#never apologize for your english!!
cuties-in-codices · 11 months
Where do you find these manuscripts? Is it like a website or do you find it randomly??
hey, thanks for the curiosity! lenghty answer below the cut :)
medieval manuscripts are typically owned by libraries and showcased on the library's websites. so one thing i do is i randomly browse those digitized manuscript collections (like the collections of the bavarian state library or the bodleian libraries, to name just two), which everybody can do for free without any special access. some digital collections provide more useful tools than others (like search functions, filters, annotations on each manuscript). if they don't, the process of wading through numerous non-illustrated manuscripts before i find an illustrated one at all can be quite tedious.
there are databases which help to navigate the vast sea of manuscripts. the one i couldn't live without personally use the most is called KdIH (Katalog der deutschsprachigen illustrierten Handschriften des Mittelalters). it's a project which aims to list all illustrated medieval manuscripts written in german dialects. the KdIH provides descriptions of the contents of each manuscript (with a focus on the illustrations), and if there's a digital reproduction of a manuscript available anywhere, the KdIH usually links to it. the KdIH is an invaluable tool for me because of its focus on illustrated manuscripts, because of the informations it provides for each manuscript, and because of its useful search function (once you've gotten over the initial confusion of how to navigate the website). the downside is that it includes only german manuscripts, which is one of the main reasons for the over-representation of german manuscripts on my blog (sorry about that).
another important database for german manuscripts in general (i.e. not just illustrated ones) is the handschriftencensus, which catalogues information regarding the entirety of german language manuscripts of the middle ages, and also links to the digital reproductions of each manuscript.
then there are simply considerable snowball effects. if you do even just superficial research on any medieval topic at all (say, if you open the wikipedia article on alchemy), you will inevitably stumble upon mentions of specific illustrated manuscripts. the next step is to simply search for a digital copy of the manuscript in question (this part can sometimes be easier said than done, especially when you're coming from wikipedia). one thing to keep in mind is that a manuscript illustration seldom comes alone - so every hint to any illustration at all is a greatly valuable one (if you do what i do lol). there's always gonna be something interesting in any given illustrated manuscript. (sidenote: one very effective 'cheat code' would be to simply go through all manuscripts that other online hobbyist archivers of manuscript illustrations have gone through before - like @discardingimages on tumblr - but some kind of 'professional pride' detains me from doing so. that's just a kind of stubbornness though. like, i want to find my material more or less on my own, not just the images but also the manuscripts, and i apply arbitrary rules to my search as to what exactly that means.)
whatever tool or strategy i use to find specific illustrated manuscripts-- in the end, one unavoidable step is to actually manually skim through the (digitized) manuscript. i usually have at least a quick look at every single illustrated page, and i download or screenshot everything that is interesting to me. this process can take up to an hour per manuscript.
in conclusion, i'd say that finding cool illuminated manuscripts is much simpler than i would have thought before i started this blog. there are so many of them out there and they're basically just 'hidden in plain side', it's really astounding. finding the manuscripts doesn't require special skills, just some basic experience with/knowledge of the tools available. the reason i'm able to post interesting images almost daily is just that i spend a lot of time doing all of this, going through manuscripts, curating this blog, etc. i find a lot of comfort in it, i learn a lot along the way, and i immensely enjoy people's engagement with my posts. so that's that :)
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minophus · 6 months
"Sorry for my bad English-" You never say sorry for your bad english. You never say sorry for it. You there.
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moonshynecybin · 6 months
this is prob a stupid question but i'm starting to watch motogp this year and rosquez is crazy and i'm falling into this hole! what i don't get about sepang 2015 is what's the telemetry thing, like i know what telemetry is, but is it really possible for vale to see marc's telemetry and data??? is that allowed??? (and sorry for my english! i love your blog ♡ thanks for sharing your thoughts with us)
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essentially. honda claims marc's data exonerates him-> i think the FIM asked honda to release it just to shut everyone up-> honda said no thats stupid-> vale takes case to sports-court where presumably they look at data-> marc got cleared/said no vale. you lost.->honda and FIM realized marc was getting death threats and shit-> no data for you crazy people jesus christ make it stop. so no! vale never got to see marc's data from sepang or phillip island in 2015 that i could find (could be wrong! please give me sources otherwise if soooo)... that being said, i think the idea that marc's riding in PI that year and sepang was a deliberate sabotage doesnt come from hard evidence so much as the eyeball test. from uccio. i think this because he said it! in an article! to reporters! (its in spanish here, a few translated quotes on reddit here) where. he straight up admits that he initially noticed a pattern in marc's riding style (FROM WATCHING. ON TV.) that he thought was deliberate sabotage (keeping vale behind him and slowing down so he couldnt fight jorge for the win in PI. again he divined this incredible insight through the intimate wisdom of the television screen) and then he brought it to vale. two delusional girls telling each other exactlyyyyyyyy... this is also the impetus of some of the quotes that TO MEEE indicate that uccio was uh. a little weird about marc and marc and vale's relationship SPECIFICALLY and PERSONALLY
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anyways me when im normal.
