#newsie alters
walkman-cat · 1 year
please please tell me things about your detective noir au, it's been living in my head rent free since I saw it
OH BOY !! I love detective noir au soso much thankyou to @pigeonwit for writing the thing which incited me creating it and for helping me with a lot and for being enthusiastic about it ! wbwbw !!
I’ve been using it as a fun design project over a story project for the time being, so plot has been put on a back burner while i focus on research and costume design (and funky character dynamics), but I have got a random assortment of Things I’ve thought up for it wbwbw!
First things first: it’s set in 1927-1928, and I’m using a lot of uksies versions of the characters/character dynamics.
Davey’s (obviously) a Private Eye; he’s somewhat well known because he’ll take any case (it doesn’t matter if his client can’t afford his rates, he’ll solve the case for free) and will not stop until it is solved (sometimes to the detriment of his health). He clings to his morals so hard he leaves fingernail-shaped indents; he’s trying soso hard to stay afloat and keep his head above new york’s criminal underbelly (which is difficult when one of the most influential and feared mob bosses in the city has decided you’re her Good Pal). Most of what he earns goes to his family, he has to provide for them somehow, to return all they did for him somehow. He’s constantly exhausted, he doesn’t remember a time he hasn’t been exhausted.
He’s still autistic and still Jewish I’m never taking that from him wbwbw (he speaks English, Yiddish, Polish, and some Hebrew)
Jack’s the Homme Fatale character. He’s shady, he’s putting on a front, he’s very morally grey, he’s trying so desperately to escape the situation he’s in and find the means to live the life he wants to live over the live he’s been given that he sinks deeper and deeper into crime and the shadier part of the city. He was still a newsie and friends/brothers with Race and Crutchie, and is still in contact with them both.
just imagine michael jack with a long cigarette holder. Those are the vibes.
Did you see me say “unshakeable morals” when describing Davey? Yeah I lied. He killed a man in cold blood once, and he was terrified of how little he felt guilty over it, and how readily he’d kill again if he was in the same situation. The city is seeping in injustice and violence and a part of him was suffocated a long time ago. He tries not to think about it.
He also threatened to kneecap Race’s dad once <3 My guy is clinging onto the concept of Right and Wrong but also has a frequent urge to Maim Bite Kill.
Jack, despite his moral gray-ness, has never killed.
oh btw there’s javid somewhere in there. They’re very detective-thief enemies-to-annoyances-to-lovers (pidge has their dynamic in this au DOWN in this post)
Kath is simultaneously the Fast-Talking Reporter (Kit Plumber) and Dame With A Case (Katherine Pulitzer). She’s less interested in journalism as an industry than she for it’s Purpose, when she stumbles into something she shouldn’t or delves to deeply into an investigation and her bosses tell her to drop it and Forget, she goes either to Jack (as Kit) or to Davey (as Katherine)— sometimes to both.
She doesn’t know that they don’t know that Kit and Katherine are the same person (Jack has no idea Kit Plumber is anything other than a reporter, doesn’t need to ask; Davey has his suspicions over how and why an heiress has yet another case of corruption or something involving the mob, but he doesn’t voice them because she’s generous and maybe also his friend??). This leads to Shenanigans.
People whisper about Spot Conlon in fear throughout New York’s boroughs. She’s a mob boss, and her “family”’s influence has seeped so deep into the city that some people say he’s the real person running it. (Many of the Brooklyn newsies are her lieutenants). She’s also decided that Davey is one of her close friends and allies (because Lillie said that Spot and Davey would be friends and I think it’s funny that this really feared mob boss thinks Davey is his Good Pal and has him over sometimes).
She/He Spot Conlon Real (the rumours and whispers sometimes refer to Spot as a woman, sometimes as a man, and Spot couldn’t care less.)
Spot owns the speakeasy Medda runs and performs at, and it’s her “family” that supplies it with alcohol. Crutchie’s the pianist and Race is its Shady Bartender. He keeps letting Jack into the speakeasy so in retaliation she invites Davey over (with the pretence of exchanging information) because she knows Race doesn’t like Davey very much.
Race’s initial dynamic with Davey is very similar to how it is in act 1 of uksies (Race somewhat hates mostly dislikes and definitely doesn’t trust Davey). By the time the plot begins they’re on slightly better terms (they have a funky dynamic I can’t exactly explain atm but I will one day, but I’ll just say Race trusts Davey mostly because Splasher trusts Davey. Also Davey threatened to kneecap his father when his father found him so there’s also that).
Splasher and Davey have a funky found family dynamic too wbwbw!! Davey helped Splasher one time and Splasher thought he was very cool and started following him around and finding evidence for him (who let this child into mob territory who let this child look at corpses). One time Splasher found a recently-executed body in the East River and he called Davey his dad while Davey was soothing him. Davey calls him boychik.
