#nevaeh speaks
kingofpopmj · 4 months
The way I unintentionally compare every man to Michael. LMAO.
Who else can be this adorably silly?
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Who else has a smile like this?
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Who else looks this exquisite in a suit?
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Who else can look this stunning biting their lip?
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Who else can steal my heart the way this beautiful man has?!???!
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The answer is
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faeriecinna · 6 months
THE MAGICIAN: SPARK OF MAGIC (What inspired you to write your novel?) 
I wanted to write something purely self indulgent. Lesbians, Faeries, Irish Folklore & Mythology, Angst, Whump...... it's got it all 😅 Real talk though, my family are Irish and I've always been obsessed with our faeries - I wanted to play with the idea of the 'changelings'. Instead of human parents unknowingly having their baby swapped with a fae child, I wanted to do something with the concept of a faerie believing they're a human and only finding out later in the story that they were one of The Sídhe. And I wanted it to be gay. Thus, a queer, lovers to enemies to lovers, irish folklore, faeries vs humans novel was born.
I fell down a 'biblically accurate angel' rabbit hole and thought about how FUCKING TERRIFYING it would be if angels existed and decided they were tired of our bullshit and started a war. And then in true Sav fashion I flipped my original idea on its head and made the angels the ones we should feel sorry for - hence my little baby Nevaeh was thought up. Obviously I needed an evil queen to ruin everything for everyone, and Teo..... was an afterthought 🥲 I ended up dreaming about Project.Seraph one night and loverboy just happened to be there so I fleshed him out and decided that if he infested my dreams before he was even an OC then he deserved some attention, and Nevaeh deserved someone to love. I wasn't gonna make it easy for them though lmao.
I listened to this song one (1) single time and decided that everyone deserves a gay werewolf love story (Remus Lupin I'm so sorry you never got yours). And I wanted to keep the murder because I'm incapable of writing a story where my characters don't suffer :)
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faroresson · 5 months
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managed to get a bingo at least!! theyre too sappy for this bingo card
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Who is your favorite person in the world?
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soulgazingwithbucky · 2 years
Mr. Barnes, Teacher Aide of the Year (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Teacher!Reader
Summary: Your brooding Avenger boyfriend becomes a regular visitor in your classroom.
Warnings: flufffffff
Word count: 1k
A/N: absolute self-indulgence - can you tell I miss being a teacher lmao? also Bucky with kids also grumpy bf/playful gf dynamic ugh my heart
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When your first graders ask if you're bringing anything to the show-and-tell party, a lightbulb goes off
"I would be the coolest teacher ever if an Avenger came to visit!" "I dunno, doll..." "Come on, you're so good with Cass and AJ!" "That's different. They're family."
You try to convince him by telling him Steve has done a lot for schools. Bucky looks confused so you show him the Captain America Fitness Challenge and all of Steve's PSAs. This derails the conversation for at least 24 hours as Bucky descends into a record-breaking laughing fit. He laughs in bed with you, he laughs at the dinner table, he visits Steve's memorial to laugh with him there
Eventually, he agrees. You wake up to him ironing a henley and chinos. You tut at him and he shoots you a disbelieving look
"Ah, come on, love, cheer up," you tell him as you grab your work bag. He's waiting for you by the door, grumpy as ever in the black leather jacket and steel toe boots he wears on missions. You tighten the buckle across his chest as he scowls at you. "It's for the kids!"
You spend the car ride convincing Bucky that the kids will love him. He carries your bags into the building, but you stop him short at the entrance. He raises his eyebrow at you as you grip the leather sleeve on his left arm and pull. "Oh, come oooonnnn, doll!" he groans as you wave him into the building, detachable sleeve in tow. "Give the people what they want, babe!" you say.