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greenerteacups · 5 months
I’ve meaning to send this ask for ages and finally found the courage to do so :) I started reading lionheart on a whim in the beginning of November and since them after reading everything a couple of times, all I can say is that it is a masterpiece. I am so in love with your writing, especially with how you give Draco the space to be gracious and grow up. I love for example when they are in the Slytherin common room and Draco see for himself that the mermaids are sentient beings just like him. Also, I am completely enamored with the golden quartet (?), the relationships between them feel much more balanced, and I have so much love for Harry, Hermione, and Ron. I do think you does the characters justice, if not written in a better and more honest, human way. Btw, I love your Narcisa because I am such an apologist for her and her crimes. (If Narcisa has million fans, then I'm one of them. If Narcisa has one fan, then I'm THAT ONE. If Narcisa has no fans, that means I'm dead.). This also aplies for hermione. Anyway, all I am trying to do is to put into words what the world you design means to me, but alas I do not seem to have. When the time comes for my unborn children to read the Harry Potter series, I am showing them your books and telling them it is canon.
Now that I am done showering you with complements, I have a couple of questions. First, after reading the last chapter (which I adored), the fight between Draco and Sirius, one of my favorite moments, kept coming to mind. Was it intentional for Draco to give such honest wake up call for Theo basing himself from the talk he had with Sirius years ago? Secondly, I am not sure with you already answer this, if so, feel free to tell me, but if you could choose Poet, Soldier or King for each – Draco, Harry, Hermione, and Ron – which one would they be?
Thank you for taking the time to read. I usually download each chapter because I like to highlight my favorite parts, I will try to be more present on AO3! And sorry for any English mistakes, it is not my first language!
Thank you, my friend! This is a completely lovely ask, and as I often do with lovely asks, I've hoarded it for a while to re-read whenever I want a nice treat. However, I've left the question unanswered long enough.
If we're going to do the Soldier/Poet/King test, I want to complicate it a little. You can either do it by personality (the way we do when we say "I'm soldier!" or "I'm poet!") or you can do it by narrative role, i.e. what you actually do in the context of the story. Those can be different. For instance, you can be a poet-coded soldier (your chosen weapon is your word, but you're pushed by your circumstances to fight), or a soldier-coded king (you carry a mighty sword, but you're forced off the battlefield to rule, i.e. you want to fight but you can't). That opens up the range of ways to fill the role. So it's like:
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Obviously, the central axis here is going to be the most satisfied/content with their lot in life, but there's a broad range of happinesses.
If you ask me, Harry is a poet-coded king, because he's incredibly reluctant to take leadership, and he doesn't want anyone to fight for him. He runs away in Deathly Hallows because he can't stand to be at the center of a war (which is going to happen anyway) and has only accepted Ron and Hermione's sacrifice begrudgingly. It's also worth saying that Harry's best moments come when he's trying to talk someone down: he's telling Remus to go back to Tonks, he's telling Slughorn to preserve Lily's memory by being noble for her sake, he's telling Riddle to "try for remorse." Harry is at his best when he's giving consolation and understanding, not when he's fighting; his signature spell is Expelliarmus. Kid's not a soldier. And he hates the idea of being a king. (This is, not coincidentally, one of the unhappiest combinations.)
I read Ron as a true soldier, not because he enjoys fighting, but because that's almost always his knee-jerk reaction to conflict, and it's also where a lot of his strengths lie. Ron is brash and bold and he will swing if you step to him, and that's why people love him (or hate him, if they do). Even in his best moments, when he's being a strategist and tactician, he's employing his skills in the service of battle. And the narrative is happy to put him in positions where that's the skill he has to contribute. He thinks of the basilisk fangs and the house-elves in the kitchens; he's good at tactics, but he doesn't do broad-strokes strategy.
