#ngl i have 2 essays to write and what am i doing?
yakultstanreblog · 3 months
@alwayschasingrainbows hi hi thank you sm for all the questions <33 I appreciate u sm ik u accidentally asked on my main but I’m gonna answer them here :))) also thank you for sending ur own answers too I loved reading them and learning more about you and found them super interesting!!!!! <3
1. What is your favourite childhood movie and why?
Strangely I’d never been big on movies or tv as a kid or even now (I want to get more into it now but my adhd still says no) my mum even told me that when I was young she could sit my brothers in front of the tv to be entertained but not me, I’d lose interest hella quickly… probs the first time I got into anything tv related was when I was 10-12 and was invested in the drama of the tv series “dance academy” on abc3 Ive actually met the producer! other than that I didn’t mind a reality show as a kid but then most of that wore off after I studied media in school and we went as live audience to “reality” shows and I realised how set up everything was and couldn’t care less afterward -
If I had to pick any movie that I loved and that still strangely brings me some sort of comfort.. it would have to be the 2010 Jaden Smith Version of Karate Kid ahahaha idk why (well I kinda do there’s lots of reasons but then I’d go on another whole tangent so I won’t) I was like 11 when it came out so I think that can count :) I can weirdly watch it over and over whereas most other movies I watch once and never again.
2. Do you have a favourite book or book series and why?
I talked about this in some previous posts on here but my fav book of all time is “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman !!!!! I also am very passionate about “The uncaged sky: my 804 days in an Iranian Prison” by Kylie Moore-Gilbert (the audiobook version narrated by Kylie herself) and fav wholesome series has gotta be the Heartstopper graphic novels!!!! AHAHA again I could go on and on and on about why I love them all individually as they are all VERY DIFFERENT from each other, but I’ll literally be writing like 3 giant essays so I’ll stop myself now!! I will say, while it’s important we consume and love media that we don’t relate to to broaden our perspectives of life, it’s obviously easy to consume and love media that we see a small part of ourselves in and think this has a lot to do with why I love these so much!
3. The colour that makes you happy
Probably a dark green which reminds me of the rainforest:))))
4. Your favourite cereal?
I honestly don’t eat cereal and never really have :,) cereals were kinda demonised in my house as a child (almond mum tings?) but then eventually they weren’t anymore but I never rlly enjoyed their taste - this is such a sad answer but probably Kelloggs sultans bran LMAO. I haven’t had it for years but I rlly don’t mind it … I think it’s probably very different to American cereals cause it’s not sweet … one time I went to an American food store here in Aus and everything I tried taste like pure sugar and hurt my stomach so bad LOL never again I’m hoping and praying that Americans have other food options not featured in this store 😭 cos I understand some of it as a one off dessert but like everyday breakfast omg noooo I hope ur stomachs are ok
5. Your favourite gemstone?
I’m ngl I don’t have a super passionate answer about this one off the top of my head (sorry I’m such a boring person!!) I think they’re all so pretty!!! I gave them a google to try decide which I like most but it’s impossible .. I think I love any of the blue ones!! I’ll tell you one thing I rlly don’t love the yellow topaz cos I’m born in Nov and I see it on everything and I swear it’s the worst one imo like liteeally any other one I love! But I can still appreciate it ig :,)
6. Any activity you liked as a child and do you still like it now?
My biggest pain as a child was athletics!!!! I used to be competitive in 100m, 200m, long jump and triple jump :) sadly I no longer do athletics or compete but my passion for running/competitiveness lived on and by 15 I ran my first half marathon.. but from 17 onwards I got quite sick and was unable to run (minus a few little months of getting back into it over the yrs only to have to stop again) and now I’m 24 and finally getting back into it again.. kinda.. cos my health is still kinda shit but I’ll go for a lot shorter runs a couple times a week and hoping and praying my health gets better so I can proper get back into it.. not to compete anymore just for myself cos it’s one of the only things in this life that brings me joy :) I’ve also always loved taking photos although I’m not professional or anything it’s just been a fun little hobby I guess.. I have a few diff cameras but in currently trying (failing) to save for this new different one.. just waiting for my uni scholarship money this tri bc I’m too unwell to use it to go on a holiday atm I’m gonna use it to buy this camera I’ve been wanting oop :,) I’m a much bigger a fan of film photography over digital but the camera I’m planning on buying is kinda a combo of both eg. It produces images of a similar vibe to film photography but is actually digital so u don’t have to worry about wasting film :) it’s also a point and shoot, super small and can be taken anywhere which is much better than my current digital camera which is bulky and has a million settings idk how to use lol.
7. Have you ever read Lucy Maud Montgomery books?
I was about to say no I’ve never heard of her but then I googled it and saw Anne of Green Gables which I read when I was like literally 8… and as I’ve said in a previous post I never remember what I’ve read even if I read it two minutes ago bc adhd tings but I always remember how it made me feel - and I remember really enjoying it! Maybe I should give it a reread cause I barely remember what it was about :,) as for the rest of her books I don’t think I’ve read any! I love so much that you have a fandom page omgggg I wish I was that passionate about something !!!! PLS PLS give me recommendations if someone were only to read 1 of her books .. okay maybe 2 for now!!!!! I might actually give them a read :)))
Thank you thank you again for all ur kinds words I hope u have the most amazing day/night <33333 I appreciate u a lot!
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llycaons · 28 days
now that I'm home, a brief summary of the new (historical) fantasy books I AM interested in. there are still nonfiction (essays, social commentary, biology) that are on my list but THIS is more my jam. putting this under a readmore but 1. if you've read any of these I'd love to hear your (non-spoilery!) opinion of them, and 2. if you have any recs based on this list, feel free to reply or send me an ask!
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang: if this book is bad I'm going to cry. it looks like it could be everything I've ever wanted. I love when lesbians are anti-authoritarian and I love wuxia settings. the rebel love interest has tattoos 😍
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec: I haven't actually read much norse mythology-inspired stuff except that pjo spinoff that wasn't very good (and one set in 9th century greenland that was HORRIBLE) but this was suggested a few times and I think it looks very promising! it's always neat to see older women as protags and she's bisexual and maybe polyam as well, which I've only ever seen in baru cormorant and the broken earth iirc
The Forever Sea by Joshua Phillip Johnson: this doesn't look GREAT but I looovvee environmental fantasy so I'll give it a shot
The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo: this one looks WILD
The Keeper of Night by Kylie Lee Baker: this one seems a little more YA than the others but the concept is pretty original so I'm curious to see what they do with it
Fireheart Tiger by Aliette de Bodard: the description made me cringe a bit but the idea is pretty cool and it seems like YA but it's marked at adult?
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho: another wuxia-inspired book!!! please be good PLEASE be fucking good 😭
Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse: this one is sparing in the description but I have a sense it'll be VERY intense
The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang: I may struggle to keep focused on this one but I thought I'd check it out bc in theory it's interesting
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang: I didn't really understand the summary but it's hopefully good? I'l always check out a wuxia and I like a sibling dynamic
Deep as the Sky, Red as the Sea by Rita Chang-Eppig: PIRATES, BABY!!!!
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, Katherine Tiernan O'Connor (Translator), Ellendea Proffer (Annotations/Afterword), Diana Lewis Burgin (Translator), Hans Fronius (Illustrator): *points* like from tumblr...in all seriousness I HAVE heard some really interesting things about this book and the relationship so I'm glad to add it to my list
The Winged Histories by Sofia Samatar: the first book of this series sounds really boring ngl but this one oohh 👀
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia: I heard high praise for this one so while it doesn't specifically appeal to me, I'll give it a shot
Sistersong by Lucy Holland: I like a sibling story!