You prepare your classroom for the day before the kids come in. Your room is suddenly the most popular in the building as staff filter in and out, hearing rumors that an Avenger would be in the building. Your principal insists that Bucky speak to the whole school next time. Your work best friend gives him a friendly hug- you all just had dinner the other night, after all. The entire third grade team comes and gets pictures, each of them marveling at a different muscle group on your boyfriend
Your students LOVE him. You eventually have to ask him to spend some time in the teacher's lounge so your class can focus on your lessons
After that, he becomes a monthly visitor. You create a makeshift "Mr. Barnes Day" on the class calendar. The kids count down the days till they see him again
You have to collect black and yellow crayons from the other classrooms. Your supply runs out too quickly because your kids can't stop drawing themselves with a metal arm
One of your students is having a particularly challenging day. Bucky thinks quickly and takes the rest of your kids outside for an impromptu recess. You help your student calm down, and then you both watch Bucky and the class through the window. The kids are absolutely piling on top of him. Your kids proudly declare that they defeated an Avenger when they go home to their families
It's clear one of your students favors Bucky over you, and only accepts help from Bucky when he visits. She asks Bucky for help with a math worksheet, and his eyes widen when he watches her try to solve it. "This is not how we learned it in the '20s," he whispers to you
Bucky comes home one day, proudly declaring that he has the perfect book to read aloud to the class. The cover is a cartoon drawing of an all-American man with a vibranium shield. He is so excited to read "The Hero from Brooklyn" to your students. The final pages even have drawings of him and Sam, "the best friends a hero could have." "Mr. Barnes, is that youuuu?!" your kids wonder.
You turn Bucky's age into the word problem of the day. "If Mr. Barnes is 25 + 83 years old, how old is he?" Your kids frantically calculate on their papers. "108?!?!" your kids yell. Lukas says that's older than his grandma. Nevaeh says that's older than her great-grandma. Raja gently begins to describe color to him, and you both realize she thinks Bucky sees in black and white
Your students beg Bucky to come in during spirit week. They've missed him dearly, as he has been gone for two months on assignment with Sam. Tuesday is Career Day, and he compliments all the little doctors and teachers as they step off the school bus. He is shocked to see a little kid in all black with their arm wrapped in foil. But more and more Buckies filter in, until he is surrounded by a sea of mini-mes. "We're gonna be superheroes when we grow up!!!" they yell, arms adorned in refashioned black tights, foil, and gold body paint. Bucky sheepishly asks if you can take a picture. Bucky usually hates taking pictures, and his request makes your whole year
You told your class that Bucky was just your friend, but your students are way too smart to believe that, especially after Bucky accidentally calls you "sweetheart" in front of them. Graham misses a day for his aunt's wedding; he comes back and asks if you two would invite the class to your wedding. The class loses their marbles over this, yelling, "Mrs. Barrnnessss!" at you. Bucky turns red. During snack, some of the kids draw pictures of what your ring should look like. You proudly hang it up on your fridge at home
At the end of the year, you invite your students' families to a class celebration. You do this every year, but this year has the best turnout (gee, you wonder why). You have a silly awards ceremony, with certificates celebrating "Most Dinosaur Facts Memorized" and "Best at Catching Their Teacher's Mistakes". Bucky is a puddle of pride and love in the corner until the kids demand he comes up. He's confused until they shove a certificate in his hand: "Mr. Barnes, Best Teacher Helper Ever"
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jupiterisaroace · 6 days
Roles of my founded family
Zach - probably like the dad or oldest brother? He definitely takes care of us while making it fun though
Tea - she gives me youngest child vibes maybe? How do you feel about this, Tea?
Saturn - me & her are definitely twins. Who would be the oldest? I honestly think she’s more mature than me so she’s probably oldest. She’s also very reassuring which makes me believe that as well. Saturn, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Kaden - middle child & is probably third youngest. Idk but definitely a middle child
King - second oldest. He’s one of the oldest because he just acts older & his name fits an older child’s name
Mabel - fourth youngest. Idk he just gives that vibe XD
Kit - third oldest. AAA I’m starting to get confused😵‍💫
Nevaeh - second to youngest
Scrap - they seem like they’d be in the middle of all the youngests. Golly I’m confused just bear with this 👇🏽
Skelly - fifth youngest or like right in the middle type of middle (golly how many youngests are there ;-;)
So basically:
Zach = oldest
King = middle part 1
Kit = middle part 2
Saturn = twin part 1
Cam = twin part 2
Skelly = middle part 3
Mabel = middle part 4
Kaden = middle part 5
Scrap = middle part 6
Nevaeh = middle part 7
Tea = youngest
(Idk I’ve never had a founded family, how do y’all feel about this? ;-;)
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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Welcome to Willow Creek!
