#ninjago general arcturus
theechoingasteroid · 5 months
You asked for Drawing requests and I'll give one!
Could you do either General Arcturus from Ninjago, because there feels like there's no art of him on this website, or of Clancee and Pythor kissing or something? It's one of my favourite ships (which I dub Clancthor or maybe even Outcastshipping) and I would love to see some else draw it!
You have such a good style and I love it so much, I will reblog the art if you ever make it
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i physically cannot comprehend how snakes would properly kiss so you get nose boop like real snakes instead + a little Arcturus doodle !!
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i don't draw snakes or serpentine often so this was fun tbh (my tumblr asks for art requests are always open !! don't be afraid to send me them)
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genericartist27 · 2 months
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sorry I haven’t posted, Jurassic Park Operation Genesis has got me by the throat.
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legosnek · 9 months
Not enough people talk about General Arcturus these days and that deeply bothers me
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spinjitzufam · 1 year
Ninjago Anacondrai War I
I always felt like the Anacondrai War was one of the deepest points in the Ninjago lore b/c of how the serpentine are portrayed.
At first, it looks like the Serpentine attacked out of a superstition of the Golden Master (which, they were kinda right j wrong interpretation) to which escalated to fighting for the realm.
But we learn that in season 4, Chen acc exacerbated that conflict by double-crossing both sides. (which first off, f u broski)
It makes me realize just how the war was fought on both sides. Like don't get me wrong both sides must have done incredible damage to the cities and towns, but the elemental masters thought they fought on the side of good.
didn't the serpentine think the same way?
p.s. I am well aware of the flashback that showed General Arcturus being all villainous & such but that guy looked remorseful when being banished (I feel like he may not have been such a bad leader & certainly didn't want his tribe to go extinct).
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hawkflame999 · 7 months
Someone please draw my OC (This Includes My Headcanon #1)
My OC's name is Arcturus, but he prefers being called Arc.
He has ice-blue-white wings, a night fury tail that is also ice-blue-white, ice-blue-white ears, and deep ice-blue blue eyes. He has dull dark gray horns that are somewhere between Oni horns and Dragon horns. His hands are clawish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all). Otherwise, he looks human with white hair, wearing white stuff because somewhere along his bloodline there's an Ice dragon.
So this is an AU where there are more Oni-Dragon-Human hybrids, but the FSM fam is one of a kind, they're also Elementals but they stay low profile... But the ninja-elemental clan has no qualms about taking in orphans or runaways or rescuing kids that are mistreated (kidnapping in extreme cases, like abuse), no exceptions, all species. Including Dragoni pups.
in this AU, Some Dragoni go through this thing called the Oni phase- where their Oni blood controls them, and they are more aggressive in short bursts for some time, the length of time and when in a Dragoni's life -or if it even happens to them- varies from Dragoni to Dragoni.
Arc's father, Azymondias (I stole that from the Dragon Pince, sue me) looks just like him but with bigger wings, those claws-talon things at the wing joint like some dragons, Oni horns, a spiked tail, darker blue eyes, silver-blue scales that run down from his hair in a straight line to between his eyebrows, Oni fangs, and he's really big.
Arc has two older brothers, Adam, six years older than him, who is completely their father's spitting image except he has dragon horns and teeth, and a rare Oni tail.
His other brother is Asher four years older than him, who looks exactly like Arc except his scales are brown his eyes are purple (Oni trait) and he has Oni horns.
When Arc was born was around the time Azym went into the Oni phase. thanks to this, he horridly abused his youngest son, Arcturus, while his two other sons, Adam, and Asher, could just watch.
But one day, when Arc was almost 4, his father was, well, chasing him, and this other Dragoni-Elemental, who was a younger Garmadon, crashed into Azym, and started trying to fight him off, away from Arc, while another Dragoni-Elemental, a younger Wu, grabbed Arc and flew while Garmadon unsuccessfully tried to get Adam and Asher.
Arc was pretty badly hurt, and by the time Garmadon and Wu got him back to their clan's hideout, the monastery, he was barely alive.... but somehow, he lived.
Now, there was another young ninja at the monastery- Zayde, Ice ninja, the one who later chose Zane. Zayde (Zay for short) was just three years older than Arc. He saw when Wu and Garmadon brought Arc in and hung around the room he was in before sneaking in once the adults left. He and Arc got pretty close, so Zay's father, Zack, took Arc in.
Arc trained to be a ninja and learned Spinjitzu (because why not)
He and Zay got to the point of referring to each other as their brother, Zay will actively call Arcturus his little brother.
Nowadays Arc lives on a mountain near the monastery and generally just helps with training and is a friend. He’s pretty close to the six.
I will or already have released a poll on whether i should have Arc run back into his reformed father and brothers, and have them reconcile. Here is the link to the poll
(@the-ninjago-historian @nyaskitten @senseiwu @s0ull3ss-p3rs0n @tellsfromninjago @owlrabbit09 @rainbow-lust,) (I'm interested to hear what y'all think of this,)
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this is a statement that won't make sense to most people, but I think I might choose to depict General Arcturus(Ninjago) as the leader everyone thinks Queen Comet(Star vs the Forces of Evil) was. Basically, driven to seek peace between both the different serpentine factions, and the (genocidal) Elemental Alliance, but stabbed in the back by the people he was trying to reason with. Queen Comet, but far less condescending and also in the exact opposite position, Queen Comet leading the dominant faction on Mewni, while General Arcturus and his followers are marginalized in Ninjago.
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tsarbomba567 · 2 years
Ninjago AU: Snake-ification
(A Long Post)
Snake-ification is a Ninjago AU where during Season 1 "Rise of the Snakes," a crazy Fangpyre scientist makes a prototype ray gun called the Snake-ification Gun, which turns anyone it hits into Serpentine.
After testing it out on rice farmers and other humans unfortunate enough to cross paths with him, the Fangpyre scientist gets permission from Pythor to test it out on the captured Ninja and Lloyd in the Underground Serpentine Fortress. The Snake-ification Gun works, turning the Ninja and Lloyd into Serpentine; it turns Cole into a Constrictai, Zane into a Hypnobrai, Kai into a Venomari, Jay into a Fangpyre, and Lloyd into a Anacondrai. The Serpentine scientist tells the Generals that for the moment, the current model of the Snake-ification Gun doesn't change them mentally (aka it doesn't make them automatically loyal to the Serpentine), which annoys Pythor. Luckily Garmadon comes with the Skulkin to save Lloyd and the Ninja, but in the process kill the Fangpyre scientist and destroy his prototype Snake-ification Gun, to which the scientist made blueprints for but never told anyone where they are.
