#nexo knights ruina
spicytteokmaraudontuz · 4 months
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NexoKnights Fanart+rkgks!
1, Lance Richmond
2, Luina Stoneheart aka Wanda Moorington
3, Clay Moorington gray knights ver
4, 5 NexoKnights chibi ver
5, Jestro's variety ver
6, Count Dragov
7, Clay Moorington
8, Pola the daughter of Count Dragov who is cyberbiter
9, Ava Prentis
10, Dragov family_Count Dragov, Fred, Pola
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dumbsterchild · 4 months
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i watched nexo knights when I was younger and i'm revisiting it! have some Clay Moorington.... or should I say Mournington :D.... okay i'll stop.
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meteor-moon · 3 months
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did some wanda moorington/ruina stoneheart doodles :)
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selena-nightroll · 4 months
more sketches with Wanda Ruina and Monstrox U_U
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kydv404 · 2 years
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Nexo Knights concept rounds before I give them all (at least the knights rn) proper pieces.
Also here's Ruina since I mentioned it in her pic lol
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sokai-asuki · 7 months
I think I started to rethink the Moorington's family and the weird timeline of Nexo Knights...
Okay, to start off, Merlok is like a hundred years old, I think that same goes for all the wizard in Nexo Knights, of course, they can be killed with a powerful spell. I heard that in Knights in the Realm, Clay was 13 when he started to go to Knight's Academy.
Okay, so, Fletcher is Clay's brother, from the info I have, Fletcher would be 4 years younger than Clay. From what I've seen people said that Clay might be around 4–5 years old to be able to walk around, and that's maybe when his mom, Wanda Moorington a.k.a Ruina Stoneheart, started to turn to stone.
So, it would be make sense for Fletcher to be born before she's got turn to stone. But it would be more fucked up if she did give birth to Fletcher only to turn to stone, abandoned her sons, and one of her son doesn't even know he has younger brother.
So let's do math when Merlok says he's being searching for Clay after finding out he has a nephews. 4/5 years old plus over 5 years, Clay would be 9–10 years old when Merlok found him and try to encourage him to be a knight.
Okay, so maybe the timeline is not so messy when you think about it, but it would be more fucked up when you know everything and think about it now...
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I wrote 3,4k of Moorington family angst centered around Merlock finding Clay as an orphan. Voila.
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jaypilled · 1 year
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hey wanda. how's turning evil going
(alt colors cuz I was playing around with gradient maps)
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graniteknight · 6 months
I need the nexo knights fandom to put their heads together and make the best, most incredible deserved ending for the show.
I am so sorry but what we got as an ending fucking SUCKED. It was quite literally horrendously unfinished. and I know, I know that the show got cancelled, but I just don’t understand why they didn’t finish it with a better ending . (s4 was probably the WORST fucking season btw, It’s just.. rushed?)
I myself could probably note some stuff or something, (this is me casually admitting to making nk fanfics in my notes app lmao) but my god the creativity of this fandom could just, do so much deserved justice.
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Voice actor joke rkgk!
1. Benthomaar and Jay Walker's voice actor are same in Korea. Their voice actor are Sang Hyeon Eom
2. Princess Vania and Sora(aka. Ana) are Sabrina Pitre
3. Pretty surprised when I first heard Arin and Skull sorcerer(aka. King Vangelis) are Deven Mack
4. Skylor and Ruina Stoneheart's voice actor are Heather Dorksen
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mirinexo · 1 year
No context fro this just the relationship between Ruina and Monstrox in My season 5 AU in Nexo knights:
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Look old people fighting, it's obviously canon guys, don't try to Deny it/j :/
(sorry for disapering again My phone stop working, and My inspiration die too, but it's coming back!)
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mellonyhater · 7 months
As they say, better late than never. So here's the Nexo Knights villains ✨aesthetic✨ I did back in January lol.
