#neyetam sully imagine
anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
I Am Hers, She is Mine: Neyetam Sully
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word count: 1.3K
description: Neyetam has always been yours, just as you’ve been his whether you realize it or not.
a/n: Listen to I Am Hers, She Is Mine from the Game of  thrones soundtrack. 
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It was Neyetam's official coming-of-age ceremony that would mark him as the future of the clan, he only had two rituals to complete, find a mate and fight anyone who dared challenge him for the throne. Rumors began to swirl that Neyetam had already found a mate but no one knew quite who it was, including you his best friend. Part of you was glad that you didn't know who it was then it saved you from facing the reality that Neyetam would never be yours, no matter how much you wanted it.
"Papa I have to wear this uncomfortable corset?" You asked your grandfather as Kiri tied you up.
"Yes, you do my dear, unfortunately. But I must say you look absolutely beautiful in it, it reminds me of the first time your mother wore it." He said giving you a soft smile.
"He's right. Neyetam is gonna probably fall at your feet even more once he sees you in this." She said making you roll your eyes.
Soon enough you and your grandfather were standing there alongside Neyetam's family who was basically an extended family as well as the other villagers awaiting Neyetam and Jake's arrival.
"y/n you look so pretty." Tuk said to you making you smile as you thanked her.
Soon Jake and Neyetam arrived and god did Neyetam look good in his ceremony outfit which wasn't helping you move on from him. You listened as Jake and the other leaders explained what was happening today and then it came to the part where anyone could challenge Neyetam for the throne.
"If anyone would like to challenge Neyetam please come forward now." One of the leaders said.
You slowly walked forward earning a few gasps from the crowd as Jake and your grandfather shook their heads not all surprised at this behavior.
"This corset is really uncomfortable, so could please wrap this up and go home?" You said as Neytiri pinched your side and drag you back over to where she was standing.
Neyetam couldn't help but laugh at your antics, that was one of the many reasons he had fallen for you and chosen you as his mate not that you knew yet. You two had been childhood friends since your moms were best friends, so more often than not, you were with the sully's growing up as your dad left you and your mom and you were an only child. Neyetam knew around when he was 15 he wanted to be mates with you and once he was sure of his decision of wanting you as his mate, he went to your grandfather and ask his permission to mate with you knowing how important it was to you, and your grandfather gave him his permission and promised to keep it a secret until you were ready.
It was currently the day before your ceremony and you were an emotional wreck between the ceremony planning, your grandpa getting sick, and missing your mom.  You were currently sitting by your mom's grave crying and wishing she was here, and praying that she and your ancestors would keep grandpa alive until you completed your whole ceremony when you saw flowers placed on her grave, before an arm wrapped around you as you leaned into their chest.
"Are you okay?" Neyetam asked you.
"Yeah, it's just a lot....between grandpa getting sick recently and her not being here." You said as he ran a hand through your hair.
"I understand...She may not be here physically but she's here with you in here and all around you..." He said pressing a hand against your heart.
"I know I just miss her alot....being able to hear her voice...to see her smile...to hug her...I miss her hugs the most." You said to him.
"I know you do and I wish that you could have those back sweetheart, I really do." He said to you as he squeezed you a little harder.
As he sat there holding you, he silently prayed to Ewya that she would let him be the one like he always dreamed of to take care of you and be with you throughout life...it scared him to think that you could possibly want someone else to take care of you like this because he knew no one who would care for you and love you as he did.
Today was your ceremony, and you were silent as Neytiri helped you get ready for it You honestly just couldn't wait for this to be over, as a kid you were excited about it but now it was just another day to you.
"Y/n, my child can I ask why you've never mated with Neyetam?" She asked you as she finished up your hair.
"What do you mean? Neyetam has mate does he not?" You asked confused.
"No, he doesn't. A year ago he came to us and told us that he wanted to wait for you, and then he went to your grandpa and got approval, so that if you choose him then he would have your grandpa's permission. He's been in love with you for ages, there isn't anyone else for him." She said leaving you speechless.
"I'm scared." You said quietly.
"Scared? What are you scared of my child?" She asked you grabbing your hands.
"Not saying that Neyetam would do it, it's just that I'm scared that Neyetam would leave me and our possible family as my dad did to my mom." You said to her.
"Oh sweetheart, you know Neyetam would never do that because I would kill him first all, but that boy has been in love with you two forever, I've seen the way he looks at you and cares for you, there is no one else for him." She said squeezing your hands as you smiled.
"Just talk to him after your ceremony, and explain to him what you feeling, but trust me my son will understand and still love you as much." She said.
"Thank you, Neytiri. For everything." You said hugging her.
"Of course ma y/n, your family." She said squeezing you as your grandpa came to get you.
Neyetam felt his jaw drop upon seeing you in your ceremony outfit, you were so beautiful, like a goddess. As he was watching the ceremony happen, he couldn't help but notice that two braids that framed your head used beads in his favorite color which gave him hope. After your ceremony, he watched as you made your way over him.
"Hey, can we talk privately?" You asked him softly reaching for his hand.
"Of course." He said as you two ducked out of your ceremony and walked to your favorite spot.
"So what's going on sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I just wanted to talk to you about why I guess we haven't mated yet." You said making him look you in the eye.
"Sweetheart, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything, it's just that I feel that maybe you aren't interested in me which is fine if you are but I just would like to know." He said making you sigh.
"Trust me Ney, it's always been you...I've had a crush on you for god knows how long..." You said as a smile spread across his face.
"Really?!" He asked you.
"Really, there is no one else who cares for me or his family the way you do and so much more. But I've just been scared of what could happen when we mate." You said playing with his hand.
"What do you mean sweetheart?" He asked you.
"I'm just scared that you'll leave me like my dad did to me and my mom which I know isn't fair to you but that's why I've hesitated on completing the mating ritual with you." You said as realization hit Neyetam.
"Oh sweetheart, I promise you that I would never leave you like your dad did, what your dad did was a cowardly move, but I swear to you that I've been yours whether you realized it or not, and I will prove that you every day if I have to. I love you so much." He said cupping your cheeks.
"I love you too Neyetam. I'm ready to give this a try if you are."You said looking into his eyes as you felt him press a kiss to your lips.
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pandorafairy · 2 years
Secret Cove (Part 3)
Neteyam x Metkayina (oldest daughter of Tonowari, the chief)
Neteyam is 18
Contains: new character & secrets, Neteyam fluff, Neteyam jealousy
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I break the surface of the water with a fish flapping around in my net. The Sully children, all except Neteyam, study the way I hold it. Kiri frowns slightly, like she’s unhappy with the killing of the fish. I paddle up to the ledge where they all sit, their toes brushing against the waves. 
“It’s our dinner Kiri.” I smile at her and pull myself out of the water. A few villagers whisper from a nearby pod, their eyes following my movement. Rumors about Tonowari’s eldest getting in trouble have spread rapidly. I act like I don’t see their stares. 
“Yea, I know,” Kiri replies in annoyance. Tuk stares off into the horizon, lost in her own world. Lo’ak stares at Tsireya and she pretends not to notice. Everyone seems fine but lessons feel wrong without Neteyam here. Lo’ak had said their father took Neteyam out hunting with the other men. Aonung and Rotxo had looked at each other with shared jealousy. I hadn’t said anything but I know it’s more than just a hunting spree. Guess Jake and my father really do want us to stay apart. 
“That’s it for today,” Aonung says. Kiri immediately jumps up and skips off, Tuk hurrying behind her. Lo’ak pats Aonung on the back before following after his sisters. I sigh. I’m not sure when I’ll be able to see Neteyam again. What if he doesn’t return to our lessons? Should I sneak out again? Risk being caught?
“Sister?” Aonung asks. Rotxo peers curiously at me from beside him. “What’s bothering you?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I smile at him, it hurts my face to do it but I do. I haven’t told him anything that happened. I just said that our parents freaked out over nothing. That he had nothing to worry about. That I’m fine. I know he didn’t fully believe me but he knew better than to push me. 
Aonung shrugs before challenging Rotxo to a race. They dive in the water and disappear under the waves. I should return to my pod where my parents are expecting me. Eclipse is soon, and after the trouble I got in, I can’t risk being late. But my rebellious streak still burns through me. I keep hearing Neteyam’s voice in my head, We already broke two rules, what’s a few more?
I’m so lost in thought that I don’t realize someone’s walked up beside me until he speaks. 
“Hey.” I whip my head to the side to find Issak standing beside me. He’s tall with light blue skin and a spear in his hand. His black hair curls around his temples. Issak and I were friends as children. Always swimming after each other and exploring. Our parents used to say that we were destined for eachother. Before everything happened. Before– no. I can’t think about that. 
“Issak,” I say, surprise evident in my voice. “What is it?”
He laughs, the sound rumbles from within him. A familiar sound, one I’ve heard many times before. “I’m just saying hello. Can I not say hello?”
I don’t respond and he tilts his head at me. “How is training the forest kids?”
I roll my eyes and start walking towards my pod. That’s what he wants to talk about? A million memories flash through my mind, mostly of things I want to forget. His footsteps vibrate on the path behind me. 
“Wait,” he says as he places a hand on my arm. “I didn’t mean that. I just want to see how you’re doing.”
“You care now?”
“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy and I… well I heard something about you.”  Dread curls in my stomach. I already know what he’s about to say. He keeps his hand on my arm. His four webbed fingers feel so different from Neteyam’s five soft ones.
 “Did you steal the special alcohol? The ones we use for celebration?” 
The whole village really does know. I try not to groan. “No, I didn’t.” I move to push past him but he places his other hand on my shoulder, blocking me. 
“I’m not judging. We did things we shouldn’t have back when…” he shrugs. “Anyway, can you grab some alcohol for me? Who knows when the Tulkun will be back and we can have a celebration.” 
I freeze. Things we shouldn’t have. I can’t deal with Issak right now. I forcefully shove his hands off me. “I can’t and I wouldn’t,” I reply sharply.
He tries to grab me again. “Wait, that not why I wanted to–”
“Don’t touch me!”
Someone clears their throat behind me. Issak’s apologetic face turns into one of concern. Neytiri stands behind me, her eyes narrow on Issak. He gives her a curt nod before turning and leaving me. 
Neytiri watches his retreating back with distaste, as if she can sense his energy, before stepping toward me. Did she seek me out? My mouth goes dry. “Is Neteyam okay?”
Surprise flashes through her eyes. “He is fine. Out with his father.” 
Relief floods through me as Neytiri cocks her head to the side. “Are you alright?” 
I nod. It’s an easy lie– I’ve been telling everyone that I’m okay. That I’m not bothered by the clan spreading rumors and talking about me. And now Issak; is he going to bring up the past? On top of it all, is the deep ache in my heart, my longing to be with Neteyam. Just to speak with him and see his playful smile. Neytiri studies me, her intelligent eyes looking right into me. I’m convinced she can see my every thought. 
“I was looking for you,” she begins and drops her voice to a whisper. “Up on shore where the trees grow taller, three hours after eclipse. A good time for a ride.” 
What? I’m about to ask her a question but she walks away immediately, disappearing into the village as my people get ready for dinnertime. I look at the sky, eclipse has already begun, sending orange rays of light across the ocean. Three hours after? A ride? 
I feel stupid. I’ve walked further and higher than I ever have before; I went past the mangrove and palm trees until the ground began lifting up, towards the mountain. And there has been no sound other than my own footsteps. Maybe I misunderstood Neytiri. Maybe she was just sharing some random tidbit with me? I mean there is nothing up here to ride. 
Not that I would know, my people never come up here, everything we need is in the ocean and on the shore. I’m starting to get cold, the night sky glistening above me as I stare at the unfamiliar treetops. The ground feels strange between my toes. That’s it, I misunderstood, and I’m going home. 
I’m about to leave when the ground crunches behind me. I whip around, suddenly scared in this unknown territory. Neteyam stands in front of me and pushes a wooden woven headband onto his head.
“Neteyam,” I breathe, feeling the air rushes out of my lungs. He takes two steps towards me and I run at him, throwing my arms around his shoulders. He stumbles backwards at the force of my embrace but quickly recovers. His strong arms encircle me, warming my chilled skin. He buries his face in my neck and inhales. 
All my worries and anxieties disappear, they vanish right from me, as they always do when I’m with him. Neither of us speak, we simply enjoy the other’s presence. After a few moments, we pull out of our embrace. 
Neteyam grabs my hand. “I wasn’t sure she would do it.” 
“Do what?” 
“My mom. I implied that I didn’t want to be alone tonight but I wasn’t sure if she understood. Definitely wasn’t sure if she would tell you.” 
I squeeze his hand. “She told me. Guess there’s one person who supports us.” 
“She likes you.” 
I hold back my surprise. Neytiri, badass warrior, likes me? I laugh in disbelief. “I think she just wants you to be happy.” 
A playful smile grows on Neteyams lips and he nudges my side. “Oh, you think you make me happy, huh?”
“As a matter of fact,” I nudge him back, “I think I do.” 
He laughs, his shoulders jiggle with the motion. It’s a sweet sound, almost addicting, like a perfect melody you just want to capture and listen to over and over. His whole face changes when he laughs, he seems so relaxed. I’m staring at him, I know I am. He notices and smiles at me, no playfulness— just a genuine smile. 
“You make me very happy,” he whispers. I shrug and make a face that says, I knew it. He rolls his eyes and starts rubbing his fingers in small circles on my hand. “But, my mom does like you. She said you have a strong heart.” 
I’ve never heard that expression. “What does it mean?”
“It means…” He leans towards me and kisses me cheek. His soft lips brush my skin as his scent fills my nose; saltwater and something muskier, like the wood of a forest. “You are brave.” He pulls away and moves to my other cheek. “And kind.” He kisses me again, causing heat to rise to my face. He inches his face up to my forehead. “And full of life.” His lips brush my forehead and I lean into him. I close my eyes as his arms wrap around me. He puts his head down so his forehead meets mine. 
Our breath mixes together in front of us. I open my eyes to find him looking at me, drinking in every aspect of my face. “And beautiful. A beautiful soul.” 
My breath catches in my throat. No one has ever said anything like that to me. I stare back into his eyes, feeling my heartbeat ferociously in my chest. I can’t believe how amazing he is. My mind goes quiet when I’m around him, like it’s finally at peace. A million words stumble through my mind but all I can say is, “That’s not me. That’s you.” 
He shakes his head, his forehead rubbing against mine. “It’s us.” 
I grin, my first real smile in awhile. Neteyam’s pupils widen as he looks at me. He pulls his forehead away and tugs my hand. “I want to show you something,” he says before tightening his grip on my hand running deeper into the mountainside. 