Hermione is king-coded soldier, because I think in a different series of novels, she is absolutely the protagonist, and she kind of thinks she should be. She's proactive, driven, clever, and calculating, and she orders people around like she's the boss of them — usually with good reason, but she still does. She sees herself as the HBIC, and she often gets a bit irritated when other people don't jive with that idea. It's funny how often Harry gets along by just doing what Hermione tells him. That being said, her narrative role is being sworn in Harry's service, and as the books go on, she increasingly embraces that. She defends him and offers to risk her life for him, sacrifices volumes (her parents!!) and compromises her safety (gets tortured!) for his sake, all without complaining or seeming to begrudge Harry at all. He's her king; she's his knight. Which is another way of saying soldier.
Draco is a poet-coded soldier, or possibly a poet-coded king, depending on what direction you take his arc from the source material. In the books, he's kind of a flop, God bless him, he doesn't really manage much in the final days of the war. Besides refusing to identify Harry (after identifying both of Harry's well-known travel companions... booboo you tried), he's basically fit for neither use nor ornament from Book 6 onward. But taken more broadly, he is someone who absolutely does not want to be here — he doesn't want to fight, he doesn't want to be in danger, he doesn't want to risk people — getting conscripted forcibly into a conflict that was running for years before he was born. And he's conscripted, like Harry, because of his heritage; it's a position he was born into. Depending on how you read his relationship to power, and having it, he can either be a soldier or a king, or someone teetering on the cusp between them.
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
“Sorry, English isn’t my first language” Well it’s mine and I still suck at it so like. You’re doing way better than me lmao
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f1prompts · 6 months
hi! i have a really good fic idea [Charles leclerc/Max verstappen]
so basically, it’s based on the 2025 season on where lewis moves to ferrari and carlos to redbull teaming up with max.
max doesn’t really like the idea of seeing charles and lewis as teammates especially when they’re so clingy and touchy knowing that they get along.(hes just jealous). he has known charles his whole life and still tries to get along with him.
charles on the other hand, tries not to hate the idea of max and carlos being teammates.
ever since lewis and charles started to get along and be clingy/touchy with each other, max starts thinking that they have a thing going on.
max starts getting more close/clingy/touchy with carlos in return.
(max and charles aren’t dating btw but they sure as heck want each other)
dw: smut, dom/top max, bottom charles. i dont mind anything tbh so feel free to do whatever with this!
dnw: 1644 actually dating.
sorry my english isn’t that great. thank you
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coquelicoq · 3 months
Il y a les nuits où il se réveille d'un cauchemar, le regard frénétique, les poings serrant les draps, soufflant à perdre haleine. Ces nuits-là elle l'étreint ; elle fait de petites bises sur son crâne ; avec son pouce elle caresse sa nuque couverte de sueur, tendue et tremblante. Quand il revient à lui-même, elle le chevauche, appuyant fort sur son corps avec tout son poids ; elle prend son visage entre ses deux mains ; elle pousse son front contre le sien, en répétant : "T'es à moi, à moi, à moi, à moi," jusqu'à ce qu'elle voie la chaleur dans son regard, jusqu'à ce qu'elle sente la réponse de son corps sous elle.
Elle le nique vigoureusement, ces nuits-là. Elle mord son épaule sans qu'il doive lui en demander. Elle le fait crier son nom à elle, pour l'empêcher de crier ceux de ses proches perdus. En lui coupant le souffler par amour, elle écrase le souvenir de ce qui l’a fait par terreur. Leur sueur s'entremêle, le stabilisant, le liant au présent, à ce lieu, à elle. Quand il se rendort, épuisé, des fourmis dans les membres, son cœur bat fort à cause de leur amour, leur amour et rien d'autre.
Dans la paix qui suit, elle passe les doigts le long des balafres sur le dos de son bien-aimé, écoute son haleine qui s'équilibre, se concentre sur sa propre sueur pendant qu'elle s'évapore dans l'air frais de la nuit.
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stllmnstr · 1 month
I just wanted to say this to you, I started reading your works like literally yesterday and I was shocked. Your stories are so good, so well written and they kept me hooked throughout the night. Rooting for you and looking forward to reading more of your fics. (Also ignore my English, it's not my first language.)
