#niccolò furri
marcogiovenale · 6 months
nuovo post sul blog 'esiste la ricerca': niccolò furri e le ragioni e i modi della scrittura
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gammm-org · 4 years
gammm: scatola sonora del 5 settembre 2020 (in collaborazione con il teatroinscatola)
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il file in programmazione oggi a piazza Sonnino, con audio in loop di (in ordine alfabetico): Isacco Boldini, Gherardo Bortolotti, Alessandro Broggi e Gianluca Codeghini, Roberto Cavallera, Fiammetta Cirilli, Mario Corticelli, Elisa Davoglio, Niccolò Furri, Marco Giovenale, Mariangela Guatteri, Andrea Inglese, Giulio Marzaioli, Manuel Micaletto, Renata Morresi, Vincenzo Ostuni, Adriano Padua,…
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inmyarmswrappedin · 5 years
Thoughts on each even, you don’t have to answer. You just have some of the better skam opinions on this site.
Hi 🤩💫 First off, flattery will get you absolutely everywhere with me, anon, thank you so much haha. 
I took a few days to think about how best to answer this ask because most of the Evens don’t feel so different to me that I could think of many things to say about each one. But then I thought I’d approach the Evens through their art style. 
I was a bit of an Even in high school— liked 90s hip hop, fell in love a lot, was a bit of a dreamer and a romantic, doodled and tried my hand at different art projects with mixed results, etc. So in talking about the Evens, I’m also going to talk a bit about myself if you don’t mind! 
I’m also not going to rank them this time, let me know if you want me to rank them (or to rank anything else about Skams, idc).
Even - I like Even’s drawing style and I feel it suits him very well. He never had an insta, but Isak’s season banner features a good amount of his drawings, plus the ones we saw on the show. He’s obviously influenced by American hip hop and comic culture, what with the COOLCAT, the weed, the crown, the diamonds… and the dicks. I’m very fond of Even’s Illuminati eye surrounded by boners, lol. It really feels like the kind of things a boy like Even (who loves Romeo + Juliet and Pretty Woman and Gabrielle, but also Nas and Lars von Trier and Stjerner uden hjerner and FIFA) would draw. I like that Even felt inspired by his conversations with Isak and pushed through his own fears to make art directly referencing things Isak said. Even felt scared by the possibility of parallel universes, but in order to show Isak how much he cared, his drawings for Isak all referenced parallel universes. I also like that Even’s art style is not stereotypically cute. It reminds me of the borderline gross style of Daniel Clowes and Peter Bagge.
Niccolò - Okay, so at this point I think we’re all aware that Skam Italia didn’t even have the budget for insta content, and they clearly didn’t have the budget to hire an artist specifically to create Niccolò’s art. He does have lots of drawings in his room, but then he doesn’t really draw anything for Martino? It feels like Niccolò is more of an arts and crafts kind of person, at least to me. Anyway I like that (aside from the red string of fate, which never got a follow up of any kind) the stuff Niccolò makes for Martino all reference Last Man on Earth, the TV show they bond over, in one way or another. The show is really not what I would call epic romance material, which I feel works for them tbh!
Eliott - My thing with both Eliott’s furry thing and Polaris, is that both seem really cute, but ultimately like… they didn’t mine either thing for all it was worth, I guess I would put it. Also, in comparison to other Evens, Eliott’s thing is almost developed (Eliott is after all a fictional character, not a real person) in order to elicit maximum cooing from its audience. Like, no one would say the illuminati boners or Last Man on Earth are objectively cute, not out of context! (And I’m far from a Skam Italia fan, I’m just saying.) But the hedgehog and the raccoon and the cat are all drawn in a very cute style. It feels a little too saccharine sweet for a 18-year old. However, Maxence not looking like a 18-year old might also play a part in my hesitance, because as a 18-year old I legit drew a full on comic about me and my then crush as superheroes fighting against our teachers in order to conquer college admittance tests together. (Like I said, Even and I have some shit in common lol.) And I drew my crush as a cat because he looked like a cat to me. So where the hell do I get off criticizing Eliott, y’know? As for Polaris, it’s like… Okay, so one is afraid of the light and one is afraid of the dark, and they meet and kiss right outside the cave, what else? It’s like, it’s cute and romantic, right, but not very developed as a season long motif.
David - I mean, do I have to say it? I love David and everything about him. I love that he has different art styles and uses different tools, it’s very realistic for someone his age still trying to find what his specific thing is. I love his sketches and his collages and the fact that he has a vampire persona that he draws in thicker lines. I love that he didn’t initially have an insta, and that he only got it because Sara and Leonie needled him about it, and I love that he didn’t post selfies or pictures of himself until he went through his character development. I love that his vampire persona crap is only for Matteo and he doesn’t post those cartoons on his very serious, very aesthetic insta. I love that his vampire persona looks similar to the Magdalene Hanke-Basfeld illustrations for the Angela Sommer-Bodenburg “The Little Vampire” book series. (I have no idea whether it’s intentional/an homage or just me seeing things where I wanna see them, but I loooove it.) I love that his first posts on insta really just seem kind of random (aside from the bird taking flight ofc) and like they don’t have a connection to the s3 storyline, it’s as if David really existed and made art and had ideas and thoughts before he met Matteo. I get such a kick of David’s sense of humor, like he seems kind of angry at the cliche of being barefoot on the beach and having a good time (ZUM KOTZEN!!!). Lol he’s just so delightful. I love that he can’t post a goddamn pic or video without a filter, oh no that’s simply not him!!!!1 And let me tell you about the time he made a highlights folder and named it Nights on Earth, I almost lost it on twitter I had such a great time. Anyway, David’s art and insta really scream that he’s a bit of a pretentious snob who corrects people on proper terminology and will only make cute things for the person he cares about the mostest AND NO ONE ELSE. PERIODT!