We run for a little until we reach a cliff. Palm trees cover the side of it but in the center, is an ikran. I gasp at the sight of it. It’s colorful wings, a strong neck, and beady eyes. The ikran grasps the side of the cliff, its beak beckoning to Neteyam. The ocean glistens from below. 
Neteyam watches me absorb this sight, his hand never leaving mine. After a moment he says, “I want you to meet someone.” 
Neteyam walks up to the ikran and makes a sound. The ikran behinds their head, rubbing against Neteyam’s strong chest. He rubs the ikran’s head lovingly before motioning for me to join him. I walk slowly closer to him, nervousness spreading through my body. I’ve never been so close to an ikran before. 
Neteyam grabs his hair and connects it to his ikran, making tsaheylu. The ikran’s eyes focus on me as they bend their head, inviting me to pet. I reach my hand out steadily and stroke Neteyam’s ikran. His ikran looks at me curiously as I continue to run my hand down his scales. 
Neteyam smoothly jumps onto his ikran’s back, settling his foot into a grove on the side of his saddle. He sticks his hand out to me. “Come on.” 
“No, no,” I say unsurely. “I’ve never flown.”
“It’s amazing. The view is…” 
“You go, I’ll wait here.” 
Neteyam looks at me, a smirk growing on his lips. “Are you scared, ocean girl?” 
I stand up straight. “No, I’m not. I just prefer not to be way up in the sky.” 
He laughs and shakes his outreached hand. “Come with me. I won’t let anything happen to you.” 
I swallow, doubts swarming in my mind. What if someone saw us? Neteyam’s hand glows in the dark, that gorgeous blue. Screw it. I take his hand and he pulls me up onto his ikran with a triumphant gleam in his eyes. I settle in behind him, my legs straddling his hips. 
“Not too high, forest boy,” I begin as Neteyam shoots his ikran straight up into the air. A scream hurdles out of my mouth as I throw my arms around his waist and hold on as tightly as possible. The wind whips against my face, causing my eyes to water. My heart beats wildly. We are flying completely straight up. “Neteyam!” I yell in his ear. 
I think he’s laughing but I can’t hear him over the roar of the wind. His shoulders shake rhythmically, as if he’s really enjoying this. I squeeze my eyes shut. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. His ikran goes flat. It happens in an instant, one moment we are skyrocketing upwards and now we are smoothly flying in a straight line. 
Neteyam pats my thigh. “You can open your eyes,” he says softly. 
I open them slowly and observe the view. The ocean looks like a dark blanket from up here. I can see the surf like white glaze across the sand. Our village looks so small. The night sky seems so close and the glow from it seems to radiate into my soul. I breathe deeply, feeling the beauty and magic of Pandora. 
Then I notice Neteyam staring at me. I take my hand off his waist and smack him in the arm. “You skxawng!” I yell. “You could’ve killed me!” 
“You wouldn’t have died… maybe just fallen in mid-air for a little…”
I smack again causing him to laugh. “I said not too high!” 
“But then you wouldn’t see this,” he replies and motions to the beautiful view beneath us. “Besides, I would’ve caught you.”
“Mhm,” I mumble as I lean my head forward and relax it on his shoulder. He continues to fly his ikran. We circle high above the village, over the cliffs, and past the reefs. His body warms mine against the wind as I absorb the feelings of flying. It feels like true freedom. I’m glad he showed me this. 
“Hey,” I whisper to him. He turns his head over his shoulder and looks at me. “When the Tulkun come, I want to introduce you to my spirit sister.” 
His lips break apart into a wide smile. “I’d like that.” He places a kiss on my forehead. I wrap my arms tighter around him, enjoying the feeling of my body pressed against his. He places his hand on my leg, his fingers wrapping around my thigh. I wish I could stay just like this forever. 
I sit on my ilu, absorbing the daylight as the ocean water skims my legs. The Sully kids, my siblings, and me, all sit on our ilu’s in a circle. Our lessons had begun early today but I didn’t mind. Neteyam is here. I had a feeling Neytiri said something to Jake about letting him come. I owe her so many thanks.
He’s right next to me, his skin reflecting the light from the water. I try not to stare. We’ve been keeping us a secret, especially from our families. But it’s hard. I find myself always gravitating towards him. He always looks at me from the corner of his eye. Or he’ll playfully try and grab my tail when no one is looking. Except, Lo’ak and Tsireya saw him this morning and they shared a knowing look. 
“What should we do next?” Aonung asks the group as we float on the surface of the water, the village behind us. 
“Let’s keep diving!’ Tuk cries from her ilu next to Kiri. 
“Argh, not again Tuk,” Lo’ak says and rolls his eyes.
“You never want to do what I wanna do,” Tuk pouts. 
“You always want to do lame things. That’s why you always follow us around.” 
“No I don’t!” Tuk says angrily. 
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam’s stern voice comes out. “Don’t start.” 
Lo’ak grumbles something under his breath as the others begin talking about other things to do. I giggle softly. Neteyam’s voice is so much deeper when he is trying to be stern. He looks over at me, hearing my laugh. He narrows his eyes at me like he knows what I’m laughing about. 
His ilu swims into mine causing me to jerk forward. I gasp and look up at him. He shrugs with a look on his face that says, I didn’t do it. I accusingly shake my head at him before telling my ilu to swim into his. Just before our animals connect, he dodges away. 
“Too slow, ocean girl,” he says confidently, an arrogant grin sneaking onto his face.
Oh he’s gonna eat his words. I’m just about to tell my ilu to swim right into his when an all too familiar voice speaks. 
My stomach drops. I turn around to see Issak swimming right up to us. Aonung and Tsireya wave at him. If only they knew… 
Kiri and Tuk watch him curiously as he joins our circle in the waves. Lo’ak and Neteyam both assess him, trying to figure him out. Issak greets my siblings before turning his gaze to me. 
“Can I speak to you?” 
“I’m busy.”
He smiles at me, his charmer smile. “It will only be a moment.” Neteyam’s gaze sharpens at Issak’s expression. 
I nod. I can’t turn him down without getting questions from my siblings. Issak motions with his head for me to follow and turns from the group. Neteyam watches me, his eyes guarded. “I’ll be right back,” I say. 
As I swim out of the circle, Lo’ak’s voice floats after me, “Yo, he looks badass. Better watch out, bro.”
“Shut up,” Neteyam responds, an edge in voice. 
I shake my head. Issak is far from badass. He waits for me a little ways from the group, his head bowed down as he pats his ilu. Every nerve in my body is telling me to turn around. Issak is a reminder of too many things. Things I don’t want to remember. He looks up as I reach him, his blue eyes twinkling dangerously. 
“Two visits in one day,” I say flatly. 
“You’re a lucky girl,” he smirks. 
I roll my eyes and look back at the group. Neteyam is watching us. I can see the tension in his shoulders from here. He asks Aonung a question. Aonung turns and looks at Issak before beginning to respond to Neteyam. Great, who knows what he’s telling him. 
“Got a thing for the tree lover?” 
I snap my gaze back to Issak, anger brewing in my gut. “What do you want?” 
Issak sighs and looks at the sky. I bite my tongue to keep from saying something rude. I look back at the group, Aonung is still talking to Neteyam. Lo’ak inches closer to them, straining to hear their conversation. Tsireya watches me worriedly. Neteyam’s eyebrows clench together and his eyes never leave me. 
“I don’t have all day,” I snap at Issak. 
“I miss you.” 
My jaw drops open. Issak reaches his hand out and puts it on my shoulder. I’m completely frozen. I can’t believe the nerve of him. He starts to rub my shoulder, his webbed fingers feeling foreign on my skin. 
He swims closer to me on his ilu so his face is right next to mine. I don’t move. Too many thoughts swirl through my head. He leans forward and says, “There’s things I want to talk to you about. About the Sully’s and the sky people. They—”
“Hey,” a stern voice says. My head snaps up at the familiar sound. Neteyam. He straddles his ilu, leaning forward slightly with a certain sharpness to his features as he stares at Issak’s hand on me. “What’s going on?” 
Oh, no. I shove Issak’s hand off. “Nothing we were–”
“Just chatting about the past,” Issak cuts me off with a smirk. He slowly places his hand back in his lap. “Our history.” He looks at me and winks before saying, “I’ll see you around.”
He leaves, dipping beneath the surface of the water, before I get a chance to respond. Lo’ak and Aonung watch from a distance, surprise coating their faces. Neteyam swims in front of me, his ilu greets mine. He raises a faint eyebrow at me. “So, who’s that?”
“No one,” I reply, not wanting to talk about Issak. 
Neteyam looks at the empty space where Issak had sat. He turns his head towards me, his golden eyes a darker shade than usual. “I don’t like him.” 
I laugh. The sound escapes my lips before I have a chance to stop it. Neteyam’s eyebrows turn downwards. “I’m serious. He has bad energy, ocean girl.” 
Neteyam scoffs before glancing at me shyly. “No.” 
I nudge his shoulder. “Mhm, so if I went to see him–”
“No.” Neyetam closes his eyes like he cannot fathom the thought. 
“You are jealous!” 
“I’m not! I just looked over and saw his hand on you and…” He trails off, a small blush creeping onto his cheeks. I find his hand from beneath the waves and slip my fingers through his. 
“And what?”
“And I wanted to rip his hand off.” 
He sighs and squeezes my hand. “You can do anything you want. I’m not jealous.” He stares at me, his golden eyes growing darker by the second. “But if he lays a hand on you again, I don’t care who I have to go through or what rules I break, I will make sure it’s the last thing he ever does.” 
My mind goes blank. Neyetam’s gaze is so intense, I know he isn’t kidding. Something flutters in my stomach and spreads throughout my whole body. 
I struggle to find my voice and my words come out in one breath, “Sounds intense.”
He leans into my ear and whispers, “You can’t even begin to imagine.” 
I’m breathless as I stare into his darkening gaze. I’m not even sure what he means but his husky voice repeats over and over in my mind. I want to kiss him, reach out and grab his shoulders. But we’re right in front of the village, anyone could see us. As if he read my thoughts, he says, “Tonight. Same spot, same time.” 
I immediately nod, causing a curly strand of hair to fall in front of my face. He reaches out slowly and twists the hair around his finger before tucking it gently behind my ear. I can’t help but smile softly at the gesture. His fingers slide across my skin longingly. He pulls away and smiles before swimming towards the village. 
I watch his retreating back, how his dark blue skin glistens in the daylight. He’s so beautiful it makes my heart ache and makes my mind go blank. My stomach flutters at the thought of seeing him again, of flying above the ocean, and kissing him. 
Later that night, we went flying. I sit on the back of his ikran and allow myself to get lost in the sky and in his arms. And after hours of flying, we settle into the sand and whisper to each other. We share kisses beneath the night sky. His body keeps me warm and protects me. I feel so safe with him. His shoulder relaxes and my favorite smile of his spreads across his face. It’s a lazy smile, his most relaxed expression. 
He tells me things he’s never told anyone before and I do the same. Our noses touch as we laugh at each other and with each other. I feel like I could let all my walls down. And I almost do. Each time he gives me that smile. Or our lips collide. I want to tell him everything. Even what happened back with Issak. All the things we found out. But each time I open my mouth, ready to spill, nothing ever comes out. 
Neteyam holds me on top of the sandy cliff as we lay on the ground, his ikran settling in beside us. Neteyam’s breathing begins to slow and his eyes drop shut. I watch his calm face, so serene in his sleep. Everything will be okay, I tell myself but each time I close my eyes– I see Issak’s face with a lethal look in his eyes.
Thank you for all the support!!
I tried some different things with this part so let me know what you think. I'm not sure how I feel about it
Part 4 there will be: Tulkun returning, a celebration, and secrets revealed.
Do you guys like fluff or more angsty type scenes with Neteyam? Let me know what you want to read!!!! Also let me know if you like new characters or not (be honest lol) Thanks again<3
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mcverse · 5 months
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☆ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝐘𝐞𝐬/𝐍𝐨
☆ 𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
☆ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 (𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚)
☆ 𝐊𝐞𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐞 / 𝐧𝐨, 𝐩𝐮𝐤 / 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤, 𝐲𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐰𝐥𝐚 / 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞, 𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧 / 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 / 𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐲𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐞 / 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐬𝐤𝐱𝐚𝐰𝐧𝐠 / 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐧
☆ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐫: 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐞 , 𝐈’𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲
☆ ​𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
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Your eyes flutter, emotions dancing behind each closed eye lid. Your ears press flat against your head as you contemplate whether you’ve heard him right. He speaks your name, a phrase that has spilled from his lips more times than you can recall, to the point where it reaches you even in your dreams.
And yet, this time feels distinctly different. There's an added emphasis and sharpness to it, as if it weighs heavily on his tongue just to say those words. It's almost forced, yet strangely lacks the hesitation one would typically expect in a conversation such as this.
In all your time around him, even during teasing or comforting moments, he has never spoken to you without that gentle tone. The absence of it leaves a void, something you regretfully yearn for now as you find yourself locked in a tense gaze with what seems like a monster in disguise.
He hides his intentions so effectively that you never imagined this confession would take this direction. He fineses the situation so well that you thought of him as a personified version of a blinding sun, simultaneously painful to gaze upon yet offering a small, delightful wave of burn that stings as it gently caresses every inch of your exposed skin.
Your partially chapped lips remain sealed; you’re too afraid that uttering anything would make a bad situation worst. Doubt creeps in. Have you been mistaken all along? Perhaps he doesn't feel the same way after all?
In all honesty, that thought never crossed your mind. It’s not because you’re naturally confident; it's simply because he has a knack for making you feel self-assured enough to entertain the possibility of something more between you both, all based on his actions.
Those moments you didn’t imagine, no matter how much they feel like you did—they were just for you. No other woman in the village has his attention, no other woman does he hold in his arms, bare his heart to, or whisper sweet nothings that are just that; nothing.
That's all it is and all it comes down to, proven to you by his now tense posture and the stone stare he sends you. And it only further destroys the pedestal that you held him so highly upon as he continues to talk while you remain stunned in place.
“I didn’t mean for it—us—to get here…”
What does that mean? You can't help the curt tilt of your head as your eyes swirl with confusion. Did he intend for things to reach this point? Did he knowingly lead to this outcome? It’s a thought that nags at you, but it’s hard to reconcile with the Neteyam you once knew; it just doesn’t seem like something he would do.
The Neteyam you know wouldn't intentionally lead you on. He wouldn't deliberately create a sense of comfort, flood your thoughts with him, and ultimately make you fall in love with him. That idea seems entirely absurd in the context of who you believe him to be.
