#night falls over novac
salamanderpie · 2 years
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rocket-69 · 2 years
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Title page progress pictures for Night Falls Over Novac
The title page was a hasty last minute choice which nevertheless felt necessary for establishing things and actually giving Calypte a voice. Her eye is supposed to look like those photos of eyes where the shadows have all the color and definition, but even if that didn’t succeed I still think it looks nice. The markings on her hand are a map of the south-eastern region of the FNV map. The poms are Nelson and Searchlight, the tip of her pointer finger is REPCONN, Ranger Station Charlie and the Legion Raid Camp are the X’s. The rectangle on the ring finger is Sunset Drive-In and her pinky finger is the intersection right before the Mojave Outpost. I almost called the comic Hotel California.
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sleights-of-hand · 2 years
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I wanted to kick the new year off with a little fanart of some comics I really enjoyed reading in the last!
@deacons-wig ‘s Fallout 4 comic, THE TRICK TO THIS, which can be read at @trickcomic
@rocket-69 ‘s Fallout: New Vegas comic, Night Falls Over Novac, which can be read HERE (Congratulations on the completed comic, by the way!)
@thedumbasscourier ‘s Westworld AU comic, Nothing Personal, which can be read at https://nothingpersonal.cfw.me/ 
I hope I did your folks’ work some justice. Happy belated holidays to you all, and thank you for sharing your work with us. :) 
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gold-and-rubies · 4 years
I’m Not an Angel, Baby - Chapter 1
And here’s the first chapter for this fic. It’s in the pov of my courier, Bridget. Warning for violence.
The Mojave Wasteland was an unforgiving place that tended to breed certain types of people. In order to survive one had to be wary, cutthroat, and unforgiving. That or you had to have a good sense of community, people you can fall back on if things go south. Or just really, really lucky. Bridget O' Donaghue was one of the lucky few.
Bridget took a bullet head, with really the only downside being lost memories. It was a curse to not know who you really are, but it was better than the alternatives. She was just thankful that her eyesight did not get worse, and that her glasses did not break.
She sat in what constituted more as a crevice than a cave in the mountains. She wished she had a fire, but the road from Nipton to Novac was crawling with Vipers and Legionaries. She did, however, risk having the radio play on her Pip-Boy. M. New Vegas recounted tales of a random hero’s good deeds. It took her a moment to realize that he was talking about her.
She had no idea what kind of person she was before taking a bullet to the head, but she wanted to be a good person now. Either she was always a good person, or a near death experience her to be one. She supposed it did not matter much.
She sat there and stared at the sky until it was sunrise. It was not safe to travel at night.
She stumbled out of the crevice, and took a moment to stretch out her limbs. They were unbelievably cramped from sitting in there all night. Grabbing her bag, she continued down the road to Novac.
She felt a small amount of relief when the dinosaur came into sight. Towns were usually safe places. Usually.
She walked up to the first person she saw. A woman in a blood soaked tank top. Bridget was starting to second guess the comfort she felt when she first saw the place.
“Um, excuse me?” Bridget said in an attempt to get the woman’s attention.
“Do you need help? Broken bone? Too many rads?” the woman responded.
Although she was caught off guard by all the questions, it was nice to know where the blood came from.
“Uh, no. I just want to ask a few questions.”
“Well, hurry then. I have important things to do,” she demanded.
She narrowed her eyes at her. She was not fond of being talked to like that.
“I’m looking for some people that came through here,” she explained, “One was a man in a black and white suit jacket.”
“I saw them come through here,” the woman nodded, “but I don’t know anything about them. I think they stayed a night. You should talk to Jeanie May. She runs the motel.”
“Thank you,” she said and took off toward the motel. She pushed open the door. It was surprisingly cool inside. A woman sat behind the counter to the right of the door.
“Welcome! Welcome! I’m Jeanie May Crawford, and this is the Dino Dee-lite Motel. You look tired. I hope you didn’t spend too much time on the road,” she smiled.
Something about the woman made Bridget’s skin crawl. She seemed like she was just a sweet, old woman, but there was something off about her.
Her hand fell from the door to her hip, resting on her holstered revolver, “Can I ask you a few questions?”
“Oh, of course dear!”
“There are some people who came through here that I’m looking for. One of them was a man in a black and white checkered jacket. Do you have any ideas as to where they went?”
“Oh yes, I remember that group. They were talking about the city, but they weren’t very civilized. I believe I heard that man say they were heading to New Vegas. I don’t know why though, or which way they headed exactly. You should talk to Manny Vargas. He’s our daytime sniper up in the mouth of Dinky.”
“Thanks,” she responded. Her hand raised back to the door, but she hesitated for a moment. The thought of renting a room crossed her mind. It would have been nice to sleep in an actual bed, but something held her back. She decided it would be better to sleep under the stars here. At least for the time being.
She blinked a few times as she stepped back into the wastes. The sun seemed particularly bright that day.
She made her way up the stairs. Inside the dinosaur she briefly greeted the man running the gift shop before heading up the next set of stairs. He was the first person she met in this town that did not set off any alarm bells. She knocked softly on the door before opening it. The last thing she needed was to be staring down the barrel of a rifle.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Manny greeted.
“Hi. I was just wondering if you could answer some questions for me?”
“Well, what do you want to know?” he asked, his voice edged with caution.
“There was a group of men that were here. One of them had a black and white checkered coat on. I need to know where they went.”
“Must be pretty important if you’re hunting down a group like that,” he folded his arms across his chest.
“I… They took something from me. I need answers,” she explained.
“You know I’d love to help, but I have some things I need help with,” he proposed.
She struggled to suppress a groan in response. She was more than willing to help people, but she did not appreciate the way he set this up.
She rolled her eyes, “Fine. What do you need?”
“Novac is home for me, and I want it to be permanent, but there’s an issue. The only thing we have here is scrap, which we get from the old REPCONN test site. Recently, a bunch of ghouls moved in. They need to go. I’d do it myself, but I need to keep watch,” he explained.
She folded her arms over her chest, “Alright, but don’t expect me to get it done right away. I haven’t slept for a few days.”
“As long as you get it done.”
She nodded, and headed back down. She spent the rest of the day asking everyone else if they had any information on the man. Instead she ended up agreeing to help the old ranger and the McBrides. She also heard whispers about the other sniper. The one with the night shift.
Her body ached from the long day, but she forced herself to climb the steps again. Again she softly knocked on the door before opening. This time the man on the other side of the door was a lot less welcoming.
“Don’t sneak up on me. What do you want?” he demanded.
Despite his unwelcoming tone, he was one of the few people there that she did not immediately feel genuinely threatened by. She could sense something was wrong, but not in the same way as the old woman.
“Relax,” Bridget put up her hands, “I’m just here to ask a few questions.”
“I think you need to leave,” he said coolly.
“Look, I’m only here to get some information. The sooner I get that the sooner I’ll leave,” she argued.
“Wait. You aren’t from around here are you? Maybe you shouldn’t go. Not yet.”
She scowled at the sudden change, “Why?”
“I need someone I can trust. You’re a stranger. That’s a start,” he said. His expression was impossible to read from behind his sunglasses. She realized he was wearing sunglasses at night. She became more confused.
One of her eyebrows raised from the scowl, “You only trust strangers?”
“I said it was a start,” he reiterated, “This town… nobody looks me in eyes anymore.”
“What do you want me to do?” she asked cautiously. She was unsure of what to make of the situation. While she did not feel like he was a bad person, the words from his mouth were not exactly reassuring.
“I want you to find something out for me,” he sighed, “I don’t know if there is anything to find, but I need someone I can try. My wife was taken from our home by Legion slavers one night while I was on watch. They knew when to come and what route to take, and they only took Carla. Someone set it up. I don’t know who.”
Her scowl turned into an apologetic frown, “I’m sorry. I know how horrible the Legion can be. I was the first person to see what they did to Nipton. You want me to track her down?”
“No. I want the son of a bitch who sold her… I know she’s dead.”
She nodded, “Alright, I’m more than willing to help. What do you want me to do?”
He pulled his beret off and handed it to her, “Take the person to the front of the dinosaur and put this on. I’ll take care of the rest.”
She nodded, and headed back down the stairs for the second time. Normally she would not agree to helping with a hit like this, or at least she thought she would not do it. This person, though, no matter how innocent they seemed, did something unforgivable, and they could be putting others at risk.
She ran through all the people in the town. Given their statuses as ex-NCR army, and their reactions to what happened at the ranger station, she immediately crossed out Manny and Ranger Andy. Nobark was too paranoid to do anything like that. As off putting as the doctor seemed, Bridget did not think she would do something like that, and she was too new. Cliff apparently spent all of his time in the dinosaur or his home. That left the McBrides and Jeanie May.
She settled on Jeanie. The old woman filled her with dread already. It would not hurt to do some investigating.
She walked to the door of the motel lobby, and was surprised to see the door was unlocked. Trust like that was rare.
She looked around the room, and immediately spotted the safe behind the desk. She pulled out a bobby pin she hid in the bun holding her black hair from her face. She cracked the safe in a small amount of time. She pulled out the first paper she laid eyes on, and felt her blood run cold.
It was the perfect proof. A bill of sale. She pocketed that, and the caps for good measure.
She jogged over to Jeanie May’s home, trying not to shake too much from the anticipation. She banged on the door, and hoped it would wake her up.
Luckily, it did, and before she could say anything Bridget was begging her to follow her. She tried not to show any reaction to how easily she agreed to follow.
“So, what did you need to show me, dear?” she asked once they got to the front of the dinosaur.
Bridget pointed straight ahead of them, and pulled on the beret, “Over there.”
