice on Adult Life from more experienced adults. 10/10.
It’s also extremely funny to hear them talk shit about studios/executives that they’ve had to put up with, because they’re no longer required to pretend Oh, They’re All Such Lovely People, We’re So Lucky To Work For Them.
- “Dick Wolf insists on having an a personal office at every studio where his shows are worked on. He never goes to half of them, and when he does, he’s not usually there long. It’s just supposed to be left empty for him in case he MIGHT show up.”
“I took a bunch of coffee creamers from there just before we called the strike.”
“Honestly, that sounds fair?”
“I like to think of it as payment for all the extra work I had to do for free.”
- “Never work for Netflix if you can avoid it.”
“Oh my God, RIGHT? It’s a nightmare!”
“That is the most exploited I’ve ever been, and I’ve been doing this for a while so that says a LOT.”
- “Do they ever acknowledge how many laws the cops break during a single episode of any of those SVU spinoffs?”
“We’re not even allowed to use the phrase ‘Bad apples’ because it makes them uncomfortable.”
- “Humor does not exist in the Dick Wolf-verse, so we’re only allowed to include one joke per episode. Sometimes I like to play a little game where I see if I can get away with sneaking in a second.”
“Has that ever worked?”
“I think once we got in a subtle pun.”
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endiness · 1 month
Debunking misinformation about Netflix's The Witcher (Part 3)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
"The Witcher writers hate the source material."
This is a rumor started by Beau Demayo, a writer (he is the one who wrote Eskel's death, btw) who was fired from the show for allegedly being emotionally and physically abusive according to one of his ex-coworkers, who has said this in reference to him:
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So, y'know, maybe Beau Demayo's words should be taken with a grain of salt given that he would have a vested interest in creating a rumor to incite the fanbase to harass his former coworkers whom he was allegedly fired for mistreating in the first place.
Beau Demayo was also fired from X-Men 97, of which he was the showrunner of, a week before the show was set to premiere. (While there's been no official reason given for his firing yet, he was allegedly a "nightmare" to work with.) ETA 8/15/2024: While this hasn't been confirmed, sources say his firing was due to sexual misconduct.
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ETA 8/15/2024:
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ETA 8/22/2024:
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I also seriously question Demayo's knowledge of the books and just how respectful he is of them anyway, especially given that his justification for Vesemir's characterization in Nightmare of the Wolf seems to be highly based off of the games — which the show is not based on at all:
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Or in opposition to Geralt's characterization and somehow based off of Vesemir's behavior toward Ciri in Blood of Elves, which... I don't know what he's talking about tbh because Vesemir really does not act that way toward Ciri in the books:
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All of which makes even less sense given that there is literal book canon justification for his characterization of Vesemir — which he doesn't bring up:
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Not to mention how he wrote the witchers in NotW as either guilty, or at least believably guilty, of the accusations used against them to justify their genocide.
And he's also said this:
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Which I find a bit odd because Triss does not allude to anything, it's just outright stated (albeit the extent to which mages were involved is not):
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And, uh, there's definitely precedence in the books for how a mob of humans could take down a witcher. So kind of weird that he couldn't think of how the logistics behind how a mob of humans could take down a witcher stronghold would work when you could just take what happens in the books and extrapolate from there — y'know, if you've actually read the books.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
Guys. I'm gonna be very real with you here. And I'm sure it will piss off a few people. So I'm not tagging it. You can rb if you want, but I'm not tagging it. This is for you to do with as you please.
Ok. Here it is. We don't know what happened behind the scenes. We don't. We truly don't. And please be real.
HCav (not using the full name because I don't want to put it in the search results) is a massive global superstar, gorgeous, rich, beloved, AND incredibly incredibly incredibly good at pr. He has legions of fans and more access to media than almost any other celebrity.
All he has to do is very tactfully, in a few interviews, refuse to compliment the writers and instead steer the conversation to his love of the books, and voila. When he leaves this show, everyone blames someone else. Like. I've seen like two people mad at him. That's it. And that is what he did. He is very very smart.
This is the man who managed to convince millions of nerdy fanboys that he is 'just like them' that he is 'one of them'. Do you know how hard that is for someone who looks like him? lol
It used to be that when Hcav was cast in something nerdy, they'd bitch. "He's too pretty" (they want to project hard onto the hero, and their ideal is a rugged man which they associate more closely with old fashion masculinity. They also always complain the opposite of the female lead...she's never pretty or hot enough. But that's a different convo.) But despite that, HCav has painstakingly convinced them over the course of several years, that he is 'just like them'. It's like...the miracle that he has pulled off is THEE pr accomplishment of this century.
