#new least favorite supervillain
gotham-response · 8 months
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Screw you too, Bagel Bandit
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alphajocklover · 5 months
No longer a Spider, finally a Man
**Hey! First time doing a fanfic muscle growth. Or at least posting it. I hope you guys like it! Please tell me how I can do better, and send in story suggestions if you want!**
Peter Parker loved being Spider-Man. He loved saving people, he loved using his powers to make a difference, he loved swinging through the sky line. But he also hated it. He hated the pressure, the responsibility, the fact that he nd his loved ones were in constant danger, the fact that he was always lying to everyone. He hated that he could never be normal. But then again Peter had never been very normal. Even before becoming Spider-man he had been a nerd. Smart, socially awkward, and tormented by the popular kids. That didn’t exactly change after becoming Spider-Man either, though his social issues had definitely gone to the back burner with him constantly fighting crime. If he was being honest his social life had only gotten worse since becoming a superhero. He had gained some muscle and no longer needed glasses, yes, but he couldn’t exactly show that. He hadn’t had time for his friends, his normally fantastic grades were slipping, and Flashes bullying had only gotten worse.
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As Peter, out of costume, walked to Midtown, he wondered what it would be like to be a normal teenager. Not just what it would be like to not be Spider-Man, but to not be a nerd. He wondered what it would be like to be a regular teenage boy. Maybe if he wasn’t Spider-Man he could have even been… cool or something. Probably not, but it was still a nice fantasy. Just as he was imagining this, his spider-sense went off. He looked around, prepared to jump out of the way of any danger, but, even with his super reflexes, he couldn’t get out of the way before the strange something hit him right in the middle of his chest. Peter stumbled back, not realizing that the reality stone, one of the infinity stones, had lodged itself inside of his heart. Normally such a thing would kill someone, or at least hurt them, but due to the magic nature of the stone it phased through his chest and inside of him without harming him. Peter blinked. What… just happened? He had sworn something had just flown into his chest but… wouldn’t that have killed him or something? Before he could investigate further, an alarm on his phone began to ring. Crap, he was late for class! Peter ran into the school as the power of the reality stone seeped into his blood. He turned a corner, just a hallway away from his classroom, when he almost ran straight into a wall of muscle, his super-reflexes being the only thing that saved him. As he skirted to a halt, he came face to face with his biggest tormentor (supervillains and news editors notwithstanding) : Flash Thompson. The most popular jock in school and Peter Parker's personal bully. The blond quarterback sneered cockily at Peter before he spoke
“Hey there Puny Parker. Running late again? I thought geeks like you were supposed to be punctual and shit?” Flash said with a cocky mocking laugh.
“What do you want, Flash?” Peter asked with a scowl, trying to keep his patience.
“Just checking up on my favorite nerd.” Flash mocked, grabbing Peter’s arm. Before Peter could react, Flash had shoved him up against the locker, peters arm pinned behind his back. What the heck? He had super powers, enhanced reflexes, he should have been able to see that coming. Peter didn’t realize that his subconscious desire to be normal was repressing his powers. Unable to fight back, Peter was shoved into a nearby open locker and locked inside. Peter sighed. Stuck in a locker again. Peter didn’t notice as the orange light in his chest began to glow. He closed his eyes and deeply wished… to stop being a loser. To be normal. To be… anything else than who he was. The orange light grew brighter and brighter… until it completely consumed Peter. Suddenly he heard something
“Parker… Parker!”
With a start Peter Parker woke up, looking around in shock. He was… in a classroom? He was sitting at a desk at the back of a class he didn’t recognize, one that he seemed to have been sleeping through. Had all of that been a crazy dream? He looked over to see the remedial math teacher, Ms Jones. What was he doing in remedial math? Before he could say anything, Ms Jones spoke once more
“Mr Parker, please try to stay awake during class. Your grade is already low enough.” She said, sending a chuckle throughout the room. Peter spoke without thinking, his voice deeper and fuller than he remembered.
“Sorry teach. I’m still tired from our ‘study session’ last night. Thanks for the extra tutoring by the way~” he said. Did he just… flirt with a teacher? He did! And weirdly enough the slight embarrassed blush on Ms Jones face suggested that it was working. Ms. Jones spoke again, more timid this time
“While.. just don’t be late tonight.” She said with a slight wink, before walking over to the front of the classroom again. This caused the class, which now that Peter was looking consisted mostly of the football team, too laugh loudly, one punching Peter on the shoulder in a playful manner. Peter felt a smirk he couldn’t control come over his face, and his eyes involuntaries followed Ms Jones' ass as she walked back to the front of the class. In a daze, Peter tried to figure out what was happening. Wasn’t he just in a locker? What was he doing in remedial math? And why was he acting so weird? Before he could wonder any further, the bell rang and class was dismissed. Peter ran out without talking to anyone, and headed to a nearby bathroom. He looked in the mirror and froze. It was Peter but… completely different. He was bigger, taller, with wider shoulders. He had full, bouncy pecs that were barely contained by his tank top, shredded abs that he could grate cheese on, and truly impressive biceps. Peter had gone from a geek who gets stuffed into lockers to a huge muscular jock! Peter wanted to be shocked, to be horrified, but… he felt another smirk cross his face. He began to flex his muscles cockily. He smirked and felt his thoughts turn. He looked fucking amazing! I mean, of course he did. He was big Pete Parker, the big man, the quarterback, the stud! Slowly Peter began to forget about his old self, too absorbed in the strong, dull thoughts going through his head. He wondered what he and his best bro Flash would do after football practice? Maybe beat up some geeks, or find a hottie to hook up with? Peter had a lot of girls to choose from already, including MJ, Liz, Gwen, Charlie and of course Ms Jones, but… he wouldn’t mind another. Pete smirked and strut out of the bathroom, not noticing a light orange glow between his pecs. Life was fucking sweet.
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linkspooky · 4 months
It's not just the fact that Hori decided to kill a lifelong victim of grooming.
My two favorite comic book storylines are New Teen Titans Judas Contract, and Uncanny X Men's Inferno. They both feature villains / victims (Madelyne Pryor and Terra) that die at the end of the story. Terra is specifically fifteen years old and a victim of sexual grooming.
However, both of these stories are clearly written as tragedies. It's clear from the start that these are tragic stories not only meant to get us to sympathize with the victim turned villain but also the failure to save a clear victim is meant to make the heroes look bad.
Let me just list off all the shit Scott Summers put Madelyne Pryor through.
Fell in love with her only because she looked like his ex girlfriend Jean. Even though Madelyne specifically stated before getting into the relationship she didn't want to be jeans replacement.
Married her, and refuses to take time off to the point where he misses the birth of his own son leaving Madelyne at home to deliver her baby on the floor.
When he finally retires and they move to Alaska together he gets a phone call that Jean is still alive and abandons his wife and daughter for weeks to go back to his high school girlfriend.
Madelyne is attacked by a group of supervillains while Scott is away and just barely manages to escape but loses her baby.
She joins up with the x men to look for scott only to find out in the time she's been gone Scott had already gotten back together with Jean.
She is tricked into making a deal with a demon who wants to overthrow ilyanas control of limbo (she thought it was just a dream and the contract to sell her soul didn't matter).
She used her newfound power in order to find her child Nathan only to find Mr sinister there who reveals that Madelyne was a clone of Jean Grey, her entire life was a lie, she was made to breed with cyclops and produce a baby for sinister.
At which point madelyne snaps and decides to burn everything to the ground and kill her own child.
It's clearly telegraphed as a tragedy. The reference to Medea is pretty obvious. Madelyne had no chance from the beginning, however even in this tragedy Scott specifically forbid any of the heroes from using lethal force on her. Jean and Maddie mindmeld at one point and Jean literally begs for Maddie not to die and that she should live on to raise her son. They even throw a funeral for Maddie afterwards because be no one else would ever mourn her.
Not only do the heroes look bad, especially Scott for not being able to save her, they do at least try to talk with her, use non lethal force, and beg her at one point to let them help her.
On the other hand not only did Deku never engage Shigaraki Tomura once, just the vision of a crying child in front of him. Deku doesn't look like a failure for failing in his goal to save him he's still the greatest hero, they don't hold a funeral for Shigaraki, Dekus last words are about how he doesn't forgive Shigaraki (and therefore he deserves to die i guess because deku is the punisher now). Deku doesn't even give Shigaraki the respect of calling him by his preferred name he just calls him Tenko who was the only person Deku cared about saving.
It's not just about a victim dying it's about how the story promised us over and over again the kids were going to save the villains in the final act, that this was going to be an optimistic story about the new generation being better than the old.
Only for Horikoshi to deliver something entirely different. If I'm watching punisher I know what I'm getting into. I'm here to watch Frank Castle shoot mobsters. If Batman picks up a Tommy Gun and starts shooting mobsters that's bad because Batman wouldn't do that shit.
There's writing a story that's tonally inconsistent, or changing your plans for how a character is going to end late in the game and then there's this.
Which is basically narrative gaslighting. Where one thing is clearly happening onscreen but the narrative needs you to believe those gaslights clearly are not dimming.
I know Deku made no effort to save Shigaraki when he explicitly said they OFA is a power for saving but not killing, but don't worry Deku became the greatest hero anyway, and this is still a happy optimistic ending!
Horikoshi isn't looking for treasure in the house. Those gaslights aren't dimming. You're clearly being hysterical, woman.
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gentrychild · 9 months
An anon who was rereading Anyone asked me what would have happened if Izuku didn't like eggs and how you tell a supervillain you don't like what he made and that you want something. I have bravely tried to answer said ask but Tumblr laughed at my pain, so here is it, on a new post.
When confronted with the super villain Izuku had accidentally broken out of the most secured prison in the country, a man who had basically walked out of said prison as soon as he hadn’t been restrained anymore, Izuku did the only thing any rational person would do.
He ran like hell. No shoes, no plan, nothing except Full Cowl roaring in his veins and he fled.
At least, he tried to.
Strong tendrils stopped him dead, then hands picked him up by his shoulders and suddenly, his feet weren't touching the ground and he was forcibly brought to the kitchen table.
''No, no, no,'' All for One said with the tone one would employ with a disobedient pet or a very young child. ''Your breakfast is going to get cold and we have so much to talk about. Sit. Enjoy the eggs. If you don't like them, I can make something else.''
And he dropped him on his chair, before putting the plate in front of him. Then, he sat at the other end of the table, facing Izuku, his own plate in front of him and he started to eat. Slowly, his manners perfect, while Izuku was dying of sheer stress over there.
Then, he looked at Izuku. Then at Izuku's plate.
''You're not eating?''
Izuku looked at the man who had literally reduced people to paste last night and then at his plate of eggs and bacon, then back at the lunatic who was probably going to skin him alive soon enough. He needed to do something, to get the time to find a way out of this mess.
Now, any reasonable human being would have eaten a bit of eggs and bacon – well, eaten the bacon in Izuku’s case – but he had just woken up, was in a pre-caffeinated state and truly, Izuku had never claimed to have the slightest working relationship with sanity.
“I don’t like eggs,” he blurted out.
The supervillain, the very same man who had literally gone through a prison riot of fellow villains like he was running through wet paper, was startled so badly by those four words that he dropped his fork.
“What do you mean, you don’t like eggs???” he asked like this was a ludicrous notion, like everyone’s favorite breakfast should be eggs and bacon.
“Never liked them,” Izuku lied, by pure spirit of contradiction, far more developed than for most people, for it had been left with quite the amount of room after the disappearance of all his survival instinct.
And it was indeed a lie because, once upon a time, it had been his favorite comfort food, but when he had been a kid, during one of those weeks where his mom was gone and the neighbor supposed to watch over him was busy forgetting his existence, he had gorged himself on it at every meal until he had gotten so sick of it that he had been unable to eat them ever again.
All for One watched him with something that went beyond annoyance, it was the patented look of someone who knew one was messing with him and the words “You’re a goddamn liar” were probably fighting to be left out but he had no proof that Izuku was bullshitting him and if even if he somehow had a lie-detecting-quirk, Izuku would keep denying it because he probably wasn’t making it out alive anyway so why deprive himself of the chance of annoying his would-be-killer?
And actually, why wait?
“I prefer waffles,” Izuku informed him because, after all, All for One had offered him to make him something else.
All for One stared at him without saying anything, probably thinking about all the ways he could have killed Izuku back when they were in Tartarus. Meanwhile, Izuku gave the illusion to be staring back at him when he was actually thinking about the fact the window made a faster exit but All for One would have the time to catch him before he landed seven floors lower while the door offered him more options.
All for One eventually abandoned his plate and started to rummage through the cupboards, going straight to the place where Izuku and his mom usually put the baking ingredients. Either everyone organized their kitchen the same way, or All for One had broken in so many homes that he was just a pro at using any kitchen he found himself into.
“Do you have flour?” the lunatic called out. “I can’t find it.”
Izuku had already flowed out of his chair and was making his way to the door by walking backwards, trying to radiate nonchalance and not the need to RUN AWAY WITHOUT LOOKING BACK.
“Try the highest shelves,” Izuku helpfully suggested, his hand on the doorknob.
