#new collectio
bigslutr · 1 month
May I ask for a piece about Rory Toll? If not that’s okay!
Of course!
Rory Toll
"You're beautiful, mi amor," Rory spoke, her hands working a hairbrush through your damp hair while you refused to speak to her after what she did.
When Rory didn't get a response, she sighed, pausing her movement. "Not going to talk, huh?" she asked, her hands moving to force your head up to make eye contact with her brown eyes. "She needed to go," she started in a murmur. "She was trying to take you away from me, mi amor."
You rolled your eyes at her words, making Rory raise an eyebrow. "Perhaps a punishment?" she suggested, acting like she was thinking about it before she spoke again. "I mean, it would make you talk, even if you were moaning my name."
"I even got a new toy to add to the collectio–"
"No!" you cut her off, clearing your throat. "I'll talk, for fuck's sake, just... no punishment."
Rory chuckled, her thumb stroking your cheek. "That's what I thought, mi amor," she murmured.
Rory's grip on your chin softened, but her gaze remained intense. "Good girl," she whispered, leaning in closer, her breath warm against your cheek. "You know I only do what's best for us."
You clenched your fists, resisting the urge to pull away. "What you did... it wasn't necessary," you muttered, your voice trembling slightly.
Rory's eyes darkened, and she moved her hand to your neck, her fingers gently tracing your skin. "Necessary or not, she's gone now," she said. "And you belong to me."
A shiver ran down your spine, a mix of fear and something else you didn't want to acknowledge. "I don't belong to anyone," you whispered rudely, though the quiver in your voice betrayed you.
Rory smirked, her lips brushing against your ear. "Oh, mi amor, you can tell yourself that all you want," she murmured, her free hand sliding down your arm. "But we both know the truth."
You swallowed hard, trying to steady your breathing as Rory's touch sent conflicting sensations through your body. "What do you want from me?" you asked, your voice barely audible.
Rory pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes. "I want you to understand," she said softly, almost tenderly. "I want you to see that everything I do is for us. For our love."
You stared at her, searching for any hint of doubt or remorse in her eyes, but found none. "You're twisted," you said, shaking your head. "This isn't love."
Rory's expression hardened for a moment, but then she smiled, a dark and dangerous smile. "Maybe it isn't the kind of love you're used to," she conceded. "But it's the only kind that matters."
You only hummed in response, choosing not to argue with her since you knew it would get you nowhere but a punishment.
Rory’s smile widened, her grip on your neck tightening just enough to send a clear message without causing pain. She leaned in closer, her lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “Mi amor, your learning,” She whispered, her voice laced with satisfaction. “You’ll see how much I love you.”
Her words hung in the air. Rory continued to brush your hair, her touch almost gentle now as if she didn’t just make yet another unsettling moment.
You closed your eyes, trying to gather your thoughts, to find a way to escape this affection (?) that she claimed was for your own good. “Tell me you love me,” Rory commanded softly, her fingers threading through your hair.
You hesitated, the words sticking in your throat. Yet the more the silence went on you felt Rory's patience wearing thin. Her grip on your hair tightened, pulling your head back slightly to force you to meet her gaze. The intensity in her eyes made your breath catch.
"Say it," she demanded, her voice low and dangerous.
You swallowed hard, the words feeling like poison on your tongue. "I... I love you," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
Rory's expression softened, her lips curving into a satisfied smile. "Good girl," she murmured, releasing your hair and cupping your face in her hands. "See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?"
You nodded weakly, a feeling of defeat washed over you. Rory’s approval felt like a reward, a twisted reward. something you craved even though you knew it was wrong. Her touch was both comforting and suffocating, and you couldn’t help but lean into it, despite the nagging voice in your head telling you to resist.
Rory's thumbs brushed over your cheeks, her eyes never leaving yours. "We're perfect together, mi amor," she said softly. "And I’ll do whatever it takes to keep it that way."
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Hope this is how you wanted it!
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nostalgic-woodwind · 10 months
Imagination in a Box (TADC! Nursery AU)
Plot: The babies are given an empty cardboard box, and they have to use their imagination to see what it can be used as.
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Heavily based (and quoted) on a Baby Looney Tunes episode called “Card Bored Box”.
The clay booger bit is heavily referenced by a Bluey episode called “Stories”.
TADC! Nursery AU belongs to @txttabloid
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It was raining outside, and the babies were staring out the window in their playroom.
“Man, this stinks…” Jax groaned. “Why does the rain have to ruin our fun and force us inside?”
“It’s spring. Caine says it rains all the time during the spring. What else is new?” Zooble rolled their eyes.
“I know! We can play in here until the rain stops,” Ragatha suggested.
“We’ve played with every toy in here. Many times.”
“I can read from my insect books to you guys,” Kinger said.
“You read all of them to us. A bajillion times,” Jax countered.
Caine flew into the playroom to check on the babies and saw the bored expressions on the their faces.
“My, my! What’s with the long faces, kids?” Caine asked.
“It’s been raining for ages! We’re bored,” Pomni said.
“Hmm… why don’t you all play a game?”
“But we’ve already played with every toy and game and read every book in this whole circus. Many times,” Jax argued.
“Oh? How many times is that?”
“Too many!” the babies exclaimed in unison.
“I just wish there was something fun that we could do,” Gangle sighed.
“Something that we never did before,” Ragatha added.
Caine scratched his chin to figure out how the babies could be entertained. A lightbulb popped above his head when he got an idea.
“I’ll be right back,” Caine said as he flew out of the playroom.
The babies looked at each other with confusion and shrugged.
The ringmaster came back a minute later and brought in a giant cardboard box.
“Ooh, what’s inside the box?” Gangle pondered.
“Is it a new toy?” Jax asked excitedly.
Caine opened the box, which had nothing inside. The babies were shocked, then disappointed.
“Hey, where’s the new toy?” Jax frowned.
"There’s no need for a new toy for today's rainy day adventure, Jax,” Caine replied.
“Oh, great… another adventure…” Zooble muttered.
“I think you’ll like this one a lot, Zooble. Today’s adventure is called 'Imagination in a Box'," Caine announced. "You have to use your imagination to see what this box could be!"
"Caine, what's imagi… imagina…?" Ragatha questioned, having trouble pronouncing the word “imagination”.
"Imagination is when you picture things with your mind. This box here can be anything you want it to be."
The babies were still confused on what Caine was talking about.
“Why don’t you kiddos take a look out the window?” Caine asked as he pointed at said window. “See those clouds up in the sky?”
“Yeah?” the babies responded.
“The clouds can form into any shape your mind pictures them out to be. For example, I can imagine that one of the clouds is a dinosaur.”
“What do you kids see?”
“I can see a beetle!” Kinger pointed at one of the clouds.
“And I see a puppy!” Ragatha exclaimed.
“See? That’s a prime example of using your imagination,” Caine said. “That’s what I want you to do with this box. Just imagine what this box can be and you won’t be bored. Good luck and have fun, my little superstars!”
Caine then left the playroom as the babies headed over to the box.
“So, we have the box. What are we supposed to do with it again?” Pomni asked.
“We have to use our imagination,” Gangle explained. “I’m going to pretend it’s an art school.”
“I don’t see it an art school,” Ragatha disagreed. “I see it as a doctor’s office.”
“I think it’s supposed to be a house?” Pomni questioned.
“What about you, Zooble?” Ragatha asked.
“I don’t know, a pirate ship, I guess?” Zooble shrugged.
“Those ideas are silly,” Jax laughed. “I say that it’s the world’s fastest racing car!”
“Well, I think it’s the world’s tallest, biggest castle in the world, given the fact that I’m a royal,” Kinger said. “It even has a humungous room for my insect collection!”
“No way!”
The babies started arguing about what the box was really for. They argued and argued until Ragatha cried out, “Wait!”
“This isn’t working out. There’s only one way to know what the box is,” Ragatha said.
“I’m glad you’re starting to see things my way,” Jax smirked with pride.
“No, Jax, we should take turns imagining all of what we just said. We’ll play art school first, then doctor, then house, then pirate ship, then race car, and then castle.”
“So we’ll see which idea is more fun than the others?” Gangle asked. “And then, the best idea wins?”
Gangle’s Idea: Art School
“Welcome to art school!” Gangle greeted her students. “I am your teacher, Miss Gangle, and we’re going to be making things out of clay.”
“What kind of things are we making?” Pomni asked as she raised her hand.
“You can make anything you want. All that matters is that you have fun and get creative! Now, get to work, class!”
The rest of the babies spent some time crafting and sculpting whatever they wanted with the clay that Gangle gave them.
“Alright, let’s see what you came up with,” Gangle said once time was up. She flew around to critiue her students’ projects, starting with Pomni.
Pomni made a duck, Ragatha made a cat, Kinger made a butterfly, and Zooble made a penguin.
“You guys made such great sculptures!” Gangle praised. “But, where’s Jax?”
