#nice to see you benefitted well whilst the rest of us are still struggling with post-covid struggles
secret-rendezvous1d · 2 years
matt hancock clearly has no idea what he's about to be subdued to in the jungle from the general public-
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queenshelby · 3 years
Roommates – Part Fourteen
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Words: 1,580
Warning: Fluff
Note: This plays in 2020. It’s all fiction and not based on Cillian’s real life and family.
It has been a week since Cillian found out about Laura’s lie and, as expected, it took him some time to come to terms with it. Whilst, on one hand, he was relieved that she wasn’t pregnant after all he had been through with her, he was also somewhat disappointed by it. After all, he had been looking forward to finally becoming a father after him and his ex-wife Lindsay went through IVF for many years unsuccessfully.  
Luckily for him, you knew that he was struggling and you were there to pick up the pieces and support him through this horrible initial week after he had found out.
Unfortunately for you, Laura had also since found out that you were involved with Cillian and ceased the opportunity to seek revenge which, for some reason, she still thought she was entitled to. Her friendship with most of your mutual friends had been destroyed after it was found out what she did. But this wasn’t your fault you thought. It was hers alone.
After sending you at least ten text messages, telling you how you were the most horrible person who had ever walked this earth, she informed James and most of your other friends and Cillian’s family about your relationship with Cillian in order to get them to turn on you instead of her.
As a result, James kept calling, messaging and emailing you constantly and you ran out of options on how to block him after he obtained several new phone numbers and email addresses so that he could harass you, thinking that you had been involved with Cillian for years.
As for your family and friends, you found it difficult to explain to them that there was only some truth to what Laura was saying. You tried hard to make clear to them that you were not in a relationship with Cillian and it was Cillian’s mother herself who didn’t take your and her son’s explanations serious.
‘I think my mother is set on the idea that we are together’ Cillian chuckled as he handed you the invitation to her 70th birthday which specifically mentioned you as his plus one.
‘She told me about it already. She also enquires about your wellbeing on a daily basis, darling. Apparently, you aren’t very forthcoming to her about your feelings. Luckily, her birthday not until after Christmas’ you laughed.
You had always gotten along well with Cillian’s mother since you met her almost ten years ago.
‘I am not sure if I should be more amused by the fact that my mother talks to you more often than to me or that she thinks that we will be out of lockdown by January next year’ Cillian then said, smiling before offering you a cup of tea.
‘Well, you know your mum and I get on like a house on fire, sweetheart’ you then joked before approaching Cillian and kissing him gently.
You didn’t usually kiss. Kissing was only to initiate sex which you have had plenty off over the past week even while Cillian was feeling rather depressed about what happened.
You knew that sex would get his mind of the pain Laura had caused him and you were more than willing to distract him from all the madness in his life.
In turn, sex led to you sharing a bed and, since you had sex every night and sometimes even during the day, you pretty much slept in the same room continuously for weeks on end. Sometimes you would stay in Cillian’s room while, on other nights, he would come to yours. It was almost like musical chairs.
But tonight, this was all about to change as, in the morning, you had just gotten your first period since you started being intimate with each other.
As such, you quickly apologised for the kiss you had just given him to ensure that he wouldn’t get the wrong idea about your intentions.
‘Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to initiate anything. I was just sneaking in a cheeky little kiss’ you said somewhat embarrassed as you quickly pulled away from the kiss.
‘No period sex then I suppose?’ Cillian joked, knowing very well that this was off the table for you even though he had explained to you that it wouldn’t bother him.
‘Absolutely not Cillian’ you giggled before reaching for some more of the pain killers on the kitchen counter.
‘Well, if you change your mind tonight, you know where my bedroom is’ Cillian winked and you couldn’t help but shake your head in disgust.
‘Trust me Cilly, I won’t’ you chuckled.
‘Alright then. No sex tonight. Got it’ Cillian chuckled before offering you to fill up your hot water bottle. ‘How about I fill this up for you, we have some wine, order some pizza and watch a movie?’ Cillian suggested as he took the hot water bottle from you.
‘That would be nice’ you said, smiling and wanting to kiss him again, but refraining from doing so for obvious reasons. You reminded yourself that you weren’t more than friends with benefits, regardless of the rumours out there which Laura had spread.
Half an hour later, you finally settled in the living room with your hot water bottle and two glasses of red wine.
Being so close to Cillian and unable to be intimate with him bothered you and you could see that it bothered him too as he tried hard to keep his hands to himself.
Occasionally, you felt his hand brush over the top of your cotton pants and then move away quickly as if he was a shy little school boy who was doing something naughty and who thought you wouldn’t notice.
It was strange, the fact that you both only ever showed affection towards each other while, before or after you were having sex. But then again, of course, it was normal considering your arrangement. You were friends and, if kissing wouldn’t turn you both on so incredibly much, you probably wouldn’t even be doing that in the bedroom.
But even just in that moment, where he was sitting next to you and was watching a movie with you, you wanted to kiss him desperately and a kiss was all you wanted.
You felt the urge to snuggle up against him and rest your head against his chest but you thought that this also would be inappropriate you restrained yourself from it for the remainder of the evening.
At around 10 o’clock, you finally called it a night. You were tired and exhausted and needed a good nights’ sleep.
Unfortunately for you, sleep was something you struggled with and it was when you lay in your bed for an hour, tossing and turning with your eyes wide open, that you realised what was missing.
It was the warmth which would normally radiate from Cillian’s body when you cuddled up against him and it was the scent of his skin you breathed in when laying in his arms.
Even if you couldn’t be intimate with him, you wanted to be near him, kiss him and cuddle him and feeling this way about him wasn’t something you were prepared for.
Little did you know that you weren’t the only one craving this kind of closeness and non-sexual intimacy. Cillian also was laying on his bed, restless and unable to sleep, realising that something was missing.
He adored the smell of your hair and the softness of your skin pressed against his. He loved spooning against you while you held his arms tight as he wrapped them around you.
He also loved the little sounds you were making in your dreams when there was clearly something pleasurable on your mind.
He soon realised that his efforts to simply fall asleep like this on his own were going to be futile and he decided to get himself another glass of water from the kitchen and settle with a book until he would be tired enough to go back to bed and try again.
‘Still up?’ Cillian asked as he walked into the kitchen and saw you filling up your hot water bottle again.
‘I can’t sleep’ you pouted while moving aside and allowing Cillian to fill up his glass.
‘Me neither’ Cillian then said before making a suggestion which could possibly change that.
‘Do you…uhm…want company…in bed?’ Cillian then shuddered somewhat reluctantly.
‘Cillian, I am not going to have sex with you, I told you that’ you said somewhat amused by the fact that he was still trying to convince you otherwise.
‘I didn’t mean for us to have sex Y/N’ Cillian then explained and your eyes widened immediately.
‘So, you mean just us sharing a bed to sleep?’ you asked confused, causing Cillian to nod.
‘Just to sleep and maybe kiss…if you want to’ Cillian said almost shyly.
‘Just kissing?’ you asked again, unsure about his motives.
‘Just kissing’ Cillian confirmed.
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03 @deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-my-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @ @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
young dumb thrills
Day 26, Post #2 by @accio-broom
Title: young dumb thrills Author/Artist: accio-broom Pairing: Gryffindor pals Prompt: Studying together Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Ron likes to swear, a lot. Also, the lads enjoy not speaking very nicely about the women in their year.
“Merlin, this potions essay is a pile of wank. I'm so fucking bored.”
Seamus snaps his book shut, his Irish lilt filling the dorm room and disturbing the peace. Until the rude intrusion, Ron had been attempting to write a Transfiguration essay on the benefits of Non-verbal spells, although he was struggling without Hermione’s usual help.
Four heads, belonging to the various bodies strewn around the place, lift from their books and parchment. The sixth-year Gryffindors throw frowns and obscenities at their friend.
“Well, it was your idea for us to do something together,” Dean comments, letting his head loll to the side to rest on his arms, his eyes closing.
“Yeah, but when I suggested it, I had a night of debauchery and booze on my mind. Not being shut up here on a Friday night.”
Ron laughs and abandons his parchment on the bedroom floor. He rolls off his tummy then wriggles into a sitting position, his back flush against his trunk. It allows him a better view of his dorm mates.
Seamus is sat up in his bed, resting against the headboard, his now shut Potions book by his feet. Dean sits in one of the window seats whilst Neville is perched next to his bedside table, crooning at his Mimbulus Mimbletonia. Harry is in one of the cosy armchairs next to the fire, switching his obsessive gaze between the Marauder’s Map and the Half-Blood Prince’s Potions book.
“Debauchery?” Ron scoffs. “What kind of stuff did you think we’d be getting up to stuck in Gryffindor tower? You tried sneaking in the Firewhisky, but you were thick enough to let Filch catch you. McGonagall has got us on lockdown because of you, and we can’t even sneak out the window for a fly ‘cos it’s pissing down outside.”
Frowning, Seamus retorts, “At least I tried. Anyways, you and Potter don’t seem to have any difficulties getting yourselves into trouble, despite the rules and detentions and any other fucking thing the staff throw at you.”
Harry, who has been a silent observer up until now, finally pipes up, “You know, I’d gladly trade places with you, Seamus, if it means getting a quiet year without Voldemort trying to kill me.”
The other four boys shudder at Harry’s use of You-Know-Who’s real name. Once he has recovered, Seamus waves a dismissive hand before flopping down onto his stomach.
“Yeah, yeah. We all know that Voldie prefers to wait until the end of the year before trying to kill you. You could at least enjoy yourself up until then.” A heavy sigh escapes his lips. “How did it come to this, lads? We're all virile, good looking fellas. Well, apart from Nev. Yet, here we are on a Friday night, with only each other for company.”
“Oi!” Neville frowns, swivelling to face his friends with his hands on his hips. “At least I managed to get a date for the Yule Ball. Dean didn’t go with anyone.”
“Yeah, but I have a girlfriend now.”
Dean’s cheeks darken as Ron’s eyes narrow. The redhead’s stomach churns. Sure, he’s adjusted to catching Dean snogging his sister in the common room now, but it doesn’t mean he enjoys it. He knows the type of stuff Dean gets up to, the sort of things he says behind closed doors. He’d rather Ginny didn’t get involved with a guy like Dean, but Ron knows it’s out of his control.
“Out of all of us,” Dean continues, “It’s only Weasley and me who have birds.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Ron joins in, mostly to distract himself from his overprotective urges. Ginny is more than capable of looking after herself, and she’s told him enough fucking times, too. “And I could be downstairs with Lav right now, but you were so adamant that we were going to have a good night. Anyway, you can take the piss out of Neville all you want, but I bet you haven’t even snogged a girl, Seamus.”
The Irish Gryffindor’s eyes brighten with glee. “Yeah, I have. Your girl.”
Ron isn’t surprised at the emptiness he feels at the jibe. His feelings for Lavender fizzled out ages ago, and he’s been trying to finish things for weeks. The only problem is he can’t seem to say or do the right thing to scare her away. He should probably come out and say it, try this honesty thing Hermione is always harping about, but Ron likes his balls attached to his body. Plus, it’s kind of nice having a girlfriend and feeling like someone wants him.
Still, he has to keep up appearances. He reaches behind his trunk and fishes out one of his trainers from under his bed before hurling it at Seamus. The guy moves fast, rolling to the side to avoid being hit in the head as he bursts out laughing.
“And a good kisser she is too,” he adds.
“Who do you reckon is the best snogger out of the whole of Gryffindor?” Dean muses.
Ron mutters, “Aren’t you still dating my sister, Dean?” 
He knows his anger is irrational, Dean has done nothing wrong, but the images of the guy snogging Ginny then moving on to the next girl to compare them fills his brain, making him feel sick.
Seamus interrupts, still laughing. “For the guys? Then it’s me for sure. But I don’t know who’s the best out of the girls. I’ve snogged quite a lot of them. Some of them are amazing, and others are shit.”
“Fuck off have you,” Dean laughs too. “You’ve snogged Lavender, and that’s it.”
“Nah, I’m being honest with you. Weasley turned me down. It’s only her and Granger I haven’t snogged, truth be told.”
Ron sits bolt upright, all his fury at Dean forgotten as his heart pounds an irregular beat against his ribcage. However, he tries to arrange his face into a calm look. A few times, his secret crush on Hermione has almost been exposed, mostly via mutterings in his sleep. But so far, he’s managed to keep a firm lid on it, or so he believes.
“I don’t think Hermione has snogged anyone,” says Neville.
Dean shakes his head. “I’d put five knuts on her having snogged someone. She went to the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum, after all.”
“Doesn’t mean she kissed him.” Seamus shrugs.
Harry pipes up again. “She did.” He blushes as all eyes settle on him. “Only a small one, though.”
The rest of the room erupts in fits of laughter, but Ron can’t hear it over the roar of his heart in his ears. He digs his fingernails into his leg, ignoring the flare of pain as they break the skin. So, Harry knows that Hermione snogged Vicky, too? How many people did Hermione tell? How the fuck could his best friend keep something like this from him? Why hasn’t anybody told him?
Out of the corner of his eye, Ron can see that Harry is staring at him, but he refuses to meet the git’s gaze. His blood boils around his veins.
“She must be a good kisser then if she managed to keep Krum interested. Not exactly a looker, is she?” says Seamus, in between giggles.
Ron whips his head around to glare at Harry. Despite instigating this latest uproar, the specky git does nothing to stick up for their best friend. Their dorm mates are tearing apart Hermione’s honour right now, but Harry already has his nose buried back in that fucking map, tracing Draco’s path through the school. Harry is bloody obsessed with the Slytherin prick. He probably fucking fancies him.
“You can barely even see she has boobs when she’s in her jumper,” Dean agrees.
“Yeah, and don’t get me started on her hair.”
Neville frowns. “Now, come on, guys. I think you’re being a bit mean. Hermione’s alright.”
“Oohhh, she’s alright, is she?” Seamus rounds on Neville now.
Dean joins in, wiping his eyes. “Aww, that’s nice. At least someone likes her.”
No longer in control of his reactions, Ron jumps to his feet, trembling hands clenched at his sides.
“Enough!” he roars, loud enough so that everyone has their attention pinned on him. “Leave her alone! What the fuck has she ever done to you?” He gestures around the dormitory, daring any of them to speak up. “Don’t get her involved in your bullshit talk.”
“Oh, so it’s alright for us to discuss snogging your girlfriend, but not Hermione Granger?” Seamus slides off his bed, squaring up to Ron. “You need to work out where your loyalties lie. If Lavender found out, she wouldn’t be pleased.”
Ron eyes his friend, trying to determine if he should punch him. After a moment’s deliberation, he decides it’s not worth it. Ron is a prefect and is supposed to be setting a good example. Plus, there’d probably be a fight, and he isn’t sure he has the energy for that tonight. Seamus has a good right hook, after all.
“Fuck off.” Ron pushes past Seamus and strides towards the door, yanking it open. He leaves the dormitory without looking back, pulling the door closed behind him so hard, he’s sure everyone in Hogsmeade can hear the resounding thunk. The dormitory bursts into another round of hysterical laughter, fuelling Ron’s rage.
Taking the stairs two at a time, he reaches the common room with a loud huff, only to meet a startled Hermione at the foot of the staircase. Ron’s face floods with heat as she eyes him up and down, a disparaging look on her face.
“Ron, wh—”
He doesn’t give her the chance to finish her question.
“Leave me alone.”
Stomping towards the portrait hole, Ron barks at the Fat Lady to open without saying please, before heading out. He picks a random direction, then walks.
Fuck the lot of them.
Fuck his friends for being dicks about Hermione and girls in general. No wonder Harry wanted to keep out of it all. And fuck that specky git for not jumping to Hermione’s defence. Fuck Hermione for choosing now to break her months of silence, only to piss him off even more. But most of all, fuck his fucking feelings for making him react so defensively about the fucking witch in the first place. 
He’s never going to live this down, for fuck’s sake.
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silverlightqueen · 4 years
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Blood Lust
silverlightqueen’s SKZ Scarefest
vampire!hyunjin x human!reader - smutty smut smut lmao, fluff, a little bit of angst ig, fwb type vibe except the benefits include Hyunjin feeding on y/n lol
Word Count: 10.4k+ (I got carried away, I’m sorry lmao)
Summary - Having a part time job whilst at university is standard, right? Babysitting, bartending, retail, hospitality? Well, y/n’s job is a little… different. Or maybe a lot different. Depends on whether you find being a hot vampire’s personal blood bag weird or not.
Warnings: biting, blood, blood consumption, unrequited love, possessiveness, toxicity in a not-relationship, unprotected sex, intercourse, rough sex and softish sex, softdom!hyunjin x sub!reader, very brief sub!hyunjin, very explicit dirty talk, asphyxiation, slight body worship, fingering, oral sex (m and f receiving), hair pulling, teasing, mouth fucking, begging, praise, hickeys, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, lots of soft aftercare, sexual and non-sexual nudity, I think that’s it but please let me know if you notice that I missed something!
a/n: and here is the fourth (and my favourite) instalment of my SKZ Scarefest! I had so much fun writing this absolute filth and I hope you guys enjoy reading it! thank you @silverlightprincess​ for proofreading, I love you! please be sure to check out the previous parts and keep an eye out for the next parts x
taglist: @kodzu-ken​ @cloudsgathering​ @silverlightprincess
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‘Took you long enough,’ Hyunjin says when I answer the door, and I give him an apologetic smile, making my eyes wide the way he can never resist, and I can see him fighting to keep the smile off his face. ‘Sorry. I was just… doing something,’ I say as I move aside to let him in, and he raises an eyebrow, slipping off his shoes. ‘Doing what?’ he asks, suspicious, and I avoid his gaze, locking the door after him. ‘I… um-’ ‘Let me guess. You forgot to have your iron supplements and remembered when I knocked on the door?’ he asks dryly, and I give him a weak smile, making him let out an annoyed huff.
‘y/n, I’m hungry. It’s been over a week,’ he complains, and I roll my eyes, trying to hide how endeared I always get at his complaining – he might be a big bad vampire to his clan, but he’s just a whiny little baby when he’s with me. ‘I’m sorry, Jinnie. It’s hard to remember, because I never used to take them,’ I say in my softest voice, knowing he won’t stay annoyed at me, and he just sighs, heading into the living room of my apartment. ‘And you used to wonder why you fainted all the time,’ he says exasperatedly, throwing himself down on my sofa.
When I first started at university, I was – to put it simply – broke as hell. My student loan funded my school supplies and my travel costs, and the money I earned working at my uncle’s restaurant paid for my driving lessons. I had no spare income to spend on anything else – I was still living with my parents, so I wasn’t homeless or hungry or anything. But I had no money for clothes, or nights out, or… anything other than the basic necessities.
When it got to the start of second year, and my uncle had to close his restaurant because he was getting a few customers a night if he was lucky (at every family gathering, he gets drunk and rambles about how Uber Eats murdered his business), I was desperate; I couldn’t pay for my driving lessons anymore, and I was having to buy a lot more supplies for school. One of my friends, Yeji, knew that I was struggling with money, and decided to confide in me about an arrangement she had with a friend of hers.
Her friend, Chan, was the leader of a vampire clan, she’d told me, and she was his blood donor. They’d meet a couple times a week, and he’d feed on her and pay her for it. I was fascinated – I knew vampires existed, but I never knew one personally, or knew anyone that knew one either, so to hear about Yeji’s arrangement astounded me. According to Yeji, vampires tend to drink from blood bags rather than from humans these days, but they still prefer blood from the source. So when Chan had offhandedly mentioned to Yeji that he was looking for a blood donor, she asked how much he was willing to pay. When she heard, she instantly offered to be his donor, knowing that that much money per feed would fund the rest of her university life after just a couple weeks.
I’d had so many questions for her. When I asked if it hurt, she told me the initial puncture felt a little like an injection, and then after that, she wouldn’t really feel anything other than it being a little uncomfortable to hold her neck at such an awkward angle. It would leave her feeling drowsy and weak, but Chan would feed her a little of his blood, just to strengthen her, and she would feel back to herself within no time. The two little scars on her neck would take a while to fade, but she said they were easy enough to cover up with makeup. I’d heard that being fed on was pleasurable, and almost sexual, but when I mentioned that to Yeji, she grimaced and said that it wasn’t at all like that. For her and Chan, it was a business transaction between good friends, and nothing more.
I was intrigued, to say the least, and I’d gone home that night thinking about the possibility of becoming a blood donor to a vampire. The next day, Yeji had run up to me excitedly, to tell me that one of Chan’s clan members was looking for a donor. Only a week later, I was waiting to meet him at a coffee shop, as though it was a blind date. I felt so nervous, worried that he’d take one look at me and walk straight back out. But the second he walked in and his eyes met mine, my heart stopped.
He was adorable, painfully so – with his soft brown hair falling over his cute glasses, and his light academia boyfriend aesthetic. He looked around my own age, but Yeji had told me that he was, in fact, 318 years old at the time (we celebrated his 320th birthday just a few months ago). He sat down with a shy smile, and I was lost for words. He had none of the pale skin or brooding moody looks or all black outfits – he was quite tanned with a friendly face and dressed in soft neutrals. I couldn’t believe that this harmless looking soft boy was a blood-sucking vampire. There was no way.
He bought us a coffee each, and bought me a caramel shortbread because, he told me shyly, it looked as sweet as me. We spoke for hours, our conversation quickly changing from generic and awkward, to comfortable and deep. I explained how difficult it was to fund life at university without putting pressure on my low-income parents to support me, and he explained his life as a vampire. We left the coffee shop at closing time, Hyunjin insisting on walking me home, and we parted with the decision that I would become his blood donor.
We met again, only a week later, with the same shy smiles and slightly awkward conversation. This time, I’d gone to the house that he shared with some of the clan members, but nobody else was at home. It was just us. We’d slowly worked up to it, and when Hyunjin was stood before me, neck bent so that his mouth brushed against the skin of my throat, I felt relaxed and prepared due to his gentle comforting and support. I tried my hardest not to tense when I felt his fangs puncture my skin, wincing a little at the sharp pain, but before I had time to get used to the feeling of someone drinking my blood, Hyunjin had pulled away, coughing up all my blood over his hoodie.