Pretty excited about this challenge because there’s no better family to welcome Nevaeh than the Quinns! Thanks for this awesome challenge @ruthplaysthesims ✨
I imagine Nevaeh is about 17, so a year older than Dom, making her a senior. Dom enrolled in a foreign exchange student program at her school and was the lucky few selected to be a host family. After 2 months of being pen pals, Nevaeh can finally join the Quinn household and get the full Willow Creek experience.
Alonso was born and raised in Ciudad Enamorada as well so he’s already very impressed with Nevaeh!
Dom always wanted a big sister so I feel like she’d look up to Nevaeh and try her best to look cool.
The only one fluent in Spanish is Alonso, with Dom knowing some words and phrases.
Nevaeh can speak some English according to the op , so I feel like it gets challenging when it’s spoken too fast to really grasp the language, like when the Mila and Hailey are yapping excitedly lol
Unfortunately, it’s winter time in Willow Creek, so I feel like poor Nevaeh is freezing 😭 being from a warmer climate.
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whatarethooseshuri · 2 months
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Quick reminder that the thing I use doesn’t let me give they them pronouns😔 otherwise I would have them as they them for those of you who prefer that
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ruthplaysthesims · 1 month
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Nevaeh Daigle
Nevaeh was born in Ciudad Enamorada (a babymoon baby). Her father passed away in a boating accident and her mother, being a native, decided to stay and raise her there. For the longest time it had been her and her mother, until her mother decided to remarry her step father. It was a hard adjustment, especially when she found out about the baby sibling they were going to have. Feeling a little out of place, she decided to apply for the foreign exchange student program. She has resorted to comedy, video games, anime, and light hearted pranks to fill the void of loneliness she feels. She speaks a little bit of English, and is fluent in French and Spanish.
She is now available for Download! Please refer to my previous post to see more about this challenge
Please do not forget to use the tag #festudentchallenge so I can see your wonderful host families and amazing stories!
Please lmk if there are any issues with the download link
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moongirlwidow · 5 months
Alright so
We’ve established that I’m apparently speaking at a banquet. Next order of business: what to wear. Options:
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@midtown-braincell-holder @goddessof-death @azalea-romanoff @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol @karmaisabitchandsoami2 @white-wolf-actually @iyla-difransisco can I get your opinions?
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kingofpopmj · 3 months
Victory Day.
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This day means so much to me. To us.
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You are and will always be innocent.
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Michael, we love you.
Facts don’t lie. People do.
We will continue to fight for you.
We will continue to protect you.
Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.
I’m so inspired by your resilience, strength and courage.
I adore you Michael.
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faeriecinna · 6 months
the lovers and the fool for the ask game!
00 THE FOOL: BEGINNINGS (What is the opening line to your current work?)
"The breaking light of dawn did nothing to alleviate the fear that was thrummed through Nevaeh's veins."
06. THE LOVERS: RELATIONSHIPS (What are your favorite relationships to write about, whether romantic, familial, or platonic?)
I suck at familial relationships, probably because I've never properly experienced one 🤪 Like I'd do anything for my baby brother but oh man, trying to write sibling dynamics makes me SICK I don't know why I just cringe so bad lmao.
Obviously I love a good romance, especially an enemies to lovers type beat. I think it's so slutty when a character is so wretchedly hopelessly SICKENINGLY besotted with their partner, I absolutely a d o r e it. I will write about lingering touches, kiss-reddened lips and acts of devotion until I breathe my last damned brEATH.
Platonic relationships are also my faves, especially found family 'I've only had Arlo for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself' kinda friendships. Plus whenever I write a small group of friends I always sprinkle a little bit of my irl besties into them and it makes them all the more special. I love my pals with my whole heart so writing a solid platonic relationship is very important to me and something I can throw my whole soul into.
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valpogossip · 3 months
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You lot sure have be busy the last month. If I was of lesser mind or simply someone with something better to do, I would have resigned myself to my silence and let you all carry on. But business pays. And unfortunately for you, it's yours that pays me, and you're all not going to believe this.
A natural good citizen, Abril Valdivia out of the kindness of her heart ( or her lust ) returned a ring ( allegedly ) to one Mallory Watson. How did she get this ring? Unknown, but the two seem pretty familiar with each other and their addresses but who knows ! Maybe they're just quilting together?
