elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 126-Leaf-fall
The Clan cannot escape tragedy.  Although the war with ChaffinchClan seemed to be winding down, the weather decided to take a turn for the worse.  A flash flood washed through camp, destroying dens and taking lives.  Gentle (113) was ill from the poison, and couldn’t move fast enough.  Gardeniapaw (9) and Midgepurr (23) were trying to help him to safety, but all three of them perished.  When the nursery flooded, Cressfreckle (42) and Graysong (39) tried to get Airclaw (68) and Gladekit (2) to safety.  Unfortunately, being so close to kitting, Airclaw didn’t have the endurance to make it.  And Graysong had never been a great swimmer.  The two of them drowned, but Cressfreckle managed to get the kit to safety.  Luckstripe (63) also perished, but got all three of his kits to safety.  Flightkit (5) and Lilykit’s (5)  untrained water magic may have helped them survive.  Bushmask (136), being an elder, required a lot of help to get out.  Flinttooth (27) and Timberfleck (23) were trying to save him, but all three of them drowned.  The last founding member of the Clan was gone. Stonefreckle (109) saw them go under and tried to swim back to help them, but was hit up against the rocks by the current and died.  Finally, just when the rest of the survivors had almost made it to safety, Cressfreckle saw Faiththrift (47) reaching for Yuccastar’s (105) paw.  Yuccastar stepped back, and let the other star-blessed cat get washed away by the flood.  The entire Clan is in grieving-they all lost someone-but Chervilcry (105) is especially impacted by it.  She wishes that she could have done more to stop the flood with her water powers.  But she is just one cat.  Maybe if Shardfrost were alive she would have been able to turn the tides.  But Chervilcry has never been that powerful.  Frostheart (29) and Needlepelt (29) seek comfort in each other, as the only survivors of Brightfalcon and Bushmask’s kits. Cressfreckle curls up with the bodies of his mates one final time, vowing that his loves’ memories will live on through him and Gladekit.  And that he won’t let Yuccastar kill again.  Peakspots (95) is shaken by the loss of his brother.  He seeks out the company of the kits and begins to feel safer with the powerfully star-blessed Lilykit around.  Steppepaw (9) has been made a Healer apprentice instead of a warrior apprentice.  With the loss of two Healers, the Clan will need more.  But she can’t help but feel like the Clan is trying to replace Gardeniapaw.
Meta: Yes, Airclaw was supposed to have her kits this moon. She died before she had them. Also, since Gentle was Steppepaw's mentor, he died and then she became a medicine cat apprentice, her new mentor is Needlepelt.
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moonstone210 · 1 year
made more wc names for the dra/sdra2 cast
Yuki / Usturo - Amberslip / Null Sora / Akane - Sky / Stoatpelt
Teruya - Grasstail Rei - Embergaze Tsurugi - Heronclaw Kiyoka - Foxstrike Mitsuhiro - Goldenkick Kizuna - Mallowleap Ayame - Swiftwave Kanata - Honeystem Kakeru - Buzzardswoop Kinji - Lightcloud Haruhiko - Hickoryflight Satsuki - Flaxspring Mikako - Shadewhisper Yamato - Slateheart
Yoruko - Rosepool Iroha - Dappleberry Syobai - Ashhaze Yuri - Sedgetail Hajime - Lionclaw Kokoro - Crowheart Emma - Marigold (loner) Setsuka - Frostflower Hibiki - Lilyfur Kanade - Dahliapelt Shinji - Flinttooth Nikei - Cinderfoot Mikado - Lightningflash
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naturepunks · 7 years
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4 hours
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ashrimpnamedlauren · 4 years
Raspberrystar (gorgeous name btw) 💌?
Raspberrystar doesn't actually have any crushes, but is basically a second mother to Ravenkit and Nectarkit with her sister Beebright, so I'll give you some backstory on that
Beebright actually wasn't a Forestclan cat in the beginning! She was found as a kit on the territory, and was taken in by Raspberrystar/kit's mother, Hollyscent. Raspberrykit's other siblings, Marigoldkit and Sundewkit, died of sickness, and Raspberrykit instantly bonded with Beekit. The two were inseparable.