Joana - I’m a bit torn about Joana because I’m not into her more anime-esque stuff, but at the same time, god, if that isn’t me. I learned to draw by watching anime and trying to emulate the style, and because I’ve never really taken lessons, my cartoons just scream anime. I’m a bit embarrassed about it, because weeaboos and what not, and that extends to Joana as well lol. Before I revisited the Evens’ stuff for this ask, I had this idea in my mind that Joana’s art is a bit unrealistic because it seems too polished and professional for her character, but really, that’s just the piece that she in character made for the hospital/the BDP project. The stuff on the show and on her insta is actually believable as doodles or pieces she can put a bit more effort into, but aren’t like, art gallery-ready. I like that Joana started posting black and white doodles from graph paper notebooks (ftr this is the kind of notebooks most Spanish students use, lined or blank paper notebooks not so much), and started adding colors and creating more complex pieces as her relationship with Cris progressed. I think it says so much about Joana that the cartoons that represent her are always in some kind of pain, physical or emotional, but the cartoons that represent Cris (including the toads) are always cute, always happy, always desirable. Like, be more in love pls. I love that Joana is a bit of an edgelord, and uses a lot of imagery related to arrows, knives, tears/blood drops. That’s so accurate of girls like her. I love that the season banner has an actual to god vulva on it. Compared to other Evens, Joana seems more focused on drawing than anything else, so maybe that makes her video for Cris’ birthday not plausible, but on the other hand, I feel like Croana shippers could’ve used more cuteness in week 10, so you know what? Imma take that video, copypasta of “Gutten som ikke klarte å holde pusten under vann” as it is. I hope that Joana keeps posting art in s3 and s4, and so we get to see how her style develops. ✨
Sander - I haven’t really watched wtFOCK. 
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nuovaletteratura · 3 years
utsanga.it, n. 29, settembre 2021
utsanga.it, n. 29, settembre 2021
http://www.utsanga.it Mathias Richard e il gruppo del “Mutantismo”, Francesco Aprile, Cristiano Caggiula, Andrea Astolfi, Antonio F. Perozzi, Gianluca Garrapa, Riccardo Benzina, Giuseppe Calandriello, MironTee, Jeff Nimp, Daniele Poletti, Lorenzo Baldassarre, Niccolò Furri, Demostene Agrafiotis, Leo Barth, Mayk Oliveira, Wellington Amancio da Silva, Sacha Archer, Gregorio Tenti, John Bennett,…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
francesco muzzioli su "continuo. repertorio di scritture complesse", [dia•foria, 2023
https://francescomuzzioli.com/2023/10/13/scritture-complesse Su Critica integrale una attentissima recensione di Francesco Muzzioli a Continuo. Repertorio di scritture complesse, pubblicato quest’anno da [dia•foria (https://www.facebook.com/letteraturacomplessita/videos/824513069006191/) In Continuo, testi di Daniele Bellomi, Alessandro De Francesco, Marilina Ciaco, Marco Mazzi, Luigi Severi,…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
"rrrrrrr" di niccolò furri @ radioquestasera, nella serie 'lo spazio del desiderio', a cura di g. garrapa
“rrrrrrr” è il progetto rumorista di Niccolò Furri (precario, montatore di testi e noise maker): si  ispira ad artisti del suono come Bruce Russell, Kim Gordon e Andy Moor. Nel 2021 è uscito funeral marches per Rodenfaust Records
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marcogiovenale · 5 years
oggi e domani, a bologna: ricercabo 2019 - laboratorio di nuove scritture
oggi e domani, a bologna: ricercabo 2019 – laboratorio di nuove scritture
comunicato stampa completo all’indirizzo seguente: https://slowforward.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/cs_ricercabo-2019-laboratorio-di-nuove-scritture.pdf
11esima edizione di Ricercabo, il laboratorio di nuove scritture che da anni coinvolge scrittori, poeti, critici e docenti universitari.
Sabato 30 novembre – dalle ore 15 alle ore 19 Domenica 1…
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marcogiovenale · 5 years
ricercabo 2019: il 30 novembre e il 1 dicembre a bologna
ricercabo 2019: il 30 novembre e il 1 dicembre a bologna
11esima edizione di Ricercabo, il laboratorio di nuove scritture che da anni coinvolge scrittori, poeti, critici e docenti universitari.
Sabato 30 novembre – dalle ore 15 alle ore 19 Domenica 1 dicembre – dalle ore 10 alle ore 13
Sala Tassinari – Palazzo D’accursio, Piazza Maggiore 6, Bologna (la sala si trova al pianterreno del cortile di ingresso)
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nuovaletteratura · 5 years
utsanga.it | online il numero 21, settembre 2019
utsanga.it | online il numero 21, settembre 2019
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http://www.utsanga.it online il numero 21, settembre 2019 con:
Nico Vassilakis, Gian Paolo Roffi, Adriano Spatola, Cristiano Caggiula, Egidio Marullo, Francesco Aprile, Volodymyr Bilyk, Osvaldo Cibils, Sergio Dangelo, Lorenzo Menguzzato, Niccolò Furri, Felipe Cussen, Amailys Quintero Ruiz, Giovanni Fontana, Anna Serra, Michael Jacobson, Marilyn R. Rosenberg, Steven J. Fowler, Enzo Patti, Vito…
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