The newsies of lower manhattan all know Davey as Splasher’s older brother/father figure and Les’ big brother. And also as the guy whose office they hang out in all the time.
Splasher also knows Spot because he’s really good friends with Pips. Pips calls Spot “Spottie”. That’s all.
I’d like it to be very clear that Davey and Jack are both having The Worst Time Of Their Lives but they look so so cool while doing it.
wbwbw that’s all i can think of now, and pretty much all that I’ve explored so far but thank you soso much for asking about detective noir au! it’s a fun time and i enjoy researching designing for it soso much wbwbw
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d1sheclectic · 7 months
the outsiders rlly got me thinking about newsies again omfg
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Big Mama's Dialogue
I've heard a few people lament on how Big Mama is difficult to write because of how she speaks, so I thought I'd share my tips and tricks.
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I start out by writing what I intend for her to say without the flowery language added on. For example:
"I look nice in the new jacket I bought."
Doesn't sound like Big Mama at all, but it'll help you have a place to start so you don't have to be intimidated by scrolling through thesaurus.
Now, Big M has a tendency to do the following:
Use outdated American slang (anywhere from the 1920's to the 60's)
Apply alliterations (using the same letter at the beginning of a word to the adjacent/close word)
Use adverbs, so describing words with the end suffix -ly (i.e. softly, mysteriously, quickly)
Sprinkle in a few made-up words
So let's take the base sentence I provided an shape it to Big M's standards.
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Resources for American slang:
Instead of word vomiting out all the outdated American slang I know, I'm going to link some resources/websites you all can look at and come back to. She mostly uses 20's slang, so the links are centered around that.
1920's slang PDF, alphabetically organized!!!
List of slang phrases originating from the 1920's to the 2010's
Short list of slang flapper's from the 1920's used
So let's edit our base sentence a little, now it's:
"This new jacket I bought is the cat's meow."
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Adding the next layer:
I did mention that Big Mama tended to use both alliterations and adverbs in copious amounts, but don't feel pressured to use both at once in a sentence. If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't, some trimming might be useful. This is why having a base sentence is important, so the intention behind the dialogue isn't lost under all the additions you're adding. So with that in mind, I'm going to alter our example:
"This new jazzy jacket I just bought is the cat's meow."
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The last part:
I save the "fake words" part for last, because beginning with them can make your sentences clunky or not make sense. This part really relies on your personal touch or the context and tone of the situation at hand. The example I gave make Big Mama sound like she's preening about her looks, so I'm going to lean into that.
"This newsie-woozie jazzy jackety I just bought is the cat's meow! Grr!"
And for comparison, here's where we started.
"I look nice in the new jacket I bought."
And well, that's it!!! Hope it was helpful to those that needed it!!!
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copperbadge · 6 months
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The Mysterious Fistbump is ready for summer.
[ID: A selfie of me as the Mysterious Fistbump, my alter ego; my appearance is almost entirely obscured by a newsie cap covering my hair, a COVID mask reading "Millennihilist" covering the bottom half of my face, and a pair of sunglasses designed to look like I'm constantly raising one eyebrow covering my eyes.]
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belovedspector · 9 months
Love at First Sight's for Suckers (At Least, It Used to Be)
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x f!reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Jake can’t help but notice you when you become a regular at his favorite diner.
Content: Fluff!
A/N: Title is from “I Never Planned on You” from Newsies. I’ve never written for Jake before, and I haven’t read the comics, so I don’t have much to go off of, but I figured I’d give it a shot. I hope I did okay! Enjoy! :)
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Jake Lockley knows his place. He’s the protector of the system, keeping Marc and Steven out of harm’s way and doing Khonshu’s dirty work. He doesn’t have time for “earthly pleasures,” as Khonshu had once put it. He doesn’t really have a life outside of protecting his alters and the travelers of the night, and he’s fine with that. He’s content to lurk in the shadows if it means Marc and Steven getting to live their best lives. He treasures what interaction he does get, when he’s driving his cab through the city or getting food late at night after a mission. He tries not to dwell on it, though; there’s no sense in mourning what he can’t have.
Jake notices everything. It’s his job, to always be on high-alert, even when he’s not the one fronting. So, when you start showing up at his favorite diner every Friday night like clockwork, he notices. He observes from afar. From that first time you walked in, the bell tinkling to announce your presence, he’d been…interested in you. He’s not sure why—it’s not like you pose a threat. You should fade into the background, just like everyone else.
But, you don’t.
Jake can’t help but take note of everything you do—the way you always say your “please”s and “thank you”s to the waitress, your soft laugh, your sweet smile, the ungodly amount of sugar you put in your coffee. He’s good at watching people; it’s part of his job, after all, so he’s able to absorb you and your habits without drawing suspicion from you or anyone else. Some might call it creepy, but Jake means no harm, and he can’t help his…infatuation with you. He doesn’t know what’s happening to him.
