#new vegas bounties
the-chosen-none · 3 months
I have no real interest in mods aside from somewhat following the Frontier mess, but when I found out that the fairly popular old New Vegas Bounties mods included incredibly blatant references to Judge Holden and Glanton from Blood Meridian, plus a character named "Javier Sugar" who speaks several lines lifted straight from No Country for Old Men, I wanted to find out how many references to other things pop up throughout the three mods. Turns out, a LOT.
I identified some of them myself, but eventually when I realized how much time it would take for me to watch a whole playthrough or try it out myself, I decided to look up the rest on TV Tropes and put them all together in a list.
The aforementioned Judge Holden knock-off is also said to be seven-feet tall and is a child predator (though only technically implied to be in Holden's case)
The character literally named Glanton runs a group who goes around killing "tribals"
There's a character named Cormac, as in Cormac McCarthy
During the scene with "Javier Sugar", in addition to all the NCFOM quotes there's also a random quote from the movie The Outlaw Josey Wales thrown in there... to spice things up? IDK, the quote is something like "Dyin' ain't no way of livin', boy"
A character called "Harmonica" references one of the main characters of Once Upon a Time in the West
The ghoul Doc Friday references the historical figure Doc Holiday, and his revolver the Huckleberry references the famous quote from his depiction in the movie Tombstone, "I could be your huckleberry"
Marko's outfit seems to reference the character Loco from the movie The Great Silence.
The Frosthill segment of III is also lifted from The Great Silence, what with its Utah setting during the winter, the main character getting shot through the hand, and bounty hunters pretty much kill the whole town.
Aaron Flagg the cult leader seems to be inspired by Randall Flagg the Stephen King villain
The sniper Charlie Halfcocked references the U.S. Marine sniper during Vietnam, Carlos Hathcock, the previous record holder for the most kills
Tom Quigley references the movie Quigley Down Under, the titular character being played by Tom Sellick.
Enclave members Quantrill and Onoda, who keep fighting despite the Enclave's repeated defeats, are named after Confederate guerilla William Quantrill and WWII Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda, who did the same for their sides (okay, I thought that reference was pretty good)
Eileen the Fiend = serial killer Aileen Wuornos
Tony Idaho = Tony Montana from Scarface
Tommy the former Omerta enforcer who killed a made man references Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas
Alex and his gang in Freeside reference Alex DeLarge and his droogs from A Clockwork Orange
Freddie the ghoul = Freddy Krueger
Jack, former muscle for Heck Gunderson, references the villain Jack Wilson from Shane, his revolver is called "Shane's Bane"
Albert Quisling = Vidkun Quisling
Mario Barksdale = character from The Wire
Prometheus is named after the subtitle for Frankenstein: "The modern Prometheus", his Deathclaws are Mary and Shelley
Pancho Cortina = Pancho Villa
"Squirrelly" Bill Blasius references outlaw "Curly" Bill Brocius
Angel Lee is a combination of Angel Eyes from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, and the actor Lee Van Cleef
Godwin, who mails out bombs, probably references Unabomber
Joe Frost = Edward Snowden
Guys fighting over treasure named Clint and Tuco
Fiend chem lab has characters Walter and Pinkman, references Breaking Bad
John Ramsey's body is put on display with a quote referencing the movie Unforgiven, "This is what happens to assassins/rangers around here".
Those are the ones that I either caught myself or saw other people list, if there's more, go ahead and add on.
Some of the historical references are kinda funny, though others are either tasteless (Aileen Wuornos) or eye-roll worthy (Carlos Hathcock = Charlie Halfcocked, GEDDIT IT'S A GUN JOKE), and the majority of the pop culture references are so blatant and so numerous that it gets annoying.
If I made my own mod or anything else, of course I too would love to stick in a bunch of references to the things I love, though I would try to be less obvious about them, put different spins on them, you know? You can't really judge mods to the same standard as the source, and I would be more forgiving if the rest of the mods didn't look like such an edgy slog.