🥹🥹🥹 thank you!!!! I’m happy to hear that my masterlist and I were able to bring some entertainment to your evening. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories 🤍🤍
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Hi! I figured out I'm nonbinary, but I have no idea where to start? There are so many genders and it's wonderful, but I only know what pronouns I use and that would be enough, but it's been bugging me recently, any tips or anything of the sort? (Sorry for bad English)
It can be important for some to figure out how exactly they feel best fits them, and in those cases, it can be really beneficial to seek out other nonbinary people who talk about or discuss their experiences with gender. I think this is important because, at times, it can be hard to articulate how you feel, and others can really help you put those feelings into words. One of the reasons I learned a lot more about my sexuality was investing my time into learning about sexuality from other people, and I think the same can be said for gender, gender presentation, and labels.
You don't need a gender label if you aren't ready for it, but I also don't want to discourage you from exploring how you feel. Take this at your pace, and just know that whatever labels you decide fit you are completely fine and are neutral at worst. You deserve the language it takes for you to communicate to yourself and others who you are. I believe in you and I wish you the best of luck! You are welcome in these spaces, you are wanted and needed because you are part of this world with us.
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interlagosed · 10 months
hi sorry i’m new to the f1 fan! (i love your writing btw, it’s the reason i came a carlando fan!) i was just wondering who is guzman? sorry for bad english 😸
Aww welcome! Thank you so much ❤️ Guzman is basically Carlos’ social media manager. Most of Carlos’ posts are written by Guzman, though you can always tell when Carlos has posted something :)
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SORRY in advance for the long ask pleeease take your time and take care, I hope you feel better + get to have a good time at the con or hanging out with your dad :( It means the world to me that you enjoy my stuff though! It did take me a while to notice you were even following me (hence. @ing you on a post you'd already seen gdjfshld) but we got there eventually...
Definitely definitely was expecting to see more of Infinite Wealth at the summit… since the tweets mentioned character introductions but didn't specify for which game, I was under the impression we'd at least be introduced to the as-yet-unidentified voices in the trailer. Gameplay would've been HUGE to include too 😩 I guess it makes enough sense though, since it's not The Upcoming Release...
I shall bide my time. I have no idea what to expect from fall summit (as intended). But if it's going to be a seasonal thing, I figure a potential "winter summit" is the latest it could be to show us gameplay for something that's suppsed to be an early 2024 release, if not just putting out trailers or other showcases and stuff independently.
LEGIT THOUGH IT JUST MAKES IT SOUND LIKE KIRYU IS LYING TO SOUND COOL GDJSKGLDS which is also Arakawa-esque… "maybe I felt like impressing an idiot kid"… If nothing else, I feel like I'll enjoy the dynamic they're going for with those two. Specifically casting Kiryu as a "big brother" figure rather than a father figure also makes me WEEP because the only "aniki" Ichi's ever had is Jo. So it's like... from Jo to Joryu...
Also I just really like the acting choices by the mocap actor for Kiryu, I feel like we've never really seen him move that… casually? His mannerisms also 100% make him look like he's lying lol like there are multiple "tells" it's so funny
I glossed over the proposal (because I expected that to be the main topic anyway, being the only dialogue scene we got) but I completely agree with everything that's been said, basically. Reverse chick magnet for life… but I do expect there's more to it than meets the eye because summit is pretty focused on "generating buzz," so the fact it feels so out of place is probably what they were banking on.
Because like, on top of everything mentioned, Ichiban is portrayed as an entirely passive participant in the romances in 7, and IIRC for Saeko and Eri he wasn't really even fully aware they were into him. So for him to not only be the one to propose but bomb so hard a seasoned hostess (as Kiryu points out in JP)--who'd rather be groped than subjected to Weird Shit--blew up at him and there was fallout from Adachi and Nanba is a huge deviation from how he's portrayed.
It's also kind of like, to me, the translation says something a little different than what was actually being said; Ichi's emphasis wasn't really on the fact she rejected him (implying he expected her to accept + placing more importance on his own feelings vs hers), but the fact she "chewed him out" (implying he should've known better in the first place than to ask).
Of course, he's apparently planning on trying again so he is hoping she'll accept eventually, and the general tone of the interaction suggests he should've known better regardless, but both say something slightly different about his characterization in this scene to me. There's also TL weirdness with Ichi saying Kiryu seems like a good dude rather than just… him explaining that he doesn't mean anything bad by saying he doesn't seem like a ladies' man, which is a bigger mistake but less consequential, I guess.