Garmadon takes the Fangpyre Staff with him while he and the Ninja retreat back to the Destiny's Bounty, hoping that the Fangpyre anti-venom will turn the Ninja and Lloyd back into humans. Unfortunately, the anti-venom does nothing, meaning that Lloyd and the Ninjas' transformation is irreversible. Luckily for them, Nya and Wu are supportive of Lloyd and the Ninja, and help them adjust to being Serpentine.
After helping Garmadon destroy the Great Devourer, the Ninja go on television - with Wu's protection - to tell the world that Pythor was the one that released the Great Devourer. Obviously this causes people to want to hunt down and kill the Anacondrai, which forces Pythor to seek protection by quickly finding the Serpentine, who are now ruled by King Skales. Pythor agrees to give up his title of "King of the Serpentine" in return for the Serpentine sheltering him, which comes in handy when he and the Serpentine are sealed in the Stone Army Vault. During their time in the Vault, Pythor - along with the rest of the Serpentine - reform to become pacifists, with the sole Anacondrai abandoning his plans for revenge against Lloyd, Garmadon and the Ninja.
Not much changes once Ninjago City is rebuilt, except for the Overlord since now he has to find some else to help him become the Golden Master (because Pythor refused the offer); and Harumi since she knows that it was Pythor - not the Ninja - that released the Devourer that killed her parents. Anyways, while Lloyd and the Ninja are praised for saving Ninago from the clutches of the Overlord, they're still somewhat seen as untrustworthy in the eyes of some humans; this is dispelled after Zane sacrificed himself to stop the Overlord from conquering Ninjago as the Golden Master.
The only things different about the Tournament of Elements is that Pythor is still both normal sized and in the Underground Serpentine Village, and that Chen still goes after Pythor rather than going for Anacondrai Lloyd, since he wants "the essence of a true Anacondrai." Luckily, normal sized Pythor is still able to escape the Cultists' Base with Clouse's Spellbook and deliver it to Garmadon at the Corridor of Elders, who sacrifices himself to release Arcturus and the Anacondrai Generals, who in turn send Chen and the Cultists to the Cursed Realm.
After the Second Serpentine War, Lloyd and the Ninja became instrumental in repairing ties between humanity and the Serpentine. This culminated in both sides signing treaties that saw the economies and societies of both humans and Serpentine become intertwined, with the dual purpose of making both humans and Serpentine view each other as brothers and sisters (and not enemies), as well as dissuade either side from making war with the other. Additionally, the Serpentine - especially Pythor - were pardoned for the crimes they committed during the First Serpentine War and after being released from their Tombs.
Obviously, while the Serpentine were happy with the treaties, some humans were infuriated by the pardons, particularly Harumi, who began to gather a group of individuals - known as the Sons of Garmadon - with the purpose of reviving Garmadon send getting revenge against the Serpentine, specifically Pythor. So when Harumi and the Sons of Garmadon kill the Ninjago Royal Family with explosives, they blamed Pythor for the Royal Family's death, and so they kidnap the Anacondrai from the Underground Serpentine Village. So after the Sons of Garmadon resurrect ... Garmadon, Pythor is forced to become Garmadon's domestic servant (slave) , along with other Serpentine that the Sons of Garmadon got their hands on. Thankfully the Resistance - headed by Lloyd and the Ninja - defeated Garmadon and the SoG, freeing Pythor and other enslaved Serpentine.
So after a few years, the Serpent Ninja are forced to go on a quest by an angry Wu, which leads them to help Clutch Powers explore the Pyro Viper Pyramid. It's here that they gang accidently release Aspheera from her prison, who then steals Kai's fire element and revives the Pyro Vipers by making the Pyramid erupt with lava. As the Ninja and Aspheera search for the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjutzu, the Pyro Viper bumps into a Hypnobrai scientist who had not only found the blueprint for the Snake-ification Gun, but had also rebuilt it. Aspheera forcefully takes the ray gun from the Serpentine scientist, giving it to Char and telling him to only use it against Wu if her plan of revenge fails; the blueprint for the Snake-ification Gun is also burned to ash. At the Monastery, once Wu and the Ninja are found, a trigger-happy Char shoots Wu with the Snake-ification Gun, turning Sensei Wu into a Pyro Viper, much to everyone's shock; Aspheera reprimands Char for not following her orders. Nevertheless, the Ninja fight Aspheera, who is only stopped by Zane freezing her, making her lose her stolen fire element, but at the cost of her using the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjutzu to send Zane to the Never-Realm.
Aspheera revels in Wu's anguish for the supposed loss of the Ice Ninja, but that is cut short when Char and the other revived Pyro Vipers begin to complain about being cold, before realizing that the fire/magma that's kept them alive is dying out. As they begin to panic, they slowly become more stiff and sluggish, pleading with both the Ninja and Aspheera to do something - ANYTHING - that would prevent them from dying a second death. Unfortunately for them, there's nothing that either Aspheera or Wu and the Ninja can do except watch as the revived Pyro Vipers solidify into statues, the light of life in their eyes being replaced by the cloudy and glassy essence of death. Obviously, a distraught Aspheera blames Wu for the deanimation of the Pyro Vipers, but Wu finally snaps, saying that its was her fault for losing the fire element that powered the revived Pyro Vipers. Furthermore, he reminds Aspheera that she - not him - deceived him into teaching her Spinjutzu; it was HER - not him - that broke the promise to not use Spinjutzu for evil, something that she then used to overthrow Mambo V and then invade the rest of Ninjago. Additionally, he states that her actions - her coup and invasion of Ninjago - caused the Pyro Vipers to become ungovernable, which led them to violent unrest that eventually saw the Pyro Vipers go extinct.
Aspheera at this point starts to babble incoherently, attempting to finds excuses to blame him for being the Deceiver and whatnot, but all she draws up are blanks. She breaks down into tears, finally realizing that she was not only the real Treacherous Deceiver, but that her actions led to the demise of the Pyro Vipers not once, but twice. Still, Wu doesn't apologize for his little rant, and he goes to call up the Police Commissioner. It here that she blurts out that she didn't kill Zane but instead sent him to the Never-Realm, which alarms Wu and the Ninja. Nevertheless, Aspheera is taken away to Kryptarium Prison while the Ninja go to the Never-Realm to save Zane; meanwhile, Wu destroys the Snake-ification Gun.
A few months after Aspheera's imprisonment, Wu visits her in Kryptarium Prison to apologize for his previous outburst, only to find her in her max security cell being comforted by Pythor. The Anacondrai sees Wu and is surprised to see that the sensei is now a Serpentine, but he realizes that someone must've rebuilt the Snake-ification Gun; Pythor leaves the two while he gets some tea and crumpets for the three of them (it's morning). While Pythor is gone, Aspheera apologizes to Wu for deceiving and betraying him, saying that she was too caught up in her hubris to realize that she was laying the groundwork for the demise of her people. She also apologies for causing him and the Ninja great anguish by sending Zane to the Never-Realm. Wu accepts her apologies, but in turn apologies to her for his past outburst at the Monastery, and how he didn't keep his part of his promise of helping her when she asked for it.