Speaking of Mallory, the winter wind whispers and it all says that Wylie Henderson ( Mallory's ex? almost? unclear) has also wandered back into the Valpo region. Will there be room in their hear with all their puppets and clown memorabilia? Only time will tell.
Anayeli Chavez was seen exiting Charlie Hastings office at the university. But then again, Charlie was also seen entering and at some point exiting out of Anayeli's office too. And back and forth they go, but something tells me that they're not using office hours for their intended purpose. Does anyone else find it strange that where Rohan is Anayeli seems to be too? Interesting.
A ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR ADEM KARTAL ! Valpo's favorite dad has finally found use for another D word ! Dating ! The word was dating you freaks. He asked the beautiful Ysla Alonso out for their first official date. We're so proud of you and can't wait to see where this goes !
Aivryn Johnston made an interesting dye job choice, but don't worry after being absolutely terrified, Dixie Harrison found it within her to help the younger one out.
According to our sources, Arlo Hwang has been spending a lot of time at the Harrison household for one Leia Munoz-Silva. Don't worry though, all that time in the bedroom and the only screams coming from there are a video game. He's not the only man coming in and out though, Rohan Kaur has been making his own rounds. Hm. Wonder what could be all the way out in Casablanca that he needs to make that drive for. Interesting.
Astrid Blackwell and Noah Fontaine have laid down the law ! After laying down their lips together back in May (what? did you think we forgot) ? It only took another showcase of their undeniable jealousy for them to decide to... not? act like friends? but be? best friends? Interesting ! Best of luck to you both !
When he's not in Anayeli's office, Charlie can be found hanging around Secondhand Style. Though, he never goes in? We're thinking it may have something to do with Saffron Barton? What do we think, Valpo?
Drew Crane is back in the Valpo region ! The slushie machines in every local gas station has been quickly depleting upon his arrival and so has the raccoon population? Someone call PETA? He's staying with the Dominguez-Herreras/Cisneros, and five in one house? Seems to already be causing some distress with Luna being upset he's sharing things with their family but not with her. They say loose lips sink ships but maybe sealed ones do too?
Hiyori Ito and Luna Dominguez-Herrera were seen taking a bus out to god knows where and not returning until the next morning looking sleep deprived, excited, but also (in Hiyori's case) terrified ! They must have had quiet the time! Who wouldn't want to go missing with them? (Me)
Speaking of returns, Leon Amos is back in town! Wasted no time making quick work in Salem West's DMs and pissing Luna off. What exactly does it mean to break up with someone because you don't trust yourself? I don't know but I do know it goes down beautifully with my popcorn!
Omar Osei found like a deer in the headlights at the appearance of his ex Nevaeh Thompson! I guess you can never really outrun the consequences of your own actions, but how funny it is to watch him try!
Between dodging Charlie and dodging Zak Torres, Saffron has become as hot of a commodity as the clothes she carries. Maybe one day she'll give that friend of Zak's a chance or for entertainment purposes she'll rehash some memories with Charlie. Only time will tell.
In lighter news, it looks like Yazmin Taylor might be in the market for a new job! If my professor looked like she does, I know I'd never miss a class either. We're wishing you all the best!
That's all I have for you today, but don't worry. We'll be back next month with even more delicious tea for you to catch up on. And to Vanni, Felix, Elias, Javi, Nikhil, Poet, Rafael, Rania, Reyna, Sade, Sebastian, Zaid, and Vicious; i'm always watching.
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iyla-difransisco · 5 months
Tell your mum I need to have a word with them both
Thank you in advance
Nice to have you back tho
Not that I met you but you seem cool
I- uh, okay? You’re welcome?
Um, thank you, maybe we’ll meet properly soon-
Amma, Mumma, someone’s here and they need to speak to you? @nevaeh-daughterofvalcarol @azalea-romanoff
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gachaclubideas · 9 months
I don't know why but I can seriously imagine your ocs Talissa and Elijah in milkshake mansion au fighting with the twins XD
speaking of the twins, what's your ocs opinion about them? :3
About Heaven:
Talissa: can get along well, naptime buddies.
Elijah: treat her like a sister
About Nevaeh:
Talissa: slightly scared of her
Elijah: like to hurt someone physically with her
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whatarethooseshuri · 2 months
Who's the final list?
i’m so glad you asked, anon~
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