Jax snuck behind Gangle and sneezed while holding up a clay next to his nose. Gangle yelped and jumped in surprise.
“Booger!” Jax shouted as Gangle ran away crying.
“Eww!” the rest of the babies cringed.
“Jax, you can’t scare the teacher,” Ragatha berated.
“What? Gangle said we can make whatever we wanted, didn’t she?” Jax shrugged.
“Anyway, it’s my turn.”
Ragatha’s Idea: Doctor’s Office
“There you go, sir,” Ragatha said to Kinger after giving him a pretend checkup. “Just drink plenty of water and rest, and your sticker-itis will go away in a few days.”
“Thank you,” Kinger, covered in stickers, nodded.
“Oh, I almost forgot your lollipop.”
Ragatha went over to her doctor’s bag to grab a lollipop for her patient when she saw that they were gone.
“Hey, where did my lollipops go?” Ragatha questioned.
She then heard a burp and looked over at Jax, who had lollipop wrappers and sticks next to him.
“Nurse Jax! Those lollipops were for the patients!” Ragatha scowled.
Jax let out another burp, which made Ragatha sigh and face palm.
Pomni’s Idea: House
Pomni was setting up the table at her house when the door knocked.
“I’ll get it,” Pomni said. “It must be the guests.”
The jester went to the door and opened it for the guests. Ragatha and Zooble were the parents, Gangle was the parents’ daughter, Kinger was the family’s dog, and Jax was Gangle’s baby brother.
“I hate this…” Jax grumbled.
“Hello there. Welcome to our house,” Pomni greeted. “Please come inside.”
The family then walked inside the home.
“My, what a cute baby you have!” Pomni cooed at Jax.
“Wah! Wah!” Jax pretend-cried.
“Oh, my! Your baby must be hungry.”
The jester pulled out a baby bottle and put it in Jax’s mouth, only for him to spit it out.
“Blegh! Baby formula!” Jax exclaimed.
“Now, now, baby, that’s not polite,” Zooble scolded. “Remember, you’re a guest in someone’s home.”
Pomni put the bottle back in Jax’s mouth, causing everyone to laugh.
“Okay, this isn’t so bad,” Zooble chuckled, which made Jax glare at them.
“Why don’t we all sit down and have some refreshments?” Pomni proposed as everyone sat around the table. The jester handed Kinger a squeaky bone and served the rest of the babies some cookies on a plate.
“You didn’t have to go through so much trouble,” Ragatha said as she took a bite of a cookie, only to recoil at its taste.
Zooble and Gangle each ate a cookie, only to shudder in disgust as well.
“Yeah, Pomni… you really shouldn’t have…” Zooble gagged.
“Uh, Miss Pomni, what kind of cookies are these?” Gangle asked.
“It’s my famous recipe: pureed beets and oatmeal raisin,” Pomni said. She saw the disgusted looks on her guests’ faces and her face fell. “Are they not good?”
“Now, now, Mama, Dada, and big sister, that’s not polite,” Jax smirked. “Remember, you’re guests in someone’s home.”
Ragatha, Zooble, and Gangle managed to eat all of the cookies on the plate.
“Those… those were really good cookies,” Ragatha groaned.
“Yeah, it’s a shame they’re all gone,” Zooble mumbled.
“All gone? I made a lot more so you can take some to go,” Pomni said as she pulled out another plate of her cookies.
Ragatha, Zooble, and Gangle screamed in horror and fainted. Jax laughed and wheezed while Kinger took a bite of a cookie and gagged.
“Kinger, cookies aren’t good for dogs,” Pomni chastised.
Zooble’s Idea: Pirate Ship
Zooble had transformed the box into their own pirate ship. They looked through their telescope and spotted a chest of toys.
“Argh! I spot some burried treasure up ahead!” Zooble exclaimed. “First mate Ragatha!”
“Yes, Captain Zooble-beard?” Ragatha asked as she walked over to the captain.
“Go down to the deck and tell the crew to hoist up the anchor so we can set sail.”
“Yes, Captain Zooble-beard.”
Ragatha climbed down the box and headed to the galley, where Jax, Kinger, Pomni, and Gangle were swabbing the poop deck.
“Attention, crew, Captain Zooble-beard said to-” Ragatha began to say.
“Yeah, yeah, we heard her,” Jax rolled his eyes.
Ragatha climbed back up to the ship.
“This isn’t fair… Zooble and Ragatha are doing all the fun stuff and we’re stuck down here doing all of the chores,” Jax complained.
“What are we going to do?” Kinger asked.
Jax thought about it for a minute, then got an idea.
“I know! We’re gonna sneak up to the deck, and then…” Jax said to the crew before whispering the rest of his idea to them.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Jax? What if we get in trouble?” Pomni worried.
“No need to worry! It’s four of us and two of them.”
Jax, Pomni, Gangle, and Kinger ended up getting caught and tied up by the captain and first mate.
“Since you four decided to betray your own captain and take over the ship, I shall make you walk the plank!” Zobble declared.
“Walk the plank?!” Jax gasped.
“Walk the plank?!” Kinger trembled.
“Walk the plank?!” Pomni gulped.
“Walk the plank?!” Gangle whimpered.
The crew then got confused.
“What’s a plank?” The crew asked Zooble.
“It means that first mate Ragatha and I are going to throw you overboard,” Zooble frustradedly clarified.
“Well, I’m over this and bored,” Jax rolled his eyes. “It’s my turn to show you what the box is really used for.”
Jax’s Idea: Race Car
Jax set the box up like a race car. He pretended that he was speeding and racing against other race cars.
“Uh-oh, better pull into the pit stop,” Jax said as he drove over to the said pit stop. “Alright, team! Change the oil! Refill the gas tank! Change the tires! We’ve got a lot to do if I’m gonna win the grand prix!”
The pit crew, however, didn’t budge. They were completely bored and didn’t care about Jax’s race car game.
“For the last time, we’re not changing anything,” Zooble stated.
“You’re not even gonna refill my sippy cup with carrot juice?” Jax asked as he held out his empty sippy cup.
“Well, I think it’s my turn now, and I think you guys are going to like this game,” Kinger spoke up.
Kinger’s Idea: Castle
Kinger was sitting upon his throne, admiring his beetle plushie and pretending it was his pet.
“Oh, Maxwell, it is a lovely day in my kingdom,” Kinger said as he got up and walked over to his friends, who were dressed up in royal costumes.
The chess piece held the plushie to his ear. “What’s that? Oh, yes, we should invite my royal subjects to a tour to of my insect collection room. Our collection has grown a lot over the past year!”
“Gee… this may be fun for you, but this is ridiculous for me,” Jax, dressed as a knight, complained. “I enjoyed the race car game the best.”
The bunny proceeded to throw his race car costume in the box.
“I had much more fun playing doctor,” Ragatha, dressed as a queen, said as she tossed her doctor’s kit in the box.
“I liked playing house,” Pomni, dressed as a prince, stated as she chucked her cookies in the box.
“Pirates wasn’t even that bad,” Zooble, dressed as a princess, admitted as they threw their pirate stuff in the box.
“And I liked art school,” Gangle, dressed as a dragon, said as she put her art supplies in the box.
The babies began squabbling over which game was the best. They shouted and began playing tug-of-war with the box.
Suddenly, the box flew out of the babies hands and transformed into something new, something that caused the babies to gasp in awe. The box transformed into a mega house that had all of the babies' stuff split into different sections.
“What is it?” Ragatha asked.
“It’s a pirate-castle-art school-racing-doctor-house!” Gangle realized.
“Oh, come on! There’s no such thing,” Jax scoffed.
“Not if you use your imagination.”
The babies excitedly ran over to the box.
Caine went into the playroom to check on the babies when he saw them having the time of their lives, doing their own thing in the box.
“My, my! What’s happening in here?” Caine asked.
“We’re using our imagination,” Kinger said.
“Yeah, and do you know what the best part about it is? We put our imaginations together,” Pomni said.
“Well, I must say, I’m impressed!” Caine smiled. “You turned a plain, old box into a… uh, what is it, exactly?”
“A pirate-castle-art school-racing-doctor-house,” Gangle explained.
“Oh, a pirate-castle-art school-racing-doctor-house! That’s impressive!”
Caine then flew over to the window and opened the curtains.
“I came in here to tell you that the rain stopped, so you guys are free to go out and play,” Caine said, only to notice that the babies weren’t really paying attention. They were laughing and having fun with their pirate-castle-art school-racing-doctor-house. Caine chuckled at this and flew off, leaving the babies to their adventure.
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eltramuffinz · 2 years
Zhongli X Reader Fluff Brainrot
Surprisingly this is about Zhongli for once, but essentially I thought of the basic outline for a cute and fluffy Zhongli x Reader fic like… last year or something lmao. I would never formally write it though because that’s not where my interests really are, but I do love Zhongli’s character and voice haha… Anyway I thought I’d share it here since the few people I have shared it with thought it was nice. This isn’t really a formal fic or headcanon list, just my thoughts for a cute little story under the cut. I know some of these ideas exist already in Zhongli fanfiction, but I don’t think I’ve seen them mashed together with my own touch like this (but if this is like any Zhongli fics already published let me know ‘cause I’d love to read them).