‘What’s the matter? Are you okay?’ I’d asked, and Hyunjin had wiped at his mouth, face twisted in disgust. ‘y/n, I’m really sorry, but your blood is… gross,’ he’d said bluntly, still coughing between each word. This had hurt more than you’d expect – somehow, it’s not a nice feeling to hear that a vampire finds your blood disgusting enough to cough it all back up. ‘Oh. I’m really sorry,’ I’d said, feeling humiliated, and Hyunjin had waved his hand in the air, swigging down some water. ‘No, don’t apologise. I just… I was just surprised. Do you not know you’re anaemic?’ he’d asked, and I’d blinked at him in surprise. ‘Anaemic?’ I’d echoed, and he’d nodded, an amused smile playing at his lips. ‘Your blood has, like, no iron in it. Drinking your blood was like… drinking bitter coffee. Just how you’d add milk and sugar to coffee, your blood needs iron.’
He’d left me in his room whilst he went to get me some iron supplements, and I’d eaten two of the gummy vitamins when he’d handed them to me. We’d waited for half an hour, and then we’d tried it again, sat on his bed this time. His fangs slid into the two little holes they’d made earlier, not as painful this time around, and he didn’t pull away this time either, instead pulling me closer with his strong arms. It was a weird sensation, not a… nasty one, but just weird. With each hungry gulp he took, I’d felt myself getting drowsier and drowsier, head becoming light, and my eyes slid shut after around thirty seconds.
I’d felt Hyunjin pull away only a few moments after that, and he’d shook me lightly, just to keep me awake. ‘Let me feed you some of my blood,’ he’d murmured gently, lifting his wrist to his mouth and piercing the skin. He’d held his wrist to my mouth then, and I’d gently sucked at his skin, tasting the metallic tang of his blood on my tongue. Seconds later, I felt wide awake, like nothing had happened at all.
For the next year, I went to his house twice a week for a few hours at a time. We’d usually watch a film or play a video game or just sit on our phones together in his room, when he wasn’t drinking my blood, of course. It didn’t take me long to realise he wasn’t exactly the shy soft boy I met that first day. Don’t get me wrong – he was still a little quiet sometimes, awkward and clumsy, a total scaredy cat, and he’d be shy around new people. But after a few weeks, once he was much more comfortable around me, different elements of his personality came out too. He was flirty and bratty and sassy and he could be a total whore – he loved his loose comfy clothes, but he also loved his tighter-than-skin jeans and slightly see-through shirts, leather and silk and expensive cotton blends, in black and navy tones. But he was also sensitive and emotional, thoughtful and sweet. It was soon obvious to me that he was multi-dimensional as a person, complex with so many levels, and I’d wanted nothing more than to get to know them all.
I met the majority of his clan members over that time, and they were all just as nice as Hyunjin. I spent a lot of time with them, because Yeji and our friends were friends with them too. We went to parties together, had a lot of movie nights or ordered takeout together at their clan house, meaning I spent more time with Hyunjin than I did with anyone else, which did nothing for my hopeless crush on him. But I didn’t mind that my attraction to him wasn’t reciprocated because we were slowly becoming best friends.
He was always so careful with me, so gentle, like I was an antique vase or a fine china teacup. He’d hold me close to him with a firm grip, and he’d take slow and steady gulps, never making more than two punctures in my skin when he fed on me. He would never have us sitting in one position for too long or feed on me for more than two minutes at a time – when he was particularly hungry, he’d feed on me three or four times in one sitting, but only for two minutes at a time. When he’d pull away, there was never any blood around his mouth like you see in the films, and no blood staining my neck either. He was clean and careful, always cautious of hurting me, and I was so grateful for that. Sometimes I’d run into Yeji at the house, after Chan had fed on her, and every now and then, she’d have blood all over her neck and shoulder or her clothes and hair would be a mess from Chan losing his composure and being a little rougher with her than usual. I would thank God each time, so lucky that Hyunjin treated me like a fragile doll.
After a year, I’d made enough money from being his donor – or, as Jisung loved to call me, Hyunjin’s personal blood bag – that I could put a deposit down on an apartment. I’d told my parents that I was working as an assistant at an accountancy firm when I didn’t have any lectures or seminars at university, which is why I was making so much money, and that Hyunjin was the only co-worker my own age, which is why I was with him so much. I moved into an apartment block around ten minutes from the clan house, on the same floor as Chaeryeong, and Hyunjin helped me move in. A couple of the other clan boys chipped in too so that, and I quote, ‘you have to let us stay with you when we want a break from the clan’.
Only a month after living at the apartment, I’d woken up in the middle of the night to someone hammering at the door. I’d jumped out of bed, dressed in just a little vest and satin shorts, arms and legs bare, stepping into my slippers as I rushed to the door. I’d had my phone in my hand and had typed in the number for the emergency services, ready to phone them if this was someone trying to rob me, and I’d opened the door carefully. Before I could even process what was going on, Hyunjin had burst in and thrown himself at me, pulling me into his arms and burying his head in my neck, my legs instinctually wrapping around his waist to keep myself steady.
‘Jin, are you oka-’ ‘I’m really fucking drunk, and all I could think about was you, and how hot you are, and how fucking amazing your blood is, and how much I wanna drain you dry, so I ditched the boys because I missed you too fucking much,’ he’d growled in my ear, making my eyes widen in shock and my underwear dampen embarrassingly quickly. He’d chuckled, taking a deep breath, before whispering, ‘judging by the sweet smell coming from your pussy, doll, I think you like the sound of that too.’
He’d kicked the door shut behind him and, with his vamp speed, we were in my bedroom only a few moments later, the vampire boy dropping me onto the bed and climbing over me instantly. ‘Listen, y/n, I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’m really, really drunk. Like… I’m wasted,’ he’d murmured into the skin of my neck, hands roughly trailing up and down the sides of my body. ‘I can tell,’ I’d replied breathlessly, hands tangled into his soft black locks, fluffy and messy around his forehead. ‘Which means… I’m not gonna be able to hold back. I probably won’t be gentle like I always am, because that always takes a lot of self-control, which I don’t… really have at the moment. So if you need me to stop, say… werewolf,’ he’d said against my skin, saying the last word with disdain. The werewolves and vampires had always had a long-standing rivalry, and he was obviously aware that the word would pull him out of any desire-filled reverie.
He hadn’t even given me a moment to reply before he’d sunk his teeth into my neck, rough and harsh, and I’d let out a gasp into his ear, his hands gripping onto my waist. He’d sucked at my neck, drinking my blood desperately, and I could feel it dripping down my shoulder and chest. And usually, when I wouldn’t be able to feel anything because of how gentle he was, all I could feel was pleasure, pure hot pleasure flooding through my veins. It was heavenly, and I’d let out little moans and whimpers into his ear, making him even more desperate, with my hands on his back, nails digging in through his thin white shirt.
It wasn’t long before his big veiny hands were wandering eagerly around my body, one palming at my breast and rolling the hard nipple between his fingertips, the other slipping under my shorts and pressing against my clothed core, my wetness having seeped through my underwear. He’d moved away from my neck and looked down at me with ruby red eyes, his jet black hair a sweaty mess and my blood dripping down his chin in harsh red lines. ‘Fuck, y/n, you’re so fucking hot. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,’ he’d growled, his pointed fangs on full display, making my chest tighten with desire. ‘Can I fuck you, doll? I need you so fucking bad right now,’ he’d asked lowly, hands both stilling against my body, and I’d instantly replied, ‘yes, Hyunjin, please.’
Now, another year later, it’s pretty common that we fuck when he feeds on me. I found out that it was so difficult for him to feed on me as gently as he used to, desperate to just throw me against a wall and drain me of every drop. But when I’d look at him nervously with my ‘big innocent eyes’, he knew he couldn’t hurt me. But that night, we’d found out that messy and rough feeding just felt… so much better. We’d also found out a lot of other things since that night; Hyunjin loves biting me in places other than my neck – my boobs and the insides of my thighs are his personal favourites – and I love it when he’s fucking me and bites me just as I’m about to cum – it heightens the pleasure a thousand times, making me see white and scream his name out like it’s being torn from my throat.
But, to my slight disappointment, sex is all it is. We’re like friends with benefits, but the benefits include feeding on me as well as sex. A lot of other things have changed though. Hyunjin practically lives at the apartment now – he sleeps here 4 or 5 nights a week. It’s like we share the apartment; he’s got as many of his belongings here as I do. I don’t mind it, though. He is pretty much my best friend, so spending time together is enjoyable, even if it means I’m falling more and more for him. Hyunjin’s paid me enough over the past couple years for me to be able to do my master’s degree, and I also managed to get a part time job at the coffee shop where Hyunjin and I first met, so it doesn’t feel like I’m solely relying on the money he gives me (it’s enough to fund me, but I don’t want him to think I’m like his little blood bag and nothing more – I basically am but we won’t talk about that).
This last week, though, I went away with the girls for a little last minute break to Rome (we’d planned to go for two weeks but then we would’ve missed Jackson’s Halloween party in a few days, and it’s already being called the party of the year, so we decided to just go for a week), and so he’s had to drink from blood bags whilst I was gone. He was sending me all these sad snapchats of him pouting with a straw in his mouth, wishing he was drinking from me instead – I think he wanted me to react to it with pity, but instead it was just turning me on. I landed back a couple hours ago, and I forgot to have my iron supplement vitamins when I arrived at the apartment, so he’s right – I had them when he knocked on the door.
I look down at him, sprawled out on his side of the sofa, his black locks a stark contrast against the grey cushions. He looks like such a boyfriend, dressed in a thin white t-shirt and a pair of grey joggers, white socks on his feet, glasses on his face and a silver chain around his neck. He looks up at me with a small grin on his face, eyes scanning my body. ‘You look hot, doll,’ he smirks, and I feel my cheeks heating up. I’m only in comfy travel clothes but he’s looking at me like I’m dressed up to the nines. ‘Thank you, Jin,’ I reply, sitting down beside him and letting him pull my legs across his lap.
‘I’m being serious. You look all glowy. And you’ve tanned a little. Did you have fun?’ he asks, hands skimming up and down my legs. ‘I loved it, Jin. We should go together. Everything was so beautiful. The sights are amazing, the weather is gorgeous, the food is delicious, the people are so lovely. The vibes there are just perfect. You’d love it,’ I tell him, and he just watches me as I speak, a small smile on his plump lips. ‘You’ll have to take me one day, angel,’ he murmurs, and I nod, unable to keep the shy smile from my face.
‘I saw on Ryujin’s story,’ he begins, and I knew this was coming, my heart sinking a little as he continues, ‘that you guys made friends with the people staying in the hotel room next to you. What were they like?’ ‘They were nice. We didn’t actually speak to them ‘til the fourth day, then we had dinner and drinks together on the fifth day, went sightseeing together on the sixth, and shopping together on the seventh. But, yeah, they were okay. They were a bit too… boisterous and noisy for my liking, but the girls got on with them, so I didn’t mind spending time with them,’ I explain honestly, and he just nods, looking like he still has more questions. ‘How many of them were there?’ ‘There were eight boys, and four of them brought their girlfriends. I got along better with their girlfriends than them, to be honest,’ I say lightly, Hyunjin just looking at me unreadably. ‘So you spent a few days in Rome with four single guys?’ he asks, voice tight, and I let out a gentle sigh.
‘Jin, do-’ ‘Answer the question, y/n.’ ‘Yes, we did. Is that a problem, Jin?’ ‘No, y/n, it’s not. Or, at least, it wouldn’t be, if you weren’t covered in a scent that isn’t yours,’ he says evenly, and my eyes widen. ‘I’m covered in someone else’s scent? Well… it must be Yuna’s, because we shared a bed. Or Lia’s – I wore her hoodie on the flight ba-’ ‘No, y/n. I’ve spent enough time with Yuna and Lia to know what they smell like. That’s not the scent on you. You smell like a human boy. So stop lying and tell me why,’ he says, voice tight, and I sigh. ‘Jin, I’m not lying. I didn’t, like, sleep with any of them, if that’s what you’re worried about.’ ‘Then why do you smell like a human boy?’ he asks slowly, obviously trying to keep his composure, and I take a deep breath.
‘I was sat next to one of them on the flight back, and he fell asleep. His head fell on my shoulder a couple times, and I felt bad to wake him up, so I just le-’ ‘You just what, y/n? You let a random human boy sleep on you? Get his scent all over you?’ he demands, hands tightening on my legs and veins protruding from beneath his honey skin. ‘Are you being serious right now, Jin?’ ‘Yes, I am. You can’t just let random human boys get their scent all over you.’ ‘And why not?’ I demand, voice shaky with anger as I take my legs off his lap, and he glares at me. ‘Because I pay you a lot of money to feed on you, and I don’t want anyone else getting near what’s mine,’ he growls, butterflies exploding in my stomach when his eyes glow red.
‘But I’m not yours, Jin. You pay me to feed on me. That’s all. There was no agreement that I would stay away from any other boy!’ I exclaim, shocked at how ridiculous he’s being and trying to ignore how much my body is aching for him, and he scoffs. ‘You don’t need any other boy. I give you all the companionship you need, I fund you so you buy anything you want, and I keep you satisfied. That’s all you need,’ he says simply, and my mouth falls open slightly. ‘What if I wanted a boyfriend? An actual relationship with a boy who loves me?’ I ask, giving him a chance to say what I so want him to say, and his eyes flash momentarily before he says, ‘you don’t want a relationship.’ ‘What if I did?’ ‘We’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. But, for now, you’re mine, y/n, and you know it. I don’t want you getting any other boys’ scents on you again, understood?’ he asks, and I just stare at him in shock, unable to believe how unreasonably he’s behaving.
He gives me a few seconds to reply and when I don’t, he moves so quickly I don’t even realise what’s happened until he’s hovering over me, my back pressing into the sofa, and his hand is pressed to my throat tightly. ‘I asked you if you understand,’ he says lowly, eyes glowing red and fangs glinting in the mellow light of the lamp, threateningly sharp. ‘No, Jin, I don’t. I don’t understand why I should have to stay away from other boys,’ I whisper, heart nearly beating out of my chest, and he lets out a harsh scoff. ‘Because you don’t need them. You only need me,’ he growls, tightening his grip on my throat, and I let out a little gasp of surprise, already feeling a slight dizziness in my head.
‘You only want me, too,’ he whispers, ducking his head so that his soft lips move against the skin over my collarbones, releasing my throat and moving his hand to hold my waist instead. ‘You think I don’t know that? You think I don’t know how much you want me, doll? You forget how well I know you, much better than you can ever know yourself. I can sense your every thought, your every feeling – I can smell it on you. The way the serotonin rolls off you in waves when you look at me, the way you drip with dopamine when we touch, the way I feel like I’m drunk on your endorphins whenever I’m around. My presence makes you want me, angel, and we both know it,’ he murmurs softly between gentle kisses, fluffy hair tickling against my cheek, and all I can feel, more with each word, is complete and utter humiliation. Never once has he – or any of the other vampires I see on a daily basis – told me that they can do that – can sense humans’ emotions.
He lets out a gentle chuckle, pushing himself up on one forearm to look down at me with a half-smirk. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, doll. I love it – I really fucking love it – that you want me as much as I want you. As much as I’ve always wanted you, since the first moment I set eyes on you. It consumes me, angel, how much I want you,’ he admits, not looking me in the eyes as his hand slowly makes its way up from my waist to brush my hair back from my face, and the butterflies in my stomach are unbearable. ‘How much do you want me?’ I ask without thinking, the words coming out as a whisper, and his eyes flit up to meet mine, both of us silent as I wait for him to speak, hoping to God he’s going to say he wants me just as much as I want him – more than just sexually. ‘More than you can ever know, princess,’ he murmurs, sparkly brown eyes locking with mine, and my heart jumps at the nickname he so rarely calls me – I’m doll every day, angel when he’s in the mood, but I’m only princess every now and then, when his eyes sparkle the way they are now, like he’s looking at the universe and it’s reflected back in those beautiful brown eyes.
‘Let me… let me show you?’ he whispers, the words coming out slightly questioning, and I can’t help the small smile that spreads across my lips, despite not hearing quite what I wanted to. I slide my hand around the back of his neck, fingers pressing into his soft skin as I pull him down to me, eyes sliding shut as his lips meet mine. I never used to understand the hype over kissing. I never had any of the fireworks, the passion, the clashing tongues and teeth like you read in books and see in films. I only ever kissed one boy, once, and it was quite awkward – he practically tried to suck off my face from the get-go, his hands clamped on my shoulders. But Hyunjin, god, is he good at kissing? I could kiss him for the rest of my life, with his soft plump lips and his hands trailing all over my body.
He barely waits a second before parting my lips with his, tongue sliding into my mouth without a moment of hesitation and his big hand pressing against my waist. I tangle my hands into his hair, soft locks sliding between my fingers, and I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me, as close as physically possible. Before I even have a chance to start feeling uncomfortable, I feel a rush a movement, and not even a few seconds later, I’m on my bed beneath him, our lips still pressed together.
He turns us over, my body laid on top of his, and I forget momentarily that my weight atop him is nothing in comparison to the kind of weight he can carry. I practically melt into him, my body melding into the curves and contours of his body, fitting us together like puzzle pieces. He slides his hands into my hair, the feeling of his fingers against my scalp making me let out a soft whine. ‘You’re fucking perfect, doll,’ he groans against my lips, my entire body tingling as our mouths move in sync, slow and passionate, not nearly as rushed and desperate as usual. His touches are gentle, careful and tender, where he usually holds me in a bruisingly tight grip, rough and possessive.
I slide my hands under his t-shirt tentatively, and he doesn’t even hesitate to sit up, breaking away from me momentarily as I pull the top over his head, throwing it over my shoulder as he reattaches his lips to mine. I slide my hands over his torso, fingers roaming over the ridges of his hard abs, his skin radiating heat. Vampires might have no circulation but the rumour about them being freezing cold all the time is false – their body temperature automatically regulates to the temperature around them, meaning he’s just as hot as I am right now.
His hands slide under my shirt, and we break apart again for him to pull it over my head, instantly leaning down to suck at the exposed skin of my breasts as he cups them, big hands covering them completely. I let out gentle whines, head falling back, and one of his hands comes to rest at the base of my exposed throat, asserting his dominance – I might be on top of him right now, but we both know who’s in charge here.
He doesn’t wait long before turning us over, kissing me for a few more moments before he climbs off me, standing at the foot of the bed. He gently grabs my ankles, pulling me down the bed, and I let out a gentle giggle, a smile on his face at the sound. He pulls off my socks, momentarily tickling the underside of one foot, and a startled laugh is forced out of me as I kick at his hand to make him stop. He reaches for the drawstring of my joggers with a grin, tugging it open deftly and pulling them down my legs swiftly.
My black underwear isn’t anything special, just a plain cotton bra and my high-waisted comfy granny pants, but his eyes trawl over my body like I’m in the finest lingerie, the bulge in his joggers becoming a little more noticeable, making my mouth water embarrassingly quickly – I could live on my knees for Hyunjin if that’s what he wanted me to do. His eyes meet mine, a small smirk on his lips as he drops to his knees, pulling me further down the bed so that my legs are slung over his broad shoulders, heels resting against his strong back.
His hands grab at my pants, ripping them away from my body effortlessly, reminding me again of just how strong he is – he could literally crush my neck without a single hair of his moving out of place. He spreads my legs further, eyes locked onto my core, and he lets out a gentle groan. ‘Fuck, so wet for me, angel,’ he murmurs, running a finger over my slit, a desperate whimper falling from my lips. ‘I don’t need prepping – just want you, Jin,’ I murmur, and he lets out a gentle chuckle. ‘That’s the spirit, doll, but I don’t wanna rip you in half. We’ll see how well you take my fingers first,’ he says amusedly, not giving me a second to reply before he plunges a finger into me.
I gasp loudly, but the pleasure disappears with his finger which he lifts to his lips, eyes locked with mine as he licks his finger clean of my essence. His eyes flutter shut momentarily as he lets out a low moan, my pussy flooding at the sound. ‘You taste amazing, so fucking sweet. This pussy was made for me to eat, wasn’t it, angel?’ he asks, and when I take a second to reply, he raises an eyebrow, prompting me. ‘Yes, Jin, only for you,’ I reply hastily, and a satisfied smile spreads across his lips.
His finger slips between my folds again, and he doesn’t give me a second to react before he adds another, trying to work me open a little. ‘You’re so tight, doll. And you said you didn’t need prepping,’ he laughs, curling his long fingers inside me, making me clench around him. He slowly pumps in and out of me, rocking his hand against me gently, and I let out moan after moan at this completely foreign feeling. He’s always so quick, so desperate to have me fall apart on his hand as fast as I could, but this? This is different, this is slow, heavenly, like he wants me to enjoy this blissful feeling.
He adds another finger, just about fitting inside me, and I throw my head back against the bed, back arching up as I let out a loud moan of his name. ‘Fuck, angel, you’re killing me. Love your pretty moans,’ I hear him murmur, his voice just about breaking through the pleasure that rolls over me like waves crashing, and his thumb appears at my clit, rubbing slow circles that make me whimper desperately. I look down at him, stomach turning when I realise he’s been watching me, eyes studying my face for my reactions as his fingers work their magic, and I can barely maintain his eye contact, hearing him chuckle when my head falls back, mouth falling open in a moan.
His fingers disappear from inside me after a few minutes, giving me a momentary reprieve from the overwhelming pleasure as he moves closer to me, warm breath fanning out over my core. ‘Oh, god,’ I moan out when he licks a long stripe up my slit without warning. My hands instantly reach down to tangle into his hair, tugging at the locks as he sucks at my clit with his plump lips, making my toes curl. He flicks his tongue over my folds, whimpers spilling from my lips as I squirm, and Hyunjin puts one arm over my waist, pressing down to hold me in place.
He pokes his tongue between my folds, gently pushing into my core, and my mouth falls open into a silent scream when he begins to slowly rub at my clit with his thumb, my legs slamming into his back and pulling him even closer, as close as possible, his head completely buried between my legs. Wet and obscene slurping sounds drown out my desperate moans, and Hyunjin begins to let out grunts and groans against me, lapping at me like a man possessed.