Silver in the Wood by Emily Tesh: this one could touch me tenderly I feel. I like when love interests are nice. whenever I see those setups that are like 'oh he's got an OBNOXIOUS and HOT partner' I'm like well this projection isn't working for me bc I'd leave then. I don't want to be annoyed by someone I'm supposed to like. I am aware this is a big setup for CR arc of mdzs but the annoying guy is my actual younger brother and my dear dear friend wwx so he can do whatever he wants. and also lwj really does have a stick up his ass and wwx is acting significantly more normally all things considered. anyway. this gay tree man may touch my heart
books that are ALREADY on my list/I have read excerpts from already
The Mask of Mirrors by M.A. Carrick: this one is pretty YA but I enjoy the writing and the setting, and the plot is exciting. I look forward to reading more
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley: I think my mutual suggested this to me and I tried reading it but I found it really hard to read but I am going to try it again because it sounds so intruiging!
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty: I'm on the fence bc while I liked the city of brass, I thought this one was a bit weaker so idk if I'll keep reading. I like the concept tho
The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro: this one's strange and mysterious and I love the almost primordial atmosphere of england 1000 years ago...the ancient and massive landmarks around the elderly characters as they go about their relatively small lives. kind of frightening, kind of magical
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong: I haven't read any of this and it DOES look pretty YA but the setting sounds fun so why not
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rainbluealoekitten · 3 months
@achilleanauthor i want to tell you this but i also want to get into the habit of posting about happy things on tumblr bc, as my biggest fan, i love rereading my old posts <— (actually just has the worst memory known to humankind and rereads to know wtf was even going on in my life)
today is not even over but it has been so good! chill, still felt depressed, but good! today is 3wc but also my class had an ee writing day (our 4,000 word essay— my 1st draft of which is due on monday) and ngl i wish we had many more days like this
still woke up early (6:15) but this meant i had a pretty chill morning (bird watching, guitar playing, tea drinking) as we only had to get there at 9, though nobody even checked and some people never showed. i loooove hanging out in the campus when there's no real expectations about what we have to do (and there were no classes!!! yippee!!!) so my friends and i hung out in the bio lab all day + they ordered sushi for lunch (which we had at 11:50 bc there were no rules!!) it could def have been way more productive and now i am working super hard to get shit done, plus our gossip was mainly complaining and not the most fun, but it was still just nice to hang out like this
makes me excited to think about uni (plus i have to send letters to these 2 i would like to go to) rn uni is such a mixed-emotions topic for me because all of the ones i want to go to cost too much and dn't really have scholarships + the cost of living is insane so really i'm just desperately hoping to get into this one in particular BUT i hope it's like this :) shit has been rough here and i hate this school and this people but today reminded me that it can be good! and imagine i get to have days like these with actually incredible friends and doing classes i love on a beautiful campus where i have my own life!!! aa!!
also my extended essay. low key kinda love it as much as it is a nightmare. it's about the song of achilles and analysing different aspects of heroism, which is still so fantastic and achilles is literally my homeboy. he's my guy. he's my blorbo. i have been studying him under a microscope for YEARS and now 4,000 words is WAY too little; i need to write a BOOK about this man
anyways that's my ramble for today :) even if the day suddenly turns sour, let me remember it as such
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luxicides · 1 year
coquette fashion faves 🐇🎀⛸️💒🎧
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the other day my mom inadvertently called me a bimbo for liking high fashion. to be fair, she did catch me watching rick owens fw22/23 when i should have been writing my lit essay, but who's she to judge? anyways, here's a quick list of fashion brands whose work i adore as of late. i'll try to include links to some of my fav shows from them too xx #girlssupportgirls
++necessary disclaimer: this is all just for fun!!!! obviously, these are all just my personal opinions. i'm in no way a fashion expert, nor am i claiming to be. live laugh love, gaslight gatekeep girlboss :3
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and so, presenting....
at this point, eeeeeeveryone has heard of miu miu. how could you not?
founded in 1992 by none other than mrs prada, miu miu has been having a (imo) well-deserved revival in the past few years. as the sister label of prada, miu miu serves as a more "youthful, playful and affordable alternative".
though i personally prefer last year's fall/winter rtw show to be more visually interesting than this year's spring/summer show, AND found their campaign with kendall jenner to be... a little lacklustre, i still love what the brand has been doing.
i just love the way miu miu's runway styling is done - going back to fw22, the incorporation of more preppy influences in their cable-knit sweaters along with the very obvious y2k references (mini skirts, lace and mesh, and those cropped tops girl!) is just... to DIE FOR.
and i'm not going to wrongfully malign the ss23 show! i thought the varying textures and how everything was just so flowy and loose. the set for this show was also incredible.
FAVOURITE: pre-fall 2020 (especially this look!)
ngl, when i first researched into blumarine, i was CONFUSED. just because i had always seen blugirl (their brand for teenagers) being labelled as blumarine (the core brand).... thanks pinterest.
but regardless, i think blumarine is FASCINATING. to me, they've always had elements of frivolity and femininity, with their intricate embellishments, and delicate lace detailings that are just to die for - every coquette girlie's dream.
lately, though, they've been moving towards more y2k influence: i mean, the ss23 rtw show is 99% denim. look at that and tell me that doesn't remind you of britney justin circa 2001 amas !!!
in all seriousness, i love the direction they're going in. i love that they're still maintaining some of the very ethereal, dainty energy that has been at the core of the brand for so long.
blumarine almost never misses with their styling. it's like their textures always go crazy - in the best way.
though it definitely doesn't get as much attention as its sister brand, blugirl is absolutely worth checking out too. i'm personally biased towards their older collections, think 2004-2005 era. they're literally all over pinterest, so it shouldn't be hard to find either.
FAVOURITE: fall-winter 2021 rtw
to me, ozlana is like the perfect combination of every trend i love. their pieces are so delicate and so dainty, and i literally can't get enough of their styling... like the fur coats? the pastels??? the DREAMINES???? oh my god don't do this to me rn.
literally every look from their 2022 shfw runway is basically perfect. to me, at least.
like - the colours. the bows. the denim looks in particular..... and the set!!!! don't even get me started on the set design.
ozlana is another brand i see on pinterest all the freaking time. honestly, they're kind of reminiscent to fw04 blugirl in the sense that they both have such dreamlike qualities to them...
unfortunately, ozlana does use real fur :( so that does dock them down a point. but i still do love their styling, and their pieces without the fur embellishments still are quite cute!
FAVOURITE: 2021 shfw
pinterest also brought me to this one!
think glamour. think sparkles. think euphoria but aged up and set kind of in a vaguely old hollywood-esque era. that's Cucculelli Shaheen to me.
Cucculelli Shaheen is NYC-based, and was founded in 2016. which is insane to me, because the level of craftsmanship in their work is breathtaking. their tailoring and the patterns of their pieces are literally... chef's kiss. i'd give up my first born for a dress from them.
listen, the embellishments? the intricacy? the detail??? their pieces are astoundingly lavish and astoundingly beautiful. not to mention, their shoots are basically works of art themselves.
i'm not a bride-to-be, nor am i going to be in the near future, but their bridal collections make me..... goddamn. someone wife me up.