Word count below the cut: 3.5k, uses they/them pronouns and then switches to second person POV
Reader would have no Vision, lives in Liyue, and works at Bubu Pharmacy. They often chat and share the workload with Herbalist Gui (I like Herbalist Gui okay). They also are friendly and have a soft spot for Qiqi (I don’t see her enough in fics and I wish we could explore her story more in-game). Baizhu would make some appearances, but usually it’s just Reader and Qiqi or Gui holding down the fort.
Reader is knowledgeable enough in the pharmacy field to handle most day-to-day requests and problems, although they do get the occasional tough customer who forgets their prescription or gets annoyed when they are out of stock… ah, pharmacy worker life.
Reader’s life is quiet and uneventful for the most part, and they are content with their job. They always had an interest in healing and studying how different plants and medicines can cure ailments. When they’re on the clock but Gui has the counter covered, Reader may be tasked with doing other jobs such as: taking stock, delivering medicine around the town to sickly people who cannot make it to the pharmacy, going down to the docks to receive medicine deliveries from other nations, and sometimes they’ll go to the countryside around the city themselves to collect plants or supplies within reason.
Now, one thing Reader loves besides medicine… is tea! They find it a comforting drink and the process of brewing it after a long day of work helps to relax their mind. They find great comfort in having a cup and listening to the atmosphere of the city.
One day while on shift a customer mentions idly that a new tea stall has made itself known in town, a little business trying to gain a foothold in the Liyuean market. A bold venture for sure considering the existing competitors. After their shift Reader gets home they’re ready to unwind, only to find they themselves are out of tea leaves! It seems like a good enough sign as any to venture to this new tea vendor and examine the goods.
So, the next day, when they have their half-an-hour break, they dash off to find the stall, bringing some Mora with them. It is a tranquil afternoon, but trying to find this little stall in peak activity is a job in itself, and they’re conscious of the time ticking down.
Finally they locate the little stall, tucked away from the main crowds. They almost missed it, for there were no customers browsing the wares. The seller looks a little deflated, but they perk right up when Reader approaches. Feeling a little pity for the vendor, Reader examines the choices of tea leaves for sale. The vendor, eager to have someone to talk to, tells them about the different leaves and the flavors they should produce. Reader thought they knew a decent amount about tea, but a lot of these types of leaves were completely new to them!
They’re completely torn between which leaves to choose, so enthralled and looking down, they don’t notice the vendor look behind them and beam even bigger. Reader jumps comically when out of nowhere, a voice they had never heard before speaks up.
“Pardon me, but I couldn’t help but note an indecisive expression on your face. Are you unsure of which tea from this collection to purchase?”
Heart still pounding from the shock, Reader looks to the person they now register is standing next to them. They glance upwards, and a small part of their brain notes how formally and neatly dressed this man is. He looks quite regal in fact, hardly dressed for a casual stroll to an out-of-the-way tea stall. He is looking at them with nothing except curiosity, and they hurry to nod in affirmation.
They hurry to stand aside since they now felt they were holding this man up, but he simply looks from them to the choices and puts a finger under his chin, eyes squinting, as if he was scrutinizing and thinking deeply.
The vendor went to repeat the same spiels to him, but the man spoke first. Reader’s eyebrows slowly rose the longer the man talked. He proceeded to name each of the tea leaves by their proper name which the vendor had just told you, the leaves’ native growing sites, their current popularity in the tea market, random history trivia about tea, the differences between preparing each kind of tea, and the flavor the leaves would produce. The vendor had only been able to recite a fraction of that information, and the two of you stared in awe at the man. Along the way Reader almost zoned out to the words the man is saying, the deep and smooth pitch of his voice starting to capture their attention instead. Oh, he would be the perfect man to be a storyteller…
After a while his eyes relaxed, like he had finished reading through a book of information inside his head, looking at Reader once again and lowered his hand. He asked if that had helped Reader in choosing which tea to buy, and surprisingly after a second of collecting their thoughts, they find that they do know which one they’ll buy. When they smile at him, nodding and asking how he possibly knows so much about tea, the man smiles warmly back and replies he simply enjoys the drink and its history.
Reader purchases their chosen tea leaves and the man then steps forward to make his own choice. Reader is just putting the leaves away for later when they hear the man speak again.
“...Ah. My sincerest apologies. It appears I have… er, forgotten to carry sufficient funds.”
The vendor chuckles and waves a hand. “For all the new information you gave me, I’ll give you a discount!”
By this point Reader has faced the two again, and they watch how the man clears his throat and appears slightly embarrassed. “... By sufficient funds, I am referring to any funds.”
The vendor is gobsmacked. “Ehhh?! You came here with intention to buy something but you didn’t bring any mora!?”
The man is visibly flustered, a soft flush coming to his cheeks and he makes to move away, apologizing once again.
Before they know what they’re doing, Reader is placing the required sum of mora on the counter. “Here.” They look at the man and smile again. “For the information, from one tea-lover to another.”
The man starts shaking his head, insisting they don’t need to cover him, even grabbing the coins and moving to give them back. It was at that moment Reader remembers something, and they gasp.
“W-wait, what time is it…?”
The man tilts his head, eyes darting to the sun in the sky, and tells them his estimate. Reader makes a noise and immediately panics, having a realization.
“Oh no, oh no, my break ended half an hour ago! I’m so late, I-” They bow their head and smile at the man. “Please keep it, I have to go, goodbye!” And they all but sprint away, leaving the man stunned, his hand still outstretched with the mora Reader donated in it.
The vendor coughs into their fist, asking if he’s going to buy the tea or not. He blinks at the coins in his palm, and then makes his purchase. 
Later that evening, as he is drinking the tea in his home, he notes two things: The tea is rather lovely, and that he never got that generous person’s name…
In another part of town at the same time, looking out a window, Reader notes the tea is particularly delicious as well, all the while thinking of the knowledgeable stranger with gleaming amber eyes…
Skiiiiip forward some time. Reader is low on tea again! They could have gone back to the main stores, but being honest, they wanted to try the tea from the little stall again. So, like last time, they use their break to get some shopping done. Now that they know where it is, they get to the stall quickly this time.
They didn’t expect the vendor to cheer when they arrived. “Yay, a repeat customer! Ah finally, you two can talk again!”
Reader asks what the vendor means, but they gasp when that calming voice speaks next to them as the pair stand in front of the tea leaves.
“I’m so glad you have returned. I was beginning to worry I may never possess the chance to converse with you again.”
Of course, upon looking to their side, they meet the amber eyes of the man from last time they were here. The vendor makes a noise and nods at you and then to him. “Mr Zhongli here has been coming to my stall this time every day since you were last here!”
Reader looks in shock from the vendor to the man. “Zhongli?”
He extends a gloved hand out, and reflexively they take it, his fingers curling gently to hold theirs.
“I would take great pleasure in introducing myself in proper fashion, as our first meeting ended before I could do so. My name is Zhongli, and I am indebted to you for purchasing the tea from our last meeting on my behalf.”
The whole time he was gazing warmly and sincerely into their eyes, and suddenly they felt both underdressed for the occasion and overwhelmed with his formality.
The feeling of his amber eyes on them and their hand resting in his was… something. Like they weren’t standing in front of a tea shop and that they weren’t basically strangers. Instead they felt like the moment all of a sudden became so much more rich in detail, that only Zhongli and themself existed in this sleepy corner of the harbour town.
They managed to stutter out their own name, and he repeats it in his own rich voice.
“That is an exquisite name, worthy for someone such as yourself, who has an exquisite heart.”
Oh boy, it had to be the warm seasonal sun making their face feel so warm. Zhongli was certainly a gentleman.
They laugh airily and carefully slide their hand out of his, if only so their sweaty palms wouldn’t ruin his gloves. They then address what the vendor said, looking at Zhongli.
“You came here every day since then? That was weeks ago! And why did you come the same time every day?”
He explains that he wished to thank them properly for generously buying the tea for him, but they ran off before he could do so. He didn’t even know their name, nor knew anything about them, other than they had a break from their job at that time in the day, and that they liked tea. Having no other option and refusing to let a debt go unpaid, Zhongli returned to the stall daily since then, hoping to catch sight of them. The dedication and commitment was astounding, all for a cheap sum of mora… (I’m switching to second person POV here because it’s more natural for me and it’s getting tiring saying Reader LOL)
You insisted it was alright and it really wasn’t anything troublesome, but Zhongli shook his head and gestured to the tea leaves.
“Please, allow me to return the favour. I have made sure to bring sufficient funds this time, and I would like to purchase tea leaves of your choice for you.”
You were both grateful and a little exasperated at how insistent he was about it, but caved since it seemed like it would make him happy. The vendor was just looking between the two of you for the whole exchange, sipping a cup of tea of their own.