There's also Saeko's line from the original teaser, "You say that like you're proposing," so it would seem she's already caught off guard (i.e. not taking it seriously yet) and not too thrilled with the idea (provided it's the same convo). I don't really have much to go off of, but if they are in a relationship, I can only assume either she's made it clear she doesn't want to get married or his proposal method was just That Bad, or they're not in a relationship.
In the latter case all I have to pull from is other media with characters who are somewhat like Ichi, but it made me think of times I've seen characters propose for legal or financial reasons or etc. and get Totally Owned, and I'd honestly find that a believable Ichi Situation… Ichi thinking like 50 steps ahead and not explaining himself properly and just Making Saeko More Mad… I'm just musing, though.
Yokoyama and co. were--if I heard right--being pretty cagey about whether they ARE in a relationship in the first place though, which strikes me as odd compared to RGGS' openness about Kaito's ex in the Lost Judgment DLC. So… definitely not beating the red herring allegations just yet, at any rate. Especially when said DLC involves a fake-out on a proposal lmao
Putting all that aside since we can't make any definitive statements anyway, I AM going to make the definitive statement that literally every single design in Gaiden so far is indeed drippy as hell.
such is the cruel fate of being shadowbanned on this webbed site I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream etc etc ( ╯-╰ ; ) but we did get there! and i very much do enjoy what you post :]
if there's nothing for fall summit (though i'm going to hope a lil there will be since that's what. three months from now) then there'll definitely be something for winter summit. if the idea is that there's more of a focus on gaiden since its release date is sooner, then it's fair to assume- with that logic- the winter one'll have the bulk of LAD8 news and demos. either way, im excited for both to see what both of them bring us !
ignoring the elephant in the room of the proposal thing, i also really liked the vibe of it all (and ive also been trying reeaaally hard to make a joke connecting jo and joryu since that's also a bit i enjoy) (❁´◡`❁) i did like that lowkey feel and just the casualness of the atmosphere and the slight awkward/uncomfortable-but-not-overly-offended-and-even-minorly-comedic energy from kiryu lmao. cant ever go wrong with having a scene that's there to slow everythin down a bit, and it does help set up a kind of homely/familial vibe ♪(´▽`)
i dont need to comment any more on the proposal thing either LMAO everything ima say i been repeating for the past. X asks 😩
and with that. yeah everyone looks FIRE as hell in gaiden (EXCEPT nishitani ima be 100%.... idk the loud primary colors aren't doing it for me.... points for the nails and hair though) 😩
#long post#snap chats#laying down when youre gloomy is dangerous i passed out despite really hating naps jLAEKJ#my dad texted me today saying we wouldn't be able to hang out and i was reminded to answer this ask gjVLKJLKWEJ#needless to say im still not having the best of days. or months apparently ☠️ but moving on from all that#uhh. yeah no i think i said everything i need to say#im pushing my brain to think of anything to say im really out of it#i know if i dont do it now tho i never will cause when i shirk somethin its virtually nonexistent in my mind ajrLKjVLK#at the very least the 'ladies man' comment is definitely not. 'less consequential' if twitter is anything to say LMAO#mostly just jokes of course ik ik For Real Non Consequential but my eyes are still seeing it every other post SO.#on that note. i forgot my personal rule of not commenting on scripts OH NO#i dont understand japanese and at this point i cant trust what english translators provide and evidently the differences can be big#sooo im just gonna. eat shit i guess LMAO IDK#i already done said i have no more notes bout the proposal bit and i dont#i can just say Yeah Thats About Right when it comes to agreeing with whats been said#just feels underwhelming to only say that tho.... but theres no other way i can say it without restating#i myself just feel underwhelming as of late but thats a personal ish jALKJKLJ#in any case my dad said he'd send me pizza money as an apology or something and tbh ive been craving pizza all week anyway for some reason#even if he doesnt i might just get a small pizza for myself and then only eat a third of it cause my stomach's the size of a peanut
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
So im kinda nervous sendind my first "ask", but i just want to say, the way you write is really cute, i adore how you describe the details the characters notice about eachother and It really feels like love, i can really makes the scenes in my head like a cute little movie or series 🥰 please never stop making These Pieces of art ,oh and im so in love with Pratice 💕.