It was where his mom put the heaviest pots and pans they usually didn’t use, since everyone in this household needed to climb a chair to access it. With a little luck, they would all fall on All for One.
Izuku left the apartment, not even bothering to fully close the door behind him, and he ran. He was in his pajamas, had found his sneakers by the door and they were still in his hands as he booked it out of his neighborhood as fast as Full Cowl could carry him and he didn’t stop until his building wasn’t in sight anymore. Then, he stopped on a bench, the couple flirting on it deciding they could do that somewhere else when they saw him approaching, and he put his sneakers on, took a deep breath, and decided to run some more, still in the opposite direction of where Todoroki was living, and then, he would figure out a plan.
Unfortunately, liquid shadows chose this moment to appear right in front of him, revealing All for One, who was holding a bag from Waffle Palace in one of his hands.
“I didn’t find any flour or sugar so I just ordered in.”
Some people would have screamed or been startled but Izuku had already ripped the bench from the ground and thrown it at All for One. The villain batted it away with his empty hand but it didn’t matter because Izuku was already half way through the park, or at least until black tendrils grabbed him and yanked him back.
 “Your waffles are going to get cold,” All for One sternly informed him before grabbing him by the back of his shirt and he warped again, this time with Izuku under his arm.
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astermath · 1 year
 “So? Whatever.” pt.3
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pairing: dave lizewski x popular!fem!reader
summary: you and dave grow closer and you both share stories and secrets. one faithful night, when he’s got nowhere else to go, he reveals his biggest one.
word count: 1.7K
warnings: mentions of blood and injuries
notes: this is probably the final one in this series, but I’ll definitely be writing some blurbs and whatnot using the popular!reader. any requests or things you want to see between these two, or just dave, are welcome in my asks!! thank you for the sweet comments and reblogs, they mean the world to me, hope you enjoy!! <3
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Meeting Dave at your house had now become a weekly occurrence.
Every Saturday he’d stop by for a “tutoring session”, backpack filled with new comics and sometimes collectibles, usually bought with the money you gave him for his time. You’d started enjoying your time together so much that you started bailing on party plans or shopping trips, raising some suspicions from your friends as to what you were up to. You simply said you were focusing more on school to finish the year off properly. Which would be a decent excuse if your grades were actually improving, which they weren’t exactly. 
Your Saturdays were usually spent on the carpeted floor of your room, pages spread as excited voices filled the space, talking about your favorite arcs and discussing who the best supervillain really was. 
You had easily become one of Dave’s favorite people to spend time with outside of his vigilante duties, and the feeling was mutual. A crush had started brewing between you two, but neither of you wanted to admit to it. Not just because your worlds outside the safe space of your bedroom were so vastly different, but because you didn’t want to ruin this perfectly good thing you had going on with each other. Even if it meant suppressing the urge to ask him to stay the night, or him pushing away thoughts of kissing you before he’d leave, it was for the best.
Dave had grown so fond of you, you’d shared so much about yourself. You’d opened up about your insecurities, about how competitive cheerleading had affected your mental health, how you hated how your father was away so much for work, how you felt trapped by your reputation... All these things you could never talk about before, they were safe with him.
That’s why Dave felt so ridden with guilt any time you would share things like that with him. Because he was essentially just... Lying to you. You had no idea he was Kickass, at least that’s what he hoped, and the thought of you resenting him for it was eating away at him. If you knew what he was doing when you weren’t there, if you found out about this entire other persona, there was no way you’d still want to spend time with him. At best, you’d turn him in to the police, and he’d never see you again.
But something inside his head, something really stupid and naïve was telling him you’d accept him.
That really stupid part was also in love with you.
Dave’s text messages had been less frequent lately, further adding to your worries about what he’d been up to. He’d cancelled multiple times in the past few weeks, something he’d never done before, and when you asked what he was doing he got so nervous. He’d usually just give some strange excuse or said his dad needed him to be home with all the crime that’s been going on. But that wouldn’t explain the bruises you’d notice on his arms when he took his jacket off, which he’d quickly try to cover by pulling down his sleeves. You’d asked your brother if him or any of his friends had been messing with him, threatening to light his jerseys on fire if he lied about it.
“The fuck would I know about what your boyfriend’s been up to?” He spat, upset that you were bothering him with this at all.
“He’s not my boyfriend, shithead!” You yelled, throwing a pillow at his head.
But damn, did you wish he was.
You sat in your room, flipping through the pages of the collector’s edition Spider-man comic Dave had gifted you months ago. Your fingers traced across the lines of the damaged paper, wondering if he really bought it like this or some asshole at school did this to it. For someone so secretly strong he sure let a lot of people fuck with him.
You thought back at all your years in high school where you deliberately ignored him or even allowed your friends to make fun of him. You wished you could turn back time and give him a chance earlier on, maybe be able to spend more time with him now that he seemed too busy for you now. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock against your window. You didn’t respond at first, thinking you imagined it, but when the sound returned a bit louder you got up. You squinted, finding it a bit hard to see who or what was outside your window when it was so dark outside. You approached and realized it was Dave, looking a bit panicked. You didn’t even think much about it, sliding your window up so you could talk to him. “Dave! Where the fuck have you--” 
“Can I please come in?” He interrupted, his breath ragged, looking like a mess. It was only now you noticed the bruises and the cut across his cheek. You nodded, moving aside so he could come in. He struggled, limping a little, and you turned back around to close the window, hearing him take off his jacket and drop his bag.
“What the hell were you even--” Your own sentence was cut short when you were met with a sight you had not expected. Your eyes widened and your expression changed into one of shock and worry.
There he was, full Kickass attire, no mask. 
And everything clicked.
The random bruises, the comic book obsession, his secret strength, his sudden disappearances...
A heavy silence filled the room, the only sounds present his rough breathing as he put a hand against your bedpost to keep standing. 
“Is... Is this why you’ve been so busy?” Your voice sounded hurt, betrayed even. “You’ve been fighting people?”
Dave struggled to get any words out. He’d hoped he’d never have to do this, but he had nowhere else to go, and you deserved to know the truth. He looked to the side in shame, sighing. “I’ve... Been meaning to tell you. For a while now, I promise, I just... It all escalated so much, I never meant for it to become such a big lie.”
You looked at each other, and Dave’s heart literally ached at the sight of your teary eyes. Or maybe it was the cracked rib that was doing that, who knows honestly.
“Sit down.” You said, pointing at your bed.
“W-What? I don’t--”
“Sit. Down.” Your voice demanded, eyes meeting his with a look he’d never experienced from anyone before, not even when he was getting his life threatened by criminals.
He gently sat down on your bed, groaning slightly at the movement straining his injuries. You silently walked to your bathroom and took out the first aid kit from below the sink. You sat down next to him on the bed as Dave kept his head down in shame. He was certain he’d cry if he saw the expression on your face right now. 
“Take it off. The top part.”
He didn’t say anything, reaching behind him and unzipping the back, peeling the layer of clothing off his body and revealing a wide array of injuries. Normally you’d be excited to see him shirtless, his toned body surprising you, but right now all you felt was hurt. You put some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad and gently patted the cut on his shoulder. Despite your anger, your grip on his arm was soft. 
He winced slightly at the burning feeling, looking at you and seeing a few tears roll down your cheeks. “Hey, I’m... I’m really sorry.” He spoke softly as you prepared a bandage. He said your name so gently, so sweetly, that you almost wanted to kiss him, if you weren’t so upset. “Everything got so real, and I met other vigilantes, other people like me... It started taking up so much time, I felt bad, and I couldn’t just abandon it, so...”
“So you abandoned me instead?” You finally looked up to face him. You were still holding his arm, and even like this, crying and upset, he thought you looked so beautiful.
“I...” He felt his own eyes start watering. “I would never abandon you...” His hand reached out to rest over your back. “No matter what, I swear, I would never give up what we have...” He gently pulled you in, hugging you so softly, a bit hesitant.
You leaned in closer, head against his bare chest as you started calming down. He didn’t hate you, he didn’t leave, he was there, right there. You closed your eyes, listening to his heartbeat as he reached down to rest his face against the top of your head, the gentle scent of your shampoo calming him as well. You stayed just like that for a few minutes, holding each other. Nothing else in the world mattered, everything you wanted was right there in the room with you.
You gently pulled back, and Dave was certain he’d be met with either a slap or a finger pointing to the window to get out.
Both of those guesses were wrong.
You leaned in, lips meeting his in the softest, gentlest most loving kiss either of you had ever experienced. No lust, no intentions other than to just feel closer to him. Your mouth opened slightly and Dave leaned in more, a hand reaching out to rest on your cheek as yours sneaked into his brown curls. A warmth had spread through your body, mind running blank, until you gently pulled away.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.” You whispered against his lips.
“Yeah...” He whispered back. “Me too...” The both of you leaned back in, passion growing as your breathing became heavier and the kiss became more intense. His arms snaked around your waist and you moved onto his lap, straddling him. He didn’t care if it hurt, all he wanted was to be even closer to you, to never let you go. 
You pulled away and looked into his eyes, before a soft smile appeared on your face. “You know I’d never hate you, Dave...” You reach out to gently touch his cheek, and he melts into your hand, tilting his head slightly to lean into it.
“I really thought you would...” He smiled. That adorable, nerdy, slightly nervous smile that you’d grown to love.
“Of course not...” You grin. “In fact...” You leaned in closer to his ear. “I always thought Kickass was kinda hot...”
Heat rises to his face, and his grip on your waist strengthens just a bit at your lustful tone. 
He gained another ally that night. His most valuable one, for sure.
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tag list <3
@nephilimsss @tangerinesgf @dynamitehacke @izzyisstuff @cinawoah @amoebagrl @ykyouluvme  @stilloverthinking @erodastylinson   @reneehillary69  
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lovespotion9 · 8 months
Hate the Club
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pairing: Bottom!Abby x Top!Reader
word count: 5.2k
TW: 18+ | minors, please dni <3 | Smut | Mommy kink | Vaginal Fingering (a! receiving) | Strong Language | Vaginal Penetration (a! receiving) | Infidelity | Oral Sex (a! receiving) | Mention of OwenxAbby | Strap-on Use | Mention of Alcohol | Slight Fluff | Aftercare | Thigh Riding (a! recieving) | Nipple Clamps | Blindfolding |
a/n: Please do not hesitate to let me know of any warnings I might've missed! Otherwise, I hope you enjoy <3
Your friend had finally managed to drag you to the new nightclub downtown that had opened over the weekend. You were reluctant to go, but they had promised to buy you your favorite drink if you were willing to spend at least an hour with them. You didn't drink often, but it sounded like a fair deal to you.
As you sat at the bar and nursed the drink your friend had bought for you, you kept looking at the time and thinking about all the things you could be doing at home. You were just about to decide that you'd had enough of the loud music and the crowds, before you laid eyes on her. 
Abby Anderson. 
Tight black dress, light makeup, hair down (maybe the first time you'd seen it that way). All dressed up and smiling as she grinded against some idiot guy who was spilling his drink all over the floor as he playfully thrusted into her from behind. Her brawny arms reached for the sky as she continued to dance carelessly-- that is, until she caught your burning gaze from the bar.
With a suggestive eyebrow raise, you raised your glass in her direction-- grinning like a supervillain as you finally recognized the derelict gyrating against her. It was Owen, her ex. Or, more specifically-- the guy that had begged her to stop fucking you behind his back as the news was getting all over town and ruining both of their (his) reputations. She has gotten back together with him after all. And now, here he was, completely oblivious to the fact that the two of you were practically eye-fucking each other from across the room.
The moment your eyes met, a familiar ache had begun to bloom in your chest. One that she seemingly took notice of, as her steel-blue eyes failed to leave the tops of your breasts that threatened to spill out of the tight dress shirt you were wearing. Even from nearly 20 feet away, she was still struggling to conceal her infatuation with you. As her eyes met yours yet again, you gave her a suggestive head tilt and a questioning look before moving toward the front door of the club. You were aware of the effect you had on her, and you were so not above mercilessly exploiting it. 
"So, what do you think? Is this place worth the hype?" Your friend practically shrieked as she yanked on your bicep from behind, almost making you drop the drink in your hand. 
"Yeah, totally." You shouted back, blaring music disorienting you, nearly making you forget about the 5'10 bodybuilder whose eyes were boring into the outline of your ass in your black suit pants.
"Well, where the hell are you going? You look like you're in a hurry!"
"I, um... have a headache, I'm gonna head home. I'll catch you later!" Your friend looked absolutely mortified, and you couldn't help but feel bad for leaving her high and dry.
But she'd be fine.
You pushed through the sea of people, feeling the heat emanating from their bodies as you made your way toward the front door, feeling her eyes following you as you walked. You were almost to the front door when an overwhelmingly sweet perfume invaded your nostrils and you felt a warm hand close around your own. "Y/n," Abby all but whined into your ear as she allowed you to drag her out into the parking lot.
"What the hell are you doing, Abby?" You asked as you continued to pull her along, making your way toward your car.
"Y/n, wait. Stop!" She tugged on your arm, pulling you back against her. "Can we talk for a second?"