After thanking him, you picked out another flavour you were thinking of trying. True to his word, Zhongli swiftly stepped forward and almost proudly produced the sum of mora from a surprisingly cute coin purse.
Pocketing the tea leaves, you watched as Zhongli pondered the choices and then looked at you. “Could you tell me, what were your feelings about the variety of tea you purchased last time we met?”
You responded that you thought he was an expert in tea, and that surely he didn’t need your opinion in order to decide which to choose. He merely gazed at the teas, that finger once more resting under his chin. He proceeded to tell you about how a large part of the joy of drinking tea for him came from knowing others too found it enjoyable, for it created a sense of closeness and connectedness when the memory of drinking the tea was formed.
It was all rather deep and philosophical, at times making your head spin from the level of thought Zhongli talked at. But you liked listening to him all the same. So you told him what you thought of the tea, how your thoughts weren’t as nearly as profound as his, but you liked the taste, and it was relaxing.
He nodded at this, and bought the tea you had last time. You don’t know what came over you, but as he reached once more for his purse, you were quicker and slammed the required mora down before the vendor. Zhongli was still, lips parted slightly as his eyes slowly ran from the mora up your arm to your face.
You cleared your throat and spoke a little defensively. “You have mora this time and I wanted to do this, so it’s not some kind of debt you need to repay Zhongli!”
The vendor took the coins and squawked for the two of you to take your little stare-off away from the teas, as more customers were coming in and needed room.
You moved first, thankful for the distraction since any longer and you would have looked away from those amber eyes first, for their gaze was unwavering and intense.
As you left the stall, you glanced at the sky and noted the time. “Oh, it’s time for me to leave if I want to get back on time.” You glanced at Zhongli who had followed behind you. “Goodbye Zhongli, it was nice to see you-” You were already turning and beginning to walk away when you felt a warm hand softly land on your shoulder. You could have kept walking, but turned back to look at him.
His brows were furrowed, looking somehow wistful as he called your name.
“Please, wait a moment before you depart.” Seeing that you were indeed waiting, he spoke to you with all the sincerity you could imagine. “May I know if or when you will return to this location?”
You blinked. “Well… I run out of tea ingredients about once a month. That was when I came here last time. But, my longer break is at this time in the day each shift.”
As nice as Zhongli was, you were still wary of letting a practical stranger know where you worked. He either noticed your subtle avoidance of the topic or had no plans to ask, since that was not what he asked next despite it being a somewhat obvious question to want an answer to.
“Then, I hope it is not a troublesome request, but may I ask that I meet you again here once a week during your break?”
You scrunched your brows at him and couldn’t stop yourself, unintentionally using many young children’s favourite word. 
You hadn’t seen the expression he displayed next, but after witnessing it you briefly had a thought you’d never forget it even if you tried, for your mind snatched the memory with an iron grip as soon as it formed.
His eyes practically glowed as the sunlight hit them, and his lips curled into a thoroughly amused smirk, coupled with a deep and rumbling chuckle.
“Because, despite your fervid insistence, I am now once again indebted to you. One can adorn a contractual clause with colourful and extensive descriptors, emphasise and redirect its readers, but remove said language, and the factual core of the matter becomes apparent.”
His smirk softened back into a small grin as he addressed you by name.
“Of course, while Liyue Harbour is a city of trade and contracts, I will not treat this matter as such. I suppose if I were to expose the core of this matter, as my previous words referred to, it would be that I desire to converse with you again, and learn more of your character.”
Well damn, if that wasn’t the most eloquent way of being told by someone they wanted to get to know you better.
All you could do was blink at him dumbly, your cheeks feeling warm again. Dumb warm season sunlight. “O-okay. We can do that. How about…” 
You suggested a day you figured would work, and Zhongli smiled happily. The swaying of his long ponytail and brown locks in the cool breeze were the subject of your attention until he moved. You looked down as he reached out to you, his palm up.
“May I take your hand for a moment?”
You took his hand, regarding him with curious eyes as he held your fingers in a soft grip, his thumb resting on your knuckles.
“Then, until we meet again. I shall await our next time together with much anticipation, for I am eager to hear your thoughts of the tea you purchased today. Concerning your last critique, you were certain your opinion held less value than mine on the basis you could say no more other than it possessed a pleasant taste. From my experience, while words themselves in their purest form can determine the bindings of a contract or the foundations of order and law, the sincerity and strength with which we voice such words can transform a pebble into a mountain.”
The amber-eyed man took a step closer, and your nose picked up on the faintest hint of tea leaves as he squeezed your fingers.
“When you spoke of your enjoyment, I saw brightness that could illuminate the darkest of caverns and clarity that could polish the roughest of stone. In the eyes of a fair judge, your words, while few in number, hold equal weight as mine.”
You were speechless, clueless on what to do other than gulp and scramble to find a response.
Yeah, your heart was definitely beating faster than normal.
Zhongli released your hand, bowing his head slightly. “Please, I do not wish to hold you from returning any longer. I will wait for you here at our agreed time. I look forward to seeing you again.”
You don’t really remember what you said, your mind only catching up to you once you were long gone and walking up the steps to the pharmacy.
Two things were definitely for certain. 
First, Zhongli was one of a kind. Secondly, you suddenly couldn’t wait for this time next week.
AND THAT’S ALL I’M GONNA WRITE PROPERLY FOR HIM BECAUSE I’VE ALREADY GOTTEN CARRIED AWAY 😭. This post was meant to take 15 mins to write, not hours… Carried away yet again. The rest of my thoughts are remaining general dotpoints
- After that, you and Zhongli would meet at the tea stand and take turns covering each other’s tea costs
- You went on many walks with Zhongli where he told you amazing stories
- You eventually told him where you worked, and a few weeks later he showed up asking for pain medication (He assured you it was not for himself at your voiced concerns, rather for a friend (Read: Xiao).
- Eventually Zhongli asks if they can spend Reader’s days off together now and then rather than just their 30 minute breaks, and they say yes because they too were craving to spend more time with him
- They learn of his own job and sometimes end up helping with his own work tasks, like handing out coffin coupons or fetching supplies
- Zhongli takes them to opera and theatre performances and shares knowledge and stories with them, and they enjoy the outings very much
- He saves up and treats you to a nicer and more expensive dinner, insisting this was all on him and he wants to enjoy the food with you.
Other more general points of brainrot:
- You and Zhongli ending up going to one of Xinyan’s concerts
- You would inevitably end up meeting and figuring out how to approach Childe, oh joy
- Zhongli made a habit of holding your hand and voicing his parting words to you each time you meet up, and then one day instead of letting go, he ducked his head and pressed a kiss to the back of it (a gentleman I tell you).
- He would probably use his knowledge to spoil some plot about pharmacy supplies being shipped in from another nation at an outrageous price or something
- While he can talk for hours, he highly enjoys listening to Reader talk about their own interests and sharing their pharmacy knowledge
- They would at least be aware he has a geo ‘Vision’ and find it fun when he boosts them up high using geo constructs
- Peaceful times and vibes all round (except for when it’s not but oh well)
AAAAND that’s all! Other concepts like an actual plot line or source of conflict or the whole god x mortal dynamic and that associated angst I haven’t thought of, and I’m not really going to either. I just wanted to get all this Zhongli brainrot out there into the world for people to enjoy. He’s prob not perfectly characterised in this but oh well. Like I said, I know similar concepts exist I think already, but this is how I would go about having their meet-cute. I might have played up his gentleman-ness, but I do think he’s got a damn way with words…
Anyway, if you liked this I’d love to know!
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milkberryroll · 2 years
in a heartbeat.
She wants to blame herself for making him worried sick, for this. But, if he knew, he'd tell her she's the pot calling the kettle black.
also in AO3
Two gunshots ring in the middle of the night in Karakura. Hitsugaya Toshiro closes his eyes and accepts his fate.
Silence follows.
When he opens his eyes, expecting a bullet to hit him, he sees Kuchiki Rukia, gun in hand, and the shooter down, bullet to and through his skull. And his partner, in a sea of scarlet, holding him down to the ground.
The eerie tranquil is torn by a flurry of voices, panic and chaos.
"Officer down! Send an ambulance here to Mashiba Sakurabashi Intersection, near the middle school! Hurry!"
Toshiro becomes painfully aware of the blood soaking into his clothes, his hands painted red, and his partner's weakening grip on his shirt wth every passing second.
Applying pressure on her back, where the bullet came in, he tries to staunch the bleeding. It's working, barely.
"Kurosaki, you can't die on me. I've got you. Hold on. Please."
He thinks she shouldn't be this weak, her hands shouldn't feel this cold, and she shouldn't be dying here, in his arms, because he was about to get shot.
He shouldn't have had to see Karin, red spilling from her back like a waterfall, unable to breathe — bullet hitting lung, hitting her.
She shouldn't have gotten in the line of fire just to shield him from a bullet.
It should've been him.
