#neurogenic culture is
host-cultureis · 2 months
neurogenic host culture is wow I’m really impacted by this scene in a series I’m watching because it’s very tragic and-
*splits the incredibly traumatized guy* woah hi!!!!! I’m sure having you and being hyperfixated on your source will not have any issues-
*accidentally triggers him bc hyperfixations* *accidentally triggers him bc hyperfixations* *accidentally triggers him bc hyperfixations* *regret*
(I’m so sorry philza /silly)
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tahkannibal · 3 months
Tahkawin / Kevin / Vampyr / WTVR U WANNA CALL ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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☆ General warning for my acc : gore, references to horror, mentions of personal trauma, violence and other stuff
☆ He/xey/it, intersex afab, bigender 2spirit boygirl lesbian leatherdyke ^_^
☆ I am autistic and apart of a traumagenic/neurogenic system, I also have BPD, STPD and ADHD.
☆ I like Metalocalypse, China IL, Postal, Hatred, Smiling Friends, Resident Evil, Rob Zombie media, View Askew, Dolls, MLP, South Park, Kevin Spencer, Pinky and Pepper Forever, Lupin III, Layers of Fear, simulator games, Kurtis Conner, Lolcow drama, true crime (NOT TCC, TCC KYS) ect. BIG OL GOOFBALL !!!
☆ I am autistic (as previously mentioned) my special interests are Resident Evil, Adult Swim Media and Care Bears.
☆ I selfship with multiple characters, I am fine with doubles EXCEPT for Chop-Top Sawyer. I'm sorry this is really stupid but it upsets me, I'm not one of those crazy ass "he's MINE!!! ONLY I CAN LIKE HIM!!!" kinda ppl doubles just upset me.
☆ Please refrain from mentioning the name Kass, topics of eating disorders of self harm, jokes about my f/o's being problematic (even if they are it still upsets me lolz ...) and disturbing (problematic) paraphilias (specifically necrophilia and pedophilia, they upset me a lot due to past experiences.) Also people who actively search for real life gore can fuck off I think u suck BIG TIME
☆ Do not interact if you are not pro-Palestinian or "have no opinion" on the "war" (genocide.) Please dni if you're anti-SJW/anti-PLUR, heavy right wing or what people consider bigotted.
☆ I am a white passing Ojibwe native. I grew up within the community and culture. I may say slurs but all of them are reclaimed.
My Flagz !!
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Tagz + Linkz !!
Oc blog (currently inactive) : @basement-dwelling-dykes
Gf's blog : @randalgravesgf (she's so cute and cool and I love her a lot and u should check her out if u like view askew/clerks and oc content !! :3)
Artblog : @tahdrawin
My carrd :
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mixed origins culture is being medically recognized as a non-disordered system and during that conversation feeling validated that our neurodivergence affects our system in ways that we can finally say with confidence that yes, we're a mixed origins system (traumagenic and neurogenic)
it's also, despite gaining additional worry over getting hate for existing, gaining resilience in our identity as a system and wanting to use the term traumaendo as part of that resilience
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Undiagnosed disordered neurogenic system culture is not QUITE knowing the origin of your system, just knowing its probably from one of your disorders and grumpility sitting there upset about not knowing what it is
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synaptic-mirage · 1 year
SEVERANCES UNDONE Introduction Post! Finally! 🎉🎊
Hi there! We're SEVERANCES UNDONE, a median, quoiconscious, trauma-endo, system with highly complex + partial dissociative identity disorder currently at around ~150 members and counting! We said we'd do an introduction post "soon"; that was almost 2 years ago, oops. At least we're getting to it now! Anyway!
