#it is indulgent of me but i want to talk about how i drew this comic sooo bad
scammydoesstuff · 29 days
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Been a minute since I've been able to draw or even post anything. And that's cuz I've been busy af with a job that's been slowly killing me for the last 8 months. But it's all good; I'm actually leaving that shithole at the end of the week. Yay! Maybe that means I can open up commissions again since I'll actually have time for them? Who's to say...
Anyway! Had a rough weekend at Fan Expo Chicago last week, and I've kinda had this in mind to draw ever since my disappointing interaction with Neil Newbon. He was very nice, but it felt pretty clear that he only really cared about Astarion. And, like, to a degree I get it? Astarion seems like a cool character that means a lot to a lot of people, but to act like no one cares anymore about Resident Evil Village cuz it's an "older game" (his words, not mine), kinda killed my mood for the weekend. Not to mention coming back with COVID. That was also a bummer...
*I* still love Heisenberg, at least. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. ❤️‍🩹
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rocket-69 · 2 years
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Title page progress pictures for Night Falls Over Novac
The title page was a hasty last minute choice which nevertheless felt necessary for establishing things and actually giving Calypte a voice. Her eye is supposed to look like those photos of eyes where the shadows have all the color and definition, but even if that didn’t succeed I still think it looks nice. The markings on her hand are a map of the south-eastern region of the FNV map. The poms are Nelson and Searchlight, the tip of her pointer finger is REPCONN, Ranger Station Charlie and the Legion Raid Camp are the X’s. The rectangle on the ring finger is Sunset Drive-In and her pinky finger is the intersection right before the Mojave Outpost. I almost called the comic Hotel California.
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roosterforme · 5 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 6 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley asks you for your number, you can't believe he wants to spend his phone call on you. Even though you're nervous about asking, you realize you need answers to some of your questions. The promise of getting to hear your voice is enough to get Bradley through the week, but is he going to be enough for you?
Warnings: Fluff, language, Bradley being sexy
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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When you woke up for work and checked your phone, there was a new email waiting for you from Bradley, and you couldn't decide what to do about it. As soon as you'd hit send on that selfie of you in bed, you felt like an idiot. Was he expecting something more than a random picture of you after you'd removed your makeup for the day? Was he going to eventually give up responding at all when he realized that one date with you was ultimately just a waste of his time on his stop back in San Diego?
But he had written back yet again, and you were nervous to see what he had on his mind. You dropped your phone into your purse, making a deal with yourself: you could read his response once you were at work. That would give you enough time to process your thoughts on the matter. You were being silly for wanting more and expecting more with every interaction. This man owed you nothing. You were probably in over your head with the mutual daydreaming and flirtation.
What were you going to do when it was easy for him to say that talking to you had been fun, but he needed to get back to his real life? What were you going to do when you weren't able to do the same?
Once you were settled at your desk looking at your Natural History notes in those last few minutes of solitude before your eighteen students arrived for the day, you let yourself indulge in Bradley's words. 
Hey, Gorgeous,
You're the only woman I'm going to let email me regularly. And I was right. You do look adorable snuggled up in your bed. That photo is going to keep me up at night wondering how cute you'd look in mine...
It looks like I'll have the opportunity to make a phone call soon, and I'd love to hear your voice. If you want to talk. I can't guarantee I won't sound like an idiot, tripping over my words the whole time, but hey, a guy can dream. Will you let me have your phone number?
Yours Truly,
"Oh my god." You forced yourself to read it slower the second time around. He was thinking about you in his bed! He wanted your phone number! "What are you doing to me?" you groaned. 
He wanted to call you. This man wanted to use his phone call allowance on you. He wanted to let you hear his deep, raspy voice over the phone while he spoke sentences that were tailor made for you. He expected you to be able to respond to him in real time? You were embarrassed to admit that it often took you hours or days to figure out how to reply to one of his emails after he set the butterflies off in your belly.
You did not know what you should do here, but you knew exactly what you were going to do. It was going to be impossible to pull yourself back out of this mess when the time came.
Before Bradley got a response to his email asking for your phone number, he got a box from your class. He could certainly get used to waiting in line when the mail arrived to find himself smiling with satisfaction instead of feeling disappointment. When he got back to his bunk and opened it, he rooted through all of the drawings of F/A-18s in search of the note from you. He smiled at the more businesslike greeting, knowing how many personal topics you and he had covered through email.
Dear Lt Bradshaw,
It seems as though we can't get enough of you. We're back, hoping for a little more of your time. Here's a batch of drawings for you to judge in any manner you see fit, but please be kind... I drew one of them. 
Whether it's a handwritten note or an email, I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. 
Just looking at your tidy penmanship had Bradley antsy to check his email again. He had put himself out there as far as he could at the moment when he asked you for your phone number, but now he was nervous as hell. What was he supposed to do if you told him no? He'd already planned out not only a first date but a second date as well. He could wait you out. Unless you outright shut him down, he would take his time, making sure you were comfortable. 
Upon inspection of the Super Hornet drawings, it was easy enough to determine which one was yours. It was clearly crafted with a steadier hand than the others, and even the block printing on the side of the aircraft where you'd written 'BRADLEY ROOSTER BRADSHAW' looked like your penmanship. He looked through the other ones, quickly making the assumption that the one with flames and dragon scales had been drawn by Oliver. The one with purple outlining was most likely from Violet. Something was telling him the one with a dog piloting the jet was drawn by Jayden.
He smiled at how connected to these kids he felt, but ultimately he tossed everything back into the box and started heading for the lounge. If you had responded to him with your phone number, he could get himself on the call schedule. His heart was racing, and his skin felt too warm as he logged into his email account. He had three new messages.
"Come on," he groaned when he was met with two names above yours in his inbox. Nat and Vanessa. He almost forgot about the fucking water bottle. 
He tapped on the email from his best friend first. 
Rooster, I need you to make better choices regarding your girlfriends, okay? I took care of it, but it wasn't pretty. Her pink monstrosity of a water bottle was in your kitchen cabinet, and then she tried to have a conversation with me. Sorry, but I called her a flaming bitch who never appreciated my best friend and said she needed to leave your house before I made her. Everything is locked up tight again to keep the rats out. When you get home, there's a new restaurant you can treat me to on Rendova Road. -Nat
He smiled as he tapped on the email from Vanessa which was exactly one sentence long.
I got my water bottle from your house.
"God bless Natasha Trace," he muttered, deleting Vanessa's email. Then he went ahead and deleted every email he had ever received from her. He shouldn't have been surprised that you and he had already exchanged more emails than he ever had with a woman he'd dated for several months. It didn't take long before they were all gone, and then he was left with the newest one you'd sent to him last night sitting at the top of his inbox. 
"Here we go," he whispered, wiping his palm nervously on his pants before opening up your message to see what you had to say in response to his bold request for your phone number.
I read your last email an embarrassing number of times, trying to be sure I understood it properly. You want to use your phone call allotment on ME? And you were thinking about ME snuggled up in your bed? There's no possible way you could sound like an idiot. Not with that voice that I think about when I'm trying to fall asleep at night. 
You know what, I don't even care if I misinterpreted something. Of course I'll let you have my phone number. Of course I'll let you call me.
Your giddy pen pal
Right there below your parting words was your full phone number complete with San Diego area code. Bradley smiled as he grabbed a pen and a piece of paper from the shelves behind him and wrote it down. He double and triple checked that he had it correct, knowing his next mission would be to get approved for a specific time slot and hope it wasn't going to be at a horrible time of day for you in California. Then he wrote back to your email.
You shouldn't sound so surprised. This thing we've got going on isn't open to interpretation on my end. I told you I have a thing for you. I believed you when you said you were interested in getting to know me. There's nobody else I'd rather spend my twenty minute phone call on than you. In fact, you're the only one. 
I already memorized your number. I'll email you back when I know which day I can call you and at what time. I can't wait to hear your voice saying my name.
Yours Truly,
He logged out and did some quick math to take into account the difference between time zones, and then he was all smiles as he signed up for the opportunity to finally talk to you in real time.
You read his email again as the hours slowly ticked away on Saturday afternoon. Your friends were asking why you kept checking your phone while you were out to dinner. Well, they would be doing the same thing if Bradley Bradshaw was in their email inboxes sounding sweeter than any man had the right to.
Hey, Gorgeous,
How does 10:00 on Saturday night sound to you? I know it's a little late, but I didn't want to potentially interfere with your work week. And I don't know if I can wait until next week anyway. I'm feeling greedy right now when it comes to you. I can't wait to make a fool of myself on the phone.
Yours Truly,
When you let him know in the calmest fashion you could muster that Saturday night was just fine for a phone call, he wrote back one additional sentence.
Talk to you then, Gorgeous Girl.
You received that email on Friday morning, and in an effort to seem less desperate for this man than you were, you didn't write back. It was better to let his anticipation grow to match your own. But once you'd parted ways with your friends and headed home for the night, your nerves settled in. You were going to have to ask Bradley where he lived, and that would be that. You'd know all the facts soon enough, and that would pretty much become the determining factor on how long the two of you could really keep this up.
It was almost time. You made sure your phone was fully charged, and you had your ringtone volume turned way up. Barring some sort of disaster, your phone should be ringing in exactly fifteen minutes. 
"Chill out," you whispered as you walked a few laps around your apartment in your favorite underwear and an oversized sweatshirt. At 9:56 you paused in your bedroom doorway, convinced Bradley wasn't even going to call. And at 10:02, you sat on the edge of your bed with your phone in your hand, wondering how you managed to get yourself in this deep.
He was in the Navy. Things ran on precision. It was 10:04, and your phone was sitting there on your palm like a dead brick. "It's okay," you told yourself. "Maybe he'll still call." For a few minutes, you thought that being hopeful was the way to go. Perhaps he dialed the wrong number the first time and was just regrouping. Or perhaps not.
At 10:11, you set your phone on your nightstand and walked out into your living room without it. That was when you realized that the lighter-than-air tingling sensation you'd been enjoying all day was gone, replaced with something uncomfortable.
"Don't even think about crying," you whispered as you pulled the hem of your sweatshirt a little further down your legs. You'd normally be drinking a cup of tea and getting settled in to try to go to sleep. A few months ago, you might have even been scrolling through a dating app right now. But you didn't want to do either of those things when you'd essentially been promised something as exciting as Bradley Bradshaw's voice for twenty minutes straight. "Fuck."
Just as you dragged your toe along the kitchen tile, trying to decide what to do now, you heard your ringtone. The clock on your microwave told you it was 10:16 as you turned and ran for your bedroom. Your fingers were shaking as you snatched up your phone and read RESTRICTED CALLER on the screen. You weren't sure what you'd been expecting, but it had to be him.
You took a deep breath and sank down onto the floor with your back against the side of your bed, and without any further hesitation, you answered the call as your heart hammered hard in your chest.
There was just a short pause, and it sounded like he was smiling when he said, "Hey, Gorgeous." 
The lighter-than-air tingling sensation was back as soon as you heard him say two whole words, and you slid slowly down until you were laying on your back on the floor like a boneless mess. "Hi," you sighed, pressing your free hand to your belly to try to calm the butterflies.
You heard him clear his throat softly before he said, "I'm really sorry I'm late calling you. I've been waiting for this all damn weekend." There was an edge to his voice that gave you goosebumps on your legs, and you smiled before you immediately frowned.
"Does this mean we only have four minutes to talk instead of twenty?" you asked him.
"No, I made sure of that," he replied in his deep rasp. "I even got a little bitchy with the guy before me who wouldn't end his call on time. I told him the most gorgeous teacher from Mira Mesa Elementary was waiting for me to call and that I'd be lucky if she still wanted to talk to me now."
You couldn't help but laugh as the tingling sensation made its way to your fingers and toes. "You didn't tell him that!"
"I swear I did," he insisted, his voice on the verge of laughter. "He sends his apologies." He cleared his throat once more before he asked, "Any chance you could say my name again?"
You thought you detected some nervous energy in his voice which was somehow the most flattering thing you'd ever encountered. You closed your eyes and licked your lips, picturing his handsome face as you said, "Bradley."
Now his voice was as breathless as you knew yours was. "Yeah. I really like the way that sounds."
"Bradley," you repeated with a laugh as you rolled up into a little ball on your side with your phone held to your ear.
"Hey, if you want to just say my name for the next eighteen minutes, I'm not going to complain. I was dying to hear your voice, and now I just want more of it."
You had to press your lips together to keep from making an embarrassing sound, but you did manage to say, "Yeah, that's not really going to work for me, Lieutenant Bradshaw. I'm going to need some back and forth, especially with how much I like your voice. And your face."
He groaned softly, and now you really did make an embarrassing noise before you could clap your free hand over your mouth. "My face is nothing special, Gorgeous," he said. "Yours on the other hand... that's the kind of thing that could get a guy through a long deployment."
You whimpered, and you were sure he could hear it. But you weren't even as embarrassed as you were needy for more. You wanted to know everything about him, and twenty minutes wasn't going to be enough to satisfy you when it came to Bradley. "Let's just say you've had my full attention for months now. And the photos you sent are enough to get a girl through a long school year. Will you tell me how you got your scars?" you asked him. It was something you'd been curious about since the first photo he sent where you could see his face. The one of him standing tall and sexy in front of his jet.
"Oh, hell," he laughed, his voice taking on a self deprecating tone. "I knew I shouldn't have sent that sunset selfie. I was kind of hoping you wouldn't be able to see them in the photos or the video. I have a lot."
You scrambled to your knees and then your feet. The last thing you'd meant to do was make him feel badly about himself. "They just make you look hotter," you blurted out. "I've thought about kissing them."
"Shit," he grunted. "Baby, I'll tell you anything you want to know. My social security number? My bank account information?" You laughed and had to bite down on your knuckle as he said, "I got my scars when I was a sophomore at the University of Virginia. Just typical nineteen year old guy bullshit. I was riding my bike back from a party late, and I skipped the curb. Just a lot of stitches."
"Oh," you gasped.
"It's okay," he said quickly. "More superficial than anything. I didn't even miss any of my classes. This is just why I don't usually send selfies like that. But you're already an exception, aren't you?"
He was so sweet, you were afraid the butterflies would never stop. But now you were picturing him going back to a beautiful house in Virginia, and it just made you sad. You paced the length of your room as you said, "I'd still really like to see your face in person."
"That's a done deal, Gorgeous."
You bit your lip, already knowing how you were going to react, but you just needed to have all the facts. "I know we could probably meet for a date or two while you're on leave in San Diego, but what happens after that?"
There was a brief pause before he asked, "What do you mean?"
You tipped your head back and looked at your ceiling as you finally said, "I don't even know where you live or where you're stationed. All I know is that if you're returning to Virginia or somewhere else far away... I'm going to have to brace myself for it."
But when you heard his next sentence, you let yourself drop down onto your bed with a smile on your face. "Gorgeous Girl, I live in San Diego."
This was going well. Bradley's whole body was thrumming with anticipation, and your voice was already embedded in his mind. As soon as you mentioned just the thought of your lips on his scarred cheek, he had to stand up for a minute. And when you brought up meeting him when his deployment ended, he was afraid his heart rate might never return to normal.
