#nettles thoughts
ride-thedragon · 2 months
It is a shorter analysis but a needed one. The way that Nettles race plays into her interpretation throughout the narrative is interesting.
Obviously, she is a mystery throughout the narrative. We don't know much about her, and what little we do know is often contradictory within the written narrative. But her race plays a part in that.
When we look at who's writing the story, we are being told what occurred through very specific lenses. Septon Eustace, Maester Gyldayn, and Mushroom are all men, from different backgrounds, but men in this world none the less, white men (andals) at that.
So we see their bias when it comes to Rhaenyra no longer being beautiful because she kept the weight after having children.
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Or with their depictions of Alicent and Helaena or the twins with their one isn't fit to be heir she won't listen, yadda, yadda, yadda....
Bias occurs.
With Nettles in the narrative, however, her being a woman, poor and black, all play a role in the intersection of her identity.
There is nothing about her when it comes to her description that suggests she's dirty, filthy, or promiscuous, and the people who describe her as such weren't around her in the time period they were describing.
'She slept with shepherds for sheep' while having the markings of a thief in their world.
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She is filthy, yet the only time we get an in world description of her cleaning habits, she's bathing with a prince and getting things (hair brush, mirror) to maintain her appearance.
Like, I hate to be the one to say it, but let's think about these conclusions logically.
There would be an intersectional bias with Nettles in the narrative. She's looked down on because Septon Eustace decides to play guessing games with her backstory and then uses his own unconfirmed deduction to say what could've happened in Maidenpool.
Even in Maidenpool, they call her the brown child, Daemon cares for.
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I don't think this is something that exists in a bubble, and I think the narrators of fire and blood are given a clear bias so before we jump to conclusions about Nettles, remember that the way she is written isn't from her perspective or with her input. It's by men who didn't know her and never recount an in person interaction with her. Not even a quote she might have said.
Also, not to hype up George, but the man clearly loves his history, so I beg anyone who thinks I'm reaching to look up how black women (any woc could work) are written by white scholars and then how mistresses are written about in history and let the thought marinate.
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fluentisonus · 1 year
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He added, after a pause: “Remember this, my friends: there are no such things as bad plants or bad men. There are only bad cultivators.”
Les Misérables, Volume I / Book V / Chapter III, trans. Hapgood
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malaiikka · 22 days
The news about Rhaena/Nettles legit managed to erode all the excitement I had about season two during the past few weeks in a matter of seconds.
Nettles is canonically the only non-Targ dragonrider, her story and arc is so important in challenging the beliefs about dragons and Targaryens and blood magic incest that exist in Westeros and among the Targaryens, why would the writers look at such a character and decided to mesh her storyline with Rhaena’s?? Are they just so uncreative they couldn’t figure out something for Rhaena to do in the Vale?? Or can this show only handle no more than three black characters, all the while they continue on cooking up new storylines and arcs for the white characters that don’t exist in the book??
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qyburnsghost · 16 days
They deleted Nettles to make Rhaenyra look better, but invented Dyana to make Aegon look worse!
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groenendaze · 4 months
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sometimes with pictures that i don’t originally think i can save/arent “ideal” for a variety of reasons, i try an experimental or artsy style on them…..most of the time it doesn’t work but, hey! sometimes it gets you some fun end products
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
As much as Snowpea is great I do wanna throw some love out there for Nettle too. She's got great goblin design and everything I've seen with her in it has been real fun.
thank you! I have fun drawing her.
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(shirt inspired by a real one seen on @shiftythrifting, one of the best blogs on this website)
(also her gnoll friend's name is Sweet Pea, not Snow Pea, but that's ok Snow Pea could be a cute nickname)
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alphashley14 · 5 months
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More Fred Doodles!
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sandpaperoctopi · 1 month
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snake who did not want to move out of their sunny spot unless they absolutely had to
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
Let’s talk about the changed between white book laena to black show laena
Book leana had a pretty awesome life. She married at the age of 22 to a man she loved, traveled the world with him, had 2 babies and they lived happily on driftmark with her family together until she passed away at childbirth despite her loving husband doing everything he can to save her. + her husband remarried 6 months after her death.
Now let’s talk about show leana
She married daemon much younger than book laena, was neglected and unloved by him, was forced to live away from her beloved family and burned herself to death because “feminism” 🤡 only to have her husband sleep with another woman on her fucking funeral. And the showrunners claim they wanted to respect her character?????? Disgusting.