I am not saying that HCav is not a nerd. I'm not saying that he doesn't work hard or take the material seriously. I'm saying that it is far too easy for everyone watching this unfold, to just call him Jesus, and vilify everyone else, all while have zero fucking idea of what happened behind the scenes.
"Yes but Des, we know it's the writers' fault, because the show writing does suck, and the showrunner herself says that Cav was always the one who tried to fit in passages from the books."
Yes. Ok. But the problem I have with the writing is never the details. It's the overarching plotlines. HCav knew her vision when he signed on. When he fought for that role. They had so many meetings. Netflix told her to carry out her own vision, that's what she said she'd do, and he knew that.
All I'm saying is, no matter what you think of the writing, he is not a passive victim here. He was not betrayed. It's just grown folks having differences. That's it! And he couldn't write that show. Him adding lines here and there is the easiest thing. Would he be able to write an entire season's worth of scripts? (It's harder than it looks. It takes years of honing that craft.) No. He wouldn't, nor would he want to. The pay cut alone would be so staggering I'm sure he would have to sell several ocean front properties.
"Yes, but Des, the former writer said that people on the show hate the books. Surely that drove him away."
Babes. The guy who said that is the one who wrote S2E2 AND Nightmare of the Wolf. lmaoooosob. I would rather have a writer on the show who critiques some elements of the books (THEY ARE NOT ABOVE CRITIQUE) but actually understands what a witcher is and what that means in context of class, and who understands their oppressions, than someone who thinks the books are perfect, but took from those books that witcher are....THAT. That Vesemir is THAT.
Secondly, again, we don't know what happened. Another staff writer implied on twitter that there was ego and abuse issues. So WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED.
The point is, it is sooooooooooo fucking easy when you've left to blame everyone else. That's petty as shit what that departing writer did, and like...it works! It is guaranteed to work and he knew it.
Which leads us to the most uncomfortable truth here, and that is that what that writer did and to a lesser extent what HCav did, is weaponize a multitude of these racist cishet white nerdboys who harass and loathe Anna and Anya and Mimi and all these woc. These people live in a constant abusive rage online, and the root of their rage is that the witcher is diverse and 'woke'. If you haven't been on twitter or reddit or youtube and seen the relentless vile open racism in the most organized and loudest elements that attack the writers and Lauren, then I envy you. It is a cesspool.
When that departing writer threw them under the bus, he knew exactly what would happen and who he would rile up.
"Are you implying that if you hate the writing, you're misogynistic and racist."
No. Obviously not. I have criticized the writing and I will probably continue to do so on occasion.
I've been accused of being a 'book purist' but I assure you I'm not. Just give me good writing. Just give me a good story. And keep the characters true to their spirits. And if that isn't what is delivered, I might write a post with critique in it.
But what I won't do is publicly pile on people, on human beings, for business decisions and deals that happen behind the scenes, people who have no control over this, no fame, and no way to defend themselves.
This is how it works.
The showrunner decides the plot of the season. The staff writers are assigned episodes. They write what they're told to write. A lot of these staff writers and writer assistants make near poverty wages (for people living in L.A. Dear god. The cost to live there is staggering).
What I'm not gonna do is publicly blame them for driving away 'poor little hcav' lmao this incredibly incredibly powerful, wealthy global superstar who makes his own fucking decisions and whose race and gender protects him if his money and fame didn't.
Were there creative differences? Probably.
Did he also walk out on a show instead of working it out because he got a better offer? Definitely.
And was he INCREDIBLY INCREDIBLY savvy about very gently and subtly throwing them under the bus in every interview in order to preserve his fanboy following and his reputation going forward?
Because these studios know that if they adapt existing properties of these past comic books and novels and then they put a foot wrong, they will have legions of these toxic racist cishet white nerdboy fuckers review bombing, harrassing, stalking, making rape and death threats to actors, and if they get HCav they know that's not going to happen. The fanboys worship the ground he walks on. The fact that he delivers that to them is a HUGE plus in his favor. And then he also delivers the straight women. (and the bis, we won't leave us out, I did think he looked great grimy in a bathtub)
The issue is, back in the day, when these adapted properties (in the broader sense) novels and comic books were being published, 99% of English language publishing was run by white men and everyone else was excluded. If we are going to adapt them today, we can choose to uphold that white supremacy by continuing to exclude every other race from participating in the projects, thereby extending that white supremacy, and becoming agents of it, or we can cast the best actor for the role, regardless of race. And when that happens the backlash is swift. Because white people think only white people can be ethereal beauties (elves) they think only white people can be seductive, smoking hot sorceresses, they think only white people pilot space ships in the future and kiss heroic leading men.
It happened with Rings of Power, in Wheel of Time, in Star Wars, and more! Legions of racists and misogynists organize and make life a living hell for everyone else. They do not want to share their toys.