FAVOURITE: collection 13 OR collection 10
yeah. you don't even need an intro to this one.
if you've been anywhere on the internet in the past month or so, and i mean ANYWHERE, you've probably seen the recent schiaparelli show. and the reactions that go along with it range anywhere from sane, logical, to absolutely batshit crazy takes.
me, personally, in my oh so humble opinion - i loved the recent show. the phrase "a feast for the eyes" was basically made for this show. i mean, the uproar (get it) over the fake taxidermy heads alone was entertaining, but the show itself was a freaking stunner.
i've always loved daniel roseberry's work. i think he does a great job of sticking to the house's codes, whilst also creating a new, exciting vision for the brand. it's what elsa would have wanted!
daniel roseberry has brought so much drama to schiaparelli in his time there - both in terms of public intrigue, but also in the actual pieces. the garments are so bombastic and literally are each works of art in their own right.
i love their use of shapes and i love the over-the-top-ness of it all. i can't wait to see what they do next.
FAVOURITE: fall-winter 2022 couture
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that's it for this post, hope u liked it <3 i've never really done much fashion critiquing (unless you count me and my friends sanctimoniously picking apart chanel's recent shows), so this is pretty much new to me.
:3 hope u all have a great day!
catastrophically yours,
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mayskalih · 2 months
I read the Nico Robin x smoker os you put on your fics post and... it was so good??! (never would have I imagined this pairing before but now you recommended it...I want more??! only 2 fics on ao3😩)
Since you liked one piece, what do you think of Shanks x Makino???!! (there's an author on tumblr/ao3, miss mungoe who write INCREDIBLE fics for them - and 1 Rayleigh x shakki)
She also wrote for Mihawk x Boa Hancock and I cannot recommend that pairing enough like..even in Canon it would be the perfect ship for her like.. given the character and history of Hancock...(i mean, maybe I'm influenced by the marvelous fics of missmungoe) ..but it's one of the only pairing for her I think where they would stand 'equally' if you know what I mean ( I'm not gonna write an essay on them here but really I COULD)
Also all of your art is amazing ( KAKARIN oh my god not a lot of people like them so...thanks for the food hehe - also kakarin is Kakashi x rin...but what about Kakashi x Karin??? - just thought abt it rn because they would share the same ship name lol 😂)
in love with your sasosaku art...but shisaku tho😍I can't decide my fav multisaku art here...thats the power of multishipping I guess 🤣🤭
I willk forever advocate for Smoker/Robin. Like it's such an iteresting dynamics between the two and such a potential for enemies to lovers. Maybe it's time to learn how to draw buff men and draw this ship until my hand dries. T_T
Tbh, I haven't payed attention to Shanks until OP live action! His character is done so well there, that I'm ready to ship him now. But I haven't read anything on him and since you recommend, I'll give Shanks/Makino a go!
Omg omg Boa and Mihawk is so hot (too hot I would say). I like her with Luffy, ngl, but am very intrigued for this ship.
I'm not sure I would attempt Kakashi/Karin but fgor the sole reason I htink she's too gay and I can't see her otherwise hehe
Thank you for enjoying my art (all kinds of it ahah)! <3 and for the fic recs!
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whimsy-of-the-stars · 3 months
whimsy-of-the-stars: a writeblr re-re-intro!
hey guys, it’s been a minute! I’m whimsy-of-the-stars, and since my main projects have kinda shifted around, I thought it would be a good time to update my intro! ngl it’s a pretty inopportune time to do a re-intro, since I’m close to the end of one draft and planning two more… it’s just overdue!
some info about me:
I’m gonna start college in the fall majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing! :D
learning languages is a passion of mine! I’m focusing on Spanish right now but I’ve dabbled in both Esperanto and Toki Pona (yeah I’m a nerd!)
I’m a video essay enjoyer and possibly maker, eventually
fiction podcasts and actual plays slap???
I have “I want to do too many things” disease and want to try making stories in many different mediums!
ttrpgs are really cool but I have yet to play them with other people! does that stop me from trying to make games… no
elements I like to write: Found family! Chosen ones (+ the subversion of)! Big Emotion™️! Organized crime (idk why it doesn’t leave me alone)! Gay people, of course!
genres I like to write (YA and middle grade): high fantasy, low fantasy, different -punk stuff, sci fi maybe, superheroes, fairy-tale esque, romance, coming of age
I also write poetry! You can find it in this tag: whimsy of the poetry
ALSO, I did DraftDash in January 2024, which was fun but I did end up petering out halfway thru. Follow my journey in the tag draftdash!
ok, now onto wips!
I am in a weird stage with a lot of my wips, but a re-intro was overdue so I decided to do it anyway!
wips I am currently writing:
apocalypse story!
status: first draft, 24k (almost done with part 1)
the basics: mg/ya apocalyptic + queer ?coming of age? story and its sequel, except they’re both short so they’re melded into one two-part book! it’s told thru diary entries with lots of extra ephemera glued in! part 1 of 2 is ALMOST done but I’m not inspired to finish it rn! ! I’m not gonna continue with part 2 right after, though, since I still need to plan it!
summary: stressed-out eighth/grader Allison goes to her old hideout in the forest to decompress, but one thing leads to another and she can’t find her way back home. the forest is seemingly ever-expanding, ever-changing, and even when she finds her friends who’ve come to rescue her, they still have to face the actual, real life botanical apocalypse that’s becoming more and more of an issue for the outside world. can they find their way home alive and well? and if they do get home, what will their home city even look like?
extras: fun fact I started this in April 2023 for camp nano and it has taken me this long to write the next 10k words! Also the main character is a bit of a self-insert, but of the person I was in lockdown in 2020!
um. That’s it for wips I’m currently writing rn lol
wips I am “revitalizing”:
(aka taking old drafts/concepts and turning them nice and new!)
Both of these have existed in different-ish iterations for years, however I am currently in the weird process of developing both of these into all-new things from an existing groundwork! Neither of them currently have “statuses” because it’s hard to explain where exactly I am right now!
heist story!
the basics: ya fantasy heist novel (maybe eventually a trilogy?) set in a faerie world that rapidly advanced not too long ago into a dieselpunk/decopunk society rife with corruption and crime!
summary: Logical and inquisitive teen Calliope is relatively normal. Her offbeat parents, however, have raised her in a house full of strange curios and old tomes of faery stories. But only when she starts to exhibit unwieldy shadow magic, and her parents invite a prim woman she’s never met before into their home do things really start to get strange. The woman whisks Calliope away through one of the aforementioned curios to a noir hubworld where ancient faerie bloodlines and newfangled magitech collide. Why? To take part in a high-stakes heist with a surprising trio of other teens who want nothing more than to take down the crime boss who runs their town.
extras: this one’s a weird one imo. it’s one of the oldest wips that I am still working on, tho this one had a break of about 3 years!!! also I originally wrote it in hot pink comic sans XD
new superhero story!