One night, he finds himself rambling as he drives around the city. He likes to talk out loud to himself in the safety of his cab; it gives him a chance to make sense of his thoughts, and it’s not like he has anyone else to share them with.
He starts off by talking himself through the details of his upcoming mission, but he soon finds his mind wandering to bright eyes and the scent of coffee. You.
“She’s really something, huh?” Jake says to himself. “I—I don’t know what it is about her. I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“I think you humans call it a ‘crush.’” Khonshu suddenly appears hunched over in the back seat of Jake’s cab, and, if he was a less skilled driver, Jake absolutely would have crashed. As it is, he jumps almost imperceptibly in his seat, swerving the tiniest bit before regaining control of the vehicle.
“What?” Jake asks, not even sparing Khonshu a glance in the rear-view mirror. He’s used to the god’s antics by now.
“It appears you have a crush, Jake Lockley.”
“I don’t get crushes,” Jake protests. “Don’t have time for that shit.” He grips the steering wheel more tightly, the leather of his gloves straining against his knuckles.
“You’re right; you don’t have time,” Khonshu agrees, “so I suggest you nip this little problem in the bud, before it interferes with our work.”
“What, you want me to kill her?” he deadpans.
“No, nothing that extreme. I was going to suggest finding a new diner.”
“But I like that diner.”
“Then you’d best find a way to ignore the girl.”
With that, Khonshu disappears, and Jake mutters some choice words about the bird in the quiet of his car.
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It’s Friday night again. Jake sits alone at his usual booth—in the corner, with his back to the wall, so he can continually scan the entire diner for any threats. He alternates between sipping at his coffee and taking bites of his blueberry pie while scanning the newspaper.
The door opens, the bell ringing along with it, and Jake instinctively looks up.
It’s you.
Jake casts his eyes back down to the sports page. Khonshu had given him orders, and he intends to follow them.
His plan is going great. He’s not thinking about you, not even a little bit. But, shit, now he’s thinking about how he’s not thinking about you. Does that count as thinking about you?
Jake returns his coffee cup to the table with a little more force than necessary. He can feel a headache coming on.
Get it together, Lockley.
He looks up again to do another sweep of the interior, when he notices you’re not sitting in your usual spot. No, you’re…walking towards him. Surely, you’re just going to use the bathroom past his seat, right?
No such luck. You stop at his booth, standing awkwardly with your hands clasped in front of you.
Slowly, Jake moves his eyes from his newspaper and allows them to find yours. He’s never seen you up close before, and, God, you’re even more breathtaking when he can see the sparkle of your eyes and the way your lips curve upward into a soft smile.
“Um, hi,” you start, rocking a little on your feet. “Sorry to bother you. I was just wondering if you had a pen?”
Jake’s not very well-versed in pickup lines, but he’s pretty sure that can’t be one, right? He stares at you for a few beats, dumbfounded that you’re really speaking to him, before he pulls himself together.
He clears his throat and answers, “Uh, yes.” He reaches for the pen he always keeps in his jacket pocket and hands it to you.
He can’t help but notice the way your soft, warm fingers brush against his as the pen exchanges hands.
“Thank you!” you say, and you sound so sincere. “I just wanted to do today’s crossword. I’ll have this back before you know it.”
“Sure,” Jake forces out as you turn on your heel, back to what he’s begun thinking of as “your” booth.
He goes back to his own paper, definitely not thinking about you and your sweet smile and soft hands. It’s by complete coincidence that the next page he turns to has the daily crossword puzzle. He’s never been much for puzzles; that’s more Steven’s thing. Still, he takes a look.
Across 1. An infatuation with another person
It’s five letters. It can’t be anything other than “crush.” Jake groans. He scans the rest of the clues and notices they all seem to revolve around love. It dawns on him that Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. So, maybe the universe isn’t totally fucking with him, after all.
Jake has just about finished his pie when you come bounding over. You don’t wait for him to look up before you’re speaking.
“Thank you again!” you say, placing his pen back on the table near his coffee cup.
You’re already turning to go back to your booth, but Jake can’t just let you go. Screw Khonshu’s orders, he thinks.
“Wait,” he calls to you. He half-expects you to ignore him, to keep walking away, but you do turn around and take a step closer to him. Shit, now he needs to think of something to say to you. “That was, uh, fast,” he says lamely.
You beam at him, and it’s just about the prettiest thing Jake has ever seen. “Oh, yeah, I used to do them with my dad all the time, so I’ve gotten pretty good at them.” Your eyes drop to his newspaper that sits forgotten on the table, still open to the puzzle page. “Oh, do you do crosswords, too?” you ask, and you look like you’re genuinely interested in his answer.
