siphoncursed · 9 months
"you can never admit when you're wrong!"
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lizzie can feel her jaw tense at the tribrid's words, a sense of discomfort slowly creeping up her spine until it just about takes over her entire body. none of this was fair and none of it felt right. "that's the problem with you, hope! you just always assume the absolute worst in me and run off with it because it's easier than owning your own issues. it's fine for you to just up and leave without as much as a freaking phone call so i knew you were okay. look, i'm always open for self-improvement and taking the steps you need to get your mind back into a healthy state but i needed you. i was turned into a vampire and you didn't even know i had a back-up plan. you would've just murdered me without blinking. you're... you were my girlfriend, one of the best people in my life and it broke me to see you go. i couldn't help but wonder if i had done something so terrible to you that warranted snapping my neck, if i meant that little to you that my life was just not in the grand scheme of your universe. maybe you think i'm this awful, selfish person who doesn't give a damn about other people but i cared about you. i loved you and it... it hurt, okay? it really hurt."
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hargrove · 6 months
positivity for JT? always!!! even though idk a thing about ST and i'm barely active myself here, my dash is never complete without you. your writing has always been spectacular, and you have such a knack for taking characters that have done horrible things and opening them up and peeling back the layers that make them real and complex. it's not an easy thing to do and you do it so naturally. the voices come through so clearly and i am forever on the JT cheer squad, across any fandoms
「 ARROW!!! I miss our writing so much. the dash is always a happier place when you're on it. thank you for this so much. I <3 you!
and ya know, I did put my Klaus and VA muses on my multi that you just followed ;) 」
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shadowbrn · 6 months
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❝ we're all scared. that's the big secret . . . we're all scared. ❞
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@nexusvcrti liked for a starter.
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asiphon · 10 months
@nexusvcrti / cont.
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Her entire body locks up, and she's afraid of what might come next — Whether Hope's lack of humanity will show through or if she had made a correct assumption about what lies beneath. She can't even blink when Hope reaches out to touch her - though she's certain if she could, she would flinch back. Instead, hair is tucked behind her ear and she's reminded of when her uncle had done the exact same.
The only difference is Hope's thumb along her lower lip - far more intimate than anything they've ever shared.
Once they're in the car, her unblinking eyes are watering, tears rolling down her cheeks. When the spell releases, she takes in a deep shaking breath, and immediately turns to look behind them. They're too far out to see the school, and her mind turns to Lizzie, to MG, to Flori.. She grimaces and swallows. "Either this is an elaborate murder plan or I was right."
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foundationbuilt · 4 months
Hope Mikaelson ( @nexusvcrti ) said ❝ You have to let me do this my way. ❞
IF THERE IS ONE THING HE STRUGGLES WITH , it is letting others do things their way instead of his. His way gains the results needed , if albeit more violently than to some people's tastes. It's also superiorly strategic , not a gloat but a simple matter of fact. He does not care if these statements insult others , usually , but that's rather different when it's his daughter who he'd be degrading if he were to choose to dismiss her as carelessly as he would another. Even so —
❝ I will not stand aside as you face this demon on your own , Hope , ❞ he retorts , knowing that even as a family they may never be rid of the Hollow's influence. His daughter must never carry that burden alone. ❝ Our family is working to rid this earth of her once and for all , we have a plan in the works — one that would be bolstered greatly if we all worked together ... ❞ He quirks an eyebrow at her , pointed in its reminder that included her in the family as a whole.
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dvarapala · 4 months
‘i’m not here to stop you. everything in my blood screams at me to, but I know I can’t.’
the empire of gold, pt 2 / @nexusvcrti
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diamante's voice stops singing about a maniac on the floor as soon as hope steps into view. slender fingers are quick to yank her earbuds out of her ears.
behind both of them, a door shimmers into existence.
udyati knows very well that hope can open or close them as easily as she slings spells. that reminds her, a little bit, of the mantriks. magicians through and through. capable of doing the best and the worst.
though hope has never been hidden behind a mask.
not a real one, anyway.
"it's not like i'll be gone forever," udyati tells her, voice soft and demeanor softer, "i'd miss you too much. but maybe a little space from this place might do you some good too. there are so many galaxies out there. don't tell me you've never been curious, 'cause you and i both know that i could take you dancing off-world, hope mikaelson. all you have to do is say the word."
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lordofthestrix · 7 months
i am cursed with my father’s temper at times.
