#nicey ask :)
thydungeongal · 1 month
Hey you're a smart and cute girl on the internet can you explain rolemaster to me like I've never heard of it before?
Rolemaster is a d100-based highly crunchy fantasy roleplaying game that is structurally very similar to AD&D but just goes all in on painstakingly modeling every situation!
Rolemaster's main claim to fame is its extremely gory and detailed critical hit tables (for each specific type of damage, including slash, pierce, krush, etc. and in five severities!) but similar tables are found for almost every possible activity in Rolemaster! Spell-casting relies on a table, sneaking relies on a table, even purchasing goods has a table!
Other things that make Rolemaster very much itself: extremely specific metaphysics (whole three realms of magic with unique rules interactions), it being ultimately a skill-based game wearing the skin of a class-based game (professions determine skill costs but don't prescribe what skills you can buy), and it being Tolkienistic at its core but then just adding a bunch of really weird things that clash with that tone.
It's also my favorite game and it makes me giggle and twirl my hair. ^_^
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utahlive · 7 months
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Wilbur Soot has left the store early today
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littleguyconnor · 3 months
Another painstaking redraw!
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txttletale · 6 months
hey thabk you for your patience in explaining things Really Niceys. I think I am still a Liberal (dios mio!) but you've given me a better understanding of What Marxists Actually Believe. I think I have a lot to consider about what positions I actually stand for
i'm glad to hear it! if there is one thing i am proud about on my silly little blog it is that i am able to communicate even to people who disagree with me what my principles and positions are and why. nice tome on th computer for everyone for ever
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redstonedust · 10 months
what is your opinion on garlic salt, then?
sometimes i pass it in the morrisons spices aisle and have 0 thoughts on it or whether i should buy it. god bless.
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spadaaces · 5 months
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This guy again
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kinnbig · 1 year
I somehow never realised Perth’s name wasn’t actually Perth and now my mind is sort of blown. I get confused at how Thai names work anyway so I shouldn’t be surprised, but 🤯
fjckskc I mean Perth is his name, in the same way that Apo’s name is Apo and Nodt’s name is Nodt, but they’re just not their legal names.
and I can try and explain it! (or Perth explains it rlly well in this video lol)
basically! in Thailand, in most situations people are referred to by their used name (also called a nickname or a play name) rather than by their legal first name.
used names, like first names, are often given at birth, but unlike first names they’re not recorded on legal documentation such as birth certificates. last names are often long and aren’t used very often - it’s not uncommon for good friends to not know each other’s last names.
in general western naming convention, you would probably refer to someone by just their first name, or as ‘first name + last name’. someone might have a nickname that they prefer to their legal first name, and in these cases you might refer to them as ‘nickname + last name’.
but the convention for Thai names is to refer to people most of the time with either their used name, or as
‘used name + first name’
(with some exceptions, such as legal/business situations and in the credits of TV/movies).
sometimes you might also see someone’s ‘full name’ written or said as
‘used name + first name + last name’
eg mydramalist writes Mile Phakphum Romsaithong and Nodt Nutthasid Panyangarm.
but generally, you’d say/write either just someone’s used name, or ‘used name + first name’ in most contexts.
if you were talking about Apo Nattawin, for example - Nattawin is his first name, and Apo is his used name (his last name is Wattanagitiphat). because of TV crediting convention, he is credited as Nattawin Wattanagitiphat in the KinnPorsche credits - but he refers to himself as Apo Nattawin, and that is the name others use for him in most situations.
some more quick (random) examples from the KinnPorsche cast -
Tong Thanayut - ‘full name’ Tong Thanayut Thakoonauttaya, credited as Thanayut Thakoonauttaya - but referred to as Tong or Tong Thanayut
Barcode Tinnasit - ‘full name’ Barcode Tinnasit Isarapongporn, credited as Tinnasit Isarapongporn - but referred to as Barcode or Barcode Tinnasit
there are exceptions, obviously - although it’s more common to introduce yourself as ‘used name + first name’, Bible often introduces himself as Wichapas Sumettikul, then adds “or Bible” as an addendum (possibly because he had a more western upbringing) - but he still tends to be referred to as Bible Wichapas in most contexts.