After some back and forth, the two make amends and hug it out, just as Pythor comes back with tea and crumpets for the three of them; he finds it sweet to see Wu and a sobbing Aspheera are hugging it out. Several months after this, Aspheera is released from prison and, with the help of Pythor and Wu, successfully integrates into Serpentine society. For the Overlord, this means that he'll have to find two replacements for Crystal Council he's been drawing up, and he finds the two villians he wants: Clouse and Chen. The Overlord resurrects the two former Cultists, luring them into joining him and his Herald (Harumi) in getting revenge against those that wronged them.
So once the time comes for the Overlord to return, Skales, Pythor and Aspheera join forces and command a small Serpentine force within the crystalized Ninjago City, sheltering in an abandoned building until they hear Wu's distress call, to which they sally forth and join the Ninja's allies in fighting the Vengestone Army. After the Overlord has been vanquished, Vangelis is taken back to Shintario; Clouse, Chen, Harumi and the Mechanic are taken to Kryptarium Prison; and the remains of Mister F are scrapped for parts.
Unfortunately for Chen and Clouse, they are welcomed (ice) coldly by both prisoners and guards alike, and literally a day after their imprisonment, the two of them are shanked to death by several prisoners during lunch ... Julius Caesar style.
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finalvortex · 4 years
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this is self explanatory i think
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valiantly-onward · 4 years
The Serpentine War Ch. 11
Happy New Year all! Here’s to a brilliant year of Ninjago ahead. I’m extremely stoked (and worried) for season 14
Chapter 11: Reckonings
Garmadon dreamt of snakes and shadows.
They stalked him. Shadows on all sides, snakes at his feet. Over and over, one emerged from the murk. A tiny garden snake, green, frills around its head, haunting intelligence in its eyes. Hunger.
This was no common garden snake, no matter what his young mind had supposed. Purple venom dripped from its fangs. Even in the dream, Garmadon rubbed his arm where twin scars bespoke his encounter with this beast.
The shadows darkened. You cannot have me, he told the serpent. Never.
But they both knew it was a lie. Sooner or later, the darkness would take him.
Garmadon thought of Misako. He thought of Wu. Oh, his poor, naive brother. But naive wasn’t the right word. Nor was pure - despite their predispositions to creation and destruction, Wu had just as many skeletons in his closet as Garmadon did. No, it was inherent morals. Protect others, save the innocents, do what is right. That was Wu.
For Garmadon, it was more selfish than that. Him and his own. Once, “his own” had encompassed all of Ninjago. But it was getting smaller. Much smaller.
And it was this snake’s fault.
He picked up the fallen katana, the one Wu had thrown over the wall. The one Wu had been too afraid to recover. Garmadon brought the blade down on the snake’s neck. As it hit, the little creature evaporated into shadows.
Garmadon opened his eyes.
It was the afternoon. That much he could tell, from the reddening light on his window screen. Chen had taken the liberty of letting Garmadon destroy his nine-hundred-year-old sleep schedule. After all, Garmadon was a lord now. He could do whatever he wanted.
Garmadon sat up, rubbing his head, as if he could run off the dreams, the blackness. Some days he felt empowered. Some days he felt smothered. Today, it was like it could go either way.
Eager to forget, he dressed and left his room. He strode down the open deck outside. Immediately, he took note of how the servants were avoiding the other side of the house. Chen’s side.
Interesting. Garmadon started that way.
Someone was throwing things.
Garmadon slid open the door to Chen’s public room, and an ink well sailed at his head. He dodged it, and the second that followed. Garmadon stepped behind the door and watched Chen thunder about the room. Garmadon had never seen him so angry.
Clouse was there too. Garmadon didn’t understand why Chen still kept him around. Garmadon had won. Why did Chen need this slimeball?
“Master,” Clouse said evenly. “This is only a setback.”
“Setback?” Chen shrieked. He rounded on Clouse, getting right in his face. “They’ve struck a truce! The Anacondrai explicitly defied me to fraternize with their enemies!”
“It’s conditional on who will fight, my lord.”
“Conditional on who will fight!” Chen sneered. “None of them will. Not while Goody-goody Wu is on the case.”
“They could be persuaded.” There was a gleam in Clouse’s eyes.
Chen paused. He eyed Clouse for a moment. “Your skills. You are up to the task?”
“I am, my lord.”
Something in Chen’s expression eased. Just like that, he returned to the suave lord, the constantly-in-control. Everything was as it should be. The only proof that it wasn’t was the ink trickling between the courtyard stones.
“Well, then,” Chen said. He leaned on his main table. “You will press them, Clouse. And you will not deliver the final blow until I say so. We must make sure that when the fighting begins again, this time it will not end. Do you understand?”
“I do.”
Suddenly, Clouse stiffened. He spun, finding Garmadon watching at the edge of the doorway. Chen saw him too. A smile crossed his lips.
“Ah, Lord Garmadon.” Chen walked to the door and clapped Garmadon’s shoulder, guiding him inside. He looked at Clouse. “You may go, Clouse. Remember what I said. Press them.”
Clouse bowed and left. Chen sat Garmadon down at his map table. Garmadon’s gaze immediately consumed the maps - the markings, the positioning of forces, Chen’s notes in the margins. He memorized all of it.
Chen leaned on the back of his own chair. “How is lordship treating you, Garmadon?”
“Very well, sir.” So Wu had made camp in the Echo Canyons. Nice. Good tactical position.
Chen, unsurprisingly, followed Garmadon’s interest. After a moment of silence, he said, “I believe it’s time to advance to your next phase of training, Garmadon. A little project Clouse and I have been working on.”
Garmadon looked up. “I thought I was superior to Clouse.”
“Oh, you are.” Chen sat down. His dark eyes glittered as he surveyed the maps. “Clouse is good at following orders. But you, Garmadon, are good at giving them. Are you not?”
Wu would call this ego. Garmadon nodded. “So who do you want me to give orders to?”
“No one yet,” Chen replied. His finger tapped against the desk. “But in time. For now, I’ll simply tell you what we’ve been working on. I think you’re ready.”
But Garmadon already knew. The maps. The plans. The greedy look in Chen’s eyes.
“This is about the war,” Garmadon decided. “You’re siding with the snakes.”
Chen smiled. “I am. How does that make you feel, Garmadon?”
Garmadon wasn’t sure. He knew how he should feel about it, but that wasn’t the same as the truth. He leaned forward on the table. “What do you have to gain? You already have an estate, servants, even a following from the surrounding villages. The people here worship you.”