You blink, swallowing thickly as you part your lips to speak. Licking them, you question him, “I’m not… what do you mean, ‘I didn’t mean for us to get here?’” You need confirmation of your assumptions or even an explanation of why you could be wrong.
He takes a deep breath through his nose, the weight of the moment clearly taking a toll on him. He lowers his head to the ground, unable to meet your eyes. "This shouldn't be happening... It can't go beyond this," he says, the second statement not aimed at you but more of a self-directed declaration.
You don't know what overcame you to respond in the way you did. It's hard for you to even understand why you aren't more on the offense as you softly ask him, "Tell me why not?," when you should be offended and defensive more than anything.
And worst of all, you don't get why your heart is still holding on to hope when you know the answer, but you've played it up to this point like you don't.
He takes a moment to respond, his fists clenched at his sides, as though he's the one facing rejection at this very moment, rather than the other way around. "It'll feel like I'm betraying her," he finally admits, his voice heavy with conflicted emotions.
You may not have known her personally, but you were aware of her existence, and it all makes sense now. It's clear why no other woman is beside him, even though he's of age to mate. The woman he truly desires is miles away, back home where he should be.
You're not her. You just happened to be there when he was feeling low and had nothing better to do. In other words, the time you spent together wasn't enough; you weren't enough.
And the painful truth is that you wish you were enough. Because if you were never going to be enough for him, he should have let you go. It hurts more to be only partially loved when it would hurt less to not be loved at all.
"Betrayal?" You can't help but let out a bitter laugh. His use of the word feels like a double standard, painfully ironic in this context. "You know nothing of betrayal. If you had even a hint..." You pause, tears swelling in your eyes, your face burning with a mix of humiliation, embarrassment, and suppressed anger. "You wouldn't have caused my heart this much pain."
Your words draw his attention back to you, his eyes widening and his mouth slightly agape in apparent shock at your statement.
It only rubs saltwater into your fresh wounds. Did he truly give so little thought to your feelings? It becomes painfully clear that he strung you along, relishing the attention you gave him while holding you in such low regard.
How could you have been so blind?
A better question, how could he be so heartless? Or was it that he only had a heart when it came to her?
Neteyam snaps his mouth shut, his lips forming a thin, tight line. His forehead creases as his eyes flicker over your features, skillfully reading you like a puk. It took a while, months, but he now knew you.
He probably knew you better than you knew yourself because even though he might say it shouldn't have come to this, he had a feeling that's where you were heading.
He could have stopped it, could have saved you the pain—the yawnyewla of falling for someone like him knowing how he felt, but he didn't... a small part of him didn't want to.
A single tear falls down your cheek, but you quickly brush it away. Your chest rises and falls in a slow yet steady rhythm as you work to calm your racing pulse. “You are kawnglan. I wish to never see you again.” you hiss softly, then pivot on the balls of your feet and hurry away from him.
Night falls quickly as you remain within your mauri for the remainder of the day, choosing to nurse your wounds, however poorly you may be at it. You've never been heartbroken before, so a plan needs to be put into motion.
While you wish never to see him again, that doesn't seem practical. You also don't want to stay inside, pouting and crying your eyes out until your tear ducts dry either.
In the days that follow and those that come after, you do the opposite. You put on a facade when you're around others, while at night, you take off your mask.
It's challenging to maintain the act in public, especially when Neteyam is nearby or when you bump into him. However, you are determined to avoid him, even if it means a brief interaction before you can find relief.
Many nights, you lie awake, unable to sleep because your mind is filled with scenarios. You're constantly coming up with better ways to react to his rejection or what you'll say if you ever have another conversation with him.
Ewya, if you had just admired him from a distance, this wouldn't be your reality right now. But instead, you went out of your way to learn his name. Now, all you want is to forget it, to forget him.
You've never felt more unlike yourself. It's hard to recognize yourself when you look into the water during the sun-kissed mornings. Putting yourself willingly into the hands of another for the first time, only for it to backfire horribly, was a terrible mistake.
You should have made a better choice. You should have known better—you knew right from wrong, so how could you not see how wrong it was to love a man who yearns for another?
You spent months avoiding him, and as time went by, it became second nature, making it easier to see less of him without much effort. Were you taking this too far? You didn't think so.
He knowingly took a part of you, so it's only fair that he also knows how you can't stand to be around him... at least not now—he’s lucky if you ever will again.
You learned two lessons from this: There's no better feeling than a first love—it's unforgettable, just as there's nothing worse than a first heartbreak—it takes time to forgive and heal.
And although you were slowly healing, you were cautious as you dipped your toe back into the dating field. You'd be lying if you said you weren't afraid to get hurt again. A small part of you doesn't think you can handle another heartache, so you started slowly; taking baby steps, and this time, you didn't put all your eggs in one basket.
Al'wah, you met him one day while you were sitting thoughtfully on a rock. He came up and sat beside you, and although it was awkward at first, he was smooth at talking.
He even went as far as to say he'd been interested in you for a while but Neteyam was in the way. Unlike Neteyam, he was brave enough to admit his true feelings, and you were flattered. However, you weren't ready to commit while after getting to know him better, Al'wah was.
Next was Zen'kí, a very calm and talented fisherman, proving he was a natural provider. Your conversations with him were easier, as he was more down-to-pandora than anyone you've actually met, and he was truly caring—about nature and all of Pandora's inhabitants.
The only reason it didn't work out was because of rumors among the women of the village. They said that O'laya had been interested in Zen'kí for much longer than you. After knowing how it feels to be in love with someone interested in another, you had to do the right thing and step back so she could finally step up.
There were a few others: Koar and Whûn’k. Each one left an indelible impression, but it wasn't meant to last. Then, you reconnected with Seyknü, a Na'vi you had actually grown up close to. It genuinely surprised you to learn that he was interested in you.
When you were growing up, you had the biggest childish crush on him until Neteyam came around. Now, it seems he's seeing you differently. You can work with that.
As you reconnect with Seyknü, your opinion on commitment change, and it's happening at the right time. You're rediscovering how much he can make you laugh, how charming he is, and how attentive and protective he is toward others. It's good to see that he hasn't changed, but it's tough to realize that you have.
He accepts you wholeheartedly for who you are, and you're ready to reciprocate the same in time. However, it's Neteyam's current actions and whatever game he's playing that seem to be getting in the way.
Honestly, what is he up to?
As your relationship with Seyknü continues, Neteyam's presence becomes more pronounced during your time together. This is growing emotionally taxing and weighing heavily on your heart.
Whenever you and Seyknü seek moments of intimacy or simply enjoy each other's company, Neteyam seems to find a way to insert himself into the situation. Whether he's with Tuk or claiming to have duties from his father, he's always nearby.
When you and Seyknü are lost in your own world, sharing laughter and joy, you can sense Neteyam's gaze on you, like a piercing dagger.
Even when Seyknü reaches out to touch you, whether for a helping hand or more intimately, it's rare for Neteyam not to interrupt. He either "accidentally" bumps into you both or enlists the help of one of the children to divert your attention.
This pattern persists for a while, causing you to question everything that has led to this point. Is it too much to ask for happiness? Should you lower your expectations? But you’re wrong about that too, as you seem to be a lot these months. This realization dawns on you one day when you go searching for Seyknü.
You find Seyknü near some large boulders, and just as you’re about to call out to him, you freeze in your tracks. He isn’t alone. Standing in front of him is Neteyam, and the atmosphere is thick with tension.
Neteyam’s face is contorted with anger, his eyes cold as he looms menacingly within a couple of feet from Seyknü.
Seyknü doesn’t look any better. His tense posture, ears flattened against his skull, and the twitching of his upper lip, baring his canines. With a chest puffed out, he hisses at Neteyam through clenched teeth, “What’s your problem!?”
Neteyam’s hands twitch at his sides, his ears flicking upwards at Seyknü’s tone, but he makes no movement suggesting he’s about to approach Seyknü anytime soon. “You are. Back off her,” he insists.
Seyknü blinks in confusion before his eyes widen as he realizes who Neteyam is referring to. He scoffs, casting a disdainful look up and down Neteyam’s form. “I’ll do no such thing. Save yourself the trouble and move on,” he retorts, his disgust evident in his expression. “She already has with me.” he adds with a smirk.
Neteyam’s jaw tightens in response to Seyknü’s statement. His tail goes stiff behind him as he closes the distance between himself and Seyknü, bringing their faces mere inches apart. Neteyam looms over Seyknü due to his greater height and attempts to explain, “She’s confused—”
But Seyknü interrupts him, shaking his head with a look of disbelief. “No, you’re the one who’s confused,” he retorts firmly. “You can’t force your way back into her life after how you’ve behaved.”
“Don’t speak as if you know what went on between us.”
"I know more than you think," Seyknü spits back, his attempt to push Neteyam away proving futile as Neteyam stands firm. With a confident smirk, Seyknü continues, "I'm the one she confides in now, the one she seeks when she's happy, and the one who takes care of her when she's excited..."
Tensions rise as their exchange becomes more heated but he appears entirely unbothered by the threatening look Neteyam gives him in response to this revelation. Seyknü's smirk widens as he taunts, "Oh, did I strike a nerve? You don't fit in here anymore. You're just a forest boy with no heart.. ha, sorry, a heart that remains anchored to a place far from here."
Neteyam can no longer tolerate Seyknü's words. He swiftly pins Seyknü against one of the boulders, pressing his hand firmly into the center of Seyknü's chest, rendering him immobilized, despite Seyknü's futile resistance.
A faint, mocking smirk tugs at the corner of Neteyam's lips as he observes how weak Seyknü seems, desperately gripping Neteyam's wrist with both hands.
Neteyam can't help but think... How can you be with someone like this? This island boy can't even free himself from Neteyam's grip. He's obviously too weak to protect you. If he can't protect you, Neteyam highly doubts he can provide for you, let alone please you as well as he could. In those aspects, there's no competition.
However, Neteyam acknowledges that everything else Seyknü claims is true. He pushed you into the arms of another man, making him feel like crap since and he often finds himself wondering if that's how he made you feel. He hates that feeling and regrets more than anything that he made you feel that way.
"Last time, Seyknü. Back off—" Neteyam's sentence is abruptly cut short by a powerful punch to the face. The impact temporarily sends him off his feet, and he staggers backward, creating some distance between them. Seyknü seizes the opportunity, taking advantage of Neteyam's momentary confusion, and tackles him to the ground, landing another hit on Neteyam's face.
As Seyknü prepares to land a fourth punch, Neteyam skillfully dodges it by moving his head to the side. In a swift counterattack, Neteyam headbutts Seyknü in the mouth, causing Seyknü to yelp in pain and clutch his mouth with furrowed brows.
Distracted by the pain, Seyknü fails to notice Neteyam's hold on him, ready to flip him over. Towering over Seyknü, Neteyam strikes him in the eye, followed by a flurry of punches targeting his nose and mouth. The physical altercation escalates with each blow Neteyam delivers.
You have to intervene, coming clean that you were eavesdropping because the situation is growing increasingly violent. Neteyam is viciously attacking Seyknü, who, by this point, is simply lying there and taking the blows.
"Get off him!" you shout, rushing in and grabbing hold of Neteyam to pull him away from Seyknü. He moves more easily than you'd expect once he realizes it's you. He watches as you bend down to check on Seyknü's condition. That simple action annoys Neteyam more than it should.
He interprets your concern as an indication that it’s because he's the most injured, or at least that's what he wants to think, rather than realizing that you simply didn't want to interact with him yet. But it was Seyknü who initiated the violence with the first punch, leading to this chaotic situation.
"Seyknü, Seyknü!" you urgently call out to him, trying to get him to open his puffy eyes, while wiping the blood from his face as best as you can. You growl, looking up at Neteyam, "What is wrong with you!?" you hiss, "You hurt everything you touch!"
Neteyam's ears flatten against his skull, his lips forming a small pout as his eyes soften at your words. He bends slightly as steps forward, reaching out to you, and says, “Please let me explain."
"There's nothing to explain. This is what you do," you say with a sharp inhale, looking away. You move to help Seyknü up, his soft groaning urging you to assist him. “Just…leave us alone.” you add, walking past him with Seyknü to get him to the medic tent.
After ensuring Seyknü will be well taken care of and crafting a few believable lies, you make the decision to leave the hut. However, as you step outside, you pause when you spot someone loitering nearby.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, your earlier annoyance resurfacing.
Hearing your voice, Neteyam turns to you, straightening up. He slowly steps closer to you, cautious as he should be because you were this close to heading back inside to avoid him. "Is he okay?" he asks softly, nodding toward the tent.
You scoff, rolling your eyes, and cross your arms. "You mean after you beat the crap out of him? He's holding on."
Neteyam rolls his eyes in response, shaking his head, his braids swaying with his movements. "He hit me first," he tries to defend himself, but you're having none of it.
"That doesn't give you the right to do what you did!" you exclaim, stepping closer to him, fists clenched at your side as your whole body burns with anger. "You could have killed him!"
He groans, his brow-bones furrowing deeply as he looks away, his teeth clenched in visible conflict. "Why him?..."
Your expression shifts from anger to confusion as you raise a eyebrow. "Why what?" you ask, crossing your arms and studying him closely, trying to discern what's going on in his head.
"Why him, out of all the men in the village?" he asks, his tone curious, and he fixes an expectant gaze on you.
You blink, momentarily taken aback. His question seems to revolve around Seyknü—on why you chose him. What does this have to do with Neteyam? Given what he did, this is what he was more concerned about? This wasn’t the kind conversation you had in mind, and it's not a topic you're inclined to discuss with him.
You pivot on your heel, declaring your intentions, "I'm going home."
"No," Neteyam's voice booms behind you as his hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you away from prying eyes. He leads you to a clearing and stops, releasing your wrist, his expression now serious. "I'm trying to talk to you!"
"I don't want you to! What I do is none of your business!" you shout, your voice tinged with frustration, your arms gesturing wildly. Your patience is wearing thin, and you're overwhelmed by a mountain of emotions.
You're starting to feel like you're the one losing your mind here, not him. And that's an issue because the problem here is undoubtedly Neteyam. "Why are you so insistent on meddling in my life? What difference would knowing make?”
“Because I still might have a chance” he shouts back, his voice laced with desperation. His chest heaves as he locks eyes with you, and you’re left utterly stunned by his words.
“What?…” Your voice wavers as you struggle to comprehend what he’s saying.
"I messed up, okay!? I was a skxawng—blind and… afraid." He trails off, the last word falling off his lips with hesitation before he gathers himself and continues, “But not anymore. I finally see what was in front of me all along." With each word, he takes a step closer, a sense of urgency in his eyes as he looks down at you, seeking your understanding.