Kurosaki Karin tries to reassure him, tell him she's fine. But her body betrays her, and everytime she opens her mouth to speak, she loses more air and blood.
The whole time he's waiting for an ambulance, he feels like it's torture.
She survives. But the doctors say she's lost too much blood. They don't know when she'll wake up, or if she'll be herself when she does.
It's a waiting game.
Yuzu places snapdragons in the vase of Karin's room. She says it's to give her room some color, and as a symbol of strength, much like her dear Karin.
Isshin and Ichigo arrange and rearrange the room, only allowed due to their connection to the hospital director. Karin can't have her room looking too plain, too sad, the two men say.
He asks Yuzu if he could do something, anything, to help. To make his sin lighter. He can't keep standing on one corner, doing nothing, again.
She tells him it's fine, and he needs to rest too. He needs to get a doctor's evaluation, too. He's got wounds and bruises, too. But he knows, she can only keep straining a smile for long. The dark circles under her eyes suggest everything else but fine.
All he wants is to apologize. To Yuzu, her brother, and father. Maybe they could ask him to pay for damages, at least.
Instead, Isshin invites him out of the room for a cigarette. He refuses the nicotine stick, but obliges to his offer for a walk.
"My daughter being someone who could sacrifice to save someone dear to her, son, it makes me proud. You shouldn't feel any guilt." Isshin tells Toshiro, gaze piercing, bringing him back to when he was a new officer under the older man's captaincy. Funny how the man has been retired for years and himself, now a lieutenant, yet the thought of him as his higher up feels as right as before.
"But, Sir, I—. I am to blame for this. No one else. It's only right that you do."
"Why would I? Even if I wanted to, I know Karin herself wouldn't.” Isshin takes a drag of his cigarette, lets the smoke fill his lungs, and lets it out.
Her family doesn't blame him. He wishes they did.
Toshiro types away forms after forms, fills paperwork after paperwork in his office desk. Stares at his computer monitor until his eyes water in retaliation.
His chief, Shunsui, delegates him to desk work. Says he's not fit for his usual suspect searching, criminal chasing work. He thinks its funny — he's not the one who got shot, and he's fine.
Much unlike Karin.
Breaking his thoughts, Rukia plops down a mug of warm, black coffee, along an egg and vegetable sandwich, beside his hand. Another one to the growing collection on his desk.
She knows she can't keep on feeding into his coffee binging, but he doesn't need berating now.
"That's with one sugar. Drink up."
"How'd you know?" He takes a sip, silently thanking the younger Kuchiki, soon to be Kurosaki, courtesy of Ichigo.
"Karin's mentioned it in passing before. Never thought her stories about you would come in handy." Rukia chuckles, while gathering her things, calling it a day.
She takes a glance at the younger man, looking tired and soulless. He's been working for 72 hours straight, only taking bathroom and coffee breaks. He looks. Unkempt.
"I'll visit her on the weekend." Toshiro says after a brief moment of silence.
"Sure, I'll tell Ichigo. You two should get some proper meals together. Please. Both of you need to eat." She taps on his shoulder to say goodbye.
"Oh, and. Take a rest. She wouldn't want to see you like this."
His hands stop moving. She leaves without him saying a word.
It takes months before she manages to open her eyes.
The first thing she sees is white. The walls, the ceiling, the gown she'd wearing, the blanket on her.
His hair. His lashes. His hands on hers. Pale, she notes.
Move, her brain commands her hand and all she manages was a twitch of a finger.
He doesn't miss it.
Scrambling, Toshiro immediately stands up, making sure she's awake, alive. She's alive.
"Kurosaki?" He calls her.
She manages to croak out his name, voice like sand and throat scratchy from disuse.
It's the happiest he's felt in weeks.
"You look. Disheveled." Karin comments.
"It's an image change." He strikes back, smirking. An attempt to keep himself from tearing up.
She laughs.
He's scared he's almost gotten used to him talking all by himself. Only her breaths and the beeping of the machine monitors greeting him back.
He's missed this — her candid quips, their banter. He's glad he can hear her now.
She coughs and chokes on her own saliva from laughing after weeks of disuse. He more than gladly fetches her a glass of water. She drinks it up like its her saving grace.
"Thanks, Toshiro." She places the glass on the desk beside her, watching as Toshiro sits on the chair beside her bed.
"I should be the one thanking you." He says as he helps Karin sit back down on the inclined bed.
"What for?"
"Saving me."
"I only did what I had to do, Toshiro. It's nothing special."
He places a hand on her hers. She feels it trembling.
"I... was scared to lose you, Kurosaki. You could've —" It dissolves in his throat, her and that word in the same sentence just doesn't sit right with him.
"Died?" She finishes it for him.
He takes her into his embrace, and suddenly all feels right in the world.
She's here, she's alright.
He nods in confirmation, and buries his head in the bend between her neck and shoulder.
Her chest tightens, and her breathing quickens. Her wounds ache, but she pays it no mind.
"I know." She squeezes him back, accepts and receives him.
I'm still here. She leaves them unsaid, and rubs circles on his back for comfort.
Toshiro mumbles words of apology with his lips grazing her skin. She ignores the feeling of warmth spreading on her neck and asks him why.
"You're here because of me. It should've been me."
Karin breaks herself free from his hold, and grabs his collar, pulling him close.
"You weren't the one who shot me, Hitsugaya Toshiro. So shut up, and listen to me."
She holds his face and seizes his lips with her own, chapped as they were.
He doesn't hate it.
"I did it not only because I had to. I wanted to, Toshiro. My only thought was to protect you." She says after she breaks the kiss. Toshiro immediately misses the feel of her mouth on his.
“And I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.” She caresses his face and smiles at him, driving her point home.
Toshiro dives in to take a taste of her lips again, vowing himself to her, from this point on. He feels whole, like she was the missing piece to his self and he can never let go.
He holds her in his arms tighter, and listens to her little noises as she tries to breath with her mouth locked with his, and their tongues tangled.
He has half a mind to stop with his ministrations, reminding himself his partner is currently in recovery. He very much wishes she was in perfect health, though.
He settles for a hug, with her head on his chest. She clutches onto him like a lifeline, trying to hide the rouge warmth of her face.
With her in his nuzzle, she notices how much thinner he's gotten. She wants to blame herself for making him worried sick, for this. But, if he knew, he'd tell her she's the pot calling the kettle black.
"Do not do this again, Toshiro. Stop blaming yourself. No one would want to see you beat yourself over this."
Not me.
"Don't hope for a repeat of this, Kurosaki. Just stay alive."
Karin only smiles at him without a word, despite waves crashing on rocks — his eyes locked onto hers, pleading, asking.
She doesn't make promises she's not sure she can keep, after all.
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Von jedem Blickwinkel ein echter Hingucker! Die brandneuen 3-Zeiger Manufakturmodelle DK20 & DK22 mit Saphirglasboden und Blick auf den skelettierten DAMASKO-Rotor und unvergleichbarer Vintage-Optik. ⌚🧐 Finde jetzt Deinen passenden Zeitmesser: https://www.damasko-watches.com/de/aktuelle-kollektio n/modelle-mit-manufakturkaliber/drei-zeiger-manufaktur modelle/ A real eye-catcher from every perspective! The brand new 3-hand manufacture models DK20 & DK22 with sapphire crystal back and view of the skeletonized DAMASKO rotor and incomparable vintage look. ⌚🧐 Find your perfect timepiece now: https://www.damasko-watches.com/en/current-collectio n/models-with-manufactory-movement/three-hand-man ufactory-models/
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creations-by-chaosfay · 11 months
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cfimpurities · 2 years
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(—)   ♥   spotted!! everleigh sinclair on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 33 year old looks like blake lively, but i don’t really see it. while  the actress is known for being endearing my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be reckless i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song looking at me by sabrina carpenter  {she/her; female} - sushi
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥   𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞   :   everleigh venus sinclair .  𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬   :   ev, evie, leigh .  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞   :  november twenty third , nineteen eighty nine . 𝐚𝐠𝐞   :   thirty three .  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞   :   los   angeles ,   california .  𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭  𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞   :   malibu ,   los   angeles .  𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫   :   cis   female . 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :   heterosexual .
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬   :   patrick   sinclair ( actor ) , annalise hilton ( socialite ) .  𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬   :   unnamed   sinclair  ( younger brother ) .  𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫   𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲   :  persephone sinclair ( cousin ) , athena sinclair ( cousin ) ,  austen   sinclair   ( second cousin ) ,   archie   sinclair   ( second cousin ) .  𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬   :   english ,   french ,  italian   𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :   actress  (career claim : keira knightley ).  𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   :   harvard business school (dropped out after first year .  𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜   :   sagittarius .  𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬   :    serena  van  der  woodsen  ( gossip  girl ) ,   thea queen  ( arrow ) ,   cassie howard   ( euphoria ) ,   natasha romanoff  ( mcu ) ,   meredith grey   ( grey’s anatomy ) ,    aria montgomery  ( pretty little liar’s ) ,   fiona gallagher  ( shameless )  .