Perth Nakhun is just one big exception lmao. Nakhun isn’t his first name or his last name - it’s a shortened version of Nakhuntanagarn, his mother’s last name. Perth Nakhun is more of a Thai stage name - by ‘typical’ conventions he would be referred to as Perth Stewart lol (and I have actually seen him referred to this way a few times in articles). interestingly (to me, at least), his ‘full name’ seems to be considered to be Perth Nakhun Screaigh, with Nakhun treated as his legal first name. so he gets credited as Nakhun Screaigh - even though Nakhun is not actually his first name. the TV credits follow the typical convention (Perth Nakhun Screaigh -> Nakhun Screaigh) rather than actually crediting with ‘first name + last name’. idk if this was Perth’s choice or just what happened but it’s interesting!
(Jeff Satur is also a stage name - though unlike with Perth, it seems to be considered his ‘full name’ and is also what is used in his TV credits)
anyway that got kind of long (and very colourful! I love colour coding!) but I hope it was somewhat helpful 🥰
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arttuff · 11 days
hi this is probs a bit odd but your art popped up on my dash (one from nov 2023..) and omg the way you convey emotion in faces is just amazing and for some reason the comic made me tear up a lil while smiling like a dummy at the family vibes (it was that impulse comic of Max talking about Bart painting his nails) and now im on a mission to scroll through your blog and see the rest of your lovely art
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mihotose · 9 months
the thing is kim will always refuse to finish your sentence when youre reading the chapter in basics of inframaterialism about plasm and communists being able to read each others minds but if you fail a logic check at an important moment kim will pick up where you messed up to finish it for you and he'll always give you either an ace's high or an ace's low as appropriate no matter what you offer him and of course you can always know what hes thinking if you have high enough empathy or esprit de corps and to me. thats enough. he reads my mind when it matters just as i can read his
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minophus · 26 days
I like the way you draw Gabriel
He's like a powerful dragon
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Thank you much!
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couchtaro · 1 year
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Theseus, scarecrow oath of the watchers paladin and shepherd of souls, belongs to @eaudecrow
Asphodel (Asphodelus): the land of spirits. In Greek mythology, a field of asphodels in the underworld was the dwelling place of neutral souls.
Dame Violet (Hesperis matronalis): watchfulness
Black bindweed (Dioscorea communis): support
Boxwood (Buxus): Constancy in friendship. Labyrinthine hedge mazes are traditionally made of boxwood shrubs.
Rattlesnake root ( Prenanthes purpurea): protection, shield, guarded steps. This plant was thought to grant protection from being caught up in a group of supposed to “friends” who are in actuality threatening and dangerous.
Heath (Epacris impressa): solitude
Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana): a spell is on me.
Straw: constancy. Broken straw: broken contract, trouble.
Corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas): good and evil, light and darkness, life and death, fun-loving, avoidance of problems, oblivion. The ancient Greeks believed that corn would not grow without poppies growing nearby. In Greek and Roman myths, poppies were used as offerings to the dead and in modern times are often a motif found on tombstones. Poppies are some of the first flowers to fill holes in disturbed ground, so old battlefields often fill with poppy.
Giant milkweed (Calotropis procera): purposelessness, a monstrosity
Check out the rest of the Pringles Party!
Yancy | Izen | Phaela | “Red”
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thydungeongal · 1 month
Sorry my ask turned into a whole annoying discourse for you. About something completely unrelated to "do non-english languages have words that are said the same but spelled differently based on region". I'm pretty obviously aware that languages have dialects, and that English dialects can affect spelling when transcribed (AAVE is a whole thing here, don't even need to go into Scottish English). Anyway, thanks for the interesting stuff about NOT English (also sorry people took my question trying to learn more about foreign languages and made it about English instead - not beating those stereotypes eh?), and sorry again for the trouble. Good luck with your mind lasers!
