#night awl
Scene 2
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
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30 days of Harvest Moon Day 7 - cooking / elegant
it was going to be my househusband cooking with the elegant mushroom from acnh….(it was all i could associate elegant with) but… somehow it turned into this
all he’s saying is “come on, enjoy your meal” which is just his line from his premarital event but. also probably the last thing you hear before you die
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pelipper · 11 months
The gays keep winning. Happy Pride to me and my future wife. 🏳️‍🌈✨️
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awlimagines · 1 month
Calling all Daryl Fans
Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Is there anything specific you would like to see with Daryl content-wise? I've got most of a reader insert one-shot done around the scientific method. Without giving away too much, it's basically some mishaps leading up to a confession. I just can't decide what kind of fluff I want to use in the conclusion.
If there is something particular you'd like to see or a specific prompt, feel free to drop that as well. I'm in a Daryl mood at the moment.
Sorry, but I am tagging @daryls-favourite and @oneshortlady because you are the two biggest fans I know off-hand.
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✅️ "you know that leg be pegging"
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piwitchbeyotch · 10 months
spirit phone by lemon demon is urban planning music
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wildflowercryptid · 10 months
quick update on bea for anyone that cares about my digital daughter : i did end up reloading my save file yesterday, but still got some dialogue from her where she worried that people think mean things about her or that she wouldn't get scolded if she behaved better. i haven't gotten any dialogue saying that tris doesn't care about her or that gustafa is getting mad at her yet so i'm assuming she's saying the other dialogue bc i'm not close enough with some of the villagers? i'm working on befriending everyone so i'll report back if that repeated dialogue vanishes after i do.
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alren-ki · 11 months
I think I'm having my big explosive meltdown now.
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jinouchibhue · 1 year
I didn't appreciate the love story enough when I watched this way back when. 😭
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ptolemveamoved · 2 years
avoiding all social media for a full 24 hours shouldn’t be hard but it is 
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
Awlful, awful thought: A guilt-wracked Vaggie, trying to stay as quiet as possible in Charlie's bed as she cries herself to sleep. Wishing that she could bring up the courage and confess her sins to her girlfriend, who obviously deserves SO much better...
you put that thought back where it came from or SO HELP ME-
ugh, listen, i can see this horrible progression where at first it's Vaggie hiding (and failing but she doesn't know it) that she cries, and then it's Vaggie lying (a tiny little lie she thinks) about WHY she cries
them as strangers / new tentative friends and it took SO MUCH WRANGLING for Charlie just to get the dumpster woman to stay over with her while getting used to life with one eye instead of wandering off back onto hell's streets like Vaggie was ready to, and then getting her to use a couch instead of the floor, then finally the giant bed with a pillow propped between them
this is already a miracle enough, this is already more than she's ever gotten any other sinner to accept (and thank her for? and share a smile with her over it????)
so when she hears Vaggie's breath hitch in the middle of the night like she's hurt Charlie starts sitting up with her instinct to jump RIGHT INTO HELPING like usual- but Vaggie goes dead quiet the moment she moves and Charlie freezes, the sudden cold thought Vaggie doesn't WANT her to hear. Vaggie's been letting Charlie closer but maybe her not wanting Charlie to hear this (yet?) is part of why she's been so reluctant to stop sleeping in random corners of the house, and what if she packs up (metaphorically speaking, technically she has nothing) and leaves if Charlie spooks her now? Would Charlie ever find her again?
that's the first time Charlie lies awake listening to Vaggie cry softly to herself for half the night, pretending she doesn't hear it
it's not the last.