However, things began falling apart for strange reasons when they became apprentices. Beepaw would always gossip and blush over older apprentices from other clans, most always a grey tabby from Swampclan named Tornpaw. Raspberrypaw didn't think much of it, assuming Beepaw would just forget about Tornpaw.
But she was wrong.
When they became warriors, Raspberrylight began to notice that Beebright would go out by herself alot. When she asked her sister about this, she brushed it off and told her it's none of her business. Their relationship was about to fall apart.. Until Raspberrylight became deputy, after the death of Flinttooth, and a few days later something changed.
Beebright suddenly stopped going out. She stayed inside, not doing anything. Raspberrylight knew something happened, and confronted her about it. In a shower of tears, Beebright explained that she was expecting Tornblizzard's kits, and when she tried to go to him for help he instantly rejected her and chased her off.
Raspberrylight was horrified, and instantly vowed to protect her adopted sister and her kits. But she knew they couldn't keep it a secret. For Beebright's own good, she went to Harestar, and told him the truth about it all.
Harestar was surprisingly not angry about this. A product of a Halfclan relationship himself, he knew the consequences they can bring, and decided Beebright already had enough punishment for breaking the code.
Beebright's kits were born on the same day of the Great Slaughter, where Swampclan and Creekclan attacked eachother in cold blood during a Gathering. Harestar was accidently pushed off the high rock by a Creekclan cat, and his neck snapped, costing him his final life.
Raspberrylight wasn't there during the panic and chaos, instead closing to stay at camp with her sister. And when the time came, she went to get her lives, vowing to never let Beebright's kits be hurt.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 121-Newleaf
The Clan can’t seem to escape loss.  After slowly fading for many moons, the elder Darkpetal (160) was found dead in his nest.  Bushmask (131) and Brightfalcon (164) are saddened by the loss of their friend so soon after the loss of their children.  Tremors wrack Brightfalcon’s body as she dwells on how Darkpetal won’t see another morning.  Bushmask goes over the best moments he shared with Darkpetal in his mind, again and again, until he’s certain he’ll remember Darkpetal forever.  Airclaw (63) misses her father and wonders how she’ll move on without him.  Cressfreckle (37) and Yellowcreek (48) comfort her.  In light of their losses, ElementClan and FurledClan have decided to end the war.  It had devolved into a stalemate and both sides were able to find common ground.  Despite the end of the war, Chervilcry (100) is busy.  She pulls Midgepurr (18) aside and asks him quietly about his crush.  He looks at her confused.  What crush?  He doesn’t have one.  Peakspots (90) has been worried that Cressfreckle is spending so much time with his mate instead of going on patrols.  This leads to a fight between them that Chervilcry has to break up, and Yellowcreek starts complaining about him behind his back.  Although not all is well in their romance.  Cressfreckle wants kits, but Airclaw isn’t quite ready yet.  She wants to see how their relationship progresses before taking the step into parenthood.  Chervilcry also helps them work through it. The final member of the quadrangle, Graysong (34), has noticed that his mother is having a hard time and surprises her with some of her favorite herbs that he grew.   Sadly, while on a patrol, Pythonrush (18) is killed by a thunderpath.  Flinttooth (22) is a little shaken that she couldn’t save him, but isn’t that torn up.  She wasn’t super close to him.  However, instead of shrinking this moon, the Clan actually grows.  A tom named Luckstripe (58) and his newborn kits have joined the Clan. He and one of his kits, Mothkit (0), are fire-blessed.  Chervilcry has to put out a small fire Mothkit starts in the nursery.  But the other two. . .are star-blessed.  And one of them, Flightkit (0), is so powerful that she almost blinded Caterpillarmallow (71) when she inspected the kits.  The other, Lilykit (0), is slightly less powerful, but still pretty strong.  Yuccastar (100) is intimidated.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 118-Leaf-bare