"I'd still really like to see your face in person," you told him, and all he could think about was Thai food on the beach and kissing your lips.
"That's a done deal, Gorgeous," he replied, satisfied in knowing for sure that it was going to happen now, but your follow up question left him confused.
"I know we could probably meet for a date or two while you're on leave in San Diego, but what happens after that?"
After that? He sat back down in his seat and thought about what would happen after a date or two. He knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands and lips off you, but somehow he didn't think that's what you were talking about. "What do you mean?"
Your voice took on a softer, maybe sadder quality as you told him,  "I don't even know where you live or where you're stationed. All I know is that if you're returning to Virginia or somewhere else far away... I'm going to have to brace myself for it."
He froze. He hadn't told you where he lived? Had he really never mentioned it once in all the times he wrote out the address to your school in Mira Mesa? His heart was beating erratically now as he pieced together the fact that he was making all of these plans while you were trying to protect yourself, but you kept emailing him and sending him letters anyway. You were showing that you had genuine interest in him while afraid he was going to leave you high and dry after one date? Hell no. Oh, he was falling hard.
"Gorgeous Girl, I live in San Diego." 
Your little surprised gasp had him holding his breath. "You do?" you whispered. 
"I do," he promised. "Shit, I can't believe I never mentioned it. My house is in Coronado, near the beach in the photo you sent me where you look more flawless than the sunset. I'm so sorry I got so carried away with our emails that I never put it together that you didn't know I'm stationed out of North Island."
You were quiet for a beat, and he wanted to crawl through the phone and reassure you that he had never meant to stress you out. "You live in Coronado?" you asked.
"Yeah, Gorgeous. About thirty minutes away from your school. I mean, there's always traffic, so maybe forty minutes," he told you nervously. "I hope that's not too far for you to deal with?"
"That's nothing, Bradley," you said with a sigh. "That's... absolutely not too far. I thought you potentially lived thousands of miles away, and I was trying to figure out what to do about my feelings. I was so scared to ask you sooner."
Vanessa wouldn't even drive the extra ten minutes to the restaurant he liked, meanwhile you were putting yourself out there for him. He cleared his throat and said, "I already have our first date planned out."
"Tell me. In an abundance of detail."
Bradley's skin tingled with desire as he divulged his daydreams. "I'll drive up and pick you up at your place. You already gave me permission to hold your hand, so that's happening on the ride back to the beach. There's a good Thai place not too far from the bay bridge where we'll stop to pick up dinner. Then when we get to the beach, you'll be surprised and charmed that I packed blankets and a cooler full of beer and a bottle of prosecco. And we can sit on the beach, talking and eating while the sun sets, unless you'd rather sit in the back of my vintage Bronco. And then, when the sky is just starting to turn purple, I'm going to kiss you."
The beat of silence was satisfying before you asked, "You're going to wait until after dinner to do that?" He could practically hear your pout which made him get to his feet again. He only had five more minutes with you right now, and he was going to have to make this count.
"You want me to kiss you before that?" he asked, his fingers wrapping around the edge of the counter as your soft laughter met his ears.
"I want you to kiss me as soon as you see me."
"Fuck," he panted. "Then consider that a done deal too, Gorgeous."
"Oh, I like that."
"Yeah?" he asked, watching time slip through his fingers. "You feel more confident now that you know where I live?"
"Yes," you replied softly.
"Good." He closed his eyes as he said, "We only have a little more time right now, Baby. Anything else you want from me?"
You squeaked softly. "Will you email me a gym selfie or two? With a nice closeup of your face?"
He couldn't get over you and the way you made him feel. "Yeah. I'll hit the gym tomorrow for you."
You hummed softly, and he sat down in his chair again, raking his fingers through his hair. God, he felt like a mixed up mess over you after this conversation. Your voice was so fucking sweet as you asked him, "Anything you want from me?"
His plentiful thoughts ranged the full spectrum from innocent to decidedly not as he tugged on his hair and tried to keep himself in check. "Yeah, actually," he said, gravel filling his voice. "You know that inactive dating profile you mentioned before?"
"You should delete the app. There's nothing I know about you that I don't like, and I feel like that trend is going to continue. If you feel the same way, then you don't need the app, Gorgeous."
After a brief pause, your beautiful voice told him, "Okay, Bradley. I'll delete it."
"Fucking aces," he said with a smile. "Where are you right now?"
You laughed softly as he realized he had less than a minute left on this call. "Curled up in my bed with the biggest smile on my face."
"Send me a selfie?"
"Consider it done, Lieutenant. It'll be there when you check your email next."
He leaned back in his chair. There was still so much he wanted to tell you and ask about, but it would have to wait. "Listen, I need to go. But I'm going to work on writing back to your class this week. And I'll get the selfies for you, too. I'll see you in our inboxes?"
That soft laughter was right there again, and he felt like his skin was on fire as you said, "I'll take you any way I can get you, Bradley."
You could have him as many ways as you wanted him. "I can't wait to get back to San Diego."
"I'll be ready when you do."
I'm sweating. He's too much. He's too powerful. Bradley Bradshaw, get home and get your girl some Thai food! Also, Natasha is the friend of the year for taking out the trash. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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hayatoseyepatch · 2 months
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Description: Three words, eight letters, a phrase that is felt more than it is spoken. This is my take on how some of the Wind Breaker characters say "I love you" for the first time. Characters: Hajime Umemiya, Tasuku Tsubakino, Haruka Sakura, & Hayato Suo. Word Count: 2.6k Not proofread, oops. Contains: Fem!Reader x Multiple Charcters (separate). Fluff. Some slight hurt/comfort if you squint.
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Author's Note: Fluff? Something other than smut? From me? Wow. We love character development. But this has been on my mind for AGES so I finally am getting it out. I haven't been feeling the greatest either so please enjoy some very self-indulgent fluff. (¯³¯)♡
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You and Umemiya had been together for a while. You both adored each other, tender kisses and lingering touches were commonplace in your relationship. You had met Kotoha, and the others at the group home and have been attached to his side for almost a year. He wasn’t sure what was holding him back from saying those three little words. Perhaps it was his past, he had lost those who he had nearest and dearest to his heart. Their end unraveled right before his very eyes. Umemiya had so much love to give, and so many people he loved to give it to.
But often, he found it next to impossible to let the words slip past his lips. Instead, he showed his love in different ways. Bringing Kotoha patrons and supplying her with crops from his garden for her restaurant. A warming smile and a promise that Bofurin’s big brother would keep his found family safe. Always the first to offer a listening ear or a shoulder when needed. But never those words. Three short words, one syllable each. He knew he could say them but something deep down was stopping him. An irrational fear that if he had, the one he said it to would go too.
That was before he met you. Umemiya hid his darkness well. A well-placed smile and a childish affect cleared the thought anyone could ever have that the feelings he buried so deep even could exist within him. One you found easily. The light you had brought into his world shone brighter than any darkness that could ever threaten to shroud him. The warmth that settled in his chest when you looked his way. His laughter more genuine since you had come into his life. He knew from the moment he had met you, the moment he had first lost himself in your eyes, that they were the eyes he wanted to get lost in every day for the rest of his life. So why, even after all this time could he not say he loved you?
You had always joked that you had a grey thumb, unable to grow anything and that you were fortunate enough to have his abilities for gardening. One of the things he loved most about you was the amount of effort you put into his interests. He was coming up to the rooftop, it was late summer and he was excited to see what was ready to harvest. He was surprised to hear your voice, looking around the corner he saw you watering the plants. Just as he had shown you how to. “You're looking beautiful today, growing nice and big and strong.” You sighed, feeling ridiculous, shaking your head. You jumped, nearly out of your skin hearing Umemiya’s giggles. “Sunflower what are you doing?” He said between peals of laughter
“I read online that talking to the plants could help them grow, I don’t know how well it’ll work.” You sigh shaking your head feeling a little silly. However, Umemiya’s heart was soaring, you had taken it upon yourself not only to express interest in something important to him but to go out of your way to care for it even when out of his presence. His eyes softened, cupping your cheek he leaned down to slot his lips against yours. The embrace was gentle, lips molding together as if they were only made to be with the other. He parted from you after a moment, breaths fanning against your lips as he spoke. “I love you, my sunflower.” He smiled against your mouth as he kissed you once more, knowing no matter what came next he would be by your side until he drew his last breath.
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Tsubaki had only felt comfortable in his own skin in recent years. Having spent so long conflicted with himself regarding his appearance. He was so fortunate that for those who didn’t support his choice in his appearance, he had so many who were right there by his side, rooting him on. But it wasn’t always like that. For longer than Tsubaki cares to remember he was all alone. Forced to walk his path in constant fear of ridicule. He was teaching himself to fight to protect himself from those who would try and hurt him on the sole premise of being true to himself. Those days felt like a lifetime ago. Because now he had Bofurin, because now he had you.
Tsubaki couldn’t forget the first time you had both met even if he tried. He was just starting to dress more feminine, his hair an awkward shoulder length. Still learning how to apply makeup. There were a few boys from his grade who were taunting him, calling him names, and throwing things in his direction. Normally he would have stood his ground, beating them to a pulp for what they were doing. But Tsubaki was tired, tired of having to defend himself, tired of having to be so strong just to live as he chose to. How he felt most beautiful. He wasn’t that strong by choice, he was strong because he had to be. Because Tsubaki had to be stronger than their ignorance. Tears welled up in his vision at their harsh words, about to get up and defend himself once more.
Before he could get to his feet, however, he heard a voice call out, capturing the attention of his assailants. Stood there was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, delicate features enhanced by the soft cosmetics that had adorned your face. He watched with wide-eyed fascination as you ran up, the closed fist of your manicured hand coming into contact with their leader’s jaw, sending him to the ground upon impact. Tsubaki couldn’t move, he watched, frozen as you gracefully fought the group that had been trying to bring him harm. Tsubaki was strong, and more than capable of handling them on his own, but in that moment he learned that he didn’t have to. He didn’t have to fight his battles alone anymore, because now he had you.
He remembered stumbling over his own name when you had asked for it, cheeks a dark shade of red when you smiled at him. He remembered the way your hand had felt in his grasp for the first time as you dragged him back to your house to get cleaned up. Humming as you wiped the dirt from his cheeks, in a very similar manner as you were doing right now. He lay in your bed, your thighs straddling his waist as you hummed, swiping the brush along his cheek, applying the peachy blush you said paired so well with his complexion. You paused in your humming meeting his eyes that gazed up into yours with adoration, giggling softly. “Welcome back, that was some daze you were in. What’s on your mind gorgeous?”
Tsubaki’s cheeks flushed deeper than the powder that painted his skin. Tucking your hair behind your ear, you sent him a smile, soft and full of tenderness. Tsubaki wasn’t sure he believed in love at first sight, but he knew from the moment he met you that he loved you, and over time that love had only grown. Reaching up a hand, thumb swiping your cheek as he returned your loving gaze. “Just thinking about how much I love you, that’s all beautiful.”
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Haruka wasn’t familiar with love. Often times he found it nearly impossible to express his feelings. Before coming here, even something as simple as kindness was a foreign concept to him. Being so often judged upon first glance he never got the opportunity to even try to build relationships. So after a while he had given up trying, That was before he came here. Before he was welcomed in with open arms. Before he found the only place he felt like he truly belonged. But you. You had opened up his world to so much more. You showed him what love could feel like, An emotion he never thought he could ever feel let alone have bestowed upon him.
You were much more open with your love, taking care of him when he got sick after a fight, making sure he was eating and taking care of himself. You had teased him relentlessly when you first met. Adoring the deep flush in his cheeks and the reactions you could pull so easily from him. Eventually, that teasing morphed into affection, which blossomed into love. You still had a habit of teasing him, but it was never ill-mannered always coupled with your beautiful laughter. And if he got to hear that beautiful sound bubbling past your lips, he would deal with the heat that graced his cheeks and the pounding in his chest.
You both had been together for quite some time, well past the point of the outbursts you had first been met with when openly showing your affection. Long past the point where he would feel the urge to run for the hills the second you called him one of the plethora of pet names you had bestowed upon him. But he still struggled to verbalize his feelings for you. He knew you were well aware of his feelings toward you. What he couldn’t express through words he showed through his actions. He was eternally grateful to your seemingly unending patience with him. Being well aware of his past you knew he would say it when he was ready. It wasn’t as if he had never said it before, but those times were when you were fast asleep next to him. His fingers carded through your hair as he gazed upon your relaxed features, whispering those three words in the silence of night. But as you lay here in his arms, looking up at him with those beautiful eyes of yours he knew that he needed you to hear how he felt. Not just feel it. Leaning down he brushes his lips against your own, lips slotting together like two puzzle pieces, perfectly fit to one another.
His eyes are soft with fondness as you pull away from the kiss, head tilting to lean into the touch of your hand. His eyes locked with yours, lidded with adoration. His lips melting against yours, arms encircling your waist. He hums thoughtfully against your lips. His heart felt warm, pulling away he looked into your eyes, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You know, I sit and I think to myself sometimes ‘god I can never love you more than I do right now’ and you consistently test that theory by making me fall more in love with you every day.” His heart raced in his chest, never the best at expressing his emotions, but in this moment Sakura needed to tell you how he felt. Never one to back down, despite being able to hear his heart racing in his ears as he continued to speak.  “Your smile still makes my heart pound, your laugh still makes my head feel fuzzy, and your kisses still make me feel like I’m floating. I love you so much.”
He gives you a soft smile pulling you close once more to kiss your lips, hand now coming to rest at the back of your neck to keep you in place as his lips meld with yours once more. Before moving here Sakura could confidently say that he had never felt at home anywhere. He was alone, perfectly fine never planting roots, he had believed it would always be that way. What he didn’t realize was that home was more than where you returned to at the end of the day. It would be something he found in you. Because his home was right here, in your arms. His home was you.
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Suo hummed to himself, walking through the isles of the florist, perusing the flowers. He had made it a habit from your first date to always have fresh flowers for you, showcasing their beauty that in his eyes was rivaled only by your own. When he had presented you with the first bouquet, you had scrunched up your nose reporting to not understand the purpose of a gift that would eventually die. From that moment he decided he would always have fresh flowers to decorate your space. Showing you that their beauty may be temporary but the flora could hold deeper meaning.
He was fascinated by the symbolism of flowers. But he very specifically took delicate care in every single flower that was showcased in a bouquet he arranged for you. For a man like Suo, someone who never showed a crack in his armor, never showing his true feelings often relied on subtle ways to show his love. The first flower he had selected for the bouquet were violets, their heart-shaped petals reflecting their meaning of everlasting love and devotion. Historically a gift of violets was a declaration to always be true. These flowers were common amongst the arrangements he curated with their placement, a promise to offer you the same. The next flower to join the arrangement followed a similar sentiment. Representing strength and love was the gladiolus. It was once believed that the beauty of the gladiolus could pierce another’s heart with love, the same could be said for the way you had done to him. Their purple hue paired nicely with the violets, the color symbolizing the beauty in the love you shared. The flowers to follow would showcase similar significance. Baby’s breath for undying love, calla lilies for beauty, and pink camellias for longing.