♥  𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘 ,
oldest child of actor patrick sinclair (rarely ever there father) and socialite annalise hilton (of the hilton hotel chain and overbearing mother)
was expected to take on the hotel chain at some point, even if she doesn’t want to
sent to an all girl’s boarding school, mother thinking she couldn’t possibly get into any trouble there, and yet everleigh brought her worst fears into fruition by sneaking out to parties, drinking under the age and getting high off of a multitude of drugs; gets caught her junior year and is subsequently expelled
homeschooling ensues for the last two years of high school; parents paying off the boarding school to remove the expulsion from her file to ensure she gets into an ivy league which she ultimately does; going on to study business at harvard, thousands of miles away from her mother much to everleigh’s relief, where she does everything but study quickly falling back into partying ways before convincing her father to help her get her first role in a movie which would end up being a one elizabeth bennett in pride & prejudice and ultimately dropping out of the ivy league school to begin her acting career.
at age 25, everleigh marries castmate, orlando bloom, after six months of dating ; it is unknown why the pair ultimately divorced a year later but it appears that the two are still friends
2016; everleigh is cast in jack ryan: shadow recruit opposite actor chris pine; the pair hit it off and began dating before getting married a year later. relationship lasts five years before they too are divorced; reasons are again unknown but pair still seems amicable
once told her mother off at a debutante ball when she was 17
hasn’t spoken to either of her parents since she was 20
does not speak to persephone and athena’s parents either having not agree with how controlling they were over older cousin’s life
has been the face of many designer clothing lines
sinclair is the face of an Amnesty International campaign to support human rights  
co-hosted A Night to Remember, part of the Green Carpet Challenge, a charity event highlighting sustainability within the fashion industry.  
she backed Made By Dyslexia, a global campaign to help teachers address “dyslexic strengths”.  
she was confirmed as the new celebrity face of Chanel's perfume Coco Mademoiselle and has endorsed Chanel Fine Jewelry's collection Coco Crush  
was named amongst the most bankable actors in 2009 at the age of 20
won a libel case against the British tabloid Daily Mail after it falsely claimed that she had an eating disorder; turned around and donated the money to Beat, a charity for those with mental illness and eating disorders  
a man was sentenced to eight weeks in prison after harassing sinclair outside her home and stalking her in December 2016  
In April 2009, sinclair appeared in a video to raise awareness of domestic abuse entitled Cut shot for Women's Aid. The video created controversy, with some sources calling it too graphic, while other groups support the video for showing a realistic depiction of domestic violence. (rumors spread because of this which she has publicly addressed in regards to both orlando bloom and chris pine respectfully stating it was not her saying she had experienced it first hand in her own relationships but that she was merely trying to help raise awareness, to speak up for those who couldn’t.)
♥  Acting Career ,  
Boston Strangler Loretta McLaughlin Completed 2023
Silent Night - Mell
Charlotte - Charlotte Salomon (Voice)
Misbehaviour - Sally Alexander
The Aftermath - Rachael Morgan
Berlin, I Love You - Jane
Official Secrets - Katharine Gun
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms - Sugar Plum
Colette - Colette
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales - Elizabeth Swann
Collateral Beauty - Amy
Everest - Jan Hall
The Imitation Game - Joan Clarke
Laggies - Megan
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit - Cathy Muller
Begin Again - Greta
Anna Karenina - Anna Karenina
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World - Penny
A Dangerous Method - Sabina Spielrein
London Boulevard - Charlotte
Last Night - Joana
Never Let Me Go - Ruth
The Duchess - Georgiana
The Edge of Love - Vera Phillips
Atonement - Cecilia Tallis
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - Elizabeth Swann
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - Elizabeth Swann
Domino - Domino Harvey
Pride & Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennett
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl - Elizabeth Swann
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terracegardenindia · 6 days
Terrace garden builder in India
In India, terrace gardens are growing in popularity as more individuals explore for ways to make the most of their urban areas and add greenery to their daily life. Hiring the best terrace garden designer in India is essential to building a stunning and environmentally friendly terrace garden. These experts have a wealth of experience and expertise when it comes to creating outdoor areas that not only look stunning but also flourish in a variety of weather situations. They consider things like sunlight, wind patterns, and space constraints to design a well-balanced garden that satisfies the client's particular requirements. 
Selecting a top terrace garden designer is essential to guaranteeing a beautifully designed and constructed outdoor area. The top designers in India combine design and practicality to create gardens that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. They assist with plant selection, space optimization, and even water-efficient irrigation system installation. These designers are emphasizing terrace gardens as a crucial component of urban homes and workplaces due to the rising need for eco-friendly and self-sustaining areas.
When their projects are being built or installed, a lot of people and companies search for a top terrace garden maker in India. These professionals are skilled at assembling the necessary terrace garden infrastructure, including planters, drainage systems, and appropriate soil selection. To make the vision a reality and make sure that everything is in place for a flourishing garden, they frequently collaborate closely with designers. The finest garden designers in India know how important it is for their creations to be durable, making sure that the garden can resist heat waves and seasonal rainfall.
Engaging the services of a terrace garden contractor is the best option for anyone seeking a flawless outcome. These contractors oversee every step of the procedure, including design, installation, and upkeep. To guarantee that the project is finished to the greatest standards, they collaborate closely with both makers and designers. A carefully selected contractor can make all the difference in the success of any project, no matter how big or small: a terrace garden.
A terrace garden designer is an essential player in converting city rooftops into verdant havens. Terrace gardens are a popular way to make the most of the available space and bring nature closer to home in India, where space is at a premium. These designers make sure that the garden is not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing by carefully considering the arrangement, choice of plants, and general style. Using their skills, they design areas that promote relaxation, enhance air quality, and help build a greener urban environment.
The concept of the designer is realized by a terrace garden developer. These experts make sure that all the components work together perfectly by building, installing, and maintaining terrace gardens. A terrace garden developer is necessary for the effective construction of these gardens, whether it is for the installation of irrigation systems, the establishment of appropriate drainage, or the planting of plants. The increasing popularity of terrace gardens in India has given rise to a new generation of talented developers that specialize in transforming rooftop areas to grow plants in a variety of climates.
A wide selection of services catered to the requirements of various urban surroundings are available on the market when looking for a terrace garden developer in India. Developers in India are skilled in creating environmentally friendly environments that adapt to the country's varied climate, from expansive projects for corporate offices to private gardens for individual residences. To make these gardens not only aesthetically pleasing but also ecologically conscious, they emphasize sustainable techniques like employing rainwater collection systems, organic fertilizers, and energy-efficient lighting. 
The architect responsible for the actual creation of these green areas is known as a terrace garden maker. To make the conceptual designs a reality, these people or groups collaborate closely with designers and developers. Everything is taken care of by them, including gathering supplies and planting and caring for the garden. India has a large demand for terrace garden designers, particularly in urban areas where there is a dearth of green space. Their work offers a tranquil escape from the rush of modern life and gives urban dwellers a much-needed connection to nature.
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fantechnology · 27 days
Embrace a new era of comfort and style with the eFF4 Aster, a premium 1200mm ceiling fan featuring a sleek 3-blade design. This innovative fan delivers exceptional cooling performance, energy efficiency, and modern aesthetics, making it the perfect choice for homeowners seeking a sophisticated upgrade.
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loispevars-blog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: 🧸💗Tom Ford Extreme Eyeshadow TFX2.
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77jose-ricardo77 · 2 months
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San Pedro Crisólogo, obispo de Ravena y doctor de la Iglesia
En Ravena, que desde los inicios del Siglo V es capital del Imperio romano de Occidente, el obispo Pedro es un hombre de paz. Los 180 sermones que llegaron hasta nuestros días hablan de su fe. Fascina a Papas y a reinantes con “palabras de oro”, de donde se desprende su apelativo “crisólogo”.
San Pedro Crisólogo, obispo y doctor de la Iglesia
fecha de inscripción en el santoral: 30 de julio
fecha en el calendario anterior: 4 de diciembre
n.: c. 380 - †: c. 450 - país: Italia
canonización: pre-congregación
hagiografía: J. Quasten: Patrología
Elogio: San Pedro, «Crisólogo» de sobrenombre, obispo de Rávena y doctor de la Iglesia, que, habiendo recibido el nombre del santo apóstol , desempeñó su ministerio tan perfectamente que consiguió captar a multitudes en la red de su celestial doctrina y las sació con la dulzura de su palabra. Su tránsito tuvo lugar el día treinta y uno de este mes en Imola, en la región de Emilia Romagna.
Patronazgos: protector contra la fiebre y la rabia.
refieren a este santo: San Apolinar de Rávena, San Rufilo de Forlimpopoli
Oración: Señor Dios, que hiciste de tu obispo san Pedro Crisólogo un insigne predicador de la Palabra encarnada, concédenos, por su intercesión, guardar y meditar en nuestros corazones los misterios de la salvación y vivirlos en la práctica con fidelidad. Por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos. Amén (oración litúrgica).
