#nigel jackson
noise-vs-signal · 9 months
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“Hagia Sophia” (“Holy Wisdom”) by Nigel Jackson (2000).
The Good, the True and the Beautiful.
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forbidden-sorcery · 2 years
During the trial of the Aberdeen witches in the 16th century, Andro Man described a Sabbat meeting at which he saw the Old One, “....come out of the snow in the likeness of a stag.” This was an encounter with one of the most primal, archaic divinities of the European folk-soul - the ancestral Horned god of death, fertility and mantic ecstasy, the underworld king whom Welsh lore calls Gwyn ap Nudd, King of Annwvyn who reaches far back to the common Celtic figure of Vindonos, son of Nudons. At the start of the winter months he is Master of the Wild Hunt, and his frenzied and ghostly chase is accompanied by his primary totems of stag, hound, raven and snow goose, Old Hornie is the fearsomely rough, strange god who rides out a-hunting during the paradoxical periods of ritual reversal, the ‘time between the times’, The Horned One's eerie pack, white of coat and red of ear, are called Yell Hounds - a worn-down form of the term ‘Gabriel Hounds’; it is significant in this respect that in mediaeval funeral processions the bier was called ‘St. Gabriel’s Wain’. Here the archangel with his trumpet has assimilated the heathen archetype of the god of the Furious Host who winds his horn to summon the spirits of the dead.
Nigel Jackson - Masks of Misrule: The Horned God & His Cult in Europe
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coldcoldlampin · 2 years
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danielpico · 4 months
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Nigel Jackson
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blackcatenergy247 · 5 months
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Have some HeadCanons of my own of certain characters.
No offense I just can’t see Nigel with a boy so yeah. It just doesn’t seem right. So he’s Straight Ally and Demiromantic. 🫤
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goldenloverss · 2 months
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Addicted to picmixing I suppose
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Director of Media Operations: okay what's first on the agenda
Marketing: sales closed a huge deal with a chair company to get a line of AEW & Collision branded gamer, office, & arm chairs so now we need to find a way to integrate them into the Dynamite after All Out.
Data Analyst: remember our audience hates too many obvious ads. Also they want more Young Bucks. And no Young Bucks where they drop the belts, but they're tied to a strict number of dates this Contract. Also-
Creative: so obviously we put the Bucks in power suits, bling, and killer eyeshadow and have them show how good you too at home can look when slouched in your chair grumpily at a work obligation, playing with your comfort item in your lap and idly suppressing half-hearted back and forth fidgeting as a dozen men fight for the honor of your attention you hardly deign to give them.
TK: Approved. Next item: Nigel McGuinness is a special boy, how do we give him the world.
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a-f00ls-bl0g · 1 year
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Part 3 of RDR 1-2  on  Twitter/X
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nigel's tits also look great today there must be something in the water
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countesspetofi · 1 year
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It's my Boys of Stalag Luft III Calendar!
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noise-vs-signal · 9 months
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“Yaldabaoth (IAO)” by Nigel Jackson (2000).
“O Lion-Serpent Sun, The Beast that whirlest forth, a thunderbolt, begetter of Life.
Sun-lion Serpent, hail! All Hail, thou Great Wild Beast, thou I A O!” - Aleister Crowley.
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godsaveforum · 2 months
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It had been a long time coming, Beatrice thought.
The last time she'd been in this position, she'd been very stressed and emotionally wrought, but now, now everything was perfect. She and Benedict were getting married on their terms and nobody was bossing them around. Their acquaintances were now dear friends and the home they lived in would soon have the sounds of growing children laughing and running about.
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dykekota · 18 days
nigel mcguinness being a matt stan is iconic behavior
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lailoken · 2 years
"The traditional metaphysics of Elfland lie at the heart of true Witchcraft, a body of ancestral faery teachings and arts which formed a hidden tradition transmitted down the centuries across Europe and the British Isles. The historical documentation provides ample evidence of the witches' trafficking with Faerie and their close associations with faery beings and the people of the Sidhe, 'the lordly ones in the hollow hills'.
The underworldly realms of the Sidhe is conceived of asbeing literally 'beneath' the earth, 'underneath' the surface phenomena of nature and middle-earth as an underlying depth-dimension of archetypes and endlessly regenerated potentialities. This is the spiritual landscape of Elfhame where the 'People of Peace' dwell, known to the Irish Celts as Tir Andomain and Tir Na n'Og, the Annwvyn of Welsh tradition and in Teutonic lore, the kingdom of Hel. In the mediaeval period the chthonic realm was known as the Land of Faerie.