Suo was always deliberate in each flower he chose for you, choosing to convey his emotion through the meaning behind each flower he placed delicately in the arrangement. Smiling to himself, satisfied with the selection he had chosen. Sitting at his table as he placed them in their wrapping, being sure to pluck one from the bunch, placing it in a vase so when it began to wilt he would know it was time to gift you a new arrangement. Once he was satisfied, he set off to your apartment, knocking on the door. His signature smile graced his handsome features as he took you in. “Hello there beautiful, I have something for you.”
You smiled at Suo, taking the flowers from his grasp, and replacing the old arrangement with his assistance. You were very aware of Suo’s knowledge of flora, he would often tell you the meanings they held while out together. So much so that you began to look into it yourself. Taking what you knew of the flowers now to assess the arrangement. Eyes soft as you turned to your boyfriend. Hand curling around the back of his neck to pull him down to your level, lips brushing against his. The both of you melted into the tender kiss, your other hand coming to cup his cheek as his found purchase on your waist. Pulling away, you pressed your forehead against his looking into the rich auburn of his visible eye. “I love you too, Haya.” Your words were met with his gentle laughter. Taking one of your hands in his own, his lips brushing against your knuckles. “I love you, more than words could ever express, my sweet baby.”
Suo smiled looking down at you, knowing each flower he had plucked from your bouquets had been dried and coated. Keeping a memento of how despite your initial feelings on the gift, even flowers that have died could still be enjoyed. Those flowers were placed in a special place, kept safe. One day he planned to have the dried flowers arranged into their own bouquet. One he would present you alongside a ring, a promise to love you until the very last one died, knowing these flowers never would.
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Dividers by saradika-graphics. Writing & character banners by me. If you enjoyed it, consider taking a look at my masterlist: here.
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u3pxx · 9 months
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💛🕊️ Five times Aziraphale gave Crowley a gift plus one time Crowley gave a gift in return.
DID YOU KNOW THAT @contritecactite, once again, wrote a VERY GOOD fic about my bad omens spouses??? and it's so wonderfully GOOD???!?!?!!
anywhooo, a very big special thanks again to elle for writing this! it's been just a real treat talking to them and the klapollomb gomens s2 support group about bad omens 🥺 i'm really, really thankful that y'all decided to indulge me and my freakingg swap au wheezes <33
i'm gonna cut myself off here and ramble more under keep reading :0]
like these drawings? they're prints, here! | like what i do? support me on ko-fi!
seeing this get written was an experience! one of the things keeping me alive during prelim exams LOL if i remember correctly, this kind of started bc i was curious if bomens zira would actually have, i guess, a real demon equivalent the way shax (stork), beelzebub (fly), and furfur (deer) do. so i looked up the words 'crow demon' and whaddya know!
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a crow demon!! and what's that? "cause Love"?
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what a perfect fit for demon!aziraphale! and really, i was only messing around the first time i had the idea of "haha lol wouldn't it be funny if demon aziraphale was a crow", and then bam! all of it started to, surprisingly, fit well together pfttt (special thanks to bepo for being the one to piece it all together wheezes <33) (also, just really thank you all for bouncing ideas with me, it really does make me happy dfgdhjd <3333)
and then elle wrote a little snippet at first (IIRC) and then he just feakign!!!!!!! WOAGH!!!!!!! just, tasty delicious words, a fic that made me kick my feet like i was a schoolgirl while reading the whole thing ASKSKS <333
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i'm really happy with all the spot art i drew for this! wanted it to look very uhhh, i wouldn't say storybook, but watercolor illustrations were definitely a huge inspiration! i wanted them to feel as nice and cozy as YOU would feel while reading elle's fic <3
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i do gotta thank elle again for making these two fem-presenting when they were at the dowlings' bc then i get to draw butch gardener crowley. do you know how much that means to me? do you know do you do y do you know how m how much that how m b butches butches butches .
and a little bonus, one where crowley did not want to pose for the painting PFTT
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i am once again putting the link here if you've scrolled this far down without reading it yet, go! go! go!!! IT'S SO GOOD!!!! <3333
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a new dating sim catches your eye and asmo is absolutely 100% not jealous at all.
a date with death | asmodeus x gn!reader
cw: sfw (slightly suggestive towards the end). pet names (asmo calls reader darling, sunshine). vague spoilers for parts of the game (up to day five). silly fluff and jealousy over 2d characters.
word count: 1.2k words
a/n: I really like this game (a date with death) btw, I definitely recommend it.
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"I tried that new game you've been playing."
Asmo's comment catches you off-guard and your eyes slowly blink open. You were on the verge of sleep, warm and content with his chest pressed against your back and his arm draped loosely over your waist. The words are muffled slightly against your shoulder, his lips leaving a sticky trail from the hydrating mask he smoothed over them as part of his nightly skincare routine.
You've been playing a new dating sim lately. You knew Asmo peered at the monitor over your shoulder to see what you were up to, but he didn't seem all that interested. He didn't give any indication that he wanted to play it himself, either.
It's not the first romance-based game you've played in the Devildom and he never cared before. He thinks it's cute when you find a character that appeals to you. Sometimes he watches you play through the stories, or he'll listen with a smile while you talk about the game later.
When you offered to play other games with him in the past, he insisted that was Levi's area of expertise. That didn't prevent him from finding his own ways to enjoy your hobby with you though. He preferred to indulge you with a little bit of roleplay instead: parading around his room dressed like your favourite characters, imitating their speech patterns and mannerisms to sweep you off your feet, and seducing you as if they had come to life.
(Later, he seduced you properly as himself because no one can ever love you as much as he does).
But he knew right away that this particular game was different. You giggled at your desk while you tapped away at your computer. It made you smile in a soft and charming sort of way. It irked him that some pictures and words on a screen drew that sort of reaction from you the same way he did.
You lean back and glance at him over your shoulder. His expression is hard to read in the dark, but you can feel the heavy weight of his stare on your face. "I didn't know you wanted to play it. You should've told me! Did you like it?"
"Not at all," he declares firmly, and you can't help but chuckle at his sharp response.
"Really? Why not?"
"I'm so glad you asked, darling," he says as he turns over and sits up suddenly. He flips on the lamp beside him, and he rubs the back of his hand against your cheek in apology when you wince as light illuminates his room. He plucks something off the bedside table and waves it in your direction with a flourish. "I made a list!"
You give him a skeptical look as you roll over to give him your full attention, and he clears his throat and taps the top of the page. "My first complaint is the ridiculous title: I Made a Bet and Have to Survive the Next Seven Days Without Falling in Love With a Babygirl Reaper Who Wants My Soul! Seriously? The title alone should warn you how terrible it's going to be."
"That's not what it's called in the human world," you explain with a shrug. "I don't understand why they changed it here, it's a little bit silly."
He tsks under his breath. "Silly indeed. Where do I even begin with this so-called love interest? It's almost like the creators have never met a real reaper before. I can assure you most of them aren't as nice or cute as they make him out to be." The look he shoots you next is oddly serious, and it sends a chill up your spine as his words sink in. "I recommend not getting too close to their kind. Thirteen seems docile enough, but I prefer your body and soul to remain in one piece."
You're not sure how to begin to respond to that little speech, but he pokes the paper with his finger and continues reading his list of "glaring issues" with the game. The complaints get more ridiculous and obscure, and it's only when he gets to the bottom of the page that the reason for his sour mood dawns on you.
"...and when I thought it couldn't get any worse, he calls you 'sunshine.' He has some nerve - that's what I call you. Remember when Mammon thought it would be funny to call you his sunshine too?" A dangerous gleam twinkles in his eyes before it disappears just as quickly. "At least he learned not to do that again," he murmurs under his breath.
You shuffle over on your knees and swing your leg over his thighs so you can sit in his lap. "Do you have any other complaints on that little list of yours?" you ask him with a teasing smile.
He huffs in frustration and his frown is adorable - of course he has one more grievance to share. "That stupid reaper doesn't even know your favourite flower. Tomorrow I'm going to buy you the biggest and most beautiful bouquet you've ever seen."
He finally drops the paper but neither of you spare it a second glance as it falls over the side of the bed and flutters to the floor. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes your waist gently, slumping his head against your chest with a drawn-out sigh. "I don't see what you like about him."
"Oh, Asmo." You run your hands gently through his hair as you hide your smile against the crown of his head. "Are you telling me there's a video game character you're actually jealous of?"
"Of course not," he mumbles into your collarbone, mouthing softly at the skin with little flicks of his tongue but it's not quite enough to distract you. "I wanted to see what all the hype was about." His teeth graze the bottom of your throat and you swallow down a quiet moan. "I found it extremely disappointing, by the way."
You cradle his jaw gently and tilt his head up so you can kiss the corner of his mouth. "You're so cute when you pout," you coo softly, just to watch how his cheeks turn pink. "I hope you know that he could pop into existence and appear outside your window right now, and I still wouldn't be interested in him. He's not you."
The words seem to soothe him a bit if the purring in his chest is anything to go by. You kiss the tip of his nose and let out a quiet squeak when he grasps the back of your neck and pulls you down so he can kiss you.
"You're right, darling." Kiss. "He's completely irrelevant," kiss "and I've already forgotten what his name is."
The world tilts suddenly as Asmo flips you onto your back and braces his weight on his hands. You giggle when he leans down and noses along your jaw. One of his hands slowly glides down your chest and tugs at the hem of your shirt, lifting it up and tossing it aside without a second thought.
"Let's see if I can make you forget his name too, hmm?"
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read more: asmodeus masterlist | obey me masterlist
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tojisun · 8 months
this is purely self-indulgent (in a twisted way*) but i cant stop thinking about a military man falling ‘in love’ (born from obsession and dependency) with a nun :/
જ how simon never goes to church because he doesn’t believe in all that but johnny’s been going through tough times and simon did promise their captain that he’d be there for johnny, and that included going to church with him.
it’s the local chapel, one that acts as an extension of the abbey in the city, and johnny mentioned that wednesday night services aren’t packed which is why he likes going at this time. simon saw it for what it was—an olive branch for having to put up with johnny.
simon huffed and said, “don’t worry about it.” because johnny really shouldn’t. it’s not like he’s forcing simon anyways. but johnny was still apologetic, quiet, and simon tried to move past it.
so there they were, sinking into the shadows and away from the half-filled pews. the mass hasn’t started yet but the organ is already playing, readying for the first hymn, and that’s when simon saw you.
he didn’t even know nuns functioned in chapels too, so it’s probably there where his fascination first started. he watched as you fluttered around with a few other nuns, saying hi’s to churchgoers, smiling and holding their hands like you’re all longtime friends.
simon would look back to this day and think that maybe that was what drew him to you—the gentleness in which you talked to people. the starved awe in which they looked at you.
simon wondered if their admiration was a form of their desire.
જ how simon keeps going after that, sometimes with johnny, but oftentimes alone. he doesn’t see you all the time, but you’re there on more days than not and simon’s been the talk of the chapel, he knows, so he also knows that he isn’t imagining the short looks you’ve been sending his way, your eyes alight with curiosity and hesitance because simon’s simon. he doesn’t need a uniform to know that he looks dangerous. that he looks like the very man you’re told not to talk to.
but you still did. and simon doesn’t know why your attention feels like a, well, sweet reward.
જ how simon finds a companion in you. you look at him with such gentle eyes, he feels like hiding. he feels like lying. but then you ask him about his life and simon can’t stop himself from spilling his past, the blotchy ink of his life staining the unblemished canvas that you are.
simon’s voice is hoarse by the end of it, his head downturned in his shame. he doesn’t know what it is you must be thinking, he doesn’t know if he even would want to, but then he hears you sniffling and he whips his head up to look at you, his eyes wide in surprise because why are you crying?
why are you crying for him?
“oh simon,” he hears you say, your voice wobbly from your tears. “come, let us pray.”
simon listens to the prayer, listens to your voice, and thinks that maybe he can start to believe.
જ how simon realizes he comes back not because of faith but because of you.
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* i was raised in a catholic school and instead of strengthening my faith, what it did was make me wanna consume sacrilegious works lmao so uhh yeah! this is kinda a fulfillment of that indulgence :’>
(ext) (ext 02) (ext 03)
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dollyhao · 11 months
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abby anderson x reader
toni’s note: this is very self indulgent i love love love stuff animals and i love abby so 🤷🏾‍♀️
cw: nsfw, strap (r!receiving), doggy, stuff animals witnessing very unholy acts , dirty talking, strap referred to as dick
☆⁺˚*♡⁺˚*☆ ☆⁺˚*♡⁺˚*☆
“that was so much fun abs!” you beam at abby as you take your shoes off. “i had fun too, love,” she says after taking her shoes off too and placing a kiss on your head, handing you your stuffed bear.
abby took you to the amusement park for a date. she got on all the rides you dragged her to, bought you funnel cake, and played games to try to win you a bear. it took her three tries to get you the big body sized bear that you wanted, every time she lost you rubbed her arms and told her she didn’t need to get it. she would just mumble how the ‘game was fucking rigged’ and kept playing.
when she won and handed you the bear, you were so happy, jumping into her arms and giving her a kiss on the cheek. abby smiled with pride that she was able to get her pretty lil gf the bear she wanted.
you walk up stairs to your room, putting the bear on your bed with the other 30 stuff animals you got. you turn around your hands behind your back as you watch abby put her jacket on the back of the door.
watching abby play that gun game to win you your bear had you hot and bothered. the way her brows drew together in concentration and her biceps bulged had you rubbing your legs together, not even worried about the fact that them ballon’s we’re definitely NOT made of rubber.
“abs..” you say grabbing her hand and backing up until your seated on the bed, looking up at her. “i appreciate what you did for me today,” you softly say rubbing on the back of her legs. “let me thank you?” you look at her biting your lip, giving her a sweet innocent look. abby grabs your jaw squishing your cheeks, smiling at you. “clothes off.”
you take your clothes off in a hurry when abby walks away from you. your sitting and watching abby strip off her own clothes and then grabbing her strap. abby walks over to you rubbing the back of your head with her dick in ya face.
“kiss it baby.” you lean forward, pressing a sweet kiss to her dick before licking a long strip up her shaft. you hear abby shudder before you feel the hand on the back of your head grip your hair for a moment.
“on ya knees,” you turn and get on your knees with your ass in the air. you feel nervous and shy from your pussy being out in the air. abby creeps behind pulling your bear under you. “show me how thankful you are, hmm?” abby says pushing down on your back to the point your straddling your bear. you let out a whimper as you feel abby’s front pressed against your back. “you ready pretty girl?”
your mouth drops open as abby pushes into you, this new position has abby so much deeper. “fuck- i wanna see your face baby,” abby says as she pumps into you. your grip tightens around the bear, “abby- your too deep, please” you moan out reaching one arm behind you trying to push her away. abby holds your arm behind you, leaning down and kissing your back, “you can take it baby, i know you can.” abby reaches around grabbing your jaw pulling you up towards her chest.
now the only thing holding you up is abby’s hand and one of your hands thats barely even touching the bed. abby smears wet kisses on your cheeks while her other hands grips on your hips, slamming her hips into your ass over and over. your hand grabs the hand that abby is using to hold your face to keep yourself grounded because your head is so clouded you cant focus on anything but the feeling of abby pressed up against your back, giving you deep strokes.