At this, Chen sneered. “You of all people know that you can never have enough. It’s raw hunger, Garmadon. Don’t you feel it, gnawing away inside of you?”
The snake. The Devourer. Oh, Garmadon knew this feeling well. But he couldn’t make it go away. Chen had a choice. “Sir. You have peace.”
Chen waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, peace is so boring.” He leaned greedily over the maps. “But conflict and turmoil is so unpredictable and exciting.”
“But - Master Chen.” Garmadon didn’t know why he felt so defensive. But then, why shouldn’t he? This was Ninjago. This was Wu. He thought about what he’d heard Chen and Clouse talking about before, about the stop to the fighting. “Even the Anacondrai are making concessions. There could be a truce, there could be -”
Chen interrupted him with an angry outburst. His cold gaze turned knife-sharp. “Never trust a snake, Lord Garmadon! Remember that.”
Garmadon looked down at his lap, burying his anger deep.
What appeared on his face must’ve looked different, because Chen said, “Oh, don’t look so sad. I’ve intercepted something that will make you feel better.”
Garmadon glanced up. Chen was reaching into a pack beside the table. His hand emerged waving a white envelope. There was a triumph on his face as he continued, “A love letter. Apparently, your pathetic little brother feels the same about that girl you admire.”
Garmadon’s gut wrenched. “Misako?” Wu loved Misako?
Chen slid the envelope across the table. Part of Garmadon knew this was a coordinated distraction from the topic of war, designed to coax him closer to Chen’s side, but that didn’t stop him from picking up the letter and unfolding it.
“His words are so heartfelt,” Chen said from far away. “They could sway how she feels about - one - of you.”
Dearest Misako, if we do not meet again, there is something I wish to tell you…
Garmadon scanned the lines. He recognized Wu in it. Too much of Wu, too deep. This - this was a betrayal.
“I didn’t write this,” Garmadon murmured. He closed his eyes. “I shouldn’t be reading it!”
“Didn’t you?” There was a scrape as Chen pushed his ink and quill across the table. “It could be your name on it. Certainly you feel the same.”
Garmadon opened his eyes. He stared at Chen with some measure of disbelief. Did he really expect Garmadon to cheat his little brother like this? It wasn’t right, it was -
It was Misako. This was Misako on the line. Garmadon knew her well enough to know that if she read this, if she knew Wu’s true feelings, she would fall for him. It wouldn’t matter if Garmadon felt the same way. Her heart was already drawn to Wu more than to him. This would seal it.
Something dark and jealous reared up inside his chest. Snake or no, Garmadon couldn’t lose Misako.
Part of him screaming from the inside, he dipped the quill in black ink, scratched out Wu’s small signature, and signed the letter himself.
Two weeks passed before Clouse returned.
Usually, Garmadon blessed the days Clouse was gone. But now, he was starting to realize Clouse’s little field trips had to do with the war. He was never absent for more than a few days. The longer he was gone, the more time Garmadon had to consider what he might be doing to Wu.
But no. Chen was never that blatant. He wouldn’t assassinate Wu, especially while Garmadon was so close. Even Chen knew there was nowhere he could hide if he ordered Wu killed.
So it became a dance. Garmadon was invited to Chen’s small war councils, with a few selective men and women he didn’t recognize. Garmadon went, but he sat silently through each one. A few times, he saw disapproval in Chen’s eyes. Of course Chen knew Garmadon was studying each map with strategy in mind. He knew Garmadon was taking account of numbers against numbers, the strengths and weaknesses of each side. Wu had only twelve warriors, some of them brand new, and several unpracticed as an alliance. The Serpentine, on the other hand, had every advantage. With the brilliant General Arcturus leading, the Masters would lose. No questions asked.
Except they hadn’t yet.
No. They had Wu. And if Garmadon opened his mouth, the Serpentine would have him. Brothers on opposite sides. A never-ending war. That was what Chen wanted.
Garmadon awaited Chen’s first threat. It came after one of these brief war councils in which they spoke about secretly guiding Serpentine platoons behind the Mountain of A Million Steps. Garmadon didn’t know what Clouse was doing out there, but the Serpentine seemed to be convinced that the humans would strike first. All it would take was one misinformed town, one rogue villager.
Chen took Garmadon aside while the other lords were leaving. “Lord Garmadon,” he said silkily. “I hope you were listening.”
“I was.”
“Then you know our intelligence tells us that soon, the war will begin anew.” Chen leered, just for a moment. “I would hate for you to find yourself on the wrong side.”
Garmadon faced him, gaze-to-gaze. “What is the wrong side, Master Chen?”
“The weak side, obviously.” Pale fingers gripped Garmadon’s shoulder. “What is it to be? Tell me.” He guided Garmadon to the table again and gestured to it. “Where shall we defend when the wretched human traitors revile their new overlords?”
Garmadon didn’t answer.
Chen yawned. “Bored, Garmadon. I tire of maybes. Where shall I tell the Anacondrai to defend?”
Power. That was what Garmadon wanted. Needed. Craved. He leaned forward and tapped a section of the map. “The round side of the hills. The Masters infest these hills, but not this part. Keep some Serpentine on the ground, as bait, and place some above. Those villagers won’t know what hit them.”
Garmadon turned his head to find Chen nodding, smiling. He patted Garmadon’s shoulder and left the room.
Garmadon couldn’t sleep that night. It wasn’t just the dreams. He had betrayed Wu twice in just as many weeks.
The darkness leapt. Who cares? Wu deserves to get destroyed once in a while.
That thought weighed on Garmadon the next day, and the next, until Clouse appeared again in the sweltering morning courtyard.
He walked in while Garmadon was working on scythe drills. They stopped just long enough to glower at each other before Clouse vanished into Chen’s meeting room.
Garmadon kept pushing himself through the heat. Sweat rolled down his neck. He spun the scythe through the air.
Chen’s door slid open. “Garmadon,” his voice called.
Garmadon snapped the scythe to his side. He handed it off to a passing servant and entered the room.
It was just as hot inside, if not more so. When Garmadon walked in, Clouse stood at Chen’s shoulder, looking as if he were trying to swallow something horribly sour. Chen, however, appeared calm, nevertheless hungry. Like the snake from Garmadon’s dream.
Garmadon sat without invitation. “Master Chen?”
“You asked who you would be giving orders to,” Chen said. He smiled. “Clouse has organized everything. The Anacondrai would welcome you as an advisor in the field of battle.”
The time had come.
Oddly, Garmadon could only think how fast this was. Chen was getting greedy and greed was making him sloppy in his manipulation. If Garmadon were in his place, he would’ve taken the time until this “choice” was no longer a choice.