(I am also revitalizing this one, but it’s in a way less put-together state! not much to say yet lol!) (also it’s not very new I just call it that)
it’s a ya superhero thing that features teenage (often queer) antiheroes trying to balance their heroic + civilian identities!
featuring: the shittiest entertainment/hero management company you’ve ever seen, shared trauma, gray morality, two different rock bands, and heroes that are at once government agents, influencers, and corporate concoctions!
considering making a “help me name my characters” post because i desperately have to name/rename like 3/4 of all of these characters!!!
more ideas I have bouncing around:
(lightning round!)
old ya romance wip i need to revitalize about two teens enter a competition to make a demo album and end up falling in love in the process (also they’re lesbians XD)
offbeat, ya supernatural + historical fantasy about a girl university student who is buried alive, and upon getting rescued, starts to transform into a strange underworld creature. also features a cute gravedigger :D
a musical about standardized testing (yeah lol) that’s goofy and queer and explores how seniors + juniors are so freaking stressed out all the time lol
that’s all folks! :D
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mazojo · 1 year
Winter 2022 Anime Opinions
As always my thoughts because no one asked
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From least to fav here are my overall thoughts:
Urusei Yatsura (2022)
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I am just not the target audience for this. This is probably a nostalgia ridden show that people who watched the original will love and enjoy but I am not that person and with the two eps I watched I had enough. The jokes were not funny to me all characters were annoying and yeah the animation is nice but I will not put myself through something I will not enjoy for it tbh. Watch it if you liked the original ig
Tonikaku Kawaii: SeifukU
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I dislike tonikaku with a passion it gives go girl give us nothing to the negative 20 no flavor no taste still the same shiz as the show so yeah. Watch it if you liked the series lmao its more of the same
Shinobi no Ittoki
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I guess…… Its really kinda bland and I can’t pinpoint why. The concept is interesting but it just doesn’t hold up in its execution and I dont care for it run sorry do better I guess
Fumetsu no Anata e 2nd Season
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I try so hard to care, SO hard. Since season 1 I have found this show to be kinda…. All over. Like the only storyline I cared about was the one with the kid with the mask last season and since that its just been meh to me. Like, we already kinda know how everything is going to go and all the arcs are kinda the same, they show us someone, we care for them for like half an episode, they die, repeat.
Bocchi the Rock! 
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I TRIES SO HARD TO CARE TOO I AM SO SORRY. This has been like the number 1 show this year but I… I dont know I just dont like it ASDFGHJ I am not a big fan of cute girls doing nothing specially mixed with the uwu social anxiety quirky. Like they dont paint it in a bad light like most shows do and the art style is very unique but I just dont… Give a shit adfgdhjf I tried I promise but hey if you are into this shows probs the one for you.
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This one is boring I am ngl. Its not bad but like… Its not good either. Ive seen this trope done SO many times its just boring. It hasn’t done anything bad per se but I just dont really care for it much. I like my romance with spicier ships so yeah I mean if you like cute royal same old same old couples then watch it.
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
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Do you like boobs????? Do you like boobs ON your screen for 23 minutes??????? Then you will for sure enjoy this one fellas! ASDFGHJ I… I am not the biggest fan of ecchi so this is a lot for me but hey if you like this fan service trash then you go bestie. Character design is cute I dont care for any characters as of the moment so yeah I guess its something
Chainsaw Man
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This is the one that gets me cancelled ASDFGH. I am not going to say much other than I've never been a fan of chainsaw man since the manga and you can write me all the essays y'all want but I just.... Dont care sorry lol ADFSJAK Its just not for me; I am not saying its bad per se, I am just not the person that enjoys this type of shows. Akiangel as the only thing that matters of chainsaw man fr fr
Aru Asa Dummy Head Mic ni Natteita Ore-kun no Jinsei
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This is trash but it goes higher just because Its what it is and delivers just what I expected. The reincarnated person is annoying as fuck but the girls have cute dynamics so that's why it goes higher. Its just 3 minutes skits of the girls being cute so yeah its okay
Koukyuu no Karasu
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I feel like this is a good show but I am just not the target for this adsfgh its a show you gotta pay attention to understand and a lot of history goes behind it and it just kinda bored me but I know its not bad. I just dont think its for me but that's okay I might keep watching it.
Eternal Boys 
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Its okay. Its a nice concept and I have only watched like 3 eps but its a nice message I guess. Its short and whatever so it doesn't take much time to watch but its not something revolutionary. I like idol shows so maybe I am giving it more than what it is.
Mob Psycho
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This is the one that gets me cancelled part 2 SKSKSK. I am not going to lie besties, I am not the biggest mob psyhco fan. Its okay, I just never got into the hyper around it sorry :(( I really wish I could because I know its a good story and I ddi like that last episode a lot but like,,,,, I feel like the story was over last season ASDFGH But hey I am glad y'all enjoyed it a lot!
Boku no Hero Academia 6th Season
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I am ngl, I am like on ep 2 of bnha season 6 but have seen the Dabi scene like 20 times thanks to social media and I got no choice but to Stan. I dont like this arc of bnha as y'all know but it seems more interesting than last season and I like the way the animation direction is going so I will give them points for it.
Do It Yourself!! 
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Lesbians your honor!!!! I like this one! Its cute girls doing silly lil stuff and I am not a big fan of the genre like I said but this one is more entertaining for me, maybe because I am more into DIY shit but its cute!! Nothing big happens tbh but its a soft watch to put in the background if y'all enjoy this
Romantic Killer
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This was cute! A refreshing romcom from the ones weve gotten recently tbh. I liked it even though I have a different interpretation of the road they took it in the end but it was a fun show to watch with some nice gags and cute characters, defo give it a go!
Renai Flops
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Okay hear me out. This one is in a weird place but hear me out. I hate everything this anime stands for because it was such a cliche weird and ecchi but it was such an interesting train wreck I HAD to keep on watching every episode and when I least expected it I was suddenly on ep 6 and the twist left me screAmiNG. It kinda goes downhill again after ep 7 but just because it took me so off guard (dont wanna spoil it but aloO) it goes high up, gg 1 for the ecchi trash 0 for Maria this round.
Yowamushi Pedal: Limit Break
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Ngl this season of yowapeda hasn't been as hyped as I hoped for me but I care so much about the characters I will place it high up SKSKSKSK its basically more of the same; I honestly miss the upperclassman a lot but its okay my babies appear like for .2 frames and I start sobbing
Akuyaku Reijou nano de Last Boss wo Kattemimashita 
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okaY is this trash??? yes. Do I care??? nO. I LOVE MY SILLY LIL TROPES OKAY ITS FUNNY AND SILLY AND DUMB AND THEY ARE CUTE SO IT GOES UP OKAY I LIKE HAMEFURA WHAT DO YALL EXPECT FROM ME. still kinda trash but like, guilty pleasure trash.
4-nin wa Sorezore Uso wo Tsuku
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THIS IS HOW YOU DO CUTE GIRLS (AND TSUKASA LY BESTIE) DOING CUTE STUFF IN A GOOD WAY. If you like Saiki K you'll like this show. I dont know how to explain it but it gives the energy from Saiki K and I loved it they are very important and relevant.
Spy x Family Part 2 
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Its more of the same of part 1 y'all know spy x family its a good show I love them all I love when my families are found go stream it look at Bond and Anya being best family
Tiger & Bunny
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The gays are back for more and better! Not my favorite season buT I still care about them all so much that I dont care SKSKSK go stream tiger & bunny I dont have much more to say
Cool Doji Danshi 
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Do you love dumb people??? Me too! then this anime is for you ! Its silly short and goes to the point. It doesnt try to be something its not and I like my anime silly and dumb. If you are looking for something easy and silly watch this.
Blue Lock
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Guys guys my favorite comfort soccer players are finally animated!!! Watch it. If y'all follow me y'all know I am annoying about blue lock. Its the only anime that has Bachira AND Reo imagine the odds!!! Its a great sports anime and the characters are great and I love it and its my comfort okay
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun 3rd Season
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Lets all pretend for a second we are all surprised M!ik is number one woah Maria that is so weird your favorite manga animated as number one????? did not expect it that's wild. Anyways M!ik supremacy today tomorrow its the Lied arc and Iruma and that one episode were Iruma cries made me emo and I love it and I think you should all be super cool and interesting and go watch m!ik it would make us all a better society.