“im so so close abs.” abby sets you back down on the bear, and grabs your hips grinding into your g-spot over and over. “you sure you wanna cum all over your new gift?” abby huffs as she runs one of her hands up your back. your back arches in response, and you shake your head, “no no! pull out a little please abs.” abby pulls the bear from under your hips so you wouldnt make such a mess. “go ahead baby, let me have it.” abby says placing a kiss on the back of your sticky with sweat neck.
you grip your bear in your arms as you cum leaving a white ring on abby’s dick. “good job princess,” abby says slowing down her strokes, “so good.” abby whispers as she pulls out. you turn around, laying your back on your bear, panting. your skin is covered in sweat, sticky to the touch, eyes dazed and glazed over. abby leans down kissing your forehead and then your lips. “your welcome baby.”
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ilycosy · 8 months
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pairing : luke castellan x child of calliope!reader
summary — being the child of the mother of all muses, you're used to affections. boys and girls flock to you like you're a sweet, lovely thing, but they soon drop it when they realize that you're nothing like a muse. what happens if the camps precious, golden boy starts talking to you?
warnings : reader is a little toxic under their politeness, reader is also described to be feminine but there's no specific prns! luke is also kind of obsessive? he wants reader so bad.. not proofread (that's for babies /j)
aノn — i haven't written in a long time so bare with me, nor have i written for the pjo fandom ever (though ive been in it for a while..) this is also vv self indulgent (daughter of calliope here <3) so sorry if this isn't relatable ♡ lowercase intentional :)
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being the child of the mother of muses has always been annoying— you've never had a break to just be. whether it be people chasing after you, or people who envy the attention you attract. there was always something, which you resented extremely.
if people were asked about you, they'd have only good things to say. you're beautiful, lovely, polite; but not a muse. it sometimes got annoying that it mattered so much to people, having others constantly talk about how you were never romantic.
you seemed to be uncomfortable with it at the very least, very few felt the resentment you held for love. those few could never confirm it though, having you reassure them that you're just a private person. ("there's no need for grand things, dear. i love you without such things." you'd say, through gritted teeth.) which is what might have drew luke castellan to you.
he saw through the politeness, observing you almost ever since you got claimed. he can picture when you got claimed, your embarrassed smile when an apollo girl had written a song for you. publicly performing it, you had lit up; literally. you were fifteen then— nothings changed in these past years.
luke can't remember all the times you've been confessed to, having songs, poems, even paintings done of you for your affection. but he can remember all the times he watched your facade crack; the way your smile stretched too wide to be real, your eyes dimming when you realized it was just another confession, or how you seemed to never interact with aphrodite boys anymore.
he finds it amusing mostly, how could such a pretty thing resent something people would kill for? either way, he finds himself being drawn in like you're a siren. the way your eyes darken at the mention of your mother, how you reapply gloss whenever you're nervous— he could go on really.
"are you going to eat that?" he finds himself asking you before he can stop himself, pointing at the yogurt bowl right next to your plate. he has half a mind to make sure he doesn't clam up when you look up at him, fluttering your lashes.
you gently push the bowl towards him, continuing on your morning like the best swordsman in the camp isn't talking to you. he pauses for a moment, licking his lips as he thinks of a reason to prolong this conversation.
fate seems to be on his side though— his brother, chris, being to busy talking to clarisse to even glance his way. he sits down, looking across from you as he eats the yogurt. he almost forgets that staring is rude.
"do you mind?" you ask, raising an eyebrow at him as you take a bite out of your crossiant. somewhat annoyed by the curly haired boy, your leg bounces steadily. "do i mind what?" he asks, like he's stupid— for some reason, you can't help but let your annoyance take over.
"why are you here," you start, pointing at the empty table. void of friends, you always sit alone until somebody claims they're in love with you. "you usually sit with your brothers and annabeth."
he shrugs at your questioning, not being able to find it in himself to hold back a teasing remark. "you know where i usually sit?" he asks with a small small, but the glint in his eyes show a certain smugness that gets under your skin.
you smile back at him, stretched too far and there's a bite in your voice hidden under honeyed words. "bye castellan," you croon sweetly. "hope you find your way back to your seat!" is all you give him, a morsel of fake attention that sends him reeling.
the next day, you wake up a bit later than normal. rising from your bunk around nine means you've missed breakfast, a deep feeling of anger surges through your core in a flash before you stretch and get dressed for the day.
when you leave the hermes cabin, you're stopped by a familiar figure. tall, brown hair, and a stupid smug grin. "hey angel," luke almost sings with how pleased he sounds with himself. "i have a presant!"
he reveals a crossiant and cold coffee, the faint warmth of the once fresh crossiant eases the deep feeling in your core even more though the coffee makes you want to vomit. "i don't like coffee." you state, taking a bite of the baked good. "but thank you, castellan."
he barely has time to respond with a you're welcome or an im sorry before you're smiling, too wide for his liking, and walking away. he debates following you, trying to talk to you like he's desperate for a friend. but he decides against it, wondering how to keep a conversation going with somebody that hates being sought after.
a week passes of the same routine— luke catching you at odd moments during the day, offering you little things to keep you around for a moment longer. you find it annoying, but keep a pleasant attitude anyways, it certainly helps that he's not bad to look at.
a small rumor spreads through camp, luke castellan having a crush. it barely takes the day for people to speculate that it's you.
it almost disappoints you, not having expected the camps favorite to fall so easily— doesn't he have any other girls? you debate on telling him that you're not open for relationships right now, having been in so many already, you could very easily blame any one of your exes.
but you don't have the chance to reject him the next time you see him because he's talking already, smiling at you like you'd fall so easily. "do you wanna help plan an activity with me?" he asks, offering you a delicious smelling tea.
"why would you want me to do that?" you question him, almost allowing yourself to have a genuine lazy smile but you just force a docile confused tilt. you sip on the tea, the once tart raspberries are now sweet in the tea mixing with a hibiscus flavor.
you're too busy drinking to notice him begin talking, he's mid laugh when you tune in. "— maybe you could help with setting up the theater?" he suggests, you pretend like you know how you got into a full conversation with him by subtly trying to exit it.
"why not have the apollo counselor help?" you say sweetly, setting the tea down and turning your full attention onto him. he feels sick to his stomach at how you look at him, soft features with a sugared tone. your eyes look at him like he's below you, like he's a nuisance, and for some reason that might be his favorite part.
he searches your face for a moment, glancing at your cold eyes before he chuckles. "maybe i want to spend time with you," he smiles like a cat, curling on his face with a pride that shouldn't make you as heated as it does. "i think you want to spend time with me too, yeah?"
you almost roll your eyes at his suggestion, but unable to squeeze out of this one without being mean, you agree to help him.
it only takes a couple weeks to fix up the theater due to the lack of counselors wanting to help, so it's safe for the younger kids to have a play— after that, it's back to the apollo children to plan. you sit back on the stage floor, sipping on a water bottle as you bask in the cold dusk breeze. "do you mind?"
a voice speaks from behind you, rasping slightly. you don't even have to look to know who it is, "no, castellan." you say, because you can't think of a reason for why you would mind.
luke sits himself down next to you, his knee brushing yours as he looks down at your water with a stare that could only be described at halfway pathetic and endearing. "here," you say, handing him the bottle. "i don't need you to die of dehydration on me."
he takes it gratefully, drinking it almost empty in three big gulps that make you roll your eyes with a small scoff. "did you just scoff?" he questions, an odd excitement in his voice.
you quickly try to deny it, hands coming up to animate how you didn't scoff or anything of the sort. but he already has a grin like he's drunk of the noise, "you definitely scoffed! that was so funny," he says with a loud laugh that makes you shush him, afraid of other campers hearing.
"i don't know why you hide that." he mumbles on your hand, fighting the temptation to lick it so you release him. those thoughts subside when your pretty eyes look up at him in confusion, "your annoyance." he clarifies.
"im not annoyed," you say, a bit defensively as you pull your hand away from him. "bit rude of you to say that, castellan."
he rolls his eyes in response, one of his arms coming behind you to rest on the stage. you can feel the ghost of it barely grazing you, "you're definitely annoyed," he says matter-of-factly. "you're almost always annoyed, or angry."
you fight back a scoff, but then give up. rolling your eyes you turn to him, searching his face for how he noticed, why he's doing this— but you come up with nothing. "why do you care?" you almost snap at him, drumming your fingers on your knee.
"i don't," he says like it's obvious. "im the same way." there's a beat after he says it, a silence that seems more comfortable than awkward like it should be. admitting his anger to you felt like a breath of fresh air, because he knew you'd understand him.
you bite your bottom lip, turning to face him. "that hatred," you start, almost in disbelief that you finally have the opportunity to talk about this. "it doesn't go away huh?" the question is phrased more like a statement, barely asking for confirmation.
he nods, not speaking as he watches you. there was no need for an explanation on what the hatred was, he knew as soon as you began talking. the gift from your mother was never really a gift to you, a burden of what it means to be a demigod is all it was.
you never knew what was genuine, or what was your mothers doing. but you felt a sense of ease with the hermes boy, nothing like all your previous relationships. "do you think it's bad," you mumble, almost ashamed.
"do you think it's bad that we feel this way?"
your question is softly spoken, genuinely interested in his opinion. he feels himself almost feel guilty for you, but he can't lie. "no," he wraps an arm around your waist. gently bringing you closer. "i think we might be the only ones in the right."
he says it with such confidence, a lack of guilt or unease in his voice that it makes you smile. not a sweet one, but a prideful one. one that could reflect the pride of a god, finally validation for the deep seated resentment that almost quenches that thirst for revenge.
minutes of silence pass by, the sun fully set as you lean your head on his shoulder. inhaling the pine and deep smell of his cologne, you hum. "are the rumors 'round camp true?" you ask.
he feels a small blush creep up his neck and ears, spreading across his face as he realizes that you heard about those. he never meant for his half-brothers to over hear a private conversation (said private conversation was in the bathroom, luke washing his hands while chris talked loudly about how he could get clarisse to go on a double date if he'd just ask you out already.)
"uh," he laughs awkwardly, his fingers drumming on the soft skin of your waist. "do you mind?"
you can't help the small smile that spreads across your face, "no." is all you need to say before his wet lips are on yours. hungry and desperate for your attention, which you give him without another thought.
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monzamash · 11 months
cardinal sin — daniel ricciardo
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"let's commit some sins." daniel ricciardo x you (femreader) | 2.1k rating – 18+ (sex, coarse language) a/n – this was way too fun, @rizzciado. masterlist
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“Is this seat taken?”
The gentle voice drew your attention away from the vodka martini cradled in your dainty hands, eyes locking with a pair of dark brown ones waiting for an answer. You glanced around the hotel bar, wondering if the man was speaking to you or someone nearby but his gazed remained on you.
“Oh…” realising he was focused on you, “No, go ahead.”
“I’m Daniel,” He introduced and placed down his glass of red wine before pulling out the bar stool beside you.
Daniel hummed at the sound of your name when you indulged him in the pleasantries and repeated it back in his smooth Australian accent, “That’s a beautiful name.”
He was handsome, that was obvious and the way his smile radiated pure joy allowed you to slowly let your guard down. The cream knitted sweater he was wearing fit perfectly and the tailored black pants indicated his keen eye for fashion while the understated vintage Rolex sitting on his wrist exuded wealth. Old money.
“Are you here for business or pleasure?” You asked curiously, intently listening to his crooning voice as you sipped your martini.
His answer was vague, something about a special event happening in town that he was apart of but what really intrigued you was the fact he was holding your attention like no one had ever done before. You’d been approached by a stranger in a bar plenty of times, identical situations – but this man had mastered the art of the pick up. Small talk had never been so captivating.
“So how’s your night been so far?” Daniel turned the conversation to you and took a sip from his wine.
You sighed, “Bit of a bust to be honest. I was supposed to be on a date but he didn’t show up…”
Daniel gasped and leaned in close enough for his cologne to be spellbounding – Dior Sauvage. His eyebrows were raised high on his forehead, perplexed by the idea of you, a complete stranger, being stood up.
“What an idiot. If only he could see what he was missing,” He complimented and fell back again, leaving you wanting more.
The dismissive shrug of your shoulders sent your freshly curled waves flowing down your back, revealing a little more of your dress. Daniel’s respectful eyes skimming across your décolletage didn’t go unnoticed and you weren’t mad about it – only set alight.
“Eh, one man’s missed opportunity might be another mans good fortune,” You flirted back, fingers intentionally brushing his as you grasped your martini.
Daniel’s dark chuckle sent chills across your exposed skin, the tight black dress now feeling like the perfect choice. You could feel him nudging closer, knees bumping underneath the bar as he leaned forward and waved down the waiter who had been serving you for the past half hour.
“Hey man – can I get another one of these please?” He asked, pointing down at the empty glass sitting lonely in front of you, completely forgotten in scintillating conversation.
“And a whiskey on the rocks? Thanks mate.”
You propped your elbow up on the bar and rested your chin on you knuckles, eyebrow cocked at his choice of drink, “Moving onto the hard stuff?”
Daniel breathed out a soft laugh and turned to you, eyes shamelessly dragging over your newfound body language and pleased to no end with how intuitive you were to his charm. He knew you could match him, flirtatiously batting your eyelashes and giving him a little more attention than a stranger would. He was having too much fun.
“Yeah, well…” He paused and slipped the waiter a tip, “My wife is a bit of a prude and usually doesn’t like me mixing my wine with whiskey but she isn’t here tonight.”
A devious smirk tingled on your lips as you glanced playfully around the bar, “I certainly hope not. Where is she? There is no way I would let you out of my sight.”
“She’s out with her friends who take up way too much of her time.”
You let out a soft hum in response, “I’m sure she adores you.”
“You see – that’s the problem…” Daniel sucked in a sharp breath and leaned in, meeting you in the middle – lips ghosting your keen ear.
“She’s a little too good to me, if you know what I mean.”
You pulled back ever so slightly, catching Daniel’s gaze that had shifted to you plum coloured lips – eyes hungry for more when you whispered, “Do you want something bad?”
“Someone maybe…” He teased, noses brushing as your hands came up and gently adjusted the silver chain hanging around his neck.
“Promise I don’t bite.”
“I really hope that isn’t true,” You quietly but confidently retorted as Daniel reached down and expertly pulled your stool closer – his knee slotting in so close that you could feel his warmth through the thin layer of lace separating you from him. Teasing.
“Surely a pretty girl like you doesn’t dabble in the dark arts,” He taunted, knowing from the glint in your eye that you weren’t like most pretty girls.