“Oh, uh, not really.” Jake’s hand comes up to rub the back of his neck nervously. Since when does he get nervous?
“Ah,” you say, nodding wisely, “you must be more of a Sudoku guy.”
“Uh, yeah.”
Great conversation skills, Lockley, he chastises himself.
“Well, thanks again for the pen. I hope I didn’t keep you from your Sudoku for too long…” You trail off, and Jake realizes, belatedly, that you’re waiting for him to offer his name.
“Jake,” he provides, putting on his most charming smile.
You smile right back, telling him your own name.
“Pretty name,” he remarks.
“Thanks, I got it for my birthday.”
Jake just stares at you for a moment before the joke lands, and then he’s laughing—like, genuinely laughing. He can’t remember the last time this has happened.
He notices you seem a little flustered. Maybe he laughed too hard? Maybe it wasn’t even a joke, and he just totally misread the situation? Maybe—
“Wow, I don’t think anyone’s ever actually laughed at that one,” you say with a slight chuckle of your own.
“I liked it,” Jake says honestly, as if you couldn’t already tell. Before he can second guess himself, he’s asking, “Can I buy you a cup of coffee?”
“Oh!” A look of surprise crosses your face. “Um, yeah, I’d like that. May I?” you ask, gesturing to the bench seat across from him.
“Please,” he says with a wave of his hand.
You slide into the booth as Jake gets the attention of the waitress and orders two coffees.
“Anything else?” the waitress asks, looking between the two of you expectantly, pen ready against her notepad.
“The pie’s really good,” Jake tells you. “My treat.”
You seem hesitant. “Oh, no, I couldn’t—”
“Come on,” he encourages with a smile.
“It is really good,” the waitress chimes in. 
“Well, okay,” you relent. “One slice of”—you look down at the table to scan the menu briefly—“chocolate cream pie, please.”
“Coming right up,” the waitress says with a smile and a click of her pen.
The time passes quickly, and the conversation between you and Jake flows as freely as the coffee. All that’s left of your pie is an empty plate with a few stray crumbs. You’re laughing at some comment Jake made when you glance down at your watch.
“Shit,” you say, your brows furrowing together in worry.
“Everything okay?” Jake asks.
“Yeah, I just didn’t realize how late it had gotten,” you say. An apologetic look crosses your face.
Jake checks his own watch. 2:53 am. He really should be getting back home, so Steven and Marc can wake up in the morning without suspecting anything.
“Can I drive you home?” he offers.
“Oh, that’s okay.” You shake your head. “I’m just a couple blocks over.”
“It’s late. I’d feel better if I knew you got home safely.”
“You’re sure it’s no trouble?” you ask hesitantly.
“Not at all,” he says with a smile. He’s smiled a lot tonight.
“Well, lead the way,” you say as you both exit the booth.
Jake throws a wad of cash on the table—more than enough to cover the coffee and pie—and walks you to his cab parked out front.
“You’re a cab driver?” you ask, sounding intrigued.
“I am,” Jake says as he opens the passenger’s door for you.
You pick up right where you left off at the diner, intermittently giving Jake directions to your apartment. He doesn’t want the night to end, but, soon enough, he’s parking in front of your building.
You start to unbuckle your seat belt but pause and turn to him. “Hey, can I borrow your pen again?”
“Oh, uh, sure,” Jake says, digging it out of his pocket and handing it over once more.
You take it with a smile and reach into your pants pocket. You pull out a crumpled napkin and quickly write something before handing both the napkin and pen to Jake.
Jake looks down to find your name and phone number written on the napkin.
You smile, looking a little shy. “In case you want to see me before next Friday,” you explain.
Jake doesn’t even think about the implication that you’ve noticed him at the diner every week, just like he’s noticed you. No, he’s too excited about the fact that you want to see him again, maybe even to go on a proper date. He hopes you can’t tell that he’s blushing in the dim glow of the cab’s ceiling light.
“Good night, Jake,” you say, finally unbuckling your seat belt and opening the door.
Normally, he’d do the gentlemanly thing and open the door for you, but he’d been too caught up in this surreal moment. Next time, he thinks, because there definitely will be a next time.
“Good night,” he echoes, still in a bit of a daze. He watches as you walk up the stairs to your apartment, making sure you’re safely inside before he pulls away from the curb.
Jake will deal with Khonshu’s wrath over disobeying orders. It will be more than worth it, if it means getting to see you again.
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Please feel free to let me know what you think! :)
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The Jewish Guys of All Time!