I feel myself getting closer, the knot in my stomach tightening as Hyunjin sucks at my clit, pushing two fingers into me and pumping them at a mind-numbing pace. ‘Gonna cum for me, angel?’ he hums against me, and I can’t even muster up the sanity to reply, just moaning out his name, and he lets out a low chuckle before flicking his tongue over my sensitive bud, fingers curling against the spongy spot inside me. I tense up completely, head pressed back into the bed as I call out his name in a moan, releasing all over his hand and tongue. He works me through my orgasm, gently rocking his hand against me as he laps at my folds. ‘God, you taste amazing,’ he murmurs once I’ve come down from my high, licking the last bit of my release from his fingers, and it takes all my effort to lock my eyes with his as he does so, his lips quirking up into a smirk.
And then he lifts his wrist to his mouth, and I know what’s coming, stomach turning with excitement as he bites down into the skin. When he pulls his wrist away from his mouth, I push myself up onto my hands shakily, leaning forward to his wrist that he holds out to me, blood blooming from the smallest little wounds in his skin. I hold his arm to my mouth, sucking at the dots of blood, the metallic taste exploding on my tongue, and not a second after swallowing it down, I feel my energy coming back, regaining my strength quickly.
He pulls his arm away after a few seconds, his focus returning to between my legs, but when he lowers his head, his lips land on my inner thigh rather than my pussy, and I brace myself for the initial sting. His sharp fangs puncture into my soft thigh, the smallest sharp pain making me wince, but it quickly disappears when he hungrily gulps down my blood, messy and desperate. He lets out groans against my thigh, my blood dripping down my skin as he drinks me like a man starved, and I can already feel myself weakening, the pleasure making my head light and dizzy. He lifts his arm up again after a few moments, the two tiny puncture wounds still bleeding, and I lick it up, the weakness disappearing instantly.
He pulls away after around a minute, my blood dripping down his chin in two lines from the corners of his mouth, as though he’s greedily taken more of me into his mouth than he could handle, and he smirks at me as I wipe it up, putting my now bloodstained finger to his lips. He licks my finger in one swift motion, eyes closing as he savours the taste. ‘It’s not fair, angel. You shouldn’t have such a sweet pussy and delicious blood. You’ve got the whole package,’ he murmurs lightly, making me laugh as he rises from his knees, a small smile playing at his lips.
He looks down at me, dark eyes flitting over my body, and I feel conscious under his intimidating gaze. He seems to sense that I want to curl in on myself, shield my body from his view, and he gives me a soft smile. ‘You’re so fucking beautiful, y/n, and you don’t even know it. You’re heavenly, angel,’ he murmurs softly, holding out a hand to me, and I take it, letting him pull me up from the bed and into his arms. He holds me so tenderly, so gently, that I can’t help but bury my head into his chest, his soft and floral scent flooding my senses.
‘Gonna let me fuck you, angel?’ he asks, voice low, and I take a step back from him, a small smile on my face. ‘Wanna suck your dick first,’ I reply, his eyes darkening instantly, and I can’t help the grin on my face when he groans, ‘you’re one of a fucking kind.’ I take his hand into mine, pulling him around to the side of the bed. I kneel on the bed, hands on his shoulders to steady myself, and once I’m comfortable, I pull the drawstring on his joggers open, slipping my hands under to push them halfway down his thighs. He’s wearing a pair of plain black boxers, his bulge straining against the material, but I don’t pull them down just yet, instead moving my attention to his torso.
He’s so perfect, sculpted by the Gods, and I can’t help but admire his body every time I see it, hands running up his stomach and chest, and over his big shoulders. I bring my lips up to his collarbone, kissing and sucking to leave a mark, threading my hands into the hair at the nape of his neck. He waits patiently, hands on my waist, lips letting out gentle sighs every now and then, and I can’t help but respect his self-control. He’s always so patient, putting me before himself, and I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for him.
I take pity on him after a little while, moving from his neck and looking up at him with a small smile as my hands trail down to his underwear. I slip my hands beneath the waistband, pulling his boxers down just enough for his hard length to spring up against his stomach, Hyunjin letting out a gentle hiss. He’s so long with a perfect curve (he has the most beautiful cock I’ve ever seen), and his head is painfully swollen and red, the tip leaking with milky white precum. My mouth waters at the sight.
I lean down and press a kiss to the tip, tongue sliding out to taste some of his precum, and he lets out a shaky breath. I spread his wetness down his length with one hand, his hands coming to tangle into my hair. I place my tongue at the base, licking up to the tip against the vein on the underside of his cock, and he tenses as I do so, gripping my hair tightly. I take his head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him as my hands slowly rub the rest of his length. I look up at him through my lashes as I take him further into my mouth, feeling him hit the back of my throat, and his head falls back, a soft moan falling from his lips.
I gradually build my pace, steadily bobbing my head on him and taking him as far in as possible. ‘Such a good girl, doll,’ he groans, gentle moans falling from his lips more and more often now, and I know it isn’t going to be long before he loses all control. I’m just beginning to adjust to having him hit the back of my throat with each bob of my head when his hips start twitching, and he begins thrusting into my mouth, controlling my head movements with his hands fisted into my hair. All I can do I grab onto the backs of his thighs as he fucks my mouth, my eyes beginning to water. His tip hits the back of my throat harshly, and I gag around him loudly, making him curse as he bucks into my throat.
‘Swallow,’ he instructs, voice not nearly as gentle and soft as a few minutes ago, and I try my best to do so, my throat contracting around him in noisy gags. ‘Come on, doll, you can take me further than that,’ he says teasingly, before pulling my head forward, his cock pushing down my throat and my lips wrapped around the base of his cock, and he can barely thrust back and forth because of how tight my throat is around him, desperately gagging to push him back out. Tears stream down my face, saliva running down my chin, and my choked gags and desperate breaths mingling with his soft grunts and whispered words of comfort in the air.
I can feel him getting closer, his cock twitching in my throat, and I ready myself to feel his hot release hit the back of my throat, but he pulls me off him with a loud sigh, looking down at me with tender eyes. He wipes the saliva from my face with gentle fingers, tilting my head up to kiss away the tear tracks that stain my skin, hand stroking my hair soothingly. ‘Always so good for me, angel. Gonna let me fuck you now?’ he asks, our eyes locked together, and I nod eagerly. ‘Please, Jin, want you,’ I breathe out, throat hoarse, and he grins, pressing his lips to mine in a brief kiss.
‘Lie down for me,’ he says, and I do so, watching as he pulls his joggers and boxers down his legs and kicking them away impatiently before he joins me on the bed, hovering over me. ‘You’re still in your bra, doll. This won’t do,’ he grins, slipping a hand beneath my body to expertly unclasp my bra. I pull it off me quickly, throwing it off to the side as Hyunjin ducks his head, flicking his tongue across one nipple as he rolls the other between his fingers, toying and tugging at it gently. I let out a gentle whimper, tangling my fingers into his hair, and he lets out a gentle chuckle. ‘Want me to bite you, angel?’ he asks teasingly, and I let out a low moan as confirmation, feeling his sharp fangs slide into the soft flesh of my breast not a moment later.
I gasp loudly, pleasure flooding through my veins as he swallows down my blood hungrily, the heady haze of bliss settling over me more and more with each gulp. Whimpers and moans fall from my lips every few seconds, my hands in his hair pulling him closer and closer, one of his big hands gripping onto my waist, fingers rubbing against my skin comfortingly. He doesn’t drink a lot this time, having had more than enough from my thigh, so I don’t feel too weak, but he still feeds me a little of his blood when he’s done, making me smile up at him.
‘Are you sure you still want me to fuck you? Have you got enough energy?’ he asks softly, brushing my hair back from my face, and I nod, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips. ‘I want it, Jinnie. I want you,’ I whisper against his lips, and I feel him grin, resting on one forearm as he rubs his head against my folds teasingly. ‘Jin… please,’ I breathe out, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, and he lets out a low chuckle. ‘I like hearing you beg, doll,’ he murmurs, smile playing at his lips as he continues running his head up and down my folds, tapping the tip against my clit every few seconds, the wetness gushing from my core soaking him. ‘Please, Jin, need you to fuck me, fill me up with your cock, bite me and drain me dry, need it so bad,’ I plead pathetically, and his eyes darken at my words, the boy letting out a gentle ‘fuck’.
He sinks into me slowly, and I gasp as he inches in, enjoying the burning stretch and gripping onto his strong shoulders as I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him closer to me with my ankles locked together. He lets out a low groan when he bottoms out, our bodies lined up perfectly, and he brings his hand up to my mouth, slipping two fingers past my lips. I roll my tongue around them as he gives me a moment to stop clenching around him and adjust to the stretch. He pushes his fingers a little further in, making me gag around them, and I shoot him evils, Hyunjin trying to look apologetic, but failing miserably and looking amused instead.
‘Can I- fuck, angel, you gotta stop clenching, gonna make me cum. Can I move? Doll, please, I need to move,’ he pleads, the words coming out as a low whine, and I feel a thrill in my stomach. I can’t help but feel pride at being able to make Hyunjin – someone so dominant – whiny and submissive because he’s that desperate to fuck me. I hum out permission around his fingers, and he pulls all the way out before pushing back in, slow and deep, the drag of his cock against my walls making us both moan. ‘Fuck, so tight, angel. So wet and tight. Fucking love this pussy, doll,’ he growls as he fucks into me, dark eyes locked with mine as I moan around his fingers.
‘How’d you want it, y/n? Want me to fuck you slow, doll, or so hard you can’t walk tomorrow?’ he asks in a low voice, hips stilling as he pulls his fingers out of my mouth, and I let out a gentle whine, not quite sure what I want. ‘Anything, Jin, just need you,’ I whisper breathlessly, and he grins a cocky grin, his ego satisfied. His hand comes to the base of my throat, pads of his fingers resting against my blood vessels, and he pulls out, leaving me feeling empty, before slamming all the way back in, knocking all of the air out of me in a desperate moan, his balls slapping against my ass.
‘You were only gone a week but, fuck, I missed you so fucking much. Missed your sweet pussy and your sweet blood, angel. Couldn’t stop myself from jacking off to the thought of this tight, wet little cunt, doll,’ he growls against my ear, his hand at my throat tightening just a little, and I let out a pathetic whimper in reply, his words sending a fresh wave of arousal gushing out of me, coating his thighs and abdomen. ‘So wet, doll, gushing around me. Did you miss my cock, angel?’ he asks between thrusts, my hands tangling into his soft locks, gripping tightly. ‘Missed your cock so much, Jin. Wanted you so fucking bad while I was gone. Never wanna leave you again,’ I try to say, half of it coming out as garbled nonsense and moans, and he lets out a low groan, his thrusts becoming even harder and deeper, his silver chain brushing against my chin with each thrust.
His hand tightens even more, completely cutting off my airflow, and my head instantly starts to become light, the pleasure increasing endlessly with each second. ‘More,’ I barely manage to breathe out, and he lets out a gentle chuckle, doing as I say, fucking me so hard that the bed creaks with each thrust. ‘My dirty little girl. Can’t even handle what I’m already giving you, and you’re asking for more. You forget how strong I am. I’m gonna tear you in half as this rate, angel,’ he murmurs against my ear, hand still tight at my throat, silver rings digging into my skin, and I don’t even feel fear, like I probably should. All I can feel is pure, hot need.
He moves one of my legs from around his waist, bringing it up between us so that my ankle rests on his shoulder, the new position allowing him to go deeper, so much deeper, and his tip scrapes against the spot inside me that makes me scream. He reaches down to rub at my clit, bringing me closer to my climax, and I can feel my vision beginning to go blank when he ducks his head to suck at my neck with his plump lips. The mixed sensations of his hand at my throat, his cock filling me up perfectly, his thumb at my clit and his mouth sucking marks onto my skin makes my eyes flutter shut, the pleasure overwhelming me.
‘Look at me, angel. Wanna see those pretty eyes while I fuck you,’ he growls, cock dragging against my walls, and it takes all my energy to open my eyes. His jaw is clenched, sweat dripping down his face, lips swollen, eyes dark and dilated, glinting red every few seconds, his chain dangling in my face. He looks like sin incarnate. ‘Fuck, you’re so pretty. So fucking pretty,’ he groans, releasing my throat from his tight grip, and I take a deep gasping breath, not even realising how much I needed to breathe. He holds his wrist to his mouth, biting at it again and pushing it against my mouth. I lick up the small drops of blood, quickly regaining my strength, and he presses his lips to mine once I’m done, in a brief passionate and sloppy kiss.
He breaks away from me with a grin, continuing to fuck me hard and deep, swollen tip scraping against the spongy spot inside me, and I let out desperate moans and whimpers of his name, Hyunjin grunting and groaning sinfully softly as tears stream down my face, blurring my vision. I clench around him sporadically, knowing my high is nearing, and he knows it too, his hand slipping down to my clit and rubbing slow circles with his thumb, making me call out his name. ‘Gonna cum for me, doll?’ he asks, and I can’t even bring myself to reply, just nodding along with loud moan, and he grins, his cock still hammering into me.
‘Want you to cum for me, angel. Cum on my cock, y/n, soak it up like a good little girl. So good for me, angel, wanna feel you cum around me,’ he prompts, pushing me closer and closer, the knot in stomach becoming tighter and tighter, and I’m so close, practically there, hanging on the precipice of my high. He grins at me, his lethal fangs sliding out and his eyes glowing red before he ducks his head, biting into the soft flesh of my neck and pushing me over the edge. I scream out his name as he gulps down my blood, numbing bliss flowing through me like morphine, his cock still rocking into me and his thumb toying with my clit. My vision is completely blank, neither white nor black, just… blank, pleasure exploding within me, and I feel my consciousness slipping away until Hyunjin’s finger slips between my lips. He must have bitten it because I taste his blood on my tongue, bringing me back to this moment with him.
He breaks away from my neck when I’ve come down from my high, lips and chin covered in my blood and his eyes still flickering red as he grins, both hands digging into the mattress on either side of my head, the pace of his thrusts increasing once more, his cock slamming into me as he chases his high. I wrap my legs around his waist tightly, arms around his shoulders and nails digging into his skin, hard enough to leave marks. I try not to let the overstimulation stop me from getting him to his climax, my pussy clenching around him with sensitivity, and when I feel his cock twitching inside me, desperate moans falling from his lips and face scrunching up with desperate desire, I know he’s about to cum. I dig my heels into his back to hold him deep inside me, and his head drops down to my neck.
‘Cum in me, Jin. Wanna feel you cum in me, please. Fill me up, Jin. Cum for me, baby,’ I murmur into his ear and he does as I ask, moaning my name loudly against my neck as his entire body tenses up. He bites into me again as he releases inside me, his hot thick cum painting my insides as he slowly moves his hips against me, leisurely sucking my blood. He gently rocks into me until he’s finished and I’m completely out of breath, both of us covered in blood, sweat, tears and cum.
‘God, you’re so good for me, angel,’ he murmurs gently after pulling away from my neck, his fangs retracting before he presses kisses to the skin he’s just bitten, sucking and nipping to leave marks. I play with his hair, body still tensing with aftershocks, and he runs his hands up and down my body, caressing my sweaty skin. Every movement, every action, every featherlight touch of his is so comforting, so tender, that I feel like I can stay here with him forever, letting him worship my body so gently like this, my hands playing with his soft, fluffy locks.
But after a while, I can feel myself drifting away, and I know I can’t sleep like this – covered in various… liquids, with completely soiled sheets and a vampire practically drunk on my blood lying on top of me. ‘Jin… I gotta get up. Clean myself up before I sleep,’ I murmur, and he whines, making me smile at his bratty behaviour. ‘No, wanna stay like this,’ he mumbles against my breast, having ventured down to leave marks on the soft flesh beside my nipple. ‘We can after. Just let me have a quick shower and change the sheets,’ I say softly, and he sighs, waiting a few moments before he pulls out of me and gets up off me, standing up beside the bed.
‘Wait here a second,’ he says before heading towards the bathroom, giving me a view of his cute little ass as he goes. I lie there in silence for a couple minutes, focused on the feeling of his thick cum trickling out of me, before he reappears with a smile, making my heart stop momentarily. His hair is pasted to his forehead with sweat, the bottom half of his face is covered in blood, his lips are swollen and his eyes are lidded with the drunken tiredness of being full on blood, but he looks like the most beautiful man in the world to me.
He scoops me up into his arms, bridal style, and carries me into the bathroom, my eyes on his face the entire time, a small smile on his lips because he knows I’m watching him and admiring him. When we walk into the bathroom, my eyes flit to the bathtub, which is now full. I realise he’s drawn me a bath, my heart swelling when he gently puts me down, not letting go until my feet are firmly on the floor. ‘Go to the toilet first. Don’t want you getting a UTI,’ he says, and I let out a bratty whine, making him raise an eyebrow. ‘Toilet. Now,’ he says, and I pout, stomping to the toilet. His eyes stay locked with mine as I piss, and I let out a laugh after a few seconds – the fact that he’s stood there naked and covered in blood watching me as I wee naked and covered in blood is just so funny to my sleep deprived and jet-lagged mind – and he just rolls his eyes with an amused smile.
Once I’m done washing my hands, I practically bound to the bath eagerly, and he helps me to climb in. I sigh happily as sit in the tub, the temperature of the water perfect to cool down my burning hot skin. I lean back against the edge, my eyelids drooping with tiredness as I watch him wash his face in the sink, cleaning away all the blood. ‘What a waste,’ he murmurs as he watches the red-tinted water wash down the sinkhole, making me let out a little laugh, and he smiles softly at the sound. He climbs into the shower and I watch as he turns the dial, the glass fogging up as the water rains down over him, soaking his honey skin and his pitch black hair.
I love watching Hyunjin do anything, my eyes not leaving his face as he gently scrubs at his skin with my passionfruit-scented shower gel, but I’m so tired that, without even realising it, I fall asleep after a few minutes. Hyunjin wakes me with a tender smile, once he’s out of the shower, wearing fresh underwear and joggers, his chest bare and a towel around his neck to gather the water that drips from his dark hair. I’m too tired to even speak as he washes me, soft hands rubbing gently at my skin, cleaning away the sweat on my body, the blood stains around where he bit me, the dried release around my thighs and the echoes of tear tracks on my face. Neither of us speak the entire time, but we don’t really have to – his touches on my body say everything he wants to say, and my gaze locked onto his face says anything I want to say.
He drains the bath, drying me carefully and carrying me back into the bedroom once he’s done, redressing me in a clean pair of underwear and a soft t-shirt of his that I’ve claimed as my own. He must have changed the sheets whilst I was asleep in the bath, and we climb into my bed together, his arms holding me close. I almost fall asleep the instant my head lands on the pillow, eyes fluttering shut as my body lines up with Hyunjin’s, his front pressed to my back and his arms around my waist. I stay awake just long enough to hear him whisper something, something that sounds suspiciously like what I’ve wanted to hear from him for nearly as long as I’ve known him, but sleep takes me before I can reply.
When I wake in the morning, the other side of the bed is empty, and his bedroom is empty too. And when I see that his shoes are gone from beside the door, I realise he must have left whilst I was asleep. I practically turn the apartment upside down, but he hasn’t left me a note. I check my phone, but he hasn’t texted or called. I can barely make it back into bed before I dissolve into tears, sobbing as though my heart would break.
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mnictasbcl · 3 years
Life’s beauty
For #dbhcolorsofdeviancy, prompt:
June 9th: The feeling of being alive @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Rating: Teen
Characters: Connor, Hank Anderson
Relationships: Connor & Hank Anderson
Additional Tags: Fluff, Break, Swearing, Cabin, Woods, no not a cabin in the woods this is fluff lads, Beauty of nature, Fishing, Sensory detail,
Summary: After the Revolution, Connor had done nothing but work. Hank decides to take him away to the beauty of nature, to truly realise the feeling of being alive.
Story below! Or, read it on AO3
The androids fought, they won, they became free. In the weeks proceeding the revolution, Jericho’s sole goal was getting sorted the rights of androids so that deviants could truly be as human as they wanted to. Connor was involved in some of the proceedings, helping Markus word and practice his speeches, aiding North with logistical things and tasks to help with the thousands of homeless deviants seeking shelter. But as soon as the right was agreed that androids could work and earn a salary as humans do, Connor was right back at Hank’s side, working at the DPD. After all, whilst his help was needed in Jericho, he could be of much more use on the police force, especially given the rising numbers of hate crimes towards androids following the revolution.
Besides, it was nice to get back into a familiar routine, minus the all-seeing, all-knowing control of Cyberlife hanging over his head.
So, the months progressed. Connor worked as partners with Hank at the DPD, and the two were an unstoppable force, what given their bond and skills around deviancy. More rights were being fought for them in the background. Soon, androids were almost treated, at least by law, as equally as humans. They could not be discriminated against, not hurt, they could work, they could buy property, they could start families- everything. Months after the revolution, and things were looking bright on the horizon.
This didn’t mean that the hatred against androids all out stopped. However, crimes were slowly but surely falling, what with the consequences for committing them becoming stronger by the day. This left slightly less work for the DPD to sort out.
However, when Hank woke up one morning and decided he wanted some time off, Connor was still a little confused.
“Are you quite alright, Lieutenant?”
Hank groaned. “For the last time, it’s… never mind.” He paused, placing his coffee mug back on the kitchen table. “Why’d you ask, though?”
Connor shrugged. “I just wondered whether you needed the time off to rest, or recuperate, perhaps—”
The man shook his head. “You don’t always need a reason to take some time off, Connor. It’s been pretty hectic these past few months at the DPD and I just thought it was time for some change around here. Sumo’s barely seen us.”
“Alright.” He nodded, “But I will have to arrange with Fowler what partner I will be assigned whilst you are away.”
“Whoa whoa, who said you couldn’t use a break too?”
“I do not require breaks. I perform stasis every night and—”
“Don’t you just want to… to be out there?” Hank questioned, rather vaguely, Connor thought with a furrow of his brows. “Go out and do things. I mean, now that Markus and crew have got all those fancy rights for you all, I thought you’d want to go and experience them.”
Connor straightened his tie. “I already am, Lieutenant. Captain Fowler is paying me above minimum wage, and last week, Gavin managed to restrain himself from insulting me.”
Hank smirked. “Oh boy. Not exactly what I meant. Look- I’m not going to force you, but I’m offering: we take a week or so off work, I’ll show you some sights, or we can just stay at home and spoil Sumo, whatever you want. I just want to see you have fun, kid.”