"So am I. Or so the voices of the small people used to mumble when confident their whispers wouldn't reach me. Back when my human heart was still beating. There is no need for you to equate his rage with your own. Hard as you might find it to believe, I can easily sympathize. Once upon a time I was intimately familiar with the experience of growing up in the shadow of what more than a few deemed a malicious tyrant. I can still vaguely remember the detestable side looks. The concerned expressions whenever wrath was made manifest. The pestering, constant question they never dare to speak. Is the child turning just like the parent?" Tristan coldly mused in affable mockery. As if recalling an long-forgotten joke. "But you see, chimeric cub... Parents, be them good or bad, are meant to be surpassed. That is their purpose. Or is that not what even plenty of modern scholars of the mind suggest with their dramatic notion of symbolically killing the father? The greatest honor one can bestow upon their bloodline is to make everything that arrived before nothing but overture when compared to your performance. Do not be so quick to perceive your temper as simple inheritance. To a moth, a fleeting spark of fire and the deepest circle of hell feels about the same. The eyes of insects are not meant to judge giants. And you yourself should never define who you are by comparison." He offered a subtle shade of complicity. "Offering my personal perspective on the matter...I can only imagine your father gifted you a rather unpleasant and colorful description of me when we first came in contact. The only thing I share in common with Klaus is our deep and mutual lack of any respect for the other. To my eyes, his often fabled rage is little more than uncontrolled tantrum. But you...I am already vastly more impressed with the tempests storming inside your gaze. And you are barely beginning. "
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malka-lisitsa · 8 months
nexusvcrti <3
Send me your URL & I’ll do the following || Selectively accepting
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Thoughts on the character: All I know about Hope is what i've been told and what i've seen in reels. But as far as I know shes a lore breaker (but what ever is tvd lore anymore tbh) and a god killer lmfao. OP af.
Have you interacted before: WE HAVE
Favorite part of portrayal: Not gonna lie i like how you folded her into the past to make her accessible for TVD characters before legacies!!
A verse (mine or theirs) I want a thread in: Tbh i love our current thread
Thoughts on the mun: ARROW. I adore you. You're so good at what you do and you're a great person to chat with ooc <333
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ofvalor · 10 months
-kicks down door-
my favorite thing about this blog is you. it wouldn't be this amazing without you behind the wheel to develop these muses and build these worlds. whether canon or oc, you treat each one as they should be, like their own unique people, and it shows in ever reply you make. you're also a gremlin that makes me laugh and you indulge me and my muses so yeah, my favorite thing about this blog is you.
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floripire · 10 months
the story of mikaelson school!flori plays out the same except in this verse, she knows the harmans and actively splits her time between the school in new orleans and their whereabouts; she's very close to thea and blaise and grandma harman is also still alive. flori is a year-rounder. she's not really a part of the super squad / hope's elite team and actively prefers the anti squad over any and all teams but she's very grateful to @nexusvcrti for the rescue and probably helps out whenever hope asks because she's good with computers and technology and such. also, she has a monster sized crush on jed.
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survivingpierce · 9 months
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      𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚟𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚎'𝚜 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
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faster than one realizes, another year is over and in the course of this day, we say goodbye to 2023.
it's my yearly tradition to make a list of appreciation as a way to thank you, my mutuals. thanks for filling my dash with joy, thanks for writing with me, thanks for sticking with me, thanks for developing amazing plots and ideas with me, and thanks for your patience. i had the pleasure to interact with many of you as well as admire some of you from afar. this also goes to my two other blogs touchedbydestiny & deceptivemorals who some of you also interact with.
i hope 2024 makes all your wishes come true and brings you health, peace, and happiness. ♥
the following list is in no particular order & i hope i haven't missed anyone. tumblr somehow has issues with showing all the @ but perhaps this post finds you anyway ♥
@prettiesturgentproblem @scphiebeckett @induro @the-last-doppelganger @shefatales @seilas @founderscouncil @klaeus @nexusvcrti @dynastymuses @coryosncw @studsalvatore @unsettledspirits @slghtr @chaoticordxr @timerevolt @reclusiveduke @vbrideofcdragons @troveofcmuses @noblyobliges @mysticfallsresidents @perzysprumia @ladicsa @devilfated @vaalexias @salvatoreseer @wehowl @originalgemini @huntyre @afantasycourt @cosmicjest @invitisalvatore @saltzitivo
@taintedbloodlines @dcmoniism @multitudeswithin @sanguinelupus @hearoic @witchwrld @tribridhopestory @rippeah @witchfirst @causestragedy @savagevillain @ealiyah @aughts @queenpos @siphoncursed @alotinone @causeschaos @storywolf @townwxtch @northsalpha @jeremydied @kingmakercastle @hybr2d @dethtale @sanguionus @ladamedemartel @thisbloodlust @nowimamxnster @brittlefcrged @sindicate @oblitum @adeathsentence @troubleah @withliight @crownedhopelesss
@authcrwriites @fallsheavy @hcpemikaelscn @hellsurvivr @nightskied @salvatoraes @exohrcist @rulestill @merveiilles @lindscys @nklsdttr @animadistelle @doppelcurse @liarincommand @gilbertsaviour @story1ines @bloodused @behavioraldisorders @shetales @therebekahmikaelson @xradiant @hauntcdsouls @thesacrificialxlamb @asiphon @interitios @viikingwitch @tempestgxdsx @shesdaylight @everfcre @fightforbetter @fbiartist @theivashkinator @shapedhistory @siphonaer @auburncries
@soulessavicr @webheadedhero @tobeblamed @betterxvillain @originalvampire @lovestoomany @elenaloveablekotsala @notafossil @salvatvrn @hellbled @stonedgilbert @creasantleader @brokenbrxther @floripire @littlewclfgirll @formerlyrighteous @ahlexya @assemb1e @badasshybridqueen @calcifydamage @hedonisticdelight @witchyxwoo @shotgunscn @thatprettylittlething @faeryworlds @thelittlestrcse @namorres @thatslayer @mangaien @tofeelthecold @quietbeauty
@enduringlystoic @leroiloup @nosestealer @vandbaerer @iputaspxllonyou @littlebennettbitch @lordofthestrix @desireshappiness @relishingvampirism @bourbonlaced @seesgood
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viikingwitch · 9 months
what does your soul look like?