The sound of Boone’s rifle sounded as soon as the beret was on her head. She looked down to her side, and sure enough she laid dead beside her.
Boone was ready for her this time when she opened the door this time. She immediately handed over the beret.
“How did you know?” he asked, grabbing it from her.
“This,” she said, handing over the bill of sale.
“Guess I shouldn’t be surprised,” he sighed, “Here. A hundred caps. It’s all I can give. I think our dealings are done here.”
She ran her thumb over the bag of caps. She looked at him, and a feeling that she should not leave him behind.
“What are you going to do now?”
“I don’t know. I won’t be staying. Don’t really see the point in doing anything, but hunting legionaries. Maybe I’ll wander. Like you.”
“You could come with me,” she offered.
“You don’t want that,” he argued.
“I have to take care of something, but I’m planning on taking down as many of those fuckers I can along the way, besides, you’ll do a lot better if you have someone watching your back.”
“Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Well, alright then. We can head out when you’re ready,” she nodded. She hid how pleased she was to have someone to watch her back.
“Tomorrow evening would be best.”
“Okay,” she agreed, and proceeded down the stairs for the third time that day.
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believerindaydreams · 4 years
You'd think after pounding out 10000 words that fast I'd cool off on writing for a bit but noooo the Muse is a hard taskminder
crossing at dawn, part one, this is a rough draft for later A03 transfer
Night's wearing on, late enough that it's come around to early again and the moon's set. Arcade wakes shivering at a particularly cold gust of wind, raising goose bumps under his shirt sleeves.
Absolutely the last time he goes anywhere without a stitch of armor, Strip or no Strip. He checks automatically on Carla, huddled under Manny's sweater and Boone's jacket and his lab coat, and feels better at her steady, relaxed snore. A Westside pavement is no place for a pregnant woman, but they've done their best.
He opens his doctor's bag and retrieves a circlet of broc flowers for an impromptu breakfast, contemplating logistics. They can circle around North Vegas Square, enter Freeside separately- he'll wear his Followers coat and run the risk that the usual Kings guard won't take kindly to any orders the NCR might have put out for his arrest. They usually wink and nod at those.
Then again, they've never had an Enclave fugitive on the run to deal with. It feels like he's been preparing for this his whole life and yet he's still so unsure in the moment. And when they're this close to leaving for good...
Depending on Boone, of course.
"You look like a rainy day couldn't bring you joy," Manny says quietly. "Not that I blame you."
Arcade sighs. "I panicked. I gave away the secret I've been hiding for decades, and why? To save a man who doesn't even want to be saved?"
"Listen. I appreciate it, because if it hadn't been you it would have been me, and then I'd just have splattered Hsu's brains over his own office. If Boone decides he'd rather play Frank Horrigan than be with us he can go to hell...but I know he won't. Not with Carla." Manny looks at the sleeping couple affectionately. "I mean, if it was just him he's capable of being any kind of idiot. But letting his kid be turned into a super soldier from birth? That's not our Boone."
"Fuck. I hadn't...I hadn't even considered that."
"I've been thinking about it ever since our discharges. They pressure people pretty hard to reenlist, but when he wanted to go, they let him. When I said I'd go with him, that happened too...and we just walked into a cushy gig at Novac. Who was paying into the town kitty for us? Never did get a straight answer to that one- I won't say I'm relieved," Manny says, almost viciously. "But what you found, those orders? It makes sense of a lot of things that never really added up."
It's unbelievable that he could be relaxed right now, but a knot of tension eases, the self-doubt that's been haunting him since McCarran lets up. "So if we're being paranoid, at least we're being paranoid together."
"Absolutely. And I owe you one," Manny says, extending his hand for a shake.
Arcade takes it, but doesn't follow through; he pulls himself close instead, feels his chill ease with comforting touch. Manny's not like Boone, sturdy muscle in place of soft flesh, but right now that's not a bad feeling in the least.
And there's something to be said for a man who knows the absolute worst about him, and doesn't give a damn.
"You want to finish these broc flowers?"
"That's all right. Got some brahmin jerky for later."
"Why would you bring along jerky when we were going to the Ultra-Luxe?"
"My man. There isn't a situation in this world you can't improve by adding Brahmin jerky."
Arcade laughs; and feels glad he hasn't forgotten how.
What with being so content, snuggled against your husband, it takes a full thirty seconds between waking and remembrance.
Once you do, though, it's impossible to fall asleep again. You sit up and look around, knowing there's someone else on guard but unable to stop the impulse.
Nothing's wrong, though. Concrete, a tumbleweed dancing past, the usual sights of outer Vegas. Only surprise is that it's Arcade guarding, his energy weapon laid across his knees.
"I thought that- well, that-"
His tone is self-mocking, painfully so. "That Boone doesn't trust me with your lives any more? Yeah. Well, Manny disagreed, and to prove it he's gone to sleep."
"Would you hurt us?"
You don't know what to say to that, so you return his coat instead. He smiles and slips into it, an innocuous Follower once more.
"I don't..."
It's so hard to say this. Boone is clinging to you even in sleep, you've only just got him back. "I'm afraid he won't come with us."
"He'd be crazy to do it, but what makes you say so?"
"I know him. I know he'd do anything to protect me, anything at all...and what if he thinks he can only do that by going back? What if they- they turn him into a mutant, or a monster, or something, and it ends the war but I lose him? Should I even hold him back?"
"You're asking the wrong person that question." He looks as queer as you feel. "Follower and Enclave background? I won't let myself think the only way forward is by turning people into horrors- I cannot let myself think in those terms. There...I hate to say there are worse things than Caesar's Legion, but their great horror is in treating people as fodder for the war machine. And what you're suggesting would equal that crime."
"...and I've never trusted the NCR."
"I think that makes three of us."
You stroke the short fuzzy buzzcut of your husband's hair. "I gave him away so many times. I couldn't do it any more...and I have the baby coming. It isn't fair."
"Whatever happens, please don't let them take you as well. Daisy told me when she'd had a few too many, how she talked my mother out of something like this. It gave me nightmares."
No. No, you can't let that happen.
Not to your child, waiting for life.
"Not if I can help it. Even for Boone."
"Then I'll do my best to make sure it never comes to that."
The certainty in his tone now, that's not because of the boys. This is just for you.
Rather dizzying, to have the last of the Enclave promising to protect you.
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monochromemedic · 4 years
“Craig?” “...Yes?” “Did you ever see such a beautiful sky before?” I asked, looking at the stars of the Mojave.   “Looks like any normal night.” He answered blankly, snuffing out his cigarette on the rocky outlook, exhaling a cloud of smoke that slowly drifted upward. “I guess I just don’t look up as much as I use to. Usually always looking down or... back. Forgot how pretty the sky can be. I swear I could count every star in the galaxy it’s so clear.”  Boone looked over and then up towards the sky, frowning a little as he began to stare at the sky. “Guess I haven’t either. Use to. Back in Novac, before Carla. Then I just kept looking to the hills, looking for the next bastard to kill. Stars was all I had for a while. Kinda mocking me.” “You could make new memories. Stars don’t have to remind you of the bad times.” He responded with a huff through his nose, bringing a knee up to his chest and resting his arm on top of it. “Not so sure.”  I rubbed my hands, chilled to the bone like the skin of a corpse. I was never a warm person, always cold. The cold of the desert didn’t help, I probably felt like dry ice. I scooted a little closer to Boone, and felt the warmth radiating from his body. How the hell Boone was able to do that in some NCR uniform was a miracle. “Craig your really warm.” No response. I looked down at the group of followers that was sleeping below our lookout point and then back at Boone, giving a little smile. Maybe right now I could give him a good memory, or even a fun one. Something to put the idea of his past at bay. Well... and warm me up. I slowly took my hand and slid it up the back of Boone’s uniform, causing him to jump and swat my hand away, face furious as he glared at me. “Don’t try it.” “Boone... i’m so cold... I’m freezing out here, but you... you’re warm! Show me those NCR Survival tactics, shove my hands in your armpits to keep the frostbite away.” I laughed, shoving my hands against him as he tried to scoot away  eventually stopping the struggle and sitting there, accepting his horrible existence as a furnace. I slid closer to him, head on his shoulder as I closed my eyes as I felt the warmth slowly melt into my body as Boone teeth began to chatter. “Aw thank you Boone, I feel better already. If it weren’t for your quick thinking, i’d be an ice cube.” “Wish you were.” I gave a somber chuckle and pressed my forehead against his back, fingers pressing against his body as I thought for a while, enjoying this moment  in time before looking back into the sky, cheek pressed against his. “I’d be dead then, you’ve saved my ass more times then I could admit. If you wanted me to be an ice cube then you wouldn’t give me that sleeping bag that one night outside of Freeside... That one night when we visited Goodsprings, and I was upset... you held me close. You could have let me freeze.”  Boone was dead quiet, jaw strained nervously as he took a shaky breath. “Are you trying to flirt with me?”  “No... just thinking of the good times. Trying to prove that you didn’t want to leave me for dead. If that’s considered flirting then yes. I am flirting the fuck out of you.” I laughed as he turned his head just slightly towards me, cheeks pink. “I consider it flirting when you’re touching me like that. You’re hands don’t need to be on my chest.” My cheeks reddened as well as I slowly looked to the ground, realizing I was mindlessly playing with his chest while talking. It was just kinda there. I realized how much I was touching his nipple. I quickly shot my arms out of his shirt and scooted back, laughing nervously before choking on my own spit and beginning to ungraciously hack. Didn’t help that it echo around desolate wastes, causing Arcade to stare up from his book, one of the only ones still awake and stare at the wheezing blushing bullet victim and the red faced sniper, looking disheveled as all hell. I swear I could see his eyes widen from behind my tears before returning to his book. As I slowly caught my breath I looked back at Craig, fingers curling around a rock and playing with it awkwardly. “Well I mean... that was the closest i’ve gotten to fucking a guy... uh was it good for you?” I asked to which Craig burst out in what I could only describe as a bark of a laugh. A single syllable ‘HA’ that rang through out the air, startling me, Arcade, and everyone in the 5 mile radius.  