In the Netherworld we descend to the very roots of being, into the faery radiance which emanates from the haunted mounds; concealed in the depths is the secret source of generation, death and rebirth for it is the place where the souls of the dead reside between incarnations according to traditional lore. There, the dead are restored and renewed by partaking of the sacred fruit, the apples of the Otherworld plucked from Mother Holle's subterranean orchard or from the trees of Ynys Afallon, ruled over by Morgan Le Faye. The Silver Branch or Craebh Sidhe, which allows passage into Elfland, is a bough upon which three silver apples hang, emitting faery music that entrances all who hear it.
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The 'Hooded Ones', the land-spirits and faery ancestors of ancient Britain; their pointed hoods became the caps of the pixies.
Our ancient forebears possessed a perpetual awareness of other worlds and states of reality which at particular times and places could break through' into our world, often in eerie and eldritch ways. There were also traditionally known loci where the worlds touched, places of intercommunication between middle-earth and Elfland such as trees, mounds, hills, caverns, watercourses, pools and wells. At these sites passage between the worlds could, and still can be effected through the use of the faery arts.
The kingdom of the Sidhe exists outside and beyond the cycles of space/time which govern the material universe - it is well known that travellers to Faerie have spent years there only to find mere minutes have elapsed upon their return to our world. Those who reside for a night in that land may find that centuries have passed when they come back into middle-earth. Elfhame lies outside the circles of time and this mysterious atemporality is the inner key to the metaphysics of rebirth and the cyclic reincarnation of ancestors in their tribal and familial descendants.
Elfland is inhabited by a diversity of intelligences ranging from the divine beings and godlings within the earth to divinized ancestral-souls and non-human faery-entitities, theriomorphs and ornithomorphs. All these beings can be accurately described as faeries, for they all inhabit that mode of existence which is utterly 'other' - the wild and mysterious faery 'state'.
According to the inner doctrine of the faery-faith, the post-mortem soul descends into Elfhame and enters into the state of the Sidhe, sojourning as a faery in the otherworld whilst awaiting the right cyclical patterns which will enable it's earthly rebirth to occur, usually in the body of a clannic descendant. The spirits of the dead thus become mystically unified with the inner heart of the land, merging with particular loci such as hills or trees for the world of the Faerie is the inherent spiritual dimension which exists concealed within the natural landscape as it's inner archetypal reality.
The human' and the 'faery are the two poles of our being between which we oscillate through our transmigrational cycles of rebirths, our countless discarnations and incarnations. In other words, the Sidhe are ourselves awaiting birth in middle-earth and we ourselves are the Sidhe awaiting our return to Elfhame. The faerie Craft is concerned with regaining the totality of our awareness, bridging our human and faery natures and activating the 'Sight of the Two Worlds' or 'Second Sight', the faculty of trance-seership and direct spiritual vision into Elfhame.
The dead thus become faeries between incarnations and certain souls in the underworld may, in time, undergo a complete faery metamorphosis and no longer incarnate as human-beings - these are the 'Master Men' of Scottish witch-lore. The identification of the faery- faith as an ancestral cultus clarifies many hitherto obscure problems and allows us an insight into the destiny of the soul and it's post mortem relationship with the noumenal and natural environments. The Faery Rade or Sluagh Sidhe rides out at Halloween, the liminal and intercalendary time of the hallowed ancestral souls. This Faery Host manifests along the dead straight 'faery passes' which link the sepulchral tumuli which are their forts, changing their hunting-grounds at the four Quarter-Days. These 'faery-roads' are a Celtic analogue to the Dutch 'death-roads' and German 'Geisterweige', the Saxon 'deada waeg', the tracks of the Wild Hunt and the spectral Black Dog and the traditional English Corpse-Roads', 'Coffin-Paths' and 'Church-ways' - they are all funereal lines of spirit-movement which link burial places, graveyards and mounds. On the west coast of Ireland much oral folk-lore makes the identity of the faeries as the souls of the departed very clear for they say that if you have many dead friends you will have many good faeries about you. The Sidhe of Irish tradition and the Elves in German folklore, are the chtonic faery-ancestors, divinized souls who have passed below the land and who exert a subtle influence upon the living in whom they await rebirth, mysteriously informing their minds and bodies from the depths of the hidden kingdoms. As Jacob Grimm astutely observed: "The dead were known to the Norsemen as elves."
Call of the Horned Piper
9: 'Faerie Witchcraft & the Geography of Elfland'
by Nigel Aldcroft Jackson
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