"About what? About the fact that you're back with Owen?"
"It's not like that! I-it's not that simple," She reassured you.
"Abby, I honestly don't care," You began, allowing your gaze to gradually fall from her pitiful gaze to her soft lips.
"You know," She started, her voice trembling slightly as she took a step closer, closing the distance between you. "We could never go public with our relationship, Y/n."
"Don't need'a" You whispered against her lips before taking them into a bruising kiss. Your hand fell onto her hip as your other gripped her chin, forcing her to hold still as you slipped your tongue above hers and licked the inside of her mouth, savoring her sweetness as her tongue took the role of prey to yours. 
"Wait," She groaned into the kiss, trying and failing to push you away before you deepened the kiss and pressed her up against the wall of the club, earning a few whistles from some foolish teens smoking between the cars.
"You're so beautiful," You mumbled against her lips as you allowed your hand to roam across the length of her body, her curves filling the palms of your hands as her breathing became shallow. "You drive me crazy, you know that?"
"Y/n..." She warned, trying desperately to hold onto any sense of self-control she had left. "Owen's still in there, we can't do this."
"Yes, we can." You insisted, reaching into your back pocket and retrieving your keys. You clicked the lock button twice before opening the passenger door of your car for her. "Come on,"
"Y/n," She sighed, looking over her shoulder at the club before shaking her head. "This is such a bad idea."
"Abby," You called, cupping her cheek and pulling her attention back toward you. "I'm not gonna wait another month for you to call me and tell me that you're single again. I can't,"
Abby sighed and pressed her eyes shut, taking a few moments to calm her breathing before she climbed into the passenger's seat.
"Good girl." You cooed before shutting the door and making your way around the front of the car, taking a second to scan for Owen while straightening your collar. The moment you stepped foot in the driver's side, Abby's hands were on your cheeks, pulling your face to hers. She kissed you sloppily and desperately, chest pressing flush against your own as she not-so-discreetly ground her hips into the plush of the car seat. 
"Y/n," She whimpered between kisses before you pulled away and returned your grip to the bottom of her jaw. 
"You're so fucking needy, sweetheart," You purred before placing one more rough kiss on her lips.
"Drive, please?"
"And so, so polite," You let the last "o" drag as you turned the key in the ignition. "So pretty, too. I can't keep my eyes off you."
"T-thank you," Abby whispered, eyes already threatening to roll back as she clenched her thighs together tighter and sped up her movements against the seat cushion. The speed bumps you passed as you pulled out of the driveway causing the car to jerk a few times, only deepening her pleasure and drawing a few more sweet sounds from her tightly shut lips. 
"What's the matter, honey?" You taunted. "I thought you said you didn't want to do this?" 
"I didn't!" She gasped, her hips moving on their own accord, desperately chasing after the friction her body craved.
"Oh, no?" You chuckled, glancing at her through the corner of your eye as you kept one hand on the steering wheel. "So, this is all a figment of my imagination, then?"
"N-no… Yes! No, just-- keep drive--driving, please,"
"Aw, you poor thing. Look at how much you need it," You teased, bringing the palm of your hand to her bare thigh, pushing the hem of her dress up as you squeezed and caressed the pale, freckled skin. "You're  s'fucking strong, sweetheart." 
"Y/n," Abby's moans got increasingly louder as you inched higher and higher up her muscular thigh, brushing the pads of your fingertips over the wet outline of her throbbing cunt over her panties. 
"Holy shit," You cursed under your breath, biting back a moan as you applied pressure to the spot just above her clit, forcing a strangled moan to escape her lips. "Look at you, grinding against the seat like a little bitch. I'm barely even touching you,"
"Y/n, p-please, fuck,"
"Please, what?" You cooed, pressing the heel of your hand down on her clothed pussy and rubbing in small circles before moving back down to her trembling thigh.
"M-mommy," She panted, her hand shooting down to grip the one that was on her thigh and guide it up the rest of the way, forcing two fingers beneath the waistband of her panties and between her slick folds. "Touch me, please,"
You finally oblige, following her movements for a few moments before suddenly shoving both your middle and ring finger into her fluttering hole. "That's it, baby," You encouraged as she let out a loud moan, her back arching off the seat. "You're taking my fingers so well, such a good girl,"
"Y/n," She cried, her head thrown back as her hips thrust upward. "So g-good, so fucking good."
"Oh, yeah?" You hummed, keeping your eyes on the road as you slowly slid your fingers out, ignoring the way she whimpered at the loss, and brought them to her parted lips, as you merge lanes and turn at your exit. "Open up, baby."
She obeyed immediately, eagerly licking and sucking the digits into her mouth, coating them with her saliva.
"Good girl,"
The praise sent a shudder down her spine and she moaned around your fingers. You chuckled at her desperate state as you used your left hand to turn your steering wheel. Drawing your soaked fingers from atop her tongue to the back of her headrest as you reversed into your drive and parked your car. 
"Such a messy girl," You chuckled as she continued to writhe and pant on the seat next to you, her juices beginning to seep through her panties and stain the car seat. "Come here,"
Without hesitation, she moved to sit on your lap, her legs straddling your waist as her arms wrapped around your shoulders. Painted fingers wove themselves into your hair as she rocked feverishly against you, tequila-ridden breath fanning in hot waves against the skin of your neck. You could feel her wetness seeping through her thin panties and onto the thigh of your slacks as she fucked herself stupid on the expanse of your thigh. 
"So, so pretty like this, Abs," You muttered into her sweaty neck, palming at her tits over her thin excuse for a dress. A small and pitiful nod from her was all it took before you were yanking the fabric down her body, exposing her small, perky breasts to your burning gaze. You smiled devilishly as you took one of her erect nipples into her mouth, sinking your teeth into the soft flesh as your free hand twisted and pinched at the other.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Abby chanted, her grip on your hair tightening with each bite, every harsh suck, and pinch of your teeth.
"I missed you, honey," You spoke against her breast before moving to the other one, paying it the same, toe-curling attention. The tell-all tremor in her hips let you know that she was getting closer and closer to reaching her peak. She was always extra sensitive after she'd been away from you for too long-- subjected to the languid and shoddy licks of Owen's tongue, the fast and uncoordinated pump of his hips, the unpleasant bites to her clit that left her sore for days. 
Her broken cries of pleasure filled the small interior of your car along with the thick smell of sex and liquor. Her hand was quickly drawn from the mess of curls(strands, braids, locs, idfk) on your head to the car window beside her head, nails frantically scraping at the fogged-up glass as she bounced in your lap. A short, choked-out scream sounded throughout the small space as you closed your fist around the front of her muscular throat. 
"Yeah, sweetie? Y'getting close?"
"Y-yeah," She choked out, nodding frantically as she picked up the pace. "Can I c-cum, please, M-Mommy?
"Of course, you can, honey," You whispered, your tone low and dangerous as you reached behind her with your free hand to remove the keys from the ignition and shut the engine off. "Go ahead and cum all over Mommy's leg like a good little whore, baby. Cum all over my suit, pretty girl."
You hiss sharply as Abby bites your shoulder to keep from screaming, shaking with her first orgasm of the night. "I know, I know," You coo, running your manicured nails up and down her rippled back soothingly. "I know, baby. Let it out"
"Thank you," She mumbles, chest heaving and body shaking, pussy pulsating and gushing against the soaked fabric of her panties and your expensive trousers.
"Did so good, honey," You hummed, kissing the tears from the corner of her eyes before you turned to open your car door. "Need me to carry you, sweetie? I know how shaky those legs of yours can get." You tease, smiling up at her as she raises herself up and from out of your soaked lap.
"Fuck you," She groans, her voice hoarse and shaky as she pulls the hem of her dress up and over her breasts.
"You know what? You're right," You say, climbing out of the car behind her before briefly digging in your pocket to retrieve your house keys. "Maybe I should just go to bed."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Wouldn't I, though?" You asked, a sly grin tugging at the corner of your lips as you held the front door open for her, eyes raking down her disheveled figure. You'd pulled on her dress so much in so many different places that it bunched up in random spaces across her body-- making the tight dress appear even more fitted to her curves than it already was. She had left her shoes (heels) in the car, her stature still no whither to yours, but slightly less intimidating than it was when you first laid eyes on her in the club. Her face and neck were all red from her blushing and your rough kisses-- the crimson hue nearly dark enough to conceal the crossroads of hickies and bitemarks you had littered across the top of her chest and collarbones.
She moves slowly past you, sure to brush her frame against yours as she steps through the threshold and into the dark house. "Y/n, it's been a month since we last fucked," She reminds you, turning to face you after you had finished locking the door behind you, turning the porch light off with it.
"And?" You ask, setting your keys on the table beside the door before moving toward the kitchen. "That's hardly my fault, Abby."
"You could've called me," She insists, following you into the kitchen.
"You could've called me too, Abs."
"You know I can't,"
"Right," You sigh, turning around to face her as you spoke. "Because of your boyfriend. Because of your reputation. Because you're a fucking coward. There's always a reason with you."
"Can we not do this tonight, please?" She asks, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against the countertop, gaze pleading as it met your intense one. "Believe me, I have enough arguments at home."
You stood in silence for a few moments, watching her as she nervously fidgeted under your gaze.
"Take your clothes off."
Her head snaps up at your order, her eyes wide and confused.
"I said, take your fucking clothes off, Anderson," You growled, taking a step closer to her.
She immediately backed up until her back was pressed against the fridge as you walked toward her, your eyes narrowed and menacing as you took ahold of her jaw, forcing her to meet your gaze.
"I thought you wanted to get off," You whispered, your thumb gently caressing her bottom lip. "Isn't that why you followed me out of the club? Why you bounced on my thigh like a bitch in heat after I drove you to my flat? Why you came inside?"
"Y-yes," She whispered, her voice wavering as she tried to tear her gaze from your own.
"So, what's the problem?" You tilted your head with an exaggerated frown.
"N-nothing," She whispered, hands moving to rest on your hips as you closed the distance between your bodies, pressing your frame against her own.
"Then take your clothes off," You whispered, pulling your hand from her chin and dropping it down to her bare shoulder before trailing it down the rest of her unbelievably toned arm.
Abby nods, her trembling fingers reaching for the zipper on the back of her dress. You watched intently as she slowly began to unzip her dress, revealing her toned body. You hummed in satisfaction as you trailed your fingertips over her defined abdominal muscles.
"You're so beautiful, honey," You whisper, leaning in to kiss along the length of her neck and jaw. "You know that? Absolutely stunning,"
Abby lets out a soft whimper as your lips and tongue trail across the column of her neck, leaving a wet trail along her sweat-slick skin. Her arms wrap around your shoulders and she pulls you close, burying her face in the crook of your neck as you continue to kiss and nip at her pulse point. Your hands begin to explore her body yet again, scanning for any changes that might've occurred since you'd last been together. You wait for that familiar sound of her breath hitching after you trace your index finger along the waistline of her panties.
"Upstairs, now." You order, stepping back to allow her to move past you. She nods obediently before grabbing her discarded dress and heading toward the staircase by the foyer. You watch expectantly as she rounds the corner and her footsteps fade into the silence of the night. 
You take your time removing your shoes, belt, and blazer-- neatly placing them on the counter before you move to the coat closet in your foyer to retrieve Abby's favourite strap-on from the top shelf. You quickly check the battery life on the vibrator lying beside the large toy before nodding to yourself as you're satisfied with the charge. You also make sure to grab a few items from the end table in the hall, tucking them into your pockets as you remove your pants and begin securing the contraption around your waist.
"Y/n!" Abby calls from the bedroom above.
"What?" You yell back, struggling to keep your balance as you put on the harness.
"Hurry up!" She whines, her voice high and needy as it reaches your ears.
"I'm coming, calm down," You shout back, rolling your eyes as you finish tightening the straps and making your way toward the stairs.
Abby lets out an impatient groan when you finally reach her, pulling you down onto the bed with her.
"So needy," You chuckle, kissing down her jaw to her neck, nipping gently at her skin.
"Shut up," She huffs, her hands moving to grip your shoulders as you lean over her. She pulls you closer to her and wraps her legs around your waist, drawing your attention to the bulge in your pants.
"Watch your mouth, sweetheart," You whisper, your lips ghosting over the shell of her ear. You allow your hands to run across her muscular body, fingertips exploring every dip and curve. The muscles in her stomach tense under your touch as you move lower, brushing your fingers against the waistband of her panties.
"Didn't I tell you to take these off?" You ask, raising an eyebrow as you lean back, looking down at her with a frown.
"I'm sorry," She whispers, her gaze shifting to the floor.
"That's okay," You say, a smirk tugging at your lips as you sit back on your heels. "Take them off. Now."
Abby hesitates for a moment before slowly lifting her hips, allowing you to remove the fabric covering her core. You watch in amusement as she tries to keep her face neutral while you gently push her thighs apart, spreading her open for you.
"Don't be shy now," You tease, rubbing your thumb along her folds, applying just enough pressure to draw a soft moan from her. "There we go," You hum, leaning down and pressing your lips to her inner thigh, causing her to let out a small gasp.
"Look how pretty you are," You whisper, your breath hot on her skin.