The combination of leaf-bare and the war is wearing on the Clan.  Brightfalcon (161) is devastated by the loss of her son, just a year after she lost Rosemaryquake.  She’s not sure she wants to go on in a world where her kits are dead.  Can’t she just go back in time to last leaf-bare, when they all were still alive?  The war with FurledClan has led to ElementClan having to adopt new routines.  Yuccastar (97) has their strongest wind-blessed cats flushing up drifts of snow on the borders and often puts Peakspots (102) on border patrols, so that any cats who remember Nightingaletree see her son is still out and fighting.  But after a border skirmish leaves him with a bad wound, he has to take a rest in the healer's den.  In his absence it doesn’t hurt to have Yellowcreek (45) do a little dark-cursed demonstration.  Just so they don’t forget who they’re dealing with.  Yuccastar has also recovered from greencough and came out as nonbinary, using she/they pronouns.  They seem to be having a bit of a mid-life crisis and doubting herself a lot more than they used to.  Meanwhile, Antlersky (76) is getting along with her brother, feeling the need to bond with her remaining siblings after Flurrypelt’s loss.  Meanwhile, the quadrangle cats are bonding.  Cressfreckle (34), Airclaw (60), and Graysong (31) had a nice talk while eating, and Cressfreckle purrs for a long time at one of Airclaw’s lame jokes.  However, Yellowcreek is taking some time by himself. The demonstrations haven’t helped Yellowcreek’s reputation with some of his clanmates.  He notices that cats like Bushmask (128) and Flinttooth (19) have been nervous around him lately.  He wishes they would just relax and that Yuccastar wouldn’t ask any more of him.  But he decides that he won’t stop using his powers to protect his Clan, if that’s what Yuccastar thinks is best.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 117-Leaf-bare
There’s a lot happening in the Clan, between leaf-bare, the war, and the love quadrangle.  The war with FurledClan has made tensions high.  There have been several border skirmishes, but thankfully no battles.  Yet.  With the onset of leaf-bare, disease has come to the camp.  Both Gentle (104) and Yuccastar (96) have come down with it.  Caterpillarmallow (67) wishes that Graysong (30) would be more helpful in healing them, but he’s been using his powers to grow lavender instead.  Hey, Yellowcreek (30) said that he likes them!  Bushmask (127) decides to step in and is reminding Graysong how important his job is, such as through telling him about the various times Brightfalcon (160) had wished her powers were strong enough to heal others like Graysong can.  Graysong gets it.  But still.  Yellowcreek.  And there are some cats who still don’t like the dark-cursed cat, most notably Flinttooth (18), who Graysong overheads complaining about his friend.  How dare she!  Meanwhile, Faiththrift (38) uses her star-blessed powers to scare off an enemy patrol.  She thinks the Clan should throw a celebration in her honor.  Yuccastar is annoyed.  Sadly, on a patrol with Peakspots (36) , Flurrypelt (30) gets too close to twolegs and is crushed when one of them starts a monster unexpectedly.  Graysong feels bad that his brother died after they had grown so far apart.
Meta: Technically, Flurrypelt was just captured by twolegs and not killed. But the game treated it like he was dead and I treated it that way too, so I decided that he was killed instead of captured. He died anyways three moons later while lost.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 114-Leaf-fall
The rest of Gentle’s (101) kits have been made warriors!  Midgepaw (11) is now Midgepurr, honoring his tranquility, and Timberpaw (11) is now Timberfleck, honoring his observance.  All three of his kits have proven that even powerless and low-powered cats can excel in the Clan. However, the good mood in the camp is tempered by loss.  The newcomer, Swallowbelly (104), died from her mangled tail.  The Clan didn’t know her that well yet, but the loss of any member is a blow, especially one who’s water-blessed (Why is everyone wind-blessed these days!  Chervilcry-93-is tired of it).  Yuccastar (93) is still warmongering with the other clans and making sure her Clan is battle ready.  She compliments Stonefreckle (97) on how sharp his claws are looking and jokes around with Frostheart (17) about how bad the other Clans smell.  Caterpillarmallow (64) is taking her job as the Clan’s most senior Healer seriously.  She makes sure to check on the younger cats, including making sure that Needlepelt (17) takes some time to eat.  There also seems to be a love quadrangle brewing among the younger generation. . .Yellowcreek (41) has a crush on Graysong (27), Cressfreckle (30), and now Airclaw (56).  But he doesn’t think any of those relationships will go anywhere.  Do any of them like him like that?  Not likely.  Except it’s totally likely.  They’re all crushing on him. And on each other.  Airclaw just wants all of Cressfrecke’s dreams to come true.  Flinttooth (15) and Pythonrush (11) have been bonding over being non-powered, and Pythonrush even gives Flinttooth some bird feathers to line her nest.