“The Serpentine won’t fight alongside a human,” he replied. “They’ve made that clear in the past.”
Chen’s finger stroked one of the table maps. “One would think they wouldn’t side with a human. Yet here we are. They accept my help, and so they would be forced to accept you. So.”
“So,” Garmadon repeated.
He entertained what that would be like. He would go out to the Serpentine, encamp with them. He would advise their leader in that area - most likely one of the Anacondrai generals, or the Venomari General Acidicus. If they listened to him, the war would turn. Garmadon would use his powers to fight for the snakes. Likely, Wu’s Alliance would be crushed. And for the first time, the ancient Serpentine would rule Ninjago. Garmadon, under Chen, would find power, prestige, control. One day, he might even overthrow Chen.
“No,” he said.
The part of him that remembered what it meant to be a brother and a friend forced the words out. Garmadon pushed his chair away from the table. “This, I will not do for you, Chen.”
Chen wore no expression. Clouse, on the other hand, stood behind him, looking triumphant. Garmadon tried not to let that boil in his blood.
“So you will go to help you brother, then.” Chen said finally.
Garmadon hesitated. That wasn’t what he’d been thinking, but now he realized that of course that was the next move. Wu needed his help. So he would go.
He rose from his chair. “Yes.”
Chen nodded, seeming unsurprised. “Well, I’m under no illusion that I can stop you. And as I’d like to keep my estate in one piece, I suggest you leave. Now.”
There was a threat in his voice. Or else, it said. As of this moment, Garmadon had crossed a line.
Garmadon stormed out. He blustered about his own room, gathering his things. He wouldn’t need supplies - already his mind was planning the journey from here to the Western Sea of Sand, which would take a few hours at most. Then he could begin. He could begin to fight the beast inside himself, fight it, for Misako.
Somehow, he made it to the courtyard entrance. Chen was waiting there, auburn head burning under the sun. He clasped his hands behind his back as Garmadon approached. Despite his veiled words earlier, Chen smiled amiably now.
“You always have a place here,” he said. “Remember that.”
The thing that had been slipping inside Garmadon lately lost its footing. All tact and courtesy vanished. “Why would I want a place here?”
Chen’s expression didn’t change. “I know your true nature, Garmadon. Do not lie to yourself.”
“Good-bye, Master Chen.” Garmadon jogged down the steps and started off on the dusty road.
“Think on it, Garmadon,” Chen called from behind. “You will never find what you most desire.”
Garmadon stopped in the path, turning his head to the side, one cheek facing the old estate. “Maybe not,” he said, barely loud enough to be heard. “But at least I’ll be able to sleep.”
He took another step forward, and another, until each felt lighter than the last.
Wu dragged a weary hand across his face as he and Haru studied the distant Serpentine camp.
Their short-lived truce was coming to an end. Perhaps Arcturus was right. Humans and Serpentine had never worked together. Maybe peace was a lost dream, lost before it had begun.
“This is a problem,” the Master of Ice observed.
Indeed. When it became clear that the Serpentine would not brave the Echo Canyons, Wu had moved the entirety of the Alliance here, just shy of Lorin’s town. Then these Serpentine appeared overnight in the unoccupied hills. And there were hundreds of them.
Wu passed his staff to his other hand. “Standing here watching won’t serve us much. Come, Haru. We will deal with this in the morning.”
“What if they attack?”
“They won’t,” Wu replied, sliding down the rock up which they’d climbed. Arcturus wouldn’t break their agreement. But so many Serpentine so close…
Wu created a simple, pulsing golden light to guide their way back under the darkening sky. Soon, the lights of the camp came into view. Wu frowned; no sentry stood on the ridge.
“Haru,” he said. “Where -”
“Master Wu!”
There was the sentry. But he was approaching them from the camp, not from the ridge.
Sam Pale slowed to a stop. “Master Wu, we’ve have an intruder in the camp.”
Wu motioned for him to lead on. “Were you not able to stop them?”
“I tried! I didn’t even see him until Asher sounded the alarm.” Sam shook himself all over. “Ugh. Like a ghost, he was.”
Wu didn’t appreciate the comparison - he’d had one too many run-ins with ghosts. It only made him all the more anxious.
They reached the circle of tents. Sam Pale directed them straight to the command tent, then took off for the ridge again. Likely, he felt guilty about allowing a “ghost” to sneak in under his nose. He would not let it happen again.
Wu exchanged a nod with Haru, and the old Master of Ice silently understood the admission to wait outside. Wu strode purposefully into the tent.
He froze.
The young Masters of Time stood guard over the intruder, who sat cross-legged on the ground. Dark-haired. Constantly, obviously, and annoyingly satisfied with himself. A black gi. A face so like Wu’s own.
“Garmadon,” Wu said, incredulous. His soul grinned. “You said you weren’t coming.”
Garmadon gave his familiar, ever-crooked smile. “We have done everything together, Wu. Let us do this together too.”
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spinchip · 4 years
Can I ask the plot of the hometown glory au on how they beat Chen and his cult plot? Considering that Garmadon is still not in the clear it kind of makes the plot a bit up in the air on how they beat them
I havent rewatched season 4 yet so im going into this without a refresher lol. bear w me.
subject to change lol. also under the cut bc it got really long, what with having to incorporate the whole ‘you need the essence of a tru anacondrai to complete the spell’ except in this au we technically havent gotten ANY serpentine yet.
tournament of element invites. The main cast meets all of each other for the first time on the boat. the boat ride itself takes a few days. This whole au takes a lot longer that original, in canon. could be split into 2 ‘seasons’ witht he tournament the first half, and the serpentine search the second half.
while this is happening, the boat is being tailed by a mysterious mech... that seems to look like a samurai... (PIXAL, BABEY!!!!!!!!)
they get to chens island and have dinner. zane lets slip he knows more than he should, and then asks cole to "come find me later, please?" by the morning he's gone, chen and clouse announcing the boat back to the mainland is taking zane home because of an emergency, so of course no one will be able to leave until it comes back, so sorry :( (not really sorry, also they are lying lol. zanes already been power snatched and locked up)
i havent thought the middle through lol. Skylor and kai interactions! Cole loses his match and is taken to the noodle factory, where he meets pixal, also captured! they find zane and the samurai x mech together! the three of them free the other EMs! some stuff with chens big snake happen! lets get to some exciting stuff
throughout the Au we learn more and more about the prophecy of the green ninja and garmadon through Lloyds snooping and Clouse trying to manipulate lloyd onto their side (cant be the hero that kills your dad if youre actually evil!)
as we learn about garmadon, we also get a B plot with Wu and Misakp realizing that Lloyd has gone to the tournament, meaning that Chens plan could actually work, and lloyd could be hurt! but do they have the knowledge on chen and clouse to be able to fight him on their own? no, they need help...