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songmingisthighs · 1 year
Blog Rules + FAQ
I've been wanting to make this for a while because I feel like some of you don't have manners (I'm talking about you anons 1-8) and it's hurting those who I'm trying to accommodate (and me ??? bc y'all annoying as fuck, go suck a cactus)
this list will be updated as i go so please refer to this post if you ever want to know something regarding this blog
I don't have many rules bc honestly, this blog is both a joke and a safe space. but the most important rules that I implement are :
the anonymous function is there to accommodate those who want to interact but don't want to reveal themselves or don't have their own account so they borrowed someone else's account and just do not want to out themselves. so, if you have any complaints, comments, critiques, writing suggestions or even straight up hate comments, do it to me off anon or else that's you giving me your consent to absolutely obliterate the fuck out of you and I'm not even kidding when i say i can be SO MEAN when i want to be
that being said, if you do have genuine questions or confusion or even want me to elaborate on some things, do consider the words you use and their connotations. there's a difference between "i don't think this makes sense" and "i don't quite understand this, what does this part means?" or "you're offensive" and "i feel like the word you use is rather insensitive" and I would GLADLY make a 2 page essay to explain my thought process because i know that sometimes the things i say can rub some people the wrong way even though i don't mean it. but for the sake of the shit i wrote like to imitate real conversations between characters esp in terms of like how close and comfortable they are with each other (the kind of relationship hey have), I'm risking myself offending some of you but that's why i am beyond willing to explain myself if y'all ask bc let's be honest, i can't post an explanation after EVERY post when no one is complaining.
tone indicators (/j, /hj, /gen, /affectionate) are never wrong esp if you and i haven't established a relationship bc there are some anons and some blogs that i interact with a lot and we are aware of our relationship alr
keep in mind that these rules exist to protect myself and the anons who genuinely do want to interact with my blog as anons. if you break any of my rules or if you cross me in any sort of way, i have god, an emoji creature that creeps the fuck out of everyone i know, and the fact that I'm a virgo with nothing to lose on my side, so you WILL get wrecked one way or another.
that being said, here are some of the FAQs i got.
q. do you do requests?
a. no, i'm not taking requests. between my series and the recurring ideas that randomly pops up in my head, i don't have the time and energy and frankly i don't want to disappoint. BUT !! if someone sends me an unsolicited request and it ended up inspiring me, i might do it but i'm not promising anything
q. do you only write for ateez?
a. rn yes, but it seems like I'm gonna start writing for xikers ??? and even though most of their members have reached legal age, i am currently not comfortable writing mature/rated stuff for them yet. rn I'm even still incorporating them into my ateez fics as to familiarize myself and i even have this baby!xikers and dad!ateez au thing i made with my friend so for now, that's the best i can provide
q. do you write yandere or darker themes?
a. it depends. i'm still struggling to label certain stuff ??? like i'm still familiarizing myself to the concept of CNC and kinkier stuffs and I'm still expanding my knowledge. that being said, i draw the line on the sexualization of : rape, incest, drugging, bestiality, (and more to be added bc ngl i can't think of anything else rn so I'll get back to you on that)
q. are minors allowed to interacy with your blog ?
a. absolutely, anyone is welcomed. but for the sake of safety and me not being cancelled, if you are a minor, please do not react with my mature stuff or the mature stuff i reblog. I'm putting a lot of trust in yiu guys so please DO NOT betray my trust
q. what apps do you use for your smau ?
a. i use Twinote and Fake Chat which are on android (google play) but idk if it's available on apple store
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hxdrostorms · 11 months
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@legendreign has sent: 1. OTP(s) for your muse? ( For muses, all three Gold Saints! ) 2. NOTP(s) for your muse? 4. Are you oc shipping friendly? 12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
Mun Related Shipping Questions! [Accepting]
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
// Funnily enough, I only have one answer for this one, bc I haven't figured that out for 2/3 boys I have here.
I've seen some really lovely fanart of Shaka/Mu, and I think I might enjoy it in a fanart/fanfiction way. Because I don't think I'll be RPing it, with the way I've set up Shaka (this isn't something I want to do with Shaka RN. That's why I've set him up as a singleship muse, nothing is ever set in stone so who knows if I'll ever change that about him.).
Aldebaran is practically a blank slate: sticks leggy out, who's going to give me a ship for him? I'm literally all ears, when it comes to ships for him.
And then we have Deathmask, and I've dug myself into the Aphrodite/DM ship hole, and I'm not leaving. NGL, I'm looking forward to write this ship. Fingers crossed for me to find an Aphrodite RPer, who'd be down to write it with me.
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
// I've got nothing TBH? I also haven't touched with a 10 ft post any form of discourse in this fandom. Spoiler alert: I don't want to see or engage with it. So, I have no clue what would be considered a "bad" ship for my muses, that would get me crucified.
I'd imagine that anything involving the golden saints with the bronze ones, due to the ages. And I think it's a good time as ever to say that: in order for me to do anything like that in a RPing format, the characters will have to be aged up first (likely in the context of a post-series events type of situation/plot). Everything must be discussed and agreed upon, between me and the other mun. No ifs and buts, I won't do anything romantic between them, during the series' events for my own comfort.
I don't want to start any form of a shitshow of a discourse. Because, I'm way too tired of this nonsensical discussion, that never ends.
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
// OFC I am! I'm just a bit more selective for OC/CC ships. But honestly? If the chemistry is there, and we have a solid plot going for them? They can offer me an experience that even surpasses CC/CC ships! I've had some truly awesome OC/CC ships in the past, which I still cherish to this day.
12. Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
// Okay SO as sb who personally takes huge enjoyment out of character development, AND has had a long history of dealing with some snobbish Rpers in the past, I'll go straight to the point:
It all depends on what your end goal with it is.
Do you want to only focus in the fluff/smut/etc aspects of it? That's awesome! All the power to you.
Do you want to take this as an opportunity to expand on things through a relationship? That's equally awesome as well! All the power to you.
I'm just genuinely sick and tired of Tumblr RPC's competitive nonsense, where they think that they have to pitch one against another and try to shame RPers who have a different approach/interest to RP. No Karen, we aren't doing a full on essay through rp on tumblr dot com. You're not handing your shit ship to be analyzed, in a professional way.
All ships have the potential to serve as food for character development, but that has to come from the muns' wishes to do that to begin with. Otherwise, you're just forcing an elitist and snobbish way to RP, that's just unhealthy and nobody wins in the end. I personally take a lot of enjoyment of grabbing my main ship partners, and truly get DEEP into things on our discussions and worldbuilding.
And at the same time, I've had some good times with folks, who only wanted to do a simpler/easier to digest stuff and not think too much about the HCs/implications/etc. Does that suddenly make me into a lesser RPer? I highly doubt it.
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rainbow-arrow · 1 year
Something Bad is going (or Has) happened to Luka Couffaine
 a theory!
Listen. Few love Luka Couffaine as much as I do. And there’s been a Good Deal of foreshadowing that something Bad is going to happen to him. Or, since we already have episodes 16 and 18, something already has. It begins in season four, and I think, most accurately, his downfall begins after Wishmaker. 
My theory here is that something bad happens to him in season five, and I’m predicting it’s going down Episode 15, which is ‘Intuition’, named after Sass’s powers, iconically, the only miraculous he ever used (he should’ve gotten one in the kwami swap i will die on this hill, regardless of their reasoning). As of right now, all we have of this episode is the name and the rest is mere speculation. Could happen later, could happen not at all (doubtful), but this is what I’m predicting, and if I am wrong, well, I’ve been wrong before lol.