In the book laena is the only wife that daemon seemed to truly love. (Until nettles). He never cheated and they had a happy marriage. But when she’s black suddenly she’s the second choice to the white female lead. What a fucking joke. And then they absolutely spit on her by having her husband sleep with said white female main character on her funeral. This show treats its black characters like shit. I really don’t understand why people aren’t talking about this.
This shows deranged fandom tells you everything you need to know about the problematic way they treat black characters. We haven’t even got nettles’s casting yet. The most important dragon seed. Literally who gives a shit about the others? But I wonder why we have their castings but not the casting of the only canonically black character in the dance???? If nettles is not in season 2 I’m going to drop this show. If they’ll introduce the dragonseeds without nettles they are fucking disgusting.
All of this is why I criticize this shitty show and equally shitty fandom👏🏽
People try to act like you’re the crazy one for noticing how these changes affect the treatment of the characters, but nope fandom racism, more specifically fandom misogynoir, is real and it’s happening with HOTD.
Book!Laena was treated with love and respect, but the moment she became Black-ish she became worthless to both the showrunners and the fandom. All she's good for is to be a prop/placeholder. Hell, when she died people seemed more concerned about Vhagar, a dragon, rather than the woman who lit herself on fucking fire.
They made Laena into a stereotype just to make a crazed white woman’s death look better than it was and this demented ass fandom cheers it on.
Because she’s Black and not a cookie-cutter stereotype in the source material, Nettles' whole existence is a problem to these people and she must be cut, erased, reduced, etc.
They try to say she’s completely irrelevant. That the only reason people like her is because she's Black or out of spite, but I can think of a dozen white characters who don’t even come close to reaching her relevancy to the plot
This is why she’s always included where some characters like Ulf, Hugh, Sara Snow, Alys Rivers, Gwayne Hightower, and Silver Denys are omitted, and 5/6 of those characters are confirmed for s2. And I'm not trying to say none of these characters shouldn't be included(well we could do without 2 of them), but they aren't more important than her.
Nettles literally has all the qualities people usually like in characters(the ordinary girl who despite all odds does the unthinkable, she’s a survivor, she’s a final girl, she has one of if not the most powerful men in the realm willing to die for her, and she becomes a goddess like figure) yet she’s hated for it because she dares to be Black. They won't even try to relate to her or see her importance because she is Black.
They’d rather prop up psychos or mediocre flops just because they are white rather than ever admit that Nettles is an interesting and integral character to the Dance. She’s awesome. The man who created these freaking books that you claim to love and swear his word is law thinks she’s awesome and yet you want to deny that she’s awesome and has no real value because you’re scared shitless she’ll upstage your psycho(book!Missy Anne)/boring(show!Missy Anne) fave.
It’s nuts and like you, I won’t be watching s2 if Netty’s not there. They found time for a maid who shouldn't even be there, propped up Addam to the Gods, and gave Hugh an unnecessary sex scene, all while cutting Nettles out. Nope. I’ll skip straight to s3 cause I’m not dealing with this show's BS and blatant disrespect. It’s unacceptable!
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afoxysunny · 1 month
Deep down in green juices live some beautiful and strange creatures, like for example the shredded lettuce jellyfish
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They camouflage really well in the Vegetarian Sea but not to worry, their stings are mostly harmless. Only if they get into a wound or otherwise inside of you they can cause nausea
Wanna see more greens?
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ride-thedragon · 1 month
One thing that remains to get worse every time Maester Gyldayn is that sexualizes Nettles as though it's an inherent part of her character.
It's so insidious.
He does it before with rumors and allegations against Rhaenyra and Alicent, but it's never as truly assured as he is with Nettles, it's purely based in assumption about the life he thinks she would have lived to the absurd degree of him using it as reasons against any romantic relationship between her and this Prince.
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A while ago, someone had said that the point of this was to "make team black, Nettles and Daemon look bad for engaging with sex work and adultery" (a summary).
That idea is crazy because it doesn't deter from anything we know about Daemon. It doesn't lessen the stance of team Black either.
What it does is try to frame Nettles as undesireable for resorting to the predatory sex trade in Westeros to eat and then boldly assume she did it in the first place.
Then he calls her ugly because she has a mark for stealing, which if he pays attention, he'd realize it's a more likely story that she stole the sheep.
He's the one that adds the crooked nose and so on when he quite literally never saw her.
Nettles' characteristics are always in some way contradicted in the narrative to show really how little is known about her as an individual and to give people more room for her interpretation with adaptation.
I just think he's disgusting.