Because Vaggie ends up staying, with Charlie SPECIFICALLY, and it's a different kind of friendship than Charlie's used to- it's not Vaggie tolerating her ideas or her dreams or her wild bursts into song, it's Vaggie troubleshooting her ideas and agreeing with (!) her dreams (though she isn't as hopeful about it) (that's more than anyone has done since Lilith left-) and it's even Vaggie enjoying her silliness, joining in on a song with her,
a sad little song about a grown woman missing being close with her parents because having a friend like this is making her homesick for everything else she used to have-
but Vaggie doesn't roll her eye at the poor princess of hell she holds Charlie's hand when Charlie tears up, she just seems to like being around Charlie? even for the pity parties??? (Charlie for the love of all therapy i a m begging you go to THERAPY)
Vaggie is clearly missing something too though, and cries about it less often now- or
(a thought to keep Charlie awake all night when it comes to her)
is better at crying about it quietly so Charlie really doesn't hear her
and it's too much for Charlie to risk losing but it's also why Charlie rolls over that night, casual, casual, and pretends to be asleep as her hand drapes over that invisible line to just brush Vaggie's arm, and why she goes on pretending to sleep as Vaggie flinches, tenses, then lets out a breath and doesn't pull away.
it's the only way for Charlie to get any sleep now- making sure Vaggie won't feel completely alone, even if she won't let Charlie be there for her (Yet)
it's a short road from that to waking up snuggled together, because Charlie's a cuddle bug and Vaggie's surprisingly smug about being cuddled (by her), so Charlie's frantic pillow wall of privacy instantly falls the next night to laughter and a pillow fight, and their game of betting if they'll wake up in each others arms again also doesn't last long (because they always do) (this is NOT like friendships Charlie is used to) and soon Vaggie is hauling them both out of bed on her good days while groggy Charlie clings to her like a very stubborn blanket and
there's not much room for hiding tears like this. the lie comes out not long after.
Vaggie's bad days are things Charlie happily makes way too many sticky notes about: collecting Tired Vaggie or Grumpy Vaggie or Bumped Into Furniture One Too Many Times Needs To Go Beat Up The Nearest Dumpster With Her Spear Vaggie, or Vaggie Gluing Herself To The Nearest High Spot While She Broods (her small smile means more when it doesn't come out until Charlie's spent an hour sitting up there with her, chatting and pointing out landmarks like hell isn't that bad and everything can be okay)
and Charlie has bad days too (tries not to) (feels guilty about having them when she ISN'T even alone anymore) but lately her worst start with dried tears on the collar of her pajama shirt and Vaggie sounding a little bit more hoarse than usual in the morning
so it's not some, sudden nighttime feelings ambush. It's not Charlie waking up in the night to Vaggie crying and suddenly having the courage to pull her a little bit closer
it's Charlie having a bad day, afterwards, and Vaggie finding her hunched up in bed. (their bed)
It's Vaggie slipping quietly (worriedly) out of the shadows with a soft hey and are you okay? and getting hit with yes- no- does Vaggie know she can get up out of bed whenever she wants at night? she can wake Charlie up and leave and that's completely fine, if she wants to be alone for a bit, and then come back for snuggles after- or they can sleep separate or-
maybe it's the first time Vaggie reaches up to cup Charlie's cheek and ground her spiraling, maybe it's the first real jolt of fear Vaggie's felt since being eye-level with a sword. maybe not, but it gets her asking Charlie what the fuck are you talking about?
and then it's the truth-
Charlie can't stop thinking about Vaggie hiding her tears for her sake. it's fine if Vaggie doesn't trust Charlie with them- (yet) (someday?) (it's amazing Vaggie has put trust in Charlie at ALL)- but she should at least feel able to CRY when she wants to.
-and it's the lie.
Vaggie does trust Charlie. a small tiny lie that's mostly truth-
(she trusts Charlie is a good person) (she's scared of what that means) (she hasn't been a good person) (she isn't being one now)- she tells Charlie she cries because she misses her wings and the scars hurt and she hides it because there's nothing to be done about it, if they were coming back (for her) they would've by now (she DOESN'T want them to come for her she WOULDN'T leave if they did, if they offered-) (would she?) but they aren't so, (it's been too long) why waste her and Charlie's time being sad about it?
(how can she even still be SAD about it-)
I could hear Charlie whispering back something along the lines of, time with with you is never wasted, not to me. And, I want to be there with you, like you are when I need you.