This ended up a Bit longer than I anticipated, with the pictures (there are pictures for evidence under the cut lol i’m not one to do a CHUNK of text) and ngl overwhelming number of ominous signs pointing towards him, so it’s under the cut. I do also acknowledge my biases- I think he’s a much more main character than the creators are allowing him to be. In my defense, I love him?
Now, when I say something bad, I’m preparing myself for them just killing him (they wouldn’t, right?) but it could be a vague injury or sending him away, just something that keeps him off my screen, which is, arguably as bad as death? The thing is, everything points to something ‘vague bad’, and from that I can’t predict more, so I’ll keep it vague.
Season 4, Episode 22- Ephemeral
Ephemeral is the First Time we get to see him after discovering their identities in Wishmaker (a moment I have written separate essays on before). As far as I interpret the episode, his initial plan is to tell Marinette he knows she’s Ladybug (eventually) and accepts he’s instead going to ‘know’ Chat Noir’s for everyone’s benefit. 
I’ve written other posts on the Importance and Luka’s positioning in Ephemeral (and how the whole thing could’ve been solved with a simple conversation or. believe it or not. the Truth), so I’m not going to say much here, but the One point to be considered is:
It’s not safe for one person to know both Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities.
Which is why she can’t know his, and he can’t know hers. And Luka finds himself knowing both. From this very moment I knew something bad was doomed to happen to my favorite blueberry. He got put in a bad situation after, honestly, a very bad season for him. 
Season 5, Episode - Determination
 This one is. A Reach but someone rb and tagged one of my posts so I cannot just move on from this. We know there’s a Viperion wax figure, we see it covered and also lined up to fight (BUT THEY DOn”T aCTUALLy FIGHT HIM), and he’s just straight up not included on the poster. Seeing the wax figure it’s clear that they Know of his existence, but he’s just...not there.
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Some attempt at foreshadowing? I personally, do not know, but have been, without my consent, told it might be. (don’t write bible spoilers in the tags of my posts i read them okay???????) I am simply acknowledging this.
Season 5, Episode 12- Perfection
Luka has been in two (2) episodes so far in season five (LESS THAN WAYHEM MAY I ADD), and Perfection he’s bARELY there. (in his defense if I was in his exact situation, I would Also keep my distance), but he Is playing when Adrien’s singing, and they focus on him....at an interesting point.
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(first. funny bc he was silencer lol) First for real. Lukanette fans are always allowed to mourn the ridiculously short dating time on my posts- the emphasis on him and Adrien using the melody talk that’s taken verbatim from Wishmaker is also another essay for another time.
Second, he knows. Which, in general, makes most of his appearances in the show post Wishmaker (only twice in season five so far) hilarious, but in this situation, why they chose to emphasize him on the heart beating line. The silence one I get, but why would they linger so long on such a line? Foreshadowing. that’s my answer. They’re going to kill him. /j
I could also point out how far apart he stands from everyone but I’m also aware his animation budget is like $5 and half a pbj so I’m not looking too much into that, but here:
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Season 5, Episode 16- Protection
This episode is the first After when I think things are going to happen, immediately following Intuition, and Luka is...very oddly not there.
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It’s clear they had Every Intention of Luka being there when they planned this date, even including him in the comic, but he was replaced by Nino at last minute (Luka and Nino are the same person truthers really got a +1 on that line lol), which is...a choice but more on that never.
Luka was obviously abruptly replaced, which continues to lend to the idea that something in the immediate past (previous episode- oh! That’s Intuition!) and based on the leaked ideas I’ve stumbled across for episode 14, I really don’t think he’s in that one. 
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What gets to me in this scene is that, yes, they’re uncomfortable (with every right to be), put on display by their friends, but they look at each other right when they say his name. Like they know something happened. This scene adds more fuel to my ‘vague bad’ idea than straight up killing him (they wouldn’t), where likely, Ladybug and Chat Noir know More as to what happened (as well as Juleka, but she has no reason nor desire to speak up regarding her brother).
The Tweets
I, cannot for the life of me find the tweet that this is originally mentioned in (in my defense i did screen shot it and i have over 1200 images in my miraculous folder, but it might be in my screencap folder? we’ll never know). But I do have the Gloob post regarding it:
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[translation: who was that phrase for? ‘Your heart has been broken, you will never use the power of second chance again’]
Oh, he’s never gonna use the power of second chance again, that’s for certain, but I do have reason to believe it’s not because they don’t get the miraculouses back (haven’t read the bible spoilers on that I’m just assuming that’s how it all ends), it’s rather that he doesn’t get to use them.
Luka has a lot of potential built up as being so important to the plot, with the ideas of the four being foils to each other (Kagami is getting plenty of screentime for this (in a good way)), but because he knows. I can’t fathom when this is going to play out, or why they would make him know unless something important comes from it. Then again, between seasons they could’ve just changed their mind about his role in the show (*cough* the Couffaine’s always *cough*).
Then again, they also could have them find out each others identities before Luka gets/wants to tell them and then it’s just a waste but. I’ll write another essay on that if it happens.
I keep saying ‘I can’t believe they’re going to kill Luka Couffaine’ to prepare myself that something Very Terrible is going/has happened to him, but I honestly don’t believe that Fully. The people I have discussed this with have all, for the most part, agreed they’re likely going to send him away at least until the end of the season, and with this idea there’s so many different reasons they could use. Go on tour with Jagged? Sure. Let him learn more about being a luthier? I could see that. Study abroad? I’m still confused as to what type of school he actually goes to but why not. Something involving Monarch based on that last idea? God I hope not, but it’s a reason.
also, since I began working on this, this was revealed:
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Which is something I personally have been saying this whole time, but also Big Yikes, I’m just worried for my favorite blueberry. I hope he’s okay.
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gimmethatagustd · 11 months
hii, i’ve seen the fic asks thingy and so here i am. decided to go for 3 qs to not accidentally write an essay lol
1. atm it’s christmas warfare, i read it recently when i was in need of a sweet story and christmassy exes to lovers REALLY hit the spot. i feel like that kind of dynamic can be difficult to write bc of all the background/context that needs to be there for the story to feel real, but i think you nailed it!! really enjoyed it:)) oh also yoongi made me laugh out loudddd
5. ohts. it’s been on my list for a while but i haven’t had the chance to read it yet (bc life) and i keep seeing ppl going mad over it sooooo 👀👀 needless to say i am really looking forward to that one
8. i really like how you write dialogues! they feel natural and imo that’s super important for how the story flows and how easy it’s to read, so it stood out to me in your fics:)
omg hello! first can i say i love the photo you used of tae and hobi on your blog. the bucket hats 😂
ngl i was SO nervous about christmas warfare! it wasn't my usual ~vibe~ and therefore i thought i might totally fuck it up lol but i'm glad it could give you some comfort 💜 writing the scene where yoongi is driving mc home after the party was probs my fave thing to write lol
and OHTS !!!!!!!!!! oh my god. "going mad" is the nice way to put it lmfaooo that series has a cult following and tbh it had originally was only supposed to be a small drabble. it kinda got away from me, but i think in a good way? idk. very different than the stuff i write now, but i do enjoy it and i have 2 drabbles to add to the series soon~ i hope you like it! if you're up for it, lmk what you think about it! i'm always curious about people who are new to ohts lol
thank you so much for your kind words 🥺 sorry i think maybe i wrote an essay jsdhkfjs
share some thots with me maybe?