With each step, you back away, shaking your head and raising a finger to mimic your disbelief. "No. You can't just… You're not saying what I'm thinking… are you?"
He nods, following you, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm not hooked on the wrong girl. The one I want is right here, right in front of me. I can't be afraid of letting her slip away too when I can do something about it right now."
A small gasp escapes your lips as your back meets a tree, leaving you trapped between it and him. Your wide eyes meet his, and your pulse races fast in sync with your thoughts. Since your confession, you never thought he would reciprocate your feelings.
The tables have turned. He's the one approaching you this time. In the past, you might have been thrilled by this new development, but now, knowing what you do, happiness isn't what you feel. Who did he really think he was?
"That's a shame," you say, swallowing subtly with a dry cough to clear your throat, averting your eyes as you attempt to seem uninterested. "You're a little too late. I'm over you." You lie through your teeth, hoping he believes it because you were struggling to believe them yourself. Deep down, you know that you won't ever truly get over him, but you need to try to move on.
He stops in his tracks, his face briefly contorting with hurt. His eyes flicker over your face, searching for any sign that you're lying. Then, as quickly as the hurt appeared, it vanishes, and he's inches away from you, his arms caging you in. "You're lying," he states firmly.
You firmly press your hands against his chest, your voice slightly quivering, "N-No, I'm not!" The tremble in your voice betrays the emotions coursing through you as you apply more pressure. It's been months since you've been this close, and the sudden proximity sends your senses into disarray, leaving you feeling utterly disoriented.
Yet, everything about him remains unchanged; from the musky scent you've grown so fond of, down to the comforting warmth that still emanates from him, a warmth you continue to crave even on these darkest of nights.
His breath gently fans across your face as he leans in closer, until your chests touch. "Then look at me when you say it," he murmurs huskily, his words carrying the weight of a shared secret between you both. His gaze lingers on you, and his features soften as he takes in the tension etched across your face. "Look at me."
It's not a trance. It really isn't. He no longer holds sway over your emotions or actions because your heart has found its place, firmly back in your chest and out of his hands. You've taken control of that all by yourself. Nevertheless, you can't help but respond to his command, your breath catching as your gaze locks onto his mustard-colored eyes, your heart quickening as you notice the unmistakable intensity in his dilated pupils.
Your lips are just centimeters apart, on the verge of touching, about to share a single breath. One part of your mind warns you that it might be a bad idea, while the other part insists that you miss him dearly, and a brief moment of connection wouldn't cause any harm; you can part ways afterward.
You bite down on your lip, fighting the urge, and murmur, “No…” Your eyes remain glued to his lips, torn between desire and caution. You can’t let this happen. Entangling yourself in his web of lies would be self-destructive. It took what felt like an eternity to heal from the figuratively scars he gave you.
"No?... You're not listening again," Neteyam grumbles, his accent growing heavier with each word. He lets go of the tree, cupping your face with his large, warm hands, urging you to lock eyes with him again. "Now, say it," he presses, a mix of frustration and longing in his gaze, searching for your response.
You part your lips, all set to utter the words as your focus returns, but an inexplicable lump forms in your throat, choking your voice.
He waits for just a moment, his mind already determined on what comes next, but he does so with a bated breath, hoping you won’t utter the words he dreads. It’s clear that you’re stronger than him, evident in how you’ve rebuilt yourself after your last encounter.
He'd go to any lengths to prevent that from happening. Getting over his previous love became more manageable after he sorts out his feelings, partly thanks to the distance and you. Yet, if he has to remain here, watching you move on right before his eyes, getting over you will be an agonizing process. He's prepared to do whatever it takes, even if it means begging, to avoid that.
Your silence stretches on, becoming almost unbearable, and Neteyam's patience finally gives way. He leans in, capturing your lips in a kiss that's not as gentle as he'd like it to be. His kiss is passionate, a raw expression of all the intense emotions coursing through him, a desperate attempt to convey just how much he wants you, and only you.
You fight it at first, not wanting to give in but your lips mold so well into his and they feel so soft against your own that you cave. Instinctively you turn your head to deepen the kiss and he takes your submission as an okay to slide a hand down your back and tangle the other in your hair so you’re flush against him.
Ewya you missed him. Every part of him. Down to his braids that always wack you in the face to the mischievous glint in his eyes when he’s caving into Lo’ak antics. Is it even possible to miss someone this much when they’ve been so close to you this whole time?
You grunt when your back hits the tree again, with more force than before. It was enough to knock you back to your senses and your mumbling against Neteyam’s lips before pulling away and placing a steady hand on his chest to stop him from chasing yours.
“Kehe…” you huff firmly, trying to catch your breath. What was he doing? Trying to literally take your breath away? He was on the right track if he was. “I can’t be with you.”
He only hugs you tighter, cradling your head in the hand still in your hair, “Why not? I know you still want me. Don’t do this. I want you too… I need you.” he pleads, leaning in to kiss your cheek, then several times again, hoping to distract you from continuing this conversation when he can be showing you something better.
“I can’t stand you.” you blurt out, naming one reason why this can’t move on. It’s only a half lie. You can spend all your days staring at him, his beautiful patterned smooth skin and luminescence freckles that littered his body. He was art in its purest form. A rare shell you can only find at the bottom of the ocean in a dozen eclipse.
But you couldn’t stand him all the same. He played you, like a wind flute and he had no remorse when he tore you down. He can’t just show up when he had time to mule over his mistakes and comes to terms with his heart. As a warrior—no, a man—he should have had enough courage to tell you how he truly felt before you let yourself get in too deep.
He hums, showing he acknowledges your statement before mumbling, “I know…” as he trails from your cheek to your neck, licking a strip up your pulse, which he found easily due to your heart rate. He plants a kiss before attacking it, sucking hard enough to leave a bright, purple bruise.
Your body tense automatically at the strange sensation, your eyes squeezed shut as you bite your lip to stop the moan from leaving your lips. Your body may be tense, yet it arches off command to get closer to him.
If he knows, then why is he kissing you and handling you like you’re already his? It was embarrassing, leaving you feeling shame when it’s him who should after what he did and what’s he doing now.
“I hate you.” you continue, opening your eyes to peer up at the night sky, the stars shining brightly—it’ll be wonderful to relax under it but instead you were being ambushed by a persistent ex-someone.
He breathes out a chuckle, finding your words amusing as he continues to assault your neck with more marks of claim, “You don’t.” he replies matter of factly, shaking his head and causing his braids to tickle your shoulder. He jerks your head back enough for him to move on to the other side to apply the same treatment.
The tug causes you to whimper slightly, it is both pleasure and pain, but the pain wasn’t physical—at least not in that way. “Yes, I do.” you insist, thankful he’s holding you so securely as he does or you’ll surely collapse to the floor, wishing in that second that it’ll swallow you whole.
He pulls away just enough to look you in your eyes, his own a shade darker than normally, “You wouldn’t still be here if you did.”
His words cause you to freeze, eyes wide again at the realization that he was in fact correct. All you had to do was tell him no, tell him you really didn’t want this and walk away because even though he was a manipulator as recently discovered, he still held some honor. He had sisters, he wouldn’t take it that far if you didn’t want to.
Which brings you back to this moment, why can’t you seem to do just that?
"I understand," he whispers, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "I know I need to work to earn your trust back." He presses his lips softly against your nose. "Consider this a promising start." He concludes with a gentle kiss on your lips, expressing his sincerity in a less intimidating manner.
He leaves you breathless once more, and you allow it, letting your emotional barriers crumble to expose the heart that still longs for him underneath. Your heart races in your chest, and you wonder if he can feel it against his own—if they beat in unison, if you affect him as profoundly as he affects you. Just this once, you wish for him to share your nervousness.
After a few minutes, he breaks away, his lips parting, both of you slightly out of breath. Though it might not have matched the intensity of your first kiss, you're secretly flattered by the thought that you have an effect on him, even if it's more subtle.
Before long, he returns his attention to your body, his lips finding the front of your neck, coaxing you to tilt your head back again. He showers you with kisses and gentle nibbles as he travels down to your collarbone. When he playfully nips at it, you can't help but emit a mixture of a whimper and a hiss, to which he responds with a low chuckle.
His hand, previously entangled in your hair, loosens its grip, and the one resting on your lower back joins it on your hips, softly caressing your skin as he continues his downward journey. Although the angle is slightly awkward, he doesn't seem to mind. His lips trail along the edge of your top. You observe his every move, a sense of anticipation growing within you as you wonder what he’s going to do next.
As if he's attuned to your thoughts, he lifts his gaze to meet your eyes just as his bottom lip brushes over your nipple from beneath the revealing top. The sensation makes you jump slightly, and your nipple responds by stiffening. You resist the urge to hide your face, feeling a tinge of embarrassment. It felt really good. It shouldn’t feel that good with him of all people.
His ears perk up, his interest piqued by your body's reaction. He repeats the action, gradually applying more pressure with each brush, making you squirm and proclaim that it's not enough. "Stop," you frown, "Quit teasing me. You have no right."
He apologizes with a kiss to the center of your chest. "I couldn't help it," he says, "Your reactions are adorable, they drive me crazy…." He trails off, running his hands up your back, fingers toying with your straps before loosening them and letting the top fall to the ground.
He pulls back slightly, gazing at you in a way you never thought he would. "You're so beautiful, yawne. How could I have been so blind? Forgive me, however long that takes."
You're completely lost for words. Despite all the different sides of Neteyam you remember from before you both went your separate ways, you can't recall a time when he was this gentle—even when you thought he was already at his gentlest with you.
It makes your stomach flutter with shimmyflies. If this is his way of trying to earn your forgiveness, you won't be able to remain headstrong for long. It won't be long before you're putty in his hands once again.
"I refuse to listen," you stammer out, closing your eyes to avoid looking at him. Your body may have yielded to him, but you won't entertain his lies. You don't have to pretend there's something more. Right now, you only need one thing from him, and it doesn't involve much talking.
"That's fair," he mutters, "I deserve that." Leaning forward, he playfully sticks his tongue out to gently lick your right nipple. "I won't talk anymore, I’ll show you…" he concludes before wrapping his mouth around it and giving a fervent suck. His action elicits a shuddering exhale from you as you arch your chest forward and weave your fingers through his braids, pulling him closer.
A deep groan reverberates from his chest as you secure his hair firmly, keeping him in place. He proceeds to suck, lick, and nibble, to the point where drool starts forming at the corner of his mouth. His breathing becomes ragged, his hold on you tighter and you can only imagine the tightness in his tewng.
It doesn’t take much for you to imagine the wetness forming in yours. You can feel it, moistening the fabric right at the center. With each passing second, it grows even wetter as he continues to suck, teasing your nipples until they border on a pleasurable ache. Soon enough, he switches to the other side, repeating the tantalizing treatment; one of his hands slithers up your body to keep your other company.
With a gentle pop, he pulls away, lightly pecking your puffy nipple before gazing up at you from beneath his thick lashes. Neteyam seems like he wants to say something, as evident in the way his jaw slackens, but he quickly closes it, perhaps recalling his earlier words. Instead, he averts his eyes, focusing once more on your breast before trailing down your body, mirroring his descent as he settles on his knees to align with your navel.
His hands find your hips, but they don’t stay there long when one confirmation curt nod from you has him untying your tewng, joining your top on the ground. You shiver slightly, attempting to squeeze your legs shut as the cold air hits your glistened lips.. Neteyam doesn’t allow you to succeed, choosing to grab your inner knees and keep them open.
There’s this primal, cloudy look in his gold optics as he stares at you for a moment too long before he leans in to give a long, drawn out lick from your hole to your clit. Your breath hitch when the pressure on your clit was oddly aggressive and moan as that one lap turns into many messier laps.
As he presses firmly against your lips, any concern about his ability to breathe fades when his tongue delves into your trembling heat. The rhythmic brush of his nose against your clit dispels any lingering worries. His groans intensify with each movement of your hips against his face, his gaze alternating between your expressions and the mesmerizing sway of your breasts.
He could spend hours savoring the taste of you, never growing tired. Your intoxicating scent sends him into a frenzy, he’s humping the air as thoughts of you consume his mind. He was suffocating, yes, but in the best way.
Neteyam’s hand skillfully guides your leg over his shoulder,, the new angle making it easier to fuck his face as his tongue reaches deeper. Your hips move almost instinctively, driven by the mounting tension in your stomach; you're close and Neteyam knows it or he wouldn’t be guiding your movements to go faster, mouth open as he eagerly awaits to taste every drop you offer, his tail thrashing behind him in anticipation.
Moments later, sensing your need for an extra push towards the edge, he plunges two thick fingers into you down to the knuckle with a curl that has you throwing your head back and creaming all over them.
It required every ounce of restraint to prevent his name from slipping out amidst the sinful moans escaping your lips. Despite experiencing the most amazing head you’ve had, you cling to the last shreds of your sanity, refusing to reveal his name.
Your breath catches, your fingers tightening in his hair as the overwhelming sensation of him slurping your juices clean threatens to overstimulate you. Despite your attempt to pull away, Neteyam remains steadfast, only relenting once he’s finished. As he withdraws, he licks his lips and rests his head on your thigh, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.
"I hope that was as enjoyable for you as it was for me," he murmurs, his lips brushing against your skin as he steals a glance at you, his ears perked. "It was hard to stop; you taste like something forbidden."
"You're speaking again..." you grumble, your stomach twisting uncomfortably at his words. "What did I say?"
Neteyam chuckles, rising to his full height and pressing his chest against yours. Your leg, previously draped over his shoulder, now finds a resting place at his hip. “I was thinking about that while I was…” He pauses, lip curling as he observes the flushed pout on your face. “And I realized that whether you listen or not, talking is better than silence. Although there wasn’t much silence from you just moments ago.”
You hiss, anger and embarrassment mingling as you bare your teeth, your ears pressing flat against your head, “Is this a joke to you?!” Were you, even now after what you’ve done together, a joke to him?, you want to ask, but the potential answer makes you hesitate.
“Have you truly not been listening?” he responds with a question of his own, his tone earnest. “I’m here with you, finally… showing you how I feel, expressing all this because I need you.” He tilts his head, his eyebrows furrowing as he locks eyes with you. “Only you,” he adds with unwavering conviction.
Damn it.
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!
Don’t you crave, (Name). Don’t you fucking dare. Remember the pain, the hurt, the tears, and the loneliness he put you through. How you weren’t even his first choice, how some good head wasn’t equivalent to love.
You swallow thickly, your voice catching in your throat. "What does that mean, Neteyam..?"
You’re stronger than this.
Without hesitation, he responds, "I see you... hey..." gently guiding you to meet his gaze when you attempt to turn away. "I see you, always have, always will. What do humans say? 'Till death do us part'?"