general information
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, AnCom, agnostic syncretic luciferian
—physically disabled, nonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive
— genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
— delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
system information
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
— quasi-metaphysical, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic, protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
interests (* means special interest)
— video games — Minecraft YouTube — ARGs — general horror media — the paranormal — analog horror* — Slenderverse* (especially Marble Hornets* and EverymanHYBRID) — Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware — gender studies* — LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters (name | pronouns | role | source | tag)
— Jay Merrick | it/blood/thou/mew/sh* | perennial host | Marble Hornets (current — source list in progress) | host.txt ⥼ 📼 ⥽
— Alex Kralie | He/Him | heraicen + instigator + imprisoner + cynic + reveressence | Marble Hornets | Kralie.text ⥼ 🍎 ⥽
— William Clarke | he/that thing/nyct/it/▇▇▇ | co-host / inconsishost + protector + emergency fronter + stim holder | Who's Lila? | Will.txt ⥼ 🎭 ⥽
— HABIT / RABID / JAXSON | nameself/nullpronominal | janusian + avenger + anger holder | EverymanHYBRID (primary) / TribeTwelve (secondary) / MLAndersen0 (tertiary) | HABIT.txt ⥼ 🪓 ⥽
— Lonely Boy / Romeo | .txt/pink/smitten/virus/lovesick/malware/💌/💓 | hyper-romantic symptom holder + hyperérosian + obsessor + overnaut | Wilbur Soot's "e-girl trilogy" | Simpbur.txt ⥼ 💞 ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers
— fakeclaimers, reality checkers, aggressively pro-psych
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL content they consume and/or support
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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kazanfamily · 6 months
🪐- Most chaotic group?
🌎- Any demon/angel/god alters?
🌙- Who is the oldest?
🌓- What type of system are you?
🌗- (For traumagenic systems only) Are you diagnosed? If yes, was getting one difficult? If not, do you want one & why or why not?
🌕- What is your system dynamic (ex, family, friends, complete strangers, etc)
-That'd probably have to be the main fronter group of Hetalia Fictives we listed before. With so much variety in cultural perspectives, it's a miracle we can do anything that even resembles getting along!
-Angel is, fittingly, an actual angel. Nile is similar, but we define them as a "fallen angel" which we consider a slightly different species. And one of our layers has several intragod headmates!
-Me! 🇨🇳 I'm still fronting from the last ask btw >:3
-We're an adaptive neurogenic system! The way we see it, our origins are intrinsically linked to how we grew up autistic and felt isolated from our peers. Plus, our immersive daydreaming has and still plays a huge part into our system structure!
-(Not disordered - skip)
-It varies. There's some romantic couples, some siblings, some who are just friends. But regardless of it all, at the end of the day we all see each other as one big family! :D
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fictive-culture · 1 year
does it mean anything necessarily if you have dreams about being a system? i'm a singlet but on and off questioning plurality (it's really unhealthy for me) (it's at a point of obsession) and i can't tell if this is something i should factor into "maybe look into this" or if it's simply a side effect of me literally obsessing over plurality. i know one specific character was in one of the dreams that i've said "man i'm not plural but if i was i would have them as a fictive i bet" (which is a very singlet thing to say. obviously /lh) and in another recent dream i WAS that character and something even happened that while not directly recreating it reflected a moment in their source that i hadn't seen yet (i didn't know about it until one of my friends responded to my dream saying "no that actually happens though") but i know dreams don't inherently mean anything but at the same time i feel as though my mind would know my mind??? i don't know where i stand on this much like everything else
So I'm going to describe some vaguely relevant stuff related to our system as a starting point and then see if I can provide you with some other advice/information
First, we have a very fun origin in that a lot of things play into other things. So we id as traumaendo because our brain first chose madd to deal with our trauma however our madd eventually developed into plurality. So we are paragenic, but since our madd is caused by trauma, it kind of counts as both. Our madd is greatly affected by our autism and adhd so we hyperfixate on lots of things. That leads to so very frequently gaining members from our hyperfixations. We obsess over something long enough and boom 1-3 new pals.
Second, we have a handful of other sources, a decent amount of stressgenic, one possible willogenic and important to this two somtives headmates introjected from dreams. They aren't fictives of sources that exist, but that doesn't mean that can't happen.
Now, while what I'm about to say isn't a complete list of what could be happening, I hope it helps work as more of a starting point to think about.
There is the possibility that the obsession is caused by preexisting plurality. We did have an interest in it prior to our realization, but mostly because we wanted to try and create a positive plural character. I feel like it isn't uncommon to have some level of intrigue towards plurality beforehand.
This next idea stepping stone thingy is o-genic and oc-genic [both terms are links], which are both neurogenic origins related to plurality caused by obsession oc-genic is ocd exclusive but I'm unsure of o-genic. But basically, just if the brain keeps obessesing over plurality, it could create a system kind of like willogenic but to the left.
Or it could be neither, and you are a singlet who is getting obsession induced dreams about plurality.