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king-dail · 2 years
The life and times of an earthling and a venusian: A relationship analysis
It's 1:23 AM right now but I don't give a fuck i'm writing an analysis on why Doyle and Milo's dynamic means so much to me!!
(Note that i'll only be mentioning plot points from episodes 1-4 on this post)
Ok, where to start? Well, when they first meet of course!
So in Welcome to Galaxy High, Doyle has been kinda sticking together with Aimee because he's a little cautious (and rude) about the non-earth life in the school but as soon as he sees Milo? Instantly jovial, even giving him a high five. After that he spends a good chunk of the episode with Milo as he gets shown around the school, embarrassing himself in the process.
But through all of these scenes does Milo throw in the towel and walk away, leaving Doyle to fend for himself because he's being annoying? No! He stays! With! Him! Even when Doyle is busy humiliating himself over his wounded pride Milo is right there behind him, ready to help him whenever things go sour.
When Doyle decides to not be an insufferable prick and attempts (putting emphasis on "attempt") to befriend the Bonk Bunch, leading to him being thrown in a french fryer, you know who carries him to Icenstein to get him fixed up? That's right, Milo.
In the first few seconds of Pizza's Honor we are already shown that Doyle and Milo are cooperating at the pizza parlor, to the point where I would go as far as to say that they are perfectly in sync with each other (Which is amazing in my opinion considering they've probably known each other for a week at max or two days at the minimum)!
I don't really have much to say about this ep because Milo is barely there, but I will mention that he was 1) the first one to get out of Ollie's taxi when they hit Doyle and that 2) he was DESPERATE to get Doyle the Fuck outta there when Milo thought that he was potentially in danger.
In The Beef Who Would Be King, Milo doesn't get much screentime either but scenes where he is with Doyle are spent showing the viewers more of their dynamic (Also the Harold Horsefly scene. Poor Harold).
Now to the MEAT AND POTATOES of this essay, Where's Milo?
This episode. Oh god this episode.
I actually wrote an analysis on the ending and general plot of this episode in the youtube comments section of this episode BUT I need to go deeper! And by deeper I mean more into ship territory!
The fucking episode starts out them going to an ice cream parlor to get milkshakes which has to be like. The MOST adorably romantic thing i've seen on this green earth. But of course Beef has to be a bitch and ruin everything, kickstarting the main conflict of the episode as well as fucking up their date.
After this Milo is seen being humiliated and blamed for things that aren't his fault like 90% while Doyle presumably comes forward to grab him and get out of there once the time is right (ie. A complete ROLE REVERSAL of their dynamic in the first episode), and even letting Milo vent to him. There was only one time that Doyle was mad at him and even then it was basically for a few minutes.
(Ok here's the part where I yoinked and edited my essay from the youtube comment I made to further prove my point)
The fact that Doyle was only mad at Milo for a few seconds and went back to being with him, working alongside him with no complaint even running after him when Luigi fired him (Which is kinda anime ngl), while everyone else hated Milo's guts is what fucking gets me!
He genuinely cares for Milo so much that he stayed by his side when everyone turned their backs on him and even dealt out a collective "Fuck you, guys!" to the entire GHG (Galaxy High Gang) when they shit talked Milo after he disappeared!
At the end of the episode when Doyle grabs Milo's hand and tells him "That's what friends are for.", his voice is SO incredibly gentle, and you just know they've taken turns wiping away each other's tears! Even if you don't ship them like I do, you can't deny that Milo brings out the best in Doyle and that Doyle gives Milo more confidence!
Simply being there for each other when times get tough is enough to keep them going and that is legitimately so beautiful! I'm basically rambling at this point but I just have so many feelings about these two it's not even funny!
People really ship Aimee and Doyle like Milo is non-existent because of heteronormativity (Also Aimee and Doyle are... Kind of dicks to each other. There would need to be more character development for both of them before Aimee and Doyle could have a relationship that is based off of love rather than a power imbalance. (I'm not saying it isn't possible but damn are they gonna have to work for it)) when Doyle and Milo's dynamic is SOOOO interesting as well as adorable!
Also Doyle should've gotten to kill Al Gatori. As a treat. Get that gator fuck.
No seriously though fuck Al Gatori all my homies hate Al Gatori.
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mari-lair · 1 year
☀️, for the ask game
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
I had a few, but recently only yours come to mind! You went into so many details, and paid so much attention, it got me writing proudly like Nene with her diary.
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I worked on the chapter as if I was speedrunning the day I got it, even finished that week! And i still re-read it when I need motivation. I'm determined to make the next chapter long!
And here is what the comment said:
[so, uh, i may or may not have forgotten to comment on this for half a month… well, to compensate for my lateness i’ve decided to write my thoughts on this chapter in excruciating detail because i’m actually very normal (i swear)
1. THEY SHAKED HANDS… OH MY GOD… look it may not seem like much but when you think about it hand shaking is pretty much just hand holding with extra steps, so basically they just held hands (good for them!!!)
2. aka’s relationship with mirai is. so much to me. AND DRAWING PARALLELS TO TERU AND TIARA’S RELATIONSHIP… LITERALLY RATTLING MY CAGE BARS SO HARD AT THIS!!! also them agreeing that teru’s a piece of crap is so iconic fr
3. aka offering for teru to braid his hair is so damn telling of how theyre slowly but surely getting closer and starting to trust each other a bit and i just. AAAHHDJFJFJFJFJFJFFJAJSKDKKD. THIS IS DRIVING ME INSANE /POS
4. omg i remember when i was looking at one of the wips and i was like ‘wait op isn’t gonna pull a chapter 26 right…’ and i am SO GLAD that i dodged apollo’s dodgeball there because i’d probably cry if that happened
5. ‘wiggling around like a pathetic worm’ is such a Sentence™ and now it’ll be forever ingrained in my mind, i bet ten dollars i’m gonna end up quoting that like five times in a row while knowing damn well that nobody’s gonna fully understand me
6. aka’s reaction to teru being taller than him is so comically paradigmatic of their relationship like damn, i’m gonna go sit in a corner and think about that for a while gimme a few okay (and by ‘a few’ i mean the next few YEARS)
7. the part where teru ruffles aka’s hair and notices how cold it is OH MY GOD AJSKJDKDKFKF???? i think i’ll have to change that from a few years to a few decades… may or may not have led me down a rabbit hole of thoughts on aka’s lack of humanity ngl 😳😳😳 i’m like 2 seconds away from writing a small essay about it someone needs to either stop me or encourage me right now
8. ‘it was as if growing up made teru lose his survival instincts’… HEY, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN 😀 is it because he eventually falls in love with aka… i know what you are, teru 🤨📸 BUT ALSO WHAT IF IT’S SOMETHING ELSE okay i don’t know what else it could be atm but whatever it is i have a feeling it would not be good
9. tbh… i’m becoming a rita stan (i said, not even having the faintest idea of what she looks like because i can’t imagine people for the life of me) wait actually. you should draw her /nf… if you don’t do it first then i’ll just have to draw her myself ig
10. TERU CALLING AKA BY HIS NAME. TERU GETTING GENUINELY WORRIED FOR AKA. i am going to lock myself in my dryer and never come out omg i’m going to cry this is so important to me i’m never gonna dance again because of this
11. the way he’s starting to care about aka… i’m literally going to cry… god the way you write character dynamics and development is literally going to make me rip my eyes out IT’S SO GOOD AJKDDJKDKDFK. and the way he was denying it so hard too 😭😭 it’s like, he’s trying so much to convince himself that he doesn’t care about aka and i just,,, IT’S SO. YK
12. this is like. stage one: Denial™, yk. like he says and does all these things to try and distract from how he actually feels, HE OVERCOMPENSATES SO MUCH LMAO, idk how to articulate it but this is going to be the death of me, i was just waiting for him to realize just how much he cares deep down yk… actually this entire fic is just killing me to death tbh
14. and then of course he tries to pin the blame on aka, like he’s just doing everything in his power to deny his feelings lmaoo, that’s literally so in character for him… like who’s gonna tell him about friendship /j, btw this fic is stabbing me cesear-style rn
15. AND THEN THE ENDING OH MY GOD… NOW THAT’S HOW YOU END A CHAPTER FR!! i am currently going to explode with anticipation for the next chapter, i’m actually never going to shut up about this fic tbh
i don’t really know a good way to finish this small essay of a comment off, so i’ll just quote something i texted to a friend while in the middle of writing this: ‘i fink that fic may have ruined me tbh but it’s too radballs for me to go back now’. i think that adequately summarizes my thoughts on this tbh
so uh yeah!!! thanks for reading exactly 895 words of me incoherently rambling about this fic, next time i’m going to make a google slides presentation /j but seriously i love this fic so much and i can’t wait to see where it goes next!]