“I like to think of it more as a fine art but you really have no idea who you’re dealing with here …”
Daniel couldn’t hide the way he felt hearing those words tumble from your mouth, lip bitten and trousers a little bit tighter than before. You were magnetic in his eyes, enigmatic and mysterious as you played with the stem of your martini glass, toying with him and fuelling the desire bubbling in his stomach.
“Tell me,” He challenged and watched as the devilish grin swept across your beautiful face.
“Or I could show you…”
A deep groan purred in Daniels throat as he inched forward and crashed his lips into yours, holding your jaw loosely between his thumb and fingers. Your mind was a haze as his tongue slipped around yours, searching for a moan that you generously gave. He was intentional with the way his lips moved against your own, pressure wavering as you became breathless.
“I’m staying here at the hotel…” You managed to breathe out; the statement laced with promiscuity and a promise of more.
“If you think the public is going to stop me then you're sorely mistaken, sweetheart," Daniel grumbled into your hair, fingertips rushing down your spine and stoking the flames within.
A guttural whine slipped from your throat as he took the soft, sensitive skin on your neck between his teeth, the subtle sound of your dress zipper made a small, barely there smile appear on your features. You loved the idea of him taking you right there and then but even you could admit when the limit had been reached.
But god, all you wanted to do was push the boundaries with him as you shoved him across the threshold of your expensive hotel room. Daniel was already half undressed by the time you left the elevator, decently tucking himself back into the waistband of his underwear after receiving the sloppiest blowjob of his life. As he looked down at you on your knees with your pretty lips wrapped around his thick cock, doe eyes gazing up, he was convinced that he had died and gone to heaven.
It was all heavy breathing and belt buckles clanging as you fell face first into the gloriously comfortable bed. Arse up in the air, dress hiked up and revealing the lace you’d picked specifically for the night. All you wanted was for him to fuck you stupid and what better way to start than his tongue gliding across your holes, tasting all of his hard work.
“Yes god, thank you…” Daniel praised, mouth glistening and no doubt looking up to a higher powers for serving you on a silver platter, “Or maybe I should be thanking the devil for delivering you.”
You craned your neck and watched as Daniel shed his knitted sweater, exposing his chest hair and a chiselled body, thighs squeezing at the sight. His devilish good looks and toothy smile had you hypnotised in his grip; strong hands grasping your hips and bringing you level with the hardness in trousers that was begging to be touched.
“You should be thanking your wife for letting you off the leash,” You quipped, taunting the gorgeous man standing above you – about to devour every single inch of you.
Daniel hummed in agreement and theatrically unzipped his trousers, “I’m the luckiest man in the fucking world.”
With a couple of firm strokes, Daniel was slipping into your warmth like a man starved. He had you up on your knees, back pressed against his strong chest while he fucked into you deep. The snap of his hips had you begging for mercy, or for more depending on the angle – every single inch he had lining your insides and hitting every bump along the way, fingertips playing with your swollen clit as you threw your head against his shoulder.
“I want you to fuck me like you fuck her…” You slurred, cock-drunk coursing through your veins, “But dirtier.”
And he did. The grip of his fingers around your gulping throat and the unrelenting pounding you were getting had you grasping for the hand holding your waist for dear life. Daniel was vocal but deliberate, every little whisper turned grunt in your ear sent shockwaves straight to your bud. The sound of how messy he was making you emanating through the humming hotel room, clenching hard and coming fast.
It was dark and filthy, just like the slurry of words dripping from Daniel’s swollen lips as he laid back and let you take control, “That pussy feels so fucking good around my dick, baby – fits me like a glove.”
“Mmm, you like it?” It was a rhetorical question – you could tell by the blown out pupils studying your every move how much he liked it.
Daniel’s strong hands crawled up your thighs, leaving light scratches on the skin before taking their rightful place on your sinking hips while you bottomed out. The burn of his stretch made your head fall back slightly, the bites littered across your collarbone making the man below you beam with pride. I fucking did that, he whispered to himself as you swept your hair to one side.
“Wanna come inside me, pretty boy?”
A strangled moan and a dramatic head nod was all the answer you needed – placing your hands on his thumping chest and lifting your hips gradually, teasingly. He held firm and guided you into the rhythm he needed to get himself off, eyes fluttering shut in concentration as you rotated slowly.
“I’m gonna fuckin' – oh, fuck. Holy shit.”
Watching him lose all control of his suave composure and submitting to the unadulterated pleasure had you coming undone around again, panting and moaning in synchronicity. The aftershocks of your high sent him tumbling over the edge – your pussy clenching his swollen dick as he filled you to the brim, dribbles of his high slipping down your shaking thighs.
“Take it all, baby… That’s it,” Daniel encouraged as you continued to slide up and down his softening cock – squeezing out every last drop.
“So fucking good to me.”
You collapsed into Daniels’ welcoming embrace, face nuzzled into his damp neck and breathing in his sweet scent. It was a scent you found comfort in and it didn’t take you long to find yourself melting into his touch. The facade finally falling.
“... We need to do that more often.”
“I liked how suave you were – so sexy. Really felt like you were in character,” You praised, brushing the dark unruly curls from your husbands blushing face.
“Huh, you liked that?” He baited, reeking of smug.
“Bitch, you know I did,” You scoffed and rolled onto your back, “But I always let you drink whatever you want so take it easy on the insults next time. Calling me a prude... Un-fucking-believable.”
Daniel chuckled, knowing you were only kidding and turned onto his side to take you all in - his beautiful wife, the one person who knew him better than anyone else. You were the person he had endless adventures with, the sex immaculate from the day you started dating ‘til now. The lust you had for each other never fading, in love.
“Roleplaying was your idea so don’t hate the player, hate the game,” Daniel yawned and wrapped his arm lazily around your bare torso.
He continued, “You were incredible though, like at the end with that little move you do that drives me up the fucking wall.”
You giggled and rested you head on his shoulder - legs intertwined under the covers as you listened to him relive the night, “We’re gonna need to do a play by play in the morning, I reckon.”
You sighed and closed your weary eyes, “Good shout, baby.”
“I love you."
“And I love you.”
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
Could you do jealous!Benedict Bridgerton with pregnant!wife reader? She was spending too much time with Hyacinth and Gregory (in his opinion) and he wanted to get her attention. So, he made a plan. You decide what it was. Thanks!! :))
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Benedict Bridgerton x female wife pregnant reader
Benedict Bridgerton stood by the window of his study, gazing out at the garden where his wife, Y/N, sat with his younger siblings, Hyacinth and Gregory. Laughter floated through the open window, a delightful melody that would have usually brought a smile to his face. However, today it brought a twinge of jealousy. Y/N, glowing with the beauty of impending motherhood, seemed to be spending every waking moment with Hyacinth and Gregory. Benedict missed her company, the intimate moments they shared, and the way her laughter used to be directed solely at him.
Determined to reclaim her attention, Benedict devised a plan. He would remind Y/N of the special bond they shared, rekindle the romance that seemed to have been overshadowed by the lively presence of his siblings.
The next morning, Benedict found Hyacinth and Gregory in the drawing room, engrossed in a game of cards. Clearing his throat, he drew their attention.
"I need your help with something," Benedict began, his tone earnest. "I want to surprise Y/N with a special evening, but for that, I'll need you both to give her a bit of space for a few days."
Hyacinth's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "A surprise? Oh, I love surprises! What do you need us to do?"
"Just keep your distance for a while," Benedict said with a smile. "I'll handle the rest."
With Hyacinth and Gregory's enthusiastic agreement, Benedict set his plan into motion. He enlisted the help of the household staff to prepare for the evening, ensuring every detail would be perfect.
As the day progressed, Benedict found himself growing more excited. He sent a note to Y/N, requesting her presence in their private sitting room after dinner. His heart raced as he anticipated her reaction.
When evening arrived, Benedict dressed in his finest attire, his nerves a mix of excitement and anxiety. He wanted everything to be perfect for Y/N, to remind her of the love they shared.
Y/N, curious about Benedict's note, made her way to the sitting room. She opened the door to find the room bathed in the warm glow of candlelight. The scent of fresh flowers filled the air, and soft music played in the background. Benedict stood in the center of the room, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that made her heart flutter.
"Benedict, what's all this?" Y/N asked, her voice a mix of surprise and delight.
"I wanted to remind you of how much you mean to me," Benedict said, stepping closer to her. "Lately, it feels like I've been sharing you with Hyacinth and Gregory. I miss having you to myself."
Y/N's expression softened, and she reached out to touch his cheek. "Oh, Benedict, I've missed you too. It's just that with the baby coming, I've been a bit distracted."
Benedict took her hand and guided her to a comfortable seat. "I understand, love. But tonight, it's just you and me."
They spent the evening talking, laughing, and reminiscing about their time together. Benedict had prepared a selection of Y/N's favorite treats, and they indulged in the delicacies while sharing stories and dreams for the future.
As the night wore on, Benedict felt the weight of his jealousy lift. Y/N's attention was solely on him, and he reveled in the intimacy they shared. He knew that their bond was strong, and no amount of time spent with his siblings could change that.
Benedict took Y/N's hand, leading her to the window where they could see the moonlit garden. "You know," he said softly, "I can't wait to see you as a mother. You'll be amazing."
Y/N leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder. "And you'll be an incredible father, Benedict. Our child is so lucky to have you."
Benedict wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "We're lucky to have each other. And I promise, no matter how busy life gets, I'll always find a way to remind you of how much I love you."
As the evening deepened and the warmth of the fireplace bathed the room in a soft glow, Benedict could feel the electricity in the air. The intimate conversation had rekindled a fire within him, one that had been smoldering beneath the surface for weeks. He turned to Y/N, his eyes darkening with desire.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” he murmured, his voice husky with emotion. “I need you to know how much I desire you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched at his words, her pulse quickening. She could see the raw need in his eyes, and it sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine. Benedict took her hand, leading her to the plush rug in front of the fireplace. The heat from the flames danced across their skin, adding to the growing warmth between them.
Benedict cupped her face in his hands, his thumbs brushing gently over her cheeks. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a slow, passionate kiss. It was a kiss that spoke of longing and love, a promise of the night to come. Y/N melted into him, her hands finding their way to his chest, feeling the strong, steady beat of his heart beneath her fingers.
With a tender urgency, Benedict began to undress her, his hands skillful and reverent. He peeled away the layers of fabric, revealing the soft curves of her body. His eyes roamed over her, drinking in the sight of her swollen belly, the proof of their love growing inside her.
“You’re even more beautiful now,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “Carrying our child, you take my breath away.”
Y/N blushed under his intense gaze, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and arousal. She reached for him, tugging at his shirt, eager to feel his skin against hers. Benedict obliged, shedding his clothes quickly until they were both bare, the heat of the fire casting shadows over their entwined forms.
Benedict lowered her gently onto the rug, his hands never leaving her body. He kissed his way down her neck, over her collarbone, and to the swell of her breasts, lavishing attention on her sensitive skin. Y/N’s fingers threaded through his hair, holding him close as he worshipped her with his mouth.
“Benedict,” she gasped, her body arching towards him, craving more. “I need you.”
His name on her lips was all the encouragement he needed. Benedict positioned himself above her, his eyes locking with hers as he guided himself into her warmth. The sensation of being joined with her, the intimacy of the moment, was overwhelming. He moved slowly at first, savoring every second, every breathless moan that escaped her lips.
“You’re perfect,” he whispered, his voice strained with the effort of holding back. “So perfect for me.”
Y/N’s nails dug into his shoulders, her body responding to his every touch, every thrust. The rhythm between them built steadily, a dance of love and desire. The flickering flames of the fireplace mirrored the passion that consumed them, casting a golden glow over their entwined bodies.
As their movements grew more urgent, Benedict’s hand found its way between them, his fingers seeking out the sensitive bundle of nerves that would send her over the edge. Y/N cried out his name, her body tightening around him as waves of pleasure crashed over her. The sight of her climax, the sound of her ecstasy, drove Benedict to the brink. With a final, deep thrust, he followed her into bliss, his release mingling with hers in a symphony of shared pleasure.
They lay together on the rug, their bodies entwined, the heat of the fire warming their skin. Benedict held her close, his hand resting on her belly, feeling the faint movements of their child within.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “And I always will.”
Y/N smiled, her eyes closing as she nestled against him. “I love you too, Benedict. Forever and always.”
As the fire crackled softly beside them, Benedict knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would always be strong enough to overcome them. And with Y/N in his arms, he felt a peace and contentment that he had never known before.
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: gwen, miles (42!), hobie, pav, and miguel x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS: astv characters and their s/o going to see barbie.
WARNING/NOTES: matching outfits, the mention of o-o-oppenheimer 🤢🤮, barbie photo ops, miguel being a mamón
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i hate to say it so… but she wanted to watch oppenheimer first.
she sent you a text talking about sum “babe let’s see oppenheimer it looks good 🥰” and then you sent her a voice memo of gun shots from your gun sound simulator app and she understood she was wrong.
gwen thinks father of the atomic
it’s not like she didn’t wanna see barbie but she was like… it’s barbie
“babe cmon! you can’t tell me oppenheimer doesn’t look cool. what is barbie even about? is she gonna go on an adventure to find that old rubber high heel the little girl that owns her lost those many years ago? oooo so interesting.”
“do not mock me gwendolyn.”
you showed her the trailer as gwen showed you the oppenheimer trailer
in the end you both lost.
yeah… oppenheimer is a glorification a historical event that people don’t touch on the affects it had and rather the men behind it
and yeah… barbie having an existential crisis on what it means to be a woman and her place in the world sounded like it had potential
“i mean, yeah the trailer is kinda fire,” you admitted, weak in defeat.
gwen crossed her arms with a smirk of victory. “see! i told you that it looked cool,” she rubbed in your face before changing her expression, “but… barbie also sounds like it’s gonna be good. who says we can’t do both?”
you guys do barbieheimer.
and since you both were already gonna indulge in the internet craze… of course you played into it
gwen dressed in all black in this tux and even got the hat to match
you on the other hand wore all pink in tribute to barbie
she was FAWNING over you.
the cute outfit? the accessories? you in general?
you also couldn’t lie with how attractive gwen looked in a blazer I MEANNNN
she wore a bunch of rings on her hands and had a tie and all but she made it looser and looser until she just took it off and shoved it in her pocket before y’all left because it was annoying the shit out of her
“oh my you look so dapper,” you complimented, fighting back laughs from your choice of wording.
you watched as she smoothed down the blazer, shocked that she even had that in her closet. it was weird seeing her dressed like that and you couldn’t help but try to not look. it would be a bad night if she caught you peeking because yeah, you know she’s fine, but do you want her knowing that? to use that against you as leverage? hell. no.
gwen let out a laugh as she striked a pose, hands on her hips moving the sides of the blazer behind her to show off black waistcoat top. “really? you flatter me. aren’t you the bees knees yourself, babe.”
you cringed. hard.
her attempt at 1940 slang was where you drew the line and her shit eating grin didn’t help.
“gwen… dare i say gwendolyn again.”
she smirked. “yes, sugar lips?”