Damn it.
You burst into laughter, a deep, genuine sound that reverberates through the air, and playfully smack his shoulder at his amusing choice of words. "Enough," you protest with a breathy whine, feeling the heat rising from your neck to your cheeks. "Humans have such strange ways with words."
Neteyam nods, acknowledging your point. “You’re right. Death wouldn’t stop me. My love for you will endure even beyond death,” he affirms, sealing his words with gentle kisses to your lips. “Please, tell me you feel the same,” he requests softly, pulling back to search your eyes. “I need to hear it from you.”
Gazing at his lips, you contemplate whether to voice your feelings or not—though, in truth, you already have. But saying it again, what if this was just a dream and it would end like your first confession? After a moment, you meet his gaze squarely, "I still feel the same. My feelings never left," you affirm softly.
His shoulders relax as he exhales deeply, his eyes softening and smile becoming more relaxed as he firmly grasps your other leg, prompting you to wrap your legs around his hips. He presses you back against the tree, his pelvis pressing against your bare pussy, you can feel just how hard he is during this whole confession, "You have no idea how happy that makes me," he confesses, pulling you even closer.
"Hm..." You playfully arch an eyebrow. "Judging by your tweng , I'd say very happy... perhaps we can make each other even happier."
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saintbarou · 2 years
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tags:confession of love, childhood friends to lovers, fluff, jealous and protective neyetam
synopsis: neyetam has loved you for as long as he can remember and it’s about time you have made aware of his burden.
Neteyam finds it challenging to become one with water - the way of Metkayina clashes with his own inherent nature. Especially when faced with his own Achilles heel, the divot in his armor, and the knob of his delicate spine; you. Gold eyes peer from the side as you seem to flow into the way of water with the same ease you zipped through the trees of the forests. Your dark blue skin glitters under the veil of the seawater and he struggles to keep his gaze respectful, to keep his eyes from following the trail the droplets leave down your streamline build.
As he looks away he finds that he is not the only one watching you, and he feels something coil in his stomach at the thought. For as long as he can remember - the world was you and him and the forests. His earliest memories contain him holding your hand in his right; the same hand that notches his arrows and wields his dagger. Neyetam half-mindedly listens to Tsireya, rubbing his right hand with his left in the same pattern you did when he scraped it hard enough for it to ache up to his elbow back before he began to train. The crashing waves fill his ears as he watches you claim a rock opposite to his, wringing your unbraided hair out as other Metkayina begin to make conversation with you. 
The furrow of his brow is recognizable and he breaks from the trance you always seem to put him under when Lo’ak roughly nudges his shoulder with his, bringing his attention back to the circle of his siblings and the Olo’eyktan’s children. He meets Tsireya’s concerned gaze and brushes it off with a polite smile and the lesson resumes, Neyetam ignores the knowing stares of his siblings until night falls in the marui.
You had claimed not to be able to sleep - your restless smile and bouncing knee have endeared you to Jake who gives you permission to go on a walk but not to stay out too late. He watches the exchange with a growing smile, he knows his mother teases his father about how soft he is with you. Neyetam can already hear the whispers of her laughter and his father’s embarrassed huffs, the night continues as normal until the embers are almost dying out. Glancing at the darkening sky he announces that he’ll go looking for you - it’s unlike you to miss all of dinner and the voice of his father fades with the waves and in the pursuit of you.
It doesn’t take long to find you, it is like he sees the world through your eyes, and can predict which turns you’d take and which path you’d follow. He finds you right where he thinks you’d be, where the shore bleeds into the tall roots of the trees that crowd the reef petting and cooing at your ikran -Kaystìp. Her beauty is unparalleled among the ikran riders, such a deep purple that if her skin did not glow like all things on Pandora did it would be impossible to separate her from the night sky. He calls your name, and Neyetam is weak at the knees at how it sounds like the voices of his ancestors that rest at the Spirit Tree. You smile at him so brightly, and your ikran chirps at his arrival; you used to jest that you two had switched ikrans given how sweet yours is to him.
“Why are you here Neyetam? I would have been home soon,” You say voice soft on how it carries on the sea salt breeze and he comes to a stop next to you, stroking your ikran’s beak softly.
“You missed all of dinner and it's dark out, it’s too late for you to be alone here.” You laugh slightly, eyes flickering up to the sky and mapping out the stars in the blanket of blue and purples that rein above the two of you.
“It seems time has escaped me. I just wanted to check up on her,” you say looking over at him with an apologetic smile, “I haven’t been able to spend time with her due to the lessons and chores. I wanted to see how she was acclimating.” He hums, watching how you coo out her name and scratch right above Kaystìp’s brow and giggle when she chirps happily at your expert touch.
“And how have you been? Do you miss the forest?” He asks you, tentatively just how he lets himself place a hand on your shoulder. He doesn’t miss how your skin warms under his touch and how when you reach over to place your hand on his, your thumb rubs the top of his palm.
“Do you?” Neyetam shakes his head, you know because the rattling of his beads fills the space between the two of you. It’s always like this with him, the world fades until there is nothing but him and you. His hand slips up until it’s at the slope of your neck and cheek; you find yourself unable to stop how your body shivers at the intimate touch. You go to meet his gaze and you find yourself frozen like the prey you would hunt back in the forests.
“Home is wherever we are together, as long as I have, as long as I have you near the forests are never far away.” He responds so confidently and you almost tremble beneath the weight of his golden gaze. Neyetam looks at you like you are the sun even when under the heavy cloak of the night sky, his heart still grows to reach your light just like the trees in your childhood. Your breath catches in your throat and you swallow around nothing as you look away - you swore you could count the specks of amber in his eyes.
“When did you get so good at sweet talking?” You manage to choke out, the words soft and airy and Neyetam’s ear twitches as the soft gasp you let out before you speak. His head tilts, a habit from his father, and chooses his next words carefully, with the same precision he shoots an arrow with.
“Since I have to beat off an entire clan for you.”  Even with your tongue tied you can’t help but laugh - light and exasperated you miss the narrowing of his eyes as he watches you brush off his comment.
“Neyetam you don’t have to-”
“I do.” He cuts you off with such certainty you have to do a double-take at the tone. Neyetam is usually so calm when he spoke, tone even from being raised as the next in line Olo’eyktan’s son but now you can’t help but think how much he has inherent the ferocity of his parents. He’s closer to you now, his beads shine in the light of the stars, and you can’t help but notice how you can find them mirrored in the amber of his golden gaze.
“Back in the forests, I didn’t have to. I was my father’s son and no one would dare to approach you with me near, but here,” he pauses to sigh, “Here your beauty is too much to bear, it seems I am not the only one who thinks so.”The pink of his tongue wets his blue lips and he knows you well enough that you are keenly watching the action. Neyetam, even when barely ascending into adulthood towers over you and you don’t even flinch when he lets his other hand settle at the other side of your face.
He holds you so reverently, so sweetly like you are the embodiment of the peace he so desperately seeks. Neyetam says your name and for once it is not stolen on the sea breeze, it is here right before you. It is sweet on your lips like the fruit he always cuts for you and gentle like the way he puts on the necklaces he weaves for you.
“You have been mine since I could remember.” You shiver in his hold when you feel his thumb rub at the skin above your jaw. You feel it, the barrier of friendship weakening and crumbling under the weight of his confession and you know he can hear how you waver when you shakily say his name.
“Neyetam…” He hums, ears flat to his head and you see how his tail almost wags at the sound of his name coming from your sweet lips. It is within this moment that curtains that obscured the truth of your fondness for each other are briefly lifted and you can each see the other pure adoration. You remember the time that Jake told you and Kiri about soulmates - one who most perfectly completes you and you can’t help but think that is what Neyetam is. Here with the markings on his face that replace the stars in the night sky, for the first time, you see him as something whole and beautiful and entirely different.
“From now on, stick close to me, just as it has always been okay?” You nod, placing your hands over his and rubbing the same pattern on the top of his palms like in childhood. Your own eyes flicker between his and his lips - Neyetam can’t help but prepare to tease you but he is helpless when you press the softest kiss he’s ever known to him. Just a brush of your lips against his, and all he can do is gasp and tremble against your sweet adoration.
“Come on, let’s go back before your father hunts us down.” You smile as you begin to lead the way back to the marui. He lets himself be tugged by you, a smile as sweet as your kiss and as bright as the stars beaming across his face.
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the-atlas-sister · 1 year
Why are all the fics under Lo’ak x reader tags about threesomes with his brother?
I want some nice fluffy fics with this stubborn boy and I don’t have the skill or creativity to write them myself.
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karmaisakhaleesi · 2 years
💫Astronomy Chap. 3 Neteyam Sully x human!fem!reader 💫
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Prev. Chap.~
word count~ 2.5k+
warnings~ violence, blood, death mentioned, language, kind of ooc, lmk if i missed any!
i did change up the pov style here a little bit when it's not the reader pov, i hope it doesn't throw anyone off!
We've seen everything from Saturn to Mars...
"She has been poisoned by a Txumre'," Mo'at paused as she surveyed the girl, and realized that her oxygen max was missing, "She is missing her mask, yet is still breathing."
Neteyam's ears perked up at hearing this, then his eyes landed on your small frame, noticing the lack of an oxygen mask he felt his heart drop, how could he not have noticed? He reached out to grasp your hand, but his grandmother swatted it away.
"It is unusual, but she lives, now I must prepare the antidote, leave us."
Neteyam begrudgingly left and sat down on a log next to a stream, wondering why you had gone off on your own.
The sound of crashing waves woke you, and your eyes fluttered open. Your head turned to see your mother sitting next to you. The sand scrapes against your skin as you sit up, shielding your eyes from the sun.
She taps your shoulder and stands, stretching her arms as she pushes back her sunglasses, a laugh reverberating through your ears as she pulls you up.
You smile as you walk along the shore, the waves licking at your feet, the sand warm, hand in hand with her. If only it could be like this back home, you muse when you hear someone calling your name, pulling you from your dream.
Your face scrunches as your eyes slowly blink open, attempting to focus on the blurry face in front of you. You reach up to rub your temple, but wince in pain, and then gasp. "M-my mask, where's my oxygen-" you stutter as you're cut off by a pair of arms gently wrapping your torso then hands moving to inspect your bandaging.
You frown when a stern voice breaks the silence, one you recognize, "Are you okay?"
You glance over to see Jake, his face twisted in confusion, as Norm rushes over with an oxygen mask grasped so tightly his knuckles whiten, and a gasp leaves his throat when he sees you.
Neteyam leans back as Norm sits down next to you, "Are you alright?' he asks softly his hand tightly grasping yours still.
You feel a blush creeping up your face as you nod slowly and turn to Norm.
"How is this possible?" you ask as he checks your pulse, your hands still gripping the mask tightly.
"That's what I want to know too," Jake says crossing his arms over his chest as Neytiri walks over, looking your body over. She seems skeptical as Norm stands his hands in his hair.
"We need to get back to the lab and put the oxygen mask back on, just for now," he pauses sighing deeply, "There are so many tests I'll need to run, you've never even been on Pandora before right?" he asks hands falling to his side.
You shake your head no and wince as you try to stand, but Neteyam gently pushes you back, "You should rest some more, you don't want your wounds to open up again," he says his eyes scanning your bandaging once more, and you tighten your grip on his hand, "Thank you, for, looking for me," you look away as you hear Jake heatedly whispering to Norm and Neytiri.
A small blush covers his cheeks as he murmurs "You're welcome," and something else in Na'vi you don't catch.
"So, we'll wait until morning, and then transport you back to the lab, okay?" Norm says as he sits down on a log his hands shaking as he starts to speak into a communicator.
"That's fine with me if it's okay with everyone else here?" you say as you brush back your hair, beads of sweat dripping down your face.
Jake hums in agreement and Neytiri drags him away, her voice fades away as they leave, leaving you alone with Neteyam. You glance down at your hands and he quickly lets go, "S-sorry," he mumbles his head turning away, "I was worried..." he trails off, and you can see his face deepen, blush to cover it.
"It's fine, I was kind of worried too. I thought I was dead there, I dreamed of home," you smile thinking of the waves crashing in your ears, and handing your mother a sand dollar, her nose wrinkling as she smiled and ran her hand through your hair, bringing you into a hug her lips on your temple.
"Home?" he asks, his curiosity spiking.
Neteyam knew you were from Earth, of course, you had told so many stories of your time there, but he still couldn't quite picture the distant planet that both you and his father had come from.
Your smile widens, "Yeah, but I guess I could call here my new home," you sigh, thoughts of your mother swirling around your brain, and your smile disappears.
You wonder how she is if they've given her the treatment yet, if she's even still-
Neteyam recognizes the dark look of despair on your face and gently pushes your hair out of your face, you glance up at him, brows quirked in confusion as his hand pushes away a tear.
You almost laugh, you hadn't noticed you were crying.
"What's on your mind, sky girl," he says as you start to re-braid your hair, fingers pulling the leaves and twigs out.
Blushing at the nickname, you playfully push his shoulder as he helps you to stand, making you lose your balance. You feel your feet fall out from under you and gasp as your feel warm arms wrap around your waist, holding you up.
"Don't go trying to injure yourself again," he says as you straighten yourself up and hobble with him inside.
Neytiri sits by the fire her eyes never once leaving your frame, Kiri sits next to her a gasp leaving her throat when she sees the lack of an oxygen mask covering your face, revealing your piercing eyes.
Neteyam helps you to sit down on a pile of furs and takes a seat next to his mother, her eyes full of suspicion. You glance away when Kiri sits down next to you grasping your arm, "What happened?" she asks softly her eyes trailing down the banding on your waist, and then up to your face.
"You're injured!" she nearly shouts, but then covers her mouth. "And your oxygen," she trails off as she meets your eyes.
You sigh, exhausted, "It's a long story, I was being stupid and I ran off after Spider. And nearly got myself killed. Oh, and I can breathe here somehow, don't know how that works but, I guess I'll find out sometime."
She lets go of your arm and her brows twist in confusion, you could breathe the air here? But you were human, there was no way, well unless... She shook her head, "I'm glad you didn't die, you should rest, here," she wraps one of the furs around you and you lay back thanking her as your eyes close and you drift off, the fire warming you as Jake enters.
Jake paces around the fire as Neytiri places a blanket on top of Kiri, her nose twitching in her sleep. She turns to him and crosses her arms, "She cannot stay here," she gestures to you her eyes narrowing.
Jake sighs as he looks over at you, your breathing even, eyes closed, in a deep sleep.
"I don't know what's going on with her, but she'll be gone tomorrow. Norm has to run some tests. I just hope it's nothing," he pauses looking for the right word before deciding not to continue.