No problem anon! It's not your fault, and I'm glad you got something out of it! It's also been interesting since a friend of mine who follows my blog and is currently studying Finnish learned that standard Finnish and spoken Finnish can often vary dramatically, so I got to drop the whole "No actually you're learning a literary standard that's actually literally no one's spoken dialect" bomb on her!
Also, while I may have been somewhat uncharitable to online English-speakers as a whole, I do think some of y'all are lovely and inquisitive and cool. Anyway, back to the mind lasering for me :)
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suguru-getos · 10 months
sugar daddy gojo headcanons:
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anything you want is his sole responsibility to handover to you. even though you can be a bit bratty at times. gojo is not short on money after all. you'd find him giving you louboutins, diors, lvs, all the damn time. it's just another way with which he wants to ensure you feel spoiled.
since he's a busy man he doesn't demand much in return. you should be ready to meet him whenever he asks you to. he'd give you expensive lingerie to flaunt in front of him whenever he does decide to play with his sugar baby.
his favorite color is red, he loves the way red lacy lingerie looks onto your body, hands greedily skimming through every fold of your body as he calls you his "baby" possessively.
there is no way you are allowed to date someone else under the umbrella of sugar daddy gojo satoru. he spoils you for this very reason... and frankly, you wouldn't want to either. he's just so sweet and soft to you always.
if it's your birthday, the rules are simple. let daddy satoru spoil you first. he's going to take you to an extravagant date, prepare the most wonderful surprises for you, lather you with diamonds and would be crazed enough to book a trip for you and your friends outside the country.
satoru doesn't like to be called by his name. you're only to address him as daddy and be his little girl. he's pretty tolerant if you do decide to brat up unless he's not. punishments mostly constitute of you being spanked over his knee, precise and proper hits on the curve of your ass until you're reduced into a begging mess. he feels bad later and would give you at least two orgasms and mumble apologies. "i'm sorry babygirl, you know daddy also hated it as much as you did. hurts more than it hurts you."
gonna be real niceys and remove his blindfold to you, not caring it overstimulates him whenever he's giving it to you. it makes sense for his baby to look into his eyes when he's rutting into them x
it's simple, satoru gets what he wants and gives you what you want. there are times when he can be a bit busy because of his job as a special grade sorcerer but he would be more than happy to see you initiate a meeting between the two.
it's hard not to fall in love with him, you do within the first few months of this whatever- arrangement you two had. you'd like to think he loves you too... because he doesn't entertain anyone else intimately as much as he does to you. maybe the inherent fear of commitment and losing you eventually coils his heart.. something which can be talked about later. :D
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txttletale · 6 months
all of your posts are usually so good. i show them to my 'progressive'(non-communist) friends pretty often to show them a developed Marxist worldview.
do you have any tips on how to further your development as a Marxist? id love to have the same capacity to analyze like you do
ultimately i can only give three good pieces of advice which is 1. read a lot and 2. do a lot of political activism in 'real life' so that you can understand how what you've read intersects with reality. and 3. when marx said 'ruthless criticism of all that exists' he wasn't kidding. & that isn't criticism as in, like, saying mean things obvsies, but like -- never accept anything because it is 'normal', never accept any transhistorical explanation about abstract factors like 'human nature' or 'the way things are'. investigate the historical and economic roots of everything you come up against. respond to 'common sense' with 'common among whom?' apply real critical consideration to just-so explanations and obvious truths because sometimes (often!) you will discover they are not so obvious.
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eyebaus · 1 month
8 for the art asks :0
8. What is your favorite piece that you have done?
ouuu thats hard . augh. probably a tie between these three?