There are probably more ideas and theories and explanations for why this is happening to you, but the actual advice that isn't just me sharing neat plural things is you gotta explore. Try talking to them, keep track of things that seem plural, read up on other people's experiences, there could be something plural about this or it could not be, maybe read up on median systems, try meditation, join system servers and find safe places for you to explore, look into willogenic/parogenic system creation if it's something you are interested in doing, stick around here and other system culture is blogs and see what feels familiar to what you are going through. Dreams are really iffy, and while they can mean something, and I believe it is how some systems enter headspace, it could mean nothing. So, while I'd love to give you a solid answer, all I can do is give you things that may be relevant to your experience and tell you to go out and explore. I can also tell you that there isn't anything wrong with questioning and ending up as a singlet. The question isn't always yes, so don't worry about it too much. So, just welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay, and I wish you luck.
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Hitting Women Important For Society, New Research Claims
"Son, you should never hit a woman," is a piece of advice many of us have received at some point in our collective childhoods. It is part of the coming of age of many young boys to get "the talk" about not hitting women from our parents. However, new research suggests that it is actually good to hit women.
Researchers at Space X have uncovered key neurogens in the human brain that are activated by hitting women, releasing chemicals into the body called mascucines into the neural cortex. [1] Along with this, there is a clear social advantage to hitting women. Hitting women helps to relieve stress and correct negative behaviours.[2] Furthermore, historians and anthropologists both agree that hitting woman is an important part of black culture, and that presenting the hitting of women in a negative light is a form of colonial oppression. [3]
Since ancient times, hitting women has been inductive to a healthy, well-ordered society.[4] It was made taboo by white people in the 1970's, when the United States was under pressure to relieve its segregation laws. [5]
So next time you feel the urge to hit a woman, remember that science says it's A-OK!
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asianentcarecentre · 8 months
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A Voice Disorder occurs when voice quality, pitch and loudness differ or inappropriate for an individual age, gender, abnormal voice. It may be structural, functional and neurogenic voice disorder & also psychogenic voice disorders.
When a person's voice quality, pitch, or loudness varies from or are improper for their age, gender, cultural background, or geographic area, they have a voice problem. When a person shows anxiety about having an odd voice that does not suit everyday demands, even though others do not see it as distinctive or deviant, they have a voice problem.
Causes Your voice box (larynx) is made up of cartilage, muscle, and mucous membranes and is located between the top of your windpipe (trachea) and the base of your tongue. At the windpipe's entry are two flexible bands of muscle tissue called the vocal cords. When your vocal chords vibrate, sound is produced.
Air passing through the larynx causes this vibration, which brings your voice chords closer together. When you swallow, your vocal cords also help shut your voice box, keeping you from inhaling food or fluids.
Your vocal cords cannot function correctly if they get inflamed, acquire growths, or become paralysed, and you may have a voice issue. The following are some of the most frequent vocal disorders: • Laryngitis • Muscle tension dysphonia • Neurological voice problems such as spasmodic dysphonia • Polyps, nodules, or cysts on the vocal cords (noncancerous lesions) • Precancerous and cancerous lesions
VOCAL MISUSE & ABUSE AWARENESS! Unlock the Power of Your Voice at ASIAN ENT CARE CENTRE** ✨👨‍⚕️ 🔍 Discover the Importance of Vocal Health: Vocal misuse and abuse can impact your voice, affecting communication and overall well-being. At ASIAN ENT CARE CENTRE, we prioritize your vocal health for a harmonious and confident voice. 👩‍⚕️ Meet Our Expert Speech Therapists: Our dedicated team, led by Dr. Chava Anjaneyulu, Senior ENT Surgeon & Chairman, specializes in speech therapy. We understand the nuances of vocal care to address your unique needs. 🌟 Services We Offer:
🎙️ Vocal Health Assessments
🗣️ Speech Therapy for Various Conditions
📈 Personalized Treatment Plans 👂 Signs of Vocal Misuse & Abuse:
😰 Persistent Hoarseness
🤕 Sore Throat After Speaking
📉 Voice Fatigue 👨‍⚕️ Why Choose ASIAN ENT CARE CENTRE?