Lots of people ARE talking about what could happen in The last part of Pratice, just a theory, but in my head its Just a misundertooding, maybe The photo bambi saw wasnt recent and he wasnt lying🤔(i hope so🥲)
i just think they are way too cute to have a sad ending, just think about their cute bunny and bambi faces🐰🦌,cutest couple alive, i hope they get over with proper comunication and end they end UP happy forever togheter💞
Sorry If it was long or some wrong words,english is not my first language
Sending love💌
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STOP YOURE SO SWEET!! i def spend a lot of time on little details and i don’t know if that translates well or is fun to read so im very glad that you like it eep!!
and yes the whole situation with mr jeon is v sus v excited to see how you guys react when it’s all unfolded. thank you so much for reading and ily !!
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izacore · 2 years
You know what makes me the most stressed? this fandom (the part that believes he is a father) will not accept it if he simply says that he will not see the boy anymore, they will destroy him and the general public too, they will say that he has a responsibility to provide for the boy and maintain the contact. It's no use saying he has a plan, because talking about the boy all the time is not a plan, but the bottom of the well lol sorry for the english
oh, I am the opposite, I think that part of the fandom are sheep so when he says he wants to be private during this hard time for him they will just make sure no one talks about it agdjdj but also yeah, lthq could have ended it really well 2 years ago without bringing the child back but they went for stregthening the connection so i don't have any hope we will get rid of it anytime soon.
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lewisbian · 2 years
Hello, sorry for my bad eng.
Can I ask you something? What graphic program did you use for lewis post?
I want to learn graphic design can u give me the name of the app.
Have a nice day!
Hi!! I use photoshop that’s it! I know some people like to use both illustrator and photoshop but for me it’s only photoshop
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imperiuswrecked · 8 months
I'm never forgetting the Palestinian babies that were left to starve to death then rot in their beds by the IOF.
I'm never forgetting the Palestinian doctors surrounded by bodies of dead children begging the world to stop the slaughter.
I'm never forgetting the Palestinian children who held a press conference in English to beg the world to stop murdering them because they want to live.
I'm never forgetting the Palestinian Priest who said "We will not accept your apology after the genocide" to the world.
I'm never forgetting the Palestinian Imam who used the speakers of the Mosque, not to call people to prayer but to call out to God while the world around them was burning from American supplied Israeli bombs.
I'm never forgetting the grandfather who held his dead grandchild in his arms. Or the father carrying the remains of his two children in plastic shopping bags. Or the mother holding her dead child in a shroud. Or the father sitting among the rubble after he lost his whole family. Or the girl trapped under a broken building begging for people to save her family first. Or the boy who cried when he saw his brother alive. Or the girl who asked if she was still alive after being pulled from the rubble. Or the boy who carried the remains of his brother in his backpack. Or the old man the IOF used for a photoshoot before they shot him dead after getting pictures. Or the little boy wearing plastic gloves to pick up the remains of his family. Or the graves desecrated. Or the body of that small baby girl left alone in a tent because no one knew who she was or if her family was alive, small and alone and not one person who knew her name to bury her. Or the young boy who was shot in the street while his sister watched from the window. Or the men and boys who were stripped naked in winter. Or those tortured. Or those made to stand in open graves. Or the people who were raped by IOF soldiers. Or Palestinian workers kidnapped by the IOF and then labeled with wristbands, each one reduced to a number, then made to walk back to Gaza to be killed in the world's largest open air concentration camp. Or the people of Gaza starving because Israeli Zionists are blocking aid trucks. Or the Israelis dancing and celebrating the death of Palestinians. Or the lies spread by Zionists and their supporters. Or the people profiting off the oppression and deaths of Palestinians. Or the people of the West Bank being killed or kidnapped by the IOF. Or old woman who was older than the creation of the terror state of "Israel" who was shot by snipers for saying that. Or the Israelis dressed up as Palestinians to enter a hospital and kill three Palestinians in their beds. Or every single Palestinian currently kept in an Israeli prison. Or the journalists, doctors, poets, men, women, children, and the unborn all massacred. Or the fact that WCNSF exists now. Or the woman who refused to wash the blood from her hands. Or the dead, unburied and unmourned.
I'm never forgetting those who chose silence in the face of a genocide.
I may not know all their names but I will not forget the over 30,000 Palestinians dead. Or the over 60, 000 people hurt. Or the unknown number of people missing, still lost under the rubble. Or the 12,000 children slaughtered. An entire generation crippled or murdered.
I will never forget these things when Palestine is free.
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