Boone put a hand to his mouth, smirking and shaking his head as he tried to straighten his face to his normal smolder. I stared, eyes wide as I scooted farther away. “Craig did you get shot? The hell was that?” “...nothing.” He muttered, face growing stern. “Or was it a laugh? Did you laugh? Your laugh is a fucking shotgun sound??” I hissed, putting my hands on my head “Jesus fucking Christ Craig! Scared the shit out of me.” “Stop.” I watched him and stopped, rubbing my arm and smirking a little bit. “It was... nice to hear it though. Even if you woke up the entire camp.” I chuckled moving closer to him and smiling. “You might need to apologize to some of the others, thought they were getting attacked.” I could see the cracks of his mouth began to wobble, threatening to smile and maybe even burst out in another laugh. The small look on his face, of joy, of amusement. It warmed my heart and in my stupor I muttered a soft, “Damn... I love you.” Boone stopped, growing stone cold immediately and turning to the ground.  I had confessed to him once before, and he knew it. Everyone else basically knew how much I fawned over the strange man.  But still the words seemed as new as the day I first said them. I looked away as well, not wanting to even look at Boone due to my idiotic confession of love. “I... I should sleep. I’m not... thinking straight.” I whispered, starting to get up, only to be pulled back down to the rocks, a warm pair of lips pressing against my own. My eyes were wide open, seeing Boone embracing me before slowly pulling away, watching his eyes opening from behind his glasses. He looked calm, collected, content. Something I had only wished for and dreamed. “...Shit...”  “You... should sleep. I’ll take guard.” He stuttered, arms beginning to cross as he cleared his throat. “Don’t think so much about this.” “I don’t think I can... what... what was that?” “...A kiss.” “Well... YEAH. But... why?” “I uh... don’t know. I think I like you back. Lo..Lo-ve.” He growled, like the word was foreign to him. In honesty, he probably hadn’t even thought of that word in that long since Carla. I felt my heart burst, fill with joy and butterflies as I stumbled a bit on my feet, smiling like a chem junkie on the wildest ride. “Heh... w..well. That’s cool cause I like you... too I just told you. That’s... why you... uh... did that I uh... I think my brain is... not working so i’m... gonna go... lie down before I have a stroke. Uh... n...night Craig.”  “...Night Jenna.”  I slowly stumbled over to my tent, looking to Arcade who peered up from his book again, a bit concerned at my wavering pace before giving him the widest smile in the world and gave him a little heart bursting out of my chest gesture before nudging my head back at Boone. “Hehhe.... he likes me... gave me a smooch.” Arcade stood up, chair falling to the ground as he let out a hushed “NO? Really? Is that why your bleeding?” “Bleeding why-” I paused before putting my hand to my face  and seeing my nose was running with blood which usually happened during high stress situations ever since Benny showed me Maria back in Goodsprings. I guess a high enough heart rate would make the dam burst just as good as running from a deathclaw.  “Ah... probably. uh... I might also faint so maybe... catch me.”  I laughed, as stars begin to fill my vision again, the last thing I saw was Arcade rushing towards me, a smile on my face and the soft echo of “idiot-” As I fell into darkness.
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x688plsloveme · 4 years
Ocs Time!!!
With another whumptober plus fallout 4-tober starting tomorrow, here's another refresher for my ocs using alohasushi's picrew
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First up is Danai! The star of my very first posted fic, Blindsided! (It's a bad pun ik but I love puns so the name stays) She was born blind which makes it very hard to adjust the wasteland life after she de-thaws in Vault 111. Thank God for Codsworth and eventually Preston who helped her get used to the new world. She ends up helping the minutemen and eventually meets Hancock, whom she falls in love with. They find the railroad and decide to help them out too. Danai acts as a connection to both factions and they become allies. She wants nothing to do with the Brotherhood or the Institute but she still has peace talks with their leader - James. She absolutely despises him
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James is the night to Danai's day. He grew up in the wasteland and had a VERY poor childhood resulting in him not trusting any human. He now only prefers the company of animals like Dogmeat or his pet albino Deathclaw, George. He has acquaintances but no one that he would hesitate should he have to kill them. Except Danai - he develops a very unhealthy obsession with her soon after they meet. He had just taken control of the Brotherhood and they met up for a peace talk. She intrigued him and he latched onto that. He eventually takes over the institute as well and decided he has enough power to take over the Commonwealth, betraying Danai's already brittle alliance by doing something very very bad and the war is afoot!
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For the youngest of the bunch, we have Rubi! A mine tore off her left arm and leg when she was only sixteen, but her wealthy family (institute connections) hooked her up with some very nice prosthetics. She was very sheltered growing up and wanted to experience the world even after the accident so she ran away at 19. She quickly meets up with Danse's patrol and helps them out, earning a spot with the brotherhood. She helps James kill Maxson and take over the Brotherhood because she didn't want Danse to die and thought Maxson was a jerk for it. After that, she becomes the second in command.
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Katie is the goody two-shoes of the Capital Wasteland. Mainly I wanted to write a childhood friends to lovers au with Butch and thought that canon is more like guidelines anyway. Her best friend besides Butch is Charon. After finding out about his situation, she did everything she could to make money so she could buy his contract. She wasn't exactly surprised to see Charon kill Azrukul but it was pretty shocking. Either way she had her money back and a new body guard. He was the most helpful to her, teaching her how to use guns other than pistols, keeping her relatively safe and fed on their adventures. They grew close enough that Charon no longer tensed up when she was near and started talking a lot more. Turns out, he has a very sarcastic sense of humour. She finds her dad and her twin sister after awhile and saves the wasteland
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Speaking of the twin sister, Rese here is the meaner of the two. She didn't care for her sister's heroics and didn't want to live in her shadow after her glorious saving of the wastes thing, so she set out west. Eventually she finds herself in Nevada where she comes across a bloody and bleeding courier. Thinking that it would be an easy way to get a job, she takes the seemingly dead woman's clothes and heads to the location on the note, Primm. From there she takes an easy job as "Courier Six" and well. You know how that goes. She loses all of her memories except her name, but gains them back when she confronts Benny. She strives for independent Vegas because she has a hard time with authority. Besides that, everyone else is a terrible choice anyway
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The real Courier Six, Roxie, was ambushed on her way to pick up a new job. She was saved by a traveling doctor near Novac and recovered quick. When she gets back to Primm, she is enraged to find out that someone took her job, no matter how sideways it went. She started tracking Rese down and the two get in many scuffles. When Rese starts to gain power, she decides to do the same and utilizes the mark of Cesar she got from Vulpes to join the Legion. Arguably the strongest single faction, it would be all too easy to kill Rese... right?
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fantasmalforces · 4 years
“I’m tired of being numb and desensitized. I’m tired of killing before I eat a goddamn breakfast like nothing happened. I’m tired of this life.” -> From Boone to Dakota :3 || @maximuses
. * ・ 。゚☆ Mafia Themed Starters | ACCEPTING ☆ 。゚・* .
. * ・ 。゚☆ @maximuses ☆ 。゚・* .
“Oh Craig...”
The words were spoken softly, Koda offering a gentle hand on his shoulder. Her mind searched through a seemingly endless catalogue of things to say, but nothing seemed to fit. This life was exhausting. They’d been on the road for weeks now, falling the dusty, dry, heat-cracked pavement of old and broken roads. Whether they went, there was always trouble. From Powder Gangers, from Legion, from other gangs, from wildlife. Some days Koda tried to convince herself that it was more bad people than good, but the truth was, it was still always people. That kind of thing, it stuck no matter who it was. Ever since Boone had taught her how to shoot a gun, she’d been haunted by the thought. Who she was shooting- who they were leaving behind, who their friends and family were, if they had any kids waiting for them to come home. Eve Legionaries had to have people who cared for them... right?
All this walking— somedays the killing seemed to take up a lot more time than the walking— and New Vegas was still miles and miles away still. So many nights of staying up, restless and weary, staying on their toes and watching, waiting, for the bullet or the bomb that would finish it all. But eventually they’d wake up, and that’s when the real nightmare began again. Dakota offered him a gentle rub of the arm and cane closer. “I know, button. I know. But we’re almost there! We’re already more than halfway there. Once we get to New Vegas it’ll be okay. There’ll be place we can stil in. Places to eat a good meal, and get a good night’s rest without either of us having to stay up and keep watch. Maybe once all this business with Benny is over, we can start over. I’ll find out where my family is, and if you want we can... we’ll make room for you. You can meet my brother. I don’t remember much about him. But I know you’ll get along. You can put up your gun, help us do... whatever it is we did for money.”
She was beginning to ramble, getting lost in thoughts like she sometimes did. Chasing memories around in her head that always seemed to be right out of her grasp. But her eyes focused on his, her hand sliding down to his forearm and moving back and forth along in a tender, soothing motion. She wasn’t spacing out this time. She meant what she was saying, and she was saying it for him. “You can have breakfast with us every morning. We’ll get you fresh milk and eggs. You can help me work on scrap mechanics. Walk the length of the house with my sisters, find a new job. Something milder to do with your life. You can be happy again, Craig. I promise. I promise there is more to life than this and I promise you’ll see it.” A pause. “Wh... When I first saw you at Novac, you looked so lost... and when you said you’d come with me, I made a promise to myself that day that I’d help you get found. I am telling you right now Craig, I am swearing it to you: I’m not giving up. Not until you find... someone else, or you find yourself.”