“i hate you.”
gwen was clearly feeling herself
you were too
and trust there was a photoshoot. and trust that it was gwen’s idea even if it was mostly her taking photos of you and her hyping you up crazy
“you’re gonna be the prettiest there babe. nobody can top my girl! not even barbie-”
“don’t be corny with me please…”
you guys decided to watch oppenheimer first and then end on a happy note with barbie
throughout oppenheimer you could see… even FEEL gwen’s eyes staring at the side of your head
she was just making sure you at least enjoyed the movie because it would break her soul if she forced you to watch something you didn’t like
you guys ended up loving it, especially the bomb scene
then you guys watched barbie…
it was a lot of laughing but the moment the movie started taking its turn bro gwen was fighting tears
and at the end of it? BALLING HER EYES OUT
if you are crying you both are just looking at each other in utter shock at the movie but also doing a really poor job at hugging each other
if you aren’t crying your eyes out with her you are comforting her while kinda laughing at her because she thought it was just gonna be some pink glam movie
it wasn’t.
“t-the message… this is so embarrassing i can’t stop crying what the fuck,” she cried into her palms which made her sound really funny as it was muffled by her skin.
you just held her close and you guys talked about the movies
especially like talking about the symbolism in barbie and how it touched on women suffering from the system and standards they are forced to live up to like it really hit gwen especially because the hate she got for how she acted in astv and how nobody was coming at the males that did the same or even worse than her
she sends you tiktok edits of gloria x barbie and says “us❤️”
overall, it was a 10/10 experience y’all went out to eat after in your cute outfits n all
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you asked him and miles was down IMMEDIATELY
he was another that thought oppenheimer looked good but he didn’t really mention going to the movie with you and the same thing for barbie
miles just thought they was both cool lookin
so you asked him.
“miles, baby, i have a very important question to ask you… one that may very well determine the outcome of this relationship.”
you spoke stern and serious, and almost vague.
"yeah, what's up? something wrong?" miles asks, slightly concerned, running his fingers through his curls and looking up at you.
“will you watch the barbie movie with me?” you pleaded with your hands, “pleaseee!”
miles eyes go wide, a smile spreading across his face.
"yes! i'm so down! i'll even be your ken if you wanna be my barbie. you know i'm a sucker for anything barbie."
you laughed, moving over to sit in his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. “my ken, huh? i like the idea of that.”
“i mean, what else would i be? i’m here to serve you,” he spoke with a slight blush painted on his cheeks. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“we should do those matching couple outfits for barbie,” you suggested, “wouldn’t we look so cute?”
"matching outfits?" he asks thoughtfully. "y’know what, i think i know the perfect idea for our couple's look, babe."
miles had this glow to him as you literally saw a light bulb go off in his head.
“oh really, you have an idea?” you questioned, furrowing your brows at the speed of whatever little brain storm was going on in his head. “is it boricua barbie? because not gonna lie, i’d love to see you in a dress.”
"hmm, you wanna see me in a pink, ruffly dress?" miles teases you, smiling at the idea. "why didn't you tell me you were into cute boys in feminine outfits sooner, babe? cus’ i’d dress up for you whenever you want."
“you play too much,” choked out through the giggles as you shoved his shoulder. "hey now, i look amazing in a dress," he laughs. "but i do have an idea that includes both matching barbie costumes and me being your ken, if you're up for it."
miles smiles sweetly at you, his expression turning a little mischievous. “if you have an idea, please do tell,” you said in a sultry voice.
"i want to do what barbie and ken did in that one movie, where ken turns out to actually have superpowers too," miles explains excitedly. "but instead of us being the same superhero, like we both have super strength or super speed, we could be superheroes who complement each other."
you laughed im disbelief. ‘no way’ you thought, knowing exactly what he was thinking of.
he takes your hand, placing the other one on your cheeks and staring deeply into your eyes as he smiles at you. "what do you think?" miles whispers, leaning down toward you.
“you wanna be barbie and ken… from barbie princess power,” you recited slowly, a grin stretching across your face. “of course the one who is a superhero vigilante says this.”
miles' smile widens. "yes, princess power! that's exactly what i was talkin’ about," he says. "and come on, don't underestimate the barbie movies. most of them are really good, dare i say cinematic masterpieces!”
you mouthed an ‘okay’ as you rolled your eyes.
"if i'm your ken, you have to be my barbie," he says, moving his hands onto your waist and moving you up his lap. "the most iconic couple in the barbie universe, right here."
y’all outfits looked so funny but cute… like in a diy that didn’t go wrong typa way
and if you think for a minute mamita rio let y’all go without them facebook mom photos you’re sadly mistaken
"sonríe pa la foto!" rio yelled as the flash coming from her phone was almost blinding.
“mami, por favor-”
miles begging was not gonna get him anywhere with his mom.
“dios mío, you both look so cute,” rio gushed.
“señora morales…you’re too kind!”
miles dad gave you both the typical “y’all better not get into no trouble” parent speech and then you both was off
when i say he was fangirling over the barbie themed cups and popcorn… i mean it
he was taking photos of everything
the whole movie his mouth was wide open in awe
miles was actually so furious at ken he looked absolutely lost and physically upset watching that white piece of plastic run a muck in barbieland
yes, he cried at the end… and at the middle… and a little at the start
at first he was just amazed with the cinematography
but then when they got to the real world? just seeing through the movies lens and it’s take on how modern society treats women based on the parallel barbie world like he felt so unreal
at the end, he was acting like those guys on tiktok that was treating the women in they lives like absolute QUEENS walking out the theater because of the perspective they got watching the movie
not that he didn’t treat you like that before, don’t get him wrong, it’s just that he felt the need like a bunch of other guys after watching the movie to apologizes for the system men have created
it was a little funny, especially because it has nothing to do with him and men doing this type of stuff is a little corny coming from the privilege of the gender, but you appreciated it nonetheless
if you cried during the movie tho? he is bear hugging you crazy and not letting go even after the barbie world credits end
you guys leave the theater holding hands and talking about the film and he is geeking out over all the symbolism and stuff this man watches titanic you know he’s a secret film bro
“i’m so sorry mi amor, that us men have failed our women-”
and there miles went, on a nonstop rant about how you are his queen and how much he loves the women in his life.
you ended up sleeping over at his place
with the door open of course… you know rio is watching.
he had so much fun with you tonight and you could tell by the way he slept with a big smile displayed on his face.
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you asked him and he was happily accepting before you even got the question fully out.
“pav!” you called out from behind him, pulling him in from the neck for a hug. “hey, i wanna ask you something. do you wanna-”
“wait… what? pav i didn’t even say anything yet? what if i’m about to say something completely criminal?” you asked in a teasing tone.
“hehe, yeah maybe i’m a little too excited to see you. what is it, love?”
his eyes looked at you so bright and full of love, it was almost distracting.
“can we go see the barbie movie? we can even wear all pink and match…”
you were gonna say more, but you didn’t have to.
pav was immediately saying yes to everything
until the fear sunk in…
"wait, but I don't have anything pink to wear!" pavitr exclaimed, sounding slightly distressed. "does that mean you won't go with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and giving you a teasing smile.
he knows you’d never do such a thing.
"you know, i don't usually dress in pink, but for you i'll make an exception!"
you suggested you both go shopping like a little couples date
it was chaotic to say the least… but just as fun !!
he was acting like a model with everything he put on and it got even worse when you let him look at the stuff you were putting on
absolutely whipped.
“my girlfriend is gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!”
you thanked him again, and again, and again.
“pav, do you think you are india’s next top model? because you are not gaytari,” you teased for him not finding an outfit yet, landing a peck on his cheek as he giggled in response.
"i'II look my best for the movie," he added with a wink. "are you sure you can handle all this style?"
all you could do was roll your eyes.
y’all were almost late to the movie because of bro
but you weren’t.
for the movie he was similar to miles and just in awe
in the beginning he was rooting for ken because he thought he was just being a good service boyfriend
you can imagine pavitr heartbreak when he started talking about the patriarchy
man is anger sobbing
words cannot describe the physical anger he feels seeing ken talk to barbie in such a manner he was stunned at the switch up
he also loved all of ruth’s parts, thinks she carried the whole movie
was physically leaning backwards at the sad scenes just taking it all in
pavitr LOVED the movie
came out the theater a changed man.
“my amazing, sweetest, most caring girlfriend…the prettiest of all mumbattan,” he spoke as he got down on one leg.
‘oh boy’ you thought, preparing yourself.
“i promise you, i would never ever treat you like how ken did barbie. you are a breathtaking woman and deserve the world-”
there goes another speech.
he walked you home like a true gentleman he smoking that ken pack and y’all talked about your favorite parts
pavitr overall had a really good time with you and enjoyed the message of the movie
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hobie is not and i repeat NOT watching that atomic bomb glorification story
but a movie about the patriarchy and double standard against women that hurts both genders based on the system men built through a satire film that is actually very political and has a message? yeah he’s going
when you told him tho not gonna lie he was gonna clown you
“barbie? like that lil white girl… you sure you wanna go watch that, luv?”
once you told him about the plot and showed him the trailer bro was READY to go
the set up of barbie world being a parallel to modern society was music to his ears
“really? i didn’t really expect allat comin’ from that bird. ight then, i’ll go. now i'm kinda curious.”
yes, he dresses up with you.
hobie is a punk icon… you know gender does not define him and he doesn’t care about breaking the “rules” of fashion of bit
so what does he dress as?
erika from rock n royals barbie.
guitar included.
you? well it’s a couple costume YOU'RE GONNA BE HIS COURTNEY
it’s not like you guys wore an exact replica of the outfits it was just heavily inspired fits
y’all looked cute as hell tho trust
“hobie, i can feel you staring,” you told him as you fixed up your makeup in your mirror.
it was true, you could feel him staring at you. heavy.
you looked to the side of your mirror and indeed saw him eyeing your figure with a soft smirk as he leaned against your bed frame. “what, not allowed to look at my girl now? since when?”
he was teasing and he knew it was making you flustered just by how your face was heating up.
his outfit isn’t too far out of bounds of what we would normally wear, but you couldn’t lie and say that the new colors didn’t fit him. the purple and the blue accents of his outfit, the leather jacket, the black eyeshadow with glitter that he surprisingly let you do, just everything about him looked so good.
hobie walked up behind you and put his hands on your hips, guiding your body closer to his as he watched your hands freeze applying your lip liner.
“don’t stop cus’ of me,” he spoke sheepishly.
you continued and shortly after finished up. his eyes still stared silently at you, admiring your beauty. “looking again, hobie? y’know i hope you pay attention to this movie…”
“i am,” he admitted with no shame, “you’re the prettiest gal i’ve seen. not gonna deny that.”
he pressed a slow, open mouth kiss on your shoulder as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. his breath was warm against your chilled skin.
“shall we get goin’ now?”
he payed attention to the movie but he couldn’t help wrapping a arm around your shoulder and making little comments in your ear
hobie got quiet tho towards the middle because he genuinely got invested once her feet turned flat and barbie met the ceo
but once the movie started getting deep… BOYY the look on this mans face he was stunned, appalled, baffled, gobsmacked even at ken
and then the speech about women? lawd.
he didn’t cry at all during the final sequence and if anything i think he was confused…
“wait that’s the lady from before that was makin tea, innit?”
“yes hobie.”
“holdup, where the granny go? what’s with the white void?”
don’t get it twisted tho he understood the film and thought it was beautifully done
y’all talked about all the topics afterwards and let’s just say bro hates kens and is angry that nobody told them shit
“are they mad? they must be cus’ no way after everything that happened they just gon forgive the man for being a raging misogynist… they had the girls wearing maid costumes and not one apology was heard man that’s insane!”
hobie smoking that ken pack
he enjoyed the movie but what made him enjoy it was doing it with you <33
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you know you had to ask him.
bro was not considering anything that would take him away from his work or distract him because he feels he doesn’t have time for that
and the crazy thing is that miguel knows about the hype about the movie and the whole barbie core pink mania
but of course he gonna act like he don’t and got better things to do.
“do you wanna see the barbie movie with me?”
those the words that stopped the gears turning in his head.
“excuse me?” miguel asked, looking up from his report with furrowed brows as his forehead already began to crease.
you wanted to dwell on the fact that he is getting annoyed before you even got to explain yourself, but you pushed it to the back of your mind. no, you couldn’t let him get push you away this time.
“you heard me, miguel. c’mon, the movie with margot robbie! and did i mention barbie? one of the most popular dolls? don’t act stupid,” you told him, walking over and wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him close from behind as he sat. “you don’t think it would be fun?”
he pinches the bridge of his nose, knowing what you’re about to get him into.
“mi vida…” you hear him sigh, quietly in almost a cut-it-out type of tone. he moves his head to the side and you can practically feel the confusion behind the glare. “you’re joking.”
you move one of your hands to your heart. “miguel!” you gasped playful, “this is a serious matter. why would i even joke about watching a movie with you?”
“because there's no way you're being serious. you don't go looking for me to see a barbie movie. especially one you know i'll refuse,” he replies, his voice stern.
"Is this some sort of elaborate humiliation attempt?"
"... you're serious, aren't you? what's in it for me? i mean, it's a barbie movie."
you explain to him the premise and he still acts like this whole thing is stupid and you have no business trying to see this movie with him
but he can’t lie, he’s intrigued.
he kinda wants to see it.
and he’s trying his best to hide it.
"okay… what time?" he asked, defeated.
“really, my begging actually worked? thank god because i already brought two tickets and it would’ve been sad showing up alone,” you confessed.
“you bought them? already?” he repeated, caught off guard by how ready you were. “and what time are they for?"
“fine, fine. but i'm holding you to your word. If it turns out this is some kind of elaborate scheme, you'll be hearing about it."
he’s so suspicious for no reason
now when it came to outfits… yeah you know miguel owns no pink whatsoever
you didn’t even know he knew about the pink craze or even wanted to play into it until he let it slip
"what am i supposed to wear then? i don't own anything pink.”
“it’s fine we’ll go shoppin- wait who said anything about pink outfits to you?”
you started making fun of him but then he threatened to take back saying he was going with you and told you that you’d be sitting in a theater all by yourself
but then you brought up again how he was ready to wear pink for you and he had a little slip up
"n-no? i mean, I could… if i’m gonna go see this thing with you and it your way, might as well commit right?”
his facade was slipping, this was golden. “so you will wear pink?”
the mischievous look on your face made him annoyed but he knew what he was getting into.
“i said i could, not that i’m going to. don’t get your hopes up chiquita."
he did end up wearing pink
little said he know you were plotting something against him
it started off nice… simple.
it was white pants with a pink button up
you told him for a “pop of color” he should wear a green blazer
sound familiar? because you were planning a scheme YOU DRESSED HIM AS SUGAR DADDY KEN
it was for shits and giggles
he had no idea until it was all paid for and safe to tell him before miguel made you fix his outfit
he’s ore than a little surprised, and not really sure how to react. miguel takes a look at the outfit, and does his best to try and hold back a chuckle.
"this... is a joke. there's no way you're serious about me wearing this, is there?”