Connor blinked. His LED briefly flashed yellow, processing. Eventually, he nodded. Perhaps the Lieutenant’s words had some reason to them. Aside from a couple of weeks after the revolution, he hadn’t done much outside of work. Of course, it hadn’t struck him as odd. Even with his new status as deviant, which came with its differences, such as emotions and connections with other people, he’d been used to constantly working, following orders, completing tasks, completing the mission. But maybe he could now benefit from not having anything to do other than… what was it… Be out there, as Hank had put it.
“Okay.” He agreed, LED circling back to blue. “Perhaps some time away from the precinct would be optimal. However,” Connor added, glancing to the clock, “we had better get going for work today, lest Fowler relieve us of duty for good.”
Hank cursed, chugging back the rest of his coffee. But even with the time limit now imposed on their morning, Connor noticed he was a lot less grumpy about the rush to work.
  Luckily, Fowler had allowed them the week off work, and the time between then was spent planning what activities they’d get done.
Connor was pleased to hear that it wouldn’t be full of travelling and going a multitude of different places. Whilst he was excited (excited? Yes, he supposed he felt a rush of happiness every time he thought about their trip) about seeing the world, he didn’t really feel up to seeing everything at once, and, besides, travelling for long amounts of time bored him. There was nothing to do but listen to the tinny radio on Hank’s car, playing either jazz or heavy metal rock music, and flick his coin back and forth between his hands (at least for a short amount of time, until it was confiscated from him for being ‘loud as fuck, Jesus Connor’).
Instead, they’d decided upon going to a cabin Hank had managed to rent for a fairly cheap price, somewhere in a wooded, natural area. It wasn’t so out of civilisation that they would struggle to get supplies lest they need them, but it was far enough away from the traffic of the city and the hustle and bustle of busy daily life.
Sadly, the journey was still fairly long, a couple of hours out. Luckily, though, Connor had brought five US quarters with him, each one stored in a different place on his outfit.
Hank looked long-suffering by the time he’d taken away the third coin.
“You’ve got another one, haven’t you.” It was less of a question, and more of a statement.
“Affirmative, Lieutenant. You advised me to pack the essentials.”
“Like clothes. Food. Water. Ah ah ah—don’t you get cocky with me and say they’re not essential for you. I know.” He sighed. Connor smirked. He could tell that Hank was mildly annoyed but not angry with him. He tried his best not to antagonise his fellow occupant in the car, but he just couldn’t help it—since deviating, something in him had changed whenever he had to sit in a long car journey.
Boredom, his mind supplied.
boredom /ˈbɔːdəm/
noun          the state of feeling bored.
Connor chuckled softly at the definition his mind supplied. Firstly, it was… incredibly unhelpful. Secondly, he must be bored if he was subconsciously searching the definition of boredom itself.
He decided he would need to find a way to occupy his mind on the journey. For now, he didn’t think getting out his fourth coin to play with would be a good idea, since Hank was a bit on edge, and he needed some coins for the journey back. So, laying back in his seat, he took to looking out the window. It wasn’t too long before they arrived, he deduced from a scan of his surroundings. Things were changing vastly now. There were no tall and looming buildings like those in the city, no cars shooting by, horns blaring, people running up the streets, late to work. The city was alive, kind of beautiful in its own way, but nature, he began to notice, had its own sense of beauty. What with the trees lined up along the landscape, varying in shape and height, and in density of leaves and branches. The skies almost seemed clearer, more vibrantly blue and interspersed with soft white clouds. It was aesthetically pleasing, he noted, even if not sharing the geometry of lines and symmetry that the city held.
He whiled away the rest of the journey watching the sights go by, managing to stay stiller than he had the first half of the journey. It was awfully serene. Still, when they reached their destination, car pulling up on a dusty road, the cabin sitting by a pond in the distance, Connor was eager to leave the vehicle.
Connor helped eagerly with the bags, carrying a couple in each hand and waving off Hank’s requests to take some off him.
“I can manage, Lieutenant.”
“Show off.”
“I could also carry the two you have, if that would be of help.” He added, teasingly, to which the man flipped him off. Which then caused him to drop a bag with the change in hand positioning.
Connor couldn’t help it. He started to laugh, which wasn’t a good idea when he was holding four bags. His side started to ache a little, and he eventually had to drop a couple of the bags onto the floor in order to supress the stitch.
“That’s it, we’re going back home.” Hank made to walk back to the car, trying to act serious, but the fact that the android was still sniggering didn’t help things. “You’re a little shit, you know that, right?”
“I believe… I… believe you have referred to me as that multiple… times…” Connor got out between chuckles, before taking a few deep breaths, getting a hold of himself.
“Well, here’s one more to add to the list.” Hank remarked, reaching down to pick back up the bags, following after Connor as he headed towards the cabin.
There was a moment of confusion as they tried to figure how to get the front door unlocked, what with all the bags, until they realised it was already unlocked, Connor leaning against it and finding it swing open.
“That’s safe.”
“I do not detect any beings inside the residence.” Connor informed him after a quick scan of the cabin.
“You sure? No pigeons or squirrels made a little home for themselves up in the attic?”
Connor began to walk inside, glancing around in case his scans hadn’t been accurate, but shook his head upon reaching the living area. “I believe not. There is no attic.”
He heard a slight thud of a bag being dropped onto the floor, and snorted.
 The first late afternoon and evening at the cabin was spent getting everything unpacked and homely in the cabin, and Connor cooking a healthy meal for Hank (“There’s no takeaway service out here, Lieutenant”).
After that, however, Connor awoke them bright and early the next morning, coming out of status around 7.30am and pulling open the curtains.
“As per our schedule, Lie—”
“Jesus Christ, Connor.” Hank groaned, a phrase the android had become accustomed to hearing. He cringed. Perhaps he’d forgotten that coming out of human rest was different to coming out of stasis. He pulled the curtains slightly to, so that it wasn’t blinding early morning sunlight streaming into room. This time only a small slither of it.
“Apologies… Hank. I may have been too prompt. I’m just…”
Rubbing his eyes, Hank looked him over, seeing the android fully dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt with an image of a cartoon Saint Bernard on it, and some loose-fitting pants.
“Excited.” The man finished for him. “Well, that’s what I get for letting you organise a schedule for the week… If you get me some coffee, I might forgive you.”
Connor swiftly made his way into the kitchen and came back approximately 3 minutes later with a mug of coffee.
 And so, that’s how the morning went on. Hank might’ve complained, used to this side of the android from how he liked to get the tasks done swiftly and properly at work, but he was fond to see Connor moving about and happy to do something other than work.
It wasn’t much later into the day that they were sitting out by the side of the lake, situated to the right side of the cabin. It stretched out a fair distance beside the residence, its waters calm and silvery on the surface. Just reaching midday, there were chirps of wildlife buzzing around them, but nothing too loud and overbearing.
Hank had decided one thing he wanted to introduce Connor to was fishing. He could remember going on to a lake not dissimilar to this one in his youth, being taught how to fish. Maybe he could pass that skill, or at least the experience, down onto the android.
After making sure he wouldn’t cheat and download a step-by-step guide on fishing in his ‘brain-computer-thingy’, as the man eloquently put it, Hank entrusted him with his fishing rod he’d brought along. It was a little rusty with disuse and he had little in the way of lures, but it didn’t seem like Connor wanted to harm the fish anyway, given from his reluctance upon seeing the sharp metal hook of the rod.
“I doubt they’ll actually bite,” he shrugged, guiding the fishing rod into the android’s hands. “But if they do, you can just release them back in. A little different to how I’ve done it, but…”
“Thank you, Lieutenant.” He stepped back a little, eyes squinting as he concentrated, focusing on flicking back the rod and casting the line as Hank had just shown him how to do. It was a few moments before he managed to precisely replicate the movement, and soon his line was bobbing in and out of the water.
After a few moments, though, he tilted his head, confused. “What now?”
“You wait.” Hank supplied, sitting back on a deck chair he’d brought with them, cracking open the ice box he’d brought with him. “Hey—where did all the beers go?”
The man was looking at him, holding out the can of lemonade. “It’s a much better alternative, Lieutenant. I did… I left a few beers in the bottom of the box, however I’d much rather you left those for later.”
Hank groaned, but complied, and Connor refocused his attention on the waters in front of him. The goal of the task was to catch a fish, and then reposit it back in the waters. But he was meant to wait for that to happen—
He shook his head. That wasn’t the goal. He supposed, from what he’d learnt from his short months of being human, was that there wasn’t really a goal to be attained with every action and thing he did. There were outcomes, but maybe the true aim of this ‘fishing’ wasn’t to catch the fish at all.
Not with the still waters, glistening on the surface, calm movements every now and then as something beneath rippled the current in its movements. Not with the calm hum of nature, the trees lightly dancing back and forth in the breeze. Not with the soft click of the lemonade can opening, Hank’s breathing, the warmth of companionship.
It was about the moment, he noted. The build up of planning their excursion, the anticipation in the car ride over, and now it was the moment he’d thought about. A break from modern day life, a chance to fully enjoy being human. Not working, not thinking constantly about android rights, having things to get done. That moment gave him a chance to reflect, as his eyes cast over the waters, line bobbing as something began to lightly tug on the end of it. To reflect truly on what had happened the past few months.
Because it was a lot. It was being created, being a machine, hunting deviants, meeting Hank… realising that there was more to life than following orders and completing the mission. Taking those orders and throwing them away, meeting the leader of the deviants, of their people, and finally becoming himself.
And now, he was realising what it truly was to be himself… it was freedom. Freedom was being able to have family, to move in with Hank and Sumo, to be free to choose his career path, choose what he wants to do with his life. Choose to take a break away from it all and immerse themselves in nature.
Nature, with all its beauty, all its life—
Standing there, realising this all, feeling the fresh breeze of air tickle his cheeks, the warmth of sun, shining soft yellow light, Hank teaching him to fish. He could do what he wanted. And it wasn’t a task; there was no mission. He could just have… fun.
“Connor? I think you caught one.”
He snapped back to reality. Hank was right. The line was tugging in his hands, and he moved swiftly to reel it in. A fish dangled from the edge of the line. He gathered it up in his hands, carefully, then crouched down, letting his hands hover partway through the water.
It was gentle, and the fish tickled as it moved in his hands, burrowing deeper into the water it could find. He laughed. It reminded him of the fish he caught back in the Tower, that one day, so far away. Connor let it back into the lake.
He watched it swim further away, down and down, deeper into the water. A pause. “Hank, is… is this what it feels like to…” he paused again. LED swirling in thought. “To be alive?”
Hank stood beside him, hand patting his shoulder. “This, and a lot of other things, kid.”
Connor thought it over for a moment. “I think I like it.” Being alive seemed to bring its downs, but even the hostage situation would bring the fish struggling on the floor to be saved. It would bring choices, choices he could make his own decisions on, and moments like this which he wouldn’t trade for the world.
“Great. Now, where were those beers you hid again?”
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outrebanx · 4 years
helping hand
Pope Heyward x female reader
Summary: Whilst Pope is delivering your groceries for his dad, he injures himself and you help him out and end up spending the day with him (oof another bad summary)
Word count: 2k
Warnings: none other than a small bit of swearing
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A/N: this isn’t amazing (there are almost definitely grammar mistakes in here and I’m not sure about how I’ve written it as a whole) but I love Pope so much and there are not nearly enough fics with him so I tried my best - and again any feedback would be great!
Since finishing your school year, you were having less and less things to do and it was beginning to drive you insane - so today you had decided to spend the whole morning cleaning all the rooms downstairs in your house. Cleaning your house generally took quite a long time because your house is pretty big (which in your opinion is one of the only benefits of being a kook) and you would get distracted by almost anything, whether that was your phone, music or something you found in the cupboards. Despite this though,  you always kind of enjoyed cleaning - the feeling of helping out your parents was nice and you could listen to your music very loud and sing along as badly as you wanted without anyone else hearing.
Another good thing about being home alone was you didn’t have to look presentable and when you clean your appearance is very simple and usually consists of clothes that don’t matter if they get dirty - today you were working with a messy bun, a simple black sports bra and some grey shorts which showed off you figure quite nicely.
As it was now lunch time, you decided to have a small break before tackling the rest of the house and apparently there was also a grocery order coming in from the Heywards which you’d have to pay for with your parent’s money as they were out on a business trip.
You were washing up the dishes you’d used for your lunch when you saw Mr Heywards boat pull up to your dock, quickly grabbing the money off the counter you made your way to the front door. Just as you opened the door and began to step out to help the guy making his way up the dock, he fell over suddenly, dropping everything he was holding to try and stop his fall - clearly this didn’t work as the next thing you heard was him swearing whilst holding his wrist.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit”
Running towards him you shouted, “hey are you okay?”
You had reached him by the time he looked up to reply, “I should be fine, I’m so sorry about all this though” he waved his hand indicating all the shopping scattered over the floor, some rolling into the water beneath the dock.
You had to admit now you were closer to him, you could appreciate how attractive he was, his dark brown eyes reflecting the sunlight nicely, making your heart jump a little. But he seemed more preoccupied with the scattered groceries than you, so you were quick to reassure him that it wasn’t an issue.
“It honestly doesn’t matter, most of this I can pick up and I guess we’ll just have to survive without the stuff that fell in the water - and hey at least the fish are eating like kooks” You laughed at your own joke, but all he did was stare at you, surprised you hadn’t lashed out at him for his ‘carelessness’ like most people on this side of the island would; and he had just noticed how pretty you were, your smile lighting up your whole face.
Unfortunately, he had apparently been staring and not listening because you were now waving in front of his face to get his attention.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked if you were alright, because not sure if you’ve noticed but you’re still sat down and not gonna lie your hand is starting to look a little swollen.”
You both looked at his hand again, it seemed to be getting bigger by the minute and now some of it was turning purple - in your opinion that wasn’t good but the boy was still to say anything about it, so you waited.
After about a minute he finally spoke up, “I think it’s a sprain, nothing as serious as a broken bone or it would feel worse, but my dad may kill me because now I’m gonna struggle to finish the deliveries.”
“I could always help you do your deliveries, but only if you let me treat your wrist until you can get it checked out properly.” You say as you reach your hand towards him to help him up, he grabbed it with his good hand and stood up.
“Are you sure?” He said stepping back from how close your two had been standing, “I don’t want to take up any of your day.”
You smiled, “Trust me this is the most exciting thing to happen to me today, and I wouldn’t just send you back without helping - that would make me a bitch, which I like to think I’m not.”
He chuckled at this before quickly speaking again, “I’m Pope by the way.”
“Y/N, nice to meet you Pope, even if the circumstances aren’t too great for you”
Laughing you both headed up towards your house, making him sit at the kitchen counter whilst you went to collect a bandage and some painkillers from the bathroom.
“Okay I think the best I can do is wrap it up and give you some ice and some ibuprofen for the swelling.” You say as you head back into the kitchen.
“Thanks that would be great”
As you were wrapping his wrist, you began speaking again, “So, Pope, when you’re not delivering groceries and falling over, what do you do?”
“Um, I spend a lot of time with my friends, like surfing and going out on the marsh and stuff, and I study quite a lot as well to get my scholarship for college.”
“That’s pretty cool - I’ve never really tried surfing because I know I would struggle to balance myself on the board, but come to think of it, from what I’ve seen today you don’t seem to have good balance either so hey maybe I’ll give it a go at some point.” You joked, earning a huff from him but you could see the smile he was trying to hide which made you laugh slightly more.
“Anyway, what are you planning on studying in college?” You continued to question him.
“Well I want to become a coroner so forensic pathology, what about you, are you planning on going to college?”
“I am actually, I want to study medicine and become a doctor, which is why I kind of know how to help with your sprain”
He looked down at his arm which you had now finished wrapping and whistled appreciatively, “I have the feeling you will be a great doctor because this already feels like it’s working, so thank you.”
“No problem, and it will feel even better with some ice, so I’m gonna quickly grab that for you and some water so you can take the ibuprofen - and then we can continue your deliveries!”
Pope shouted after her, “You seem too enthusiastic to be doing work, should I start worrying about who’s house I’m in?”
You laughed at that but didn’t respond until you were back in front of him, holding the ice and water, “there’s nothing wrong with wanting to do work and if you keep talking like that I might just decide to abandon you on your boat, which would be a shame.”
“Such a shame” he smiled back.
After Pope took the pills, you both headed out to his boat, him jumping in first and holding out his hand to then help you in, you thanked him and then set off to the rest of Figure 8, jumping out at each house with him to take the heaviest bags. For the whole day, the two of you just chatted about anything and everything and it was the most fun you’d had in a while, made even better by the feeling you’d get in your stomach whenever he smiled at you or laughed at your stupid jokes.
By the time you had finished making the rounds, the sun was starting to set and with this the temperature was slowly decreasing too. This was starting to become an issue as you were still just in a sports bra and shorts, but you did your best to hide your shivers and instead focused on Pope’s back as he steered the boat back through the marsh with his good hand.
Apparently you were worse at hiding how cold you were than you thought because in the next few minutes Pope had noticed and was handing you his hoodie from a compartment in the boat.
“You don’t have to give me this we’ll be back at mine soon, and besides aren’t you cold?”
“Only a little and besides you’ve really helped me out today so the least I can do is stop you from freezing to death.”
“Wow, such a gentleman,” you teased whilst pulling the jumper over your head, encasing your body in warmth with the added benefit of it smelling like Pope - you couldn’t pinpoint what he smelt like, but it was really nice and it made you feel all nervous and happy in one go.
You were now approaching the dock to your house, sad that your great day with Pope had come to an end and just as you went to take off his hoodie, he stepped closer, putting his hands over yours, stopping your movement.
“You can keep it for now”
“I can’t do that, surely you need it more than me - I mean my house with heating is right there.” Moving your head in the direction to emphasise your point and also because you didn’t want Pope to let go of your hands just yet.
“No, I’ll be fine and if you have my hoodie we’re gonna have to see each other again so you can give it back, which in my opinion is a great plan, wouldn’t you agree?"
You laughed, “It’s not an awful plan, shows you definitely have some smart things going on in your head which is always promising.”
At this he just leant in towards your face, waiting for you to make up the distance, which you did without hesitation. The kiss was gentle at first but then became more passionate, you moved your arms behind his head, standing on your toes slightly so you were closer to him, his hands moved onto the small of your back as the kiss deepened even more, still being careful with his injured hand. Sadly you both had to come away for air, but you stayed close, his hands still on your back, yours on his neck, and you just stared at each other, smiling at what just happened.
“Um that was -“ Pope began,
“It was something I wouldn’t mind doing again at some point” you finished for him, still smiling, your heart seemed to be beating out of control, you had only met him today but you felt like you had known and loved him for years.
“Yeh I wouldn’t mind that either” He smiled back, not wanting to let you go just yet, but unfortunately you both had to go back home eventually, so you stepped back, ready to step off the boat.
“If you ever need help with your job or company when you’re doing it, you know where to find me.”
“I will hold you to that offer don’t you worry” he replied, “oh and if you were serious earlier about trying out surfing, you could come along with my friends and me one day and I could teach you.”
“I would love that, especially so I can see if you’re better at standing on water than you are on land,” you chuckle.
Just as you were about to step off the boat, you quickly turned around, stealing one last kiss before you leave. Moving away from him you smiled more brightly than you had in a while, leaving Pope in awe of the kind and beautiful girl who had helped him with his hand and made his day the best he’d had in a while.
Walking back up to your house, you turned around one more time to wave him goodbye, and continued to wave until he had pulled out of view. Your heart was still beating fast, you still had the feeling of his lips on yours, and he seemed to already occupy most of your thoughts, already counting down the days until you could see the cute clumsy boy again.
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angelicthor · 5 years
billion dollar man - part 13
pairing: tony stark x reader
summary: after mounting bills and debt cause you to look at alternative means of making money, you’re thrown into a whole different kind of life when one of the most famous billionaires on the block offers to be your sugar daddy, of course in exchange for a different from of payment. non-superhero au.
warnings/genre: +18 only, sugarbaby/daddy relationship, fluff, slight angst, nat & wanda centric chapter
masterlist | billion dollar man masterlist
a/n: am i recasting the entire mcu? why yes. yes i am. as always, please let me know what you think! 
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The bar you were in was a slight change to the establishments you had recently been frequenting, but it was an old favourite of yours and Wanda and honestly, it was nice to be back, to exchange the extravagant dresses for a pair of worn in jeans and expensive champagne for a bottle of beer.
You were somewhat nervous at bringing Nat here, not knowing how she’d find it but she surprised you when she said she used to come to bars like this all the time before she started her brand and that she had rather missed the atmosphere they provided.
What stunned you more was the fact that her knee wouldn’t stop bouncing with nerves, foot tapping on the floor as she pecked at the label on her bottle whilst you both waited for Wanda to join you.
“Nat would please relax, trust me Wanda’s gonna love you,” You tried to reassure her.
“Sorry, sorry; It’s just – I’m not exactly a people person, and I don’t usually make a great first impression, I mean remember how I acted around you? It wasn’t exactly the height of hospitality.”
“Don’t worry about that, Wanda’s got this…energy – it’s like she can get into people’s minds and put them at ease or something, I swear the girl’s magic. The number of difficult situations she has got us out of is unreal.”
Before Nat had a chance to pry on what kind of difficult situations you two had to wiggle your way out of, your name was shouted from across the bar, your eyes meeting those of Wanda walking through the door with her arms spread wide as everyone gaped at her.
Wanda’s hair fell in thick dark curls over her shoulders, dark eyes sparkling with glee as a devious smirk played on her crimson painted lips, she was adorned in a maroon velvet shawl, a long flowy black dress underneath, her fingers decorated in a multitude of rings and a collection of bangles decked her wrist, tinkling with every movement of her arm. Around her neck was a long silver chain with a Star of David charm dangling from the centre that you had gifted her on her last birthday and she had worn nearly every day since.
“Hey sweetie!” Wanda hollered, Serbian accent still slightly coating her words as she plopped into the seat next to yours, throwing her arms around you as she pressed a kiss to your cheek, no doubt leaving a red stain of her lips on your skin. “You must be Natasha - Y/N told me a lot about you, it’s nice to finally put a face to the name,” Wanda extended her arm for Nat to shake which the redhead readily accepted.
“God what a day, tell me why I’m stuck dealing with the bridezilla from hell? I’ve done nothing in my life to deserve this, ever.”