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pinkmangostudies · 5 years
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i love it when i procrastinate by doing something productive ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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One of my favorite things about the Dota anime on Netflix is that the characters aren’t forced. Instead of being your typical “oh I’m the hero who has no emotion and I have to save these poor women from getting killed” character, Davion is characterized as this guy who looks all tough on the outside but on the inside he’s this deeply traumatized little boy who just wants to be free of his curse and he lets that show openly without regret. Not to mention the fact that he validates Girl Boss women and roots for them and is the Best Boi. In addition, some of the villains in the show are all kinda morally grey instead of being written as the typical “yeah I don’t have a good backstory that’s traumatic or anything but I’m evil so you gotta deal with it” thing that so many other shows do because they don’t know how to write good characterization. Take Kaden and the Invoker, for example. Kaden is this dragon knight who’s traumatized and grieving and pissed by Slyrak killing his friends and family and everyone he cares about that he’s blinded by rage and grief and just doesn’t care about anything anymore. Some people might look at him and say “oh yeah I hate him because he wants to kill Davion” like no, he doesn’t want to kill Davion, he wants to kill the monster that ruined his life. The last thing in the world that he wants to do is kill the boy who died trying to avenge peoples’ deaths. On the other hand, The Invoker is just a guy who lost his daughter and is too hurt and angry to deal with those emotions so he makes reckless decisions out of pure grief than anything else. His ex wife (I’m hoping he tears her to shreds in the new book ngl) cared more about her family worshipping her than anything else and as a result destroyed every last bit of hope and love left in The Invokers heart when she let his kid die (I don’t care if she birthed Filomena, she is NOT her mother) . So now you have this guy who’s lost literally everything keeping him emotionally and mentally grounded and the only thing that’s keeping alive is pure rage and honestly I get that (he still needs therapy tho ngl). He’s not necessarily bad or good since we don’t know his motivations yet for waking Vahdrak, but like, he still helped the Gang and made sure that Davion had armor that protected him so he’s not all bad, he just shoved all his feelings inside because he has to keep up that “I’m an all powerful sorcerer and I don’t need emotions” façade. Selemene on the other hand is just evil. There’s no redemption for her. (The whole thing with Mene and Selemene still kinda confuses me but hopefully we’ll get more of a backstory in book 2 because I am lost lol). I could write a whole essay on the characterization of the dragons but I won’t (unless you want me to 😏) but basically I think there’s room for good in them. The white dragon in book 1 for example (idk her name but I liked her) was kind and tender hearted, and I feel like inside every dragon there’s a good part but it tends to be overlooked in the fact that they have to hold up this stance of being all mighty ethereal creatures that are born and bred to kill (or are they 😏??) but anyways, I feel like in the new book Davion and Slyrak are gonna form a really cool bond and together they’re gonna start to teach the dragons that humans are meant for more than just food (I’m looking at you, Vahdrak 👁👄👁) and maybe Davion and Slyrak can form a magical bond with each other and do cool dragon sorcery (I think I might be reading too much into this 😅). Anyways, that’s just some of my thoughts and ramblings on Dota. Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments because I’m genuinely curious as to what you guys think.
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jordannxbbs · 2 years
another rant but this one is over the place: overall opinions on FA cup final (3-0 to chelsea)
starting xi:
overall: beyond me why jonas thought this was a half decent idea. it was practically the same starting xi as the barcelona and spurs games (with the exception of leah) and those have been the only major disappointments so far aside from today. 
backline: i know we are short (ie we have less) on defensive players compared to our attacking side especially in the centre half department however we do have enough midfielders to fill a small army, it wouldn’t hurt to drop our swiss princess to the backline until leah’s return (which i am absolutely gagging for, would definitely be alright with that as my christmas gift). i think lia would’ve made a difference instead of having lotte and jen as our cb pairing. as i said earlier, i think a possible simone and lia pairing on our backline is something to be explored next weekend (were playing leicester city and they have zero points) when if it goes horribly wrong, our midfield will take care of it (hopefully). still struggling to understand the concept of putting katie on the wing, i found she dropped down to defensively sometimes and then wasnt in the right places for our rare and shortlived attacking spells (wasnt actually there, might of been the angle of the bbc coverage). i find steph does not work for games like todays, especially when we are getting slaughtered like lambs, however she was the best defender out of a bad bunch today, especially after coming back from aus, girlboss. tbh, had real problems with noelle too, below her normal but better then cbs. wont get into lotte and jen to much because i am anticapating this to be very long and i could write an essay on it maybe when i have recovered from today a little better. only thing ill say is when chelsea our in on goal, i know there trying to not pick up fouls in the box for potential penaltys, but you also cant stand five feet away from them and expect them not to score. were not in five feet apart huns. all in all, we looked like gb in ww1 up until 1917, where we would just run out onto no mans land and think its a good idea. we let the chelsea attacking tanks absolutetly flatten us (im utilising my 9 in history im not drunk, high or going mad).
midfield: lots of opinions on this too. the latest victim of jonas eidevall - jordan nobbs. honestly i noticed jonas mention the lack of completed passes we managed today, well why not use our queen of 2-1s miss jordan then. he made a conscious decision to not bring her on and i honestly think she’ll be considering other options after today. i think lots of clubs in europe could really benefit from her. i think to make up for today, jonas better start her for every other game this year (being dramatic) because her non existent goal count this season is a reflection of jonas and jonas only. shes a class player and will be vital in december my ass. it is december and we know shes class. felt like only kim was there tbh in the first half, i liked lias nails though so bonus points? not much else other than mana should have started, would have done a mana, kim, frida and then jordan in for frida at half time. 
frontline: no complaints since nothing really to complaint about. felt beth really tried to make a difference and felt bad that nothing was going her way. felt all katie did was foul people, ngl would it be a real game without katie getting a yellow; no. i know there wasnt much to work with, but where was viv. i think its the new hair its giving us bad luck, her only real moment for me was that 20 yard out shot that was wide and high.
jonas: thought he would revoloutionising for us this season, honestly i think from what ive seen on here today, none of us are to fond of him. needs to seriously rethink how hes going to see this year out.
maybe, next time were in a fa cup final lets focus on tactics and not making paint xoxo
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