It's time to meet the competitors, as they have been selected! Polls probably won't be up till after next week as I have finals next week. Reminder that the competitors were selected based on nominations and they can be canonical, headcanon, or coded! Only 2-3 at most from a source and I decided to take some lesser known or talked about ones in the nominations! So now that thats all out of the way!!!
If you have any propaganda for this competition please tag this blog in it and/or use the tag #jewishguyscomp2023
Welcome the contestants!
Barney Guttman (Dead End Paranormal Park)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome to Nightvale)
Peter B. Parker (Spiderverse)
Spock (Star Trek)
Moon Knight (Marvel)
Magneto (Marvel)
Benjamin Grimm (Marvel)
Billy Kaplan (Marvel)
Adam Birkholz (Omg Check Please!)
Alter Rosen (The City Beautiful)
Annie Edison (Community)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Grunkle Stan (Gravity Falls)
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove)
Launchpad (Ducktales 2017)
Ragman (Rory Regan) (DC)
Nati (Srugim)
Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll)
Yanki (HaSodot)
Avram (The Frisco Kid)
Herschel (Wholly Moses)
Adam F. Goldberg (The Goldbergs)
Coyote Bergstein (Grace and Frankie)
Walter Sobchak (The Big Lebowski)
Eli Moskovitz (Cobra Kai)
Nick Ganz (Mighty Ducks Game Changers)
Worf (Star Trek)
Artie Nielsen (Warehouse 13)
Booster Gold (DC)
 Brucie Kibbutz (Grand Theft Auto IV)
 Buddy Sorrell (The Dick Van Dyke Show)
 The Baudelaires (ASOUE)
Lemony Snicket (ASOUE)
 Mabel and Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Harley Quinn (DC)
Jeremy Heere (Be More Chill)
Tegan Jovanka (Doctor Who)
Muscle Man (Regular Show)
 Schmidt (New Girl)
 Michael Moscowitz (Princess Diaries)
Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
 Sonic the Hedgehog (The Sonic Movie)
 Toby Ziegler (The West Wing)
 TK Strand (911 Lone Star)
 Scanlan Shorthalt (Critical Role)
 Patsy (Spamalot)
 Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir)
 Miriam Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
  Mendel Weisenbachfeld (Falsettos)
 KJ (Paper Girls)
 Libby Stein-Torres (The Ghost and Molly Mcgee)
 Noah Puckerman (Glee)
 Motl (Fiddler on the Roof)
 Otacon (Metal Gear Solid)
 Mabel Rose (Diviners)
 Isidore Latham (Chicago Med)
 Fran Fine (The Nanny)
Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld) 
Greg Focker (Meet the Parents)
Davey Jacobs (Newsies)
 Dr. Alan Strauss (The Patient)
Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof)
Little Ash (When the Angels Left the Old Country)
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rmstitanics · 1 year
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me? infodumping about the Abraham Lincoln centric musical I’m writing? HELL YEAH HERE WE GO!
This project has been in development for the last several years, and I unabashedly adore it more than anything I’ve worked on before. So uh … you’re gonna get a preview of it in the form of snack pack sized facts whether you like it or not.
SUMMARY: “𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝐀 𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋” dives deep into the tortured psyche of Abraham Lincoln and tells the story of our Sixteenth President’s tumultuous years in office like it has never been told before.
Orchestrally, it holds the most similarities to Les Misérables, Hello Dolly, Newsies, and Anastasia. The narrative structure of the production is comparable to Evita, Jekyll and Hyde, and Hadestown.
this production will be A STUDY IN … the five stages of grief, leadership during turbulent times, the joys of fatherhood, spirituality and the occult, the quest to discover and establish one’s self-identity, courage in its many forms, collaboration between opposing personalities for the sake of the greater good, the transformation of a team to a brotherhood, legacy and the historical narrative, mental health, personal agency, and the horrors of war.
The musical is narrated by Robert Todd Lincoln, who in 1922 at the Lincoln Memorial’s dedication strives to clear away misconceptions regarding his father. Similar in archetypal design to Evita’s Che and Hadestown’s Hermes, he tells the musical’s story as a flashback, and has an omniscience granted to him by historical hindsight. He tells the story so that history won’t repeat itself and no matter how much he wishes to do so, it cannot be altered.
Although it certainly appears otherwise at first, there are no human antagonists within this storyline. William Henry Seward deceives the audience into believing that he is the antagonist during act one; however, this character arc is resolved by the development of his friendship with Lincoln. The real antagonists are the institution of slavery, the civil war itself, and Lincoln’s own depression.
Rather than the Gettysburg Address or Emancipation Proclamation, Willie Lincoln’s death is Act One’s final scene. This creative decision was made to highlight the show’s focus on mental health, and to render the Civil War an entirely personal affair. The last number of Act One offers the audience a glimpse into Lincoln’s personal struggle with the death of his son. In the timespan of a single musical number, he speedruns the Five Stages of Grief, eventually accepting that his son is dead and he must persevere through the pain. If he crumbles, more fathers will lose their sons.