Finally, her hands found his. A motion that was reluctant, and yet she clasped them both in her own. A fluttering warmth seemed to pass over her as she held Boone’s hands in her own. Something about the way his rough mitts compared to her own softer, slender, more dainty hands made her heart flutter as they made contact. She swallowed it down though, inteased letting a vibrant sense of pure determination flash in those emerald green eyes. “We’re a team now, Boone. I’m not leaving you behind. Wasn’t going to then and definitely ain’t going to now. On my honor, you will see that there is more to life than the cards you’ve been dealt. And I’ll be right here to show you around and give you the grand tour of it all. We just gotta get there first.”
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fuckfallout · 5 years
Boone who has psychosis induced by his trauma, a headcannon by an actual psychotic person
Boone seeing legionaries in the distance, feeling his heart beat heavy in his chest and lining up his shot; after he shoots, he realizes nobody was there and it was just a hallucination. The sandy dunes ahead of him suddenly feel especially empty.
Every now and then when he’s trying to go to bed he hears Carla’s loud, happy laugh off in the distance and has to remind himself not to follow it, that it isn’t real, it just isn’t real and she’s not coming back.
The sound of non-existent Legion trumpets startling him awake, lurching up suddenly in bed and scaring the courier (who was sleeping nearby) half to death. Delusions of legionaries coming for him keep him up, clutching his rifle to his chest. It takes him an especially long time to fall back asleep that night.
On an especially bad day, Boone finds himself practically unable to hold together a sentence. No matter what he does, the worlds jumble and fall apart in his mouth. He resigns himself to sitting alone in the mouth of Novac’s resident dinosaur, wondering what the fuck is wrong with himself. 
Boone anxiously and embarrassedly explaining his situation to the courier once he just can’t deny it anymore, thousand yard stare off into the sunset falling over the desert.
The Courier eventually takes Boone down to the Follower’s camp. After much hesitation on his part, he is given a crude wasteland diagnosis, and both shame and reassurance drop in his stomach like a brick. The very next day the courier is scavenging around old pharmacies in search of something that might help. 
The anti-psychotics help; They’re not perfect though. He struggles with some pretty bad side effects at the beginning, but luckily the courier is always by his side to offer support. He loathes the feeling of being dependent on medicine to get about his day, but once he realizes the hallucinations and delusions and disordered speech have slowed down, he feels an immense sense of relief.  
During particularly bad weather, Boone runs out of his pills and suddenly, he doesn’t feel so good. The symptoms of prescription withdraw hit him like a train, his head spinning and his stomach feeling just about ready to turn itself inside out.
Boone finally learning to accept himself as he is, psychosis and all. He is no longer afraid to ask the courier if that radscorpion is actually there, to turn up the radio to drown out the buzzing, to hold his hand and chat to help ground him when things around him when he feels reality slipping from him. 
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wastelandgoat · 5 years
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The Courier
[Authors Note] First of the ‘Goats’ i was ever able to collect solid information on, the first i was able to radio in and speak to. He special to my Research and his story still goes. Sadly I say I am bit late getting his information into the system, but it was a bit hard to find time to do it ever since the Prisoner showed up. My hypothesis leads me to believe some big things will become of their development. [End of Note]
The Courier, a once happy hard working Mailman delivering around the Nevada area.
Claims to have grown up on a secluded farm house in the waste with his parents until he had to leave home to find a job for himself. with a stroke up luck took on the mail man Job and the title of Courier 6. happy to help and get the job done.
He changed after the events at Goodsprings. Bad luck brought the platinum chip and what might as well have been a big red X drawn onto the Couriers back. 
Entering the Mojave from the west, Six was ambushed and chased through the desert by the Tribe known as The Geckos and their leader Benny who seeked what the Courier unknowingly possessed. 
The events led to an epic fight in the night, only the people of good springs could have heard the gunfire over the cooled empty desert, and no one could have prepared the traveler to the land he would traverse to escape the Geckos. 
In the escape Six entered the Goodspring area and fell right into town. in the dead of night he fell from a cliff and depending on who you asked, could say he was lucky to have survived. 
having broken his leg and nearly torn his face off in the tumble, he was then dragged up the hill to the Goodspring Graveyard where the Geckos would shoot the Mailmain, take his package and bury him. 
The only thing to have saved his life that night was a Mechanized savior sent by the devil and a doctor stationed in the town.
He was awoken days later, his right eye hardly able to open, his leg still unusable, and his face full of stitches. 
He was broken. Could almost be called mute during his months in Goodspring, he stayed to heal and kept to himself. only giving his trust to the Doctor of Goodspring and only a few words given to others when he needed to speak.
When he was told he was fully recovered the left for the empty lands before them. He wanted to be alone and far away from the place where everything went so wrong.
He survived alone for a awhile, but being alone can only last so long. His travels took him to the old NCR correction facility. Gaining the trust of the Powder Gangers he set up his home in the safety of their buildings, eating the free food and fighting off the NCR who would come to try and reclaim the building. 
The Courier, now having changed his look, his hair and name, a new man, a stranger to himself. He didnt care for ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, supposes he knew the Powder Gangers were in the wrong but he couldn’t care, he was safe and had a place to sleep at night and no one gave a shit about who he was.
Hardly even two months of living in the facility Goat was evicted, a larger group of NCR soliders, more than they'd ever dealt with before arrived. everyone was slaughtered if they were to stand their ground. Only those who ran lived, and Goat ran for his life.
He ran all the way to Novac, where he once again tried to make a home. living in Novac was somehow different, Goat starts talking to his neighbors and helping people who needed it. he was warming up and even felt like a part of his past returning to him. 
However, not a man to keep a home long Goat soon took off, with only a half hearten promise of return. This venture came when he overheard a group of merchants traveling through town mention the Geckos, how they seemed to be cooking something up and if you were smart you'd move yourself out of the strip and freeside. 
Goat knew his target and set out into the desert. 
he began to help people along the way, small things usually with stomping out invasive animals on peoples homes or fixing their water structures or electricity when it was broken.
he travel far to be reunited with the man who ruined his life. 
He arrived in Freeside. he didnt pay much attention to anyone but the ones who were begging for attention. The Kings, big flashy lights and big attitudes. once Goat entered Freeside they all wanted to know his game. 
[Authors Note: by my guesses my theories on the ‘Goat Myth’ have reached far, and it seemed by this post a good bit of the Mojave knew The Courier before ever even seeing him]
Goat, surprisingly took to The Kings, maybe he liked that sense of being in a gang he had once been used to, maybe it was the welcoming vibe the King himself gave off. The Kings became like his family. Goat and the King were close. The King trusted Goat with his dog and important work that were integral to helping Freeside. the two shared much together, their secrets, alone time and hopes for New Vegas. However, Goat claimed that, even if it wasn't ever said they both knew no matter what they wanted of New Vegas their journeys where destined to fall apart and that Goat simply enjoyed the time he would have with The Kings until they knew it would end. 
In Goats work to improve Freeside under the lead of the Kings, he managed to finally get a way into The Strip. Ignoring all distractions he headed straight for Benny.
When the two met Goat, while still angry with what happened months ago, gave a moment of forgiveness. He heard out Benny and knew what he spoke about House to be true. Though He still have great fury for what Benny had done, he agreed to help him, to make a deal to take out House together.
But Benny only once again turn the tables again Goat and ran off with the Chip.
Goat would spend over a week none stop locating and chasing down Benny. Listening to no one else he was filled with anger, a want for revenge and once again filled with a feelings of being broken. The Courier and Benny’s journey led all the way to Legion. Goat didn't know much about the Legion beyond the bad stories he heard, but to Goat none of it mattered. He had Benny Cornered. Goat Agreed to the Legions terms to fight Benny in an arena for show, and when Benny was done for he was then crucified. [Authors Note: Goat never openly shared it with me, but i believe he felt potential remorse over their story ending this way]
Goat returned to The King, Spoke of what he had done. Goat didn't share further on his week after the events with me. 
He did tell that after this time of recovery The King asked him something of a great task. He asked Goat, with the chip, the trust of House still in his hands the stars aligning in everyone favor, to take out House and restore New Vegas to a better Future.
Goat speaks that, if it had been him months ago before he was shot, or even right before the moment Benny broke his trust and sense of judgement again maybe just maybe he would have told the King, Yes.
But he said no.
This was the dived they both knew would come. Both wanted great things for the future of Freeside and all good people, But Goat no longer trusted himself to make any decisions or to lead people. 
Goat left that night, claims no one was to ever see him again in the Mojave. The platinum Chip left in the hands of the King, and the faith people felt in the Pressence of the man spoken in legends taken. 
everyone believed the Courier was dead, but in the five years before The Prisoner would arrive the King insisted he lived. almost like a special secret he got to happily share when anyone would claim death befell the Courier who turn his back on them.
Few knew where the Courier went that night.
[Authors Note: from the bits and pieces of information iv received on the subject Goat was last scene head toward the Nipton Drive in Movie on a late night]
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salamanderpie · 2 years
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rocket-69 · 2 years
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Progress pictures of Page 5 of Night Falls Over Novac
Actually happy with the dog here. At least, the final dog. The original thumbnails of the entire legionnaire killing sequence were a mess, with way too many panels to be easy to read. I had to cut the original third page as all it did was emphasize Calypte’s pregnancy and follow her up the stairs. I can only hope that her shape in the second page as she holds the door shut implies it better. Similarly, I can only hope that the lineart in Carla’s shadow implies her body shape and pregnancy, too. Jeannie May was supposed to just melt in front of the scout before he was shot, but it ended up being cut and besides, her role as a puppeted illusion was not easy to explain and doing so would be a distraction. Boone was also supposed to be a puppeted illusion, a silhouette in a suicidal pose (or a trophy, depending on how you read it) but again, a distraction. It works better that he’s alive anyway. I just wish in hindsight I was less cautious about contrast on this page- the buildings being so hard to parse.
