#nice job Pythonrush-10 moons old and already a warrior!
elementclangen · 3 months
Moon 113-Greenleaf
Finally, FINALLY, Needlepaw (16) has been made a full Healer.  Her name is Needlepelt, in honor of her emotional maturity.  She’s compassionate and great at diagnosing cats.  Despite her near non-existent earth-blessing, she’ll make a great Healer.  And she’s not the only one who’s been given her full name this moon.  Pythonpaw (10)  has been made a warrior early!  Peakspots (97) has proven his mettle as a mentor, and Pythonpaw excelled at every task put before him.  He’s been given the full name of Pythonrush and honored for his zeal.  Bushmask (123),who has grown quite reverent of star-blessed cats, makes sure to welcome Faiththrift (34) into the Clan.  It can’t hurt to be on good terms with her, right?  His daughter, Antlersky (71), is less thrilled with the newer cats in the Clan.  Especially Gentle (100).  How is he better than her at hunting!  It’s not fair.  Darkpetal (152) has been hanging out with Flinttooth (14), spreading rumors.  He tells her that Graysong (26) has been acting weird, spending a lot more time than normal with that dark-cursed cat.  Graysong has indeed been spending more time with Yellowcreek (40). . .and staying up late at night trying to think of ways to impress him.  Aww.
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