The second part of Act Two’s opening number sheds light on Mary’s approach to the grieving process. Upon realizing that she became “so devoted to [our] political advancement” that she neglected her religious beliefs, Mary begins to wonder whether she was to blame for Willie’s demise. Robert briefly abandons his role as narrator to become Mary’s subconscious mind, poisoning her thoughts with the concept that Willie was struck down by a higher power as punishment for sinful behavior.
There are several musical numbers and scenes whereupon Abraham communicates with two versions of himself — version one being the nine year old Abe, and version two being the Abe that has just arrived in Springfield. From his younger selves, he seeks advice, reassurance, and listening ears.
That’s all the details you’ll get for now, folks! Feel free to reach out if you want to be part of the creative team for this show, or even just to suggest an idea.
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baura-bear · 2 years
I need to talk about Davey’s “We launched our strike in the most auspicious manner” line because these eight words have completely altered my brain chemistry. It is such an important aspect of my visualization of Davey and my hcs for him. 
My funky little brain has toiled over this line and created a little man out of this singular line. first thing’s first I hc Esther as a Russian immigrant and Mayer as a Polish immigrant. David and Sarah were both born in Europe and made the journey over to NY with their parents (Les born shortly after arriving). As poor, Jewish immigrants Esther and Mayer knew their kids would face a lot of societal challenges (discrimination) and wanted to make their kids lives as easy as possible. Sarah and David were both fairly young, so it wasn’t very hard to teach them English without a prominent accent (I think David still says some words a little goofy and Jack finds it absolutely endearing). This being said, I think David is 1) autistic and 2) very smart. He loves literature and learning new languages and when he was younger he loved learning English and wanted to fit in as best as possible. I think one of his most prized possessions was a dictionary that his parents gifted him and he read it and built a monstrous vocabulary. The problem with this is that he he didn’t know which words were normal in every day conversations and which one’s would stick out like a sore thumb (*cough* auspicious *cough*) and so sometimes he says things that are, yes, grammatically correct, but sound insanely scholarly and wordy and people (especially newsies) are just like “Yes :D (what)” 
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ectonuritez · 2 years
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I’ve been watching so many 2010 Canadian cartoons it’s not even funny. So here’s a redesign of Tina Kwee! I love her character but she always seemed visually out of place with the rest of the main cast imo. I wanted to go with Edwardian, light academia, and newsies aesthetics to contrast with Chaz's more modern "Hollywood" talk show style. I also debated with her hairstyle for a bit but decided to just slightly alter her original cut, I also gave her more practical boots for snooping around 📰✒️
ID: A drawing of Tina Kwee from Detentionaire, done in the style of the show. She looks similar to her canon appearance, but with different clothes. She is wearing a light brown sweater vest over top of a white lantern sleeve button-down. Her tops are tucked into a high-waisted, pleated teal skirt that stops at her knees. She is wearing white tube socks and dark brown work boots. She is wearing a headband in the same color as her skirt, and her hair is in a shaggy bob. In the first image the background is a notepad, in the second the background is a solid grey. End ID.
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maepersonal · 6 months
What up, I'm Mae, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read
main blog: @lockyle-and-skull
*all likes and follows will appear to come from there, even if we interact here*
about me: name: Mae or Ames age: 19 pronouns: ae/aer, it/its, she/her queer?: aroace + agender :3 why am I like this™?: autism, ocpd, bpd, ocd, adhd, anxiety, depression, alexithymia, aphantasia, dyspraxia, sometimes nonverbal & semiverbal, pots, tic disorder, sometimes agere (9-13ish) MBTI: ISTP :) aesthetic: here! :D element: water (duh) hogwarts house: slytherin ;) (I actually hate hp but I'm proud of my house) favorite colors: blue, green, purple nationality: american (canadian + german parents) shit I like: kpop: Lunarsolar, Xdinary Heroes, Ateez, Yena, Bibi, others more casually music: hardcore punk, punk, hard rock, symphonic metal, alt rock, nu metal, power metal, glam rock, hyperpop, Elliot Lee, Andrew Polec, Meat Loaf, Sick Puppies, In This Moment, Black Market Kidney Surgeons, Anti Flag (fuck justin sane), Iggy Pop, Car Seat Headrest musicals: Sweeney Todd (1982), Newsies, Ride the Cyclone, Bat Out of Hell, The Lightning Thief, Bonnie & Clyde, everything Starkid (but especially Starship, Black Friday, and Trail to Oregon) movies: The Human Centipede II: Full Sequence, Velvet Goldmine, Star Wars prequels, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Narnia, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets tv shows: Lockwood and Co, Julie and the Phantoms, Haikyuu, The 100 games: Palworld, The Enchanted Cave 2, BATIM, YTTD, Children of Silentown, The Mortuary Assistant, Little Witch in the Woods, Until Dawn, The Quarry, SCP Foundation, Project Kat, definitely more stuff I'm forgetting other stuff: wet specimen taxidermy, punk diy, collecting weird shit, tornadoes, alchemy, statistics, photography, The Council <3, insects, being a non-theistic satanist (inspired by LaVeyan satanism), being punk, being an anarcho-communist tech support: op tag: #oh mae oh my pfp: Bronté Barbé as Katherine in Newsies UK header: MUU (ex-LUNARSOLAR) - Shooting Star MV not safe for littles tag: #nsfl - BLOCK IF NEEDED
let me know if you want anything tagged differently!!