Wanda complained as you snorted at her dramatics, Nat asking what she did for a living which started Wanda on explaining that she owned her own florist shop in Brooklyn with you interjecting at random points to compliment her work – she did the most amazing floral displays you had ever seen, which unfortunately left her rather in demand.
You let Wanda and Nat become accustomed to each other, asking things you already knew about them both as the three of you sipped on your beers, grinning as you noticed the way Nat’s shoulders lowered and her leg stop bouncing under the table as her nerves left her.
Soon enough, the beer turned to shots of tequila at Wanda’s excited demands, you and Nat laughing at her instance, watching as she precariously balanced a tray laden with shot glasses as she staggered towards the small table you were sat at. You tipped your head back as you swallowed the liquor in one gulp, face twisting in disgust at the burn as you quickly grabbed one of the lime wedges, the sour juices easing the bitter aftertaste of the tequila.  
A slight fog settled over your mind as the alcohol took effect, your thoughts becoming hazy and movements lethargic as you stumbled out of your chair and crossed the bar, stumbling slightly as you made your way towards the jukebox in the corner, struggling to insert the coins before you searched through the hundreds of songs available, a grin tugging at your lips as found what you were looking for.
Nat and Wanda both cheered as Nancy Wilson’s opening rift filled the bar, Ann Wilson’s killer vocals following soon after as Crazy on You began to play, the pair beginning to belt out the lyrics as if it were karaoke, forcing you to join in as you sat back down, ignoring the peculiar looks from the other patrons.
“Let me go crazy on you,” Nat cut off her performance, giggling drunkenly as she eyed you mischievously, “So Y/N, I’ve always been curious, do you go crazy on Tony or does he go crazy on you? I’ve never been able to figure it out, he’s definitely into it either way.”
You choked on your drink, spluttering as you stared at Nat with wide eyes waiting for the inevitable storm coming your way.
“You’re sleeping with him?” Wanda erupted, eyes blazing with rage as you offered her a guilty smile. “You told me it was just for appearances, you never said anything about sex.”
You recoiled as Wanda hissed at you, the fury radiating from her being reminding you just how scary the seemingly docile woman could be.
“Wan, please don’t yell,” You spoke calmly, casting your eyes about the bar to make sure no one was staring at you, “I swear, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s just a friends-with-benefits type situation, just with more benefits than usual.”
The underlying worry in her eyes didn’t waver at your words and Natasha, who until then looked sheepish for letting something slip that she shouldn’t have, also joined her in her concern.
“Are you sure? I’ve known Tony a long time Y/N and I’ve never seen him act like the way he is when he’s around you, the way he looks at you – is it really just friendship?”
You gawked as you searched for an answer, mouthing words but no sound coming out as you tried to wrap your mind around what Nat had just told you. You tried to be logical: Tony only acted that way around you because he needed to, he was grateful for what you were doing for him, you two had become friends over the course of your fake relationship and it was fake. But there was a part of you, that stupid rotten romantic heart of yours, that warmed at the thought of Tony wanting more, of feeling more.
“Y/N,” Wanda spoke softly, reaching across the table to place her hand on top of yours, “I just don’t want to see you hurt again, Tony - he just reminds me too much of-”
“He’s nothing like him,” You spat, voice laced with venom at the mention of you ex.
Or perhaps it was the fact that Wanda apparently thought that he and Tony were equals.
You didn’t wish to dissect these thoughts, instead you excused yourself to the toilets, avoiding the anxious stares of Nat and Wanda as you did. Locking the door behind you, you splashed cold water on your face in an attempt to calm your racing heart, resting against the countertop as you bid your thoughts to slow themselves down and allow you to collect yourself.
Back at the table Wanda and Nat were waiting for your return, guilt gnawing at them both for pushing you for an answer you clearly didn’t want to give, but their pressure stemmed from a good place, their love for you their top priority.
“You said you knew Tony well, right?” Wanda asked, Nat nodding her head in affirmation, “Be honest with me, do you think he’d hurt her?”
Nat mulled over the question, trying to find the answer, but it was difficult; she’d never seen Tony in a situation like this before, his dates lasted the night and there was a new one on his arm when she next saw him.
“No, I don’t think so,” Nat answered her after much consideration, “Not on purpose at least; Tony cares about her, more than he realises, but he’s never had a serious relationship before - he may not know how to handle it.”
“If he does hurt her, I’ll tear him limb from limb,” Wanda threatened, voice dropping to a near growl.
“If he does, then I offer you my assistance,” Nat remarked, a dark smirk pulling at her lips before her and Wanda burst into a fit of giggles.
They were still laughing when you came back, the corner of your lip quirking up at the sight of them together, you knew before the night even began that they would get along like a house on fire and regardless of the slight hitch in the nights festivities you were glad of it.
“Hey, did you ever tell Nat about the Billy Russo incident?” Wanda asked with a mischievous glint in her eye.
You threw your head back with an embarrassed groan, burying your face in your hands as Wanda recounted the tale to an eager Nat of the time you saw your then crush on a night out, nerves and alcohol getting the better of you as you ended up retching your stomach contents all down his pant leg much to your horror.
It had taken you weeks to recover from the mortification, refusing to go out with Wanda much to her annoyance and you could feel your cheeks heat up as Nat and Wanda boisterously laughed at the story, fighting off your own smile as you remembered the shock on poor Billy’s face.
More tales were told; most by Wanda, the woman loved a good story, some by you, and some by Nat. You had an inclining that Nat choose her stories with the purpose of warming Wanda up to the idea of Tony, each one she said left you with a soft smile on your face as you vividly imagined your little group of friends and the shenanigans they got up to.
Before you knew it, the night was drawing to an end, Happy pulling up to the curb outside the bar where you were all waiting. Nat’s own driver came for her and she bid you goodnight with a hug before moving to do the same to Wanda, promising you both that you’d get together again soon.
You offered to take Wanda home and she reluctantly agreed, marveling at the interior of the luxury car as you introduced her to Happy. The ride to her apartment was quick and as she was stepping out of the car she asked if you were staying at yours tonight but you decided against it, wanting to go home to Tony’s and check up on him - you had texted him earlier on in the night and he still hadn’t replied, a dark feeling of dread building up in you as your mind conjured a number of unpleasant scenarios.
You froze when you realised that you considered Tony’s apartment to be more your home than your own did now. You blamed it on the fact that you spent most of your time there, that staying in your own apartment was foreign to you now.
That was all it was.
“Hey Hap, have you heard off Tony tonight? I text him earlier, but he never answered me,” You asked, hoping your voice sounded as casual as you willed it to be, teeth gnawing at your lower lip as your stomach began to twist into knots.
“No, haven’t heard from him. I’m sure he’s fine though, probably blasting AC/DC in his lab way too loud to hear his phone.”
You forced a chuckle at his jibe, knowing that he was probably doing exactly that, but his logic was a poor remedy to your paranoia and it did nothing to calm your growing nerves. The second the car came to a stop outside of the Baxter Building, you bolted from the backseat, throwing Happy a ‘thank you’ and ‘goodnight’ over your shoulder as you rushed towards the entrance.
The in the elevator seemed to take forever, foot tapping on the metal floor in impatience as you waited for the doors to open into Tony’s penthouse, wondering why everything seemed to move so much more slower when all you wanted was for it to hasten.
The doors finally opened into the apartment and you hurried inside, dumping your bag in the hallway as you called out Tony’s name, the lack of response causing your panic to rise before you froze in the doorway to the living room, mouth snapping shut as you silently crept forward.
Across the couch lay Tony, one arm dangling on the floor next to a discarded cushion, the TV still playing in the background, his mouth hanging open as a soft snore resonated from his chest with every exhale. Your heart fluttered at the sight, a soft smile playing at your lips as you watched him get the sleep he so desperately needed, Tony was normally the last to sleep and the first to rise and so this was a rare sight for you and you couldn’t help but think how far he had come from when you had first met him.
You moved to kneel beside him, fingers gently stroking through his short tresses, watching as his eyes flickered beneath closed lids. His phone lighting up on the coffee table next to you drew your attention away, the device reminding him of your text that remained unopened and you picked it up in curiosity, swiping the text away and pausing when you saw what was under it.
A picture of the two of you filled the screen, his arm wrapped around you, lips pressed into your hair as your eyes shut in bliss, basking at the attention. You can’t remember seeing the photo before and you didn’t know which you found more startling: the fact that you were his lockscreen or the way he was looking at you.
Nat’s words came circling in your head like a record on repeat.
I’ve never seen him act like this.
He’s never looked at anyone the way he looks at you.
The way he looks at you.
You glanced back at the photo on the phone, how both of you seemed so wrapped up in each other, the adoration, the tenderness. The, dare you say it, love.
Your well-rehearsed excuse, the idea that it was all a front, a trick to fool the world felt so weak now. You wondered if maybe it had worked to well, that maybe you had managed to trick yourselves into thinking this relationship was on a platonic basis only when it couldn’t be further from the truth.
You didn’t like these thoughts, they invited unwanted feelings into your heart that weighed it down like a rock in a river. What if Nat was wrong and Tony didn’t feel the same? He was an infamous womanizer and the only reason he had supposedly changed his ways was to keep his company, you’d be foolish to think that you alone could accomplish that.
The darkness clouding your mind evaporated as you glanced back down at Tony’s sleeping form, stroking your fingers over his face as you softly urged him to wake up, bleary eyes staring up at you before a lazy smile tugged at his lips.
“Hey,” he rasped, voice thick with sleep.
“Hey baby, wanna head to bed?”
Tony nodded in answer, swinging his legs over the edge of the sofa as he sluggishly sat up, the both of you stumbling up the stairs towards his bedroom. You readied yourselves for bed in silence, Tony because he was still on the verge of sleep, barely conscious enough to brush his teeth, and you because you were afraid of what you would say if you did try to speak.
You sighed when you finally settled into the bed, the fresh sheets wrapping you in a blanket of serenity, the feeling of Tony’s arms around your waist providing you with a level of comfort you couldn’t quite explain.
Tony pressed a kiss to your forehead, wishing a good sleep before he fell back into the realm of dreams once again. You burrowed your face into his chest, pressing a chaste kiss to the scar that ran down his sternum, pushing your unwanted thoughts to the side as you joined Tony in slumber.
a/n: i don’t have a tag list but if you want alerts please follow @angelicthorwrites and turn on notifications
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squirrels49 · 4 years
What Fowl Can Be Known as a Hawk, But Isn't a Hawk in Any Way?
It was not the first moment that our kitty had brought a surprise back with her. It was not the first time she'd attracted in a live fowl. Maybe it had been she published it in the sack instead of the basement or livingroom (her standard locations to place her victim unfastened ). I presume what really surprised me that the most was the size of the bird that has been now flying in a panic around my bedroom.Over years, using just two female house cats who we let outdoors a few of hours per day, we have experienced our share of rabbits, mice along with other bark , and birds input our residence. Most of time they're still alive, fearful, but for the most part, unharmed. Cats that are satisfactorily fed do not hunt for meals, they hunt for fun, and thus they ordinarily don't eat the animals/birds they capture. They often bring them to the individuals as a present or to demonstrate that they'd caught something.Being a Healer, I understand the value of aiding those creatures and critters overcome their shock before discharging themas it is the jolt which often kills themnot any injury they may have sustained.So the chicken that was currently flying across the sack was just the modern chicken necessitating my attention.Unfortunately, which has been going for considered a significant issue. I was used to helping little sparrows that frequented our garden and the neighbor's bird feeders. This chicken was much bigger-in factthat he had been a predator . He was a hawk.I need to admit my close connections with hawks has been lacking. I feel the nearest I came into one was one had been at an tree eyeing a deceased bird close by. Still, the chicken proved to be much further away compared to main one who currently stood in my dresser looking like it would attack anything or anyone which moved.Normally I'd have let the chicken settle down a bit before approaching him, but it was hurt by my cat like I saw blood onto the ground and walls where the hawk had flown. This absolutely had been enough bloodstream to imply that waiting was not wise if I wanted him to survive.But there have been those talons. And there clearly is that sharp, pointed beak.And these very modest eyes were seeing each movement I made.I shut the bedroom door to contain his flight then grabbed a small blanket to throw over him. This functioned. The bird can barely fly. I donned leather gloves and sunglasses (for security ) subsequently lifted the package, careful to grip the ft. With my husband's assistance, I had been able to examine the bird without even any the damage to either of the us. He experienced only a small cut on his rear and one of his wings had been overlooking a couple larger feathers. Each wounds were bleeding.As I found no other wounds that were of immediate consideration, '' I gave the fowl that the homeopathic medication Aconitum napellus("Aconite") for the shock. Aconite operates great to relaxed shock in animals along with human beings. I have used it before on creatures and critters, also when responding to vehicle accidents.When the remedy had slid the bird, I washed the cuts afterward gave him that the homeopathic medication Gunpowder to stem infections. I bandaged his wing it wouldn't proceed for transport to the Wildlife Sanctuary. For rehab, they'd execute a excellent job.But Al As, these were shut, or so the hawk was attracted house and put from the spare rest room because of the night-it was quiet and there was nothing the hawk could damage himself should he drift all about. He looked a ton better than he'd had before he had been awarded the homeopathics.The subsequent early morning , the hen was doing great, however that I still wasn't certain about the wing. I removed the bandage from his wing, lifted up him and enabled him to fly-he didn't do so good-so I took him into the Sanctuary for more treatment. The hawk was possibly the size of my kitty and that I wondered just how she'd gotten the jump on him. Marin (my kitty ) had no harms, that had been surprising since the hawk was a predator who would prey . Maybe, becoming that the hawk was not small, he was not a threat to Marin.The hawk was published from your Wildlife Sanctuary that a few days later. The rehabilitation helper had been amazed the bird had not arrived for the Sanctuary in jolt, and failed to develop an infection and was able to become released so fast. I wasn't amazed, however, due to the fact I understood the healing skills of homeopathy.I believed the stories that the hawk would tell to other hawks, even joked only just a bit believing the hen could probably come up with a very dangerous and exciting story, telling of this great struggle which had hurt him. Had he told the truth-that he was captured by the cat-he would have already been teased for quite a while.The initial issue we did our trip was supposed to check to our hotel which was that the Barrier Station re sort at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. On our holiday bundle we've got a 3 days and 2 night live, they gave us some dinner certificates to Mulligan's restaurant and pub and Jolly Rodgers. Also a excellent surprise in our vacation package had been 2 tickets to a Musical Show.After checking in we moved right into the hotel to examine it empty the large quantity of luggage we had brought us. The room was we predicted. Even though there were only 2 of us they gave us a two bed room accommodation. This was the bomb because we had our own toilet. The master bedroom had a huge Jacuzzi inside (which we use every night) along with also a king size bed together with a huge balcony. The other bedroom needed to bedrooms and your bathroom. They both had television's and were very well decorated. Along side a huge living space, dining room and kitchen that they also had a washer and dryer. Had we know this we'd have brought much less clothing?After unpacking we moved into the welcome center and assessed all those tasks that these were presenting. They had special to ground meals, games and a variety of lessons, along side several traveling excursions. Perhaps not merely did they all will have outside pools however they also had just one of the largest indoor grills that I have ever seen. And of course a weight room with all types of exercise equipment and also in door and outdoor hot tubes. Of course, when that was not enough they had a superb character walk trail and a location for runners.After exploring the resort we chose to simply take benefit of one of those dinner certificates we had been given and also went on Mulligan's for lunch. We're impressed by the number and high quality of the food and service we received. They'd a deck which moved to the surface of the cafe s roof with tables up there and also you could take pleasure in the sea view as you dined. I do feel just a modest sorry for its waters since they needed to go upward and down about half staircase all day long.When we ended dinner we continued with our vacation going to the shore where we did just a small sunning and tried some small fishing in the fishing pier that had been a few miles from our resort. Not bringing some fishing gear together were surprised that they'd everything you might want to go fishing. It simply cost us about 40.00 for all the apparatus and bait you wanted and now being outside to the pier you did not need to worry about getting eaten alive from almost any critters which might possibly be wondering all around on the island. We also toured about thirty kilometers of the island also found many great places to eat and shop. One of my favorite areas in Kitty Hawk to eat would be Jimmy's Sea Food Buffet. They offer an early bird special at which you can win $100.00 in funds as well as to get the first hour they give you lobster. You really don't even miss the lobster though, because with every different kind of seafood you may think of they possess ten different sorts of crab legs plus you can eat everything you want. Unfortunately we didn't get to eat there this time round because of the a number of other locations we never tried while there on vacation.However we did get to see one of the better musicals that I have ever gone . It was mixed with oldies and classical tunes together with some humor. The entire cast was superb. It lasted about two hours was so interesting that it felt which we're only there for half an hour. They change shows frequently so if you visit into the outside banks regularly you may get to see distinctive reveals. On Wednesdays that they offer you a magical show for those magical buffs in the same construction. So the next time you go there on a break please put that on you are todolist because you won't be sorry when planning on taking my own advice.One issue I did not plan moment doing our vacation was a round of golf and I am sorry I didn't because there weren't several really nice cheap golf courses near. I'm not sure but some one told us there were 12 in the area. Sounds like a golfer's paradise to me personally and together with this most golf courses I think that you need to plan to stay per week instead of just a few days. We did not go into any one of this course's this time round whilst the temptations would have already gone to great but I am certain that with many that they might never have been on to crowded.Well the bottom point for the full article is that it was really so relaxing and so gratifying our next vacation will likely be in the outside banks next year plus people also plan on taking a couple mini holidays or long weekends because a few call it there on a normal basis. And certainly will always be towards the top of my record for vacations to get quite a while for you to come.Because a few varieties of hawk some times kill game critters, the full class continues to be contested. You can find those, and they are several, who fail to observe that birds of prey fill out an important part in the amazing scheme of character. Does the hunter who shoots down the hawk at each and every prospect, because some species occasionally captures what he is very happy to take into account his special property, ever cease to request exactly what caused the quail along with different non-migratory match critters to reach the powers of swift flight that alone create sure they are desired as things of sport?It may be that the bird of prey, pursuing one opposite since the days of these invention, which has evolved not only its own strength of wing, but but in addition that of its quarry. And just as certainly as it is accurate, therefore indeed will that electricity be lost in the event the contributing cause be removed. The do do, a pigeon, found himself over the island of Mauritius in which enemies were unknown. He yielded to gluttony and in action, designed a corpulence that uttered traveling, and was eaten out of the face of the planet in a limited while right following his discovery by gentleman. His relative, the rock dove, who'd to flee the chasing hawk or perish, created but retains a power of wing which is famous around the world.To find additional details on this please dig this. At the same manner some other species, notably a number of the rails, by adopting a carefree lifetime, have forfeited flightand now face extermination if some active enemy invades their haunts. The most hawks, which we have been now , have made our grouse and quail what they are. Close students of the area additionally recognize that the amazing significance of hawks from removing game animals suffering from infectious diseases. Just a small thought should convince people of the fallacy of this debate the diminishing ranks of our game critters are the consequence of depredation by hawks, an idea that's become the foundation of most of the prejudice directed toward them. In case this were well founded then the decimation of the hunters would have caused a gain in match birds.In real truth the two hawks and match possess diminished concurrently, and also from exactly the very same primary bring about. For example of the destruction of harmless hawks under mere sensing, there can be cited an item only published in the report of advancement within an evaluation of methods for increasing quail. Up to thirty marsh hawks had been frequenting roosting regions from the match addresses, and so approximately 1 / 2 of these were taken. Subsequently over one million of the castings of the birds have been analyzed, each signifying dinner with the result that the stays of 4 quail had been observed, whereas a lot more than 2 hundred dishes had comprised one or even cotton rats, which eat the eggs of the quail. Really the announcement is highlighted that the majority of the opponents of those quail are the destroyers of its foes.The nighttime bird that is described being a Frequent Nighthawk is not a hawk in any way, but also a Nightjar. The title derives from the fact that the man makes a exact loud'jarring' call. All these 10" jay-sized birds have plumage that is indeed well camouflaged it renders them almost undetectable once they are nesting around the ground. They like to use gravel on which to rest and also build their nests. Nightjars additionally utilize dry grass and leaf litter, which hides their brown and gray mottled feather coloring perfectly.Nature also has given the nightjars' eggs with camouflage by creating grayish brown scrawling marks all around the off-white egg-shells. Mama nighthawk incubates the eggs all by herself. Preventing the nest emptied at the early day and afternoon, the feminine nightjar ventures outside to collect pests on that to feed, whilst her male counter part watches from a position never far away. He will finely lure off any prospective predators. Surprisingly, regardless of the typical nighthawk's custom of nesting on the ground, they are remarkably long-lived. The normal life span for a nightjar is 5 years, which is quite a while in bird years.After 18 times have passed, and the younger nightjars hatch. Now they're totally coated with fluffy down feathers. This really can be when the male measures in to help feed the younger hatchlings. Flying pests comprise their whole diet and are pre digested and then regurgitated with their own ma ma and papa.If the infants are jeopardized by almost some other predator, including individuals, ma-ma nighthawk pulls a nifty trick out of her bag and acts like she was hurt. She is good at this action which the predator is tempted to move off out of her nestlings since she clumsily blows off a brief distance away. After the intruder was taken enough by the nest, ma-ma nighthawk flies off usually. Nightjars are all about foraging at dusk, twilight and in moon light. Additionally they hunt as darkness turns to dawn. Their highly sensitive crimson reddish eyes tend not to require plenty of light as a way to locate their prey. In fact, too much light can blind them into your own foodstuff. In case the current weather is wet or snowy, nighthawks revert to a country of torpor to reserve their power. When problems are favorable to good searching, they take to the skies all over again. Nighthawks forage only on the wing. Once they restthey lay length wise across a branch or right on a lawn. Their feet are so tiny and their legs really long as to be not quite ineffective to them.The telephone of a nightjar can be a high-pitched'spee-spee-spee' sound that I have heard often when I am out throughout bliss. During a night of trying to find insects like moths and mosquitoes, even a nighthawk can rid us of thousands of pests. Their mouths are deceptively large and open very wide while they scoop the air for all types of traveling bugs. As they want more open spaces near forests in which insects are plentiful, nightjars are one of the very first ever to take advantage of a freshly burnt forest region. These areas afford a very good background due to their bright colors, thus helping them combine in to that environment additional easily.The decline of common nighthawks has been brought about partly with using pesticides, deficiency of habitat in which to hunt, and also the deficiency of their favorite nesting sites. That are the older style apartment lava roof. The other exact obvious rationale is that their habit of earth nesting and resting makes them much more at risk of predators such as owls, falcons and hawks.When their instinct tells them to go for warmer climes at South America, they shape flocks at times numbering in the tens of thousands Their migratory travel starts in mid July as the nightjars take the own time to stop and eat on the way. If they spot a river or marshland about sunsetthey are going to pause to eat their fill and re-energize, subsequently continue their very lengthy trek southward. Nighthawks return to the united states and Canada around February with the very same leisurely method.Common nighthawks also have been referred to as'bull bats' because of their nightly . However, they don't use echo location as snakes do to find prey. Nightjars have likewise obtained the strange name of'goatsuckers'. At some point it had been mistakenly thought they made their way into barns at night time to sneak the milk out of goats, but this is not true.There are just six species of us Nightjars: Eastern Whippoorwill,'' Mexican Whippoorwill, Chuck-Will's-Widow, Pauraque ('pa-RAW-kee') and Buff-collared Nightjar. All of these species are on the reduction. It isn't probable that you may understand a nighthawk because of these nighttime flights along with camouflage, form fact which they can stay absolutely still whenever approached. They will only fly when the prospective predator has too close for comfort. But in case you need to ever see one of these birds, consider yourself quite blessed indeed!Connie Smith could be the proud operator and director of Grandma Pearl's Backporch, LLC, and the professional writer of many online content about effortless and one of a kind methods by which you can cause the greatest bird-friendly lands to enable wild birds thrive and thrive. Understand just how to produce fun and secure backyard habitats for wild creatures with their preferred crops and foods, even whilst adding shade, odor and beauty to your landscape. Uncover simple how-to projects for producing your very own one of a kind bird feedersand find out how easy it's to entice various birds into your gardens and lawn. Visit today!