“put. it. on.”
he does a low sighs and take the outfit from you. "fine, only because it's you."
it didn’t take him long to finish in the changing room, and when he stepped out you were enchanted by the sight.
yes. indeed you were very happy.
he was paying for everything of course like the sugar daddy he doesn’t know he is
he had his arms crossed, sat down legs spread, watching you change into different pink outfits and rating telling you how he thought you looked
you’d do little spins for miguel
“muy bella.” “you look gorgeous.” “i like that one, fits you nicely.”
you ended up leaving and going to the movie and while on your way there decided to tell him about his little outfit.
“you wanna know a secret, miggy?” you ask him with a grin.
he raises a brown at you, “i feel like you're gonna tell me regardless, so i'm gonna say yes.”
you say nothing, you just pull up a photo of sugar daddy ken and show it to him.
as his eyes flicker to the screen, you see the light amusement fade away from his expression as it turns to one of genuine confusion and horror. miguel’s hand moves subconsciously to the green blazer, as the fear sets in that he recognizes exactly what the outfit is referring to. “you didn’t…”
“but i did.”
“you. you are a bad person.”
truth be told, he really liked the movie
miguel just really liked the message like it made it him think of all the women that were and are in his life like you and all the other girls he’s wronged before you iykyk
but it also made him sad because it reminded him of gabriella
just thinking about all the muñequitas she use to play with before it happens
all the dress up games they use to play, when he pretended to be whatever doll he picked for her to play pretend scenarios with her dream house
it also made him sad to think of the strong, independent woman she wouldn’t become if it wasn’t for him
he didn’t tear up, no not at all.
but by the empty look on his face you could tell just how he was feeling
you put a hand over his as the audience laughed at the screen. “miguel, you okay? you know we can leave if that’s what you want.”
he just turned, put his hand over yours and gave it a squeeze. “no, no… i’m fine. don't worry.”
you guys had a good time and you swore you could see a small smile stretch across his face during some moments
he genuinely wanted to talk about the movie with you for hours but the man does have to sleep at some point
“hey, i just wanted to thank you for uh… convincing me to see a barbie movie. yeah, it sounded ridiculous and thought you were trying to find some way to mess with me for my attention. but, i really did enjoy spending time with you. just felt compelled to tell you that is all.”
miguel holds his heavy responsibility of the universe on his shoulders and is filled with grief
he doesn’t do this with the intent to tell people how to live their lives, but to try and protect what he couldn’t
so yeah, he’s glad you could give him some relief from the day
A/N: hey guys… i feel it’s been a minute but this took so long and it’s my first time writing for all of them beside gwen so im scared it’s gonna sound like shit so ??? i hope y’all enjoyed tho 🫶 BARBIE WAS SO GOOD
© 2023 primaviva — artist credits: zvdohu
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zu8her · 1 year
✧・゚Indulged Sharing — anybody up for a good gangbang
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✧・゚tags — gangbang, threesome, cum eating, bisexual volleyball players, cum swapping, they are wearing suits, penetrative sex, consent, shawty taking on the whole squad, Tsukishima, Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo.
✧・゚notes — It's been awhile. I would like to thank loadshedding for making me write again. enjoy reading this. i really think this is not good but i want to put it out.
✧・゚— word count: 1.8K
Staring aimlessly around the boys' apartment, she hesitated to glance into the kitchen. The place was clean, she notes. At her feet she fixates on the outline of the table that was previously on the soft carpet before it was moved in the corner of the living room.
The wait was agonising. Had she just kept this filthy desire locked in the depths of mind she would not be here. Instead she’s here folding one leg over the other slightly adjusting her dress to prevent her leg from bouncing uncontrollably, slightly adjusting her dress. Looking up, Bokuto flashes a smile. Not his usual energetic one but one to calm her. The exchange was fleeting. She returns the smile before turning to gaze into the kitchen.
The rest of his flatmates have gathered there to conversate about her imaginative mind. She wishes to be hear what they are taking about but only hears mumbles. Her anxiety spikes when they catch her and give her a smile similar to Bokuto or a gaze she has never gotten from them before. She lowers her head, twirling a loose thread around her finger.
She lifts her head for a moment as Kuroo walks over and settles next to her. "Hey." She sits awkwardly while he sinks into the couch cushions. He eyes her taking in her frame. “You sure you want to do this?" He questions earnestly.
She turns to meet his gaze. "If you don't want to-"
"Oh, we want to." He reassures, smirking as he rests his head against the couch.
Reflexively. she glances back into the kitchen, eyeing Tsukishima. “Your boyfriend also wants to.”
Feeling a light poke from Kuroo,  she turns to see him point up at Tsukishima. The blonde stands with his gaze stern but his voice gentle. "Can we talk for a sec?" He extends a hand to help her off the couch. In the dimly lit hallway he squeezes her hand looking down at her through his glasses. “I talked to them.”
“Thank you,”
“I want you to enjoy yourself.” He tucks  a loose braid behind her ear before raising her hand and planting a kiss.
She had always thought about. The thought of indulging with more than one person at a time, drew her in. All their attention on her. Watching her. What pleasure could she derive from that.
At first she hesitated telling him. Always shaking her head when he’d turn his head at the sound of her faint gasp, caused by her attempt to expose her desire. One evening Tsukishima corned her. A quiet evening of indulging each other’s sexual fantasies lead her to finally tell him. Straddle his lap while finally letting her thought become words.
“I just wonder what it would be like.” She excitedly uttered. His face was blank, thinking. He listened rubbing her side. The excitement was seemly not shared. As a result, the next morning she passed it off as a joke. It was not brought up again. Well, until a few weeks later anyway.
“You did what?”
“They said they would be… willing to.”
That's how she ended up here. In their surprisingly clean apartment intoxicated by the mixture of their colognes.
“The safe word is blueberry. If you can't say anything just tap somewhere three times.” She nods. Leaning down he caresses her cheek before kissing her.
Feeling his hands slip from her waist she eyes him as he props himself on a couch while she returns to her previous seat, Kuroo and Akaashi at either side of her.
Akaashi cautiously moves to cup her chin. "May I?" His eyes dart from her eyes to her lips. She nods closing her eyes as she melts into the kiss. They alternate between deep kisses and pecks. Taking mere moments to breathe and stare at each other before indulging once more. The kisses, desperate as his hand roam her body and she grips his tie to pull him closer. She spreads her legs to get him between them.
He moves down to gently kiss along her neck and shoulders. Her gaze fixed on her boyfriend as he sits back sipping a glass of red wine watching.
The man on the left quickly forces her attention to him. "Look at me." He orders before he leans in to kiss her.
Feeling hands wrap around her hips, she breaks the kiss to see Akaashi on his knees. He pulls her to the edge of the couch while Kuroo latches onto her once more. She shivers with every kiss Akaashi places along her inner thighs, spreading her legs open. She whimpers against Kuroo as Akaashi pulls down her underwear, discarding it elsewhere. She gasps gripping his hair, once he latched onto her clit. 
“Can I touch you here?” Kuroo requests. She moves his hands toward her tits. Her moans muffled as he kisses her. He purposefully grazes her nipples, smirking as they kissed as she arches her back. Her orgasm came quick.
She drew heavy breathes to gather herself. Akaashi emerged from underneath her dress, sliding away towards Tsukishima.
From the other side Bokuto approached with his signature smile, lustful as he loosened his tie. His bulge evident through his trousers. He replaces Akaashi , placing his knee on the couch and laying y/n on her back, her head on Kuroo's lap. She squirms under him her eyes alternating from him unzipping his trousers and Akaashi feeding Tsukishima her cum as leaned down to kiss him.
Bokuto had girth. She gasps, when he lined his thick cock against her before slowly pushing inside.
She was drowned in pleasure as he dived into her cunt. She stared down at  his cock ripped through her. Indulging in the pleasure she leaned back staring up at Kuroo. Met with a sly smirk, she gave back a drunken smile before snapping her head forward when Bokuto placed his thumb against her clit. Reflexively she reached out but was stopped by Kuroo who pinned her hands above her head. Her eyes fall on her boyfriend who is stroking Akaashi's cock, taking her over the edge, she cums on Bokuto’s cock.
She flinches when he pulled out. Palming his cock glistening with her cum before resting his tip on her clit.
On her knees, she settled between his legs, nuzzling into the soft carpet. Innocently, she looks up at Tsukishima tugging at his belt. With his cock out, she started slowly stroking. (Alliteration was unintended). She felt it throb as she stroked it.
The carpet under her slowly became damp as she listened to him whimper and groan with every on of her licks and strokes. She bobbed her head letting his cock hit the back of her throat as his flatmates watched palming their cocks at the sight. Tsukishima grunted gazing down at her through his glasses as she took  his cock, carefully pushes her braids behind her ear before gently gripping the base of her head. He bucks his hips into her mouth. “There you go baby.” He coos as she briefly shut her eyes. Stings of his cum spurt into her mouth.
All she could do is stare at Tsukishima while he palmed his cock and let her moans echo through the apartment alongside her gentlemen's grunts and whimpers. She was face down against the soft couch and ass up as Akaashi fucked her from the back. Her moans were erratic. She could not keep herself silent while Akaashi repeatedly fucked into her. His flatmates stroking their cocks to her getting fucked threw her over the edge.
She came desperately trying to close her legs but Akaashi continued to ram his cock into her. "Shit- where do I- ?" he groans. "Inside."
She moaned as he came. Her eyes hooded and drool sinking into the couch as he slowly thrusted his cum deeper.
She groaned when he pulled. Catching her breathe as they watched his cum slide down her legs.
Laid out on the soft carpet, Bokuto fucked his thick cock into her mouth. Reaching forward to rub her clit while Kuroo abused her cunt causing her to hum at the sensation. She came twice on Kuroo's cock. Her head on a pillow, as Bokuto thrusted into her mouth, his knees at either side of her head. "Do you like that y/n?" She hums before sucking his cock again.
A flash-light on her, Akaashi sat with her phone in hand recording as Bokuto's cum slid down her cheek near her eye. Bokuto moaned slowing humping the last spurts of cum into her mouth. "Did that taste good?" Tsukishima questions as he bends down. She nods, pulling him into a kiss.
Bokuto smiles while cleaning the cum off her face as Kuroo pulled yet another orgasm out of her. He continued to fuck her as she squirted on his pelvis. Pulling out, he covered her pussy with his cum. Bucking his hips he slides his cock between her pussy, coating his cock with cum.
Tsukishima leaned down to suck his cock. Kuroo gently tugged at his blonde strands, throwing his head back.
Hands against the wall, Tsukishima was ramming his cock into her, Kuroo was recording and Akaashi and Bokuto were making out next to them on the couch.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." She brainlessly chanted.
"Look at her," Kuroo instructed. "Cock drunk."
Tsukishima moaned burying his head into her neck his arm around her chest and the other rubbing her sensitive clit.
"Do you want him to cum for you, y/n?" Kuroo asked. She desperately nodded to the camera.
"I need you to cum with me baby. Can you do that for me baby?"
Her moans muffled by his fingers in her mouth, she came on his cock as he rubbed her clit. "Fuck," he chanted as he pumped her full of his cum before watching as it dripped down onto the tile floor.
This time it was Tsukishima with her phone stroking his cock at her getting fucked by his flatmates. y/n was sitting on Kuroo's cock as he fucked up into her. Akaashi guiding her mouth over his cock. Cum messily decorated her cunt and Kuroo's pulsating cock sliding in and out of her. The white liquid even dripping down onto the carpet.
Tsukishima watched as she swallowed Akaashi's cock. Her big tits bouncing with every thrust. Attentively, watching Akaashi pulling his cum covered cock out. Holding it as the base sliding it back into her mouth and repeating the movement until she was satisfied. His hair fallen across his face staring down at y/n with a smile caressing her face.
His eyes moved down. Kuroo had his hand around her waist fucking her deceptively slow before rolling her over onto the carpet, lifting her leg and fucking his cum into her from the side with her braids all over his face. When he pulled out, Tsukishima moved in on her face.
She gave him a fucked out smile. “Was that good, Baby?”
“mmhm” She grinned at the camera.
credit for banners: @inklore @roseschoices
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bernardisgross · 2 months
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Bim bam boum ! Here's the whole comic i drew for Crossroads @zine--garden , a zine focused one showing and sharing love for Hunter x Hunter ^^
I chose to focus on my two favorite teachers !!!
Bonus, making of & talk in the read more⬇
I was very happy to be able to participate and even more happy to finally share a headcanon i've had for years about Bisky and Wing's meeting.
I don't know how clear it is but basically, Wing is a young nen user who happens to have been taken in by a big criminal family. The boss is using his abilities to forge precious gems from cheap materials, passing them as precious gems he bought for his collection. As a renown collector, he also sells the gems and makes tons of money from it. As Wing's skills become sharper though, his forged gems become more and more precious, making it difficult to tell them apart from real ones.
Having sold a good gem in a batch of "bad" ones, the boss is trying to get it back, framing his client as a thief. He calls for Bisky (a "young" hunter with a good resume) planning to trick her into committing insurance fraud in his place. Unfortunately, she's got a better eye than he thought, and asks for the good gem as compensation.
Feeling antsy about his money, the boss accepts, already planning to get rid of her once the job is done.
Bisky can sense the residual nen from Wing the moment she meets him, that's why she demands he comes with her. She wants to make sure at first that this is a normal child in the wrong place rather than the boss's actual associate.
Making him her disciple just came along the way because she honestly didn't know what to do with that kid LOL but didn't want to return him to a bad place. Also, she saw his potential. Here's a rejected final page (rejected bc I couldn't tie the text properly and wasn't very happy with the visual) where it's a bit clearer that she's got back with the good gem and values it a lot BECAUSE it was made by Wing. (also metaphor, analogy blabla)
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I love teachers/masters in stories, i love that trope so much!! It's always so interesting to me to have someone older and wiser share their knowledge with the young waiting for nothing in return. Nurturing and loving, becoming a support with the only satisfaction to witness the growth and blossoming of someone else. I think it's so beautiful to help others in this way, to give a little of yourself with kindness.
I think if touches on other tropes i'm sensitive to like found family etc... So of course, i've loved Bisky & Wings for a looong time, and i'm even more obsessed with the fact they're on the same line of teachers 🥺💕
I was always curious about how they could have met and what could have moved Bisky to take him under ... her ..................... wing.....🔥🔥🔥 lol... anyways !!! I went full indulgence and comics are not my thing at all so if you've enjoyed it, i'm very very, very blessed and happy ^^ !!!
I've also included a rejected sketch of the cover with big Bisky :3
and here's a look at all her outfits !! I love Lolita alt fashion soo much, i do tend to latch onto characters who dress like this... and love making my own outfits for them too !!!
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I also made a sticker of Palm for the merch bundles !!
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Thank you so much if you've picked up Crossroads, it was great from the start !! I'm so lucky and so grateful to @/gachahugs and all the contributors for having me ^^ !! thank you thank you !