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Hi! If possible, please could you do like a fluffy first kiss kinda thing with new vegas? Possibly including honest hearts companions? Thanks!
[Interesting! I’m kind of excited to do romancy stuff for a game where you can’t really romance the companions. Although for Honest Hearts I’m only going to be able to do Joshua, this is long enough without follows-chalk and walking cloud]
{Ask box still open!}
Arcade:  Another day in the Mojave wasteland, but winter had finally come. Nuclear winter was not fun in the slightest, although Arcade couldn’t help but wonder what it was like in the old prewar days. Courier and Arcade sat close to each other as a barrel fire burned near them, providing a little bit of heat in their small hide-a-way. 
“Those jokes about the Mojave heat making you wish for a nuclear winter don’t seem as funny anymore…” Arcade joked. Courier laughed slightly and smiled as they watched the fire. The winds blew harder on the ruined building they had taken shelter in. Courier scooted a little closer to Arcade and they touched very gently. Arcade felt his face get red, but he didn’t know what to say. “Guess we should sit as close as possible to preserve body heat.”
Courier nodded and then took off their long trench coat and draped it over both of them. Soon they were huddled together. Arcade turned to look at Courier, their eyes gazing at the fire as if offering their only coat to share was just a normal thing. Soom the Courier saw Arcade and turned and their faces were so close their noses were almost touching. “S-sorry Courier I didn’t mean to stare I guess. You’ve just been so generous I…” Arcade felt himself losing his words. But Courier didn’t seem to mind as they kissed him gently. Arcade covered his face with the coat shyly, no longer feeling cold. 
Boone:  It had been a normal day in Novac, just waiting for Courier to come back and recruit them to travel once more. Usually, the Courier would come into town with some new gear or a new job they needed help with. Or sometimes they would come and just give Boone some company. But this time was different. Boone could feel it in the night air. He raised his weapon and looked through the scope at a distant figure. There, was the courier limping towards Novac holding their side. Boone quickly ran out of the dinosaur statue and towards the Courier. 
“What the hell happened to you?” Boone yelled as he helped the Courier. He could see that they were obviously beaten up but had taken care of their major wounds already. 
“I did it Boone. I killed Caeser.” 
Boone didn’t know what to say for a moment, it was a shocking thing to say in the very least. “All by yourself? You could have gotten yourself killed. Why did you do something like that?”
“He had taken so much away from you Boone I… I couldn’t let the legion take anything else from you or anyone else.” Courier said, looking down at the sandy ground. 
Boone grabbed Couriers chin, making them look eye to eye. “You really did that? Just because of what I had told you the legion had done to me and my family?”
“Of course Boone. I saw how much it hurt you I… I wanted to find a way to make things better for you.” The Courier said gently. Boone didn’t know what to do, he wasn’t always the best with words. So he just did what his body was telling him to do and he kissed the Courier. Boone saw Couriers face get red. He wasn’t sure how he felt about this besides that it was right. He had finally found another light in his life.
Raul: Bullets riddled the pieces of ruins they hid behind as the legion tried to shoot them down. Raul had been in a lot tougher fights before and won, but he was older now. Less confident. “Boss if I die I want ten mariachi bands at my funeral. And a medal.”
Courier smiled and aimed their weapon at the legion and began firing. They got injured by the raining bullets and Raul sighed and helped fire at the legion jerkwads. Finally, there was the final bullet as it struck the last legionnaire in the head. Courier perked up and cheered. “We made it Raul!”
“Heh, Guess we did boss. You sure showed em.” Suddenly Courier hugged Raul and kissed them. Raul didn’t know what to do, he had joked about being a handsome devil before but had never really been the bachelor he pretended to be.  Courier stopped after a moment as their face got red. Raul was grateful that his face really couldn’t blush anymore. 
“S-sorry Raul I was just so happy I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable…”
“N-no!” Raul said nervously, then continued with his normal wisecracking personality. “I know how irresistible I am. If any more of those came my way I certainly wouldn’t mind.”  Raul replied casually.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind” Courier replied, smiling.
[Cass, Veronica and Joshua under cut]
Cass:   “Thanks for the whole revenge trip again Courier.” Cass said, throwing an empty whiskey bottle to the ground, letting it smash on the cracked pavement. “But I’ve been thinking… Maybe it all wasn’t worth it. Maybe I didn’t deserve revenge. Maybe I should have just stayed where I belong, at a bar filled to the brim with whiskey.
“That’s not true Cass.” Courier replied. “Those people did terrible things to your caravan. They hurt people you cared about, the least I could do was help you get revenge not only for yourself but for those people.”
Cass laughed slightly, looking down. “Why do you always gotta be such a good person?” Cass looked up at the Courier, who didn’t seem to know how to respond. They just sat down and looked out over the mojave. “Hey, you’re a good person. You know that right? Out of all the sorry sacks I’ve met out here, your the best.” The Courier looked at Cass and smiled slightly. That damned smile. Cass wasn’t sure if it was the smile, the courier, or the drink that made her do it, but she kissed Courier. They both leaned into it for a moment and then both recoiled, seeming shocked. Cass covered her mouth for a moment. “Was it that bad?”
“N-no!” Courier replied. “You just uh… tasted like Whiskey.” Courier smiled slightly and so did Cass.
“Gee thanks.”
Veronica: “Without the brotherhood… what am I?” Veronica said, looking up at the sky. 
“A more free person,” Courier replied, nodding to themselves.
“Sure but… What if I end up being the reason the brotherhood falls apart? What if they really needed me? What if… Uhg I don’t know…”
“Veronica, you were the best thing to come out of the brotherhood. But if they fall apart without you that just shows how much they should have listened to you. They had their chance and they didn’t take it. Some of them even wanted you dead!”
“I know I know but… the brotherhood was all I had. They were my family, my friends… Now I’m alone out in this barren landscape having to fend for myself.”
Courier took Veronica'shands. “You’re not alone Veronica! I’ll help you, I’ll protect you.  We can fix the mMojavetogether, with or without the brotherhood. You don’t have to be scared. But it’s up to you whether you want to keep being my companion or not.” Courier said, looking away.
Veronica looked at the Courier. They were kind of the reason she got kicked out, but… if she hadn’t gotten kicked out on her own they might have just killed her later anyways… Or worse… The Courier has done more for Veronica in the past few months than some of the Brotherhood members could do in their whole lives. Veronica pressed her lips against the Couriers rough lips. They both leaned into it. Veronica finally felt a connection with someone she could trust, and someone she knew wouldn’t have to worry about leaving her.
Joshua: Courier carefully helped Joshua with removing the bandages. He didn’t seemed phased by the pain. Courier guessed he was probably used to it by now. “You really have to do this every day?”
“Indeed. It’s like being exposed to the baptizing fires again and again, but it is better to be clean than comfortable. And it reminds me of my mission.” Joshua says as he works on replacing some of his bandages.
“Sometimes I don’t understand how you can be so strong… You’ve gone through so much. I wish there was more I could do for you.” Courier said.
“My wounds are not your fault, and you have worked hard for me and the people of Zion. Together we can keep going good for this land, and keep it safe for years to come.”
The Courier smiles and nods slightly. “Your right. I’ve done good and I can continue to do good. No matter the consequences I have to take.” The Courier assured themselves. Joshua looked up into the Couriers eyes as they helped with the bandages. Maybe a part of Joshua just wanted them to stop unwrapping the bandages, maybe a part of Joshua had been wanting to do this for a while. Either way, Joshua took one of Couriers hands and kissed them, their rough lips interlocking. They stayed like this for a moment, and then the Courier pulled away. They seemed shocked, but Joshua was calm. He never did something he wasn’t sure of. “T-that was… out of nowhere…”
“Well, Courier I’d say I’ve begun to be more… attached to you. I hope you can return my feelings, but if you don’t we should continue to work with each other for the good of Zion.”
“O-of course I like you back! o-oh we need to finish with your bandages before we worry about that…”
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callsignbaphomet · 5 years
OC Interview
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1. What is your name? “Jelani Haakonson.”
2. How old are you? "20."
3. What do you look like? "Long hair, blue eyes, black, according to somebody way too tall."
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? "Originally from Capital Wasteland. Now I'm kind of nowhere really. I mean, we took a bunker we found and cleaned it out and now we're holed up there but we move around a lot and honestly, once we get tired of Boston we're shipping out to whoever the fuck knows."
5. What was your childhood like? "Bittersweet I guess. It wasn't exactly charming or easy. Eh, not something I revisit often."
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? "Ok, so I may or may not have gotten on Preston's bad side--not that I give a shit. Probably not on best terms with those railroad quacks after I insulted them. I mean, it wasn't an insult I was just being honest that they took it as an insult is a them problem. I don't think the 'Institute' is real so obviously not allied to them or whatever. I kinda stay away from the BoS in the area and apparently Nisha wants to and I quote stab me in the throat, pull out the knife and make Angelus choke on my blood and it sounds kinky as fuck but I'm still waiting for that stabbing.
Think the only people we actually get along with is The Pack and The Operators. Oh, and those really sweet ghouls up in that farm and Varg from that group of ghouls that live on that ship.”
7. Tell me about your best friend. "He's an idiot, way too loud, way too hyper, wastes far too many bullets and barely hits anything, skinny, little pale twink that I loved enough to marry. He's still an idiot though."