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aqours · 9 months
New Vegas mod opinion
if it goes out of its way to shit on Ulysses, it's villain will almost definitely be an infinitely shittier version of him
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itslettinggo · 1 year
i find it so funny that eric saldanha (who plays marko in nvb3) is now a professional voice actor, and has lent his voice some pretty impressive games, and yet every fucking time he's mentioned someone's like. fuck yeah that's fucking marko. he played a horrible murderer 8 years ago. go marko. shit's hilarious
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So in my current TTW playthrough I have the Someguy2000 mods installed and I wanted to discuss my headcanons for who pays Talon Company as well as The Gunners of Fallout 4
So my headcanon is that The Gunners and Talon Company are apart of a larger faction based in New York City a faction my Lone Wanderer/Courier 6 doesn't encounter fully until she makes it to The Mojave as this faction just made it to the west coast as well
The Syndicate also known as The Outfit and The Organization and The Core
The Syndicate for those who haven't played Someguy2000's mods are the main antagonists of his mod The Inheritance and they are a massive crime organization that is spread across post-war America
My personal headcanon is that they have people in both The Commonwealth and The Capital Wasteland as mercenary companies who keep both wastelands as a lawless place
As of right now The Syndicate has control over most of the east coast and only recently tried expanding to the west coast as of 2281
Most raider factions and slavers have worked with The Syndicate in the past such as Ishmael Ashur and Eulogy Jones but have worked with some other undesirables such as Alistair Tenpenny and Daniel Littlehorn and others
The Syndicate has also worked with some well known wasteland outlaws such as Judge Richter Joel Glanton Johnny Rounder Red Bear and The Booth Brothers
But they also have contacts in the west coast as well such as The Omertas Roy Sullivan and NCR Senator Burke and most crime families in New Reno
My reasoning as to why The Courier never gets to deal with Azmi Khagan the leader of The Syndicate is because he is in the ruins of New York City
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elwar-arts · 2 years
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azem-ghale · 1 year
I still can't get over the new vegas bounties mod going from a mostly good questline where you hunt down some of the most evil people you could possibly think of to been railroaded into playing a pouty angry child, as mod makers little marty stu tries to guilt you for killing the evil people (he's done worse too) where you are then forced into only responding in a way that let's him win the argument.
Let's not forget they force you to lose to him and the mod plays like the courier is obsessed with having a legendary status which apparently dispears because he "won" also forces a disability on your charecter, forces "trauma" on them too. Like imagine been so fucking obsessed with your own mod charecter you refuse to let other people let thier charecters react how they want to.
Then when you decide to kill him the mods like. Lol your legendary status is still gone hehe
This guy really went "I hate Ulyssess soo much" then made a dollar store copy Ulyssess had a point in some places, he also admitted where he was wrong Marco however was full blown evil. Yet still tried to preach as the player is forced to go along with it
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Today’s events-
Blasted through countless thuggerinos
Spared sad mutant man
Spared sad man man
Petrified terrified man
Shot murderous mustache man fair and square in the back of the head
Sorted out obvious political references by allowing virtual tax evasion, vigilantism, and Edward Snowdidn’t.
Discovered a bartender that sells firearms. Finally, the PROPER form of the ATF. True American hero, selling guns, explosives, tobacco, and alcohol all in the same fine establishment.
An NCR spy came down with a sudden case of head-combustion.
Oh. Right. Most importantly-
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cathartic-crypt · 3 months
fallout nv companions (+ extras) and what kinda asmr theyd listen to
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girlmeat · 2 years
new vegas bounties iii spoilers / 
VIRGIL IS MARKO?? VIRGIL IS MARKO THE ENTIRE TIME ??? also i have no idea why ford just fucking MURDERED RANDALL IN COLD BLOOD (no spoilers please) but yeah i’m just gonna kill ford
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ladymisteria · 14 days
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Diego Hopelessly In Love + Annoyed Diego
Victoria, raising her glass of wine: To us. Zorro, huskily: To you, my Victoria. *They click their glasses together, then take a sip of the wine, while Victoria looks at Zorro expectantly. De Soto rises up from behind the bar, and so does Mendoza.* De Soto, as Zorro leans down to kiss Victoria again: Zorro! *Zorro stops and turns to look at de Soto.* De Soto, holding a glass of wine in his right hand: You are a romantic fool! Zorro, quite annoyed: Alcalde! You frequently irritate me, but this time you really do need to be taught some manners…
Season 4, Episode 3 - Love Potion Number Nine.
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altrxisme · 1 month
Got thru the Fallout series and woooo
will I make a verse? Probablt but after finals
I'll be stitching up a backstory for Johanne and Jackson most definitely ;)
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tampatom12 · 4 months
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First 48 #SBLVIII // My wingmen.