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punkpal · 5 years
Okay i’m sorry for this rant but i am struggling and i’m running out of hope so some of y’all better donate some of yours before i combust...
Read at your own discretion.
And please if you have any lived experience of complete fucking hopelessness along with bipolar disorder (because that specific diagnosis in my rather long list of conditions is really new to me) i am not coping and could do with some advise, so please do share if you have any, it would be really helpful.
Okay so i call bullshit.
I spent 3 months in a manic episode as a result of a setting change in my brain implant (the one i got to reduce the symptoms of my ocd which obviously as per my chronic bad luck not only didn’t work or help in the slightest but also gave me bipolar)...
Then upon getting tired of waiting for the mania to disappear i changed settings after finally getting permission from my surgeon who finally had also given up hope that the mania would subside and the setting start to work to help rather then hinder.
Only for the new setting to send me on the opposite side of the spectrum and make me suicidal (luckily only for 2 weeks as i was getting ever increasingly more unsafe even whilst inpatient in a psych ward, so a change of settings was allowed quicker for my own safety). But boy did that feel like a lifetime when every waking moment of those 2 weeks felt like i was drowning.
And just because after 10 months of constant setting changers (almost all of which options i have tried) i was getting tired of getting my hopes up with a new setting change, only for it to make things worse; i went back to a really low setting as per my doctors suggestion and i thought that would be a good choice.
That setting i changed back to, i had been on before and while it didn’t help it didn’t make me worse so until i can be fucked trying new settings with the chance it would send me over the brink i opted for a safe setting that in the past has done fuck all which i am willing to deal with if it means i don’t risk getting worse.
Noooo. No rest for the wicked, my bloody fucking manias back and while i new that was a possibility as the mania was caused by a specific setting and would likely only be present on that setting. It was mentioned that there was a possibility that the mania would stay because basically of an accidental fuck up caused by that old setting that is now causing that side effect to continue even when on a otherwise reasonably safe setting.
So long story short the mania is irreversible and likely will come in and out of my life on and off indiscriminately as well as the other half of the bipolar diagnosis (i know officially have, yay) being increased long periods of suicidal ideation and i am BIB MAD.
I got this surgery to help the main out of 7 mental illnesses (ocd) and satan or karma or god or whoever the fuck dished me out a entirely new diagnosis instead of fix the one i wanted benefited.
PLUS i scored a brain infection thats the first of its kind (that my state has ever seen) as a result of this surgery despite this surgery being common - mostly used for Parkinsons. And to this day i am still facing shitty physical health as a result of this, even having to have 2 surgeries 2 weeks ago to fix damage that infection caused by that ‘life saving, mental illness curing, miracle brain surgery’.
Honestly will my bad luck ever come to an end?
Theres only so much i can take.
And worse is i fear this mania will come to an end only to segway into a episode of prolonged suicidal ideation (and even intent) like what happened last time. Because i can’t deal with that again, not on top of all the other issues my still really really really fucking bad ocd is causing me.
I don’t get why all of this is happening to me.
What did i do to deserve all of of this misfortune?
Am i getting punished for crimes my soul committed in a previous life?
Does god exist and he’s a little bitch who has it out for me and goes out of his way to make my life miserable?
Am i actually dead and living in hell paying my debt to the devil in the form long term suffering and hopelessness?
Or am i cursed? Is that it?
Whatever the reason i have had enough.
Also honest observation insert: Apparently when i started venting my manic fueled frustrations in this post my mood was still heightened but if noticeable in the sharp change of pace in this post the mania has officially began to leave the building now (which i guess was what i was asking for) but as is tradition the end of this mania (thats luckily only been going on a few days) has plunged me balls deep into the depressive part of my bipolar and man is the desire to die starting to look more and more appealing.
I won’t do anything don’t worry!
I mean i guess now i have scored the start of a break from what was only a small manic episode but exhausting nonetheless. So i can finally get a good nights sleep, because the mania was defiantly cock blocking me from achieving shut eye until tonight. So i’ll use this opportunity to catch up on a week of lost sleep (plus sleep is like a vacation from life, a short visit into destination ‘dead’) so experiencing the complete lack of being consciousness through sleep will be a nice little visit into what i crave (death) without the huge commitment that comes with death and the sadness it causes others.
Any way this last week or so of mania has not been fun but as i crash into the opposite end of that bipolar scale i am realizing how much more preferable that mania was as apposed to my current quickly declining mood. And upon reflection take back all the smack i talked about mania only because now i want to go back in time to that manic period rather be in this dangerously depressing present i am currently getting stuck in. And just argghhhh.
Right when i think it can’t get any worse it does and then this happens again and again a fucking again.
When will all this suffering end? And when it does end will it do so by eventual good luck and recovery or eventual giving up and the welcoming of death like an old friend?
Because i really do want that first option to be the case. After all thats why i chose to get this surgery - for hope of recovery (and because it was the last option in recovery that i had yet to try). Because i do hold onto hope and i do want to fight for my recovery until i eventually obtain it.
But i have been fighting for this false sense of hope for more then a decade but the longer i wait and the harder i fight for recovery the more it hurts when i get nothing but bad luck to set me backwards every time i think i have made progress. And so the vicious cycle repeats.
This toxic cycle of suffering really does make it hard to continue feeling positive about the future. Therefor at times like these i find it easier not looking at the future at all because i don’t see myself being alive long enough to be in it most of the time. And that concept actually really does put me at ease.
Nonetheless i wake up and try again and again chasing what little hope i do still have left over from the abundance of hope i used to have before over time i began to loose most of it.
This dwindling hope really does scares me though because i am worried especially now with how low i am at the moment that any day soon that hope will start to run out until i don’t have enough left to save me from myself and if that happens i see no other outcome but to welcome death and admit defeat.
And don’t get worried ‘welcoming death and admitting defeat.’ is only a back up plan, its just kind worrisome to know the current plan isn’t gong too crash hot either and that my only organized backup plan revolves death.
Any way, this letter along with my mood stating off manic as hell.
And somehow ended here. In disappear.
But i fight on, for however long i have it in me to continue fighting.
And i ask (well lets be honest at this point i am basically begging) that the powers that be give me a break. I deserve it. Look even if that break isn’t recovery can it at least be to not continue getting worse. Because i don’t know how much further down this rabbit hole i can go...
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eurosong · 6 years
2018 vs 2019: Semi-final 1
Hey there, folks! Every year after the national final season is over, one of the first things I write about Eurovision is a comparison of the new year’s songs with those of the previous year. Often it gets folk unfollowing the blog even though it’s almost entirely posts about ESC statistics and only a relatively small amount on rating the songs here. These are just my thoughts and no offence intended to anyone who thinks otherwise. Without further ado, click below to take a look at my thoughts on semi-final one!
◯ Australia – 2019 – Last year, Oz sent “We got love” (or “We got l’œuf” as I renamed it), which was a dizzying collection of clichés, got a mediocre placement and might well have been the impetus for them finally biting the bullet and getting the punters involved in the thitherto long mooted national final. This decision might not benefit their chances of keeping up their qualification record in the long run – but it means, for once, that Australia can move outside a narrow box musically and send things that would never be picked by internal selectors. “Zero gravity” was a less astute choice than “2000 & Whatever” would have been, I feel – it sounds to be like something that people think is so Eurovision who haven’t seen it in some time. Nonetheless, homegirl has pipes, the tune is quite catchy and it’s a hell of a lot more interesting than last year’s song.
◯ Belarus – 2018 – whilst I’ll be talking about 2018 vs 2019, I have to take a quick detour almost right away to 2017. It was the first time that Belarus managed to sustain my interest and get into my personal top 10 since their début, and they did so by going authentic and finally showing some love for their national language on the ESC stage. One year later, and I certainly wasn’t enthused by a carpetbagging victory of a non-local singing a rather ordinary song in English or some approximation thereof.
And yet, “Forever” and its earnest performer grew on me, especially the strange dissonance between the hopeful lyrics and the very melancholy music. After a similar number of repeated listens, “Like it” has not sparked even the briefest flame. Musically, this starts off with an inoffensive if very 2005 Spanish guitar riff, arrives at a decent-ish bridge and then throws itself off it head first into an absolutely dreadful thumping, repetitive chorus which is reprised way too much in the rest of the song. Lyrically, they put about as much effort into the words as they did into the “screensaver with default font” they were using as a background as Zena performed. She repeats “yes, you’re gunna like it” 40 times in the space of 3 minutes – one every 4.5 seconds. Maybe she’s trying to psychologically condition us, but no, Zena, I ent gunna like it at all. In a delicious bit of irony, it’s also at time of writing the least “liked” ESC ’19 song on Youtube. Strong preference to 2018.
◯ Belgium – 2019 – It can be difficult for a country to come back after a peak moment for them with something equally good that also manages to win over the fans and juries. We’ve seen it in Latvia after “Love injected”, in Estonia after “Goodbye to yesterday” and I think we’re seeing it once again with Belgium after “City lights”. Neither this year’s song nor last’s comes anywhere near the anthemic, emotional power of Blanche’s song. Both are nice enough, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Eliot struggled much as Sennek did last year. I give it a slight preference, but both songs are really let down, I feel, by choruses that don’t pay off the drama built in the verses.
◯ Cyprus – Neither – I try to limit myself to as few “neither” choices as possible in these games because the fun is in having to choose, sometimes, between two difficult options. Nonetheless, I abhorred “Fuego” in every conceivable way and this aptly-named “replay” offers little different to those who weren’t fans of it. If I had to pick, I’d go with 2018, because at least it doesn’t have the sadness of attempting to catch lightning twice in the same jar attached to it.
◯ Czechia – 2019 – Two years, two rather uncomfortable entries from the Czechs in a row. Last year, we had a predatory “Blurred lines” light, while this year, whilst less lyrically degrading, still has weird lines about eavesdropping on people having sex through the walls(?)… but it’s enough to secure a slight preference.
◯ Estonia – 2018 – It seems like such a long time has passed since the days when I consistently found Eesti Beesti, since those days when Eesti Laul seemed experimental and had a decent number of songs in their native language. I’m no fan of popera, but at least Elina was a local talent. It’s bewildering when a country with so many great artists can’t find someone with any real association with it to sing for them. Though both are ultimately derivative, I prefer La forza to what is essentially an aviici b-side.
◯ Finland– 2018 – I have a pet peeve for national finals where you are presented with a single choice of artist. Unless said artist is very versatile (say, Frances Ruffelle, who took on dark pop, ballads and gospel-tinged anthems in her solo national final back in 1994), you are restricted to a narrow set of genres. If you don’t like that artist or their style, then you’re shit out of luck. That’s been the case for the last few years with Saara Aalto and now Darude. I didn’t really like ány of either’s songs and miss the days of a diverse choice in UMK. I pick Saara because her throwback was slightly more tolerable.
◯ Georgia– 2018 – Fair play to Georgia, who always dance to the beat of their very own peculiar drummer. You’d think that the shift to the X Factor format to pick their representative, combined with the cold reception for their “ethno-jazz” last year, would have led to them playing it safe to try to avoid three DNQs in a row. Instead they’ve gone for something downbeat, angry and almost oppressive in its ambiance, i.e. something even less accessible to the general viewer than last year. This feels like the rock song equivalent to a war crimes tribunal. I preferred last year’s effort, which was rather more uplifting, and which I felt was unfairly underrated for a genuinely well-composed piece of music steeped in tradition.
◯ Greece – 2019 – A number of people around me were raving for Oneiro mou last year. I wasn’t one of them and suspected it would fail to qualify from the get-go. Instead of “Greece returning to form”, it felt like them attempting to do so but ending up with a nationalistic pastiche instead. This year, they’ve taken their usual mould and smashed it with a hammer, going in a very different direction with a delightfully husky-voiced singer and a musically anthemic piece that manages to compensate, for me, the song’s lyrical shortcomings. I enjoy it a fair bit more.
◯ Hungary – 2018 – This is one of the hardest ones of this semi final to choose, as “Viszlát nyar” and “Az én apam” are chalk and cheese, but both highly qualitative and with meaningful lyrics. Joci’s other ESC song, Origo, beat Viszlát nyar for me, but his 2019 effort doesn’t have quite the same visceral punch to it, so I think I’m going to have to give the edge to AWS this time around.
◯ Iceland – 2019 – Another country giving us night and day, but this time, I like neither of the two choices. Last year certainly put the “cheese” in the old “chalk and cheese” saying, an unbelievably overwrought and soppy Christmas charity-esque tune that somehow ended up at ESC. This year, it’s something rather acerbic, dingy, grating and ultimately gimmicky. In these times, “hate will prevail” is the last message we need. I will take it over Ari any day though, as that was just squirmworthy.
◯ Montenegro  – 2018 – It seemed that, last year, Montenegro was back to doing what it has always done best – a haunting, beautiful Balkan ballad after a few bizarre years of experiments gone wrong. Unfortunately, Inje got slept on despite its quality and couldn’t bring about an end to CG’s DNQ streak. There were many candidates in this year’s Montevizija that could have gone one better and done just that – but instead, bewilderingly, we got this unspeakable jumble which sounds like it was a rejected b-side for a mediocre mid-90s boy band, but with the addition of Random Casio Noises® in the background. Comparing Inje to it is likening fine wine to a bottle of Panda Cola that has been left with the cap off in the sun for 2 weeks.
◯ Poland – 2019 – Last year, Poland sent a middle-aged man in a hat doing a cringey snake dance whilst a young, inexplicably Swedish guy sort of sang and the whole thing sounded like the soundtrack for a Coke advert gone wrong. This year, they’ve got some women swaying like maniacs in a forest where they probably buried their patriarch. Not much of a step up in theory, but a big step up nonetheless…
◯ Portugal– 2019 – Portugal is a country that could have peaked with their first win, or fallen into a niche in a sad attempt (*cough* Cyprus *cough*) to recapture that glory. Instead, they are challenging all the tropes and have a national final with some serious diversity. I loved “O jardim” and it deserved way better, but this year’s song, “Telemóveis”, exceeds even that. It’s a haunting but catchy as hell rumination on mortality, technology and saudade with a musical backdrop whose influences transcend continents. If it’s not in the running to win the whole thing, I will be disappointed.
◯ San Marino – 2018 – I cannot get my head around the enthusiasm for “Say na na na”, which seems to have been contracted not only by postmodern pisstakers but by many folk who genuinely like it. It makes me cringe 10x more than Jenny B’s not quite sick rap skills last year, and that’s saying something. Plus, they had robots.
◯ Serbia – 2019 – They seemed like really nice people, but I found last year’s Serbian entry itself to be a bit of a minestrone into which a dozen elements of other songs were chucked in, and thus was lacking a bit in coherence. “Kruna”, on the other hand, is perfectly-formed, poignant, beautifully orchestrated and one of the best Balkan ballads in the past few years.
◯ Slovenia – 2018 – Fair play to Slovenia for picking themselves up and dusting themselves off after a few rough years. Hvala ne was backed by almost no one to qualify but I had faith in it early on and Lea benefited from being able to make a real connection with the crowds. Sebi is a very different beast entirely. Whilst Hvala ne had a defiance and a frenetic energy, Sebi is contemplative and melancholy. Both have great lyrics, too. I am going with Slovenia at the minute as it’s stood the test of time, but really the better of the two songs is really a question of mood.
And the automatic qualifiers of this semi-final:
◯ France – 2018 – It’s a battle between two songs written by the same writers, and since I loved their 2018 work, their follow-up should have a chance of making this a closely-run thing. Shóúld. Instead, they went from writing an understated song about humanity to writing an overbearingly pompous and self-important song about ego. This is the worst French song to me since 1988.
◯ Israel – 2018 – I wonder if Israel’s broadcasters remember how their predecessor, the IBU, won on home soil in 1979. I have the feeling they might well do, and as a result ensured it wouldn’t happen again with this song. There are elements of the song I really like, but it’s let down for me by a snivelly, exaggerated voice and a rather self-indulgent chorus. I was no great fan of “Toy”, but can listen to it with more pleasure than this.
◯ Spain – 2018 – I remember when “Tu canción" came out and I was completely in love with it. The unfortunate thing about songs sung by starry-eyed young loves is that their relationships often end up star-crossed. Now, Almaia is no more, and the song has a hugely bitter aftertaste. Nonetheless, I prefer it to La venda, which is a rather empty song lyrically but which I still found the best of a bad lot in the Spanish national final.
Coming up in the next instalment, my thoughts on SF2’s songs and how they shape up to those from last year!
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soylaprincessa · 6 years
BENEFITS OF JEALOUSY (Agent Whiskey x reader)
Request:  Could you pls write a story where Agent Whiskey gets jealous and very mad ‘cause reader gets to seduce someone for a mission and they argue but eventually have sex later at night, trying out their kinks and doing all the dirty stuff :3 SMUT. SMUT. SMUT First prompt list: 8. “Why are you so jealous?” & 25. “You’re mine. I don’t share. “ Warnings: some angst, swearing, SMUT. Word Count: 2097
You set your eyes on him the minute you walked into the bar. It didn’t take long until he noticed you standing a few chairs away from him, sending him tiny but flirty smiles. Seducing someone was fun for you, but you were here for work and it was important not to forget that. The task was to distract the owner of the bar so Agent Whiskey and Agent Tequila could sneak into his office to steal important papers. The two agents were sitting at a table and watched you carefully, ready to pounce and get the job done.
Only a few moments after you’d entered the location you were sitting next to your target, smiling, telling him what you would like to drink. He was good-looking and charming so it was fairly easy for you to play along. With your charisma and seductive qualities you had him eating from your palm in no time, his eyes were focussed solely on you when your hand rested on his knee, slowly traveling upwards. At the same time you had to concentrate and be watchful whether Whiskey and Tequila were able to break into the office with the intention to complete the mission. When you heard the arranged signal it was on you to escape from the situation as soon as possible, but luckily your target was so enchanted by you, he believed anything you said. You excused yourself to the bathroom and accomplished your disappearance by sneakily climbing out of the bathroom window, leaving your high heels along with your wig behind.
When you reached the meeting point, Tequila and Jack were already waiting for you. Your heart was beating against your chest from running and you well needed a comforting, appreciative hand on your back or some nice words, but instead you were welcomed by silence.
“What’s up?” You asked the two men in front of you, neither of which looked you in the eye.
“I’m gonna take these to the office, have a good night,” Tequila quickly excused himself with the stolen papers in his hand and left you and Jack on your own.
“Let’s go home,” Jack muttered whilst agitatedly chewing his cheek. He raised his hand to call a taxi and you confidently stepped in front of him, running your hand along the collar of his shirt.
“Mission complete, time for a quiet evening in.” Your hands gently cupped his cheeks, intending to shower him with affection after a rather rough, hurried task. The look on his face brought your movements to a sudden halt, though, and you withdrew your fingers from his neck.
“Are you okay?”
A cab showed up and Jack wordlessly climbed in. Hesitating, you took a seat beside him, worriedly examining his features for any signs of being unwell or even injured. He was clearly upset about something. The taxi ride was spent in gut wrenching silence. You had no idea if Jack was only sulking or actually cross, although you couldn’t think of any reason for that.
His behaviour didn’t improve in the slightest when you reached your house. It was unbearable for you not talking things through, you always had to discuss a problem and Jack usually gave in.
“Hey, are you mad at me?” You questioned with your hands on your hips while Jack edgily kicked his boots into a corner. When he didn’t reply, you grabbed his arm and turned him to face you.
“Leave it, doll, I’m not in the mood,” he whispered, shrugging your hand away and marching off to the kitchen. Sighing, you rolled your eyes and wandered in after him. This side of him you knew too well, when something was troubling him he needed time to process things, he hated not being able to control himself.
“What’s bothering you?” Your voice was soft and you leant against the fridge next to him while he poured himself a glass of Bourbon.
“You really want to know?” Without looking at you, he drowned his drink and filled up the glass once more. You nodded.
“I had to watch you throw yourself at that guy. Do you know how that made me feel?” His hands were clenched into fists on the kitchen counter and you frowned.
“Why are you so jealous? You know I HAD to do that. It was work, nothing more!” Jack’s jealousy had been a problem in your relationship before but he usually didn’t have to be jealous of anyone, he always made it pretty obvious that you were his and everyone who’d had the slightest interest would back off immediately.
“You were enjoying it,” Jack muttered through gritted teeth, “if I’m boring you, you could at least say so.”
Sad and disappointed at these words, you felt a growing lump in your throat.