La vida de Pedro, arzobispo de Rávena, llamado «Crisólogo» (es decir: de palabra áurea, de excelente predicación) desde el siglo IX, es mal conocida. De él habla el Liber Pontificalis y una biografía poco de fiar, obra de Agnello de Ravena (siglo IX). Por estas fuentes y por lo que de su obra se deduce, sabemos que Pedro nació en Imola hacia el 380, fue nombrado metropolita de Rávena entre el 425 y el 429 (ciertamente, antes del 431, fecha de una carta que le escribe Teodoreto), estuvo presente el 445 al fallecimiento de san Germán de Auxerre y tres o cuatro años después escribió a Eutiques, presbítero de Constantinopla, que había recurrido a él después de su condenación por obra de Flaviano, invitándolo a someterse a las decisiones de León, obispo de Roma, «quoniam beatus Petrus, qui in propia sede et vivit et praesidet, praestat quarentibus fidei vertiatem» (Ep ad Eutychen: PL 54,743: «Porque el bienaventurado Pedro, que en su sede vive y preside, otorga la verdad de la fe a los que buscan.»). Falleció entre el 449 y el 458 (fecha de una carta de León a su sucesor Neón), probablemente, el 3 de diciembre del 450, quizás en Imola [aunque en al actualidad se tiende a considerar como fecha más probable el 31 de julio].
Gracias a las pacientes investigaciones de A. Olivar, hoy es posible conocer con exactitud la producción auténtica de Pedro Crisólogo, que comprende una carta (ya mencionada), 168 sermones de la Collectio Feliciana (siglo VIII) y 15 «extravagantes» (escritos no clasificados). Otros escritos, como el célebre Rollo de Rávena, colección de oraciones de preparación a la Navidad (s. VII), no pueden ser tenidos por auténticos. Los sermones, a los que Pedro debe su celebridad, se distinguen por la esmerada preparación de un orador dotado de una cultura discreta y por el calor humano y el fervor divino de un santo varón. La condición peculiar de Rávena, sede de la corte imperial y ciudad marinera, explica la frecuencia de ejemplos tomados de la vida de la corte y de la vida militar y marinera, aunque no faltan ejemplos de la vida rural. «Entre los escritores del siglo V, pocos superan a Pedro Crisólogo en elegancia», en sus sermones nos ha legado «páginas de genuina elocuencia, enérgica y eficaz» (Moricca).
El contenido de los sermones es variado, muchos son homilías sobre textos evangélicos, otros, sobre San Pablo, los Salmos, el símbolo bautismal, el padrenuestro o en conmemoración de santos y exhortaciones a la penitencia. Pedro Crisólogo, comentando la Biblia o exponiendo los temas que le sugerían las celebraciones litúrgicas, documenta ampliamente las inquietudes teológicas de su época. Su predicación, en efecto, no refleja sólo la doctrina latina sobre la encarnación como se profesaba entre Éfeso y Calcedonia, sino que es, asimismo, testimonio de la postura católica en las cuestiones sobre la gracia y la vida cristiana. Cuando reconoce claramente el primado del obispo de Roma (además de la carta a Eutiques, cf Serm 78), Pedro es, sin duda, portavoz del sentir común de los obispos de Italia. Su considerable actividad como predicador nos ha legado una documentación inestimable sobre la liturgia de Rávena y sobre la cultura de esa ciudad, etapa obligada entre Roma y el norte de Italia. Ningún obispo de su tiempo nos ha facilitado un cuadro tan completo de la celebración del año litúrgico. Por su actitud contra la resistencia que aún oponía el paganismo en su agonía y por su polémica contra la comunidad judia de su ciudad, Pedro Crisólogo representa la actitud pastoral del episcopado de la Iglesia imperial de su tiempo. Fue declarado Doctro de la Iglesia por SS. Benedicto XIII en 1729.
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markwood678 · 3 months
Eid Beauty Tips: Radiant Looks for the Festive Season
Eid lawn dresses have become an important element in every woman's wardrobe, especially during this hot summer. The light and airy fabric of unstitched clothes online is perfect for keeping us cool during scorching days. With the increasing fame of lawn suits, designers have also started experimenting with different designs so that they can cater to the diverse requirements and preferences of their customers.
One of the latest trends in summer lawn suits is the fusion of traditional and modern styles. In this blog post, we will explore this trend in detail and how it has changed the world of lawn dress design. The fusion of conventional and modern staples in lawn clothes is a blend of new and old. It combines traditional motifs and patterns of embroidery with new cuts and styles. The result is a lawn dress that is both traditional and modern and creates a unique and captivating look that is perfect for every occasion.
Traditional elements in embroidered lawn
Traditional elements in the embroidered lawn eid suits consist of designs having intricate embroidery, handwork, and embellishments. These took inspiration from the region's rich cultural heritage and were seen in the traditional lawn dresses on Eid ul Adha. However, with the fusion of modern styles, designers can now include these conventional elements in a trendy and relevant way.
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Which color to pick?
Which color do you need to select so that you can add it to your summer lawn collection? This common question runs through our brains when buying a unique summer lawn Eid dress. The most beautiful advantage of the summer season is the wide variety of colors, including vibrant shades and pastels. Most ladies prefer to wear fresh colors to energize themselves in the hot summer.
If you plan to go to a birthday party or a wedding in summer, you can look outstanding in the bold shades. However, a formal gathering always goes perfectly with the Eid dresses for ladies.
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Prints of summer lawn suits
The second most important thing is to focus on the prints of your lawn outfits. No doubt, these days, fashionable prints are rocking and grasping the attention of fashion lovers. Floral prints these days have the capacity to outshine every other design in summer. They help you to make your look more feminine. On the other hand, girls love to wear embroidered lawn silk dresses. They make them look more charming, beautiful, and fashionable. You can explore various prints in 2 pc and 3pc lawn collections.
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Moreover, digital prints have been famous in the market for the last three years, and the most fascinating thing about them is their color combinations. 3D dynamic fashions look attractive whether you wear them casually or at formal events. Digital fashion designers these days create creative and captivating designs. Each print of the Eid collection for women is extraordinary and diverse.
Which type of embroidery to select?
Next comes the embroidery designs to select. Summer lawn dresses come in a variety of Eid women's outfits. Embroidery patterns include embroidery on sleeves, neck, back, and shoulders. Thread embroidery, beads, sequins, and pearls are very common in embroidered dresses. On the other hand, unique prints on the back are a new hype in 2024.
Not just this, embroidered laces and patches are also part of luxury summer collections for Eid ul Adha 2024. If you wish to break the ice, check out our lawn-embellished dresses online and select yours.
Latest cuts and styles for Eid sale on brands
Once you select your lawn summer dress design and color, the next step is stitching. Good stitching is an art, and if the stitching of your dress is not up to the mark, it will destroy the look of your whole attire. Get your dress stitched by some professional tailors according to the latest styles of 2024. Kurta Shalwar, maxi, frocks, long shirts, and short shirts are the top Eid women's outfits.
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Thus, you can also try the print collection of brands such as Iznik Fashions, as we have a great range of cuts and styles in store. These stitched dresses suit well, and you can wear them casually and formally. The Pret collection is designed considering the standard size of the Eid collection for women.
You can check out our unique designs and make your Eid look special.
Shop your Eid lawn dresses online.
Now, you can save your time by doing shopping from brands whose collections are available in online stores. So save your time, money, and energy, and most of the brands in Pakistan deliver quality summer lawn dresses with embroidered net.
Fabric quality, color, stitching, cutting, and styling are up to the mark. In this hot summer, you don't need to roam crowded shopping malls and markets. Place your summer Eid collection dress designs with just one click. Enjoy your amazing outfits.
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blizzmarts · 4 months
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pagesandpothos · 4 months
Coup de Coeur by Halli Starling
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Calix Addington, Earl of Batherton, has a complicated relationship with his friend and former classmate, Lawton Adler. Lawton’s tendency to attract, and often cause, trouble leaves Calix sometimes holding the bag (which definitely happens). Calix is also harboring a secret – he’s an Oracle, like his mother, and in a world where small magic is meant for aesthetics and convenience, larger displays of magic are frowned upon, sometimes illegal, and very much what the church and several important organizations fear. When Calix is stuck with a strange book after Lawton’s shady dealings go wrong one spring morning, he takes shelter in Ethaniel Harkness’s magical tailoring shop. Calix and Ethaniel know each other as customer and tailor, but Ethaniel’s kind heart won’t let Calix stay in danger. As Calix hears the strange book speak in his mind, Ethaniel contacts his old flame Aubrey Lavigne. Aubrey’s expertise with magical objects as the curator for the Magnificus Collectio, an archive hidden behind a tourist trap museum, will be key to understanding what this book truly is.