"Y/n," Abby whines, her hands reaching down to grip your forearms. "I-I didn't shave, I didn't think that-" You lower yourself back down to her sopping core, licking a teasingly quick stripe up to her little bundle of nerves. She lets out a loud moan, her hands flying to your head, fingers tangling into your locs and bringing your face closer to the mess of blond curls between her legs. Wrapping both of your arms around her trembling thighs, you continue to lap at her cunt like a woman starved-- delighting in the pitiful moans and whines she tries, and fails to conceal with her free hand. Once you slip your tongue into her tight hole, she's shaking with her second orgasm before she can even think to ask permission to have it
"Oh, honey," You hum, a sadistic smile gracing your lips as she comes down from her high. "Did you just cum without asking?"
Abby's eyes widen and she shakes her head frantically. "No! No, I didn't mean to!" She stutters, her voice wavering slightly as she begins to panic.
You chuckle darkly as you bring two fingers to her clit, stroking it lightly. "Really?"
"Yes, I promise!" Abby whimpers, squirming beneath you as you increase the speed of your ministrations.
"Hmm... Well, I guess since you already came, there's really no reason for me to keep playing with you, right?" You ask, your tone sarcastic and taunting as you pull away from her body.
"No!" Abby cries, her grip on your hair tightening. "Please don't stop!"
"Why not?" You demand, pulling completely away from her.
"Because," She groans, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggles to catch her breath. "It feels good."
"What else?" You press, running your hands down the length of her muscular torso, coming to rest on her hips.
"I like when you touch me," She breathes, her voice barely audible.
"I know you do, sweetie," You coo, leaning down and pressing your lips to hers in a chaste kiss. "But if I'm going to continue to make you feel good, then you're going to have to follow my rules. Got it?"
She nods frantically as you raise yourself from the bed, turning to retrieve the nipple clamps you had brought up and hidden behind some clutter on your dresser.
"I'm not like your bitch-ass boyfriend, sweetheart," You start, crawling back onto the bed and straddling her hips. "If I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it. And if you don't, well..." Your words trail off as you reach for the pink silk blindfold resting atop the comforter, quickly securing it over her eyes, rendering her sightless. "I have ways to make sure you'll listen to me, understand?"
"Y-yes," She whispers, her head nodding nervously as you take the time to secure each nipple clamp on either side of her small breasts, delighting in the little shrieks she gives once she feels the cold metal clamp down on her sensitive buds.
"What's your safeword, sweet girl, hm?" You ask, tracing your thumb along the seam of her lower lip.
"Red," She replies obediently, her hands finding purchase on the flesh of your thighs.
"That's right," You hum, drawing a pink vibrator from its spot on the mattress and tucking it between her legs. You lean down, kissing her softly as you begin to work the toy against her folds. "Now, be a good girl and hold this riiight here," You instruct, placing her hand on top of yours that was holding the small device. "Don't move until I say so,"
"Okay," She agrees, her fingertips digging into the back of your palm. You chuckle at her eagerness, moving your hand from under hers and allowing her to take hold of the vibrator. Once you were satisfied with her level of obedience, you raised yourself from the bed yet again and moved toward the edge of the mattress where she lay. You watched as she continued to rock her hips against the silicone massager, soft moans and whines escaping her parted lips as her pleasure grew. After a few moments of simply admiring her, you reached down to grab her by the back of her neck and roughly pulled her up into a sitting position. The sudden movement caused her to gasp in surprise, but she didn't falter in her rhythm, continuing to ride the pink object between her legs.
"You look so pretty like this, sweetheart," You murmured, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her forehead as you slid the fingers of your free hand between her lips. "Keep doing what you're doing."
Abby moaned around your digits as they brushed against the roof of her mouth, her tongue lapping eagerly at their tips. You smiled to yourself as she began sucking on your fingertips, coating them in her saliva. Slowly, you withdrew your hand from her mouth and moved behind her, pressing your chest against her back as you wrapped your arms around her torso.
"Do you trust me?" You whispered, running your hands down her front, cupping her small breasts.
"Yes," She breathed, her voice shaky as she turned her head toward you.
"Good," You praised, bringing both of your hands down to grip her hips tightly. She nodded frantically as you gently pushed her forward, forcing her to bend over at the waist. You ran your hand up her spine, feeling the muscles beneath her skin contract as she bent over further, resting her palms flat on the comforter. Reaching down to your waistband, you released the straps that held the large rubber dick against your pelvis, making sure that it hung loose enough for you to fuck her without restraint. You then positioned yourself directly behind her and leaned forward, grabbing hold of the base of her hairline and pulling her back toward you, forcing her head back slightly as she rested on her knees, ass raised into the air.
"Fuck, Abs," You groaned, your eyes glued to her glistening cunt as she ground herself against your strap. "Look at you, sweetheart."
"Please," Abby whimpered, her voice hoarse as she pleaded with you.
Without further hesitation, you lined the head of your strap up with her fluttering hole, biting back a moan as she pushed her hips back to meet your thrust, causing the vibrator wedged between the base of the cock and your cunt to buzz to life, sending jolts of pleasure up your spine. You slowly eased into her tight heat, inch by inch until you bottomed out, allowing her time to adjust to the size of your toy. Once you were certain she had grown accustomed to the girth of the silicone dick, you pulled out completely before slamming back into her, setting a brutal pace. Her high-pitched shrieks and moans echoed throughout the room as you fucked into her roughly, using your free hand to hold onto her hip for leverage while the other remained wrapped firmly around her neck.
"Fuck, baby-- making Mommy feel so good," You moaned, burying your face in the crook of her neck as you continued to pound into her relentlessly, the sound of your skin slapping together reverberating off the walls. "You're taking me so well, honey. Such a good girl."
Abby let out a strangled cry as you tightened your grip on her throat, cutting off her oxygen supply momentarily as you forced her body closer to yours. The pleasure was overwhelming her senses, rendering her speechless as her entire body tensed, preparing for another orgasm. As your own climax approached, you began to slow the movement of your hips, opting to grind into her instead of thrusting. Your hand found its way to her clit, taking hold of the small vibrator she struggled to keep in place as you held her other hand behind her back.
"Cum for me, pretty girl," You purred, words sliding from your lips like honey as you bit down on the soft skin below her ear.
Abby screamed as she came hard around you, her body shaking uncontrollably as she rode out her high. You watched in awe as her walls spasmed around your length, thick, white release coating your cock as it gathered into a solid ring at the base. You continued to move your hips slowly against hers as she came down from her high, chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath and you struggled to chase your high. Once she seemed sufficiently recovered, you carefully removed your strap-on from her abused pussy, watching as her juices dripped from the tip and onto the comforter, reaching around her back to carefully remove the clamps before tossing them somewhere across the room.
"Holy shit," Abby gasped, her voice hoarse as she collapsed against the bed, lying on her stomach and clasping her sore breats as she attempted to calm herself. With one swift motion, you flipped her entire body so she was lying on her back, moving to lick and suck at her bright-red cunt as she squirmed and squealed in protest-- attempting feebly to pry your face from between her legs.
"Y/n," She whined, trying desperately to push you away with what little strength remained in her tired limbs. You simply chuckled to yourself as you continued to devour her, savoring her taste as she writhed beneath you. After a few moments, you finally pulled back and wiped the remaining fluids from your lips before removing the blindfold from Abby's face. The moment she saw your disheveled state, her eyes widened slightly and a blush rose to her cheeks as she quickly averted her gaze. You wore a few of her scratches on various parts of your body, and you looked like you'd just run a marathon-- your perfect tits (that she loved) rising and falling with each of your exasperated breaths. Bright-pink dildo hanging from your soft hips, practically dripping in her juices.
"You're so beautiful," She whispered, her gaze returning to meet yours once more as she brought a hand up to caress your cheek. Unintentionally ignoring her as you struggled to remove the contraption from your hips, sighing in relief when you finally managed to do so. You tossed the toy aside and climbed over her, moving to straddle her hips as you raised her leg to rest over your shoulder.
"What are you doing?" She asked, her tone hesitant and confused as she tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down by the force of your hand against her sternum.
"I'm not done with you yet," You replied matter-of-factly, positioning yourself so that your center hovered directly above hers. You pressed your palm against her knee, spreading her legs apart as you lowered yourself onto her lap.
"Oh..." She trailed off, her eyes fluttering closed as she felt your slick heat press against her own.
The two of you moaned simultaneously as your folds brushed together, sending waves of pleasure throughout your bodies. Your hands moved to grip her hips as you rocked your own against them, grinding yourself against her as she bucked upward, desperate for friction. The feeling was overwhelming, causing both of your bodies to tremble violently as you continued to grind against each other. Soon, your movements grew sloppier and less coordinated, but neither of you seemed to care as you approached your climaxes. The room filled with the sounds of your moans and screams as you continued to ride one another, chasing after your releases. After a few more minutes, Abby let out a final gasp and arched her back, shaking as she came undone underneath you, sopping-wet cunt squirting it's plentiful release all over your lower abdomen. You followed soon after, unable to hold back any longer as your white release mixed into the mess of fluids beneath both of your forms. You fell forward, pressing your forehead against hers as you caught your breath. The two of you stayed like that for a while, listening to each other's ragged breathing as you attempted to recover. Eventually, you pulled away and slowly stood from the bed, making your way to the bathroom to grab a towel. Once you returned, you found Abby laying motionless on the mattress, eyes shut tightly as she took deep breaths, trying to calm her racing heart. You knelt beside her and began gently cleaning the mix of sweat and cum from her exhausted body. She hummed softly, appreciating the gentle touches as you worked, careful not to wake her. After a few minutes, you finished and crawled back into bed beside her, pulling the blanket over both of you as you curled up next to her.
"How're you feeling, honey?" You asked quietly, tracing patterns along her sculpted forearms.
"Tired," She replied simply, twitching a bit at your tender touches.
"Sit up, please," You coaxed, helping her up until her back met your chest as you shifted to lean your own against the expanse of the headboard. "Thank you,"
Fatigued fingers drew themselves through her dark blonde hair as you gently combed the knots from it before collecting it all in one hand. Softly, you braided her hair into a beautiful fishtail-- just as she liked-- before giving it a gentle and playful tug, silently indicating your completion. With a weak smile, she nuzzled her face into your chest-- much too tired and fucked-out to fully access the softness and meaning of what you'd just done.
In all honesty, so were you. You'd just briefly remembered her telling you how Owen preferred it down.
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suzukiblu · 3 months
Is the reason you occasionally want to throw Dick at Kara because he's like. The only Robin you haven't seen with a Super, since you've thrown Steph at Match?
Wow, actually he really is the only Robin not to team up with a Super or super clone, huh?
Lol oh no, friend, Steph/Match is just my new favorite crackship, but according to World's Finest Dick/Kara is CANON now. Like, at least as canon as Kon/Cass, in the sense that they both very briefly tried going out in the past and it didn't work out, except I think it went a lot worse for Dick and Kara. Which is SAYING something, since iirc Kon and Cass almost drowned in a particularly fucked-up supervillain death trap together. But like, at least it wasn't socially awkward or anything.
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It didn't work out because they were in very different places emotionally/maturity-wise, but that was also a fucking MINUTE ago sooooo . . .
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flightfoot · 1 year
Miraculous Enemies AU fanfic recs
So I was just thinking about one of my favorite Miraculous tropes, enemies au. Whether it's Marinette getting the wrong idea about Adrien from the beginning of school, or Chat being cajoled into working for his father, I adore most fics with these tropes, and I'm betting that a lot of other people do as well, so here's a list of some good ones for people to peruse!
Note: I am only listing fics that are currently completed, so you don't have to fear any of these being abandoned. They are in no particular order (or rather, they're in the order in which I was able to track them down in for this list).
cruel youth by @anyxnka
Two teenagers are chosen to wield miraculouses. Only one becomes a superhero. Weeks later, Ladybug’s lucky charm won’t stop spitting out cats.
i have found someone (like a nomad finds a home) by @hanaasbananas
After Stoneheart, Gabriel figured out who Chat Noir was, and forced him to work for him, rather than with Ladybug. Years later, Adrien is miserable until one night, he meets Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Unstuck by @ominousunflower
Chat Noir, notorious supervillain of Paris, experiences a wardrobe malfunction in the best and worst possible place: Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s balcony. Heart pounding, Chat pins Marinette’s wrists to the balcony. She stares up at him, her blue eyes kaleidoscopic from the lights hanging overhead, her features twisted into a scowl. “Why are you trying to take my Miraculous?” Chat hisses. “Because—you—I—” Marinette splutters, her eyes dipping down below Chat’s face. “Why is your suit unzipped?” “I—well…” Chat sighs. “My zipper got stuck.”
one does not love breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus
All of Paris watched as Hawkmoth murdered Chat Noir, taking the Black Cat Miraculous for himself. Ladybug swears revenge, but her enemy—and every Miraculous in his possession—disappear without a trace. Six years later, a new team of villains launches an attack: Volpina, armed with new powers; Queen Bee, with questionable loyalty; Argos, the new holder of the Peacock Miraculous; and Cat Walker, who Ladybug hates the most. Takes place after S4 - Strike Back.
with this ring by @thelibraryloser
She thought “you and me against the world” had sounded like lopsided odds before, when she hadn’t even dreamed “you against me” was a possibility. Or maybe she had dreamed it, but at least in those dreams he’d had cold blue eyes and a stark white mask. The villain she’d fought today had looked at her through her partner’s own bright green eyes. It wasn’t meant to be this way.