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them! "Ja, I have an older brother. He taught me everything our parents taught him. I was too little to remember a lot of it so after they died he picked up where they left off. Basically raised me. He's nice, a little too nice for his own good but he means well. He'll help anyone no matter what."
9. What about a partner or partners? "Yeah, husband. Talked about him earlier."
10. Who are your enemies? And why? Aside from Nisha I might sorta, kinda be wanted by the NCR and it's probably a good idea to never go back to New Vegas.
Thing with Nisha is because she found out I was talking trash about her and her little group. At least The Pack surprisingly has a clear view of what they want, Operators obviously know what they want and what to do. Nisha and those rabid little assholes just wanna kill everything and ok in a way I can admire that but there’s no pay off to it, there’s no point. And I just don’t like the bitch and she needs to live with it. Still waiting for that stabbing, Nisha. Need my address?
NCR is a huge mess. I don’t even remember why we were fighting but this asshole named Lucien just started shit with my brother so obviously I wasn’t having any of it so I stepped in. Shit escalated and we shot ‘em and took their coats because...fuck them all. NCR found out and of course now we’re on bad terms with them to the point where it’s kill on sight."
11. Have you ever heard of the Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them? "Ok with all due respect to my mother I think they're just glorified raiders who come to places they're not wanted and like locusts take what they want and use people only to then move on and leave the area all the worse. I get why my mother joined but I'm glad she went awol."
12. What about The Enclave? "I don't know that much, I don't even think they're around anymore. All I know is my maternal grandmother was in The Enclave."
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants? "Annoyed. Trigger happy freaks who just never calm the fuck down."
14. What's the craziest fight you ever been in? "This was back in New Vegas and we were in the strip. So a couple of us were at Gomorrah, there was a lot of drinking. So after some fucking around on the courtyard we all head up to one of the suites and we're passing around more drinks, chems of all kinds and prostitutes. So there was this one prostitute I can't even remember what the fuck he looked like but he was crazy for jet and guess what I had plenty of. Later that night someone comes to the fucking door asking for a Jake. None of us really know each other, we were all just a bunch of mercs fucking around. So everybody starts asking for a Jake and who was it? The guy who I was balls deep in. Great. Turns out that bitch was that guy's favorite but I'm an asshole about it, I'm drunk and high off everything you can imagine. I walk up to the guy at the door and tell him that he can have him back once I'm done with him and close the door and we get back to it. Guy doesn't like that but walks away.
So we're all still drinking and fucking and suddenly we hear gunshots down the hall and the same dude from before yelling for Jake to come out. He kicks down the door, fights his way through the group and pulls out a knife while he yells that that's his bitch I was fucking. I don't even know why but I just put my hand up, I guess I was trying to grab his hand but ended up putting my palm in front of me and he just stabs my hand. At that moment I didn't feel a thing. The whole room just stopped and we're all looking at my hand and that psycho. I shake my hand to get it off but all I'm really doing is spraying blood everywhere and we all start laughing but that guy wasn't laughing so he yells and goes to shoot but two other guys this one prostitute push the guy and they wrestle the gun from him somehow. I'm still laughing really loud and I don't know why but I grabbed him and stood him up and I pushed him. Pushed him hard enough that he went through the window and the last thing we heard was this really nasty splat.
We all looking at the dead guy and then at each other and the girl that got the gun off him just yells out this really slurred bye and we lose our shit. We're laughing hard and making a bigger raucous and just then some Omerta assholes walk in with guns drawn and shit. She was the only one who wasn't drunk or high so she tells 'em what the fuck just happened and they just give us a generic warning and we keep going till we blackout. I woke up two days later near Novac and Loke looking at me like a disappointed dad and talks my ear off for an hour. I don't remember what the fuck he said I was hungover and my hand hurt like a bitch. No regrets that was a hell of a fun night."
15. Have you ever fought a deathclaw? "...I have and on several occasions but one sticks out and it's probably the worst moment of my life. When Loke and I realized we were wanted by the NCR he goes up to me and says, 'Lillebror, we need to get the fuck outta here. Now.' So he's panicking and he never panics so I'm panicking. Long story short we go with this caravan who's moving to Boston because you know there's safety in numbers and they have a map and they've used that same route dozens of times.
Turns out there was a really bad storm and the usual route was blocked off by this massive tree and if we didn’t have some brahmin with us and there wasn’t a caravan we could have climbed over it. So we’re looking at the map and I notice this route through what I’m guessing used to be some mines that led back to the main route. That route was the fastest but hadn’t been used for a long time but I keep insisting it’s better than going through the other one which would cost us about 3 days. So we go and we literally walk into a goddamn deathclaw nest. We manage to kill one since it was already wounded but then the other one shows up and Loke tries to lure it away from the group while I get everyone to a safe distance. Once I do I go back for my brother and I try to get that thing’s attention so Lo can hide. Didn’t exactly go as planned and I watched Lo and the deathclaw fall.
I thought he’d died and I don’t know I stayed at the nest just waiting. I don’t know those few days after are a blur and the only reason I snapped out of it was because Dagny was injured and she was hungry and I knew she wouldn’t be able to survive on her own. So I finally got up and walked to Boston because of her.
Luckily Lo made it and we eventually found each other again but that was the worst deathclaw encounter I’ve ever had.”
16. Do you like fighting? “Not particularly, I mean, if I have to I will but I don’t actively try to look for fights.”
17. What's your weapon of choice? “Antimaterial sniper rifle that used to belong to my mom. I can pretty much use anything but that’s my go to.”
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) Combination of skills. I was basically trained since I was a kid to use most any weapon and how to survive out there. Also picked up how to hack into any terminal I come across. I leave the charm and manipulation and lockpicking to Angelus and any and all robot know how to Lo.”
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think of them? “Yeah, we actually went looking for a violin for this old lady, it was inside a vault. I don’t really know what to think of them aside from the fact that they’re really creepy.”
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you? “Look I have a lot of specific things I take with me whenever I go out there and a metric fuck ton of Rad Away is one of them. I never eat anything that’s raw and I spend a long time washing food before I cook it. I’ve barely had to deal with that shit and I intend to keep it that way.”
21. What's your favorite wasteland critter? “Fine, I might be a bit biased but night stalkers and dogs. Dagny’s been an amazing pet and Maya’s an absolute sweetheart.”
22. What's your least favorite wasteland critter? “Deathclaws. Hate them to death. I don’t like admitting to it but they scare the fuck out of me and whenever I run into one I’m scared to death that it’ll hurt or kill someone I care about and I get into this weird fight or flight state where I’m either gonna run the fuck away as fast as I can or I fight till I run out of bullets or it kills me.”
23. How do you feel about robots? “To be honest they kind of used to freak me out a little especially robobrains but watching Loki put ‘em together and fix ‘em is actually pretty interesting and Kat’s fun. She’s bitchy in a fun way.”
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? “I never leave without at least 400 caps, you never know what the fuck’s gonna happen out there. There’s also several stashes with at least 200 caps in them that Angelus and I have hidden in areas we frequent.”
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla? “Fuck, man, Nuka always, especially Nuka Cherry. When I saw the damn bottling plant over at Nuka world I nearly cried.”
26. Do you do chems? “Uh...not really anymore. Ok, as a teenager I was drinking a lot and basically trying every chem anybody would offer. I didn’t keep any with me because I knew my brother would kick the shit out of me. I didn’t use frequently because I was afraid Loki would find out and I was really cautious about addiction. Now skip forward to Boston and this was after the deathclaw incident and I thought Loki was dead and I blamed myself for what happened and I wasn’t in a good place at all I’ll admit it. Met Angelus and some of his friends and they were getting high and/or drunk all the goddamn time we went to Nuka World and it got to a point where I thought that it would be better if I just died so I took to jet because it was the only thing that would numb me enough to stop feeling anything especially the guilt. On one particularly shitty day I was drunk and that exacerbated that guilty feeling so I hid and took one hit after another until I blacked out and next thing I know Angelus was pumping me full of Addictol while this other Operator helped him. Apparently I was declared dead for two minutes and when I came to I was fucking pissed off at him. That was the point and he fucked it up for me but I’m actually grateful for it and after that I stopped taking any of it and he actually slowed down on using any of them. He occasionally still used but not as much as before and he’s kinda stopped ever since we got married so win-win I guess.”
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world? “No, I don’t actually. That time is long gone and it’s never coming back so there’s no point in wasting time and energy into thinking about it. I’ve read up on it several times and while it sounds practical it also sounds utterly boring and I don’t know if society as it is now could possibly go back to it, not when we’ve lived this way for this long.”
28. What's your deepest regret? What would you do differently? “I have plenty of regrets but there are some I regret more than others. I regret suggesting that route that led to that nest, I regret getting addicted to jet and overdosing on it but I especially regret the one time I was brave enough to kill myself. This was obviously before I found out that Loke was still alive, this was after the overdose and way before we got married. I told Angelus to look after Dagny while I went out to do a favor for someone. I just kept walking and walking until I ran into this small abandoned bunker and I broke in and just dropped on the floor and just stayed there for days. I was choking on this guilt and I didn’t know how to make it stop. So I grabbed the knife I always carry with me and I just cut as deep as I could and waited. Few minutes later I could hear barking and in rushes Dagny followed by Maya, Angelus, Ginger, and Abigail. Spent a few weeks at their place. Didn’t eat, didn’t talk, barely moved, three of them watched me like a hawk. I’d made up my mind to eat a bullet as soon as they let their guard down but Angelus got pissed the fuck off at me and he started yelling at me. Told me I was acting like an asshole and being selfish. I finally spoke up and told him that I should’ve died with Lo and he actually pushed me and told me that Lo didn’t sacrifice himself only for me to go and kill myself and that by doing that I was spitting in his face and it made sense. We just stayed in bed for a few days, cried more than I ever did in my entire life and I don’t know it just made a bit of sense.