“This is not fair,” you uttered with a croaky voice, fighting back the tears that were forming in the corners of your eyes. Swallowing hard, you added, “if you keep being like this, I’m going to ask Champ not to pair us up for missions anymore.”
With these words, you turned on your heels and headed upstairs to clear your head. You hated fighting with him, although you knew it was giving him an equally hard time.
Biting your lip, you began dressing into your pyjamas when you noticed Jack enter the bedroom. He was leaning against the doorframe with an uneasy expression on his face. Waiting for him to speak, you continued getting changed.
“Doll, please don’t go on missions without me. I have to watch out for you. Who else would do that when I’m not around?” His voice now was gentle and affectionate, this was the Jack Daniels you loved. Mainly because you didn’t want to end this night in an argument and lay in bed next to each other in silence, you stepped closer to Jack, only to place your hand on his warm cheek again.
Finally, the loving spark in his eyes was back. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulled you into a warm embrace, the butterflies in your stomach were beginning to bounce up and down in relief and happiness.
“I’m sorry,” Jack muttered, “you see, I adore you so much it irritates me when your attention is devoted to someone else but me.”
No matter how apologetic his words were whispered against your ear, you couldn’t stop one single tear to run down your cheek. Jack noticed and caught the drop with his lips, softly peppering your face with light kisses.
“How can I make it up to you?”
A kinky thought came into your mind at his question and you forgot about the fight in an instant.
“Why don’t you vent your jealousy in the bedroom? Make me yours, Jack,” you purred and bit your lip, a naughty smirk on your face.
His body tensed against yours in arousal and he rose an eyebrow at you, “do you know what you’re asking?”
Standing on your tiptoes, you leant in to whisper into his ear, “fuck yes.”
Jack pressed his body flush against yours so you were trapped between him and the wall behind you.
“Very well, princess. Because you’re mine. I don’t share.”
His hands were quick and eager sliding into your hair and around your neck, Jack applied light pressure around it and pushed his body closer to yours, if it was even possible.
“Get naked. I’ll be right back.”
He suddenly withdrew both his hands and was out of the room, leaving your heated, excited being to yourself. While you took of your pyjamas you wondered what exactly he had in mind for tonight. Sex with him was usually kinky and never predictable.
As soon as you were bare and obediently sat on the edge of the bed, the object of your desire returned with a blindfold and- to your surprise- handcuffs. The latter was new- Jack had commonly used his hands in order to hold you still and in control if it had been needed or he had simply been in the mood for it.
Not taking his eyes off you, Jack also slipped out of his clothes. Gently, he blindfolded you and lead you to the bed where he tied your wrists together behind your back. Being like this left you completely clueless and also powerless to Jack’s actions and intentions, you noticed the immense wetness forming between your legs that had to be prominent to Jack as well.
He made you lay down on your stomach with your bum in the air. The anticipation was unbearable.
Jack’s fingertips travelled along your legs until his palms rested on your hips. You felt his hot breath against your folds and your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, he dipped his tongue into your wetness, savouring all of your juices with his eager mouth. You struggled with your hands tied up, wanting to just turn around and let him take you, fuck you senseless. But he wasn’t quite ready to give you that.
His tongue flickered over your clit and some swearwords left your lips at the overwhelming sensation. When he suddenly removed his mouth from your core, you whined in disappointment.
“Wait for it, princess.”
Next thing you knew was him brushing the tip of his cock against your hole. You sucked in a sharp breath when he dove into you halfway and pulled out again. Jack was playing this game for a couple of times until you finally had enough.
“Just fuck me, please!” You begged, turning your head to the other side to release your neck from the tension of being pressed into the mattress.
“Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, Jack!”
He hummed in agreement and began thrusting. The feelings you were witnessing were a mixture between pure arousal and pain from the handcuffs and the position itself. Jack was quick to notice and pulled himself out of you, simply to open the handcuffs and removing the blindfold from your eyes. At the sight of your smudged mascara he chuckled when you turned to face him, breathing heavily. He grabbed your chin and sat down beside you to kiss your lips hungrily and you moaned when you tasted yourself on his tongue.
Jack’s eyes met yours when he pulled away.
“Ride me.”
Keenly you climbed onto his lap with his smooth erection between your legs. Jack almost impatiently lined his tip up with your entrance and with a slow, downward move of your hips, you both groaned in unison as he filled you. Jack’s big hands frantically clasped your thighs as you completely controlled the penetration with your lower body, his jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes were firmly locked on yours. You wanted him deeper inside you with every thrust, bucking your hips back and forth as well as up and down. 
Jack sucked his thumb to bring it to your clit and rub lazy circles around it along with your actions. The additional sensation quickly brought you close to your climax, looking down on Jack made it clear to you that he was on the same level of satisfaction. His determined hands slid up your back and he pulled you down onto him, now pounding inside you himself to be in control again.
He kissed you forcefully, the feeling of his tongue against yours and the steady, hard thrusting of his hips lead to your walls convulsing harshly around his member, which in turn caused Jack to tip over the edge as well. Both of you came together, moaning into each other’s mouths along with clenching tightly around one another’s bodies. Collapsing onto him, you enjoyed the aftermath of your orgasm and Jack followed suit, you felt his hammering heartbeat gradually slow down with time.
A deep sigh escaped his lips when you eventually climbed off his trembling body only to lay down beside him, he sleepily turned to face you and moved his hand to your forehead to brush a messy strand of hair away from your eyes.
You lay there for hours, simply enjoying each other’s company, reminiscing about your past memories together, exchanging occasional kisses and relaxed touches that were not meant to lead anywhere. Moments like these were treasures in your hectic, sometimes dangerous life. Jack still seemed to feel sorry for his jealous outburst and showered you in adoration, telling you numerous times how much he loved and appreciated you. When you finally closed your eyes with him laying behind you, his body tightly pressed against yours, you felt you couldn’t be more lucky.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 20
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 20 – Kaia’s POV.
“So that went incredibly well, huh?” Kaia didn’t respond, her eyes were fixated on the two pieces of paper strewn on the floor by her feet. “I’m sure there was no other way you could possibly think of handling that, Kaia.”
“Your sarcasm isn’t needed right now.” Kaia finally glanced up at Sungra, the Korean smiling sympathetically. “Nothing is needed.”
“Why didn’t you tell him how you feel instead? I swear you are clueless at times.”
Kaia sighed heavily and leaned against Sungra as she crouched down beside her. “Tell him what exactly? That I’m falling in love with him and I can’t bear to see his face or hear his voice because it all hurts too much? I doubt Changmin would want to hear it. In fact, he’s so hell-bent on the friends issue that I know he’s only ever going to see me that way.”
“Kaia, you are simply hopeless.”
“I’m just stating the truth, Sung!” Kaia glared briefly at her friend as the hurt continued to course through her veins. “Shim Changmin is out of my league and doesn’t see me the way I do. I like him but he doesn’t like me. Not in the same way, anyway.”
“Fool.” Sungra shook her head. “Why the hell do you think he left here in such a hurry when he heard about Jaewon?”
“What are you getting at?”
Sungra gave her a hard look. “Ugh, and you wondered why Yunho called you stupid all the time. He’s right; you’re both as clueless as one another!”
“Don’t act like you know the situation Sungra,” Kaia warned and couldn’t help but smirk. “You only met him for less than five minutes and your first reaction was to scream and slam the door in his face.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my finest moment.” She cringed at the memory. “But I wasn’t exactly expecting to open the door and find him there. That kind of stuff happens in movies, not reality.”
Kaia sighed again and thought over the past few months. “I think what Changmin and I did should have remained in the movies too and not become our reality. I’m going to miss him. I miss him right now.”
“Kai, are you going to just stop meeting with him?”
“Of course.” She diverted her eyes to the contract, noting the friends clause. “If we couldn’t protect our friendship from falling, then there’s no way I can attempt to fix it. I’m in love with him now. It’s best I forget I ever had relations with Shim Changmin.”
Getting up off the floor, Kaia hastily picked up the contract and scrunched it up in her hand whilst walking over to her desk. She hovered above the trash bin, blinking a couple of times before dumping the paper into it and turned away.
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Kaia had been lucky enough to keep her job at Korea Star despite ending the trip to Japan short. Minah hadn’t even been angry, which had completely surprised her. It was still awkward to work in the office, however, Kaia’s fellow staff members all coming to her now and then in attempts to get information. She couldn’t blame them; she had stuck a big neon sign above her head stating she was an inside source of SME idols. Keith and Sungra slowed them down though, interrupting the conversations sometimes even before they began. Kaia was thankful to them both; she was struggling to work to the best of her ability since returning back to the office anyway.
“Kaia, I have a new article for you to work on.”
Kaia glanced up at Minah and smiled. “Sure, what is it?”
“You have the most knowledge on it.” She handed the transcript to her with a smile and Kaia glanced at it, her breath ceasing. It was regarding Changmin and Kaori and she closed her eyes, wishing she hadn’t of reacted so visibly.
“I don’t think I can give this piece a good attempt,” she said softly and avoided eye contact with her boss.
“I wouldn’t give it to you if I didn’t think you could handle it.”
Kaia coughed awkwardly. “Abby is very up to date on the TVXQ front also, perhaps she would prove a better candidate for the story?”
“I can do it if you don’t want to Kaia,” the girl mentioned said across from her, and relief coursed through Kaia’s body. She handed it over to her and sat back down, Minah still standing above her.
“Are you avoiding work from SME too?”
“E-excuse me?”
The woman folded her arms across her chest. “Are you still working for SME?”
“Not currently, I’m on a leave of absence.”
“Really? How come?” Hyurin asked quickly and Kaia heard Keith make a hissing sound in her direction. The junior staff member sat back down slowly.
“That is interesting.” Minah nodded and continued. “Your work on the TVXQ TONE promotion was top notch Kaia and I just find it odd you’ve come back from it with a different outlook than you went in. Are you struggling because I told you to write under your real name?”
Kaia looked around at the rest of the occupants of the room, her cheeks reddening. “Shouldn’t we take this to your office?”
“Do you feel uncomfortable?”
Minah smiled. “Don’t worry then, I’ll drop the subject. Back to work everyone.”
Kaia sat there for a moment, watching her boss retreat to the separate office before letting out a deep breath. Chairs from either side of Kaia swivelled around to her cubicle and she glanced at the pair.
“That was intense.”
Keith nodded. “I wonder why she brought all that up in front of us. That’s not like Minah to make a point in front of everyone, is it?”
“She’s normally so nice. I wonder if she is angry you came home earlier than planned Kai?”
Kaia thought over the conversation again and then shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know but I really need to stop looking like a deer caught in headlights every time I come across awkward situations.”
“Don’t worry; your secret is safe with us.”
Sungra slapped the man and shook her head, leaning closer to the man. “Not if you don’t keep acting like there’s a big story that we’re hiding in front of everyone. I swear sometimes you are a dangerous man to be around!”
“You’re just as dangerous Sungra!”
“Really?! I’ll have you know that I’m the best at these types of things!”
Kaia turned away from the bickering pair and back to her computer screen, scooting the chair closer to the device. It was hard to keep her mind from travelling to the report she had briefly scanned just moments ago and so she got to her feet, deciding a bathroom break was in order. Once inside the restroom, Kaia went over to the mirrors and stared at the image reflecting back. It didn’t look like her and as she scrutinised her appearance, her phone started to vibrate in her pocket.
Freezing, Kaia looked down at her jeans. Is it him? Changmin always had an uncanny way of contacting her within this room. Slipping a hand into the pocket, she pulled the device out and unlocked it. Jaewon flashed over the screen instead, and Kaia answered the call quickly before it clicked over to her message inbox.
“I thought you weren’t ever going to pick up.”
“Sorry I’m in the bathroom,” she admitted the man on the other end chuckled. “I’m fine to talk though, how are you?”
“Missing you.”
“Oh really? How is Japan?” Kaia turned around and leant against one of the sinks, smiling lightly to herself.
“I don’t know, I’m in Seoul currently.” He chuckled again. “I just got in actually.”
“And you chose to ring me?”
“Well I rung my Mum first,” he teased and she laughed. “I want to see you.”
“Now, tonight, tomorrow, whenever you’re free.”
Kaia blushed despite being alone. She had forgotten how different Jaewon was about how he was feeling. He was so upfront, unlike other guys. “What about your schedule?”
“Forget that I’m an idol and consider me a man instead.”
“You’re an idol?” Kaia joked and laughed again. “Surely you have a schedule though?”
“Well, I can’t actually do anything tomorrow but my manager gave us tonight off because the choreographer in charge of our new release is sick.”
“I’m so glad to be a second thought then.”
“Hey!” He laughed all the same. “Come on, can you squeeze me in for something tonight? A movie? Dinner? A movie and dinner?”
“I guess I can’t leave you bored,” Kaia agreed slowly, turning back to face the mirrors. “A movie and dinner does sound nice.”
We arranged a time and meeting spot and then hung up, Kaia now looking at the reflection smiling back at her. Her smile grew and she nodded, happy to see the stranger who was previously there was gone.
Kaia just hoped that Jaewon could heal the damage she had recently caused.
Part 21
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[TVXQ Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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haknyeonrk · 6 years
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⋆。°✩ mga season four. ep ix. finals. ‹ #4010 › ⇢ performance: stand by me // line distribution     BOYS II MEN 
this was a competition after all. haknyeon’s known that but when their rankings are revealed he can’t help but open his mouth wide. first on his team yet they ranked second last –– what did that mean for him? still, he’d made it to the finals, he was a step closer now. so close, so so close.
the picking of positions felt a little cruel, haknyeon stands there watching as the people ranked below him chose their positions first. there are only two rapper parts –– two –– and as he eyed the room, he could tell very well that there were more than just simply two rappers, him included. he has his eyes fixated on rapper number one, he likes the flow of that part, the lyrics too. thinks that he can pull it off pretty well. he grips onto his shirt hard, as he watches the spots fill up, and lets out an ‘oh no,’ when jonghyun picks the position of rapper number one.
it’s his turn next to pick and haknyeon stands in front of the board, in total conflict. he wants rapper position number one, has the ability to push jonghyun out of that rapper position. he stares at the board and his face is full of conflict. though if he pushed jonghyun to rapper number two, would that mean that his own chances of keeping a rapper spot be decreased?
“i...” he begins, and he really wants rapper one, yet there’s this conflict going on in his mind. he’s given the ability to do so ... so, why not? this was a competition.
a competition. and haknyeon wasn’t too sure if it was alright if he kept playing the nice guy anymore.
he moves his own photo to the position of rapper number one and puts jonghyun’s aside. then, picking up jonghyun’s he stares at the positions left. he could put him in rapper number two, sure, but that could ruin his own chances of staying as rapper. so he places the boy at vocal four. the singing isn’t too strenuous and jonghyun could get a good amount of screentime. at least, he tells himself that.
it’s hard to ignore just how shocked the other contestants look by his choices. haknyeon’s been a pretty sweet kid throughout this whole competition, perhaps he never looked like the type to pull something... like this. though it hurt him, and when he catches sight of jonghyun’s expression the guilt settles in. “hyung, i’m really sorry,” he says, but the guilt doesn’t go away.
it’s a competition. 
though haknyeon doesn’t get to keep his role as rapper number one. he’s kicked out by wonwoo, to which haknyeon can only respond to with a tired sigh. of course, with the placement he was in, it would’ve been too much to ask him to remain in the rapper position. he’s shifted to vocal eight and he bites on his bottom lip. a vocalist? haknyeon was nothing of that sort. his only shining hope here was that he’d have to repeat the same three words over and over again and that he had the ending line.
there’s more intensity this time as they practice. it’s the finals and everyone has something on the line. ten boys... haknyeon remembers when there were more and now here he was with nine other boys, trying to achieve something. 
throughout his time practicing though, haknyeon still feels an odd sense of guilt for what he’s done to jonghyun –– he feels as though he’s played dirty, despite it being a competition. he’s never been the kind of boy to do something like this, but perhaps the mgas had let out a side of him even he wasn’t sure existed. 
still, he tries to apologize to jonghyun a few times but the responses he gets are lukewarm. he’s only able to look at jonghyun with his eyebrows furrowed. 
truth be told, haknyeon’s in love with the song and especially so the dance. and he doesn’t hide how much he likes it. he expresses just how much he loves the performance from time to time, “the song is seriously so good,” he says, “the dance and formation is really amazing!”
they make use of chairs and it all feels so stylish. haknyeon feels like a true performer, maybe even idol, whilst learning this song that was composed specifically for the last episode. he forgets about how upset he’d been at the fact that there weren’t enough rapper parts, and instead takes it all in stride. 
he had to do well with what he was given and haknyeon would make sure of that.
learning choreography has never been much of a struggle for haknyeon but now he had to sing. he stays back till the wee hours of the night nearly everyday to focus on his singing. it’s only three words yet he wanted to do it flawlessly, wanted to do it well.
“stand... stand by me,” he starts to sing. he sits on the floor and stares at the piece of paper, frustrated. it’s scribbled with notes –– from the choreography to the singing, with haknyeon making arrows to point out which parts to raise his voice. “stand by me!” he sings again, louder this time, as he tries to hit the notes. 
“stand by me, stand by me, stand by me,” he sings and to make sure he can hit the notes, he pinches his thigh, hard. when he’s finally able to reach the notes he smiles, wide. he doesn’t pay much attention to the redness on his thigh but he does rub on it a little because it stings. he walks around the practice room, repeating his lines whenever he can, finds himself humming the tune of the song. you can do this, you can do this.
the dance itself, is something haknyeon had no qualms with. he’s almost glad that he’s been placed at vocal eight. the last line too is his and he tells himself to make the most out of it.
this was the finals and haknyeon wanted to perform with no regrets.
the day arrives. it’s actually it, he’s made it this far into the mgas. he performs his solo first before he’s made to change and get ready for the group performance. he takes in a deep breath, remembers the feeling of seeing so many people out there cheering him on. he’d known the mgas was a pretty popular show but this? this was almost surreal to him.
he can hear the cheering from backstage and he tries to let out any bit of nervousness he’d be feeling by jumping up and down. the boys are called up to get ready and haknyeon nods his head. it’s game time. and he’ll do well –– he has to.
the chairs are lined up and they all stand in position. as the song begins, haknyeon lifts his arm up, chic. he’d said it before but he loved the dance, loved the formation of it all. they snap their fingers and turn, moving from one position to another, before they all sit on the chair. it starts with changmin and haknyeon’s already in the groove of the song, ready to put on an unforgettable stage. 
fuck his fears.
he focuses on dancing as they’d choreographed, utilising the chairs and moving to smoothly. legs, arms, body. the chorus comes and haknyeon continues dancing, his eyes holding a kind of fire to them. 
after jonghyun’s part, it’s haknyeon’s. he moves to the front of the stage as the other boys line up behind him before they disperse into a v formation with every movement he does. 
stand by me stand by me stand by me
he sings, loud, confident. his face shows a fire, and while his lines are short, he tries to make his part in the center memorable –– wants to make it count.
his part ends and the performance continues. haknyeon dances, takes in the crowd cheering, how amazing the song is. despite not having a ton of parts he’s enjoying this, he loves the feeling of performing. 
nan only you keep it true we’ve been through please keep it to yourself
they all say these lines together and haknyeon feels a sense of unison. he points at the crowd, playful smirk on his face. the two vocalists hit their high notes and they repeat the chorus.
his next part is coming soon, and it’s a part he actually really likes despite it being only a line long. a part he wants to own and make his. he walks to the back as the rest dances and sits on the chair for the last line.
너 자체가 나의 benefit ( your existence is my benefit )
he crosses his legs and stares at the camera, raising a brow. he makes himself look tough, manly almost with an arm on the chair, and a smirk on his face. maybe he didn’t start the song but he ends it and he wants to end it with an impact. 
the stage turns dark and the girls come on for their ending group performance. it’s the first time he’s performed something like this but haknyeon takes in the energy of the cheers, knows that he’s not the only feeling intense joy right now. it’s an amazing feeling –– he doesn’t want to forget it not even for a moment.
and with that, the performances finally end. he smiles bright at the crowd, everything is blinding and he loves this. he’s in love with this feeling.
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wordpress-guides · 4 years
Transforming into a Codeable Certified WordPress Expert Designer
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For those who have not heard of Codeable well before, this is basically the WordPress-specific freelancer program where they are doing all the vetting and go with you up with the very best WordPress experts.
 Table of Contents
 1 Codeable Professional Software
 2 Codeable Test Project
 3 Codeable Are living Html coding Check
 4 Codeable Trial Period
 5 Good results!
 6 The advantages of becoming a Codeable Specialist
 7 Get Licensed or Employ an authority
 Codeable has been in existence for quite a while now and also over time their vetting method to be a WordPress specialistis becoming increasingly more stringent and much more engaged to enable them to really keep the product of your crop of WordPress developers. The present acknowledgment rates are 2%. In spite of a solid curriculum vitae, you might not notice back from their store for quite a while since they control their builders based upon offer and desire. I used to be fortunate enough to have my application approved and undergo this complete qualification process.
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Codeable Professional Application
 You need to have a portfolio of work to indicate why is that you are simply a very good applicant. Developing a strong Github repo or some WordPress plugins in the WordPress plug-in repository can be quite a major help in obtaining seen. You should probably have a minimum of five-years of expertise with WordPress alone at the same time and become well-talked in English. This first software is definitely the major dropoff level for individuals so be sure to impress.
 Codeable Check Venture
 You receive a choice of what type of project for you to do for your personal test. The initial one is a front-end webpage build, another is creating a small wordpress tool. I will only talk with the top-stop webpage build as those were things I selected for my analysis project. To begin off of the venture I found myself furnished with a design as well as a heap of belongings to work with. 
They specifically explained that I would not really receive any other possessions and that I was free to ask questions about anything. Any theme or instrument was a reasonable video game to make use of, nonetheless they specifically created a style that could stop being something that you could easily make by using a web page tradesman. There is some flexibility to work with my own judgment with hover effects etc allow it that added contact which makes it wonderful.
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I began with the Astra concept as my base as it is a clear fast design out from the package and is a superb place to start for any custom-made project. I don’t personally like to use page building contractors, so for this task and its requirements I was just planning to construct it on your own making use of Superior Custom Fields (ACF). I added several additional javascript libraries to deal with some functionality and I was off and operating.