Queer romantasy is one of my favorite genres at the moment and I love discovering new ones. Coup de Coeur by Halli Starling is a new Achillean (and polyamorous) fantasy romance that is also a fun historical mystery that I think is an exciting addition to the genre!
Coup de Coeur is set in the late 1800s in New York City. There are four main characters: Calix, Ethaniel, Aubrey, and Lawton. The four characters get caught up in a mystery involving a magical book and their relationships are greatly affected in the ensuing drama. While Calix, Ethaniel, and Aubrey work together and grow closer. Lawton searches for the three and the book and his long-time but complicated relationship with Calix may finally be pushed past its breaking point.
The Plot
The plot of Coup de Coeur is interesting (I love books about magical books) but I found the pacing to be slightly slow for the first half of the book. The story takes place in 1899 New York City and the author clearly took great care in researching the city at the time (and how queer people lived in the era). Those details add a lot to the worldbuilding, but occasionally, some of those feel shoehorned in and disrupt the plot's momentum. Thankfully, once you hit the 50% mark, the story picks up speed and I found the second half to be paced nicely.
The Characters
Calix, Ethaniel, and Aubrey are interesting and likable characters and l found myself quickly rooting for the three. Lawton is also an interesting and complicated character.
The Relationships
The relationship between Calix, Ethaniel, and Aubrey really became the "star of the show" for me. It's a slow burn but I greatly enjoyed the individual relationships between the three and the main relationship between them as a new throuple.
When the book starts, we learn that Ethaniel and Aubrey have feelings for each other but have recently had a falling out. Calix meets Aubrey and there's a spark between them. Calix and Ethaniel also have a sweet dynamic.
There's a lot to like about Coup de Coeur. I especially appreciate all the representation in the book and I like the three main characters. The ending sets up a future sequel with an exciting cliffhanger that left me excited to see what the future holds for Calix, Ethaniel, and Aubrey.
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Tropes/Tags: achillean, queer, polyamory, m/m/m, historical fantasy
Spice Level: 🌶️🌶️/5. There are multiple sex scenes that are “Open Door” and mildly descriptive.
Links: Storygraph| GoodReads| HalliStarlingBooks.com
Coup de Coeur will be released on May 28, 2024, and is available for pre-order!
This book was made available to me in advance thanks to NetGalley! I received a free digital copy of this book in exchange for this review. The above are my honest feelings on the provided book.
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ecoilindia · 5 months
From Waste to Resource: The Importance of UCO Collection in Sustainable Practices
 In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the importance of sustainable practices cannot be overstated. Ecoil is on of the Fastest Growing UCO CollectionUCO Collection Company. Among the many avenues of sustainability, one often overlooked yet incredibly impactful practice is the collection and recycling of used cooking oil (UCO). At Ecoil, we're proud to be at the forefront of this movement, turning waste into a valuable resource through UCO collection and biodiesel production.
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Transforming Waste into Opportunity
Every day, countless gallons of used cooking oil are generated by restaurants, commercial kitchens, and households around the globe. Historically, much of this waste ended up in landfills or was improperly disposed of, posing significant environmental risks such as clogged pipes, water pollution, and soil contamination. However, with the advent of UCO collection initiatives like ours, this waste is being transformed into a valuable resource with a multitude of benefits.
Environmental Benefits of UCO Collection
The environmental benefits of UCO collection are manifold. By diverting used cooking oil from landfills and wastewater systems, we reduce the risk of pollution and alleviate the strain on natural resources. When UCO is improperly disposed of, it can solidify in pipes and sewage systems, leading to blockages and overflows that harm aquatic ecosystems. Additionally, when disposed of in landfills, UCO can release harmful chemicals and greenhouse gases as it decomposes. By collecting UCO and repurposing it into biodiesel, we mitigate these environmental impacts and contribute to a cleaner, healthier planet.
Driving the Circular Economy
UCO collection plays a vital role in fostering a circular economy, where resources are reused, recycled, and repurposed to minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Rather than viewing used cooking oil as a disposable byproduct, we see it as a valuable feedstock for biodiesel production. Through our collection efforts, we're closing the loop, creating a sustainable cycle where waste is transformed into a resource that benefits both the environment and society.
Economic and Social Impacts
Beyond its environmental benefits, UCO collection has significant economic and social impacts. By partnering with restaurants, businesses, and municipalities to collect used cooking oil, we create jobs, support local economies, and generate revenue streams. The biodiesel produced from UCO reduces dependence on fossil fuels, mitigating the volatility of oil prices and enhancing energy security. Moreover, biodiesel production contributes to rural development by providing new markets for agricultural products and bolstering farm incomes.
Joining the Movement
At Ecoil, we're committed to driving positive change through UCO collection and biodiesel production. We believe that every drop of used cooking oil has the potential to make a difference in building a more sustainable future. By joining our UCO collection program, individuals and businesses can contribute to this movement, turning waste into a resource and helping to create a cleaner, greener world for generations to come.
In conclusion, the importance of UCO collection in sustainable practices cannot be overstated. By diverting used cooking oil from landfills, reducing pollution, and producing clean biodiesel, we're not only minimizing environmental impact but also driving economic growth and social progress. Together, let's embrace the power of UCO collectio
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arcprintindia · 7 months
Let Your T-shirt Speak the Language of Joy: Happy Holi Collection Now Available
Holi, the festival of colors, is a vibrant celebration that brings people together to spread joy, laughter, and happiness. As the festival approaches, it's time to embrace the spirit of Holi and let your Holi Tshirt speak the language of joy. With the Happy Holi Collection now available, it's easier than ever to add a splash of color and excitement to your wardrobe. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the significance of Holi, the joyous spirit of the festival, and how the Happy Holi Collection can help you celebrate in style.
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Understanding the Significance of Holi
Holi is a Hindu festival celebrated primarily in India and Nepal, marking the arrival of spring and the triumph of good over evil. The festival is renowned for its exuberant celebrations, where people gather to play with colors, dance to lively music, and enjoy festive delicacies. Holi is a time to let go of inhibitions, mend broken relationships, and embrace the spirit of unity and togetherness.
Symbolism of Colors
The vibrant colors of Holi hold symbolic significance, representing the arrival of spring and the blossoming of new beginnings. Each color carries its own meaning, from red symbolizing love and fertility to yellow representing happiness and prosperity. The playful splashing of colors during Holi is a joyful expression of life's vibrancy and diversity.
Traditions and Rituals
Holi is celebrated over two days, with the first day known as Holika Dahan and the second day as Rangwali Holi. Holika Dahan involves the lighting of bonfires to symbolize the victory of good over evil, while Rangwali Holi is marked by colorful celebrations, where people smear each other with colored powders and water.
Embracing the Joyous Spirit of Holi
Holi is a time of immense joy and camaraderie, where people of all ages come together to celebrate and share in the festive spirit. From children gleefully chasing each other with water guns to elders exchanging warm embraces and sweet treats, Holi fosters a sense of unity and community like no other festival.
Spreading Happiness and Laughter
The infectious energy of Holi spreads joy and laughter wherever it goes. It's a time to let loose, shed inhibitions, and revel in the simple pleasures of life. Whether it's smearing colors on friends and family or dancing to the rhythm of traditional Holi songs, the festival is a celebration of happiness in its purest form.
Strengthening Bonds and Relationships
Holi provides a unique opportunity to strengthen bonds and relationships with loved ones. The act of applying colors to each other's faces symbolizes forgiveness, reconciliation, and the renewal of friendships. It's a time to let go of grudges, bridge divides, and embrace the spirit of unity and love.
Introducing the Happy Holi Collection
As Holi approaches, it's time to add a splash of color and excitement to your wardrobe with the Happy Holi Collection. Designed to capture the vibrant spirit of the festival, the collection features a range of stylish and comfortable T-shirts adorned with colorful Holi-themed designs and motifs.
Celebrate in Style
The Happy Holi Collection offers a variety of T-shirt designs to suit every style and preference. From bold and vibrant patterns to subtle and intricate artwork, there's something for everyone in this collection. Whether you prefer classic crew necks or trendy V-necks, the collection has you covered.
High-Quality Materials
Crafted from premium quality materials, the T-shirts in the Happy Holi Collection are designed for comfort, durability, and style. The soft and breathable fabrics ensure all-day comfort, while the vibrant colors and intricate designs remain vivid wash after wash.
Conclusion: Embrace the Colors of Holi with the Happy Holi Collection
In conclusion, Holi is a celebration of joy, unity, and the vibrant colors of life. As we prepare to welcome the festival with open arms, the Happy Holi Collection offers a perfect way to embrace the spirit of Holi and express your festive cheer. With stylish and comfortable T-shirts designed to capture the essence of the festival, the collection allows you to let your T-shirt speak the language of joy. Whether you're attending Holi celebrations with friends and family or simply spreading festive cheer wherever you go, the Happy Holi Collection is your ticket to a colorful and joyous celebration. So, why wait? Dive into the world of colors and celebration with the Happy Holi Collection and make this festival season truly memorable!
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