If I knew that I would eventually run into Loke and find out that he was still alive I would have never done any of that especially after Lo saw the scars and asked and I didn’t lie. I should’ve but I didn’t wanna lie to him and he was crying and I was crying and it was a bit of a mess. He told me that he thought about doing it too when he wasn’t able to find me and thought that maybe I’d died. That’s my biggest regret.”
29. What's your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? “Look in this day and age I’ll consider growing old and dying of natural causes like the ultimate achievement.”
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? “Don’t really have a plan, I mean, I’m just kind of winging it. For now we’re here in Boston but who knows, if there’s some other place we could run off to we’ll go and take it from there.”
Tagged by @wild-w4steland-snip3r (thank you, dear, this was super fun!)
Tagging @spiderkingtony and anyone else who actually read through and wanna do it.
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askfreddiemercury · 5 years
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Once ED-E and I made it to REPCONN and cleared out most of the feral ghouls, we realized that there was some sort of strange cult made of a bunch of non-feral ghouls. Their leader, Jason Bright, a glowing one, sent me on a quest to help him and his people get to the ‘far beyond.’ It involved clearing the basement of Nightkin to help get the rockets the test site still had up and ready for the ghouls to go on their journey. I had the option to screw the whole plan up but I didn’t do so because I’m not that kind of person. I managed to launch the rockets off with ease. What am I doing with my life? I’m supposed to be looking for that checkered suit asshat. Anyways.
I go back to Manny as the sun is starting to set.
Freddie: The ghouls are no longer at REPCONN.
Manny: Really? Unbelievable, man! I knew that wasn’t gonna be easy. But I had a good feeling about you. You look like you been through a lot.
Look huh?
Freddie: Now about the man I’m looking for…
Manny: Okay, I’ll tell you everything I know, like I promised. The guy you’re looking for, Benny, he was traveling with some members from my old gang. They were going to Boulder City.
At last, I get a name for the man who shot me.
Freddie: Where’s Boulder City?
Manny: It’s straight up Route 93 from here. Just keep following the road north.
Freddie: Any idea why they went that way?
Manny: No clue. I know Benny hadn’t paid up yet. Maybe that was where they were supposed to get square.
Freddie: Hm, well thanks, Manny. That’s all I needed to know.
Manny: Hope that helps. I owed you.
I make my way out of the dinosaur and into my motel room where I can finally rest up before I make my way to Boulder City. I tell ED-E to power down for today, he gently floats down onto the floor after doing so.
Not long after I fall dead asleep I wake to the sound of a gun going off. Is that Manny? Strange. I best go check that out. I leap from my bed and run over to the T-Rex, once inside I run up the stairs and open the door but instead of Manny I see a man in a dirty white shirt. He didn’t notice me even if when that door is kind of loud due to age. I tapped his shoulder and he quickly turns around with his sniper pulled out.
Freddie: Woah! Friendly fire!
He quickly puts it away.
Boone: Goddamn it! Don’t sneak up on me like that. What do you want?
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He says very angrily with me. This guy looks like he hasn’t slept in ages but honestly who sleeps these days anyway.
Freddie: Were you expecting visitors?
Boone: Yeah. I guess maybe I am. But not like you. Huh. Maybe it should’ve been you I was expecting all along.
Why does it sound like everyone is flirting with me? Guess my head isn’t right yet.
Boone: Why are you here?
Freddie: Oh I just like meeting new people.
Boone: I think you’d better leave.
Freddie: Come on man, I’m just making friendly conversation.
Boone: I don’t have friends here.
Not getting rid of me that easily. I have to get this guy to open up just a little.
Freddie: Well, I’m not from here, buddy.
Boone: No. No you’re not, are you? Maybe you shouldn’t go. Not just yet. I need someone I can trust. You’re a stranger. That’s a start.
See what I mean?
Freddie: You only trust strangers?
Boone: I said it was a start. This town… Nobody looks me straight in the eye anymore.
Freddie: What do you need me to do?
Boone: I want you to find something else for me. I don’t know if there’s anything to find, but I need someone to try. My wife was taken from our home by Legion slavers one night while I was on watch. They knew when to come and what route to take, and they only took Carla. Someone set it up. I don’t know who.
Woah, this got dark fast.
Freddie: You’re trying to track down your wife?
He gives me an angry expression.
Boone: My wife’s dead. I want the son of a bitch who sold her.
Freddie: How do you know she’s dead?
Boone: I know, all right? And that’s all you need to know.
He snaps at me and I raise my hands up to calm him down.
Freddie: What do I do if I find this person?
Boone: Bring him out in front of the nest here while I’m on duty. I work nights. I’ll give you my NCR beret to put on. It’ll be our signal, so I know you’re standing with him. And I’ll take care of the rest. I need to do this myself.
Freddie: Alright, Boone, I'll see what I can do.
Boone: Good. I’ll make it worth your while. And one more thing. We shouldn’t speak again. Not until it’s over. No one in town knows that I know what happened to my wife. Best they never know. Or the Legion will be after me next.
He hands me his beret and I make my way out of the dinosaur. Boone’s putting a lot of faith into me and hopes I can find whoever sold his wife to the Legion. I have to ask around and look around to find solid evidence on who did it. I’ve got your back, Boone.
First, I check in with Cliff Briscoe, owner of the little shop in the dinosaur. He says that he and Carla didn’t speak much. Said she was in his store once but didn’t stay long. He also said that Boone did most of the buying for them. He goes on to say that she had a look on her face like she’d smell something sour, but that the shop always smelled as fine as it always does. Secondly, I go find Ranger Andy. Said Carla was a knockout and that whenever Boone walked around her, he always had this funny grin on his face like he couldn’t believe his luck.
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Ranger Andy: I knew we couldn’t. That wasn’t the only reason she stuck out. That girl never minced words. If she’s had better food or hospitality, she’d let you hear it. Trouble was, she usually had. I don’t think she meant it. She really was a sweet girl. I think she just wanted to remind herself that there are still nicer places in the world than Novac. Who could blame her for that?
Seems like Andy thought kindly of Carla, so not that person I’m looking for.
Next, I find Manny in his room. He tells me that Boone and he used to be snipers for the NCR but now their not a friendly terms.
Freddie: Why are you in bad terms with Boone?
Manny: Me and his wife, we didn’t see eye-to-eye on some things. We had some pretty big arguments. One day she turns up missing, and he hasn’t said a word to me since.
Boone must think Manny had something to do with his wife going missing. He tells me that he had a problem with Boone’s wife trying to take him away from Manny, he obviously had a big problem with some city lady taking his best friend away.
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Manny: Believe me. When I heard the news my first thought was, I owe somebody, big. I figured Boone would come around after a while. But he hasn’t. And I’m starting to think that if he doesn’t find her, things will never go back to the way they were.
Freddie: Just how many people hated Carla?
Manny: Man, everybody. That girl didn’t have one friend in this whole town. She didn’t want any. She wanted to sit in her room all day and make herself miserable. And she went out of her way to be rude. She upset a lot of people. You wouldn’t have liked her, either.
I feel like Manny is taking a few liberties with this story, she couldn’t have been that awful. I thank him anyway and finally decide to check up Jeannie, the owner of Novac.
Freddie: What can you tell me about Boone’s wife?
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Jeannie: How should I put it? I guess you could say she was kinda like a cactus flower. Real pretty to look at, but there was just no getting close to her. She never did take living here. She liked the big lights and fast living of New Vegas. I got the feeling she was trying to get Boone to leave with her, but I guess she got tired of waiting. I know he thinks she was kidnapped, but I’m not so sure she didn’t just run off on her own. You could tell she was thinking about it ever since they arrived.
Well, that whole story sounds like a bunch of brahmin shit! Something isn’t adding up with Jeannie’s story, so far I’ve heard that she loved Boone quite a lot and he loved her. Why the hell would she just get up and walk off? Especially with how dangerous the Mojave is. I think Jeannie is hiding something and I intend to find out. I wait around the main office until Jeannie walks out to go to her room. I’ve seen a safe just behind the desk there, maybe there’s something inside that could help me.
I get up to unlock the safe and once I’m in I see a piece of paper, after reading I found out that it’s a bill of sale… For Carla… I read that the Legion came by and offered to buy her off of Jeannie, she gave them rights of ownership and sale for one thousand bottle caps. Things get worse as I go on and read “...and those of her unborn child for the sum of five hundred bottle caps…”
Boone was right all along, Jeannie was annoyed with Carla because she was a bit of a snob and sold her as a slave along with her unborn child. This is the most horrifying thing I’ve heard so far. All because she didn’t like her?! Well, it’s time for Boone to get his revenge.
I go to Jeannie’s room and knock on the door, she opens the door.
Freddie: Hey, Jeannie, Come with me. There’s something you should see, in front of the dinosaur.
Jeannie: Okay. If that’s what you think.
Yeah, I do think that.
I lead her out of Novac and right in front of the nest like Boone said. She looks around at nothing while I put it on Boone’s beret and he takes the shot right then and there. I’m caught off guard.
Freddie: Fuck!
I jump out of the way as Jeannie falls to the ground, her head was completely blown off. Talk about some shot. I rush back to the dinosaur and up the stairs where Boone is waiting for me.
Boone: That’s it. How did you know?
I hand him the bill of sale.
Freddie: I found this in her safe, Jeannie did it.
Boone: I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. It’d be like them to keep paperwork.
Boone takes his beret back but gives me another 1st Recon beret he had with him.
Boone: Here. This is all I can give. I think our dealings are done here.