Wu and Misako go after Garmadon, who is SUPPOSED to be in the underworld, but he's not! After fighting off samukai and some of the other skeletons at the expense of their travelers tea home, they go through garmadons room and find a map where he's been searching the underworld for a place where the ethereal divide is thin, and they search the spots not crossed off on the map, finding a spot to jump between the underworld and the realm of madness.
The tell garmadon, whos transformed into his 4 arm self (we get a little info about the golden weapons here, but in this 'season' of the AU, we don't get to that plot), whats going on and he propses a truce while they save lloyd, going back with them through the thin spot in that volcano Wu knows leads back to ninjago.
WHILE this b plot is happening, Chen's plan begins to come to fruition, and even with his evil staff broken he uses his daughter to complete the spell like in canon i think? I need to rewatch s4. they go back to the main land and leave the others there... except the spell is wearing off!! Turns out they need the essence of a true anacondrai warrior to make it permanent, but no ones seen actual serpentine in decades... Chen however, has spent a lot of time gathering maps and information, and has a pretty good guesses at where they were sealed away.
BUT so does lloyd. after being kicked out from darkleys and going to live with wu, he got angry and ran away from home, wandering around trying to be evil to prove he didnt deserve to be kicked out and starting at jamanakai villiage. after they obviously shoo him away and call wu, he flees into the glacier barrens before getting homesick and going home... but when the elemental masters are trying to beat Chen to the anacondrai tomb and they're doing research on the tombs themselves, Lloyd recognizes the Hypobrai tomb and leads them there. race against the team Chen put together while the rest of his evil guys stay behind.
Hypnobrai are still angry about being sealed away, but put aside their feelings to stop chen and stop this war, wanting to live peacefully without any more pain. together using the hypnobrai maps, they free the other snakes, including the sole survivor of the Anacondrai tribe, Pythor.
chens small infiltration squad comes too late... but they find one of pythors shed skins (or anacondrai bones lol), and use that. the fight at the corridor of elders comes to fruition, but no the elemental masters also have the other serpentine tribes to back them up, and they start to beat back chens army.
because I do what i want, Garmadon doesn't have to sacrifice himself to call back the 6 anacondrai generals. instead of "the person who banished them must take their place" its more "The person who banished them must be the one to free them" so garm like does that lol and Arcturus denounces chen and banishes him, dissapating the effects of their spell and then moving on with his generals to the departed realm!
the au ends with a big celebration, but at the very end Lloyd catches garmadon leaving, and asks him about what clouse said about the prophecy of the green ninja. Garmadon hugs lloyd and reveals that it's true, their destinys are to fight for good and evil. lloyd cries, but garm tells him that he will always love him no matter what, and that hes looking for a way to change destiny.
lloyd asks him to stay because hes afraid he'll be all alone (sure hes got wu and his mom, but they won’t tell him anything), but Garm points him in the direction of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Pixal and reassures him he's got a great team on his side.
lloyd goes and joins them. garmadon is gone. 'season 1' end.
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genericartist27 · 2 months
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Another Shitpost before I disappeared again
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vedj-f-bekuesu · 4 years
Alright, so in the middle of this S12 chaos (because no doubt that there’s more to come tomorrow), I actually saw Tournament of Elements for the first time. And I...think I might be falling on the unpopular side here. 
I mean, it’s not terrible at all, in fact I think it’s alright, but I don’t think it has much flavour. Or at least, not the flavour that made Ninjago appeal to me. Let’s just go over points.
-This season has an upside; moreso than any old season thus far, there’s more MVPs amongst the main ninja. Zane is great throughout when we see him, Cole gets a surprisingly focused sub-plot, and Jay pulls his weight in the early part of the season immensely. They gets lots of moments to shine and provide some brevity that I appreciated. -That does mean however that I think Kai and Lloyd suffer for the tone shift. Lloyd especially is so boring this season, a far cry from the first two seasons where he was doing a lot of the legwork. Kai has a flash or two, but otherwise he’s either in serious mode or “annoying fallen for someone on sight” mode. He actually came off rather skeevy at some times too, The idea of the green ninja jealousy is done...well, it manages to conceptualise why this may be a thing after what S1 and S2 established (thoughts resurfacing in a bout of depression), but it feels like the execution is undercooked...which will be a theme. -Nya’s got a pretty strong arc, so that’s appreciated. You can definitely tell this season is setting up for her to be the water ninja, there’s just so many signs, but at least her character was active without that slant to it. That being said, the whole Samurai X thing is kinda abandoned this season, isn’t it? -Speaking of abandoned plots, that love triangle was done with way quicker than I was expecting. You get a couple of episodes where it gets to flare up, resolve it in the third, and then that’s it. Can’t say I hate that being undercooked, it was terrible. I guess the writers came to that conclusion too, because Cole was back to feeling like pre-Codename Arcturus (aka only doing it to spite Jay, not having interest in Nya).  -Also speaking of undercooked...there’s Skylor. I can’t really come to hate her but that’s because she’s just such a bland character. She really is the generic action girl (something levied at Nya a lot even though I’ve never really seen it) and is mostly defined by either her romance to Kai (said romance being as hokey and cliche as it sounded, so the best romance of the season was still Zane and Pixal), or her literal relation to Chen. But I certainly won’t complain about her being manipulative and that because...you know...that was her job prior to her turn.  -This can apply to almost all the Elemental Masters, who get small moments to show their stuff but otherwise are just more characters to add to the pile. The only ones who significantly stood out for me were Karlof, Neuro and Shade, and out of those only Karlof was for entertainment value. He does also demonstrate the power of character writing though; at no point was I distracted by him sharing the same face as Okino, the mannerisms and expression work was just so different between them. -Dareth I’m mixed on. He seems more like dead weight by the end of the season, but he had some good moments at the start, especially his surprising ingenuity with the Kabuki disguise for Nya. -Likewise, even Sensei Garmadon, Wu and Misako feel like they didn’t have much. Sensei Garmadon started strong, but then was kind of reduced to exposition (although he did end on a high note). Meanwhile Wu and Misako felt extraneous even though the final plot point hinges on their relationships. What? -Pythor, in some twist of fate, comes in with a fairly last minute play to be near the top of the character chain. He was back on S1 form, and it was good to see him in good form again. -I liked Chen. With the Overlord acting as such a stoic villain for the most part, it was refreshing having someone as comedic as Chen in the villain helm, while still being plenty vicious and capable of villainy. Clouse I should theoretically like, but again, he was way stoic. -It was also nice to see the cameos -If you like lore, there’s plenty of lore here (there’s even like an episode that’s basically that). It’s interesting to see, but wasn’t great for the flow of the story.  -Pacing really killed this season for me, but for the opposite reason of the other seasons; it ended up going too slow. Like, after episode five, it really started to drag on me. 