He quickly sits down next to her and gives her a quick kiss, his arm wrapping around her shoulder. It was already strange that this girl, claiming to be Grace's niece had shown up on Pandora out of nowhere, but there was undeniable proof she was related to Grace. But that didn't make Jake any less suspicious of her.
For all he knew, she could be some sort of spy, intent on gathering intel on him and his family, hell the entire Omatikaya clan and their whereabouts. He laid back next to Neytiri as the thoughts of this girl being a danger swirled around his mind.
A hand gently shook you awake as your eyes opened. Neteyam's somber face greeted you as you sat up, eyes glancing around to see Jake standing in the entrance his arms crossed.
Neteyam helped you and out to the helicopter, his arm reluctantly leaving your waist as Norm helped you into your seat, fastening the seatbelt so tight you winced. It was digging into your wound, you'd have to let him know to change the bandages when you got back.
You glanced back to see Neteyam waving goodbye as Norm hopped onto the helicopter, his voice drowned out by the blades of the chopper.
You waved back to Neteyam and gave him a small smile, mouthing out that you would be more careful next time. He smiled back, and you noticed that his eyes were still full of worry as the chopper took off.
Your heartbeat raced as you lay down on the cot, a prick of syringe making you wince, your eyes shut involuntarily. Norm had assured you there would only be a couple of tests he could run after you returned. Just drawing some blood and taking a biopsy. But apparently, the results were so inconclusive, they needed to run just a few more tests.
"Are you done yet? I'm pretty sure I won't be able to use my arm tomorrow from the number of times you've jabbed that needle in it," you say glancing at the now purple area of your arm.
Or at least it should have been purple, instead, it was the same as always, with no color change at all. Normally, well back on Earth at least your skin would bruise easily, but here it seemed just fine. Even the red dot where the needle had been was completely gone, not just scabbed over, gone.
"I know, but your DNA is just, I've never seen anything like it. From the last biopsy of course," he added as he screwed the top of a test tube of blood closed.
You frowned, "What's it like? My DNA," you whisper the last part.
His face is puzzled as he looks at the tube, "It was definitely mixed with something, I just don't know what," he pauses as Max rushes into the lab, his face tinged grey, eyes giving you an uneasy glance.
"We need to talk, outside," he says leaving you alone as Norm follows.
You glance down at your hand and wonder how things are back on Earth, and what you'll tell General Ardmore in your next report when Norm rushes back into the room frantic as he grabs your hand.
"There's something you need to see," he says as he helps you into the hallway, your nonslip socks dragging on the ground.
You feel your heart stop when you see the results on the computer screen and feel an anxiety attack coming on as it becomes harder to breathe.
"It should be impossible, but," Max pauses gesturing to the screen, "here it is you're-"
"No, th-there's no way," you stutter collapsing into a nearby chair, hands ripping into your hair.
"There's no mistaking it," Norm says as he sympathetically places a hand on your shoulder, "Your DNA is somehow mixed with Na'vi, "you hear the last part of his sentence, but the ringing of your ears takes over as your vision goes black.
Neteyam watches as his Father slides off his Ikran, pushing his hair to the side. His hands shake as he approaches, nervously asking, "Will she be alright?"
His Father sighs and gives him a nod. What a relief, he thought. Even though he had only known you for a week, he had grown strangely attached to you. He could feel his heart flutter, and his face heat up whenever your hand brushed his, or when your eyes met unexpectedly. It was strange, he of course felt a sense of protectiveness for his siblings, and you, but his feelings for you were, different.
His Father cleared his throat interrupting his thoughts, his mouth opening and closing trying to find the right words, "I need you to stay away from the Augustine girl," he said his tone devoid of emotion as he turned to leave adding, "She could be dangerous."
Neteyam looked on as his Father went inside, a look of confusion spreading on his face. Dangerous? Sure, he had only known you for a week, but you were harmless! You couldn't hurt a thing even if you tried. And after what happened he certainly wouldn't be staying away from you anytime soon. What if you decided to run off into the forest alone again, and he didn't find you this time? He huffed as he followed Kiri inside taking a seat next to the fire, filled with determination.
Jake stared absentmindedly into the fire as Neytiri sat down beside him, "What news do you bring of the girl?" she asks grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together as his eyes met hers.
"It's complicated," he said glancing at the kids who were all seemingly sound asleep covered in their furs, "But, the gist of it is, the girl, she's some part of Na'vi. It's why she can breathe the air, and presumably why she didn't die that night like she should have."
Neytiri gripped his hand tighter as her other hand held his face gently, "So, she is a threat," she whispered.
"We don't know that yet," he retorted as he grabbed the hand cupping his cheek, "But, she has the potential to be one. I mean, she came from Earth a week ago, she's Grace's niece, and now she's part Na'vi? It just doesn't add up," he pauses laying down beside her, "I told Norm to keep an eye on her, and I told the kids to stay away, for the time being."
She nods and rests her head on his chest, "Good," she whispers as his eyes close.
Your eyes crinkle as you feel a cool breeze run down your skin. You glance at the clock, it reads 7:09 AM. And then you notice the open door, you slowly rise and close it to get dressed, careful to stretch too much so your wound doesn't reopen. You brace yourself for a flash of pain when you bend down to pull up your jeans, but you feel, nothing.
A sharp knock jolts you and you open the door to see Norm standing in the hall. He gasps when he sees you, his hands dropping the tray he was holding, a red apple bouncing across the floor towards you. You catch it with ease holding it in your hands.
"Are you alright?" you ask as he stutters.
"Y-your eyes," he points to your eyes and your finger raises up to touch below them.
"What about my eyes?" you ask as you turn to the mirror in the small cramped bathroom next to you, and when finally see them, you almost choke on your saliva.
Your once clear eyes, are now a bold and dark yellow with gold flecks. Your fingers hover over them as you turn to Norm, panic rising, your heart racing as you whisper, "What the hell's going on?!?"
well, that twist came out of nowhere!
sorry for the late chapter chemistry is hard, and i've been studying a lot for midterms!
next chapter should be out soon!
thank you so much, and i hope you enjoyed!
and please comment below if you wish to be added to the taglist! thank you again!
Txumre = slinth
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atokirina-writings · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do neteyam x tayrangin reader
Fly love.
Neteyam x tayrangi reader
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Thank you for this request, pls send me more and check out my other neteyam works if you’re interested! I don’t have much knowledge on this clan so I apologize if it’s not very detailed.
Neteyam x gn! reader, reader is from the tayrangi clan. fluff :)
named after this song, i thought it was appropriate with the whole flying thing :)
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The two of you ikrans were sleeping together when you called them to ride. Nights like this the air is crisp and cool but not cold. The bioluminescence of the plant life and the silence of your clan below sets the mood. It feels like you are the only two people in the world. You can only hear the flapping of your ikrans wings, the wind in your ears, and the laughter of your mate. Playfully swerving your ikran into his making silly faces at him as copies your movements.
After a while of flying you land in a secluded area away from the home of your people. Neteyam draps his arm around your shoulders as you admire the night sky and all of the star’s and constellations. Just as you feel yourself drifting off he turns his face to yours, he’s so close you can feel his breathing.
“I see you.”
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quaritching · 2 years
Some Avatar 3 thoughts and predictions!!
The new Na’vi
I absolutely adore the concept of fire Na’vi, however I’m truly hoping and praying that they don’t stick with the name “Ash people”. I mean, we don’t call the Metkayina the “Water people” so I really don’t see the point. It just sounds lame
Considering the Metkayina differed in color because of their environment, I believe the fire Na’vi will as well! We have no real reference as to what their environment really looks like, but I imagine they’d be a darker or purplish blue (red and blue = purple, wink wink), or maybe just a dull, greyish blue! I think purplish blue would look cooler and make more sense aesthetically, but since they’re dubbed the “Ash people” it does make me think they’ll be a greyish blue
I also think their eyes would be a slightly reddish shade of orange! Perhaps their tails would lack the tuft of hair on the tip and they’d sport short hair styles or tie their hair up and away so they don’t catch fire
James Cameron mentioned that instead of only seeing the “bad side” of the humans and the “good side” of the Na’vi, we’d actually see the “bad side” of the Na’vi as well! I don’t think this is an original thought, but I believe the fire Na’vi are supposed to be the “bad side”, that in this movie we’ll get more Na’vi vs Na’vi action instead of the Na’vi vs Human action that we’ve seen in the two previous movies
The Sullys and the Metkayina
I read somewhere that even with the introduction of a new Na’vi type, we’ll still see plenty of the new characters that were introduced in ATWOW! Safe to say we’ll still see the sully kids and the main Metkayina people that were introduced to us. I hope we get to see them a little more grown up! Especially little Tuk!
As we all know, Spider saved Quaritch at the very end and did not tell anyone about it. While he did not actually kill Neteyam (that was Lyle), Quaritch takes the blame in their eyes for even hunting Jake and endangering his family to begin with. Neytiri and Lo’ak are definitely going to be angry, I’m not so sure if Kiri and Jake are gonna try to defend him but the betrayal is gonna hit them all hard for sure. It’s gonna be hard on Lo’ak especially since he was the one who went back to save Spider and dragged Neteyam with him, and then he later gets shot when they all try to flee. Out of all of them Kiri would be the one most likely to come to his defense, but who knows! Very very interesting I think!
While I don’t truly see this happening, if they were to bring Neteyam back I would hope it’d be as a Tulkun. Since Na’vi are “born twice” and energy is taken and returned (he was returned to the sea specifically), I could see it happening, but I honestly hope he just stays dead. If he were to be revived his death would feel meaningless. Sorry Neteyam stans but you know it’s true lol
I think it’s pretty obvious that Grace’s pregnancy was a gift from Eywa, and that Kiri has no real father. Like I said before, energy is taken and returned. Grace did not take energy from Eywa, but she gave her energy, herself, to Eywa when she died during the transfer ceremony. I think Eywa was returning the energy and that created Kiri! I’m very excited for Kiri to explore more of her connection to Eywa and Pandora in the next movie as well
Colonel Miles Quaritch
The real question is, How does Quaritch fit into all this since we know that he’s alive at the end of the movie? Here are some of the ideas I’ve had:
He does not go back to the RDA immediately, and instead finds himself struggling to survive in the wilderness of Pandora OR he goes back to the RDA and because of his massive failure, they throw him out and he has to learn how to survive on Pandora. I don’t think the second option is really possible though, I think the RDA would just kill him rather than let him go if it ever were to come down to that considering how dangerous he is to them, especially if he were to pull a Jake Sully
Whether or not he goes through the 1st scenario, he stumbles upon the fire Na’vi and finds a way to bring that force with him to fight Jake Sully and whoever he has backing him up. Full on Na’vi vs Na’vi, one side led by Jake and the other led by Quaritch. Raw as hell.
Redemption arc baby!! (This is gonna be a big one so hang on tight)
As we’ve seen in ATWOW, Recom Quaritch is not the same as his human counterpart. Recom Quaritch is basically a Na’vi shell with the inserted memories and personality of the human Colonel, and it is stated multiple times that Quaritch is not him ( e.g. “I’m not that man, but I do have his memories” and “[Spider’s] not your son” ).
Besides the literal difference, there’s many small things that Recom Quaritch does in this movie that I believe human Quaritch never would’ve done or bothered with. Quaritch shows an interest in being more Na’vi in order to better understand the enemy, like learning the language for example. This is not necessary, spider is more than capable of translating anything for them so Quaritch never truly had to learn Na’vi, but he tried regardless.
When the recom squad gets to the village to question the people about Jake Sully’s whereabouts, he listens to Spider’s plea and does not shoot the Tsahik, or anyone for that matter. The old Quaritch absolutely would’ve shot her, but Recom Quaritch orders their homes to be burned instead. He still has a mission to fulfill and he still needs to leave a message. Yes, it’s still a horrible thing to do but it’s objectively better than murder, they can rebuild their home but they cannot bring the dead back to life. It’s a subtle difference but I think it’s a really important one considering how Quaritch was more than happy to kill the Na’vi and destroy Hometree in the first movie (he basically enjoyed it if we’re being honest).
This could be argued, but he looked uncomfortable imo when they began to hunt the Tulkun. Recom Quaritch is very open with his emotions in this movie, it’s very obvious when he feels triumphant (like bonding with his Ikran) or when he feels conflicted/upset/frightened (Seeing his skull, watching cam footage of his death, and seeing Neytiri’s arrows). During the hunt, you can very clearly see Scoresby enjoying every minute, a stark contrast to how uninterested/uncomfortable Quaritch seemed to be. He even asks Scoresby if the Tulkun ever fight back, purely out of curiosity I think, but I also think that maybe a small part of him hoped that they would fight back. He has his own Ikran, he bonds with it through tsaheylu and knows how it feels, and I’d like to believe that’s started to change the way he sees the wildlife on Pandora, tulkun included. They hunt the tulkun basically as a last resort anyway, it’s not like Quaritch wanted to hunt them in the first place, it’s just something that he believes has to be done in order to lure out Jake since interrogating the villages was not working.
Another notable thing is that he sacrifices his last bit of leverage (Kiri) the moment he thinks Spider may die. He cares about Spider so much that he’s willing to be at a disadvantage in completing his revenge mission, a mission that is the whole reason for his current existence. He’s also at a physical disadvantage the moment he lets Kiri go because then he has nothing stopping both Jake AND Neytiri from attacking him. Quaritch also seemed upset/annoyed with the interrogation Spider went through and very quickly shut down the machine, claiming he wanted to try a different approach. It’s very hard for me to believe human Quaritch would’ve made these same decisions, he really only cared about saving humanity. Recom Quaritch cares about Spider, he cares about being a good father to him.
Something else that I noticed that I believe could be argued as well is that Quaritch never actually wanted to kill the kids, and to him they were simply a way to get to Jake. He puts a gun to Lo’ak’s head and tells Jake he’ll let his son go if he comes forward, and if he doesn’t he’ll kill Lo’ak. Whether or not he kills Lo’ak is irrelevant, even if he shot him Jake would’ve still went after him for killing his son. But Quaritch doesn’t do that, he waits for Jake to stroll on up. Payakan interrupts that as we know, so everything goes to shit and the fighting begins. Later when Tsireya tries to free Tuk, Quaritch simply throws her in the water instead of actually causing any harm or killing her. Again, when he later uses the comm he threatens the lives of Kiri and Tuk, telling Jake the deal is still on and he’ll let his daughters go if he offers himself up. Why not just kill them? There’s no reason to keep them alive, the only difference is Jake offering himself up semi peacefully or Jake coming at him with the intent to kill. Either way he would’ve had Jake coming to him, and human Quaritch doesn’t really seem like the type of person to just let “prisoners” go. Again this could definitely be argued, this is probably my least solid point towards his redemption lol
I definitely believe there’s a lot of potential for there to be a redemption arc of some sort with him, I don’t think he’ll be some saint or anything but he could definitely be a more neutral or anti-hero type of character. Stephen Lang even said that Quaritch is going to go more Na’vi or something in the next movie so this kindaaa makes me think the redemption arc is the most viable. Unless that means he’ll team up with the fire Na’vi? I suppose we’ll just have to see 👀
Because it’s been heavily hinted that the fire Na’vi are going to be the main threat instead of the humans, that raises the question of what exactly are the RDA going to do now? How are they relevant?