I won't say this is when they both went Oh or even when maybe someone leaned forward a little and someone else met them half way, they're the sort of couple where it could have happened a in a million different times and places and it doesn't really matter
but afterwards, when Vaggie cries at night she doesn't hide it anymore
(now she knows she can't) (she can't hurt Charlie like that)
so some nights she sobs quietly into Charlie's shoulder while Charlie rubs soothing circles into old scars and holds her tight and the sickness over the lie that turned out bigger than she thought almost makes it worse than crying alone
(almost) (not quite)
those are the nights where she dreams of a sword and torn off feathers. other nights, Vaggie shuts her one eye and refuses to let any tears fall
some nights she dreams of damning wings on her back and Charlie turning away from her
she can't face Charlie or her love on those nights.
so she doesn't let herself cry at all
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kinokoshoujoart · 10 months
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cleostoohot · 2 years
ready or not, we doing the 3dolc x roe again :p
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inspired by @asfkthehottestgod & @youalreadyhavefullresults to do this challenge again, xox! i don’t really have much desires rn so im just gonna come up with things lol. i nominate AWL y’all to do this with us idcc. cus either we all can share our success stories or you can just sit around and wait for everyone else’s tbh 🙈
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𝐈. Prettier voice
𝐈𝐈. Getting rid of all the discoloration on my body
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Prettier hands & feet
𝐈𝐕. A bigger butt.. tehe..
𝐕. Thicker eyelashes
𝐕𝐈. A major main character moment lol (I don’t have anything specific in mind)
𝐕𝐈𝐈. My eyes becoming a lighter brown
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ᥫ᭡ Every morning (and before bed) I will rampage about how I manifest whatever I want in 3 days or less because I am the god of my reality.
ᥫ᭡ Thought the day, whenever I think of my desires I will affirm as if I already have them.
ᥫ᭡ At night I will play a meditation audio (not guided) and affirm for my desires + the fact that I manifest in 3 days or less.
ᥫ᭡ This time I will only affirm “I have all my current desires” & “regardless of everything i have all my desires” cus all those affirmations last time was a little too much.
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Starting this challenge tomorrow {06/23/22}. Join if you’d like 🫶🏽! Full update will be after the 3 days, xox.
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fruitchouli · 5 months
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anyways love this, definitely different from their current scent vibe. moonlight path was originally from the mid to late 2000s and it definitely smells of its time! it’s a soft baby powder clean and cozy white musk. it gives nostalgic avon vibes in the good way. it doesn’t have the bright fresh citruses that other white musks have, it’s denser and more sweet and vanillic, like a soft blanket. oh ya i HATE the current packaging btw. for some reason that label irks me and almost made me not try it… but i saw it get compared to avon night magic evening musk so i had to try… this is exactly the kind of scent i’m looking for in my body spray era. it’s not trying to be complex it’s not trying to be like a perfume. it’s staying in its damn place and being a great body spray that can be worn alone after a bubble bath or layered with a real perfume. smells like grandma’s talcum powder. applied with a big powder puff !.. i guess that’s why i hate the label. it looks like it’s trying to be ariana grande but it’s really ariana grandma.. that label doesn’t evoke vintage comfort at awl.. whys it silver.. and blue.. it’s clearly a baby pink and cream and white and soft lavender smell
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melon-cream-enmu · 1 year
Enmu masterlist 💞
Enmu smut visuals 💞
Hypnotherapist enmu 💞
Enmu noncon 💞
Enmu noncon 💞
Hashira finding their hashira turned demon s/o after they went missing 💞
Enmu arranged marriage 💞
Enmu with an s/o who likes to kiss his hand mouth 💞
Enmu soft afab oral 💞
Enmu chocolates smut 💞
Sanemi, Giyuu, and Enmu babies 💞
Enmu fluff 💞
Enmu cock warming 💞
Enmu marechi blood reader noncon 💞
Enmu gore smut 💞
Non human on human breeding (Enmu) 💞
Enmu bleeding lip kiss 💞
Girl on the train noncon 💞
Muzan, Enmu, Douma finding you after you’d escaped with your child 💞
Possessed plush Enmu 💞
Enmu, Gyuutaro feeding on you 💞
Enmu train form smut 💞
Sleepy sex with enmu 💞
Girls on Film 💞
Enmu pseudo-oral 💞
Enmu smut blurb 💞
Stalker Enmu Tamio 💞
‘Husband’ Enmu 💞
Enmu panty tearing insertion 💞
Enmu dark gore smut 💞
Enmu feeding you a cake made with his cum 💞
Enmu Tamio lactation kink 💞
Muzan, Doma, Enmu when their human pet is on their period 💞