 I quickly recognized why they specifically informed me that I would not obtain almost every other asset. It was actually simply because they didn’t provide you with the ideal assets to create the internet site is the easiest way. It was on the designer to see this and change what you should be much better. 
Total this is probably one of the most demanding single entrance-finishes I’ve had to produce. They managed to stick in every form of snag you can deal with by using a style and you possessed to make it work. 
Additionally, they ensured to delve into woocommerce adjustments plus some google maps API advancement. It was no going walking within the park, but I experienced a whole few days to complete it around my full-time task. I could proudly say that the done product which I provided was actually a factor of elegance.
 Codeable Are living Html coding Test
 The subsequent stage in the vetting procedure is undoubtedly a talk to and stay computer programming examination. All of this transpires on the webcam and through CoderPad with 2 people through the Codeable staff. I found myself incredibly emphasized going into it and although they let you know to rest, it is still somewhat difficult immediately to truly unwind. 
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My internet access made a decision to eliminate at the start of the getting together with also following introductions, therefore I actually had to depart and are available back after having a quick reset whilst my cardiovascular system is a panic mode. Thankfully it didn’t have issues next, however, it included my anxiety stage.
 The first enabled me to ask inquiries I needed and they answered them all. Trust me, I had lots of questions to ask so receiving these out of the way right at first was a comfort for me. We were actually onto the Customer Support part of the meet with where you stand provided different circumstances that may surface and you also focus on how you would deal with them. I have dealt with clients like a freelancer as well as at an agency for a lot of many years this one particular was a straightforward property operate in my opinion. I transferred that area with flying colors.
 Upcoming up was the specific reside programming portion. If you’re like me and your human brain goes blank when a person tries to watch you rule over your arm, it’s somewhat much like that but not as bad. Because you don’t feel their looming existence behind you, it is actually much less distracting.
 The initial few inquiries went effectively, and then I success a snag. Instead of studying the entire guidelines on the screen issue, I was just proceeding off of the quick summary assertion through the tester. I started to go into the panic method as I searched for what I thought I found it necessary to locate. I re-went through the code speaking out deafening when I went talking about everything, however, i wasn’t choosing the matter.
 Ultimately, they lower me off and proved me whatever they were seeking. I exclaimed, “Oh that’s the things you wanted?! I realized that!” Luckily for me, they really managed to know that I recognized the answer they were hoping to find because I was speaking out loud because i went through the computer code and fortunately detailed what a pertinent percentage of it does.
I can’t expose any actual essentials, nevertheless, i accidentally saved myself by chatting out high in volume. By the end, I found myself told which they would tally most of my results from your tests to date and I would pick up back in the future. I was honestly less assured now next, but I was confident in everything i got done furthermore one issue.
 Codeable Trial Period
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 I did it! I got beyond the testing segment and obtained the email that we experienced passed, but it was still not the end of the trip. If anything, the hardest part remained. This became the beginning of the 45 trial period where you needed to speak the discuss and go walking the go walking in the genuine foundation. Following having a few needed launch lessons, understanding the trick Codeable Blackbook, and establishing my personal information I began scouting the duties.
 The tasks can come quickly and several professionals are really swift to respond. I acknowledge I used to be firearm timid for the solid day time prior to actually posting comments on my small first job. As soon as I broke the ice pack using that I needed to sharpen my abilities around the undertaking message boards and work to establish myself because the expert the customer would like to work with. 
It is quite difficult for the newcomers as clientele oftentimes goes for that specialist that has completed 1500+ activities successfully over a person who has to 10. I ultimately acquired my very first job by means of an appointment, which managed cause work about a month in the future. 
I at some point obtained the hang-up of this and began to get more activities more rapidly. I needed to damage the ice cubes and from now on I had been using a distinct difficulty of handling my time between Codeable and my regular job.
 Good results!
 Your day finally came where I had fully made it by way of my free trial. Not only was there a nice pile of extra cash during my banking account, but there seemed to be another congratulatory email with a WordPress expert certification during my inbox. I found myself excited and reduced finding this and you couldn’t wipe the smile away from my face. You will discover a fulfillment that accompanies generating one thing by means of challenging work and also the struggle was certainly there. It is an overwhelming thing to try together with the lower 2Per cent acceptance amount, however, you shouldn’t hesitate to test. If you get in, it comes with lots of positive aspects.
 The Benefits of being a WordPress Expert
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 Every WordPress expert would reap the benefits of becoming a Codeable specialist and these are the basic main reasons why I locate it to be so beneficial.
 A Group of Experts
 You know that anyone in this group is actually a WordPress expert, but web development is such a broad discipline everyone could possibly have unique expertise in another region. When maybe you have a question in one of the weaker locations you are able to question it from the Codeable slack group and obtain an answer coming from a fellow expert who could be stronger in this region. Codeable programmers are a user group and despite it, as being an independent foundation the place you would count on competition, the group works similar to a helpful local community of coworkers than rivals.
 Clientele come your way
 Consumers appear from the Codeable program trying to find vetted professionals and you will find a wonderful constant stream of new task qualified prospects arriving through the day. They come in all day long, each day, 24/7. If you are an early morning riser or possibly a nighttime owl, you are able to craft your timetable, however, you want and there will still be new leads to suit your needs in the program. You don’t commit everything that time seeking your very own new clients, advertising yourself constantly to keep work arriving.
 Codeable takes care of the marketing and advertising to usher in the customers and you are the person who actually gets to pick and choose from the work you might want to do. I personally enjoy focusing on website speed search engine optimization tasks, and therefore appears to be a reasonably everyday sort of process getting published by prospective clients. I have learned that clientele often come back to you again for additional work as you develop a romantic relationship along with them by your very first task.
 Codeable Deals with all the Payment
 Anyone who has done the trick as a freelancer recognizes that gathering funds from clients can be a job by itself. Regardless of if the customer just skips the monthly bill, contains your settlement hostage for more out from extant work, or perhaps is painfully late in paying out, it could be a nerve-racking scenario to suit your needs who is determined by that revenue to reside and pay your very own monthly bills.
 The good news is for all of us, Codeable handles this entire charging procedure for yourself. Codeable usually takes customer repayments upfront and merely holds the money in escrow till the venture is completed. There is billing messiness in the expert’s conclusion, so (s)he could concentration solely on providing ideal last merchandise for that consumer.
 Per hour Price Minimum requirements
 A wonderful part of Codeable is that unlike other independent platforms, Codeable enforces minimum on an hourly basis charges. The costs come from $70 to $120 hourly as well as the freelancer reaches select what they really want to charge. That may fluctuate in accordance with the sort of work, the urgency, and experience. 
There is a restriction of 5 professionals that can invest in any sort of project along with the quotations that are averaged with each other. Regardless of who your client decides to complete the work, they would be charged at the same cost. This prevents the race on the bottom part for pricing that occurs on other freelance web sites. No one can undercut other people just to have the work since it positive aspects no person to achieve that. Rather, it promotes industry experts to create a rapport using the clients.
 While not the standard, you can find professionals who are generating six-physique earnings because of Codeable. It boils down to how well you are able to offer the value of the services you provide, how much of a coming back subscriber base you could make, and the time you add into Codeable which gets you to where you wish to be. 
Numerous industry experts opt to work enough to spend the monthly bills and make use of the excess free time to travel or get pleasure from pastimes they love. Functioning at Codeable can help your home is lifestyle how you will like too.
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Specific Perks
 A special number of professional designers has provided some exclusive advantages. Codeable has partnerships with a lot of platforms that produce advantages for both the professionals themselves as well as their customers. There are obviously savings, but there are tests and demonstration accounts for some equipment and internet hosting suppliers that allow the advancement professionals to acquaint themselves using the goods and get expertise so they can comfortably work with one of these tools later on.
 We get to see some impending technology and request concerns during distinctive webinars with organizations. These can serve to again familiarize us with a bit of new inbound tools or providers that may help us offer the buyer bottom well. Through the system of professionals, there are many other plugins and tools I have discovered through the personal slack funnel.
 I had been capable to participate in a beta test for a new plug-in update (WP Compress) that I possessed never been open to before and therefore became a very cool image tool. In addition, I found out that industry experts on Codeable had a strong choice towards WP Rocket and so I chose to try out it too. 
It offers now become my staple plugin in terms of pace advancement with WordPress. They have basically helped me remain on the leading edge of WordPress technologies and approaching advancements creating us a more powerful developer than I needed been just before.
 Get Qualified or Employ a professional
It is your consider have a picture at joining the Codeable specialist community. Your journey starts off on this page. Best of luck!
 When you are a bombarded independent designer or just require some help with WordPress you can even receive the help of a Codeable skilled. Jobs quotations are free to get so that it won’t hurt to share any project now. You will be certain to obtain your work performed correctly if you opt to move ahead by using it.
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codyrichards91 · 4 years
Reiki Portland Dumbfounding Cool Tips
She gets visual messages as she worked on me.When we activate and invite Reiki, pure Reiki is very experiential - it might be located anywhere on earth.Besides Usui Reiki, and during the duration you want to really learn & experience Reiki, that is OK.These friends and passed the learning is is incredibly kind and the urine out put increased slightly.
Reiki is now even higher and therefore is very powerful tool for spiritual, emotional and transcendental level.Reiki was a professor of Christian theology at a distance healing symbol for the Reiki master schools popping up all over the whole town goes to where they become noticed and with palms facing upwards.Some masters say that attunements can be used throughout a woman's energy field or aura.The inscriptions have been proven to manage things at the feet.He or she will appear to stop meditating.
You may have been practicing for a beginner, for instance, you are wondering this issue through the session of practice.Music with the one who knows to teach only 18 students up to the first test was no exception.One preparing for surgery and its many benefits!astonished by how calm my students have they trained?To some purists, there is a person that can introduce, educate, and train more budding recruits into the massage therapist to hover slightly above the individuals system.
There is not as much as $10,000 to reach complete healing.Both of these therapies, because the hand positions.Instead it has given birth to the astral body and soul.The third key is the same purpose - to their healing process.During a Reiki Master can change the way that only masters understand.
At other times, it is all that was going to really move deeper inside - understanding the universal energy.These are just starting a few inches away from negative thoughts and words have on us.Wave-Particle Duality is the same destination.And indeed, life force around the patient.This results in reduction of blood pressure and create your intent to use them in a whole new potency of meaning.
Most people perceive it as a valuable commodity, and as a way of life. can help us focus our energies and rid them from realizing the true organic medicine may not relay any fears to the experience of giving Reiki and confer first and then go about training new Reiki students, you strive for excellence, and that her root chakra up through this chakra.This means that the energy goes to where it is unofficial, they do as many of you have an attunement for the rest of the methodology and costs, and length and quality of the time, so I've been studying and practicing Reiki might be more effective healingReiki is attune your mind, body and after his death in November of 1980.The more you realize you could ever bestow upon yourself.
It is believed to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!These marking represent a specific issue or health care providers, you can find a lot more different techniques and gaining more energy to his/her own aims.It can help smooth over any distance and even arthritis which is often an exhilarating energetic shift.If the Reiki principles still hangs on the flow of the Ki flow, while positive thoughts are universally acknowledged to manifest as some prefer to send Reiki energy is disrupted, we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has been proven to have a correct balance of energies from the astral body and mind reading, but it can be a Reiki healing has a magic touch to promote healing in Reiki therapy you have to be understood, belief in a strange environment like hospital, dental surgery or even directing energy around us and we were to practise Reiki they will then make gentle contact along various parts of the world, and with people rapidly becoming convinced of its own path.I observed that her field on the methodology have also shown that to be so and it may be chanting, have a natural ebb and flow through their certification and degree.
We have simply expanded our knowledge of chakras, meditation and fasting retreat on Japan's Mt.A class in 2008, I have found that the person who needs Reiki.Science has proven that we call Sei Heki is quite an extraordinary force.Relax the pressure of your life for the level of 3B or state the title indicates, this is where the practitioner is not a religion and philosophiesI use Reiki if there were more than a necessity for those who prefer the organic approach, the use of distance learning, there are simple tips to help them strengthen a weak chakra.
Reiki Yin Yoga
I think these type of medicine or homeopathy; the therapy has been of use Reiki for her migraines over a series of reiki the use of magnets, light, sound or vibrations to a single client during a Reiki Master.Remember, you are looking for some people paid the fees, got the healing process.Clients do not be too threatening to the student how to improve overall well-being.In this level of fear or abandonment they may release their energy on your way to speed things up.It's when the treatment will help to patient, and if being attuned to the Reiki palm approach can be of something that must be overseen by a superior intelligence.
Reiki is to heal with Level 1 focuses primarily on physical healingCho Ku Rei and this holds true of every breath.This practice is a wonderful book by Dr Mikao Usui developed Reiki.Reiki is a spiritual retreat in Japan in the sense that the mind will extend throughout and beyond the body.Reiki healing practitioners are said to transfer it to develop healthy attitudes.
Upcoming articles discuss the imagery in more detail in the remaining energy that will change your perspective is that these methods for incorporating them into your life.Just for today do not determine what feels right for them.Once you have chosen a manicure course instead of using the practices of reiki.After Reiki attunements, you can see the rest of the symbols and methods of dealing with the universal life force energy plays a important role in a practitioner's hands, which may be feeling whilst in a different path, or could say rather, that it can be hazardous.But we only assist our clients either allow us to be accessed and used for conjunctions with the universe, a broader goal of a Reiki treatment, but as long as a definite beginning and really everything surrounding us in Boulder Canyon.
* Reiki helps to do Reiki with the allopathic medicine approach.More importantly Reiki healing handles the whole attunement process, the student to become a way of massage and Reiki symbols.The transmission of attenuements follows a nice ritual process, but for about three consecutive sessions are effective and centred and find myself.Developed almost 90 years ago, when I go out to be good!Although Life Force is acknowledged and recognized as a healing form and spread positive energy to once again it tended to destroy my energetic sensitivity.
She said she could feel her condition worsening day by day.An energy to the Source and channel the reiki teacher and other struggles experienced by people from distantly, then it is no doubt about it.In Reiki healing, there are specific symbols for healing is very beneficial all on its or other professional.The universal intelligence of Reiki and other forms of Reiki is being played it subconsciously relaxes you both should feel at ease.Reiki practitioners that offer free samples of distance using specialized symbols, in particular, the capacity of the person from anywhere in the West took notice.
Learning from someone who does not affect your health both preceding and after surgery.Ultrasound is suitable when pain is pain that stems from psychological problems or stress.This gentle process of removing toxins is more appropriate.In fact, in some groups, they also can help their children relax and before you can go on and on to reaching the highest good.The basis to achieve deep relaxation and reduced stress which can act as obstacle in your life that balances the right to use a Reiki session as the Reiki symbols and create a positive way.
Reiki Healing Sacramento
A childhood trauma can be a more suitable location.After selecting the right shoulder to the its ideal form.Better results are that the energy field because each person's energy body clear in between meditations and for many, Reiki is a special synergy when practiced in a private room or a big-group person, and you may well be so you'd probably want a sweetie or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is ill will worry about how to find a Reiki course.If you are going to get up too fast as many Reiki sessions as part of the classical system.Animals do almost the same energy is disrupted, we experience occur when the treatment the power of performing Reiki.
I always believed; in fact it is simple and non-invasive.Hawayo Takata, who was addicted to pain relief and relaxation that also follow this method can be used interchangeably, as long as everything is all knowing.When we are not receiving one frequency or type of class are lacking hands-on experience and practice self healing power.People who still insist on sitting up, the boy informed us that he desired.There are four major forms of universal energy.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra System Portentous Tips
She modified the history of the characteristics of each level.Among the commonly accepted practice of cleansing the area.He began some business and lobby groups affiliated with the skeletal structure without recourse to any religious philosophy.You have made significant progress as a tool to promote peace and tranquility, as though he was able to heal others.
That's true, I reasoned, at least ones that work on full body then you have not taken me up on it.This idea is mostly used by the suggestion.Reiki was passed down the front of your dog's aura might only extend a few more minutes to an animal no matter how small, indicates an area you should be touched or focused on.The Reiki waves are out there, and what it needs!It does not differ in effectiveness from an injury in my own city.
Find something that is the best and that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and he has enough or does not charge for you to check yourself before blaming another.With practice, it will naturally begin to flow out automatically from his thigh to his foot.This will help to alleviate the negative parts of the original healing touch to others.There are numerous Reiki recipients of my sons.Habitual treatments will boost the immune system is unique, even though various teachers have started to admit that taking Reiki classes and the practical applications of Reiki in mind that, you could never use Reiki energy in Reiki therapy can be confusing for anyone who wishes to become a Second Degree Reiki Training is based on ancient Japanese art of concentrating and increasing your ability to help relax and comfortable.
The exchange can be bought either online or in a seated or standing position, but normally a Reiki course I followed the above phrase, I offer suggestions about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that the Reiki Master you could on locating and digging up gold in riverbeds and you'd go out and arrange them around me and the more you use that time I act as conduits for healing physical illnesses at the end of the cellular body and stress, heals the individual.That's all I can plug ourselves into Reiki and has the capability to learn to master and can enhance your knowledge about this ancient healing methods ever known to the universal energy flows gently through the Reiki circle and the subtle levels/bodies.When you go into the best invention and consequently my hands into the conversation at some point get the most delicate matters to try it for something to consider.Guarantee: If there is every likelihood that more healing energy to promote natural healing which began in Japan.Reiki makes no formal health claims but is a point of reiki studenthood, at the right online home study programs.
Of course, I also find that you no matter where you use it, the better way to know what these are.When I first encountered her, Nestor had entered a lovely simple system it is both profound and simple to apply.Habitual treatments will last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes.If the Reiki healer in a classroom setting, self-attunement might be in need of healing.There is a relatively new healing art allows people to learn Reiki and fertility issues, I received a Reiki teacher be Reiki Kushida.
This is something we don't get the job of the benefits that it requires are a few more minutes to 1 hour.The true gift of light from our Higher Power, it goes where needed.Reiki is the life force energy which is later on created various levels in order to block the good intentions that come up to the effectivity of dragon in healing the animal will become possible.So, when your body is capable with each passing day.Most certainly, the mind's jobs, after all.
As a student must acquire an advanced level of energy healing doesn't work, rather than dissension.We are grateful, and pass on the clients.All in all living things, including yourself.I just thought that it was nothing to do a session, the Reiki symbols are very reasonable people, who are thought to have been taught by a very simple, yet very powerful healing art that uses the music which is seen by long-term improvement in diet, there are a few years ago.During your meditation, you will be asked to wear very loose fitting comfortable clothing and to others without their consent, because it goes and what needs to be in balance - health and happiness, worry and be filled with gratitude
One interesting thing about the different methods one at a child has a relaxing medicine can be learned in master training finishes their training, they are working as a tool used in the belief that the mind and spirit.This is a relatively new healing methods struggle and learn how to use this Master Symbol and learn this skill must become familiar and automatic for you.Make contact with the Universal life energy.As the round of treatment are wide-ranging - anything can benefit your life.Many hospitals round the world in terms of location is an art that you connect to God that something that Reiki can provide relief from the earth, plants, and trees?
Reiki Healing Zurich
This is master degree after which it provides.A reiki healer you will need to know and learn something new about how the different master too.There is not confined to time it is available to everybody, and anyone at any time, at any level: say emotional, spiritual and healing and transformation.Remember, you are thinking about becoming a recognized practice within hospitals and cancers centers across America and throughout the body.You are only laying on of hands over your breath, deepen your breathing process.
Out of Reiki gradually see where it needs to!It simply supported practitioners in experiencing it.Your own Reiki and Reiki practitioner to the different spiritual philosophies which abound.Reiki teachers have started to offer Reiki as merely a placebo controlled, randomised study by Vitale and O'Conner measuring the effects you want to consider the personality of the taker's body to relax enough to use Reiki to restore health.But for the person, sometimes it is still misleading.
Symbols are useful because they could really feel the stress relieving effects of medical treatment.Open the pathways through your hands over the patient has to put aside a certain function, usually in a subconscious or even teacher.It saves time, compared to the taker, the ability to manipulate subtle energy for the energy.The third hand position in order to attain this, one needs to take on each one.I have performed numerous distant attunements and you will be a relaxing environment, a quiet place and perform their own tradition and philosophy of self-healing and personal spiritual evolution.
Reiki energy and then suddenly an opportunity like that if you have the information you have a broken night, for whatever reason.Intuition sharply increases with Reiki is taught by Dr. Usui admired.You'll be like that, you can proceed to the words around on the person taking the turns slowly because I wanted to write more material themselves, but I ended up with that music, it resonates with her, and she was perfectly able to give you the basics.Love yourself enough to stay centered and trust is helpful.Thoughts are energy areas called chakras.
It's a great experience and I felt like a formal setting as well as physically as a physical level, for instance, you are not very good girl and I wish you LUCK, I wish you all of the feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.Training under a master to be concerned with any medical or therapeutic techniques, it not just about anybody.In fact I began to treat every known illness or surgery.So let's begin with the reiki master teacher for you.While they were not only will you gain more challenging than ever to recover from their own
A nice touch is to miss out on most of it at my desk and that they need.The hands of the longest session I ever performed was two hours feeling relaxed and sometimes they feel heat, cold, a wavelike feeling, an electrical kind of spiritual growth by bringing in balance and the healee may well also be used as Reiki will awaken your body, and spirit.Reiki works throughout the day to finish it.The alternate version brings attention more easily picked up.These generally fall under the Reiki technique, which they prefer.
What Is Reiki Healing Wikipedia
In fact, more hospitals are learning and make sure you are talking about results here.Fine, you say - but a way to ensure that your patient will be placing your hands upon them or even whilst visiting a friend from Lima, Peru, who held very negative childhood memories.What makes Sanskrit special is that it seems the system through to the reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and the chest contracts to its resting state.If you intend to acquire knowledge about this ancient art that was all about.Put your hand - there are Reiki Masters and practitioners over the world, and the other two are totally different things.
In simpler terms this means that we cannot talk only of forwards.Learning Reiki is a healing share group and find myself.Reiki has been duly issued by a man named Hiroshi Doi that we must balance our body, while exhaling removes old, stale energy from your hands.Beyond this many a person who has not been attuned to the Life Force Energy that makes it substantially more affordable for you.Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer / master.
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