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nervouswreckhere · 1 year
I don't hate nexo knights season 4
now, before you bring out the pitchforks and the torches, I have reasons.
one, not many shows do corruption arcs (his petrification isn't one, fight me), two, I can see aaron developing a guilt complex over the second destruction of merlock's library and clay's absence would have been almost tangible for him. he would have stepped up, trying to become what is essentially a second clay. it kinda works. it erases his whole personality and drowns him in stress but still. it works.
the whole season feels rushed but it has some highlights. ruina being the most ruthless and evil being on the whole show is one; clay being forced to confront his death and completely not doing so; hell axl and lance playing dnd!
should have macy been the step-in leader - yes. maybe aaron being the leader was a temporary thing so as not to force lance and macy into another argument - basically shocking them into compliance? maybe aaron is supposed to be the figurehead while in actuality he and macy would have been co-leaders?
anyway. I think season 4 is full of amazing fill-in and headcanons material. there are so many questions you could ask and world-build around!
What was going through Clay's head during his stint undercover?
How does Ruina's magic affect him?
Is Aaron running on fumes trying to emulate his dead friend? Is that why Macy stepped back from pestering him about his leadership position?
How did the rest of the knights deal with Clay's descent? How did they try to help him?
Is Ava an apprentice wizard if she can pinpoint the magical power needed for a spell?
and so many moree. it's a treasure cove and sure it's tacky and a bit on the nose but still! the only thing I will not let lie is the chronological shitshow that moorington family created. i mean seriously, three hundred year old my a–
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merloksdigitaltoes · 1 year
hello everyone! I have some lore to share!
prepare for a long winded rant about theories myself and a few others came up with on how magic works, as well as how monstrox's corruption works. To begin, let's start with the line between nexo magic and dark magic, and how colors of magic can verify the difference I'd imagine all magic is on the same spectrum, once magic becomes orange, it is completely controlled, but blue magic is completely uncontrolled. The purpleness seen from the lava monsters is sort if in the middle of this. (not to mention they had free will and abandoned monstrox by choice, which brings us to stone monsters in a moment) Now this brings us to two big big differences, nexo magic and forbidden powers! Ironically enough, i'd say both are a form of controlled magic as they shoot a controlled beam of energy and are sealed within tablets to KEEP them under control. Just their version of controlled magic is much... wicked-er, than nexo magic. Nexo magic on the other hand is used only for support, giving others strength, etc. however it IS still controlled magic (This might also be why merlok turned blue once in knights of the realm, he couldn't control his magic due to messy files and froze up, turning all blue). Monstrox's lightning is... fairly easy to explain, it's lightning that brings people to life, very powerful but very uncontrolled. Another thing, most magic used by individuals who are not wizards appears to be used through objects such as staffs and wands (and shields, as seen with the knights!). Once enchanted with magic, they seem to contain this magic which can be activated by another wizard. (Seen with Jestro and monstrox/The knights and merlok)
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Stone monsters on the other hand are tricky, after all, I JUST mentioned that orange = controlled magic and blue = uncontrolled magic, so you may be asking "Toes, why do stone monsters have orange eyes then?" My answer? Monstrox needs to CONTROL the stone monsters right? If he didn't, they'd just pull the same thing the lava monsters did. The easiest solution is to simply use magic to keep them under control. our best examples of out-of-control stone monsters are the grey knight, and the gnomes. The gnomes are one of the only monsters to not have orange eyes (along with krakenskull but technically he does still). The gnomes are actually an interesting case, as they are not afraid to attack their own leaders, they just crave violence and destruction and will attack whatevers in their way, this is surprisingly similar to the way the grey knight is as well. As the grey knight goes from the mindset of destroying FOR monstrox to... just destroying, and would you look at that? anything that stands in his way he ALSO wishes to destroy. Who knew gnomes and knights had so much in common. but yeah, there's two types of stone monsters, the controlled ones and the uncontrolled ones. Clay's flashing between orange eyes however may have been more-so monstrox's influence regaining it's hold over him, likely trying to get him to use his destructive tendencies for actual purpose.