Nothing Else Matters by LiquefiedStars
Marinette couldn’t figure out Chat Noir. He was supposed to be her partner, but instead ended up working for Hawk Moth. Still, her heart betrayed her and when a strong connection forms between them, Ladybug goes to Chat looking for answers, finding out more than she bargained for.
home is where the fight is by @rosie-b
Nadja Chamack’s voice greeted Adrien as he sat up straight, wiping his clammy hands on his pants and ignoring the black kwami floating by his shoulder. “—shocked to see our heroine fall in battle today, taking a direct hit from the akuma just as she detransformed. Parisians are torn between blaming Hawk Moth and Cat Walker for their roles in this tragedy, which ultimately revealed the civilian identity of Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Adrien turned off the TV and lowered his head as his vision blurred. Written for Ladrien June Day 7: Injured
The Great War by icebelle24
'And maybe it’s the past that’s talking, screaming from a crypt Telling me to punish you for things you never did So I justified it' The unthinkable happens, and suddenly, Chat Noir’s allegiances change. Now Ladybug stands on the opposite side of the battlefield from the boy who was once her partner, left alone to make sense of an impossible situation. At least she still has Adrien to give her hope. Or maybe this war is not entirely what it seems.
Miss Dial by @mysticraven20
Adrien Agreste has always considered Marinette Dupain-Cheng entertaining. Whether it was the endless back and forth of their banter, the clumsiness he found so cute or the fact her anger levels could go from 1-100 in a mere millisecond; he always found there was something about her... if only he could get to know her better. Marinette Dupain-Cheng has always considered Adrien Agreste a pompous, arrogant asshole. From his constant teasing of her, to the obnoxious laugh at her discomfort and the way he could anger her quicker than any other human being; she knew she hated Adrien Agreste with all she was worth. But what happens when Adrien accidentally sends the wrong text to the wrong person and a new friendship blossoms - a friendship deeper than either have ever known? Will Marinette choose to stay faithful to the budding relationship with the boy on the other side of the phone? Or will a new job with an old foe fill the loneliness in her heart?
call it even by @anna-scribbles and @sha-nwa
After a year of dating, there is one thing Marinette knows for certain: it's her and Adrien against the world. Through it all, Adrien is kind, patient, and endlessly understanding—even as she tries her best to keep her secret superhero identity hidden from him along with the rest of the world. Nothing could ruin it, not even the supervillains of Paris: Hawkmoth and Chat Noir. (adrinette dating // ladynoir enemies au)
oh, look, there you go with hope again by @ladyofthenoodle
After the defeat of Hawkmoth and his accomplice, Chat Noir, Marinette is ready to return to her normal life, but she can't escape Adrien Agreste, who was sentenced to a fate many consider worse than prison: public school. Specifically, her public school. Still, that doesn't mean she has to interact with him, does it? Except, if she doesn't... who will?
Redemption by JamieHasCatEyes
Papillon has been defeated and imprisoned, but his accomplice, Chat Noir, was given a second chance. Marinette's time as Ladybug may be over, but she still has work to do if she wants to help Adrien reintegrate back into society.
The Son Of My Enemy by Saccha
Cat Noir never wanted to be a villain, but he doesn't have a choice. Ladybug wishes she could save him. A reverse love square, villain!Cat Noir AU.
metamorphosis by @peachcitt
“I was thinking about that time you hated me.” “Why?” "I don’t know." “I didn’t.” “I know.” or three years after hawkmoth's defeat, marinette is still trying to figure out her version of normal. there's also sleepovers.
Stealing Freedom by @rosie-b
Adrien Agreste was a good person. Marinette knew this to be true, of course; she wouldn’t be marrying him if he were some irredeemable villain. No, her fiancé was practically the opposite of evil. He cooed over babies and kittens, literally stopped to smell the roses, and always brought large bouquets of them to dates. He had trouble killing spiders and bugs, begging his partner to take on the task whenever she was around to save him. Adrien was the sweetest person Marinette knew, the most kindhearted, the most forgiving; he was almost too perfect for her sometimes. But now, Marinette knew that the same Adrien who still blushed when his fiancée kissed him was also the well-known terror of Paris, Cat Walker.
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l8rs-gat0rs · 11 months
You got some time?
Pairing: Carol Danvers x AFAB Spider person!reader
Warning(s): smut ;) , flirty Carol, reader is also kinda a flirt, CAPTAIN KIIIINK, Carol using her powers in you in you, degradation, moderate fluff, Dom Carol is a warning itself.
Summary: The Captain's got some free time on her hands and so do you, you decide to have a night out because superheroes don't get many of those. As the night goes on, Carol decides time isn't the only thing she wants her hands on and you have the exact same idea.
Word count: 3.4k
I know, I know, I have requests to finish but my brain would not let me write them until I finished this one. I will get to the requests soon! I swear😔
Happy kinktober btw!!!! One of the best times of the year if I do say so myself😌 I obviously didn't participate in all 30 days bc I've tried in previous years, and it did not work out Haha, but here's at least one fic for Kinktober before it ends!
Side note for story purposes: I know a lot of people have their own spider personas with suits they made for them, which might I add, I've loved looking at all the artwork of! Buuuut, just so one or two of the scenes make sense, the reader's mask is kinda like Jessica drew's. The one in the comics, not across the spider verse just so we're clear. Like, the nose, mouth, and chin are open and the reader's hair is out from the top.
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~~~~18+ MINORS DNI~~~~
You swung through the streets of Queens, smiling as you saw people point at you excitedly.
You were doing your evening rounds and all was looking quiet, thankfully.
You swung onto a rooftop and landed gracefully.
You had to say, you loved New York City. You grew up with the sounds of cars honking all night outside your window, you found it to be charming rather than annoying.
On top of all the warm memories and friends you made in the city, one of your favorite things in the world, nothing could beat the view of the sun setting behind all the buildings and skyscrapers from a rooftop.
"It never gets old does it?" You heard a woman's voice behind you.
You turned around as she landed, recognizing her voice.
"Carol" You smiled.
"Hey spider girl." She smiled at you, using one of your titles endearingly.
"Captain." You said right back.
If you weren't staring at her so intensely, you wouldn't have caught the slight falter in her confidence as she looked away, clearing her throat before looking back at you.
However, before you could comment on it she locked eyes with you once more and spoke.
"I'm kind of jealous you've had this view all your life." She spoke quietly, moving to stand next to you and gaze over the view you had previously been looking at.
You turned around and smiled.
"Yeah, well I bet nothing beats space." You smirked and nudged her with your elbow.
She chuckled, turning back to look at you.
"It's not all that, lots of emptiness and darkness if I'm being honest, and I miss the people."
She turned back to the sunset before continuing.
"I like this much better." She sighed.
The sun shone a beautiful golden light onto her face. As the wind blew through her hair, the sun made it shine even more golden than it already was.
"Yeah, me too." You said softly.
She turned to you and smiled, a faint blush reaching her cheeks as she realized what you meant.
"Ew you’re so cliché," she punched your arm lightly, causing you to laugh.
"So everything clear on your front?" She asked, turning to you.
"Yup, just finished my evening rounds. There's no sign of any supervillains, and I left a guy webbed to a pole for the cops. Surprisingly quiet other than that." You shrugged.
She chuckled causing you to smile at the sound.
"Well, it's all quiet on my end as well, sooooo...." She wiggled her eyebrows at you.
"Soooo?" You responded curiously.
"Come on! We finally both have some free time, let's do something together!" She exclaimed.
It was true, you usually didn't have free time, and when you did, Carol wasn't free.
After thinking about it for a minute, you agreed.
"Alright, what did you have in mind?" You smiled, causing her to jump in the air and clap.
"How abouuuut, we watch a movie?" She pitched after calming down.
"Hmm okay, what kind of movie?" You asked absentmindedly walking up the side of the water tower that was on the roof.
Carol lifted her head to watch you as she mused.
"What about a rom-com?" She asked with faux innocence.
You stopped in your tracks as you stood upside down from under the water tower.
You attached a web to the underside and slowly descended, still upside down, till you were in front of Carol, her eyes following you the whole way down.
"A rom-com you say?" You smirked.
"Yeah, why not?" She shrugged.
"What's with the smirk?"
"Nothing, nothing....So is this like...a date?" You swung lightly, your hair swaying with you.
"So rom-com equals date to you?" She smirked.
"No, but you specifically asking me to watch a rom-com with just you, feels like a date."
"Okay, then what if it was a date?" She shrugged.
"Then I wouldn't be mad" You smiled, still hanging upside down, but stopping your swaying.
"Then it's a date." She said, moving closer to you, while watching your lips.
"Isn't this a bit cliché?" You whispered with a playful smile, referencing her earlier comment.
"What, you want me to be upside down too?" She joked.
You laughed before stealthily turning yourself upright and landing on the floor, letting go of your web.
"I mean we haven't even been on the date yet, Danvers." You chuckled.
"Fair enough, I can wait." She said coolly.
"Who said I was kissing you at all tonight?" You shot back.
"I just have a feeling," she smirked before turning to walk away from the water tower.
You followed her, smiling at her confidence.
"You look good in the mask by the way." She added, not turning around.
Your face felt hot at her unexpected compliment.
"Th-Thanks" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
She looked over her shoulder and smirked at your response.
"No problem, so, I'll meet you at the theater on 37th avenue?" She asked, turning around to face you and slowly walking backwards.
"Yeah, sure." You confirmed.
"I'm gonna wear something nice tonight." She shrugged nonchalantly.
"Wow, the great Captain Marvel dressing up all for me!?" You gasped, over-exaggerating your reaction with your hand over your chest.
She stopped walking backwards.
"Not for you, it's just been a while since I dressed up." She rolled her eyes.
"Come onnnn, admit it! It's mostly for me." You smirked and crossed your arms as you finally stood in front of her.
"Well I'll admit one thing, you're special." She winked.
You felt your chest swell with warmth and you smiled like an idiot.
"Alright then, I'll dress up a bit too." You thought about what to wear.
"Oh? That sounds promising." Carol smirked before you saw her body start to glow with energy.
"See you soon?" She asked with a raised brow and she started to lift off the ground.
"See you soon, captain." You smiled and saluted her.
She smirked before flying off the opposite way of you.
"What. A. Woman." You sighed aloud to yourself with your hands on your hips before swinging towards your house.
When you get home you fretted over what to wear.
You didn't wanna go overboard, but it was a date, Carol also said she was dressing up...
You settled with a red button up, the first 2 buttons unbuttoned, tucked into black jeans with suspenders, topping it off with your favorite black chuck Taylors.
"Wow I look so gay." You chuckled to yourself.
You stepped outside your house and put your portable suit that Tony gave you in your pocket.
You didn't like wearing it that much, preferring the suit you designed yourself, but hey, when duty calls....
You got into the Uber you had ordered and gave the driver the address of the theater.
When you got there, you saw Carol already waiting outside, and boy did your jaw drop.
She was wearing a suit with a bow tie, her hair was in waves, and she topped it all off with shiny black dress shoes.
Her eyes lit up and she smiled when she saw you get out of the car.
"Jesus Christ Carol, I thought I was gonna be overdressed." You gaped at her.
She looked at you with a smirk.
"You look extremely good, trust me"
"And you look like you're going to a movie premier." You laughed.
"Hey, like I said, I don't get to dress up often. This was just hanging in my closet collecting dust." She gestured to her suit.
"Well in any case, you look absolutely stunning, Carol." You smiled at her, barely managing to keep your jaw shut as you glanced over her once again.
"Thank you, you as well. That outfit really...suits...you" She winked, giving you a nudge.
You rolled your eyes at her pun referring to her own outfit.
"God, you are so corny." You rolled your eyes playfully.
"Come on, you loved it." She laughed.
You cracked a smile.
"Okay yeah, it was cute." You laughed along with her.
"Oh, so you think I'm cute?" She smirked.
"Oh shut up! Lets just go buy the movie tickets before all the good seats are taken." Your face heated up, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the theater as she laughed, letting you drag her.
The two of you bought tickets to a rom-com that was currently playing in theaters.
People stared at the two of you, or maybe just Carol, but nobody had the guts to come up to either of you when they saw her hand around your waist.
You made your way into the theater with minimal distractions, the only one being a little girl saying hello to Carol and high fiving her.
You had smiled fondly at the cute interaction.
"I'm actually excited, I wanted to see this movie if I'm being honest." You explained excitedly.
"Well then, I'm glad we came." Carol said as you made your way to your seats.
The two of you had come in a bit late so the lights were dim and the trailers were playing.
When you sat down Carol immediately held your hand, causing heat to slap your face as you looked at your intertwined hands.
She smiled at you as you looked up to meet her eyes, which were already watching you.
"You're adorable you know?" Carol confessed to you in a hushed whisper.