So overall, S4 for me is a season that has an interesting overall premise, and really sells that at the start, but loses steam before it gets to the end. Not helping is the fact a lot of the characters and many sub-plots feel like they’re underdeveloped, possibly being a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. This is the real start of the lore building so hopefully that pays off in interesting ways. 
I guess I just don’t hold the same values in a series as other fans because I’d rather have the more light-hearted stuff with more serious bits sprinkled in than the rabbit hole the old stuff seems to be diving in to of taking itself way more seriously and caring more about the lore. 
That being said, I’d still say it’s better than S3, that season just went up and down and it wasn’t cohesive aside from Zane’s plot. This one feels more thought out, but just isn’t for me. 
Next up in terms  of watching the show is Possession, which was very, very heavily foreshadowed at the end of S4. I know it also takes the dive into being more serious, but it’s also a lot lower on the characters in the plot so maybe it’ll have more time to play about with its ideas.
But more immediately next up is more modern Ninjago chaos, and I am way down for that!
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lycaran · 5 years
Fake MAP Script for Loving Cryptor Day
Note: I am not the most well-versed in script making, but the song came on and gave me the idea for this. It’s more of a ‘What I pictured going down’ through the song since I don’t know shit about MAP organization and stuff.
( @loving-cryptor-day I hope it’s up to standards for this)
Song: Loved by FEiN
You're an entitled piece of shit
Cryptor gets off the conveyor, freshly built and immediately granted the titled of General Cryptor
You're just a pot-smoking good for nothing
Kids today, yeah, they don't want to work
Cryptor’s first failure and the shut down, the Overlord glaring from the computer in undisguised rage as he seems to mouth ‘yeah, they don’t want to work’ before shutting the screen off, leaving Cryptor to Pythor.
I made mistakes, I'll admit
I gave you participation trophies
Maybe I'm to blame, maybe I'm not
The next scene is a quick shot of Cryptor powering back up with the eels on his back, following it shortly are quick shots of the junkyard, ‘maybe I’m not’ should have the Overlord’s quick possession in the tomb where he grips one of the Ninja’s legs, cut black around the purple eye at the end.
All the books I read proclaimed
That they had cracked the secret
Of instructing me on how to raise a man
Flashback-esque Shots of the Overlord examining Zane’s blueprints and using them to build the Nindroid army, Cryptor as first off the block looking much like Zane before the hood and eyepiece are attached.
And yet a quarter century elapsed
Quick shots of material being gathered for Arcturus, over a month or so
And what do you have you to show for it
The Nindroid’s boarding Arcturus
You play with the piano while I work
Quick shots, then the return to Ninjago. Overlord seeming almost disappointed in Cryptor over the failure to ensure the Ninja’s demise.
You are loved
Ninjago city, during the Overlord’s current attack. Show Cryptor instructing his soldiers through the street.
Are you too?
Cryptor freezes, turning and looking slowly at Zane’s sacrifice
Over the course, Cryptor is hit by the wave of energy as the Golden armor explodes(?), show lines and arcs of golden crisscrossing his body, emphasizing each line. One the last show him bursting to piece/shutting down. Entailing he ‘dies’
Optimistic son of a bitch
You're just a molly rolling good for nothing
Kids today, yeah, they don't wanna work
Show Harumi coming across the reprogrammed guard Cryptor, a smile growing across her face as she captures him and straps him down, on ‘work’ cutting to a computer showing lines of code
You could've been an engineer
Instead, I told you do whatever makes you happy
And you'll never truly work
Mr. E standing up on the balcony of the bar, staring daggers into ‘Snake Jaguar’ and ‘Rocky Dangerbuff’ as they put on their act. Show him reaching for his mask when Cole’s disguise fails.
Several lines of credit later
University gave you a paper
Then they sent you back to me
The bike shot, pass it by quickly to the fight between Zane and Mr. E. The Helmet being thrown aside and Cryptor holding out a sword and brandishing at Zane, mouthing the line ‘Then they sent you back to me’
I guess retirement will have to wait
I'll die on my feet before
I live to see you get your ass to work
The fight, showing Cryptor’s absolute joy in practically tearing Zane’s to pieces and tossing him over the edge, fade to black with him looking over the cliff, smiling widely before moving to go down.
You were loved
Cut to Hunted, Mr. E helmet back on as he kneels in front of Garmadon. Harumi mouthing ‘He’s just a machine built to follow orders’ maybe?
Were you too?
Mr. E looks up, clearly afraid as Garmadon snarls, destruction lighting up as he thrust a hand forward.
Garmadon lifting E into the air, Mr. E struggling against the powers and trying to thrash out of them as Garmadon slowly closes his hand. Show pieces crumbling, cracking, and the helmet shattering first and Cryptor gasping to try and breath, try to do something, purely panicked.
Show parts falling down, flashes of Cryptor’s life is shown in the quick background, throughout the instrumental and this as the pieces come to rest against the ground as the song fades out. Maybe the reactions of the generals if there aren’t enough flashed moments.
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queen-of-nerds1026 · 8 years
Garmadon’s Banishment (Requested)
I kicked away another Anacondrai soldier. There were too many. They out numbered us. But I’d fight till my last breath if I had to. I turned around face the opening of the Corridor of Elders when I felt something faint scratch at my boots.
“What the-”
“It’s Pythor!” Lloyd yelled, jumping beside me to grab and Anacondrai and put him in a headlock
The real Anacondrai sat on the back of a swamp rat, behind him was Clouse’s spellbook. “I have something your father needs to see!” He squeaked at Lloyd and I.
Lloyd and I exchanged a questioning look. Pythor held up his arms “Oh, come one! You can trust me because if anyone is going to take over this world, I’d rather it be me.”
Lloyd kicked away the Anacondrai he was choking. I shrugged at him when he looked at me for my opinion “He has a point.”
“Take me to your father and he can end this once and for all.”
“Let’s go” Lloyd agreed
I grabbed Pythor while Lloyd grabbed the spell book. We ran through the oncoming hoard of Anacondrai to the anchor of that Bounty that hung down from the ship in the sky. We jumped on and let it carry up to the Bounty while Pythor called goodbye to his new rodent friend.
Once the anchor got close enough, we jumped over the side and onto the deck of Bounty, nearly giving my mother a heart attack. We ran across the deck and set Pythor and the spell book on the edge by my father and Sensei Wu.
“Pythor has something that can end this war.” Lloyd panted, flipping off his ninja hood. I flipped mine off as well.
“They’ve crossed the line of no return,” Wu explained somberly “no amount of power can stop this now.”