Freddie: What will you do after this?
Boone: I don’t know. I won’t be staying. I know that. Don’t see much point in anything right now, except hunting legionaries. Maybe I’llwonder, like you.
Freddie: Hey, why don’t you come with me? Let’s go after the Legion.
Boone: You don’t want to do that.
Freddie: We’ll kill more with two of us.
Boone: Yeah. That might be true. And that’s reason enough for me to take you up on it. I suppose. But this isn’t gonna end well.
<Boone has given you the Spotter perk, this will help you see enemies from far away or even the dark much better>
Boone: Fine. Let’s get out of here.
Freddie: Great. We heading to New Vegas. I have a score to settle. Wait, the name Benny doesn’t mean anything to you does it?
Boone: No.
I put on the beret that he gave me.
Freddie: Since you gave me this one, do you ever take yours off?
Boone: No.
What an open book this guy is.
Freddie: Alright. Let’s go then, I just need to go grab ED-E real fast. Been asleep this whole time. Poor little buddy.
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thelordfool · 6 years
When The Sun Rises - Chapter Three
Non Facias Malum ut Inde Fiat Bonum
“Why don’t you come with me?”
Between the two men sat a long period of silence. Arcade turned the helmet of the riot gear over in his hands a few times, feeling the weight of it, humming at the possibilities presented to him. Aberdeen patiently sat, fingers folded across his torso in a relaxed stance.
“Well,” the doctor finally sighed, “I have a few questions, first.”
“One, why do you have a spare set of this armor? Two, where did you keep it to return so quickly? Three, why me?” Arcade had a look of... bewilderment. All of this was happening so quickly. “And I have a fourth, depending on your answers to the previous ones.”
Aberdeen sucked in a breath. “Well,” he sighed out, “it’s always a good idea to have a spare set of armor around in case yours starts to fall apart - which mine has - but I figure, it’s been the best set of armor I’ve ever had and probably will ever have save for a set of power armor, which I’m not even able to use anyway.
“To answer your second question, I had it stored nearby in McCarran. They owed me a few favors so I’ve got a little temporary setup over there since it isn’t exactly easy to travel to and from Novac every night for some decent sleep. Can’t sleep with all the lights and noise of the Strip right on my doorstep, personally, so a short walk is fine by me.
“And third...” The courier paused. Underneath his own mask, his lips were stretched taut. Why did he want to travel with Arcade? “You said I needed a friend. I think we could be friends.”
“Aren’t you blunt.”
“I seem to be getting that a lot today. Are you people not used to honesty, or something?”
Arcade snickered. “Unfortunately, we aren’t. Around here we get a lot of addicts, gamblers, and youth who are always trying to find an excuse for what’s happened to them.” With this, he sighed, finally setting the helmet down. He noticed something carved into the back of it - the word FORGIVE, just like that. He briefly wondered what that meant. 
“You said you had another question,” the courier interrupted his thoughts. “Hopefully I answered you in a way that allows it to be asked.”
“Well, Courier, I’ve heard of what you’ve done. Everyone talks about it - talks about you, I should say. How you found a way to peacefully settle what would have been a bloody battle in Goodsprings, right after you crawled back from death’s grip. How you got Primm back into working shape.” The name of Primm made Aberdeen wince, and it was a good thing Arcade couldn’t see his face. Aberdeen could only think, in that quick moment, of the eyebot that had been in his life so briefly. The doctor continued, “Providing medical relief to various NCR camps, farms, villages, and you’ve gained quite the reputation in the Legion, as well. My question is, with all the help you’ve given to others, do you plan to continue that in Freeside?”
“Of course,” replied the courier without hesitation. “I’ve seen... I’ve seen what war can do to a man. What the wastes can turn people into. The people of Freeside are no different. If the Legion had an ounce of basic human respect in their blood, I would be giving them the same treatment.” He sounded bitter about this, like he had lost an old friend to Caesar's reign. “The NCR has its faults, and quite frankly, if the Followers were in charge of everything... this world would be a better place,” he finished quietly.
“We’re not all that perfect,” Arcade admitted. “Caesar was once one of the Followers. Before my time, of course. He wanted to rebuild a new world in the image of the old. A sad story of good intentions gone bad. In that regard, he’s hardly unique.  If you set aside his leadership capabilities, extensive knowledge, and ruthless cunning... he's just another jerk who steps on people to get his way." He shook his head, rustling the hair that he had managed to relax back down on his head from right-out curly q’s to something a little more manageable. “If the Followers can produce such a man, then-”
“Then you are not at fault,” assured the courier. “As a whole, I mean.”
“We know that, just... abundans cautela non nocet.”
“Fair enough, I suppose. Don’t let that caution get in your way of pursuing what is right, though.”
“You- you speak Latin?” Arcade sputtered.
“Semper paratus,” Aberdeen said with a wink, who then realized that he still had not removed his mask. “It was more out of necessity than anything.”
“What could have possibly- you know what, no,” Arcade slapped a hand down on the table. “Actually, I don’t even care. From your actions alone, I can say - with strength - that I will come with you. I’m not sure what help I’ll be out there, but... Something in my gut tells me this is right.”
Somewhere, in another area of the Fort, Julie Farkas was hit with a sudden and great wave of relief and joy.
“But.. one last question.”
“Hit me.”
“Uh, do I have to wear this?”
“It’d make me happy if you did. It’s a security measure. You won’t be protected from Fiends - or the rain - in that lousy lab coat of yours.”
Arcade looked down at his coat. It hadn’t been washed, in, well, probably a few years, if he had to be honest with himself, and running out into the rain that morning didn’t count. It was actually still a bit moist, as the lone radiator in the room only worked so often, and when it did, it was barely enough to keep one from shivering, much less able to dry anyone. Even so, the doctor felt almost insulted.
“What’s wrong with my lousy lab coat?” He grinned at his childish joke, stripping it away to rest against the back of his chair.
“Yeesh, if I’d known you were that attached, I’d’ve found someone to perform marriage rights for you,” the courier was quick to retort. The two men shared a chuckle. “I’ll get out of your hair to let you change. You’ll want a dry set of clothing underneath that too - it chafes like the devil.”
Aberdeen’s Pip-Boy chimed, signaling noon. He really wished he could figure out how to turn that off, as it’s ruined a number of covert missions. He snorted at the thought of that phrase, thinking back to pre-war spy holotapes. He’d seen a few in the Big Empty, before he ditched that place. Soon he’d have to return on his monthly trip there, though, if not for the fear of the wrath of the Toaster, but to check in on everyone. 
The last three-ish months had been eventful, every day packed with fighting, not sleeping, and a load of things he truly didn’t understand. It was right after the bullet had been lodged in his head that Aberdeen found paths that lead outside the Mojave. A week, at best. He vowed never to listen to another strange radio signal again, because a month and a half each in the Big Empty and dealing with the droning on of a voice he’d come to hate gave him a bitter taste in his mouth. Long had he wished just to taste the copper sands of the Mojave on his tongue again.
Under the cover of a mostly dry overhang, the courier lit a cigarette. He wondered if the good doctors here in the Fort would chastise him for such an activity, but as soon as the nicotine hit his brain, the thought dispelled and flew away in a puff of exhaled smoke. He let the next inhale simmer in his lungs as he stared into the relentless rain. 
What am I going to do today, he thought. More importantly, what is taking him so long?
Arcade should have been finished dressing himself by now. The courier gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking that not as many people would be ready to go as quickly as he would be. For now, the courier sat on the lone, rain-moistened stool, elbow propped on a table. There was an ashtray, a radio, and a few playing cards turned indecipherable by the water. Lightning flashed overhead, followed by the cursing rumble of thunder, and the radio, to the courier’s astonishment, flickered to life. 
Like earlier, he couldn’t really hear it, but he heard the unfamiliar words “Sierra Madre” and reached to turn the volume up. Leaning in, he could make out the broadcast.
“... s inviting you to begin again. Come to a place where wealth, excitement and intrigue await around every corner. Stroll along the winding streets of our beautiful resort, make new friends, or rekindle old flames. Let your eyes take in the luxurious expanse of the open desert under clear star-lit skies. Gaze straight on into the sunset from our villa rooftops. Countless diversions await: Gamble in our casino, take in the theater, or stay in one of our exclusive executive suites that will shelter you and cater to your every whim. So if life's worries have weighed you down, if you need an escape from your troubles, or if you just need an opportunity to begin again, join us, let go, and leave the world behind at the Sierra Madre grand opening this October... We'll be waiting."
There was about thirty seconds of buffer silence before the dialogue repeated.
“Oh, hell naw,” he scoffed, smacking the radio off. 
“Something the matter?” The suddenness of Arcade’s voice made the courier jump with a yelp. Arcade chuckled. “Didn’t mean to scare you.” The doctor now looked nearly identical to the courier in his riot gear, and, Aberdeen noticed, he had a plasma pistol strapped to his side. 
“No, just...” Aberdeen hesitated. “You ever hear of a place called the Sierra Madre?”
“Hm... Yes, on the radio, and in passing some time ago from... someone I used to know.” He was omitting something there on purpose, but Aberdeen didn’t want to pry. “Why do you ask?”
“Just heard it myself on the radio here,” he gestured to the radio with a now-broken switch. 
“Think the signal might be worth checking out?”
“Aren’t you eager to get out and about. No, I’ve had my fun following lost signals. I have other things to do. So, who around here needs some help?”
This is part three of ? of a slow-burn Courier Six (Aberdeen)/Arcade Gannon fic. If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or donating to my PayPal. I am remaking my commissions post, but I also do artwork.
If this is your first time seeing this, you can start here with chapter one on tumblr or on Ao3.
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