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[artist asks]
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femboy-central · 28 days
… if you want to read my essay on how gay Nick Carraway is it’s under the cut
Until recent years, very few authors had the courage to express homosexuality in their work for fear of institutional punishment or negative social reaction. With stories like that of Oscar Wilde, writers were accurately terrified to explicitly explore the diversity of the sexual and romantic interests of their characters. Despite this, they were not stopped and authors chose to implement their gay characters with artistic subtlety. F. Scott Fitzgerald's most well known novel, The Great Gatsby, homes one example of this type of character. Although he does not live in a time period where he can be open about it, Nick Carraway is a homosexual man and this fact is crucial to truly understanding his self and his relationship with Jay Gatsby.
Perhaps the most damning evidence of Nick's sexuality is the fact that the only sexual encounter he is implied to have had is with Chester McKee after the party in New York (28), but it is not all. Nick's homosexuality is most casually clear in the descriptions he gives of the people in his life. Although he does acknowledge past romantic relations with women, he does not read as particularly interested in them. When questioned about a rumoured fiancée out West, Nick remarks that he is very opposed to "being rumored into marriage," (15) and in his first meeting with his supposed love interest, Jordan Baker, Nick compares her to a cadet (an exclusively male occupation at the time) and points out her most masculine features as ideal including her small breasts and erect carriage (8). In comparison, Nick's descriptions of the men around him are rich with intrigue; Nick notices how Tom Buchanan's eyes establish dominance in his face and the way his muscles move under his clothing (5). When Nick speaks about the train conductor on the hottest day of the summer, he critiques people who think of kissing flushed lips and laying with a partner in the heat despite no one else in that scene expressing those feelings (87). The suddenness of this flustered complaint implies that Nick is reacting to his own desires; desires he wishes he did not have.
While Nick is at least vaguely attracted to multiple men in his story, there is one he is consistently interested in throughout: Jay Gatsby. From their first meeting where Nick goes on about how pleasant a smile Gatsby has (36) onwards, Nick is very fond of Gatsby, going so far as to emphasise that he is the only rich person he did not end up disgusted by (2) and that all of the East was haunted for him after Gatsby's death (137). In Gatsby's life, Nick even expressed his affections to him in whatever ways he could. For example, when Nick agrees to reintroduce Gatsby and Daisy, he does not allow Gatsby to reimburse the favour (62). Also, after Myrtle's death, Nick only leaves Gatsby's side because he feels like he is intruding (112), returns to a bed he can not fall asleep in, and takes the first opportunity available to meet Gatsby again at dawn (113). Nick listens to Gatsby's story then (114), something nobody else would do in favour of spreading scandalous, borderline slanderous rumours.
Nick claims he is not a judgemental person, but proves himself wrong as the novel progresses in regards to every person he has met but one. Despite remarking that he disapproved of Gatsby "from beginning to end" (118), he was equally endeared to him. Nick also claims to be an honest person (44), which he proves not entirely true either. Realising Nick's true feelings for Gatsby reveals the intricacy of his character and calls into question the reliability of his narration. Although his intentions are always sympathetic, Gatsby is by trade a bootlegging criminal and yet even after meeting Meyer Wolfsheim and being told about his business (54), Nick plays ignorant about Gatsby's involvement. To Nick, the idea of Jay Gatsby is related only tertiarily to the idea of "Wolfsheim's men". Nick makes this clear every time he visits Gatsby after Wolfsheim's men begin working at his house by how suspicious he always is of them, even describing one's face as “villainous" (86). Nick does not judge Gatsby as the same as these people nor the Buchanans despite not being so different in truth because he is already in love with him and truly wants to believe he is a good person at heart. Even Tom Buchanan is aware of this on some level, showing his cognisance after Gatsby's death by telling Nick that "(Gatsby) threw dust into (Nick's) eyes just like he did in Daisy's" (138).
To ignore Nick's sexuality is to intentionally misunderstand his character and The Great Gatsby as a story. On his surface, Nick Carraway is a single objective voice in a world of desires and deceit, but as much of The Great Gatsby does, his character requires the reader to look below to his own human biases if they intend to comprehend him.
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