“But the might of a true Anacondrai can!” Pythor lashed back
My father balled up his scaly purple hands. There was a hard edge in voice “Do you see what’s happening? This isn’t about you! Making you big solves nothing!”
Pythor rolled his bright red eyes and turned in a full 180 to face the spell book. He flipped through the pages wildly. He tapped the book once he found the page. “But if the generals you banished to the Cursed Realm so long ago saw this mockery, they would stop this travesty at once!”
“One one comes back from the Cursed Realm.” My mother said from behind me
For a moment, nobody said a word. Lloyd looked at me, true fear in his ruby colors eyes. Then my father picked up the spell book and examined the page of ancient text.
“Unless he who cursed them takes their place.” He whispered, turning and slithering away from the edge of the Bounty. “I could unleash the spirits of the Anacondrai generals!”
I don’t know who was more surprised. Lloyd and I made and audible gasp our faces full of shock. Lloyd suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I could tell we were thinking the same thing: Please let him be kidding
“If you banish yourself,” Pythor spoke up “Magic has it’s rules, you know!”
Lloyd dropped my hand and marched up to our father. “We’re not cursing you! We’re not losing you to bring them back!”
He yanked the spell book from our father’s hands and clutched it tightly against his chest and began to back away from our father.
“If we do nothing, we lose Ninjago.” Our father said, his snake tongue flicking
“We don’t even know if they’ll help.” My mother added
“We do know that the real Anacondrai wanted peace as much as us. It was Chen who started both wars.” He said, slithering slowly towards Pythor. “I never thought I’d say this; but Pythor is right.”
Pythor straightened his neck and smirked proudly. Lloyd took an uneasy step back towards me like he lost control in his legs. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t feel my legs.
“I cannot allow this, brother.” Wu said
My father threw up his hands, messing up his usually well kept, now purple, hair. “Who are we fooling? There’s not enough time for me to make up for the pain I’ve caused in my life. But if I could save Ninjago...”
Hearing him say that felt like a dagger through the heart. I knew what he was talking about. Lloyd’s face fell. I knew how he felt. Garmadon had always been there for us, even after his original banishment. But after he was cured of the venom, we finally had our father back. Now he wanted to banish himself to the Cursed Realm?
“You want my blessing to walk out on us again? Fine!” Lloyd shouted, throwing the spell book down “But don’t expect me to stick around and watch you go. My real family needs me!”
With that, he turned, flipped his hood on, and jumped over the Bounty railing. My father and I called out to him but he was already gone. Just as his green boots disappeared, we were all knocked around by a missile hitting the Bounty.
“If this is going to happen, i suggest we do it now!” Pythor yelled at my father
Everyone got up but me. I was frozen on the deck on the Bounty. I couldn’t bare the thought of losing my father again. Lloyd and I almost lost him once, but now? I hated losing people I cared about. Why couldn’t things finally calm down and let Lloyd and I have a normal family?
“I think, Lilith should be granted the honors of sending off her father.” Wu’s voice suddenly hit me.
I looked over at my uncle. My mother helped me stand and walked me over to where they were lined up. Wu me the spell book. My father nodded at me.
“Komodo, nicktu, demic tara...” I started reading, my voice slightly cracking.
Blue mist swirled around my father and he was lifted into the air. A strong wind started to blow, it whipping my hair around
“Misako,” My father said “will you ever forgive me for the letter?”
“I already have.” My mother answered
He nodded then he looked at me. “Lilith, I want you to know how proud of you and how far you’ve come. I’m sorry. Please, tell Lloyd I’m sorry.”
“You can tell me yourself.”
“Lloyd!” I yelled happily to my little brother as he jumped back over the side of the Bounty. It was like some of the weight of stress was lifted off my shoulders. I still had him.
He walked over to me, and put a hand on my shoulder, then held up the left half of the book. “If anyone should be helping Lilith send you off, it should be me.”
“Kenji, severus, toto-demada...” We read together “cursano, neeboro...”
A large blue and black vortex appeared in the sky and shook the air like thunder claps. A light blue ray of light hit our father and lifted him higher into the sky.
“Actu, cursano, neeboro...”
“I yearned to make the world in my image!” My father called out “I never realized I already had, in you two.”
“Sono, hokido, bo-rock!”
My father screamed out in pain as he was lifted into the sky and through the black of the vortex. When the ray of light vanished, green ghostly blurs came from the vortex and flew around the Bounty before disappearing below us.
Lloyd closed the book and tucked it to his chest before turning to me and pulling me into a hug. His shoulders heaved and he sniffled. A few drops of water fell onto my shoulder.
“You still have me.” I promised him, biting my tongue so I wouldn’t start crying either.
“I know.” He laughed lightly, pulling away.
We turned to watch the hundreds of false Anacondrai’s be lifted into the sky and taken away through the vortex to the Cursed Realm. Chen screamed the entire way up. Then the Vortex vanished in an explosion of black mist, causing my ears to ring.
“The war is over.” My mother said, turning to comfort Lloyd and I. “It had to be done.”
Then, six ghostly figures of Anacondrai soldiers appeared in front of us. The leader was the infamous General Arcturus. “Thank you, Pythor. You should be rewarded for your courage and bravery. You’ve made your ancestors proud... finally.”
“Oh, what can I say?” Pythor said braggingly “Everyone can change.”
From Arcturus’ hands came a blast of green light that engulfed Pythor and returned him to his normal size. Pythor gasped happily “That’s more like it!”
Arcturus floated down to Lloyd and I. “Thank you, Master Lloyd and Mistress Lilith. Because of your friends, you have done what we never could, united the Serpentine and your kind as one. Because of you two, the balance is restored. And because of your father, our spirits can be free. You will have our eternal respect, as the greatest warriors to ever battle for Ninjago.”
He bowed respectfully to us, Lloyd and I returned the gesture. He moved back with the other ghosts before they all turned and vanished into the blue vortex that exploded in white.
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genericartist27 · 3 months
I just wanted to post something else before I go to sleep. Us Ninjago fans should start an ironic fandom around Arcturus and start ironically shipping him with Chope and over time people will start unironically loving him and Chopeturus and start asking the writers to put him back into the show.
Edit: Also we should start spamming the tags so it gets into trending like Ninjago fans did back in the day on Tumblr.
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genericartist27 · 5 months
People keep making fun of people who’s comfort character is a immoral or unlikeable character and I’m like BITCH my comfort character hasn’t even had 5 minutes of screen time and hasn’t been relevant since season 4 yet I have a mostly formed backstory and an entire PERSONALITY for him and he gives me life in this cruel world and drawing him gives me a immense amount of dopamine.
(This is not supposed to be taken as an insult it’s just a joke aside from the comfort character thing Arcturus is my comfort character).
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