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alicenttully · 2 months
What was said after that the Chronicles of Maidenpool do not tell us. All we know is that the maester, a young man of two-and-twenty, found Prince Daemon and the girl Nettles at their supper that night, and showed them the queen’s letter.
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Nettles & Illiteracy
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emprcaesar · 6 months
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lagosbratzdoll · 7 months
If the rumours about Nettles are true then the House of the Dragon showrunners/producers continue to prove that they hate black women with a fervour only matched by Alan Ball and Julie Plec.
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groenendaze · 3 months
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PLEASE look at these crate tags ugh 😍
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allyriadayne · 5 months
What do you think would have happend with Jace if he had survived the Dance?
oh this is fun, thanks for the question!
survived as in everything happens the same except jace survived the gullet? i won't get into mechanics of this happening because i'd involve too many moving parts and what ifs and blatant avoidance of certain parts. so whatever. let's say daemon and aemond kill each other, aegon kills rhaenyra and imprisons baela and baby aegon.
two things:
1) if jace is in dragonstone, let's say recuperating from his injuries, in reality i don't think aegon would kill him just like he didn't kill rhaenyra's heir at the moment. jace might be too injured to truly pose a threat or aegon's advisors would "protect" him like they did baela.
2) jace is not in dragonstone. he could be healthy or injured but he's not there when aegon takes the island for some reason. i've read fic where he's with the northern/riverlands army or makes his way to the capital alone after aegon's dead. in any case, he reaches the capital at some point.
when the greens are neutralized and all the heads turn to rhaenyra's children, it's probable that the support would be split between the older, seasoned prince of dubious birth and the young, unresponsive prince of clear ancestry. the things is while a regency happened in canon i don't think anybody wanted to do that. the issues lingering needed to be solved NOW, the armies needed to be disbanded NOW, alicent and jaehaera needed to be secured NOW. even if jace is physically injured or abed at this moment, i think he would get the clear support of the biggest faction aka the riverlands, the vale, and the north. on the other side, he's corlys' grandson, he was a dragonrider (let's assume the dragon still died sowwy), he's commanded armies, and if he married baela that moment, he could be having an heir by the next year. the succession and therefore the kingdom, is stable.
i'm not saying there wouldn't be people vying for baby aegon's ascension just to be against jace perceived bastardy now or down the line but it's more likely that he gets more support to get the crown and just end the war once and for all.
so jace takes the crown immediately. i don't think the hour of the wolf happens at all, most of the attributions cregan takes for himself came from intimidating baby aegon and probs by being the highest ranking lord in a place where everybody was burning incriminating papers from the last reign lmao. i think he would be a lot more aligned with corlys in sending peace terms first, but would not hesitate if the rest of the kingdom didn't fall in line. as for aegon ii's advisors, to me jace would try to get them out quietly. stay for a bit but sending them home as soon as he could. corlys betrayed the blacks, jace would probably marry baela as a reward for past services (and bc he loves her obviously etc) and dismiss him to driftmark. thanks to jace, corlys has his legitimate heir in alyn, he's more than okay.
for people like larys, the ironrod, orwyle and tyland....... they were aegon's closest advisors and while i don't think jace would imprison them or kill them i think he'd test them in some way to prove they can change their loyalty and move on. after a few months or years when the transition smooths out, i would bet jace will be dismissing them for lords who are 100% on his side. i'd say all would do it because at least in the show i don't see them supporting the greens out of personal reasons, not enough to die for the memory of aegon OR jaehaera's claim, you know? and in any case, it /is/ a man that is ruling now lmao lol. i still see jasper wylde pushing his daughter to baby aegon if jace is not available anymore, tho.
jace wouldn't kill alicent or jaehaera either. i think the death of so many people and most of all, his brothers, would affect him very much. at this point alicent is described as mad and jaehaera is a traumatized child. he wouldn't send them to oldtown or keep them together all the time but i don't think he would be cruel (as for jaehaera's future, well, that's another story). they are his family after all and most of the threats are neutralized (hello alys hiiii i'm such a fan).
i can speculate on jace's mental state and say that while he would not shut himself out like baby aegon did, he wouldn't be the same at all. his drive to be the best version of himself would still be there of course, this is what will make him push himself to take control of the situation. but at the same time, i don't think he will want to be as much as a people pleaser as he is in canon. people will be vying for his favor, for baby aegon's hand, for rhaena's but to me, he will make the family close into themselves. during the war he learned to take command of his people, he has the presence and the confidence to say no now, he also has the crown and the symbols. that's half the battle done.
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