I believe they’re simply going to lie low during the 3rd movie, trying to recuperate and rebuild after the heavy losses they took. They lost a lot of people, basically all the recoms (Minus Quaritch and possibly Lyle and Mansk since their deaths were not seen on screen), and the whole SeaDragon ship with all of its materials and deployables at the bottom of the sea
They’ll probably be back for the 4th movie, since we know how persistent they are and how desperate they are to colonize Pandora to save the rest of humanity. General Ardmore didn’t get a lot of time to shine in ATWOW, but if the RDA returns in the 4th movie I imagine she’ll have a bigger role and could possibly be the main antagonist like Quaritch was in the first movie
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dixonsstinkysock · 1 year
I have a writers block…This is my first story so I’m a bit lost on everything,, that and school is taking over my brain right now. It’s harder to write when all you can think about is the Scientific Revolution and how to do CPR. I’m also turning 16 soon, so I have to get my license and try to find a job. Anyway, I guess I’m on a Hiatus? I dont know but I just need some time to get everything sorted out. :/ I don’t think it will be for much longer but I won’t abandon the story, I love it too much. I’ll definitely be back. But until then ily and thank you all for the likes and follows 💕💕
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totallytatum · 2 years
just imagine the sully boys calling you ‘ lil mama ‘ i’d go FERAL
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
I Miss Your Voice: Neteyam Sully
Avatar Masterlist’
word count: 600
description: You get sick and lose your voice and Neteyam realized how much he misses it <3
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It had been three days since you lost your voice and Neteyam absolutely hated it. You had been placed on strict order to take meds and rest your voice and use a whiteboard provided by the lab of course to communicate. He missed your laugh but your voice was the thing he missed the most, he missed hearing you talk to him about whatever, or tell him that you loved him.
Currently, you two were hanging out in your favorite pasture, he was sitting against a tree watching as you walked around picking some flowers making him smile. You walked over to him and handed them to him making him smile, but you noticed that it didn't quite reach his eyes like it normally did, so you took a seat across from him and got your whiteboard.
"What's wrong Ney?" You wrote before showing him.
"Nothing it's selfish, I'm okay really." He said to you as you rolled your eyes, your man was stubborn as hell when it came to admitting his feelings.
"I'm sure whatever it is, isn't selfish. Please tell me because you look so sad right now and I wanna fix that." You wrote it down and showed it to him
Neteyam sighed at your words knowing you were right, he just felt selfish for missing your voice knowing your health was important.
"It's just that this week has been hard...I miss hearing your voice a lot." He said to you making your heart melt as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Your not selfish Ney. I miss talking to you as well, it isn't fun having to write and try to convey my thoughts with the whiteboard." You said even though your voice was still pretty strained.
"Sweetheart, why are you talking? You still sound pretty bad." He said resting his head against yours.
"Because I love you and can make this small sacrifice to see that beautiful smile of yours." You said to him as you pressed a kiss to his lips.
"I love you too. Now no more talking until you are all better." He said pressing kisses all over your face making you giggle.
It would be a few more days before you would fully gain your voice back. Everyone sat nervously around you as you prepared yourself to talk, you were nervous because the last time you spoke your voice was still strained.
"Come on talk, say oh I wonder if neteyam will think I'm pretty today or did you see neteyam today and good he looked training?" Your twin said as you glared at him.
"Will you shut up? I'm sure Kiri would love to hear your inner thoughts as well. Now hush I'm already nervous about talking as it..." you said as realization hit you.
"You did angel! Your voice is back!" Your dad said hugging you as everyone cheered.
"Oh sweetheart, I'm so glad to hear that beautiful voice of yours." Neteyam said hugging you and making you laugh.
"I missed talking to you too Ney." You said.
"So do you really say that stuff about me?" He asked with a smirk as you rolled your eyes at him.
"I haven't been able to talk for a week, and that's the first question you ask me?" You asked him with your eyebrows raised.
"Of course, never knew you said that stuff about me. It's nice to hear especially coming from you." He said smiling at you.
"Course I do, how can I not?? Have you seen yourself, especially during training?" You asked making him laugh as he kissed you.
"I love you, sweetheart." He said leaning his forehead against yours.
"Love you Ney." You said smiling at him.
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theicemav · 2 years
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who i write for-
avatar (james cameron movies) any character
star wars any character
dead poets society any character
football/soccer (it depends)
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mcverse · 1 year
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Summary: Trouble doesn’t stray far from the Sully’s. On a hunt, Lo’ak touches a baby animal and the mother doesn’t like it and calls for backup. The group gets separated, a few end up unconscious.
Pairings: neteyam x aviphoenix!reader, lo’ak x aviphoenix!reader, Ao'nung x aviphoenix!reader
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: ( lmk if you think there is.) not proof read, heights, another chase scene similar to Avatar 1 (reminded by no.1), Neteyam is in this one, so is Ao’nung & Rotxo near the end,
Side Bar: Did you really think it’ll be easy to meet the Avi ppl? LO’AK IS SO UNDER-APPRECIATED, like where do y’all get off?? He’s not my fav but you gotta show him the love he deserves com’on
“Text like this only in italics” are Na’vi.
“Text like this in both italics and bold” are Avi, spoken b/w Avi & outsides.
“Text in just bold” are also Avi People, spoken b/w Avi only.
Text like this without quotations in italics are thoughts.
“Text like this” are in English.
Avatar Masterlist
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As you journeyed back to Flamehaven, you couldn't help but notice the way the sunlight filtered through the trees, dappling the forest floor with patches of golden light. The air was filled with the sounds of chirping and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze.
It was never your intention to stay in the forest for so long, but Eywa seemed to have other plans for you. What started as a simple task of gathering herbs had turned into an unexpected delay after your encounter with that Na’vi.
You patted the satchel on your hip with a small smile, glad that at least you had what you needed in the end. It took longer but the satisfaction was worth it. The herbs you had gathered were rare and valuable, and you knew they would be appreciated by the healers in Flamehaven.
A little bump on the trail was nothing for an Avi like you. While you may not have approached the situation like the mightiest warriors, you were still pleased with the outcome. Your previous training of remaining calm and thinking level headed has not gone to waste and had a purposeful use today. You were proud of how you handed it.
Still the encounter left you pondering about what’s to come of the outsiders once news hits home. The Avi, historically, were known for their peaceful ways, with many rituals and traditions centered around tranquility.
However, even with the best intentions, your people had encountered some bad aphl (applu) in the past. As expected, the Avi did not back down and were capable warriors when their way of life was threatened. There was more to them than just festivities and sacred places.
As you drew closer to the outskirts of Flamehaven, you felt a sense of anticipation and relief. Your heart was racing with excitement at the thought of sharing your experiences with your fellow Avi, and you looked forward to the comfort of home after your long night in the forest.
Your pace quickened as you approached the river, hopping across the rocks with ease. You could hear the water rushing by beneath you, and the cool mist of the spray was refreshing against your skin. As you approached the hidden passage to Flamehaven, you pushed aside the foliage curtain with a grin.
The sound of laughter and chatter greeted you as you went through, and you could see that the place was already lively. The Avi were busy going about their day, some tending to their gardens and others gathered around cooking fires. The smell of roasting meat and fresh herbs filled the air, making your stomach growl.
You felt a sense of comfort and belonging wash over you as you made your way through the village, heading in the direction of the chief hut. You greet a few Na’vi who had noticed your presence. They sent you warm smiles that only made yours grow. The familiar greeting and sounds of your home filled you with joy, its hard to describe it by anything but love.
Soon you approached the tree where the chief's hut was nested between two others, and began to climb up the worn hand and footholds that had been carved into the fire patterned bark over time. As you reached the top, you swing onto the platform and push aside the woven mat that serves as a door.
Inside, you see your grandmother, Níku the tsakihe (Tsahìk), sitting in the center of the room, meditating. Her eyes are closed, and her wings are folded neatly behind her back.
You hesitate for a moment, not wanting to disturb her. But she senses your presence and speaks before you with her eyes still shut, "Whatever it is can wait. Tsuw'a Cet [Come sit]," she said, beckoning you over with a tilt of her head to the empty space beside her.
Normally, you wouldn't mind taking part in this calming activity, but you were too restless with the information you had. You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to do as she said to avoid her persistence later on.
You sat beside her cross-legged, but your mind was elsewhere, still reeling from what you had witnessed in the forest. You knew it couldn't wait and would have to tell her soon, but facing your grandmothers wrath wasn’t an option either.
“Kawkkxn nga rawsem [Clear your mind],” Níku said as she picked up two crystals that lay haphazardly in front of her. “And open your hands.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine, amazed by how she seemed to sense your lack of focus. Obediently, you followed her command, opening your hands to receive what you already know to be crystals.
She placed a crystal in each of your hands and you immediately closed your fingers around them, feeling a warm heat radiate from the stones. You waited for her next instructions.
Níku continued, “Breathe in the air, feel it filling you with life.”
Following her instruction, you inhaled deeply, your chest expanding as you held the air within for a few seconds before exhaling. As you repeated the process, you could feel your mind beginning to quiet, the outside world slowly slipping away.
“Feel Eywa’s love warming you up and Pho guiding you where you need to be,” Níku said softly, her voice almost a whisper.
The warmth from the crystals in your hands spreads through your body, grounding you and connecting you to the earth. You feel a tingle of energy in your fingertips and toes, and a gentle vibration in your chest. It was a tingle that felt right in the best way possible.
Meditating with your grandmother always felt different from meditating alone. It was a step up, for sure. The guidance and wisdom of her years of experience always brought a sense of comfort.
As you basked in the tranquility of the moment, Níku open her eyes as she asked, "How do you feel?" Although she already knew the answer based on your expression, she was always eager to hear her grandchild's thoughts and experiences.
You meet her gaze and can't help but smile. The stress and tension from before have melted away, replaced by a sense of peace and clarity, “I feel weightless like a Phoenix souring through the clouds, granny.” you replied, feeling grateful for her guidance and wisdom.
Her lips twisted into a smug grin and she raised her chin, obviously proud of herself. "Then I did what I'm best at. You were so tense walking in, I had to help my granbaby," she said, reaching up to pinch one of your cheeks. You couldn't help but smile at her playful gesture.
After letting go of your cheek, she took the crystals from you and carefully placed them on a nearby leaf. Folding the leaf in four, she placed it gently in a wooden box and closed the lid.
“Now tell gran what troubles you, baby," she said, turning to give you her undivided attention.
You took a deep breath before launching into your story, recounting your journey into the forest and the strange encounter with the wayward Na'vi and his resting clan. Níku listened intently, her wise eyes studying you as you spoke. When you finished, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, deep in thought.
The silence in the hut was palpable as you waited for her response. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she opened her eyes and looked at you with a solemn expression. "This is concerning news. We must gather the clan and hold a council to decide what action to take. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.”
You nodded, feeling relieved that you had shared your burden with your grandmother and knowing that she would guide you and the clan in the right direction.
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In the early morning light, a group of elite warriors huddled together in the forest. They talked amongst themself, eagerly anticipating their upcoming exploration. Some of them carried crossbows and spears, while the eldest Sully had a hunting blade and the youngest had a classic bow.
Neteyam noticed his brother Lo’ak shifting his weight anxiously and looking off to the side absentmindedly. Concerned, he approached Lo’ak and draped his arm over his shoulder, "What's up, baby bro? You seem quiet today." He peered down in his face.
Lo'ak shrugged off Neteyam's arm, making him stumble back a feet, "Just had trouble sleeping last night," he admitted, watching his brother carefully. Though he didn’t give the reason why, he knew his brother would catch on fast.
As if reading his thoughts, Neteyam's expression hardened, sensing something was off, "Please tell me you didn't sneak out," he whispered harshly, grabbing his arm to drag them both further from the group.
Lo'ak rolled his eyes and glared at his brother. "What do you think?" he snapped back, already not liking Neteyam’s overbearing attitude.
Neteyam groaned in frustration, already knowing where this could all lead, "If Dad finds out, you’ll be grounded and lose all your privileges." His hand out in front of him, moving to emphasize his point as he talked.
Lo'ak considered his options and realized that his father was the least of his worries; his mother would be far angrier. She was definitely scarier. Nevertheless, he was confident that he had covered his tracks well.
He shakes his head to dismiss his brothers concern, "He won't find out. Besides you, only Kiri, Ao'nung, and Rotxo know," Lo’ak said confidently, smirking like he had it all solved.
There was a brief pause before Neteyam breaks it, “And Tuk.” He added.
"And Tuk?" Lo'ak repeated, confused as he looked at his brother for reconfirmation. He hadn't even noticed her there. How the hell didn’t he notice her? His heart dropped at the realization and cursed under his breath. If this was true, it was a royal fuck up.
Neteyam watched his brother Lo’ak with a mixture of concern and exasperation. "You couldn’t behave just once, Lo’ak?" he chided, knowing full well that his brother's recklessness was about to land him in trouble.
Neteyam dreaded the inevitable lecture that their father Jake would give to Lo'ak when he found out about his latest misadventure. He wished his brother would listen to reason and understand how much he was trying to look out for him.
Meanwhile, Lo'ak stood with pursed lips, lost in thought as he tried to figure out how to salvage the situation. He had taken a risk and wasn't sure if it had paid off. If worse came to worst, he could always resort to a bribe to buy Tuk’s silence, but he was unsure of what he could offer that would be persuasive enough.
Before he could dwell on it further, their attention was diverted by the arrival of their father, Jake, their mother, Neytiri, Tonowari, and Ronal. Lo'ak quickly mouthed to his brother that he would fill him in on what he had been planning later before turning his focus to the front.
Tonowari took a deep breath before speaking. "Ronal and I have agreed to stay behind and watch over those who remain," he announced, turning to Jake. "Neytiri and Jake will come with you."