Yes, there is room for critique and dislike of these properties without being racist. I'm not talking about people who have real critique. (I have critique! I'm a mouthy, wordy bitch!) I'm talking about people who complain about 'woke' properties and who spew racial epithets at these beautiful talented actresses.
HCav never once that I saw stood up for the diverse casting of his female costars (Please prove me wrong and send me some interview where he did) and he could have. Again, I'm not demonizing him. He is focused and ambitious and stays in his lane and looks out for his career. But he does not go the extra mile for them. And he sure as shit doesn't need one more person (me) deifying him, trying to suck him off, and in the other breath, throwing all these women and poc under the bus for him.
Look, for example, the difference with other properties. Like The Walking Dead. Andrew Lincoln literally never shuts up about how much he loves Danai being his 'leading lady'. And look at how Ewan McGregor took up for Moses Ingram. (not his leading lady, but his colleague) Just saying. It is possible. So.
This recast is weird.
It sucks.
It's no one's fault.
It just is.
And we move on.
I got Joey Batey out of this. I got The Amazing Devil out of this. I got Madeleine Hyland out of this. I got the witcher book saga out of this. (I had only vaguely heard the names here and there but would have never read them otherwise) I got an amazing fandom community out of this that I will continue to write for and be a part of.
And I am not going to start screaming at working people in the streets for something they had little to no control over.
And lastly, "but you said Lauren has control over it, and surely she does get paid a ton of money. So surely this rich white lady isn't blameless in this. Surely she deserve the criticism she gets."
My guess is they are both grown ass adults who are fallible and are equally to blame. It doesn't help infantilizing or deifying him. And I can critique her work without vilifying her.
I can go write the Milva post I've been drafting for months being absolutely livid about her tweet saying Milva "embodies unrequited romance" without harrassing her. Please look at the difference here. IT IS ABOUT THE WORK. IT IS ABOUT THE STORY.
It is never personal. I would never make it personal. It's just different visions about fiction. And I would never pretend to know what happens in real life with real people behind the scenes.
And I know that no one who follows me on here is the kind of person who would harass her. At least I hope. I'm almost positive. So I'm not accusing anyone of anything. And if you hate the writing and the direction of the show you are entitled to that. I have done my own critical posts.
But again, I do not know what happened behind the scenes. So I'm staying in my lane. I've lived long enough now to see people get blamed and harassed for things and then we get documentaries twenty years later showing that people were totally in the wrong and just didn't know what happened behind the scenes.
So I will not be doing that.
And I will keep supporting Joey and Anya and Myanna and Mimi and all the people acting their little hearts out on the show. And I will keep talking about the books and writing my lil fics.
And when the show is over, I will probably follow Joey to whatever other projects he goes to. But I won't ever stop being a witcher fan or a TAD fan. That's a 'for life' thing at this point.
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felassan · 1 year
Article: 'Netflix Reportedly Developing Live-Action and Animated Dragon Age Shows'
"Netflix is reportedly developing a live-action and animated show based on BioWare and Electronic Arts’ video game series ‘Dragon Age.’ The video game series revolves around the adventures of the inhabitants of the fictional continent Thedas. Netflix previously collaborated with BioWare to produce and release the animated series ‘Dragon Age: Absolution.’ It is unknown whether any of the two shows will serve as a sequel or prequel to the 2022 show but they are expected to take place in Thedas as the games and ‘Absolution.’ Regardless of the storylines of the two shows, BioWare is expected to oversee the development and production of the same as it did with ‘Absolution.’ For the 2022 series, BioWare teamed up with Korean animation studio Red Dog Culture House, which is known for projects such as ‘Justice League: Warworld,’ ‘The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf,’ ‘Centaurworld,’ ‘Voltron Legendary Defender Motion Comic,’ etc. The upcoming animated series is expected to be produced by Red Dog as well."
??? (◯Δ◯∥)
(nb: I'm not sure how much legitimacy this article/rumor holds, if any)
[source, previous DA rumors/reporting of this nature]
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harlowtales · 1 year
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Jack has nightmares and trouble sleeping and goes to his personal assistant for comfort and to tell her how he feels.
18+ sweet couples❤️
“Stay tonight. I promise no funny stuff.” Jack said. It had been a late night of traveling and you and Jack and his crew were finally back in Kentucky. On the road something happened where Jack apologized for not being completely professional and you had got past it so this offer to stay over had you suspicious. At the risk of losing your job you declined.
“Jack I would love to but given the situation it would be…” You started to say
“Inappropriate? Not professional” He mocked and finished your sentence
“Exactly” You affirmed “I’m going to get Neelam to take me home. Goodnight Jack.”
“Goodnight y/n.” Jack said sullenly as he saw you out.
You had trouble settling in and stayed up to binge on Netflix when you heard a soft knock on the door. You opened the door to find Jack standing there in his bonnet and pyjamas.