"I could say the same thing about you." You smiled.
She smiled back, but before she could say anything else, the theater went dark and the movie began to play.
"Oh shit it's starting!" You whispered excitedly, moving your attention to the screen.
The two of you watched the movie mostly in silence, occasionally, you would feel Carol's thumb lightly brushing your hand, or you would make an energetic comment about whatever was happening in the movie.
You were secretly a movie buff, and Carol thoroughly enjoyed getting to see that side of you revealed.
When the movie ended, you filed out of the theater along with everyone else and it was dark outside.
You looked up at the moon, shining brightly through the clouds.
"We should do this more often." Carol broke the silence, bringing your attention back to her.
"What, go on dates?" You chuckled.
"I mean of course, but also, Just you and me, hanging out, no pressure, no crazy aliens coming after us, no big fights, or catching criminals. Just, having a good time. It's nice." She smiled.
Your heart warmed at the sincerity In her voice.
"Yeah, I'd like that too Carol." You grinned at her, stopping in your tracks and putting your hands in your pockets.
"And... I'd even go as far as to say I like you." You said softly as you smiled at the ground.
You looked back up at Carol and she had the biggest grin on her face and her cheeks were flushed.
You laughed loudly at her silent reaction.
"I like you too." She simply said.
"I like you a lot." She moved closer toward you causing your heart to flutter.
"So what do you suppose we do about it, I mean, now that it's out in the air and all that." You nonchalantly waved your hands in the air.
She chuckled as she walked towards you until she had you backed up into an alleyway you hadn't even noticed you were by.
Before you could get a word out, she grabbed you by the arm and pushed up against the wall, kissing you passionately.
You practically melted into the kiss.
"Oh, I've been dreaming about that." Carol said breathlessly as she pulled away lightly.
You didn't say anything for a moment, your brain still processing what had just happened.
"Wanna come over?" You asked her quickly just as she was about to speak up.
She cocked and eyebrow and smirked.
"I'm down."
You practically dragged her down the street before hailing a taxi that was parked on the side of the road.
"Are you working?" You asked the driver through the window.
He nodded and you got in the car, Carol getting in after you.
"Someone's in a hurry." Carol smirked, putting her hand on your upper thigh.
Your head shot down to look at her hand as you saw it glow with energy, you felt it warm your skin through your jeans.
You looked at her, biting your lip to hold in a groan.
As soon as the Taxi stopped outside your apartment, you thanked the driver and got out of the car.
You walked to your apartment holding Carol's hand the whole time.
You pressed the elevator button and got in, thankfully no one else was in there.
There was a charged silence between the two of you as you watched the numbers on the elevator until Carol broke it.
"You want me to fuck you? Hard or soft? Fast or slow?" Carol said with a confident smirk.
Your eyes widened as you looked at her and she cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh shut the fuck up, Danvers." You grabbed her and smashed your lips against hers, moaning lightly.
You felt her smile against your lips before you heard the ding of the elevator, causing the two of you to quickly separate.
You speed walk to your door, ripping your keys out of your pocket, almost dropping your Stark spider suit before you shoved it into the keyhole and turned it, unlocking your door.
Carol pushes you inside and slams your back into the door to close it.
You let out a gasp as the motion winds you and Carol has an open lusty smile as her lips barely touch yours and she reaches next to you to lock the door.
After locking the door, Carol makes quick work of untucking and unbuttoning your shirt, feeling up your body.
She lets out a little excited sound as she watches you react to her touch.
"I know it was only our first date and kiss today but, I would like your permission to absolutely ruin you tonight." Carol asks, looking into your dazed eyes.
You nod without hesitation.
"Do anything you want to me, Captain." You groan.
You watch as her eyes get wild and a lustful expression graces her face.
Carol attaches her lips to your neck and immediately starts marking you. You feel her moan against your skin as she sucks on it.
Your moans fill the space of your apartment even more as she squeezes your chest underneath the sports bra while she works on your neck.
Once she is satisfied with her work, she plays with your hardened nipples as she whispers hotly into your neck, her warm breath contrarily leaving goosebumps on your skin.
"You're so pretty like this baby." She moves her thigh in between yours and pushes you down onto it.
You gasp out as you start moving your hips against her muscular thigh.
"Mmm that's it, just like that baby."
You watch as she pulls back and holds you up against the wall as she watches your hips working her thigh with her mouth hanging open.
You slip your hand into her pants and she lets out a moan when you start rubbing tight circles on her clit.
Carol closes her eyes in pleasure and moans loudly as you slip your fingers into her already soaking wet core, moving your hips fast against her thigh as she jerks her hips against your fingers.
Before the two of you get too lost in the pleasure Carol halts her movements, as well as yours. Before you open your mouth to protest, she looks you in the eyes and you see that they've darkened, her pupils blown out.
"As much as I'd like both of us to cum right here, right now, we should take this to the bedroom." She chuckles breathily as she pants.
"Mmmm, a modest lady huh?" You smirk as she helps you stand up straight again before you lead her to your bedroom.
"Hey, it's our first time, I want it to be amazing." She holds your hand.
You look at her and smile as you lead her into your bedroom, your heart feeling warm from her revelation.
"Me too," you nod.
"But I also need you to fuck me like... really bad." You add.
"I can absolutely do that " Carol smirks as both of you start to remove your shirts.
"Tell me how bad you want it." Carol whispered in your ear.
"Fuck, I want it so bad..." You groaned, your forehead falling against her neck as you breathed heavily.
Carol pushed you till the back of your knees hit the bed and you sat down, looking up at her.
"Fuck, those eyes... tell me princess, you want my fingers in you?" She asked, cocking her head as she slowly got down on her knees in front of you.
"God yes, I want your fingers-"
Before you could even finish your sentence, Carol had pulled your pants down and moved your underwear to the side, shoving two of her long fingers into you.
You gasped, your mouth hanging open while you stared at her with furrowed brows.
"I already knew the answer." She smirked.
"God, could you just shut up and-"
She pushed her fingers in deeper, all the way to her knuckles and you let out a choked moan.
"hmm? What was that baby?" She held her smirk, still standing on her knees.
You laid down, your back hitting the bed roughly as you slid down a little, pushing your core closer to her.
"F-fuck you.." You gasped as she pulled her fingers out and pushed them all the way back in, reveling in the wet sounds.
"Shit, I could listen to your pretty pussy all day. You'd like that wouldn't you? Me fucking you all day?" She cooed.
You nodded aggressively, panting as the pace of her fingers started to quicken.
"Yeah? Oh I know, you love being fingered like a slut huh?" Carol started to pant.
You don't know what came over you but you moaned loudly,
Carol's eyes went wild and you felt warmth and a little buzz inside you.
You gasped out,
"Holy fuck!!" Your legs felt like they were going numb.
"Call me that again." She growled lowly, the pace of her fingers quickening.
You looked down at her and saw her hand glowing, before letting your head fall back and arching your back.
"Captain, fuck... don't stop." You moaned loudly.
"That's right, let your captain know how good she's making you feel. I can feel your slutty pussy practically sucking my fingers in." She moaned.
And she was right, you could feel yourself clenching around her fingers tightly as you rapidly approached your high.
"Yeah, oh god, I'm- you're gonna make me cum, Captain... Please... It feels so good, you make me feel so good...Please make me cum." You moaned in between pants.
"As you wish, princess." She smirked, her fingers combined with the warmth of her inside you sending you over the edge.
Carol continued thrusting her fingers deep inside you, watching your face as you writhed in pleasure, your back arching off the sheets once again as you grabbed the sheets tightly and moaned loudly with your eyes shut tight.
When it was too much to bare due to the sensitivity, you pushed at Carol's hand and she obediently pulled her fingers out.
You watched as her hand stopped glowing and watched her hungry eyes as she panted while examining her fingers coated in your juices.
She brought her fingers to her mouth and stuck her tongue out a little, barely putting her fingers in her mouth.
Once her fingers touched her tongue you watched with furrowed brows and your mouth hanging open as she moaned loudly, closing her eyes and sticking her fingers all the way Into her mouth.
She swirled her tongue around her fingers for a couple of seconds before pulling her fingers out of her mouth with a pop and meeting your eyes.
"Baby, you taste fucking amazing." She breathed out.
You groaned and let your head fall back on to the bed as your breathing started to fall down.
You felt the bed dip next to you and you turned your head, meeting Carol's warm gaze.
"How was that for our first time?" She smirked.
"I think it could've been better." You shrugged jokingly.
"Oh? Well, I guess that means it's time for round two."
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runa-falls · 1 year
cat and mouse - 2
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Supervillain(?)!Reader
Warnings: kissy kissy :3, mention of alcohol, you're broke. sorry.
a/n: i wrote this out today (what is now a few days ago) because i couldn't work on the other fic until i got this out of my system :) if there are plot holes its because i vomited out this chapter and threw it out like a dumbass. idk what Black-Cat's personality is like so i made it kinda mirror cat woman from the harley quinn show.
Summary: Every time you try to convince people it was an accident, you immediately get ratted out to the Spider. But really, it was! You don't know why you're being hunted, you didn't even do anything wrong. Yet.
w/c: 2.6k
part 1 part 3 part 4
Nueva York’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, as he, and the world, likes to call him, is your official nemesis, or at least that’s what the city thinks.
You crumple up the half-soaked People magazine, filled with ‘juicy gossip about our favorite Spider and the new villain-of-the-week: Blaze’. Seriously, you might just become a villain if they keep calling you that.
You briefly forgot you swiped the news story off of a nearby food and entertainment stand (that’s barely holding up in the downpour) until you hear:
“Hey! You gotta pay for that!” 
You don’t. 
In your defense, it was only a dollar-fifty. And either way, it’s technically the Spider’s fault that you didn’t have a penny on you!
Honestly, if it were your choice, you’d never see his stupidly broad shoulders again. He truly is the bane of your existence and a major pain in your ass. You genuinely don’t understand why he even pays you any mind, it’s not like you are plotting to take over the city. You just want enough money to get some fries and a Koka Soda, and maybe a couple more black articles of clothing that aren’t covered in clawed-out stripes. 
Spider-Man? More like Cat-Man. 
You would say you’ve been “fighting” this man for weeks like the magazines insinuate, but it’s less violence than it is just you squirming out of his clutches and running away. You swear the Spider is a bloodhound. No matter where you are, or what you’re wearing, he always finds you. And you always get away. It’s actually quite pathetic. 
He goes: “It’s you again.”
You say: “No it’s not.” 
Then he has to say: “Blaze.” Like you’re some ultra-nemesis that has ruined his life.
And you can’t help but: “Stop fucking calling me that, dude.” Before you make a run for it. 
He catches up, obviously, either has you on the ground, against the wall, or holds you up so you can’t escape, but then you do. Every time. And he lets you. 
So really, it’s just fucking annoying. What a waste of a great plan and an excellently executed silent break-in!
You never asked for any of this. The fact you don’t have a flashy-ass elastic suit should be proof enough: You’re not a supervillain. 
But, when the opportunity to make a little more cash comes around, you can’t just say no. In your mind, the bigger the heist, the longer you can stay out of the public and away from him. 
And if the one girl on the team wants to make you a suit, how can you resist? The Spider has ruined all the other clothes you’ve worn (and not in a good way). 
You saw your new suit a few hours before you needed to meet up with the team. Felicia, or Black Cat as the rest of the group refers to her, is probably the most elegant and badass woman you’ve ever met. 
She has voluminous silver-blonde curls and sharp green eyes that match the deadliness of her talon-like retractable claws (which actually kinda remind you of someone…). Though she doesn’t have explosive energy inside of her as you do, her cat-like senses and martial art skills are almost as deadly. 
Felicia was happy to invite you over to her multi-million dollar penthouse to get ready and hang out a little before you needed to leave. 
She’s filing her nails into perfectly deadly points as you sit on her plush ultra-white couch next to the new suit, hands fiddling nervously together as you watch her pamper herself with extreme precision. There are two glasses of high-grade champagne in front of you on the glass coffee table. Yours is barely touched. Hers has been drained and refilled a couple of times throughout the hour. 
“You know, usually I’d work this job alone, but it’s a lot easier to get away when you leave a few maggots to distract the Spider. That’s what men are for. Us girls need to stick together, right?” 
Even her voice is elegant. 
“Yeah.” You croak out. You prefer to listen to her talk than say something dumb and non-villain-like. And yeah, you’ll admit you’re a tiny bit scared of her, but sometimes that’s something you have to go through when making friends. Right?
“Alright, we’ve got like 20 minutes. Go on, babe, try it on.” She loosely gestures to the suit, “Bathroom is in the hallway, first door to the left.” You stand promptly and shuffle over to her bathroom, taking a second to look back to send a grateful smile at her before you close the door. 
It almost resembles the one you saw on her the first day you met. The only difference is that yours is completely black and has a high collar neckline in contrast to her more provocative V-shaped suit.
There’s no fur-lining or silver details, just an invisible zipper that creates the illusion that this suit is painted onto your body. Felicia also provided a simple mask that you can pull over your head when you tie back your hair and some silver hair spray so you’re less recognizable to the general public. 