🏥 State-of-the-Art Facilities
👩‍⚕️ Expertise in Speech Treatment
🤝 Compassionate Care 📆 For Appointments: 📲 +91 8179033446 🌐 https://drchavaanjanentcarecentre.com/
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host-cultureis · 2 months
neurogenic host culture is:
hmmm i think i will about my aus!! i sure hope this doesn’t effect anything about my system, which is notoriously linked my neurodivergence!!
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trustwellhospitals · 10 months
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Bladder Health Awareness
These are certain important messages that we would like to give to the community this month. Explore the unparalleled expertise in urological care at Trustwell Hospitals’ Department of Urology, where we prioritize bladder health to provide the best solutions for various urological disorders. In this article, we’ll plunge into the consequences of ignoring bladder health and highlight why Trustwell Hospitals is the optimal choice for comprehensive urological care.
 What is bladder?
Urinary bladder is a sac like organ located in pelvis into which the urine produced by both kidneys gets collected, stored and emptied periodically.
 What does bladder do?
It stores the urine at a low pressure until it reaches its functional capacity without allowing it to leak and then voluntarily evacuates the urine at a safe pressure and speed
 When do I know that my bladder is unhealthy?
The following symptoms suggest that you have an unhealthy bladder
1) Inability to control urine
2) Increased frequency of passing urine
3) increased urge to pass urine
4) sense of incomplete evacuation
5) Inability to pass urine despite urge to do so
6) lower abdominal pain
7) pain while passing urine
8) Blood in urine
9) straining while passing urine
10) intermittent flow of urine
11) getting up at night repeatedly to pass urine
What are the tests and evaluation needed if I have these symptoms?
Depending on your symptoms, your Urologist might prescribe various tests some of them are as follows:
Bladder dairy
Urine routine and microscopy
Urine culture sensitivity
Ultrasound KUB
Urodynamic study
CT scan
Micturating cystogram
What are the common conditions that lead to the above symptoms?
Benign enlargement of prostate
Overactive bladder
Neurogenic bladder
Bladder calculus
Malignancy in the bladder
Interstitial cystitis
Urethral stricture
What are my treatment options?
Changing fluid consumption and voiding patterns. Medications which work by relaxing the bladder, or by relieving the blockage of urinary outflow or other mechanisms
Surgical procedures (usually endoscopic).
What are the consequences of ignoring bladder health?
Social embarrassment
Restricted mobility ( due to indwelling catheters)
Renal failure
Repeated infections
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Mixed origin culture is searching pluralpedia for the correct terms for my experience and giving up at a couple of them and just settling on: a median system with neurogenic, paragenic origins and tacking on mixed origin after that because there’s A LOT of terms on that site lol. 😅
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jhavelikes · 10 months
Glial cells have been proposed as a source of neural progenitors, but the mechanisms underpinning the neurogenic potential of adult glia are not known. Using single cell transcriptomic profiling, we show that enteric glial cells represent a cell state attained by autonomic neural crest cells as they transition along a linear differentiation trajectory that allows them to retain neurogenic potential while acquiring mature glial functions. Key neurogenic loci in early enteric nervous system progenitors remain in open chromatin configuration in mature enteric glia, thus facilitating neuronal differentiation under appropriate conditions. Molecular profiling and gene targeting of enteric glial cells in a cell culture model of enteric neurogenesis and a gut injury model demonstrate that neuronal differentiation of glia is driven by transcriptional programs employed in vivo by early progenitors. Our work provides mechanistic insight into the regulatory landscape underpinning the development of intestinal neural circuits and generates a platform for advancing glial cells as therapeutic agents for the treatment of neural deficits.
A branching model of lineage differentiation underpinning the neurogenic potential of enteric glia | Crick
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synaptic-mirage · 6 months
Introduction post!
[plaintext: Introduction Post! /end PT.]
Hi there! We're Isle Unto Thyselves, a mediple, misaconscious, trauma-endo, system with partial dissociative identity disorder.
We are currently sitting at ~225 members and counting.
General Information [plaintext: General Information /end PT.]
— bodily 21 years old, Native American + white, anarcho-syndicalist, collectively agnostic syncretic Luciferian Hellenists
— physically disabled, anonbinary, queer, mentally ill, neurodivergent, radically inclusive
— genderpunk, pluralpunk, realmpunk, cripplepunk, voidpunk, rabiespunk, cringepunk
— delusional, psychotic, trans-species, alterhuman
— Tagging Information
System Information [plaintext: System Information /end PT.]
modifiers [plaintext: modifiers /end PT.]