Dog teeth.
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You're vicious, but you're afraid. You have to make the first punch, and make sure your opponent can't land one. But you need to stop seeing everyone as an enemy. The only one being violent is you, your anger and your defensiveness is killing you. Take a nap, rest your head and clear your mind. Come back in the morning.
tagged by: @klaeus ( kleya twinning, as god intended <33 ) tagging: @deceptivemorals @withliight @bludheir @wildskissed @nexusvcrti @wehowl @insanislupus @badasshybridqueen and you!
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multi-royalty · 10 months
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How Are You Color-coded?
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yellow, a study in wildfires, honeycombs, and summer rain. everyone sees you smiling and laughing, happy in all the ways but the way that you know is true to you. everyone believes that nothing bad could happen to you, that you live life so freely that you'd never miss a beat, even if something bad DID happen to happen around or to you. but you're as miserable as the rest of them. you might be warm and gentle, when you need to be, but at the end of the day, you have long since accepted that fire is like you: best to be admired but never touched.
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tagged by : @little-miss-buffy tagging : @smogflesh , @echoburnt (Elizabeth) , @nexusvcrti , @briillicnt , @isdeathlystill (Finnick) , @destinyscorned , @b4didea (amy) @timedten , @ofcrossrcads , @isbrilliant , @tardisghosted
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troubleah · 3 months
answer some questions and i'll assign you a tarot card
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you need rest. more than anything, you must allow yourself rest. death is frightening– it is inevitable, it is unstoppable– but, it can also be a thing of great beauty. it is an agent of change. it is the forest fire that paves way for new life. allow yourself this rest, and be prepared for the change to come. brace yourself. it will be hard, it will not be kind, but you are more than ready. you just need to rest first. / NUMBER: 13 / UPRIGHT: endings, change, transformation, transition / REVERSED: resistance to change, personal transformation, inner purging
tagged by: myself <3 tagging: @murderyn @floripire @multi-royalty @nexusvcrti @fablemyth and you!
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foundationbuilt · 7 months
❤ ❤ ❤
@survivingpierce, @deceptivemorals & @touchedbydestiny first of all, cathy was one of the very first people to ever ever accept me into tumblr rp and i will never forget how amazing she's been in welcoming me back every time i take a break and come rising back like a phoenix from the ashes. it's great to just pick up where we left off, and i also can't wait to get back into our threads !! the fact that she's kept the same muses for so many years and to be so active amazes me, honestly, i admire her so much for that, i could never jsjsjsjsjs. just know how dearly i appreciate you on my dash and in my IMs, Cathy, you're truly a star on here that i never want to lose &lt;3 !
@silencedrage & @nexusvcrti okay so arrow is amazing, always has been, always will be. i fell so much more in love with hope mikaelson through our threads/plotting/discussions and our hope/hayley/klaus will forever hold a special place in my heart !! also arrow is the one who got me watching yellowjackets, which i love ( going to do a rewatch soon!! and then probably add shauna and callie as muses, if i'm honest because i love them ). when we get going, there never seems to be an end to talking to arrow about whatever it is we're obsessing over and it's so so good, talking to ace just reminds me why i love being on here and making friends and writing these little characters.
@viikingwitch & @troubleah while talking about my old besties on this hellsite, tina, my love, forever my freya !!! you made this place such a pleasure to write in and to explore our muses and the love that you have for your muses will be unmatched. one of the things i admire is that you put so much growth into freya, like the last freya i wrote with was not the freya that i started writing with and i don't know how to express how beautiful that is. on my hiatus, when i think about the people i miss, you're one of them. when and if you're here, just know that i'm always going to squeal with joy at the sight of your name on tumblr or discord because you really have brought me so much of it over the years <3!
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nexusvcrti · 10 months
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NEXUSVCRTI    ;      an independent and highly selective roleplay blog for HOPE MIKAELSON of cw’s the originals and legacies.  written by arrow.  multi-ship and multi-verse with a heavy emphasis on plotting. 
low-activity. mutually exclusive and private ; oc and duplicate friendly.  will contain highly triggering content and mature themes. must be 21+ to interact and follow. 
formerly cursedbcrn.  estab. june 2020. rebooted nov. 2023
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carrd. / verses. / memes. / personal lore. / tvd multi. / multi. / yj multi. / promo.
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