why are u reblogging/interacting with therian/DID content? because I am very close with a system that has therians and non-human alters :)
what do you use this blog for? this blog is mostly for irl, kpop, bpd, other mental disorders, anarchy, aroace, agere, vents, and anything else I feel like doesn't fit on my main :)
no DNI, just don't be a dick.
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we-are-inevitable · 8 months
5, 11 and 22 for the ask game <33
5. Rare headcanons you love?
ohhhhh god…. the headcanon that davey and jack knew of each other before davey became a newsie. bc jack likely would have seen him while selling, and davey would hear stories of the wild newsboys- i think that them having some inkling of who they are, only for their perceptions of each other to be altered as time goes on… i love it. i also love the headcanon that davey plays the drums. mostly we see him as being a piano player- which i love as well- but thinking about davey playing something that’s seemingly disruptive is rlly fun when you think about how disruptive he Feels he is. yeah.
11. What would you change about the source material if you could?
GIVE DAVEY A SOLO SONG. also i think that exploring kath’s role would be better if it was about the class status instead of man vs. woman. bc obviously that is integral to her character, but when you consider kath’s status as a wealthy woman and her intentions helping out the poor orphan boys,,, i think a lot could be done there
22. What is your favorite topic to write about?
i really love. characterization. that’s not necessarily a topic but like,, i love writing about out-of-character things and making connections to make them IN character. like davey being a drag queen or a drug addict lmfao. also general mental health issues and the ugly sides of that are very fun to write !!’
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willowistic22 · 1 year
I love how us fansies have unanimously agree that the character dynamic between spot and jack is that they hate each other. Like in one way or another they don’t really see eye to eye. Well, for tonight, folks, i present to you an au where spot and jack do actually like each other (platonically, sorry yeah i’m very adamant with javey and sprace). Let me explain.
What if it was all a joke/facade that they hate each other? Like to fuck with other ppl they start telling the tiniest details abt each other and just go off the rails with it on some raging rant. Or they start making up lies abt each other as a reason to ‘hate’ each other. But it’s all an act. They try their best to one up each other on who can alter each other’s reputation the most, like as a competition at this point. They’re doing a good job individually ngl. Like, yeah, spot is definitely tough and has probably done the criminal acts jack tells everyone, but jack has a way of making it sound worse/over exaggerating it to the point of other newsies fearing him. Hell, even some of the brooklyn newsies are warry of him. But at the brooklyn lodging house, he’s still a good and stern leader with a tender side to his own newsies, especially the younger ones since he knows the little kids need the extra loving and care. And for jack, spot has done a great job of telling ppl how absolutely dumb and unserious he is. It makes ppl wonder how he was able to get picked as leader of the lower manhattan newsies. Sure, he’s a jokester and doesn’t take things too serious for the most part, but jack is actually a very intelligent and quick witted leader. He cares a lot abt his kids and will go to lengths in conjuring plans to keep them safe, happy, and healthy.
It wld be even funnier to think that maybe jack and spot meet up every once in awhile to discuss the latest rumor the other have conjured up abt themselves. The newsies of new york have borough leader meetings every month and every time, without fail, jack and spot wld greet each other like sworn enemies. Sometimes they’d go the lengths of ignoring them but purposely greeting all the other borough leaders. All the other leaders keep an eye on them bcs it seems like they’re abt to start a fight. Little did they know they wld always steal some time before or after the meeting to talk abt the latests rumors.
“You shitting me, kelly? Drowning ppl? That’s not something I’d ever do!”
“Shld’a think twice before you tell ppl i paint ‘left’ and ‘right’ on my hands bcs i keep forgetting. That’s embarrassing!”
It’s all in good fun, and also quite strategic for them individually. Spot was already someone you wldn’t want to fuck with, and his rumors painted his reputation as such. Jack has always been smart but now ppl underestimate him, which makes it easier to trick them in getting what he wants.