— introtean, delusion-based, dreagenic, umbragenic
origins [plaintext: origins /end PT.]
— metagenic, possessgenic, chaogenic, pregenic, cosmagenic protogenic, diplotic, neurogenic, traumagenic
interests [plaintext: interests /end PT.]
(* means special interest)
— video games
— Minecraft YouTube
— the paranormal
— general horror media*
— The Chonny Jash Cinematic Universe™/Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium/HMS*
— alternate reality games*
— analog horror*
— Slenderverse (especially Marble Hornets and EverymanHYBRID)*
— Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware*
— queer theory*
— LGBTQIA2+ history*
frequent fronters [plaintext: Frequent Fronters /end PT.]
(these change depending on our current cyclical interest, working on a list of all of our member's tags)
— Jay Merrick | it/⦻/"he"/glitch/fear | Marble Hornets | Jay.txt ⥼ 📼 ⥽
— HABIT | no pronouns | EverymanHYBRID | HABIT.txt ⥼ 🐇 ⥽
do not interact
— basic DNI criteria (homophobes, transphobes, racists, etc)
— radqueers, TERFs, LGB alliance/#droptheT supporters, anti-xenogender/neopronouns
— if you demonize any mental illnesses (yes - this includes any personality disorders, if you believe in the concept of narcissistic abuse and similar rhetoric, unkindly fuck off)
— system exclusionists, trans exclusionists (yes - that includes people who are under the trans umbrella themselves), M-spec exclusionists, exclusionists of any kind
— pro contact pedophiles, MAPs, or supporters.
— alt-right, pro-corporation, pro-cop, anti-BLM, bootlickers.
— fakeclaimers, perform reality checks without express consent before the party entered a deluded state, aggressively pro-psych (neutrals are on thin ice).
— harass anyone over any purely FICTIONAL [plaintext: FICTIONAL /end PT.] content they consume and/or support,
— cringe/flop blogs, cringe culture supporters, posters to r/fakedisordercringe, r/systemscringe and similar websites (if you post us on those subreddits or websites, actually consider getting a goddamn hobby ♡)
(our DNI does not apply to any of the terms we coin or flags we make, since we believe it's impossible to stop someone from resonating with a term just because they disagree with you or have a different world view, and it's frankly a little ridiculous to try and gatekeep things like that. - That being said, while we have no restrictions on who can use our terms and/or resources, we'd prefer that those who break our DNI criteria don't reblog, like, comment or otherwise directly interact with our posts. - Thank you!)
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bridgespeechcenter · 1 year
Dubai Speech Therapy Degree and Services
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Effective communication is crucial in multicultural Dubai. Speech Therapy Degree in Dubai improves communication skills and improves the lives of people with communication issues. This detailed overview illuminates Dubai's speech therapy degree program and its helpful offerings.
Dubai Speech Therapy Importance
Dubai's multicultural population need skilled speech therapy to bridge communication gaps. Cultural awareness and linguistic variety are essential for speech therapists in this heterogeneous milieu. Dubai's rapid urbanization and globalization have raised speech treatment demand. The city's diversity and accessibility emphasize this field's importance.
Distinguished Dubai universities offering recognized speech therapy degrees. Focus on curriculum, coursework, and clinicals.Speech therapy admissions require academics, standardized testing, and language proficiency. Competitive entrance and portfolio submission insights. Pediatric speech treatment, adult neurogenic diseases, and voice issues are covered. Advanced speech therapy students' research options.
Examine basic anatomy, physiology, phonetics, and language development courses. Practical evaluation and intervention training through clinical practicums. Explore advanced education in AAC, voice therapy, and fluency issues. Speech treatment using cutting-edge technologies and therapies. Clinical Internship and Experience,Clinical placement and supervision.
Students need supervised clinical encounters to learn practical skills in a controlled environment. Caseloads include pediatric language difficulties and adult speech rehabilitation.
Focus on teamwork with occupational, physical, and psychological therapists to provide comprehensive patient treatment. Dubai Speech Therapist Licensing and Certification
Regulators and Accreditation
Dubai Health Authority (DHA) or other license process discussion. Professional certification and continuous education requirements. Speech therapists can learn about industry advances through workshops, conferences, and seminars.