Rob Gronkowski and Julian Edelman together in Las Vegas for Super Bowl LVIII //Saturday, February 10th, 2024
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itslettinggo · 1 year
every friend group has a bounty hunter, a guy with a crazy finger necklace, a southerner who really loves boobs, a fanboy who reads too many dime novels, a nerd who thinks he’s an alpha, and, of course, marko
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The blood dripping from my hands belongs to at least a dozen people. Ford, the rest of the bounty hunters, not to mention myself.
I can scarcely move at a limp, having been gassed, beaten, shot, and buried alive all within the last four hours, but I nose open the back door of the saloon, struggling towards the graveyard, leaving the deep snow red in my wake.
I spare some thought to what brought me here, as I slip on the slope to the valley pass, catching myself on an outcropping, staring for a moment at the ground as I open my mouth to spit what had to be mostly half-clotted blood into the muddy slush around my boots.
Randall. God, Randall, you wonderful ghoul-hating bastard. Only once in my life have I had such high respect for an employer, never have I come to call one a friend. You didn’t deserve what you got, no one in Frosthill did, but to have your recompense snatched from you before your very eyes, after so long, being so close, I cannot imagine how gutted your last moments were.
You paid me fair for honest work, you relished in ridding the world of its scum as much as I did. You spoke to me, let me drink your whiskey while you told me what Marko had done to your family. When the bottle was halfway gone, you sat and listened while I told you what had happened to mine.
I told you you’d have made a good father. You told me to quit the soft shit, but that you thought the same of me.
I slide down the slope leading to the graveyard uncontrolled, rolling the last meter or so, and catch myself on my elbows. I think if I’d used my hands I’d pass out from the pain, the two weeping holes barely patched up, unhealed and bleeding like Christ’s stigmata as I prepare to do something so very un-Christlike.
The graveyard is vast. The fever took most of frosthill a decade back, and it had taken years to recover. It’s an eerie scene, as Marko pats down the earth at the end of the center walkway.
He buried you himself. Some gesture of respect, I suppose, for your tenacity. Your drive. The only thing he’s capable of respecting, I think.
He doesn’t notice me, at least not at first. He plants the shovel in the ground, as though admiring his handiwork, but perks up at the sound of the snow crunching beneath my boots.
He turns halfway, his expression irritated, likely thinking me one of his peons interrupting his work, before it turns to befuddlement. He opens his mouth, inhales to speak, but your pistol is already in my hand.
Marko’s fast, but I’ve been at this since I was 19. I’m faster. He clears leather, but the sound of that hollow-point .44 hitting flesh thuds through the courtyard before he can do anything with it.
It catches him in the hinge of his jaw, shearing it away and carrying it with the momentum of the bullet away from the rest of him. Marko falls to one knee, his tongue flapping in the freezing air like some obscene tentacle.
I didn’t come here to hear him talk.
Marko is tough, very tough, and he sets back onto his knee, trying to bring his pistol up and around. The revolver kicks again, and his pistol drops, his hand hanging by a ligament and a few strings of meat.
The pain hits now, the adrenaline starting to ebb even as my anger reaches its peak. The kick of the revolver against my ruined palm sears through me like a hot poker and I stumble, leaning against one of the gravestones for a second until the nausea goes away.
I gather myself and stand. He’s looking at me, drooling blood down the front of his woolen coat, his breathing thick and clotted, but his eyes are clear, unclouded, his head tilting back to meet my eye as I approach.
Our eyes meet, and his are a pale, beautiful blue, full of hatred and disgust as he looks up at me. Confusion, too, as though he couldn’t fathom a loss of dominance, couldn’t imagine a situation in which he was not the one in control.
I don’t relish the moment. I can’t. There’s nothing to enjoy. There is only a job to be done. I remember another old friends words. Killing, when done righteously, is a chore like any other.
I raise your old Remington, Randall, and settle the barrel right between his eyes. He doesn’t flinch.
“You’re just another fucking raider.”
I pull the trigger.
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thevalicemultiverse · 2 years
Though this does raise the question. Would Sunset Sarsaparilla Caps be worth more in the Commonwealth or would they count as foreign currency?
Victor: I feel like I'd be able to better answer that question if I knew how much caps were worth in GENERAL. I have to say, a lot of the prices at merchants feel weirdly arbitrary at times.
Alice: To be fair, I think more people barter for goods instead of use caps -- we've certainly done our fair share of trading spare supplies for water or ammo. I guess the only way to find out would be to give one to a merchant and see what they make of it. Where's Trashcan Carla when you need her?
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azem-ghale · 2 years
How did a mod that starts off pretty good end up being "you killed these evil people that Commited countless atrocities so you are the same >:(((("
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