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thatfreshi · 1 year
I was wondering if you could write Astarion having to tend to a very cuddly drunk female Tav. Possibly having to defend her from other people trying to take advantage of her.
This took me on a very sad adventure
TW - blood and gore, attempted sexual assault, drinking
Recommended Song: Drew Barrymore - SZA
The nice thing about no longer being on wild adventures full of tadpoles and cultists is that you and Astarion can go out drinking like normal people. While your vampiric lover thoroughly enjoys a good glass of wine, he usually stops himself at one. Perhaps he's a little paranoid about you, your safety, but he insists not to have more than one when the two of you are out together. At the house? Sure, he'll finish two bottles with you, the two of you drunkenly laughing by the fireplace, but not when danger could be afoot. You try to tell him he's just anxious, tense, that you'll be alright.
"I'd rather just make sure my love. You indulge all you want darling, I'll be fine."
In one of the more rowdy taverns, you and Astarion sit at a table off to the side, watching people get drunk and dance, bumping into strangers, sometimes fights ensue. As per usual, he nurses his singular glass. You look at him, a gleam of sadness in your eyes.
"Are you sure you don't mind? I can just skip out tonight, maybe we can just drink later, when we get back."
"Nonsense, have your fun my sweet. I insist."
You squeeze his hand.
"Alright then, I'm off to get my second... you can tell me to stop anytime!"
You tease as you slowly walk away, almost backing up into a nearby half-orc. He simply smiles at you, one of those smiles that says everything he's thinking, how he thinks you're precious, how he'd gladly never get drunk again if it meant keeping you. Years ago, he would've never given up a vice for some person. But you, you make this feeling well up in his chest, like he has to hold you close at all times, worried someone will snatch you when he's not looking. You may make fun of him for simply being a paranoid person, but you made it a million times worse.
"I'm back!"
Your voice draws out, and you return with two mugs of beer instead of just the one.
"Already going for three darling? You do remember you're a lightweight, right?"
"I'll be fine. Besides, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor is here to take me home if I throw up on someone."
You lie against his arm, starting on your second drink.
"You did eat before we left the house, right my sweet?"
You look up at him silently. He just sighs, running his hand through your hair.
"Then why did you need to go to the kitchen before we left?"
You giggle a little.
"To... pre-game!"
The laughter rings out of your throat as Astarion sighs, again, more annoyed this time.
"So you're telling me-"
"Already gettin' drunk Aster, it's a great time."
The more and more you talk, the more he realizes your words are becoming more slurred. Perhaps he should've asked before you left, made sure you at least grabbed a bite.
"Alright, you stay right here, I'm going to get you some water and a little snack."
He gets up, swiftly grabbing the two mugs off the table while you protest.
"Hey, I wasn't done with those!"
As Astarion makes his way to the bar, asking for the classic drunkard's care package, he's suddenly nervous. Had you ever been this drunk in public before? Maybe the two of you should just go home, before you somehow get your hands on any more alcohol. After thanking the barkeep for the water and some bread, he comes back through the crowd, and sure enough you have left the table.
"Gods damn it Tav."
After setting down what was supposed to be your little pick-me-up, Astarion quickly moves through the groups of people, knowing you probably just got up to dance. The bard playing tonight was quite excellent after all. However, after looking through most of the common space, you're nowhere to be found. That feeling of panic starts to well up inside of him, where he's only driven by fear. He knows you can't be far, but he also knows most of the tavern-goers here are slimy, horrific people looking for their next bag of gold. Walking through the crowd again, Astarion comes near the back entrance, and hears a conversation down one of the abandoned hallways.
"A gal like you, surprised you're here alone."
He rounds the corner, seeing you and a bulky half-elf, your arms pinned above your head. You seem nervous, but not conscious enough to realize anything is truly wrong. Astarion stalks up behind the wretched man, wrapping his dagger around the half-elf's throat.
"No so alone anymore, are we?"
Your captor surprisingly doesn't stand down.
"You won't do shit. People know me around here, important people, they'd surely have your head if something happened to me."
"Not if I hide your body well enough. And trust me, I have experience."
The two of them are un-moving for a moment as your wrists start to go numb from the pressure. You groan in pain, only causing the half-elf to grab you tighter. As Astarion goes to press his blade into the man's neck, he whips around, pushing Astarion back. Gods, he's tall. You fall back against the wall, trying to nurse the pain in your hands. As Astarion and the stranger fight, you hear the sounds of blades colliding, but your head is spinning. Perhaps he was right about the whole 'eat before you drink' thing.
You're interrupted from your thoughts when you hear a loud thump on the floor. The half-elf almost knocked Astarion out. leaving him on the ground. The stranger then turns back to you, lifting you back up from the floor, going to open the back door.
"What a find. Can't wait to enjoy you."
In that moment, while trying to get his bearings, Astarion realizes this wasn't just someone threatening you, and that disgusting feeling fills his stomach. He remembers how many times he shared his body against his will, and the adrenaline of that anger is enough to get him back on his feet. As you and the half-elf make it out the door, Astarion rushes him, tripping one foot out from under him. And then he drives his blade into the stranger's back, again, and again, and again, and again, and again. He's covered in the sinner's blood, shaking with both rage and misery. The violent display helped sober you up just a little, enough to make you realize that Astarion has killed someone behind the bar, and that it was clearly deserved. He looks up, locking eyes with you, still holding his blade down, as if the dead man needs yet another plunging strike in his back.
You ask, your voice full of uncertainty, the past few minutes still a blur. He begins to cry, putting his dagger in the ground, slowly crawling over to where you've ended up on the ground. He holds you tight, almost to the point of pain. He doesn't say anything, and you simply watch the blood pour out of the man's corpse as he grips you tight. Flooding memories cover every space of his mind, seduction, imprisonment, and most of all, Cazador's death.
"Astarion... you're hurting my arm."
You say softly, not fully aware of just how distraught he is, still far too inebriated. You're sad though, because he's sad, and you can't quite put together why. He lets go, wrapping his arms under his legs, crying into his knees. You try to comfort him, despite your state.
"It's okay, it's over now."
You don't even know what's over, but if someone is dead and Astarion is still alive, he must've ended it.
"I know."
He chokes out those two pathetic words, looking back up at you.
"We need to leave."
The survival instinct kicks in, knowing he can't explain why this man has at least five stab wounds in his back. The second one of the bartenders finds this, it'll be over.
"Come, this way, we're going to take the back alley."
Snatching up your arm, Astarion leads you through the darkness, mumbling things to himself that you can't quite hear. The two of you move quickly through the night as you stumble around behind him. When the two of you get home, he gets you some water, leading you upstairs so you can lie down.
"Are you okay?"
Such an innocent question. He knows you'll remember tomorrow, that it's not like you're blacked out or anything, just confused.
"I'll be fine my dove. Get some rest now, it's alright."
It's as if he's trying to convince himself, but it's enough for you in your drunken stupor. You curl up into the heavy blanket cast across the bed, and he leaves a kiss on your head. Not long after, you're drifting off to sleep, exhausted.
As Astarion makes his way to the bathroom, he thinks of the horrific things that could've happened, of how cruel humanity is. He thinks about how you have to be the only truly good person in all of Faerûn. He'll never get all the blood off his face, not while you're asleep. His mirror, his sun, his everything, and you were almost tainted the very same way he was.
When you wake up the next morning, Astarion isn't in bed. You try to reach out groggily, looking for that embrace, only to be left with cold sheets. Thinking back on the night before, the memories start to filter in. The drinks, the half-elf, the stabbing, and Astarion sobbing. The full picture isn't entirely there, but there's enough pieces for you to realize. That man, he found you drunk in the tavern, and tried to take advantage of you.
You stumble out of bed, walking down the stairs, rubbing your eyes.
Astarion is in the kitchen, drinking some tea, his eyes bloodshot. You don't say anything, slowly walking up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist, holding him tight. He puts his tea down and rests his head on yours.
"Are you alright my love?"
"I'm fine. Are you alright?"
You make some space again, looking up at him, holding his hands in yours. They start to shake again, rage and misery. You move a piece of hair out of his face.
"He didn't do anything to me love, I'm okay."
"Just- the thought of- I-"
He tries to hold back the tears again.
"It's okay, you can cry. It's going to be okay."
With that allowance, the permission to let go, he cries again.
"I don't ever want you to feel like that Tav, the way I felt. It's so, disgusting."
"I know, but it's over Aster. It's over now. You're okay, we're okay."
You wrap around him again, and he continues to weep.
"I love you, so much, and they didn't ruin you, I promise."
That worry, that he'll never be the same, that he's forever fractured now, that a piece of him is gone. Innocence, what a loaded word. Those who are guilty make the innocent feel guilty, and those who are guilty feel powerful, and the cycle continues, always continuing. You stand in the kitchen for a long time, letting him get all of the pain out, your shirt sleeve wet with his tears.
"I just wish I didn't have to be scared anymore."
You frown, thinking on his statement, knowing that no one is ever truly safe. You'll both live in fear forever, of those that think cruelty is accomplishment.
"I know."
It's all you can say, because you can't lie and tell him there's a day he won't have to be scared, that one day all the monsters of the world will be gone. There's nothing to learn, no moral, no mistake to fix, just pain. Pain caused by those who greed after anguish.
"Do you think I've changed? Or am I just as I was, a scared, beaten slave?"
"Gods Astarion, of course you've changed. It's the world that hasn't. We're better than them though, even if that's all we have."
Neither of you reach any resolution, nothing that makes you feel better. Instead, you sit on the sofa by the fire, watching the wood go up in flames, softly speaking about the suffering. You lie in each other's arms, sad. Misery loves company, and the two of you sit in that aura of grieving for a long time, grieving his past, grieving what could have been a kinder world. But here, in this sacred space, where feelings are free to run wild, where you can cry as much as you need, that's the only place you're truly safe. And that's alright, as long as it's together.
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Gojo Satoru x Reader x Geto Suguru
The Cursed Trio | Shared Moments
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Your arrival to the academy came as a surprise to many, apparently you were some transfer from overseas. You'd show a shit ton of promise that they transferred you to Jujutsu in order to more efficiently reach your true potential. Rumor was it, you'd one day make it as a Special Grade. Even so, for now you remained a Grade One.
Your Japanese was decent at best and your adaptation to their customs was a work-in-progress but you held this certain charm that just drew people in. And no, I'm not talking about the kind of charm where everyone falls in love. No, it's the type of charm that makes people relax around you, makes them want to put their faith in you no matter how much to try to prevent that.
You could be a fresh of spring just as you could be a fresh of icy air, the kind that freezes up your lungs.
The first time you saw them, you were being shown around by your mentor --- a stoic expression written on your scarred face as you nodded at them. Briefly acknowledging them as you continued on your way.
Geto had figured your eyes as beautiful --- like an eternal flame hidden behind layers of stone wettened under a stream of a freshwater. Whilst Gojo had figured you a possible new victim for his pranks and teases. In fact, Gojo even had the nerve to interrupt your tour. Demanding to know your name. Shoko, who had been hanging about, was glad another girl had joined the academy. Afterall, it was getting rather stuffy with all the testosterone.
They knew you'd get well with the duo when the first thing you did was insult Gojo, although both him and Geto didn't really understand your insult. Actually, they didn't even know you insulted him until Shoko just started laughing out loud.
You called him a phospholipid??? The actual fuck is that
At that, you gave them a deadpanned stare, speaking in broken japanese that at the very least he should get educated because he was obviously missing a few brain cells
Now at this, both Shoko and Geto bent over laughing while Gojo stood there momentarily stunned before a sinister smirk adorned his lips. He went to insult you back but was quite literally by the sight of your hand in his face, "No time for idiot. Bye."
The absolute nerve on you!
Geto absolutely loved you since that day. On the other hand, it was a enemies to whatever with Gojo, which is ironic considering that he sought you out every moment of the day.
You and Shoko became the best of girl-friends. To be honest, the two of you were incredibly similar. The both of you were lazy as hell, smart as hell, and blunt as hell. Although, you seemed to have mastered the trick of honeying your harsh words so much so that people didn't even fight you on it.
To put their friendship into perspective, Shoko brought the cigarettes and you brought the lighter (despite you being a non-smoker. Once you tried to smoke but you didn't like the taste of it so you left it at that)
Although there was a time Gojo was being a nuisance so you grabbed a cigarette from Shoko's carton, lit it, and blew the smoke straight into his face when he wasn't expecting it
Watching him double-over choking was a grand sight indeed
You managed to make quite the number of friends while there, although many noticed how you kept a distance. I say this literally. You never let anyone come physically close to you, as though a simple graze from them would kill you or something. No-one dare question it consider that they also had their traumas that prevented them from certain indulgences. But sometimes, you'd make small exceptions. I think it's mainly of a "dont touch me but I'll touch you" situation.
Like you don't mind swiping dust off of Nanami's shoulder, or neatening Shoko's hair when it's gotten all frizzy due to the wind, or picking off lint off of Yaga's clothes.
But if you didn't initiate it, you'd go silently rigid.
During class, you like hanging around this one guy name Yu. Mainly because he knew a bit of your native language (surprising I know) and so, you felt safe enough to speak with him considering that you both spoke brokenly in either tongue. The only other person you felt safe enough to speak was Geto. He was actually the one that took it upon himself to teach you Japanese.
He'd recommend shows to watch and he'd watch with you so that he could explains certain customs and what-not of his culture. He found great amusement when a scene he knew you wouldn't understand played and you'd instantly pause the show to look at him with a questioning expression. It made you look rather cute in his eyes.
Gojo would often times crash during these hang-outs. Pestering you to learn his language quicker so that he can properly cuss you out (he says this while having an arm over you shoulder and leaning his full weight into your side. Surprisingly, you never said anything despite your reservations to touching.)
You chalked it up to wanting warmth.
Then came that point in your language-education where Geto wanted you to try speaking in a public setting and you just about cried right in front of him and Gojo. You gripped your fist so tight your nails drew blood, an action to prevent you from clinging onto Geto's clothes as he scolded Gojo for worsening your nerves. Gojo didn't stop laughing until he saw actual tears in your eyes.
With silent chuckles, Gojo took you by the shoulders and guided you over to some random corner store. You never once told him what your favorite snack was but somehow he knew to choose it before placing it in your hand. He told you exactly what you needed to say to the cashier with the exact amount of yen needed.
The both of them watched as you walked up to the cashier, briefly glancing over your shoulder to Gojo (still very much teary-eyed and rigid-body), who silently mouth the words again, before doing as he instructed.
After the whole ordeal, you surprised Gojo with an incredibly rare hug. I think at that moment, you truly managed to snake your way into his soul.
Geto stood to the side, a knowing smile on his lips as he watched you quickly let go. Shouting at Gojo that he owes you a sweet because of how brave you were, which should've annoyed him but only made you look endearing.
(A/N): Have yet to see Season 2 but those fucking beta fish tiktoks are murdering me right now with their symbolism.
Say, why don't you like being touched? What happened to you?
Where'd you get the scar?
And what's up with Geto's eternal flame comparison? So weird.
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Hope you enjoyed!
Edited: 7/25/2023
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