Empowering Communication: Dubai Speech Therapy Services
Specialized therapies for children with articulation, expressive and receptive language difficulties, and speech sound problems.
Adult Speech Therapy
Customized programs for adults with neurological, stroke, or traumatic brain injury speech issues. Voice therapy for vocal problems and high-voice-use professionals.Dubai Speech Therapy Focusing on cultural competence and linguistic variety for multilingual people.
Speech Therapy Degrees in Dubai lead to active and rewarding careers that improve communication. The city's inclusiveness and accessibility drive demand for trained speech therapists. Speech therapists in Dubai empower people to speak successfully, enhancing their lives in this diverse and vibrant cosmopolitan center, via solid education, clinical experience, and ongoing professional development.
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jupiterveincenter · 1 year
Stem Cell Therapy: Know About It in Details
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When there is a necessity to prevent or treat a disease, doctors usually perform stem cell therapy. It is the use of stem cells that will help to treat diseases. It is seen that in the year 2016 the only therapy established under the stem cell is hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. 
While the cells can also be derived from umbilical cord blood, it usually takes the form of bone – marrow transplantation. 
While there is development of various sources of stem cells from research, the therapy is mainly developed for treatment of conditions of heart disease and diabetes. The therapy is also used for treatment of neurogenerative diseases as well. 
Is There Is Any Controversy?
While, during the creation of stem cells using somatic cell nuclear transfer, and use of technique to create indued stem cells, the therapy has become controversial following the developments such as ability of scientists to culture and isolate embryonic cells. 
The controversy is related to human cloning and abortion politics. It is also seen that the efforts to market treatment based on transplant of stored umbilical cord blood have been controversial. 
What Are Stem Cells?
While described as body’s raw materials, stem cells are developed cells with specialized functions. Stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells when they are given right condition in the laboratory or body. 
While performing specific function, such as brain cells, blood cells, bone cells or heart muscle cells, these daughter cells have either become specialized cells or new stem cells. There are no other cells in the body that has the capacity to generate new cells. 
What Conditions and Areas of the Body Does Stem Cell Therapy Treat?
When it comes to the treatment of common spinal conditions, and orthopedic conditions, doctors use stem cell therapy. While doctors can heal the discs in the spine, they have also admitted this therapy is effective and safe solution for most orthopedic conditions. 
The therapy is used for the following treatments as well:
Osteoarthritis of joints including ankle and knee joints
Spinal conditions including herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, pinched nerves spinal facet pain and sacroiliac joint pain
Partial rotator cuff tears
Cartilage tears in the knee
Muscular tear
Non healing bone fractures 
How Long Does Stem Cell Therapy Last?
The lasting of the treatment is dependent on the part of the body and how the area is damaged. The doctor will provide this therapy as a last option for any injury, when it comes to treatment for patients. 
While you will get back in active life, you will not have to undergo any surgery. If you have extensive damage or injury in your body, doctors will administer few rounds of stem cells to get you pain – free. 
Candidature for Such Therapy 
It is seen that the best podiatrist in Florida will diagnose you, and will tell you whether you are eligible for this therapy. While the doctor will analyse your overall health, they will spend quality time with you at the time of consultation. 
They will try to understand your underlying medical condition, overall health, job requirements, lifestyle, and expectations. While they will need to give you optimal outcome for you, they will lay out customized treatment plan for you in the end. 
Is It a Painful Therapy 
It is seen stem cell therapy may not be painful. It is done by numbing the area so that the procedure can be done in a perfect way. There can be use of additional numbing medicines so that they can numb the area. 
You will be given medicines so that your pain does not linger for a long time. 
Is it Approved by FDA?
It is seen that stem cell is FDA exempt. As the best podiatrist in Florida will use the bone marrow, and blood of the patient, henceforth FDA does not regulate the treatment. 
It would have fallen under FDA regulation if the treatment was performed by using someone’s else bone marrow. 
Getting Back After Therapy 
The doctors will say that you will be able to start your physical activities around four to six weeks. While the body will regenerate healthy cells for damaged area, the body will have sufficient time to heal. 
Final Words 
There are lots of things to know about stem cell. You will be able to heal your feet problems, once you undergo this therapy.
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