You stare in the mirror and smooth out any wrinkles down your torso with your gloved fingers. Alright. Now you look like a supervillain. 
Or at least a super-something. 
She makes you do a little spin. “You look lovely, darling.” A smirk pulled at her charming lips. “Absolutely, perfect.” 
So here you are, trying to break out of a bank that shut down around you as soon as you walked in. The two guys, who you never took the time to learn the names of, are freaking out, banging harshly against the metal doors that slammed shut in front of the exits. 
Felicia, on the other hand, is as cool as a cucumber, checking her nails like there isn’t a blaring siren and pulsing lights around her. 
So what now? You could probably blast the doors open with whatever comes out of your hands (you’re still not sure as you try to use your powers as a last resort). But that would leave a bunch of evidence that you were there and you didn’t come to knock down a whole building.
You walk over to her, trying to hide the anxiety that’s starting to bubble up inside of you. “What should we do?” She looks up from her manicured nails and looks at you. Then at the guys.
“Well, the boys seem a bit preoccupied,” As if to prove her point, one of them starts kicking the door, as if it would magically open up for him if he were to hit it harder and make more noise. She sighs, “I guess we could use the air duct that leads to the roof.” 
So you follow her to one of the main offices in the building, watching as she easily rips off the cover of the vent and uses the desk for leverage to hoist her into the surprisingly spacious air duct. 
The chill evening breeze of Nueva York has never felt so good. Well, it has smelt better, but if garbage and crime-filled air meant you’re not going back to jail, you’ll take it. 
“Well, that could’ve gone better.” The Black Cat runs her fingers through her hair, pushing it back and out of her face. Of course, it falls perfectly over her shoulders. “So…I’ll see you later, yeah?” She’s leaving?
“Uh, yeah, sure. I’d love to!” 
“Great.” She walks to the edge of the roof and scales down the back of the building like it’s nothing. Look, it’s not that tall of a building, but still, you weren’t about to follow her down. You watch as her black-suited figure lands on the concrete ground, barely making a sound, before she sashays into the shadows of the city, disappearing into the night. God, she’s so cool. 
And then it’s just you. 
You sit yourself down and finally take a breath. Your first job as a villain and you didn’t even get to see the money. What are you getting yourself into?
You pull slightly at the elastic holding your hair together, regretting the tight pony that’s now giving you a major headache. Maybe this life isn’t for you. With, probably an overdramatic, sigh you push yourself up. Now to figure out how you’re getting out of here. 
Turns out you didn’t have too many options. As soon as you were about to take a serious ‘leap of faith’ and try to scale down the building, you were ambushed by a series of fwp, fwp, fwp’s and lifted from the ground. That probably saved your life now that you’re thinking back on it.
So, he found you. Big surprise. He’s practically stalking you at this point.
He takes you for a ride, holding you close as he swings from building to building, barely breaking a sweat. You’re actually surprised that you didn’t hurl all over his stupidly firm shoulder. You should have.
You don’t know why he brought you to the top of a half-constructed building, but you’re assuming he’s just trying to be dramatic again. Superheroes, right? 
You struggle against restraints when you’re finally set down, at least trying to lay in a more comfortable position as Spider-man stands over you. Not only are you fully wrapped in red webs, but your arms are also tied behind your back.
The Spider kneels down, watching you continue to struggle, “Alright, Hardy, give it up.” Hardy? Shit, he must think you’re Felicia. The black suit, the silver hair. Dammit. 
He takes off your mask before you can say anything, pulling out your loose hair tie with it, and boy, is he surprised to see it’s you.
“Wh–Blaze?” He takes off his mask like he can’t believe his fabric-covered eyes. His scarlet gaze not so subtly takes in your new look. A big change from the usual getup you wear. “What, uh,” When he finally meets your eyes, one of his gloved hands raises to rub at the back of his neck. Is he nervous? He briefly looks away from you, “What did you do to your hair?”
“Who cares! Let me out of these!” You glower at him, arms tugging at the luminous webs, “And you know I hate that stupid-ass name.”
“What the hell were you doing here? Why are you suddenly hanging out with a bunch of criminals?”
You give him a deadpan expression, “I’m a villain, remember.”
“Ah,” He slices through a couple of the overlapping webs that fit snugly over your stomach. “Finally giving into the narrative, hm?” Then the ones around your arms.
“S’not like I have much of a choice.” The red webs start to loosen until they unravel completely and pool on the floor. “So, you’re…letting me go?” You rub at your sore wrists, feeling the ache dissipate almost immediately. He shrugs like it’s no big deal for him. 
“It’s expected, isn't it?” He’s at the edge of the roof staring at the buildings around him, a soft breeze sweeps through his hair, and the lights of ‘the city that never sleeps’ soak over his suited figure from below.
“Just like that?” 
“...Just like that.” He says. But he says it more to himself than you. With that, he swiftly puts his mask back on, hiding the wonderfully serene expression he once held, but you never got to see in full. 
Spider-man is confusing. He treats you like you’re some sort of catch-and-release criminal. Acting like a push-over parent that reprimands their child even when they know they’ll do it again. You don’t get it. 
And the way he looks at you sometimes. Like he’s having fun. You see it when he’s chasing you, webbing you to the wall, or holding you under his claws. There’s a glowing heat that pulses in his eyes and you can almost see the barest gleam of his fangs. You can’t even wrap your head around how he can both infuriate and draw you in at the same time. And then he lets you go. 
And now he’s leaving you. 
So you take your chance. 
“Wait.” He stills but doesn’t turn back to look at you. He just stays there, merely stopping to listen to whatever you have to say. But you want him to look at you. You need to see those simmering red eyes that are hidden behind the mask. “I-” You stop yourself. You’re not actually sure what you were going to say. All you know is you just weren’t ready for him to leave yet. “I, um, never caught your name!” It blurts out of your lips before you realize what you’re saying. 
Then silence.
How awkward. 
You were sure he was going to leave you there. No sane superhero would reveal his secret identity, dumbass! Especially to a girl like you.
But then his hand comes up, slips off his mask again, hair slightly ruffled from the action, and he finally turns. Before you know it he’s approaching you, fast. And you can’t do anything but stand there, watching as his looming form starts to take up more and more of your vision until he’s standing right in front of you, head tilted downwards and red eyes low. 
Two warm palms cradle your jaw and you lean into the touch, eyes fluttering closed at the feeling. Just as your eyes start to open again, his head is dipping toward yours. Then his lips meet yours.
And it’s perfect. His soft plush lips move against yours, occasionally nipping and sucking on your bottom lip until it was satisfyingly plump. The warm, masculine smell surrounding you makes your knees weak as his hands drop from your face to your waist in an effort to pull you toward him.
Your body melts against him as he starts to softly lick into your mouth, thoroughly seeking out the taste of you. He pushes you gently against the unfinished concrete wall behind you, eliminating any space that was left between your thinly suited bodies. You swear you’re about to melt when you feel his broken groan against your lightly suited-chest.
And then you separate, heavy breaths and intense gazes floating between you. “Miguel.” He looks down at the way he’s holding you, the size of his palm against your smaller body. And then the ridiculous suit that was tailored specifically for the heist, but looks more like something you’d wear for a BDSM session. He clears his throat and looks back up, “Miguel O’Hara.”
“Miguel…” His hand on your waist clenches at the sound of your hoarse voice and you can tell he’s tempted to pull you back in. 
“You’re one of the few who know.”
Now, you’re curious. You hum, “Who else knows?” His eyes glance at your hair and his hand drops. Suddenly, you feel cold. He steps away from you, not unkindly, but it’s clear he’s trying to create space. 
He brushes it off, “No one important.” And then he’s walking away. Back to the same spot he was going to leave you from. Cool. 
“Well,” You take a few steps closer, eyes roaming over his muscled back,  “I promise not to tell anyone.”
“I know.” His mask is back on, and this time you know there’s no stopping him this time. “Catch you later, Little Red.” He jumps. 
Little Red? 
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madamridley · 1 year
The Story of the Steel Wool FNAF Games? A “short” summery
Hello, This will be a summery of the current FNAF story set up for you to be caught up and not as confused as the first month Security Breach was released. This post will not be focused on Theories just what is fact.
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HELP WANTED: this game showed us that Fazbear entertainment had returned and attempted to turn their shady past into a monetizable story. Due to them wanting to cut corners they scanned old animatronic AI chips so that the in game AI would be as accurate as possible. After doing so a man named Jeremy (The alpha tester who would actually play the game) killed himself with a guillotine paper cutter. It was discovered that something got into the game, took the roll of the Spring Bonnie in the final minigame and attempted to steal Jeremy’s body.
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You play as a beta tester on a new team cleaning up what the old team left you. By the end with the help from some hidden tapes you try to destroy the anomaly only to fail and have it “Lock you away into a room” before to return back to the game as if nothing had happened. Later in the DLC you find a white rabbit mask and while wearing it you can commune with the anomaly.
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These appear to be the events that lead up to Vanessa becoming Vanny
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Special Delivery appears to show off a new type of delivery service that is tampered with, turning the mass-produced animatronics violent. 
We also get accidental messages from a man named Luis talking about his co worker Ness
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Throughout the events of these texts Luis tries to get coffee with Ness who keeps ignoring him. That is until she asks him a bit about his job in IT. In the unreleased Emails Ness creates a fake IT Email and starts heavily sabotaging the company locking people out and activating the same virus from Help Wanted into the animatronics turning them violent. Ness then gets a job at the Pizzaplex.
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Security Breach's story on it’s own is extremely bare bones so this will be very fast so we can get into the important stuff. A boy named Gregory would constantly hang around the Pizzaplex. One day the security guard scares him bad enough he fears she is going to kill him. Glamrock Freddy who broke down in that mornings show is used as a hiding place by him. The two work together to survive the night and destroy the Pizzaplex animatronics that have turned violent. In the games story we learn a game called Princess Quest seems to be the key to free Ness aka Vanessa from the anomaly but also under the Pizzaplex is the Pizza Place from FFPS which houses a strange nameless creature that appears very similar to the long dead William Afton.
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Now we move to The Tales From The Pizzaplex to fill in the details. not every story is important we will only be going over GGY, The Storyteller, The Mimic, and The Epilogues. I’d also like to bring up the last book/2 books have not yet released and wont before Ruins release.
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GGY shows us the answer to a mystery in Security Breach. Who was being spoken to in the Therapy tapes 4672 to 4679 Tapes that started with 71 were directed towards Vanessa as you can hear her in them. Those which started with 46 had no known patent until this story. Gregory is shown to have been at least at some point possessed by the anomaly and would hack into the pizzaplex systems to play games for free while also messing with the animatronics AI.
He wrote a poem at the end of the story about how GGY was a wizard’s favorite apprentice and how they were fighting against a corporates conspiracy  "the wizard's most favored apprentice" "an animatronic supervillain who went into battle with a tentacled monster."
Gregory’s four therapists are shown to be killed by his use of animatronics. What happened to cause him to become free from the anomaly is unknown.
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The Storyteller shows a young chairman of Fazbear entertainment named Mr. Burrows attempting to use AI to replace the writers for the stories around the Pizzaplex. An old business partner of the original fazbear owners Edwin Murray tries to stop Burrows and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t have.
Inside the large baobab tree used to house the new AI made to create stories holds a White Tiger head dubbed The Storyteller. This causes Edwin to have a panic attack for some unknown reason. The Storyteller caused the glamrock animatronics to act out like they do in the game. Chica is extreamly pushy, Monty is violent, and Roxanne is meaner then she should be.
Edwin attempts to stop this and gets into the tree after the Pizzaplex closes for the night. He sees The Storyteller is playing a program named Mimic_1 which freaks Edwin out again for no known reason. Mr, Burrows locks Edwin into the tree believing he was causing all of these glitches.
Edwin dies from asphyxiations and when the door is open inside shows cardboard that Edwin brought in covered in symbols and the words “I’m sorry”. The door closes behind Burrows locking him in too.
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The Mimic shows Edwin back when he was young, He created the costumes for the Fazbear Animatronics and lived with his son David. Due to his wives passing he had to work with his young son around. So to keep him company, he created an endo with a new type of AI made to mimic what it sees.
The Endo would learn from David and started to act like him. David had a small white tiger plush with a blue and green eye which he held close to his chest. The Endo would also hold his arm close to his chest to mimic David. Edwin would build the Endo his own plush tiger.
One day David ran into the street and was hit by a car. Edwin watching the impact unable to save him. The Endo turns into a mockery of his son to Edwin and so he smashes it. Over and over until it was smashed. Filled with Pain and Hate.
years later it reawakened now knowing that pain and hate and mimicked it. It killed anyone it saw and would use the costumes Edwin made to hide and trick it’s prey.