Enmu Tamio chikan 💞
Enmu smut and gore 💞
Enmu dreams of being your 'husband' 💞
Enmu and you start a family, whether you know it or not 💞
Enmu’s hand eats you out 💞
Tiny neko Enmu 💞
Enmu awl noncon 💞
Throat training (Muzan, Enmu) 💞
Creep reader with creep Enmu 💞
Enmu oral fingering 💞
Muzan smut ft. Enmu 💞
'Boyfriend' Enmu saves you from creep 💞
Demon pet Enmu smut 💞
Showing off Enmu's cum in you 💞
Inexperienced Enmu noncon 💞
Enmu smut ft sword fucking 💞
Big "happy" family 💞
Enmu popsicle(?) smut 💞
Reader wants a baby with Enmu 💞
Enmu cum headcanons 💞
Enmu stepcest 💞
Enmu "one night stand" drunk reader 💞
Enmu forced marriage 💞
Darling loves to kiss the veins on Enmu's face 💞
Enmu's hand being sweet 💞
Enmu period comfort smut 💞
Transmasc Enmu creeping on the reader 💞
Enmu over clothes oral 💞
Red string of fate (Muzan, Enmu, Rengoku) 💞
Big "happy" family part 2 💞
Stalker!Tamio takes you to love hotels 💞
Transfem Enmu at your all girls school 💞
Farmhand Enmu with cow belle reader 💞
Transmasc neighbor Enmu 💞
Muzan Enmu, Doma reader, Enmu reader smut (Enmu and reader have vaginas) 💞
Dragon Enmu 💞
7 minutes in heaven 💞
Big "happy" family part 3 💞
You aren't pregnant 💞
Beauty and the beast 💞
Centaur Enmu 💞
Mage Enmu with the Princess 💞
Best friend closeted creep Enmu 💞
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strangeaeonbooks · 1 year
So it was late at night and I was working on a small notebook for my fiance's sewing projects and I thought "why not record some of the process." So here is how to sew a text block for a case bound book:
Sorry ahead of time, some of the images got a little smudged by my fingers on my phone's camera, If you have any questions please ask!
Get your signatures ready. These are 6 signatures of 4 quartos (8 pages) coming to 192 pages.
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Mark your holes on one signature, starting at the middle and I did one every inch from that middle point.
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I used a straight edge to copy the hole marks along all of the signatures. **Its important to keep these signatures in the same order throughout the whole binding process** This prevents wonky looking sewing and will make your life easier.
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Now puncture each hole on each signature using an awl or hole punch. I used an old pottery trimming needle.
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Get your thread ready, wax if necessary, and start the sewing by bringing the needle from the outside of the book to the inside on the end of the signature.
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Sew in and out of the signature til you reach the end.
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Once you reach the end, repeat the process going the other direction.
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On the inside of the signature, tie off your thread and push the needle/thread to the outside, pulling the knot you made out with them.
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Now, bring the next signature in your stack over this one and enter through the first hole like you did with the first.
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As before, go out of the signature on the next hole, but this time, instead of immediately going back in on the next hole, bring your needle down through the loop below and in front of the hole you just came through, around and up through the loop below and behind the current hole. Then back into the hole and over to the next hole.
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Repeat this process til you reach the end and then add on your next signature. Remember, keep all of these signatures in the same order.
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This time, and for the rest of the text block , when you exit a hole, pass the needle down and between the previous two signatures, then back up and through the hole you just exited. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this is called a link stitch.
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Repeat these link stitches with the rest of your signatures and double knot at the inside of the last hole, pulling the knot to the outside just as you did that first knot and presto! you have a text block ready for the next step! These were my first two case binding text blocks and I was surprised at how fast and easy they were.
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As you can see, on this block I think I missed a stitch one of the early signatures (this block is upside-down) but live and learn right?
Edit: 8lottie8 has pointed out that what I called a link stitch is actually known as a kettle stitch! Thanks!
I'm still a novice at bookmaking and have a lot of projects in mind, it might be fun to bring you all along on the learning journey with me.
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