Jake bowed his head slowly to Tonowari and then addressed the assembled warriors. "You are proven warriors, Eywa sees you... I see you. But this is not our land," he reminded them. Jake's eyes scanned the group, pleased to see that they were taking the situation seriously. "If we go out there, chances are we could encounter more enemies. I don't want another battle, so follow my orders and stay close."
The warriors cheered and shouted, psyching themselves up for what lay ahead. But Jake quickly silenced them. "Za’u [Come], we move on foot," he declared, taking his bow from Neytiri, who secured hers on her back. Together, they set out in the same direction that Lo'ak had been rescued from, with the other warriors following close behind.
Lo'ak couldn't help but silently hope that he would get another chance to see you again, hopefully while the sun was still up. The night made it difficult, and he didn't want to miss anything.
He simply wanted the chance to talk to you, no matter what you were. Your first encounter didn't go smoothly, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about you. The only issue was that he wasn't traveling alone.
His mind raced, trying to come up with a solution in case the impossible became possible. He knew that it was definitely possible to see you again because you looked like the impossible. Although he was aware that Na'vi could look different depending on where they lived, you were unlike any Na'vi he had encountered before. He knew that you were not just Na'vi.
Lo'ak was tempted to tell Neteyam about meeting you, maybe even his parents because they had the right to know that they weren't alone. However, he didn't like the idea very much after thinking long and hard as he followed closely behind his brother.
He knew that they would immediately see you as a threat, the same regrettable mistake he had made. If that were to happen, you might never show yourself to him again, knowing that you were being targeted.
He couldn't risk it. He liked the fact that only he knew about something amazing out there, his little secret — well, your little secret too, when it came to him. He wondered if your people were close by, and if they knew of their existence as well. Maybe he should be concerned about that, but he couldn't bring himself to worry.
Lo'ak paused his thoughts, blinking back into reality when he saw Neteyam stop in his tracks, crouching low with alertness. Lo'ak cursed himself for not paying attention to his surroundings as he had been absentmindedly following his brother in the forest.
“Why’d we sto—“
Neteyam cut him off in a hushed tone, “Quiet,” he looked over to his right to his father, who held his hand up in a fist. They locked eyes, exchanging nods in silent understanding. Neteyam was sure that he heard something, and he wasn't the only one.
Neteyam gestured towards his ears and mouth, silently instructing Lo’ak to listen carefully and keep quiet. Lo’ak obeyed, trying his best to tune out the pounding of his own heart as he strained to hear any sounds. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was out there, or maybe someone.
His mind wandered again, entertaining the possibility that it could be you. His throat went dry as he tried to focus. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before he finally picked up a sound. He turned his head in the direction of the noise, but all he heard was the rustling of leaves from the wind.
He grunted in annoyance, about to give up when he heard a grunt back. It was so close a grunt that he mistook it for Neteyam. However, a shake of the head from his brother indicated that it wasn’t him. Lo’ak’s heart raced as he realized that there was indeed something out here, just two hours into their journey.
No one else made a move to do anything. Everyone was frozen with held breaths but Lo’ak wasn’t. He grunted once again, then waits. Just to make sure he really heard it. It took a minute before he heard it back, he snaps his eyes to Neteyam, his blown wide in shock.
Neteyam looked at him with narrowed eyes, but Lo’ak didn’t hesitate, “Did you hear that too?” he whispered, a tad louder than before. He looked back towards the bushes where the noise was coming from, "I'm gonna go check it out," he warned Neteyam, approaching the bush cautiously.
Neteyam hurried behind Lo'ak, attempting to stop him from uncovering what was making the noise ahead. But Lo'ak was quick and peeled back the leaves to reveal a baby animal, similar to a Prolemuris, but with its own unique features.
Lo'ak reached down to pick it up, and the creature grunted again, but made no move to struggle. It had four arms, four eyes, and bluish-purple skin, and Lo'ak couldn't help but coo at the little thing.
Neteyam's grip tightened on Lo'ak's left shoulder, and he practically growled at him, panic in his voice, "Put it down!"
Lo'ak smiled, trying to reassure his brother that everything was okay. "Relax, bro! It's just a baby."
Movement to their right caught their attention, and Lo'ak's ears fell when he saw his father looking at him with a mixture of disappointment and fear, "Your brother’s right...put it back," Jake said, motioning for Lo'ak to return the animal to where he found it.
Lo'ak opened his mouth to argue, but Jake cut him off with a stern shake of his head, "No. Where there's a baby, there's a mother," he warned.
Neteyam nodded in agreement, and as if on cue, a deep growl rumbled from above, causing the three Sullys to freeze. Adrenaline seeped through their veins, kicking their flight or fight response into high gear.
Ever so slowly, they looked up, cursing together when they saw a larger version of the baby animal perched in the tree above them. It was far more terrifying and less cute than its baby counterpart, its tail swishing menacingly slowly behind it.
"Slowly put it down. Gently," Jake ordered, his eyes locked on the animal in the tree.
Lo'ak didn’t have the be told twice this time. He acted swiftly and deliberately, with a deep sense of caution as he carefully lowered the baby back into the bush. His heart was racing, and his breaths came in shallow gasps as he tried to remain calm and focused. His eyes darted back and forth between the mother and the child, ensuring that he did not lose sight of either of them, nor let his guard down for a moment.
Jake's voice broke through the tension, urging Lo'ak and Neteyam to back away slowly, "Ok. Good," he started, "Now back up. Do. Not. Run." He emphasized the last three words slowly, his tone laced with concern as he waited for the two boys to move away from the scene. All the while, he kept a watchful eye on the mother animal, determined not to lose track of her movements.
As Lo'ak and Neteyam retreated to a safe distance, Jake began to back away himself. However, his movements caught the attention of the mother animal, who lifted her head and fixed her eyes on him. The animal bared her teeth, revealing sharp, menacing fangs, and sniffed the air, grunting loudly.
Jake's heart sank as he realized that the situation was about to take a dangerous turn. He hoped he was mistaken, but his suspicions were confirmed when he heard a series of grunts and growls in the distance.
Turning to the warriors, he urgently gestured for them to run, "Run!" he shouted, his voice rising in panic. "Run!" he repeated, even louder this time, shaking the warriors into full gear. They started running, all going in the same direction at first. It’s when they looked behind him where all hell broke loose.
A group of over a dozen adult versions of the baby animal came charging towards them at an incredible speed, looking passive-aggressive as they tumbled over each other in their haste to reach their targets.
The Na’vi gasped in shock at the sight of them and stumbled over their own feet, discombobulated and unsure of what to do. They all started heading in different directions, desperately trying to get away from the charging animals.
Amidst the chaos, Jake spotted Neytiri a few feet away and quickly made his way towards her, his heart pounding in his chest, "The boys, where are they?" he asked urgently, scanning the area around them.
Neytiri hissed in frustration as she heard his question, "They must have gone in another direction," she replied, her eyes darting around as she tried to locate them, "We must find them!"
Cursing under his breath, Jake nodded in agreement, "We will," he said, determination in his voice, "But for now, we need to get somewhere safe," he added, glancing ahead to assess their surroundings and identify the safest path to take.
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Lo’ak and Neteyam were sprinting through the dense forest, their chests heaving with exhaustion as they desperately tried to outrun the trail of enraged animals that were hot on their heels. Despite their fear and fatigue, they did not dare to slow down or look back, as they knew the animals would catch them in an instant if they did.
The other warriors they had been with had split off in different directions, which was a reckless move, but there was nothing Lo’ak and Neteyam could do about it now. They had to focus on their own survival and keep pushing forward.
The thudding of the animals' paws echoed through the forest, growing louder and closer by the second. Lo'ak and Neteyam could feel their anger and hunger, mostly directed towards Lo'ak for his involvement with the baby, but they both knew that being caught by them would mean certain death.
They ran until their legs felt like they were on fire, until they couldn't run anymore. Finally, the sounds of the animals chasing them began to fade away, giving them a moment of respite. They stumbled into a small clearing, hoping to find a way out, only to be met with the sound of rushing water. As they approached the edge of the stream, they realized it led to a waterfall with a terrifying drop.
Lo'ak turned to Neteyam, his chest still heaving with exertion, "We have to jump," he said, his voice low and urgent. He knew it was a dangerous move, but it was their only chance to escape the pursuing animals. "We have to."
Neteyam immediately shakes his head, stepping back from the edge, his eyes scanning the surroundings frantically for another way out, “No way. Find another way,” he insists, his voice laced with panic. The drop was… Eywa no way.
“There isn’t another way! They’re catching up,” Lo’ak pleaded with his brother, looking back and gasped in surprise as he saw Ao'nung and Roxto running their way with the pack of enraged animals hot on their heels.
Neteyam looked behind him and realized that Lo'ak was right. With a curse, he pulled Lo'ak closer to him, ready to take the leap, but before they could jump, they were toppled over by Ao'nung and Roxto, who had body-slammed into them with great force.
The force of the water at the length of the fall is tremendous, knocking them all unconscious on impact. The current carries them downstream, the water pounding against their bodies as they tumble along.
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Things to know
Ao’nung is unmated. He doesn’t strike me as the type to settle down quickly. He actually takes that pretty serious given who his dad was.
Y’know why Lo’ak isn’t with Tsireya, but what about Neteyam. Well, Nete isn’t mated yet, even though he has plenty of offers before and especially after his war wound but he’s too focused on trying to get his dad to see him as anything other than disabled.
Yes, Jake was disabled before. He hasn’t forgotten what it felt like but it’s hard on him to see his son in similar shoes. He doesn’t want to limit him… he just doesn’t want him to suffer more due to another accident.
That loss of a friend in the prologue, if you haven’t guessed… it’s spider. I don’t hate him, I just strongly dislike him saving Quaritch. I understand why, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Ask to be in tag list
Tag list: @ratchetprime211, @eywas-heir, @strwwbbrri, @squidalapobre
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teyanavi22 · 1 year
I'll come back for you ~ Neteyam Sully
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Pairing: Neyetam x Reader
Warnings: Death
Plot: Neteyam had promised reader that he would come back for her one day. The day comes where the reader learns that his promise to her has been broken.
“I won’t be away forever. One day I’ll come back for you.” Those were the last words spoken to you by the love of your life. Neteyam.
Months had passed since his family had to leave the forest because a man was after his father. You couldn’t go with him because your mother was growing weak and couldn’t care for herself anymore. You loved Neteyam but you couldn’t leave your mother. He understood and promised to come back to make you his mate.
Everyday he was gone you dreamed of the day he would come back, what you would say to him. You dreamed of your future together.
You were in the forest taking a stroll when you heard the screech of an ikran above you. You see part of the rider of the ikran and your heart begins to sing. Your intended mate has returned. Your Neteyam is back. You smile as you wave to the rider on the ikran. It lands a bit further ahead which causes you to run towards it. The Na’Vi who had there back to you sighed before turning around. When you were able to take in the features of them better you realized it wasn’t the love of your life. It was his brother Lo’ak. You give him a small smile in greeting.
“I see you Lo’ak. Where is your brother? Was he so excited to see me again that he couldn’t come see me first?” You teased me. Lo’ak was a great friend to you growing up and even helped you get with his brother who was too shy initially even to approach you.
You noticed something was off. Lo’ak wasn’t smiling. Usually he would have some witty sarcastic comeback but there was nothing coming from him. He looked sad. That's when you knew something wasn’t right. After all this time Neteyam would have definitely wanted to see you first. You were certain of that. Yet he wasn’t here.
“Y/N, Neteyam–”, he cut himself off. He closed his mouth as the air seemed to be heavy, making it hard to form a proper sentence.
“There was an accident. He was trying to save Spider and I from sky demons and he–,”Lo’ak took a deep breath as his eyes began to fill with tears.
He didn’t even need to finish his sentence. In your heart you knew. Your bestfriend. The love of your life was gone. The fact alone was like a weight crushing you as your heart broke. You would never hear his voice, laugh, or be able to ever look into his eyes ever again. He was gone and he was never coming back.
I haven't written imagines or any sort of fan fiction in years so please go easy on me as I learn to be a decent writer for you all. Please and thank you. More is to come and request are welcomed.
My works are mine and mine alone. Please do not copy anything I write.
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Hi gorgeous,
I know you mentioned you are happy to write more about Yuna and Teyam. Could we see more of their married life?
I know theyre both disgustingly sweet on each other all the time but I cant get enough. 😭😭😭 And now that theyre married married, I just know Teyam feels the need to remind her and everyone everyday. And everyone is just like "neteyam... please, for the love of eywa" 😒🤮
Also, I couldnt stop laughing when Jake and lo'ak were her bodyguards during pregnancy and if anything went "wrong" they had to answer to angry hubby Teyam, i love this family dynamic. I could honestly read about them all day 😂
Another question, how many babies does Yuna amd Teyam end up with? hes such a big lover boy, i feel like yuna cant catch a break, she'll be preggers all the time 🤭🤭🤭
Also, ilysm 🤭😘
Hi lovely, 
Oh my goodness, I legitimately read this ask like 50 times when I first got it. I’ll just say right away I kinda went overboard with the “see more of their married life.” So I put it in a separate post, HERE. (like more than 5k, overboard…) 
Anywhoo, yes, definitely. Kiri and Lo’ak practically act as if they're allergic to their relationship. They’re both very dramatic. Lo’ak knows Neteyam technically always behaved that way all during their friendship, but he just thinks it's on steroids now-  just wayyyy worse. He’s like “Who is this man and where is my brother?” Because Neteyam is WHIPPED.
Babies! Ok I love this question, so in the Epilogue they agreed 3 kids for sure and 4 for maybe but Neteyam Sully is taking full advantage of that “4 babies maybe deal" FOR REAL. The man loves him some pregnant Yuna. 
After baby number two when he tries to jump her, she’s like hold up, I need to catch my breath for a year or two, thanks. 
And their babies? He is obsessed. If Lo’ak doesn’t recognize Married Neteyam…just imagine Daddy Neyetam, who drops everything and does anything for his babies. Did I mention protective and possessive? We thought it was hard for him to share Yuna…He has an even harder time sharing his kids. “Those are his babies.” Yuna has to practically drag him out of the house for date night. 
It was so much fun answering this.
Thank you soooo much for reading and enjoying. I love hearing from you guys. 
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cordyce · 2 years
learning about the school system vs the sullys is killing me imagine tuk asking why it rains and you just tell her about the water cycle and neyetam + lo’ak looking at you like you grew another head
HELPPP right😭 you say the word precipitation and they think you’re talking about that fancy word for medicine norm mumbles about in the lab LMAOOO i don’t think they’re totally dumb to human concepts but we alllllll know damn well jake is not teaching them the scientific shit so anything you say they’re all bug eyed about. you could totally be making shit up and they’d take your full word for it 😭😭
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