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Now lets take a look at our favorite wizard in training (unless you're a Fletcher fan, Fletcher fans i'm sorry but I just don't know enough about him to add him to this list, but from what i do know the forms of magic he used in the book are uncontrolled magic, therefore probably blue) Clay's nexo arm is another great example of uncontrolled magic being harmful and controlled magic being not harmful, when Clay's arm was that blue color, it seemed to be causing the most harm to the knight. However when it turned orange (Via downloading some nexo-magic tylenol from merlok), it became easier to control and stopped acting up. The spells clay used before getting the nexo arm are also blue, showing his inexperience as well as monstrox's corruption still being on him (as seen with the uncontrolled beam of blue energy he had been shooting, as well as him breaking free from his stone stasis)
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(MAJOR credit to @edenflowers for helping me come up with some of these next few theories!) Now, let's take a look at monstrox's corruption and the main 3 characters impacted by it Jestro, Clay/The grey knight, and Wanda/Ruina. all 3 of these characters were corrupted by monstrox, which altered their mindsets completely. However there's a bit more to it than one would think, for example, it seems corruption takes the worst traits of a person and makes them the most prominent ones. A good example for each character: Jestro was already a little chaotic before his corruption, when he became corrupted, he went batshit insane and became chaotic as fuck. (the lightning form of jestro seems to be a little more unhinged than the original evil jestro) Clay already had a slight temper before he was the grey knight, though he was much better at controlling it, the grey knight on the other hand is incredibly angry at ALL TIMES. Wanda was, according to merlok, a very playful individual/Known to tease others. Ruina is the darker side of this trait and just straight up manipulates people, she is a gaslighter. Corruption however can be fought against and eventually dispelled if one is determined enough, in fact, the only character who truly managed to break free from Monstrox's corruption was Jestro. Since corruption is based all around making the flaws of oneself super prominent, accepting these flaws would be, well... it's biggest weakness, one can't be corrupted if they accept their actions and decide they wish to grow and change from them. Basically, corrupted individuals are still themselves, just the worst version of themselves. And accepting that this corrupted version of yourself WAS still you, and deciding to learn and grow from it is the best way to defeat it. Jestro took responsibility for his actions in s1/2 and eventually decided he WAS at fault for initiating the whole problem in the first place, whereas s3/4 he didn't (because it wasn't his fault in that case, that and monstrox learned from his mistakes and made sure jestro wasn't going to betray him again) Jestro is also the only corrupted individual to accept his flaws as his own actions, rather than blaming them on some alter ego (such as the grey knight, or ruina stoneheart)
This also goes to show that corrupted individuals can be so wildly different from their counterparts that they don't recognize each other as the same person, BOTH the grey knight and Clay show this The grey knight refers to himself as his own person, and Clay refers to the grey knight as if he were a different person as well. Example dialogues: "I am no longer the one you call Clay, I, am the grey knight." "It's a Grey Knight thing." "if you don't believe i'm dangerous then The grey knight will just have to show you how dangerous he is." He didn't accept his flaws as part of himself, therefore didn't fully break from monstrox's corruption. Ruina is likely a similar case, but we just don't know enough about her to confirm this. In conclusion Blue magic is uncontrolled/harmful, Orange magic is controlled/used to control, Magic is contained within inanimate objects and wizards can wake it up, Corruption flips your flaws and good traits to be the opposite, and jestro is the most self-aware character in the series and accepts who he is both in evil and in good. And for those who made it all the way through this rant, or for those who just thought the silly little doodles were funny, here's a dumb little doodle i made involving this theory a while back.
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This has been my long ass rant, I hope you enjoyed!
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kydv404 · 2 years
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Ruina is one I was honestly really looking forward to because her design resonates with me a lot, and also I just really want to rant about parts of her design because okay, y'know how lego women have like, those little drawn on curves? At first my mind registered hers as cutouts in her dress because they're the same color as her skin. But I brushed it off as just a means to keep her color palette cohesive. But then it really didn't help that in the flashback where she's normal lego person color, her curves are lego person yellow, still matching her skin and reading even more as cutouts. So I knew what I had to do design-wise. To put my mind at ease lol. Also I hope someone gets the visual pun about her last name. Also also this whole pic is like, a semi-homage to when she was unfrozen, with the bottom of her dress still normal stone color, the stone chunks bursting off of her, etc.
Can't wait to inevitably draw her son!
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sokai-asuki · 7 months
If Nexo Knights set in the modern AU. Do you think they're in college? What about their parents? What kind of parents are they in modern AU?
Because all my mind is giving me that Wanda/Ruina biker mom and definitely the leader of bike gang. Dropping young Clay to kindergarten with her bike and makes everyone questioning their sexualities if she really a mother of that innocent child.
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