Meta: So, I am aware that I could have called the 'love quadrangle' a love square, rectangle, or even quadrilateral. But my brain generated quadrangle because it has one more cat in it than a triangle. And the name stuck.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 113-Greenleaf
Finally, FINALLY, Needlepaw (16) has been made a full Healer.  Her name is Needlepelt, in honor of her emotional maturity.  She’s compassionate and great at diagnosing cats.  Despite her near non-existent earth-blessing, she’ll make a great Healer.  And she’s not the only one who’s been given her full name this moon.  Pythonpaw (10)  has been made a warrior early!  Peakspots (97) has proven his mettle as a mentor, and Pythonpaw excelled at every task put before him.  He’s been given the full name of Pythonrush and honored for his zeal.  Bushmask (123),who has grown quite reverent of star-blessed cats, makes sure to welcome Faiththrift (34) into the Clan.  It can’t hurt to be on good terms with her, right?  His daughter, Antlersky (71), is less thrilled with the newer cats in the Clan.  Especially Gentle (100).  How is he better than her at hunting!  It’s not fair.  Darkpetal (152) has been hanging out with Flinttooth (14), spreading rumors.  He tells her that Graysong (26) has been acting weird, spending a lot more time than normal with that dark-cursed cat.  Graysong has indeed been spending more time with Yellowcreek (40). . .and staying up late at night trying to think of ways to impress him.  Aww.
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 112-Greenleaf
Flintpaw (13)  has finally been made a warrior!  She has been named Flinttooth, honoring her hard work.  And she has worked hard.  It felt like she was under a lot more pressure to perform well than Frostheart (15), who was made a warrior earlier, just because she was powerless.  It’s not fair.  And it means that she can’t afford to spend time with Yellowcreek (39), unlike the other cats her age. She even turns up her nose at a gift he gives her.  It’s bad for her reputation to be seen with a dark-cursed cat.  Now that they’re both in the elders’ den, Bushmask (122) and Brightfalcon (155) are enjoying spending more time together.  They even went on a nice moonlit stroll.  Their daughter, Antlersky (70), has been a little concerned lately about Moorleg’s (24) violent tendencies, especially how hard she’s been on her apprentice, Midgepaw (9).  She talks to her about it, and they gain a better understanding of each other.  Moorleg really just wants to protect the Clan and enable Midgepaw to do so as well.  Or so she tells Antlersky. . .Midgepaw himself feels like he’s been struggling lately.  His power level is just so low that he can’t do most of the exercises Moorleg gives him.  And she’s an intimidating mentor to work under. Meanwhile, Antlersky's mate is enjoying spending time with Antlersky’s family.  Caterpillarmallow (62) loves getting to know her nieces and nephews, even ones that she doesn’t work with, like Flurrypelt (25) and Frostheart. While on a patrol, Peakspots (81) finds a kittypet.  Who appears to be. . .glowing.  A star-blessed cat!  He brings the kittypet, who takes the name of Faiththrift (33), back to camp and presents her to Yuccastar (91) with excitement.  Yuccastar is. . .less than thrilled.  She just got rid of one star-blessed cat.  And now here’s another one!  At least she’s weaker than Yuccastar.  Although that look in her eyes says that she may be trouble. . .
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naturepunks · 7 years
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naturepunks · 8 years
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the sun ran so hot it turned the desert to glass
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naturepunks · 8 years
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you are paranoid
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