“Jack? What on earth are you doing here?” You said surprised and yawning “Are you ok?”
“Uh no.” He said wringing his hands “Can I come in?”
“Of course” You said letting him walk past into your tiny apartment.
“Cute place.” He said looking around
“Thanks. It’s cozy.” You said “Are you ok Jack?” You said concerned
“I had a nightmare…again…well I have them every night but this one really shook me up and I went for a drive and wound up here.” He explained
“Do you want to talk about it?” You asked
“No.” He said shortly
“Ok…well do you want to watch a movie?” You asked trying to figure out how to help him.
“Can I sleep with you? Not like that! I mean just like for comfort not anything like that.” He asked
“Ummmm I don’t know Jack.” You said unsure “My couch is available if you like.”
“Y/n please forgive me coming onto you.” Jack pleaded “I thought you were feeling me. I shouldn’t have kissed you.” Jack apologized
“It’s fine. I wish it were different honestly.” You said kindly “But I need this job and Neelam trusts me.”
“I know…you’re right. I’m sorry.” Jack said making himself comfortable on your couch
“Goodnight Jack sleep well.” You said as you headed to your room.
Jack tossed and turned. He had been having a terrible nightmare for weeks on end that he didn’t want to talk about. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep and woke up to the smell of bacon sizzling. “Did you sleep well?” You asked smiling and your hair was in a messy ponytail and still in your pyjamas. It took everything for Jack not to want to kiss you again.
“Um yeah I did thanks.” He said taking off his bonnet and shaking out his curls. You tried not to notice.
“Please sit.” You said motioning for him to have a seat at your little table. You dished out a nice helping of bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs and pancakes.
“Holy fuck y/n. You went all out. That’s so sweet.” Jack said. He began to wolf it down. He often was so busy he forgot to eat. “Oh my fucking god.” Jack said with his mouth full. “What the fuck do you put in your fucking pancakes??”
“Just some nutmeg and cinnamon, ooh and vanilla. You like them?” You gushed. It was a treat watching Jack really eat for once.
“Like them???” Jack said his eyes wide “Urb has to have these!! I’mma rub this right in his face.”
“Ok since you’re here I would like to go over the tour schedule coming up.” You said getting right to business and adjusting your glasses which wasn’t making anything easy for Jack.
“Can you put that laptop away?” Jack said furrowing his brow
“Ok….Jackman what’s going on with you?” You asked. He was acting so weird lately
He sat back in his chair and put his fork down and looked at you with his head to one side fiddling with his beard as he often did when he wanted to choose his words carefully. “Imma say this.” He said “I like you. A lot.”
“Oh.” You said slowly suddenly feeling a bit faint.
“Now what I do about that I don’t fucking know.” He said crossing his buff bare arms.
You sat in silence and watched him finish eating as tears welled up in your eyes. “I’m fired aren’t I?” You said through your soft sobbing.
“Ah hey shhhhh. No…well maybe.” He said with a bit of a grin. “Come here.” He motioned for you to sit on his lap. “I can get you other opportunities. I won’t do that to you.” He promised as he wrapped his arms around you “but with the way I’m feeling, you working for me would be too hard. I’m sorry.”
You sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “K great there goes my apartment. I can’t afford to not have something steady.” You said fearfully
Jack realized you had real worries and stopped kidding. “Y/n look at me.” He said “I want us to be a thing. Like for real.”
“I don’t know what any of that even means.” You said blowing your nose from crying
“You’re the most fucking adorable thing I’ve ever seen. You’re hard working, great with people. I know we can find you another job. What I’m worried about…what keeps me up at night…is not being able to find another girl like you.”
You didn’t know what to say and just turned and gave him a big bear hug. “So is that a yes? I can fire you and you be my girl?” Jack said rubbing your back
“Yes Jack please fire me!” You said smiling wiping your tears and laughing all at the same time.
You shared a kiss and he picked you up bringing you over to the couch that was only a few feet away in your tiny place. You got under a big quilt and laid on his chest. He kissed the top of your head and picked up the remote. “Now what were you watching?” He said as he turned the TV back on.
“Oh shit no!” You said trying to take the remote from him.
“What??!” He started laughing when he saw on YouTube that you were in your Jack Harlow section and all his videos came up. You had pretended you weren’t really a fan all this time. You sank under the blanket in embarrassment and he tickled you.
“Hey let’s have popcorn” You said escaping the blanket and darting into the kitchen.
“Nice save y/n.” Jack grinned putting his hands behind his head of curls and breathing a sigh of relief that if he had you to snuggle up to he may never have nightmares again 😴
@itsyagirljaz @killatravtramp @heavyhitterheaux @ride4harlow @jacks-daycare
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