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lightlysaltedsalt · 22 days
I Have No Clue What I'm Doing :)
Hi! I'm Salt(he/him), ao3 LightlySaltedSalt, Instagram bagelssand
My fandoms, in order of prominence on this blog are:
•The Magnus Archives
•Spies are Forever
•Six of Crows
And maybe something else if I'm feeling Fancy :)
I post art, random thoughts abt my little obsessions, and occasionally stuff from my ao3!
I occasionally also post more serious/personal things, usually about queerness, disability, or plurality :)
My ask box is always open!! Pls pls pls yap at me & ask me silly questions I pinkie promise I don't bite (much)
Cool & sexy other alter's account @jasppurring
Um. Follow me or I'll blow you up with my mind :3
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ao3feed-newsies · 1 month
cardboard crown (jack kelly a life)
by, stars_and_sunflowers by stars_and_sunflowers this is my take on jack kelly and his multifaceted character. he's full of contradictions, of great joy and terrible darkness. and i've sketched out his backstory -- at least, how i see it. featuring rowdy newsboys, a fight club, and a kid haunted by his own alter egos. Words: 1364, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies (1992), Newsies: The Broadway Musical! (2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Jack Kelly (Newsies), Jack Kelly's Father (Newsies), Jack Kelly's Mother (Newsies) Additional Tags: no beta we die like davey's sandstorms line, subtle irish catholicism, shoddy research but i really did try, i will update tags colorfully as we go, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, references of physical abuse but i'll change warnings later on, oh also parental abandonment read : https://ift.tt/XRY2fe9 - August 19, 2024 at 10:54PM
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adamshallperish · 1 year
hiii ♡ 1 + 2 rant about your faves!!!
1. what is your current favorite film?
i tend to fluctuate between them, and i honestly feel like my absolute favorite film is still out there waiting to be discovered, but for right now i'll say o brother where art thou. it's such an incredible experience in that it's hyperaware of what the odyssey is (a myth), and merges that with american mythos in a way that becomes even more incredible when you learn only one person on set had actually read the odyssey (it was tim blake nelson, who basically steals the whole show as far as i'm concerned). it has such a solid cast and beautiful cinematography (i believe it was the first film to do digital color grading), and i'd be lying if hearing the first notes of man of constant sorrow didn't get me immediately pumped up. i want everyone in my life to see this movie.
2. what was your favorite film as a child?
had the DEEPEST hyperfixation on newsies (1992) in a way that forever altered my brain chemistry - and i must reiterate - i stand by my eleven-year-old assessment that it was the greatest piece of cinema ever released on home video. it has everything. scenes shot in what is obviously a shitty backlot. the wildest new york accents you have ever heard. the fact that it was made with Actual Teenage Boys and so this pg disney film occasionally has characters audibly swearing in the background. a soundtrack of absolute fucking bangers. a disney movie with an anti-capitalist message that bombed so hard upon release and remains somehow deeply ironic today. robert duvall putting his entire pussy into a role and the result is absolutely bewildering. homoerotic subtext up the wazoo. christian bale sings, dances, and is on a horse??? it transed my gender before i even realized i was transgender. i was in the trenches of the newsies fandom for years. if it gets bad enough i may get dragged back again.
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asteeter · 3 months
Introductory Post !!!
I am Ace, the host of the vhs system! My pronouns are all of the above [he/she/they/it/ze/xe/ae and many various neos] and they fluctuate. I might end up setting my current pronouns as my description, but if I don’t then don’t worry about it and use whatever pronouns you see fit. I am a multifictive and I have friends on here who may refer to me as one or more of my source names. I will hardly ever use my proxy, but if I ever do, my proxy is 📼.
I am currently interested in a lot of things, such as, Hermitcraft, The Life Series, Altrive, Psychology, Wings of Fire, Voltron: Legendary Defenders, all of the games by RachelDrawsThis, NCIS [the show], The Lunar Chronicles, Gravity Falls, Newsies: The Musical, Night in the Woods, my story Careless [though specifically the characters Ace, Rosé, Bee, Basil, Osgod, Amaya, and Briar], my D&D character Beebo, D&D in general, and the DDVAU.
I will most likely be the only one on Tumblr, but there may be a few other alters who post a thing or two here or there or you may see them communicating with other users.
NEWS!!! I’m working on creating a blog for a story I have yet to write that I have a lot of ideas/lore for called Careless. It will include writing and a few illustrations. It’s a story about gods, some of whom have to learn to live with grief, some of whom have to learn to live without memories, and some of whom have to learn to let go before their need for control gets them killed. Until the blog is created [and perhaps even while the blog is in existence], I’ll post a few things about it with the tag #careless. Once the blog is posted, this will disappear! :D
Feel free to message me or ask me any questions! :D
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