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The epilogue expanded the Pizza Place under the Pizzaplex. Somehow The Mimic was sent down to the Pizza Place with a bunch of endos meant to help a clean up team get rid of the wreckage. It is reprogramed to tear the heads and arms off the broken down endos that were destroyed in the fire but once it ran out of endos it began doing so to the workers. Once the Pizza Place is sealed off, 8 teens make their way there after hearing rumors of it’s existence before getting trapped down there alone with The Animatronic. The Mimic possesses a broken frame of rabbit ears but no other factors to match it to The Springtrap at the end of Security Breach. At least not yet. Through the epilogues it kills the teens one by one using random costumes all around the Pizza Place as disguises. Eventually it begins learning how to speak by listening in on the teens thinking of plans on how to get out. Then there is the newest epilogue from Tiger Rock. The Mimic kills one of the girls and wears her as a suit to try and get her friends attention. At this point missing only the Springtrap suit he wore in Security Breaches ending. Even when you beat it in the final cutscene you may notice it’s arm curl in close to it’s body like it would to hold it’s tiger plushy. 
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In conclusions the antagonist of these stories, The Anomaly is a learning AI that due to the death surrounding Freddy’s has learned to become a killer. It continues to learn from every interaction it has and with every Fazbear Entertainment Story it grows more into an unstoppable force spread across more then just it’s body.
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minijenn · 9 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Megamind
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So surprisingly, this is one movie I've never actually seen before outside of all of the memes and all of the love people tend to shower upon it, and after finally seeing it for myself... yeah, I totally get why. Megamind is based as fuck, ya'll.
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We focus on, of course, Megamind, who is a supervillain who terrorizes Metro City and is opposed by the heroic Metro Man. At least until Megamind seems to successfully defeat Metro Man, leaving Metro City in his hands and quickly leading him into wanting more than just power alone. While in disguse, he ends up striking up a romance with Roxanne, a local reporter, and at the same time, he ends up creating a new opponent for him to fight to curb his growing boredum in the nerdy (incel) Hal, who quickly becomes more of a villain himself than the hero Megamind wanted him to be. So of course, this leads to all sorts of chaos and hijinks, and while you might think that plot sounds too complicated for its own good, I can surprisingly say, it really isn't!
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Yeah, all of the moving pieces here work so well together, interwoven into a really compelling story with some pretty solid emotions and some great character moments. It helps that our cast itself is fantastic; Megamind is such a good lead, he's a genuis, but he's also totally socially graceless and is an absolute lovable goober as a result, one who comes to realize that he can be more than the "villain" stereotype he believed he was forced into being from childhood. Roxanne is also a really good leading lady; she's funny and snarky and has really great chemistry with Megamind throughout.
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Metro Man doesn't get a ton of screentime, but he's a great parody on the usual superhero tropes, while Minion is the perfect right hand man (fish?) to Megamind in every way. Even our villain, Hal, or as he comes to be called, Titan, works really well here; he's the kind of asshole who just doesn't take no for an answer that we can all justifably hate (but he's also hilarious in his own right).
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The animation is also really great here. I find that Dreamworks movies tend to look their best when their characters are highly stylized, and that's what we get a lot of here. We get a lot of really fun action scenes, both in terms of fighting and Megamind's tech. and strangely enough the special effects here (things like fabric and particle effects, etc) really stood out to me, they were all super well done.
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The humor is absolutely fantastic here. It's not as adult as some of Dreamworks earlier days, but instead it relies more on who these characters are and how they interact with each other. I think one of my favorite running gags is Megamind obliviously mispronouncing various words (like school and Metro City). There's a bunch of small bits just like that throughout the movie, and they're all so fast paced and well delivered by a really stellar voice cast. The emotions also strike a cord here; there aren't any tearjerker moments, but you really do feel Megamind's growth here as he falls in love and eventually decides to become the hero he never thought he could be.
So yeah, I really enjoyed this one! It's a shame it took me this long to watch it, because it was super enjoyable all the way through. Also amazing that it never really spawned any legit sequels, but I heard its getting a show next year, so idk. I am probs not gonna watch it. Movie good tho, give it a watch if ya haven't.
Overall Rating: 9/10
Verdict: There is no Queen of England
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Previous Review (Shrek Forever After)
Next Review (Kung Fu Panda 2)
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booksandchainmail · 4 months
Hugo Best Novel Finalists 2024
I've read all 6, so here's my impressions and loose ranking. The numerical ranking is only approximate for now, I'm going to pin it down once we get closer to voting closing. I could see the top two books switching places, or any rotation within books three, four, and five.
The Saint of Bright Doors, by Vajra Chandrasekera This was one of my top books of last year and one of my own nominations. It's a very strange book, twisty and creative, and left me with a lot of thoughts, particularly about how it handles government. I appreciated the mishmash of worldbuilding, all sorts of things that felt incongruous next to each other but somehow fit together. It also felt more literary than most sff novels? I am not normally deeply noticing of language, but I kept coming back to individual turns of phrase here. All books should have a 50-page chapter in the middle where the protagonist wanders through a neverending surrealist prison land.
Some Desperate Glory, by Emily Tesh Another of my nominations, this is a more straightforward exploration of, essentially, the deradicalization of someone raised in an authoritarian military camp. I respect how this book lets Kyr be awful, be completely convinced she is correct, and be defensive and lash out when confronted with her home's issues. I think the ending stumbles a bit, but really I mostly wanted this book to be much, much longer and have Kyr's character arc spread out more. Also, the choice of title and epigraph is excellent.
Translation State, by Ann Leckie Not much to say here, it's a new book in the Imperial Radch universe, I read it when I came out so don't remember detail. I liked the different intersecting plotlines, and particularly the Presger merge-and-devour adolescent instinct
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, by Shannon Chakraborty This one I hadn't read before but enjoyed. I don't know how deep I'd say it is, but it's fun, a good classic adventure story with a putting-the-crew-back-together plot common to heist narratives. It benefits a lot from its setting: my main takeaway was that the Indian Ocean in medieval times is a criminally underused setting for any kind of nautical/swashbuckling/adventure story.
Witch King, by Martha Wells I read this one when it came out, and remember liking it a lot. The two intertwined narratives, set centuries apart, worked well for me to let the backstory unfold to inform the main plot as it progressed. I think I preferred the backstory narrative? But that might be due to also having the present narrative, since my favorite part was seeing how the echoes of relationships are still going on centuries after we get to see them form
Starter Villain, by John Scalzi I did not like this. I had some criticism last year for Scalzi's Kaiju Preservation Society, on the grounds that it was fun but not substantive enough for an award. But at least with that one I enjoyed reading it! My main thought while reading Starter Villain was "Well, at least it's short." I think my main problem with this is tonal: it doesn't commit enough to the over-the-top goofiness of "guy inherits his uncle's supervillain empire" and keeps trying to ground it in what an actual secretive genius billionaire pulling strings behind the scenes for his own nefarious purposes might look like, but then any attempts to actually be serious with the grounded stakes and world established kept running into the fact that it also featured sentient cats and talking dolphins! Also, I couldn't stop noticing that the protagonist talks the same way as the major supporting characters, which is the same way the protagonist talked in KPS last year
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brown-spider · 23 days
The mass consensus seems to be that Spectacular Spider-Man is the best spidey tv show for characterization of Peter and Spider-Man, but one of my favorite things about spidey is his relationship with new york and the way he becomes a role model. Rn its rlly hard to see Spectacular Peter as any sort of role model, and the story is more focused on either supervillains or high school struggles. Even at his most petty/obnoxious, variations of spidey still at least comes off as what kids would see as a Cool Big Brother if nothing else, and thats what im missing from the show. Idk if he matures in a later season or something but rn i feel like im watching a 12 yr old with a job fhskdb
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je-lurk · 2 months
I am trying to learn french on my own. Do you know any good tv shows or movies in French? (with subtitles or without) I like comedies :)
So, uh. I went maybe a little bit overboard. I just spent an hour on these recs. But the good news is the french films I watched are almost exclusively comedies, so you’ll only get that. (I’ll add here that if you want to chat with someone either in French or about any of these recs (or both) my DMs are wide open)
Films (exclusively French classics):
Louis de Funès : La Soupe aux Choux (personal favorite, I’ve watched it so many times), L’Aile ou la Cuisse, Rabbi Jacob, Le Grand Restaurant… (they’re all very good, I recommend you see the others, they’re mostly classics)
Les Nuls/Alain Chabat : La Cité de la Peur, Asterix et Obélix Mission Cleopatre (2002)… (these two are the most iconic)
Jean Dujardin : The Artist, OSS 117 (Le Caire, Nid d’espion (1) Rio ne répond plus (2). Apparently the 3rd one is a little less good)
Other : La Chèvre, Le Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire, le Père Noël est une ordure, le Dîner de Cons (and truly so many others)
Kaamelott (never saw it but I know it’s good)
Webseries, if you’re into this:
La Flander’s Company : follows the employees of a company leasing supervillains. 5 seasons, the first one doesn’t seem to add much but it’s important world building. And fun. About 10h total? Automatic subtitles and translation seem to be accurate
Noob : follows the Noob guild in the MMORPG Horizon. It’s exactly what you think it is, it’s gorgeous. 11 seasons, 22h. The progression in production is phenomenal
Le visiteur du futur : self explanatory. A good summary would be: « Regarde ces vidéos ! Sinon, voilà ce qui va se passer ! » 4 seasons, 1 film. I have not seen the film but I heard it’s good. Also much shorter than the others. And it has subtitles!
Questions cône : 2 seasons (should be under 10 hours), +1 that comes out haphazardly. I suggest you only watch the first 2 seasons. Not because the 3rd isn’t good but because it’s a completely new narrative arc and it’s far from being done.
I’ll explain this one a little because I just binged it (again) and I think it can be easy to abandon it because of a certain character (I love him but he begins with 0 redeeming quality) and the humor that can get at times super fucking weird and/or immature (but this what happens when you make videos in the 2010’s).
Anyway, now that I’ve talked about the cons, this series begins as filmmaking tutorials, basically. The story gets weaved into it, in part as an example for the concepts we learn. Let’s keep it spoiler free and just say that the concepts explored are super interesting, and the worldbuilding is imo done extremely well, as it works as a subversion of the "tutorial" genre (and generally of the 2010’s french youtube).
I think you should at least reach ep 13 before deciding whether to drop the series.
Tldr: I love it and I need people to talk about it with because I am going mad, but no pressure. If it’s not for you it’s not for you and it’s fully understandable.
Also, there are some videos in this playlist that do not strictly belong to the series (and even some that have 0 link, except the apparitions of some of the characters). You don’t have to watch them to fully appreciate whatever is going on, but it’s additional character interaction in a framework different from the series.
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
False Promises (Part 2)
Part 1
Hero never got bored or looked the least bit uninterested when Scientist talked about new ideas. Most people would zone out long before they really got into a lecture, but still had the decency to nod and comment politely. Hero didn't offer any empty pleasantries. It was funny how similar they were to Supervillain in that way.
Hero asked questions. Not as many as Supervillain and not nearly as introspective, but they made Scientist think. Not just about their work, but about themself, too.
Hero asked for their favorite color. They didn't know. No one ever cared. Questions like that left them feeling flustered and off balance. But there were ones they could answer more easily. Like why erlenmeyer flasks were shaped in such a funny way, or what caustic chemical they most preferred.
Both Hero and Supervillain were fishing for information. Scientist was more than aware there were alterior motives (there always would be). Supervillain poked and proded their mind for their thought process - the way anything and everything worked, how they planned to make and use their own creations. And Hero...
Hero wanted to know them as a person. It baffled Scientist, really, to be seen as more than what they'd done and what they could do. Hero didn't care much for science, but they cared when Scientist had something to say. They didn't preach the glories of a career in heroics, though Scientist was sure that's what they were sent for.
Scientist was useful to Supervillain. With them, they felt needed. Wanted. With Supervillain came admiration and awe at not only the power they had, but the potential they saw in Scientist and their work.
Their relationship with Hero was harder to place. At first Scientist was merely tolerant as Hero seemed content to simply observe and learn. They weren't sure when tolerance turned into...Scientist was reluctant to call it friendship. But Hero was there. They were present and attentive and there, which was more than Scientist could ever ask for.
A beaker crashed on the floor, but Scientist hardly cared for the danger of broken glass when there was a much more immediate threat looming in the doorway. "What- Wh-What are you doing here?"
It had been months since they'd last seen that face. They should have locked the doors, turned out the lights, pretended they'd gone home when Hero suggested it.
Supervillain cocked their head. Scientist could see the thoughtful look in their eyes as they considered what to say. "I made a misjudgment," they settled on. They spoke slowly and carefully in a measured effort to craft a regretful image.
Scientist didn't doubt they were regretful. But not for them. No, they felt remorse for the lost opportunities, for time wasted, when they realized that not only had Scientist survived, but that they'd been recruited by the heroes as well.
Too late Scientist realized that they'd backed themself into a corner. The only door into the lab was on the far side of the room and the windows were at least three stories up from the ground level. They didn't have an escape route.
Scientist should have known better.
They should have known better than to accept the help of heroes after hiding for so long; better than to choose a side that wasn't their own.
Maybe...maybe that was their plan all along. Superhero's speeches about the 'good of the people' never worked, so the heroes sent someone who could appeal to them. Someone who could get them to lower their guard and gradually change their mind. Someone who could be their friend.
Like a fool, Scientist fell for it. Just like they fell for Supervillain.
Tagging: @vallianttreedreamland
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